- -? I LANCASTER DAILY LN'lLLlGENCKl SATURDAY, JONE 5,1880, pawuc 1 SLaucastct $ntelligenc:er. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 5, 1880. At Chicago. If Mr. Blaine shall be beaten at Chica go, as new seems likely, he will have run the usual course of candidates like him self; and having pressed te the forefront of the battle he will fall prostrate, pierced by the many arrows' that are always aim ed at the foremost man in such a contest. The history of presidential conventions is that the most prominent candidate rarely ever wins, unless events have se shaped themselves that his nomination is assured before the balloting begins. The Held is generally able te beat the favorite, and in the course of contention it becomes very willing and even anxious te de se. In politics nowadays it is very dangerous te any man's supremacy te get tee far ahead of his party rank and file. Beth organizations contain many ambitious men, struggling for spoils and leadership, and each one knows that his ambition can only be realized ever somebody's dead body. Every lance is levelled at the one whose plume nods at the front, and there is very little enthusiastic following of one man in these days. At the convention of 1870 Mr. Blaine nearly wen the prize, and yet as it came cleser and closer te him his prospects only made the opposition mere desperate in their purpose te defeat him, even if they had te take a man who was net tasteful te them. Mr. Blaine started then with about the same strengtli he has new, and of his leading opponents no one expected that either Bristow or Morten could finally succeed. The field was made up of scattering forces, and there was no such compact organization pitted against him as that new led by Conkling, Legan or Cameren, or even as Sherman's phalanx, which has for its leaders Garfield and Fester, who are probably the most cool headed managers in the contest. It need net be expected that Sherman's forces are going te threw themselves into the arms of either Grant or Blaine until every last chance of their man's nomina tion is lest. They held the balance of power, but they are net unconscious of it, and are net disposed te fritter away their strength. Possibly one side or the ether may yet fellow them when they break for a dark horse, and if Garfield were net handicapped by his support of Sherman, he would be as likely te be that dark horse as any man in the field. It does seem, however, that Blaine had one chance te win, which has been thrown away. The time spent by Chan dler in the committee en credentials, was golden time ler the Grant men. Their fortunes were at the lowest ebb while the convention was wait ing for -that committee, and had it been prompt with a report favor able te the Blaine men, a stampede might have been started that would have enabled Blaine te make the lauding. As it was, Conkling succeeded in enforcing his policy of delay. He had all te gain and nothing te lese by it, and the last vote taken last night shows a decided gain for him. At the first day's end he was 91 behind ; at the close of the second he was only 34 in the rear. At that rate of gain his policy will prove a successful one, and his genius for leadership will be demonstrated. The Republicans of this county who were opposed te Thes. J. Davis's nomi nation for district attorney are very largely of the opinion that the 307 ma jerity which the return judges have cred ited te him was fraudulent, and that he is entitled te no recognition as the party nominee. It would no doubt be very easy te demonstrate that this is the case and that three times this many of the votes cast for Davis and probably as many polled for his competitors were bogus under the law and the rules of the party. At any rate his total vote was only 3,G17, and it is monstrous that such a handful of the 28,000 voters of Lan caster county should dictate the incum bent of an important office, when the ether 2e,000 are se thoroughly convinced of his utter unfitness. The people of this county ought te knew by this time what an important efiice that of district attorney is. They have seen justice prostituted in it for years for political or personal ends, and they have seen that the court gives them no protection, takes no cognizance of the imposition practiced upon it and the disgrace attaching te it. The Deme cratic county committee en Monday will doubtless fill the ticket with a nominee for district attorney whom no honest citizen of the county need hesi tate te vote for in preference te Davis. They will certainly put en it a man of fitness and integrity. Republicans who profess te want a decent administration of public justice can vote for such a one without any surrender of principle and te the positive credit of their party, which is always injured by the election of bad men. After the Democratic nominee is named it will be seen if there are enough righteous men in Sodom te save it. r- It seems very remarkable that the anti-Grant element of the Chicago con vention, while expressly affirming the right of, district representation, should have failed te sustain the claims of the " curbstone " delegates from this county. Theltepublicans of the Lancaster district were virtually disfranchised at Harris burg ; they had no voice in the selection of Kauff man andSeltzer andare being mis represented by their action. If any con testants had a case it would seem that Martin and Kline had, net only in equity, but in form and under the recognized rules of the party. 