Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 17, 1880, Image 2

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    ffHiWina nwiAii
SLaucastct Intelligencer.
Gov. Seymour.
The Philadelphia Times is advised
from Utica that Mr. Seymour has net
written a letter te the Cincinnati dele
gate from his district, declaring that he
will in no event accept the Democratic
nomination. A letter te this effect
which has been published is pronounced
a fabrication. It will seem te the public,
in view of the persistent statements
falsely purporting te come from 3Ir. Sey
mour, taking him out of the presidential
field, that there is a malicious intent in
some quarter te get him out of the way
by unfair means. The party in the coun
try, however, is tee much interested in
Mr. Seymour's candidacy te make
any such attempt successful. There
is a clear desire te nominate him
if lie will accept. Everyone knows that
lie is net a candidate and that he does
net desire the nomination, lie has
repeatedly said se and there is no reason
te doubt that a man of his fulness of
years, honors and geed sense says se
sincerely. The only question has been
whether lie would permit the wish of
the party te overcome his own desire.
The Time correspondent en that point
gives the words with which Mr. Sey
mour replied te au inquiry as te whether,
in the event that the party should prove
unable te find another suitable candidate
and his nomination would seem te be
necessary te unify it, he would consent
te be the candidate, lie is said te have
replied: ''In that event I will run if it
kills me."
Such a response seems natural and
therefore we have no hesitation in be
lieving that it represents Mr. Seymour's
feeling. If the parly requires that he
shall make what he declares te it is a sac
rifice, he is ready te make it. If it can
find another man who can lead the party
witli the same certainty te victory it
will net call upon him. The manner in
which Mr. Seymour has been pressed te
say whether in any possible contingency
lie would accept the nomination has net
been fair. The proper way te find this
out. is te nominate him. Since he does
net ask for a nomination and is net a
candidate of his own volition, if he is
nominated it is out of consideration for
tht parly and!net for him : and the
party has no right te knew what he will
de until it expresses its desire for him.
A Lessen le Travelers.
The similitude in the collisions of the
sound and ocean .steamships, in the two
accidents that have just occurred, will
net. perhaps, have a very great effect in
diverting from ships the tide of summer
travel, though one would think it ought
te have this result. The disasters both
occurred in a fog, but in neither was the
fog se dense but that opportunity was
afforded te change the course of the ves
sels. This was done, but in each case it
was se done as te bring the vessels to
gether instead of sending them apart.
The fog seems te have had nothing te de
with the accidents except se far as it
required a promptitude of judgment
in the moment of peril which the offi
cers of two of the vessels at least
were net equal te. An apprehen
sion which summer tourists en the
sea must, therefore, carry with them
is one caused by a well-warranted distrust
in t lie competency of these who have
their lives in charge. The natural ten
dency of the traveler is te put great con
fidence in his captain, lie seems te feel
thai se great a responsibility would net
be put by the .ship's owners, who have se
much at stake, in incompetent hands. It
is a reasonable conclusion, but appar
ently a false one. Nothing could possi
bly mere abundantly show this than the
proof we new have, in two instances
within a week, that the ellicer in charge
guided his vessel into a collision instead
eT out of it. when called te act with sud
den decision. There was no mere excuse
for him than there is for the driver en
the country read, nor indeed as much,
lie had the whole ocean te steer his ves
sel in and had but te guide it according
te well settled usage te pass in safety.
The causes of accidents that are net
well within human help are many
enough te intimidate travelers without
having added te them a total lack of con
fidence in these placed in charge of their
lives. It is a strange thing that such
men .should be given these great trusts.
If is se ruinous te owner's pockets that
there ought te be a sufficient guarantee
in this fact aleneagainsl it. The incom incem
petency of commanders show the incom incem
petency and stupidity of managers. The
sensible traveler will recognize this fact
and avoid the vessels of a company which
accidents befall. It is a notable fact that
the Cunard company has never lest a
vessel, or even we believe a life. Ne bet
ter evidence could lie had that fatal acci
dents at sea are generally avoidable In
due prudence and skill. If mere unfor
tunate companies were avoided by the
traveling community, the certainty is
that sea accidents would be fewer. But
the American people have short memo
ries, and unless a company loses a ship
every season, it is net likely te lese much
of its mtrnnnsm
That expression of congratulation from
General Grant te Mr. Garfield, has net vet
reached the public. The only announce
ment yet had from the General is that he
is " satisfied.' It is pleasant te knew
that, it is very well, indeed, te be sat
isfied with a state of things you can't
help. It is the habit of the philosopher.
It is belter te"1)e a philosopher than te
be a president ; if one can think se. A'e
de net knew that General Grant thinks
se; nor docs it matter much what he
thinks en that point ; but it does matter
te Mr. Garfield that he should be satis
fied with him, for Mr. Garfield needs his
vole, and that of his friends. We ought
te hear from Grant and Cameren and
some mere of the reticent soreheads.
Mark the prediction ! Xe Pennsylva
uian will be urged at Cincinnati by the.
Pennsylvania delegation, unless the de
mand for him comes from the outside
from some state that is certainly Dem
ocratic and necessary te the election of
the nominee. When such a demand
comes the choice of the Pennsylvanians
between Pennsylvanians will be guided
by it, and the delegation can easily be
made a unit for that Pennsylvania!! who
proves te be the strongest outside of it.
