wiV-';-' --"-x t-?"!' "P H-1 " '1 ",'!,,, TrT 'f -V w.- "-- ' I t- , jlr --- aPwi3!9i ' LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY JUNE 22, 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1880. TUB PUZZLED CENSUS-TAKElt. " Get any boys ?" Uie marslial sal J Te a lady from ever the Rhine ; And the lady shook her flaxen head And civilly answered, " Nine !" "Get any girls?" the marshal said Te the lady from ever the Rhine ; And again the lady shook her head And ciTllly answered, "Nine:" " Cut some are dead ?" the marslial wild Te the lady from ever the Ithinc; And again the lady shook her head And clrllly answered, " Nine !" "Husband, et course!" the marshal said Te the lady from ever the Ithinc ; Anil again she shook her flaxen head And civilly answered. " Nine !" "Tlie d 1 you have 1" the marshal said Te the lady from ever the lthine; And again she shook her flaxen head And civilly answered, " Nine !" " New what de you mean by shaking your head And always answering 'Nine?'" "Ich kann kein Englisch!" civilly said The lady lrem eyer the Ithinc. Jehn O. Sure. MEDICAL. 00PS SOAPS!! The Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP Ever in this city before. Be per piece and 50c per box. at 1 FKEY'S CITY PHARMACY, 110-lvd North Queen Street. HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BWTEB Tobacco. Weekly Itesume or the New Yerk Trade. I. S. Tobacco Journal. "With the exception of the little stir some transactions in new .Housatonic created, a solemn quietness pervaded the market. The few Western jobbers that were looking about for stock purchased sonic straggling lets of old, but preserved a distinguished air of total abstinence for new. The reported arrival of the army worm in Lancaster county has formed an interesting topic of conversation among the holders of new tobacco. Seme of these holders, who are noted entomologists, claim that the army werms.having arrived at a tobacco ficld.de net attack the young plants at once, but first take a calm obser vation of the field and preserve a strict diet for a few weeks, scorning even the politest invitation te a cold lunch. When the plant has matured se far as te show a foliage of wrappers, then they bury themselves, head lirst, in the butt end of the stalk and come out at the tip, tail first, wagging that apendage maliciously at the grower, who then has nothing but stem te harvest. Sad as this prophesied action of the army worm sounds, it has had but little effects se far upon prospective buyers or '7 Pennsylvania. While the wrappsrsef this crop show very nicely at the present time, the fillers arc reported te be, te some extent, in a rotten condition, and repacking is going en in Xcw Yerk as well as in the country. The consequence is that old Pennsylvania fillers arc again very much in demand and arc quoted at from 12 te 12J cents. Nothing else of consequence is te be re ported. Sampling of new goods will net begin before the heated season is ever, and by that time old stock will have become se scarce that transactions in new tobacco will form the only fcaturs of the market. These that offer their 7!) Pennsylvania for sale new ask from 14 te 25 cents for it, for the heads of lets alone, 43 cents is be ing asked. The week's sales sum up as fellows : Pennsylvania crop '78 : 100 cases ; fil lers, 12 cents ; running, 20 te 22 cents ; wrappers, e'J te 43 cents. Connecticut crop '79 : 200 cases, Hous atonic, p. t. Crep "7S : 100 cases ; wrap pers, 27 te 40 cents. Ohie crop '78:83 cases; wrappers. 13 te 1(5 cents ; running. 0i 10 cents. 1 lavanna Market fairly aetive. Prices l emain firm. Sales 350 bales. Frem the lj linker City. K. .1. Campbell, of Philadelphia, unur date of October-!, Is79, certified te the wenderlul clli cacy of Warner's hare Pills and Safe Tonic in removing a liver disease accompanied by fin enic constipation. ju-HMwd&w Rriggs only swears occasionally new. It was tin' rheumatism made him se profane, but since he has taken Dr. Themas' Kclcctlie Oil, he ha ha scarerlv hail a twinge. He says he think- another bottle will cure him entirely. Fer sale II. I!. Cochran, druggist. 