LANCASTER DA1M 1KTELLIGENCEK. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1880. '. : MYSTERIOUS DEATH. A Mangled Vedy Found in the Conestoga. Yesterday morning A. II. Hall and Jelin F. Griel went fishing in the Cdnestega, near tbe railroad bridge cast of this city. They noticed a dark-looking object lying in the middle of the stream, but suppos suppes it te be a leg or stump paid but little at tention te it. About a o'clock in the aftcrnoen'somc boys came along in a beat, aud rowed out te the object te see what it was. They found it te be the dead body of a man, and reported the fact te Ball and Giiel, who taking the boys' beat lowed out into the stream, secured the body and towed it ashore. It prered te be a well-dressed young man, unknown te them. Seme of the boys were sent te town te notify the coroner who immedi ately empannelled the following jury and lepaiicd te the scene : Capt. Jehn A. Schuh, Henry R. Mishlcr, Jeseph Snyder, J. W. Hess, Bernard Mulhatten aud J. B. Amwcg, esq., Dr. "Wm. Compten was also piesent as coroner's physician. Messrs. Ball, Griel and the boys were examined by the coro ner and gave in their testimony, the facts being as stated above. The body gave evidence of having been in the water two or three days. The left arm was crushed a; the elbow, and almost cut off, being at tached te the upper arm by a few ligaments only. There veic also biuises about the head and neck. The jury net being prepaicd te render a vcidict, the coroner had the body removed te the dead-house attached te the county hospital, where, during the evening it was Identified as Charles C. Wlnewer, plumber, a single man aged about 24 yeais, and residing at Ne. oil) Neith Queen street with his mother. His body was lemevcd te her residence about 9 o'clock last e cuing. Hew Mr. Winewcr came te his death is unknown. lie was in the employ of Shcttz er, Ilumphicyvillc & Kicffer, East King street, and was regarded as a steady work man, though he would occasionally go en a " spice." On Monday morning he called at his cmpleyeis, and asked for $2, which was given him. He Mas last seen by his mother en Tuesday evening, and there is a ritntei that he was seen at the Pennsylva nia tailread depot as late as Wednesday evening, but this is probably net the case. Thete aie several theeiics as te hew he came te his death. One is that being under the iuHucucc of liquor, or dissatis fied with allairs at home, he had beaided an eastern bound freight train and fallen front it while dessing the biidgc. An An other theety is that he may have been walking en the btidge, and being unable te get out of the way was struck by a train and knocked eif, or have fallen through the biidgc and leeeived his in juries by striking against the heavy it en reds some liftcen feet below. Still another theory connects his death with the bleed seen en Wednesday morning en thcneith track of the tail toad near the Penn it en weiks. These theetists supposed that his aim may hae been ciushed by the cats at this point en Tuesday night and that with his sound arm he swung himself upon the eastein-beund train and main tained his held till he i cached the biidgc and then fell oft" ; or, from the less of bleed at the time of the accident, staggeicd upon t'tc south track, was caught by the pilot of a locomotive and cariied as far as the bridge. A still mere heitible thceiy is that he was mimlcicri and tin own into the eteek. The cotenei's jutywill tc assemble to night at 8 o'clock, at Captain Schuh' b hotel. Net th Queen sheet, when further cfl'et ts will be made te clear up the mjs tcry. Persons in whose company he was last seen alive hae been summoned te ap pear befete the jury. Winewer's funeral will take place to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, under the management of the Washington fire com cem jiany of which he was a member. Delta Tuu Delta. The Ami th annual symposium of Chap ter Tau, of the Delta Tan Delta College Fraternity, was held atPewci's City hotel last night. At ten o'clock the members of the chapter and visiting Deltas met at the Chapter hall, Odd Fellows' building, en Seuth Queen street, and matched te the hotel, wheic shettly after, te the spiriting music of a march, the party filed into the dining hall. The tables were spread in the feim of a "T, " the Greek chapter letter, and above and about the jelly boys wete displayed ileweis and fraternity pictutes lending beauty te the scene. Mr. B. F. Bausman, "80, of Lancaster, held the po sition of Magister Epularum, and sus tained its dignity as he well knows hew ; Mr. Meuis B. Itebsr. '81, of Reading, was Punch master, and " punched " with a manifested caie for the wants of the fratcis. The following was the liteiaty and musical pregramme provided for and gene thteugh with after the cevcis had been icmeeil : Music. - Address of Welcome Magister Epula ltim. Toast "Our Ptofessienal Men" Re Re pensc by Gee. W. Geiser, esq. (Tau 'Te), of Easten, Pa. Toast "The Alpha -'Response by letter. Banqueting Seng Wiitten for the occa sion by Albeit D. Elliett, Yetk, Pa. (Tau '81.) Toast "Tau and the First Division " Response by A. B. Rtcscr (Tau "80.) Toast "Our Eastern Outlook " Re- spensc by II. T. Brttck (Rhe), Hoboken, K. J. Musie. Annual History Frank S. Elliett 'Tau '80.) Toast "The Ladies ' Response bv (Tau '78), Wilmington. Daniel Gibbens Del. Seng "Our Delta Queen"' Written for the occasion by J. Harry