LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 1880. eus pieces of work represents the three bexvens. In one Christ is gathering His fleck ; then we have the three hundred Capuchins with harps, and in the last is the throne with archangels surrounding it. The task of executing these pen pic tuies, as well as all the ornamental writ ing, devolved upon the sisters, several of whom devoted their entire time te it. A paiticular loom called "Schreib Zimmer," or writing room, was used for this puipese only. Stepping ever into the Sister house, chance niay hi ing you into contact with the cner.ible Sarah Bauman, new past thite score. Her face is the idealization of peace, puiityand contentment, and her cunvcisatieii is beautiful with wisdom and godliness. She will point you with pride te the wei k of two sisters, Anastasia and Iphijienia, which is a laige alphabet book executed in ink, and completed in 1730. Tlicic is no question as te the artistic ment of the volume. One letter occupies a page, which is sui rounded with an ornate bolder of unique design. The letters aic Gothic, and after a bundled and thirty years the lines are almost as sliai p as cop per plate engraving. The buiying-gieund of the association adjoins the public read. Time, like a con siderate mother, has thiewn ever the sleepers her gieen gainient of mess and lichen. The Du likens' manner of sculpture was .somewhat singular. Their dead weie buiied in close contact uud in small groups. The cemeteiy is dotted all evei with these mounds. Iicissel lies under a huge slab, the inscriptions en which aie almost efl.iccd. The Fahnestecks hae elected a tombstone te " Dcidnch and Margaictta, father and mother of the tiibe of Fahnestecks," who emigrated liem Pniisi.i. All the insciip insciip tiens aic in Geinian and bejjin with " llier Kulien." A quarter of a mile te the west of the association's gieunds is a little knell wheieontheKenigniachei-haud ethci public spiiited Baptists placed in ceutse of erection a sandstone monument in mem ory of the seldieis of the Revo lution who died there. Aftei the battle of Gcitnautewu several hundred of the wounded weie tianspeited teKphrata, where they met with kindly nursing at the hands of these people. At least one hun dred and tilty of the seldiciy succumbed fiem wounds and sickness and were hastily intened at vaiieus points aieund tiiis locality. The base of the monument was elected twent j cut. age, when, the enthusiasm and wherewithal having evaporated, its completion was defeired. The stone fei the shaft are still lying aieund, a niiinbei of the slabs being dressed ready fei setting. Anether Census Iutiiiierater Appointed. Jacob Ilalbaeh. United States census eniimeiatei fei the 1101 thorn half of the Second waid, has resigned, and Michael 15. Landis, 44 East Chescnut street, has been appointed in his stead and will com mence taking the census of his precinct to-nieiiow. Mi. Landis is a schelaily and intelligent gentleman, well qualified for the woikte which he lias been appointed, and although lie commences opei.itieus several dajs behind bis co-labeicis, he w ill no doubt be " en time " at the finish. Mr. Ilalbaeh s resignation, we are told, was tendered because the duties of the ellice would iutcifeie with a mere penna nent and pieiitablc engagement. 1)1mi deny Conduct. . A lady residing in the vicinity el Cones Cenes toga and Heaver streets complains of almost daily annoyance from a gang of diseideily bes and eung men who ,ue in the habit of congregating there, and making use'ef loud, boisteieusand obscene language and ethci wise insulting passcis by. She says the constable of the waid only laughs at her when she makes com plaint. Where's McDi itt :' Charged tilth Violating tup l.iciuei Ijm. V. (.'. Snadei, the Ephiata lestauiateur, wliesj name and lame weie given some noteiiety recently by the elopement of his wife, and the subsequent auest and coin lnittnent fei tiial of her paiameur, is again in tieuble, complaint being made against him by Geerge W. Moere, who chaiges him with selling liquor en Sunday, selling te mineis and selling en election day. Case Diminished. The eases of cem'th vf. Abraham llcn llcn llcn woed andT. J. Themas, charged with as sault and batteiy with intent te ravish, were dismissed this morning by Aldei man McConemy, there being no evidence pro duced te maintain the chaige. The alder man, in dismissing the case, said that he regretted se much publicity had been given te a tnattci which was evidently founded upon some mistake