Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 03, 1880, Image 1

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    'ar - ' -1-T6I"fx' r
(H)je Jmttei
Velnme XYI-Ne. 235.
Price Twe Cents.
?5T55J-4' -?v -$ -' -.r--.-.-...-.,..
One Case Figured Drees Goods, Spring Shades, 10c a yard ; sold everywhere atl2c.
One Case T willed Beiges, 12c a yard ; worth 17c.
One Case l'lain Beige, 12ic a yard ; regular price 20c.
500 SHETLAND SHAWLS In Cardinal, Blue and White, 50c each, would be cheap at 11.
At less than Manufacturer's Trices. GREAT BARGAIN. 100 21-inch Silk Parasols at $1.25
usual price $1.75.
All the Xcw Spring Styles from the Leading. Manufacturers. Embossed Geld, Bronze
Satins, Grounds and Blanks, with Dade, Frieze and Borders te match.
Wall Papers and Window Shades.
In Cardinal, lirewn, Sage, Drab, Lead, Tea, Olive, Green and Blue, for Window Shade.
Spring and Common Fixtures. Shades and Paper hung at short notice.
25 te 30 per cent.
Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets.
Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful and- most stylish colors
in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season.
Men's Colored lialhriggan Hese, with Embroidered Silk clocks ; Seal let and 111 ue Silk
Hese: Fancy Colored Half Hese; Striped Cotten Halt Hese and Merine Half Hee. Men's and
Bevs' Suspenders and Fine Braces, in all styles and Celers. Men's and Beys' While Dress and
Colored Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirts, and Blue Flannel Neglige Shirts. Men's an;i Beys'
.Summer Underwear in Merine and India Gauze. Men's and Beys' Colored Lisle Thread and
Kid Gloves, ler Summer Wear. Men's and Heys' Vulcanized Rubber Braces, and a large stock
of fine Silk, French L5nen end Cambric Handkerchieis. Men's and Reys' Latest Slyics Fine
Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs.
EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler,
Zahm's Cerner,
Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Ware,
Clocks, Jewelry anil Irani Tinted Spectacles.
Wo.elTer our patrons the benefit of our long experience In business, by which we are able
te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. We
manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every
article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality.
a,First-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention.
Lancaster, Fa.,
Hamastct Intclltgcnrrr.
Beginning of tlie New Fiscal YearWith a
Ouautlty of Important Business en If ami.
His 'Annual Communication te our Lecal
Legislators A Streng and Sensible
Document Sharp Arraignment
et the Court.
Chief et I'elice Deicliler Continued at Last
Tlie Contract for Lighting the City De
ferredStreet Werk Recom
mended Nev Market Or- .
Ui u;i nee Mr. I'rank
liu Deeming the
1 re me n.
Jnne Meeting of Councils.
A stated meeting of select and common
councils was held last evening.
Select Council.
The following members were present :
Messrs. Deerr, Ebcrly, Franklin, Judith,
Zeclier, and .hvans, president.
City l'"ean:es.
Mr. Zecher presented the monthly rcpeit
et the city treasurer and receiver ei taxes
for the past month, from which it appeared
that the receipts during last month were
$28,030.97; the payments en the 1st of
June, $13,59j.1G ; and the balance in treas
ury $18,803.73.
Mr. Zecher presented the monthly report
of the finance commit', ee for the past
Leasing the -Market Stalls.
Mr. Zecher presented an ordinance
changing the time for leasing the market
stalls and stands, which provides that for
the purpose of facilitating the payment of
the current indebtedness of the city, the
stalls next year shall be rented en the first
Wednesday of April for a term of nine
months ; and thereafter en the thiid Mem
day in December for one year from the
first Wednesday in January. The ordi
nance was lead once and laid ever.
The "Old .factory."
Mr. Zecher offered a resolution author
ing the property committee te sell the old
Rockland mill property.