Geisstngcr. Toast "The Nu "Response by L. G. Schultz (Nu '82) Lafayette college, Eas Eas eon, Pa. Peem "A Valediction" J. Hairy Geissinger (Tau '80.) Toast" The Pi" Responses bv P. C. Woeteu aud T. B. Tichatnc (Pi "80), Le high university, Bethlehem, Pa. Music. Toast "Our Hest "Response by D. A. Miller (Tau '80.) Regrets at their inabity te be piesent at the banquet were read from a number of members of the fraternity, among thein Godlove S. Orth, ex-minister te Austria aud congressman from the Ninth Indiana district ; Hen. Titos. C. Brown, congress man from the Fifth Indiana district ; Hen. Townsend, Republican candidate for secretary of state in Ohie ; Will Carle Carle ten, the poet ; Rev. Jehn R. Scott, of St. Leuis ; Gee. Merle Zacharias, in Germany; and "W. L. McClurg, of Jansen, McClurg & Ce., Chicago. A number of Franklin and Marshall alumni were back te their alma mater te join with the boys in their "feast of reason and flew of seuk" and, all in all, the symposium was the most suc cessful of any that has ever been held by the Deltas in Lancaster. Much of the suc cess of the entertainment is due te the work of the committee of arrangements consisting of F. S. Elliet, O. R. Snyder, "V. S. Maybury; M. B. Reber, and T. X. Reiter, but most of all is praise te be bestowed en the genial host of " the City," Mr. II. II. Power and his son Will W. Power, for the generous manner in which "the three cornered boys" were cared for. The banquet broke up at about the second of the wee hours : collegians leaving the city in the 2:40 a. m. train weie escorted te the depot, while these that lemained sought out their dormito ries te dream of the evening as one that was past, but than which no pleasanter was ever spent. A Hatch of Ticket-,. One enthusiastic but intelligent and fai sighted jeung Democrat sends us the fol lowing list of tickets. " Any one of these combinations," he says, " can win." And yet net one of them may be adopted : i en i'hi:&iii:nt. Horatio Seymour, of New Yetk. ten via: president. Themas A. Hendricks, of Indiana. 1 OK l'HEfalDENT. Joel Patkcr, of New Jersey. FOR VICi: PRESIDENT. Jehn M. Palmer, of Illinois. FOIl PRESIDENT. Themas F. Bajatd, of Delawaie reu vki:premdi:xt. Jeseph E. McDonald, of Indiana. KOIt PRESIDENT. Winfield S. Hancock, of Pennsylvania. FOIl VICE PREMDEN T. Jehn M. Palmer, of Illinois, reu president. Themas A. Hendticks, of Indiana. FOIl VICE PRESIDENT. Claiksen Nett Petter, of New Yetk. 1 OU PRESIDENT. Stephen J. Field, of California. for vice president. William A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania. run president. William W. Eaten, of Connecticut. FOIl ICE l'KEsIDEN f. William II. English, of Indiana. FOIl PRESIDENT. Samuel J. Tildctt, of New Yetk. Fen vice iMir.sinr.ST. llciny B. Payne, of Ohie. FOIl PRESIDENT. Allen G. Thurman, of Ohie. FOIl A ICE 1'ItEsIDLNT. James English, of Connecticut. reu president. Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylvania. 1 OK VICE PRESIDENT. Jehn M. Palmer, of Illinois. roil PRESIDENT. Theodeie F. Randelph, of New Jersey. I'Oll VICE PRESIDENT. Wm. II. English, of Indiana. FOIl PRESIDENT. Claiksen Nett Petter, ei New Yetk. reu vice president. Wm. R. Morrison, of Illinois. l'Oll PRESIDENT. Den Catlos Bucll, of Kentucky. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. William Gasten, of Massachusetts. reu PRESIDENT. James E. English, of Connecticut. I'Oll VICE PRESIDENT. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois. reu PRESIDENT. Jehn M. Palmer, of Illinois. lOll MCE PREsIDl.Nl. Theodeie F. Randelph, of New Jetsey. l'OR PRESIDENT. Geeige B. McClcllan, of New .Icwy. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Geeege II. Pendleton, of Ohie. FOR PRESIDENT. William II. English, of Indiana. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Claiksen Nett Petter, of New Yetk. 1 OR PRESIDENT. Themas A. Hendticks, of Indiana. l'OR VICE PRESIDENT. William Gasten, of Massachusetts. I'Oll PKEsIDENT. Jeseph E. McDonald, of Indiana. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. William A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania. FOR PRESIDENT. Claiksen Nett Petter, of New Yetk. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Henry B. Payne, of Ohie. FOR PllESIDENT. Hugh J. Jcwttt, of Ohie. FOR VICE PRESIDEN T. Richard Hubbard, of Connecticut. FOR PRESIDENT. Samuel J. Tilden, of New Yeik. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Themas A. Hendricks, of Indiana. l'OR PRESIDENT. Horatio Seymour, of New Yetk. FOR VICE PllESIDENT. Allen G. Thurman, of Ohie. rOU PRESIDENT. Allen G. Thurman, of Ohie. l'OR VICE PRESIDENT. William Gasten, of Massachusetts. TOR PllESIDENT. William R. Morrison, of Illinois. 1 OR VICE PRESIDENT. James E. English, of Connecticut. FOR PRESIDENT. Themas F. Bayard, of Delawaie. FOR VICE PllESIDENT. Richatd 31. Bishop, of Ohie. FOR PRESIDENT. Jeicmiah S. Black, of Pennsylv.tni.t. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. David Davis, of Illinois. FOR PRESIDENT. Stephen J. Field, of California. EOR VICE PRESIDENT. Charles R. Ingersoll. of Connecticut. Neighborhood Xcus. Jehn Kurzcnknabe, aged 14 years, son of Prof. Kurzeuknabc, of Harrisburg, in company with Lizzie Sharen, an employee of J. S. Mikle, attended a picnic at Mount Alte park yesterday, during which they strayed off into the mountain and have net since been seen. Their disappearance has caused great excitement in Harris burg. The population of Nonistewn is set down at 13,113, and Easteu 11,940. The spoke factory of II. S. Waid, at Reading, was dcstieyed by lite last even ing. Less about $e,000 ; partially insured. AVni. Arneld, a well-known citizen of Chanccferd township, Yeik county, while engaged in digging a well, was e vet come by gas and mounting a ladder attempted te leach the top, but became exhausted and fell a distance of thitty, feet, breaking his left leg and splitting the bieast beuc. The physician declared his i cee very doubt ful ; later advices, hewcvei, repot t him improving. Crushed by a Telegraph ."uk. This morning while a number vef em ployees of the telephone exchange weie engage 1 in the erection of a pole en Beaver street in rear of Ne. 1 cotton factory, the pole get "out of plumb," aud came crash ing down with immense force and fell en Jehn Schlauch, an employee of Baumgard nsr's coal yard, very severely injuring him about the head and breast a deep gash being cut in his head. He was take n te his residence en Church street, and medical attention was summoned. Badly Burned. This afternoon about 3 o'clock a nine-year-old child of Charles Reden, residing en Seuth Water street, near Hazel, set tire te its clothes and was terribly burned about the side and arms. Enveloped in flames it ran into the house of Mrs. Bees, residing next deer, and she with much difficulty extin guished the flames, badly burning her own ' hands and arms in doing se. Dr. Belcnius was sent for and prescribed for the child's injuries, which are net considered necessarily dan gerous. Neither the father nor the mother of the burnt child were at home at the time of the accident, and there was no one else in the house except a smaller child. Kan a Null in Mis Feet. Henry Dcisley, a boy who resides en Middle street, while walking around in his bare feet lan a nail in his right feet caus. ing a painful, but net serious injury. St. Jacob's On. cut eg Neuralgia. Summer clothing and straw hats aie selling rapidly at Williamson &. Fester's since the great reduction In pi ices. And they will close their store fiem July 3 te September 1, at 7 p. in., except Saturdays. ielU M,AV,l'd&w tf The Dale Excursions The excursion te Niagara Fall-, under the management of .James A. Dale, or Yerk, will take place August 3. Tickets let the round trip Hern Lancaster and Yeik will be sold ler $3.V). A special exclusion te Ment it al and il tuin fiem ii Lake Ontario, the Thousand Islands, the rapids el the St. Lau rence te Ottawa, te Pre-cett and return te llec'hester w ill cost Hi additional. Ladies Letters. OI ceui-c anjbedy can wute a lettei en a sei.ip of p iper and de it up in a blown en- elope. J!ul thete is a great deal tit hawng lettets w rittcn in geed style and m such a way as te ghe pleasure both te sender and ie ceier. Te tins end we avail euiseHes of the geed taste of Railey, Hanks it Kiddle, et Phila delphia, and et the wealth and vanetyef ele gant things which they set bufeie us in the stationery line. The displaj of choice papeis and en elopes by this house cenipiises eeiy tastelul shade and ceiy style desiied byie lined people. The new 1 leneli and English papeisjust leeeived are leally exquisite anil no lady w he sees them w ill be able te de w lth lth eut them. The new styles et isiting cards and wedding in itatieiis may be found in eoi eei teet designs at this establishment. The cn gi.iMng et addtcss dies en wilting p ipei ii new a ie.itute el the business of this heu-e. juls ItdA-w F.iiulucS4 bofeie eating, pain and distress attei waid, ptevented by Malt Itittci -. Commonwealth Distribution Company. Twentj -Hist draw ing en Wednesday, J line ."(Ith, the 21-t diawing w ill occur. Quietly and legul.uly eei month this company di-tii-butes its piiyes. New is the time te in est ler the 21st hawing. Tickets only , and m ly draw a pne l.iugiug liem !(),U)i down te $10, amounting te$llluu. Remit te It. M. Roru Reru Mx, Building, Lgui- die, Kj., or same at Xes. S7 and .W) !'.iealu.i, X. Y. ltd V.nuleibilt was neat 1 sh ieil jcstei'.ay w lth Cutleui.iSh.iing fee.ip. haik : 'tis SOODO.NT leij, Jl.isle. jetiths and inaideus, come and liuj. Come and a secret I'll unfold, At small epen-e te j eung and old. A harm that w ill en both bestow A l uliy lip, and teeth like snow . jell-lv.deed.Vw Sl'EVlAL A'OTJCES. Haunted 3Ie. Debt. peeily and siiffei ing haunted me let j cars, caused by a sick family and l.uge bills ler docteiinghichdid no geed I was com pletely discouraged, until one year age by the advice el my pastei, I pieciued Hep Iiit teis aud commenced t licit u-e. and in one month we weie all well, and none et Ushae been sick a day miii e ; and 1 want te s.iy te .ill peer men, jeu can keep join families well a year with Hep Hitters ler less than one doe tei's isit will cost. A Weikingni.ui. jeln Jwd.vw An Old Man Ilcstered te Health. V, vta vi , X. Y., Sept. 13, lsTi). 