LAGASXEDilLY'-l Hancastet intelligencer, WEDNESDAY EVBNINQ. JUNE .9, 1880. A Ifew Wrinkle fer Farmers. Geraiantewn Telegraph. " On a former occasion WCailnded te a sys tem Introduced into this cpuntryby which green feed for cattle "can '-be preserved iu its fresh,gicen state, through the winter for feeding cattle. It may be .corn, grass, eats, &c., and the way it is done is done is te dig pits, which are called soles, in ob long squares, made of a capacity of 800, 000 pounds. This green provender, which is called entiUige, is. put down late in Sep tember or beginning of October, accord ing te the season and crops, and opened at such time as the feed may be needed say the beginning of December. Of course the ensilage is covered, se as entirely te exclude the air in order te ensure its proper preservation. Sir. Jehn 31. IJailey, of Billcnca, Mass., seems te be the first in this country te introduce this new system of feeding green feed in winter, and he claims his success te be thorough and unquestion able. On the first of May ultimo, he says that he opened his soles en the oil of December last, and that since he had been feeding a large stock of cattle and sheep upon comfedder put down, or "ensi lasred," the previous Scptcmber,and thatits condition was as perfect as when first used in December. He was en the first of May feeding his milch-cews and ewes with lambs exclusively with it. He invites everybody interested in feeding cattle te examine his arrangement and satisfy themselves of his success. The system is net new in parts of Europe, but he is the fut person te try it here, uy it, no :us sjrts, milk can be produced at one rent a quart, butter at ten cents a pound, beef for four cents, perk for three cents, and mutton for netiiny when wool is thirty cents a pound ! This green forage can be put down ler two dollars per ten, '"two tens of which are worth as much as one ten of the best Timethy hay, and as much as four tens of corn fodder fiesh fiein the field." This, our agricultural fi Sends must all admit, is a decidedly new wrinkle in farm ing of marked importance, and will agree with us that if it can be proved te be all that Mr. llailey represents it will be a "boom" in the daiiying business and in the pioductien of "meat, such as will cieate in both a revolution. And we hope will be for the benefit of all concern ed. A Wealth (iraiii Healer Mining. On May 2-"i .lames K. Header, a rich grain dealer of Milwood, II'., set out for Philadelphia with the intention of taking ship thence for the Pacific eeast, as he had business in Washington territory. He was ! have made the .journey by water, by aihice of his physician, for the benelitef his health. which was impaired by overwei k lie first went te St. Leuis, where he drew about $1,000 and transacted ether necessarv business. He arrived in Phila delphia en May '2ti, since when nothing has been heard fiein him, except that he sub sequently came te New Yerk. It was as certained that he did net sail for his desti nation, but the police of New Yerk and Philadelphia have found no trace of his whereabouts. The morgues and hospitals of both cities have been searched te no purpose. Mr. Header is largely interested in coal mines and cattle raising, as well as iu grain, and is a prominent man in his part of the country. His disappearance is unaccountable, except en the ground that he has destroyed himself in a lit of insanity, or been murdered ierthc sake of the money he had with him. I i-em the Hub. There i perhaps no tonic eilcrcd Te the peo ple pe c c-as much real intrinsic value as the Hep Hitters. J list at this season of the vear, when the stomach needs an appetizer, or i he blued needs puritying. the cheapest and best remedy is Hep Kite-rs. An ounce of pre vention is erlh a pound el cute. dent wait until von are pm-ii-ul-d ni.iy take mouth-, ler von te" recover in. l'etm tilebc. ' jl-2wIAw Extract lieiu a letter from Hickctt & Griilin, Dmggi-l-. Momec, N. '. MeMini; Dec. 27. 