mrwmm in nny km,7s LAJVOASTEk AilA iftTJ&LlGENCEK SAtURDAY, J ONE i9, iS80. Hancaster Intelligencer. SATUBDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1880. Themas F. Bayard. A life of Themas F. Bayard by Ed ward Spencer, of Maryland, just issued by the Appleton's, presents him as "a man upon whom the hopes of very many are concentrated that he may become in the near future the leader of the republic backward from perilous paths te the better ways of old." This is strictly true, and these who have this hope are net all of them Democrats. Mr. Bayard enjoys the highest consideration from political Mends and fees. His bearing has richly earned it. He is a statesman worthy of the purest days of the republic, in which there is no guile. He has always been a firm and consistent Demo Deme crat, but his honest and earnest conduct has wen for him the esteem of every party. "Whatever may be said of the present result at Cincinnati it is the fact that the hope of his fellow Democrats is te see him some day in the presidential office. They will be proud of luuiasa candidate and they will be proud of his administration. There may be that in his record which may make the Cincin nati convention deem it prudent te postpone his nomination te a fu ture period; although the possi ble prejudice which would ' be thus deferred te is net, in our judgment, worthy of the sacrifice. It is feared that the speech made by Senater Bayard in his early youth, and at the outset of the war, may be used te his injury among the voters as a basis for a charge of dis loyalty. "Better," he thought, " while deeply deploring the revolution which had severed eleven states from the Union, if a peaceful accommodation was impossible, that the discontented states be allowed te withdraw than run the awful risk of such a war." But this was likewise the thought then of many men of all parties. It is similar in sentiment te General Scott's "wayward sisters depart in peace" speech and te the like utter ances of Herace Greeley. At its worst it was an error of judgment. It is ab surd te suppose that the people can be persuaded that it came te Themas F. Bayard through any lack of patriotism. They might have been induced te think se in the heated, bygone days ; but in the present calmness of feeling and in the face of the record Jlr. Bayard has made for himself, se admirable in the opinion of political friend and fee, what Demo crat can reasonably fear that the people can be persuaded te distrust him as a presidential candidate through this ut terance of long age. "We have no such fear and confidently believe that it is baseless. In Democratic circles Mr. Bayard has been criticised because of his assent te the creation of the abortive criminal commission ; and this tee may be set down with reason as an error of judg ment. But his biographer exhibits the state of feeling under which Mr. Bayard acted, and it furnishes abundant excuse for, if it does net fully justify his action. He was filled with apprehension at what he saw and heard at "Washington. Mere than half the entire army of the United Slates was collected there. Mr. Bayard's fear was the country was te be Mexi can! zed and therefore ' addressed all his energies te the preparation of a remedy in the form of law." The remedy he approved was net the remedy which the occasion demanded, but it is true, as his biographer states, that he assumed "in the essential nobility of his nature, that ether men would be actuated by the same motives as these which compelled him te de what he did." Admitting against Mr. Bayard these two mistakes in judgment at two periods of his life wide apart, lie is charged with all that can be said against his fitness for the executive office. In the supreme qualifications which he has shown for its vast responsibilities, these objections will be held by the voters te be insignificant. AVe de believe that there is enough geed sense in the people te make them anxious te endorse a man who has in his daily walk in their sight se universally gained their esteem. If Mr. Seymour is net te be had Mr. Bayard may be safely taken. It is said that Mr. Tilden does net favor his nomination and it is no doubt se. He is net of the Tilden kind. If Mr. Tilden had been of his kind he would new be our president. A Funny Friend. " Senater Cameren, it appears, has turn ed a frowning lace upon his friend Hart ranft, and refused te move his confirma tion as collector, notwithstanding he had premised Hartranft te aid him. This premise, however, was made before the Chicago convention, the result of which was se disappointing te Mr. Cameren that he naturally wants te make it dis appointing te his friends ; a man in misery likes company; and it may have been en this principle that the senator hangs up his friend, the would-be-collector. But, perhaps, there is a better reason for .it. Mr. Hartranft professes net te knew what it is that has soured Donald against him He declares that he is very much grieved thereat ; which is very natural ; it is becoming te be grieved when a fat office is taken from one's grasp. Mr. Hartranft says he lias been looking forward te this comfortable place for a long while, and that it was a part of the bargain when he took the postelfice that he should have Collector Tutten's old shoes when his term of oc cupancy expired. This his friend the senator then agreed te ; and new he don't. It is very distressing, and enough te make Hartranft weep. He. has net deserved it. Indeed, he never deserved anything ; but he has had a great deal. Somebody has been feeding him all his life. He feels that he has an