Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 18, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligencer.
An Audacious Demand.
Mr. Garfield has made a speech in
"Washington since his nomination, hut in
it made no reference te the grave accu
sations that are current against his in
tegrity; and from the same place comes
a report that hy the advice of his friends
he does net propose te make any further
explanations of these matters beyond
that which he has already given te the
public. This decision may be the only
one open te him. It is te be presumed
that he has said in his defence all that
can be said, as he would have had no
motive when heretofore seeking te ex
plain his conduct te conceal any part of
his defence. As that stands it is simply
a denial of the testimony of
Oakes Ames that he held stock
in the 'Credit Mebiiier and re
ceived as profits upon it its par value,
and $329 in. excess thereof. Te his own
statement is added an expression of opin
ion upon the part of Judge Black that
whatever connection Garfield had with
the fraud, was had ignorantly, and there
fore innocently. "We publish elsewhere
the statement made by Mr. Garfield in
1876, te his constituents in his congres
sional district, as embodying his defence.
That it is lame and impotent hardly
needs te be said. It did net satisfy all of
his Republican fellow citizens as appears
from the resolutions passed by the "War
ren Republican convention of that year
which we also publish. It presented
nothing that was net stated by him te
the congressional committee that in 1873
investigated the Credit Mebiiier affair,
and which reported that:
Mr. Garfield agreed with Mr. Ames te
take ten shares of Credit Mebiiier stock,
but did net pay for the same. Mr. Ames
received the 80 per cent, dividend in bends
and sold the bends for 97 per
cent., and also received the CO
per cent, cash dividend, which together
paid the price of the stock and interest and
left a balance of $329. This sum was paid
ever te Mr. Garfield by a check en the ser-gcant-at-arms,
and Mr. Garfield then un
derstood this sum was the balance of divi
dends after paying for the stock.
The New Yerk T'imes declared then
that " Messrs. Kelley and Garfield pre
sent a most distressing figure. Their
participation in the Credit Mebiiier
affair is complicated by the most unfor
tunate contradictions of testimony." Te
the allegation that the implicated con
gressman had acted in ignorance of the
true character of the fraud it replies that
" te these who knew anything about the
Union Pacific railroad in the winter of
1807, the purpose and origin of the Credit
Mebiiier were se well known that they
may fairly be said te have been noto
rious." Again it said : " The character
of the Credit Mebiiier was no secret.
The sources of its profits were well
known at the time congressmen bought
it." The Xew Yerk Tribune denounc
ing the report of the congressional com
mittee which recommends the expulsion
only of Oakes Ames and James Brooks
said :
James A. Garfield, of Ohie, had ten
shares ; never paid a dollar ; received $329
which, after the investigation began, he
was anxious te have considered as a lean
from Mr. Oakes Ames te himself.
Well, the wickedness of it all is, net that
these men were bribed or corruptly influ
enced, but that they betrayed the trust of
the people, deceived their constituents and
by evasions and falsehoods confessed the
transactions te be disgraceful, and new a
whole Congress of grown men is te delib
erate seriously upon a resolution that puts
the sins of all these upon two. Partisan
ship has never stoeDcd se low as this.
This was Republican opinion ; and in
view of it the audacity of the party
which new presents Mr. Garfield as its
presidential candidate and his hardihood
in accepting the nomination without
seeking further te exculpate himself, is
made very conspicuous.
Mr. Garfield's disingenueusuess in
asking his constituents te believe him in.
necent because he would net be likely
te barter his geed name for $329 is glar
ing. Ne such charge is made. Though
Mr. Garfield received but this amount of
money the stock which earned it for him
steed in his name en the books of the
company and it could have been at any
time claimed by him, together with the
immense dividends accruing upon it.
Prudence withheld him from claiming
any mere of the swag until time enough
should have elapsed te make it probable
that it could be taken safely, and when
shortly it became apparent that this
could net be done, of course he did net
step further into the mire, but in the face
of the damning developments he sought
te retreat from the compromising steps
he had already taken.
His effort is vain ; he committed him
self tee deeply. Fer his own word he
can ask no confidence. His conduct
does net entitle him te it. He did net
treat the people frankly. Prier te the
congressional investigation he denied all
manner of connection with its subject,
and his memory was revived te a remem
brance of his negotiations with Oakes
Ames only when he was compelled te
face his testimony. In ether matters his
record had net been clear. His Republi
can constituents, in "Warren county, it
will be seen, charged that since his entry
into Congress he had steadily arrayed
himself with rings and monopolies
against the interests of the people. His
connection with De Golyer in a successful
effort te draw immense sums from the
treasury for a worthless wooden pave
ment is net less scandalous than his
Credit Mebiiier affiliation. It is net dis
puted that he took a fee of five thousand
dollars te impose this pavement upon the
city of "Washington while he was chair
man of the committee of Congress which
had it in charge te provide the money te
pay for it. Admitting that he received
this fee, the only palliation that he ever
offered is the statement that he did noth
ing te earn it ; which would only show
that he had defrauded his client without
demonstrating that he had net acted in
decently in his relation as congressman.
Anether charge made against him is
that he made no effort te expose and
punish the pest tradership frauds which
Gen. Hagen in 1872 brought te his
knowledge. Here his favorite defence of
ignorance does net come te his hand.
