LANUASTEMDAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1880. Meyers, Seurbeer, Stair, Stevenson, "Wike and Zeamer 8. Nay Mr. Bahn 1. The question of holding district insti tute was deferred. On motion of Mr. McCullough it was decided that the number of schools be the same as last year excepting the addition of one primary school. A committee of three, Messrs. Giyen, Bahn and Zeamer, was appointed te confer with the superintendent in regard te the reorganization of the schools. An order for $12.50 was drawn en the treasurer te pay subscription for the Scheel Journal for the members of the beaid. Adjourned. Borough JSreiltles. Mr. J. W. Yocum, editor of the Spy, and family, arrived home last evening from a visit te Montgomery county. Wm. B. Given, esq., and Master Harry Bruner started this morning for a visit te Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls and Canada. They will be absent about ten days. Messrs. J. A. Meyers and P. S. Brugh left town-this morning te attend the State pharmaceutical convention in session at Allentown. They both arc members of the association. Ed. Ii. Black, of the Pennsylvania rail road, was in town yesterday. The picnic te be held te-morrow in Hcise's weeds by the Secial club premises te be a success. Strawberries plenty in town. The only question you hear en the streets is, " "Who will be nominated at Chicago?" FELONIOUS ASSAULT. A Alan Stubbed in the Hack. James S. Lanning lias made complaint of assault and battery against Al bert Gard ner and of felonious assault and battery against Jehn Doebler, and they have been held for a hearing before Alderman Barr. Lanning's statement is that he was walk ing en Concstega street en Saturday nigh and met Doebler and Gardner, who were accompanied by ladies. He saluted them whereupon Gardner returned an offensive answer te which Lanning re plied. Gardcr then left his lady, came up te Lanning and attacked him, and while the two were thus engaged, Doebler came up behind him and stabbed him under the shoulder and above the hip, inflicting rather painful wounds. The defendants promptly furnished bail for a hearing. Washington Items. Few shad are being caught. Bass fish ing has commenced and a number have been taken from the water. Jehn Shu in an drew out 17 a few days age and caught his bait just befeie he fished for the bass. It is said the river is full of them. Jehn E. Metzgcr, the new proprietor of the Susquehanna hotel, has in his posses sion a live gabimamulriue. It is about 12 inches long and had been caught in a set net. It is quite a curiosity, and mine host takes great delight in showing it. He has a regular glass fish case filled with water, and intends te keep the creature as long ns he can. Charged AVitli Larceny. This afternoon a young girl named Martha Shreiner, had a hearing before Al derman Barr, te answer a charge of steal ing a pair of diamond ear-rings, the prop erty of Mrs. Lewis Sylvester, by whom the accused had been hiicd. and left after liv ing with her only a day or two, taking employment in another family. When ar rested the diamond car-rings were found in her possession. In default of bail she was committed for a further hearing. Herse Identified. The bay marc found in the possession of Frank Lightuer, who was arrested by S. W. Wanner, of. West Earl, and JOfliccr Stermfeltz, of this city, has been identi fied as the one stolen from the stable of Benjamin Kurtz, Richland. Lebanon county, a few days age. The stolen mare has been returned te Mr. Kurtz, and the reward of $e0 has been paid te Wanner and Stermfeltz. Street Laborers te be Paid. The city tieasurcr will pay all bills for street labor en Thursday morning at 9 o'clock in the select council chamber. As this is the busiest time of the year with the city treasurer, he desires all te be prompt in calling at the above named time and place. Discharged. Katie Grey and Mary Jane Patterson, the two colored girls who .vere arrested a few evenings age for being disorderly en Middle street, had a hearing before Alder man Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, last evening and were discharged, after re ceiving a severe reprimand and premising te go and sin no mere. A Strike Near New Providence. The miners in Geiger's ere mine, two miles from New Providence, went en a strike yesterday afternoon for higher wages This morning some of the men wanted te go te work, but the leaders went down into the mine and drove them out by force. A Kiunbew