Wq& 'fmtMmmt - 1 h l I.v. - Volume XVl-Ne. 246 CLOTJIJWO. J. K. SMALING, THE ABTIST TAILOR. Opening te-day of a large and select line or English levelties FOR SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, IIANNOCKISUUN CELTIC CHEVIOTS. G A M HKOOX 1" A It AM ATA AXP BATISTE CLOTHS. SKKUSrCKKltS. VALKXCIAS. VAUOLE AND MOIIAIlt COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. WilterdM'added Pucks in IMnlii ami Fancy Styles. A Large Asseituicut of Fancy Hi All tlu- latest novelties of Uiu season. The public- me eenliallv Inviteil te examine our stock, w tii-li we claim te be the handsomest anil me-,1 icelierclit! ever elleivit fortlieliet weather. I. KSMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH OUEEN STREET. H.GERH ART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having iiist returned from the New Yerk Woolen Maiket, 1 am new prepared te exhibit oneel the IScM. Selected Stocks et WOOLENS KOIl THE Ssrii aM Sillier He, liver brought te this city. lnMllll Nene but the very ENGLISH, FRENCH AUD AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. l'riees as low as the lowest, ami all goods warranted a lcprcsent eil, at H. GKERTT ART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening AT 24 OUNTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale fertius Immense Stock et" coining seasons un et our own manutacture, which comprises the Latest anil Most STYLISH DESIGNS. Come ami sec our NEW GOODS for MERCHANT TAMI, wliich Is larger ami composed of the best styles te be leuml in the city. 1 1 MM t Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. jn-iyd LANCASTER. PA AKCHERY. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT ILII1 & BMBIAIi ARCHERY, Croquet, Base Balls and Bats, Chinese Tey Bemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, and ether Seasonable Goods, at Flu & Breneman's, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. A. TTOElfETS-AT-LA. w tIKNBV A. BH.KT Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Bew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parte of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Before by permission te Steinman & Ilensel. TUNC sun OPENING ReaMaie ClOtlllM Eamastrr IntclUgrnrcr. WBDNE8DAY EVENING, JUNE 16,1880. THE PRESIDENCY. THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. WHO SHALL HE BE? The Drift of Lecal Sentiment. Since the nominations of Garfield and Arthur and with the approach of the time for holding the Demeciatic national con vention, inteicst quickens in the probable action of that body, aud all parties mani fest a lively concern therein. Messrs. B. J. McGrann and W. U. Hensel are the del egates from Lancaster county te the Cin cinnati convention, and in order te test the sense of their constituents the following circular was sent out last week te all the Democratic county committeemen and te some 400 ether representative Democrats in all parts of the county : Lancaster, Pa., June 10, 1880. Dear Sir: The Republican party has new placed its candidates in. the field James A. Garfield, of Ohie, for president, and Chester A. Arthur, of New Yerk, for vice president. The Democratic national convention will meet in Cincinnati en June Mr. 15. J. McGrann and myself, delegates from this district, will go there, as we de clared before and after our election, un pledged te any special candidate, uncom mitted te any particular interest, te vote for and te aid the nomination of the man who at that time seems te combine all the qualifications of a Democratic president, with the qualities which render hist lectien most certain. At the same time we are anxious te as certain as fully as possible the views of our immediate constituents touching the ques tion of the Democratic candidates, and we will be glad te hear from you, as a repre sentative Democrat, what is your own and the prevailing Democratic opinion in your district, as te what should or should net be done at Cincinnati in the nomination of a candidate or the adoption of a platform of principles. If you will write frankly, ex pressing your own and your Democratic neighbors' choice en the presidency, you will