The summary of his alleged offences
against the government and the people
includes charges of falsehood, corruption
and inefficiency. And a man thus grave
ly accused asks election te the chief
magistracy. Even were he innocent, in
the absence of his ability te clearly prove
his innocence, his demand is onetelx
laughed te scorn ; as it will be.
Hard te Please.
The newspapers which essay testigina-
ti7.e Horatio Seymour as the " Great
Decliner" because he pretests an unwil
lingness which they de net doubt that lie
entertains, te accept the presidency,
speak with little wit or wisdom. It has
get te be the habit of many journalists te
te believe that it is a high misdemeanor
for any citizen te refrain from answering
any questions which an interviewer may
put te him. Many regard men's opinions
as public property and insist upon their
publication en demand. The public have
no such right. Xe one can properly de
mand of Mr. .Sevmeur that he shall say
whether or no he will accept the presi
dential nomination until it is tendered
te him. Men who decline efiice in ad
vance of its tender, are criticised by the
very journalists who stand ready te de
nounce them if they refuse te give an
explicit answer te a reporter who is com
missioned by them te ask the imperti
nent question. "When Mr. Seymour
says he does net want the nomi
nation, and furthermore declares
that his age and health make
it his duty te himself te decline it, he is
denounced by the men who solicit this
information, as a chronic decliner, who
will net stick te his declination at every
hazard; when the fact is that if Mr.
Seymour accepts the Democratic nomi
nation against his will it will be an act
of virtue and self-sacrifice prompted by
his willingness te yield his own wish in
the interest of the public as declared by
the Democratic convention. A selfish
man would net de this; he would net
take what he did net want ; and these
who really believe that Mr. Seymour is
honest in his declination for public office
should give him praise rather than blame
if he permits his own desire te be sacri
ficed te the demand of his party.
"We feel no occasion te offer any apol
ogy te our readers for the surrender of
se large a portion of our space during
the current week te the reports of the
closing exercises of Franklin and Mar
shall college, and which seem only te re
flect the general interest annually in
spired by this event. " College hill " has
long been regarded as the fountain head
from which have gene forth the streams
of knowledge and intelligence that in
succeeding years are te fertilize society
and make it fruitful of geed works.
The local pride which our people feel in
this noble institution is net only pardon parden is praiseworthy in that it indicates
a degree of popular interest in education
and in the dissemination of knowledge
whose reflex benefit must exert a potent
influence en the well-being of the people
in whose midst the institution has grown
te the eminence it occupies as a scholas
tic centre. The steady growth of the in
stitution, of which the late commence
ment gives evidence, is cause for mutual
congratulation, in which all interest
ed in the work of education, the great
integer of an elevated society, may
Ouit special advices from Pittsburgh,
te-day, confirm the opinion that we have
previously expressed, that Mr. Tilden
will net be a candidate before the Cincin
nati convention, and that the outcome of
the deliberations of that body will be
such as will be cheerfully ratified by the
Democratic sentiment of the country.
James B. Hewell, cx-U.S. senator, died
in Keokuk, Iowa, yesterday morning, aged
C4 years.
Mr. J. II. SiiOExitEiiGEK, the Pittsburgh
iron manufacturer, has just settled $1,000,
000 upon his new-made bride, who was
Miss Alice Tayler, of New Yerk.
William Black, the novelist,is a paint
er, chiclly in water colors. He is living at
Brighten, where he and Bret Hartc are
much together. Black is net a society
man, and is very reticent except with inti
mate friends.
Ludmilla Assing, the niece of Varn
hagen Ven Ense, bequeathed all her un
cle's collections, books, sketches, MSS.,
etc., te the Royal library at Berlin, upon
condition that they shall all be exhibited
under the tile of the Varahagcn collec
tion. Londen society has been startled by the
announcement of the approaching mar
riage of the carl of Malmesbuky and Mrs.
Mekelle, the Earl being 72 and the bride
about half that age, and much sympathy
is expressed for the heir presumptive te
the title.
Mrs. Florence S. Maiitix and Senater
Zeuulex B. Vance, of North Carelinia,
were married at the residence of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Samuel Steele, in Oldham
county, Ivy., Wednesday evening. The
ceremony was performed by Bishop Mc Mc
Cleskey of the Catholic church. Senater
Vance was a widower.
Miss Anna E. Dickinsen will, it is re
ported, reappear upon the stage in the
autumn in her play, " The Crown of
Thorns." The scene of her new play, in.
tended for Miss Davenport, is laid in Rus
sia ; the time is fifty years age, and the
heroine is an English Jewess. Miss Dick Dick
ineon has also been at work upon a comedy
drama called " Elfrida : or, the Test of
The army worm is reported in White
hall, Lehigh county, and Nazareth, North
ampton county, where large fields of
grass and rye have been destroyed by the
Emil Wahl' s button manufactory, Phil
adelphia, was damaged by fire yesterday
morning te the extent of $7,000, and the
stock and machinery about $10,000, the
latter being fully covered by insurance.
The building is insured for $3 000.
One of the Philadelphia and Reading
coal and iron company's stables at Brook Broek
side, with twenty-seven mules, was de
strayed by fire last evening. Less esti
mated between five and six thousand dol
lars. Insurance unknown. Origin of fire
The extensive land sales in Pike county
are ever. About 15,000 acres of valuable
land have been sold. The prices paid were
low, the total amount realized being about
$1,500. The lands were nearlyall bought
by people from New Yerk.
A heavy rain fell at Stroudsburg, Men-
roe county, yeatesday, breaking the
drought that has prevailed in that section.