137 anil IS.) North Ouei'ii -treet. Lancaster. Pa. 3 Prejudice Kills. " Klevcn years our daughter sutlered en a bed et nil-cry under the care of several of the ln-t (and some et" the worst) physicians, who gave her disease various names but no lclief, but new she is restored tens in geed health by it- simple a remedy a- Hep Hitters, that we li.nl poehed at for two years, before using it. We earnestly hope and pr.iy that no one el-e v ill let their sick suuer as we did, en account fit prejudice against se geed a medlcince as Hep Hitters." The Parents. jul0-2wiLv.w A life time et torture is often endured by the rheumatic. Their pangs may, however, be promptly relieved, and the di-ease eradicated, with Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil. Fer sale by II. li. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qucc'h street, Lancaster, l'a. 4 Appetite, refreshing sleep, the acquisition of 11CM11 IllIU W1UI, illli Ulaailifin .,.... .,."- the reparative processes, which this priceless invigerant speedily initiates and carries te a succe-stiil conelu-ien. Digestion i- restored and sustenance atl'ordcdtecachlile-su-taining organ bv the Hitters, which i- inoffensive even te the feminine palate, vegetable in com position, anil thoroughly sale. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, apr l-lydeed&ly w OSTETTKli'S HITTER'S FOK SALE AT Lecher s Drug store, a r-iwi iving street. ASTJtICH BXOTQ ADYERTIBMMENT. ASTBICH BRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. CLOTHZXG. Spring Opening AT 24 CENTRE SQUAKE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock of H Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL, AND ONLY GENUINE. Their Iilglnlegree or perfection lias been se cured aHer j-ears of experiment. Composed of the CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. TVe guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VEGETA1ILK. One or two every night, in ten days cure Costiveness and Dyspepsia. Taken en au empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. lapriB-anueeiigw A Special Medical Netice ! DR. C. A. GREENE takes this method et notifying his numerous patients and friends that in cen-eiiucnce et hi- arduous duties (occupying his time often lilteen hours of the flay) he will take a brier vacation te recuperate his body. He will leave Lancaster en the 14th of JUNE.nnd will be ab sent pi ebablv two weeks, during which time his patients can procure renewals et his reme djals at his elliccs from the person in charge. OVER 700 PERSONS have enrolled their name- en his book as patient- during his live months practice in 1 anca-tcr. Seme SOO have taken his CUKE QUICK ter Catarrh who-e names are net booked. Onlv t e persons have died who have entered his efliccs, and te both et them he ex presslv stated his inability te cure thein. )-fm' notice et return will be made. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 23G NORTH QUEEN STREET. El V CATI OXAL. rnilK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH JL Franklin and Marshall College eilers su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare forcellcge or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send ler circulars. Address KEV. .1 AMES CRAWFORD, etll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. GROCERIES. w HOL.ESALE AND RETAIL. SEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NOKTIl PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd LEGAL XOTICES, E ESTATE OF HUGH CORCORAN, LATK 'j of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of MiliAlnlstr.itlen en said estate having been grunted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, re siding in Lancaster. b MICHAEL R. CORCORAN, jet-T.tdeaw Administrator. .1. W. Swift, Attorney. I7STATK OFJACOH STAUFFEK, LATK It or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en s-aid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. 1 F.H.STAUFFER. DAVID McN. STAUFFER, or te Administrator. A. C. Reixeehl, Att'yJ Je3-Ctileaw INSTATE OF MARY MfLVANV, LATE OF It the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters ofadniinistratienonsaid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in the city of Lancaster. JNO. A. COYLE, mMtdeaw Administrator. J7STATK OF JAMES BOH AN, LATE OF J the City et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in flebled te said decedent are requested te make immediatesettlement,and these having claims or demands against the estate el said decedent te make knew n the same without delay te the undersigned. MARV1I0IIAX. MARGARET KEEFE, apSO-f.tdee'l Executrixes INSTATE OF ANNA M. WEIDLEK, li late of the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en'sald csUiUj hav ing leen granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay Ter settlement te the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E7E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swirr. Administratrix. Attorney. mSO-Gtdced iiill-6nulTu,Th&S IDNEY "WORT FOK SALE AT LOCU- crs' Drug Stere, 'J Last King street. K HOP HOP 1JIT KIT ERS ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS hop hop KIT KIT ERS ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS IKOVEKKS. "Fer sinking spell-, lit-, dizzi ne , palpitation and low spirits, lelv en Hep Kilters." '"Head et, procure and u-e Hep Hitters, and you will be strong, healthvand happy." Latlie-, de you want te be strong, healthy and beautiful? then u-e Hep Hitter-. "Tliegrealc-tappetizer.