Mr. Eberly moved te amend by referring
the resolution te the property committee
with instructions te report te next meet
ing of councils hew much of the property
may be sold without interfeiing with the
water rights of the city, te secure which
the properly had been piircnascd. He
was in favor of selling the old mill, but
net the water right.
The resolution as amended was adapted.
Common council concurred.
Mr. Eberly presented a petition for gut
tering and paving East King street, east
of Franklin. Referred te street committee.
Common council concurred.
Chief Deicliier anil Otticer Lcman Con Cen
tinned. Mr. Eberly, from the committee en ex
ecutive appointments, stated that the com
mittee had been unable te get any evidence
in support of certain charges made against
Chief of Police Deicliler; they therefore
recommended the confirmation of Air.
Deicliler and also of Mr. B. F. Lemau, a
policemen, whose confirmation had been
postponed for the past two months, though
there were never any charges preferred
against him.
Mr. Zecher said he did net consider Mr.
Deicliler a proper man te be chief of police
and he would net vote for his confuma cenfuma confuma
tien. He believed the charges made against
him could have been sustained had net the
witnesses been tampered with aiid threat
ened. The yeas and nays being called en the
adoptieu of the report of the committee
recommending continuation, resulted as
fellows :
Yeas Messrs. Deerr, Ebcrly, Judith
and Evans, present.
Nays Mr. Zecher.
Steel Works.
A very long report fiem the street com
mittee was read. It gives a detailed state
ment of the work asked for by petition,
work recommended by the committee, and
work done.
On motion of Mr. Eberly the report of
the street committee presented at the
May meeting was taken up, and the work
ordered te be done by common euneil at
last meeting was concurred in.
Mr. Zeclier moved that the report of the
street committee for the present month
be taken up and the recommendations of
the committee considered.
President Evans suggested that its con
sideration be laid ever until next meeting,
as the work already ordered (e be done,
was ineic than could be done during the
present month.
Majer's Annual Message.
The mayor's annual message was pre
sented and read as fellows :
Te the Honorable the Select and Common Coun
cils of the City of Lancaster :
Gentlemen : It again becomes my
duty te direct the alteivien of councils te
" the condition of the city in relation te
its government, finances and improve
ments, aud te recommend the adoption of
such measures as the business and inter
ests of the city may require."
The annual statement made by the
Finance Cemmiliee in .lanuaiy last
showed the funded debt of the city,
bearing C per cent, intciest. ie be...$G&!,51J 02
Funded debt of the city, bearing 5 per
ccnt-inierest in.'.me Oi)
Total $712.112 0-2
Of which the Committee of Finance
and Accounts as Commissioners of
the Sinking Fund held bends bear
ing 0 per cent interest 152,!)38 00
January 1, 18S0, teial lunded debt out
standing $5T0,4.": M
Deduct bends redeemed ter Sinking
Fund since January 1,1880 14,100 00
Add amount of deficiencies te be pro
vided ferte June I, lt'SOEsiimated. 17,800 00
Net amount or lnaceieuncbs out-
.$5S2,$T:S 1K5
Total funded dcbteutstanuingJune 1,
1879 $594,1.13 OR
Total lunded and floating debt out
standing June 1, 1880 582,853 80
Decrease m tne city a uein ter tne ns
calyear $ 11,000 oe
The deficiencies referred te above have
occurred in the street and lamp depart
ments in the former about $22,000, and
in the latter about $800. Hew these defi
ciencies came about in the street depart
ment is familiar te all our citizens who
have taken any interest in our municipal
affairs. In the lamp depart nent the de
ficiency is attributable te the great num
ber of new lamps put up during the year
sixty-four in number for which no ade
quate prevision was made in the yearly ap
propriation. Of the total deficiencies, estimated at
$22, 800, the appropriation bill of the current
fiscal year 1880-1881 provides for the
payment of $3,000, leaving $17,800 te be
provided for. Tbe$15,000 lean new before
councils, should it become a law, will thus
fall nearly $3,000 short of paying our defi
ciencies, and takes no account whatever of
the lamp deficiency. This will cause some
of the city's creditors te complain of an
unfair discrimination in our payments.