Farmers say that the hay crop is badly
damaged and that all grains are mere or
less damaged. Fears of a scarcity of feed
for cattle this winter are entertained.
At the instance of Attorney General Pal
mer, writs of quo warrante were issued
vesterdav airainst the Eclectic college of
Pennsylvania and the American University
of PvniiHylvauia, commanding them te
show by what authority they exercise the
franchises, etc., of medical colleges.
In the Philadelphia court of Oyer and
Tenniucr, yesterday, William Hague,
alias Curlcy Harris, alias Cheeny Harris,
charged with the murder of Jehn Davis,
alias Jim Riley, was found guilty of mur
der in the second degree. A motion in ar
rest of judgment and for a new t-iial will
heard this morning.
Garfield's Annrer te tils Constituent.
Frem Garfield's Address te his district, 1S76.
I neither purchased neragreed te purchase
the Credit Mebiiier stock which Mr. Ames
offered te sell me, nor did I receive any
dividend arising from it. Thisappcars net
only from my own testimony, but from
that first given by Mr. Ames, which is net
overthrown by his subsequent statements,
and is strongly confirmed by the fact that in
the case of each of these who did purchase
the stock there was produced as evidence
of the sale cither a certificate of stock, re
ceipt of payment, a check drawn in the
nanie of the payee, or entries in Mr. Ames's
diary of a stock account marked adjusted
and closed, but that no one of these evi
dences existed in reference te me. This po
sition h"s further confirmed by the sub
sequent testimony of Mr. Ames, who,
though he claimed that I did receive $329
from him en account of stock, yet he re
peatedly testified that beyond that amount
I never received or demanded any
dividend : that none was ever offered te
me, nor was the subject alluded te in con
versation. Mr. Ames admitted in his
testimony that after December, 1807, the
various stock and bend dividends amounted
te an aggregate of mere than 800 per
cent., and that between Januaryi lebH.aucl
May, 1871, all these dividends were paid te
several of these who purchased stock. My
conduct was wholly inconsistent with the
supposition of such ownership, for dur
ing the year 1869 I was borrowing money
te build a house iu Washington and secur
ing my creditors by mortgages en my
property , and all this time it is admitted
that I received no dividends and claimed
none. The attempt te prove a sale of the
stock te me is wholly inconclusive, for it
rests first en a check payable te Mr. Ames
himself, concerning which he said several
times in his testimony he did net knew te
whom it was paid, and, second, upon loose
undated entries in his diaries, which
neither prove a sale of the stock or any
Davmcut en it. The only fact from which
it is possible for Mr. Ames te have inferred
an agreement te buy the stock was the
lean te me of $300. But that lean was
made months before the check of June 22,
18G8, aud was repaid in the winter of 1809,
and after that date there were no transac
tions of any sort between us, and before
the investigation was ended Mr. Ames ad
mitted that en the chief point of difference
between us he might be mistaken.
That the offer which Mr. Ames made te
me, as I understood it, was one which in
volved no wrong or impropriety. I had
no means of knowing and had no reason
for supposing that behind this offer te sell
me a small amount of stock lay hidden a
scheme te defraud the Pacific railroad and
imperil the interest of the United States,
and en the first intimation of the real na
ture of the case I declined any further con
sideration of the subject. That whatever
may have been the facts in the case I
stated them in my testimony as I have al
ways understood them, and there has been
no contradiction, prevarication nor eva
sion en my part.
If there be a citizen of the United States
who is willing te believe that for $329 I
have betrayed away my geed name and te
falsehood have added purjury, these words
arc net addressed te him. If there be one
who thinks that any part of my public life
has been gauged en se low a level as these
charges would place it, I de net address
him. I address these who are willing te
believe that it is possible for a man te
serve the public without personal dishonor.
I have endeavored in this review te point
out the means bv which the managers of
a corporation wearing a garb of honorable
industry have robbed aud defrauded a great
national enterprise, and attempted by cun
ning and deception, for selfish ends, te en
list in its interests these who would have
been the first te crush the attempt had
their objects been known.
Itesolutiens of Garfield's Republican Con
stituents. Resolutions of Warren (O.) Republican Con Cen Con
veiitieii,Septcniber 7, 187C.
Fourth. That there is no man te-day
officially connected with the administra
tion of our national government against
whom are justly preferred mere and
graver charges of corruption than are pub
licly made and abundantly sustained
against James A. Garfield, the present
representative of this congressional dis
trict and the nominee of the Republican
convention for re-election.
Fifth. That since he first entered Con
gress te this day there is scarcely an in
stance in which rings and monopolies have
been arrayed against the interests of the
people that he has been found active in
spaech or vote upon the side of the latter,
but in almost every case he has been the
ready champion of the rings and monopo
lies. Sixth. That we especially charge him
with venality and cowardice in permitting
Benjamin H. Butler te attach te the ap
propriation bill of 1873 that ever-te-be-remembered
infamy the salary steal, and in
speaking and voting for that measure upon
its final passage. And charge him with
corrupt disregard of the clearly expressed
demand of his constituents that he should
vote for its repeal and with evading said
demand by voting for the Hutchinson
Seventh. That we further arraign and
denounce him for his corrupt connection
with the Credit Mebiiier, for his false de
nial thereof before his constituents, for his
perjured denial thereof before a committee
of his peers in Congress, for fraud upon
his constituents in circulating among them
a pamphlet purporting te set forth the
finding of said committee and the evidence
against mm, wiieii iu iuei uiiiu-iiai por
tions thereof were emitted and garbled.