1ST!!. We have no hesitation in .saying that jimr Sale Kidney and l.ivcr Cure i-the me-t eili cient combination ler obstinate Kidney Dis eases we have ever Known and we have no mcagie experience, our Dr. Hiskctt being a ii-a-ti-iiig physician ler nearlv twenty vears. jl 2il.V IIICKETT .V GUH'I'IN. CLOTH! SO 1880. 1880. RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL FASHIONABLE TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. COATINGS, SUITIXCS. VESTIXGS, PANTING S. TROUSERINGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te order ter Men and Heys in the pre ail ing Styles, and s.itistactien guaranteed. Alse, rleady-Aladc Clothing ! AND AM. KINDS OF FUKNISHIXGr- GOODS At the Old Price before the Advance. RATHVON & FISHER'S Practical Tnilerhii; Establishment, 10t NORTH QUEEN STKEET. jnt-lmd vxjj:jitakj:x, GEO. W. BROWN, AOT.. UN I) 11 TAKE It, Ne. 11G EAST KING STKEET. Residence 21 Peuth Prince Street. may22-lindS&WR TIXWAitJi, JkC' TIPTEEN HO CI. AILS IJUYS A First-class refrigerator, With Enameled Water Tank, at SIIEKTZEK, HUMPHHEVILLE & KIEFFEU'S, Ne. 40 East. King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FISAXCXAL. JAMES llliOWX, ikali:ic in stocks and llends, C.4 and (if Hread way. New Yerk. Operations en mat-Kin and by means of privi leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation and invest ment. Jiil5-lydTu,Th&S jETmcCANN, AUCTIONEKK OF HEAL , Estate and Personal Property. Orders lett at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Ulack Herse Hetel, 44 and 40 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made eutand ttended te withont'nilditienal cost- e27-ly M ,f AKCUS U. SISUNKK, HOUSE CABPENT'EEf, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al ration an repairs. s!3-lyd ISCEDICAL. QOVPS SOAPS!! The Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP Ever In tills city before. 5c per piece and 50c per box. at FICKY'S CITY PHARMACY, 110-lvd North Queen Street. vfEKVODS DKUILITY. 1 Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Euro pean Ueniedy Dr., J. II. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It Ls a positive cure ler Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Wcakne-,lmpetency,aiid all diseases resulting fiein Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxietv, Ln of Memery. Pains in Hack or hide, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an earlv grave. The Speeilie Medicine is being used Willi wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and gel lull particular. Price, Speeilie, l per package, or six package- for $5. J. H. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY. Ne-. 101 and 1(J Main Street, Hullale, N. Y. Address all orders te II. II. COCIIKAX, Druggist, Sele Agent, 13V and 130 North Queen Street, Lancaster. inl"-lydeed&w riM THE SUFFERING HUMANITY N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 2-17 WEST KING STREET, LASiCASTKR, Pa. DR. LEWIN, who lia.sbccn a resident el Lan caster but a lew months, is a graduate of the University et Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing e.x)icrienccet twelve ycai-s, in which period he has been acting as Regimental Physician in St. Petersburg, and ulterwards practiced in Ucilin, Germauv, with great success. We call the attention of the suirering public te thu lael that he succe.-slully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,; and all clu onie disease. The evere-t ca-es el Chronic Catarrh cured in a short tune. ltelercnces and testimonials lrein Inrnier patient- cati be seen at my etllce. Persons without means will only be asked pavment ter medicines. Communications lrein a distance attemled te by mail. inll-lvd&w Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE OK1G1NAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection has been se cured alter years or experiment. Composed or ilie CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. AVe guarantee them the KEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VEGETAHLl-.. One or two every night, in ten days