inalienable right te be fed. The trouble seems te be that he leeks around in tee many quar ters for his feed. Cameren was feeding him ; se was McManes; and new that there is war te the knife between these tee, peer Mr. Hartranft is in treu ble. He has te cheese under which king te serve. But the curious thing about it is that Mr. -McManes apparently was for Tutten; and Cameren net being for McManes, Hartranft ought te have found grace in his sight. Perhaps it is .only pure devilishnessin the senator after all ; or, perchance, the unit rule is at the bottom of; it. The unit rule is well known te be the senator's meat and drink. He has net found it very nourishing. It dis agreed with him at Chicago and he had I te cast it up. If he could Have kept it he says lie would have nominated brant. Very likely; and se lie would if he had marched the grand army into the hall and turned out the anti-Grant delegates in Cremwelliau style. His rump con vention would have nominated Grant. But Donald did net have his way. His friends did net stand by him ; and he spits en his friends spitefully. MINOR TOPICS. Thk green apple and jumping rope sea son has commenced, and a corner in small coffins may seen be looked for. Prokesseu Gaiikiki. Camimiei.l of the University of Minnesota thinks that the language of the future will be music, but Denis Kearney thinks he must be mistaken. There arc no swear words in music. Rev. Jacob Meuuis of West Salem N. J. was recently astonished by finding a large. full-blown,bona fide white rose en a branch of a crab apple tree in his orchard. It came out during a fog, and get en the apple tree by mistake. As expected the Cincinnati papers are warning the people against ice water ; they evidently fear that some of the delegates next week might be attempted te taste it instead of paying five cents a glass for the regular Cincinnati beverage. The New Yerk Star gives the Field boom a lift by republishing in full the re cent communication printed in the Lntel Lntel liekxceu urging the claims of that dis tinguished jurist upon the Cincinnati con vention. The average church is like a ship. Seme of the members are ballast ; some the officers and crew ; ethers merely pas sengers bent en pleasure and business, and, net a few arc barnacles, which, while for the time, being a part of the vessel, greatly retard its progress. A motion will be introduced in the Brit ish Heuse of Commens shortly, te the ef fect that the erection of a Napeleon me morial in AVcstminster abbey would be inconsistent with the national character of the edifice, opposed te the sentiments of the English people, and calculated te im pair friendly relations with France. The DeFreycinct ministry has taken the second step in its pregramme for the exclusion of the Jesuit teachers from France. The prefects of the several de partments have been instructed te enforce the ancient statutes against unauthorized religious organizations and compel the society of Jesus te disappear, and leave the establishments which it new occupies. By the last day of August its schools are all te be closed. It has just been explained that Conk Cenk lin" secured Arthur the nomination for vice president in order te get him out of the way of Conkling's ether man Piatt. They both wanted te go te the United States Senate, while there is room for only one. If Arthur get into the Senate it would be just like him te want a divis ion of the spoils, and Piatt is net capable of any such agressivc impudence as that. With Piatt for his colleague Conkling would practically be two senators in one. A nuKcii el flower., A book or two, A little hilling, A little coo, A little coming. Ami Jjeinjr, till They go te church And say. "I will." And that ends it Yeung man. you're wrong, Yeu surely are; Yeu worked that rhyme .In-t one tee far. It ends right there Oh no, it don't. Fer coining home She says, " I won't !" And that begins it. PERSONAL. Mr. Gladstone's election expenses at Midlothian amounted te $13,520. Mr. IIokatie Seymeuk is described as looking robust and rugged. ITis eyes are bright, and he has a fresh, wholesome color. Den Cameren has engaged a cottage and will arrive at White Sulphur springs en Sunday morning next. Blaine is also expected. Prince Aluekt Victek, the eldest seu of the Prince of Wales, and who is new in his seventeenth year, is te enter the royal military academy, and will receive, when qualified, an active command in the army. Several jcars age, at the beginning of the petroleum excitement, a young man, whose father left him a farm in the oil rc? giens, became possessed of great wealth, which he spent. He was known as " Ceal Oil Johnny." lie became a gambler, and he is new in prison at Cincinnati en a charge of robbing a countryman. Professer SrENCER F. B.unn, of the Smithsonian Institute, who has received the first honorary prize of the Internation al Fishery exhibition, is a Pennsylvanian born at Carlisle. He did his earliest fish ing iu the trout streams of Cumberland county; but he has advanced irem that be ginning te a position at the head of all the scientists of the world who have made fishes and fish culture a special study. M. D'Enneuy, the author of "The Cele brated Case " and of the earlier success, "The Twe Orphans," has a fine "hotel " in the avenus Beis-de-Boulogne. He was recently showing a party of friends through an addition te his domicile, and took pride in the admiration bestowed en a magnifi cent fireplace in carved weed, surmounted by a bronze bust of Moliere. "I really can't tell why I put him up there," he said, pointing te the bust, "for he is the fellow who makes all