facilitate us in our desire te ascertain and represent the average preference of our constituents, aud te act for the general geed el the whole party. We ought te have your reply en or be fore Wednesday, June 16. Yours truly, W. U. IIexsel. In addition te the replies sought and received te this circular, representatives of the Ixteli.igescek have diligently interviewed personally many prominent Democrats of this city and ether parts of the county, with whom they have come in contact during the past week, and unci abstracts of the answers received from all these various inquiries are embodied in the following reports. Ne attempt is made te tabulate the answers, for several reasons : Thev are valuable chietly as the individual views of representative Democrats, though many of equal weight with theso included in this list have failed thus far te respond, and ethers whose opinions are of as much value were unavoidably and unintention ally emitted in making the inquiries. Moreover, a large number interviewed decline te express any decided preference, further than "for the best man te win.' Seme who express a decided choice object te having it put into cold type. In many instances persons are indifferent as be tween three or four candididatcs of equally geed standing hi their eyes ; and though Seymour is the favorite with the largest number, a general idea that he may positively decline prevails, not withstanding which many have failed te furnish their second choice in case Mr. Seymour's name is net allowed te be pre sented. Mr. Bayard has many friends who urge him as a clean, brave, independent Demo crat, in the vigor of life, of geed social parts, a scholar, an orator and a states man, of wide public sympathies and great courage of conviction ; he is urged as Do ing able te command mere Republican votes than any ether possible nominee. It is urged against him that he tee readily consented te the electoral commission bill, that Mr. Tilden would net give him a cor dial support en that account, that he is tee stiffly "hard money" te be acceptable te the Western Democrats, and that in the Sen ate he is net quite enough of a party man, ufinilimr se straight sometimes that he inclines towards the Republicans A few Democrats object te taking a candidate from a state south of Masen and Dixen's line. It is only fair te say that the general op position te Mr. Tilden is based in nearly all cases en a distrust of his availability, a fear that ' he cannot carry New Yerk;" an almost universal sympathy is manifest ed for him, and a fierce desire te avenge the electoral wrenjr. There are some ob jectiens te him for his alleged failure te seat himself in 1877, aud some because ei the income tax and cipher dispatch scan dals. Hancock is especially popular with the soldiers ; it is urged that his equally geed military and civil record would make him an invincible candidate and that he can beat Garfield in Pennsylvania ; the objec tions made te him are that the country wants a statesman of experience net a sol dier, and that his connection with the Mrs. Surratt execution would lese him many votes. Thurmau is regarded with much admi ration ; and se is Hendricks, as well-deserving Democrats, and the nomination of either for first place would be heartily rat ified here. Doubts ate expressed as te whether cither of them would be the strongest candidate " te carry New Yerk," and a general desire is manifested that one or the ether of them should sacrifice his personal feelings te the party geed and strengthen a ticket with an Eastern man at the top of it. Pendleton, Jewctt and Payne have some local following, but it is generally deemed risky te invite a decisive October contest, with an Ohie man, for a state that is net essential te Democratic success in Novem ber. " Little Mac " has a strerg held en the hearts of the people here, aud his nomina tion would create great enthusiasm ; the objections te him are tliat he was defeated once and that a statesman net a soldier is wanted new. Field has some warm admirers, who be lieve that he is stronger in the East than any Eastern man ; superior in his candidacy te all