Eighth. That we further arraign and
charne him with corrupt bribery in selling
his official influence as chairman of the
committee en appropriations for $5,000 te
the DeGelyer pavement; ring, te aid them
in securing a contract from the beard of
public works of the District of Columbia ;
selling his influence te aid said ring in im
posing upon the people of said district a
pavement which is almost worthless, at a
price three times its cost, as sworn te by
one of the contractors ; selling his influ
ence te aid said ring in procuring a con
tract, te procure which it corruptly paid
$97,000 "for influence ;" selling his influ
ence in a matter that involved no questh n
of law, upon the shallow pretext that he
was acting as a lawyer ; selling his influ
ence in a manner se palpable and clear as
te be se found and declared by an impar
tial and competent court upon an issue 'sol
emnly tried.
Ninth. That we arraign him for the
fraudulent manner in which he attempted,
in his speech delivered at "Warren en the
19th day of September, 1874, te shield
himself from just censure in receiving the
before-named $5,000. by falsely represent
ing in said speech that the Congress of the I
umwi euitea were net responsieie ier ine
acts of said beard nor the United States
liable for the debts created thereby, when
in truth and in fact, as he then well knew,
the said beard of public works and the
officers of said district were but the agents
and instruments of Congress and the
United States was responsible for the in
debtedness by them created.
1 enth. 1 hat we arraign him for gross
dereliction of duty as a member of con-
gr .5 in failing te bring te light and ex
pose the corruption and abuse in the sale
of pest traderships, for which the late sec
retary Belknap was impeached, when the
same was brought te his knowledge by
General Hazen in 1872, and can only ac
count for it upon the supposition that his
manhood was debauched by the corruption
funds then by him just received and in his
own purse.
P. Lorillard's four-year-old brown colt
Falsetto lias been scratched for all his Eng
lish engagements.
There were twenty-five deaths from yel
low fever in Havana for the week ending
June 12.
The Republicans of the Fifth congres
sional district of Maine yesterday nomi
nated Seth T. Milliken, of Belfast, for Con
gress. Baseball : At New Haven Albany, 7 ;
Yale, 5. At Providence Providence, 5 ;
Buffalo, 0. At Worcester "Worcester, 8 ;
Chicago, 11.
At the meeting of the Army of the Po
tomac, atBurlingten, Vt., yesterday Gen.
Charles Devens was elected president. 700
veterans were in attendance.
The Indiana Republican convention te
nominate state officers met yesterday and
nominated a ticket headed by Albert G.
Perter for governor.
The members of the Metropolitan Bap
tist church of San Francisce, at a meeting
en "Wednesday night, adopted resolutions
strongly endorsing Rev. Isaac S. Kalloch.
The members of the Society of the Army
of the Cumberland resident in Washing
ton gave a banquet te General Garfield
last evening.
At the annual commencement of Cernell
university at Ithaca, New Yerk, yesterday
a class of 78, including 10 young ladies,
was graduated.
About 135 passengers of the disabled
steamer Anchoria sailed from New Yerk
for Glasgow yesterday en the Ethiopia, of
the same Hue.
In Sidney, Australia, a youth has been
committed for trial at the instance of the
colonial secretary, for offering the latter a
bribe te confer an appointment.
Census enumerators say the population
of Washington is about 140,000, and of the
District of Columbia 172,000. This shows
an increase for the district of 40, 000 in ten
In the international regatta at Provi
dence, Hanlan was unexpectedly taken
with a " stitch in the side " and the pro
fessional race was wen by Wallace Ress
with Riley second and Ten Eyck third.
The national convention of Prohibition
ists met yesterday in Cleveland, O. Neal
Dew, of Maine, was nominated for presi
dent by acclamation, and A. M. Thomp
son, of Wcstcrville, O., was nominated for
vice president.
The annual meeting "of the New Yerk
press association is bcinjr held at Trey. At
the business meeting, yesterday, Jehn M.
Francis, president, aud Frank M. Pixley,
of the San Francisce Argonaut, made ad
dresses. Te-day aud te-morrow there will
be short excursions.
Dr. AY". W. Dawsen, a leading physician
of Cincinnati, in a despatch te Dr. Sayre,
at New Yerk, denies that there is any
Asiatic cholera in the former city. There
was ene case, ten days age, of sporadic
cholera, such as occur any summer iu every
In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Al Rittenbcrg, a
desperate character, while drunk m a
lower town saloon yesterday afternoon,
was fatally shot by Michael Caiman, whom
Rittenbcrg assaulted with a chair. The
ball passed through the lattcr's threat
near the jugular vein. The assault, it is
said, was entirely unprovoked. Caiman
surrendered and is new in jail.
In the Kentucky Democratic convention
at Lexington yesterday, the mention of
Tildcn's name'areused considerable enthu
siasm, but an allusion te Mr. Seymour
created a furor of applause. A resolution
instructing the delegation te Cincinnati te
vote as a unit gave rise te a heated debate,
pending which a recess was taken until
evening. On rc-asscmbling the unit reso
lution was withdrawn. This is considered
a defeat for Tilden, though most of the
delegates arc Tilden men. The dclegatcs-
at-largc are Henry Watterson, Jehn W,
Stevenson, General "William Preston and
Judge AV". Lindsey.