our pieces seem se bad." Jee Emmet, the popular actor who plays "Fritz," has been sent te the Kings county (N. Y.), inebriate asylum. He re cently took te drinking, and while en this spree spent his money very recklessly, nis wife accompanied him te the asylum, and upon his arrival there he was se great ly prostrated that it was necessary te give him a drug for the purpose of quieting his nerves. It is thought that he will seen re cover. Mr. Emmet recently purchased an elegant residence en the banks of the Hud Hud eon river, between Albany and Trey. Mr. Yoshida, the Japenese minister, has been made quite happy by the arrival at the legation of a fine boy, te be the companion of his ether seu and of his charming little daughter Foemc. As this new comer is unquestionably a true " na tive American," and it is almost among the possibilities that he should Income, in the far future, a successor te Gen. Grant as president of the republic, at which the minister and the General might have a pleasant talk about their diplomatic jollifi cations in Japan. - m - KhVMUDR'S WITllDKAWAL. 1'errmpterlaly Announced In a Cincinnati Newspaper Mr. Tilden Considered Ketired The Field Deem Cheap Heard. Editorial despatch te the Intkllieuncih. Cincinnati, June 19. Mr. Seymour is peremptorily withdrawn as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency through the columns of the Enquirer this city. Mr. Tilden is univer sally considered as retired. Senater Thur man sticks, but the Ohie delegation is tee much divided te give him a cordial support and it is net expected that he will receive the nomination. The decision of the su preeo court of Indiana by which that state is put in the October list will help Hendricks, as his nomination under this state of affairs would transfer the pre liminary skirmish round te where the Democrats would be able te fight at an advantage. "Madisen's" sketch of Judge Field published iu the Intelligence some days age is being widely circulated and read, and has evidently created a Field boom of no inconsiderable dimensions. Decent lodging may be had here for a dollar a day and beard is quite reasonable. Lancaster ceuntians can find me at the Grand Hetel. Convention tickets arc secure. W. U. II. WHAT THKV SAID THEN. The New Yerk Times' Criticism. Frem the New Yerk Times, Feb. 19, 1873. Of these who are new members and who purchased Credit Mebilier stock the com niittee say that had it been proven that they knew the character of the stock they bought their act would have been a cor rupt one, and they would have been de serving of severe condemnation by the Heuse. Of the members thus referred te, Messrs. Kelley and Garfield present a most distressing figure. Their participa tion in the Credit Mebilier affair is compli cated by the most unfortunate contradic tions of testimony, which the committee de net undertake te unravel. The only possi ble comment en their cases is that had they taken a perfectly upright course in the matter and refused te have anything te de with the stock, no occasion for con tradiction could have arisen. We de net agree with the committee in its lenient assumption that such knowl edge was net possessed by the congress men who purchased the stock. If they did net knew its character they must has been curiously deaf and blind te what was going en about them. With these who knew anything about the Union Pacific railroad in the winter of 18C7 the purpose and origin of the Credit Mebilier were se well known that they may fairly be said te have been notorious. Certainly, congressmen who took stock in a scheme te cheat the gov ernment, under these circumstances, de serve some well-defined measure of con cen con dematien, and we regret that the commit tee recommend none. AVe trust the Heuse will remedy the emission. Frem the X. Y. Times, February 20. 1873. Congressman ought te have known of the nature of the stock before investing in it. It was their business te inform them selves, and they could very easily have done se. The character of the Credit Mebilier was no secret. The source of its profits was very well known at the time congressmen bought it. Though Oakes Ames may have succeeded iu concealing his own motive, which was te bribe con gressmen, their acceptance of the stock was net en that account innocent. The dishonor of the act, as a participation in an obvious fraud still remains. Moreover, the account is net settled, even if it is assumed that the members who took the stock knew neither its char acter nor Oakes Ames's bad motive in ell'ering it. Seme of them have indulged in testimony with reference te the matter which has been contradicted. The com mittee errs gravely in net probing such cases te the core. It distinctly rejects the testimony of several of the members. This can only be done en the ground that it is untrue, But untrue testimony given under oath is morally, if net legally, per jury. The committee finds members guilty of this offence, but does net see its way clear te recommend any punishment for it. It is the clear duty of Congress te visit with punishment all who took Credit Mebilier stock from Oakes Ames. The Tribune Criticism. Frem the New Yerk Tribune, Feb. 19, 1873. With one accord they all did what ? explain their connection with it ? admit that they held the stock, but insist that they held it honestly, or that when they suspected it was of unquestionable morali ty they get rid of it at once? Net by any means. They dropped it in their tracks, or cither by themselves or by their friends denied utterly all knowledge of it. And the people did then what they will never de again while