It will be gratifying te knew that this is
the first time in eleven years that the
city's debt has shown a decrease. I be
lieve that the fiscal year upon which we
have just entered will show equally geed
if net better results than the last if there
should arise nojeccasiou for any extraordin
ary expenditures.
I would again call the attention of coun
cils te the annual delay in the liquidation
of bills against the city occasioned by the
very late reception in the fiscal year of the
rents from market stalls and water privi
leges. Of the $125,000 appropriated last
year for all purposes, about $8,500 was de
rived from market stalls and $32,000 from.
water rents or, about one-third el our
whole revi.ii.:e from these two sources;
hardly any appreciable portion of which
finds its way te the city treasury until far
en in the eleventh month of the fiscal year.
The receipts at the city treasury should
correspond as nearly as possible te the
calls made upon it from the various de
partments. In most of the departments
the calls are pretty regular and uniform
from the beginning te the end of the year,
and in these which are net se, as in the street
and fire departments, the appropriations
aie used up long before the expiration of
the year ; se that the city invariably finds
ilself short from about the beginning of
January en until the market and water
rents commence te come in in April and
May. This can be remedied te some ex
tent by selling the market stalls in De
cember, and by hastening the payment of
the water routs from sixty te ninety days.
During the year very considerable work
has been done en the streets of the city.
East King street and Centre square have
been Belgian blocked at a cost te the city
of nearly $10,000 a sum equal in amount
te the entire appropriation for streets for
the year ; two squares of macadamizing
were done en Mulberry street from James
te Walnut, one square en James from
lilinc te Duke, two squares en Chestnut
from Charlette te Pine, one en Charlette
from Orange te Chestnut street. The con
tract price for this work was in the neigh
borhood of $7,000. Sewers were built en
West Walnut street, across Centre square
te Seuth Queen street, near Mifllin street,
from Seuth Queen and Middle streets te
licavcr street, and two sewers en West
Chestnut street, at a cost te the city of
abet'i; $2,800. Thus for new work there
were nearly $au,oue spent, and ler repairs
and material about $12,000 ; making a
total expenditure en the streets of $32,000,
of wlrcli $22,000 is in excess of the appro
priation. It is hoped that the committee will net
pursue the same policy this year that was
done last and for many years previous,
but that where it is ascertained that the
appiopraiien for street purposes is used
up they will wat until additional funds
are provided in a legal way te carry en the
city work. It canuet be iterated tee often
that a committee has no power te pledge
the city's credit, and that the appropria
tion is the limit of a committee's power
ever the funds of the city.
The street commissioner reports the
Shippcn street bridge ever the Pcuusylva
nia railroad is in a bad condition, aud he
thinks it dangerous te drive ever with the
heavy tobacco teams delivering tobacco at
the warehouses in the immediate neighbor
hood. I would suggest that the street
committee open a correspondence with the
superintendent of the Eastern division of
the Pennsylvania railroad company, Mr.
W. F. Leckard, en the subject. The
terms agreed upon between the city and
the company, which arc in my possession,
are applicable te all the bridges ever the
read of the company in the city as well as
the Lime street bridge. I believe the com
pany will net hesitate te rebuild the Ship
pen street bridge the full width of the
street, of iron, and in the same style as
the Lime street bridge was built.
The water department has been con
ducted very satisfactorily during the year
just closed. The appropriation of $7,500
for water works general has been sullicient
te cover all expenses for the year. The
machinery at the water works is in excel
lent condition with the exception of the
two Birkinbine pumps, which will have
te undergo repairs when the water power
of the season is no longer available. Since
last December, with a brief interval of a
few days, our water power pumps have
supplied all the water the city required.
