LAKCASTEll DAll INTELUGEKCEK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16, 1880. Polluting the Water. Yesterday Superintendent Kitch, of the water works, learned that the entrails of a dead cow had been thrown into the Cones Cenes toga creek near Edcu. He ariaited the place, and alter finding the offensive mat ter, he had it brought ashore and burned. Complaint was made before Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, charging Charles Mowery and Abraham Brubaker with having placed the entrails in the creek. They were arrested by Chief of Police Deiekler and gave bail for a hear ing. Died in the West. Information has reached Lancaster that the little daughter of Mr. Samuel F. Rath von, late of this city, died in Sterling, Kansas, en the 10th of June, aged 11 months. Mrs. Rathveu is a daughter of Hep. Henry S. MeGraw, ex-st.itc treas urer, and has many friends in this state and Maryland who will sincerely sympa thize with this sere affliction. Slight Accident. A gondola car was run ever the trestle work of David Buflenmyer's coal yard at Quarryville last evening and had the wheels broken off. Gustav A. IIeilma.v, esq., editor et the Pittsburgh Daily Republican, suHcrcd with Rheumatism for two years, and lay many u night unable te sleep en account of terrible pains. Twe bottles el St. Jacob's Oil cured him. Summer clothing and straw hats arc selling rapidly at Williamson & Fester's since the great reduction in prices. And they will close their store from July 5 te September 1. at 7 p. in., except Saturdays. iel6-M,W, Fil&wtf Party. The Alpha club. which is composed of young men treiu the"hill," will give a party at the Green Cottage en Saturday night, when a line I line 1 expected. Kirst-class barbers use the C utlcura .Medici n il .-having Seap exclusively. Hark! hark ! 'tis SOZODOXT 1 cry, llitslc. youths and maidens, come and buy. Come and a secret I'll unfold, At small expense te young and old. A charm that will en both bestow A ruby lip, and teeth like snow. jell-lwdeedA.w The invalid's hope and strength beyond al ether remedies is Malt Hitlers. LANCASTER ItOUDSKIIOI. 3IAKKi:T. IIAIItV. ISnttci HU Cup cheese, 2 cups Dutch cheese lump Cottage cheese, 2 pieci KltlllTS. Apple J1 ) pk Itauanas each , Cranberries t t Cherries, dried. jt Curnints, dried, $1 Dried Apples fl l ' Peaches f I ijt Lemens 7) dez oranges $t dnz Tine Apples $ piece Strawberries, tjf) box Cherries reuLTiiv. Chickens pair Ducks Tfl pair Gcese 1 piece VKUKTAIILI-S. A.sparsigus 1 bunch Heels t bunch Cabbage head Carrots 1 bunch Cucumbers $1 dnz Green beans ?1 )pcck "JJlpeas $1 p ;ck 1 Ierseradish piece Lima beans $ qt. Onions f? pk ul UllllC'll Potiteesold fl i pk ' newJiik 44 Sweet 1 Jpk Had is lies ) buncli .eup Beans 1 qt Salsily ) bunch Tiiriuus.buneh Tomatoes $1 14 pk Lettuce, head and plate I'cuus $1 i pk MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Ilutter f? qt Cider 1 gallon Kggs f? de. Ilenev "i Hi .soap $1 A. Saner kraut qt m i:.vrs. Heel" Steak, " Roast (rib) fl 44 " (chuck) W . 44 Corned, 31 ft 44 Dried, 31 ft Ham II ft Lamb) B Lard f) Hi.......... Mutten W H. l'erk fii 1'iidding ft Sausage i ft Sides and liaceu f) ft Shoulders ? ft Veal Iff ft OKA IN. Wheat f) bus Ryef bus Cern l bus Oats J bus Clevcrseed ? bus V B Timethy Seced $1 bus FISH. litis- "11 ft Cattish $1 ft Eels ff ft Oysters r1 1 Suckers Pike Perch While Salmen Haddock Smelts. ....... .............. ....... .1215c r,e ..S10C 4lc !f(l5c !:: -a .".'.".. ".lie 5c ..lOfntc . 2025c ..limine ,..::i(Siue ..4(KilC ....WtGnc ..(Ktcfi'fl ...S10c 5c ...55210c 35e 30c 25c ..15S2 C ... .2(5c ..1520c 2 C 5c ...'.Iffilec ..20J're ..1'-2('C .......('c lc 2e 35c ::."ie ..i"iS:iee .'ea:c 15c ieQ-r.e !iM' 1012c 12IKe , 12le llUr'l-Jf , 10 12c 25i;2sc ll18c 1220c , 7".'c 12lt;e !iiI0c S10c 7IHc 7c lOffilGc ..$1.35I.tO !Klc (570c 4(i'50c . .J.OO'flJC.OO 1012c . .$;J.2f&3.5U 10c 12'e lee $12 !IC 12c 10c 10c 12c 12c fc 12e SfkClAl, A'JHC'ii'A. Haunted IHe. Held, poverty and suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family ami large bills for doctoring which did no geed. 1 was com pletely discenraged, until one year age, by 1 he advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Hit lers and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since ; and 1 want te say te all peer men, you can keep your lamilies well a year with Hep Hitlers for less than one doc ter's visit will cost. A Workingman. jel5-2wd&w An Old .Man Itestered te Health. ItATAVIA, X. Y., Sept. 15, 1S7SJ. II. II. Waknbk ft Ce., KOCIIKSTKR, X. Y. Uex- tlksikn' " Fer forty years I have suffered with Diabetes, being obliged te void urine as elten as once in thirty minutes, and have also been a great sufferer from palpitation et the heart. I am new using your