Opening Night at Roberts's Hall.
Last evening the festival for the benefit
of the Sunday school library of the mission
of Christ's Lutheran church opened in
Rebert's hall, en Prince street. The
room iii which it is being held has been
trimmed with evergreens, flowers, United
States flags, flags of all nations, &c.
Strawberries, ice cream, cherries, cakes,
&c, are for sale en tables, with which the
room is filled and which are in charge of
the ladies. There is nothing te be chanced
off or voted for, and the ticket of admis
sion entitles the holder te a plate of ice
cream or strawberries.
Last night Clcmmen's city band attend
ed the festival and rendered several pieces
of music. This evening Keller's orchestra
will be there, and te-morrow evening the
band will take their place. ThcTair closes
te-morrow night.
En Reute Ter Cincinnati.
Shortly before 12 o'clock last night a
special train of six Pulman cars, having
New Yerk men en beard, passed through
this city en their way te Cincinnati.
There were a large number of delegates
en the Chicago express west at 11 o'clock
this forenoon. The Connecticut delega
tion had a special car en the train.
Speaker Randall was a passenger en the
same train. He came out en the platform
when the train stepped and shook hands
with a number of friends.
This morning two horses hitched te a
brewery wagon, belonging te Cenrad Ivoeh Iveeh
ler, of the Lien brewery, frightened at an
object while standing in the yard of the
brewery and started te run. In turning
into Church street the tongue of the wagon
was broken off and kegs of beer were
thrown along the way. The horses were
caught in Middle street and beyond the
breaking of the tongue there was no ether
Assessor vs. The County.
The case of J. R. Fitzgerald, assessor,
of Mount Jey, against the county of Lan
caster te recover $90, alleged te be due
him for making extra assessments, was
heard before Alderman Wiley this mera
ing, and the alderman reserved his decis
ion. The defence is that Fitzgerald has
been paid in full.
Special Meeting te Fix Salaries and Elcet
Teachers List of Teachers and
Their Salaries.
A special meeting of the beard of direc
tors of the Lancaster city school district
was held in common council chamber last
The following named members
present :
D. G. Baker, P. D. Baker. Brosius, Car
penter, Cochran, Eberly, Eberman, Eris
man, Evans, Harris, D. Hartman, J. I.
Hartman, Jacksen, Johnsten, Lcvcrgoed,
Marshall, McCenisey, McConemy, Morten,
Richards, Samson, Schmid, Schwebcl,
Slaymaker, Smeych, Snyder, Spurrier,
Westhacfl'er, AVilsen, Christian Zecher,
Gee. Ar. Zecher, AVarfel, president.
The object of the meeting having been
stated by the president, en motion of Mr.
Jehn I. Hartman the salaries of teachers
of the several grades were fixed for the
ensuing school year at the figures paid
during the past school year.
At the suggestion of President AVarfel
the several applications for positions as
teachers, together with the recommenda
tions of the applicants, were read. Most
of the applicants presented very flattering
testimonials as te their scholarship aud
their efficiency as teachers.
Before proceeding te elect teachers Vies.
ident AVarfel called the attention of the
beard te the faut that the examination of
pupils for graduation and transfer was
progressing, and that it was desirable that
as many members of the beard as could de
se should be present at the examination.
The beard then proceeded te the nomi
nation and election of teachers.
On motion, all the teachers or the boys'
high school and the girls' high schools were
re-elected by acclamation.
At this point President AVarfel called
D. G. Baker te the chair, and taking the
fleer made a motion that the election of
principals for the boys' secondary schools
be postponed until the next regular meet
ing of the beard. He said he had known
Mr. Heir, principal of the Mulberry street
secondary school for the past ten years,
and it would give him great pleasure te
vote for his re-election if he could consci
entiously de se ; but te his own personal
knowledge and from complaints made by
parents and patrons of the school, the
school was badly managed, the pupils were
doing no geed and it was palpable that Mr.
Ilerr should net he continued in his pres
ent position.
Mr. Eberly suggested that the objec
tion te Mr. Heir's re-election was mainly
the result of an opposition te him en the
part of his assistant 'teachers, lie moved
te amend Mr. AVarfel's motion te postpone
the election of all the teachers of the
Mulberry street school.
Mr. Jehn I. Hartman opposed postpone
ment. Mr. AVarfel had shown that his own
mind was made up and that he was pre
pared te vote. He (Mr. Hartman) be
lieved that every ether member of the
beard was also prepared te vote.
Mr. AVarfel replied that he had made
the motion te postpone at the request of
members new present.
Mr. Slaymaker said in reply te the re
mark of Mr. Eberly, that the opposition te
Mr. Heir's re-election was net because his
assistants were hostile te him, or wcic
themselves inefficient ; en the contrary
they were among lhe very best teachers in
the employ of the beard ; and if Miss Pal
mer, the first assistant, had had charge of
the school the discipline would have been
much better than it has been under the
charge of Mr. Heir.
Mr. Eberly again took the ilner and de
fended Mr. Heir, but was called te order
bv Mr. Brosius. who raised the point of
order that the merits or demerits of
teachers could net be discussed while a
motion was pending that the election of
teachers be postponed.
The chair sustained the point of order
raised by Mr. Brosius.
Mr. Eberly thought the point of order
would have come with better grace from
the gentleman had it been made while Mr.
Ilerr was being assailed by Mr. AVarfel and
Mr. Slaymaker.