The quantity of water consumed for the
year from February 28, 187!) te February
28, 1880, as reported by ex-Superintcudciu
llalbach te councils in March last was
740,937,113 gallons, a daily average con
sumption of 2,040,811 gallons. Of this
quantity the Geyelin pump delivered into
the reservoirs 92,9G3,891 gallons ; the Bir
kinbine pump Ne. 1, 207,(577,718 gallons ;
the Birkinbine Ne. 2, 150,712,404 gallons.
Total number of gallons pumped by water
power 451,354,013, costing $3.7G per mil
lion gallons. The Worthingteu steam
pump delivered into the reservoirs in the
same time 295,583,100 gallons at a cost of
$8.09 per million gallons.
I would especially call the attention of
councils te the following from the rcpeit
of Mr. llalbach: "Frequent complaints
arc made by water renters living en the
high points of the city that they de net
get a geed supply of water, and frequent
ly are totally without, even when the res
ervoirs are full. This is attributable in a
great measure te the small distributing
pipes that are laid throughout the city.
And this, trouble will yearly increase, un
less some prevision is made for putting
down larger mains. "
Fer further interesting particulars in re
lation te the water works, councils are i o e
spcctfully referred te Mr. Halbach's re
port which will be published in the an
nual report of the finance committee.
Your attention is directed te the follow
ing resolution introduced by Maj. R. W.
Slienk and passed by the water committee :
" Jleselced, That the mayor be r -pect-fttlly
requested iu his next annual message
te call attention te the necessity of the re
meval of the water works from their pres
ent location te a point en the Conestoga
beyond the influence of the future neces
sary sewage of the city, and te the neces
sity of the enlargement and greater eleva
tion of the present reservoirs, in order te
meet the increasing demands of water for
private, business aud" public uses."
Councils will de well te give this matter
full and patient investigation. Our city
having increased from 20,233 in 1870 te, it
is estimated, 29,000 or 30,000 iu 1880, it
requires no prophet's vision te approxi
mately foretell the requirements of our
water supply in the near future. In the
iirst place a storage capacity sucu as we
new have, of a little mere than 0,000 000
gallons, is net sufficient for a city consum
ing ever 2,000,000 gallons per day. This
is working tee much en the hand-te-mouth
principle. Any temporary inter
ruption new by which we are prevented
keeping our reservoirs up te their full ca
pacity is immediately felt and complained
of by our citizens living en tHe high
ground of the city. Anether serious in
convenience, and one te which Mr. Hal
bach refers, is occasioned by the small
mains which a mistaken economy
in" days gene by caused te be laid in
mtny parts of the city. The attachments
te these have become se numerous that
many water renters can get no water at all
duriug the business part of the day.
That portion of the foregoing resolution
looking " te the necessity of the removal
of the waterworks from their present loca
tion te a point en the Conestoga beyond
the influence of the future necessary sew
age of the city," also invites your serious
consideration. It is known that the entire
drainage of the northeastern portion of
the city finds its outlet in the Conestoga a
few hundred yards above Ranck's mill, or,
about two miles above where the water is
pumped up for city use. Up te this time,
perhaps there has net been any deleteri
eus effect produced by the consumption of
this water, but with our rapidly growing
city the vast accumulation of garbage and
filth which will be drained into the Cones
toga from the northeastern section of the
city the effect must necessarily be injuri
ous te the health of our people. Of course,
the carrying out of the objects of the reso
lution will be attended with very consider
able expense, but en the ether hand is it
net time, is it net necessary, that such a
remodeling of water works generally
should be begun which will meet the re
quirements, and at the same time assist in
the development of the material prosperi
ty of our city ? Nothing is mere inviting
te the nianufacturi.ig interests than an ad
equate water supply, and Lancaster, sure
ly, with its magnificent surroundings
teeming fields, health-imparting atmos
phere and lovely landscape requires but
the co-epcralion of its citizens te make it a
centre of industry, in time equal iu im
portance te that of any city in our own or
foreign lands.