Mrs. Secretary Siiekmax drives out
wearing a red-centered India shawl.
Reil A. IIkiiic Smith has been elected a
trustee of Franklin and Marshall college,
vice Gen. James L. Reynolds, deceased.
Mrs. Senater Voeiuinns is pale, with jet
black hair, and she sometime wears helio helie helio
trejKJ brocade ever black velvet.
A small cherry-weed cabinet, made by
President Lincoln fifty years age, and
used by him as a desk, is owned by a gen
tleman in Indiana.
Tlic Prince of Walks used at Truro tlm
ether day the mallet with which Charles
II. laid the foundation stone of St. Paul's
3Ir. lietTWKi.i. is seriously at his home
in Gret en : he has net been able te leave
the house since his return from the Chicago
3Ir. I'eiiKK A. Puyek is in Washington
visiting his cousin. Senater l'ryer. of Ala
bama, ami was en the tloer of the Senate
Mr. IkOiiri'T I.. Mi i:ncu and .hwmw
W. Jexks left llurrisburg last niirht for
New Yerk te take the steamer Ethiopia,
of the Ancher line, for Glasgow.
AVm:s they want te retiie a man from
public life they nominate htm fei the Vice
Seeui: the English sparrow credit for
one geed trait. They are eating the army
worm by thousands, and get fat en them.
15. F. Davis, esq., of the Third ward,
city, says we made a mistake in naming
Seymour as his first choice for president,
lie prefers Hancock or Field.
Ant "Auld Lanjj Syne.'"
lie nil crcation'scew-bells rung !
Twanged be tin-jewsharp's solemn tongue ;
Tmiuiij) DoOelycr's sacred liilille!
l'liiy Iicy-ilidillc-dee ami liij;li-diddli;-diddle I
Let IJliiine and Grant men join the shout '
Let Dinah wave the red dish-clout !
Let Army iiinlestlie ding-deiijj swell.
And Sambo Aliieamis yell !
Cel. A. K. Dlxkkl, secretary of Inter
nal All'airSjhas discharged from a clerkship
in his efliee a colored man named Heward
Jehnsen, the only colored man in the de
partmc utand Prof. Win. Heward Day, the
colored orator, is after Dunkel with a het
stick. What says the Examiner about the
ostracism of the " man and brother .'"'
Se far only five illustrious Pennsylva
nians have been named as possible candi
dates before the Cincinnati convention
next week for the office of 'President.
These are General Hancock. Judge Black,
Speaker Randall, Senater Wallace and
Judge Trunkcy. Pennsylvania is net a
boastful state but it is no mere than the
s imple truth te say that there are sixty-two
counties still rcmainim: te be heard from.
Fifty-two students of Brown university,
at Providence, R. I., were graduated yes
terday. The Grand Duke Constantine lias in
spected seven mere men-of-war, which are
te reinforce the fieet in Eastern waters.
At Wilmington, Del., the three minute
race was wen by Wind Tem in ::02. The
:?:": race was wen in three straight heats
heats by Kismet. Time, 2:52A
Baseball yesterday : At Worcester
Chicago, T ; Worcester, (i. At Bosten
Bosten 11 ; Cincinnati, . At Trey
Cleveland, 0 ; Trey, 5.
The American riflemen yesterday paid
their first visit te the Dollynieiiiit ranges.
At first they made many misses, hut after
ward shot well, some of them making six,
eight and ten bull's-eyes in succession.
They only shot at the 900 yards' range.
At Marshall, Texas, in the Curric trial
Yesterday, the defense introduced testi
mony te prove that Currie was out of his
mind at the time of the killing. The bur
den of the proof does net point te insanity
but te confusion of intellect and incoher
ence. Five conventions occur te day. They
are the Indiana Republican, in Indianapo
lis ; ihe North Carolina Democratic, in
Raleigh ; the Kentucky Democratic, in
Lexington, the Alabama Greenback and
Independent, in Montgomery, and the
Prohibitionist National convention in
Cleveland, Ohie.
Edward Grube, conductor en the Cen
tral railroad of New Yerk, while stepping
en te the track beside the one en which his
train steed at Bloomsbury, early yesterday
morning, was struck by a passing train
and instantly killed, His body was brought
te Phillibsburg, where his wife and four
children live.
Frederick Harnett shot and killed Thes.
Dodsen at Thompson station, Tcnn. The
difficulty originated in a dispute about $10
which "Harnett owed Dodsen. Rarnett
hearing that he intended te kill him armed
himself with a deuble-barreled shotgun.
They met and Dobsen attempted te draw
a pistol, whenf Barnctt discharged the shot
gun at him tearing his head te pieces.
The West Jersey and Atlantic railroad,
the new route of the West Jersey railroad
company te Atlantic City, was opened for
travel yesterday, and the event was signal
ized by an excursion of representatives of
the press of Philadelphia and adjacent
cities, and a number of prominent citizens,
stockholders and officers of the read.
In Buffalo, while a German man named
Frcund, and Philip Bender, a boy, wcie at
work in a sand pit ten feet deep, the bank
suddenly gave wayaud they were buried
beneath several tens of earth. Beth were
dead when taken out. Bender's neck was
broken. The boy was a son of the con
tractor, and no precautions had been taken
te prevent a "cave."