11. II. XV MINI It & CO., IfOCIII.sTLIt, X. . Gl X- illmln " Fei terty jeaisl siilleied with Diabetes, being obliged te void tunicas often as once in thutj minutes, and h.te also hi en agieatsutlcier liem p.ilpit.ilien et the lu ait. I am new using join Diabetes Cute, and can ti uly say, at seventy -veais et age, that it makes me leel like a new man." jcl." 1 ll.VW 1'ETl.l! Snow KIM x. Don't jeu leiget it. "Sellers' Liver Pills" weie the lirst pills se called in the I'niled states, and ucer fail te de their v. eik. Tiy Lechci's Itenew tied Cough Sj i up. Statistics pree that twentj -hie pei cent, of the deaths in our linger cities aie caused by consumption, and when ie lellect tint this temble disease in its weist stage will jield te a bottleef Lechei's Ucnewned Cough fcjiup, shall we condemn the ulletcis ler their negli gence, or pity them ler then ignorance? .Ne : Last King street. Try Lechei's Kcnewned Cough byinp. IT Yeu arc Sick, Head the Kidney-We it advertisement in anethei column, and it ill explain te jnu the l.itienal method of getting well. Kidnej-Weit will save you mere doctei's bills than any ether medicine knew n. Acting w ith specilic eneigj en the Kidneys and Liver, it cures the weist diseases caused by their derangement. I'se it at once. jeWlwd&w Hew te Get Well. Thousands of peisens aie censtantlj troubled with a combination of diseases. Dis eased Kidnejs and costive bowels aie their toinienteis. They should knew that Kidncy Kidncy Wei tacts en these etgans at the same tune, causing them te tlnew oil the poisons th it have clogged them, and se renew ing the w hole man. Hundreds testify te this )el4-lwd.Vw Mairied ladies will lind in ' Dr. Lnn!se's liloed fcearchei" just what they need. Tiy it. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers:: : Are j ou distuibed at night mid bieken et your lest by a sick child sutreiing and cijing with the excruciating pain el cutting teeth? It se. go at once anil getabettle el Jilt's. WlXh LOV'bOOlHIXSYnUI,. It will relieve the peer little sullerer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en eaith who has ever used it, w he will net tell jeu at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give lest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, epeiating like magic. It is pel feclly safe te use m all case, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the iesciiptien et one et the eldest and best physicians and muses in the United States. Sold eveij where i." cents a bottle. Ijl"-lj d.lw 31, WW.". Tiy Lechei's llenew neil Cough Syi up Sldden Ciivxcts or tiii: Wevtheii ettcn cause Pulmonary, Hienclnal and Asthmatic tienbles. 'JJrewn'.i Jlrenchml Troches" will allay imtatien, which induces coughing, of tentimes giv ing immediate relief. jel.Vlw dlTli&s,,Y.w- Try Lechei's Kenow ned Cough Syi up. Crape Culture and Wine The culture of grapes in Xew Jeisey Is get ting te be one of the most impeitant indus tries et the state. The piincipal v.uietics laiscd arc the Oporto and Conceid. Jir.Speei's vineyards at l'assaic premise a larger j ield this than any previous year. In consequence Mr. Speer lias leduced the puce el hisl'eit Grape Wine. The eldest can new be bad at $1 per bottle from any et the druggists. It is used ler medicinal purposes as a superior w inc, ami in churches for communion purposes, its properties are net intoxicating se that the weakest person may use it te advantage, and temperance people cannot object te its use ler medicine. Evening Bulletin. Tills ine is endorsed by Drs. Atlec and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slnymaker. jel5-2wdw- Try Lecher'3 Kenewned Cough Syrup. XXW AlirEBTLSt:3CESTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. Prices always lower than City Prices. We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special Werk at short notice from our own factory. We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. I'OZITICAZ. DKMOUKATIU hTATE TICKKT. TOP. SCTPEME JTTIHJK. i.i:ei:gi: a.jexi:. FOIl AVItlTOi: OEM I. VL. ItOUKKT V. DiXHEKT. Ii;v.OCKATIC COUNTY TICK ITT. FOnCOXORESS. .1. L. STXIX3IETZ. FOK DISTRICT ATTORMtV. 1). McMULLEX, FOR SENATOR (leth DISTRICT.) .1. 15. DOUGLASS. I Oil ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) s C. STEVENSON, s. 1'. S1IIKK. I'Oll ASSEMKLY (3d DISTRICT." AMOS DILLEU, K. DAYI5 YUXDT, JACOU 31. HAENLEX. FOR TRISOX INSPECTORS. IJAKTOX M. WIXTEli I5EXJ. MILLEli. FOR POOR miltCTOES. A.J. SXYDE1J, JOI1X FItAXCISCUS. lancasti:k ceuxty APPOINTMENTS. HI LLI.ATLSTO XATIOXAL COXVEXTIOX. I!. J. McGKAXX, V. V. HEXSEL. ( VLTLRNVTEi?.) E. S 1IAM151SIGHT C. J. ItHOADS. ELECTOR. JAMES G. BIcSPAUKAX. ST TE COVIMITTEE MCVIIIFIU. GEO. DILLEU, M. b. MOOKE. 'ithdiawn. HJLITJIS. IlLHe.. In this city, en June 17, 1SW0. Jacob, son et llei n.ud and Barbara Ilereg, aged Si jeus, -J meuth.s and 22 days. The relatives and li lends of the family are lcspecttully invited te attend the liineral, liem his puents' residence, Xe. 5.11 Maner stieet, en Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. In tel inent at Lancaster cemeteiy. Services at St. Jehn's llcleiined church. jelS--2td Wixew Lit. J line 17, IbSO, in this city, Cluulcs Wmewei, aged '2.J jeais. The lel.itives and fiiendsaieiespcctfully in v lied te attend the liineral. liem the residence of his mother, Xe. 511) Xeith Queen street, to te to meiiow (Satniday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, it A'j; r AmrJcJtTi.yj:aii:ifTs. ".. AI. LY! I. i or Clausen's Xcvv Yeik Bohemian lleer go te the Schiller Heuse, Xerth Queen street. jelb-2ld PETER LOTZ, 1'ioprieter. I.IItsT SOCIAIU.K OF THE ALP11A Club w ill be held at the Green Cottage en SATI"KDA EVENING next. Xe improper eh iructcis aituutted en the gi emuls. Admission fiee. je!8-2td 'OK SALE. AVILL KIZ MILD AT PUBLIC Sale, !! the pieinises, Hanisbur Pike, (city limits,) near l'eiin'n U, June 21, at 2 o'clock p. in. II.. en J liursdav. Three Acres of Gi.iss, mestlj Tiniethv. ADAM STEIXEKT, ltd HaaiisburgPike. F 'SUKS YOUU I'llOl'EUTy WITH. IJAUSMAX ,b 11UIINS, Xe. 10 West Orange Street. Ollice leSeedtfilll SCHOOL TAX, 1880. Tin' duplicate is m the hands et the Treas urer. .1 pei cent, olffer piemt payment. WM. O. MARSHALL, Treustiict. Xe. 12 Centre Squaie. Ollke heuis liem 9a. in. te 4 p. in. jel2:itd's. WA.SU 1)1' lit, IC SALi: OF HOIOES. JOHN MDES Mill sell en Monday, 21st inst.. at 1 p. in., at the Merritnac Heuse, 2$e. 115 Neith Pi nice stieet. 