'If they were excluded through any compromise, or through Mr. Blaine's personal consideration for some of the sitting members of the Pennsylvjania'delegatien, Blaine's friends iu Lancaster .county lave geed reason te complain that jfiis Chicago managers snubbed them. All that enthusiasm Jin the Chicago convention last night was -caused by th,e j attorney of the Chicago whisky ring ask ing for the restoration of its friends te power iu Washington. "NVe hope that in the contentions of larger pelifcks,he offenses of our local hucksters willlieljce overlookediiorjcon everlookediiorjcon overleokediiorjcon doned. Hew is that investigation at the prison coming en ? What did that new taking account of stock show? Have the new inspectors looked up the crooked book-keeping of past years? And has the Xeic Era publisher cot se far through with his armful of prison reports as te have his editor tell us whether or net the Ixtelligexcek's charge of fraudulent book-keeping is correct? -- MINOR TOPICS. PitEsiDKNT Ciiaduecrnk, of Williams' college, has resolved te deny college aid te any student who is caught smoking. Tuk Chicago convention applauded its last opening with prayer because he cut it hhert. Rkv. Hugh Millku Thompson says that heknews, " from the best evidence," that the cultured Uuitarianism of New England is largely drifting into the Episco pal church. The limits of journalistic enterprise aie reached by the Hartferd Times, which publishes ixfae siwiWp, full size, of the noose with which Hamlin was hanged in that city, together with pictures of the scaffold victim, murderer, main witnesses and coffin plate. William IIkxkt Cii.NXixo,ef England, nephew of William Ellery Chauning, is announced te preach the sermon at the Unitarian church iu Brattleboro, Vt., en "Wednesday evening, June 16. The occa sion will be a sort of introduction te the meeting of the Connecticut Valley con ference of the Unitarians ou June 17. Ik the Examiner office charged the coun ty $82.50 for printing 150 copies of Judge Patterson's Ce page paper-book as it new says it charged the county just $14.50 mere than the regular price for such work, at its own stated rate. We were depend ing upon the statement of its business manager that it charged $88. But taking its own figures of $1 per page, and allow ing for the extra copies which it says it printed, $G8 is the outside price for such a job te private individuals. Refund. Tin-: Independent says of the Methodist general cenference: "The impression which such a gathering as that at Cincin nati leaves en ether denominations is a favorable one. The delegates acted like sober men, conscious of their representa tive character ; exhibiting zeal and knowl edge ami intelligence ; distinguishing themselves as fine speakers and ready debaters ; and showing sincere devotion te the cause of Methodism and of Christi anity. Tin: election of Dr. Alice Bennett, yes terday, as medical superintendent of the woman's wards, in the Xorristewn hospital for the insane, meets with very general satisfaction among medical circles and these of the public interested in the new departure in that hospital. Dr. Bennett is a distinguished graduate of the Weman's college, Philadelphia, in which she holds the position of demonstrator of anatomy. She has also been a special student in the Pennsylvania university's auxiliary course, which is open te women students. PERSONAL.. Ex-Gov. Jehn A. Wakd, of Illinois, died in Quincy, yesterday. Gen. Goitnex is defending his resigna tien as United States senator en the stump in Georgia. Hen. Hi ester Clymer and bride re turned te Reading from Washington en Thursday. United States Senater Kernax, of New Yerk will spend the summer at Lead ville. Cel., where he has mining interests. Mrs. Hklcx Hust Jacksen ("H. H.") has gene te Europe, and during her stay there will visit Olc Bull and wife iu Nor way. At the " Old Felks' " reunion iu Indi ana, Pa., ou last Tuesday, the choir, was led by Lancaster's favorite vocalist, Prof. Wm. B. Hall. The papers also speak highly of Prof. Hall's pathetic and effect ive selections at the Decoration Day cere monies there. Among the distinguished personages upon the platform when the Chicago con vention met was Prince Leepold, son of Queen Victeria, and his suite, consisting of II. Cellins, C. B., the Hen. A. Yerke, and Cel. McNeill, V. C. C. B., Equerry te the Queen. While traveling in America Leepold will carry his cook, his silver, his wine and his ilunkies around with him. STAU'IS ITEMS. Parker is te have glass works. In Franklin the motherly hen, despoiled of her breed, is nursing a litter of kittens. Sister B.,of Oil City, in her haste te wear her summer bonnet te the prayer meeting, forget te take off" the $2.50 cost tag. A rampant steer get loose in the streets at Chambersburg en Thursday and gored Jacob Butner, a basketmaker, se terribly that the old man died. In 1878 William H. Kemblc, the lately convicted rooster, paid ten thousand dol lars into the Republican campaign fund. Heyt and Quay would have been ungrate ful net te have pardoned him. Dr. Stener and family, of Northumber land, with the exception of wife and eldest daughter, were poisoned by eating canned California salmon the ether even ing, but were relieved from the effects of the poison next morning. Jehn Harford, a Waynesburg farmer, used the loop of a trace chain for a stirrup en Thursday, as he was returning from work. The horse which he had mounted in that manner ran three times around the field, dragging Harford's body until it was tern te pieces. Mrs. Samuel Bealcs,the wife of a wealthy farmer at Beaver City, was found en Fri day evening hanging from a rafcer in one of the upper rooms of. her residence. Her domestic rclatiensjwerc happy and she en joyed excellent health. Ne cause is assign ed for the act. B. O'Copnell, twenty-four years of age residing at Pert Carben, and employed as a brakeman en the Philadelphia and Read ing railroad, was struck by a bridge while riding enthe top of a car near the Falls of Schuylkill. He was thrown te the ground and