Diabetes Cure, and can truly say, at seventy years t age, that it makes me feel like a new man." jel5-2wd&w Peteu Siieweumax. Die. Browning's Tonic and Alterative Is the popular Bleed Puriticr, Tonic, etc., because it is made by a Hegular Graduate of Medicine, is the result el scientific research, U accurately and elegantly compounded, wonderfully elli elli cacieus, in Liken in very small doses, and is pure, clean, and pleasant te the taMe. Price 50 cents and $1. Ker side by the Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. !., 1117 ArchStieet, Philadelphia and all Di mjglsts. jelO-lwdftw Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-live percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Benewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the .s title re rs ler their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne 'J East King street- If Yeu are Slek, Read the Kidney-Wert advertisement In another column, and It will explain te you the rational method of getting well. Kidney-Wert will save you mere doctor's bills than any ether medicine known. Acting with specific energy en the Kidneys and Liver, it cures the worst diseases caused by their derangement. Use it at once. jel4-l d&w Hew te Get Well. Thousands of persons arc constantly troubled with a combination of diseases. Dis eased Kidneys and costive bowels are their tormenters. The3' should knew that Kidney Kidney Wert acts en these organs at the same time, causing them te threw off the poisons that have clogged them, and se renewing the whole man. Hundreds testify te this. JclMwdftw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Your liver la out of order and you knew it; se take "Sellers' Liver Tills." Sold by all druggists. Mether! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? II se, go at once and getabetUe of MKS. WIXS LOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP. It wlU reUeve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about IL There is neta mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 23 cents a" bottle. H17-lj'd& wM. W&8 Tr-. Lechev's Kcnewned Ceugli Syrup. Suduen Changes of the Wkatheb often cause Pulmonary. Bronchial and Asthmatic troubles. 4" Brown's Jirenchiul Troches'" will allay irritation, which induces coughing, of tentimes giving immediate relief. jelMwdTTh&S&w Try Loehei's Kenewned Cough Syrup. What is the use in going te the seaside ler heal th when Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher" is what you need? Orape Culture and Wine. The culture of grapes in Xew Jersey Is get ting te be one of the most important indus tries of the state. The principal varieties raised arc the Oporto and Concord. Mr.Speer's vineyards at Passaic premise a larger yield this than any previous year. In consequence Mr.OJpeer has reduceil the price of his Pert Grape Wine. The eldest can new be Wad at $1 per bottle lrem any et the druggists. It is used for medicinal purposes as a superiorwine, anil in churches for communion purposes. Its properties are net intoxicating se that the weakest person may use it te advantage, ami temperance people cannot object te its use ler medicine. Keening Iliillctin. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. K. Slaymaker. jel.V2wdftw Try Lecher's Benewned Cough Syrup. I'OLiriCAX. DKMOCKATIC STATK TICKKT. KOlt SUl'ItEME JUDGE. GKOUGH A..IKXKS. FOK AUDITOR OENKKAL. ItOBKBT P. DKCHKliT. DKMOCKATIC COUNTY T1CKKT. KOIC CONOUESS. J. L. STKIXMETZ. Ken DISTRICT ATTOKNEV. 1). McMULLK.V, KOlt SENATOR (13tll DISTRICT.) .1. H. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2U DISTRICT.) S. C. STKVENSON, S. I'.SIUUK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.4 AMOS DILLKli, U. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAEXLKN. KOR I'RISON IXSrEOTOES, BABTOX M. W1XTKK I'.KXJ. MILLER. KOR VOOR DIRECTOIW. A. J. SXYDEK, JOHN KKANCTSCUS. LANCASTKK COUNTY APl'OINTMICNTS. Di:l.E(IATES TO NATIOXAL CONVENTION. B. J. McGUAXX, W. U. HEXSEL. (ALTERNATES.) S. HAMHUIGIIT J. BHOADS. E. C. ELECTOR. JAMES G. McSPABUAX. STATE COMMITTEE MEMIIKIH. GEO. DILLEK, M. S. MOOUE. Wllhdi-awn. 3IARRIAtlJ-:S. Kmeht Alrrieiit. Wednesday morning, June hi. 1SS0, at the n-sidence. of the bride's lather. 