-- -W . V1"" VT " y--.-"TS LANCASTER DAIM INTELLIGENCER. MOJjDAt, JtJNE 14, 1880. f- t - V r heard of any tobacco fields being attacked. The young plants are growing finely, and if no mischance happens a great crop arill be gathered. THE 8TKAWBEBKV CAMPAIGN. Clese or St. Mry' Festival. The festival at the " old btene church " (St. Mary's), "West Vine sriet, closed en Saturday night. The attendance was very large, the room at all times being crowded and the spacious grounds, which were handsomely illuminated with Chinese lan terns, were thronged with premenaders. Clemmens's City comet band was present during the evening and enlivened things with its excellent music. In con gruence of the large attendance, the sales were brisk, every table being stripped and although in the final sales by auction and otherwise many things went "dirt cheap," figuratively speaking, the net profits of the affair will reach the liand EOTie figure of $700, which will be devoted te the fund for the establishment of an orphan age. Belew are the names of the fortunate once in the chancing and voting : Miss Lizzie Weber, cur glass inkstand and china set; Mrs. Deaner, cake basket; Mary Snyder, ten of coal ; Jas. M. Burke, box of cigars ; B. J. McGrann, Berkshire shoat ; Mrs. W. E. L.int, $10 geld piece ; X. F. Dunleavy, barrel of flour. Jlev. Father Hickcy was the winner of a large and handsome wax dell baby. He turned it ever te St. Mary's academy and this morning it was chanced off among the younger girls of that institution and was wen by Mary Lant. A Bible, which was contested for by Misses Maggie Delan and Maggie Malency, w.is wen by Miss Delan, she receiving a majority of the votes cast. Union Itethal Festival. On Saturday night there were at least one thousand people in attendance at the strawberry festival of the Union Bethel church. The church was crowded during the whole evening and the festival was a grand success. The picture, which was donated by J. IL Abraham fc Bre., artists, was wen by Geerge Doersh, who sold the highest number of tickets. The prize te the person selling the second highest num ber of tickets, a caster, was wen by Jacob Eberly. The large chair was wen by "Wil liam Geiter. It is net known exactly what sum was denied at the fair, but it was very satisfactory te all concerned. LITTLi: LOUALS. Town and County News in Uriel. Henry Kuapp, son of Charles Knapp, grocer, cut oil" the top of his thumb en a patent bologna slicer. The storms delayed the P. 11. . trains yesterday. The fast line due at e:20a. m. reauhed Lancaster at 4:45 p. m , and the day express was four hours late. At a meeting of the senior class of Franklin and Marshall college this morn mern ng. Mr. Frank S. Elliet, of Yeik, Pa., Geethean, and Mr. Mr. A. F. Itehrer, of Smtthsburg, Md., Diagnethian, were elec ted master orators for the commencement of 188:J. Lewis Hcpting, of Ne. ."523 West King btreet, sends us a sample of very fine ripe cherries. Among the let was a very per fect double specimen two cherries with a single stem, two twins that grew as one. The Demuth club of this city, which is encamped at Hair's island en the Susque hanna, were visited yesterday by a large number of friends from this city. A splendid time was had, and the gentle men who returned this morning speak in the highest terms of Sammy Allen's cook ing. Stchman Ferney, "of the United States coast survey, son of Chailes B. Ferney, esq., of Lebanon, was in Lancaster te-day. Mr. Feiney has been stationed en the Pa cific coast for the past fourteen years and will leave New Yerk for, that coast again en June 20. The brick work of the Humane hose house, the foundation of which was laid some time age, was started this morning. It will be under reef by August. Charles Peacock, aged about 13 years, son of A. II. Peacock, of East Orange street, while playing en an elevator at Jeiirniah Rohrer's, en North Queen street, fell and broke his left arm, near the wrist. Dr. Reed set the iujuied limb. J. P. Winewer, state lepresentative of the Jr.O. U. A. M.left yesterday te attend the national council in Richmond. The mayor sent two drunks te jail for five days and discharged two ether. Michael Brccht's grass patch near Shoen Sheen bcrgcr's park was robbed en Saturday night of a large let of cut grass. Franklin Lightner, the horse thief who stele a horse from Benjamin Kurtz, of Richland station, Lebanon county, and who was arrested and ledged in jail in this city, has been remanded te Lebanon and committed te jail. The bootblacks will leave the court-house at 10 a. in., en Wednesday, for their pic nic at What Glen. Among the prizes of the day arc a gilt Bible, Testament, fancy beet black box and equipment, and a copy of "Heroes of Three Wars." The game of baseball at Millersville en Saturday, between the Ironsides and Nor Ner mal clubs, was postponed en account of the rain. Geerge Boek and Simen Boek, colored, have bcenJield by Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, te answer the charge of assault and battery preferred by Themas Yeung, also colored. DUDSLT IKON-CLAD. S500 Bei.ig Expended en Frankfnrd's Cell. Since the late attempt made by the burg lar Fraukferd te escape from the county jail, redoubled vigilance has been exer cised ever him by the jail officials, and the ceuuty commissioners or inspectors have made a contract te have an additional plating