in the Zenith. About half-past one o'clock this after noon a dark cloud overshadowed the sun, and around its outer edges was formed a vary bright and perfect rainbow. The spectacle was a beautiful one, but it was rather trying en the eyes te leek at it. Death of a Prison er. William Jenes, a prisoner in the county jail, died last evening at six o'clock of con sumption. He was convicted ever three years age of horse stealing, and his sen tence would have expired in a couple of days. He was a Welshman by birth. Engine off the Track. The engine of Dillerville local jumped the track while shifting cars at the Penn sylvania freight depot at neon te day. It was placed en again in about an hour and a-half. Sale or Horses. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale at the Merrimac heuse yes terday for Daniel Legan, 16 head of horses at an average of $211.50. One pair was sold for $701 and one mare for $371. A Happy Father. Yesterday afternoon Officer Jehn Mer ringer, of the city police force, was made the happy father of a bouncing pair of twin children. One is a boy and the ether a girl and both are doing welL Fer Sale Cheap. A banner at the Examiner office, with Grant's name and picture en it. St. Jacob's Oil Is the success et the age; it cures everybody. The queen el medicinal and toilet soaps, the lragrant Cutlcura. Railroad Arrangements for Commencement. Visitors te tlie approaching commencement of Franklin and Marshall college, traveling ever the Pennsylvania railroad, Frederick division or Northern Central railroad, can ob tain orders for excursion tickets from the secretary of the faculty, Ne. 229 West Chest nut street, Lancaster. Excursion tickets en the Heading rallread and its branches will be sold en application at the principal offices of company. All excursion ticket arc geed from the 12th te the 19th Inst. Ne sales after the 17th. Pandora's Itex brought a multitude of ills upon humanity, se s:iith the ancients; but a bottle of SOZO DONT is a well-spring of joy in the family. It refreshes the invalid by cleansing his mouth and llt- the belle ler the parlor. je7-lwdcedAw Prevent weakness and degeneration of the kidneys and urinary organs Malt Bitters. POLITICAL. IIKSIOUKATIC STATE TICKET. feu RuntEMK junnz. GEOUGK A.JEN'KS. FOU AUDITOR GENERAL. BOBEBT P. DECHKBT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR COSOUESS. STE1NMETZ. J.I. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNET. IS. F. MONTGOMERY. FOR SENATOR (13th DISTRICT.) .1. 15. DOUGLASS. KOP. A8SEMI1LY (2d DISTRICT.) .S. C. STEVENSON, 8. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.; AMOS DILLEK, It. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. IIAKWi-.,. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS. RARTON M. WINTERS REN.I. MILLER. FOR VOOR DIRECTORS. A.J.SNYDER, JOHN FBANC1SCUS. LANCASTER COUNTY APPOINTMENTS. DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION. B. J.McGRANN, W. U. I1ENSEL. (ALTERNATE.) U.S. IIAMBICIGIIT C.J. RIIOADS. ELECTOR. JAMES G. McSPARRAN. STATE COMMITTEE MEMUEU. GEO. D1LLER, M.S.MOORE. Withdrawn. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fer fitty yeaiS "Sellers' Liver Pills" have In ought health uinl Happiness in thousands of homes. Ask your druggist ler them. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Habitual Custiveness is the banc et nearly every Ainci ican woman. Frem it usually arNes these disorders that se surely undermine their health and strength. Every woman ewe it te herself and te her family te use that celebrated medicine, Kid ney Weit. It is the sure remedy for constipa tion, and for all disorders of the kidneys and liver. Try it new. ieT-lwd.Vw If Success be the true test et meritt is certainly ascttled fact that ' Jlrewn's otoh etoh oteh chial Troches" have no equal ler the prompt reliel et Coughs, Colds and Threat troubles. ju8-lwdTThASAw Weman's Wisdom. "She insists that it is mere importance, that her laiuily shall be kept in lull health, than that she should havcall the lashionable dresses anil styles of the times. She therefore sees te it, that each member et her family is supplied with enough Hep Hitters, at the 11 r&t appear ance of any symptoms of ill heath, te prevent a tit et sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exerci-e their wisdom in this way." Ed. Jl-2wdAw Use Kidney-Wert and rejoice in health. One package makes six quarts of Medicine. je7-lwdAw Many people make drug shops of their stomachs, in the attempt te relieve a simple attack et liver complaints, when withudese or twoet Dr. Themas' Electric Oil, the complaint' might be easily and pleasantly obviated. Celic, piles, hurts, lame back and swelled neck, arc also among the troubles which it cures. Fer II. 11. