V- LANCASTER DAILY 1KTEIXIGENCEK. TUESDAY, JUNE 22- 1880. i Police News. Last evening Abraham Rinchart and Samuel Overly, who were drunk, began fighting en Lew street. The neighbors heard the noise, and one of them made complaint before Alderman Dennelly of the Seventh ward against the men. Offi cer Leaman started te arrest them, but be fore he arrived en the ground, Officer Jler ringer, who had heard of the row, had taken Overly in charge and started with him te the station house. Overly went along quietly for some distance, but final ly started te run. The officer chased him te his house in Middle street, where, after considerable trouble the man was arrested, Chief of Police Deichlcr and Officer Storm Sterm feltz having come te Merringer's assist ance. This morning the mayor sent Over ly te jail for 5J0 days. Itinehart was ar rested by Officer Leaman, and will be heard before Alderman Dennelly. The mayor sent another drunk te jail for 20 days and a third for 25 days. Tlic Runaway ltey. Charles Crantz, the runaway boy who was found asleep in the stable attached te Henry Erisman's hotel, and who said he came from Plymouth, Luzerne county, will probably seen be returned te his friends. Chief of Police Deichler this morn ing received two telegrams relative te the boy. The one was from D. E. Crantz, of Plymouth, saying ' I wjll come en imme diately." The ether despatch was from J. Ely, who asks: "Will the boy come di rect home if we send money ? Answer." Chief Diechler answered the latter dis patch by informing Mr. Ely that Mr. Crantz was coming for the boy. Mean while the boy remains in jail awaiting a "claimant.'" ClIAULKS WISOWEK'S DEATH. It is Still a Mystery. The coroner's jury, empanelled te hear llie testimony in the case of Charles Win Win ewcr, whose body was found in the creek ni Thursday last, met again last night. Several additional witnesses were heard, but nothing new was elicited. The jury found that he came te his death in a man ner unknown te them, the body having been found in the Conestoga creek. It is believed by the members of tlic coroner's .!' as well as many ethers, mat the body was in the creek ler at least two days. Argument Court. In argument court the following cases have been concluded : Jacob Hrese vs. 1'crnard Short. Utile for a new trial. Hele discharged. Cem'th vs. Geerge Wallace, executer of Harriet Wallace. Case stated. Judgment entered in favor of defendant. Abraham Weidinan's trust estate. Ex ceptions te auditor's report. Exceptions disni'sH'd. Little Locals. Mrs. Plnebe Earle Gibbens, of this county, is new visiting Yerk. On Friday last, a woman whose name is stated te have been Robinson, entered Bear's store at Yerk Furnace, where she was attacked with :i hacking cough, dur ing which she ruptured a bleed vessel, causing her death in a short time. Yesterday morning Mrs. Jacob Leber, aged about 07 years, residing in Yerk township, about, five miles from Yerk, while attempting te walk across a beard above the hay left, lest her balance and full, striking a joist below. Site fell en her abdomen, and sustained very severe, and it is feared fatal injuries. A Sleepy Landlord. All Eighth ward landlord slept se late this morning that his thirsty customers, after waiting in front of the deer for an unreasonable length of time for their morning cocktails, concluded that beniface was dead. Se they reverently hung a piece of black crape en the deer knob, and sent for the undertaker and cor oner, who, en their arrival, found the landlord wide awake and one of the mad dest and liveliest corpses they ever at tempted te operate upon. Malicious Mischiei. This morning Mr. Jehn I. llartinan made complaint before the mayor against a number of boys who have been breaking the windows of the primary school houses en West Chestnut street. Over one hun dred panes of glass have been broken. Warrants for the arrest of the boys have been issued, and they will be arrested. Niirht ISloeming Cercus. A handsome specimen of night bloom ing cercus, belonging te Judge Livingston, last evening opened, and a large number of the judge's friends and neighbors were attracted te his residence en North Duke street te view and admire the beautiful flower. Malicious Mischief. Seme bad boys broke about one hun dred panes of glass out of the windows of tlic primary schools en West Chestnut street sometime during last night or this morning. 1'caches Here. Peaches have made their appearance in our markets and sell at $2.."0 per box. They are very small. Ma. Henry Sciiaffkk. Millersburg, Ohie, was ,ured of Rheumatism in the hip by St. Jacob's Oil. The queen of medicinal soaps, the match-le-s Ciitieiirn. Sales, 1870, 450,000 cakes. .Mil F. Wilke, Lafayette, Ind., reports a cac where a man suffered se badly with Jtheumtt '! Unit lie enultl net mere. Ills legs were swollen ami he had the most terrible pains. Twelve hours alter the tlrst application of the t. Jacob's Oil the pains were gene and the swelling had disappeared. Pleasure Trip te Niagara Falls. The management take pleasure In announc ing that they have made arrangements for a grand excursion te Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Klmira, Wntkins Glen and