as te the real facts. TeIi.k c ri.iiitmg. Mr. 13. S. Trout informs us that he has leased a tiact of gieund fiem Jehn W. Menter, this cit, and planted it in to bacco this meining. In an hour and three quaiteis Daniel Wolf, of Lancaster, and a German named Jehn Beiber, set out .1,000 plants, Mr. Tieut diepping the plants for them. This appeals te be pretty fast weik. Can any of eui tobacco planters beat it. Tilt) U iiiiicr r the Mill. Paddy Ryan, the pugilist, who whipped Jee Gess, en Tuesday, passed thieugh this city en the Pacilic express east jcstciday afternoon. He was accompanied by Johnny Reach, his trainer, and they were bound for Xew Yerk. Gess is stepping w ith a fi iend in Titusville. JIare Stelen. The chief of police has itemed fiem Palmyra, Lebanon count, a tclgginm which tatcs ths.t a heavy bay mare with a white star en her forehead and several scars en her legs, was stolen last night from the premises of 11. Dissingcr, together with an old no top buggy. A rewaid of $2" iseflcied. Sht.t 'through t'le II.iiiiS. Prank Sinisen, aged about lljeais, a son of Jeseph Samson, and a pupil of Mr. Gates's bes secondary school,shot himself through the hand te-day about neon, while handling a toy pistol, of which he is the owner. His wound was dressed by Dr. Wan en. Majei's Ctturt. The majei had before hiin this meining seven cases of drunken and diseideily conduct. Twe of them were committed for 20 and 30 days respceth ely, two were obliged te pay the costs and two were un conditionally dischaiged. I'rettj Regalia. Ill the store of E.J. Erismau en Neith Queen street is a handsome regalia, which was made by E. J., for J. P. Winew er, who w ill wear it when he at tends the national council of the Jr. O. U. A. M. which will be held in Richmond, Va. en June leth. Mr.Winewer is the represen tative fiem this state. THE DOCTORS. Meeting or the Medical Society. The Lancaster city and county medical society met in Grand Army hall yesterday aftcrnoen,PrcsidentThompson,ofWrights- ville in the chair. Owing te the fact that a number of the members of the society are is attendance at the medical congress in New Yerk, the meeting was smaller than small, the fei lowing members only being bresent : Dis. Blackwood, Compten, A. J. Ilerr, Reland and Welchans, of the city ; Drs. Buckius and Craig, of Columbia ; Drs. B. F. HeiT and M. L. Davis, of Millersville ; Dis. Black and Weaver, of Strasburg ; Drs. Roebuck, of Lititz ; Keudig, of Sa unga ; J. H. Davis, of Seudensburg ; Liv ingston, of Mountville ; Kehler, of New Helland ; F. M. Musser, of Witmer, and Tiabert. of Reamstown. The delegates who attended the late state convention held at Alteena. made theii rcpeit, in which it was stated that the next meeting of the btate society would be held in this city en the second Wednes day of May, 1881. Several interesting cases in practice were discussed and the reports made by membeis showed that there arc no epi demics prevailing either in city or county. Scveral ether important matters which were te have been discussed were post poned, owing te the absence of members. A number of new members were elected and the society adjourned te meet en the fust Wednesday in July. Sudden Death of :in Kstiinable Man. The Hagcrstewn Glebe says : " Mr. Henry Bair, of Lancaster county, Pa., who has been spending the past two weeks in our county, en a visit te his son, Mr. Adam Bair, died suddenly Satuiday even ing at the residence of the latter, four miles nei th of town. Mr. Bair had been en among his ing paitoek Friday meining aieund fiieuds, and that even- et a heaity supper at the residence of Mr. C'hiistian Eby, near Moigantewn. About an hour aftciward he was taken sciieusly ill, passed into a state of unconsciousness, and, as above stated, died en Saturday ccning of appo appe plexy. He was a pieniincnt citizen of L-incastcr county, and at the lipe old age of 81 jeais, has ended a life full of hon esty, hi ightness and geed deeds." Tey l'iktels. In consequence of the frequent acci dents caused by the careless handling el the 23 cent toy pistols new being sold te boys by the store-keepers, the policemen are making a raid upon the heys and taking fi em thcin their dan dan geieus toys. The pistol is pie ided with a blank metallic caitridge, but the boys te make it mere effective purchase heavy bhet and place it in fient of the caitiidge, making the weapon as dangerous as a po liceman's revolver. feafelj Arrlted. The steamer Labrador, of the French line, which sailed from New Yeik en May 10th, having