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 1 U North Queen -treet. Lancaster, Pa. 23 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. The secret et long life, is te keep the liver pcrteclly healthy, which is best accomplished by using "Sellers' Liver Pills." Drewn 'a Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erappliedcxternally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength ct any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Rack or Rowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be In every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen tulofthc Panacea In a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if prcterred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 23 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran A Ce's Drugstore North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child Tins valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents a box. f 1anl5-lvdAwTuTliAS " Great Bleed Tonic," for the cure et all bleed diseases. Dr. Linds6y's Bleed Searcher." Frem a Distinguished Clercyuian. Washington, D. C, June 10, 1879. I have known of several persons who re gar ded msclvcsas greatly benefited, and some of them as permanently cured of diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs by your medicine. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I have known, tee, et its use in similar cases by physicians et the highest, character and standing. I de net doubt that it has great virtue. J. E. RANKIN. jl-2.vdAw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-hve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance.? Ne 9 East King street, Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. sure but net slew. People who have used Dr. Themas' Electric Oil, te get rid of pain. And that it is sure but net slew. A cough even of long standing, is speedily controlled and cured by it. Rheumatism, neuralgia, corns, lame back and swelled neck, rapidly disap pear when it is used. Fer sale by II. B. Cecli, ran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street Lancaster Pa. 21 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Weakly and Sickly Persons. Many persons who are weak and sickly at this season of the year are at a less te knew what will restore their health. It has lately been found by experience that the use of Spcer's Pert Grape Wine is one et the best re storatives known. Physicians, clergymen and temperance advocates should encourage the use of Pert Grape and thus aid the cause of temperance and moderation. It is especially recommended te latnllies for its purity, ex quisite flavor and health properties. Medical men certify te its valuable medicinal powers. Mr. Speerhas been for years engaged in the raising et grapes and perfecting this wine, and it requires a lour years process before It is fit for market. N. Y. Eaptitt. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and xiivis, anu seiu ey tu r.. eiaymaKer, wne Has I procured some direct from the Vineyards. It I In excellent for femnlea. wsrvAelnllxr for thiu. ' rwlth nursing Infanta. H-2wdftw DEATHS. K Bachman. In this city, June 6. 1880, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacuman, relict of the late Christian Bachman, in her 77th year. The relatives and friend i of-the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from her late residence, Ne. 2.0 North Prince street, en Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td Suteb. In this city, June 8, 1880, Francis X. Suter, aged & years, 3 months and 23 days. His relatives and fronds are respectfuUy in vited te attend the funeral from his late resi dence, Ne. 503 Maner street, en Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment at St. Jeseph's cemeterv. 