Captain Scott, the diver, has personally
inspected every berth and the lower deck
of the Narragansctt and says there are no
mere bodies en the vessel, unless it. may be
the bodies of infants crowded into unex
pected places in the beat. All the ether
persons missing have probably been car
ried through the race. All that is valuable
of the cargo has been removed.
A young man named Therom Helly, of
Stamford, Conn., step-son of the treasurer
of the Stamford saving bank, shot at
Richard Bustced, of New Yerk, who re
turned the lire, seriously wounding Helly
in the left side. Bustced fired from the
top of a flight of stairs. The ball entered
Helly's side 2 inches below the nipple,
and plowed the tissue for seven inches.
The affair occurred at the house of a Mrs.
Kinsclla. The occurrence has created a
sensation. Bustced is under arrest.
Is Garlielil le Be Silent ?
Washington Dispatch te the Press.
Much, curiosity has been felt as te
whether General Garfield had decided te
take any notice of the old charges against
him, which have been revived since his
nomination. Republicans here generally
believe that he should treat them with
silent contempt, and it can be stated en
the best possible authority, as at present
advised, lie will pay no attention whatever
te them. A personal friend called upon
him this evening and asked him whether
the report was true that he contemplated
making some statement with reference te
them. He replied in the most emphatic
manner that he should net de any inch
thing : that these charges had all been an
swered years age.
What Our Delegate Nny.
The New Yerk Herald e( te-day contains
interviews with the Cincinnati delegates
from Pennsylvania. We subjoin the ex
pressiens obtained from the delegatus from
Lancaster county, who left tljjs morning
for Cincinnati, and who fully repeat our
opinions am! the views of the majority of
the party men.
Our associate, Mr. llensel .says: "My
colleague and 1 have both been elassed as
Tildcu men because all our friends are of
that opinion. The solemn fact in, as 400
letters which 1 have in this desk and could
read you will attest, that in Lancaster
county there is a universal opposition te
Mr. Tildeu's nomination. The belief is
that he is net the most available man
and weaker than almost anybody that
could he selected. In this section
Garfield is about as strong as
his party. He is Mreuircr than Grant
would have been, but much weaker than
Hlaiiie. Therefore, small as the district
is when compared with the whole country,
it behooves us te act judiciously, in order
te protect the state ticket. Horatio Sey
mour is much mere popular than any ether
single candidate, and a general desire is
manifested that cither Thurman or Hen
dricks take the second place en the ticket
with him. There are a few Democrats
here who are earnest Tildcn men, but they
are comparatively few. Among professional
and business men, after Seymour, Bayard
is most liked. The only opposition te
Bayard comes from men who fear his anti
war speech will injure him. Nearly all the
soldier Democrats here arc for General
Hancock; some few for General McClellan.
In justice te Hancock it must be said that
many of the best men favor him because
of his record. Among old line Democrats
Judge Black is favorably referred te as the
"noblest Reman of them all." There are
men here in favor of Judge Field,Thurman,
Payne, Clarksen N. Petter, and Parker, of
New Jersey. m
"There is a feeling that it is net wise te
invite a decisive contest in Ohie in October,
as it is net absolutely necessary te Demo
cratic success in November. As a dark
horse Speaker Randall is regarded here
with much favor and considerable state
pride. The sentiment here may be summed
up in the following order : Seymour, Bay
ard, Hancock and Tildcn.
"I believe it the duty of the Pennsylva
nia delegation te pay great deference te
the views of New Yerk, Indiana, New
Jersey and Connecticut. I believe that
either Hancock or Randall could carry this
state against Garfield, the balance of votes
held by the soldier element going for the
former rather than the latter. They could
net work against Hancock. Mr. Randall's
strong points are : The state pride (which
carried Pennsylvania for Buchanan)
would be with him ; second, his clean
record ; third, the confidence of the
business men of the nation, lie is
net a lawyer, and has made his best
showing before commercial bodies in
the committee room. My private opinion
is, however, that Randall cannot be nomi
nated except as the residuary legatee of
Tilden, and I de net believe the old gentle
man is going te have anything te leave. In
conclusion, if Seymour does net positively
decline in advance the convention will
stampede te him. If he does no candidate
new named will get one-third of the votes
en the first ballet, and the final nominee
will be some one upon whom the conflict
ing elements in New Yerk state agree. I
don't mean by that that he will be a New
Yerker, and I think that Bayard, Hanc ck
and eight or ten ethers have equal chances.
Seymour and Thurman would be a grand
ticket te elect and a creditable one te be
defeated with."
B. J. McGrann, the second delegate of
the ninth district, was found at his house
in the extreme northern part of the city.
He said : "Personally, I prefer Seymour
and believe him the strongest possible can
didate. I fear, however, that he will net
except. My objection te Tildcn is chiefly
en the ground of his unavailability and
net for personal reasons. I believe it ab
solutely essential te secure a candidate
that can carry New Yerk, and that in the
choice of the candidate the delegates from
all sections should be largely guided by
the representatives of States necessary te
Democratic success. If a union of senti
ment can be secured Bayard or any ether
approved Democrat with a clean public
record, straight en the fundamental ques
tions of the party, will be acceptable te me.
A Portion of the New Yerk Delegation te
Cincinnati Pass Through the City.
