Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 04, 1880, Image 3

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resentatiens te the court, made for the cor
rupt consideration that the Snyders were
the best Republican workers in the Eighth
ward. Logically the last acquittal, like
the first, was secured by a prostitution of
the machinery of justice te serve the exi
gencies of the Republican party. Rut as
all the parties implicated, as well as the
judges, belong te that party, the court is
unanimous ler once that it need take
no cognizance of the imposition practiced
upon it and the disgrace attaching te it.
Eiw. IxTKiJ.iGi:xri:ii. "
Tim Strawberry Campaign Itoemlnc. Open
ing St- Mary's Festival.
Lat evening a strawberry festival for
tlu- benefit of St. Mary's orphanage began
in the " old .stone church," en "West Vine
street. The ancient and time-worn build
ing was entirely metamorphosed in its in
ner appearance and presented a thorough
ly attractive spectacle in its tasteful deco
ration, and the scene partook of additional
zest by the animated faces of the scores of
ladies anl pretty girls who are in supreme
command and brook no masculine inter
ference. Entering the deer at the west
end of the room the visitor's attention
is fust arrested by the cigar table
immediately en the ieft. It is
.surmounted by an arch decked with white
tarlatan and ivy, and set oil' with a pair
of American ilags, and is in charge of Miss
Marie Uryant, assisted by Misses Lizzie
McGevcrn, Laura Masker, Katie Habcr
btish and Lillie llaberbush. In addition
te an abundance of excellent cigars and
fragrant cigarettes, which are disposed of
at the most enticing terms, the table is
supplied with a number of articles, useful
and ornamental, te be chanced off, among
them a handsome satchel, gentleman's
lantern for lighting cigars, set of field
croquet, a ten of coal, etc., and the most
prominent article en the table is a beauti
ful gipsy bucket which standi in the cen
tre, and is tilled with cigars.
Adjoining this cigar table en the left is
the fancy table, where Misses Reekie Mc Mc Mc
C'oiiemy, Annie Deaner and Mary Licbty
are in charge, and their corps of efficient
aids includes the foil 'wing young ladies :
Misses Lizzie Malene, the Misses Royle,
Lucy McCoueinv, the Misses Rcilly, Mary
Harry, Hcckie Rhe..'ls, Jennie Murphy and
Lizzie Shealf. There ::". a large number
of useful and fancy articles in sale and for
chance here, among the latter being a very
h;indseine cut glass inkstand, a pretty
clock, a box of line Havana cigars, silver
cake basket, etc. An elegant begonia oc
cupies a central position of the table, and
adds materially te its appearance. There
is a bazaar attached te this table, in
charge of some of the ladies above men
tioned wheie visitors are afforded an op
portunity te ' try their luck" for the low
price of ten cents, or three chances for a
At the east end of the room is the flower
table, which, of course, presents a most at
tractive appearance, and wheie elegant
bouquets and charming bnutennieres arc
sold cheap for cash. There is a large fruit
stand in the centre, surmounted by a
sujMjrb horse-shoe, composed of rare and
beautiful tlewers,aud a handsome pyramid
of buttonhole-bouquets en the north end
of the table. There arc for chance here a
locking chair and a dell baby, a pig and a
ten-dollar geld piece. Te-morrow evening,
when admission te the' festival will be free,
there will be a "package auction " at this
table, when doubtless there will be plenty
of amusement for bidders and spectators.
Miss Altick is in chief command, and her
assistants are Misses Keller, Lant, Wcntz,
Wade, licnnawir, I Iarbcrger,Mazie Malene,
Ceylo and O'Neill.
At the south-east corner of the room is
the table where big plates of ripe red
strawberries are served by the accomodat accemodat accomedat
ing ladies in charge at the low price of ten
cents. The luscious fruit is temptingly dis
played, and the appearance of the table is
enchauced by several bouquets with which
it is decorated. An elegant geld-band
china tea-set is te be chanced off here.
Miss Mary Dougherty is in charge and
her assistants are the Misses Sullivan,
Helland, Tedd, McDivitt and Quinn.
The confectionery table along the south
wall is gorgeous in its patriotic panoply of
red. white and blue, and the arches
erected above it arc handsomely trimmed
with tarlatan. Several sweetly-singing cana
ries carol forth their invitations te the
visitor, whose mouth is fairly made te
water by the abundance of geed tilings
under which the table groans. Cakes
and confections and nuts arc here
presented in tempting array, several large
and handsome iced cakes being notably
prominent. The customer here is afforded
en opportunity of trying his luck in
"chancing' for a beautiful toilet set anil
pair of vases. Miss Annie Ueyle, is in
charge here assisted by Misses Dennelly,
Doerseni, Nerbcck. Fitzpatrick, Delia
and Katie Deyle, and Sallie Kauffman.
