ii& Volume XVI-Ne. 242. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1880 Price Twe Cente. p .r'J....V '-' ! . 'I ' ' - I" J mt f DRY SPECIAL -AT NEW YORK STORE. One Case Figured Dress Goods, Spring Shade", 10c a y.ird ; .-old every where atl2J4c. One Case Twilled ISciges. 12c a yard ; worth 17c. one Cafe l'luin ISciges, 12c yard ; regular price 2ic. .vki SHETLAND fell A WI.t ill Cardinal, Ulue and White, .Vic each, would be cheap at 1. JUST OPENED AX IMMENnE PTOCK.OF PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, At less than Manufacturer'.- Price,. GKKAT HAUGAIX. 100 21-inch Silk Parasols at $1.23 uiiial price $1.73. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KINO STREET. J. B. MARTIN &C67 We are daily receiving Choice Xew Patterns LAWM AM) GIMIAIS, "WHITE GOODS, SUMMER SILKS, VICTORIA LAWNS, DOTTED SWISS, SPRING HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Chilton's iFancy Hosiery, Parasols, 4c. We are showing a complete .stock in every depai tment, and respectfully solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & CO. WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS! All the Xew Spring Styles Irein the Leading Manufacturers. Embossed Geld, llrenzc Satins, Grounds and Illanks, with ll.ide. Frieze and Itenlcr.-, te match. CARPETS ! CAEPETS ! CARPETS ! .p.iiit.sskls, tapestry, ixgkaix axd ham. cakpkts. MATTINGS ! WIHTi; AXI) FAXCV CHIXA MATT1XGS AXD OIL CLOTHS. HAGER & BROTHER, :SO. 25 WEST KING STREET. HATCHES, EUW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IX ' AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sleiiiii"; Silver and Silver-Platcd Ware, Clocks, Jewelry ai Ariiel Tinted Spectacles. We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, hy which we are ahlc te aid them in making the best uscef their money in any department of our business. Wc manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only Irem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. tt5,First-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. clothing. A FACT WORTH THE REPUTATION OF THE -OK- A. C. YATES & CO. FULLY ESTABLISHED. :e: Four Years or Success in Producing First-Class CLOTHING. :e: INCREASING SALES AND SPREADING POPULARITY THE RESULT OP OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. AX Ol'EX DOOR TO ALL AT TIIK LEDGER! "aSSffS&f" (BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, THE FINEST CLOTHING HOVSE IX AMERICA. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OP GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, e u bracing: all the new, beautiful and most stylish Celers in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season. Men's Colored llalbriggan Hese, with Embroidered Silk clocks ; Scarlet and Illue Silk Hese; Fancy Colored Halt nose; binned Cotten Halt Hese and .Merine Halt Hee. jlen's ami Heys' Suspenders and Fine Braces, in all styles and Celers. Men's and lteys' White Dress and Colored Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirt, and Ulue Flannel Xegiige Shirts. Men's and Beys' Summer Underwear in Merine and India Gauze. Men's and Beys' Colored Lisle Thread and Kill Gloves, ler Summer Wear. Men's ami Beys' Vulcanized Rubber Braces, and a large stock of line Silk, French Linen end Cambric Handkerchiefs. Men's and Beys' Latest Styles Fine Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs. MYERS & RATHFON, CENTBE HALL, Se. 12 EAST KING STREET, U GOVS. BARGAINS THE - in JEWELRY, Ac Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. REIE1BERIIG! GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE LANCASTER, PENN'A. CLOTHING. J. K. SMALING. THE ARTIST TAILOR. Opening te-day of a large and .select line of English. Novelties fei: SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, BAXXOCKBUBX CELTIC CHEVIOTS. GAMBKOOX I'ARAMATA AXD BATISTE CLOTHS. SEERSUCKERS. VALEXCIAS, PAROLE AXD MOHAIR COATIXGS. Linens in Great Variety. Wilterd' Padded Ducks in Plain and Fancy Styles. A Large As-ertinent of Fancy I All the latest linvclilc. of the season, "i'lic public are cerdi.illy invited e examine o.u e.u o.u bteok, which we claim ,n he tne handsomest ami most recherche ever ellcrcd for the net weather. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having fut returned from the Xew Yerk Woolen Marke I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Best .selected Stocks of WOOLENS FOK TIIK Spin id Sinr Trade, Ever brought te this city. Xene but the very best of ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. Pric as low as the lowest, and all goods warranted :is represent ed, at H. GERHABT'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock of of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest and Most STTH8K DESIGIS. Come and see our NEW GOODS which is larger and composed of the best styles te be leund in the city.' 0. B. Hear & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. SMyd LANCASTER. PA GROCERIES. w lIOLESALi: AND KKTAIL. LBVAN'S FLOUR' AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd INSURANCE. rpiiK OLD (HEARD FiRE INSURANCE COMPANY OK PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE A KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 E King St,, Lancaster, Pa. 8.MWAS6nHl' M ,f ARCCS U. SKHNEK, HOUSE OAEPENTB", Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al aratlen and repairs. slS-lyd fflDK PENM Ready-Made Clotlime. 3Lamistrt lutrllmrnccr. FBIDAT EVENING, JUNE 11, 1880. MACHINE BOSSES. TIIK ISEPLHL1CAN tASD"UATE VJCK I'KESif DET. FOB A IJ tef Kerert B'stii y To.-cMe-;- Gene-al j .bur's Removal ." em die Se Ye. i Custom Ueugp J ncempefe 't anil Uidliei'esf -lVn r'.-tinit of Sen Sen aeor Ceu r;j Takei em -'ie "Ttp s-ir " of 'ie C iei.oe. L-VTLE JES. ATuucI :! e Certeii'ng a Wait of Da Da eit's S. eeM. REMARKABLE PRONUNCIATION. Seme Eiig 'sl Xuies "Wl'e e Orthc . aphy Cites Ise ln "catien eTThe'r Sound. Tee Kepjt 'can Cam "da for Vi-e I esi- ueitt. Xew Yerk Sun. Twe yeais aje Chester A. A. liar was lemevcd by Hayes aud Sherman from the ell'ce of co'lccier of the pert e'i New Yerk oil a dhect charge of inefficiency, with the implied charge of d'shenesiy : In his message te the Senate of Jatiua -y CI, 1S79, Mr. Hayes said: " With my i i formation eC ibc facts iu tliec.se. and wi ha deep sense of the re sponsible obligations imposed upon me by tiic co.ist'..ulien, te " take caie that the laws be faithful'y exi-ciiied." I regard it as my pla'n duty te sitspe'id the effife'd question, and te make ibe nom'naciens new belb.e e Scuate, !n e dev ihet this 'mperlant i ilice may be he.ies 'y a-id elH cJeni ly adminisieied." In order that the custom laws might be faHi."u"y executed, Mr. Hayes found him se'f ceni)el!cd. by a deep sense of di'iy, e icmove Chester A. A:hu;-. In Older that the crsteiu house m:glitle Ci'licienLly ma iagrd, M.. llj.yes reanhd :u as l'!s plant du-y e remove Chcs er A. A til it.-. In eulr r that t' e ellice nrgiit be be.ic.si ly aduiiuistered, he i'llt e'.il:ged te retne.e Chcsler A. Aillm--. In Mr. Hayes's view, the theuco'Vcer efthepnA of New Yerk was nc'-il er a faiihful. a eempettv.t nor an lwest efli-..i of the geveninient. What was Jehn Sbciina.fs op'iieu of Cen. Arthur at that tairj ".' In a lei 'or te Hayes, dated Januuiy i. J 8 70, Mr. Sherman said : WtesectiiC il'c ie-v jval efau e-Tce. "t ? iieccssarv teesiabl:sh :he actual coui ceui coui m'ssien of a cime by proofs demaidetl ;i aeen, efjuslicc. then it is e'ear t'.it Jic case agaiisf Mr. Ai I hur ;s net made out. espteia'iiy i" his answer is he'd te be i.