LANCASTER DAH 1OTELLIGENCER: SATURDAY, JUNE-5, 1880. Contracts Awarded. The water committee en Thursday even ing opened the bids for material for repair of the reservoir and made the following awards : Twe hundred bancls, mere or Jess, Ros Res cndalc hydraulic cement company at $1.45 per band, delivered en cars. Fifty thousand hard burnt brick, de livered at reservoir, te Pentz &Bre., at $7 per thousand. Hauling sand, per ten, awarded te Jelin Mu.sser at 30 cents per ten. Ne award for furnishing two hundred tens of river sand was made. The bids sue us fellows : A. Hess & Ce., Safe Harber, $1.00 per ten delivered at railway siding, Lancaster; Israel Hanlun, Marietta. $1.30; T. J. Clepper, Columbia, $1.40 -Jehn Waller, .Marietta, $1.20 ; Schwebel & Deets, Lan caster, $1.20 ; A. J. Dunlap, Lancaster, $1.15; Walter Freybergcr, Marietta, $1.10; Geerge Hardncal, Columbia, $1.00; C. A. .Schailncr, Marietta, 07c. ; Thes. Schott, Marietta, 0.1c. The lowest bidders failed te send se curity along with their bids and the com mittee therefore laid the matter ever until the next meeting of the committee en Monday evening, directing the bidders te send with their s-ecuiitya sample of the s.ind. The Lamp Committee. At a meeting of the lamp committee held hist evening it was agiccd te recommend te councils that the contract for lighting the city with yas be awarded te the old company at the price bid by them, and t hat the lighting with gasoline be given te the present contractors, the Glebe com pany, at a slightly reduced price. The new gas company efTer te light these city lamps along the line of their pipes that cannot be reached by the old gas company, at the same rate per lamp that is paid for gasoline. This preposition will probably be accepted. A special meeting of council has been ailed for Tuesday evening te consider the bids for lighting the. city, and te award the contracts. CO..I!Ml!lA. A Yeung ."iIeii'h Democratic Club Organizing- Mr. Gee. Yeung presided and Gee. W. Schroeder was secretary of a meeting held at Win. U. Given, csq.'s, ellicc in Colum bia last evening, te organize a young men's Democratic club. F. 1. 1). Miller, Gee. W. Schroeder, II. C. Lichty, Gee. Tille and F. A. Dennett were appointed a committee en permanent organization, te icpert a president, three vice presidents ( one from each waul ), a secretary and assistant, and a treasurer. Gee. F. Halhveu and Lewis Filbert were appeincd te draft a constitution and by laws. Jacob Sueath, II. S. Graybill, Jehn Kline Smith and W. Hayes Grier. were appointed a committee te procure a room en the i-cceiul lloer of Pclweilcr's hall en Second sticet. The meeting adjourned te Friday even ing the 18th inst. at M o'clock. The meeting was well attended. These present showed by their actions that they meant business. A number of short but very inteicsling and appropriate speeches were made. All young Democrats are in vited te be present at the next meeting of the club. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. V. C. Flouting Breaks III Thigh. Last evening .Mr. I). f '. Fleming, propri etor of the NclTsville hotel, had his thigh bone broken, under rather peculiar circum stances, lie had been in Lancaster en business, and en his way home stepped at Keseville. While standing near the car riage a deg ran against him and between his legs and Mr. Fleming, making :i quick movement, had his left thigh bone" (irbkun completely off. Mr. Fleming is doubly unfortunate, as last winter he was thrown from a horse and sustained a serious com pound fracture of the left thigh-bone, was confined te bed for many weeks, and was still lame from the effects of it. The frac ture yesterday is an inch or two above the 4 old one, and Mr. Fleming will be again laid up for weeks. OBITUAltY. Dcitli ! the Old Aecei iliuli 1 'layer. David lleiney, the eccentric old man who u.-cd te be seen almost daily en our sticets playing an accordion, and who two or thice weeks age was adjudged a lunatic, died last evening at the residence of his son, in Martic township. lie took sick al most immediately after being declared a lunatic, and gradually grew worse until he died, lie was about 70 years old, and was a most devoted admirer of the fair sex, saluting all of them who came within sight or hearing with a blast from his accordion which he always carried with him. The Lancaster Household Market. Our city markets at the present time are a delight te the epicures and the house wife. Fruits, vegetables and dairy pro ducts arc abundant, cheap and fresh. Our regular market quotations will be found en the first page of te-day's paper. Stiaw berries are the leading features of the nuir y ket, selling from 10 te 18 cents, and they are of unexampled size, beauty and deli deli cieusness. The "Meuarchs of the West," "Cumberland" and "Albany" varieties are the favorites, and Sunday supplies of the beauties could be laid in this afternoon at six boxes for $1. In the .Seventh Vtrd. Last evening Katie Gray and Ann Pat terson, two colored girls, were arrested en Middle street for being disorderly. They wen locked up and some time during the night they gave bail for a hearing before Alderman Dennelly of the Seventh ward en Monday. Ellen