Directly en the right of the entrance is
the ice cream table, where Miss Maggie
Malency is in charge, whose assistants are
Misses Ellen Mulraney, Ellic Rartley,
Annie Halm, Julia Phaleu, Katie Daly,
Resa Quinn and Maggie Delan. The ice
cream here dispensed is delicious in llaver,
and the size of the plates is monumental.
A feature of interest at this table is the
contest for a Bible, which is being voted for
between Misses Maggie Maleney, Maggie
Delan, Katie Daly, Mary German and
Annie Lawrence. The table is prettily
ornamented with fern plants and bouquets.
The festival is certainly a delightful
place te spend a leisure evening. An at
mosphere of welcome pervading the vener
able yet gaily decorated room greets the
visitor as he enters, and the stranger is
quickly put at ease by the obliging man
ners of the fair chiefs and pretty lieuten
ants in charge of the several tables. The
festival will probably continue for ten or
twelve days, and nothing has been left un
done te make it a successful and pleasant
affair. The managers extend an invitation
te their friends and the public generally te
conic early and stay late.
Festival at St. Paul's M. K. Church.
Last evening a strawberry festival opened
in St. Paul's M. E. church, en Seuth
Queen street. The room has been hand
somely decorated with llewcrs, evergreens,
flags, &c. The attendance last evening
was quite large, and the tables were in
charge of the following persons :
Confectionery Mrsindcmuth, Misses
Viela Hauff, Maggie Carter, Teresa Jenes
and Carrie Lindemuth.
Lemonade William Lindemuth, with
Miss Jennie McMichael as Rebecca.
Ice cream and strawberries Misses J.
and M. Maxwell.
There is a large table in the centre of
the room, which has cakes and ether eata
bles upon it and is in charge of Mrs. Ames
Urban. Mrs. Annie Urban, Mrs. Maxwell,
Mrs. Kepp, Misses Irene Deichler, Lillie
Urban, Cera Urban, Clara and Ada Flick
and Jennie Phillips.
The fair will continue until Saturday
evening and will undoubtedly boa success.
At Hlnkletewn.
The Union Sunday school of Hiukletewn
will held a strawberry festival at that
place en June 12th.
Keadini; Scheel Directors and Other Educa
tors Visit Lancaster Their Reception by
Lancaster Directors.
Last evening, Hen. Henry A. Tyson,
mayor of Reading, and a number of the
members of the Reading school beard, ar
rived in Lancaster as an escort te R. K.
Euehrle, the newly elected city superin
tendent of the Lancaster public schools,
and took quarters at the Stevens house.
Following is a list of the names of the
visitors : Hen. Henry A. Tyson, mayor ;
Prof. R. K. Ruehrle, late superintendent
of the public schools of Reading and supcr-intendeiit-ekct
of Lancaster; II. S. Eck
ert, II. Maltzberger, D. D. Lerch, Levi
Quicr, M. Harbcster, J. M. Lyens, Ephrairn
Armstrong, Jehn G. Mehn, Jeshua CIous CIeus
ser and S. E. Ancona, members of the
beard of control of Reading, and
William IJ. Albright, an cx-member-
On their arrival at the Stevens house
the visitors were welcomed te the
city by his honor, Mayer MacGenigle, Dr.
J. P. Wickershem, state superintendant
of public instruction, Prof J. P. Mc
Caskey, principal of the boys' high school,
and ethers, and as seen as the meet
ing of the Lancaster school beard
had adjourned a committee of that
body appointed for the purpose, to
gether with several ether members of
the beard, called at the Stevens house and
welcomed them te the city, extending te
them an invitation te visit the public
schools and ether places of interest in Lan
tcr. This morning about half-past eight
o'clock the local committee, accompanied
by the mayor and the state superintendent,
called upon their visitors at the hotel and in
open carriages gave them a drive
through the city. The first place visited
was the watch factory, through which the
visitors were shown, and the various
workings of the establishment were ex
plained te them. They were then driven
through some of the principal streets and
alighted at the Seuth Duke street schools,
which were examined by them. They
were then taken te the secondary schools,
(the old Laiicasterian school), and
were given some account of its rcmaik
able history. They were treated te some
vocal music by the pupils, after which
they were taken te the high school build
ing, where the boys and girls, and their
respective teachers were assembled iu the
girls' school room te receive them. During
their visit here the pupils favored the visi
tors with a number of vocal selections in
cluding " Ferest Fair," " Vesper Seng,"
' Wild Bird's Seng," " Oft in the Stilly
Night," &c.
The visitors were shown through the
whole building and expressed themselves
much pleased with its construction and
adaptability te the purpose te which it is
used. J
The visters were then taken te Palmer's
garden, and alter regaling themselves
they were returned te their hotel for din
ner. They left for Reading at 3:3." this afte:-
"What is Doing anil What in te be Dene in
That Town.
Mercury marks 70.
Shad scarce and high
Strawberries abundant at from ten te
twenty cents per box.