2td NE ' Alt VERTISEMENXS. ICE CREAM AND STKAWBERRI' FES tival at the Union Bethel, corner of Prince and Orange streets, commencing this evening, and te continue during the week. Admission 10 cents, which includes the ice cream. rjeS-Std fNSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH. BAUSMAN & BURNS, Ne. 10 West Orange Street. Office jeS-eedtfdR T TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. . The City Superintendent will examine the teachers of the public schools et this city who held previsional certificates, in the high school building en Saturday, June 12, at 8 a.m.; and applicants who have net taught heretofore at the same place en Monday, June 14, at the same hour. By order of the Superintending Committee. R. K. BUEHRLE, jeS-2td City Superintendent. PROPOSAL WILL RE RECEIVED AT the Mayer's Office up te Thursday night, at 8 o'clock, ler laying 50,000 bricks, mere or less, in the bottom and sides of the east reser voir. Specifications may be been at the Mayer's Office, liv order of Water Committee. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, je8-2td Mayer. PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1880, will be sold at public sale, at the King of Prussia Hetel, (Win. Balz, proprietor,) Nes. 211 and 210 est King street, Lancaster, Pa., the lollewing property, te wit: , A double one-story BRICK DWELLING HOUsK. with one-story Brick Back Building, containing 7 rooms. The let fronts 83 feet, mere or less, en Derwart street, and extends back 150 feet, mere or less, te a 14-teet alley.and has a well et geed water thereon, situate Nes. 117 and 119 Derwart street. Parties wishing te view the property can de se by calling en the undersigned or at the premised. Sale te commence at 7J o'clock p. in. of said day, whrn terms and conditions will be made known by BAUSMAN & BURNS, Real Estate Agents, Office 10 West Orange Street. Sam'l Hess & Sen, Aucts. m2ieedR " PHARESlV. FRYT Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. WALL PAPERS Of the latest styles. Large stock te select from. A let et Odds and Ends will be sold very low in order te close out. WIRE SCREENS for windows and doers made te order in best manner, in Plain and Landscape. Sold by the feet in any quantity. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, decidedly the cheapest, best and most con venient ever made, as it can be easily adjusted te any window up te live lect in wiil'th. Made in Walnut in eight different styles. PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. JEWELERS. I" OU1S WEBER, J WATCHMAKER. Ne. Vay. NORTH QUEEN &TBEKT,near P. It. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantascepic Specta cles and Kjc-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd tPl J the best article known for cleaning Silver, Plated Ware and Glass. Geld, Price, 25c. Per Bex. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BT E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Stem-Winding Clocks With an Alarm, convenient for Traveling. STEM-WINDING STRIKING CLOCKS. Will run in any position, with Black or White Dials, at AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA BAILEY, BANKS OUR AIM HAS BEEN ALWAYS TO KEEP AND BIDDLE, . 12th ami CHESTNUT STREET, riiiladclphia. THE VERY BEST IN ALL THE DEPART MENTS OF OUR BUSINESS, AND BY LAYING IN LARGE QUANTI TIES ENTIRELY FOR CASH, TO MARK OUR GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OUR IMMENSE BUSINESS Ig ABUNDANT PBOOF OF COMPLETE SUCCESS IN T II IS E ND E AVOR. WE SEND. ON APPROVAL, BY EXPRESS OR OTHERWISE, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JE WELR Y, DECORATIVE ARTICLES, Ac. OUR STOCK COMPRISES AN IMMENSE VABTETT OF ELEGANT AND NOVEL GOODS SUITABLE FOR WEDDING GIFTS. SUMMARY OF Wath Wath Ballet. Grant. Blaine. Sherman, burne. Edmunds. First 304 -284 .93 30 .34 Second 305 284 Third 305 282 Fourth 305 282 Fifth 303 282 Sixth 305 281 Seventh 305 281 Eighth 306 284- Ninth 308 282 Tenth 305 282 Eleventh 305 281 Twelfth 304 283 Thirteenth 305 285 Fourteenth 305 285 Fifteenth 309 281 Sixteenth 306 283 Seventeenth 303 284 Eighteenth 305 283 Nineteenth 305 279 Twentieth 308 276 Twenty-first 305 276 Twenty-second 305 275 Twenty-third 304 275 Twenty-fourth.... 305 279 Twenty-fifth 302 281 Twenty-sixth 303 280 Twenty-seventh... 306 277 Twenty-eighth.... 