en beaul eui fellow towns men, M. Zahm and II. Z. Rhoads and son, anied safely at Havre en Sunday. Ne pi ivatc despatches have been received from our teuiists, but it is undci undci undci stoed among their fiiends that this silence means they are all well. Lettens will be received fiem them by next stcamci. N.irren Escape. This meining about 8 o'clock a woman, who was walking aciess the railroad tiack at the Pennsylvania depot, made a nauew escape from being killed by a vvestein vvestein beund freight train. She was pulled fiem in fient of the locomotive by Hewaid Baer and W. K. Bcaid just in time te save hei life. Engine oil Hie Track. Yestciday as the 12:35 train was leaving the upper depot of the Reading raihead, the engine ' Rebeit Crane," which was hailing the train jumped the track. The train was delayed for an hour and a-half. The Dess. Michael Andes, of Seundersburg, has new giewiug a tobacco plant that meas ures 20 inches long and 14 inches wide. Spiingvillc, try again. JDeg Shet. This meining another deg supposed te be mad was shot at the corner of Lemen and Charlette streets by Hairy Ilaitman. Improvement). In Plated Goods. Dining the lat ten yeais a great dual e! weithless btulT lias been put en the market unlt r the name el plated v:ue. Hastily knocked together out of the poorest inatenal and covered w ith a skimming of the thinnest 1U m of silver, its only use Ills been te teach a lessen te the people who thought they were seeming bargains, because they paid but a small price fei the showy articles they bought. The really geed plated ware el today is a far hotter article than that el ten yean age. Impievcments have been made in almost e eiy branch of its manufacture. The metal which suives as its basis is liaidcr and mere durable than lernierly. The joints are soldei seldei ed and secured with greater strength. The silver plating is laid en in a better manner and altogether the fabric is mere duiable i's well as mere beautiful. Greater attention is paid te the superior duality in all these re spects and the result is the production el an aiticlc which may be relied en, net only for ornament, but for every day use. Mesis. llailey. Hanks & Biddle, of 12th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, assured our cei respon dent that a piece of their plated w arc w ill last a lifetime. Ansuer te Many Correspondents In reply te numerous inquiiies fiem our le.uleis. concerning the wendeitul qualities of the Great German Kcmeily, St. J vceu's Oil mentioned in our last issue we would in in lerm them that the aiticle may be obtained from eui retail druggists, or by their aid. Ask for feT. Jacob's Oil, and if the dealer does net keep it In stock, he will be able te procure it in a few days Hern the wholesale houses. We understand there is already an immediate de mand ler the remedy, w Inch is net se very sur prising when it is considered what it Is dally accomplishing in the way of relict and cures, berdeiing, m some instances, en the miiacu miiacu leus. Delicate females llnd Malt Biltcis neuii-li-inr, strengthening and purilv ing. The mystery has been selv ed at last : Our teeth no longer need decay. All troubles of the mouth aie past, 15y SOO DON'T they're swept away; And young and old may smile secure With lips ami teeth se bright and pure. mv3l-lwdced&w A natural beautther and restorer of the com plexion Cuticura Medicinal Seap. SPECIAL NOTICES. '"Dr. Lindscy's Bleed Searcher' cured my son of eiysipelas." Mrs. E. Suieltzcr, Lari mer, Pa. " Werth their weight in geld" is w hat " Sel lcis' Liver Pills" are said te be. If you don't believe it try them. Try Lechei's ltenewncd Cough Syrup. EEW GOODS FOR THE SPBfflG TRADE; AT GUNDAKERS. LADLES, for Xew, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Try Lecher's Kenow ned Cough Sj rup. j Netice We were suffering the most excru-. elating pain from inflammatory rheumatism. I One application of lr. Themas' Klectnc Oil ; afforded almost instant relief, and two llfty cent bottles effected a pel maiient cure. j O. K. COMVIOCh. I Fer sale by C. IJ. Cee. Caledonia. Minn. Fer sale bv II. Ik Cochran, diuggist, Ne. 1J7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancastei, Pa. 12 Frem a Distinguished Cleriryman. Wasuitote.t, D. C , June 19, 1879. 