expired instantly. There is a tariff picnic at Beaver to day. Randall will probably be there te talk political economy, but it is doubtful if Blaine can fulfill his engagement te speak. "When he premised te de se he did net expect the national convention te continue se long in session. The BeJAefeute Jftttehman wisely says : " Keen iu mind in the midst of all the furore about the presidency tjje fact that .there are a couple of state candidates for the Democrats te elect this fall in Penn sylvania.' The supreme bench must be assigned te Geerge A. Jcnks and the auditor generalship te Rebert P. Dechcrt. Mrs. Charles Jehnsen, of Plunkett's Creek township, near Williamsport, found two rattlesnakes iu the weeds and con cluded te keep them for playthings. She put them in a box and took them home. While playing with the snakes en Monday one of them fastened its fangs in her hand. The arm became frightfully swollen, and at last accounts Mrs. Jehnsen's life was iu great danger. Samuel A. Redgers, supposed te bcfieui Philadelphia, was found dead yesterday morning iu his room at Belmont's hotel, New Yerk, with a pistol shot wound in his head and a revolver in his hand. Ne ether clue te his friends was found than a dispatch in his pocket from Jehn Redgers, Philadelphia, stating that a large sum of money awaited his order in New Yerk. Ne cause could be found for the act. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Scats iu the Chicago convention are worth from 8 te $15 per day. The Bowdoin college beat race tcek place yesterday, and the prize was wen by the class of 1882. Time. 19.40 J. Distance, three miles. The steamships Ohie and I'crlin, from Bremen, arrived at Baltimore yesterday, the first with 1,258 and the last with 1.240 immigrant passengers. Nearly all of them went West last evening. A despatch from Pau states that one of the arches of a bridge being built ever the Gave de Pau fell in yesterday, precipita ting twenty workmen into the water. Seme were crushed te death and ethers drowned. Baseball yesterday : At Bosten Cleve land 5, Bosten 2. At Providence Provi dence 1, Chigage 1 (the game was called en the sixteenth inning). At Worcester Buffalo G, Worcester 1. At Albany Nationals 1, Albany 1. Memerial services at the graves of the Confederate dead in Londen Park ceme tery, Baltimore, took place yesterday afternoon, under the management of the Society of the Army and Navy of the con federacy in Maryland. The Democratic state convention of Ar kansas, en the thirty-ninth ballet, nomi nated Thes. J. Churchill for governor. Jacob Frelich, secretary of state, and Wil liam E. Woodruff" for treasurer, were nomi nated by acclamation. C. B. Moere was nominated for attorney general. Charles W. Scofield, a heavy New Yerk operator in iron during last fall, has sus pendent payment. His liabilities are esti mated at ever $2,000,000, half of which sum is secured bv merchandise. He claims te have $2,000,000 invested in Western railroads, and that, if time is allowed, he will be able te pay all claims in full. The Chicago and Northwestern railroad stockholders, at the annual meeting, re elected the old directors, who then re elected the officers. The report shows the total earnings te May 31st for the year as $17,208,000, as against $14,580,000 for the preceding year. Total increase, $2,0S8,000. The proprietary reads also held their elec tions. At the Nevada Democratic state con vention the following delegates te Cin cinnati were chosen : Alva Adams, S. E. Brown, S. F. Humphries, C. S. Themas, W. A. H. Levclandand C. Berela. The de? de? egatien is uninstructcd, but solid for Field. The resolutions favor free coinage of silver and declare that the Utcs must go, and pledge support te the Cincinnati nomi nee. Prizes have been distributed te the fol lowing individuals by the Hudsen county (New Jersey) Antwerp club, who own the winners in the carrier pigeons' night from Cressen, Pa., te Hoboken, a distance of 250 miles : W. Ycrrinder, jr., first prize ; L. Walfelaer, second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh prizes, and J. B. Welsh, third prize. Mr. Yerrinder's bird made the distance in four hours and fifty-eight minutes. GKOKOK ELIOT'S MAIUCIAUK. What Moncure 1). Conway Says About It. Rev. M. D. Conway, writing from Lon Len Lon eon under date of May 14, says : The mar riage of Geerge Eliet has produced an effect which once might have given Car lyle a new illustration of his theory that genius is nccessarilv unconscious of itself and its powers. Mr. Cress, whom she has married, is said te be about thirty-eight years of age ; Geerge Eliet is about sixty. A few years age he made the acquaintance of Mr. Le .vcs and Miss Evans. Their pleasant country-house, Whitley, was near Weybridge, where Mr. Cress resides. Mr. Cress is a city man, a sort of banker, but net remarkable for wealth ; he has a house at Chelsea, where the pair will probably reside, se that " The Priory" will be left as a monument of its rich associations. If Mrs. Cress has startled ne portion of the community by showing that she had no transcendental theory about marriage, and se given cause for people te remember that the real Mrs. Lewes is still living, she has equally amazed another part by choos chees ing te be married in a church the most fashionable church, tee, in Londen St. Geerge, Hanover square. Here was the reputed high priestess of positivism, kneel ing before a clergymen, and pronouncing after him that she will live "after the Lord's holy ordinance." She who has net believed in any Deity but humanity for ever twenty years. There has indeed been a geed deal of compliance of that kind in this country. The late Proffesser Clifferd, however, when he was almost compelled by family reasons te be married in church, boldly deviated from