cure Costiveness and Dyspepsia Taken en an empty stomach, Dies' never nauseate or annoy. sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2mdeed&w HOSTETTER'S HITTER'S FOR SALE AT I.eeher's Drug Mere. !i East King street. nep hop "hop hop hop nor iiip HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT 1511 Kits kiss ERS Hits Ells EliS hRS HOP T) ROVER IIS. it IT t HOI' HIT E1SS -Fer sinking spell-, lit-, m..i- ens nc , palpitation and low spirits, HOP relv en Hep Hitters." HOP HIT "Read el. proem e and u-c Hep HIT KISS Hitter-, and you will be strong, ERa hcalthvand happy.'' HOP "Ladies, de xeu want te be HOP HIT strong, healthy and bcautilul? HIT EI!-- Then u-i- Hep Hitlers. ERS "The great c-tappetucr.-teniach, HOI bleed and liwr l.-gulater Hep HOP HIT Hitters.'" HIT ERs "Clcrgvmcn, Lawyers, Editors, Kits Hanker-and Ladies nei-d Hep Hit- IIOP ters daily."' HOI HIT -Hep Hitters has restored te se- RIT E1IS briety and health, pciicct wrecks r.iia liimfin temperance." nw net .... .. . mjL ... "Soursteinach.siclchcadachcand JtIT J.'!,., dizziness. Hep Hilter.s cures with a KKS fcKS lew .lese-.'" HOP "-"' wiiI e paid for a ca-e that HOP HIT Hep Hitter-will net cureerhelp." RIT ERS "Heii Hiitersbuil. Is up. strength- KRS ens and cures continually from the" """. 'Ij,'1' "Ki.lnevand Urinary complaints ,.. l',,s et all kinds perinaneiitly cured by HOP Jlen ,!i"ers." HOP HIT Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest, HIT Kiss rarest ami best. Ask children. ERs The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver HOP and Kidncvs i- ,i.erier te all HOl HIT ethers. Ask Druggists. 1; I 1 ''" D. I. C. is an absolute and irre- x'jl sj-tdile cure ler drunkenness, u-c ijqi. !;,. ofepium, tobacco and narcotics. j,jT !:. 1I above sold bv druggists. Hep KISS " Hitlers Manufacturing Ce. Roches- linn ler. N. Y. ier HIT -"-end ter Circular. ERs RIT d'.l-lydceil&w KRS HOP IIOl HOP HOP IIOl HOP HOP HIT HIT RIT RIT HIT RIT RIT Ells ERs ERS ERS ERS ERS KRS II IP HITTER l'OK SALE AT I.OCII- er's Drug store, .) East King stieel. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KAV K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W -W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W TERMAXENTLY CURES KU)NEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION And PILES. -w -w I..- 1! II fllnvl- Smith Hem. Vt.. says, "Iii cases of Kidney Troubles, K it has acted like a charm. It has cured many very bad ca-cs of Pile-, K and h:is never tailed te act cllicient lv." K Nelsen Fairchild, of St. Albans, Vt., says, " Alter sixteen year, el great suller ing from Piles and Ceativcness it K ce'mpletelv cured me." C. s. llogaben, et Herkshire. says, K "One package lias done wonders ler ine in completely curing a severe K Liver and Kidney Complaint." w -w v w w w w WONDERFUL. W H I I ' FOWEH. K. w w RccaubC it acts en the Liver, the Rowels and Kidneys at the same time. Hecause it cleanses the system of the poisonous humors that develop in Kidney ami Urinary Discase.s.Ril Discase.s.Ril ietisiiess. Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Female Disorders. KIDNEY WORT is a dry vege table compound and can be sent by mail prepaid. One package will make six quarts of medicine. Trv it new. liny it at the Drug gist's. Price $1.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Proprietors, 3 Burlington, Vt. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K IHNEY AVORT OK SALE AT LOC11- ers' Drug Stere, It Last King street. OHXTS flOOlhS. IOIt LINEN COLLARS GOTO ERISMAN'S. 70R FANCY STOCKINGS ERISMAN'S. "IOK SUSPENDERS OO TO ERISMAN'S. IOR NEW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, 5G NORTH O.UEKN STKEET. .4. TTOltXETS-A. T-LA. ' HENRY A. RILEY Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all pans of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steininan & Henscl. rpitV LOCKER'S RENOWNED COUGH I. SJliUl". DDKT 1RT! JEWELBBS. LOUIS WEBKR, r i WATCIIMAKEK. Ne.lS9U NORTH QUKEN.3TREET.near P. E. K. Depot, Lancaster, l'a. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantuscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd CM's Diamei Dest Polish, the best article known for cleaning Geld, Silver, Plated Ware anil Glass. Price, 25c. Per Bex. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BV E. F. BOWMAN, 100 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER,PA. Stem-WMing Clocks With an Alarm, convenient for Traveling. STEM-WINDING STRIKING CLOCKS. Will run iu any position, with Ulack or White Dials, at AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA J. E. CALDWELL & CO., . Ne. 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, MDerters of Ceramics : WORCESTER, COI'ELANDS, HAVILANDS, M IN TONS. The Productions et all the Celebrat ed Potteries. CLOCKS : MANTLE SETS, CABINET SETS, CHIMING CLOCKS, CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Artistic Hrenzcs, Groups, Statuettes. LEATHER GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, FANS. One price, always the lowest, marked in plain ligurcs. Orders and inquiries by mail re ceive prompt attention. m:Sl "JwdMW&F HOOKS AK1 STATIOXJIKY. YTEW STATIONERY'! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AXD STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. JOM BAER'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., have in stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Ribles, Sunday Scheel Libraries. Hymnals, Prayer Beeks, HYMN ROOKS AND MU&IC HOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE REWARD CARDS. SUNDAY' SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds. FOVSlfEltS ANJi MAV111X1STS. T ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrrOSITBTHE LOCOMOTIVK WORKS. The subscriber continue te manutacturt: BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. 3- Jobbing promptly attended te. augis-lyd JOHN BEST. CAJll'TH. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the. Largest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as SI. 00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. WGive us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. BOOTS AA'J) SHOES. Tjl C"7" BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JJiXxO X made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feeL T"V""V'T,C! Lasts made te order. JjUlJle MILLER, lekl4-tfd 123East'KIng street. FDsTEST, FASHtONABLB AND GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season of 1SS0, can be had at Houghten's Cheap Millinery and Trimming Establisliment, ESTABLISHED 18G9. BIBBO.N DEPARTMENT. Finest Lines of RIBBONS ever brought te Lancaster, in all the Latest Styles of Colored Silk anil Satin. Old Geld and Cardinal, and Variegated Ribbons. Rest Brands at the lowest prices. ENGLISH BBW GOODS FOR THE SPRUG TRADE, AT QXJNDAKEBS. LADIES, for Xew, Desirable anil Cheap Embroideries, Rufllings, Cotten Trimmings, Rtteliings, Ulaek Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Culls, call at O UX DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-d.iy all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c., call and examine our stock, at GrTTHNTD JOKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. ItllY (I OO Its, ,t-6'. )EST BARGAINS IN BLACK SILK AT $1. Ever offered. Persons in want should see it. OUR SALES OF Black and Colored Silks This season have been unprecedcntedly large, ewiny te the large stock v c show te customers anil extremely Lew Prices. DRESS GOODS Of every de-criptien in all the vai-inu- I'abi-ic-and Styles new in vogue. FAMESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. NOVELTIES SILKS DRESS GOODS! We have new open our Importation- of New Silk from Lyens, including Ih'ecadcd Satin I) Lyens, Solid Celer Satin I)e Lyens, IHack Satin l)e Lyens, Luisine in New Colorings and Styles, KICH BROCADES, In Celers te match the New Rrcss Goods In Dress Goods, a GreatVariety of New Textures, such as SHOODA CLOTHS, IN THE NEW SHADES. Beautiful Silk and Weel Fancies te Match Plain Cleths, Plain Canten Crapes in all Celers, anil a number of New Things impossible te specify ONE FACT we wish te emphasize. Se tar, the advance en our jroeds amounts te nothing, and a strict in spection of our stock will show that at all tunes we are as low in prices as any, ami elten lower. A cle-e examination of our geed- is cordially invited. 