Gen. Lester B. Faulkner and Congress
man James O'Brien, accompanied by some
ten delegates from the state of New Yerk
te the Democratic national convention,
passed through this city yesterday en
route te Cincinnati. They occupied a
Pullman palace car in which they were
snugly and comfortably quartered. A
reporter for the Harrisburg Patriot had a
brief conversation with ex-Mayer Wick
ham, en the subject of the presidential
nomination te be made at Cincinnati.
Reporter. I understand, Mr. Wickkam,
that the state of New Yerk will present no
candidate at Cincinnati. Hew is that'.'
Mr. Wickham. That is net se certain.
The state will probably have a candidate.
Reporter. It has been represented time
and again that Gov. Seymour will net per
mit his name te go before the convention.
Will Gov. Tildcn's nama be presented te
the convention '.'
Mr. Wickham. I saw the old gentle
man Tildcn last night. He is the
shrewdest, longest-headed politician in the
United States.
Reporter. In your opinion, will the ses
sions of the convention be prolonged mere
than ordinary?
Mr. Wickham. Ne, sir. I am decidedly
of the opinion that the convention will
finish its business in two days.
Reporter. Will there be any seiieus
difficulty in uniting and harmonizing the
friends of tiie various candidates?
Mr. Wickham. I think that we shall be
able te come together without any trouble.
Mr. Wickham and party arc the advance
guard of Mr. Tildcn's forces. They are
quite reticent as te their policy et Cincin
nati, but it is evident from their manner
and conversation, that Mr. Tildcn is a can
didate for president and has net yet made
any one his residuary legatee.
Iteperts of the Creps.
The following statement, showing the
condition of cotton and wheat, has been
issued by the department of agriculture :
Cotten The reports te this department
indicate an increase in the area planted in
cotton of 7 per cent. The reports were
as fellows : Forty counties in North Car
olina report an average increase of 0
per cent. ; 19 counties in Seuth Carolina
an increase of 7 per cent. ; 75 counties
in Georgia, 8 per cent, increase ; 13 in
Flerida, 3 ; 32 in Alabama, 8 per cent. ;
39 in Mississippi, an average of 3 percent.;
18 in Louisiana, 4 per cent., 73 counties in
Texas, 12 per cent, increase ; 30 in Arkan
sas, 7 per cent.; and 23 in Pennsylvania 15
per cent, increase. The condition is report
ed better than last year at the same time,
and is 99 this year against 9G last year.
The weather was favorable everywhere ;
rather tee much rain in Mississippi and
Wheat The acreage of spring wheat
shows a very slight increase ever that sewn
last year. There is a decline in area sewn
in the states of Wisconsin and Iowa of
nearly 12 percent.; in the New England
states, the area is the same ; in Minnesota,
an increase of 1 percent.; in Nebraska, au
increase of 0 per cent., and in California,
12. The condition of the winter wheat is
remarkably geed, and is 94, which is 4
per cent, above the average of last year.
Pennsylvania, Ohie, Indiana and Illinois
nil report above 100. Kansas is only 72,
en account of protracted drought.
Seymour Speaks
The Philadelphia Timet has the follow
ing despatch from Utica, New Yerk, under
date of yesterday :
The Times can say without fear of con
tradiction that Seymour will net decline
the nomination for president. The stories
in the New Yerk Herald are almost totally
unwarranted. While Seymour has never
for a minute been a candidate, his
nositien has finally settled down te
this: On Monday, Mayer Carter II. Har
rison, of Chicago, and Mr. Munford, of the
Kansas City Times met Governer Seymour
at Bagg's hotel in this place, when the
subject ras talked ever in every way in
the presence et the delegates of this dis
trict. It was finally put te Mr. Seymour
in this manner by the spokesman, Mayer
Harrison. I quote nearly the precise
words : "Mr. Seymour, we come here for
a positive answer te a plain question. We
de net come here te urge you te become a
candidate, and if we can find another man
who can carry enough electoral votes te
win we will de our best te nominate him ;
but if it should appear at Cincinnati that
you are the only sure man in fact, the
Moses te lead the party out of the wilder
ness te victory and prosperity, have yOu
the backbone te decline? "
Mr. Seymour avoided the question for
some time, but en a persistent repetition
replied : " If it take's that shape I will
run if it kills me," adding that he hoped
affairs would net take that turn and that
a younger and heartier man would be
found. The story that Seymour had
written a letter te a delegate of his
district, te be read at Cincinnati, declin
ing whether nominated or net, is also de
nied. J. Themas Spriggs, a prominent
lawyer of Utica, is that delegate, and he
assured your correspondent that he has no
such letter.
A man in Washington county Frank
Ramsey carries a bullet in his head.
An erphangc for colored children has
been established in Pittsburgh, and will be
ready te receive beneficiaries by August,
Themas Baugh, aged 30 years, was
drowned near Mcadvillc, while bathing in
a creek.
Ex-Lieutenant Governer Latta has been
elected chairman of the Westmoreland
county Democratic committee.
Jeseph S. Heyer, ex-mayor of Reading,
died suddenly at his residence. Ne. 37
North 7th street. It is supppescd of ape
Mr. Jehn S. Gee, of Fayette county, re
cently shipped 38 Angera goats te New New
Yerk city. They arc a beautiful white,
long-weoled animal and brought a large
amount of money.
There is a powerful organization in Bea
ver county opposed te the license system,
and the June term of court has been select
ed te make a light en the question.
Fragments of paper leaves and books
and ether partly burned matter have been
found near Cratzcvillc, Snyder county,
where they were blown from the Milten
fire a distance of fifteen miles.