-e"-chts:ve, without lcfeieucc te the p'oe's en ihc pttb'ie lecei-iis and tcnddcd -e 'e ceminiitce and "he Scnaie. 13ut if , s e be held thai-, te procute tlie remeva1 of Mr. Artlni'.it'S sulliclcit te reaseia!'v establish that iii ess abuses of admin'st a - a - t en have cenriuiH'il and inci cased uiiimj his incumbency ; that many pci sons have been regulatly pa'tl en his 1 oils who iOd dc.cd liitlc or no sciv:cc; that the e. penses of his office have increased, while collections have been diminishing; lh;it b ibes or g;aiuilies in ihe na.me of hi ibes have been ieccived by his subordinates ' 1 sevei-al branches of ihc custom house ; that cflbi is te cei-iccfc Ihese abuses have net met his suppeit. and that he has nei given te Hie duties of the office the ictnvs ite diligence and atteutieu. then it is sub nii.ied that the case is made out. This form or proof the department is pvepacd te .submit." In she.t, Jehn Sheiman c'aimed te have proof in his possession that Chester A. Attliur wa either a feel, iucjipab'c . of watching the thieves whom he cherished hi his e'lice. or a rased who winked al their ciiines. Indeed, he p'ainly insinuaiuu that nothing except the actual legal evidence of A.tlnti's ciiniiuai'ty was wanting te put that official inle pi isen instead of into ic tiicment. What a g-atilicatien It must be te Gen. Aiihur and te his mauy warm friends te iind this very same Jehn Sherman and Rutherford li. Hayes new supposing him for vice picsidcut of the Unifcd States ! Little Jess Gels Out or the Way. I)!l eit i'Os.. One morning about two weeks age. at the hour of 3 o'clock, as a repei ier was passing through the West Grand Circus park, his ai tent ion was attracted towards a dark mass lying against the lattice-work of the summer-house in the pak aforesaid. A few steps brought hi.n near te the ob ject, when a tiny little giil raised herself up from the ground and yawned feebly, suddenly opened a pair of remarkably bright eyes and fastened them en the scribe in a dazed sett of way that betoken ed thac the little waif, whoever she was, had hardly returned fiem the "Land of Ned." " Well, little one," queth he of the pencil, "what-are you doing here this time of night ?" The child looked in luiiingly upwards te the questioner and said ; " Oh, mister, you ain't going for te take me up, are you ? I aiu't done any thing. I hadn't any place te go, and eh ! I'm se tired !" And the little head, cov cev cied with a tangled mass of yellow hair, nodded once or twice, aud then fell wear ily ferwaid en the gravel walk. Her age was about seven years, aud, though the little face was ceveied with diit, and the brown hair fell in unkempt profusion ever the meagre shoulders, yet some thing about her seemed e say that what ever she was new, time was when she had known something of the brighter side of life. Her clothing was of the common est description ; one stocking was gene, and the lit) le feet and ankle were encased in a cast-off shoe a world tee large. Pass ing an arm around the child she was lilted from her recumbent position, and in a mo ment her head fell ever en the reporter's shoulder, and she was once mere soundly in the land of dreams. " I'll tell you what I'll de," said the officer, " I knew a kind-hcaitcd old lady, a relative of mine, ever en street, and will take the child ever there, aud I guess Mether II will find a place for her." Se, rais ing the still sleeping child in his strong arm, the police efficet, followed by the reporter, proceeded te the house designated. The next morning a call was made at the house vis ited the night before, but