The water committee at its inspection
of the reservoirs en Friday, May 21, 1880,
found the eastern one in a very dangerous
condition. The bank en the north side
was sliding, and a gap, widening daily,
ran along the bank diagonally iu a north
westerly and southeasterly direction,
tin eugh which the water lrem the reser
voirs ran iu a steady aud considerable
stream. There was every probability, iu
the opinion of the committee, that if the
water was kept up in the reservoir te the
height required te supply the high portions
of the city that the bank would seen give
way. The superintendent was ordered te
lower the water, and the committee at its
meeting, Monday, May 24, 1880, unani
mously resolved te proceed with the work
of repairing the reservoir at once, under
the immediate supervision of the superin
tendent. All materials, such as brick,
sand, cement and stone, will be furnished
by proposals.
The report of the lamp committee made
February 28th last, contains a detailed ac
count of the operations in that depart
ment. There have been for the year six
ty-feur new lamps put up thirty gas, and
thirty-four gasoline. The department has
worked pretty smoothly with the excep
tions that' the police report that the burn
ers arc net turned en as fully, that the
lamps are net repaired as promptly as they
should be ; that in many cases the lamps,
particularly the gasoline, go out leug be
fore daylight, and that they are net kept,
in some parts of the city, as clean as they
should be. It would be well for the lamp
committee te institute some plan of draw
back from the gas or gasoline company
where it can be proven that the company
failed in its agents in lighting the lamps,
or where, as with the gasoline lamps, they
are allowed te blew out because of broken
glass, or go out for want of sufficient oil.
It is net right that the city should be
made te pay for that which they de net
receive. The police will co-operate with
the committee in keeping strict account of
the unlit and blown out lamps. The re
ports of the police are made te me new
once a week, and are immediately placed
in the hands of the chairman of the lamp
If new lamps are supplied with anything
near the same liberality this year as last,
it will be necessary te increase the appro
priation, or we shall find a serious deficien
cy in the "lighting city" department at
the end of the fiscal year. A deficiency
exists in this department of about $800 for
the year ending May 31, 1880, for which
there does net seem te be any prevision
made. This should be provided for at
once. Nothing is gained by deferring the
The constitution of the police force has
undergone some change since my last an
nual message. Iu January last Mr. Jehn
Pentz, chief of police, tendered his resig
nation, which was accepted, and Police
man Deicliler, of the Third ward, was pro
moted because of his geed record and of
his capability te fill the vacancy. B.
Frank Lcman was appointed policeman of
the Third ward, te fill the place of Mr.
Deicliler, promoted. Jehn Maltcrn, po
liceman of the Fourth ward, lesigncd his
position en account of failing health and
advancing age ; James Ceyle, of the
same ward, has been appointed te fill the
place. Washington C. Pylc, of the
Eighth ward, declined being a candidate
for constable at the February election ;
Geerge Shay, the former policemen of
the ward, was elected te fill Mr. Pylc's
place, and Jehn Harman was appointed
te fill Mr. Shay's place.
It is but jusiic3 te the force te say that
they are a sober, industrious aud reliable
set of men, and execute their duties faith
fully and promptly. If our city is net as
peaceful as it should be, it might be well
te leek further than the police force for
the cause. If crime is toyed with, and for
a political quid pre quo can secure the in
terposition of honorable gentlemen te pre
vent the prison's doers from closing en it,
and can reach up into high places and es
cape the meshes of the law for the same
consideration, it will net be long until so
ciety will have but little protection from
the police. Certain punishment is the
sure preventive of crime and the sure pro
tection of society. Councils are respect
fully referred te the report of the chief of
police for the details of the working of the
The committee en fire engines and hose
companies have recently made a thorough
inspection of the fire department of the
city and report it in geed condition. The
engines and hose particularly are in geed
order. The department is as efficient as
it well can be made under the volunteer
system. Unfortunately for the fair fame
of some of the companies, there are tee
many lawless characters allowed te con
nect themselves with their memberships.
