Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 23, 1880, Image 3

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    4WiLiy. i&mikpi 'jaimw i ' .' ""
He Whips a Man at Hl own Heuse and U
Again Locked up.
Yesterday afternoon XJ. F. Lamar, the
bogus jewelry man, received a money
order for $25, and after considerable
trouble he succeeded in securing a man
who was able te identify him. After ob
taining the money he started out te take
in thecity. At a late hour last night he
stepped at the house of William Butler,
colored, en Middle street. While William
was standing at the deer engaged in con
versation with another man, Lamar
walked into the house, and going
up stairs took possession of a room.
Butler went te the room occupied
by Lamar and told him te leave. This the
jewelry man refused te de, but, drawing a
pistol from his hip pocket, he blew out the
light and pointed the weapon at Butler,
who fled, fearing that he would be killed.
After spending some time in the room,
Lamar went out and Butler get ready for
bed. When he was about going te his
room he found that he had no matches and
he started te go down into his barber
shop te get some. As he was going
out of the alley gate, Lamar, who
was standing en the pavement, made
an attack en him, striking him in the face
and cutting him badly. Lamar then left
the place and was seen afterwards arrested
for being disorderly by Officer Merringer.
lie was taken te the station house and this
morning the mayor discharged him upon
payment of a fine and costs.
Butler made complaint against him for
assault and battery before Alderman Don Den
nelly, of the Seventh ward, and en that
charge he was committed in default of bail
for a hearing en Friday next.
Summer Excursion Keutcs.
The Pennsylvania railroad company has
published a very attractive volume of 1C5
pages profusely illustrated with hundreds
of fine engavings of handsome scenes and
famous places en all the various railroad
lines of travel in the United States and
Canada. It contains, also, sketches of the
principal fashionable summer resorts,
street plans of many important
cities, a colored map of the Eastern
and Middle states, time tables of all the
railroad routes, and distances from place
te place with the prices of excursion
tickets. The volume will be of great value
te tourists for whom it has been especially
published. We are indebted te W. F.
Ilambright ticket agent, for a copy of the
Kauch'n Libel Suit.
Ill the libel suit against E. II. Itaueh, of
t'le Mauch Chuuck Democrat, and well
known in this city, a large amount of evi
dence was given and numerous points of
law raised and discussed, and the whole
trial subsided into a farce, as many ether
libel trials have done before. The result
was a verdict that the defendant, E. II.
Ranch, was net guilty, and that the prose
cutor, Albin Stelle, pay the costs.
Last evening Mr. Abncr Eshleman, sales
man in Steinman's hardware store, was
married te Miss Ella Petts,atthc residence
of Mr. Jehn Metzgar, a brother-in-law of
the bride, en East Chestnut street. The
ceremony was .performed by Rev. Jehn A.
Peters, of the First Reformed church.
The attendance of friends was large and
the prasents many and handsome. The
bride and groom left en the 2:10 train this
morning en a trip.
Illsliup Warren's Health.
Bishop H. W. Warren, of the M. E.
church, whose illness prevented him
from conducting the services en Sunday
last in St. Paul's M. E. church, left Phila
delphia yesterday for Atlantic City te re
cuperate. It is stated that Bishop War
ren will net take up his residence at At
lanta, Ga., which is te be his future home,
until the autumn, en account of his un
willingness te have his family at that
place during the summer.
Pay et census enumerators.
Secretary Schurz, decided yesterday that
t he pay of census enumerators shall be at
the rate of forty cents per hour instead of
$4 per day or two cents per name, as pre
vided in the census bill. He holds, further,
that the census law has net been properly
construed, and he is empowered te adjust
the salaries of enumerators in the interest
of economy.
Trout Kiklilug.
This morning at an early hour Deputy
V. S. Revenue Collector Charles F. Eber
inan, Dr. II. E. Muhlenberg, Assemblyman
Harry C. Demuth and Al. Rauch started
from Lancaster for a day's fishing in a
favorite trout stream, the location of which
they decline te make public. They are
sure te haveagoed time, however, whether
or net they catch any trout.
A Keperter's Geed FUliing.
Yesterday Geerge Masen, of the iVi'M1
Era, and Charles Fester, of New Yerk,
went fishing in the Pequea, near White
Herse. They caught an even hundred of
fine large sun fish besides a number of
chubs." Mr. Masen used two hooks en
his line aud fourteen times he caught two
fish at a haul.