the old lady wel comed the reporter rather sorrowfully, saying, " I'm afraid ye'll never find any thiu' about the child, for she's wild, ravin', crazyvid faver this mernin'. She's talkin' about heiself, bat I can't make head or tail of what she's sayin'." Going up a pair f rickety stairs, the reporter was ushered into a -scantily furnished room, and en a little cot in one corner lay the little waif, tossing about in delirium. She had been bathed and her hair combed, but the large eyes glared wildly and her fingers picked nervously at the bed clothes. As she looked at the intruder a gleam of intelligence flashed across her pinched countenance, but it was only for a moment, and she relapsed into a semi-conscious condition, bieken by mutinied words. Lean'ug ever the bed the visitor caught a few weitls : " Won't you give me a penny, sir? I'm hungry and eh ! se tlied, aud I a:u't any place te clnen " Tirn en limit 4fr sliilrl itmltTAi? en, often cehexently, and then 1 elapsing mte a contused medley. Enough was learnetl, heweve, te convince the writer that she had doubtless been deseited by her patents and lelt te live or die. as the case might be, in the city. The assistance of a physician was p:ecu;cd, but he said at once that her system and mind wete cemplctc'v shaltetcd by her exposure and suffering and she would net iccevei. Fer two days the waif fought against the en croachment of disease, but the end came about -1 o'clock en Fiiday afternoon. Only the old hu'y, the physician and the repor ter weie by the bedside. A few moments before her death she opened her eyes and reached one hand out tewa.ds the reporter, whom she lecegnized with a smile. As he beut ever her she said : "Yeu weie geed te me, miste-. Oh, I knew you, I remember you de-vn in the park ever se long age. and you brought me up here, dind't you?" Her voice grew very fa' nt, and tl e geed physician, with his hand 01 her wrsts, gravely bowed Irs head. "Yes. you've all been se geed te me. I knew 1 ain't much geed, for I'm only 7 years old and I a'n't any home, and 1 guess no one th'tiks e." caies a'lvthing about me. My name is Jess net Jesie, only Jess but I'm tiled again and guess L'll sleep," and it: a moment the doctor rose, and while the kind old lady piibhed bae'e the damp masses of ha:- fieui the ehild's fmehead and closed the eyes f;eni which the life had "erever gene, the lepe.-ter dd a mental geed-by te h's little friend, whose t eublc were ever, and passed e.it iniotbe street; te ponder en the episode, one out of many which the outside world iievr 1 new. Spelling That hives Xe Jniiiea'.ien e lletv a Werd Should he re nounced. A -'cent English book 011 the ".Manners aiiil Tene of Geed Society" it eats, among ether things, of fashionable piounnciaiien ei proper names. Among the names whose spei1 ng gives no clue ie the prenuncii' tlen, some aie familiar enough through their use as hack illust rations. Such ate "Cho'mendeley," pronounced "Chiimlcv;" " Mar.'er'banks. " pronounced " M-ush-b.11 ks ;" " Ceckbiim," p. oneu need " Co Ce burn.'' and ,,Cowjer,"pienounced "Coop er." Again. "Slaiuwaring" is " Mauuor Mauuer ii','," "MoLeed" is "Mclleud." Iu ' E -gin" and "Gille.l," the "g " is haul ; i "Gilli.id" and " Nige! " it is soft ; in "Johnstone" ihe "t" should net be sounded. In " Melyucux " the "x" is soueded. uiid tlie name is proueunccu " Molyueox '" wiih a very slight accent ou ihc hist svlable. In " Vaux" (he "x"' is a'.se sounded, but it Vaux " aed like in "Iver," "IierLeley" ; "e" lias the sound of is mute '11 " " Deveicn.c."' md " De.by," "it " in '-far.' Des In the ' In " Wnliiegiave." the second .sylab'e, 'de," should be d-epped. and se should the Til. HI "Willi. W1IIWV1I is i