-teniach, bleed and liver regulator Hep Hitters." "Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Rankers ami Ladies need Hep Hit ters daily." 'Hep Hitters hiittre-teivd te so briety and health, ported wiecks lreuf in temperance." "Soiir-teinach.siekheailacheand dizziness. Mop Hitter- cuie- with a lew doses." "$.V will be paid for a case that Hep Hitters will net cure or help." "Hep Kilters builds up, strength ens and cure- continually lrem the llr-tde-e." "Kidney and Urinary complaints et all kind- permanently cured by Hep Hitters?' Hep Cough Cure Is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is Superior te all ethers. Ask Druggists. D. I. C. is an ab-olute and irre-si-tihlecure for drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Ml above sold by druggists. Hep Hitters Manufacturing Ce. Roches ter. N. Y. Send for Circular. S d'.Mydced&w HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP 15 IT ERS HOP HOP KIT KIT ERS ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HOP KIT KIT ERS ERS H Jl ItlTTEKS FOIl SALE AT LOCH- er's Drug Stere, '. East King street. AMC1I i:itx. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, FLIH & BRENEMAN'S. ARCHERY, Croquet. Rase Halls and Kat, Chinese Tey Kemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistol-, and ether Seasonable Goods, at Fill & Breneman's, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. MUSICAL INSTJt UMJZlfTS. -THE- Lancaster flrp Manufactory Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUM ENTS in the Market. Wareroeuis 3J0 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Uranch Ofllce, 13J East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agentter Lancaster County for CHICK ERING& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Kanjos, Hand Instru ments, &c. al ways en hand. fl3-lydS&ly w riNANCIAI JAMES HKOWN, DEALER IN STOCKS and Rends, 04 and CC Kreadway, New Yerk. Operations en margin and by means of privi leges. Inrormatlen furnished pn all matters connected with stock speculation and Invest ment. ml5-lydTu,Th&S :e.- Tlic attention or the people or Lancaster is rjd led te the fact that we have new Improved our store in an elegant and novel way, thus enabling us te show a greatmany or our goods te best advantage, and having all our goods which we exhibit marked In plain and large figures It makes shopping in our store mere pleasant than in any ether place in this city. THE IMMENSE SUCCESS which has crowned our undertaking se mr has increased our facilities in such a way that we are able te show te our customers a greater variety and sell our goods at much lower prices than ever before. Wc call speciafattcntien te the follewing: GREAT REDUCTION IN riUCES OF HATS! We efTer tills week special inducements in our Hat Department. We have reduced the prices of all our Hats and sell them new at prices never heard or be fore. Sailors at 19c Fancy Trimmed Sailors at 'irc A splendid Straw Sailor in white, brown and navy blue, Ifer 39c Fine Ecru Sailors of the newest style ler ..Mic Chillis' Sundewns at 19c Ladles' Sundewns at 25 ami 33c We sell all our Ladles' Shape Huts In Straw, Fine Kraid Hats at 3Dc Fxtra Fine Milan Kennetsat 75c LADIES' FAYAL HATS In white, geld, black and mixed Straw, for 57c A full line of Girls' and Heys' Hats at low figures. LACE DEPARTMENT. Laces of every style and description. Valenciennes Lace, inch wide, 18c apiece. Valenciennes Lace, 1 inch wide, 25c apiece. Valenciennes Lace, 1 inches wide,33c apiece. Torchon Lace 5c a yard. 50c a dozen. All Linen Torchon Lace, 1 Inches wide, 10c a yard or $1 a dozen. Complete assortment of fine and cheap Ter chen Laces en hand. Russian Lace, Maltese Lace, Cluny Luce, Mecrlln Lace. The newest patterns In Rrctenne and Lan Lan guedec Lace at extremely low prices. RIKRONS in Silk and Satin or every shade. "All the new shades;or Ribbon en hand. 5-inch Sash Ribbon, all Silk 27c per yard. G-lnch Sash Ribbon, all