Jlayer'B Court.
Sarah Jane Andersen was arrested by
officer Kautz last evening for being drunk
and disorderly. She fought the whole
way te the station house, where she was
filially landed safely. This morning the
mayor gave her 25 days. David R. Peiter
for the same eifence get 15 days.
Meney Found.
This morning a boy found a pocket book
containing a sum of money. Frem papers
contained iu it, it appears te belong te
Jehn S. Hestctter, of XelTsvillc. The
owner can have it by calling at Mayer
MeGonisrle's office.
Itutter Abandoned.
Somebody left in the Central market
this morning, four pounds of butter, which
was taken up after market and left at the
mayor's office where the owner can get
Swore tiff.
Jacob Weeds, colored, was sent te jail
for a short time by Alderman A. F. Don Den
nelly te give him time te sober up. He
swore off drinking for two years before
leaving for the big stone building.
Landed In Europe.
A dispatch received in this city states
that Mr. B. Yecker and his son Victer
landed safely in Europe a few day age.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Black Silks.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Summer Silks.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Dress Goods.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Lawns and Percale?.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Hosiery.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Corsets.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Gloves.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Laces and Embroideries.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in White and Colored Skirts.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in Shetland Shawls.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are offering bargains in every department.
GrVLER, BOWERS fc HURST respectfully invite examination of their stock and prices.
GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are opening new goods every day.
25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Teachers Appointed.
Yesterday the examinations of school
teachcis were held in Upper Leacock by
Superintendent Shaub. The following ap
pointments have been made : Gibbens,
R. X. Armstrong ; Stormtewn, Martha A.
Zellers; Musser's, Miss Hoever ; Myers, W.
S. Ilinklc ; Stumptown, R. M. Bushong ;
Mill Creek, Miss Clara Denlinger ; Locust
Greve, R. Plcam ; Wengers, II. L. Batten,
esq.; Bards, Mr. Heiges; primary, Miss
Armstrong. Xe appointments have yet
been made for the schools at Mcchanics
burr and Bareville.
The Itunaway Hey.
E. D. Crantz, of Plymouth, father of the
boy who was arrested here, came te town
yesterday and took his seu home with him
en the 11:30 train last night. Mr. Crantz
is the proprietor of the largest hotel in
Plymouth. His son has gene away upon
several occasions, although he has a fine
home and is kindly treated. Mr. Crantz
thinks that he has been reading tee much
chc:ip literature.
Leng at one Place.
Seme one left a horse, hitched te a
wagon, stand in front of the Inquirer office
this morning, lie was still there at three
o'clock this afternoon when Officer Kautz
took him charge. He was placed at the
Black Herse hotel te await the owner.
Ilead Cut.
A German named Aurclcus Ochseureiter
went te Zieglcr's saloon en East King street
and while there was struck en the head by a
bartender and cut. He came te the station
house and after Dr. Fitzpatrick dressed
his wounds he made complaint against the
mtn before Alderman McConemy.
Big Itass.
This morning Geerge Xagle caught
three bass in the Conestoga creek, each of
which weighed three and a-half pounds.
They were as large as shad.
Mil. Jehn Miniua, Peynur, Iowa, sends us
the following communication : I have been a
sufferer from Khcuinutistn for the last six
years; I tried lets of medicines without suc
cess. Visiting one day the store of Messrs
Wangler Bres., in Waterloo, Iowa, these iren
tlemen induced me te try the St. Jacob's Oil,
telling mc that it had a record as a very effec
tive remedy. I bought a bottle, used it regu
larly according te directions, and was relieved
et the ailment lrem which I had suffered for
six long years.
Summer Excursions.
We h.ivc received lrem the Pennsylvania
r.iilread ticket agent a book et their summer
excursions. It is considerably larger than last
year, and is gotten up in excellent style. It
give-, valuable information te persons who de
sire taking pleasant trips (luring the .summer
Thousands of different leutcs are given with
the tjre, Ac.
A Valuable lioek.
The encyclopedia of tne government, a val
liable and useful work, giving outlines et the
United States government, its origin,branches,
departments, institutions and modes of opera
tions, by Ansen Willis, late judge et the dis
trict court of Xcw Yerk, is new being present
ed te our citizens. They will llnd it te contain
much valuable undu.sctul information.