e- unouuued uneuuued Hil'iiu," and "Lvveden" "Livdeii." In Cenynghaai,'" " Mot. Met. son." "Monk.'eii" ;"id "''iMisenby." the "e" tal.x'.s !he sound of "u;'" and "JJIeuni," slieu'd be pioneuuicd as "Dliiiu. " t'ie "e" being nunc. " IJiic'ciiii." ami "Ueauclcrk" or " lic.ui e'etc" is ' JJoe'aie,'" the accent be ing en rhc iiisr syllable. " Wemyss " should bepioiieuiiccd " Weens," aud " D" Eresby" " D'Eisby." Fu "Monrgoin "Menrgoin "Monrgein eiic'" the "t" Is elided and the two " e"s have the sound of "u," the accent being en the second syllable. Tn "He-lferd'' the "t" iselidcdnnd the "e" has the sound of -a" in far. "Strachan" should be pronounced " Strawn;" "Colqueboun" is "Koelioon," the accent being 011 Mie last, sy'l.tblc ; " Bcauc'ianip " is "Beacham," and "Coutts" is "Roots." Anether formidable name te the uninitiated is " Duclicsne," which should be pro pre pro neuncrd "Dukarn." "Ieihttne" should be " Uecten," and in "Abcigavcuny ' the "av" is net sounded. "Mensies"' is pronounced " Mvngcs ;"' "Ivneilys" as "Knev.is;" "Sandvs" as "Sands;" " Gewcr " as " Geir " and " Milncs " as "Mills." Finally, "Dalzicl" should be pronounced "Dee-al," with the accent 011 the ii.st syllable ; " Chart res " is " Char ters ;" "Glam:s " is " Glarms ;" " Gcog Gceg hegan " should be pronounced " G.Tyan," and "lint liven " is "Riven." AVe may ad that the accent is frequently misplaced in pronouncing British piepcr names, and a few of the words liable te mistake may be here noted. Iu " Tadcma " aud "Mil lais " the accent is en the first syllable ; it "Clanricarde " and "Eninc-i " " Bur dett," "Rinuaiid," "Parnell" and "Tic mayne," the list syllable is accented. A Picture of Conkling. iiu I'lKiteft'-apli at Chicago, as Seal. ral.e 1 " lsy tiie .il a 11 011 tlie lop The following sketch is from the Chicago Tribune : Te a man en the " top scat" Senater Conkling does net appear te be the Adenis he has been painted by these en the hoi tern scats. The majestic dig nity with wh'ch he proceeds up the ais'c alter having timed his entrance se as te catch the gal'cry, leeks at the distr.jce of the " top scat" like a necessity iiipesed by ihe assaults of time upon his legs. He poses for a grand effect. Hisenu-.nicecar-r'es him a considerable distance beyond his seat, as this gives him an oppeitunity te return, se that the audience may have a front and rear view of him. He stands in the aisle te read his mails, and when h;s henchmen hand him letters Lhcy are expect ed te remove the envelopes. He applauds high, se that his faction may catch the r cue. lie waves everything aside that gets in his way, fiem a messenger boy te a po liceman, and from the delegate from l)a l)a ketah te the speaker 011 the stage. Frem the top seat one cannot categorically atlirni which is the convention, Senater Conkling or the hundicdsef delegates around him. When he laughs all the Conkling men laugh. When he nods his head, all the Conkling men nod their heads. Other leaders and delegates desir ing te sec people go and hunt them up. Senater Conkling holds receptions in the aisles. If he were an uglier man he would be a geed proxy for Mephistephcles, for he is the em bxliment of a" sneer set en gaiish courtesy. When matters arc distasteful te him or he is close pressed, he waves it all aside and devotes himself te the gal lery, where he knows he has a constitu ency of heio-wershipers and lien-hunte.