the world stands-took their word for it aud denounced the story as a calumny. Hew has this timid investigation that fooled around all pertinent inquiry and never asked a hard rough question that smote a lying witness in the face, and that finally has wreaked itself en two scapegoats instead of punishing half a hun hun dredeow has this investigation left them? Read the evidence. With varying degrees of guilt or guilty knowledge, every man of them, with but one exception (Mr. Blaine) has been obliged te confess that at some time he held this stock, and at some time under stress of conscience, let us hope. though that is net proved get rid of it. Ge slowly new ever the list of caluminated eingressmcn. James A. Garfield, of Ohie, had ten shares ; never paid a dollar ; received $329 which, after the investigation began, he was anxious te have considered a lean from Mr. Oakes Ames te himself. "Well, the wickedness of it all is, net that these men were bribed or corruptly influ enced, but that they betrayed the trust of the people, deceived their constituents, and by evasions and falsehoods confessed the transactions te be disgraceful, and new a whole Congress of grown men is te de liberate seriously upon a resolution that puts the sins of all these upon two. Par tisanship has never steeped se low as this. "We cannot believe the resolution" will pass. Ne, gentleman of the American Congress, this is no answer te the people. Step all this. Pass no resolution. Drep it where it is. Remand the whole business te thi) people. Yeu have only scratched the surface of the whole inquiry leave it new. r ace outward. .March : Charles' H. Voorhis, Republican con gressman for the Fifth congressional dis trict of New Jersey, has been arrested en an indictment for embezzling $5,000 of the defunct First national bank of Hacken sack, of which he was president. He is in custody of the sheriff. Captain Kennedy, of the British steam ship Deranda, from Liverpool, en June 15 picked up the British steamship Ed monton about one hundred miles north of Key West. The steamer was abandoned, net a soul being en beard. The Edmonton did net appear te be disabled. STATK ITEMS. " Dr. " Jehn Buchanan is at liberty, with $11,000 pledged as security for his ap pearance when called for by the United States district court in Philadelphia. It is reported that a Dr. A. Smith has purchased five acres of land en the Seuth Mountain, near Newmanstown, Lebanon ty, and is taking out a mineral which he claims te be geld ere. James Beyle, found in a dying condition at the feet of a stairway in a house en Third avenue, Pittsburgh, en Tuesday, expired yesterday morning. A man named Jehnsen and his wife, suspected of having knocked Beyle down stairs, are in cus tody. Last night there was an explosion at Lloyd's oil tanks known as the Phoenix re finery, Pert Gibsen, Philadelphia. The oil took fire and thousands of barrels were destroyed, and a man named Michael New man, was deluged with the burning fluid, aud probably fatally burned. About a year age Michael Meriarity and Patrick Burt quarreled in a rolling mill at Seuth Bethlehem and the latter was killed by a sledge hammer in the hands of Mori Meri arity The case was tried this week and the defence was that Meriarity acted in self-defence. The jury returned a verdict of net guilty last evening. LtATKST NEWS BY MAIL. Chicago census returns se far indicate a population in the citv of 475,000 23,000 short of the expectations of a majority of the citizens. Baseball yesterday : At Washington National, 2 ; Baltimore, 1. At Albany Cleveland, 17 ; Albany, 0. At New Haven Chicago, 12 ; Yale, 1. The Indiana supreme court Wednesday overthrew the constitutional amendment changing the time of holding the election for state officers from October te the sec ond Tuesday in November. Royal Dimmick, of Kingsten, N. Y., has filed a notice with the secretary of state, in Albany, that he has discovered a geld mine in Resendale, Ulster county. It is said the ere shows by test $01 in geld te the ten. The sixtieth annual session of the general convention of the New Jerusalem church of the United States, opened in Portland, Me., yesterday morning. Rev. Chauncy Giles followed the president's address with a discourse en " Unity Among Brethren." In the Currle murder trial at Marshall, Texas, yesterday was devoted by the pros ecution te rebutting testimony directed te the breaking down of the insanity pica which has been the line of defense. Beth sides rested and it was expected the -ease would go te the jury te-day. James Vogus yesterday morning, at Russiaville, Ind., entered the saloon of J. Maas and. without warning, fired five shots at Jacob Vogus, his father. Four balls struck the victim, one in the neck, one in the shoulder, one in the left side and one in the groin. He cannot live through the night. The North Carolina Democratic state convention, which met at Raleigh, was obliged te meet in the open air, there being no hall large enough. Governer Jarvis was reneminated, and James T. Robinson was nominated for lieutenant governor. The delegates te Cincinnati were net instructed, but are favorable te Seymour. The second choice is Bayard. Ne Tilden men are in the delegation. About 40 survivors of the Narragansett disaster met iu Bosten, yesterday, L. M. Frederick presiding. The chairman said the object of the meeting was te consult regarding proper methods of securing a full investigation of the disaster, and also te provide for obtaining just settlements for the lesess of the survivors. A commit tee was appointed te represent the interests of these present and examine into the legal liability. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SOUTH ARKANSAS. ACitylluilt as if by Jtlagtc. We arc indebted te Mr. S. F. Rathven, late of this city, for the initial number of the Mountain J fail, printed in the city of Seuth Arkansas, Colerado. Don't consult your geographies or guide books te ascer tain its location, for you will net find it. A month age there was net a stick of timber en the present town site. New it has regularly laid out streets, forty-five or fifty stores, hotels, a bank, restaurant, billiard room, bearding houses, a rail road depot and a newspaper office. Among the business firms advertised in the Mail is that of "Rathven & Ce., dealers in hay, grain and produce." Within the first three weeks of the town's existence ever $30,000 worth of town lets were sold at prices ranging from $200 te $800 each. The town is all bustle and business, and mechanics, especially car penters and builders, are in great demand. As an instance of the manner in which business is rushed through in the new set tlement we publish below the experience of the editor of the Mail iu getting out the first number of his paper : "It is a well known fact that Jeb was a patient man. But lie never undertook the job of moving a printing office that had been knocked into a cocked hat for a year, setting it up in a new place and getting out a paper inside of a week. We would rather have "biles" from this time until Gabriel's trumpet sounds than te de the job a second time. At one o'clock en Friday afternoon May 28, the first lick was struck en our build ing. In two hours from that time we had our press set up en the fleer while the car penters were hammering and sawing ever our heads. Upen examination we found that the type was all in pi, advertising and column rules gene or se damaged as te be useless, leads broken or bent, cases full of dirt and the wind bringing mere of it in through the cracks and knot holes. But June 5 was the day we set for the first is sue of the Mountain Mail, and issue it must. We telegraphed te Chicago for column rules and they came iu en geed time. Paper and ink had te be secured iu like manner, but the latter has net ar rived. We sent for a heading for our paper te be sent by mail, but it failed te come te time. Mr. Gee. A. Smith, one of our enterprising my goods merchants, came te our relief by drafting the let ters en a pine beard for a heading. Mr. B. F. Montgomery whittled the head out with his pocket-knife and we put it in the form and went te press. It is net a handsome head but it has some peculiari ties. Fer instance, the M in Mail seems te have met with an accident which par tially disabled it. And then some of the blurs around it remind us of the dark spots in some people's characters. We charge these spots te the peer quality of ink used. It was some that we chanced te find in an old lard bucket under the fleer of the old office in Cleora. By softening it with turpentine, lard oil, petroleum and the sun we managed te get it se it would spread, and have spread it before you. The paper does net present as clear an appearance as we would like. We will make it leek better in future. This is net an apology, but an explana tion." The new town is situated in a valley en the right bank of the Arkansas river about a mile above the Seuth Arkansas. It is said te be one of the prettiest locations for a town that could be found. Just across the river te the north ,aud east are the foothills, covered with green, while te the south and west are the mountain peaks, covered with snow. The distance from Seuth Arkansas te neighborhood points is as fellows : Poncha Springs, which will some day rival Manitou as a pleasure resort five miles ; Maysville, eleven miles ; Arborville, sixteen miles ; Alpine, twenty miles. It is sixty miles te Gunnison city, one hundred and ten te Lake City, sixty te Canen City, one hun dred te Pueblo, sixty-five te Lcadville and two handled and twenty te Denver. THK A1TKAL OF THK EDITORS. The Argument of Yesterday Hew Seme body Vn( Sat Down Upen Sir. Sbaplf " Streng Preseu- tatieu of the Case. The disbarment appeal of the editors of the Intelligencer came up for argument before the supreme court at llarrisburg yesterday at 1 o'clock, and Mr. Shapley opened the argument for the appellants. Before he did se the paper books were handed te the judges, as is customary. The Lancaster judges filed with their ar gument a supplemental paper book, which was composed entirely of the articles which appeared in the Intelligencer editorially and otherwise since the pro ceedings taken by the judges agaiust the editors It was preceded by a note which explained the object of the publication te be te acquaint the supreme bench with the feeling of Steinman & Ilensel towards the judges below. Chief Justice Shars Shars Shars woed took occasion te say that it was a very extraordinary and improper docu ment te hand te ihe court. He said that he would net read a word of it, and con demned the proffer of it with a decision and emphasis which gave a very lively shaking up te Mr. Reynolds, who repre sented the judges below ; Attorney Gen eral Palmer being ill and unable te be present Mr. Reynolds get en his feet and stated the idea with which the pam phlet had been prepared and offered, but the chief justice failed te be impressed with its sufficiency. The " supplemental answer" had been shown te the appel lant's counsel only a few minutes before the case was attached, and they made no objection te its beinr offered, knowing well that Mr. Reynolds would seen find a hornet or two buzzing about his