Geneva, te take place en Tuesday, August 3, 1S80. Tickets will be geed for 15 days, te return en all regular trains and geed te step off at Buffalo. Klmira, Watkins Glen, Munch Chunk. Allentown and Reading. Fare for the round trip about $10. Trains will leave Lancaster and Columbia at S p. in. via the popular route, Philadelphia and Reading te Allentown, Lehigh Valley te El uiira. and New Yerk, ami Erie te Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Special cars through without change. Particulars given later in circular form. jc22-ltd&w Better Late than Never ! - Don't put off until te-morrow what can and should be done te-day," is wise. If you have never used SOZODONT for your teeth, make a bee-line te the druggist and get a bottle and begin te use it at once. " Veil?, sap." jc21-lwdued&w Emuciatien, dropsy, mental and weakness arrested by Malt Bitters. physical SPECIAL NOTICES. Kidney-Wert effectively acts at the satn time en Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Je21-lwd& v Haunted He. Debt, poverty and suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring which did no geed. I was com pletely discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured IIep Bit ters and commenced tiieir use, and in one month we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since ; and 1 want te say te all peer men, you can keep your families well a year with Hep Bitters for less than one doc ter's visit will ce.st. A Workingman. jel5-2wdftw An Old Man Kestered te Health. Batavia, X. Y., Sept. 15, 1879. II. H. Wap.xeu ft Ce., Kechesteu, X. Y. Gkst tlemkst " Fer forty years I have sutfered with Dlabetts, being obliged te void urine as elten asencein thirty minutes, and have also been ft great sufferer from palpitation et the heart. 1 am new using your Diabetes Cure, and can truly bay, at seventy years ef age, tliat it makes :nc feel like a new man." jel5-2wd&W PETER SHOWEnMAX. Fer. Catarrhal and Threat Disorders 'Ilrewn's Bronchial Troches'' arc renowned and marvelleusly effective, giving immediate relief in most case. 'e22-lwdTTh&S&w .Mr. Bewen, ei Gun Lake, Mich., says: "The people here cannot de without 'Sellers' Liver Pills.-" Try them. Trv Lecher's Ucnewned Congh Syrup. Graje Culture and Wine. The culture of grapes in New Jersey is get ting te be one of the most important indus tries of the slate. The principal varieties raised are the Oporto and Concord. Mr.Speer's vineyards at Passaic premise a larger yield this than any previous year. In consequence .Mr. Spcer has reduced the price of his Pert Grape Wine. The eldest can new be had at $1 per bottle treni anyet the druggists. It is used for medicinal purposes as a superior wine, and in churches for communion purposes. Its properties are net intoxicating se that the weakest person may us it te advantage, and temperance people cannot object te its use ler medicine. Evening Bulletin. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, ami sold by II. K. Slaymaker. jel5-2wdftw Try Lecher's Ucnewned Cough Syrup. "What's the matter. Jehn?" " boil." " Well, why don't you take e: III- a big Lind- sey's Bleed Searcher,' anil be cured?" Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup Itreivn'H Household I'anacea Is the moil effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acuti', than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength el any .similar preparation. It cure.-, puin in the Side, Hack or llewels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " .should be in every family. Atcaspoon Atcaspeon Atcaspoen 1 n 1 ei the i'anacea in a tumbler el het water (sweetened, if prclerred), taken at bedtime, will ISKKAIC UP A COLD. 23 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. II. Cochran & Ce's Drugstore North Queen street. Lancaster. Aluch Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although ellectual in destroying worms, ean de no pesiblc injury te the most delicate child Tills valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely .sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents a box. iunl3-lvd&wTuTh&S statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Ucnewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers for their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne U East King street. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. An Old Docter's Advice. It was this: "Trust in Ced and keep your bowels open." Fer this purpose many an old doetei has advised the habitually costive te take Kidney-Wert ler no ether remedy se ef fectually overcomes this condition, and that without the distress and griping which ether medicines cause. It is a radical cure ler piles. Don't tail te use it. e2I-lwdftw Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. POLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR SCFSCMIi JUDUE. GEORGE A.J ENKS. FOR AUDITOR OBNERAL. RORERT P. DKCHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONORESS. J.L. STEINMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. i). Mcmullen, roil SENATOR (13th DISTRICT.) J. 15. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2(1 DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P, SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.? AMOS DILLER, R. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEX. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS, ISARTON M. WINTERS 15ENJ. MILLER. -FOR rOOR DIRECTORS. A 'J.SNYDER, JOHN FRANC1SCUS. JUAJtRIAOES. 15acs Lumkk. June 17. by Rev. F. P. Mayser, Gustavus liaus, et Saxony-Weimer, te Mina Lunike, of Hanover, Germany. It 1EATHS. SiTTKK. At Washington, I). C . en the 18th inst.. General Jae. A. Sutter, in the 78th year of his age. Funeral at Litiiz, en Thursduy afternoon, at 2J o'clock. Interment at Moravian cemetery, Lilitz, Pa. jeJlsitd NEW AltFEJITISEMEXTS. Commissioners' Office of Lancaster Ce. ) Lancaster. Pa., June 21, 1S80. ATOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. X Scaled propesuls will h received at the County Commissioners' Office, at Lancaster, I'll., until MONDAY, JULY 26, at lio'eleck m., for the erection and completion et a Weeden Bridge (Inter-county Bridge) acrass the Octo Octe Octe rare creek at Mercer's lording, in Sadsbury township. Plan und specitlcatiens et the above bridge am be seen by calling at the Commissioners' Office. Bids must he in gross and include the whole work excavating, masonry and superstructure. Separate bids ler masonry, &c., will net be considered. The Commissioners reserve the right te reject any or all bids. Jiv order of the Commissioners. je23-ltd&3tw 1. N. S. WILL, Clerk. HKAIMJUARTEItS FOR FIREWORKS, FLAGS AND CHINESE LANTERNS. Campaign Torches for Parades, burning 3 hours, t iremen's Torches, colored fire. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Orders received for all Sizes Bunting Flags. D. S. BUllSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING. Sealed proposals will be received by the Beard of Trustees of the Yeates Institute until JUNE 25, 1880, for the erection of a Scheel Building en the let en the northeastern corner et Duke and Walnut streets. The contractor will be expected te de all the work connected with the building, including plumbing, gas fitting, Ac, and making the flues and connec tions for the heater. The right te reject any or all of the bids is reserved. The plans and spec ifications can be seen at the office et S. H. Reynolds, esq. Proposals te be addressed te the undersigned. GEORGE NAUMAN, jc!5.5td Secretary of Beard of Trustees. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. Prices always lower than City Prices. We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special Werk at short notice from our own factory. We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. MIS LELLANEO US. TOItACCO RAISERS ! Insure your Creps against less or damage by hail at BAUSMAN ft BURNS'S Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street. jeS-eedtfli PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN TO 1UUNG ladies or gentlemen prewiring- te pass ex amination for admission te the High Scheel, te the College, or for Certificates as teachers, by CEO. N. GLOVEU, je21-lwd Ne. 537 West Chestnut Street. CUTY TAXES. The duplicate of city taxes is new in the hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all tuxes paid en or be lore Julv 1, 18SU. E. WELCHANS, jc4-tdM,F&SR Treasurer. MsENNEKCIIOlt EXCURSION. All members of the Lancaster Mamner Mamner cher intending te participate in the excursion te Yerk Furnace, en July 5, 1SS0, are request ed te report te the secretary elt her at Mamner Mamner cher Hall or 210 North Queen street, en or be lore June 28, 1880. By order el the Committee. GEO. PFEIFFEK, jel'J 3tdS,MS Secretary. TTAY! HAY!! HAY!!! FIFTY TONS Ne. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, s 27-lyd 334 NOKTII WATER STHEET. s FECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. An extraordinary reduction in prices of SUMMER CLOTHING, te close out our entire stock, as Mr. II. Hirsh Is new in Europe buying ler the Fall Trade. Clothing made te order at a reduction et 20 per cent. ' IIIKS1I ft BRO., Penn Hall Clothing Heuse, ie21-2tdM&S Lancaster, Pa. kKOPOSALS FOR STREET AVORK. I Sealed proposals will lie received bv the Street Committee up te JUNE 24, at 7 o'clock ). m., for furnishing gutter or backing stone ler the useet the city for the year ending June 1, 1881, as needed by the Street Committee. Alse for grading Plum street trem the Penn sylvania R. R. te New Helland turnpike. Each item te be bid for separately. The Committee reserve the right te icject any or all bids re ceived. Proposals te be endorsed stating the work bid for anil te be addressed te D.McMul len. Chairman, 122 East King street. Plans and specifications te be seen at the office et JAMES C. CARPENTER. jc21-3td City Regulator, l!i North Duke St. TlfE RESPECTFULLY DIRECT THE AT- y tentien et the public te our list of prices ler caAi., delivered as ionews : Genuine Lvkens Vallev E-g and Steve... $1.80 ( "" " Nut 4.35 Celebrated Enterprise Egg and Nut 4.33 " " ISreken and Steve. 