-F. When crowded into a coiner, as he -was with reference te his motion te forfeit the rights in the convention of the three West "Virginia delegates, he withdraws, net with an appeal ance of defeat, but as if he were cenfeiring a favor upon the conven tion. yiiat influence propinquity te the New Yerk senator might have en the man en the top seat it is difficdlt te say ; but regarding him from an altitude, distance does net lend enchantment te the view. DRT WHO IS We de net want you te get the impression that great reduc tions are being made in the prices of goods elsewhere and net here. We are, as usual, below the market, and intend te stay there. The following list embraces enough of our stock te give some clue te the rest of them. We quote articles new in great favor as low-priced goods ; but in general they are net reduced. We have been there all the time. JOHN WANAMAKER. SILKS. SUMMER SILKS. Stripes, modest, medium ami belil $0 4." Juspc checks anil stripes ."ill Checks 011 seliil gretiml ." Ctiene stripe:?, sluuleil iV 'Mille Kaye." extra quality 7." Ileal imported, '20 inches, great variety I UO 11LACK SILKS. (ii-es-gruiu perMin iimi taffetas $11 7." Fine or heavy eenl gie-.-grain ami pei-an. !!! Six makes, foreign and Aii'eriean, jet or raven black, heary anu liijlit 1 00 Caelieuiiie tinijdi. 'Jl intlu--", IScHen. A!ex- andiea.iii Ameiican 1 ii Ci'Cheuiiic 1I11KI1, -super" quality, .'! inches, foreign 1 .VI Kid tin'nli, high li!.-,ue,caeheniiie,il inches 1 7.1 l!eniiet,'Jl inches i 00 COLOKKD SIUvS. Geed n.iality, all colors Lyens. elra lu-tie. heavy cord. Bl llest, lir walking suIN, 22 inches... Kich and elegant tliii-.li. 22 inclies.. FOL LAKHS. S inivy llrillilii) and lich liKOCADKS. lilack, polka dots, eie (;Vm'( Ce e.i'd. rew de.-igns Xevellies f 75 nelus. 1 111 1 Al 1 M 1 TiO 7 3 , 0!H) 1 (III 1 2.-1 I 50 CAU'AK AXI) UUKXADIXK STUH'KS. A huge uirintity just bought te clear an iin iin peitei's sieck, recent ly .-old by us at fJQ, we are newsellmgat HI (l SI.KSare in net outer e:icle east liein tlie Chestnut sti cut entrance. BLACK GOODS. GKKXADIXKS. Metiean.silk and wool 30, in, 73,83 Silk aud wool striped 73,$!, $1 25. $1 30, $1 75 Lyens ilamasses IJ5. 75. S3, $1 oil l'aiis. silk and wool fl. tl i'. $1 30 Lven-, all silk il-iiinis-cs fl :;73-'C.fl 30, $1 75, .. n te, ?.:. 1'LAIX nUXTIXGS. Amci iean, ',. fll 20, .25 ..II ..-!7. American. 1.-1, $0 30, ."-" .75. French, '-1 inches, $0 ."1 ,:)7. French, inches, f0 44 ..VI .r.2JiC .75. Fieneh, -!'i inches, 0 S3, $1, $1 10. LACK HUNTINGS. 'e have nearlyevcrything te lie found in'hc markets et the wet Id. i! inches, e ?r,y, .30 .m. If inches. $1, fi 25. Lupin's I'aris. original color, and we believe aliue-,1 ihe last 111 l'hiladciphin: 21 inches 0 55 V, inches 1 10 XUX'S VKILI.S'G (for dresses). Ill inches 75, fl 00 n-l fl 50, $1 75 ISLACK GOODS nrc in the next outer circle west irem the Chestnut street entrance. But one thing -we ought te remind you ef: We may appear te be at a disadvantage -when -we are net, because of certain tactics sometimes employed, which -we de net care te use, viz., the pretending te make re ductions when none are made. We use reductions te clear stocks. That is perfectly honorable, and it is necessary in a large business. The losses thereby incurred, though sometimes considerable, are trifling in compari son with the benent te remaining stocks. New then, anyone who will take measures te find out where the lowest prices are, compare sample with sample, price with price, will find we are net a whit behind ANYBODY, net even in a single item, se far as we knew ; and that we are below EVERYBODY en almost everything. Samples sent when written for. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper, je7-cedtf t-VHSlTVKK. REGMNI OF ALL EDS SHORT NOTICE. My airrngeinents are new completed te de Uegililing in liist-class manner and at reason able pi ices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, luEast King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. VlllXA. AXJt ulasswahj-:. DECORATED WARE! Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Tea Sets, Decorated Chamber Set.s, Decorated Toilet Sets, Decorated Berry Sets, Decorated Oat Meal Sets, TETE-A-TETE SETS, AT CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STKEKT. MARBLE WORKS. WM. P. PRATLEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yaeen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONE9, GAUDEN STATUAKY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en 11 every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. m30 rfiRY LOOHER'S J SYRUP. RENOWNED, COTJUfl GOOVS. UNDER ? DRESS GOODS, cei rex. Seersuckers, blue, brown and gray stripes, best patterns JO 12) Seersuckers, fancy eolered stripes 15 Seersuckers. Yerk, tun assortment et striprsuuil colors is Zephyr Ginghams, e'reice. net te be I011111I iiNewhereat any price. 12J Zephyr Ginghams, plaid ami stripes 20 Zephyr Ginghams, bandana 18 lliess Ginghams n Handkerchief Ginghams and plain col ors te match 2', IMcss Cheviots tC Tnmisi; cloth, ecru, cashmere border..... 12J Chintz, polka dot, indigo, ler suits 10 Cocheco Cambrics, choice 10 l'aeitic Cretonnes, great variety... $0 JO, 12J, 15 .lacene. I.awns, Fre'e Keehliu 20 Pueilic Lawns, great vuriety ,.$ 10, 12f. 15 Cambric st riM!d lawns OK lacenetlauns. last colors 03 Lace lawns, white, tinted and solid col ored grounds 12K Memic cloths, printed 12 COTTON' ASH WOOL. Lace Huntings, all colors and black $U 25 Dcbeiircs. twilled. 10 Mehairs, plain Mehairs, twilled Mehairs, silk-cheeked Mehairs, silk-striped Mehairs, pluid Mehairs, Kuglish Mehairs, JKngllsh, clouded Mohair lustres Cashmeres, ceaehiiien's colors... Suitings, Kuglish, taucy ALL WOOL. 25 Vl'A ty. 18 viyx 15 20 T ...... II.. ..f...... ..1. ... 1.1. .t. j.iii; iiiii lilies, Liiiuis nun UIUUIV...I4;;., .nr, l'luin huntings of a new style, distinct 57J., 30, CO Irem tlie old ami decidedly better than any ether, all colors. 2 1 inches 25 :;i inches, double told 40,30,00. Debe'ges, French, casliinere-twilleil, 22 Debeiges, French, taffeta: :;i inches, double ("Id .13 SI 25 .'.'.'. 35 ...45, U) .... :t7Ji .... 50 .... 75 ...$l 00 ... 1 00 42 inches, double fold Cashmeres. French : :!2 inches 'M inclies Sheda cloth, French, 4i inches.. Me'iiie cloth. French Ciape cloth, French LINENS. MX Sl'ECIMKN I'ltlCES. These are fair samples of the bargains wc have been giving for weeks in Linens: 1 1 lick Tewel, large and heavv $0 25 1 1 nek Tewel. German, knotted fringe... 25 Glass Toweling, perynnl 'l German bleached Table Linen 75 German Napkins, -y per dozen 2 25 Star Linen, 20 inches, per yard 12 Philadelphia. JIW4K WALL 1'Al'JiJtS, e. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. WALL PAPERS Of the latest styles. Large stock te select from. A let of OdiN and Knds will be sold very low in order te close out. WIRE SCREENS for windows and doers made te order in best manner, in l'luin and Landscape. Sold by the feet in any quantity. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, decidedly tiic cheapest, best and most con venient ever made, as it can be easily adjusted te anv window up 10 live feet in width. Made in Walnut in eight different styles. PIER ANV MANTEL MIBRORS. FOUNDERS AXI) MACHINISTS. T ANCASTKK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite ihk Locomotive Wekks. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND eTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twlers, licllews Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. f Jobbing promptly-attended te. auglMyd JOHN BEST. TINWARE, AC' j T?IFTKKN DOLLAJUjpUYS A JIKST-UL.AIJi.PP mWKKATUlf. With Enameled wafPPHHt. at SIIKRTZER, HUJIPHKEVILLE A KLEJTER'S, Ne. 4 East Kin Street, Lancaster, Pa.