nMHani - LANGASTK AlLY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, i880. Lancaster ihttellCgencer WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, JUNE 23, 1880. Shall we Change the Method X Seme of these days we will have te change our method of electing presi dents. There are a great many of our election methods that will need te be changed te give us better officers than we have new, if we are going te exist much longer as a republic. Why must we have such incompetent men in office, from the presidency down ? We have been particularly unfortunate in our presidents in these latter days. Compare the let we have had since Jacksen with these who went before ; and then com pare the latest specimens, Grant and Hayes, and a possible Garfield, with Lin coln and his immediate predecessors. They are getting steadily worse. Con ventions de net discriminate wisely in their nominations and the people incline te swallow almost any stick their party puts up. It would be better if the elec tors should be allowed te elect in fact in stead of nominally, but it can never be se when they are chosen in the interest of a particular candidate, as they always will be. The electoral body is a very useless piece of our political machinery, as we all knew, and it ought te be abol ished in compliment te our geed sense. There is no reason why presidential can didates should net be directly voted for, as ether officers are, it they are te con tinue te be elected by the popular vote But why should net the Heuse of rep resentatives elect the president when it assembles every two years ? There would be a much greater probability of the election of a creditable chief magistrate by confiding the choice in the first place te the body te whom it is entrusted in case of the failure of a popular election. If the Heuse is competent te decide in this event, it is just as able te decide in every event. It is a representative body and would represent the popular judg ment. The English administration gets along very well under the written law which requires it te be in harmony with the Heuse of Commens, and it should work equally as well here te have the president and the representatives in sym pathy. We need te get rid of some of our elections. We have tee many. The (residential election, because et its im pertance, especially excites the people and interferes with their business eccu patiens. If there was any geed in it this should net be a reason te abolish it ; but the doubt is whether there is any geed in it. Certainly a convention which works a week and produces a Garfield, and a eeple that is upset for months te elect a Hayes, afford ample reason for an anx ieus inquiry as te whether we are net paying tee dear for such a quality of whistle. If we abolish our popular pres idential elections we are certainly doing the country a great benefit in one regard ; we get rid of one most exciting and cost ly contest. It may be that we de our selves a greater injury by the abolition of a direct popular choice; and that is what needs te be considered. The addition of this responsibility te these of the members of the neuse would make such membership still mere imper tant than it is new. It might have a iroed effect in sendhur a still better class of members into Congress ; and it might net. It certainly would give us able presidents ; whether it would make them tee subservient te the Heuse that elects them is te lie considered. We de net see why it should ; subserviency te the people's direct representatives would hardly lie injurious; and when it would be the superior class of men occupying the presidential office would recognize it and resist it. They would if occasion demanded threw themselves upon the side of the people against their faithless representatives. The people being the ultimate source of power, a wise and pa triotic president would always consult the popular judgment and yield te it when calmly delivered. Being in office but two years the dangers of imperialism would be lessened. There seems te be no necessity for appealing te the whole people te express their choice of presi dent. The appeal would be made te them te decide en a policy, as is new done in the election of representatives. The people are net the best judges of the best instrument te carry out that policy. A smaller body, whose members knew the candidates, would de this better. And we confess that Ave de net see why, when the people trust te their represen tatives te shape the country's policy and make its laws, they may net also safely and wisely confide te them the choice of the president. The delightful uncertainty of the out come of the Cincinnati convention which prevails at this distance from the scene of action is only enhanced by the peru sal of the columns en columns of con cen ilicting views that burden the news papers of the Queen City and fill the Eastern metropolitan dailies with the same sort of material. While therefore it is idle te speculate as te the probable candidate, the conviction is daily strengthened that the convention will be governed by a judicious discretion in the selection of a leader te carry the Demo cratic standard te victory next Novem ber. The opening scenes yesterday were devoid of the bad temper which marked the same event in the Republican con vention a few weeks since, and one of the most encouraging indications of a credit able nomination is the manifest desire of all the delegates te cheese the strong est possible ticket. There are of course booms and booms; but there is every reason te believe that just se seen as the l)est sentiment of the party is surely pointed out the great body of the con vention will gravitate in the direction thus indicated and the result will be characterized