4.00 Hard Egg and Nut 4.33 i " Rreken and Steve 4.00 All Grades Ne. 1 Pea 3.:J3 I Purchasers will save Irein ' 15 te 70 Cents per ten by buying Ceal at above prices. We de net employ agents te solicit orders, prefer ring te give our customers the b'jnelit of the commissions usually paid te such agents. TnE CELEBRATED ENTERPRISE COAL maintains its high standard of excellence and is superior te any ether Medium Ceal in this market. As we are the only dealers in the city in this Choice Ceal, and are continually receiving large invoices of it, we are ready at all times te till orders ler the same. H. BAUMGABDNER & CO. jel9-4tdS,M,S&MR MEVIVAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The lollewing article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian el this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these afflicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with tceble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, . wnen used prepeny, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and Unit is REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, H. K SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the prelerence ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In eases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been aillicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong unuK. ucu uuviseu iu uy Reigart's Old Brandy, In ills case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful etfects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally ; and since he has this medi cine lie has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practisine Physician. H. E. SLAYJLIKER, AGENT FOR Reigart's Old TVme Stere, Established in 1785, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE- RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 89 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, FA EOR SALE OR RENT. I 'OR RENT. The second story et Eshleman ft Rath von's Hanking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a K. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. 15. F. ESHLEMAN, f2.5-2tdA.Stl Atternev-at Law PUBLIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1SS0, at Ne. 13 East Orange street, will be sold an elegant ussertment of Wall Paper of every description. Parties intending te de papering will de well te attend the sale. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock, sharp. HENWOOD ft THOMAS. Sam'l. IIuss ft Sex, Aucts. jel'J-3td TrALUABLE C1X V LlC SALE. Y PROPERTY AT I'LB- 11MII 1... ailjl at tUa flvnnn llntAl W.n T Finnev, Proprietor, en THURSDAY EVEN ING, J LY 1, 1880, all that well known Livery Property, situated en the east side of North Queen street, near the Penn'a It. R. Depot, fronting en North Queen street, 32 feet 24 inches, and extending in depth 100 feet, then widening te CO feet 2'4 inches, and extending in depth 245 feet te Christian street, en which is erected a two-story Brick and Frame Stable and Carriage Houses, a Brick Office and a Store room en North Queen street. This property is splendidly situated in the heart of the busi ness part of the city, and is well calculated for a Sale or Livery SUible and an admirable place ler a Tobacco Warehouse. Sale te commence at 7:30 p. m., when terms and conditions will be made known by GEORGE W. ZECIIER. II. Shubkrt, Auctioneer. je2I-tsd WANTED. lirANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER f T tise, free of charge, in the Intkllieen- cur, who wants something te de. 1AUS! RAGSt RAGS! RAGS WANTED i Housekeepers take notice that we arc paying 2J4 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, aprlKlmd Ne. H West King Street. tiGJI NOTICES. TESTATE OF FRANCIS X. SUTER. LATE JLj of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, nil persons indebted there to are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city, Pa. ROSA SUTER, 15. F. Davis, Att'y. Executri jehMitdeaw INSTATE OF MICHAEL MALONE, LATE li of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tanentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted there to are requested te make immediate payment, and tliesc having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city. COL. EDWARD McGOVERN, W. L. PEIPER, J. M. BURKE, Gee. M. Kline, Att'y. Executers. msi-iitueaw INSTATE OF LOKENZ SCHILLING, LATE J of Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. Letters el administration, with the will annexed, en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all person indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, ami these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid ing in Lancaster city. ROSE RAPP, Administratrix, 15, F. Davis, Attorney. my37-6tdeaw 1. VST ATE OF ANN MeCORT, LATE OF li Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lancaster city. REV. A. F. KAUL, jcVCtdeaw Executer. INSTATE OF JAMES W. RHEY, LATE J of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, und these having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Steinmetz. JULIA RHEY, Administratrix. J. L. Steinmetr. Att'v. m27-Utdeaw ESTATE OF OEORGE EITENMILLER, late of West Lampeter tewnshlp.deceasetl. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te 'he undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in said township. GEORGE EITENMILLER, SAMUEL SHAUP, Executers. D. McMcllen, Att'y. m26-6tw INSTATE OF CHRISTIAN BOaiBERGER, Zj late of Warwick township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all persons indebted thereto nre re quested te make immediate settlement, and these haviiur claims or demands atrainst the same will present them without delay ler set I tleiuent te the undersigned, residing in War wick township, said county. 