It is estimated that from $5,000 te
10,000 worth ef blackberry, raspberry and
whortleberry vines have been destroyed be
tween Johnstown and Cressen by the late
forest fires.
Application has been made te the trus
tees et the Lc.ueyne crematory ler the
burning of a body from England. The
application has been refused, as the body
has been buried for some time.
The Mollie Maguircs arc growing fermid
able in the anthracite regions. The
organization is holding frequent secret
meetings, and numbers two thousand six
hundred members in behuylkill county
One of the largest crowds that has ever
been present en a similar occasion assem
bled at Swarthmerc college, Delaware
county, te witness the commencement ex
ercises of that popular institution el learn
The population of Allentown, as ascer
tained by the census just taken, is 18, lie,
showing an increase of ever four thousand
in ten years. In view of the business
stagnation during the greater part of that
time this is regarded as doing well.
A committee representing the locemo
tive engineers of the Pittsburgh division
of the Pennsylvania railroad called en
Colonel Themas A. Scott, cx-president of
the Pennsylvania railroad company, at
his residence, near Darbv, en Wednesday,
and presented him with a hadsemely en
grossed and lramed letter en bchalt et the
locomotive engineers of that division.
At a special meeting of the Republican
county committee at Erie last night te dis
cuss the merits of Galusha A. Grew and
M. S.Quay for United States Senater, rese
lutiens in favor of instructing for Grew
were unanimously adopted. The leading
pehticans et tins district were present and
denounced Quay in unmeasured terms for
his action en the Parden Beard. All the
candidates for the legislature were present
and vied with each ether in denouncing
Quay and pledging themselves net te vote
for liim.
The Examiner's Unbelict.
Jehn xx 21, 2).
24. But Jack, one of the Grantitcs,
called the commodore, was net in when
Seymour's letter came.
23. The Intelligence!:, therefore, said
unto him " Horatio Seymour will have a
letter presented te the convention declin
ing the honor " of a nomination te the
20. But the commodore said: "When
we sec his declination published ever his
own signature then will we believe that he
docs net aspire te the nomination, and net
till then."
27. And about the same hour Horatio
Seymour's letter of declination appeared
in the Intelligence!-., and the spirit of
the letter seemed te say : "Commedore,
be net faithless, but believing."
28. And the commodore answered and
said, "well! this beats all! that a man
should decline a nomination equivalent te
an election ! Ne Republican politician ever
did the like !"
27. And the spirit of the letter saith unto
him : " Commedore, because thou haht
seen the 'signature,' thou hast believed;
blessed are they that have net seen and yet
have believed." Selah !
Se endeth the lessen.
Complimentary Keccptien.
Screnus B. Herr, secretary of the Yeung
Men's Christian association of Lancaster,
who has been in attendance at a General
conference of the secretaries of the Y. 31.
C. A's of the United States and British
Provinces held at Chicago, returned home
yesterday afternoon. Last evening the
members of the association and their lady
friends, te the number of about twenty
five, met at the hall of the .association and
tendered Mr. Herr a reception ; David
Thompson in the chair.
Mr. P. S. Geedman delivered an able
address of welcome, which was appropri
ately responded te by Mr. Herr. Other
address were made, after which these
present were regaled with ice cream and
ether delicacies. With many geed wishes
for Mr. Herr and with a hope of having
many mere pleasant reunions, the meeting
at half-past 10 o'clock adjourned.
Their Picnic at What Glen Park Yesterday.
The picnic te the bootblacks of the city,
given by Cel. W. L. Peipcr and Samuel
A. Greff, came off yesterday at What
Glen park. The boys were taken te the
grounds in busses shortly after one o'clock.
Before they reached the park a heavy rain
set in which was seen ever, however, when
the sun again appeared, making the hearts
of the boys glad. Besides the boys there
was a large number of gentlemen from the
city en the grounds. Upen the arrival of
the bootblacks they were taken te the large
dancing lloer, where they were addressed
by Cel. Peipcr and Rev. Dr. Grcenwalt.
After the speeches the boys went te enjoy
themselves in the weeds until the refresh
ments were ready-.- The tables were spcad
in the house by Jeseph R. Rever, confec
tioner, and they were filled with geed
things, including ice cream, cakes, ba
nanas, lemonade, &c. The boys partook
heartily of these things. They spent some
time at the tables, vfter which all again
gathered en the dancing platform for the
purpose of reciting the passage in Scrip
ture which they had committed te mem
ery. The arrangement was that the boy
who would recite a passage in Scripture in
the best style would receive the first prize.