1 have known of several persons who re garded themselves as greatly benefited, and some of them as permanently cured of diseases of the kidncvs and urinaiy eigans by your medicine. Warnei's Safe Kidney and Livei Cine. 1 have knew n, tee, of its use In similar cases tey physicians et the highest character nnd standing. I de net doubt that it has great virtue. .1. K. KANKIN. jl 2l.v.w Tiy Lecher's Kenow ned Cough .Syrup. Brown's Household l'unaeea I Is the most effective Pain Destievei in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIX, whether chronic or acute, than any ether p lin alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength el any similar preparation. It cuies pain ia the Side, Hack orl.ewels, Soie Threat, Kheuiuatism, Toothache ami ALL ACHES, and is the (JURAT RELIEVER OF PAIX. "JJUOWX's HOUSEHOLD PAXA CEA " should be in ev eiy family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tuloftiic Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will JJItEAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. 1!. Cecluan .V CeS Ding steie Xeith Queen street. L-incastei. Much hlcknesH, Undoubtedly with children, atlulnited toether cause-., is occasioned by Weiuis. BI.OWN' VKUMIFUGECOMFU's, ei Werm Lozenges, although ellectual in dcstievmg v onus, can de no pesible injuiy te the met delicate child lliis valuable coinbin-itien has been success fully used by phjsieian-j, and leitnd te be ab solutely sure in eradicating weims. Twenty live cents a box. f janI5-lvd.v.w TuTh.VS Try Lecher's Uenew ned Cough sv i up. Ihaveseld -If. betllt- of veur Di. Themas Electric Oil in sixwccUs.inil eveiy bottle g.ive satisfaction. Our people aie bitter pleased with it than auvthing they have had. Please duplicate mv eidei at once. C I!. HALL, ( it w villi". In . Jan. .50. Ism) Fei sale by II. !. Cecluau. di uggi-t, Xe-.. 1 " and lJ'JXeith Qiuen stiect, Lancastei, Pa 11 Tiy Lechei's Uenew ned Cough j i up ii:a i .. ItlMiLEV. .June 1. lbse. in tin- llj. Mrs.Mau delene Uinklev, wile et Matthias llinkley, m the 5.Jd j ear el hei :ige. The relatives and liieuiK of the family are rcspectfullv inv ited te attend the luneral liem her late re-idt nee, tin drecn street, en Fnd.iy afternoon, at .J o'clock. Intiiment at Wood Weod Woed vvaid Hill eemeteij. UlteFF. June 1, ls-sl in I.iiK.wlei, Pa., after a lingciiiis; illncs-.. Eliahith (.loll, wile el Jacob Uiell, in the "ith j c n et hi l age. The relatives and li lends et the laiiulv are lcspcctlully inv ited te attend the fiem her late residence, X'e ..JDMiuth (tin en slicit, en Fiiday afternoon, at .! o'clock Inteimcnt at Zieu's ceuictei . itd "'jsir Aivi:iiTisi:?u xts. rnui;uK AviLi. ui: iki:ac;iim: mai X. 2 o'clock p. m., bv Lldei Jacob Hcinheld and ether-, in the l.angclual chuicli in Water stieet, between Oi.mge anil Che-tnut. ltd WAMLD-liOll 'ill Li:VKN HI. CK sinithlng. Ajuily te Thes. Mcdinuis, Foreman et "-mitli si,,j, )(f I). A Altick & Sens, il and 11 e-t Oiange stiei t, Lanea-ti i, Pa. ltd EsTAlj; 01' JAt'OB STAlTPKi:, LA1K of Lancastei citv, di cc.i-t d. Letters et sutinini-t ration en -aid e-tate h.iving been granted te the iinilei signed, all pel -mm indebt ed thereto requested te make iinmedi tte pay ment, and these lux ing claims ei dem inns against the sime will present them without delay ler settlement te the undeisi-'ned. F. II. STAIIFFKIL DAVID MeX. STAUl'TEir, or te Adinim-tialei. A. C. RhrvemiL, Atfj. j .".fitdraw BAILEY. BANKS euu A I M II A S IJEEX ALWAlb TO KEEP THE EUV ISEST IX ALL AXI) BLDDLE, 12th and THE DEPAUT MLXTS OF Ol'U ItUSIXEss, AM) CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. r, LAllXli IX LAKCE QUANTI- TlKfe ENTIRELY FOR CASH, lO MARK OUR GOODS AT THE LOW LVT PRICKS. OUU IMMENSE IirSIXEsSIS ARUXDANT PROOF OF COMPLETE SUCCESS IX THIS EXDE AOR. WE SEXD. OX APPROVAL, BY EXPRESS OR OTHERWISE, DIAMOXIJS. WATCHES. S I L V E R W A R E, J E ELRY, DECORATIV E ARTICLES, ie. OUR STOCK COMPRISES AX IMMENSE ARIET OF ELEGANT AND NOVEL GOODS SUITABLE FOR WEDDING GIFTS. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, PLIII k BJlimi'L ARCHERY, Ciequct. Base Balls Bemb shells. Paper Seasonable Goods, at anil Bats, Chinc-e 'ley Cap Pi-tels, and ethei Flii & 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. Breneman s, EMBROIDERIES, JtC. A'ir AHVERTISEXENTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. Prices always lower than City Prices. We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry ancTSpecial Werk at short notice from our own factory. We have the mechanics and tools for flrst-elass Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. A NEW DEPARTURE IN MEDICINE-THE OLD SYSTEM OF DOSING AND DRUGGING SUPERSEDED. The Excelsior liver and Stomach Pad Is a new curative ijjent, totally different