A picnic will beheld in neise's weeds en
Thursday, June 10, by the Amateur social
The commencement exercises of the Col
umbia high school will take place this
evening in the opera house ; music by
Keffer's full orchestra ; doers open at G:30,
commence at 7:30.
Ed. Gable went bass fishing en the first
.'cgal day and brought in a string of clever.
The Columbia band have applied for a
charter and have decided te change their
present name te " The Citizens' band." It
is generally considered that the members
have made a mistake in changing the
Captain Case has received a circular from
a company of the national guards of Penn
sylvania at Milten asking for aid. Their
armory and equipments were entirely con
sumed at the late fire in that town.
The new directory of Columbia, com
piled by Mr. Geerge A. Heek, is ready
for distribution. It is the most complete
directory of Columbia ever issued.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
arc holding a strawberry festival in the
Odd Fellows hall, corner of Second and
Locust streets, commencing last even
ing and closing en Saturday evening next ;
proceeds for the benefit of the church.
The public schools of Columbia closed
yesterday. Hence all the boys and
girls are happy ever their granted summer
The officers and teachers of the Presby
terian chapel Sunday school, situated en
Fifth street, have decided te change the
present hour of meeting te G o'clock in the
evening during the summer.
The Shawnee fire company, Ne. 3,
held its regular monthly meeting last
evening and the Columbia fire company,
Ne. 1, meets this evening.
Laudisville Cauipnieeting.
A meeting of the beard of control of the
Landisvillc campmecting association, was
held en the camp ground yesterday, which
was numerously attended and complete
arrangements made for the holding of
campmecting, te begin Tuesday, July 27,
1880, te continue for ten days.
Mr. Geerge Wanamakcr, the popular
restaurant keeper, of Philadelphia, was en
the ground, and the committee in charge
entered into a contract with him te keep
the bearding house during this summer's
campmecting, which arrangements will no
doubt prove satisfactory te all these who
desire te avail themselves of his accommo
dations. The committee en music was instructed
te make arrangements with Prof. Sweeney
and Mr. Ellcnberger, both well-known and
popular singers te attend this meeting and
te lead in the services of song.
The camp ground is represented as being
in splendid condition. The trees are
covered with a beautiful coating of verdure.
Ne storm has done any damage during
last year.
tirade of Peplls.
The following is the grade by classes of
the pupils in attendance at the boys' sec
ondary school, North Mulberry street, for
the month ending May 31, 1880, the
first column of figures indicating progress
in the several branches of study, aud the
second column the conduct of the pupils :
i. e.
x r x J-
Auxer W 7'J lOOILirtman EM 70 83
Albright A K.... .W 70,McGovern It 6'J 91
Itaker Willie 70 SI l'rangley James 57 !H
lirailv Cliu-. 04 g(SteneEM 78 88
Charles Jehn 73 Itt.Shearer II I! 01 57
Drcnpcnl WmJ . 7; UT'SiicsseretW 50 se
Evans Svdnev.. 7Hr TTlWelcliens II 51 70
Elirisinaii Clem. 741 70lWlant Clark 77 90
IlerrClm- C C5) 53Zcchcr Cliax 81 !B
Adams WE .5 Kiillurpcl G I- 53 50
liitner Abui (Hi Sljlletrick Jehn.... 07 'M
Delict Samuel... 58 SSiIIeit.-hu Harry.. 52 95
Derwurt Lemuel 37 74Kreider Chas 78 100
Eberly Willie.... 71 C5 Leibsley K 34 87
Greff J A 52 0tNnuman W 50 70
(inndiiker 1 -' 82'Siiriiijrer Harry. 49 80
Uiesmiiuii II 53 87'iant II 55 IB
Uriel Wait (25 IfJ..oek Harry CI 47
Itentlel I fiOl BalLensenecker C. 43 00
KuckiiKlI W . (W C Lebzelter Win.. 87 94
Kitner Jehn 87' !ttiMu-.-,er Win 07 70
ISitnerAW EH se Maxwell Win.... 70 00
Cliambcrs Jas... 00 85 .Martin Win 40 70
Cexey F 1! 45 75 Mills H. X 88 95
Ihtvclcr Gee 01 90 Kehrur II 55 Ki
Davis G OS !M Schectz L 01 95
HetetterH 00 OS hterinl'eltz W L.. Ki 88
Hull II C i" 74 Shnppl 1 40 SO
Ilurtinuu Chut... 80 ! Urbuii C E 71 90
Kirkpntrlck Win 78 94 WeidlerM II 59 3d
Kantinuu Eclw.. 47 S3 Zeek S K 01 .'0
Amwakc dm-... .35 80 Martin Jehn 51 93,
Ernst Win 01 02 Musselinan Win 4.3 91
GoebleGee it 14 Naninau Clias... 7S 80
Uriel Harvev.... 50 ! Ratie V E 70 73
Hurtmau F U SO 83 Uesi; Win 10 20
I.iehtyG l: 78 1 70 Shindh- Frank.. 74 80
LeclierC 1$...,.. 70 SOShurUlI 88 100
Loeher W It 03 08 Will O. K 40 -.5
Lutz Fred Tlij 73WileyCE 35 40
Lcyden Clias.... 90 TllUoedharl Tin... 4.31 .39
Colie Herbert... 8S SU'Leng Clias 42 59
llewcrs Herbert. 87 48'Stauirer Harry.. 30 51
Apple Harrv.... ft'i 0l(lteyer Calvin 30 70
lleitslm Kdv 83 9.1 Scliaum Win 31 01
Carman Jas 72 79 Johuen Frank. 28 59
Carr Michael 53 87 Lee Leuis 17 21
Frank J no 40 18 Fejjer Harry 13 .39
Faegley Clias 45 0
Knj?reir .Tne SI S! Maleney Jue.... 30 93
Hartley Michael. OS 83 GedfreyJa- 28 00
Glever Herace.. 00 73 Urchin Clias 27 5
Fritz Sam 57 97 ISecttuer Albeit 22 35
Allabach Jacob.. 50 70 Clement Walter. IS 30
Kuhns Jno 48 go Wise Adtun 18 (.7
Scott Frank 4.3 8S ISecttuer Ed 10 C3
Hambright Gee. 37 41 lleitslm Win.... 14 87
Gust Ed 37 59 Weaver Gee 13! 71
Guiidaker Win.. 30 SO
Contorted Klcclien.