307 279 Twenty-ninth 303 278 Thirtieth 306 279 Thirty-first 308 276 Thirty-second 309 270 Thirty-third 309 276 Thirth-feurth 312 275 Thirty-fifth 313 257 Thirtii-sixth 306 42 HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHO IS We de net want you te get the impression that great reduc-r tiens are being made in the prices of goods elsewhere and net here. We are, as usual, below the market, and intend te stay there. ' The following list embraces enough of our stock te give some clue te the rest of them. We quote articles new in great favor as low-priced goods ; but in general they are net reduced. We have been there all the time. JOHN WANAMAKER. SILKS. SUMMER ILKS. Stripes, modest, medium and held V) 45 laspe checks and stripes 50 Checks en solid greuad 55 Chene stripes, shadud 05 "Mille Kaye," extra quality 75 Best imported, 20 inches, great variety 1 00 BLACK SILKS. Gres-grain persan and taffetas $e 75 Fine or heavy cord gres-grain and pcrsan. DO Six makes, foreign and American, jet or raven black, heavy and light 1 00 Caclicmire finish, 24 inches, Belleu, Alex andre and American 1 25 Caclicmire linish, "super" quality, 24 inches, foreign 1 50 Kid finish, high lustre,cacheniire,24 inches 1 75 Bennet, 2t inches 2 00 COLORED SILKS. Geed quality, all colors $0 75 Lyens, extra lustre, heavy cord, 90 inches. 1 00 Best, ter walking suits, 22 inches 1 25 Rich anil elegant finish, 22 inches 1 50 FOULARDS. Showy $0 SO Brilliantand rich 75 BROCADES. l'.lack, polka dots, etc 0 !X Colored 1 00 Colored, new designs 1 25 Novelties 1 50 GAUZE AND GRENADINK STRIPES. A large quantity just bought te clear an im porter's stock, recently sold by us at $2.50, we are newsellnigat $1 00 SILKS are in ncxteutejr circle east I mm the Chestnut atreet entrance. BLACK GOODS. GRENADINES. Mexican, silk and wool 50,05, 75,85 Silk and wool striped.. ..75, $1, $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 Lyens clamasses 65. 75, 85, $1 00 Paris, silk and wool $1, $1 25, $ I 50 Lvens , all silk damasses $1 37!4,$1 50, $1 75, $2, $2 40, $3. PLAIN BUNTINGS. American, , $0 20, .25 .31 .37. American. 0-4, $0 50, .05 .75. French, 23 Inches, $0 31 .37. French, 30 inches, $0 44 .50 .G2 .75. LACE BUNTINGS. Wc have nearly everything te bcfeimd in the markets of the world. 23 inches, $0 37 .50 .00. 4f inches, $1, $1 25. Lupin's Paris, original color, anil we believe almost the last in Philadelphia: 24 inches $0 55 M inches 1 10 NUN'S VEILING (for dresses). 13 inches 75, $1 00 0-4 $1 50, $1 7 BLACK GOODS arc in the next outer circle west from the Chestnut street entrance. But one thing -we ought te remind you ef: We may appear te be at a disadvantage when we are net, because of certain tactics sometimes employed, -which -we de net care te use, viz., the pretending te make re ductions when none are made. We use reductions te clear stocks. That is perfectly honorable, and it is necessary in a large business. The losses thereby incurred, though sometimes considerable, are trifling in compari son with the benefit te remaining stocks. New then, anyone who will take measures te find out where the lowest prices are, compare sample with sample, price with price, will find we are net a whit behind ANYBODY, net even in a single item, se far as we knew; and that we are below EVERYBODY en almost everything. Samples sent when written for. JOHN "WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper, H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. 'Prices always lower than City Prices. Wa are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special Werk at short notice from our own factory. We have the meehanias and tools for first-class Watch and Jewelry" Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. piTY TAXEb. y The duplicate of city taxes Is bow In the hands of the Treasurer. Fire percent, abate ment will be allowed em all taxes paid en or be FAZlZh E.WKLCHANB. Je4-tdM,F&8tt Treasurer. THE BALLOTING. Windem. ' 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 . 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 f I 4 Garfield. 94 31 32 93 31 32 95 30 32 95 30 32 95 34 31 94 31 32 91 31 32 90 32 31 92 32 31 93 32 31 92 33 31 89 33 31 89 Se 31- 88 86 31 88 36 31 90 36 31 91 35 31 96 32 31 93 35 31 96 35 31 97 35 31 97 36 31 93 35 31 94 35 31 93 36 31 93 36 31 91 35 31 ' 116 35 12 120 33 '11 119 33 11 119 35 11 115 44 11 110 32 11 101 23 11 3 5 1 1 1 1 e e e 2 2 e 2 2 1 1 1 17 50 399 4 4 3 UNDER ? DRESS GOODS. COTTON. Seersuckers, blue, brown and gray stripes, eesi patterns Seersuckers, fancy colored stripes..., S0 12H Seersuckers, Yerk, lull assortment et stripes and colors. W 20 18 11 zepuyr Ginghams, choice. .. net te be leunu cisewuere at any price. Zephyr Ginghams, plaid and stripes. zephyr Ginghams, bandana.. Dress Ginsuams. ;ua Handkerchief Ginghams and plain cel ors u matcn i Dress Cheviots 12 Tamise cloth, ecru, cashmere border.. . . . 12 Chintz, polka dot, indigo, for suits 10 C'ochece Cambrics, choice 10 i'acilic Cretonnes, great variety. ..