A delightful shave is possible only with the
Culicura Shaving Seap.
Better Late than Never !
" Don't put off until te-morrow what can and
should be done te-day," is wise. If you have
never used SO.ODONT for your teeth, make a
bee-line te the druggist and get a bottle and
begin te use it at once. " Vel b, sap."
Night sweats, cough, emaciation and decline
prevented by Malt Hitters.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se. go at once and geta bottle of MBS. WIXS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYUUI. Itwill relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who lias ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that it will regujate the
bowels, and giye rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female plrysicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
25 eents a bottle. f jlT-lyd&wM.W&S
Try Lechei's Kenewned Cough Syrup.
Kidney-Wert effectively acts at the same
lime en Kidneys, Liver and llewcls.
An Old Docter's Advice.
It was this: "Trust in Gotland keep your
bowels open." Fer this purpose many an old
doctor has advised the habitually costive te
take Kidney-Wert ter no ether remedy se ef
fectually overcomes this condition, and that
without the distress and griping which ether
medicines cause. It is a radical cure ler piles.
Don't tail te use it. je21-lwd&w
New rich bleed, sending health te every fibre
of the system, is rapidly made by ' Dr. Liiid
sey's liloed Searcher."
Try I.echer's Kenewned Cough Syrup.
Au Old Man Kestered te Health.
ISatavia, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1879.
II. II. Wauxkk & Ce., Uechester, X. Y. Ges
tlemkx " Fer fort j' years I have suffered with
Diabetes, being obliged te void urine as etten
as once in thirty minutes, and have also been
a great sufferer from palpitation et the heart.
I am new using your Diabetes Cure, and can
truly say, at seventy Years et age, that it
makes me feel like a new man."
iel5-2wd&W 1'KTEIl SlIOWKRMAX.
Try Loeher's Ucnewned Cough Syrup
Aching heads and clouded brains arc cured
by Sellers' Liver Pills." Try them. Sold by
druggists. 25 cents a box.
Try I.echer's Kenewned Cough Syrup.
Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent,
of the deatlis in our larger cities arc caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Loeher's Kenewned CeugU Syrup,
8 hall we condemn the sufferers for their negli
gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne,
9 East King street.
Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Prices always lower than Oity Prices.
We are prepared te All orders for Hair Jewelry and Special
Werk at short notice from our own factory.
We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and
Jewelry Repairing.
Kbhleman Potts. June 22, 1880, at the resi
dence of Mr. Jehn L. Metzger. 201 East Chest
nut street, bv the Kev. . A. Peters, Abner
Kshleman te Miss Mary Ella Potts, all ! this
Sutter. At Washington, 1). C . en the 18th
inst., General Jno. A. butter, in the 78th Year
of his age.
Funeral at Lititz, en Thursday afternoon, at
2 o'clock. Interment at Moravian cemetery,
Lititz, Pa. Je21-3td
I Insure your Creps against less or damage
by hail at BAUbM AN & ISUKXS'S
Insurance Oflicc, 10 West Orange Street.
The duplicate of city tuxes is new in the
hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate
ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or bc bc
lere Julv 1, 1880. E. WELCHAXS,
jel-tdM.F&bR Treasurer.
KZJ The i
fim-iiffMitn u In tlw lmiiil nt the Treas
urer. 5 per cent, off for premt payment.
WM. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer.
Xe. 12 Centre Square.
Office hours from 0 a. in. te 4 p. m.
Headquarters for Merchants te lay in their
ltd 55 West King Street.
Residence 21 Seuth Prince Street.
may22-lmdS& W II
We have constantly en hand all the best
grades of COAL that are in market, which wc
are soiling as low as any yard in the city.
Call andget our prices before buying else
where. M. F. STEIGERWALT &. SON,
J. B. Martin & Ce.
Linen Ulsters, Summer Underwear, Gloves,
Corsets, Ac. Largest Stock of
XV Lancaster County National Bank, at Lan
caster, in the state of Pennsylvania, at tJie
close of business, June 1, 1880 :
resources. .