These are the men who bring disgrace en
the department, and involve the individual
members in disreputable quarrels at fires
and elsewhere. If the companies whose
reputations have suffered most in this re
spect would address themselves te the pur
gation of this element in their organiza
tions I am sure much geed would fellow.
I would recommend the careful considera
tion of this matter te councils, believing
that some means may be devised by which
the rough and rowdy may be made as
much of an alien in a fire organization as
in polite society.
Incendiaries have again been very busy
during the year, and have become bolder
and bolder, setting fire te buildings, in
some cases en thickly populated streets. I
have no doubt at all that if means were
provided, these outlaws might be detected,
but it is a work that will have te be under
taken in the utmost secrecy, and will in
volve some expense. I commend the
matter te the prompt attention of coun
cils. Ituchanan and McEvey Relief Fund.
The committee appointed for the man
agement of the Buchanan and McEvey re
lief fund had, for the last fiscal year, for
the purchase of fuel for the peer of the
city of Lancaster, under the bequest of 4
the Hen. James Buchanan the interest of
$C 000 invested in city bends at ( percent.$L,00.00
jCiOCO invested in citv bendsnt t per cent
bequest of P. McEvey, esq., 1S0.00
J. A. E. Canienterlbr m'iutlng dis
tributien ea-d J3.73.
Steinman & llcnscl for printing
peslal cards 73.
Henry Baum;nrduer & Ce., for ceaLTriSUO
Thes. F. McElligett, clerk 10.00
$.- 10.00
The committee find great pleasure in re
porting the generous bequest of the late
General James L. Reynolds of $4,000, the
interest of which yearly is te be applied te
the purchase of fuel for the peer of the
city. This, added te the amount already
received from ether bequests, swells our
annual fund for distribution te $780. Fur
ther details of the operations of the com
mittee may be found in the accompanying
report of the committee.
City Property.
The property of the city generally is iu
geed condition. The city hall, station
house, market houses anil water works
buildings will require but little outlay te
keep in repairs during the year. The
eastern reservoir is the only drawback in
this respect. The necessary work en this
reservoir is spoken of under the head of
The amount of liens due the city et
Lancaster for taxes, pavi.ig, water
reals. &c. en Januai-y 1. 1S80. by the
repctet l.ieFInauce Committee was.$..."00 00
Liens tiled since January 1, IPSO 840 00
$7,3!i Oi
Amount collected sin e January
1, 1880, by E. G. Smith, esq $57i SO
Amount collected since Janua'y
1. 13S0. bv C. I. I-ar.dis, e.-.i SIT. (-
$ 877 u;
Total amount due the city $iyiW!0
At the date of my last annual message,
there was an unsatisfied judgment against
the city of $249.33. This was an award of
arbitrators for work done by Hen. A. E.
Roberts. The judgment is entered te
3Iay term, 1877, Ne. 02. The city has ai -pealed.
The city is defendant in a suit brought
by Mary Kissinger for the recovery of
damages sustained by her in the death of
her husband by an accident at the corner
of Cherry alley and East Orange street.
The damages in this suit arc laid at $5,000.
The suit was set down for trial at the May
term of common pleas, but has been post
poned until August. Special counsel has
been retained.
One hundred and seventy-six suits
were brought by the city last
year against the Pennsylvania railroad
company for the violation of the city or
dinances regulating the speed of trains.
Judgment was given by the alderman in
favor of the city. The company has ap
pealed. Very respectfully,
Jno. T. MacGenigle, Mayer.
Mayer's Office, June 2d 1880.
After reading a number of reports from
committees that had previously been read
in common council, select council ad
journed. Common Council.