Stewart, colored, was also disor derly. A warrant was issued by Alder man Dennelly for her arrest, but she locked herself in the house and was net taken at the time. Death of a Nttnegeiiariun. "Mether -t Gall, the eldest woman in Willow sticet, being 91 years old, died at the residence of her grandson. Jehn Gall, yesterday. She was the widow of "Frit ter " Gall, who died live or six years age at the age of nearly a hundred years, and who, until near the close of his life was a well-knew tavern keeper in Willow Street. Mether Gall pissed p3.1cefullya.way, her death being apparently as painless as though she weie falling asleep. Ueiue Again. Alderman Spurrier, Capt. McMellen, c Clayt. Myers, all of the Exchange, and some ethers who were at. the Chicago bear garden, have returned home. They declare it the " biggest show en earth." The "curbstone" delegates have net yet returned. Mitten Kelief-Jrand. Mayer MacGonigle has received from F. BvNaglc, chief -burgess "of Milten, a postal carl adkne.w lodging the receipt of $155.25 the Iatt installment of the Lancaster con tribution te the relief of the sufferers by the late lire. The amount sent previously by Mayer MacGenigle was $2,900 which, with the last remittance, makes a total $3,055.25. A Curious Turtle ISgg. We were shown te-day a curiosity iu the shape of a turtle egg, taken from the body of a large turtle which was slaughtered at Harry Myers's saloon this morning. The egg is a curiosity in its construction, being two eggs in one, joined together at the ends by a blending of the shell. L'muailable Matter. Theie is in the rack at the posteffice letters addressed te the following named persons : "Mr. Herace N. liiemcusderfer, Lititz,"' no stamp. "Mrs. Maty Herr, Safe Harber," only a one cent stamp en it. "Miss Dilla Shaffer, Mcndeta," held for better directions. Alleged Thiet Arrested. James F. Tobin, who claims te be from Rhede Island, was arrested by Constables Eichholtz and.McDcvitt this afternoon. He is charged with being an accomplice of tlic man who robbed Dr. Boyd's office in June, 1878. Alderman Spurrier sent him te jail for a hearing. ' - Charles Spreelier'n Funeral. The body of Charles Sprecher, who died in Colerado a few days age, arrived in town this afternoon at 3 o'clock and was interred at Woodward Hill cemetery. Finger Mashed. Isaac Quigley, an employee of the Pcnn iron company, had the second linger of one of his hands mashed yesterday by hav ing it caught between the billet and the large shears used for cutting iron. m A Nice Wagen. Norbeck fc Miley, the Seuth Duke street carriage manufacturers, have just finished a nebby little wagon for S. Clay Miller, liquor dealer. The body is shaped like a drag and in it are two seats the back one of which can be removed when the wagon is te be used for the delivery of goods. With this seat in, the wagon can be used for pleasure, and it will very comfort ably scat four persons. The painting and ornamenting of the wagon was done by Eugene Norbeck, a nephew of one of the members of the firm. The body is black, with Mr. Miller's name in geld scrip letters en the side. On cither side of the front scat is the monogram of Mr. Miller in geld, and en the rear is painted a barrel. The running gears are straw colored with a heavy green stripe and are tinted with blue, red and black. The wagon is very pretty and the design of it is original with this firm, which has a fine reputation for turning out geed work. It. of I, I'ienic. On 51 outlay next the Lancaster Club, K. of 1. will held a grand picnic at leu s Ham. Over two hundred luttie' invitations have been issued and an enjoyable affair is assured. Omnibuses will run from Centre Square every hour during the day and evening. Excelsior Hall. Kugeue Bauer, ter years past the accommo dating bar lender at Knapp's saloon, lias taken Sprcnger's building, Xe. 127 Kast King street, known as Kxcelsier Hall, one of the largest, coolest, most pleasant and convenient places of the kind iu the city, where lie pro poses te furnish his lricnds and the public with 1 lie best and coolest lager and beck beer in the market. Sr. Jacob's On. cures the Ueut. A feed anil a medicine arc combined in the most perfect manner in Malt Bitters. The mystery has been solved at la-t : Our teeth no longer need decay. All troubles of the mouth are past, By SOZO DOST they're swept away: And young and old may smile secure With lips and teeth se bright and pure. mySl-lwtlcedAw Beautifies the complexion by stimulating the small bleed-vessels Cuticum Medicinal Seap. SPECIAL NOTICES. If you want te get rid of pimples, boils, tel ler, &c.. use " Lindsey's Bleed Searcher."' sold by all druggists. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Nature's Sluice-way. The Kidneys are nature's sluice waj te wash out the debris et our constantly changing bodies. If they de net work properly the trouble is felt everywhere. Then be wise and as seen as you sec signs of disorder get a pack age of Kidney-Wert and take it faithfully. It will clean the sluice-way of sand, gravel or slime and purify the whole system. niy.'