Leans and discounts $ 6G7,".V .'S3
IT. S. bends te secure circulation 303,000' 00
Hue from approved reserve agents. . 189,450 54
Due from ether National banks 44,84 84
Due from state banks and bankers. . 202,34
Real estate, furniture and fixtures... 12,(544 H8
Current expenses and taxes paid 780 20
Checks and ether cash items 3,98ft 49
Bills of ether banks 2,195 J0
Fractional currency ( including
nickels) 344 LI
Specie ( including geld treasury cer
tificates) 106,238 73
Legal tender notes 33,9(800
Redemption fund with U. S. treasur
er ( 5 per cent, el circulation ) 13,500 00
Total $1,583,030 28 j
Capital stock paid in.
$300,000 00
110,000 00
Mirpius iuiiu.
Undivided profits 40.135 70
National bank notes outstanding 208,100 00
Dividends unpaid 5,509 50
Indivldualdepositssubjecttecheck. 832,180 11
Demand certificates of deposit 2,148 50
Due te ether national banks 21,628 76
Due te &tate banks and bankers 3,128 G5
Total $1,583,030 23
Stale of Pennsylvania county of Lancaster, ss :
I, W. L. Peipcr, Cashier of the above named
bank, de solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true te the best of my knowledge and
W. L. PEIPER, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn te before me this 19th
da' of June, 1880.
J. L. LYTE, Notary Public.
Correct Attest! C. B. HERE,
ltd&w Direater.
and puttliem upin biich a manner that you
need net remove when you wish te close the
window. A decided advantage ever the old
way, and a Screen will wearlengerand is much
mere easily handled.
Wire Screen Deers
I made et every description. Have a nick stock
of Plain and Landscape ires, sum uy me
feet in any quantity.
Seme Odd Lets et
at bargains te close out.
The second story et Eshleman 3c, Itath Itath
ven's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and
also a room en second story, opposite the
Pcnn'a R. K. Depot, en Chestnut street.
f23-2td&Stt Atternev-at Law
A few geed second-hand Buggies; one
two-seated Phaeton, and one geed two-seated
Carriage. G EO. W. 7. ECHE R,
ltd 221 North Queen Street.
Will be sold at the Grape Hetel, Win. B.
Finney, Proprietor, en THURSDAY EVEN
ING, J SLY 1, 1SS0, all that well known Livery
Property, situated en the east side of North
Queen street, near the Penn'a R. R. Depot,
fronting en North Queen street, 32 feet 2J4
inches, and extending in depth 100 feet, then
widening te 60 feet 2Vi inches, and extending
in depth 215 feet le Christian street, en which
is erected a two-story Brick and Frame Stable
and Carriage Houses, a Briek Office and a Store
room en North Queen street. This property
is splendidly situated in the heart of the busi
ness part of the city, and is well calculated ter
a Sale or Livery Stable and an admirable place
ter a Tobacco warehouse.
Sale te commence at 7:30 p. m., when terms
and conditions will be made known by
II. Shubert, Auctioneer. je21-tsd
tlse, free of charge, in the iNTEixiaKN
ckr. who wants something te de.
k Housekeepers take notice that we arc
paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED BAGS.
Cash paid as seen as delivered te
aprMmd Ne. 23 West King Street.
ladies or gentlemen preparing te pass ex
amination for admission te the High Scheel, te
the College, or for Certificates as teachers, by
Je21-lwd Ne. 557 West Chestnut Street.
I J. Sealed proposals will be received by the
Street Committee up te JUNE 24, at 7 o'clock
p. m., ier iurmsuing guiier or uecuub '""
for the use of the city for the year ending June
L, 1881, as needed by the Street Committee.
Alse for grading Plum street irem the Penn
sylvania K. K. te New Helland turnpike. Each
item te be bid for separately. The Committee
reserve the right te reject any or all bids re
ceived. Proposals te be endorsed stating the
work bid for and te be addressed te D. McMuI
len. Chairman, 122 East King street. Plans and
specifications te be seen at the office of
Je21-3td City Regulator. 49 North Duke St.
Campaign Torches for Parades, burning 3
hours. iremen's Torches, colored fire.
Orders received for all Sizes Bunting Flags.