13AAU J. JIUJHliKKUttK, SAMUEL G. BOMBERGER, Executers. Wm. R. Wilsen, Att'y. m31-Ctw I INSTATE Of ELIZABETH A1ECK, LATE JUJ et l'cnn township, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed. WILLIAM MECK, SAMUEL MECK, Administrators. J. L. Steimmetz, Att'y. icU-Otw l'VMl'S. B UY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP Fer Cisterns or Wells of any depth. PLAIN, IRON, 1'ORCEZAIN OR COPPER LINED. Brands, AC, G. XIX. GG, G Ne. I, B. BB. B Ne. Fer sale by the Hardware Trade, Country Stores, Pump Makers, etc. See that the Pump you buy is stenciled 0. G: BLATCHLEY, .Mann facturer, 308 Market'st., Philadelphia, Pa m3l4iuiw DR. WM. B. FAHNESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, law re sumed his office practice, and can be found at his residence, Ne. 2J9 EAST KING STREET. ml8-2mdewS T UMBER AND COAL BY TELEPHONE. The undersigned are new prepared te re ceive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c., by Telephone. Step in at the Exchange and de your own ordering free of charge. G. SENER A SONS, S. E Cor. Prince and Walnut Streets. jl9-tfdSJ THIRD EDITION TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1880. EVERYTHING AT SEA. THE DRIFT OF SENTIMENT AT CINCIN NATI PCBELT CONJECTURAL. The Prevailing Spirit of Harmony Undis Undis turbedSenaeor Bayard's Staunch Support A Pleasant Day, Big Crowd, Heavy Demand for Tickets and Lancasterians all Taken Care of. Resume of the Situation. Editorial Despatch te the Intelligencer. Cincinnati, June 22. The immense crowds that for days past have been pour ing into the Buckeye metropolis have swelled the population te enormous pro portions ; and Music hall at the present writing is surrounded by a mass of hu manity. Fortunately for physical com fort the weather is temperate, while geed nature and geed order characterize the conduct of the enthusiastic delegates and ethers who throng the streets and pack the lobbies and vestibules of all the hotels. I have net seen an angry altercation nor three drunken men. The outcome of the deliberations of a body whose assembling together is marked by such unwonted conditions cannot fail te redound te the credit and interest of the party. The demand for tickets of admission te Music hall where the convention assem bles is unexpected and overwhelming. At this early stage they are selling for ten dollars apiece. Thanks te two hours hard work before breakfast this morning and the kindness of Mr. Win. L. Scott, Penn sylvania's member of the national com mittee, every one of the twenty-eight Lan casterians here has an admission ticket te the hall. Henry G. Smith, whilem of the Intelligencer, and new of Tennessee, is here. Music ball presents a grand spectacle, the simple elegance of the decoration and sumptuous weed carving of the interior captivating the eye. It is net at all likely that a ballet will be reached te-day, and all is chaos with regard te the nominations. Ne candidate will have 200 votes en the first ballet ; se much may be set down as a certainty. Bayard's strength is most substantial, and he is most likely te gain from Hancock and Field. The Tilden men are generally for Payne, and the first move of the op position will be te concentrate against him, and try te wear his fol lowing out. Hancock might come n, but the preponderance of senti ment is apparently in favor of a man with a distinguished civil career. If Randall is kept discreetly in reserve and succeeds finally in securing the Tilden and Bayard forces, he may win, but otherwise his chances of securing the nomination are slim. Of the "dark horses" McDonald, of Indiana, is most premising, though he stoutly pretests against the suggestion of his candidacy and is sincere in his profes sion of loyalty te Gov. Hendricks. As it leeks new, McGrann and Henscl will de all possible for Seymour, and that tailing, will probably step at Bayard's house until the convention points clearly te the best expression of the Democratic will. W. U. II. BAYARD LEADING. His Strength Substantial Closely Pressed by Field and Payne Impossibility of Forecasting Result. By Associated Press. Cincinnati June 22, 11 a. m. Up te this time nothing in relation te the proba ble nomination has taken definite shape. If New Yerk, New Jersey, and Connecti cut could agree as te a ticket, it leeks as if the convention would readily accept the decision, se far as can be gathered from opinions of numerous delegates ; but thus far no sucli united action has been agreed upon. Mr. Bayard still appears te have the greatest number of really earnest and hearty supporters, but there is nothing yet te justify the expectation that he will win. New Yerk being considered the pivot state, there is great anxiety te learn who its delegation consider the most available candidate there. Bayard is evidently the strongest in Southern affections, but the southern delegates will net press him except by following Northern lendership. The Field