Silk 34c Striped Satin Ribbons in ai; the new colors. Silks and Satins in gicat variety at 75c per yard. Finest quality et Satin at 9Tc. Superb Klack Satin worth $1.75, for $1.20. OUR FLOWERS AND FEATHERS wc etrcr new at reduced prices. We sell handsome, large Reses for 5c Fine French Reses at. 9, 12, 14, 17c Sprays and Wreaths at any price. Violets at 5c per dozen. Our Leng Ostrich Plumes we have marked down te 4'Jc. PARASOLS. Great inducements offered In our Parasol Department. A futl assortment en hand In Flair-, anil Fancy Handles. All Silk Parasols for $1.44, In large size. Special bargains in Parasols wi.li White Ivery Handle, 20, 22 and 24 inches, all of the Rest Twilled Silk at $1.90 $2.1'J, $2.48. A handsome 2G-lnch. all Silk Parasol, suitable for sun and rain Ter $3, worth $4.50.. FANS. Fans lrem lc upwards. Fine Japanese Fans for 10c Leng Handle (new) Japanese Fans 4c Russian Leather Sliding Fans 19c New Fatinitza Fans -lc Klack Satin Fans 3!le First Quality Satin Fans 9".ic A splendid assortment et Fine Fans offered at reasonable prices. Leng Handled Feather Fans, the Gem of the Season, at 58 and 75c Satin Covered Fans 88c Beaay-Maae eiein l of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest and Most STYIISI DESIGNS. Come and see our NEW GOODS cxoiHxare. A FACT WORTH REMEMBERDTG! THE REPUTATION OF THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE -OF- A. C. YATES & CO. FULLY ESTABLISHED. TltA rELEltS' a V lit IS LANCASTER AND MILLEKSVILLK It. K Cars run as fellows : Leave Laneatser U. R. Depot), at 7, 9, an.l 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 'J:30 p. m. Leave illllersville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en above time except en Sun day. (COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. K j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Kailread en the following time: - -:e:- Four Years of Success In Producing EIrst-Clas CLOTHING. -:e:- BELTS. Novelty Cambric Kelts Klack Velvet Kelts All Leather Kelt Silk Embroidered Cashmere Kelts. Silk Velvet Kelts.. Fine Cashmere Kelts Ut . ..10c ..19c . .21c . .50c . .3l)C s, with straps or buckles, 02, 7, 75. SS, $1, $1.2 LACE GOODS. Lace and Swiss Ties at all prices. Lace Fichus from 17c up te $2. Children's Lace Cellars from 5c upwards. Children's Lace Kibs from 50c up te $1. Wide Lace Scarfs at 19..25,3,54eaiid upwards LADIES' LINEN WARE. Ladles' AH Linen Cellars Ladies' All Linen Cellars, Edge Ladies' All Liuen Cuffs Striped Cellars and Cuffs 5c Embroidered 5c 12c per pair. 25c per set LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In this department we arc new enabled te offer a complete and full assortment of every thing appertaining te the line of Ladies' and Children's Ready-made Ware, and at prices cheaper than ever before. Ladies' Light Colored Calice AVrappers with Deep Flounces $1.00 Ladies' Flounced Wrappers, Shirred in the buck. ......... ................. .$1.44 A Most Handsome. Elegant Princess Wrap per, Corded and Flounced, Rest Fitting. .$2.33 Ladies' Calice Suits, Skirt and Kasque $1.50 Skirt and Kasque neatly corded ler $1.C5 Ladles' Calice Kasqucs 39c Ladies' White Lawn Basques 73e Ladies' White Lawn Basques, Tucked Wc Ladies' White Lawn Basques, Tucked and Embroidered $1.29 Ladles' White Basques, Embroidered lrent and back $1.97 Ladies' White Basques, Elegantly Trim med with Real Torchon ucc $2.98 Ladles' Lawn Suits $2.00 Ladies' Lawn Suits, Trimmed with Lace..$i.00 Ladies' Linen Suits $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $3.00 Ladies' Linen Ulsters $1.25 Extra Fine.t $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Children's Calice Gabriels 25c Kilt Plaited Gabriels 50c Kilt Corded and Trimmed with Edging 60c We have new en hand 25 different styles of Children's Calice and Gingham Dresses. CHILDREN'S LACE CAPS, CHILDREN'S NORMANDIE CAPS. CORSETS. We sell the Most Elegant Corset ler 49c Everybody ought te try it, It is of spleudid shape and best fitting. Wcsell Woven Corsets at 39c A Handsome Silk Embroidered Corset, Deuble Busk, Side Steels 8flc Blue, Red and Grey Corsets OSc Tlie CYPRUS CORSET, Elegantly Em broidered, Speen Busk $1.23 SHAWLS. Ladies' Shetland Shawls, Hand Made, 75c, $1, $1.29, $1.00 and upwards. TIDIES, LINEN TOWELS, BABIES' SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. APRONS, CHEMISE, SKIRTS. There are thousands of ether articles which we are selling remarkably low, and which we are net able te mention here, but an early call will convince you -that -wc have a better as sortment and sell cheaper than any place in tills city. ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. INCREASING SALES AND SPREADING POPULARITY THE RESULT OP OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. AN OPEN DOOR TO ALL AT THE LEDGER! "SSEK&f0 (BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, THE FIXES T CLOTJIIXG HOUSE IX AME1UCA. FOB MERCHANT TAILORING, which is larger and composed of the best styles te be found m tlie city. 1 1 Hostetter I Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE- 26-lyd LANCASTER. PA mm OPEH AT H. GERHARTS Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having just returned from tlie New Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one or the Best Selected Stocks or WOOLENS FOK TUB Sprii ai Uiii' He, Ever brought te tills city. Nene but the very best or ENGLISH, FRENCH AHD AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Style. Prices as low ax the lowest, anil all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING. THE ARTIST TAILOR. Opening te-day era large ami select line of English levelties reu- SUMMER WEAR. . Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, BANNOUKBURN CELTIC CHEVIOTS. GAMBROON PARAMATA AND BATIbTE CLOTHS. SEERSUCKERS. VALENCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATLNUb. Linens in Great Variety. Wilferd's Padded Bucks In Plain and Fancy Styles. A Large Assortment of Fancy Mai Marseilles Vesting. All the latest novelties of the season. The public are cordially invited te examine our stock, which we claim te he the handsomest and jnest recherche ever offered for the het weather. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. COAL. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Healer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 43-Yard: Ne. 420 Nertli Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et the Rest QuaUty put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. ffS- YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. n e2!Uyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO. COAL ! - - - COAL ! ! GO TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harrlburg Pike. Office 2U) East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORRECHT, Agt. J. II. RILEY. W. A. KELLER. 9-1 C0H0 & WILEY, 3.W XOHTH WATEH ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feb23-lyd MARBLE WORKS. WM. P. FBATTiKTS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 7S8 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, 4c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. m30 Stations Nekth- lExpress.lExpress.l Acceu. WARD. A. M. r. X. 1 -. M. Pert Deposit. Peachbottem Flte'sEddy McCall's Ferry. . . . Shenk's Ferry..... Sate Harber. Columbia. 6:35 7:12 7:25 7:37 7:54 7:59 S:30 3:30 4:24 4:35 4:41! 5:01 5:0t 5:35 2:00 3:1S 3:S 4.00 4:34 5:5 6 20 Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Accem. WARD. A. M. 1". M. A. X. Columbia 10:53 two 7:50 Safe Harber. 11:23 6:l' Arlhtt: Le9:40 Shenk's Ferry..... H:2S 0:54 9:51 McCall's Ferry.... 11:41 7:0! 10:25 Fite's Eddy 11:50 7:20 10:4i; 1". M I M Peachbottem rief 7:32 U.C7 r. M. Pert Deposit 1 12:15 8:05 12:2'. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OF GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful and most stylish colors In Neckties and Scarfs for th Summer Season. Scarlet and Blue Silk . ., !..-. .1 Tp..ii.;..r..ifi Uncn with "Pmlirnhlered Silk clocks : Hese : Fancy Colored Half Hese ; Siriped Cotten Halt Ile-e and Merine Halt let. Men s Heys' Su,pendcrs and Fine Braces, in all styles and Wew. 3Ic.iV. iiimI cys' ite Bw-wmJ Colored Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirt-, and Blue Flannel Neglige shirts. Men sal J Rej eiimmer Underwear in Merine and India Gauze, ilea's anil Rey-' Colored Lisle 1 hiead and K Gloves? ter Summer Wear. Men's and Bey..' Vulcanized Ruhber Braces, and a large stock ni A.7.. silk French Linen eml Cambric Handkerchief-. Men'.