By advertisement in the Xew Era yes
terday Mr. J. C. Swope, a member of the
investigating committee of the late beaid
of return judges of the primary election,
gives notice te the committee te reassem
ble at the orphans court room in this city
en Saturday, the 12th day of June, when
evidence will be presented showing that
frauds were perpetrated at the late pri
nt try, of sufficient magnitude te change
the result of the nomination of the dis
trict attorney and two assemblymen. This
is a move in the interest of A. J. Eberly
for district attorney, and Pierson M.
Eberly for Assembly.
The Davis and Sunder men ridicule the
move and say there is absolutely nothing
in it. That the committee of which Mr.
Swope was a member made their report te
the return judges ; that the report was re
ceived, the committee discharged and the
beard adjourned sine die ; that the coir ceir
mittec is dead, and cannot be resurrected ;
that the rules of the party warrant no such
disorganizing proceeding as Mr. Swope
suggests, and that a majority of the com
mittee will refuse te pay any attention te
his call.
And I'rebably a Lair Suit.
On Wednesday evening while driving
near Wheatland, the two-horse phaeton of
Jehn S. Iiehrcr. ran into the two-horse
phaeton of Geerge D. Sprcchcr, which was
in charge of Win. Frankford, coachman,
and in which were seated Mrs. Sprcchcr,
Miss Lillie Sprecher and Miss Lewis, a
sister of Mrs. Sprcchcr. The Sprecher
phaeton was evcrturned,and the occupants
might have been seriously injured had net
the pole broken and the traces become
loose, allowing the horses te get away
from the wrecked vehicle.
Mr. Sprecher's driver alleges that the
fault of the accident lies altogether with
Mr. llehrer, who drove recklessly or care
lessly, and Mr. llehrer alleges that he was
driving with all due care. Mr. Sprcchcr
sent a note te Mr. Iiehrcr relative te the
affair, and this morning Mr. llehrer called
en him accompanied by legal counsel. Mr.
Sprecher was much exasperated and warm
words followed which will probably result
in a law suit.
Scared nt the Cars.
This forenoon about half-past 11 o'clock
a mustang horse belonging te Harry Wit
mer and attached te a trotting buggy, in
which Mr. Witincr and Frederick Sencr,
were taking a drive, took fright at the cars
at the Pennsylvania railroad depot, com
menced kicking,and rau upon the pavement
in front of the " five cent store" en North
Queen street. Here the horse ran against
the table en which the cheap goods
are displayed, upset it, and scattered the
wares in all directions, and falling upon
the pavement broke the shafts of the buggy
and tore the harness, but did net de any
ether serious damage. Mr. Sencr jumped
from the wagon before the crash came,
aud Mr. Witincr stuck te it. Neither
was hurt.
Weddin of a l'rlnter.
Last evening Jacob Hubcr, a type of the
Examiner office, was married te Miss Chris
tie Heffman, and after the ceremony a re
ception was held at the house of the bride's
parents, en Locust street. A large number
of friends of the newly-married couple, in
cluding all the employees of the Examiner
office, were present, and they partook of an
excellent supper. The Examinerbeys pre
sented their fellow printer with a beautiful
set of china containing ever one hundred
The ceremony was performed by llcv.
F. P. Mayser ; Miss Kate Heffman, a sister
of the bride, acting as bridesmaid, with
Mr. L. Eugene Norbeck, of Washington,
D. C, as groomsman.
Drunk and Disorderly.