cars. If there is anything the chief justice hates it is te have matters presented te the court which arc net en the record. The layman will understand that cases arc heard in the supreme court, en appeal, upon the facts as they appear en the record of the court below ; and if any further information is wanted, as the chief justice reminded Mr. Reynolds, per mission must be sought from the court te secure it in a regular way. Mr. Shapley, as may be imagined, cheer fully awaited the conclusion of the chief justice's remarks, and then took occasion te point out, in the regular paper book of the judges below, matters that were im properly stated and that had no existence in the record. He proceeded te deliver a very strong and effective argument after first reading the rule takeu upon the ap pellants and their answer, during which a faint smile seemed te hover ever the faces of the judges as they listened te the very remarkable narrative by your learned judge of the questions and answers interchanged between him and the victims of his wrath. Mr. Shapley proceeded te show that the comment of the editors of the Intelligen cer had been made by them as editors, out of court, and concerning a case already ended, and fur all these reasons?, any one being sufficient in itself, they could net be thus summarily punished in their capacity as lawyers. Their offence, if any, was a libel, for which the judges injured had their remedy at law. lie sustained the positions with numerous apt citations, and showed that no attempt had ever been made in any court se flagrantly vielative of every principle of law as was this one. He called the attention of the court te the false statement made in the paper book or the ether side that the appellants confessed that their charge against the judges below was false, and showed that the very re verse was the fact, and that it must be as sumed by the court that the publication they made was true, since there was noth ing en the record disputing its truth. He further showed that the gravamen of the charge made was against the three attorneys who were accused of deceiving the court below and prostitut ing the machinery of justice te these base ends, while the accusation against the judges was simply that they permitted their partisan partiality towards these Re publican attorneys te stay their hand against them. And then he asked what right these judges had te be supersensitive concerning such an assault upon them when they refrained from resenting the admitted offence of these three attorneys in obtaining the release of their client by falsehood and fraud. When Mr. Shapley was making these sharp comments upon the conduct of Messrs. Eshleman, Brown and Jehnsen, everybody naturally looked at Judge Mcrcur, who remained en the bench, notwithstanding his relationship te one of them. The chief justice, turn ing te Judge Mercur, who sat beside him, was overheard te ask whether the District Attorney Eshleman referred te was his son-in-law. Judge Mercur bore the fire with commendable equinamity, but hardly could have liked the position. Mr. Shapley's speech was much admired and he received many congratulations upon it. It was plionegmpnically re ported, as will be the entire proceedings, and the Intelligencer will be able te de it justice by a mere complete representation of it than in this hastily written sketch. When he concluded, Mr. Reynolds asked te be permitted te begin iu the morning as it was within ten minutes of adjourning time. The chief justice assented, but took occasion te ask him with a smile en his face, who was referred te in the paper book when he and his associates claimed te appear as amic is curite; whether they assumed the character of friends of this court or the court below. Mr. Reynolds hastened te explain ; the chief justice, of course, knew very well, and may have only intended an innocent joke, or mere probably had it in his mind te prod the court below. Cel. McClure fol fel lows Mr. Reynolds in the morning. Give Uu Something 'Sew. The Marietta Register says: "The Col umbia papers are making mere fuss ever their old-new postelfice building than if it had cost $200,000 and was built of marble. De give us a rest up here. Say something about Company II. THE SACRED HEART. Serenth, Annual Commencement A Bril liant Entertainment Award or Premising. A large and deeply-interested audience assembled in Fulton opera house yester day afternoon te witness the closing ex ercises of the .seventh annual commence ment of the Sacred Heart academy, a first class institutieu for the education of young ladies and misses, under the able manage ment of the Sisters of the holy Cress. Right Rev. J. F. Shanahan, bishop of the diocese of llarrisburg, presided, Rev. Father Antony Kaul, of St. Antheny's church was master of ceremonies, and in the audience we noticed Father Uickey of St. Mary's, Father Gretemeyer of St. Jeseph's, Father Christ of St. Antheny's Father Fein of St. Peters, Elizabcthtewn and Father Koppernagle of Harrisburg. There were also present many prominent citizens, Protestants as well as Catholics. The pregramme consisted of vocal and instrumental musie,cssays,addrcsses,an al legorical drama accompanied with beautiful tableaus : and the distribution of premiums te the pupils; several parts were interwoven in such a way as te avoid monotony, and save te the audience the time that would have been lest, had the tableaus been sentcd in unbiekcn order. pre- Intend, however of following the printed pregramme, we will divide the exercises into their three constituent parts : First the tableaux and the allegorical