On motion, of Mr. Cochran Mr. Eberly
was pemitted te proceed, and at consider
able length defended Mr. Hen's admin admin
stratien of the school. He said his own
son was attending Mr. Heir's school and
was getting along with his studies very
satisfactorily. The trouble in the school
dated back te the time that Mr. Grcist was
principal, aud had its origin in the difficul
ty that led te Mr. Griest's resignation.
AVhcn Mr. Hellinger was elected te take
charge of the school the assistants did net
support him ; and when Mr. tlcrr
was elected as his successor, their
feelings were against him also ;.
they wanted Mr. Griest as princi.
pal, and their lack of co-operation
with Mr. Ilerr had tended te demoralize
the school. A greater cause of demorali
zation was a quarrel of Mr. Lcvcrgoed
and Mr. Slaymaker ever the expulsion of
some boys from the school. As fast as
Mr. Slaymaker expelled them Mr.
Lcvcrgoed restored them. The pupils
knew all about this quarrel, and they have
conic te believe that they can misbehave
as they please for if one director expclls
them another will reinstate them. It is
the fault of these directors and net of
Mr. Ilerr that the discipline of the
school has become lax, and that the school
is net a success. Mr. Eberly insisted en
giving Mr. Heir fair play.
Mr. McCemscy defended the action of
the committee in expelling and transfer
ring pupils ; it was only after their action
that there was anything like discipline in
Mr. llerr's school.
Mr. AA'ilsen spoke at some length
against postponing the election of princi
ples of the secondary schools, and warmly
defended Mr. Ilerr.
Mr. Johnsten moved te amend Mr. Ebcr
ly's amendment te Mr. AVarfel's motion,
by excepting from postponement the elec
tion of teachers in the Rockland street
sccenday school. Mr. Gates, the principal
of said school had been in the employ of
the beard for a dozen years or mere and
members were net ignorant of his quali
fications as a teacher. He had been elect
ed and re-elected time and time again, and
if he has heretofore been fit te teach, he is
fit new.
Mr. AVarfel replied that he had made the
motion te postpone at the suggestion of
ether members, and if the secender of his
motion was willing te withdraw it and
proceed with the election, he was also
' Finally the motion te postpone was
withdrawn, and the. beard proceeded te
elect a principal for the. Mulberry street
boys' secondary school.
A ballet being taken, resulted as fol fel
lows : AVm. II. Lcvergoed, of Yerk ceun.
ty, had 14 votes ; D. 11. Ilerr, the present
teacher, had 11 votes ; Clarence V. Lieh
ty, city, had 5 votes, and Herman L. Niss-
ly, of Middlctewn, had 2 votes.
Neither of the candidates having a ma
jority, a second ballet was taken, when
Mr. Levcrgoed had 14 votes, Mr. Ilerr 11
votes and Mr. Lichty 7 votes.
A third ballet being taken resulted in
the election of Mr. Lcvergoed who received
17 votes, te 11 cast for Mr. Ilerr and 4 for
Mr. Lichty.
The assistant teachers iu the Mulberry
street secondary schools were re-elected
with slight opposition, as was also Mr.
Gates principal of the Rockland street sec
ondary school, who received 27 votes, te 3
cast for Mr. Nissly and two for Mr. Lichty-
All the ether teachers in the employ of
the beard were re-elected te their present
position by acclamation.
Te till the vacancy of second assistant in
Miss Dougherty's school caused by the
promotion of .Miss Villee. all applicants
were placed iu nomination. On the first
bailet thcrs was no election ami en the
second ballet Miss Blanche Lichty was
elected, the vote being for Miss Lichty 18,
Miss Carpenter 12, scattering 2.
The salaries of the musical instructors,
Profs. Kevinski ami Matz were fixed the
s une as last yeas; $10!) te the former and
8500 te the latter and both were re-elected
by acclamation.
Mr. Slaymaker from the building com
mittee gave notice that he would call a
special meeting of the beard en Tuesday
next, .te take action relative te the erection
of a new school house en the let, corner of
Lime and Lemen streets.
Following is a list of the teachers of the
common schools of Lancaster city, and
their salaries for the year commencing
Sept. 1st, 1SS0.
Hey' High Scheel.
$ V.t i
. 770 00
. 7."0 UO
1.1. McCaskcy, Principal ,
James U. (.'aide, 1st Assistant
(.'co. N. ("lever, id Assistant
irlh High .Scheel.
Mi S. II. Riinili'll, Piincipal IM) 00
" i'achcl !'. Jacksen, 1st Assistant.. ."." i no
" M. II. M. I'risniun, '2d Assistant Ml) Oe
" M. K. Uill, Teacher of Drawing... :M U
Secondary Scheel Heys,
Win. II. I.evcnioeil, Principal IK') (hi
Miss .Mary i. Palmer, 1st Assistant :::r. no
Kmma rowers, 2d Assistant :&i U
s. 1. DIVIalOS.
i:. S. ('att-s Principal mi 00
Miss Lizzie .Nceper, 1st Assistant 3!l." (in
" r.mina V. llaUer, 'il Assistant 3S3 oe
Miss hla V. llantch, '2d Assistant "A't OO
Sccenilarj" Scheel ('iris.