the factional rivalries of New Yerk, and would carry California, Oregon, Ne vada and Colerado. The objections made te him are his opinion against the Thur man railroad act and the elevation of su preme judges te political positions. Eaten, that straight-lac2d Democrat, who alone saw the felly of and refused te sanction the electoral commission, gets a vote or two ; Parker, of New Jersey, is pronounced invulnerable as a war Demo crat and popular publicist ; Petter, of New Yerk : Gasten, of Massachssetts, and the Englishes are regarded as possible dark horses. Judge Black is held by many as the "noblest Reman of them all," if the poli ticians could only rise te the high plane of such a nomination. Randall is accounted the possible heir of Tilden's strength and he is a favorite "dark horse," a general idea prevailing here that " he could easily earrv Pennsylvania ever Gaifield." The claims of the various candidates are urged in Lancaster county by their admir ers without any bitterness of feeling and the objections are only such as prevai1 against their nomination. Any possible selection is sure te be heartily ratified in Lancaster. Te nearly every opinion these words arc added, in effect : " But any of the likely candidates will suit me. Any geed Democrat who can carry New Yerk will de. We want a candidate who can be elected." It is only fair te say that a gen eral expression of confidence in the geed judgment and loyal Democracy of the dis trict delegates has been received from their constituents, whose preference are hereto appended : LANCASsTEK ClTX. First Ward. Adam Z. Riugwalt : Tilden. Jehn Murphy : Bayard or Seymour anti-Tildeu. Gee. W. Brown : Seymour. D. A. Altick & Seu : Scymeui and Payne. Jehn W. Lewell : Tilden if he could win ; Seymour or Bayard. E. D. North : Bayard, Hauceck or any geed man ; Tilden deserves it. Samuel M. Seuer; Seymour. A.J. Steinman: Seymour and Thur man. II. R. MeCoueiny : Seymour or Bayard. Jehn Rees : McClellau. Cel. H. A. Hambright : Hancock. Gee. L. Beyle : Seymour. Charles Buchmillcr : Seymour or cock .Tnim Brown : Eaten. " the best Ilaii -m Democrat in the country." Chiis. S. Feltz : Hancock. Dau Legan : Tilden, first last and all the time. AVilliam Metzger : Tilden, Seymour or Bayard. Cel. James Boen : Bayard, Hancock or W. H. Reland : Tilden. S. W. Shadlc : Tilden. T. F. McEUigett : Seymour. Jehn A. Schaum : A candidate without a stain. William McComsey : Bayard and Pal mer ; Randall for a dark horse. Second Ward. Dr. A. Bern Hirsh : Black and Payne. Jas. Stewart : Bayard aud Palmer. J. A. Sprengcr : Hauceck. D. McMullcn : Bayard. P Aiit Metzser: If Tilden's nemina tien is inexpedient, then Bayard. Dr. Wm. B. Fahnestock : Seymour. C. W. Eckert : Seymour or llaaceck. Cel. Wm. B. Ferduey : Personally pre fer Bayard ; Seymour is the man for the hour. D. G. Eshleman : Hancock the strongest candidate ; Bayard would make the best president. Jehn A. Keller : Any geed man. James M. Burke : Seymour. J. L. Steinmetz : Seymour or Bayard. Gee. D. Reynolds : Thurman. Dr. S. II. Metzger: bcyinetir; anti- Tilden. A. Albert : Bayard. J TVf Westliaeffer : Tilden if he can win. . Chas. M. Hewell : Tilden or Bayard. A. 11. Tener : Tilden. James McKenna : Bayard and Field. A. Teller : Bayard or Seymour. J. B. Kaufman : Seymour or Bayaid and Hendricks. Harry Fahnesteck: Seymour or ILin ILin ceck S. II. Reynolds : Bayard or Seymour. Geerge Naumau : Bayard or Seymour. Simen W. Raub : Seymour. Garret H. Everts : Seymour and Payne. Rebert Clark : Bayard or Hancock. J. B. Lichty: Seymour or Bayard; neither Tilden nor Hendricks. R. B. Risk : Seymour or Bayard. E. H. Yundt : Seymour, the man who never made a mistake. Wm. H. Shultz : Seymour and Thur man, a ticket with brains. S Dr. F. G. Albright : Seymour. Abram Hirsh : Would rather net have a military man. Ames Deverter : McClcllan. Frank Hartmver : Sevuieur and Hen dricks. Jeseph Barnett: Seymour aud Hen dricks. Rev. W. T. Gerhard : Bayard. Themas Kelly : Gen. McClcllan, the dark here en the fourth ballet. Charles llelman : Hauceck. Third Want. Gee. Bewman : Seymour or Hancock ; anti-Tildeu. Jue. F. Dcichler : Seymour. Gee. Wall : Payne ; second choice, r leid. Frank Hegener : Tilden or Hancock ; no Greeleyism. Jas. Maclienigie : union, ei cemae , second choice, McClellan. Jue. A. Ceyle : Seymour and Hendricks ; Hancock, Bayard, or Field ; auti-Tildcn. B. F. Lemau : Seymour. .,,, Philip J)oersem : Jeremiah S. Black ; second choice, Randall. J. M. Johnsten : McClellan and Pendle ton. rercy jounsten : ctjjum, Herbert Johnsten : Parker and Palmer. . O R Tfecmnnr : Hancock. A. J. Harberger : Seymour or Bayard. .Newt. McCartney: fseymeur; anti-Til- den. Geerge Kreider : Seymour. Jeseph Welfersberger : Bayard; anti- Tilden. , . , B. F. Davis : Seymour ; Tildeu if he can wiu. Gee. F. Sprengcr : Hancock. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1880 James Wilhclm ant i-Tildcn. Seymour or Bayard ; Adam Obleuder: Bayard, Hancock, Pendleton, Payne, Hendricks. Fourth Ward. Gee. Pentz : Anti-Tilden ; Bavard. Seymour ; English or Hancock or H. Wilhclm : Tilden Seymour. Officer James Ceyle : Alex. Harris : Field. if he could win ; Seymour. J. S. Givler : Bayard. Jacob Nerbcck : Hancock or Bayard ; anti-Tilden. Landis B. Norbeck : Bayard. Mayer MacGenigle : Seymour. H. Wolf : Bayard. H. W. Harberger : Seymour. Dr. Henry Carpenter : Seymour, Bay- ard or Judge Black. Geerge Steinman : Seymour or Field. James A. McElhene : Seymour, Bayard, Morrison or Payne. Chas. G. Rhoads : Hane 1; ; anti-Tilden. Fifth Wntd. W. F. Hambright : Bayard ; anti-Tilden. Officer Fulmer: Payne. Officer James Kautz : Tilden. Moritz Gershel : McClellan. Daniel Trewitz ; Fer the nominee. Henry Gerhart : Bayard. W. B. Striue : Tilden. Gee. Musser : Seymour ; Tilden if he can win. Peter Allabach : The best man. O. B. Shertzer : A straight Democrat. ' Peter McConeiny : Seymour or Bayard. Jehn J. Jeffries : The best man. Michael Herzeg : Tilden. Gee. Reimensnydcr, : Thurman. C. Stiffel : Field. Sixth Ward. Dr. Jehn Levergood : Seymour and Hendricks. C. F. Rengier : Seymour and Payne. Byren J. Brown : Seymour ; second choice, Hancock. H. B. Swarr: Seymour. J. B. Rupley : Bayard or Seymour. H. II. lleuscl : Seymour and Payne. Chas. L. Giccn : Seymour. P. S. McTague : Tilden or Hancock. Cel. Ed. McGevcrn : Bayard. Slier. Smith : Bayard. Chas. R. Frailey : Seymour. Jehn McCulley: Seymour or Bayard. L. Bau : Black or Bayard. Gee. W. Zechcr: Seymour, Bayaid, nancocker Payne. II. W. Hess : The strongest man. E. S. Metzger: Seymour.. Black or Bay aid. Gee. Beehiiuger: Hancock. W. R Wilsen : Tilden if available ; Seymour or Randall. C. G. Bealc : Thurman, Hendricks, Til- den or Bayard. It. II. Brubakcr : Seymour or Payne. Wm. Adams : Seymour or Hancock. Henry Widmyer: Bayard, Hancock or Seymour. Geerge Lentz : Seymour. Seventh Ward. Davis Kitch, jr. : Tilden. William A. Morten : Seymour ; second choice, Field. Gee. McNabb : Tilden. II. Yackly : Field. Jehn Yackly : The best man. Wm. Sales : Seymour or Bayard ; anti Tilden. Gee. M. Berger : Hancock, Seymour or Bayard. Chas. Derwart : Bayaid or Seymour. Alex Dennelly : Seymour, Black, Ran dall or Tilden. B. Kuhlmau : Hancock or Bleek. Ph. Borngcsser : Black. Lawrence Goes : Hancock or Seymour. Jehn Himinclsbacli : Hancock or Sey mour. Win. Trees : Seymour or Thurman. James R. Garvin : Seymour ; anti-Tilden. Ph. Kuhlmau: Anbedy except Tilden. Win. McLaughlin, jr. : Hancock or Sey mour. Leuis Mattcrn : Hancock. Eighth Ward. 0. A. Obleuder : Hancock, dricks. Palmer or Eaten for Field, Hen lirst place ; Horatio Seymour, jr., Morrison, Bishop or McClellan for second place ; anti-Tilden and auti-ltaudall. Frederick Judith : Any man that can win, except Tilden. P. Dennelly : Hancock, Bayard, Hen dricks, Seymour or Black; auti-Tildcn. Jehn Ilarmau : Seymour. Gee. W. Beck : Fer the best man. F. A. Rieker : Hancock or McClellan. B. Snyder: Bayard. Thes. Zecher : Hancock. Jes. Schmid : Tildeu. Jac. Feelgrabcr : Hancock ; ue beaten horse. Gee. Shay : Seymour or Bayard. NUth Ward. Jehn Rese : Jere. S. Black. S. S. Rathven : Tilden. M. Fisher : Tilden. Elitn G. Snyder : Judge Black. Wm. Tittus : Seymour and Payne. Chas. E. Dewney: Seymour, or Bayard, with Thurman or Hendricks for vice pre sident. Jac. P Jtitz : Hancock. II. A. Milcy : Hancock. Fred. Ycager : Hancock or Seymour. .lac. Metzger : Seymour or Bayard. E. S. Laydeiv: Hancock. W. C. Buchanan : Bayard. Ncal F. Dunlcavy : Hancock, en a bread and liberal platform. Columbia. T. Masterson : Black and Seymour being out of the question, give us cither Bayard, Hancock or Payne ; but don't squabble. J. T. Richards : Bayard. F. P. D. Miller : McClellan and Hend ricks, or Hancock and Morrison ; anti Tilden. Jehn Klincsmith : Seymour and Hend ricks. Gee. L. Lvlc. Themas Swindler, Jehn Carlin and Jeseph Rhoads : Bayard ; anti- Tilden. W. II. Grier : Seymour. Geerge Yeunff : Scvmeur. or a dark e " horse. Rathven & Stair : Seymour, Bayard or Field. S. P. Moderwell : Seymour. F. C. Snyder : Seymour and Randall ; Bayaid or Hancock. It. S. Grabill : Seymour or uayaru aim Hendricks. Geerge Briner : Personal preference is Tilden, who stands about third in popular favor ; Seymour is the favorite, with Han cock second : Randall. Bayard, Payne, Eaten or any geed lifelong Democrat will suit ; net David Davis. II. B. Essick : Hancock the most avail able candidate, with neudricks ler second place ; Bayard would make the best pres ident, as he is the first statesman ei iuu country, but it is doubtful if he could be elected ; Seymour's nomination inexpedient in view of his broken health ; anti-Tilden. Frank Leng : Hancock or Bayard ; hard money and high tariff. Gee. W. Sener : Field ; second choice Bayard. F. Cristy : Bayard. F. X. Ziegler : Jere S. Black, Bayard or Payne. D. Hanauer : The man te win. Gen. William Patteu : Seymour and Hen dricks or Thurman. G Tille : Seymour. Sevmeur. Jehn Barr : Bayard. H. M. North : Garfield's nomination very weak ; Democrats only need a combination that will carry New Yerk and Indiana without doubt. Wm. G. Duttonhefer : Hancock or Bay ard. Bart. Dr. Jehn Martin: Hancock, Bayard or any clean Democrat en the constitution for a platform. Brecknock. J. F. Kern : Bayard ; Tilden net popu lar. Caernarvon. R. M. Arters : Hancock. Wm. B. Irwin: Seymour, with Hen dricks or Thurman. clay. Gee. W. Steinmetz: Hancock, Jndge Black or any geed man ; anti-Tilden. D. Hauck : Hancock, Seymour or Bayard anti-Tilden East Cocalico. Pierce Lesher : Randall, Hancock. Eaten and Seymour the favorites ; anti-Tilden. Coleraine. James M. Walker : Tilden ought te be the candidate if available ; Judge Black would be a dark horse of great speed ; auy geed man. Simeon W. Swisher : Bayard is "solid in Colerain. Wm. M. Galbraith : Bayard. Rev.C. W. Stewart, D. D. : Any sound Democrat and pure man ; Tilden net available. Ceney. Jehn L. Fasnacht : Judge Field ; satis fied with anybody except Tilden. Jehn Bach man : beymeur, uayaru. nun cock or Field ; no Tilden. West Penegnl. Gee. W. Wormley : Anybody but Til den ; " Little Mac" would de. Drumore. L. T. Hensel : Randall, Bayard or Sey mour. Fer second place, Palmer or Thurman. Pepularsciitiment against Til den and Hancock boom subsiding E. M. Stauffer : Bayard ; no Tilden. Jas. G. McSpanan: Bayard, Parker, Eaten. Randall, Payne, Seymour. Tilden, Iliiiceck and McClellan, all would be first class presidents. Seymour and Hendricks would be the strongest nominations ; Til den is net available. Jehn S. Brown : Seymour or Bayard with Hendricks- for second place ; anti Tilden. Chas. Acheson : Bayard ; personal pre ference, McClellan. Jehn Hastings : Jeremiah S. Black ; Sevmeur or Bayard. P. W. Housekeeper : Anybody except Tildeu. Karl. Win. Griuiley : Vete for anybody you d d please. You'll de it anyhow. E. C. Diller : Seymour, Bayard, Han cock or Payne ; no Tildeu. Eut Earl. J. C. McConnell : Fer auybedy that, is available and seund: Tilden is unpopu lar. West Earl. Henry Kafreth : Hancock first choice and Tilden most unpopular. Kden. Rebert Montgomery : Bayard the strong est man ; commands the universal confi dence of the business interests-. Gee. W. Hensel : Bayard and Thurman would be a grand ticket te elect and a creditable one te be cvendefeated with. It will carry everything that is doubtful and make the sure suites mere certain. G. J. P. Raub : Seymour. Bayard sec ond choice.; must carry New Yerk. Faber Sellers : Judge Stephen J. Field. Kphrata. Thce. A. Stcincr : Bayard, Seymour, Payne or Thurman ; Tilden's choice, but net Tilden. Jere. Mehlcr : Tilden if- he could be elected ; Bayard or Hancock most popu pepu lii licrc ' A. G. Killian : Gen. Gee. B. McClellan. Elizabeth Township. Gee. F. Shultz : Auybedy te uuite the New Yerk factiens: Tilden. Seymour, Bayard, Field, Payne, Jewett or Parker. Gee. Yeutz: The strongest and best man. Elizabethtuwn. Cel. James Lynch : Fer Tildeu if he could carry New Yerk ; that being doubt ful, Field or McClellan. Cel. II. M. Breneman : Seymour ; sec ond choice, Judge Field ; anti-Tilden. S. R. Hackenberger : Seymour, Hancock or Field would de admirably ; anti-Tilden. . . J. B. Shultz : Henry B. Payne of Ohie and Clarksen N. Petter, of New Yerk, for vice nresident. II. T. Shultz : Payne and Petter. Emanuel Heffmau : Field ; anti Tilden. W. B. Schneitman : Field and Petter a ticket that can unite the party in New Yerk. Iniliantewn. C. J. Rhodes : Seymour all the time. East Lampeter. Cel. Joel L. Lightner: Bayard; anti Tilden. J. B. Martin : Joel Parker or Bayard. Henry F. Hartman : Hancock ; Tildeu undesirable. West Lampeter. J. It. Dietrich : Hancock ; some Tilden men here ; some for Field. Leacock. Henry Eckert : Prevailing preference for Bavard. II. L. Eckert : Bayard the favorite. Per sonal preference Payne aud Petter. Let us have P's. Jacob R. Rutter : ILinceck ; Seymour if he will accept ; Bayard or Field ; anti-Til den. W. W. Busser : My first choice is Til den ; second, Field ; third, Seymour. The prevailing choice is first, Hauceck ; second, Seymour. All agree ou Judge Black for vice president. Upper Leacock. J. Frank Reed : Randall, first choice ; after him Thurman or Payne. Little Britain. C. B. Johnsten : Bayard for president and a Califerniau for vice president ; di vision in New Yerk the only objection te Tilden, It. B. Patterson : Bayard or any ether geed man ; Tilden objected te because hardest te elect. Lincoln Scheel Heuse. Aaren Seurbeer : Hancock, or any geed man ; anti-Tilden. Manhelm Borough. J. B. Bembergcr : First, Seymour ; sec ond, Field ; third, Judge Black. Jas. M. Dunlap Seymour ; net Tilden. Henry Arndt : Seymour. Maner New. Jehn S. Maun : Seymour. Marietta. Jehn Waller : Bayard. Many "worship" Tilden but fear that he is unavailable. Ne objection te Randall or Field. J. L. Brandt : Seymour first ; Bayard second choice. Jehn Crull: Seymour, Bayard, Han cock, McClellan, Hendricks and Field, in the order Darned : Judee Black would make the government as pure as nts own per- senal record ; anti-Tilden. J. H. Hegener: Seymour, with Hendricks w , w m m Gee. W. Schroeder or Thurman for second place ; second choice Randall ; Bayard popular in Mari etta. Israel Hanlen : Any geed man that can win and trill take his seat. Fred Waller : Fer the strongest man. J. K. Curran and J. W. Kelly : Fer the ticket nominated. A. Cellins, James Sanders, Wm. Brown and Jehn Fritz : Tilden if he can be settled without difficulty. Martic S. C. Stevenson : Hancock most popu lar, Tilden least se. Ne Ohie man unless he can surely carry that state. Bayard or Field will de well. Maytown. Capt. H. A. Haines: McClellan my own enthusiastic choice. The platform should score the administration for its obstruc tion of soldiers' pension claims. J. Luther Hayes : Judge Black nvy own first choice ; Bayard, Field, Hancock and Randall all favorites here, but the prevail ing wish is that Seymour would be cheseu and accept ; auti-Tilden. Jere. Shaffncr : Seymour, Bayard or plucky Field. Jehn L. Jacobs : First choice, Bayard ; any candidate can win. MIUersMlle. Fred. Gerth : Hancock and Hendricks, Palmer or Thurman for second place. Sey mour and Hendricks would be grand. "Hard money. Prof. J. W. Westlake : The vote of the doubtful states must be ceusidered. If Tilden can heal the New Yerk difficulties he should be the nominee. Hancock could carry Pennsylvania ; Bayurd aud Seymour would be ideal candidates. Field and Randall, or Hancock and Payne would be invincible. Ne soft money nor evasions of living questions in the platform. Gee. D. Brown : Hancock or Seymour ; anti-Tilden. Chas. F. Recs : Give us a dark horse like Frank Pierce ; anti-Tilden. Mount Jey Borough. Jeseph Detweiler : Anybody except Til deu. M. Hildebrand : Bayard is the popular choice; -Judge Black would be the best dark horse ; anti-Tilden. R. II. Leng : Will trust te the wisdom e f the convention. II. Shaffner : Seymour, Bayard, Han cock or Hendricks. Mount Jey (Leainan'it Scheel Heuse.) Win. L. Diffenbaugh : Hancock ; any body except Tilden, Mount Jey (Breneman' Scheel Heuse.) Henry Wambaugh : Bayard and Hen dricks or Field ; anti-Tilden, auti-Chiuese platform. H. N. Shaffncr : Hancock. Isaac Watsen : Anybody but Tilden. Northwestern. Wm. Walker : McClcllan. Paradise. N. Lefever : Bayard or any geed man. Dr. Gee. J. Hoever : Bayard, beymeur, or anybody but Tildeu. A. P. McIIvain : Seymour, Bayard or Judge Black. Daniel E. Rice: Tilden (if he can tc elected), Hancock, McClellan, Field or Bavanl. Gee. Diller : The best man ; net Tilden. Peun. Edw. McMullcn: Bayard and Field. Seymour, Hancock or Tilden would de well. Tilden has warm friends in Penu. Petersburg. H. E. Miuuich : Horatio Seymour ; Han cock or Bayaid satisfactory; willing te trust te the geed judgment of the dele gates. C. G. Bessier : Personally prefer Bayard and MacDonald as the ticket ; the district generally is for either Seymour, Hancock or Bayard ; anti-Tilden. E. It. Workman : Hancock and Palmer or McDonald ; Seymour is a favorite ; per sonal preference, Bayard ; Democratic sentiment adverse te Tildeu. II. W. Lutz : Hancock, Tilden or Bay ard ; auti-Tildcn. Levi S. Heffman : Seymour, Hancock or Bavard. the choice of the district ; personal prelerence oeymeur; inueu uuiwuHi. Providence. Sam'l P. Shirk : Bayard ; Hauceck is gaining here ; Tilden could net get tlie full vote. T. J. Shirk : Hancock the choice of the district ; personal preference, Bayard ; anti-Tilden. Jehn Cenrad : Personal preference, Judge Black ; Hancock pepular.and Tilden has seme friends ; unite New Y'erk. Kohrerstewn W. II. Dietrich : Horatio Seymour. E. L. Hambright -. Seymour; for daik horse, Randall ; any geed man. Sadieury. w -r in 1. TV. ..... -.1 .! 1 in til U. Li. lowusena : uayiuu. u iiu , Symour and Hendricks ; Parker and Mor rison ; Hancock and Payne any of these will de. Tilden least available. Clear, concise platform ; no Boft money idea. Salisbury. Jehn Masen: Any geed man except Tilden. James P. Marsh : Solid against Tilden ; Bayard the favorite ; personal preference Seymour and Field. Isaac Walker : " Almest unanimously" for Tilden. Ne anti-Chinese or soft metiey rilatferm. I. D. Worst : Seymour ; anti-Tildeu, Henry Wise : Bayard or Hancock, the popular favorite ; personal preference, Seymour, or any man with a clean Demo cratic record. Spring Harden. Geen:e L. Gresh : Gen. McClellan, or Hancock or Bayard ; Tilden net popu lar. J. H. Menaugh: McClellan is the favor te "by a large majority ;" personal prefer- nce, Seymour. Sliver Springs. Henry M. Weller : Fer the candidate of the convention's choice : Tilden would lese votes. Strasburg Borough. Jes. G. Gender : Seymour or Bayard. The constitution for a platform. Charles Beam : Bayard, first last and all the time; Hancock, Black, Parker and Seymour have a following. Saml. L. Echtcreacht : anti-Tildeu ; for Bayard, Black, Hancock, Field or Hen dricks. Strasuurg Township. W. J. Wentz : The strongest man Bay ard or Seymour. Union Square. Reuben Shelly : Hen. Stephen J. Field. Warwick. I. T. Bembcrger: Seymour, Hancock, Bayard or Thurman in the order named ; Tilden's renominatien bitterly disapproved as inexpedient. J. A. Buch : Bayard, anvbxly but Til den. Jesse It. Pennabeckcr : Hancock. Washington Borough. Gee. W. Roberts : Seymour; anti-Til den. . J. B. Douglass : Seymour, with Thur man, Payne or Morrison for second place. Field second choice. A sound and short platform ; no Tilden, no Credit Mebilierist, no salary grabber. G. K. Pray : Bayard. i . mp,Y LOCHEK'S I 1 SYBUP UEMerfNED COUGH Vr'wv Twe Outs. MEDIVAX. CUTICURA Miracles of llealtag Unparalleled in Medical History. " I have been mulcted for twenty year with an obstinate skin disease, called by .sen.e M. l.s' psoriasis and