from and greatly superior te anything hitherto offer- d te the publi. . it acts directly upon the vital organs and cures bythe strictly natural process et AUsOltl'x'lOX. ll has pieved its efficacy by the seveiest tests, and is strongly recommend ed by all who have used it. As a lemedy in nmlaiieus fevers, liver and stomach complaints, ii legulaiities, nervous disorders, mental depiessien. headache, and overflow of bile, drepsical ailments, nausea ami constipation, it has no equal. PRICES Regular Pad, $1: Special Sire, $LiO. Pi cpai ed and kohl by the ABSORPTIVE MEDICAL COMPANY, in miWAw Ne. 21 WKST CHESTNUT STREET, LANCASTER, lj. Fer Sale by Druggists. Send or call for circulars giving testimonials, &c JEWELX.H8. TOU1S WEIIEK, j WATCHMAKER. Ne. IWJi NORTH QUEEN STUEKT,near P. It. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, silver ami Nickel-eased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ler the celebrated Panta-cepic Spechi cles ami Eye-Glasses, ltepaii ing a specialty, aprl-lyd THERMOMETERS AKB STORM GLASSES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. E. P. BOWMAN, 10(J EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. Ne. 20. Ne. 2CX Sterling Silverware ion WEDDING GIFTS. Silver-Plated Ware ren WEDDING GIFTS. Fiench Clocks, Hiene Caul Tables, .laid. -nici-, Candlestick and hcrv ices at AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA CLOTJUNO. 1880. 1880. RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL AM) FASHIONABLE TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, SUITINGS, TESTINGS, PANTINGS. TROUSERINGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te order for Men and Beys In the prevail ing st j les. and satisfaction guaranteed. Alse, Ready-Made Clothing ! AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHING GOODS At the Old Price bcteic the Adv ance, AT RATHVON & FISHER'S Practical Tailoring Establishment, 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET, nu-lmd H'AlfTED. 1T7"ANTED A GIRL TO DO CENEKAL Tt Housework. Ne wnshing or Ironing. Apply with reference at 5 East King street. ltd IAS! It AGS! KAGS! KAGS WANTED, t Housekeepers take notice that we ar paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAG S Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, aprlWmd Ne. 2 West King Street. EINAliCIAI- JAMES 15KOWN, DEALER IN STOCKS and Bends, G4 and 6G Broadway, New Yerk. Operations en margin and by means or privi leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation and invest ment. ml5-lydTu,Th&S AMUSEMENTS A FAIR AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL for the benefit et St. Jeseph's Church, commenced enFRlDAT.MAY28, at 8o'cleck. at Rethweiler's Hall, West King street, nnd will continue for ten days . ml9-2wd 1)HT GOODS. A Tumble in Linens. Net many linens will be sold else where till we have reduced our stock ; for why should you pay a dollar when ninety cents will answer ? We hare been below the market all the year ; and new aie lower still. We point te a few samples : TABLE-LINEN. Hall-bleached damask, $0.50, .06, .0i .70, .SO, .00, 1.00; each one is as geed a linen as you can llnd elsewhere at the next higher price. Bleached damask, $0.50, .65, ,75, .85. 1.00, 1.10, l.'ii, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25; caeli one of these also is as geed as you can llnd anywhere else at the next higher price ; the last one, at $2,25. is new sold at wholesale, by one of the heaviest merchants in the ceiintiy. at the same pi ice. German damask, $0.75 Napkins te match, 2.U0 Belgian damask, 1.00 these last three are net te be found elsc u hei e at any price. NAPKINS. i' inches square, $1.50 ; these cannot be matched anj wlieie else for a whit less than $2.00. 21 inches square, $1:75 ; these are German goods, and arc put up In half dozens. We could net buy them te-day te sell below $2.00 at the very least. J4 inches square, $2.25; these arc German also ; they have no dressing; i.e.. they leek and feel the same as alter washing. We have been selling them at $2.50; and they aie worth It. We have been efleiecl our price for the whole let, but have kept tlicin ler jeu. TOWELS. Damask, at 15 cents; beat them at 20 cents it you can. Damask, all white, 23 cents; have been selling at 31 cents: and we cannot buy them new te sell at 31 ; but you shall have them at 25. licrman Damask, 31 cents; have been selling at35 cents; we ought te put them up instead of down ; but, re member, we arc reducing stock. Bleached diaper towel, 50 cents, the