1112 and UU Chestnut Street, aprlG-M.W&F PHILADELPHIA. JtOHES, JILAJfKJiTS, JtV. s IGN Ol' THE BUFFALU I1KAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Largest, Hest and Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Unlincd BUFFALO KOHES in the city. Alse LAI' AND HOUSE iiiAivi-.TS el every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. S-Kepairing neatly and promptly done.-3 A. MILEY, lOS North Qukhh St., Jjetiirastr. e-J3-lydMW&S 3lAllill.lSW01tKs7 WE P. PRAILBY'S: MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES GAUDEN STATUAUY, CEMETE11Y LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction ghen n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end t North Queen street. mSOi Hemer, Gellattay Ce.. TXIMMIXGS, JbC. Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, FLOWER DEPARTMENT. HAT DEPARTMENT. The Latest Novelties In all the All the Latest Styles FLOWERS. Rest Display of Fine ceived every day lrem New Yerk jja;, ajj tne Latest Novelties in FRENCH FLO WEI'S in thu city, ami Philadelphia, and sold at frin-'e atins, tJinips. Laces, l!ut Can be -een new at , price- te -uit everybody. !tonsEmbreide'rie-. Kid and Lisle r N. QUEEN STREET. BLACK CREPES A SPECIALTY. UMll u out VllLES, .c- c. iuiy WHO IS We de net want you te get tiens are "being made in the prices of goods elsewhere and net here. We are, as usual, below the market, and intend te stay there. 1 The following list embraces enough of our stock te give some J due te the rest of them. We quote articles new in great favor as i low-priced goods ; but in general they are net reduced. We have ' been there all the time. i i I JOHN SILKS. SUMMER bILIvS. Stripes, modest, medium and bold. fa-lie checks and stripes Checks en solid irreuad , Chene stripe-, shaded "Mille Itaye." extra quality IScst impeitcd, flinches, great variety ULACK SILKS. Ure grain pcr-au and talfetas 5") . 1 01) e ;." no t- ine or Heavy com jrre giain ami pcr-au. Six make-, teivign and American, jet or r.iven black, heavv and light 1 Caclicmire lini-li. -Jt inches, Iiellen, Alex ami le and Amciic.m 1 Caclicmire lini-h. "super" quality, -JI inelie-, foreign 1 Kid iini-h, high lu-tre,cachemiie,-2t inches 1 Hen net, -J 1 inches -1 COLORED SILKS, (oeddiialitv. all colors H Lyens, extra In-tiv. heavy cold. -0 inchc-. 1 en lli-st. ter walking -nils. -2-1 inelie- 1 i" Itich and elegant ilui-h, 'JJ inches 1 ."il rei'LAirns. Showy Ilrilliant and lich ItKOCADKs. Ithick. polka dot-, etc Colored Colored, new dc.-ign.- Nevell ic- .irO ."ill 0 :m i m 1 'jr. 1 re OAL'ZE AM) UUENADINE STIIIPKS. A large quantity just bought te clear an ini ini peitcr's stock, lccently sold by us at $J..V. we are liewscllmgat ! nil SILKS are in next outer citcle ea-t fiein the Chestnut street cntra'ice. BLACK GOODS. CIIENADINES. Mexican, silk and wool ."0, Ki, 7.",S." ilk and wool stripeil T", t1, il 'J-", $1 ."ki, 1 7." Lyens eania es in, T.", S.". $1 en Paris, silk ami wool -f 1, si -J.", f 1 ,"i() Lven-, all silk dama-.-cs -Jl :iy.,$l Jl), ?! T.", $J, J ie, ?:;. PLAIN IHTNTINtJS. American, ' ?) 21 1, .i" .:!! ..'17. American, r-l, fi) ri, .(l."i .7.". Kreiieh, 'J"l inches, $H :il .."7. Krench, ::i inches, $i) 4 1 .M .(;-J .7."i French, 4(i inches, je Si, 1, 1 It). LACE HUNTINGS. We have nearly everything te he found in the markets et the world. it inches, $'l .".7J. .0 .