1.12 East Chestnut street, by the Be.T. It. W. Ilufferd. Dr. Horatio I). Knight and Miss Kmily Albright, both of Lancaster city. ih:a rns. Tweed. June hi, Usi), Klizabuth Tneeil, in the 42d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re-pectfully Invited teattcndtheluner.d lrem her late lesidence Xe. 320 Kast King street, en Friday morning at !) o'clock. Interment at Xew Providence. Services both at the house and the Xew Providence Hefermed church. Uathven. At Sterling, Kansas, en June 10, ls). Emily Magraw.iiitaiitdaughterel Samuel K. and Etiiily II. Uathven, aged II months. JVX'ir Alt rJZRTMJ.'MEXTS. riiUKTL.E SOUP LUNCH 1 at KXAI'P'S SALOON, East King Street. Te moriew (Thursday) evening. ltd PKOF. LOSSES' PHILADELPHIA OK. CHESTltAat KUL.VKIfS GARDKX every evening and a display of II witlfMilwaukee Beer always en tap. works, lwd F UllK YOUIl PKOPEIITY WITH. BAUSMAN & BUUNS, Xe. 10 West Orange Street. Ollice ieS-eedtfdU OKVKXTH ANNUA L CO.UM ENCEMENT IO eftl the SACIIED IIEAUT ACADEMY, at FULTON OPKUA HOUSE, Next Friday Afternoon, June 18, at 1:30 p. m. General Admission, 15 Cts jel-2td SCHOOL TAX, 1880. The duplicate is in the hands el the Treas- 5 per cent, off for premt paymen WM. O. MAKSHALL, Treiusi .111. ensure!-. Ne. 12 Centre Square. Oilice hours lrem 0 a. 111. te 4 p. m. .iel2-3tdS.WftSK AMENDMENT TO VHAKTEIt OF LAN caster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Corn Cern pan v. Netice is hereby given that application has been made te the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county tegrant certain amendments te charter of Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire In surance Company, new filed in Prothenotary's Ollice, anil motion ler decree granting the same will be made en the 21st day of June, A. D. IS), at 10 o'clock a. 111. WM. It. WILSON, A. C.BEINOEHL. Solicitors for the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. m2G-3vdM,WftS 1JUBL1C SCHOOL liXAMlNATION. The examination of the pupils in the Public Schools of the city of Lancaster will be held as fellows : The nunils attending Mr. Matz's German and English school, en 1 nursuay, j 11111: -. an a. in., anil these of the-Colored Scheel en the same day at 1 p. in. These lrem Miss Hantch's Scheel will be examined by Mr. Gates in their and English school, en Thursday, June 24. at 8 UH IIIC their remn mi the same lav at 1 11 111. The Transfer Clas-es attending the Primary Schools taught by Misses Channel, Marshall, Gundaker, Buckius, Stahl, Baer and Clarksen, the bevs by Mr. Gates, in his room, en Wed nesday June 23, at 2 p. m.; the girls by Mtss Brubaker, ir her room, en Wednesday, June 23, at 8 a. m. These attending the schools taught by Misses Downey. Utter and Mussel man, the girls by Miss Huber, in her room, en Tuesday, June 22, at 8 11. 111. These from the Schools taught by Misses Zug, Zurelier,Dongh Zurelier,Dengh erty and Johnsten, the girls by Miss Bun deli, in her room, en Tuesday, June 22, at 8 a. 111. The boys from theSchoels taught by Misses Downey, Etter, Mussulman, Zurcher, Zug. Dougherty and Johnsten, by Mr. Herr, in his room, en Tuesday, June 22, at 2 p. 111. The transfer classes from the Scheel taught bv Messrs. Gates, Herr and Matz, and by Misses Bnndell, Brubaker and Huber, at the High Scheel building en Monday, June 21, at 8 a. m. The pupils of the High Schools, the girls en Thursday and Friday mornings,.! une 17 and 18, at 8 a. 111.; the boys in the atternoen of the same days. The examinations will be largely conducted as heretofore (teachers and pupils observing the rules adopted and published last yerr) by the principals el the higher schools, under the direction of the city superintendent and the superintending committee. scholars net new attending the Public Schools, but who intend te make application ter admission for the coming school year, are requested te attend the examinations and join their respective classes. Directors, parents ami the public generally, are cordially invited te be present. The Commencement exercises of the High Scheel will be held at Fulton hall, en Friday, June 25, commencing at 8:30 o'clock a. m. By direction of the Superintending Com mittee. B. K. BUEHhLE, ltd Superintendent. ASTRICH BRVS ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICR BRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. The attention of the people of Lancaster is called t the tact that we liave new improved our store in an elegant and novel way, thus enabling us te show a greatmany of our goods te best advantage, and having all our goods which we exhibit marked in plain and large figures it makes shopping in our store mere pleasant than in any ether place in this city. THE IMMENSE SUCCESS which has crowned our undertaking se lar has Increased our iacilities in such a way that we arc able te show te our customers a greater variety and tell our goods at much lower prices than ever before. We call special attention te the follewing: GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES OK HATS ! We offer this week special inducements in our Hat Department, We have reduceil the prices of all our Hats and sell them new at prices never heard et lie lore. Sailors at le Fancy Trimmed Sailors at 2jc A splendid htraw Sailor in white, brown and navy blue, ;ler 3!le Fine Ecru Sailors