$0 10, 12, 15 Jacenet Lawns. Frere Kerchlin 20 I Pacific Lawns, great variety $ 10, 12, 15 Cambric striped lawns OS Jacenet lawns, fast colors 05 Lace lawns white, tinted and solid col ored grounds 12 Mende cloths, printed 12 COTTON AND WOOL. Lace Buntings, all colors and black $0 25 Debciges, twilled 10 Mehan's, plain 25 Mehairs, twilled 12 Mehairs, sllk-checkcd 25 Mehairs, silk-striped 25 .Mehairs, plaid 25 Mehairs, English 12 Mehairs, English, clouded 18 Mohair lustres 12 Cashmeres, coachmen's colors 15 Suitings, English, fancy 20 ALL WOOL. Lace Buntings, colors and black, 50, CO Plain buntings of a new style, distinct irem tne eui ana aeciucaiy Deuer man any ether, all colors. 24 inches 25 34 inches, double told 40, 50, te. Debeices. French, cashmere-twilled. 22 75 inches 21 Pebelges, French, taffeta : 22 inches 25 321nches. double fold 35 I I 42 inches, double fold. ,60 37 50 75 $1 00 ,' Cashmeres, French I S2 inches 36 inches I Sheda cloth, French, 46 inches t Memie cloth, r rench. I' Crape cloth, French 1 00 LINENS. SIX SPECIMEN PRICES. These arc fair samples of the bargains wc .....n l.nm .vltrlnrv fTl. li'.wilru In l.lniiTld I Huck Tewel, large and heavv , Huck Tewel, German, knotted fringe. I Glass Toweling, per yard ?0 25 25 12 75 t German bleached Table Linen German Napkins, ?iper dozen 2 25 Star Linen, 20 inches, per yard 12 Philadelphia. jeT-eedtf ATTOElfETS-AT-LAW HENRY A. BIMSY Attorney and Connseller-at-L&w 21 Park Kew, New Yerk. Collections made In all part of ths United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permlsslem f StalBmam & HemseL TIIEL' EDITION. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1880. GAKFIELD THE BEFUBLICAN NOMINEE. BLAINE AND GRANT BEATEN. THE DARK HORSE AGAIN A BUCKEYE. Chicago, June 8. The convention was called te order at 10:30. Garfield and Conk Cenk ling were cheered as they entered. Seme discussion arose ever the right of a vote from Alabama te be counted when the delegate casting it was net in his seat. The balloting continued, the notable feature being Sherman's gain by the trans fer te Uim from Massachusetts of some twenty Edmunds men. The succession of ballets en the leading candidates will be found in our tabic, run. ning from the first yesterday te the last reported at the time of going te press. Eds. Following are the leading features of te-day's balloting as reported by tele graph, including a few scattering votes net recorded in our table. Changes and Chances. On the 29th ballet Alabama gave Grant 15, Blaine 1, Sherman 3. Blaine lest 1 in Kentucky, Sherman gained it. Massachu setts gave Sherman 22, of which Edmunds yesterday had 20. Mississippi gave Grant 9. Frem Minnesota 3 of Windem's men went te Blaine. Blaine gained 2 from Illinois. He lest 2 from New Jersey ; they went te Sherman. On the 30th ballet Wyoming cast 1 vote for General Phil. Sheridan. The conven tion rose te its feet and cheered Sheridan who was present. He arose Jand thanked the convention. Minnesota gave Blaine G. Ou the 31st ballet Blaine lest 2 in Indi ana. Grant gained 1 in Pcnna. Conk Cenk ling received 1 vote. On the 32d ballet Blaine lest 5 votes from Indiana gene te Washburne. On the 33d ballet Blaine gained 2 from Georgia and lest 2 in Illinois. On the thirty-fourth ballet Wisconsin made a break from Washburne te Garfield, te try the eficct of grooming a new dark horse. This brought up Garfield's vote, but reduced Washburne's correspondingly aud did net affect the main issue. When the ballet was announced, show ing Garfield's increase, he challenged its correction, refusing his consent te run for the nomination. On this (34th) ballet Blaine gained six in Indian; (who had left him before) and Grant captured 1 from Blaine in Tennessee. On the 33th ballet Indiana broke for Garfield and gave him 27 te 2 for Blaine. Maryland gave Garfield 2. Grant get a vote from Minnesota and gained 2 from Pennsylvania. On the 36th ballet Connecticut broke for Garfield with 11 votes. On the 36th ballet, when Illinois was reached, Garfield get 4 votes ; Indiana gave him 29 ; Iowa cast 22 for him and the excitement became intense. Amid loud cheers for Garfield, Kansas gave him C. As this ballet went en it became appar ent that Garfield would receive all of Blaine's strength and the excitement be came intense ever the prospect of his nom ination. Louisiana cast 8 for him, Maine 14; Nevada and New Hampshire went solid for him ; Ohie gave him 43, Penn sylvania 21, New Yerk 20 ; Michigan. Massachusetts and New