cuirent price is 05 cents. Huck, knotted fringe, 25 cents. Turkish, from 15 cents. SHEETING. Fiench, 72 inches' $0.90. fiench, 92 inches, $0.90, 1.10, 1.50; these ought te be compared witli Irish linens at $2.00 te $2.50. They are equal in weight and strength, but net et quite se geed a bleach. They aie mere like the Barnsley bleaeh, but better than that. TILLOW LINEN. Fiench, 41 inches, $0.50, .62, .70, .80: French, 54 Inches, $0.85, 1.00; these are the same as the French sheetings above. UNDERWEAB-LINEN- Old-lashiened Irish linen, yard wide, $0.25, .28, .31, .3, .40. .45, .50, .62, .70, .75, .80, .85; they were begun en our order a j ear and a-half age. The old pro cess of bleaching Is a slew one. The goods are te enr liking every way. FLOOR-LINENS. Five yards wide, a single pattern only, $1.65 ; c.ask j ou te notice it. 27 inches, for stairs, 12U cents : it will puzzle you te get it elsewhere at 25 cents. These are few out of many. Our stock was never nearly se large; and we were never mere fortunate in bujing, cither as te choice or price. The rise in linens has carried every body above us ; we alone are anchor ed at low tide. Linens are in the outer and ncxt-eutcr-circle west from the Chestnut street entrance. - JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut; Thirteenth, Market and Juniper, PHILADELPHIA, KIDNEY WORT FOR SALE AT LOCH crs' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. TILED EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1880. CHICAGO. THE STRUGGLE FOR SEATS. The Antl-Crant Men Ruling the Creden tials Committee. The Unit Rule llrokeu. Chicago, June 3. After conclusion of the hearing of the Illinois contest in the committee en credentials, at three o'clock this morning a vote en the contest iu the Seventh district of Alabama was taken, resulting in resolving te report in favor of the admission of Get. Smith and Willard Warner, the (anti-Grant) contestants, by a vote of 31 te 13. General Kaum, a member of the com mittee, who also acted as chairman of the Springfield convention, then addressed the committee en the Illinois contest. The committee finally adjourned at four o'clock until eleven te day without icach a vote in the Illinois case. The Unit Rule llreken. The sub-committee en rules and order of business, after a long session, agreed te a list of rules nearly the same as these adopted at Cincinnati in 18TC, the princi pal difference being in tule Ne. 8, which reads : " In the record of votes by states the vote of each state and territory, and the District of Columbia, shall be an nounced by the chairman, and in case the votes of any state, territory or the District of Columbia shall be divided the chairman shall announce the number of votes cast for any candidate, or for or against any piopesitson, but if exception is taken by any delegate te the correctness of such announcement by the chairman of his delegation, the president of the con vention shall direct the names of the mem bers of such delegation te be called and the result te be recorded in accordance with the votes individually given." The part of this rule from " but if exception, " etc., is an addition which docs away with the unit rule. By the tenth rule it is provided that the Republican national committee shall con sist of one member fiem each state, this doing away with the representation of territories and the District of Columbia en this committee. Called te Order. The convention was called te elder at 11:45 a. m. The committee en creden tials aie still in session nnd cannot lepert for some time. Ne Hasinas. 11:30 a. m. Net meic than half the delegates aic yet in their seats. The galleries are only three quarters filled. Cenkllng's Clacquers. The New Yerk delegation has just entered with Mr. Conkling at the head, who was received with considerable ap plause in the galleries. A Leng Wait. It is said the committee en contested .seats will net be icady te rcpeit before 4 p.m. The Proceedings in Detail. Chicago, 11:10 a. v.