of the newest style ter . . .tJ-.'c Childs' Sundewns ut 19c Ladies' Sundewns at 25 and 33c We sell all our Ladies' Shape Hats in straw, for 2.1c Fine Braid Hats at 3'.)c Extra Fine Milan Bennets at 75c LADIES' FAYAL HaTS in white, geld, black and mixed Straw, ler 57c A lull line el" Girls' and Beys' Hats at lnw ligures. LACE DEPARTMENT. Laces of every style and dcscrlntlen. Valenciennes Lace, Inch wide, 18e apiece. Valenciennes Lace, 1 inch wide, 25c apiece. Valenciennes Lace, y inches wide,33capiece. Torchon Lace 5c a yard, 50c a dozen. All Linen Torchon Lace, y, inches wide, 10c a yard or $1 a dozen. Complete assortment of line and cheap Tor chon Laces 011 hand. Bussian Lace, Maltese Lace, Cluny Lace, MecMin Lace. The newest patterns in Bretonne and guedeu Laceatexliemely low prices. UIBBONS in Silk and Satin of every shade. "All the new shades .et Hibben en hand. 5-inch Sash Uibben, all Silk 27c per yard. Cinch Sash Uibben, all Silk 34c htriped satin Uihbens in ai; the new eoleis. Silks and Satins in gteat vailety at 75c per yard. Finest quality of Satin at Me. Superb Black Satin worth $1.75, for $1.20. OUll FLOWKBS AND FKATIIEBS we offer new at reduced prices. We sell handsome, large Hoses ler 5c Fine French Ueses at. '.), 12. 11,17c Sprays and Wreaths at any price. ielets at 5c per dozen. Our Leng Ostrich Plumes we have marked down te 4'Je. PARASOLS. Great inducements offered in our Pura-el Department, A tud asseitment en hand in I'iain and Fancy Handles. All Silk Parasols for $1.44, in large size. Special bargains in Parasols wi h White Ivery Handle, 20, 22 and 21 inches, all of the Best Twilled Silk at $1.90, $2.11", $2 48. A liaudsnii'e2iMiich. nil silk Parasol, suitable for snn and rain for $3, worth $1.50. FANS. Fans lrem le upwards. Fine Japanese Fans for 10c Leng Handle (new) Japanese Fans 4c Russian Leather Sliding Fans l!lc Xew Fat inilza Fans Sic Black satin Fans 3!tc First Quality satin Fans '.fJu A splendid assortment et Fine Fans offered at reasonable prices. Leng Handled Feather Fans, the Gem of the Sctsed, at 5S and 75c Satin Covered Fans 8sV KELTS. Novelty Cambric Belts 10c Black Velvet Belts l'Je All Leather Belts Jlc Silk Embroidered Cashmere Belts 50c Silk Velvet Belts 3!ic Fine Cashmere at Belts. with S' raps or buckles. 02, t!7, 75. S8, $1, $1.22 LACE GOODS. Lace and Swiss Ties at all prices. Lace Fichus from 17c up te $.'. Children's Lace Cellars from 5e upwards. Children's Lace Bibs from 50e up te 1. Wide Lace Scarfs aUU. 25,3:', 54c and upwards LADIES' LINEN WARE. Ladies' All Linen Cellins Ladies' All Linen Cellars. Edge Ladies' All Linen Cuffs Striped Cellars and Culls .5c Embroidered 5e 12c per pair. 25c per el LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In this department we are new enabled te offer a complete ami full assortment et every thing appertaining te the line of Ladies' mil Children's Keady-uisidc Ware, and at prices cheaper than ever before. Ladies' Light Colored Calice Wrappers with Deep Flounces tl.oe Ladies' Flounced Wrappers, Shirred in the back $1.41 A Most Handsome, Elegant Princess Wrap per, Corded and Flounced, Best Fitting. .$2.38 Ladies' Calice Suits, Skirt aud Basque $1.50 Skirtantl Basque neatly corded ler $l.!5 Ladies' Calice Basques 3!ic Ladies' White Lawn Basques 73c Ladies' White Lawn Basques, Tucked !Wu Ladies' White Lawn Basques, Tucked and Embroidered $1.2'.t Ladies' White Basques, Embroidered front and back $l.'.i7 Ladies' White Basques, Elegantly Trim med with Ileal Torchon Lace $2.'.is Ladies' Lawn Suits $2.00 Ladies' Lawn Suits, Trimmed with Lace..$f.'j) Ladies' Linen Suits $2.50, $3.O0,$L0O, $5.U) Ladies' Linen Ulsters $1.25 Extra Fine $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.0J Children's Calice Gabriels '.5; Kilt Plaited Gabriels 5ec Kilt Corded and Trimmed with Edging 00c We have new en hand 25 different styles of" Children's Calice and Gingham Dresses. CHILDREN'S LACE CAPS, CHILDREN'S NORMAXDIE CAPS. CORSETS. We sell the Most Elegant Corset for 4!K; Everybody ought te try it. It is et splendid shape anil ncsi, mung. We sell Woven Corsets al A Handsome Silk Embroidered Deuble Husk, Side Steels Blue, Bed and Grey Corsets The CYPRUS CORSET, Elegantly hreldcred, Speen Busk 3'.'c Corset, SeC liSc Em- $1.2! SHAWLS. Ladies' Shetland Shawls, Hand Made, 75c, $1, $1.23, $1.00 and upwards. TIDIES, LINEN TOWELS, BABIES' SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. APRONS, CHEMISE, SKIRTS. There are thousands of ether articles which we are selling remarkably low, and which we are net able te mention here, but an early call will convince veu that we have a better as sortment and sell cheaper than any place in tills city. ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LADIES! We ate offering inducements iu every department of our store. AVe invite examination of our stock and prices. ,', We are constantly receiving New Goods and therefore offer te our customers the very latest style. -' . i We buy all our goods at cash down prices, which enables us te offer them te our customers at low prices. We buy no goods but what we can recommend te our customers that will be sure te give them satisfaction. We keep the Largest Stock of Sis, Dress Reeds, Lawns, lite Ms, Embroideries. Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, White and Colored Skirts, Gauze Underwear, Shetland Shawls, &c, in the City. CS PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. GrIVLEK, BOWEKS & HUBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. SEW AJtVERTISEXLEXTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. Prices always lower than City Prices. We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special Werk at short notice from our own factory. We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. J JZWEL.ll.R8. JOUIS WKISKK, j WATCIIMAKKK. Ne.l.TO'S XOUTH Q.UKKX STUHET, near 1". K. U. Depot, l-uncastcr, Pu. Geld, Silver unit Xlckcl-ciiMil Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ter the celelmtel l'antuscepic Specta cles anil Kyu-UIasscrt. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyil WATCHES, Clocks, Chains, Thermometers, &c, WIIOI.KSALK AM) UKTAIL, B. F.BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. LANOASTKlt, 1A. s SOMETHING FOB WAKM WEATUEK. J ICE URN AND TIITING ICE SETS Porcelain Linings arc valued ler retaining the purity and coolness et water. AUGUSTUS RHOADS. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA Tjje Lewest Prices! Orders anil inquiries by mail receive pi empt attention. J,E.Caldwell&Ce. IMPORTERS OF Diamonds, Sapphires, Em eralds, Rubies, Pearls. JEWELERS, THE LATEST DKSIOXa IN LACE PINS, SCARF PINS, FINGER RINGS EAR-RINGS, BRACELETS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND LOCKETS, In Reman Filigree and Burnished Geld. PHILADELPHIA. aprlC-M.W&F CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, lias the Largest and Cheapest Stock el all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as SI. 00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpet Bags. W-Give us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. TINWARE, && IIFTEEN DOLLARS BUYS A FUISTCLSS REFRIGERATOR, With Enameled Water Tank, at SIIERTZER, HUMPH SEVILLE & KIEFFER'S, Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. OHV tiOOOA. WANTED. w 'ANTED .EVKKT1SODY TO AUVEIt- lisc, free ut churKb, in the Ictblliukn- ubii, uimi wuiii.s HemeiuiiiK loue. WANTED. AN HONEST, Ul'KKillX ami intelligent young man et business capacity wants a situation as clerk or sales man in a dry goods house. Can come well recommended by prominent business men of the county. Address "Business," Lull caste r Postefllce. ltd IAOS! KAGS! KAGS! BAGS WANTED , Housekeepers take notice that we are puyiug 1 cents a pound for MIXED KAUS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKK, apr9-3md Ne. 2:55 West King Street. MISCEL.I.ANEOVS. CIITY TAXEs. j The duplicate of city taxes is new in the hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en orbc erbc orbc tere Julv 1, 180. E. WELCIIANS, je4-tdM,F&Slt Treasurer. UONUAY SCHOOL FESTIVAL,. O A Festival witii all the delicacies or the season, ter the benetlt of Christ l.uth"ran Sun day school, will be held at Roberts's hall. X. l'rince street, en Thursday, Friday and Satur day evenings of this week. Admission 10 cents. . jclJRtdM&W AE. iMcUANN, AUCTIONEER OF HEAL. . Estate and Personal Property. Orders lctt at Xe. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Horae Hetel, 41 and 46 North queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made eutand j tlpnilcil te xitlmut additional cost e'i7-lv Dlt. WM. It. FAHNKSTOCK Having returned lrem the Seuth, has re sumed lii ellice practice, and can be fount! at his residence, Xe. 239 EAST KIN'G STREET. ml8-2nnlewS TTAVI HAY!! HAY!!! FIFTY TONS Ne. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, AT M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, siT-lyil i!4 NORTH WATER STREET. IjTnoresALs fek huillung. I Sealed proposals will be received by the Ile.ird of Trustees of the Yeates Institute until .I17NE 2T, 1SS0, for the erection of a Scheel Building en the let en the northeastern corner et Duke and Walnut streets. The contractor will be expected te de all the work connected with the building, including plumbing, gas fitting. Ac, and making the Hues and connec tions ler the heater. The riaht te reject any or all of the bids is reserved. The plans and spec ifications can be seen at the ellice of S. II. Reynolds, esq. Proposals te be addressed te the undersigned. GEORGE XAUMAN, jcl5.5td Secretary of Beard of Trustees. 