by geed sense, enthusiasm and harmony, and will leave behind it none of the heart-burnings and dissatis faction the existence of which in the camp of the enemy is every day since the Chicago convention becoming mere clearly evident. The action of the Ohie delegation in giving Mr. Thurman the go-by and in riiratini? its preference for Mr. Payne en a test vote is one of the surprises of the convention. It ia alleged that the Thur- man interest has been illy handled, and one of the newspapers te-day states that the bandana statesman has been sum moned te take command of his forces in person. The latest boom is in behalf of In In gersell, of Connecticut. It is urged in support of the expediency of his nomina tion that he was successively elected governor a greater number of times than any roan in the state, and has never been defeated before the people. English, of the same state, is also a premising dark horse. Connecticut is a small state, but she lias her complement of great men, all the same. MINOR TOPICS. Beware of the ice water when it is cold within the cup, for at last it biteth like a cucumber andstingeth like a cramp. A Londen gentleman found that the seat he had taken was broken ; but he insisted that a stage carpenter should repair it be tween the acts. A lahge Londen bookseller found that for every volume of Thackeray which had becu purchased from him he had sold mere than ten of Dickens. " One of the bores at card playing," says " Cavendish," the great whist au thority, "is the 'If you had' a partner, who constantly greets you with ' If you had only done so-and-se wc should have made so-and-se.' " Deacon Jacksen, of St. Leuis, called a sister in the church " an old cow." She had him arraigned before a committee, which recommended his suspension ; but a majority of the church voted against such punishment. That was the situation when at a prayer-meeting, Deacon Jacksen took his accustomed place in the amen corner. The pastor suggested that, under the cir cumstanccs, he had better take a back seat. He refused te be thus humiliated. Then Deacons Smith and Bird ejected hiin after a violent struggle. The New Yerk Sun has the information that secret societies, called "The 306." after the number of votes that were steadily cast for Grant at the Chicago convention, are te be organized all ever the country, with a view te the nomination of a strong man in 1884. This movement has already been started at Washington, as the great centre of political agitation, and is intended te take the largest proportions among the disappointed patriots who failed in their recent experiment te dictate the third-terra candidate. The state treasury, which is just new sadly in need of money te meet the amount long ever due te the school fund, is in a fair way te be enriched, thanks te the su preme court, which has just decided the liquor license cases in its favor against the counties, and has mulcted the railroad companies in several thousand dollars mere than they were willing te pay as tax upon their capital stock. Besides this, the Read ing ewes ever $200,000, and if Treasurer Butler will fellow up the delinquents, the meeting of the next Legislature ought te find him in funds. PERSONAL. Sakau Bernhardt en one Saturday re cently played twice and rehearsed once, during which she changed her toilet nine teen times. General Jehn C. Fremont will accom pany the delegation of California pioneers from New Yerk te Lititz, Pa., te-morrow, te attend the funeral of General Sutter. A report reached Washington yesterday that Hayes was dead from an attack of paralysis. Telegrams from Ohie quickly announced that the rumor was false, but for a short time there was much excite ment. Senater Beck, of Kentucky, told an in terviewer, at Cincinnati, the ether day, that his philosophy was : " Laugh and grew fat and don't climb hills before you come te them. " He is rosy and round, has a genial, kindly manner, and is full of fun. He would prefer a lark with the hounds or a visit te the circus any day te a session in the Senate. Secretary Sherman reads until late at night, but is always the first man in his office in the morning. He owns a large number of inexpensive horses and drives a great deal. He has always saved his let ters and has one of the largest collections in the world. He and his brother, the general, have always been as loving as sweethearts, and his letters from the gen eral are in three large volumes. Seme of these letters cover forty pages each. Senater Den and Garlield. Harrisburg Independent. Senater " Den" is evidently still suffer ing from the effects of his set-back at Chi cago or else he don't take kindly te Gar field. The telegram from that gentleman last Saturday te meet him at the depot and accompany him part way up the read didn't tend te case his condition either. With the telegram in his pepketand carry ing him in his self-important style he stepped into the official's office at the de pot prier te the arrival of the train bring ing Garfield. "This man Garfield wants me te accem pany him up the read. Hew far can I go before I meet an eastward bound train ?" he asked in anything but a pleased man ner. " If the train east is en time Senater, you can go as far as Mifflin," was the re ply. "Mifflin, you say : hew far's that '."' " Fifty miles ; but if the train is behind time it will allow you te proceed farther," continued the official, who wanted te oblige the Senater in every possible way with information. " Fifty miles is far enough te ride with him I don't care te go farther," was the Senater's reply as he put particular stress upon the "him." And he walked out and met Garfield in anything but a spirit of pleasure. And he didn't go any farther than Mifflin, for the next train