what the clergyman bade him say. and said: "After man's holy ordinance." But it is difficult te imagine that any fam ily pressure could have been put en Gcerge Eliet, and we de net hear that the service was varied by or for her. There was a re port that she was married in the names of Lewes, but that is net true ; the signature is "Marian Evans, spinster." It is a rather hard thing for her admirers te have then- idol come down from her pedestal and te hear it said that the marriage in a fashion able church was meant te try and recover a conventional respectability. Were this the object she might have been better advisedj She can never gain from the conventional what sbe has lest among the unconvention al. It is. however, difficult te believe that Geerge Eliet really cares for what she lias treated up te the age of sixty as social baubles. These who knew Mr. Cress say that he is a handsome, attractive and intelligent man. He is well and favorably known both in Londen and New Yerk as a busi ness man. lie has no pretensions te lit erary or scholarly abilities. Be has for some time new attended te the finances of the lady he has married. His friends, equally with hers, appear te have been taken by surprise. The marriage wasat tended by the group who generally leek in when a marriage is going en in St. Geerge church. Immediately afterward the pair went en a tour en the continent, where they are expected te remain several months. Broke His Neck. Lieutenant W. F. Z3ilin, the marine offi cer en the United States receiving ship Franklin, and son of Brigadier General Zeilin, United States marine corps, of Washington, was thrown by a runaway horse en which he was riding en the Ocean View read, Norfolk, and instantly killed, by falling en his head and having his neck broken. The body was brought te the Atlantic hotel and will be forwarded te Washington. CHICAGO. THE CONVENTION A MOB. THE ItUSSKS LEAD THE MUSIC. The Contending Factious Contesting Kvery Inch. Iii the Chicago convention, yesterday, after the majority and minority reports of the committee en contested seats had been read, the Alabama case nas taken up, and, pending a motion te adept the minority (Grant) report, the convention adjourned until 7 p. in. Evciiug Session. Judge Hear took the chair at precisely 7 o'clock, but net mere than fifty delegates were in their seats. The prospects were that the contested scat question would occupy all the evening without being dis posed el",unless the convention should adept some order limiting debate, which prom prem ised te be intei unliable. The convention was called te order at 7:30 and immediately proceeded te the con sideration of the Alabama qucstiouen con tests. Mr. Harrison said it was agreed te de vote forty minutes te it twenty minutes te each side. Mr. Cenger bricfiy explained Rapier's case, showing that the only question was as te whether the state convention had a right te deprive him of his authority te represent his district because he refused te vote for General Grant. The same point substantially was at issue in the ether two Alabama contests. The question was simply as te the right of single district rep resentatives. Upen its settlement, in his (Cenger's) judgment, rests the question of the continued existence of the Republican party. Mr. Turner, of Alabama, replied, simply elaborating the views of the minority re port in the case before the convention. Mr. Tracy, of New Yerk, protested against the convention deciding the ques tion which has been rightfully settled iu the state convention. Mr. Batcman, of Ohie, supported the majority report. The time for debate having expired, Mr. Beutwcll moved the following : "Jlesehed, That all the cases of con tested seats be decided by adopting the usage of each state and that every state where the uniform usage has been te elect delegates te the national Republican con vention that usage shall be deemed bind ing and the same shall be true in respect of delegates sent by district conventions where that has been the usage." Mr. Cenger made a point of order that Beutwcll's resolution was net in order, be cause netjgermauc te the pending ques tion. The chair sustained the point. Vo ciferous erics of "question," "question." The question was put cicc voce, and was decided overwhelmingly in the negative. A division being demanded, the roll of the states was called, and resulted, yeas 300, nays 449. Se the motion te substitute the minority for the majority report in the Alabama contest was rejected. The an nouncement elicited tumultuous applause. The majority report, se far as relates te Alabama, was then adopted. In this vote the defection in Pennsylva nia and New Yerk steed firm at 23 in each, and the eriueut bid ler Edmunds was net se strong as before, having voted but four votes ter the Grant side. Upen the announcement of the vote the building rang with deafening cheers, but the Grant people held their forces pretty well and have a solid front. The Illinois Case. When the Illinois case was called up, Beutwcll endeavored te have the conven tion decide the contests according te the common usage in states where they occur as te selecting degates by state or district conventions, and whenjthis was ruled out of order, the majority report being before the convention, he contended for no limi tation of argument. This brought out a long speech by Legan against the motieu te limit te one hour and he thus get an opportunity te defend the Springfield con vention, which he would net get under the hour rule, and te work up Grant enthusi asm. On this occasion he put his feet in it again by appealing te the galleries, and by challenging llaymend, of California, he get such a send off' for Blaine as kept the convention and assemblage en its feet for ten minutes iu thundering