The following members were picsent
Messrs. Albert, Barnes, Beard, Bees,
Be-ger. Brown, Cermcny, Cox, Downey,
Frank,:ii, Hartley, Hays, Hcishey,
Jehnsen, Keeler, McMullen, Sing.
Snieych, Snyder, Springer, Ste-mfeltz,
White, Yackly, Lcvergoed, president.
The Streets.
The minutes of the last stafel
and special meetings were read and ap
proved, after which the following petitions
for street work were presented and re
ferred te the street committee.
By Mr. Franklin : Te macademizc
Chestnut street between Mulberry and
By Mr. Hartley : Te repair the arch
way or culvert en Maner stieet ever the run
at the feet of Derwart street.
By Mr. Snyder : Te repair Mary street
between Walnut and Lemen.
By Mr. Hershey : Fer a crossing en the
north side of Chcstuut street across Pine.
Mr. McMullen presented the monthly
report of the street committee, which rec
ommended that the following work be
done :
Gutter en south side of West Orange
street from Pine te Marietta avenue.
Cressing en High street at corner of
Repair of Walnut street between Water
and Mulberry, by street commissioner ;
macademizing net deemed necessary.
Gutter en Strawberry street from North
te Woodward en south side, and from
Green te Woodward en north side.
Repair by street commissioner of Cones
toga stieet between Seuth Queen and
Prince ; macadamizing net necessary.
Repair of gutters en south side of West
King street between Maner and Mary, as
son as property owners reset their curbs.
Gutter en north side of Fulton street,
from Marshall te Ann.
The committee report that the macada
mizing of North Queen street between
Lemen and the Pennsylvania railroad
would be desirable, but cannot recom
mend it with the small amount of money
appropriated for macadamizing purposes.
The committee think this work should re
ceive a special appropriation ; the cost
would be about $2,200.
Grading of North Lime street between
James and New ; cost estimated at $1,300,
including gutters from James te Frederick
and brick culvert or sewer e.ver the run
in the vicinity of Clay street.
The committee recemmcnJcd the pro
curing of an order from the court te open
Marien street its proper width, by which a
one-story brick building at the corner of
Ann, which projects into Marien about
eight feet, may be removed.
Purchase of a street roller at an estimat
ed cost of between $500 aud $600.
Messrs. Clute and Potts were granted by
the committee authority te erect poles
and string wires for a telcphone exchange.
The committee . report the award of
street contracts as already announced in
the columns of this paper.
A statement of the work that has-been
done en the streets from April 7 te May
28 accompanies the report, showing the
cost of the various repairs te have been
In regard te the "resolution for opening
the southwestern section of the city," the
committee refer councils te the opinion of
the court hied since the passage et the res
olution, adopting the plan of the city with
some slight modifications.
In common council the recommendations
of the committee were adopted ; select
council postponed action.
A communication from Allan A. Hen
stated that pursuant te the order of the
court issued May 12 he had been engaged
in making the necessary surveys for the
corrections ordered in the southern section
of the city. These changes will require
the replacing of some of the corner-stones,
and the copying of the corrected plan.
Mr. McMullen offered a joint resolution
for the re-location of the corner-stones as
recommended in Mr. Herr's communica
tion, which was adopted ; select council
The Gasoline Proposal.
Mr. Jehnsen presented the bids of the
Pennsylvania Glebe gaslight company, of
Philadelphia, and of the United States
lighting company, of New Yerk, as they
have been stated in these- columns. On
motion the contract was awarded te the,
first named company at $24 per lamp. In
select council the proposals were referred
back te the committee foradditional'infor feradditional'infor foradditienal'infor
inatiou. The Firemen.