13KOPOSAL.S DOR STREET WORK. Scaled pi opesals will be received by the street Committee for the following work up te the 24th day of JUNK, at 7 o'clock p. in.: Fer laying Belgian Bleck pavement and crossings en Xertli Queen street, from Penn Square te Orange street. Fer grading aud macadamizing West Orange street lrem Char Char eotte te Piue. Fer grading Poplar street from sirawDerry te t liuert. .acu part 01 sain werK te be bid ler separately. The committee re serve the righttorejectanyerall bids received. Proposals te be endorsed stating the work bid for and te lie addressed te 1). McMullen, Chair man, and lelt at Ne. 122 East Kingstrect. Plans aud specifications te be seen at the efllce of JAMES C. CARPENTER. City Regulator. jel4-2tdeedM ATh Ne. 4! North Duke Street. KlltlfEY AX1 ZIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The greatest et Modern Medical Discoveries. A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE REMEDY in the world ler Blight's Disease, Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There are a large number of testi monials of the highest character in support e t these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article in the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Bright's Disease by this remedy, and advises all his brother physicians te use It in practice. K. Caulkins, M. D., of Bechester, N. V., writes that he would prescribe the remedy te all afflicted with serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Uev. J. E. Rankin, D. 1)., et Washington, D. C, tells et permanent cures effected by it, and says: "I de net doubt that it lias great virtue." D. W. Bartine, M. D., D. I)., of East Orange. X. !., certifies that it cured him of chronic Bright's Disease In two weeks, ltev. C. A. Harvey, 1. I)., Secretary of Heward University, certifies ; "I am convinced that no remedy heretofore used or described can be held for one moment in comparison witii this." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds : Fer the cure el Diabetes call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Bright's and the ether diseases call for War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testi monials. II, II. WARXEB & CO., Rochester, N Y. 1 dJ-TuTli&Sd&w MARBLE WORKS. "WM. P. PRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL, MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yueeu Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g. en n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. ni30 THIRD EDITIOI. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 1(3,1880. WEATIIlSR IXUICATIONS. Washington, June 1(5. Ferth Middle Atlantic state's, rising barometer, station ary or higher temperature, northerly winds, partly cloudy weather aud occa sional rains in the eastern portion. HORATIO SEYMOUR. His Letter Declining a Nomination. Utica, X. Y., June 10. The following from Governer Seymour is addressed te Mr. Spriggs, delegate from the Oneida dis trict te Cincinnati : " Utica, June 13, 1S80. " llex. J. Themas Spriggs : " Dear Sir : My name has been spoken of in connection with the nomination te be made at Cincinnati next week, and as you are the delegate from the district in which I live, I ask you in my behalf te state that I am net a candidate for any nomination te be made by that body, nor could I accept such nomination if the con vention should see fit te present my name te the public. I de net suppose that thcie is the least probability of such action, or that my name will be presented. IJut I deem it proper te send you this letter te be used if any question should come up about my position or purposes. " I am truly yours, Arc, " Horatio Seymel'i:.' CONGRESS ADJOURNS. All the Appropriation Rills Signed ilat-:-rantt's Nomination falls. Washington, D. C, June 1(5. IJeth houses of Congress adjourned sine die at twelve o'clock te-day. All the regular appropriation bills weie signed by Hayes in time te announce their approval te Congress, se that they have thus become law. A number of nominations failed te receive action and expired at the close of today's session, among them that of Jehn F. Ilartranlt, te be collector at Philadel phia. In the Senate. Only half a dozen members weie picseut at nine o'clock when the Senate was called te order. At 9:10 Mr. Randelph moved that the Senate go into executive session, and altheug it was announced that there was message from Hayes en the table the motion was cairicil, all the lie publicans voting no, and the Donieciats aye, and the doers weie closed. When the doeis were reopened at 10 o'clock the Senate considered the Heuse bills en the calendar. The eight hour hill was taken up, but .Mr. Withers objected te its thiid reading, and it lies en the table. Ellbrts were made te take up Mr. Hayes's veto, but they were unsuccessful, and at 12 o'clock the Senat'j very quietly ad jeurned. In the Heuse Mr. Carlisle, chairman of the committee te inquire into charges of alleged bribery in the contested election case of Dennelly vs. Washburn, submitted the lepeit of that committee and asked that it, together with the minority report, be printed and recommitted. Se ordered. Mr. Carlisle stated that he was author ized te say that the committee, after con sidering the testimony, has unanimously come te the conclusion that the anony mous letter was vi-ittcu and sent by II. II Finlcy. Concerning Dennelly, he said for the majority of the committee that they had net come te the conclusion that Den nelly had any connection, personal or otherwise, with the anonymous letter. Mr. Manning (Miss.) then submitted his report, signed by live Democratic members of the elections committee, declaring that Washburn is net entitled te the scat and that Ignatius Dennelly is. Mr. Keifer (Ohie), from the same com mittee, submitted another report, declar. ing that Washburn is, and Dennelly is net, entitled te the scat. Beth reports were eideicd punted and recommitted. The Uacl Tails. At neon the speaker dcclaicd the second session of the ferty-lifth Ceugicss ad journed. The sound of the spcakei's gavel announcing the adjournment was die signal for a general hand-shaking and leave-taking, and seen the hall was deserted. IJV WIRE. Atternoen Telegram Cmideiihcil. The Continental Guards,of Xew Oi leans, arrived in Bosten this afternoon, and were received by the Xatienal L:incers of that city, whose guest,they will be. The utmost cordiality of feeling was manifested, the Leusianians being frequently applauded en their sheit parade through the streets of Bosten. Adam Winchcn, a German baker, while delirious with liquor, murdered his wife iu Xew Yerk last night. He is iu custody The danger from the Heeds iu Wisconsin is ever unless there should be morn rain. In Denver, Colerado, the brickmaker's strike is ended, and in Leadville, also, the mines with one exception arc again work ing with full forces. Hayes te-day approved the sundry civil appiopriatien bill. The secretary of the treasury instructed Assistant Treasurer Hillhouse at Xew Yerk te purchase 32,000,000 United States bends for the sinking fund. Detectives suspect foul play in the case of the death of Willie Myer, aged 0, son of a well to-de farmer of Wilmetie a suburb of Chicago. The boy has been missinj since the 5th inst., and his -body--has just been recovered in a cistern which f was searched some time since3 and the-v body was net there then. Cuban authorities disclaim all 'kne-wl1 -1 f edge of tha recent eutrage te Amqrican , vessels by Spanish. inea-ef-vraV, and' say thcrj is no such Spanish war ship as the "Xuncie." CZ.OT1UXU. 1'lillitdelplila Market. Philadelphia, June US Fleur inactive and weak : suiientne ii T."."! 15; cv.nt at $3 i3j; Ohie ami iudi.ina fani ilv at $j n.Q5 73; Penn'u tauiily flSUJ.I idi: St. Leuis family ..Wftt0: Minnesota faiitllv (1 5:5 75 ; patent, uml high grades ill 3iJ7ui. Rye Heur at I i). Cerniuciil Itrumlywine unchanged. Wheat easier: Xe. i Western Kcu 1 2?4'1 r : Penn'a Red 1 25 : Amlier 1 AL Cornsleady; steamer 5051c; yellow S.'c: mixed 5IJc. Oats steady ; Ne. 1. White. Ke: Ne. 'Ade tl42c: Ne. S. deaic: Ne. S.XlixeU37c. Rye dull ; estern aud l'u SJgSSc. . Prevision linn ; mtss pink at II i5Q12: beef hams fill 5011 ; India iiiaw heel ?Klt.'ii ; b:icon,smeketl siieulders Jje; " -019 4f,c ; smoked ham- 11312c ; pickled buiu 8mi G'.iJic Uinl llrm : city kettle 7Js87?ie ; loe-m bncliei .' prime cteaiii $7u5. Butter llriu: Cieamerve.tni.a)g2Ic; Brad Brad iertl County ami New Verk extra. !.?JSK: Western Kcerve extra. IS17e : de geed te choice, i:15c : Rolls dull : Penn'a extra Hl 1:5: Western reservii extra lOlZc. Emr tirm: Penn'a 15c: Wn-ttern l.'KJUc. Chceef dull and weak; New Yerk fneterv 12c: Western lull cream. l(X?le;.;c; ilii te lair koeiI 'AfJliJiCu: de half skims SJ'Jc. .Petroleum steady : rcliued S'Hc. NVhiskyfllO. Seeds-Geed te prime Timetliv neglected a t $2 75'(t3: Flaxseed scarce at $1 12) jig 1 15. New Verk Marker. New Veiuc, .Tunc 10. Fleur Stale uml Wct crn in buycrjV laver and somewhat dull Mipertim slate 3 SU?I 25; extra tin J 75 I 25; choice !e ?l ."Uf$5 Ul ; lane $5 05(4( Ml; round hoop iih!e$t IKljftf IN); choice de 5 10fc?f 25 : superline wcati'rirsKt.'ifw 4 25: common te noed extra de $3 75($tk: choice tlixlofl5eg7ui; choice white wheat de $4 (."tie 00; Southern dull, uuchauxcil i com mon te luir extra $Vg.Vit); tJOiul te choice de 5 il'tfili 50. Wheat spring m mlnal ; Winter Id eilull, shade easier, red .Inuu llrm, ethers heavy and a shade lewer: Ne.2 Itctl. tfune, 1125; de .lulv, $1 ir):; de August. $1 I0)1 H;4; Ne. 1 White June, $1 23. Cern dull, rather easier . Mxe,i western, spot, ISftnlMe: de future .W'il1. Oats iiulet'and linn : Mate ; Western 37((34.5e. Ileef dull and prices unchanged. Perk tinner: new iiie-is$l75u l.ard quiet and linn; steam rendered $7 CO. Whisky dull ; Western 1 tWpl ir.l. Spirits of turpentine dull at 11 '2 '"'. .stutk iUurketri. l'HILADBM'IIIA. June HI. I2::) l M. :i:00 v. M. Meck.