brought him back. As the ferry-beat Geerge H. Power was leaving here slip, at Athens, N. Y., last night, one of the heavy weights attached te the bridge broke from its fastening and fell upon three boys who were standing under it. All were probably fatally in jured. A negre was arrested en the train at Havre de Grace, Md., en Saturday last dressed in women's clothes. Yesterday he was fully identified by Wm. W. Selby, mate of the schooner Mignonette, as Gee. Thompson, the man who, en the night of May 31, while the schooner was in the James river, killed Milten B. Frank, of Baltimore, the captain, and Wm. Gage, colored, the cook. He was committed te jail at Belair, Harford county, te await a requisition from the Virginia authorities. CINCINNATI. KELLY AND HIS FOLLOWERS BEFORE THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE. The Tammany Cblettaln Reiterating Ills Hostility te Tllden Action of the State Delegation The Unit Rale Give New Yerk te Payne by a Small Majority Ohie Swings Back te Thurman. Whan, the roll of states was called for committees, as briefly referred te iu our telegraphic report yesterday, the attempts of Jehn Kelly and Jehn B. llaskin te gain recognition were greeted with violent disapprobation, cries of "Put cm out," etc., and they were compelled te subside. Pennsylvania's representatives en the several committees arc as follews: On credentials : Gen. James B. Reilly, of Schuylkill ; en resolutions : Lewis C. Cassidy, of Phildelphia. The Credentials Committee. After adjournment the committee en credentials met and organized by the elec tion of J. M. B. Yeung, of Georgia, as chairman, and A. Weltncr, of Oregon, as secretary. Jehn Kelly and his men met with the committee, but were requested te with draw. k A delegate from Arkansas objected te Smith M. Weed, of New Yerk, sitting as a member, inasmuch as his own scat was contested. The chairman ruled the ob jection out of elder as there was no notice of contest before the committee. A long time was spent in fixing the length of time for argument. It was finally resolved te give each side an hour and a-half te pre sent their case. The committee thou ad journed te meet at 7 o'clock. On motion te give each side in the New Yerk contest only an hour te present the case the committee was a tie but the vote was net considered te have any significance. The committee reassembled at the Grand hotel, at 7:30 p. m., and entered upon the consideration of New Yerk contest. The half hour allowed for present action of the case of Tammany contestants was occu pied by Judge Geerge Comstock, Amasa J. Parker, Mr. Mack of Alabama, Geerge Miller and Jehn Kelley. The anti-Tammany case was presented by Gov. Walkerand Goerge M. Bee. "Lester B. Faulkner, Rufus Pcchan, Jehn R. Fellows and J. Themas Spriggs, all Tammany asked was that its representative be allowed a representation in the conven tion with the delegates, and this they asked in the name of harmony in the party in New Yerk, stating that were it refused it would endanger the ticket in that state, and the Democratic party was net in a po sition te lese one chance. The sitting delegates replied that the admission of Tammany would lese as many votes for the Democracy as Tammany could bring it. At 11 o'clock the commit tee closed its doers and went into secret session in consideration of the case. Before doing se a committeeman asked Kelly whether if his delegation was admitted he would pledge himself te support the nom inee of the convention whoever he might be, saying that his vote en the contest would be influenced by Kelly's answer. Kelly replied that speaking freely and frankly for himself alone he would say that if admitted te the convention and Samuel J. Tilden were nominated, Ite would net and could net support him. If any ether man were nominated he would work his best for the nominee of the convention. Judge CemstOck replied te the same question that he would support the nomi nee of the convention unless he was a mur derer, a thief or a felon. Patrick Gewau, of Saratoga, a Tammany contestant stated that he would feel in honor bound if ad mitted te participate iu the convention te support its nominees. Tammany Ruled Out. At 12:15 the committee, by a vote of 32 te 4, Arkansas, Colerado, New Jersey and Delaware voting no, voted in favor of allowing the sitting delegates from New Yerk te retain their seats. Committee en Resolutions. The committee en resolutions did net reassemble until late in the evening, and then organized by the election of Hen. Perry Watsen as chairman and Jehn P. Irish, of Iowa, as secretary. There was a full attendance. Miss Susan Antheny, Mrs. Merriweather and ether representatives of the woman's suffrage association were al lowed te present their case and te make arguments of considerable length. The representatives of the different dele gations then submitted the resolutions which they desired incorporated in the platform, and one or mere were submitted from most of the states. They were all re ferred te a sub-committee consisting of Messrs. Watterson, chairman ; Wills, of Connecticut ; Barksdale, of Mississippi, Myers, of Oregon ; Fuller, of Illinois ; Ire land, of Texas ; Irish, of Iowa ; Cassidy, of Pennsylvania, and Hewell, of Georgia. The committee then adjourned until to morrow morning and the sub-committee went te work. Fermanent Organization. The committee en permanent organiza tion resolved unanimously te report in favor of Senater Jehn W. Stevenson, of Kentucky, for chairman, and the retention of the secretaries, redding clerks and ser-geant-at-arms of the temporary organiza tion. Pennsylvania has Senater Ermen trout, of Berks, as one of the vice presi dents with secretary net yet named. The committee will also report in favor of the