Mr. Franklin presented the report of
the committee en fire engine and hose
companies, embodying information ob
tained en the tccent visit of the committee
te the several engine houses of the city, a
full account of which appeared in the col
umns of the Intelligence!:. Included iu
the rcpeJt was the recommendation of
the commute for the purchase of ropes
for use at fire which can be stretched around
the scene of conflagration and prevent,
spectators from obtruding and interfering
with the firemen. Upen the opinion of the
chief engineer urging the purchase of
badges for the firemen and also the estab
lishment of a telegraphic fire alarm of
which mention was made in the report, the
committee make no recommendation, Ap
pended te the committee's report were the
annual statements of the Humane, Union
and Washington lire companies, together
with the annual report of Clrcf Engineer
of the Fre Department Fordney, a resume
of which has appeared in the Intem.igkn-
Common council adopted the recommen
dation of the committee with regard te the
purchase of ropes for uce of fires, and re
ferred the matter of defective plugs te the
water committee. Iu select council the
report was read and no action taken.
Mr. Franklin mi-de an earnest plea in
bcha.'f of our firemen. He was glad that
the committee's recommendation with re
gard te the purchase of ropes had been
adopted by council, as he knew it would
vindicate the firemen from any imputation
of pilfering that has ever been put upon
them by ungenerous people. If there has
ever been any thieving at fires he believed
that the guilty parties were net the fire
men, but the outsiders who crowd upon
the scene of fire with the purpose of pick
ing up anything they may fipd lying
around loose, and making off with it, in
the belief that the blame will be put upon
the firemen. If the scene of fire is
guarded against these outsiders by using
ropes te prevent their intrusion, this petty
stealing will cease ; brave, loyal firemen
are net thieves. There was ene ether
point te which he desired te call
the attention of council, and that
wr.s the inadequacy of the present city
appropriation te enable a number of
the fire companies te employ horses in
drawing their engines te fire. Seme of
the companies are well-to-de, and their in
come from outside sources permits them
te employ horses, while ether companies
are obliged te live along from hand te
month and cannot afford te hire horses,
the city appropriation barely covering
their working expenses. While he was net
in favor of making any undue discrimina
tien in favor of any of the organizations
comprising the fire department, he did
think that this phase of the subject pre
sented features that should receive carefi'l
On motion of Mr. Cox the fi'-e commit
tec was directed te report te councils the
expediency of increasing the appropriation
for the puipese indicated by the chairman
of the committee.
The ia Hid.
When Mr. Jehnsen, chairman e'' the
lamp committee, submitted the proposals
of the local gas companies for lighting the
city, which proposals were published last
evening, he stated that the committee
lacked definite information en a subject
that involved the question as te which bid
was actually the lowest. The committee
had been unable te secure from the " old
company" (whose bid per lamp is consid
erably lower than the new company's")
the number of street lamps with which their
mains have no attachments, and it could
net be determined what the additional an
nual expense te the c;ty would be of light
ing with gasoline such lamps as the old
company did net (e.iucct with. This
extra number of lamps l'ghtcl with gaso
line say at $24 per lamp might run the
annual cxpcndtu-c above the sum the
" new" company would receive, even
though their bid per pest is higher than
the old company's ; the number of street
lamps with which the new company has no
attachment being considerably the less.
Mr. Jehnsen, therefore hoped these bids
would be referred back.
Mr. Franklin objected. Since these bids
have been made public it would be unfair
te again open the contract te competition.
Mr. Beard informed Mr. Franklin that it
was net the intention the committee te
again receive proposals. The committee
simply wanted te satisfy itself as te which
bid was the most advantageous. Te de this
it was recess iry te obtain information
which as yet it had net been able te secure.
Mr. Fraklin withdrew his objection and
the motion te recommit the proposals was
agreed te.
Change in Heur of Meeting.
Mr. Barnes offered a joint resolution
changing the hour of meeting from 7
o'clock p. m. all tha year reuud te 7 in
the winter and 7:30 iu the summer ; whi ch
was adopted. Select council concurred.
The message of Mayer 31acGeiiigIe was
transmitted from select council, and its
reading was dispensed with, all the mem
bers being furnished with printed copies.
On motion adjourned.
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