drama; Second the musical and orateria! exercises, and Third the conferring of degrees. The tableaus were very effectively ar ranged. The first represented Allium (the human soul, personated byMissLeih crnian,) surrounded by a tin eng of pure and beautiful beings. At the clese of this tableau, Anima appears upon the stage, accompanied by Wisdom(Miss C. Murray) and Innocence (Miss L. Haberbush), who held converse with Anima and instruct and admonish her from their different standpoints. The second tableau was a very gorgeous one and represented Anima magnificently arrayed encompassed by Pride (Miss C. Ilepting) and the several senses Taste, Hearing, Feeling, Smell and Light, personated respectively by Misses Stauffer, Anders Witzel, Floed and Slaymaker, all of whom tempt Anima te the enjoyment of sensuous pleasures. Yielding te the temptation of the senses the Seul revels in them until it becomes surfeited, and then its tempters taunt and mock it, and the place is supplied by the gaunt figure of Despair (Miss Cellahan). In the fourth tableau the Seul while under the influence of Despair, is visited by Hu mility (Miss Obert) and Faith (Miss Ken nard), and under their guidance is led te Charity (Miss Wade), Hepe (.Miss Hart) and Obedience (.Miss Wendereth), and through these agencies is redeemed as rep resented in the final tableau. The spec tacular drama was very well put upon the stage, the tableaus were impressive, and the several actei-s performed their various parts most creditably. The musical and literary part of the pregramme embraced the following : Overture " Zumpa " en two pianos, Miscss A. Wendereth, S. Gruiubly, K. Kennard and M. Saffcr. Oratorio chorus " Hallelujah !" by the vocal class, with piano accompaniment by Miss Kate Dillcr. Concert stuck, two pianos, by Misses Kate Diller and M. Saffcr. "Roberte O Tu Che Adera," by Misses by M. Obert and K. Kennard. Grand galep, two pianos, by Misses L. Haberbush, M. Callahan, M. Wade and E. Kaicr. Essay "The Future" by Miss C. Hep ting. Seng "Ah ! S'Estants Ancer Mi Vuei" by Miss A. Wendereth. Quadrille, en two pianos. Missus L. and I. Yeutz, L. Frey and M. Obert. "Lc Parden de Pleermel," by Miss C. Murray, with piano accempanianicnt by MissM. Safrer. Grand Fantasie " 'II Trovatore " by Miss Kate Dillcr. Grand canto and chorus " Inflamma tus,"' from Rossini's "Stabat Mater." "Umseust Mein Ilefen," from " Rebert Lc Diable," by Misses C. Murray, M. Saf fcr. C. Ilepting and A. Wendereth, with piano accompaniment by Miss 31. Gruiu bly. Tyrelienne Yariee ( Juniors ), by Misses E. Kaicr, A. Floed, M. Anders, A. Licsz, E. Shultz and 15. Stauffer. French vocal Teacher and Pupil, by Misses C. Ilepting and M. Callahan, with' piano accompaniment by Miss M. Saffcr. Fantasia " Martha " en two pianos, by Missess M. Liebcrman and C. Murray. Valedictory by Miss A. Wendereth. Parting chorus by the graduates. All of the musical selections, both vocal and instrumental, were well rendered, and the valedictory address was well composed and effectively delivered. Then followed (te the pupils at least) the most interesting part of the ceremonies the conferring of the prizes. The grad uates and pupils of the school were ar ranged in a semicircle en the stage, at the right hand front coiner of which sat Bishop Shanahan, and by his side steed Father Kanl, holding in his hand the record of the several pupils, and having en a table beside him the several prizes ad judged te be due the several pupils. Most of the prizes were books,and were awarded for proficiency in. the various branches of study taught in the academy. YVc have net room te publish the list in full and will only note here a few of the principal premiums. The graduating medal for superior ex cellence in her studies was awarded te Miss Cecelia Ilepting of this city. The graduating medal in vocal music was awarded te Miss Charity Murray, of Pottsville. The graduating medal in instrumental music was awaided te Miss Kate Diller, of this city. The geld medal of honor for polite, amiable and correct deportment, was awarded te Miss Agues Wenderet!i, of Philadelphia. Rewards for geed conduct were conferred en Misses L. Haberbush, Charity Murray, M. Sailer, C. Ilepting, S. Crumbly, M. Obert,.!. Yeutz, M. Wade, K. Kennard and E. Kaicr. After all the premiums had been pre sented, Bishop Shanahan made a cengratu latery address te the pupils and graduates, commending them for their diligence in the acquisition of knowledge anil encour aging them te further exertion in the same direction. Correcting the Census. The census enumerators of this city will sit in the orphans' court room, courthouse, en Friday and Saturday, the 23th and 26th days of June, for the purpose of correcting the enumeration of their respective dis trict. Marietta's Population. The report of the Marietta census enu merator shows that there are 3,453 persons in that borough. PUTTING W PO J.ES. Jacob Hats Erects 33,000 or Them. The accident, by which Jehn Schlauch came near loosing his life by the falling of a telephone pole, recalled te mind the fact that our city is being rapidly studded with these rather unsightly but useful appurtenances. Meeting Jacob llatz en the street yesterday we asked him hew many telegraph and telephone poles he had put up during the seventeen years he has been in the business, and his answer was that he had put up ever 22,000 in all parts of the country, many of them being of im mense weight and height, and in putting up this great number of poles he had never met with an accident in which any one was hurt. He was net concerned in putting up the pole that fell yesterday aud hurt Mr. Schlauch. He was at that time engaged in another part of the city. tirade or Pupils. Rockland street male secondary for June ; 2d and 3d division examined with the follewiug results : FIRST DIVISION. Menree Ilirsli 99 Lawrence Goe-t :S Kdwin tiarvin y.lidias McLaughlin... 