MissCt-erxic I'nndell, Principal ISO 00
I.clla McCeriniul;, 1st Assistant... SB ui
" Kmma ('reen, 2d Assistant 3-3 00
Miss Clara P.. Ilnljer, Principal II) 00
AiiiiieC.lhithven, 1st Assistant... 3:i.r, 00
' Saltie Dcn-ilcr, -2d Assistant 3s.l 00
Miss Annie C. I'ruhal'cr. Principal 110 00
Sm-(iirvin, 1st Assistant :;'.t."i oe
Clara l.iehi,'2.l Assi-tant 3S3 00
Sinule Primaries.
.Miss I). I"iic Hair Xi) no
i.illie II. Clarksim 330 0O
African Scheel.
Danilriilc H.Ceuzzins l:r oe
Combined Primary Sclioeis.
(I'n-'lish and Cur-nan.)
s. v.-. DIVISION.
diaries Matz, Principal
.Miss Hale 1'itiidrll, Assistant Principal
" .Minnie II. Witwcr, 1st Assistant...
' Sue. Mauley, -d Assistant
(..enihiiicd Primary Schools.
MissMarv Ziuchcr, Principal
KIlu Miisser. 1st Assistant
770 00
40 00
::s.-, en
."wO te
:'.") oe
Mary ('uthciie, '2d Assistant SUrl M
Miss V. .1. Jehnsen. ::-C 00
Henrietta i:.llarkins,lst Assistant :!:: .10
" Mirali Stiffcl, 2d Assistant :rJ 50
Miss Matilda u-r. Principal
l-'mily Suyilam, 1st Assistant
" I.elu Zujf, id Assistant
Miss Mary Miisselinan, Piincipul
Jennie S. Davis. 1st Assistant
" Alice Marshall, 2d Assistant
Miss Mary A. Heugliertv, Principl
Julia Villee, 1st Assistant
' lllanclu! J.iclity, '2d Assistant
Mi-s -Mary L. Channel, Principal
Mary J. ISriipiii'r, 1st Assistant
' Clara O. Spindlcr, '2d Assistant
Mi-s Lizzie C. Marshall, Principal
" P.lanehe M. McCormick, 1st Ass'l..
" Li.zie Carpenter, '2d Assistant
Mi-s Alice (Jundakcr, Principal
' KUa Carpenlcr, 1st Assistant
' Annie Carter, '2d Assistant
Miss Kate l!ncklti. Principal
KnimaS. ISriiimier, 1st Assistant..
' Margie K. (iable, '2d Assistant
Miss Kinina L. Downey, Principal
s-ue Helbroek. -2d Assistant
" 1'atu Clil'ten, '2d Assistant
Miss Annie M. Ktter. Principal
' Nellie Utipley, 1st, Assistant
" Kute Shirk, '2d Assistant
x. u. division eiiaxci: sTUEirr.
Mis-s Mary K. Stahl. Principal
" Sarah 1. Smith, 1st Assistant
" Salliu F. llarkins, 2d Assistant
Jehn 15. Kevinski, Primary and Sec
ondary Schools
Charles Matz, Hili Schools
:rc oe
::i:; .vi
:;)'2 m
::sr oe
:;i:: w
:vn .i0
:."i oe
::v.i ."e
'02 'M
:$.- oe
:a: no
'Ml M
:ixi oe
:;i:i M
.) oe
:;i:: no
:;e-2 se
:s.', no
:;i:; no
::.)-2 no
:& oe
::i3 no
02 30
:w oe
::i:i 30
002 30
.IsT, 00
313 30
302 30
300 00
HA) 00
Distressing I'niscily sit Onarryvllle.
The people of Quarryvillc were startled
this morning by the report, which proved
te lie true, that "Win. L. Uhlcr, a resident
of Lebanon, had hanged himself en the
premises of Geerge "V. llcnsel, whose
family he had gene te visit a few days
The act is supposed te have been
committed about three o'clock this
morning and was discovered about four
o'clock by Mr. Frank AValtman.
Information of the sad affair was at once
given te Deputy Corener "William l'eehm,
who .summoned a jury and held an inquest.
After hearing testimony the jury rendered
a verdict that deceased came te his- death
by his own hand while temporarily i.isaue.
Mr. Uhlcr was a bachelor aged abaut eO
years, was a brother of the late LeviUhler
of Manhcim, Jeseph Uliler of Lebanon and
Edward Uhlcr cashier of the Lebanon bank
aud an uncle of Mrs. Gee. AV. llcnsel'
lie was born and raised in Lcbanei.J
In 1810, during the geld fever, he was
one of the first te visit California, where
feratimche followed ireld mining, aud
afterwards banking, and became
quite wealthy. lie was well educated, a
fine conversationalist, possessed geed taste
and judgment, and having wealth te grat
ify them, traveled largely and expended
his means liberally. "While a citizen of
California he made half a dozen voyages
te Europe, visiting almost every country
and viewingall objects efinterest. Hcspeke
fluently six languages, and this accom
plishment gave him many advantages ever
most ether tourists. About two years age
he returned te Lebanon and has since re
sided there. Fer about a year past, it was
noticed by his friends that he had seasons
of depression and mclanchel y, and for a
few months past these have become mere
common and increased in intensity, and it
was no doubt during one of them that he
accomplished his self-destruction.
Delightful Kutertaiumeut at the Operm
Heuse Yesterday Afternoon.
The sixth annual commencement of St.