.I-lwd&w Don't Oct the Chills. If you are subject te the Ague you must be sure te keep your liver, bowels and Kidneys in geed free condition. When se, you will be safe from all attack. The remedy te use is Kidney-Wert. It is the best prevention of all malarial diseases that you can take. Sec large advertisement. my31-l wd & w Weman's Wisdom. "She insists that it is mere importance, that her lamily shall be kept in lull health, than that she should havenll the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees te it, that each member of her family is supplied with enough Hep Bitters, at the 11 reappear ance of any symptoms of ill heath, te prevent a lit el sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should cxerci-e their wisdom in this way." Ed. jl-2wd.Vw Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although effectual in desti eying worms, can de no pesiblc injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, anil found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty five cents 11 box. Manir-lvd&wTuTlntS Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. 51. Sheehan, of Oscoda. 5Iich., writes : ' I have used Dr. Themas' Electric Oil en horses for different diseases and found it te de iust as you recommended. It has done justice for me every time, and is the best oil for horses I ever used. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l.'Kl North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. IS Ne Safeu RE.MEDT can bu had for Coughs and Colds or any trouble of the threat, than " lirewii'i lirenchial Troches.'" Imitations arc offered for sale, many of which arc injurious. Tlie genuine Bronchial Troches are sold only in bores. jl-lwdTTh&S&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. The secret et long life is te keep the liver perfectly healthy, which Is best accomplished by using "Sellers' Liver Pills." What de you de when you have a cold ? ask ed a little b"ey et Jenes the ether day. Cough replied Jenes. 1 don't, for my, ma gives me Dr Themas' Electric Oil ami it always steps mv coughing. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. 15 Frem a Distinguished Clercyinnii. Washington, D. C, June 10, 1870. I hayc known of several persons who re garded themselves as greatly benefited, anil some of them as permanently cured of diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs by your medicine. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I have known, tee, et its use in similar ceses by physicians et the highest character and standing. I de net doubt that it has great virtue. J. E. RANKIN. J1-2A11&W Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Try Lecher's Renowned. Cough Syrup. Satisfaction given in the past is geed evi dence for the future. Try Dr. Theuias' Elec tric Oil for coughs, colds, neuralgia, and rheu matism. It always gives satisfaction. Fer sale H. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 135) North Queen street, Laucaater, Pa. 17 Brown's Household 1'anacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplled externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIS. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler ei het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. heaths. Hk.ns. In this city, en the 3d inst., Jehn Hen.-', in the 73d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family ait respeetlully invited teattendthetuneral Irein his late lesdence t:J." 5Iiddle street, en Sunday afternoon, at iy. o'clock. Interment at Zlen's ccmctcrv. Service; at St. Stephen's church.1 2td Kaukfmajt. In Lancaster, Pa., en June 4, 1SS0, .Miss Eliza Kauttmaii, in the 4th year of her age. The relatives and triends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her late residence. Ne. i07 North 51ulberry street, en Monthly afternoon, at i o'clock. In terment at Shreiner's cemetery. 2til Clements. June 3, 1SS0, in Lancaster, Pa., Anna Barbara Clements, widow of the late Andrew Clements, iu the 77th year of her age. The relatives aiul'friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her son-in-law, Levi K. Laudis's resilience, Ne. 4(K) East King street, en Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Mcllinger's meeting house. Services both ut the house and meet ing house. new advertisements. T 'OIIACCO f.ltmVKUS INSURE TOUR Tobacco Creps in the Pennsylvania Hail insurance company. JOHN II. METZLER. Agent, ltd Ne. '. Seuth Duke Street. CITY TAXES. The duplicate of city taxes is new in the hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or be fore July 1, 18S0. E. WELCHANS, j et-td 51, F&S It T reasurer. DR. HM. B. FAIINESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, has re sumed his ellice practice, and can be found at his residence. Ne. . EAST KINC STREET. ml8-2mdewS TCE CREAM ANUSTIUWHERKY FESTI VAL. Will be held at the First Baptist church, en Thursday, Friday and Saturday cvenings of next week, where an enjoyable time may be expected. ' ltd INSTATE OF ANN McCOKT, LATE OF li Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lancaster city. REV. A. F. KAlL, je5-dtdeaw Exccnter. TOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. CnESTSi'T Hill Iken Oiie Ce., Slay '.9, ISfc'O. The annual election of Direetorset this com pany will be held at their office in Columbia, Lancaster county. Pa., en Thursday, the 17th