-and Beys' I.ate-t styles Hue Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs. MYERS & RATHFON; CEXTEE HALL, READING AND COLUMBIA KAILIiOAD On and after MONDAY, MAY. lern, 1, passenger trains will run en thi. read as lol lel lol lews : Trains Geino Seuth. Ne. 12 EAST KlXtt STREET, LANCASTER, TEXX'A. Reading, Rcinhelds, Ephrata, VKren,.. . LltiZ, ..... Manheim, Lancaster Junction,., Landlsville, Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Hurni'di, West Willow, Bauingardner, Pequeu, Retteu New Providence, 1 1 tiJS. .. Quarryville... Trains Geino North. MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AID ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purities the Bleed, Enriches the Bleed, Redden-the Bleed. V''nrV!?ne'i"!i Wonderfully "Improves the Appetite, ami Changer, the Ceii-titutmu mi lering neni ' IH".nHyintoneerVigo.o.isVlealth'. The best proof of its weii.lerlul e heacy is te be obtained W. CHAMPION BROWNING-, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jctrersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough 'C''""";;1'; Skillful Phai macl-t. Price, 30c an.l Sl.OO. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all "'KK,;''V "' Dealer in Medicine. fll-ljiu.eu.vu A NEW DEPARTURE IN MEDICINE-THE OLD SYSTEM OF DOSING AND A DRUGGING SUPERSEDED. The Excelsior liver and Stomach Pad Is -i new curative agent, totally different from and greatly superior te anything hitherto . otler etler cd e he public, ltacts'directiy upon the vital organs and cure-, 'VfX ,- itseitl'TIOV It has proved its etlicacj' bv the .-uvere-t te-ts, and l- stienglj loceiiiiiii nu el by all who have used it! ?s a'remedy ii. mhlarieu- fevers liver and stei.i:,.- , ce.up hunts insularities nervous disorders, mental depre-im. j ll Vi'.Vi 'Z.1 1' ""i"!..'..;," iOVcI 1 -lijL"il ixe liliiM-iits. naii-ea and eon-tinatieii, 1L has no equal. PLIcEfe Legnlai 1 atl, I . upi.ci.il. i-t. $!.',('. Pieparcd and sold bj" the ABSORPTIVE MEDICAL COMPANY, ill'" -ttdS&WAw Se. 31 WKST CHESTNUT STKKKT, LANCASTER, PA. Fer Sale by Druggi-ts. Send or call for circulars giving testimonials, tc. CARRIAGES, J'llAETOSS. tr E. BAILY. S. E. BAILY & Ce. W. W. BAILY J Manufacturers of and Dealer in CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 Nertli Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPUING TBADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bik Carriages, Plains, larM Wapas, &c. Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled te eiler SPECIA1, INDUCEMENTS IN PlilCE. We will keep In stock BUGGIES OF ALI GUADES and PKICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BAKU AINS IN MAIIK ET WAGON'S. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted one year. GIFT DRA WLSGS. AIITIIOKT.KD KY TUK COJIMOS wealth of Kj-.. and the fairest in the world 21st Popular Monthly Drawing OP THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in tlie City or Louis ville, en WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1380. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED BY THE LEGISLATURE AND SUSTAINED B) ALL THE COUKTSOF KENTUCKY, accord ing te a contract made with the owners et the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly en the LAST DA OF EVERY MONTH, Sundaj-s and Fridays excepted, mr the period or iIL Y EARS, terminating en J UNE SO. 13S.. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That tlie Couiiiiemvealtli Distribution Company Is legal. 2tl Its drawings are net imudulent. The managenientcall attention te the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, anil which will again he presented ter the JUNE ijkaw iu. . 1 prize... ........ ...--... -.-- 1 prize .... ....- 1 prize. ............-. .- 10 prizes $1,000 each 2u prizes J00 each 100 prizes, $100 each '200 prizes 50 each GOO prizes t!0 each 1000 prizes 10 each 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes 200 each, " " 9 prizes 100 each, " .$ 30,000 . 10,000 . 5,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 .. 12.000 10,000 2,700 1,800 J0O LOGO prizes $112,400 Whole tickets, $2; halt tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. Remit by Postetlice Meney Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. Te Insure against mistakes and dclaj-s, cor respondents will please write their names and places of residence plainlj-. giving number et Postetlice box or Street, and Town, County and All communications connected with the Dis tributien and Orders for Tickets should be ad dressed te It. M. BOAISDMAN, Courier-Journal Building. Louisville, K-., or 307 ami 309 Broadway. New Yerk. m31TuTli.vS&w CARfETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CA RPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as S1.00 ami upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice, also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpet Rags. SGive us a trial. 