Jersey followed. By this time it seemed certain that he would be nominated. When Tennessee voted 7 for him the poll was questioned and a roll call ordered. Befere the end of the ballet was reached and when Vermont voted for him Garfield was nominated. The convention went wild with excitement, aud the baud could net be heard for the cheers. The Candidate. James A. Garfield, of Menter, was born in Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohie, November 19, 1831 , graduated at Wil liams college, Massachusetts, in 183G ; was president of a literary institution for sqverat years; studied and practised law ; was a member of the State Senate of Ohie in 1859-'60 ; entered the Union army in 18G1 as colonel of the Forty-second Ohie Volunteers ; was promoted te the rank of brigadier general January 10, 18G2 ; was appointed chief of staff of the Army of the Cumberland, and was promoted te the rank of major general September 20, 1863 ;' was elected te the Thirty-eighth, Thirty ninth, Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty-second, Forty-third, Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth Congresses, and was re-elected te the Forty-sixth Congress as a Republican, receiving 17,1G6 votes against 7,553 votes for Hubbard, Democrat, and 3,148 votes for Tuttle, National. He was elected United States senator te succeed Thurman by the Ohie Legislature last winter, and would have taken his seat at the opening of the Forty-seventh Congress in 1881. Mrs. Garfield is of delicate form, in rosy health, a domestic, devoted mother, fitting her four young generals for college or for active life, a lady of sunny spirit. and of a very quiet, dignified bearing. Made It Unanimous. Conkling moved te make the nomina tion unanimous, and in doing se congratu lated the Republican party en their choice. The motion was carried, making the nomination unanimous. Legan spoke. He also congratulated the people en their choice.. Hale also seconded the nomination and pledges the support of the Blaine forces in electing the nominee. There was great cheering. Time te Take Breath. A motion was made by Harrison, of Ind., te take a recess until 5 p. m. Car ried. Jehn Sherman's Appeal. Fester read te the convention the fol lowing telegram : "Whenever the vote of Ohie will be likely te assure the nomina tion of Garfield I appeal te every delegate te vote for him. Let Ohie be solid for Garfield. Make this same appeal in my name te every delegate." "Jehn Shebmax." WEATHJSR INDICATIONS. "Washington, June 8. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or rising, fol lowed by falling barometer, northerly veering te easterly winds, partly cloudy weather, falling followed by rising tem perature. MARKETS. rnuadelphla Market. Philadelphia. June 8. Fleur Terr dull ? superfine $3 ft.350; extra at $3 73?4 25; Ohie anil Indiana family at $5 WJQ5 75 : Penn'a family H 755 23; St. Leuis family $5 50Q6 00 ; Minnesota family $187(35 75; patent and high grades C 50j$7 50. Kye flour at $1 73. Cernnieal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat tirm ; Ne. 2 Western Ked $1302131: I'enn'a Red l 3!g!l 32; Amber $1 311 32. Cern strong; steamer 5J53c; yellow 54c mixed 53-jC. Oats linn ; Ne. 1, White. 4314c : Ne. 2. de 4242H; Ne. 3, de 40 41c; Se. ;, Mixed 38c. Kye dull ; Western anil la. SSc. Previsions steady; mess perk at f 11 75; beef hams 171S 00 ; India mess beet $1616 50 ; bacon.snieked shoulders 545ic; salt 4U4c ; smoked hums lOJiQUc ; picKluu hams sii&Jiic. Lard steady ; cuy kettie7Jc ; leese butchers 6Jc ; prime steam $6 U5JJ7. itutter dull except fadvy crudes; Creamery extra, 2022c; Bradford County and New Yerk extra. IS 10c ; Western lteserve extra, 14l5c : de geed te choice, 12 lie; Kells dull: Penn'a extra 10gi8; Western reserve extra 1013c. Kggsllrmer; Penn'a 13c: Western 12c. Cheese firm well sold up; New'Yerk factory 13c; Western lull cream, UWc: de fair te geed 10llc; de half skinwUJiCeiOc. Petroleum lirm ; retlnedtc. Whisky l 11. Seeds wholly nominal ; Geed te prime Tim Tim othy at $2 75S3 : Flaxseed at $1 45. Stock Markets. Philadelphia. June 8. 1230 r. M. 2:00 p. M . Stocks dull and steady. PennaU's (third issue) 107 Philadelphia A Erie 13 Heading li .... Pennsylvania 50-2 .... Lehigh Valley. 49fs United Ces. et N. J l.V;4 Northern Pacific iVsjj " Preferred J7)-i Northern Central 'M Lehigh Navigation 2t;j Norristown 1U1 Central Transportation Ce. 4? Pitts., Titusviile A liulfale. 15J.J Little Schuylkill. 