Daniel Weidigh and his wife Mary, who
are tramp peddlers, stepped en Water
street, between Chestnut and Orange.
They were both drunk and they began te
abuse the people residing iu that neighbor
hood, and paid particular attention te the
family of Benjamin Ilclinc. Officer Weit
zel arrested them, and this afternoon Al
derman McConemy sent Daniel te jail for
10 days and Mary for 15.
Four Years of Success In FreUncinc Flrft-CIass
Prices always lower than City Prices.
We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special
Werk at short notice from our own factory.
We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and
Jewelry Repairing.
Police Matters.
The mayor had before him this morning
one vagrant whom he committed te the
workhouse for 30 days, and two drunken
and disorderly persons whom he dis
charged. 'Squire J. B. Reidenbach, of Lititz, this
morning committed Jehn Wigclewerk te
the county prison for 20 days for drunken
and disorderly conduct.
Sent te Jail.
Peter Robinson was heard before Alder
man Dennelly or the Seventh ward this
morning, en charges of larceny and
drunken and disorderly conduct. The
former case was dismissed and he was
sent te jail for 20 days en the latter.
Iligh Scheel Commencement.
The committee en high school com
mencement this morning rented Fulton
opera house for Friday, the 25th inst., at
which time the commencement exercises
of the high schools will take place.
Lancaster Felks In 1'aris.
The following Lancasterians were reg
istered at the Paris office of the New New
Yerk Herald yesterday : II. Z. Rhoads,
Master Ged fried Rhoads aud M. Zahin.
They arc steppiug at Hetel Byren.
Talk of patience and resignation when suf
fering with Kheuinatism ! St. J Aeen's Oil is
the only thing wanted then.
Nutrition improved, strength restored and
disease arrested Jy Malt Hitters.
The mystery has been solved at last ;
Our tcetii no longer need decay.
All troubles of tlu: mouth are past,
lly SOZODONT they're swept away:
And young and old may smile hecure
With lips and teeth se bright and pure.
The only medicinal soap adapted te easy
-Cuticura Shaving Seap.
"Dr. Lindsay's Bleed Searcher," by purify
ing the system," softens the skin and beaut ilics
the complexion.
Try Loeher's itenewned Cough Syrup.
Nature's Sluice-way.
The Kidneys are nature's sluice way te wash
out the debris et our constantly changing
bodies. If they de net work properly the
trouble is felt everywhere. Then be wise and
as seen as you see signs of disorder get a pack
age of Kidney-Wert and take it faithfully. It
will clean the sluice-way of sand, gravel or
slime and purify the whole system.
Weman's Wisdom.
"She insists that it is mere importance, that
her family shall be kept in lull, health, than
that she should have all the fashionable dresses
and styles of the times. She therefore sees te
it, that eaeli member of her family is supplied
witii enough Hep Bitters, at the first appear
ance of any symptoms of ill heath, te prevent
a tit et sickness with Its attendant expense,
care and anxiety. All women should exercise
their wisdom in this way." Ed.
" Carry the news te Mary !" Health and hap
piness are found in every box of "Sellers'
Liver Pills."
Statistics prove that twenly-nve per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by
consumption, and when we reflect thut this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup,
shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli
gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne
9 East King street.
Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Frem a lHgtingaMliea Clercyuian.
Washwotex, D. C, June 10, 1879.
I have known of several persons who re
garded themselves as greatly benefited, and
some of them as permanently cured of diseases
of the kidneys and urinary organs by your
medicine. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure. I have known, tee, of its tise in similar
cases by physicians of the highest character
and standing. I de net doubt that it hat great
virtue. J. E. RANKIN.
j 1-2 il Aw
Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se. go at once and getabottlcef MRS. WINS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYEUP. Itwill relieve the
peer little sutTerer immediately depend upon
it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. I117-lyd&wM,WAS
Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Ne Safer Remedy can be had for Coughs and
Colds or any trouble of the threat, than
" JJroien' Bronchial Trechet." Imitations are
offered for sale, many of which are injurious.
The genuine Bronchial Troches are sold only
in bexet. Jl-lwdTThASAw
Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Hess. In this city, en the 3d inst., Jehn
Hen?, in the 73d year of her age.
The relatives and friends of the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral irem
his late lcsdence 435 Middle street, en Sunday
afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Interment at Zion's
cemetery. Services at St. Stephen's church.
Killiax. On the 2d inst., Herace V. Killian,
aged 23 years.
The relatives and friend arc respectfully in
vited te attend ids funeral, from his lute resi
dence in the village et Akren, en Saturday at
1 o'clock p. m. Te proceed te Bergstrass cem
etery. . it
Kacfitman. In Lancaster, Pa., en June 4,
183), Miss Eliza Kauffman, in the Kith year of
her nge.