208 WEST KING STREET. Will M ASCIIS O. SEUNEK, CillXA AX1 GLASSWARE. CHINA HALL. JELLY TUMBLERS. Tin Covered Jelly Tnmlilcr, (Hass Covered Jelly Tumbler,; Jelly Cups ami Jelly Jars, AT Tin: ; LOWEST I'll ICES, HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. ICUJXEY AXli LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The greatest et Modern Medical Discoveries. A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE REMEDY in the world ter Bright's Disease. Diabetes and all Kidnej', Liver and" Urinary Diseases. There are a large nuniher of testi monials of the highest ch-iracter in support fit these statements. Prof. Gieen, a distinguished allopathic phj-sician et the Seuth, in an article in the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Bright's Disease. bj' this remedy, and udvi-es all his brother plivsiciaiis te use it in practice. It. Cuulkins. M."D., of Rochester, N. v., writes that he would piescrihe the remedy tf all atllicted with serious Xidncj and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. L. Rankin, I). D., et Washington, D. C, tells et permanent cures etrected by it, and saj-s : "I de net doubt that it has great virtue." I). V. Bartine, M. D., D. II., et East Orange. N. J., certifies that it cured him or chronic Bright's Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Hurvcy, D. !., secretary of Heward Univcrsltj', certilles; "I am convinced that no remedy heretofore used or described can be held ter one moment in comparison with this." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds : Fer tlie cure fit Diabetes call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Bright's and the ether diseases call for War ner's bale Kidney anil Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and safe Nervine are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies 'are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. Send rer pamphlet and testi monials. H. H. WA1INER & CO., Rochester, N T. 1 d2-TuTh&Sd4w ROOTS AXD SUOES. HOUSE CABPENT1EB, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al oration and repairs. slMyd T? t Q"T BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JliiklO JL made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet- BOOTS '"MifiEB, lebl4-tfd " 133 East King street. A.M. j A.M. 7:30 11:55 V. M. . S:0l 12:21 8:kt 12:40 8:24 12:45 8:43 1:02 9:02 1:13 9:05 1:40 9: It! 1:30 9:10 2.05 9:27 2:02 9:33 2:D5 9:15 9:5S .... 10:05 10:09 .... 10:17 10:23 .... 10:34 10:42 .... 10:50 P.M. r.M. (:10 15:15 7:03 7:0 7:25 7::5 7:15 7:50 8:2l S:i)i 8:10 8:20 8:31 8: 12 8:47 8:55 9:01 9:12 9:19 9:25 5:20 5::ai 5:52 15:0:5 5:09 15:17 15:2(5 (5:.: i 0:51 7:0 Ouarryville, 1 I ess, .......... ......- New Providence, lteften, Pcqucu, Bauingardner, West Willow, Harnish, King Street, Lancaster, Dillerville, Columbia,..-. Laudisville, Ijincaster Juuctieu,.. Mauheini, IjlllZ,. ........ Akren, Ephratu, Rcinheldsvillc, Reading, A. M. v. M. r. M. A. 31. J:45 :52 15:59 7:11 7:18 7:20 7:32 7:11 7:55 8:05 8:08 7:55 8::t0 8:30 8:49 9:00 9:1)5 9:23 9:12 10:05 1:00 1:03 1:05 1:30 lr25 1:48 2:00 2:18 2:25 2:4(5 3:20 2.35 2.11 2:18 2:59 3:05 3:13 3:18 3r2i5 3:40 3-50 3:53 3:40 4.UI 4:15 4:20 4:30 4:47 4:53 5:14 5:50 7:50 7:58 8:13 8:27 8:.!5 8:1.5 8:19 9:i K' 9r2e 9:30 Trains connect at Reading with trains te ami from Philadelphia, Pottsville, llarrisburg, Al Al lcntewii and New Yerk. At. Columbia uiiti trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A.M. WILSON, .-apt. 1)KNXSYLVAMA KAILKOAD - i.U SCHEDULE On and aitfi- SUNDvt MAY 23d, lt80, trains fin the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Iiiiimsm-i ami Philadelphia, depots as follews: Eastward. Philadelphia Express I l?L I dlllt Yerk Accem. Arrives; llarrisburg Express, Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Paei li c E prcss, Su inlay Mail, Johnstown E.xpiess, I a' Express, llarrisburg Accouimedut'ii, Westwakd. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. l,via 31 1. Jey, 3Iail Train Ne.2,via C'el'bia. Niagara Chicago Express Smi'lay Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation. Dillerville LocaI.via31t.Jej llarrisburg Accommedat'ii. Columbia Accommodation llarrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacilic Express Pacilic Express, east, en Sunday, when u.ig gcd, will step at Middlctewn, Eliabethtew u 3lt. Jej', Landisville, Biril-in-llaud, Leiit-n Place, Gap, Christiana, Farkcsburg,. Ce.ui ville, Oakland ami Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will stopatDewniiigtown.Coatesville, Parlies burg, 31 1. Jej, Elizabc thtewn and 3Iiddlet it. JIail Ne. 2 west connecting at Laneasterwith mail Ne, I at 10:55 