admission of two delegates from the Dis trict of Columbia and two delegates from each of the territories te have the right te participate in debate and every right and privilege enjoyed by the delegates of the states excepting only the right te vote. The Theft of the Presidency. Extract Frem Judge Headley's Speech te the Convention. Four years age the Democratic party in convention assembled at St. Leuis an nounced te the country its platform and named as its candidates two of the fore most statesmen of the nation, both then and new worthy of the most enthusiastic political devotion and the most ardent private friendship, and Samuel J. Tilden cheers and Themas A. Hendricks were elected president and vice president of the United States elected as fairly as Geerge Washington or Jas. Menree. That they were net inaugurated, that the chief magistrate of this nation has for mere than three years been one whom the people and elec tors rejected, that in the executive depart ment government by the people has ceased since March 4, 1877. A living monument seen of all men and te be remembered in all generations of the fraud of the Repub lican party, of its infidelity te Republican principles, of its willingness te sacrifice the right of popular election the vital principle of the republic rather than relax its hela upon power. Of the loyalty of the Deme cratic party, even te the forms of its con fidence that the will of the people must finally prevail, abiding in which it patient ly waits for the full fruition of its hopes until March 4, 1881, but no longer, no longer, unless defeated at the polls. If beaten fairly we shall patiently submit. I repeat we shall submit and again wait. But if again successfnl, necunniug nor de vice of dishonest arbitration shall deprive us of our rights. The Democratic party will never again appear before a tribunal deaf te the appeal of testimony, but net blind te the beckoning finger of favor. We have been spared one great danger. Since the 8th of June, 1880, it has been cer tain that the usurper will net be imme diately followed by the monarch. But the third term is postponed, net averted, and the real danger is net in the third term se much in the Republican party, which makes the third term possible. Bonaparte did net crown himself emperor until Bena- partists had corrupted France. When mere than three-fifths of any political party invoked a "savieur of neciety," that party is already se poisoned with impe rialism that it has become a menace te the republic far mere formidable than auy mischief it professes te fear any clanger it was organized te repel. The remedy, gentlemen, for this and all ether ills of state is in eternal vigilance. This is at once the price and the protector of liberty. This vigilance, already quick ened among the pseplc from whom you come, continued here and hereafter is sure te bring victory te the Demecraticprinciples and the Democratic candidates. A victory se full of hope for the republic that even the melancholy days of November shall be radient with joy, and en the wings of the strong winds of March shall be wafted blessings. Continued applause. Til ESTATE DELEGATIONS. New Yerk ler Payne Ohie ler Thurman. The New Yerk delegation held a meet ing this afternoon and took a ballet which resulted as fellows : Payne. 28 ; Tilden, 1; English, 10 ; Bayard, 18 ; Hancock, 1 ; Randall, 15. The delegation according te instructions directed the chairman te cast the 70 votes of New Yerk in the conven tion for Payne, he having a majority of the total vote and te de se until further instructed by the delegation. A meeting called by Thurman' s friends from various parts of Ohie was held at Mclodcen hall last night. The Thurman club of Columbus took the initiative in the call and were supported byThurman's admirers from all quarters. An immense crowd attended the meeting. The Ohie delegates had been invited te be present, but only Gen. Stccdman came. After speeches fiercely denouncing the apathy of the Ohie delegates toward Thurman by Judge Olwcs, Judge Hunter, Gen. Winner and ethers calls were made for the delegates te explain. Gen. Steed man appeared and excused himself en the ground of disability. Great enthusiasm prevailed. The meeting passed the follow ing resolution : llcxelccd, That the candidacy of any citi zen of Ohie, ether than Allen G. Thurman for nomination for the presidency in ad vance of the presentation of his name, is repudiated by the Democracy of this meet ing and denounced as being untrue te the expressed will of the Democracy in their state convention assembled. PAYNE'S PROSPECTS. McClurc's Midnight Despatch. Balloting can be reached te-morrow, (Wednesday), if desired, hut there was an evident disinclination te advance the pro ceedings te-day, because no particular in terest was ready, and it may be se te-morrow. There have been many consultations te-night, but no tendency toward concen tration in any direction, and te-morrow will dawn upon the same Democratic chaos that has prevailed here for three days. New Yerk has formally decided te vote for Payne, but by se meagre a majority that there is little enceuragemcut for ethers te fellow. It is understood that when the 70 votes shall be cast for Payne in convention it will be stated that mere than a third of the delegation oppose his nomination because they believe that he cannot carry their state. Ohie is new practically out of Thurman's hands, but the minority opposed te Payne is violent and will kick in convention. Payne is likely te exhibit the actual power Tilden possesses here, and it flavors se strongly with the Grant coercion at Chicago that it will pretty certainly defeat itself. After Payne shall have been tried without suc cess, as new seems certain, the Tilden