Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 02, 1880, Image 3
!R5J!R?!!5Snl?? ', iS-V-"'.T ".f- -S5r '" ". I LANCASTER DAILY INTEIIJGENCER. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1880. f- Y MEETING OF THE LtMNJEAS. Donations te the Museum and Library Scientific Gossip. At the last stated meeting of the Lin n;can society a large number of donations wer made te the museum and library ; among tbe former being a fine specimen of the " horned grebe, " a beautiful byrd pre sented by Geerge Hensel ; a tarantula from Missouri, presented by "Win. Ileehm ; a bet tie of grape-leaf beetles ; a bottle contaih centaih ing the larva: of the seventeen-year locust ; a bottle containing specimens of the great ejed click beetle; a specimen of the rock of Gibi altar, picsented by Geerge R. Graeff; two boxes containing 100 pounds of specimens of thee7 flora of Pennsyl vania, donated by Dr. Jehn D. "Wingate, of C.ii bendale ; a cabinet about four feet high, thiec wide and three feet deep, with six drawcts, containing net less than 1,200 specimens of minerals, metals, fossils and Indian anew-headi, doueted by A. J., esq., senior editor of the Lan caster Intelligencer, purcha'cl by Mr. Stcinman at the late J. Yeates Conyng Cenyng ham'.s sale, and containing many hand some and raie specimens, leeched by Mr. Cunnyugham in his exchanges with bemc of the best mineralogists of the state ; a large specimen of watei-bug donated by S. K. Ilestettcr, of Xcflhville ; a strange fish, a "mengi el," donated by Geerge F. Itathveu, Columbia ; a part of the root of a weeping willow, showing the exact out eut eut line of the meulding of a tombstone against which it grew donated by Lewis llaldy ; a vial containing Ilea beetles and garden fleas ; a leaf of the pitcher plant, donated by Pi of Baker, and a pepper-box puff ball," by Mrs. Zell. Te the library a number of books and papers vieie donated, and te the historical section weie added twenty cutiiu anew and spe.ii heads, and a laigc a number of fiagmcntaiy specimens fiem Flerida. These specimens aie fiem Pi of. Halde 111.111' s collection, and weie donated te the society by Mr. Win. L. Gill. What is a special peculiarity about these idics is that they aie all made out of finer quali ties of stone, and of an average laiger si.c, than we usually find them in Pennsylva nia. Seme of them aie of agate, some of chalcedony, Hint, hoi nstenc and jasper, or vaiietiesef these. Dr. Itathveu donated about feity and histeiical sketches, many of them of a local charac ter. Dr' Davis exhibited under the mi mi mi cioscepc a specimen efkinatc of quinine, and picsented it te the society. Under the head of "Scientific Gossip' Dr. Dubbs cxtcmpeifrcd en his examina tion of what is supposed te be an ancient wall, en a hill, midway between Qtiany villc and Chestnut Lccl. The wall is built of sandstone, without meitar. He does net icg.tid it as pie-histeiic, but thinks it is likely a fei till catien built in the eaily histeiy of eui ceuntiy, piebably dining the riillicullics between the Matjl.uideis and the Pennsylvanians, in which the famous maiaudcr Oiesscps exhibited such an active paiticipatien. Sknmisliiiur, captuiing and lecaptuiing were fieely p.utici)atcd in by these old pienecis of the past. The doctor will visit the place airain and commit a fuller de scription en papei, and file it in theai- chives of the secietj. Old Circus Kill. We were te-day shown a bill fei aciicus pei feimance which took place en the let en the 1101th side of East King sticct, cast of Ann, en Wednesday evening, Oct. 2S, 181S. Theciicus was owned by Mcssis. Campbell & IJiilIe and the peifermancc was a benefit, at which both appealed as clowns. They weie the main features of the show and they also pei formed a num ber of feats in heisemanship. The bill shown us is punted en white silk, the weik hav ing been done at the Intelligencer by William Hamilton, who was at that time the publishei of this piper. One of the dash iuIcs u-ed in the bill is still in this office and se is the pi ess en which the job was weiked. Our. 1'Ii.n ni.xeutisls. The thiid annual meeting of the Penn sylvania phainiaceutical association will be held in Allcntewn, commencing en Tues day next. Se of eui Lancaster phar maceutists will attend and there will be present representatives fiem all parts of the state. The sevcial raihead companies will en ty delegates at exclusion