applause for the Maine senator, which robbed his Grant boom et all its previous strength. Twe hours were given te the Illinois case. Ne council outside of the conven tion were allowed te participate.thus shut ting out Beb Ingersoll and Emery A. Sterrs. Cenger again appealed for the majority report, saying that it was time the party destroyed that last vestige of state sovereignty within it, which was apparent in the action of the Springfield convention. Dcelgate-at-large Raum re plied for sitting members, and declared that te threw them out would be a revo lutionary measure, which would be de structive of the party in the state. The opposition in the galleries rather get the best of Mr. Raum en this point, and fre quently and laughably turned the argu ment agaiust him. Ingersoll received a proxy and en Con Cen ger's motion asking uuauimouscenscnt for him te speak. Conkling was the first te object. Sterrs made rather an earnest ap peal, then an argument te the convention. He seems te have been the only man ex cept Conkling who did net blunder and he succeeded in reusing the Grant people te a loud effort te dwarf the thunder which had just before come from Blaine threats. The noise was terrific and the cheers and shouts were kept up for 15 minutes. Men plucked delegates' flags from their places and waved them in the air. Umbrellas, hats, handkerchiefs, everything that could be used te give impetus te this demonstra tion was used, and the building trembled with the tramping. All the states for Grant waved their guidens in the air. The galleries were surging with excitement ; car-piercing shrieks rent the air, and it did seem as if the Grant people had caught the right end of their boom at last and meant te keep up. Conkling, Cameren and Legan, anticipa ting hew powerful the influence of this en thusiasm would be en the coming vote, spurred the people te keep it up, and when it flagged they jumped upon the seats and warmed it into new life. At this time the Southern Grant delegates started up " Marching through Georgia," and se en the convention was engaged in singing and the galleries took it up. The Blaine men grew frightened and there were loud calls for Ingersoll. The rare sight was afforded of a nominating convention in indescribable confusion at, midnight by the ever-riding enthusiasm which was created for Grant by Sterrs. The cheering com menced ten minutes of twelve. At twenty live minutes of one it was still going en. The Proceedings in Detail. Chicago, June 5 12:01 a. m. When Sterrs in his speech mentioned Grant's name the applause was vociferous and continued for several minutes. 12:14 a. m. New Yerk delegation sinir- ing "Marching through hands join in. Geerj ;ia. All 12:15 a. m. Newsinging "R: l!y Around the Flag." Great cheering for Graut. Jehn Wcntwerth looms up in midst of Illinois delegation with hat en caue. 12:1G a. m. Emery A. Sterrs is assist ing the chairman in restoring order, his cellar hanging down his back. Three cheers are new being given for Grant. 12:17 a. m. The tumult and confusion new exceeds any ether,the cheering being changed for Blaine, and the entire conven tion new en their feet. 12:18 a. m. The convention is ahewling mob. There is no prospect of a ballet. 12:20 a. m. Cat calls, yells, swinging umbrellas and banners and excitement be yond any possible description. 12-21 a. m. The excitement continues, hats being thrown from the galleries, um brellas floating in the air and banners of New Yerk state beiug swung most furi ously. 12:22 a. in. The platform about the speaker occupied by the national commit tee and distinguished guests, who have just arisen in spirit of the occasion, is a scene of the wildest excitement. 12:24 a. m. At this moment there seems no possibility of checking the tumult. It is net a mob, but an expression of enthusi asm beyond description. The chairman has abandoned all efforts at enforcing order. 12:25 a. in. Conkling and a portion of the New Yerk delegation are quietly sit ting in their scats as if nothing was going en. Pandemonium continues. 12:28 a. m. It seems te be the purpose of the Blaine men by force of noise and gesticulation te compel the Grant men te rise, but they sit stolid and indifferent. 12:30 a. in.- -Grant banners have all been dropped down and are hid in the vast crowd. The chairman is trying te restore order. Banners are new being returned te their state location. 12:34 a. m. Order has been partially re stored. 12:45 a. m. The chairman has succeed ed in restoring comparative order, the delegates and guests in his favor having tired themselves out. 12:45 a. m. Sherman's name being mentioned there was great cheering, which continued for some time. 1 a. m. A motion te adjourn lest. 1:02 a. m. The question ou adjourn ment was put the second time and lest. The roll of states has been ordered en ad journment. 1:06 a. m. The roll of states resulted against adjournment. 1:20 a. m. A motion that the minority report en the contested districts of Illinois he submitted for the majority report wae lest, and the roll et states was demanded ; new ueing called. 