men will be at sea, and every countermarch they make must diminish their num bers. They could nearly or entirely unite New Yerk en Bayard or Randall, and cither could thus be nominated, but they are averse te Bayard and have chilled en Randall, and they will net fall te cither, unless te prevent a Seymour cyclone that may threaten them at anytime if they con tinue te wrangle. Beyond this action by New Yerk none of the states have taken any steps te-night of importance. There is a growing tendency te regard McDonald as the coming man. It seems te be conceded that if an Eastern man shall be given the first place McDonald will he forced te accept the second, and the feeling is very general among the friends of all the ether candi dates that they have a safe retreat te the Indiana senator. It is net the positive feeling for McDonald that makes him loom up se strongly, but it is the absence and the apparent improbability of unity en anybody clse. Indiana must be carried in October. All agree that 31c 31c Dellald would carry it, and as Hendricks cannot be taken there is a very natural drift te McDonald. Randall will net go into the convention. He will net be voted for, cither in the Pennsylvania delegation or in the convention, until New Yerk shall have had an opportunity te come te him after Payne shall drop. If New Yerk then fails him he will take a hand te unite his state in favor of a new man. De net he suprised, if New Yerk rejects Randall, te see Randall and Wallace both threw up their hats for McDonald. A. K. M. The Kelly Episode. The first sensation of the day was hu miliating te New Yerk. The Tammany boss had taken his seat early in the pro ceedings in the Arkansas delegation and kept very quiet until, during the roll call of states, the name of New Yerk was reached. Instantly the burly form, irriz- zly face and close-cropped crown of Jehn Kelly pepped up. "Mr. chaiman" he said. Four police man, apparently instructed, were at his side in a moment, and one steed between the seats and the aisles. A storm of hisses, cat calls, applause, cheers and de rision filled the hall and stimulated Hoad Head ley's mallet, which is five times the size of the gavel de Hear, into tremendous execution. The noise was terrific, and .confusion dominated the place. Without a smile or a movement of muscle the Tammany chief steed and faced it out. Cries of " Put him out !" "Put the bogus Democrat out !" "Give him a show !" and "Shame !" " Shame !" rose upon the air. But he still faced it. A member of a delegation near him fairly foamed with denunciation. He called the boss every name he could think of, demanded that he should be ejected bodily, and shook his fist at him in a most menacing manner. The general uproar ceased and the pres ident said : "The chair cannot recognize the gentle man at this time. He's out of order. The roll call will proceed." Cries of ' sit down you scoundrel !" "Get out!" "Put him out!" and "what are you here for?" saluted the "Bess" ears, until, amid a yell of triumphant exulata exulata tien, he stolidly resumed his seat. Dougherty te Nominate Hancock. An arrangement was consummated last night that will give Daniel Dougherty the opportunity for which he has been sighing a chance te present in the convention the name of his friend, General Hancock. II. Milten Speer, delegate-at-large, gives his proxy te 3Ir. Dougherty for that purpose, with the hearty consent of Harman Yerkes of Bucks, who had been selected te nominate General Hancock. Mr, Speer said te-night: "I want you te be sure te say that I de this only en account of my great friendship for Han cock and because I want his name pre sented te the convention in tfie best possi ble manner. Mr. Dougherty has his speech all prepared and it is a geed one. I give way te him only for fifteen minutes long enough for him te make his speech and no longer. I de net give up my place te him te vote at all." McGowan, Barger, , Singerly and Floed, who have been talk- ing Bayard all along, have gene ever te the Hancock camp. This will give the general about twenty-four votes from Pennsylvania, with possibly a few addi tions as the fieht progresses if Hancock develops and staying power. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL TORY. DIREC- The Alphabet Through Which the Unterrl- tied May Oe In the Selection of a Stanuard-Bearer. One of the cleverest things of the pres ent, canvass for the Democratic nemina- atien for the presidency is the directory of candidates compiled by the New Yerk IJercild. The long roll extends from A te Z, every letter being represented in the name of one or mere persons who have been mentioned with varying degrees of prominence in connection with the Demo cratic candidacy. Te each name is ap pended a brief and succinct biographical sketch. We reproduce the entire list of names in alphabetical order. A Charles Francis Adams, of Massachus etts ; born August 7, 1807. B Themas Francis Bayard, of Delaware ; bem Sept. 17, 1818. C Peter Cooper, of New Yerk ; born Feb. 12, 1791. Samuel Sullivan Cox, of New Yerk ; born Sept. 30, 1824. I) David Davis, of Illinois ; born March 9, 181e. E James E. English, of Connecticut ; born March, 1812. William II. English, of Indiana ; born August 27, 1822. F Stephen Jehnsen Field, of California ; horn November, 4, 1810. ( William Gasten, of Massachusetts; born Oct 3, 1820. Nervin Green, of New Yerk ; born in 1818. William S. Groesbeck. of Ohie ; born in 1820. H Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, of Penn sylvania ; born Feb. 14, 1824. Themas Andress Hendricks, of Indi ana ; born Sept. 7, 1819. Abram Stevens Hewitt, of New Yerk ; horn July 31, 1822. I Charles Rebeits Ingersoll, of Connecti cut ; horn Sept. 10, 1821. J Hugh J. Jcwett, of Ohie. K Francis Kcrnan, et New Yerk ; born Jauuary 14, 1810. David McKendree Key, of Tennessee ; born January 27, 1824. L Lucius Quintus Curtus Lamar, of Mis sissippi ; born Sept.17, 1825. 