put en the walls of his iron-clad cell, aud the work is new being done by Jeseph IL Huber. This appears, te persons com petent te judge, te be an extravagant and unnecessary expense. The 0 dy weak place iu the cell is immediately around the register, and had this been sheathed with chilled iron plating the cell would have been just as secure as it will be after the double plating of the walls shall be finish ed. The sheathing of the register could have been done at an expense of net mere thau $10, while the job new being dene will cost $400 or $500. Are the county commissioners or prison inspectors respon sible for this unnecessary outlay ? PRESBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARF. Interesting Proceedings Fine Flowers Gaily Dressed Children Geed Music, and Addresses. The Presbyterian Sunday school cele brated their 59th anniversary in the beau tiful audience room of the church by ap propriate exercises last evening. Fer the occasion the pulpit and altar were pro fusely and handsomely decorated with cut flowers, bouquets and rare plants, which showed the skill and geed taste of the committee of ladies who had charge of the work. Behind this bower of beauty and en the pulpit was the infant class under charge of Mrs. M. O. Kline, whose ef ficiency and kindness in this field of labor have always been rewarded by the devotion and love of her many little friends ; and en this occasion they looked as beautiful as the lilies and roses that al most hid them from view. The main au dience 100111 was almost filled with chil dren, teachers and officers of the Sunday schools, se that the spare room as well as the galleries were left without a vacant space by the friends and members of the church. As the schools entered Prof. Haas played an evciturc, and after all had been seated the schools united in singing the "Greet ing Seng," a spirited selection in which all joined with a will. The next in order was Sciiptuic reading in concert from the sermon en the mount and the psalms by teachers and scholars. After another song by the schools Rev. J. C. Hume led in prayer. It was new in order for the little folks te take part, and the simplicity as well as earnestness of their singing touched the heaits of the audience. The repoitef Dubois Relncr, esq., sec retary of the mssien school, was read by Hairy (J. Moeie, superintendent, which shows that it is increasing in numbers and efficiency, having en the roll 210 scholars, 10 officers and 24 teachers, an increase of 10 scholars ever last report. The work of the .school has widened itself, and they have secured the sci vices of Rev. J. C. Hume as minister iu charge, with whose help they hope te show geed results the coming year ; and, if it is possible, te excel their enviable leceid. Thanks were re turned for the kindness they had re ceived and the interest taken by the parents of the scholars. The mission school new took their part in singing and ren deied their spirited piece in an excellent manner. It was a battle cry of victory and quite appropriate as they have enteied earnestly iu the conflict and their watchword is written en their banners. Next in order was the report of the main school, by the secretary, Charles M. Hewell, esq., which report showed an attendance of 107 scholars, J) officers and 22 teachers. The school is in a flourishing condition. Great improvements have been made iu the Sunday school rooms of the main and mission, and show the inteiest taken by the Presbyterians in this cause. A fter singing by the main school of a beautiful song, which was greatly admired, an address was delivered by Rev. J. C Hume. He said it was a great privilege te witness such an audience of happy faces and hear leperts of the geed work done during the past year. If he were te speak te them it was his desire te impress some truth upon their hearts that would remind them of his ."i'Jth anniversary as a golden milestone in life's journey. As a short and appropriate passage he would admonish all here te " held fast te that which is geed," en which passage he dwelt at length. Singing by the schools, reading Scrip ture in conceit, singing by the primary school, followed, and then the pastor, Rev. J. Y. Mitchell, addressed the audience. The creed was repeated by the schools and audience in concert, followed by mu sic by the schools, after which all united in repeating the Lord's Prayer. The audience were invited te join in singing the last hymn aud doxology. The benediction was then pronounced, the .")9th anniversary closed, and all present were rejoicing in the success attained and the pleasure of the evening. KCLIGIOUS SERVICES. Festival et St. Antheny. Yesterday being the annual feast day of St. Antheny, patron saint of St. Antheny's church, the event was duly observed iu the church by special services. At 10:30 a. m. solemn high mass was cele brated, the pastor, Rev. Father Antheny Kaul, being celebrant, assisted by Rev. Father Duncan, of St. Jeseph's hospital, and Rev. Father Christ, of St. Antheny's. Mozart's 12th mass was sung by the choir, with grand organ accompaniment by Miss Mary Deckcrt. At vespers, 3:30, p. 111., there was full vespers service and Fisk's vespers weie sung by the choir. At 7:30 p. in. Rev. Father Maus, of Philadelphia, pi cached an excellent sermon, bestowing a fine panegyric en St. Antheny, and after the sermon