ilav et June, at 11 o'clock a. in. K. F. HATFIELD, Jit., jcj-eedtd Secretary. GEO. W. BROWN, UNDERTAKER, A (ST., Ne. 14G EAST KINO STREET. Itcsidencu 21 Seuth Prince Street. may22-lmdSAWR T MIK GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION EXCELSIOR HALL, I Nes. 125 and 127 EAST KING STREET, I being the largest, most commodious and coolest place in the city te spend a few et your leisure hours "by the side of a glass of cool, sparkling Lager Beer, tapped fresh from the keg. This evening Lager Beer and Beck Beer en tap. El'OENE BAUEK, ltd Proprietor. TaE HOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS of the Lancaster City District will meet "xnursday evening, June 17, for the purpose of electing teachers lertne ensuing term 01 ten months. Applicants for positions must pre sent their certificates te the Secretary of the Beard prier te that date. C. F. EBER5IAN, je5-S,W,S51d fecrctary. PUBLIC SAL.K. On SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1S0, will be sold at public sale, at the King of Prussia Hetel, (Win. Balz, proprietor.) Nes. 214 and 21fi West King street, Lancaster. Pa., the following prenerty, te wit : A double one-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with one-story Brick Back Building, containing 7 rooms. The let fronts 8H feet, mere or less, en Derwart street, and extends back l."0 feet, mere or less, te a 14-teetallcy,and has a well et geed water thereon, situate Nes. 117 and 119 Derwart street. Parties wishing te view the property can de se by calling en the undersigned or at the premises. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. et said day, when terms and conditions will be made known by BAUS51AN & BURNS, Real Estate Agents, Office 10 West Orange Street. Sam'l Hess & Sex, A'ucts. m2B-eetlR I ? OR LINEN COLLARS GO TO ERISSIAN'S. F OR FANCY STOCKINGS OO TO KUISMAN'S. F OR SUSPENDERS CO TO ERISMAN'S. 'OK NEW STYLE LINES HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, 5G NORTH QUEEN STREET. the best article known for cleaning Geld, Silver, Plated Ware and Glass. Price, 25c. Per Bex. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. UY B. F. BOWMAN, 100 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. nfflumi OF ALL MI AT SHORT NOTICE. 5Iv arrrngements arc new completed te de Reg'ilding in first-class manner ami at reason able prices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, 13 East King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. T XY LOCHER'S KENtnvNED COUGH SYRUP JfXWXDVXUTIBBMXNTti. Stem-Winding Clocks With an Alarm, convenient for Traveling. STEM-WINDING STRIKING CLOCKS. Will run in any position, wftn Black or White Dials, at AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA CLOTHTNG. J. K. SMALING THE ABTIST TAILOR. Opening te-day of a large antl select line of English Novelties KOIt SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, BANNOCKBURN CELTIC CHEVIOTS. GAMBROON PARAMATA AND BATISTE CLOTHS. SEERSUCKERS, VALENCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. Wilterd's Paddetl Ducks In Plain antl Fancy Styles. A Large Assortment of Fancy Ml I All the latest novelties of the season. The public nre ceiill.i'ly Invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most recherche ever ettered for the het weather. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N0HTH QUEEN STREET. JVWEI.BKH. IOUI.S WEBER, A WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159 NORTH QUEEN STREET,near P. II. It. Depot, 1 Jin caster, Pa. Geld, Sliver antl Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ter the celebrated Pantascepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd BAILEY, BANKS OUR A 1 51 II AS BEEN ALWAYS TO KEEP THE VERY BEST IN ALL THE DEPART MENTS OF OUR BUSINESS, AND AND BIDDLE, 12th and CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. BY LAYING IN LAKGE QUANTI TIES ENTIRELY FOR CASH, TO 5IARK OUR GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OUR IMMENSE BUSINESS IS ABUNDANT PROOF OF COMPLETE SUCCESS IN T 1 1 1 S E N D K AVOR. W E SEND. ON APPROVAL, BY EXPRESS OR OTHER WIS::, DIAMONDS, WATCHES. S I L V E R W A R E, JEWELRY, DECORATIVE ARTICLES, Ac. OUR STOCK COMPRISES AN IMMENSE VARIETY OF ELEGANT AND NOVEL GOODS SUITABLE FOR WEDDING GIFTS. FOR SALE OR BENT. Ij'OR RENT. 1 The second story et Eshleman & Rath von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, ant also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'u R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. K. ESHLEMAN. f-3-2td&Stt Atternev-at-Law IJUKLIC SALE OF HORSES. . On MONDAY, JUN E 7. 18S0, will be sold at Jehn Dcn.inger's Merrtmac Heuse, US N. Prince street. Lancaster, Pa., 16 head of Ohie Horses, among which arc a pair of Matched Bay Horses that can trot In 3 minutes to gether; also Black Mare, can trot in 2:50. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. ltd DANIEL LOGAN. rj"OR SALE. BIGHT LARGE WINDOW SASH, with Glass, Frames, Shutters, Hinges and Catches complete, suitable for tobacco ware house or ether large building. Will be sold cheap. Call at AMOS MILET S Saddle and Harness Stere, jel.Std Ne. 108 North Queen Street. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAHLE REAL ESTATE. Pursuant te an order of tin Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, Pa., will be sold at public sale, at the public house of Philip Wall, en West King street, en THURS DAY, the 10th day of JUNE, A. D. 1880, the fol lowing described real estate, late of Frederick Reller, deceased, te wit : All that certain let or piece of ground with a two-story ami attic BRICK DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected, situated en Marietta Avenue, Ne. 617, in the city of Lancaster, Pa., containing In front en Marietta Avenue 23 feet, mere or less, antl ex tending in depth te a public alley 96 feet, mere or less. Bounded en the west by property of D. G. Baker, en the cast by property of Jehn Graham, an the north by the aforesaid alley, anil en the south by Marietta Avenue. The improvements are a two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse with Frame Kitchen attached, a well of never-falling water with pump therein, grape vine, and ether necessary improvements. Sale te commence at 7K o'clock p. in. en said day, when attendance wfll be given and con ditions made known by W. II. ROLAND, ml9-3wdWAS Trustee in Partition. WANTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODV TO ADVKR tlse, free of charge, in the Ihtelliokn Ihtelliekn cbr, who wants something te de. WANTED EMPLOYMENT BY THE day, te de either hauling or general housework. Apply at 636 Beaver street. IAGS! RAGS! RAOS! BAGS WANTED. t Housekeepers take notice that we ar gaying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAG S ash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, apr9-3md Ne. TJS West King Street: MAXKETS. Mew Yerk. Market - , t Nxw Yerk, Jane 5. Fleur-ifetite undiWestf cm quiet ana prices wnneui, important" change ; superline state $3 754 30 ; ex tra de 4 2304 73; choice", dtp V.mH .00 ;' fancy 5 0586 00;Veund hoop Ohie 94 903 23 :' choice de $5 306 50 ; superfine western $3 75g 4 50: common te geed extra de $4 25480; choice de de $4 Se 00; choice white wheat de $4 75JJ5 00; Southern dull and unchanged; common te fair extra $0 235 S5; geed te. Choice j de $5 50S7 00. . w Wheat Spring quiet and 1mn ; Winter c better and moderate trade : Ne. 2 Red. June,127127: de July, $1 1VA ; de Au gust, $1 18. Cern lc better and active; Mixed west ern spot, 52Se4Jc; de future 5P433c Oats ttrm anil quiet; State4247c ; Western 40?iic. Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess 11750. - Lard quiet antl firm; steam rendered $7(.. Whisky dull ; Western $1 061 09. Spirits of turpentine dull at 44ffl45e. rniladelphia Market. PuiLADKLrniA. June 5. Fleur dull, weak; superfine 3 003 50; extra at 3 734 25; Ohie and Indiana lamily at $5 00S 73 : Penn'a fuTYillv !u 7?,? -; st l.ntiia rumMi- rjin m . Minnesota family 4S03S 00; patent and high grades $6 .VtgS (0. Kye flour at $4 73. Cernmcal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat firmer : Ne. 2 Western Red 12?I 29M Penn'a Red $1 U71 2S; Amber $1 2S1 29. Cern firmer; steamer 5051c; yellow 52 53c ; mixed 5lc. Oats dull and weak; Ne. 1, White. 42c; Ne. 2, de 41 J ; Ne. 3, de39Ji0c; Ne. ?, Mixed eiBC. Rye lower; Western and Pa. SSc. Previsions linn ; uitss perk at 112.II 50; beef hams $1718 03 ; India m,8s beet $17 50018 ; bucon,smeked shoulders 545c;'salt 4J44c ; hams 10llc ; pickled nams SJgSc. Lard firm ; city kettle 7c ; loose biucliew 6J.7e; prime steam $005. Butter sluggish, easv ; Creamery extra.20 21c ; 11. C. and N. Y. "extra. 18l!)c ; Western Reserve extra. 1415c ; de geed te choice, 12 He ; Rolls dull ; Penn'a extra 1013 ; Western reserve- extra 10 13c. Eggs firm; Penu'aI3Jc; Western 12c. Cheese firm and scarce; New Yerk factory 13c : Western lull cream, llc: de fair te geed 10llc ; de half skims 9U10Kc Petroleum firm ; refined i4c. Whisky $1 11. Seetls whellv nominal : Geed te nrimc Tim ethy at $2 733 : Flaxseed at$l 45. Stock Markets. Philadelphia. June ". 12:30 P.M. 3:0)1. M. .stocks dull. PeunaO's (third issue) 107:C Philadelphia & Erie liij-.f Heading 1J Pennsylvania T0 Lehigh Valley. ASy, United Ces. of N. J KX) Northern Pacific 25' " Preferred ......... 40 Northern Central 32 Lehigh Navigation 26 Norristown 100 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts., Titusville & Itunale. 15 Little Schuylkill 44 Nxw Yerk, June 5. Stocks weak. Meney 34 N. Y. Central 124 Adams Express 110 Michigan Central 7.)y. M iehigan Southern U7' " Illinois Central 102 " Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..113 Chicago & Reck Island 197 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne. 119 Western Union Tel. Ce 91' Teledo & Wabash 31 New Jersey Central 5SJ4 United States lienets and Sterling Exchange- (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, June 5. United States 6's, 18.91, (registered). .103?;103 United States 5's, 1881, (registered).. lOStslU' United States 4's, 1891, (registered)l09-4109 United States 4's,1891,(coupons).. .10!10 00 United States 4's, 1907. (registered).. 