Mary's academy took place at the. opera
house yesterday afternoon, where a large
audience was assembled. The exercises,
which began at half-past thrce.epened with
an ' Ave Maria," admirably rendered in
chorus by the pupils of the academy,
numbering in all about 100 boys and girls,
ranging in age all the way from the
youngsters of half a dozen years te the
young ladies of sweet sixteen or there
abouts. Miss Lizzie McGovern read a charming
essay the title of which was Footprints,'
It was brim-full of beautiful thoughts,
chastely worded, aud pervaded by a
sincerity of conviction and devotion of
principle that were enhanced by
the graceful manner of its de
livery and the modest self-posses-ion
of the fair graduate, while the his
torical accuracy of her illustrations argued
a thorough familiarity with the events of
history and of the careers of the men and
women whose "footprints in the sands of
time" have been left as a legacy te guide
the pathway of succeeding generations.
At the conclusion of her admirable com
position Iliht Hev. Bishop Shanahan,
who presided ever the exercises, presented
te Miss McGovern the academic honors.
consisting of a tceld medal, suitably in
scribed, and a diploma, together with a
wreath eflamchattcstiiig amiability of con
duct, correct deportment and scholarship.
Besides an abundance of supjrb floral tokens
a number of valuable presents and remem
brances accompanied the applause with
which she was rewarded.
'Midnight Moen" (Glever) was the
title of a song rendered very sweetly by
the school.
Miss Marie Ilryant recited with line
elocutionary and dramatic effect, N. 1.
Willis's poem entitled " Healing the
Daughter of Jaiitis," in the rendition of
which she manifested an apt conception of
the spirit and rare beauty of the composi
tion. Leng-continued applause and a prefu
sien of handsome bouquets, baskets and
ether lleral designs testified te the appre
ciative admiration of the audience.
" Captain of the Guards" was the till?
of a clever military song and drill by
the boys who were jauntily and appropri
ately attired.
An amusing comedy in two scenes, en
titled " My Aunt's Heiress, " wxs a nota
ble feature of the pregramme, all of the
young ladies giving evidence of native dra
matic powers that would net discredit a
1:101 e pretentious performance. The dis
tribution of characters was as fellows :
Mv. June Smith, mother of the "lovely
seven, " Miss Mary Reilly ; Mm. Alexander
de Ctxtrcey tfmilh, Miss Marie Ilryant ;
Betsey Jlrvirn, Miss Lizzie Malenc ; Sip
jutlx, Miss Maggie Ueilly (an especially
clever impersonation) ; the "seven daugh
ters " : Misses Mazie Malenc, .Jennie
Murphy, Lizzie Sheaff, Hessie McGrann,
Anna Doersom, Ucrnie O'Neill and Alice
A I tick.
Cantata "An Heur iu Fairyland" was
a charming performance iu which some
thirty or mere little girls, attired iu li:ht
swiss dresses and decked with many-colored
ribbons, presenting an array of varie
gated but harmoniously blending luus,
took part.
A quintet " See the Pale Moen " was
rendered in line style by Misses Lizzie
MeGeverii, Marie Bryant, Jennie Murphy,
Mazic Malenc aud Lizzie Shealf.
A dialogue " The Eche" in which
Masters Dan Ilryant, Eddie Ueilly.
Jehn McLaughlin and Dick Altick partici
pated, provoked rears of laughter.
The valedictory, by Miss Lizzie
McGovern, in which she bade adieu te the
reverend bishop and Father Hickey, te
the sisters in charge of the academy and
te her schoolmates, was a touching compo
sition, breathing the affectionate regard
in which the cherished recollections of
school will ever be held, and the farewell
te which is always accompanied by emo
tions of the most painful character.
Bishop Shanahan and Father Hickey
then awarded the premiums te the pupils,
consisting mainly of diplomas, pictures,
books, etc., and at the conclusion of this
feature of the exercises complimented the
boys and girls who had acquitted themselves
se creditably and afforded an entertainment
se thoroughly enjoyable.
Our notice would be incomplete were
emission made of the admirable instumcii"
tal performances of Misses Mary Barry and
Addie Celby, who accompanied en the
piano the various songs which con
tributed se materially te the enjoyment of
the occasion. In all respects the enter
tainment was a successful one, reflecting
credit alike upon the pupils who took part,
upon the sisters under whose auspices it
was carried out, and upon the academy
itself which closes its sixth year with every
indication of material prosperity aud the
premise of its continuance.
Iest and Kennil.
Last evening about C o'clock, Goarge
Hunter, janitor of the court house, found
iu the corridor of that building two memo
randum books containing $" iu green
backs, check for $2,200, and several valu
able papers. Ascertaining that they be
longed te Mr. C. G. Ilerr, tobacco packer,
Ne. 224 West Orange street, he rcturneu
them te him greatly te the astonishment
of that gentleman who was net aware of
his less until the property was returned te
Scheel Entertainment.
This evening at 8 o'clock the pupils of
the girl's secondary schools will give a
musical entertainment at the high school
building, West Orange street. The enter
tainment will be under the management
of the musical instructor, Mr. Kevinski,
from whom tickets of admission may be
obtained gratis by the parents and patrons
of the school. Nene will be admitted
without tickets.
Drunk and Disorderly.
This morning Hiram Snyder had a hear
ing before Alderman McConemy te answer
a complaint preferred by his wife, who tes
tified that. Hiram had smashed the chan
delier, broken the gas-pipe, hacked the
furniture and threatened her. The alder
man "sent him up" for 10 days te coo