lates ; and en Thin sday the members of the soci ety w ill make an excui sien ever the cclc biated switchback raihead at Mauch Chunk. Straw ueny l' On Thuisd.iy evening n grand listival will open in Ine basement of the St. l'liul's 51. E. (lunch The ladus :11c bnsilj at vreik 111 dec orating the beautilul 100m lei the occasion. Don't fei get te leek 111 upon them and cheer them wltli jourpie-eiiceaiulgeiiLieuipation-agc. A Surprised Flijslchiii. A DviMI PATILVT ULCOVEKS TIIIIOUGII Till. iNTLitrosiTiev or a lIuvitLi: Gekvivn. Seme veeksuge Hi. U , :v very reputable and w ltlel -knew 11, living en O street, was called te attend n vciy complicated case el Rheumatism. Upen aiming ut the house he found a man about fertj rears of age, lying In a piesliatcd and scueiis condition, with his whole liame dangcieusly affected with the painlul disease. He prescribed ler the patient, but the man continued te grew ieise, and en Sunday 'cning he was found te be in a vciy ul.uming condition. The knees and elbows and largei joints weie greatly In named and could net be iuecd. It was only with extreme dillicultj that the patient could be tinned m bed, w ith the aid et tluee or lour poisons. The weight of the clothing was se means had te be adopted te keep it from the patient's body. The doctei taw that his assistance w euld be et no a ail, and lett the house, the mcmbci s of the family following lilm tothcdeor,weeping. At this critical hour, a neighbor, a peel and humble Geiman shecmakei, appeared te the gnef smitten one as a sav nig angel. He had heard of the despaii et the familj, and new asked them tetiy his remedy, and accordingly bi ought lei th a bottle et St. J icon's Oil. As a di owning man will catch at stiaws, se the peer wite applied this remedy; she had no hope, but would tiy anvtlnng, usa mattei of duty. The Hist application eised the patient veiy much; altci a few hours tliey ucd it again, and, wendci of wendeis, the pain van ished entirely! Every subsequent appliciticn improved the sufferer and in two days he was well and out. When the doctor called a tew daysattcr, he was indeed suipiised; for, in stead et aceipsc, he found a nun -made man. Exchange. The aged and infirm are strengthened and laculttes biightened by Malt Hitters- Tlic mystery has been belv ed at last ; Our teeth no lengei need decay. All tieubles of the mouth are past, By SOZODONT they're swept away; And j eung and old may smile secuie With lips and teeth se bright and pure. nirJi-iw dcediw Fer tender and inllamed faces Cuticura Shaving Seap is worth its weight In geld. svevial notices. bore eyes, letter, salt ilieum Jfcc, are cured by "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher. Sold by all druggists. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Ne Safes Remedy can be had for Coughs and Colds or any trouble of tbe threat, than " Brown' Bronchial Troches." Imitations are offered for sale, many of which are injurious. The genuine Bronchial Troches are sold only in boxes. Jl-lwdTThAS4w Try Lechei'a Benewned Congh Syrup. Don't Get the Chills. If you are subject te the Ague you must be sure te keep your liver, bowels and Kidneys In geed free condition. When se, you will be safe from all attacks. The remedy te U9e Is Kidney-Wert. It is the best prevention of all malarial diseases that you can take. See large advertisement. my31-lwd&w Try Lecher's Benewned Cough Syrup. Husband "My dear that child will certantly cough himself te death if he doesn't get relief seen." Wife "Oh! I must tell you, I Just bought a bottle of Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, which Sirs. Brown told me cured her little girl entirely,and I am going te try It with Johnny." She did se, and Johnny is new skipping about as lively and as merry as a cricket. Fer sale If. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1 North Queen street, Lancatr, Pa. 5 Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Aieveu disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the exciuciatlng pain of cutting teeth? II se, go at once and getabettlc of MBS. WINS LOW'S SOOiIIING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth w he has ever used it, who w ill net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give lest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is pei fectly safe te use In all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nuises in the United States, bold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. f jlT-lyd&wM.W&b DBT HOODS. FOR A FINE DRESS SUIT, MADE TO OBDER IN FIRST-CLASS STYLES, GO TO GTVLER, BOWERS & HURSTS. FOR A GOOD BUSINESS SUIT, MADE TO ORDER IN BEST STYLES, GO TO GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S. FOR A PLAIN OR FANCY PAIR OF PANTALOONS, MADE TO ORDER IN BEST MANNER, GO TO GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S. Fer ANY ARTICLE OF CLOTHING that U well made, well trimmed, and guaranteed te nt, go te Givler, Bewers 3c. Hurst's. Fer a w H1TK DKLsS SHIRT. Gaue Undershirts, Jean Draw ers. Linen Cellars and Cuffs, Plain and Fancy Hosiery, suspenders-, Neck bearts and Bews, all at lowest pi ices, go te GrIVLEE, BOWEKS & HTJKST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. THIRD EBITIOU. WBDNESDAYJEVKNING, JUNE 2,1880. THE TIDE OF BATTLE ITS IRREGULAR FLOW AT CHICAGO- Gee. F. Hear Chairman of the Convention. The Field Drawn First Bleed, but an Ad journment Effected Over the Objec tions of Blaine's Friends. MIS CELT. AN E O US. It veu are bilious you will find positive re lict by using "Sellers' Liver rills." Sold by all diuggists Try Lecher's Renew ncd Cough byrup. Statistics prove that twenty-nve percent, el the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this tcirible disease In its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli gence, 01 pity them for theli Ignorance? Ne 9 East King street. Jehn Hajs, Credit P.O., says: "Hisshenldeis wcieselame for nine months that he could net laise his hand te his head; but by the use et Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil tint pain and lame ness dls.ippeaicd, and although three months has elapsed, he has net had an attack of it since. Fer sale bvH. B.JCeehran.druggist, 137 and 1 M North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 0 Frem a Distinguished Clerirymmn. WA&yiireTOX, D. C, June 1!), 1879. 1 have known of several persons who rc gaided themselves as greatly benefited, and some of them as permanently cured of diseases of the kidneys and miliary organs by your medicine. Warner's Safe Kidney anil Liver Cure. I have known, tee, et Its use In similar cases by physicians et the highest character and standing. I de net doubt that it has gieat viitue. J.E.RANKIN. jl-2JCdtVT GEO. W. BROWN, AeT., UNDERTAKER, Ne. 14G FAST KING STREET. Rcsidcnee 21 .Seuth I'uncu btieet. inay22-lmdSWR We would recommend all te tiy Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative, as it is a 1'cifcet Bleed 1'uiilier, Makes new B'oed, Reddens old Bleed, Enriches peer Bleed, and Gives Vigoi Vigei Vigoi eus Health. The dose is but one tcaspoentul for an adult, and smaller in proportion for children, and it is exceedingly pleasant te take. Fer sale by the Piopiicter, W. Cham Cham peon Bi owning, M. I)., 1117 Ai eh Street, Phila delphia, and ull Diuggiets. Price 50 cents nnd$l. mj27-lwdfcw PUBLIC SALl, On SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 1, 18S0, will be sold at public sale, at the King et Prussia Hetel, (Win. Ball, proprietor,) Nes. 'J14 and 21C i est King stieet, Lancaster, Pa , the following preneity, te wit: A double one-steiv BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with one-story Buck Back Building, containing 7 rooms The let lieuts 8S feet, inoreer less, en D01 wait street, and extends back 150 feet, mere or less, te .1 ll-leetallev,and lias a well et geed watei theieen, situate Nes. 117 anil 119 Dei wait street. Parties wishing te v lev the propel ty can de se by calling en the undeisigned or ut the premises. bale te commence at o'clock p. 111. et suld day, when teiuisanu vonditiens will be made known by BAUSMAN A: BURNS, Real Estate Agents, Offlcc 10 est Oiange btieet. Sah'x. Hut & Sen, Aucts. ui-eedR FISHING TACKLE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, FLffl k BREMAFS. ARCHERY, Cie(iiet, Base Bulls nml Mats, Chinese Tey Bemb Shells, P.iper Cap Pitol-, and ether Reasonable Goeils. ut AJS W AD VERTISESLESTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. MANUFACTURING, IMPORTING, JOBBING, WHOLESALING AND RETAILING JEWELERS. Prices always lower than City Prices. We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special Werkat short notice from our own factory. We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ne. 4 WEST KING- STREET. Finn t Brenemans, Nature's SI