(W. tt inches, $I,$1 l;. Lupin's Pari-, original color, and we believe alme-t the hist in Philadelphia: 'Jl inche- fO .m Ii inches 1 IU NUN'S VEILING (for drc-sc-). !: inches 7.", $1 IK) M 1 .".0,$I 7) ULACK GOODS aie in the next outer circle wc-t treni the Chestnut street entrance. But one tiling we ought te remind you ef: We may appear te be at a disadvantage when -we are net, because of certain tactics sometimes employed, which we de net care te use, viz., the pretending te make re ductions when none are made. "We use reductions te clear stocks. That is perfectly honorable, and it is necassary in a large business. The losses thereby incurred, though sometimes considerable, are trifling in compari son with the benefit te remaining stocks. New then, anyone who will take measures te find out where the lowest prices are, compare sample with sample, price with price, will find we are net a whit behind ANYBODY, net even in a single item, se far as we knew ; and that we are below EVERYBODY en almost everything. Samples sent when written for. JOHN WANAMAKER. Ciicsfiiut, Tfiirleenlli, Market and Juniper, riiiiaiklphia. jc7-ceiltf CAJtlllACirS, S. E. BAILY. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers CARRIAGES OF EYERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. Wc are new ready ter SPUING TltADE, with a Fine Assortment et Bier Carriages, Ptate, larM Vim it Having purchased our stock for cash, hcreretlie recent advance, we are enabled te eiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PH1CE. Wc will keep in stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PBICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MAKKET WAGONS. Give us a eall. AH work fullv warranted one vear. LANCASTER, TA. TRIMMING AND NOTION DE PARTMENT of HATS re- Rll.l!i.......l...wlMtn.l1.... - .... .... 1 1... i - .j... u.i3iiuin.iiiuiu -u'u" "iTiircutt "li'vesinainuciicw snaues at -liert notice. .ln,i white Tucked Skirts from 50c. I !te$l. coons. UNDER? the impression that great reduc WANAMAKER. DRESS GOODS. COTTON". Seersuckers, blue, hrei. n and gray -tiipc. bc-t pattern- .".-JO Scer-uckei-. fincy colored -tripes -eel-sucker-. Yeik. lull a ertmeut et UU l.i IS 1J.' Jll " is 11 J" l'JJi I'll-.. ie ' -tripe- and color- Zephyr Ginghams, choice, net te hi1 leiiml i'1-ew lieie at anv price Zephyr Gingham-, plahl and stripes Zephyr Gingliauis, halidaua Dies- Gingham- llandkeicliiel" (iinghaui- ami plain cel ins in match .' oe Die Che let- Taini-e cloth, ecru, cashi.iere border. Chi nt. pelLadnt, indigo, for suit- Cocheco ("nmbric-. choice I'acilic Cretonne-, great variety. ..fil Jll, 1'J) J.iceiiet Laun-, Kreic Kerehlin I'acilic variety ifi III, Vl ( ambric stiipeil l-i n- .". lacenet lawn-, last color- iu .'.. 13 :J0 .. 13 7)S 03 1J' i-i" Lace law n- u lute, tinted and solid cel ered grounds Memic cloth-, printed COT ION" AND WOOL. Lace Hunting-, all color-and black ?!' Debcige-, twilled Mehairs, plain .Mohair.-. iu illeil Mohair-, -ilk-eheckeil .Mohair-, silk--tiiiei Meliair-, pl.iid Jlehair-, hngli-h Mehairs, ;i-nglish, clouded Mohair lit-trc- Ca-hmere-. eOacluiien'.- colors Suitings, English, lancy 10 J3 viy. y. is 'A I.". jn ALL WOOL. Lace Huntings, color.- and black. .:!7J.r, .", l'laiu buntings of a new style, distinct lrem the old and dccideilly better than any ether, all colors. "J I inches i" ."I inches, double told 4H, 31, GO. Dehc'ges, Krench, ca-hmcre-twilleil, 'JJ i n dies Debeiges, French, taireta: J-J inches ."J inchc-, double told 1-J inches, double fold i", Casiimercs, French : ,"J inches ::i ; i i i c l i e s .-. "-heda cloth. French. ll inche- Meinic cloth. French $1 Crape cloth, French 1 i;u ! 'Jl J" I'tTt IV) y-J. 30 73 Oil IXI LINENS. MX SPECIMEN PIJICES. These ire l.-ur samples ei I tie nargains ,c have been giving for weeks in Linens Ks in llncns : 1 1 uck Tew el. l.u-ri: and heavv 0 -J3 Hack Tewel. German, knotted fringe... 'J Glass Toweling, pervard 1 German bleached Tabic Linen 73 German Napkirt-. ", jii-r deen 'J 'J3 Star Linen. 