gave the benediction Bishop Shanahan being un able te be piesent. The congregations were large, morning, afternoon and even ing, and in the sanctuary weie the follow ing named piiests: Rev. Fathers Maus, Duncan and Gretemycr, besides the pas tor Father Kaul and the assistant Father Christ. St. Antheny's Franciscus society was present in a body, wearing badges. The music during the services was ex ceptionally fine. lirst Communion. St. Jeseph's Catholic church was crowd, ed yesterday morning, the occasion being the first communion of the children of the parish. The number of communicants was large and the piocessien was striking and impressive, the girls being dressed in spot less white and the boys being very neatly attired. All the German Catholic benefi cial societies of the city were in attend ance St. Michael's society appearing in full regalia. Father Gretemycr, the pas tor, officiated. Mozart's mass was well sung by the choir. Mount Jey News. On Sunday morning Mrs. Ames Shick ley of Spriugville,after a lingering sickness, succumbed te the ravages of consumption, aged about 30. The funeral will take place from the residence at Springville, en Tuesday afternoon. AVhile Mrs. Jehn S. Evans, of this place, was cutting kindling with a hatchet, she accidentally cut a piece of flesh from the index finger of her left baud, inflicting a painful wound. The ether night a thief stele fiem the ice-house new in the course of erection by Rebert McFadden a large let of nails. Herace Feustennacher, of the Alteena Tribune, is visiting his parents at this place. Cadet Jehn L. Scheck. of the U. S. naval academy, is home en a short leave of ab sence. The strawberry festival which was held in the hall above the M. E. church for the benefit of the Sunday school, 00 Friday and Saturday evenings, proved a pleasant affair as well as a pecuniary success. The Evangelical church, corner of New Haven and West Denegal streets, is fast nearing completion, aud it is expected will be dedicated some time during the latter part of July. Cows Killed by Lightning. Graybill Diller, residing near New Hol Hel land, had two valuable cows killed en Sat urday by lightning. Mr. It. Schaekkr, Ne. 31 Brown street, Alle gheny City, Pa., had the Rheumatism for eight years, and had used every known medicine without relief. A single bottle of St. Jacob's Oil cured niin. Equally adapted te the feeble or robust, male or female, are Malt Bitters. Hark! hark ! 'tis SOZODOST I cry, Haste, youths and maidens, come and buy. Come and a secret I'll unfold. At small expense te young and old. X charm that will en both bestow A ruby lip, and teeth like snow. je!4-lwdeed&w Shaving is a rascally business, shaving with Cuticura Shaving Seap alone excepted. Sl'EVJAL NOTICES. Weman's Wisdom. "She insists that it is mere importance, that her laud I y shall be kept iu lull health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees te It, that cacn member et her family is supplied with enough Hep Hitters, at the tirst appear ance of any symptoms of ill heath, te prevent a lit et sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should cxcicise their wisdom in this way." Ed. jl-2wd&w If you want te have a geed appetite and en joy health, take ' Dr. I.lndscy's Bleed Search er." Frem h Distinguished Clercjinan. Washington, I). C, June 1!), ISi'J. I have known of several persons who re garded themselves; as greatly benefited, and some of them as permanently cured of diseases of the kidneys and miliary organs by your medicine. Warner's Safe Kidney and I.iver Cure. I have known, tee, et its use in similar cases by physicians et the highest character anil standing. I de net doubt that it has great virtue. J. E. RANKIN. jl-2.vUfcw Try Lecher's Ucnewned Cough Syrup. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se. go at once and getabottleef MUS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. 'I here is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and he.ilth te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Mates, held everywhere 23 cente a bottle. fjl7-lyd&w M.W&S statistics prove that twenty-nve percent, of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in Its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn thp sufferers ler their negli gence, or pity1 them for their ignorance-: Xe 9 East King street. ' Tr Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Dn. IJbowmne's Tonic and Alterative is the popular Bleed Purifier, Tonic, etc., because it i- made by it Regular Graduate of Medicine, is the result el scientific research, is accurately and elegantly compounded, wonderfully effi cacious, is taken in very small doses, and is pure, clean, and pleasant te the taste. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer saleby the Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. !., 1117 ArehStieet, Philadelphia, and all Druggists. jelO-lwd&w If Yeu are Sick, Read the Kidney-Wert advertisement in another column, and it will explain te you the rational method of getting well. Kidney-Wert will save you mere doctor's bills than any ether medicine known. Acting with specific energy en the Kidneys and Liver, it cures the worst diseases caused by their derangement. Use it at once. jcl4-lwd&w Dr. Oakley, et Detroit, says: '"Sellers' Liver Pills' are admirably calculated for bil iousness and headaches. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Trv Lechci's Renowned Cough Syrup. Hew te Get Well. Thousands of persons are constantly troubled with a combination of diseases. Dis eased Kidneys and costive bowels are their tormenters. They should knew that Kidney Kidney Wei tacts en these organs at the same time, causing them te threw off the poisons that have clogged them, and se renewing the whole man. Hundreds testify te this. jcM-lwd&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Weakly and Sickly Persons. Many persons who are weak and sickly at this season of the year are at a less te knew what will 'restore their health. It has lately been found by experience that the use of bpeer's Pert Grape Wine is one et the best re storatives known. Physicians, clergymen and temperance advocates should encourage the use of Pert Grape and thus aid the caue of temperance ami moderation. It is especially recommended te lamilies for its purity, ex quisite flavor and health Drepertiea. Medical men certify te its valnable medicinal powers. Mr. Specrhas been for years engaged in the raising of grapes and perfecting this wine, and it requires a lour years process before it is fit for market. X. Y. Baptist. This wine is endorsed bv Drs. Atlce and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker, who has procured some direct from the Vineyards. It is excellent ler females, especially for these with nursing infants. JI-2wd&w POLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. VOK SUPREME JUDGE. GEORGEA.JEXKS. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. " FOR CONGRESS. J. L. STEINMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. D. McMULLEN, FOR SENATOR (13th DISTRICT.) .1. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVEXSOX, S. P. SHIRK. FOR A8SEMBLT (3d DISTRICT. ' AMOS DILLER, R. DAVIS YUXDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS. BARTOX M. WINTERS BENJ. MILLER. FOR rOOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SXYDER, JOHN FRAXCISCUS. LANCASTER COUNTY APPOINTMENTS. DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION. B. J. McGRANX, W. U. HEXSEL. (ALTERNATES.) E. S. HAMBRIGHT C. J. RHOADS. ELECTOR. JAMES G. McSPARRAN. STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. GEO. DILLER, M.S.MOORE. Withdrawn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. Prices always lower than City Prices. We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special Special Werk at short notice from our own factory. We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOONERS. The Union netel. Nes. 28 and 30 East Chestnut street, is the place where beer is sold in schooners at all times, ltd Jill! . RANSIXG. fMTY TAXKa. j The duplicate of city taxes is new in the hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or be fore Julv 1. WSJ. E. WELCHANS, Jc4-tdM,F&bR Treasurer. TNsUKK YOUR PROPERTY WITH. A BAUSMAN & BURNS, Office : Xe. 10 West Orange Street. leScedtfdlt GRAND OPENING AT FULMfcR'S CAR ilen this evening by the Philadelphia Orchestra, Prof Lesse, leader. Music every afternoon and evening. Granddisplay of fire works. Milwaukee beer en tap. itd SUNDAY SCHOOL FESTIVAL. A Festival with all the delicacies of the season, for the benefit of Christ Lutheran Sun day school, will be held at Roberts's hall. X. Prince street, en Thursday, Friday and Satur day evenings of this week. Admission 10 cents. Jel4-2tdMAW 1 M THE PUBLIC. Iiavimr sold the Grocery Stere, corner of High street and nieeriaiiey: also tne hordes and wagon te Jeseph Scheerman, who will continue the business. 1 hereby return my thanks te the public ter their patronage anil respectfnllv solicit a continuance of the same te my snecesser. F. MODENBACH. ltd - . ..... ..- . '. CARD Of THANKS. At a regular meeting of Gee. II. Themas Pest U, G. A. R., June 4, 1880. it was unani mously resolved that the sincere thanks of this pest be tendered te the public for their liberal contributions of money and flowers, te the ladies for services rendered in making the decorations for the graves or our departed comrades, te the First M. E. Church Choir for music rendered en the eve of Decoration Day, and te all ethers who aided in commemorating the death of our fellow comrades. II. McELROY, Commander. II. C. Weidler, Adjutant. ltd 1)UUI.IC SALE OF THE STOCK OF AN extensive Livery Establishment, at Lan caster, WEDNESDAY, JUXE 16, 1880. Sixteen Head of Horses, one Black Hearse, one White Hearse, live Coaches. Phaetons, Buggies, Omnibuses, Express Wagons, one Hay Wagen and Ladders, three Poles, Sleighs, Coach, Omnibus and Light Deuble Hame.