-, dull. I'eiina t;'s (third issue) 107)J Philadelphia Jc Eiie 12JJ l.iMiliiiir ; " .... PviiiiiylVHiiU 51 .... Lehigh Valley 1:1)3 I' nitcd Cn. et .N.J Hit).-. Northern Pacific 25 " Pielcrrcil -lilf. Northern Central U)j I.HiUU Navigation 27 Notrislewii Ili2 Cent nil Transportiitleii Ce. 4s Pitts.. Titusville & ISiithde. ll)j Llttlu Schuylkill II , NSW IipRK. J 11111' lti. Stocks strong Meney ''kl''y N". V. Cei.ttal 12U tjllC.a.- ... ....... ... 'J I Adams Expre 1IIJ;. .Michigan Central Hr2 Michigan Southern Jul Illinois Central let Cleveland .V: Pitt-l.nigb IIS Chicago it Iteck Island 1WM Pittsburgh & F-rl Wayne.. "23).; Western Union Tel. Ce HU1, Teledo A Wabash . ::i, New .l'isey CmiiIihI WJiM United States ISiiiitls ami Miurling ; . (Quotations- by I. K. Jamisen ,t Ce., S. . Cor. 3d and Chestnut Mice u). I'uiLADEt.i'UiA. June li;. United States r,'j., HSI, (registeied)..ll)::'((rllll United Stales .Vs. IS-KI. (regisleivd);(fi-ii::'-( United States -Hi's, IMil. (ieis!ercd)Kili-)4i7ili!HM United St:ite-i IV's.lMI.(coiieiis).. .M.Hi(i.lWH United States 4', tlxT- (re-ii-li:rel)..l(l7JHjti.-S United States Oinviiev i's 123 Sterlimr Kxch.tmfe;jtsi) Cli'T IMl.llt Ala. i UTHOKIZKU UY Till-; CO.'.LIION- 1. ui-ullli of Ky.. and the fairest in She world 21st Popular Monthly Drawing (11 THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Miieanlej'-iTheiitie, in tins City l l.oe. v:lle, en WEDNESDAY, JUNE3 30th, 1380. THESE DRAWING.-, ACTIIOItlZKI' I'.V TIIELK;iLATI'i:i: .M .-UsTAIXEH liV AM. THE COUKT.-.OK HEX I UCIv V. accord ing te a emit rai t made u ilh the e neis of tin Frankfort grant, will occur regularly en the LAST DAY OF l. EltV .MONTH, Sundays and Fiid.iv-t exeepti d, for the perieil 0 FIVE Y EAR", terminating en JUNE ."'). 1. The United Mates Circuit Court en MarchSI, rendered the lollewing it -cisiens: 1st That ttui Coiiiiueiiwfiiltli llistribntiiir: Company in leal. ! Its drawings an: ni.-t fraildulciit. The maiiagement call atienlien te the liberal "cheme which has met uilli sueli popular fa'er lierclolere. and which will again in- pii-seu-eu ter the JUNE DRAWING. Ipri.i; f ?M I pri.i: 10,11011 1 prize .'.ii li)$I,0(H.1ili li.iit J)pri.es5IJOea.ii ID.Wiii hi"), JlUle.i. -1 K.ihi J pri.e.".li-:ie.i lit.Hdi mki primer. 'Jiesii 11 iijnu Imn) pi-ie-i IDi-a.-,- D :Kii eu. !.. :ippre:iiii:.:i':i pni-s 2 7H) U prizes 21)11 1-:.'!:. " " lr-'l ' prii! HXieaeii ' ' :hx) 1,') pri.i-:) MI-',tue Whele tickets, t2; hul! ticket-. 1 ; 27 tlekeis fVi; 55 tickets, H'. Remit by Pest ellice Menf-y Order, Ut-gNteied Letter, Rank Di-alir,r Expn-s-i. Te insure agtiiiist iiii-ial.r . am! de'aj.-. eoi-re-peiulents ill please rite .heir name- and plat-us of residence plainly, 'jiving uumlierel Postellice box or ti eel. and 'i own. County ami Mate. All commuiiiculiens connected with the Di Di tributieu and Olders for Ticket- should lie :nl dlcssed te K. 31. i;OAi:l31 AN, Courier-Jeur. nal liiiililing. Lenlsiille, Ky., or l7 and ?lti I're.uluav. New Yerk. iu::rriiTli..sA:w 1 juv the islatchli:y PUMP Fer Cisterns or Wells of any depth. J'LAIX, J RON, PORCELAIN OR COPPER LINEJK ISrauils, C,G.XIX.GG,G Ne. 1, 1!, Ill', R Ne. Fer sale by the Hardware Trade, Country Stere-, Pump Makers, etc. See that the Pump you buy is stenciled ' C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., I'lilIarlelphia.Pa iu31-Cmu 31 USICAL INSTRUMENTS. -THB- Lmstsr Organ 1 Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the .Market. Warcroems :;20 North Queen street. Manufactory in the icar. lirauch Ollice, 15) East King Stieet. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. AKe Agent ler Lancaster County for CIIICIvERING ."fc SON'-. Ct-IcbraKil PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether 3Inlr, Small Instruments, Violins. ISanjes, Hand Instru ments, &caiwnj-S en hand. f!3-lj dS.VIJ w 13STATK OK ANNA 51. WJUILE1C, !i late et the City or Lancaster, deceased. Letters el administration en said estate, bav in" been granted te the unilerslgned, all per sons Indebted te -aid decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demand-) ugainst the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. EVE. PATTERSON, .1. V. V. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. mlJMJtdcea luliillduiUlj