31 Geerge Brinten McClellau, of New Jersey ; born December 3, 1820. Jeseph E. McDonald, of Indiana ; born August 29, 1819. William R. Morrison, of Illinois ; born Sept. 14, 1823. X James W. Newsmith, of Oregon ; born July 23. 1820. O Charles O' Coner, of New Yerk ; born in 1804. P Jehn McCauIcv Palmer, of Illinois; born Sept. 13,1817. Joel Parker, of New Jersey ; born Nev. 27, 1810. Henry B. Payne, of Ohie : born Nev. 30, 1810. Geerge 11. Pendleton, of Ohie ; born July 25, 1825. Clarksen Nett Petter, of New Yerk, born in 1825. Calvin E. Pratt, of New Yerk ; born in 1825. O Jesiah Quincy, of Massachusetts, born January 17. 1802. It Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylvania : born October 10, 1828. Theodere F. Randelph, of New Jersey ; born June 24." 1820. S Horatio Seymour, of New Yerk ; born in 1811. T 1 Allen G. Thurman, of Ohie; born Nev. 13, 1813. Samuel Jenes Tilden", of New Yerk : born in 1814. Jehn Trunkey, of Pennsylvania ; born in 1828. Emery Upton, of New Yerk ; born U August 27. 1838. V Daniel Webster Yerhees, of Indiana ; born Sept. 20, 182S. W William A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania; born Nev. 28, 1827. X X-1'rcsident Ulysses S. Giant, of Illi- Ttiiic lknt-li Anvil 97 1879 Y Pierce 31. B. Yeung, in 1838. W.U, .. -..'.. ., -V of Georgia : born Z Jacob Zciglcr, of Pennsylvania ; born in September, 1813. m MOKE CONVENTION NOTABLES. Pcppery Portraits of Seme of the Democratic Great Men. Cincinnati Enquirer. Congressman Springer, of Illinois, skips around the lobbies of the Grand hotel with remarkably alacrity. Springer is tall, built after the manner of a ram-red. He is an enthusiastic Democrat, with convictions that a streak of lightning cannot appal. He is boyish in manner, outspoken and genial. Senater Jeues, of Flerida, leeks just what he is, a whole-seuled lawyer farmer. He can as readily steer a plow as make a brief. He is tall, has geed stomach capa city, and an honest, refreshing manner for an " dlligatc r " politician. Finlcy, who claims te be a factotum of Tilden, is here. Finlcy knows it all. He gets up at live o'clock every morning and makes a speech te the lamp-pests. This, te be mysterious, and se that no one can hear what he may say. He is confidential for such a large man. Congressman Ben Hill, of Ohie, reams around with a blue suit of some kind of linen stuff en, which makes him leek like a canal beat captain. He is a pugnacious animal, and sleeps with Jehn S. Thomp son, se that nobody will hurt him. Senater Stevenson, of Kentucky, leeks altogether tee geed te mix up in the dirty peel of politics. He has a bread, honest, fatherly face. He will say " Bless you, my children," when he presides ever the convention, and the delegates ought te feel proud te have such a father. Secretary Burch, of. the United States Senate, is one of the handsomest products of Tennessee. lie stands six feet in his stockings, and has a shapely, well meulded form. Nothing worries him. Amid all the turmoil and excitement he is as placid as a clam at high tide. Cel. Jee Pulitzer, of St. Leuis, is often mistaken for a Bavarian nobleman travel ing inceij. This is net the case, however. Jee, like Carl Schurz, is the here of a met aphysical rebellion, and came te this coun try, where there is mere liberty te breathe the air of freedom and get fat. He does every thing hut get fat. Congressman 3IcLane, of 3Iaryland, wiry, nervous and dyspeptic, gets reuud a geed deal in a hack, having but little pedal power. He is mere jelly than lie leeks, and has a pair of these laughing eyes pleasant te gaze into. Senater Vest, of Missouri, could net be well asked te pull down his vest, for he don't wear one this weather. He is quite boyish iu appearance, but is leather-lunged, and can make a speech calculated te wake snakes. He is combative, and a lit tle inclined te d d newspaper men. r reel u. Frince, secretary et the national committee, wears a hat which comes down from the days of Geerge III. It is antique, full of cobwebs, and ought te be "shot." Hen. Jehn H. Oberlcy, Democratic nom inee for secretary of state in Illinois, and the slickest politician in his state, displays before his shining cranium a neat outfit of pepper-and-mustard garments. He seems friendly te Morrison. Jehn Wilsen, of Seuth street, Philadel phia, was engaged en the Erie railroad grain elevator, at Jersey City, yesterday morning, when he fell from the top of the building te the ground, a distance of sev enty feet, and was instantly killed. IiATMST N2W8 BY MAIL. New Yerk's population will be 1,250,000 and Brooklyn's 554,690. Bradlaugh has been unseated in the British Parliament by a vote of 275 te 230 a Tery triumph. The Vermont Republican state conven tion meets te-day. The probabilities are that Reswell Faruham will be nominated for governor. The Greenback congressional convention of the Fifth district of 3Iaine has renemi nated Hen. Thompson H. 3Iurch by accla mation. Secretary Ramsey has been notified that the 3Iexican authorities decline te allow Gen. Hatch te fellow Victeria's Apaches into Mexico. 