44 New Yekk, June i. Stocks stren, Meney N. Y. Central ........... OU4 1 v ff llv Adam- Express Michigan Central... Michigan Southern... ... iyi ...lOIJi uniiei lemmi... .104 Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..114 Chicago A Iteck Island.. .201 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne. Western Union Tel. Ce Teledo A Wubash New Jersey Central .120 B1& United States Bends and Sterling Kxclmiie (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. f. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, June 8. United States f.'s, 1381, (registered).. 103104 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .I03'4lttJ7i United States 4 V, 1801, (registered)100,10 00 United States 45's,lsyi,(coupeiis).. .lUfyfglCQJi United States 4's, 1007. (resi-,tercd)..108;:i(ri10;,i United States Currency G's 123 Sterling Kxclianne.. -t.i7 !iKl Cattle Market. Mexkat, June 8. The receipts of rattle at the various Philadelphia yards for the past week were: Heeves, 2,400 head ; sheep and lambs, 8,000 de. ; hogs, 4,500 de. ; fresh cows, ISO de. Beeves. The market was quite active, nnd the liiiht arrivals hud the rllcct of raWim; prices n per pound. We quote Kxtni atfi'jitjt Oic; geed iit55ic ; medium, 44c; com men, 4&4;.;jc ; mixed, iwjj.iw, calves, 4ee. SALhd AT TUB WEST PHILADELPHIA TAIU. Jleail. 170 Begcr Maynes, Western and Lancaster co., gross, .ritf'Jc. 137 Owen smith, for Samuel Can llriian, gross, 5.ic. 135 A. A J. Christy, Lan coniitv.gressJ,'4?5Jc. 170 K. S. A B. V. McFillcn, Western, grets. 53Jc. Ill Ullmau A Lehman Hre., Western and Lancaster co.. gre , 53jc. 70 James Clein-en, Penn'a "and Western, gross, 53J.c. 30 Denis Miiyth, Penn'a, gross, S.ri'. 230 Jehn McArdle, Lancaster and Yeik coun ties, gross, 5'4j.V4c. 70 Daniel Murphy, Lancaster co., gre, 4JQ 5Je. 03 Leweustein & Adler, W'.-stcrn, gross, 5 155 G. Ticluimhcrg & Ce., Western, gre1-, 5f?.V'c. 17 V. sheetz, Western, gross, rijgsi.c. It! K. Sheet, cows, gross, 'iyixy.v. 22 L. Hern, Lancaster and -Mi 111 In counties, gre, 4'5c. 35 II. Chain, jr.. Western and Penn'a, gross, fl5'e. Ill Danicf Smvth A, ee. and West ern, gres, 5 ViS54c 103 Bachuinn A Levi, Western nnd Lan. co., gre-s, .ri8.V'jJc. IS AbeOstheim, Chicagees, gross, SJ3J.jc. 17 S. Dreii'us, Western, gross, S.Ve. 18 P. Hathaway, Lime, co., gross, 4He. 125 L. Schamherg, Western, gross, ij.'c. 50 M. Levi, Western, gross, 4'45sjc. Fresh Cows were in fair demand aud pricen ranged from $20te$3tiper head. Hogs were in geed demand, and prices were unchanged. We quote extra at tj,'fc ;. geed iitfijc: medium at tc; common at tic. Lambs were in better demand. We quote from 5 te 8c per pound. Sheep were net se plentiful and prices were c per pound higher. We quote Lxtra. 100 te 110 lbs., .WjSKc; geed. 00 te 100 lbs, 4;4j5c ; geed, Mi te oe 11m 444j; l'jc: Tair, 70 te 80 lbs, 4J4 Vic ; interior, 3J-,4c ; common, 3J43e. SALES AT Till; JfOKTII PHILADELPHIA VAUD. Head. 140 15. Hepe, Lan. co., gross, IJSSic tW ItieferA Katz, Chicagees, giess, 5g5jc. 8f! IJidcy A Scattergoed, Chicagees, grs. 5j5. fts W. W. Tiffany, Chicagees, gross, 5c 48. Jehn Kidney, jr., Yerk State, gresv, 34c 3c Win. Bobbins, Ment, co., gross, 3,'e. FURXITURE. MM OF ALL KIDS AT SHORT NOTICE. My arrrngements arc new completed te de Begildiiig in manner und at reason able prices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, l.Kat King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. FOR SALE OR REST. JOB KENT. . The second story of Eshlemnn A Bath von'.s Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a B. It. Depot, ou Chestnut stieet. B. F. KSHLKMAN. f23-2tdAStt Attirncv-at-Law 'OK SALK. EIGHT LARGE WINDOW SASH, with Glass, Frames. Shutter, Hinges anil Catches complete, suitable for tobacco ware house or ether large building. Will be sold cheap. Call at AMOS J11LEY S Saddle and Harness Stere, ie4-3td Ne. 108 North Queen Street. WANTED. rrrATKD. kvekyuedy te awvek Y tlse, free of charge, In the Istelliues ckb, who wants something te de. IAiS! KAGS! KAGS! BAGS WANTED, t Housekeepers take notice that we ar paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED BAGS Cash paid us seen as delivered te WM. IIKNNECKE, npriKhnd Ne. 2". West King Street. FINANCIAL. TAMES KKOWN, DEALER IN STOCKS and Bends, 04 ami CG Broadway, New Yerk. Operations en margin and by means or privi leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation and Invest ment. - ml5-lydTu.ThAS a 'BY LOCHEB'S KJSJMimXED COUGH . SYKUP