'Jil inche-, jier yard I-J JIWAI' I'llAJJTOXS. Ac W. W. BAILY of and Dealers In TKArXZHJtS' UVTDiS LANCASTER AND BIILLERSVILLE IU K Caw run as fellows : Leave Lancatser (P. n. Depot), at 7, 9, an.i 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4. e and tttW p. ui., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at !fc.te p. in. Leave MUlersvillu (lower end) at 5. S. and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Curs run daily en above time except en Sun day. CIOHTMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. R J Trains new run regularly en the Columb a and Pert Deposit Railroad en the folleniu time: Stations North- Express. Express. Aece-i.. WARD. A. SI. V. 51. r. M. Pert Deposit ft35 3:."x) 2:' Peachbottem 7:12 4:24 .":.S Flte'sEddv 7ri" 4:i" 3 3.1 McCail's Ferrv 7:37 4:t! M Shenk's Ferry 7:54 5:01 4:.ii Safe Harber. 7:."0 5:0t; 5 Oti Columbia s:30 5:35 (2i) Stations Setmi-'Uxpress. Express. Accem. WARD. I A. M. r. M. A. St. Columbia 10:S ir.i 7VI Safe Harber. 11:21 tfcisi AriUOd LcU:I0 Slienk's Fern...... UviS fi:5l a-Jl McCall's Ferry..".. 11:11 7:('. 10ri" Fite's Eddy lltSi 7:-.M 10:: r. m. v. M. Peachbottem 12:07 7:: 11.07 1 M. Poi-tDepesit iI5 S:0" P.'ri". 13 K N N S Y L VA N I A l'.AH-UOA 1 N KW J SCHEDULE On and alter SL'ND.W MAY S5d, Sl, trains en the PeniisylMiuia Itailread will arrive and leave the I.auenstei ami Philadelphia depots as follews: Leave Arrive I-anc'ter Phihid'a PJsEV a.m. :i:iK .'.l. 2:10 - 4:15 " .":'Jl " 7:ll " 7:.'M " &0.-1 ' 10:10 " S:t. " J:le " 12:01 i 1:C5 ik 1:1(1 r.M. 3:ir!"" inn " 3:im :fc5 " .r:i " l;4"i ' 0:45 " ,;-, .. .,.;; .. Leave Arrive Pintail":! I.:iii.-'h r liSn .m. ":,,, v si. S:(Hl " Ui:'." " II:ti; " !:(I0 ' II:li5 sum in:. 5 IUVI " 2:10 cm 2:15 2:50 " 2:.7l r.M. ":!" " l:l)(l " 7r.T " 5:.-;il " 7!0 " ;r25 " t- " " u.::i U-V " 2.10 a.m. Eastwaue. Atlantic Express, Philadelphia E.pic.- Fast Line Yeik Accem. Arrive-; Ilarrisliui-g E.prc-s Dillcrville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accem uiinhit ion. Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sumhiy .Mail Jehn-town Expicss, Day Expre , llarri-hiii-g Accommednt'ii. WesTWakd. Way Passenger, Mail Train Mt-.Iov, .Mail Train Nn.iv ia c nl'hia. Niagara & Chicago E.pres- Suuday Mail, Fast Line Frederick Accommodation. Dillcrville Local.via.Mt..Iej liarri-biirg Aceominedat'ii. Columbia Accommodation. Iliirri-burg Expre, Pilt-dmrg Expre , Cincinnati Expicss, I'acilic Expicss P.u-illc Expre-s, ea-t. en hund.iv, u lien ll.i-gt-il. Mill step at Midilletewn. Ellabethte n .Mt. Jey, Landi-ville, liinl-iii-lland, l.eni.-iii Place, Gap, Chii-tiaiiu, Parke-burg, Coatcs Ceatcs ville, Oakland and lili-n Lech. Fast Line, west, en Miuduy, uhcu lla 'ed, will -top at Dew ningtovn,Ceate-ville. Pail., -liurir. Ml.Jey, and )lidd!ctu u. Mail Ne. 2 we-t ceiiiieclingat Imc.i-iteru illi mail Ne, 1 at 10:55 a. m., and with Niagara ami Chicago Lxprc al II: 5and will run through te llaiieveraud will ( licet at Celiiuibi.i with tram lliri.nli te ll.uii-biu-g rid Marietta. i li-di-l iciv Aeciiiitiiiixlatien. uc-i ennue- .it Lane i-ler, w nil la-: i.iue, c-i, at 2:11) -. ami ' ill i'iiii lliieali te Fii'deriek. 1s:adjng and i:v:- . t nil aiidatiei-MtlNDAV. MAY. Wr", lv0, pa cner tram? w ill l un en tin- ie.ih . - -. Ien-. TlEAlNS liUlM) SOUliI. I A.M. A.M. 1'. M. i.:ii I. I. 7: J5 Reading, Keinlields, Ephrata, Akion, Lit! Manlieim, Lauca-tcr Jitnct 7::i l". si. 1221 I2:4ii 12:15 1:1)2 l:l:t I:li) l-:'i) 2 0i 2:1)2 H:(1 s:is t:2l s:i:i !l:((2 0.115 !l:lf! 0:10 0:27 e:.'!:! u:l5 :i:5s li):U" 10:tr.i 10:17 Hi:2:; :ii-.:vi 10:12 le:50 loll,. 7:1.. 7:'.n S.20 -:(; :ln -:2n s:::i 1 s:!2l Laiuli-ville, Celuiubiu, Dillcrville, Lauca-tcr, King Mrect, Haiiii-li, We-t Willow,... Haumgaiiliier,... Peiiic.i, Iti-lten New Providence lle-s (juarryville, b:!7 s:55 0:01 0:12 0:10 0:25 r. Jl. Ti:ai:.-.s t;eiK Netrrii. A. M. I I". M. (juarryville, lie., New Pieviitcuf itelten Peiliie.i Haiiiiiaiduci-,.. W.--1 Willow,... llaini-h, v. King Mrect, Laiiea-ler Dillcrville Columbia ':I" i;:52 ;:50 7:11 7:18 2.(1 2 ..-2-50 :;.i'5 :::l.t :::tti :i:."j) :::;:: 3.40 1.0 1 1:15 4:) 7:11 7:55 S-.05 S:is 7:55 S::5e s::mi 8:10 0:tX) !i:li; :-.m l:or l:i I:-r LIS 2.00 2:H 2:2" 2:0; 3:2il Lanlivilli Lanca-tec June tin: .laulieiiu, Liii, , Akren Epbrat.i. Ucinlieldsv il!e,. Heading, 4:17 vi t 0:2:5 0:12 I 10:0", Train- connect at Hcailing with trains leand from Plnladi-lplii.