1:28 a.m. The roll of states en the adoption of the minority report en the contested bocend district in Illinois in place of the majority resulted, in favor of 352, against 387, and the convention ad jeurncd te 11 a. in. te-day. Lancaster County' Contest. When the case of Martin and Kline vs, Seltzer and Kauffmau came before the committee qn credentials, Jehn Cessna made an appeal in behalf of the sitting delegates, claiming that the admission of the contestants would be a stab at the paity organization of Pennsylvania, and would unsettle the claims of the party nominees en the electoral ticket, and the whole delegation te this convention. He made the appeal, he said, iu the interest of no candidate for the president, but as chairman of the state com mittee in behalf of the Republi cans of Pennsylvania. Hagans, of West Virginia, and Ilaymen. of Cal' Cal' fernia, made vigorous speeches for the contestants. The latter excitedly said he proposed te de right if his action kept the committee here till next year. A vote was filially reached and resulted in favor of the Blaine contestants by 20 ayes te 19 nays, six net voting, but the chairman, by request, said the remaining members of the com cem mitcee might vote when they came in, and the followers of Grant and Blaine started out te leek up their adherents among absentees of the committee. Chandler, who had retired se as te be able te prepare the committee s report for the morning session of the convention, was called out of bed te vote. Meanwhile the contest in the 19th Penn sylvania district had come en, in which II. S. McNair, of Yerk, and D. A. MeKin ney, of Adams, Blaine men, contested James Herst, of Yerk, a Grant man, and Jehn Hayes, of Cumberland, a cousin and pretended friend of Blaine. McNair said the " bosses" had approached him and told him he could have his scat if he would agree te vote with Cameren for Grant and the unit rule ; if net he would be thrown out. He told them te go te h 1, and they unseated him. He said in Penn sylvania men can only be delegates if they will de the will of the " bosses" and ignore the wishes of the people. .Mr. Cessna said he was chairman of the com mittee of nine te select delegates, and the claim of McNair was ignored by the unan imous vote of the committee. He said that one of the sitting delegates was a relative and friend et Blaine's from the hitter's home, and he understood it was the wish of Blaine that Mr. nayes be a delegate. The sitting members were allowed te re tain their seats by a decided vote, and this established a principle of recognizing the appointees of the state convention which operated with a number of the Blaine men te change their votes in behalf of Seltzer and Andy Kauffman. Hayes' "Sinart" Trick. Times Dispatch. There was the greatest surprise among ameng ameng the Pennsylvauiaus, when the report turn ed up this morning, tf learn that the Lan caster contests had again been changed. The contestants, Martin and Kline, were let in by a vote of 23 te 21 last night, but at the meeting this morning that was re considered, and by only three dissenting votes the sitting delegates, Kauffman and Seltzer were retained. The se cret of this is easily explained. The in tention of the cemmittc, which was largely against Grant originally, was te change the majority of the delegation against Grant, in order that the whole fifty-eight votes could be used for Blaine in the rather improbable event of the en forcement of the unit rule ; but it seen became clear that the rule was utterly out of the question, and a second thought led te the conclusion that the gain of two votes would hardly justify the desperate change. This broke down all the Pennsyl vania cases. The Prospect. CniCAGO, June 5. It is possible th at the convention may finish te-night, but the possibility is that it will net reach a final adjournment before Monday. The Illinois question was settled in favor of the ant Grant contestants at 2:15 this morning. 12 m., convention met at 11:45, with the anti-Grant contestants in the Illinois scats. The Kansas contests were taken up at 11 :55 and forty minutes given te each side occupying the convention until 12:30 with that discussion. He Will Stick. Chicago, June 5, 1 r. m. Mr. Conk ling authorizes a denial of the statement in circulation that he has received a letter from Gen. Grant, asking him te have a consultation with Cameren and Legan as te the propriety of withdrawing his (Grant's) name as a candidate. HAZARDOUS HAZING. An Ohie Candidate for West l'elnt Shet by a Texa Candidate. Jehn G. Thompson, jr., of Ohie en of the'sergeant-at-arms of the Heuse ei Rep resentatives at Washington, was shot and seriously wounded in the abdomen at Highland Falls, N. Y., by Beaumont Buck, of Texas. Beth of the young men were candidates for admis sion te the West Point academy, anil were attending Colonel Huse's pre paratory school. Buck had been, made the victim of hazing by the ether stu dents, and, becoming enraged at some remarks, drew a revolver and shot Thompson. Buck gave himself up te Justice Avery, and was committed te the county jail te await the result of Thomp son's injuries. The bullet passed through the latter's body, and his condition is critical. Sergeant-at-Arms Thompson has been telegraphed for. A Straw for Edmunds. Among these present at the luacb. party given by vDen Cameren just before his departure for Chicago was Benjamin Brewster an admirer, of Mr. Edmunds. On Tuesday Mr. Cameren telegraphed te Mr. Brewster te come te Chicago, and mi the latter's inquiring if it was absolutely necessary, a reply was received that it was ; accordingly he went en Wednesday. It is said that the reason of his departure is ler the purppse of going upon the fleer of the convention and placing Edmunds in nomination in a reusing speech, while he will employ all his time outside te crys tallize votes in favor of the Vermont senator. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. COUKT. Opinions OeUvcred Miscellaneous Rusiuess. Court niet at 9 o'clock te-day for the transaction of current business witli both judges en the bench. Opinions. Opinions were delivered by Judge Pat terson iu the following cases : Cem" th vs. Henry L. Brackbill et. ul. The defendants iu this citee were tried in quarter sessions en a charge of conspiracy, and the jury found them net guilty, and put the costs upon Isaac S. Landis, the prosecutor. A rule was taken te show cause why Mr. Landis should net be re lieved from the payment of Costs.' Rule discharged. - Jehn McG rami's, deceased, estate. Ex ceptions te auditor's report. Exceptions overruled, report confirmed and issue, which was asked for, refused. Eli Lybe and Laura M. Lybe, his wife and M. B. Eshleman and Annie his wife, vs. Rudelph S. Heir. Rule te show cause why an injunction, granted February 7, 1880, should net be dis solved. MivHerr.isithe owner of a tract of land, portion of thp old Peter Lightner estate, just west of this city, en which there is a spring, the right te take water from which for the supply of the Lightner homestead new the property of the plain tills, was reserved in the sale of the land te Heir. Seme time age he began te sink a well near the spring, which the plaintiffs allege tapped the sources of the spring's supply, and interfered with the water that was furnished te their premises under the reservation, by materially affecting the flew et" said spring, drawing the water therefrem and diverting the source of the supply, &c, and thus causing great dam age. The court refused te dissolve the in junction that had been granted against Mr. IIui r"s digging the well and discharged the rule. Testimony will new be taken en the bill and answer. Other Business. At the January (1875) terra of court Henry Krciter was charged with desertion. After hearing the evidence the court di rected him te pay $2 per week for his two children, who were given in charge of thcr grandfather. Since that time Krcjtcr has applied for the custody of the chil dren, but was refused them. He failed te pay the amount ordered and an attach ment was issued against him for contempt. He was arrested and is new in jail. This morning application was made te have the attachment dissolved, as at the time of the judgment defendant gave bail in the sum of $400 for the performance of the court's decree, which has net yet been sued out. After hearing the case the court dissolved the attachment and granted the defendant a rule te show cause why the children should net be given in his charge. Themas C. Reynolds, of this city, was granted a soldier's license te peddle. Elizabeth Badger was granted a divorce from her husband Badger, en the grounds of desertion and ill treatment. In the case of Jehn W. Ncwceinet vs. Stephen Shaeff'er, which was tried recently and in which a verdict was rendered for the plaintiff, a rule for a new trial was granted. On motion of II. 31. North, esq., a rule was granted te show cause why a receiver should net be appointed for the Hanover Junction & Susquehanna railroad. This will come up for argument in June. The Census in Lancaster. A number of the local census enumera tors havingbeen interviewed en the pro gress of their work in this city, agree in saying that it is getting en satisfactorily, and that they have no difficulty in getting ready and complete answers te the official interrogatories. They find the people gen erally prepared by the newspaper notices for their coming, and ready with the neces sary information. The women of the fam ily are mainly depended en for accurate data. "The men knew nothing abent their children's ages, and scarcely remember their own." New and then a coy damsel is met by the enumerator who is shy about telling hew many summers have bleached her. but the enumerator has a way or makes a way te get it out : Well, miss ; I will have te guess at it. I should judge from your appearance you were 30." But before the pencil gets it down, she replies : " In deed, sir, I was only 27 my last birth-day." All the Lancaster enumerators expect te be able te finish their enumeration within the allotted fifteen working days. They take from 150 te 300 names per day, ac cording te' the location, and report daily te Supervisor Snowden. Tlie Republican Centeht. Concerning the proposed contest of Thes. J. Davis's and A. W. Snader's nomi nations, as declared by the Republican return judges, the New Era says : " Posi tive evidence has been obtained te show that the election iu the Third ward, Lancaster, was a fraud and a farce. Whether these fraudulent returns are suffi cient te change results we are net pre pared te say, but such is the opinion of these who have been investigating the matter, and it is therefore right and proper that the truth of the allegations should be determined iu the manner pro vided by the rules of the party." Percy B. Sheck, of the investigating committee of seven, says that under the rules the investigation cannot be made, as proposed, unless the meeting of the return judges only occupied one day. When they adjourned from time te time and declared the ticket after ample time for a contest before the beard, "that settles it," and Mr. Swepc will call in vain for his associ ates te meet. That Collision or Phaeton. It was the phaeton of Wm. D. (net Gee. D.) Sprecher that collided en the Marietta turnpike, en Wednesday evening, with Mr. Jehn S. Rohrer's phaeton. Mr. Rohrer says' Mr. Sprecher's driver ran into his vehicle ; that he (Mr. Rohrer) dreve as far te the right as was consistent with safety, leaving Frankford room te turn out, and that the Sprecher phaeton was overturned 100 yards beyond the point of collision, by its driver running his horses down the bank te step them. KKZt;UI!OKHOOI NEWS. Events Aero the County l.lnt. , Professer J D. Kellies, the great Afri Afri can.basiliceathaumaturgist and lire-eater, is performing in Montgomery county. Whew ! what anuccupatien. R. T. Ryeu, esq.,, formally of Columbia is new proprietor of the Richmond fur nace, Franklin county. On Wednesday night the cabinet shop of Jacob Libhart. jr.. of 3Iarietta. was ent( red and a few picture frames stolen, amounting te about $5. West Marlborough, Chester county, claims te be the banner butter maker of that county ; net less than 