AJ Having returned from the Seuth, has re
sumed hla office practice, and can be found at
Ills residence, , .,m
The undersigned are new prepared te rc-
h celve orders for
Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers,
Blinds, &c.,
1 by Telephone. Step in at tne .uxenange ana
t de y our own ordering free of charge.
lr. sail .ui at auii 3,
S. E' Cor. Prince and Walnut Streets.
The Tammany Delegation Rejected by a
Large Majority.
Advices Frem the Scene or Action up te
3:45 This Afternoon.
IndeUnlte.Condltlen or Affairs Unchanged
Bayard the Only Probable Candi
date Whose Ultimate Suc
cess Appears Prob
able. Editorial Despatch te Ixtkllieescer.
Cincinnati, June 22.-7:30 p. m.
Things erystalize slowly. Payne seems te
be losing ground while Bayard is certainly
ahead of all competitors. Payne's less
will benefit Randall as the second choice of
the Tilden men. If at any stage of the
proceedings Indiana should indicate a
willingness te permit the use of McDon
ald's name he would be likely te be the
nominee. Among the improbable if net
impossible are Field, Hancock, Payne,
Thurman, Jewett, Tilden and Seymour,
while Hendricks may also be counted out
of the race. Xew Yerk, New Jersey and
Connecticut arc in geed condition te unite,
and when this event transpires the Seuth
will be likely te go with them as the brig
adiers particularly desire a man who can
win. W. U. II.
Situation Net Vet Shaped Tammany Uadly
Beaten The Massachusetts Quarrel
Adjusted The Disputed Penn
sylvania Seats Cheering
Editorial Despatch te the Isteixieescer.
Cincinnati, June 23. As I write the
convention is assembling, the bands arc
playing, the galleries cheering, and the
Lancaster party surveying the situation
from advantageous position. A large
Iiandall banner has just been carried into
the hall and greeted by tremendous en
thusiasm. Last evcuiug the committee en perma
nent organization agreed without difficulty
en ex-Senater Stevenson, of Kentucky, as
permanent chairman of the convention,
while the Tammany geese was very effec
tually cooked in the credentials committee,
the vote against Lhe Kelly people being the
very decisive one of 32 te 5. The Massa
chusetts quarrel between the Butler and
Faneuil hall wings of the party there has
been settled by mutual agreement : both
delegations will go into the convention,
each being accorded half a vote. The
committee also resolve in favor of Brawlcy
and McQuisteu in the matter of the dis
puted seats in Pennsylvania. The prospects
new all point te a speedy transaction of
business te-day.
The women's suffrage people are en
hand and have sent in a petition asking
first the natural right of individuals, and
secondly, equality of these rights.
The Enquirer te-day comes out bitterly
against the proposed Bayard-McDonald
combination, which has been among the
The convention has just lieen called te
order (10:30 a. m.) W. U. II.
Special Bulletins te the Intelligencer.
Cincinnati, June 23, 12:26. The fun
has begun. The Kansas member of the
credentials committee reports in favor of
Tammany, but the galleries are against
him. The previous question has been called.
Pennsylvania votes 38 te 12 against debate
en the preposition te give Tammany 20
votes. Hensel votes against discussion and
McGraun for it.
Under the rules aud by consent Tam
many has been given forty minutes and
the regulars twenty.
New Yerk declined te vote en the pre
vious question and her magnanimity was
loudly cheered. Discussion cut off by Ce
Headly invited Tammany te let Kelly or
any ether person speak for them. Miller,
of Albany is new speaking.
Anisa Parker, of New Yerk, Gov. Hub
bard, of Texas, and Judge Westbroek
followed for Tammany ; Fellows of New
Yerk and Rufus "W. Peckhamfer the regu
lars. Pennsylvania votes 40 te 15 te sus
tain the majority report of the credentials
committee, which rejects the claims of the
Tammany contestants.
Pennsylvania voted 47 te 10 in favor of
the majority report. Total vote : Regu
lars, 457 ; Tammany, 205.
Tammany has been given seats without
votes. The permanent organization has
been effected. Stevenson is new speaking.
Balloting likely te-day.
Pending report en platform candidates
were placed in nomination. Dan Dough
erty takes Spcer's place te nominate Han
This Morning's Werk in Convention.
15y Associated Press.
Cincinnati, June 23 10 o'clock. Net
twenty delegates are in their seats, the
galleries are two-thirds filled, the weather
is warm aud sultry. It is understood that
the committee en credentials will report
immediately after the permanent organiza
tion is effected. The platform committee
is still at work en the resolutions.