107(8108 United States Currency 6's 123 Sterling Exchange 4S7 490 WALL PAPERS, c. w E ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WIRE SCREENS for doers and windows. Plain Wires in Green, Drab ami Black. Alse Beautiful Landscapes for Parler Screens. Sold by the feet in any quan tity, or made up in Screens te tit windows antl put up in siicn a manner that you need net take out when you wish te close them. PAPER HANGINGS in an cndle-s line te select from iu the leading styles. A let of ends in order te close out will be sold out very cheap. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Plain and Figured Goods. Cardinal, Green anil White Hollands. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Cheapest and Best Cornice made. Fit any window up te five feet In width. Cornice Poles in Walnut anil Ebony. Orders taken for PIER AND MANTEL MIRK0RS, AT LOW RATES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. teblO-lydAw ARV1IEKT. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT FLINN & BREMEHAN'S. ARCHERY, Croquet. Base Balls and Bats, Chinese Tey Bemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, ami ether Seasonable Goods, at Fliuii & Breneman's, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. BE EST BARGAINS IN BLACK SILK AT $1, Ever offered. Persons in want should sec It. OUR SALES OF Black and Colored Silks This season have been unprcccilentcdly large, owing te the large stock we show te customers and extremely Lew Prices. DRESS GOODS Of every description in all'thc varlens Fabrics and Styles new in vogue. FAIIBSTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. TRD TO THE LADIES! lust received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 St 40 WEST KING STREETS. Having added in connection with our Large Stock or Carpets, Yarns, Ac., A FINE LINE OF DRY GOODS, such as CALICOES. BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, TICK INGS. COTTON FLANNELS. CASHMERES, BLACK ALPACAS. SHEETINGS, NEW STYLE OF SHIRTING, NEW STYL "ORBSS GOODS, TABLE LINENS. NAPKINS, TOWELS, Ac., which we are selling at MODERATE P BICES. m4-3md ,IMPJTI0E. SATURDAY EVENING, "JUNE 5, I88O. CHICAGO. COXKLIXG'S DESPERATE BATTLE. THE CONFLICT PROLONGED. Grant Men Beaten Every Time. But Tbey Flinch Net. WILL 1TIOHT-IT OUT ON THAT LINE. Tbe nthnslaui " Last Night. It is notable that tbe great " enthusiasm ' of last night was aroused by Emery Sterrs, the ex-attorney of the Chicago whisky ring, who made his eloquent plea for Grant te a gallery packed with heelers. It was a competition of lungs between the Blaine clacqueuis and theG rant rowdies and each tried te outhewl the ether. Mr. Conkling was conspicieus in leadiug the chorus, lirst by waving his handkerchief and later by standing en Ins chair anil waving the illuminated little banner placed te designate the seats of the New Yerk dele gation. Beb Ingersoll, seizing 2 a lady's shawl, wared it frantically from the plat form. In the centre of the stage, just back of the chair, a fine looking lady with a flag in one hand and a parasol in the ether swung them te and fro and repeated time and again : '" Hurrah for Blaine !" She appeared te be in company with Governer Jewell, of Connecticut. Finally she ob tained two flags, and, with one in each hand, continued her enthusiastic efforts as Innrr i till imrnflr laf Af? When Sterrs get in a shot at Hayes by saying that "the grand old soldier (Grant) is carrying forward the banner of the slug gards," the applause became deafening. It could net be controlled at all. Men tore the shields of the states from their fasten ings, and Tennessee, Kentucky, Flerida, Virginia, Illinois, Texas, Alabama, New Yerk and Vermont, were waving their ban ners under the blazing chandeliers, The Convention Te-day. Chicago, June 5, 11:11 a. m. The dele gates are steadily assembling The galler ies are filling rapidly, dispite heavy showers of rain and a sultry atmosphere, only partially relieved by occasional thunder. The usual rounds of applause were given te notable delegates as they entered the hall. Mr. Garfield especially was received with much enthusiasm prob ably because in some contingencies he is considered a possible winning dark horse in the presidential race. The "Eloquent Prayer." Kcv. Baxter's opening prayer included the following : "Ged, thou Creater of all things, and Mighty Sustainer of all Thy creatures, we begin this day with thank ful acknowledgment of Thy mercies. We commend unto Thy favor and grace the members of this convention. Utile, we pray Thee, in all their counsels, guide all their deliberations, and declare through their vote, for the wisest, for the truest, for the best man te lead this great party in the contest which awaits it. Forbid that the cry of passion should be louder here than the calm voice of duty "forbid that prejudice should warp judgment and compromise principles ; nor permit personal preferences te impair or imperil the peace, the harmony, the en thusiasm, unity of purpose, of fidelity te trust of this convention. " Bleeding Kansas." The chair stated the question te be 011 the report of the committee en credentials, in the case of Kansas, Cenger briefly explained and sustained the majority report. The convention agreed te limit the de bate en Kansas te forty minutes. Plumb (Kan.) replied en behalf the sit ting members and sustaining the minority report. Conkling, coming in while Plumb was speaking, stepped te salute him and was greeted with applause