men have secured the premise of many complimentary votes en the first ballet, and in this way have increased their apparent strength. Georgia is ex pected te divide its vote between Bay ard and Field en the first ballet, but Field's managers have been able te consolidate the Pacific delegates for him. They claim all of Oregon, seven of California's twelve votes, but five Nevada delegates are persistently against Field. The divisions in Ohie and Indiana are thought by many te leave all the delegates from these states out of ths question. Payne continues apparently te be quite strong, and some shrewd observers think that ifthe Tilden men held all their states In the convention and cast New Yerk's solid vote for Payne, he will lead Bayard en the first ballet. This, however, is doubtful, and the chances in any event are that Bayard's friends will stand firm while Payne's votes will seen dwindle. These are opinions only, which are tele graphed in order te give an idea of what the preponderance of the talk is, but all is at sea. Nobody can give any safe forecast of what is te come. Judge Pratt Withdrawn. At a meeting of the New Yerk delega tion te-day the name of Judge Charles Pratt, of Brooklyn, who has been men tioned as a possible candidate, was with drawn. The Brooklyn men asked till 3 o'clock te announce preference and ad journed without any definite action. IN CONVENTION. Animated Spectacle In Music Hall The lieautiiul Kdillce Crowded With Del egates and On Lookers The Conven tion Organized Judge Headley Made Chairman, and Tilden 's Name Loudly Cheered. Cincinnati, June 22. The convention is rapidly assembling at 11:30 in the spacious Music hall, whose beauties have been tee often described te require any further notice new. In general appearance it is a rounded oblong, being but little larger in length than breadth. The platform is in the western end, while en the opposite end and en the northern and en the southern sides are galleries, being largely occupied by ladies. The main body of the hall is as signed te the delegates, and their alter nates whose positions are indicated by neat banners of blue silk edged with geld, bearing the names of their respective states. The upper galleries are decorated with American flags, while at the windows the flags of all nations are flying. In the centre of the hall is suspended blue can vass bearing the motto "Ohie Greets the Natien. " The general effect of the hall is verv pleasant, though its seating capacity is less than half that in Chicago, but it has a great advantage ever it because all can see and hear. Back of the platform the great organ discourses music, and in the main gallery a military band is stationed. The arrangements for the press, though moderately geed, are net equal te these of Chicago, having been controlled here by men without experience as te the necessi ties of the case and without the disposition te seek information from these who best knew what is required. It fellows that there is a great deal of loud complaint en the part of press representatives ; seme of it certainly well-grounded. Among the prominent men en the plat form are Representatives Reagan, Atkins, Ferney, Harris, Blackburn, Hill and Springer. Tne Convention Organized. At 12:40 p. m., the convention was called te order by ex-Senater Wm. II. Barnum, of Connecticut, chairman of the national committee. Judge Ileadley, of Cincinnati, was elected temporary chair man by acclamation, and en assuming the position was received with loud cheering. He said he would be neither the friend nor fee of any candidate in his rulings. He said that Democratic principles were eternal and would net be affected by the success or failure of the nominee of this conven tion. His reference te the nomination of liluen was received with great applause, the delegates rising te their feet and cheering and waving hats and handker chiefs. Judge Ileadley predicted success for the nominee of this convention. His reference te a third term shows that the newspaper reports that Grant's name might be considered by the convention were entirely without foundation. jucige tieauicy saiti that lour years age they nominated two of the foremost men of the nation. The mention of was a signal for Great applause. Tildch's name an outburst of enthusiam. He asserted they were as certainly elected as was Washington and Menree. He denounced the Republican party as one of fraud and infidelity te republican principles but if the Democrats should again be successful, no cun ning device should rob the fruits of victory. The were nominated and accepted maining temporary officers? F. (Mass.), temporary secretary ; them of following as the re O. Prince assistant secretaries, Geerge W. Guthrie (Penna), Clias. Ridley (Tenn.), C. S. Dedd (Ohie ) O. M. Hall, (Minn.,) ; Maj. A. Orcnderff, (111.,) ; Wm. II. Gill, (New Jersey) ; A. C. Parkinson, (Wisconsin) ; reading clerks Neal S. Brown, jr., Mark A. Hardin, (Georgia) ; T. O. Walker, (Iowa); Thes. S. Pettit, of the Heuse of Representatives; Nicholas M. Bell, (Missouri) ; James E. Morrison, (N. Y.,) ; II. S. Bryan, (Del.,) ; sergeant at arms, Isaac S. Miller, (Ohie) ; official stenographer. Edw. B. Dickinsen, N. Y.). Mr. Bcebc, of