0,000 pounds are made and shipped from that tewuship te Philadelphia each week. The Homestead and Schiller building associations, of Reading, will shortly have run theirceurse, when $40,000 will be dis trihutetl among 72 persons; The postmaster general has established a new mail route between Havre dc Grace. Maryland.and Wiightsvilte, which was put in operation ou Monday. The route will be served by a small steamer en the canal. The trustees of the Pennsylvania state college have elected Jeseph Sheitlidge, of Chester county, president of the college, te fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. Calder. Reading 'Times and Dispatch: "The treatment received, our controllers say. could net have been better, and they feel under great obligations te the Lancaster school boa I'd." Rev. W. E. Krebs, late profes.ser in Franklin and Marshall college, this city, and later pastor of the Bloomsburg Re formed church, has resigned his charge, en account of the failure of his health, and removed with his family te Littlestown, Pa., where he expects terest for a time from all mental labor for his restoration te health. Reading society has just hail an event in the marriage, en Thursday evening, of Mr. Andrew Shaabcr and Miss Sal lie Reland. The bride is a daughter of James M. Reland, a well-known citizen and ex member of the school beard, and the groom is a well-known citizen, foreman of the foundry and car works of Adam Jehiiitm & Sen. Ephraim Seudcr, in the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading company, Reading, had a tumor about the size of a walnut successfully removed from the left side of his face, near the lower cud of the ear. The surgical ojicratieu was performed by Prof. Levis, while lecturing before a class il students in Jeffersen medical college, Phil adelphia. The patient nearly bled te death. The ninth annual convention of the dio cese of central Pennsylvania will convene in Christ's ehurch.at Reading, en Tue.-day. June 8, at 7 o'clock p. in., and will be pie sided ever by the Right Rev. M. A. DeWelfe Howe, bishop of the diocese. There arc some 80 te 1)0 clergymen in the diocese, and these, with three lay members from each parish form the convention there are about ninety parishes in the dio die cesemaking a membership (clerical anil laymen) when full, of three hundred and sixty. In 1879, Ferdinand Fendler, a saloon keeper of Harrisbiirg, was convicted of selling liquors te miners and heavily lined. Iu lieu of paying the line he sciveil a term in jail, from which institution he was dis charged. District Attorney Bellinger thereupon brought suit against Messrs. Henry Fehrer, and Levi Hefl'a, the bonds men of Fendler, for the amount of the fill!; and costs, ami Judge Pearson decides that, they are liable. At Lancaster, all day Thursday, men were considering hew it could be that Mai tin and Kline, who have been regarded as encamped en the curbstone, weiu new taken inside and made much of, while Kauffmau and Seltzer were shot out at the back-deer. This puzzled Lancaster, ami no wonder. It was a new feat Went Cheater Village llecerd. And new they are wondering why the curbstones were "shot out." COLLJWIUA IllOM .SCHOOL. Commencement Exercises Last Evening. The seventh annual commencement ex ercises of the Columbia high school took place in the opera house in that borough last evening. The building was packed te its utmost capacity. The graduates looked well, and their essays were well written and generally well-delivered. The music, which was furnished by Keller's full orchestra, of this city, was of a high order. The approbation of the audience was expressed by frequent applause, ami all the graduates were liberally rewarded with floral tributes. Iu conferring the diplomas Superintend ent B. G. Ames made seme apposite re marks, and an interesting address was de livered by Deputy State Superintendent Heuck. Following is the pregramme: Prayer Ilev. Henry Wheeler. Music Overture. Lustilmj" Kekr Itelu. balututery T. Annie Welsh. Essay Iiitliiuncc of Smut llnttic Miller. Ksay Pressure mill the JJellinjj Point Li tlier J. Schreciicr. Music Waltzes, ".sweetest Flowers," J. S. Cox. Essay Knight of the l'Jtli Century Maim: E. Ilcrsliey. Essay '-TriiiHtur dies die " EinmaKes-Ier. Essay The Moen Sue It. Newlen. Essay Manners and Fashions Mury 15. Gorden. Music Operatic Selection, "Chimes of Xor Xer niandy" Plain uuttc. Essay Xou sceiihe scd vit:e discliiius Ida Uanauer. Essay Mens sun:t in corperis sane C. U. Snuvely. Esiay Carbonic Acid und Kt-plratleii Mu.ie .Strawbrid-jc. Music Overture, "Chevalier Itreten," Hermans. Essay Saturn and its Lessens l.ily S. Evans. Es-ay Laughing. Laughter, and Tldiigs te Laugh At Carrie UeUcr. Essay Combustion ami it- Products Clam J. I.eiiiuan, Music Sceteli Medley, " Ilennie Dundee," KetTer. Essav "The works el Oed are lair for nanght unless our ejes In seeing," 4c Jennie Call ISucliimin. Jteciuilien "-lane Ceii(uest"-EHic C.Sauir ber. Essay Oxygen and its Properties Maine E. Hogentogler. Music Les Landers, "Spring Time," Henry. Chronicle.-. Lida IS. Skeen. Essay Hydrogen Annie M. Tierney. Prophecies Leah O. Paine. Valedictory Annie R. llinkle. Kcinarks, conferring diplomas Snpt. !!. (". Ames. Address-Deputy State Sup't. Henry Hnni-k Music lJecrealien, "The Cukoe," Elsemaii. Alarm of Fire. The alarm of fire this morning about 0 o'clock was caused by the burning of oil and cotton-waste near the engine at the IVnn iron works. The fire was extinguished by the employees of the works before any serious damage was deue. The American steam fire engine was run out te the works but was net put into service. , 1 The Fairs. At the fair at St. Mary's "old stone church " there will be a package auction this evening. The fair continues te be largely attended. Y i V 5