-s ; 15 sets et Geed Single Harness, Robes, Whips. Blankets, Hay Cutters, and a great many ether articles tee numerous te mention. hale te commence at 9 a. in., when conditions anil terms will be made known lv GEOUGE W. ZECHER. II. SiintEKT, Auct. jeI2-3tdR PROPOSALS I! OR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received by the Street Committee for the following work up te the 21th day of JUXE. at 7 o'clock p. m.: Fer laying Belgian Bleck pavement aud crossings en North Queen street, from Penn Square te Orange street. Fer grading and macadamizing West Orange street Irem Char Char eotte te Pine. Fer grading Poplar street from Strawberry te Filbert. Each part of said work te be bid ter separately. The committee re serve the right te rcjectnnyernllbirisreccivcd. Proposals te be endorsed stating the work bid for and te be addressed te D. McMullen, Chair man, and left at Xe. 122 East Kingstrect. Plans and specifications te be seen at the office of JAMES C. CARPKNTER. City Regulator. jell-2tdeed M ATh Ne. 40 North Duke street. WANTED. WANTED. EVERYHODY TO ADVER tise, free of charge, in the Ihtklliobn Ihtklliebn cbk, who wants something te de. w ANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- eral Housework. Applay at this office. jel4 2td WANTED FIRST-CLASS HANDS ON Small Bretzels. Nene but men compe tent te bake oil" need apply. Address JOS. L. AMER Ce.. ltd 133 Xerth Frent Street, Philadelphia. RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! RAGS WANTED Housekeepers tuke notice that we are paying iy, cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid "as seen as delivered te WM. HEXXECKE, apifl 3md Xe. 2T5 West King Street. MIS CEIjLANE O US. CI RAIN SPECULATION T In large or small amounts. $25 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La balle street, Chicago, 111., for cir culars. m28-yd AE. MuCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Extate and Personal Property. Orders left at Xe. 33 Charlette street, or at the Black ller-t: Hetel, 41 and 46 Xerth Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and ttended te without additional cost. e27-lv SCHOOL TAX, 1880. The duplicate is in the hands et the Treas urer. 5 per cent, off for premt payment. .u. u. J1AUM1AL.L., '.Treasurer. Xe. 12 Centre Square. Office hours from 9 a. m. te 4 p. m. je!2-3tdS.WASR DK. WM. . FAUNESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, has re sumed lus office practice, and can be found at his residence, Xe. 2.J9EAST KIXG STREET. ml8-2mdewS T 'HE HOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS of the Lancaster Citv District will meet Thursday evening, June 17, for the purpose of electing xeacners ierine ensuing lerm ei len months. Applicants for positions must pre sent their certificates te the Secretary of the Beard prier te that date. C. F. EBERMAN, je5-S,W,SMd Secretary. CI REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. J We this moment received information that Messrs. Cehen & Bre.. f the Philadelphia One Price Stere, 5 East King street, are new having their grand clearance sale in Men's, Beys and Children's Straw Hats, which they are new closing out at reduced rates. Jel2-2td TTAY! HAY!! HAY!!! FIFTY TONS Ne. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, AT M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, s27-lyd 234 NORTH "WATER STREET. AMENDMENT TO CHARTER OF LAN castcr Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. Netice Is hereby given that application has been made te the Court of Common Picas of Lancaster county te grant certainamendments te charter of Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire In surance Company, new filed in Prothenotary's Office, and motion ter decree granting the same will be made en the 21st day of June, A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. WM. R. WILSOX, A.C.REIXOEHL, Solicitors for the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. m26-3wdM,W&S -TERVOUS DEBILITY. JA Te Xerveus Sufferers The Great Eure- Sean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Specific edicine. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness. Impetenry, and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery, Pains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J.B.SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY. Nes. 104 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders te H. B. COCHRAN, Dmggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydeedAw MARKETS. Philadelphia market. Philadelphia, June 14. Fleur unchanged' but sluggish ; superfine $2 753 25; extra at $3 254i0; Ohie and Indiana fam 11 v at $5 eu5 75; Penn'a family 4 605 25; St. Leuis family te flOgS 00 : Minnesota family $4 7535 75 : patent and high grades $G 5075. Rye flour at $4 50 7 50. Cernnical Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat firm; Xe. 2 Western Red 11 25 ; Penn'a Red $1 25 ; Amber $1 26. Cern steady; steamer 50c; yellow 52c; mixed 51c. Oats dull and weak; Ne. 1, White. 42K43c ; Ne. 2, de 42c; Xe. 3, de Ke; Xe. ?, Mixed 37c. Rye dull; Western and Pa. 88c. Previsions steady : mess perk at $11 7512 ; beef liams$185019; India m.ss beet ltilt50 ; b.icon.smeked shoulders 5J5c; balt4l44c ; smoked hams 10llc ; pickled liatn 84tS9c. Lard quiet : city kettle 6)5c ; loose l)uiehers6;6Jc: prim; steam $fu5. Butter 11 rmer ; Creamery extra, 2021c : Brad ford County and New Yerk extra. 1819c; Western Reserve extra, 1516e ; de geed te choice, 1214c; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 10 13; Western reserve extra 10 13c. . Kggs scarce and firm; Penn'a 15c; Western 13Hc. Ciieene easier and dull ; New Yerk facterv I212Jc; Western tull cream, 010e; de te tair geed 9 10c; dehairskiins'JiS'JiiCc. Petroleum steady ; rellnedSJc. Whisky $1 10. Seed Geed te prime Timethy dull at $2 75 3: Flaxseed at $1321 45. New Yerk market. Xkw Yerk. June 14. Fleur State and West ern dull and prices in buyers' favor ; superfine state f3 304 25; extra de $:', 754 25; choice de $4 305 00; tancj $5 0."i( 00; round hoop Ohie $4 605 00 ; choice de $5 1Q6 25; superfine western $3 5Ti 4 25 : common te geed extra de $3 .754 40 ; choice dodo $4 507 00; choice white wheat de 14 (j55 00; Southern dull; common te fair extra 5560: geed te cneice de $5 65f$G50. Wheat Spring nominal ; Winter Red about steady; White a shade easier and dull ; Ne. 1 White June, $123; Ne. 2 Red, July, $1 15J de June, $1 2lbid, $1 2GJ asked. Cern about steady and moderately active : Mixed western, spot, tilgele; de future 4'JK 50C. Oats d till : JState3945c ; Western 3745c. Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered till). Whisky dull ; Western $1 081 09. Spirits of turpentine dull at 4445c. Cattle Market. Philadelphia, June 14. Cattle market act i ve; receipts 2,300 head. Prime 5;s5c; goed5 5'Xc: medium i'l'rdHi: i-nnimmi 4'xtf5)ii i sheep iu fair demand ; receipts 8,0ub head. Prime 55c; geed 444c; medium 4 4Mc; common 3U3Jc. Hosts in tair demand : receints 5.500 head. I Prime Sic; goedoc; medium 6Jc; common . c. Ntm-k Markets. Philadblhhia. 12:30 P. M. Stocks dull. PeimaB's (thud i-,suc) 107 Philadelphia Eri l2.-r Reading 9J Pennsylvania 51J Lehigh Valley. 49 United Ces. et X. J I6i Northern Pacific 25 " Preferred 4: Northern Central 30K Lehigh Navigation 27V Norristown 101 Central Transportation Ce. 4K Pitts., Titusvillc & Bullale. 14W Little Schuylkill 44 New inns Stocks strong. Meney :Va3 X. Y. Central 127f " -u ni. ( tie Adams Express 112 ilichigitn Central 8 H, SI ichigan Southern 104 Illinois Central 1044 Cleveland & Pittsbuigh....ll6J Chicago ft Reck Island 100 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 123 Western U nien Tel. Ce 105? Teledo A Wabash 354 New Jersey Central 61 June 14. 3:00 P. Sf. June II. United States llendsand Sterling .xcliaug? . (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. cer. 3d and cnestnut streets). PHILADKLrUIA. JtlllC 14 United States 6's, 1881, (registered). .103g103.j United States 5's. 1881, (registered).. lOSJtgiuW United States 4vs, 1891, (registered) 10910 00 United States 4's,1891,(coupons).. .10910 00 United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .107103 United States Currency U's 123 Sterling Exchange 4;J448' JUISVELLAXEO US. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween B. S. & E. 11. Patterson has been dis solved by mutual consent. B. S.PATTERSON. E. 11. PATTERSON, JCXE". 1880. jc9-3tw ENGINES AND MACHINERY Of all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IROljr AMD BRASS CASTINGS AND PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BRA SS BOXES, PACKING RINGS. GLOBE VALVES, Ot all Sizes. All Kinds of BRASS AND IRON VALVES AXD BEER SPIGOTS REPAIRED !& Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W D. Sprecher & Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and Christian streets. JOS. H. HUBER. al7-3mdS KNOW THYSELF. oeooooooooooo e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e The untold miseries that re sult from indiscretion inearly life may be alleviated aud cured. These who doubt this assertion should purchase the new medical work published by the PEABODY MEDICAL IXSTITUTE, Bosten, enti tled, THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; or, SELF-PRESERVATION. Exhausted vital oeooooooooooo ity, nervous and physical debility, or vital ity impaired dv lue errorsei yeuin, or tee close application te business, may be restored and manhood regained. Twe hundredth edition, revised and enlarg ed, just published. It is a standard medical work, the best in the English language, writ ten by a physician of great experience, te whom was awarded a geld and jeweled medal by the Londen Medical Association. It con cen Tains beautiful and very expensive engravings. Three hundred pages ; mere than 50 valuable prescriptions ter all forms of prevailingdisease, t lie result of many years of extensive and suc cessful practice, either one et which is worth ten times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth ; price only $1, sent by mall, pest paid. The Londen Lancet says. "Xe person should be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benelacter." The Tribune says : " The author has had un precedented success in dealing with nervous ness et ail kinds and its affections, whether due te pernicious Tiablts or inherited. He is a Nerve-specialist, and therefore knows whereof he writes with such power and ability." An illustrated sample sent te all en receipt of 6 cents for postage. The author refers, by permission, te Hen. P. A. BISSELL, M. D., president of the National Medical Association. Address Dr. W. H. PARKER, Xe TJB A T 4 Bullfinch street, Bosten, Mass. nrmii The author may be consulted en all diseases requiring skill and expert- fprr VClj'T Tj THIRD EDITIM. MONDAY EVENING, JTJNB 14,1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, June 14. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, rising barometer, cooler northerly winds,and partly cloudy weather. BY WIRE. News of the Afternoon in Uriel. The Senate has concurred in Heuse amendments te the bill regulating pay and appointment of deputy marshals, and the bill new gees te Hayes. Fire at Coburg, Ont., this morning de stroyed Buttel' s planing mill. Less $10, 000. In a duel with swords en Saturday en the Spanish frontier, between M. Lanauve, the new Benapartist member, and his oppo nent at the election, M. Achille Simen, a Republican, the former was wounded. The conference committee en the sundry civil appropriation bill has failed te agree en the disputed point involving an in creased appropriation for the national beard of health. By filibustering tactics the Republicans in the Heuse te-day prevented action en the electoral count resolution. Recorder Smyth, of New Yerk, te-day accepted the plea of guilty of murder in the second degree in the case of McDer McDer mett, who killed his wife by throwing her from a fourth-story window, and sentenced him te state prison for life. Lieut. Mills defeated a band of hostile Indians in Texas en the 11th hist. A rain and wind storm in Leck Haven yesterday unroofed buildings, damaged fruit and shade trees, and caused ether material injury. Elijah Pedergast, a jealous negre hus band, cut his wife's threat at California, a suburb of Louisville, Ky., last night. It is supposed that ex-Governer Brown, of Mississippi, whose death by drowning is recorded in our news columns, fell from his horse in a fit of apoplexy. A rain storm at Lafayette, Ind., yester day, caused $10,000 damage, and at Barn stead and Gilmanton, N. H., buildings were blown down and a church moved several feet by the force of the wind. Ilenii Rochcfert has completely recov ered from the wound received in the recent duel. Snyder's planing mill, at Wayucsbiirg, O., burned en Saturday evening. Thirty ether houses were en tire at once and in all of them the ilames were extinguished by women. Henry Myers and Michael McCarthy, two sailors, were drowned iu the Patapsco river, Baltimore, last night. The Chilians have taken the town e Arica, Peru, by assault, and made prison ers of the garrison They have also occu pied Tacuna after thiec days' lighting, and sunk the Peruvian corvette Mance Capac. Cel. Camache. et Belivia, was killed and eight thousand men en both sides placed hers du combat. THE AMERICAN FLA. Insulted en the IHgliSeas by apiiuih War Vessel. Bosten, June 14. An American schoo ner arrived here te clay and reports having been fired upon twice by a Spanish frigate en thirtieth ultimo, twelve miles oft" Cuba. Schooner heisted American flag, but was bearded and examined by Spaniard. 31 ED IV A L. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Rcigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used us a medicine of great potency in the core et some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less than .Drauuy. i The aged, with feeble appetite anil merr or i less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, I A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be It, he.vever stnctljyrtiderstoed that we prescribe and u-n but enCTirticle. and that is REIGART'S OLD BRANDT, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II. E SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as lar as our experience extends, and we thereleie sive it the preference ever all ether Brandies. no matter with hew uianyjaw-breaklngFieneh titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would sultlce te buy all the Brandy te cure any s uch case or eases. In proof of the curative powers "t Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been a ill let ed with an exhaustive Dyspepsia for a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind et feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in tact, he was obliged te restrict Ids diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGr.tnu's Reet Ueer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, S reached at times, and in his disceuies etten eclaimrd earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful cllects iu the cases of some of hid near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice, lie nsed the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. lie still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practisise Phtsiciav. H. R SLAYMAKER, AOKHT JOB Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMFOltTKR AMD DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in Wis, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. 20 EAST BUNG ST.. La.-sCA.STEK. PA EOJt SALE OS REM. 170K RENT. . The second story of Eshleman & Rath von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second jitery, opposite the Penn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAN. f25-2tdAStl Attemev-at-Law N. McRae, Wyebriclge, Ontario, writes : "I have sold large quantities of Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil ; it is nsed for colds, sere threat, croup, Ac, and, in fact, for any affection of the threat it works like magic. It s a sure cure for barns, wounds and bruises." Fer sale, by IL B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 35 czeTsnra, 5. K. SMALING THE ARTIST TAILOR. Opening te-day of a large and select line of English Novelties FOR SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, BANNOCKBURN CELTIC CIIEVIOTS. GAMBROON PARAMATA AND BATISTE CLOTHS. SEEKSUCKERS. VALENCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. WiltenPj Paildetl Ducks In Plain and Fancy Styles. A Large Assortment of Fancy Mil ill tallies Vestii. All the latest novelties of the season. The public are cordially Invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most recherche ever ettered for the het weather. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LEOAJ. 