-i, Pottsville, Ilarri.-burg, Al Al leiiteun and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and treui Yerk, Hanover, Cctty-buig, Frederick and KaRimerc. A.M. WILSON, mij.i L ecal mail ai;i:anglmi;nts. IIOUIW FLU CLOSING THE MAILS. I5Y KAILUOAD. Nkw Yerk tiiiloueii hail 7:.'!'J a 111, 12:0 p 111, 4:15 p in and 11:."0 p 111. Way Mail, cast, 1:-V .1 1:1. GoituexviiXK, Downingtewii, Leamau Place, GapO p 111. PuiLAUULi'iiiA through mail, "t.'.'M and .u:l5n. in., l-'-"A), 4:15 and ll:.7i p in. PiTTMscitnii and west. Inland Uift p 111. Hai:i:isi;l-ue Mail, W::vi, a 111, l:50,5:15aud II.M p 111. Wat Mail, west, I0:.71a 111. Haltimeuk ash Wasiumoten, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. Haltimuub and V.'ashimjic:., via. YerL, I . p ui. IIai.ti.meui: and Wasiiimjves. via llarri-lntrg, ll:l p iu. CeA-rr-sviLLE, 1:15 j 111. CeLI'jii'.ia, 10:." 1 a in, lu" and 5:15 p in. Yeuk Yeiik WAV, l::ieaiid ll::a) p m. Xeimii;i:.N CtNTUAL, H:J0a m, i:.V)ainl il::,D p i-'. Heading, via Heading and Columbia K U, 7::;0 a m and 12:JiJp 111. Hkadimi, via Ilarri-biirg, 5:15 and 1I:'3I 111. IJkaiuxe WAV? vi.iJ unction. Lint, M.mlit 1111, Ea-t llcmpliclii and Hplinita, : p 111. tmAiHivviLLK, Camargo, Hellen, Nc-.v Provi dence, We.-t Willow. Lime Valley and M.tiluis vi lie. 0.15 a in, and 5:M p m. Nkw IIeLLami, Clmrchteun, Ciceubi'iik. Hliie Hall, Uoeitilli:, Heariewn, by .i it Downiuglewn, at 7:.") a m and p 111. Sakk II Ai'.ueit, via Celiiinbiii. 10:.'U) a in. I5Y STAGE Miller-villc and slackwater. te Sate Harber, daily, at 4.00 p 111. Te Millcrsvilif, Sand II: ill a m.aml 4 p 111. Ilmklev'a Hridge, Lciceck, HjieviJie, e T Holland,"2-.:epm. ' Willow street, smithvillc. Luck, Clie-'rmt Level, G 1 ecu, Peters Creek, Pica-ant Grew, Heck Springs. Fainiieuiil and It'iwl.-.nd-ville, Mit, daily, at 7 a 111. Laudis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmers, villi-, Hinkletewii, Terns Hilt, Jlari daily, at 'l-.'-'M p 111. Fertility, L impcter and Wheatla id Mill-, t Stra-burg, daily, at I p in. Greenland and Seiidcrsbiug, le Paradise daily, at 4 p in.. Nell'svillc, daily, at 4 p 111. New Danville, Concstega, Murticville, C.le maiiville. Mount Nebo. Hawliiisvillc, Helm-.-.ta and Libcrtv .sijuare. dailv. at 2:.J0 p m. WHEN OPEN FOit DELIVLUY. AUKIVING HYUALL. Ea,teni mail,7 a in. Kr.'yi a m, : and r,:S p 111. Eastern way mail, 11:30 a 111. Western mail, 7 and 10 a 111, 2 an lu;.') m. Heading, via Heading and Columbia, 2:30 p 111. Western way mail, ?:30 a m. Itcadiug way mail. 10::aia in. (juarryville Hrani-h, h:15a 111 and 1 p 111. AUKIVING IJY STAGE. Frem Sale Harber and Millersvillc, at 0 a 111. daily. Frem Millersvillc, 7 and '.) a 111, and I p m. Frem New Helland, at 0:30 a 111, daily. Frem Uewlandsville, Mil, al 2:30 p 111. Heading way mail, at 10'Jla m, daily. Frem Mi-.isbiu-g. atU:30a in, dally. Fem Paradise te Liiica-ter, in a 111, daily Fiein Nellsville. at 1 p m, daily. Fieui II a in. DELlVEUIKs IIY CAUKIEUS. !- There aie lour mail ilcliverics iiy letter carrier-, e.iclniav, and en their return trips tiny tak" up the iu:til matter deposited iu the letter boxes. Fer the ill's t deliver" the carriers leave the eilic-e at ;.-3ll a 111; second delivery at 10 a 111 ; third delivery at 11 a in ; leurtli delivery at 3 p in. SUNDAY POsTOFFICE IIOUKS. On .Sunday the is open tiem April I te October 1, from leOa in. and from r, te 7 am: lrein October 1 toAprill,lrem'J te 10 a m, and from 1; te 7 n m. j:j vva ri ex a l. riHlL ACADKJIY tUSAtCTEO W'l"l J. Franklin anil .Marsnall college eilers su nklin and Marshall College eilers su i nerler ml vantages te young men and boys who - de-iiv either te iirepare for college or te obtain a thorough acailcmic education, students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address IlEV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lvd Lncaater. Pa. V - V .1.2 ...; . :.V2 .;.() ; il:0.i f.:17 i.:.i; 0:.: i.:.d 7: e 7:V 7-.s -l.i s-J7 .-:.r s .: s.,:) i-t 0 1 ID 0. u y A