17 head et Kentucky Heiscs. Can be sL.Cn at, the above nanieil stables new . S AM'L HE&S) ft SOX, jel7.'!td Auctiencei-s. AKVilKllV. FISIIIjSG tackle AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, FLINN k bTeNEMAN'S. ARCHERY, Cioe.uet. P.ase Ikills and Hats, Chinese Tey Eeinb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, and ether Seasonable Goods, at Flinn & Mwim. 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. MISCVTTLXIMUS. CITY TAXES,. The duplicate of city t-ixesis new in the hands or the Trcasui er. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or be lore Jnlv 1, 1SS0. E. WELCUANS, jel tdM,l'&sR Tieasnrer. Ai:. McCAN'N, AUCTIONEEK OF KEAL . Estate and Personal 1'ieperty. Otdcrs lett at Xe. .!.- ;hailette street, or at the Illack Heise Hetel, -11 and 4fi Neith Queen street, will receive piempt attention. Hills made eiitand ttcuileil te w itheut additional cost. e27-lv PROP. LOSSES' l'llILADELl'IHA OK CHESTRAat yULMEIt'S GARDEX eveiy evening anil a display of fire works, with Milwaukee lleer alw ays en tap. lvv d pKOPOSALS FOK BUILDING. J Sealed proposals vv ill be leeeived by the I'.eaid efTi ustccs of the Yeates Institute until Jl'XE 2T, 1SN, ler the erection et a Scheel lEuildiug en the let en thenertheasteiu corner et Duke and Walnut streets. The contiacter villi be expected te de all the work connected with the building, including plumbing, gas luting. A.c., and making the Hues and connec tions lm the heater. The right te reject any or till of the bids is reserved. The plans and spec ifications can be seen at the efllec et S II. Re.v nebis, esq. Piopesols te be addressed te tlie undeisignul. GEORGE XAUMAX, jel5..itd Secretary of Heard of Trustees. AMENDMENT TO CHAKTEK OF LAN castei Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. Xetice is hereby given that application has been made te the Coutt of Common Picas et Lancaster county tegrant certain amendments te chat ter of Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire In surance Company, new tiled in Prothenotary's Ollice, and motion ler decree granting the same w ill be made en the 21st day of June, A. D. l&SU, at 10 o'clock a. m. WM. R. WILSOX, A. C.REIXOEHL. Solicitors for the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. m26-3wdM,W&S ATTOKXEYS-AT-LA. If HENKY A. KILEY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Uensel. MARKETS. New Yerk Market. Xkw Yerk. June IS. Fleur State and West" ern dull and witnent any important change, and moderate expert and job trade inquiry ; superfine state $.1 U)4 25; extra de $3 754 25; choice de W 305 00; fancy 5 056 00; round hoop Ohie $4 G05 00 : choice de $5 10G 25 ; superfine western f3 50 4 25 : common te geed extra de $3 754 40 ; choice dodo $4 507 00; choice white wheat de $4 (j55 00; Southern dull, unchanged : com mon te fair extra. $55U0; geed te choice de $5 riG50. Wheat Spring dull and nominal ; Winter about 7.y,c lower and heavy : Ne. 2 Red, July, 1 15 ; Se. 1 White June$l 22. Coin quiet ami very firm , Mixed western spot, 43d2Jc; de future 50v2c. Oats steady : Xe. 2 July, 38;c ; State 39 44c ; Western 3745c Heef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered 97 00. Whisky dull ; Western $1 0SQ1 09. Spli its of turpentine dull at 44045c. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, June 18. Fleur quiet; super line $2 753 25 ; extra at $3 233 75 ; Ohie and In diana family at t55 75 ; Penn'a family $4 75 5 25: St. Leuis family $5 506 00; Minnesota family $4 2535 25 ; patent ami high grades $6.50 7 50. Rye flour at $4 50. Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat firmer with better demand; Xe. 2 Western Red $125; Fenn'a Red $125; Amber $1 26. Cern firmer; steamer 51c; yellow 52M53c; mixed 5152c. Oate steady ; Ne. 1, White. 42Kc; Xe. 2, de 42 4.5c ; Xe. 3, de 393c; Xe. Mixed 37c. Rye firm ; Western and Pa. 89c. Previsions active ; mess perk at $11 7512; beef hams $205021 ; India mess beet $161U 50 ; b icon, smoked shoulders 55c ; salt 4 4c; smoked hams ll12c; pickled hams 9 10c. Lard 11 im ; city kettle 77c ; loose butchers 6c ; prime steam $7 057 10. Hutter Choice wanted ; Creamery extra,22c; de geed te choice, 1921c; Bradford County and Xew- Yerk extra. 1920e ; Western Re serve extra, 1517c ; de geed te choice l'214c ; Rolls dull ; Penn'a extra 1013 ; Western re serve extra 1013c. Eggs easier; Penn'a 1415c ; Western 13 14c. Cheese lair at a decline ; New Yerk factory llji12c; Western tull cream, 9Jc; de te fair geed 8K9c; de half skims.88c. Petroleum dull ; refined 8c. Whisky $1 11. Seeds Geed te prime Timethy dull at $2 75 S',z Flaxseed easier at $1 40. Stock Markeu. Philadelphia, June IS. 12:30 P. x. 3:00 P. si. Stocks dull. Penna b's (third issue) 108 Philadelphia & Erie 12 Reading 8 .... Pennsylvania 51 .... Lehigh Valley. 