ether, lepresy.cnuimencinj: en my scalp, and in spite of all I could de. with the help et the most skilful doctors, it slowly but surely extended, until a year age this winter it covered my entire person in formerdryxcales. Fer the lust threw years I have been unable te de any labor, aud sutler ing intensely all the time. Kvcry morning there could be nearly a dustpanlul or scales taken from the sheet or my bed, some of them halt as large as the envelope containing this letter, lu the latter part et winter tuy skin commenced cracklngepen. I tried everything, almost, that could be thought of, without any reller The 12th of June 1 started Went in hopes I could reach the Het Spring I reached Detroit and was se low I thought I should have te go te the hospital, but Dually get as far as lousing, Mich., where 1 had a sister liv ing. One Pr. trcatedineaboiittweweeks, but did me no geed. AH thought I had but a short time llve. I earnestly prayed te die. Cracked through the skin all ever my 'ek, across my rib-, anus, hands, limbs, feet badly swollen.tee nails came etr.tlngcriinllsilcadaiid hard us bone, hair dea.!. dry ami lileless as old straw. O, my Ued ! hew I did sutler. 'My sister, Mrs. E. II. Davis, -had a small part of a box or Cuticura lu the house. Mn wouldn't give up ; said, ' We will try Cutlcnra. eme was applied en one hamt and arm. Eureka ! there was reliet ; stepped the UTrible burning sensation liimi the wen! go. lhey imnieduttclvgetthu Cuticura Kiwelvkst. Cu ticura and Cuticuha Soai 1 commenced by hiking one tablespoenrul or Reselvent three times a dav. after meals : had a bath encu a iIhv wiit.'riihniit. bleed heat: used Cntlcura fc....... fwulif .irk.illMil f!llHfMl! Cuticura morning and evening, itesult, returned te my home in ji.si six weeks trem time I left, anil my skin as smooth as this sheet or paper. "HIICA.M K. OAltl'KNTEK, " Hendersen, Jeffersen County, X. Y. "Sworn te bclere me this nineteenth day of January, I8S0. ' A. M. LurriMOWKLU Justice of the Peace. We hereby certity that we an: acquainted with the aforesaid .Hiram E. Carpenter and knew his condition 10 have been as suited. V e believe his statement te lie true in every par ticular. .. , . , ., L. It. Simmons & Son.Meich'ts.IIeiiilersen.N . G. A. Thompson, Merchant, " A. A. Pa vis, ' ' Millard E. Joiner, Jehn Carpenter, A. M. I.elllngwell. Attorney and Counseller nt-!.a. CUTicuit KEMEWKSare prepared by V KhKs reTTEIt, Chemists and Druggists..."! yt wtli wtli ingteu street, Bosten, and aie ter sale 1 ij all Prug"ists. l'rice et Ccticuka. a Medical Jell) . smalTbexes, 50 cents; large boxes. l. Cuti cura Keselvekt, a New Meed IMilIler, t per bottle. CirneuiiA Medicinal Toilet ttv, - Cents, CUTICTBA MEIUCINAL MIAVIMO hOAI l. cents; in bars forltarbcrsundlargecustemers. 50 cents. MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS. A Feed ami a MecHciium- The rurust. Surest and Most Powerful I: storatlve lu Medhlne hir Feeble and Kxhaiisted Constitutions, Xerteus and General Debility, Con sumption and Wast ing Diseases. may ' lindWAS&w Ft' 11 ft ITU It J& BEGILDlNu OF ALL KINDS SHORT NOTICE. Myiurrngcmcnt-snrennw completed te de Itegildllig in Hrst-class maiiiu-r and at le.iMin able prices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAMK STOKF, . 15 Knst King Slrret. WALTER A. HEIMTSH. VIllNA ANlttlLASSWAKK. CHINA HALL. JELLY TUMBLERS. Tin Covered Jelly Tumbler, J lass Covered Jelly Tmubk'r,; Jelly Clips aud Jelly Jars, AT THE LOWEST Pit I (! EH, HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15KAST KING STUKKT. OJiNTtf UOOUS. neK I.INKN COL.I.AIW OOTO KltlSMAVS. nuB FANCY STOCKINGS GOTO KUISMA.VS. V A , -ion UlTWPV.NItKKS KUISMAX'S. N'Ott NEW STVI.K LINEN HANPKKUCIIIKrS, GOTO E. J. ERISMANS, 86 NIIKTH "UKKN STKKKT. ROBES, BULHKKTH, AC. S,GN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBE8!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand the Largest. Hkst awi. CHRAAsseimiMT el : Lined h'."'""'" BUFFALO KOBES in the city. Alse LAI AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips. CeUara, &c. 4aBepalring neatly and promptly dem-fc A. MILEY, 10 North Queen Ht., iMncater. 0r-iydMWA