--The gallery and iloer arc filling up new rapidly and the scene in the hall is very impiessivc. Inter esting discussions aie anticipated te-day, and the expectations aie that there will be an earnest contest between the rival factious upon every point. It would be hazardous te predict the results, but it is believed the cicdential committee will admit at least 18 of the 20 contestants from Illinois who weie admitted eiiginally te the Spiinglield convention and subse quently ousted. Senater LTear called the coin cut ion te elder at 11:4.j. lie lequestcd all ethers than members of the convention te v ith draw from that pait of the hall assigned te delegates and directed the scigeant-at-ainis te enfeice the lcquest. The aisles weie clcaied after some delay. Rev. F. A Xeblc, of Union Paik Con gregational chinch, Chicago, elfcicd prayer. Conkling Wants Time. Conkling moved that the convention ad journ or take a lecess till 0 p. m. Mr. Hale made the point of elder that the motion was debatable. The chair sustain ed it. The question is new being de bated. Hale in his speech holds that the con vention must remain in a state of suspend ed animation until the committees aic ready te report. Conkling followed Hale, claiming that it would facilitate the business of the con vention te take the recess, and said it was net in eidcr te proceed till the committee en credentials reported. Conkling's motion for a recess was lest. A Peculiar Preposition. Mr. Jey, of Michigan, offered a resolu tion that the centetants from the state of Illinois be hcaid in convention by counsel. A motion te lay it en the table was lest, and the roll of the states en Mr. Jey's mo tion was ordered. Mr. Jey finally withdrew his lesolutien. Fryc, of Maine, moved that the report of the committee en rules and order of business be requested. Sharpc, of Xew Yerk, said that as there would be majority and minority reports he asked that it be delayed till the committee en credentials reported. Garfield said that .under the agi cement it would net render a report until the committee en credentials had reported un less ordered by the convention. Conkling inquired whether the commit tee en contested seats was icad te report. The chair replied that he was told the committee was net ready nor likely te be ready before several hours, perhaps net before 4 p. m. Conkling risiug again was received with marked demonstrations of applause in the galleries. lie said he also understood that the rcpeit could net be had from the cre dentials committee until late this after noon ; of course no business could proper ly be done until that report should be received and the membership of the con vention established ; therefore he moved a recess until te-night. Hale asked Conkling te give way but he refused. Hale made the point of order that the motion te take a recess was debatable. The chair sustained this point of order. Mr. Hale rose te oppose the motion and was received with marked applause, which was renewed when he urged that the un derstanding yesterday was that the con ventien should this morning proceed te work. He urged that there was business which the convention could de in advance of the report of the committee en credentials, and cited the proceedings of the conven tion of 187G, te show that much business was then transacted in advance of the re port en contested seats. -That committee then, as new, had much hard work, and the convention was permanently organ ized before it reported. The con vention of 1876 had also acted en the report of the committee en rules and order of business. Hale urged that this convention is new ready for business great applause and hoped that it would net threw away its time, but go en with its immediate duties. Conkling rose te reply and wasagaiu applauded. Meantime the aisles bad been filled again by spectators and the chair suspended business until they were again cleared. Adjourned Until A P. M. At 1:10 p. m., Mr. Fryc, of Maine, Blaine's henchman, moved that the convention take a recess until 5 p. ni. The motion was carried. Convention Notes, It has been arranged for Cel. Ingcrsell te present the claims of the Illinois con tcstants in convention. The committce en permanent organiza tion reported the name of Gee. F. Hear for president. Conkling's Desire for Adjournment. In his speech in favor of taking recess until night, Conkling said that the only work the convention would de before five o'clock would be te sit en uncushiencd scats ami de nothing; his motion therefore was one of convenience ; it was an open sccict that the committee ou pcimanent organization would report the continuance of the present pie siding officer in the chair. It would net take five minutes te settle the permanent organization. There were important questions te be settled here ; it is said that the committee en rules have agreed te rec ommend the adoption of the tlve minutes mlc te govern the general, debate, though the committee have excepted from this limitation the debate en centested seats. There was, therefore, nothing te de piiorte the picscntatien of the report of the committee en credentials and contest ed seats. U.ile'n Reply. Hale, en rising te reply, was received with the wildest applause that has thus far been heard in the convention. He urged that if Conkling's argument was sound and its points adopted in every legislative body, suspending all business until all contested questions of scats should be settled, none would ever de any business. Great applause. Beth houses of Congress aie te-day considering such contests which have been pending since the beginning of the session. Anether Delay. 