There were a number of prizes which were
donated by citizens, and twenty-live of the
boys had verses committed. Ames Greff,
Elias 3IeMellcn and R. B. Risk were
chosen te act as judges. After the
recital of the verses, which was the most
interesting feature of the day, the boys
were again let loose They enjoyed them
selves in the weeds for sometime at swiin
ing, beatiug, swinging, &c., and were
finally called en the platform, when the
judges awarded the prizes as fellows :
'Squire Wilson(celoicd), blacking-box and
kit ; Henry Hewatcr, meat and cabbage
cutter ; Jehn Jenes (colored), book, " He
roes of Three Wars " : Albert Wilsen
(colored), Bible : Charles Coalman, book,
" Wide Awake '' ; Albert Zell, Bible ;
Stanley Mills (colored). Bible; Cyrus
Henry Reland, whisp ; Wm. Wylie.Bible ;
David Morgan (colored), book, " Heroes
of Three Wars " ; Harry Keueagy, knife;
Henry Taggert. book, "History of 3Iar
tin Luther " ; Jehnsen Keener, whisp ;
Wm. llensel (colored), book, "Tim Pip
pin"; Edwin Hewatcr, knife; Calvin
Casey (colored), knife ; Jehn Hewatcr,
knife ; Jehn Tshudy, book ; Geerge Tag
gert, knife ; Jehn Kenner, knife ; Charles
Brooks (colored;, knife ; Michael Liffec,
book ; Samuel King, knife ; Wm. Taggert.
knife ; Jehn Rinehart, book.
The above named boys were all who had
c mimittcd verses and after they had re
ceived their presents ether were given te
the remaining "shiners." Just before
these, prizes were given out about a half
bushels of peanuts were thrown en the
platform in order te allow the boys te have
a scramble. This created lets of fun the
utmost geed feeling existed between the
boys. J. Hay Brown and Themas J. Davis
both made short speeches te the boys.
After the distribution of the prizes the boys
amused themselves as they well knew hew
and a number of the colored boy enter
tained the crowd by singing in geed style
a number of eampmceting songs and
The boys returned te the city about
seven o'clock, and as they passed through
the city they gave cheer after cheer for
3Icssrs. Peiper, Greff and ethers, who had
shown them se much pleasure.
The Delegate OH Mere Opinions.
B. J. McGrann and W. U. llensel, del
egates from this county te the Democratic
national convention, which assembles in
Cincinnati next Tuesday, left for that city
at 11 o'clock this morning, and will arrive
there early te-morrow. Their rooms will
be at the Grand hotel. About twenty
ether persons from Lancaster county will
attend the convention, most of them leav
ing en Satin day or Sunday.
Following are sonic additional opinions
en the nomination for the presidency re
ceived since these published yesterday :
Harrison Graham : Bayard.
East Coculit'e.
Dr. J. W. Wabcrt : Bayard, Hancock,
Hendricks, Meridian, Morrison or Parker.
West G'ot-iilice.
William Bcchtel : Tilden deserving but
net available.
S. W. Swisher : A new man ; net Til
den. 3Iarrien Harrar : Bayard.
II. 31. Cellins : Field or Bayard.
W. B. Given : Seymour or Bayard.
Gee. W. Wescott : Bayard. Parker,
3Iorrisen or Randall.
AV. S. Hastings : Bayard or Black.
Upper I.eacecI;.
31. Y. !. Weidlcr : Seymour.
II. E. Lcamau : The sentiment of the
circular should be the spirit of the conven
tion. AV. P. Ettcr : Black. Hancock.
Little Britain.
W. W. llensel : Randall or Tilden.
J. J. I'ennell : Seymour or Bayard.
Ames 3IcFalls : Gen. Gee. B. 3IcCIcllan
the choice, but any of the candidates
spoken of, except Tilden, would be satis
factory. Convalescent.
The many friends of Depot-master Ed
ward Kautz, vill be pleased te learn that
he has se far recovered from his late serious
illness as te be able te be about again, and
this morning accompanied by his physi
cian. Dr. Aluhlenberg. took a drive around
Fell from :i Cherry Tree.
Last evening Geerge Creamer, aged 13
years, son of Officer Creamer of the police
force, fell from a cherry tree, a distance of
at least 20 feet. He had no bones broken
but was somewhat bruised.
Mayer's Court.
His honor had before him this morning
three drunken and disorderly persons, all
of whom were committed te the county
Class Day Exercises The Baccalaureate
After the alumni dinner at the college,
yesterday, the "class day" exercises were
held en the campus in front of the college
buildings. Though the clouds lowered
and threatened rain they graciously " held
up " for the boys and theirguests, and the
weather was delightfully pleasant through
out the entire afternoon. A large audi
ence was present and were seated in
chairs and settees, in the shade of the
north wing of the main building. The
class formed in line at Harbaugh hall and
marched te the building, headed by Clem
mens's city baud. Following was the pro pre
gramme of exercises then observed :
31 n-ie ClemmeusV Cit v Hand.
Address of Wecetnc-A. II. Kieser, West
I.uc-pert. I'll.
Mu-ie Hand
History II. Clay Esclibaeh. I.hnesteneville,
Cla- Senjr.
I'lVsentatien 1'rj.iiii:-. Dli'viMiiiK Mnlit-
(Jiiiikertev.n, I'a.
M iL-.ii- Hand.
IMiiiitimrel" the Iw, with Ivv Sens:.
Music Bawl.
Class Peem J. Harry Cci-sinur. Hunting
don. Pa.
Music Hand.
Valedictory Solemon Adam Alt, mail's
Corners, I'a.
Music iimid.