The relatives and lriends of the family arc
respectfully invited te attend the funeral from
her lute residence. Ne. 207 North Mulberry
street, en Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. In
terment at Shreiner's cemetery. 2til
Clements. .June 3, 18S0, in Lancaster, Pa.,
Anna Barbara Clements, widow of the lute
Andrew Clements, in the 77th year of her age.
The relatives and friends of the tuniily are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral from
har son-in-law, Levi K. Landis's resilience, Ne.
4W East King street, en Sunday uttcrnoen, at
2 o'clock. Interment at Mcllinger's meeting
house. Services both at the house and meet
ing house.
C 11TV TANKS. " "
; The duplicate of city taxes is new in the
hands et" the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate
ment will be allowed en all taxes imid onorbe enorbe onerbe
lore July 1, 18S0. E. WELCIIANS,
je4-tdM,F&sU Treasurer.
of Lancaster citv. deceased. Letters of
administration en said estate having been
granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt
ed thereto are requested te make immediate
payment, and these having claims or demands
against the same will present them without
delay for settlement te the undersigncd, re
siding in Lancaster.
je4-fitdeaw Administrator.
with Glass, Frames, Shutters, Hinges and
Catches complete, suitable for tobacco ware
house or ether large building. Will be sold
cheap. Call at
Saddle and Harness Stere,
Ne. 10S North Queen Street.
of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes
tamentary en said estate having been granted
ie i in: iinuersignee, an persons inoeeted tnere tnere
teare requested te make immediate payment,
and thee having claims or demands against
the same will present them without delay for
settlement te the undersigned, residing in
Lancaster citv.
Gee. M. Klise, Att'y. Executers.
1880, will be sold at public sale, at the King of
Prussia Hetel, (Win. Balz, proprietor,) Neg.
214 and 210 est King street, Lancaster. Pa.,
the following prenerty, te wit:
A double one-story BRICK DWELLING
HOUSE, with one-story Brick Back Building,
containing 7 rooms. The let fronts 88 feet,
mere or less, en Derwurt street, and extends
back 150 feet, mere or less, te a 14-lcet aliey.und
has a well et geed water thereon, situate Nes.
117 and 119 Derwart street.
Parties wishing te view the property can de
se by calling en the undersigned or at the
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said
ilay, when terms and conditions will be made
known by BAUSMAN & BUKNS,
Real Estate Agents,
Oftlce 10 West Orange Street.
Sam'l Hess & Sen, Aucts. m2C-cedU
tlse, free et charge, in the Intelligen
cer, who wants something te de.
a young man as a salesman ; also, un
derstands care of horses. Call en or address
209 W. King street, Lancaster, Pa. Reference
given. ltd
Housekeepers take notice that we ar
paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS
Cash paid as seen as delivered te
nprO-Smd Ne. 2T. West King Street,
Croquet. Base Balls and Bats, Chinese Tey
Bemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, and ether
Seasonable Goods, at
Flii it Breneman's,
152 North Queen Street,
Cenkllng Leading the Grant Forces.
Chicago, June 4, 1880. When the con
vention met this morning Conkling enered
a resolution tliat every member el the
convention he pledged te support the
nominee of the body. Upen a call of roll
by states the resolution was adopted with
no dissenting, votes except three from
West Virginia. They were received with
Cenklinjj moved that the West Vir
ginia delegates who had voted "no"
should be considered as having forfeited
their right te vote iu the convention. This
motion was discussed, and Conkling asked
that the roll of states be called upon it,
but finally withdrew his motion te exclude
.the dissenters.
The credentials committee was ordered
te report at 11:30, but was net ready.
The committee en rules reported five
minutes limit te the speeches.
The Platform.
The resolutions reported by the platform
committee will denounce polygamy, op
pose Chinese immigration and congies cengies congies
sienal modification of existing treaties te
remedy the evil ; commend Hayes's ad
ministration aud held it as the duty of the
Republican party te pahmenizc the whole
1:30 p. m. The committee en credentials
has just reported, and recommends the ad
mission of the Warmoth (anti-Grant)
delegates from Louisiana.
Worse and 31 ere of it.
The report of the credentials committee
further recommends the admission of
Rapier, of Alabama, who refused te obey
the instruction of the convention that the
stale vote should be cast as a unit : rec
ommends that the contestants from the
7th district of Alabama be admitted
recommends the admission of the con
ants from Illinois in the 1st, 3d, 4th, 5th,
Gth, 0th, 10th, 13th and 17th districts;
favors the contestants from the 2d and 3d
districts of Kansas, and rcceniiucuds that
the ten delegates be allowed te retain
scats but only six votes te be cast.
Reports against the contestants in the
9th and 19th districts, Pennsylvania, and
reports in favor of district representation
instead of by states as a whole. There is
a contradiction in this despatch ; the fust
part indicates the seating of Kautfiuaii aud
Seltzer ; the latter part their exclusion.
Ens. Int. Reports that the delegates
from Utah retain their scats.
A minority report has been pieparcd
The Cameren Gag.