New Yerk offered a reso lution adopting the rules of the last na tional convention until otherwise ordered. Adopted. Mr. Martin, of Delaware, offered a rcse. lutien that the roll of states be called for committees en permanent organization, en credentials and resolutions. Mr. Weed of New Yerk, moved a call of the roll for presentation of credentials. Martin objected, and his motion was adopted. The roll was called accordingly and com mittees were named. On permanent or ganizatien, amongst ethers named were the following ; Delaware, L. Martin ; Pennsylvania, B. Reilly. Kelly Snubbed. When New Yerk was reached Jehn Kelly arose and was received with mingled cheers and hisses. The chairman declined te recognize him and ruled him as being out of order. Great confusion. It is said Kelly arose te pretest against the selection of members of the commit tees from New Yerk state. He failed te make himself heard. Adjourned Till Te-morrow. Cincinnati, June 22. The convention has adjourned until J.0 o'clock te-morrow. Committees arc new in session. Convention Notes. Mr. Bayard will be placed in nomination by Attorney General Gray, of Delaware, and Judge Abbett, of Massachusetts, an able man, will second the nomination. Mr. Voerhecs will make the nominating speech for Mr. Hendricks. Seme of the Illinois delegates say that if Mr. Morrison should net be nominated for the presidency, that state will present a candidate for the second place en the ticket in the person of Hen. Cyrus II. McCormick. Gen. "Warner, member of Congress from Ohie, says that if any Ohie man gets the nomination that man will be Senater Thurman, and net Mr. Payne. Mr. Tilden cannot, he says, deliver the goods, and the Tilden men here are already beginning te manifest an unwillingness te be turned ever te anybody. "This is a contest between men," said Gen. Warner, " and net be tween principles, and we must weight our ticket with our heaviest men at both ends. There has been no such opportunity for us for twenty-five years, and we must net think of small men in connection with the nominations. The Payne movement has nothing of heartiness or spentanictyinit," continued Gen. Warner. Daniel Dougherty, the elefpicnt Phila delphia orator, is in Cincinnati using all the power of his eloquence for Gen. Han cock, whom he regards as the most avail able man named in connection with the nomination. "WKATHKR INDICATIONS. Washington, June 22. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain, westerly winds, nearly stationary temperature and barometer. CUT HIS THROAT. Suicide of a Prominent Philadelphia Physi cian. Philadelphia, June 22. Dr. James A. McCraa, a prominent physician and citizen of Philadelphia, committed sui cide this morning by cutting his threat at his residence. Dr. McCrea was in his GSth year, and for the past twenty years had been a member of the beard of health. Ne cause beyond a fit of tem porary insanity can be assigned for the act. XAJtKETS. FUlladelpalm Market. Philadelphia, June 22. Fleur dull and weav. except for favorite brands : super fine $2 S03 00; extra at 3 0003 75; Ohie and Indiana family at $5 0005 50 ; Penn'a fam ily 735 00; St, Leuis family 5508 00: de old, $2 254 75 ; Minnesota family f5 000575 ; patent and hint) grades 96 5007 75. Rye flour at $4 25Q1 37. Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat depressed and lower; Ne. 2 Western Red f 1 21 ; Penn'a Red 1 21 ; Amber tl 22. Cern dull and lower; steamer 50c; yellow 52c; mixed 51c. Oats dull and weak : Ne. 1, White 41312c; Ne. 2. de 40c ; Ne. 3, de 3S38Jic; Ne. ?, Mixed 37 37Kc Kye quiet ; Western and Pa. SSc Previsions active ; mess perk at 112 5012 75 ; beef hams 20 5021 ; India mess beet It16 se ; bacon, smoked shoulders 55?c ; salt 4?5c; smoked hams ll12c ; pickled nanis 9Q1iic. Lard firm at an advance ; city kettle 7Sc : loose butchers 7c ; prime steam S73507 40. Butter dull and easier: Creamery extra. 21rt 22c; de geed te choice 1920c: Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 1920c; Western Re serve extra, 1517e ; de geed te choice 1214c ; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 10Q12; Western re serve extra 10 12c. Eggs easier; Penn'a 1414c; Western 12 13c. Cheese dull and depressed; New Yerk full cream 10.c; Western lull cream, 89e; de te fair te geed 88c; de half skims 7tj7c. Petroleum higher ; refined 9?c. Whisky! 11. Seeds Geed te prime Timethy neglected at $2 752'J0: Flaxseed nominal at l 301 40. New Yerk Market. Nkw Yeuk. June 22. Fleur State and West ern dull and declining; superfine state 93 30 4 25 ; extra de ! 754 25 ; choice de $4 304 35 ; fancy $5 056 00; round hoop Ohie $4 C05 00 ; choice de $5 10K 25; superfine western f330 4 25 : common te geed extra de $3 734 40 ; choice dodo $1 507 00; choice white, wheat de $4 t5f5 00; Southern dull und heavy : com mon te fair extra $55ti0; geed tocneicedo $5 ImQC 50. Wheat Spring dull and nominal; Winter 15plJc lower and moderately active: Ne. 1 White.! line 1 I5J; Ne. 2 Ked, June, 1 IHi 1 21K ; de July $1 Ufl 12; de August 1 07 ! Cern a shade easier and moderate trade ; Mixed western spot, 4S&51e ; de future 41 elJc. Oats dull and about J..'c lower. Including Ne. 2 June 38c ; de July 3737J5;c. Reef dull und prices unclianged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $7 CO. Whisky dull ; Western $1 08I OS). Spirits of turpentine dull at 44(q4.'ic. Stock Markets. PuiLADBLrniA, .1 line 22. r&3U p. M. :s:M r. it. Slecks dull and steady Penna U's (third issue).. Philadelphia A Eric Reading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N. J Northern Pacific " Preterrcd.... Northern Central Lehigh Navigation Norrlstewn ..108 .. 