from the Grant sym pathizers. Henk (Twin.) said he did net knew which side of the pending question he was en and asked te be allowed te speak two minutes in order te ascertain his own posi tion. Laughter. The chair said t'.ie gcntlenai must be en one side or the ether te entitle him te oc cupy any of the time allotted te this de bate. Renewed laughter. Houk was allowed te proceed and said he would sus tain the majority report because there was no minority report, but he did net want te be understood thereby as condemning the action of the congressional district in Kansas. Bateman (Ohie) said he did net want te see the tactics of Tammany hall established and maintained iu a Republican organiza tion, te override the true sentiment of the people themselves, as Tammany in New Yerk city overrode the solid Republicans north of Harlem bridge. Therefore he was for the majority report. The Vete. The question was then takcu by a call of the states and the majority report iu the Kansas case was sustained : Yeas, 47G, nays, 184. New Yerk's Division. It was noticeable that in the Kansas case, New Yerk cast only 22 in the affirm ative. Se the majority report, which admits four Grant men (with two votes) from Kansas, was adopted, the committee en credentials holding they were entitled te scats under the principle of district 1 epic sentatien. The Jewel Consistent.-. The failure of the New Yerk Grant men te vote is understood te be caused by a de sire te have the majority report sustained. while their votes ler it would be inconsist ent with their vote in the Illinois cases. It is manifest that the Grant leaders arc using every exertion te compel the longest possible delay. They feel that the longer they can keep the convention in session the mere chance they have te tire out the op position and every possible roll call is de manded and ether filibustering devices are resorted te. West Virginia. The next case taken up was the contest in the 3d district, West Virginia. The committee recommended the retention of sitting members, who are Blaine men. Cenger explained and supported the ma jerity report. Clayten (Ark.) moved te substitute the minority repeit for that of the majority. The minority report recommends the ad mission of the contestants. Raum (Ills) insisted that the "West Va., case steed precisely en all fours with tbe Illinois and Kansas cases, and as the con testants from Illinois and Kansas bad been admitted, these from West Virginia should also be. The Beet en the Other Leg. Codman (Mass.) urged that the principle of district representation required the seating of the ' contestants in the West Virginia case in accordance with the min ority report. He could net understand hew the committee who reported in favor of the 18 contestants in Illinois could have voted against the contestants from Kansas. Hogans ( wTVa.) sustained the majority report, urging that these contestants failed te prove before the .committee that tiiey secured the votes of a majority of the dele gates te tbe state convention from the con gressional districts Cenger sted thatch oemmittee were nearly equally divided en this case, and rather intimated that he was net, himself c?eac in opinion as te the true merits of the case. " The contestants are Sherman men. Alter considerable cress firing between different delegates, as te facts of purely local interest, Haymond ( California') said that whichever way the convention should vote in this case that vote would sustain the principle of district representa tien, iacn side Here claims te be district representatives and the only contreverted question is as te whether the sitting or contesting delegates were legally chosen representatives of the districts involved. The vote was then taken by a call of states, upon substituting the minority ft r the majority report, at 1:42. The roll call resulted : Yeas, 417 ; nayp, 330, en the 3d district, W. Va. Se the motion te sub stitute the minority report was agreed te. and the convention voted ri"ri voce te scat the contestants. The Grant, Shermau and Edmunds men appeared te combine 011 this affirmative vote. The next case of contest considered was that of Utah, and the donate upon it was ordered te be limited te thirty minutes. Utah is new being considered. The plat form committees reports that the report en rules will net occupy much time in their consideration, and after adieurnmeut is had for dinner, there is a possibility of taking a ballet this evening. The Significance of It. The 330 votes for the negation of the West Virginia case are regarded by many as indicating that Blaine's strength iu the convention is at least as great. The field Stronger than Blaine. Special te the Istelliekiickr. Chicago, June 5 2 p. m . The convention has just voted 417 te 330 te unseat contested Blaine delegates for Sherman men in West Virginia. It is the first test of Blaine's strength against the field Grant and Sherman united against Blaine. 