The minority reports against the prin
ciple of district representation in a national
convention and against the contestants
from Alabama. The minority report also
pretests against the decision of the ma
jerity in its report en the contest in Illi
The minority report was very long in
reading and concluded at 2:40 p. in. The
minority also submitted a supplemental
report protesting against the action of the
majority in the cases of Utah and West
The Curlistiincrs itoiincecl.
Special te the Intkllieem-kie.
Chicago, June 4. 3:10 p, m. The com
mittee have changed their report in the
Lancaster contest and sustain Seltzer and
Kauflman, the Orant delegates.
A. K. McC'mi:i:.
A Repert that was Changed.
Chicago, June 4. At 2:20 this morning
the committee en credentials concluded
their labors by voting te report in favor of
the sitting delegates from West Virginia
and Utah and the contesting delegates
from the 9th district of Pennsylvania (E.
Iv. 3Iaitiu and A. Kline), and the 13th dis
trict of Illinois. It refused te interfere
with the delegates at large or these from
the 2d district of Illinois. A resolution de
claring that the Springfield (111.) conven
tion was a legally constituted body and in
selecting delegates te the national conven
tion acted in geed faith, was rejected by a
vote et 27 te 17, two net voting.
The Convention.
While the interest in the convention and
its business continues, there is a visible
abatement of the excitement this morning.
At 10;- there were few delegates in their
seats, and the galleries were net half filled.
Spectators, however, arc still pouring in
and as the weather is cool, there is no doubt
that another hour will see the house cram
med te its utmost capacity.
A Het Discussion.
Ill the discussion of Conkling's motion
te exclude the West Virginia dissenters.
Mr. Hale, of W. Va., who voted "aye."
defended the rights of his colleague te
vote as he saw fit applause ; te utter his
sentiments as an individual delegate.
Mr. Brandagec, of Conn., said the
question was net one of free speech ; no
man here will seek te hinder any delegate's
free speech ; it was only a question as te
what any man would de for the support
of Republican principles. He continued
at considerable length and was greeted
with hisses
A'Fierce Thrust at Conkling.
Mr. McCormick, of West Virginia,
avowed himself one of the disscutants ;
net because he did net expect te support
the nominee of this convention, for he did
intend te de that no matter who he sheu'd
be. He was as geed a Democrat as tl e
gentleman from New Yerk and whereas
the latter made only one speech for the
nominee of the last national Republican
convention, he ( McCormick ) made ena
hundred. Great applause and cheers. He
opposed the resolution only because it de
clares that men arc unlit te sit in the con
vention if they differ from ether members
of it.
A Colored Brether Wants te Knew.
Yeung (Tcnn.), colored, supported a
resolution and asked why, if these who
voted " no " meant te join the Democratic
party, they should be helping te cheese
the nominee of the Republican party ; if it
was a mere question of personal independ
ence let them keep it te themselves, but
let them leave the Republican party te
take care of itself.
Garfield's Grave Apprehension.
Garfield (Ohie) expressed his fear that
the convention was about te commit a
grave error. He would state the case ;
every delegate save three had voted for
the resolution, aud the three gentlemen
who bad voted against it had risen in their
places and stated that they had expected
and intended te support the nomination of
the convention ; but, that it was net, in
their judgment, a wise thing at this time
te pass the resolution which all the ether
delegates voted for. Were they te be dis
franchised because they thought se? (Cries
of "no," "no.") That was the question.
Was every delegate te have his Republi
canism inquired into before he was allowed
te vote ? Delegates were responsible for
their votes, net te the convention hut te
their constituents. Cheers. He himself
would never in any convention vote
against his judgment. He regretted
that the gentleman from West
Virginia had thought it best te break
it. i ii .
mu uariuuuy ui me convention l
by their dissent ; did net knew these gen
tlemen nor their affiliations, nor their rela
tions te the candidates. If this convention
expelled these men, the convention would
have te purge itself at the end of every
vote, and inquire hew many delegates
who had voted "no" should go out. He
trusted the gentleman from New Yerk
would withdraw his resolution and let the
convention proceed with business.
Pixley (Cal.) moved te lay the resolution
en the table. Applause.
Conkling demanded a call of the Tell.
Hisses, long and furious.
The call of the roll was ordered.
Conkling inquired whether the three
gentleman from West Virginia did say
that they would vote for the nominee of
this convention.
The chair said it was net his province te
answer the question.
Conkling said he would net press his
resolution if his question was answered iu
the affirmative, aud finally he withdrew
the resolution as he said there seemed te
be some doubt. Applause and hisses.
Sewcll (X. J.), moved that the commit
tee an credentials new report ; adopted.
The chair called the galleries te order for
disturbing the convention, and said if there
was any mere hissing he would clear that
part from whence it came.
The chairman of the credentials commit
tee net being In the house, en motion of
Sewell the committee ea rules was ordered
te report, with the understanding that no
action be taken upon their recommenda
tions until after the report of the com
mittee en credentials and action taken
Itruce in the Chair.