12J ".". 511 -. 40k ..10 27i .. 4.K .. Wt .. 21 102J4 Central Transportation Ce. 48 ritis., xitusvnie a Mumiie. nil Little Schuylkill.... .... 44 Nkw Yeuk, J line 22 Stocks strong. Meney N. Y. Central Eri , Adams Express.... Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central.... 1 al nil' ii y a'AiJ 1072 .myt Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. -.110 Chicago A Reck Island 107 Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 124 Western Union Tel. Ce 104 Teledo ft Wabiush Mt New Jersey Central KVa United States Itends and Sterling Kxeliangp. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, June 22. United States r.'s, 1881, (registered). .1U104 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .W:.yKt$M United SUites Wh, 1891, (registered)I0!5j;li,97 United States 4's,18!)I,(coupons).. .IMlftlli! United States 4V, MOT. (registered). .107&107.'-,, United States Currency 6's 124 Sterling Exchange iaeQMt Cattle Market. Monday, .lime 21. The receipts of cattle a the various Philadelphia yurds for the past week were: Beeves, 3,000 head; sheep and lambs, 8,000 de.; hogs, fi,000 de. ; fresh cows, 200 de. Beeves were moderately active and prices were firmer. We quote Extra at 5Cc ; geed at 5J45c ; medium, 45c: common, 4 4c;'mixed, 3Jlc; calves, 4Cc. SALES AT T1IK WEST PHILADELPHIA TAKD. Head. 180 Reger Maynes, Western and Lan ee., gross, 55jj;c. MB Owen Smith, Western, gross, SVQ.'rJ.jC. MB A. ft J. Christy, Western and Pa., gross, 5 183 Es. "ft B. K. McFillen, Western, gres, r,yAyp. 330 U II man ft Lehman Bres., Lancaster ee gross, 56c. ;7 James Clemsen, Lan. co., and Western, gross, .5c. 50 Dennis Smyth, Lancaster co., und Western, gross. 55Jc. 19S Jehn McArdle, Lancaster county, gross, 4tk.-. tr Daniel Murphy, Lancaster co., und West ern, gross, .VfJSJic 1C0 Lewenstein & Adler, Western, gross, 4 5fc. 223 G. Schamberg ft Ce., Western, gross, 55C 37 L. Hern, Pa., gross, 45c. 33 II. Chain, Jr., Western, gross 455c. 128 Daniel Smvth ft llre.. Western, gross, 5 113 Bachman ft Levi, Western and Penn'a, gross, 554c. 48 Abe Ostheim, Western and Lan. co. gross, 17 S. Dreifus, Western, gross, 55Jc. 20 P. Hathaway, Lane, co., gross. 55c. BO L. Schamberg, Western ana I-ancaslcr co., gross, tyi&rZt:. 70 M. Levi, Western, gross, 5S.Wfc. 10 II. Chain, mixed, gross, 3l;c. 3i F. Shectz, Western, gross, 6J45"c. F. Shcetz, 18 cows, .T. Lambs were in better demand. We quote from 5 te 8c per pound. Sheep were in fair demand and prices were steady. We quote Extra. 100 te 110 lbs., 55"-e; geed, !K) te 100 lbs, 45c : geed, 80 te ! lbs 4J4Ic; fair, 70 te 80 lbs, 4J44Kc; interior, sy4(S lc ; common, 343Jc. bamuei Stewart sold 540 head et dressed sheep at 78c. Hogs were in geed demand and prices re mained the same as last reported. We quote extra at 0c; geed ut 6c; medium atlc; common at (ic. Fresh Cows were in lair demand, and prices ranged from $20 te $30 per head. KNOW THYSELF. oneoooooooooo The untold miseries that re- e e suit from indiscretion In early e e life may be alleviated and e e cured. These who doubt this e e assertion should purchase the e e new medical work published k e bv the PEABODY MEDICAL e e INSTITUTE, Bosten, enti- e O tied, THE SCIENCE OF e e LIFE; or, SELF-FRKSKR- oeooooooooooo VATION. Exhausted vital ity, nervous and physical debility, or vital ity impaired by the errors of youth, or tee close application te business, may be restored ami manhood regained. Twe hundredth edition, revised and enlarg ed, just published. It is a standard medical work, the best in the English language, writ ten by a physician of gieat experience, te whom was awarded a geld and jeweled medal by the Londen Medical Association. It con cen tainsbcautiful and very expensive engravings. Three hundred pages ; mere than 50 valuable prescriptions ter all formsef pre vailingdisease, tlie result of many years of extensive and suc cessful practice, either one et which is worth ten times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth ; price only $1, sent by mail, pest paid. The Londen Lancet says. "Nopcrsenshould be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor." The TVibune says : "Tlieautlier has had un precedented success in dealing with nervous ness et all kinds and its affections, whether due te pernicious habits or inherited. He is a Ncrve-speciallst, and therefore knows whereof he writes with such power and ability." An illustrated sample sent te all en receipt of 6 cents for postage. The author refers, by permission, te Hen. P. A. BISSELL, M. D president of the National Medical Association. Address Dr. W. H. PARKER, Ne TJti IT 4 Bullfinch street, Bosten, Mass. ILQali the author may be consulted en all SreSWmandexr,'-THYSELP