1TQTICES. I:STATK OF FRANCIS X. SUTKK, LATE !i of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en snid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all person-) indebted there to are requested te make immediate payment, anil these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay f'V settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city. Pa ROSA SUl'EK, B. F. Davis. Att'v. Executrix. jelO-fitdeaw TESTATE OF MICHAEL BIALONK. LATE lli of Lancaster city, decens-ed. Letters tes tamentary en sail I estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted there to are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, lesidlng in Lancaster city. COL..EDWARD McGOVERN, W. L. 1 KIP Kit. .1. M.BURKE. Gre. M. Km ire, Att'y. Executers. mSl-Ctdeaw X'STATK OF LOKK.NZ SCHILLING, LATK ii of Lancaster citv. Pa., deceased. Letters et administration, with the will annexed, en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all person indebted te Mild decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, ami these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedentte make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid ing in Lancaster citv- ROSft RAPP, Administratrix, B. F. Davis, Attorney. niy37-6tdeaw ITSTATK OF ANN McCOKT, LATK OF li Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testa nientury en said estate having been grunted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make Immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing In Lancaster city. REV. A. F. KAUL. jc.VOtdeaw Executer. ISTATK OF JACOB STAUFFEK, LATK It of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en aid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebt ed thereto requested te make immediate pay ment, and these baring claims or demands ngainstthc same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. F.-II.STAUFFKB. DAVID McN.STAIXFKER, or te Administrator. A. C. Rki.nebiil, Att'y 4 jcSCtdenw INSTATE OF MAKYMULVANT, LATK OF J the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto me requested te make immedi ate 'payment, ami these having claims or de mands against the same will prenent them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in the citv of Lancaster. JNO. A. COYLE, m.vntileaw AdnilnKttaler. J7STATK OF JAMES BOIIAN, LATK OF J the City et Lancaster, deceased. Let tern testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in ilehted te said decedent are requested te make immediate scttlcmcnt.and tbee having claims or demands against the estate et said ileeedeut te make known the same without delay te the undersigned. MARY BOIIAN. MARGARET KEEFE, ap3lMtded Executrixes E .STATK OF J A 31 KM W. KIIKY. LATK of Lancaster Citv. deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te niakeiuMiicdfatepuy inent, and the-e having claims or demands against the same will present them withoutde witheutde lay ter settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, .1. L. Steinmetz. JSTLIARHEY. Administratrix. J. L. Steismetr. Att'v. ui7-4iideuw INSTATE OF ANNA M. WEIDLEK, 111 late el the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present thetn without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing In Lancsistcr City. MISS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. m.'IO-vtdeed 1 .'STATE OF JOSEPH WANNER, LATE j of Upper Lcaceck township, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands; against the same willjiresent tliein without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in Barcvilic. SARA II WANNER, Administratrix. Wm. S. Amwee. Att'y, l.W East King Street. Gue. F. Bark, Her Agent. ml5-ltd&5lw INSTATE OF JOHN JACOII VKOMslIT, j late of East Lampptertewnship,dcceased. The undersigred Auditor, appointed te dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of Chas. M. Hewell. Administrator, te aad among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en FRIDAY, the 25th day of JUNE. 1&, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city or Lan caster, where all persons Interested in said dis tribution may attend. D. McMULLEN, m8B-6tw Auditor. INSTATE OF GEORGE EITEN1M?LLEU. li late of West Lampeter tewnshlp.deceased. Letters tcstamentjury en said estate having been granted te he undersigned, all person indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in said township. GEORGE EITENMILLEU, SAMUEL SHAUP. Executers. D. McMriLEX, Att'y. m26-Ctw ISTATL OF CHRISTIAN HOMHERGKR, j late of Warwick, township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all persons Indebted thereto are re quested te make immediate PetUcment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in War wick township, said county. ISAAC F. BOMBERGER. SAMUEL G. BOMBERGER, Executers. Wm. R. Wilsen, Att'y. m31-6tw 1H THE HEIRS AND LEGAL REPRE sentatives of William Black, sr.. deceased, late of Little Britain township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania : Yeu are hereby no tified that by virtue et an order,of t lie Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, te me directed, I will held an inquest te divide, part or value, the real estate of William Black, sr., deceased, en TUESDAY, the 22d day et J UN K, 180. at 10 o'clock a. m., en the premises, in Little Britain township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, when and where yeamav attend if you think proper. JACOB S. STRINE. Sheriff.. Shekitf's Orncr, Lancaster, Pa., June 1. 1. JeS-Stw4