The usual demonstrations of applause
were made as prominent gentleman came in
and when the banners of the Randall and
ether political clubs passed up the aisle.
The fact is unmistakable, however, that
there is here much less of this sort of out
side pressure for individual candidates
than at Chicago. The following fills
the blank in the permanent organi
zation as sent last night: Vice
Presidents : Frederick Cook, New Yerk ;
J. C. Hagerman, Nevada, secretaries ;
Frank Rice, N. Y. ; F. F. High, Nevada -Edward
Bigler, Pa. ; substitutes. E. E.
Jacksen for Themas, as Maryland's secre
tary. A circular of the national woman's suf
frage association was distributed through
the hall signed by Mrs. Gaga as chaiman,
Susan B. Antheny, Mrs. Spencer and a vice
president from each state. It demands
the recognition .of women's rights, and the
insertion in the platform of a plank pledg
ing the Democratic party te use all its
powers te secure te the women of the na;
tien protection in the exercise of the right
of suffrage.
The women's suffrage representatives
were honored with applause from the au
dience as they took seats.
After a brilliant voluntary en the organ;
the military band played various national
and operatic airs. " Yankee Doedle''
alone seemed te arouse the audience.
The convention was called te order at
10:40, when all the delegates appeared te
be present. Prayer was offered by Rev.
Dr. Charles Tayler, of Covington, Ken
tucky. The reading of the minutes of yesterday
was dispensed with.
Mr. Steutenberg (Ind.) moved a resolu
tion that the surviving soldiers of the
Mexican war and their widows and or
phans should be put by Congress en the
same footing as the soldiers of 1812. Re
ferred te the platform committee.
The chair announced first business in
order was the report of the committee en
credentials and asked if it was ready te
report. There was an interval of several
minutes before there was any response.
The Bonfire Beady.
Meantime the chair ordered read a tele
gram from Reynales Basin, New Yerk, as
follews: "Bonfire ready te be lighted
with three cheers for the Democratic nom
inee. ' ' Laughter and applause.
The Permanent Omanizatien.
At 10:54 Judge Headly announced that
the chairman of credentials committee was
net in the house and called en the commit
tee en permanent organization.
Mr. Martin (Del.), chairman of said com
mittee, by unanimous direction, reported
in favor of ex-Gov. Stevenson, of Ken
tucky, for president, with a vice president
and secretary from each state, together
with the recommendation concerning the
admission of territorial delegates sent last
night" and published in our news col
umn .
Stevenson's name was received with ap
plause. Credentials Committee's Repert.
When the report had been read Mr. S.
Yeung, of Georgia, as a question of privil
ege, demanded te be permitted te pro pre
sent the report of the committee en cre
dentials. The chair said the report en permanent
organization was before the house, and
asked the convention's will.
Mr. Martin moved that his report be
adopted, and en that asked the previous
question, which he subsequently with
drew. Mr. Jeffries, (La.), moved te postpone
further proceedings en the report en per
manent organization until the convention
had received and acted en the credentials
committee's report. Adopted.
Mr. Yeung, of Ga., as chairman, pre
sented the report of the committee en cre
dentials. They reported that there were
two delegations from Massachusetts; they
admitted both delegations by agreement
between the two, the united delegation te
cast the vote of the state. They also re
ported in favor of the sitting delegates
from the 2Gth district of Pennsylvania,
(Messrs Brawley and McOrmisten). In
the case of New Yerk the committee had
carefully weighed the whole evidence, and
with a singular unanimity had voted te al
low the sitting members te retain their
seats. Great applause. There were no
ether contests anywhere and the commit
tee reported the full list of delegates enti
tled te seats.
Mr. Carrell, Kansas, presented a minor
ity report. It was proposed te have
the reading clerk read it, but the chair
said the gentleman from Kansas should
have his own way about it. (Mr. Carrell
proceeded te read his report, interrupted
with boisterous cries of " louder," " let
the clerk read it, etc.")