3IcCi.cuk. The Utali Cute. The minority report returns the sitting delegates who the majority of committee say were appointed according te the almost universal usage in Utah by Central Re publican committee while the contestants were chosen by an unauthorized anil irreg ular body. Haywood (California) sustained the ma jority report antl stated that the central committee met together without any au thority and elected the two contestants. The committee en crednntials was almjst unanimous in favor of tits sitting dele gates. Cedmau (Mass.) favored the contest ants. Anether Scorn AbaliiKt Blaine. The minority report in favor of admit ting the contestants form Utah in place of the sitting members has been adopted at 2:35 p. m. . Further Businesx. The report of the committee 011 rules and order of business was taken up. The rules of the Heuse of Reprcsantatire were recom mended. The report also recommends that when the vote of a state is cast for a candidate it cannot be changed except in case of numerical error, ten minutes te be allowed for the presentation of each candi date for president. The Ballet. At 3 o'clock the convention proccetle 1 te discuss. General Sharpe's motion te hear nominations and te ballet for pres ident. Sharpe's motion was rejected. .- CONVENTION NOTES. Episodes of the Struggle. Troops of delegates could be found in and around the Palmer Heuse all day ready te sell season tickets of admission, and they found a lively market at prices ranging from S10 te $20. Old Madisen Wells is there. "Whom are you for ?" was asked of him, " Grant, Blaine or Shermau '" Wells winked and said : "Oh, I'm for all of 'em." Bill Chandler, " the political fa nip," who eut-generaled Cameren, is a slight, boyish figure, in 110 particular noticeable, except for an apparent' insignificance. He has thin, gray hair ; a thin, gray beard ; a thin, fiat chest ; thin legs and thin arms. His head is small, his eyes arc small, and his nose is small. Ne woman would ever fall iu love with him at first sight. There has been great complaint about the distribution of admission tickets, and Roe,t of the local committee, had te be let out a second-story back window of tin: Palmer house with a ladder, te protect him from violence for his alleged partiality ill their distribution. Twenty-five tickets reserved for Mr. Hear were stolen from him, and it is rum ored that some of the colored membeis of the convention have been selling them. Queen Victeria's son, Leepold, who is looking at the convention, has a head small and shelving, and well covered with hair of a brownish tint that stretches from a little pimple near his car down his slen der neck. He has the Victorian eye and the lip of a Guelph. Hisuese indicates cu riosity, being long and prominent, with a tendency te point heavenward that is net entirely pleasant. Leepold's as yet undeveloped mustache does net conceal the fact that his mother never taught him te keep his mouth shut. On the contrary, he sat with one thin leg thrown ever the ether long one, his upper teeth showing like squirrel's and his long bauds being knuckly and red as a boiled lobster. Whenever the convention gets dull the delegates rush out te a refreshment stand at'the deer, and every mother's son comes in with a pic. A hall full of men and the men full of pic is a pretty dyspeptic scene, and such a ne was presented te the guests en the plat form. There is a smell of sewer gas in the hall, and quinine pills arc at a premium. There is nothing te cat and nothing whole some te drink. The crowd is simply im mense and crowds stand in all the aisles. Old Senater Hear's gavel with which he calls the convention is as big a nuisance as Jack Fry's cane was at Fulton hall. The Herald bays : " He raised his arm and giving a mighty blew, struck the desk with his gavel and -cnt neuralgic thrills through every nervous head. There aic mere deranged medulla oblengatas in the convention te-day than in the entire coun try besides. Mr. Hear's gavel is an intol erable nuisance." Last night while going up the hotel stairs Legan carelessly said he would bet a 1000 en Grant. A New Yerk man bounced him at once. Legan wouldn't wait till the man get his money ; but he followed Legan, and made old Jack of Spades take the water. WKATIIKR INDICATIONS. Washington, June .". Fer the Middle Atlantic states, falling barometer, warmer southerly winds, partly cloudy weather, followed by increasing cloudiness anil pos sibly local rains. FINANCIAL. JAMKS BROWN, DEALEB IN STOCKS antl Bends, Gl antl CC Brcadway.New Yerk. Operations en margin and by means of privi leges. Information furnished en all mutters connected with stock speculation and Invest ment. mlMydTuTliAS AN KLECTION IfOR PRESIDENT AND Managers of the Lancaster Gas Company wUl be held at their efllce en MON DAY, J UN E M,fromlla.m.te.3o'clockp. m. - LUTHER RICHARDS, m28-2tdeaw Secretary. AMENDMENT TO CHARTER OK LAN caslcur Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. Netice Is hereby given that application has been made te the- Court of Common Pleat of Lancaster cenn ty tegrant certain amendments te charter of Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire 1 11 gurance Company, new nledln Frothenotnry's Office, and motion. ter decree granting the same will be made en the 21st day of June, A. P. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in. WM. R. WILSON, A. CREINOEHL. Solicitors for the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. m2-3wd.M,WftS