49 United Ces. et N. J 160U Xeithern Pacific 25j " Prelerred 47l Northern Central 30- Lehigh Navigation 26 Xorristewn 102 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts., Tltusviile & ButTale. 14 Little Schuylkill 44 Xxw Yerk, June 18. -Stocks stteng. jiienLy e N. Y. Central 12K CjX ll,tiiitiicaitt titit m M Adams Express 111 Michigan Central 88 M ich igun Southern 105 Illinois Central 103 Cleveland & Pittsburgh... .118 Chicago & Reck Island 103 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne. .ISO Western Union Tel. Ce 104 Teledo Wabdsh 35 New J ersey (Central Cl!4 United States Ilends and Sterling Exchange. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. V. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, June 18. United SUltes 6's, 1881, (registered). .103104 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .103!lftl United States 4's, 1891, (registered)109109J United States 4's,1891,(coupons).. .109109.5S United States 4s, 1907. (registered).. 10107 United States Currency C's 125 Sterling Exchange 4bUtS9 H'UVTA'D. WANTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVEK tise, free of charge, in the Intelligen cer, who wants something te de. 13AOS! KAGS! KAOS! RAGS WANTED Xt Aj Housekeepers take notice that v,e arc paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. casii pain as seen as aeuvereu 10 WM. HEXNECKE, api-9-3md Xe. 2"15 West King Street. KlVIfJST AN) ZirUK CVJtJS. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The greatest of Modern Medical Discoveries. A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE REMEDY in the world ler Bright's Disease, Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There area large number of testi monials of the highest character in support el these statements. Pi of. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, In an article in the Medical Kecerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Bright's Disease by this remedy, and advises all his brother physicians te use it in practice. R. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester, N. V., writes that he would piescribe the remedy te all afflicted with serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. JL, et Washington, D. C, tells et permanent cures effected ey it, and says : "I de net doubt that it lias great virtue." D. W. Bartine, M. D., D. D., or East Orange, N. J., certifies that it cured him of chronic Bright's Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Harvey, D. D., Secretary of Heward University, certifies ; "I am convinced that no lemcdy heretofore used or described can be held for one moment in comparison with this." These are sample testimonials. Tw e compounds : Fer the cure et Diabetes call ler Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure et Blight's aud the ether diseases call for War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, unequalled in tl.cicrespective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testi monials. II. II. WARXER & CO., Rochester, X Y. 1 d2-TuTh4Sd&w ESTATE OF ANNA M. WEIDLEK, late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing cluims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. m3C-tdeed INSTATE OF JAMES W. RHEV, LATE li of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Steinmetz. JULIA RHEY. Administratrix. J. L. Stkixhetb, Att'v. m27-Ctdeaw THIRD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 18,1880. THE DISBARMXEXT CASE. CounseUer Shapley Makea a Streng Argu ment. Special te the IxTEixierMrKR. Harrisburg, Jane 18. Mr. Shapley concludes a strong argument te-day. The ether counsel speak te-morrow. A. J. S. WHAT OF CINCINNAn ? The Gathering or tbe Class. A Glance Ahead Viewing the Rattle Ground Frem PltUburg Tllden'a Strength in Pennsylvania Weak-Belief That He Will net be a Candidate The Penn sylvania Delegation The Field Beem. Editorial dispatch te the Intelligences. Pistsbcrgu, June 18. Tilden's strength in Pennsylvania has had its vitality only in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. "While ether things hare been regarded as doubt ful it has been deemed certain that five delegates from Philadelphia and four from Allegheny would be for him all the time. Frem conferences with both these ele ments I am satisfied that they de net ex pect him te be a candidate, and Kentucky's failure te instruct for him yes terday and refusal te enforce the unic rule has disposed of him. His Pennsylva nia friends will net consent te the transfer of Tilden's strength from Pennsylvania te Payne and risk his defeat in October. Seymour's declination is considered cer tain. Pennsylvania cannot get the nemi nee unless she presents a name sol idly, and the delegates cannot be united for cither Hancock or Randall until some ether state leads off for one of them. Field's friends are active, strong and hopeful. They would readily concede second place te Randall. W. U. II. NEAKlNG THE IsATTLE-FIELD. Hewitt Thinks Tilden Will Net be a Candi date, and Predicts the Defeat of all the Leading Candlates Randall or Parker as the Dark Herse. Editorial Dispatch te the Intellieexceu. CoscnecTOX, O., June 18, 2:30, p. m. I interviewed Abram S. Hewitt, of New Yerk this afternoon. He thinks Mr. Til den's name will net be pressed, but that he will prevent Bayard's nomination. Hewitt thinks Randall will be the nominee, or that most probably there will be such division that all the leading candidates will be beaten and such a man as Joel Parker, of