Judge Headly called for order, and
said the gentleman from Kansas could be
heard by the entire house if order were
preserved, and it was his right te be
heard and he should be heard. Ap
plause. Mr. Carrell proceeded te argue that the
position of the Tammany men at this
time is precisely analageus te the
condition of the New Yerk contestants
in 185G, when the contestants were ad
mitted te half the seats of New Yerk
in the convention, which action united the
party and led te victory. In conclusion
the report presented a resolution, dividing
the vote by 50 te 20 the latter te the
Shakespeare hall or Tammany delegation.
The minority report was signed by
Messrs. Carrell, of Kansas; Fellows, of
New Jersey ; Barclla, of Colerado, and Da Da
videon, of Arkansas.
Mr. Yeung demanded the previous ques.
tien, stating that the committee had spent
all night en this work, and he believed
had done it well. The previous question
was seconded, ordered, and the roll was
called. When Alabama was called it was
net ready, and an interval was allowed for
Mr. Yeung inquired whether, under the
rules of the Heuse of Representatives,
there would net be an hour for debate
after the previous question was ordered.
The chair replied that the convention
had adopted the rules of the last cenven
tien, when only five minutes debate were
allowed after an order of the previous
The roll call was proceeded with and
the vote resulted in 3C0 te 295, se the main
question was .Ordered te be new put.
Mr. Yeung said under rules of the house
there was one hour for debate of which
he proposed two-thirds be given te the
contestants and their friends. Applause.
Loud cries of "Platform," "The plat
form," caused Mr. Yeung te go te the
stage and he proposed te give forty
minutes te any man who would be sug
gested by Mr. Kelly, of N. Y., reserving
his own twenty minutes te reply. Ap
plause and hisses.
The chair stated that he understood it
te be the wish of the contestants te be rep
resented by Mr. Kelly, and asked that he be
accorded that privilege. Hisses and cries
of "Yes, yes".
Finally the chair announced that he
heard no objection and invited Mr. Kelly te
the platform.
3Ir. Kelly net being in the hall, the ser
geant was instructed te escort te the plat
form anybody whom the New Yerk con "
testants should indicate.
A Plea for Tammany.
In response G. "W. Miller, of Albany,
came and was greeted 'with applause.
He hoped the right of free speech would
net be interrupted for a moment by
any man in whose veins Hew a drop
of Democratic bleed. Cheers. The
contestants came here with the same
earnest desire as animated all the
delegates in this hall. (Applause.)
They came with no firebrand, but te pre
sent an olive branch, with a view te victo
rious success. A reference te the name of
Kelly was greeted with applause and a
storm of hisses, which were renewed when
the speaker declared that he had no supe
rior in integrity and devotion te Democrat
ic principles and party. He proceeded te
argue the importance of giving Tammany
some representation in this body, as a
means of securing unity and success. Only
fifteen of the contestants are from New
Yerk city, and the remainder of them re
presented ever 40,000 Democrats, scattered
all ever the state, and numbering at least
one-fifth of the Democratic vote in said
state. Speaking for the contestants from
the rural districts, he said they intended te
support whoever should be made the can
didate of the convention. They were all
anxious only for Ruch proceeding here as
shall tend best te promote and insure a
great triumph applause ; but deprive
the rank and file of their leaders, and like
seldiers in the field, there was danger that
they would be demoralized and skulk away
from the fight. But if the convention
would observe the Democratic precedents
and give the contestants here an oppor
tunity te participate in its proceedings he
could assure them that the Democrats
would carry the state of New Yerk. Ap
plause. He proceeded te urge that the
sitting delegates here were the represen
tatives of machine politics, against which
public sentiment was protesting in the
Democratic as well as the Republican party
Unless some compromise of this question
should be made here, it would be impossi
ble te prevent the running of two Demo
cratic electoral tickets in New Yerk, aud
this would lead te defeat. He and his
friends could net control this result, try as
they might, unless this convention should
give them the twenty scats recommended
by the minority report. Give them these
aud they could draw out and make effec
tive the magnificent victory next autumn.
Amasa J. Parker, announced by the
chairman as " a sterling old Democrat,"
followed for the contestants. He said the
contestants represented the Democracy of
the rural districts at least one hundred
and fifty thousand of the Democrats of
that state who demand te be heard here.
He came in the spirit of harmony with a
great desire that the wisdom and patriot
ism of this body should unite the party
and redeem the national government. He
aud his associates from the rural districts
should support whatever ticket should be
named here. Applause. He voted for
Gov. Robinson. Applause.