The exercises, of which a terbatim report
is published in the Collegian, was a de
cided improvement en the corresponding
occasions of all former years. 3Ir. Riescr's
welcome was in geed taste and gracefully
expressed. The history of the class, te
which of course no abstract would de jus
tice, was complete, enjoyable and humor
ous and its reading was listened te with
interest and some astonishment from the
faculty at its revelations. 3Iehr"s presen
tation te each of his classmates, of some
article illustrative of his characteristics,
was in his happiest humorous vein and the
medley of goods no less thanthe "spirit in
which they were given," kept the audi
ence in geed humor; the class songs, were
spirited and 3Ir. Gcissingcr's poem was
in keeping with the former admirable pro
ductions of his muse which have made
him net only the "poet of 1830" but one
of the few really meritorious poets whose
genius manifests itself in their under
graduate experience. His ivy song was
a pretty lyric. J. A. Wickcrt's class song
was worthy of the occasion. 3Ir. Alt's
valcdicteiy was appropriate, touching and
eloquent, referring te the happy associa
tions of the class with the community
and the college and the pathetic interest
with which they were new te be sun
dered. The seniors deserve much credit for the
geed taste of the exercises throughout,
their literary excellence and commendable
brevity. 3!r. A. B.Riescr was master of
ceremonies, and the cemmitte of arrange
ments was composed of Andrew Beau
mont Gloninger. chairman : Frank S. El El
leot. Aaren Rehier. C. Edward Netscher,
AV. Xcvin A p Ie.
I'll t Kappa Sigma.
About twenty members of the famous
old ' Skull and Benes " fraternity cele
brated the annual banquet of the Zeta
chapter at Al. Fulmer's hotel, en North
Prince street, last evening, where an
elegant supper was spread in Charlie Eek
crt's best style. There were the usual
toasts, speeches and social festivities, con
tinuing te a late but modest hour.
The Class el l.SO.
The members of this class were enter
tained in a social reunion by AV. L". llen
sel, esq., the only resident member of the
class, at his home. Ne. 10 East AValnut
street. There were present besides 3Ir.
llensel, Rev. A. S. Stauffer, of Elizabeth
ville, Dauphin county; Rev. II. 31.
Kieffer. Norristown, Pa. : Rev. Jehn II.
Lcchlcr, Centre Square, I'a. ; Rev. C.
Clever, Baltimore, 3Id. ; N. 31. Wanner,
esq., Yerk, and Jes. A. Reed, esq., Phila
delphia. After supper and ever the
cigars, until 10 p. m., the classmates spent
a delightful time in reminiscences of the
past. Of the fourteen graduates of the
class twelve survive.
The ;i:ilu:illi) OrnCen--.
The chapel this morning was crowded
by a brilliant assembly, gathered te hear
the addresses of the graduating class. Be
fore the hour of opening (1) o'clock) every
pew in the chapel was entirely filled, and
it was necessary te place a number of
benches in the main aisle te accommodate
the throng. The pulpit recess was taste
fully decked with greens, and en either
side sat the graduates and the faculty and
trustees of the college. The towns people
were out in unusually strong force, and
the attendance of old students probably
beyond that of any former commencement.
The exercises began with an impressive
prayer by Rev. T. G. Apple, I). D., after
which Keffer's orchestra played with un
usual brilliancy an overture "Chevalier
Breton" and then the salutatory orator,
31 r. Chas. K. Netscher, of Seuth Bethle
hem, Pa., was introduced, the
subject of whose address was
"The Efficiency of the Orator." He
bade all a cordial welcome, bespeaking the
kindly favor of the audience and promis premis
ing the best efforts of the class te gain ap
probation. The orator, he said, is a factor in
society ; the eloquence of the pulpit, the
platform and the bar,is effective in mould meuld
ing the minds of men, but the success of an
oration depends largely en the manner of
its delivery ; permanent effect is what
should be striven after ; momentary, visi
ble emotion is net proof of an orator's
power. Appealing te the sensibilities of
man is a false test of effective oratory. An
orator must have a higher aim than merely
te excite the merry smile or the pathetic
tear. The inferiority of modern oratory
in comparison with that of ancient times
lies net se much in the absence of the
logical power te convince men as in the
persuasive power te move them te act up te
their convictions.
The orchestra played Knight's waltzes,
following which 3Ir. Jairus A. AVickert, of
Spinnerstown, I'a., delivered an oration en
" Disenchantment." The heart of every
individual is pervaded by the longing for
an Eden of perfect bliss among whose
bowers the enjoyment of eternal youth
may be found. The source of this under
current that flews unseen below the great
tides that ebb and ilew en the surface is
Divine ; constituting a phenomenon pecu
liar te man alone among all of Ged's crea
tures. Under its influence he strives te
create an ideal paradise, and this desire
animates all his purposes and actions ; he
is enchanted by a witchcraft mere fascin
ating than the "Thousand and One
Nights," but also realizes en the attain
ment of his earthly hopes that the gates of
his Eden are garded by the angel with the
flaming sword, the golden fruits of life are
changed te ashes in his mouth, and tiie
ideals of the soul stand revealed as mis
shapen monsters. The mission of disen
chantment is the development of Christian
character. Phcenix-like the soul can rise
from the ashes of blasted hopes te a purer
and nobler existence. Our paradise becomes
that hallowed by the 31an of Sorrows, ai d
the narrow horizon of the soul widens into
that realm of light which can never be
obscured by the shadow of disenchant
Oration " Reform in Society " 3Ir.