3Iasen & Hadley's wire works at As bury Park. New Jersey, have suspended, throwing 75 hands out of employment. Ne explanations were given. William Daub, of Pittsburgh, was killed en the Pennsylvania railroad en Monday night by a coal train. He had crawled under the cars te keep out of the rain. The British schooner Chieftain, Weed, from Jamaica for New Yerk, with a cargo of cuane stepped at Key West yesterday morning te land the captain and crew of the bark L. T. Stecker, which was lest en Cape Corrientes. The residence, two barns, a large stock of grain and the farming implements of William Meigs, near White Isndge, iN. J., were struck by lightning 3Ienday night and destroyed. The less exceeds $11,000. During the thunderstorm which ranged ever New Jersey en 3Ienday evening, the violent wind overthrew the fences and up rooted trees. At Hammend's 31ills the mill was struck by lightning, fired, and completely destroyed, with its contents. Enquircss, Luke Blackburn, Spinaway, Edwin A. and Derby took the prizes in Ceney Island races yesterday. Black burn's time in the great Ceney Island handicap, a mile and three-quarters, was 2:24 J, the best en record. LOCALJNTELUGENCE. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Events Acress the Cennty Line. It is reported that the mail train south, en the North Central railroad, en 31011 day evening, fired several wheat fields along the line of the read near Emigs ville, destroying about two acres for 3Ir. C. A. 3Ieyers. Tlie fields of Jehn and W. II. Emig also suffered te some ex tent. Gee. T. Gamble, from Brick 3Iccting Heuse, 3Id., who has been in Colerado ful some time and was a few weeks age reported killed by the Indians, is alive and well. He is engaged in railroad building at Capen City. Dr. James A. Peeples, of Little Britain, reports heavy fleeces from his Cotswold and Leicestershire sheep. The heaviest of five large fleeces was fourteen pounds. Anether weighed twelve pounds. On Thursday afternoon Deputy Attorney General Lyman D. Gilbert will sail in the steamer Baltic from New Yerk for a two months' trip te Europe. He will have for his compayneu du teyaye 31. E. Olmstead, esq., of the Dauphin county bar. Themas King, aged 22 years, was arrest ed in Reading, yesterday by Detective Dcnhard, en the charge of having com mitted a number of forgeries en severa firms at Harrisburg several months age? the principal sufferer being C. A. Beas, jeweler, who King had mulcted te the tune of about two thousand dollars. Jesse C. Dickey, census t:sk -r for New Londen township, Chester County, re turns 911 inhabitants, which is the same number given by the census of 1870. This in the face of the fact that one minister of the township performed his 700th marriage ceremony a few weeks age ! Better figures than these were hoped for from New Londen, surely. SICILY ISLAND. Erection of a Flag Stan". Yesterday S. H. Price, esq., Ames Lee and Antheny Lechler, a committee of the Sicily Island fishing club, visited the island for the purpose of erecting a flag staff and flinging te the breeze the club flag. The flag staff, which is 03 feet in length, was securely spliced te the trunk of a chestnut 40 feet in height, that stands immediately in front of the promenade platform, mak ing the total height 108 feet. The work of erecting the pole and making the splice at se great a height was no easy matter, but it was successfully accomplished by the workmen employed te de it, and they were ably and cheerfully assisted by al most every man and boy living in the neighborhood. The flag that floats from the top of the pole is a beautiful one, 21 feet long and 10 feet wide, made by Horstman of Philadel phia, te the order of Benjamin Reynolds of this city, by whom it was presented te the club. The field is of white bunting, with a bread blue border. In the centre of the field arc the words in large red let ters "Sicily Island Fisiiinc; Clui;. " When it was flung te the breeze it was greeted with loud huzzas by the assembled multitude, and salutes of guns, pistols, &c., were lircd in honor of the event. Ne pains or expense is being spared by the di rectors te make Sicily island the most at tractive pleasure station en the Susque hanna river. We understand it is the in tention of the club, when the island is net occupied by its own members, te lease it te select picnic parties. The Microscope. A regular meeting of the 3Iicroscepical society was held last evening at the rooms of the Scientific club, Ne. (Jl North Queen street. 3Iany objects of interest were shown by the seventeen instruments, but the chief attractions seemed te be Dr. Rile's frog plate, showing circulation of bleed in web of feet, and 3Ir. Walinsley's exhibit of most exquisite polarizing slides foramini-fera-diatems, &c, This latter gentleman represents R. fc J. Beck, of Londen, and has done mere te make popular the mi. croscepe than any man in this country. He has with him a "Small Best," of the Beck make, and a full line of accessories and slides. After the crowd had dis persed in a measure. 3Ir. Walmslcy gave te a few of the members of the society full instructions as te the different methods of illumination, proving himself an expert in the use of the miscoscepc in every partic ular. This society is in a flourishing condition, adding weekly te its numbers. Although it has only been organized two and a half months, they have seventeen first class instruments and are doing a geed work. Will Net Enter. Frank Scheid, the pedestrian, says he has net been consulted in regard te the pc destrian match. His name was used with out his consent, as he does net intend en tering the match. NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Special Meeting or the Scheel Beard Re Re eort of Building Committee S30.0OO Appropriated for New Buildings. A special meeting of the school beard was held last evening. The following members were present : 3Iessrs. D. G. Baker, Brosius, Cochran, Eberly, Eberman, Evans Harris, J. I. Hartman, Jacksen, Johnsten, Levergood, jiarsnaii, Jicuemsey, jicuonemy, ituim ensuyder, Richards, Samson, Schmid, Schwcbel, Slaymaker, Smeych, Spurrier, Wilsen, Yeisley, Christian Zecher, Gee. W. Zecher and Warfel, president. Before proceeding with the business for which the meeting was called, the presi dent stated that the annual reunion of di rectors and teachers would be held in the old high school building (31iss Huber's secondary school room) te which all direc tors and teachers were cordially invited. The president requested the reporters present te announce the reunion through the newspapers and request directors and teachers te attend. The object of the meeting was then stated by the president te be-the reception of the report of the building committee, concerning the erection of a new school building en the let of ground belonging te the beard, at the corner of Lime and Lem Lem on streets. 