A speech similar in tenor te the above
was made by ex-Gov. Hubbard, of Texas,
while the claims of the sitting or "regular"
delegation were presented by Messrs. Fel
lows and Pcckhamef New Yerk.
Taimnany Beaten.
The majority report was adopted by a
vote of 457 te 205, the sitting New Yerk
delegation net voting.
The contestants were invited te seats en
the iloer of the convention.
The report of the committee en pcrma
nens organization was then adopted and
Governer Stevenson was received with pro
longed cheers.
Approaching a Ballet.
The committee en platform net being
ready te report, a delegate from Kentucky
moved that the convention proceed te the
nomination of a candidate for president.
When California was reached, Mr. Mc Mc
Elreth took the platform and presented
the name of Judge Field. He said the
Democrats new had au opportunity te se
lect a man who would insure victory te the
party. Judge Field's name elicited a geed
deal of applause. Colerado seconded the
nomination of Mr. Field.
When Delaware was called, amid great
and prolonged cheers, Gee. Gray, of Dela
ware, took the platform for the purpose of
nominating Bayard, at the mention of
whose name there was great cheering and
applause, the delegates and galleries rising
te their feet.
When Illinois was. reached Mr. Marshall
presented the name of Wm. R. Morrison,
of Illinois.
Washington, June 24. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states clear or partly cloudy
weather, light variable winds, stationary
or higher temperature and barometer.
Philadelphia Market.
PHiLADM.rHiA.June 23. Fleurdulland weak ;
superfine 12503 00; extra at f3 (3 Ml ; Ohie
and Indiana family at 15 005 50 ; Penn'a fam
ily $4 755 00: St. Leuis family $r seq; ou :
de old, $2 254 75 ; Minnesota family 14 255'r ;
patent and hifb grades $6 5Q7 75.
Rye flour at $4 254 37,
Cornmeal Brandywlile unchanged.
Wheat lower ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 19 1 IVi;
Penn'a Red tl 191 20; Amber fl 20.
Cern quiet; steamer 50c; yellow 52c; mixed
Oats dull and lower ; Ne. 1, Whitc4142c; Xe .
2. de 40c ; Ne. 3, de 37JS:58c; Ne. ?, Mixed 3C
Rye dull ; Western and Pa. 88c
Previsions strong ; mess perk at $12 73013 00 ;
beef hams $20 5021 ; India mesa beet $1C IK at ;
bacon, smoked slieuldcrs5KQ5Jc ; salt 45c;
smoked hams 11612c ; pickled hams 9lec.
Lard firmer ; city kettle 78c ; Uxme butch
ers 7c; prime steam $740743.
Butter quiet and easier; Creamery extra.
21c; de geed te choice 1920c; Bradford county
and New Yerk extra. 180 19c; Western Re
serve extra, 1517c ; de geed te choice 12I4c ;
Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 1012; Western re
serve extra 1012c.
Eggs quiet; Penn'a 1414c; Western 12
Cheese sluggish at a decline ; New Yerk full
cream 10c; Western full cream, 8Hc; de te fair
te geed 78c; dehalf skims 77kc
Petroleum unsettled ; refined 10jc.
Whisky $111. , ....
Seeds Geed te prime Timethy neglected at
$2 752 90 ; Flaxseed nominal at $1 3001 40.
Stock Market.
PHiLADBtrmA. June 23.
1 1230 T.n. 3:00 r. m.
Stocks dull and steady.
PennaCs (third issue) 108
Philadelphia A Erie 12
Pennsylvania 51
Lehigh Valley. 49
United Ces. et N. J 158
Northern Pacific 27
Prelerred 48Ji
Northern Central 30jt
Lehigh Navigation K.
Norristown 'SiS?
Central Transportation Ce. 4849
Pitta., Tituaville ft Buffalo. 14
Little Schuylkill 444C
Nbw Yemc, J une 23.
Stocks strong.
Meney 3
N. Y. Central 128
Kric.. ...... ........ 8m
A.dams'.Kxpresa 114
Michigan Central 91
Michigan Southern 100
Illinois Central 104
Cleveland Pittsburgh.... 116H
Chicago Beck Island. 107?
Pittsburgh tfert Wayne.. 120
Western UnlenTeL Ce 104
Teledo Wabash 35
New Jersey Central elyi