3:30 r. si. The committee en creden tials are still in session and it is said can not report for some time. WKATUKK INDICATIONS. Washington, June 3. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary barometer, higher temperature, winds mostly north te west, clear or partly cloudy weather. DKAD ! An IinpreH, Toe. fcr. Pi.tkksiickg, June 3. The Em press of Russia died this meining. JlAJtKt.TS. l'lillmlttlplila Market. Philadelphia. June X Fleur dull MU)crtlncS 0 65.10; extra at $.! 7."fJ4 2": Ohie and Indiana family at $.' ui.r 75: Penn't Umily $4 75(5 25; St. Leuix laiuily f .r,0i(i; M) ; Minnesota family $5 OOfiB dO; patent iiml I114I1 grades $ 568 10. Kye flour at $4 7'i. Cei nmeal lirandy wine micliaiiKcd. Wheat flrmer: Xe.MVestein Ked $1J711; l'enn'a Ited $1 271 28 ; Amber $1 28. Cern dull and easier for local ue ; steamer 50c; yellow 5Hc; mixed S0.r0Kc. Oats dull an'd weak: Ne. I, White. 4i!c; Ne. 2, tle l!J ; ;.Ne. J, de 40c; Se. ?, Mixed :i70 "We. . Uye dull; Western and l'a. 9092. Previsions steady ; mess perk at $11 2511 CO; beet hams $1718IXl; India m.-wt beet 18 Ml bacon,smoked .shoulders 5J4'Jc; salt 4"44e ; smoked hams 10llc; pick lei I hams feJtf'Jc-. Lard dull ; city kettle 7c ; loose butcher CKC 5 prime steam $; te. clutter dull and weak ; Creamery extra. 2I5 22c ;B. C.and N. V. extra. 1820c ; Western Ke-iere extra, 14J15e ; de geed te choice, 12 14c ; UelW dull, mostly peer ami kIew efile': l'enn'a extra anil Western ie-erve extra low 13c. Kggs steady ; Penn'a 13c : Western 12l2r. Cheese 11 rm and scarce; New lerk taeteiy 1.5c; Western lull cream, like; de lair te geed lfWillc; delmirsklms'JffilOc. Petroleum quiet ; refined 7c Whisky $1 li feeeds nothing doing ; Geed te prime Tim Tim othy at $1 753 : Flaxseed at $1 45. Mew Yerk Market. New Yerk, June 3. Fleur State and West ern without decided change, moderate expeit home trade inquiry : superllne state T.l:& 4 50 ; extra de $4 254 75 ; choice de $4 805 ue'; fancy $5 056 00; round hoop Ohie $4 005 25 : choice de $5 300 50 ; supcrnne western .i 756$ 4 SO ; common te goetf extra de $4 254 te : choice dodo $4 8f97 00; choice white wheat de $4 755 00; Southern quiet, about stead) : common te fairextia$5 KjS85;goed te choice de $5 507 00. Wheat Spring qniet and firm; Winter y.fb Kc better, quiet; Ne. 1 White June $12:; Ne.2 Red June f 1 26J1 27. Cern quiet, about steady; Mixed western spot, 52Q.T3c;de future 4'.'jGIc. Oats quiet including btate 4247c ; Western 30K45c" Keef dull and prices unchanged. Perk tinner; new mess $1790. Laid quiet and tirm ; steam rendered 7 in Whisky dull ; Western $1 081 00. .Spirit of turpentine dull at 4445c. Stock Markets. PHILADK.FHIA. Jlllle 3. 12:30 r. it. 3 00 p. M . Stocks hnu. Pennab's (third fesuc) 107J Philadelphia A Erie 12 Reading ltii .... Pennsylvania 4f4 Lehigh Valley. 48" United Ces. of S. J l.VJ$ Northern Pacific 23k " Prelerred 45 Northern Central 31 Lehigh Navigation 20 Norristown 101 Central Transportation Ce. W Pitts., Titusville A Buuale. 15 ' Little Schuylkill 41 Nxw Yerk. June 3. Stocks Ann. Meney SQi N. Y. Central 124 Eric .12 Adams Express 104 Michigan Central 78 Michigan Southern 954 Illinois Central 101 Cleveland A Pittsburgh 112 Chicago Keckls-land. 189 Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 118-K Western Union Tel. Ce 87 Teledo Wabash :il New Jersey Central 57 United State Bends anil Sterling .Exchange. (Quotations by IS. K. Jamisen, Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadklpuia, June 3. United States Cs, 1881, (registered). .103 United States 5's, 1881, (registered).. 103103V United States 4's, 1801, (registeredJlOwiOSK United States 4's,1891,(conpens)....10'JI09 United States 4's, 1907. ( registered).. hWilOB United States Currency 68 123 Sterling Exchange 487 400 r S 1 INTKNO ENGAGING IN OTHKK business, I offer my entire Livery Steefc and Property, new used by me as a Livery Stable, at private sale. jl-3td GEO. W. ZECHEIf.