Jehn S. AtJee, Lancaster, Pa. The prob
lem of society presents complications that
confront the economist and philosopher at
every step, and whilst the social fabric has
weathered the gales that have beset it
well enough, it is susceptible of improve
ment and firmer stability. In the coun
tries of the old world society is a prey te
disorders which de net threaten our own
land under its liberal institutions; and
among the fundamental evils that thrust
themselves upon the attention of the
social reformer arc the unequal distribu
tion of property in Ireland, the varied
phases of communism that are te be seen,
and the incubdt of ignorance. The era
ter's plea was for a better education of the
masses, the elevation of the mind above
mere hi utc force, in order that the body
may be made a fit temple for the habita
tion of the Divine faculties of the soul.
Oration "Character the End of Cul
ture " 3Ir. Benjamin F. Bailsman, Lan
caster, Pa. The grand problem for man
in all ages of the world has been te knew
himself, which knowledge means the edu
cation and unfolding of the human facul
ties and the bringing out of the Divinely
given principle of our nature. Education
in many of its existing phases has an ab
normal tendency. Superficial or partial
culture is the highest development te
which it attains. Man, te fulfil his true end,
which is te glorify his 3Iaker, must strive
after perfection. Character and intelligence
are dependent upon each ether. Culture
is the medium in the formation of charac
ter, and the moral nature must be ex
ercised. Society is the indispensable con
dition of the formation, but character
is only wen by conflict and conquest.
Here we have greatness such as invites
the noblest aspiration, the highest endea
vor. On the wings of gladness man's im
agination can rise te loftiest conception in
that Divine character, the Great Ideal,
which is altogether lovely and the realiza
tion of which is perfect happiness.
3Iusic Selections from " Fatinitza."
Oration "The Poetry or Greece"
3Ir. Charles E. Davis, Boonesboro, Mil.
Greece, with the remains of her ancient
temples, of her lest art, of her matchless
oratory, constitutes a monument of a
glorious past, and te the modern eye pre
sents a beautiful appearance ; the effects
of her genius may be seen in the Parthe Parthe
eon, the A'enus de 3Iedici, the Apelle Bel
vedere, and in the Iliad. In her poetry,
mere than in any ether phase of her ex
istence, the inner life of the Hellenic race
is pictured, and en every page of the his
tory of the ancient Greek people are writ
ten the names of their bards. The sub
lime strains of Hemer and Hesied illumine
the darkness of prehistoric Greece, and
the two great elements of Greek nature are
nowhere mere viviilly portrayed than in the
majesty of the one and the sweetness of
the ether. Despite the fact that every
town of ancient Greece had its poet, a
comparatively small amount of the lyrics
of the people has come down te us, and
ihe great mass of it lies forever buried be
neath the ocean of time and oblivion ;
though even yet we hear the echo and
catch a glimpse of the undying beauty of
Pindar's hymns, who in the eagle-like
flights of his genius seared te empyrean
heights. Around him, as around gentle
Sappho, the pride of Hellas, from whose
impassioned soul Uewcd forth songs of
love, who was keenly alive te the beauties
of her native Lesbes and seems te have
distilled them in her verses, the mantle of
legend is thrown. Even in the present age
the influence of Greek poetry is potent, as
typical representations of the several de
partments anil style of poetry.
Oration "The 3Ionrec Doctrine"
3Ir. Andrew B. Gloninger, Lebanon, Pa
The system of government founded by the
fathers of the republic is perhaps the best
calculated te secure the blessings of civil
and religious liberty ever devised by human
wisdom. Rightly administered and undis
turbed by factional dissension, it moves in
perfect harmony, but unskillful or'unwise
hands may make it an engine of mischief.
"Peace and friendship with all powers,
entangling alliances with none," was the
doctrine proclaimed by Jeffersen, and
reiterated by ethers of the fathers,
notably by President Menree from
whom it derived its name ; and this 3Ion 3Ien 3Ion
ree doctrine has assumed new interest in
the popular mind in view of the proponed
Panama canal and the query as te who
should have control of it in the event of
its establishment. The orator was op
posed te the government abandoning the
bulwark of its prosperity, and launching
the ship of state upon an unknown and tur
bulent ocean without this rudder, conceived
by AVashingten and fashioned by 3Ionree.
He advocated the policy of adhering te
the teaching of the builders of our govern-,
mental structure, in order that we may
hand it down free and uncontaminated,
peaceful and prosperous.
Oration "True National Greatness "
3Ir. Edward P. Brinten, Lancaster, Pa.
Fame is almost immortal. Glory is that
excellence which is ever the object of am
bition. Power dazzles with the brilliancy
of splendor. Liberty is one of the greatest
of divine gifts te man. But true greatness
comprehends all these high degrees of ex
cellence. True national greatness consists
net in the achievements of arm's or in the
acquisitions of conquest, but comprises
rather the advancement, intelligently, of
the welfare and interest of the people,
in tilling the soil, in the pursuit of the
mechanic and fine arts and sciences, in
literary culture, in free speech, free press,
religious liberty, and the arbitrament of
rexsen rather than the power of the sword.
The influence of Christianity in promoting
true national greatness is incalculable ; it
has been the benefactor of nations, has
planted the signals of progress in the lands
of the heathen, and will continue te direct
all countries te that true greatness which
will bend the knee in humble adoration
before the Creater of nations and the
great Architect of countless worlds.
3Iusic Pot-peuri, "March of the Na
tions "Orchestra.
Oration "The End of 3Ieral Life"
3Ir. Chas. AV. Levan, Princeton, Pa. The
whole order of creation has an end in view.
The inorganic struggles te reach, this u
t 1