a. m and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 ami will run through te Hanover and will connect at Columbia with train through te llarrisburg via 3Iarietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, cennect-ul Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. .. and will run through te Frederick. Leave An ii- Laiic'ter Philad'a 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a it. 5:20 " 7:10 7:30 " 8:05 ' I0:lu 8:15 " 9:10 " 12:01 1- 1:('5 " .1:10 r.M. .1:15 " 2:00 " 5:00 " 3:05 ' 5-jai " 1:45 " 15:15 " 0:25 " 9-!0 Lcne Arrive I'liilail'ii Laui-'tcr l2::ie a.:.i 5:ii-:.i.m. b:00 " Ut 5 " H:e; " 9:00 ' 11:05 " 8:im " I0-.W 11-50 " 2.HI r.M. 2:15 " 2-5-I " 2:."!i 1-..M 5:15 " 4:im " 7:2! " 5-30 " 7:.'!0 " 0:-25 " 8:50 " 9:10 " luai " jll-55 " 2.ln a.m. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Nkw Yerk tiireuhii mail 7:30 a m, 12:30 p m, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p ni. Way Mail, cast, 7:30 a m. GertDONViLLK, Downiugtewn, Leauian Place, Gap (5 p m. Philadelphia through mail, 7:39 and 8:45 a m., 12:30, 4:15 and 11:30 p in. PiTTgiiuiceii and west, 1:30 and 11-30 p m. llARiiisuuiui Mail, 10:30, am, 1:30. 5:15 am I 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10:30 a m. Baltimeius and WAsaiMttTOW.-via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. Baltimore and Washinotes, via Yerk, isai p ni. Baltimore and Washington, viallarrisbing, ll::Wpin. COATKSVILLE, 4:15 p ill. Columbia, 10:3) a m, 1:30 and 5:15 in. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p in. Northern Ckntral, 10:30 a m, HM and 11 -V) p in. Readine. via Reading and Columbia R It, 7:30 a m and 12:30 p in. Readine, via llarrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 p m. Reading way. via J unction, Lititz, Maiihi-im, East Hempllelil and Ephrata, 3 p m. Ql'akkyvillk, Camargo, Relton, New Piovi Pievi dence, West Willfiw. Lime Valley and Martin -ville, 9:45 a m, and 5:00 p in. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbanlr. Blue Ball, Goedvllle, Beurtewn, hj way Downingtown, at 7::!e a m and 15 p in. Safe Harber, via Columbia, 10:30 a m. BY STAGE Jlilici-svllle and Slaekwater. te Sate Harber, dailj-, at 4:00 p in. Te 31illersvilie, 8 and 11:30 a in. and 4 p m. Binklej-'s Brhlge, Leacock, ISurevilli, .N-w Helland, 2:30 p in. Willow Street, Smithvilli, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Springs. Fail-mount ami Kewlaml.-v ille. Mil, daily, at 7 a in. Laudis Vallej-, Oregon, West Earl. Farmers, ville, llinkletewn, Terie Hill, Jlurtiiidale, ilailj, at 2:30 p in. Fertilitj, Lampeter and Wheatland 3Iil!s, t StnLsburg, ilaily, at 4 p in. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Paradi-e dail j", at 4 p m.. Netlsville, daily, at 4 p m. New Danville, Conestoga, Martlcviile, ;.le manville. Mount Nebe.Itawlinsville, Bet in-- iu und Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 p m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mull, 7 a n 0:'.V) a in, "anil Kp m. Eastern way mall, 11:30 a m. ' Western mail, 7 ami 10 a m, 2 anil t5:30 p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, -2i m. Western waj' mail, 8:30 a m. Reading way mail, 10:30 a in. Quarryville Branch, 8:15 a lit and 4 p m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sine Harber and ililleisville, at 9 a in, dairy. Frem 3IiIIersvilie, 7 and 9 a in, and f p m. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a in, dailj'. Frem Rowlandsville, 3Id, at2:30 p in. Iteading way mail, at 10:30 a in, ilailj-. Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, lea in, daily Frem Netlsville. at 1 p in, daily. Frem ltawlinsville,atll am. DELIVERIES BY.CARRIERS. There are four mail deli verii:sbj-letter car riers each day, and en their return trips thej take up the mail mutter deposited In the letter Fer "the first delivery the carriers leave the efllce at fi:30 a in; second dellvcrj-at 10a in ; third delivery at Ham; leurth delivery at 3 m' SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday tlie postetlice is open from Apr! 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 u in. and from (5 te 7 a in ; from October 1 teApril l.f rem 9 te 10 a iu , and from 6 te 7 d m. ATTORXEYS-AT-LA W UENltY A. KILEY Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park Itow, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts or the Uniti d States, and a general legal business transactcu. Refers by ivermlsslen te Stelnman Hensel. T P.Y LOCUEU'S SYKI71'. RENOWNED. COUGH "V y h r