3Ir Cochran from the building commit tee presented the following report which was read. Te the President and Members of the I.ttnaitsttr city school beurd: Gentlemen : The undersigned mem bers of the building committee beg leave te report that pursuant te a resolution passed at a late meeting of the beard, they advertised for proposals for the erection of the new school building en the corner of Lime and Lemen streets, this city, which were received up te 12 o'clock, m., 10th inst., and at 2 o'clock, p. m. of the same day, the several bids were epcued. The following are the bids : Willliam Wehlsen $28,475 Philip Dinkleberg 27,000 Daniel 3IcLaughlin 20,300 William Hensel. sr. 29,854 Jehn Adam Burger 28,339 Clement S. Erisman 28,874 Inasmuch as the amount of the respec tive bids exceeds the estimates of the sev eral members of your committee, as te the probable cost of said building, they de nut feci justified in awarding the contract therefer without further instructions of the beard, and therefore respectfully sub mit the matter te it for its consideration and action. Very Respectfully, II. E. Slaymaker. Thes. B. Cochran. J. I. Hartman. Rebert A. Evans. C. Zecher. W. 3IcCemsey. Luther Richards. 3Ir. Slaymaker, chairman of the build ing committee, said the bids for the elec tion of the proposed school building w ere much higher than the estimates of the committee. He believed, however, that the cost of the building could be cut down a great deal by reducing it somewhat iu size and eliminating seme of its mere ex pensive features. While the committee were net prepared te recommend the heard te accept auy of the bids for the erection of the proposed building, he was dhveted by the committee te offer the following resolutions : Ileselced, That the sum of $30,000 or .se mucu tuereei as may be necessary be ap propriated by the beard for the erection and equipment complete of two new school buildings as follews: Twe-thirds of said sum te be expended en an eigh-troem build ing te be erected en the corner of Lime and Lemen streets and one-third of said stun te be expended un a four-room building te be erected in the north-west division, the site for the latter building te be se lected by a special cemmitce of three te be appointed by the chair. Jieselced, That a committee of seven he appointed by the chair te carry out the ob ject and end cemtcmplatcd by the fore going resolution. Dr. Levergood moved that the report of the committee be received and the resolu tion adopted. 3Ir. Eberly inquired whether the pro posed appropriation of $10,000 for a school building in the northwest division would be sufficient te pay for the purchase of ground as well as the erection of the build- Mr. Jehn I. Hartman replied that the sum proposed would net only be sufficient te purchase the ground and erect Un building, but also te equip it. 3Ir. Brosius regarded the preposition of the building committee as an entire aban donment of the well-perfected plan adept ed by the beard some months age, for the erection hi each school division of the city, large and convenient twelve-room build ings. The preposition te reduce the pro posed twelve-room building at Lime and Lemen streets te an eight-room building was a departure from the original plan, and new the preposition te erect a four room building in the northwest division was an absolute abandonment of it. He favored the building of the Lemen street school house in accordance with the plan previously adopted by the beard. The cost of it, he thought, might be very con siderably reduced by emitting some of the mere costly features of it. He was entire ly opposed te the erection of four-room school-houses. 3Ir. 3IcCemsey spoke at some length in support of the resolution offered by the building committee. He believed that the proposed new buildings could he erected and equipped for even a less sum of money than that asked for by the com mittee, and argued that the proposed four room building in the Northwest division was net a departure from, but a part of the original plan for the reorganization of the schools. The only deviation from the original plan was the reducing of the pro posed four central buildings from twelve room te eight-room structures. After some further debate the resolu tions offered by 3Ir. Slaymaker were adopted. President Warfel announced that he would name the committee in time re publication in the daily papers. On motion the beard adjourned. President Warfel has appointed the following named gentlemen the committee created by 3Ir. Slaymaker's resolution : Building Committee II. E. Slaymaker, Wm. McCemsey, Thes. B. Cochran. Chris tian Zecher, Rebert A. Evans, Jehn I. Hartman and Luther Richards. Committee te select site for new build ing in northwest division Jehn I. Hart man, Christian Zecher and E. G. Snyder. Correcting the List. Wm. McCemsey, one of the census enu merators of the First ward, is sitting in the prothenotary's office te-day and to morrow, from 9 a. ra. te 6 p. m., for the purpose of correcting his enumeration, and will be obliged te any who may have been emitted if they will make the fact known te him.