The chair called Senater Bruce, of Mis
sissippi, one of the vice presidents, tem
porarily te the chair. As Bruce came for
ward he was received with applause.
Garfield, from the committee, reported
the rules commended for the government
of the convention. The rules were read by
the secretary. The one which forbids any
unit rule was received with applause.
Uarhcld said he iiidTiet understand that
the rules were new up for discussion but
only for information. The only changes
from 187G were verbal merely, or effected
their rearrangement in a mere convenient
order, except that the committee had
added te what was new numbered as rule
8, a prevision clearly aud explicitly em
bodying the uniform precedents of all
previous Republican conventions te the
manner of taking the vote of states that
are divided.
Hear resumed the chair.
Sharpc (N. Y.) presented a minority re
port of the committee en rules, signed by
the delegates en that committee from Ala
bama, Arkansas, Flerida, Arkansas, Miss
issippi, Missouri, Kentucky, New Yerk,
Tennessee, Virginia, Illinois and Colerado,
recommending the adoption of Rule (J el'
the convention of 1870, in the same lan
guage as in 187(5, as fellows :
"In the record lit" the votes by states tbe
vote of each state, territory, and the Dis
trict of Columbia, shall be announced by
chairman, aud iu case the vote of any state,
territory, or the District of Columbia,
shall be divided, the chairman shall an
nounce the number of votes cast for any
any candidate or for or against any propo prepo
sition." The minority express belief that
the addition made by the majority of the
committee is unwise, that it tends te in
vite dissension which might net etheiw isc
be forced, that, as a protection of the
rights of individual member.'', it is unnec
essary, and that it gratuitously and in ad
vance casts an imputation en the chairn e.i
of resf ectivc delegations.
Action en the report of the committee
en rules, and the views of the minority
was withheld for the present.
The Platform.
The committee en resolutions have no J
reported but have agi esd en their wert g
The platform rehearses the great benefits
of Republican rule te the country ; it has
resolved solidity te national finances,
lifted the credit of the country ; has etj
st i red prosperity of the future. It advocates
popular education, adherence te the con
stitution, prohibition of the use of public
funds for sectarian schools, favors the pro
tection of American labor, commerce and
industries, denounces polygamy, renews
the obligations of the country te the Union
soldiers, opposes unlimited Chinese immi
gration and suggests congressional medifira
tien of existing treaties te remedy the evil,
commends Hayes's administration ; ai
migns the Democratic party aud holds it
de be the duty of the Republicans te har
monize the whole country.
The Contested Seats at Last.
A message was received from the com
mittee en credentials that it would be
ready te report iu thirty minutes, the con
vention accordingly waiting idle for the
committee's report and many of the dele
gates are leaving the hall.
After about an horn's delay, waiting for
the committee en credentials, the conven
tion again came te order at 1 p. m. Con Cen
ger (Mich.) presented the report, apolo
gizing for the length of time they had
been compelled te detain the convention,
and explaining the necessity. They
had been continuously and laboroits laberoits laboreits
ly engaged in the duties ever
since they were appointed with
the exception of a recess of three
or four hours. The numerous questions
before them had been discussed with can
dor aud frankness, and settled without
dispute in the committee is te thciractien.
no matter hew much they differed as te
the merits.
The recommendations of the committee
respecting contests are given above. In
addition thereto the committee reported
that the final decision of many of the con
tests depends upon the adoption by the con
vention of the principle of congressional
district representation. This the commit
tee believe te be sound. Applause.
The report cites Hen. J. Den
Cameren's support of the right
of individual district representation
at the convention of 187C, under precisely
similar circumstances and a similar call for
a national convention. They cite the form
of a call of the convention in 1858 as evi
dence that it was the pur4)0 e of the Re
publican party te establish the principle of
district representation.
This was sustained, also, by all prece
dents in the party down te date. In no
case has the fair action of districts, in s
lecting its rcpicscntativcs, been overruled
or changed by any state or national con
ventien. Applause. The committee de
net believe that this right of congressional
district representation should new be in
vaded for the first time by the action of
national convention. If a state convent i? i
can by bare majority overrule the will of
the people fairly expressed in the selection
of district delegates it might as well
appoint at once all delegates. Great
applause. Nominations made though
such misrepresentations were net likely te
be ratified by the people. It was the duty
of the convention te disapprove emphati
cally all attempts te override high moral
customs of party. (Applause.)
Clayten (Ark.) presented the minority
report. It differs with the report of the
majority as te the application of the prin
ciple of district representation. The recom
mendation of the majority, if adopted,
would work as an ex-pest facto rule, re
versing the long-established usage of party
in many states. Applause.
Washington, June 4. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, stationary, followed by
falling barometer, variable winds, warmer
clear or partly cloudy weather.
Having returned from the Seuth, lias re
sumed Ids office practice, and can be found at
his residence, ' .