9t Fred l'yfcr 99 Chas ilollin-er 90 G eilers 99.1 Sample 90 Kdwanl liursk 98 Walter Itateumii s Chas. Myers 9K Kd l'arker iJi Gee Leber 9$ Chas Diller 50 Harrv Kreiigrr WT Humphreyville.. 7S Will Killiner 9S S Gechuaur 70 Martin Itvain 95 Sherman Kdjjerley. 70 Henry Brown 901 Harry tiihsen 7u Jehn Perr. 90 II Mercer 7i Jehn Cehe 90,Gce Cremer .'se Chas Sprecher 94! Harry McCemev .. ai James Stewart..., sujlleward Myers..".... -M SECOND DIVISION." James Garvin 97 Chas Kwvus li Harry Winirert 9: (iee Callahan 7i Frank Spillingur,... 91 Sam'l Metz;ar tw Luther V II lee '.HI Curtis tW Harry I.indeiuutli.. S3 (See. K. Winger tit Alfred Faultling ft! Gee Keen i;7 Heward Snyder.... ft! FredUnjier t;j Cee Best ..'. SI Kmerv Smith HI Frank Casper 79 Will U'eNe til Will Zecher 79 Herbert Uibl til Kdwanl Ehrisuian.. 75 Harry Barnes .V, Chas Ueidel 74 Harry Halbaeli 49 Frank Samson 73 Jacob 1 1 neon :ss Walter IleIliiiKer... 7i TH1KD DIVISION. Gee Bverly 100Eddie Kcintricd !:: Will tellers 99i Walter Cox. Herbert Knox Harrv Sliaub Charles Miller... Arthur Villee.... Henry Goes Jehn Adams Jehn Iinmel Jehn Landau 99 Flinn McNt-al '.Mi Leuis Kippel lis I'hilip Schauta 1W Jehn Shirley 9S Willie Hamiiiemi . US Jehn Villee . !W Wm WiNen . 93 Hurry Killian Ml s. s-? Columbia Democracy In Line. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Columbia Democrats was held last even ing in the rooms formerly occupied by 1 lie H. J. and S. R. S. company, en Third street, for the purpose of forming a per manent Democratic club. The constitution and by-laws were u-:ul and adopted. The club will be known ly the name and title of " Keystone Demo cratic Club of Columbia,' Pennsylvania."' The following officers were elected : President, Wm. B. Given ; Vice Presidents, (1st ward,) F. A. Bennett : (2d ward,) J. C. Clark ; (3d ward,) C. X. Simms; Sec retary, Goe. W. Schrecder ; Assistant Sec retary, Frank Leng; Treasurer, Gee. F. Rathven ; Trustees. Samuel Filbert, S. S. Detwiler, Frank Cristy. The next business meeting of the club will be held en Friday evening, July 2ml. at 8 o'clock. OHITUAKY. Death eTa Fermer l.aiHMHteriaii. The New Yerk papers announce the death of Wm. Z. Jehnsen, a former rcsi dent of this city, and whose two brothers, two sister and a brother-in-law resides here new. Mr. Jehnsen was a Swii'e, brought his family te America about 1871, and settled in Lancaster. lie was intelli gent and upright and an active business man. While here he was engaged iu the tobacco trade, and iu following his calling traveled through all pacts of the United Stales. His death was caused by an ab scess or tumor near the liver. His linn! interment will take place in Philadelphia, the body being temporarily placed in a vault in Hoboken. HAItKAS CO K PUS. Henry Watsen JCeleaKed en Kali. Henry Watsen, colored, recently com mitted by Alderman Spurrier te answer four several complaints of larceny, and who was taken before both Judge Living ston and Judge Patterson, respectively, sonic days age, en writs of habeas corpus, with a view te his release en bail, as has been heretofore reported, was again be fore Judge Livingston this morning, and was released en giving bail in the sum of 6300 for his appearance at the next term of quarter sessions court, te answer the several charges against him. His sure ties were Catharine Watsen and Jacob Jehnsen. A writ of habeas corpus has been asked for iu the case of William Watsen, the father of the defendant, who is charged with the same larcenies, and he will proba bly have a hearing en 3Ienday. Gene, te Cincinnati. On the 11 o'clock train last night . I. L. Stcinmctz, esq., and Jes. L. Barnett, left for Pittsburgh, from which city they will go te Cincinnati. On the same train wen: the following gentlemen from Philadel phia : Lewis Cassidy, Samuel Josephs, Themas Barger and William Singerly. Geerge Bewman, of this city, left for the convention at 1 1 o'clock te-day. The Amcrictis club of Philadelphia passetl through this afternoon en a special train. They were accompanied by a band of music. The Samuel J. Randall club will puss through this city en fast line te-morrow afternoon. A number of gentlemen of this city will leave te-morrow at 11 o'clock. Change or Schctlule. On and after te-morrow, the following changes in the time table of passenger trains en the Pennsylvania railroad will take effect : The Pacific express east will leave Lancaster at 1 o'clock p. in. instead of 1:10, as heretofore. Mail train Xe 1 west will arrive at 10:10 a. m. instead of 10:33 ; and mail train Xe. 2 via. Columbia leaves Lancaster at 10:15 instead of 11:07. The Hanover Accomedation which had been taken off, is again put en and leaves Lancaster at 11:07. A Pleasant Surprise. Yesterday afternoon while Mrs. Dr. Win. X. Amcr and daughter were attending the commencement exercises of the St. Mary's academy, the Dr. quietly stele into B. F. Shrciner's music store, Ne. 30 X. Queen street, and purchased, as a present for his daughter, Bertha Irene, a magnificent square Grand Sohmer piano, and had it immediately placed in the parlor; it is need less te add that the surprise was complete and the recipient was mere than delighted. Axle Broken. Tliismerning as a countryman wa3 tim ing a wagn leaded with bay, along North Queen street, the axle broke in front of the City hotel. i 7 r