New Jersey taken. Claiksen N. Petter is net popular in the New Yerk delegation. Gcu. Tem Ewing, of Ohie, threatens te stump against Payne in the event of his nomina tion. W. U. II. SENATOR -1HUIMIAX. Uis Friends Vigorously Pushing Uiin. "Washington, June 18. Senater Thur man left last night for his home, in Col umbus, Ohie. It is net understood that he will go te Cincinnati during the session of the convention, but he will be in direct communication with his fiiends there. Thurman headquaiters have been estab lished in Cincinnati at an ex pense of $00 per day, ami his friends say they intend te press his claims with vigor. A Tliuinian club from Columbus will leave for Cincinnati as seen as the Senater arrives at the former place. Each member will have a Thurman badge en one side of his breast, while an enormous red bandana, the favorite adorn ment of the Senater, will dangle from the pocket en the ether side. Before he left "Washington te-night Judge Thurman said the unit rule would held in the Ohie dele gation, which has been instructed for him, and that it would vote solid as long as there was any chance for his nomination. A large number of Democratic senators, some of whom are delegates and some of whom are net, will be in attendance at the Cincinnati convention. Senators Davis, of West Virginia, and Lamar will work hard in the interest of Judge Thurman. ESCAPING PRISONERS. Arrested While Making Their .Way rem Trinidad te Bosten. Bosten, June 18 .The Brig Nove Ma thildc arrived here Tuesday from Trini dad, under the command of Captain Francisce des Santes Le. On her arrival, the deputy superintendent of the alien passenger agency, bearded the brig while in the stream and found as passengers eleven Algerincs who had escaped from the French penal settlement at Bayonne, making their way te Trinidad, and shipping thence te Bosten. They say they are all political offenders. All the convicts went from De maraia te Trinidad, where the average of their stay was fifteen months. They paid the captain $126 for their passage, agreeing te beard themselves, and for which purpose they bought twenty dollars worth of previsions. Their funds aggregate $3 and they are ut terly destitute, without means te obtain even feed te eat. The captain having re fused them assistance. Tlte authorities served notice en the captain notifying him te keep the convicts en beard, and net te permit them te land within the jurisdiction of the state, which prohibits the entrance of persons known te be cri minals or liable te become paupers. The fiine in each case is limited te SeOO. This is the second time within three months that an attempt has been made te land Algeria convicts in Bosten. COLORADO. Greenback State Convention. Denver, Cel., June 18. The state Greenback convention met here yesterday, and nominated Rev. A. J. Chittenden, for governor ; Albert Campbell for lieutenant governor ; G. W. King, for secretary of state ; Jehn II. Picket, for treasurer, and L. T. Hollincwerth, for attorney general Incendiary Utterances suppressed. Mooney, the leader of the Leadville strike, was arrested here last night while addressing a meeting called te endorse that strike. Ne assistance was attempted. THE INDIANS. Cel. Hatch Asking Permission te Pursue Victeria. Washington, D. C, June 18. At the cabinet meeting this afternoon, a telegram from Gen. Hatch requesting permission te fellow Victeria's retreating Indians across the Mexican border, was referred te the state department with a view of obtaining the consent of the Mexican government. Advices from the Pacific coast were laid before the cabinet reporting that an expe dition is being organized in Southern Ari zona te take possession of the state of Senera, Mexico. Secretary Ramsey was authorized te telegraph instructions te the proper military authorities. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, June IS. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, clear or partly cloudy weather light variable winds, stationary or higher temperature and barometer. MEDICAZ. HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS nep BIT ERS nep BIT ERS HOP BIT T)ROVERUS. HOP BIT ERS nep BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HIT Ells HOP HIT KIJ.S HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS 'Fer sinking spells, fits, dizzi ness, palpitation and low spirits, rely eti Hep Dltters." "Read ett procure and use Hep Bitters, and you will be strong, healthy and happy." "Ladies, de yen want te be strong, healthy and beautiful? Then use Hep Bitters. " The greatest appetizcr.stemach, bleed and liver regulator Hep Bitters." "Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Bankers and Ladies need Hep Hit ters daily." "Hep Bitters has restored te so briety and health, perfect wrecks from intemperance." " Sour stemach.sick headache and dizziness. Hep Hitters cures with a few doses." "$30 will be paid for a ease that ERS nep BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS nep BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS Hep Hitters will net euro or help. " "Hep Bitters builds up, strength ens ami cures continually from the first dose." "Kidnev and Urinary complaints et all kinds permanently cured by Hep Bitters?' Hep Cough Cure is the sw eetest, safest aud best. Ask eliildren. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Lier and Kidneys is Superior te all ethers. Ask Druggists. D. I. C. is an absolute and irre sistible cure ler drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. .MI above sold by druggists Hep Bitters Manufacturing Ce. Roches ter. N. V. bend for Circular. 5 d'J-lydeed&w HOP HIT KRS HOP BIT ERS nep HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT HIT ERS ERS ERS ERS HOP HOP HOP HIT HIT HIT ERS ERS ERS KW K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W-K-W HDHEY IHT! K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W' k-w THE ONLY MEDICINE KAY That Acta at the Same Time en K"w K-W K-W K-W K-W The LIVER, K-W K.w The BOWELS, k-w And the KIDNEYS, k-w K-W These great organs are the Natural ,xw .. , Cleansers of the System. If they,. . K"w work well health will be perlect: it A'w ,, ... they become clogged, dreadful ills-.. ... iv-w eases ate sure te tollew with iv"" K-W K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W K-W Hillensness. Headache. Dyspepsia, K-W Jaundice, Constipation and IMIes, erK-W Kidney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes, K-W Sediment in the Urine, Milky or Ky Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Pains K-W ,llld Aches, are developed because n.y the bleed is poisoned with the liu-K-W mers that should lia e been ex- K-W pellcd naturally. kZ KIDNEY WOllT kw K-W W,H restore the natural action and n.yy all the-,e destroying evils will be K-W banished negleet them and you ill K-W live but te suder. Thousands have K-Wl'een cured. Try it anil you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K-W ll und health will euce meie gladden K-W your heart. K-W Why suffer longer from the ter-K-W inent et an aching heart? Why bear K-W such distiess lreui Constipation and K-W Pih-s? Why be se fearlul because K-W of Disordered Urine? Kidney Wert K-W w ill cure you. Try apackageat once K-W and be satisfied. K-W It is a dry vegetable compound, K-W and one package makes six quarts K-W of medicine. our druggist has it, K-W or will get it for you. Insist upon K-W having it. Prieetl.OO K-W Wells, Richaiidsen & Ce., Pi eps., K-W Huklinoten, Vt. K.W (Will send pest paid.) jul.Vlyd&w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W CUTICURA Miracles of Healing Unparalleled in Medical History. " I have been alllictcd for twenty years w ith an obstinate skin disease, called by some M. D.s' psoriasis and ethers, !eprosy,ceuimencing en my scalp, and in spite of all I could de, with the help et the most skilful doctors. It slowly but suiely extended, until a year age this winter it covered my entire person In form of dry scales. Fer the last three years I have been unable te de any labor, and suller ing intensely all the time. Every morning there could be nearly a dustpantul of scales taken from the sheet et my bed, some of them halt as large as the envelope containing this letter. In the latter part et winter inyhkln commenced crackingepen. I tried ever thing, almost, that could be thought of, without any relief. The l'ith of June I started West in hopes I could reach the Het Springs. I reached Detroit and was se low I thought I should have te go te the hospital, but finally get as far as Lansing, Mich., where I liad a sister liv ing. One Dr. treated me about two weeks, but did me no geed. AH thought 1 hail but a short time live. I earnestly prayed te die. Cracked through the skin all ever my back, across ray ribs, arms, hands, limbs, feet badly swollen, tee nails came en,tinger nails dead and hard as bone, huirdcaJ, dry imd lifeless us old straw. O, my Ced ! hew 1 did sutler. "My sister, .Mrs. E. II. Davis, 'had a small part of a box of Cuticura in the house. She wouldn't give up ; said, ' We will try Cuticura. eme was applied en one hand und urni. Eureka! there was relict; stepped the terrible burning sensation lreni the word go. They immediately get the Cuticura. Reselvent, Cu ticura. and CuncuKA. bexr. 1 commenced by taking one tablespoonful of Reselvent three times a day, after meals : had a bath once a day, water about bleed heat: used Cuticura Seap freely; appUed Cuticura morning and evening. Result, returned te my home in just six weeks trem time I left, and my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. "HIRAM E. CARPENTER, " Hendersen, Jefferxen County, N. Y. "Sworn te befeic me this nineteenth day of January, 1S80. "A. M. Leffinewell, Justice of the Peace. We hereby certify that we are acquainted with the aforesaid ;Uiram E. Carpenter and knew his condition te ha e been as stated. We believe his statement te be true In every pai ticular. L. H. Simmons & Son,Mercirts,Hendersen,N. Y. O. A. Thompson, Merchant, A. A. Davis, Millard E. Joiner, " Jehn Carnenter. " " A. M. Lefhngwcll, Attorney and Counseller-at-Law, " " Cuticura Remedies are prepared by WEEKS POTTER, Chemists and Druggists,M Wash ington street, Bosten, and are ler sale by all Druggists. Price of Cuticura. a Medical Jelly, small boxes, 50 cents; large boxes, $1. Cuti cura Reselvext, a New Bleed I'uritler, $1 per bottle. Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Seap, i't cents, Cutictka Medicinal Shavise Seap, 1.1 cents: in bars ler Barbers and largeciistemers, 50 cents. MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS. A Feed and a Medicine. The Purest, Safest and Meat Powerful 'Re storative In Medicine ler Feeble and Exhausted Constitution, Nervous and General Debility, Con sumption and 'Wast ing Disease. may 22 InnlWASJtw