ice-way. ! The Kidneys are natuie's slnice way te wash 1 out the debris et our constantly changing bodies. If they de' net work piepeily the trouble Is felt cv cry where. Then be wise and as seen as you sec signs of dlseider get a pack age of Kidnej-Weit and take it faithfully. It will clean the sluiceway of sand, gravel or slime and purity the w hole uystein. mv31-lwd&w 152 North Queen Street, A NEW DEPARTURE IN MEDICINE-THE A DRUGGING SUPERSEDED. OLD SYSTEM OF DOSING AND The Excelsior Liver and Stomach Pad 1 a new curative agent, totally dilFerent from and greatly superior te anything hitherto oflei eflei ed te the public. It acts directly upon the v ital eigans and cures bythe stilctly natural preeess of ABbORPTION. It has pieved its efllcicy by the sevei est tests, and Is strongly recommend ed by all who have used It. As a lemedy in malaiieus fevers, liver and stomach complaints, iiregulaiities, nei veus disorders, mental depie-sien, headache, and overflow of bile, drepsical ailments, nausea and constipation, it has 110 equal. PRICCb Regular Pa,$l: Special bizc, $l.iO. Pieparedand weld by the ABSORPTIVE MEDICAL COMPANY, in.B-ttdSAYVw Ne. 31 WEST CHESTNUT STREET, I.ANUASTEK, Vli. Fer Sale by Druggists. Send 01 call for circulais giving testimonials, Ac. "Vi)ir.:in's Wisdom. "bhe insists that it is mere niipeitancc, that her family shall be kept in lull health, than that she should haveall the fashionable dresses and stj les of the times, flic theieteie sees te it, each member of her family is supplied with enough Hep Bitters, at the Hist appear ance of any sjmpteins of HI heath, te prevent a lit et sickness with its attendant expense, eaieand an-viety. All women should eerci--e their w isdem 111 this w ay." Ed. jl-2wdXw Weakly and blckly Persen?. llanj persons who aie weak and sickly at this se.isen of the year aie at a less te knew what will re-.teic their health. It has lately been found by expeitencc that the use of Speei's Pett Uiapc iVincls one et the best ie ie stei ativ cs knew 11. Pli j sicians, clei g men and temperance advocates should encourage the use of Pett Grape and thus aid the cauic of temperance and moderation. It is especially lcceuimended te lamilies fei its putity, ex quisite llav or and health properties. Medical men ceitily te its vnlnable medicinal peweis. rir. Spcci has been for jeais engaged in the lrisiug el grapes and pcrtecting this wine, and it lequiiesa tour veai-s piecess befeie it is lit fermaikut. N. 1. Baptist. This wine is endorsed by Dis. Atlee and D.iv is, and sold by II. E. Slaymakcr, who has procured some dfiect fiem the Vineyards, it is excellent ler females, especially for these with musing infants. jl 2wd&w J'OLITICAZ. Democratic County Committee. The members of the Democratic county committee elect ler the ensuing political ye ir aie requested te meet at Shobei's hotel this city, en MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1SS0 at 10 a. m., ler oiganizatieiiand ter such ether business as the committee may determine. W. U. nENSEL, ml7-tf Chairman for 1879-SO. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOIl SUPREME JUDGE. GEORGE A..JEXKS. rOl AUDITOR GENERAL. ROBERT P. DECUERT. DEMOCRATIC CODNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. .1. L. STE1XMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. B. F. MONTGOMERY. FOR SENATOR (13tll DISTRICT ) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEVfBLY (2(1 DISTRICT.) b. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SII1RK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.; AMOS DILI.ER, R. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. FOR TRISON INSPECTORS. BARTON M. WINTERb BENJ. MILLER. FOR VOOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANCISCUS. LANCASTER COUNTV APPOINTMENTS. DELEGATES TO ATIONAL CONVENTION. B. J. McGRANN, V. U. HENSEL. (ALTERNATES.) E. b. HAMBRIGHT C. J. RHOADS. ELECTOR. JAMES G. McSPARRAN. STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. GEO. DILLER, M.S.MOORE. Withdrawn. DEATHS. LANCASTER, PA. PROPOSALS AVIJ.L HE RECEIVED AT the Jl.iyei's Olhce up te THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 180, at 8 o'clock ). m. ler two liun dicd tens, meie or less, gloss weight, of pine washed river sand, cleat of mid inbbagc, deliveied en the siding et the tailiead in this city. Twecai leads te be deliveied daily, un der the Older et the Supcnutcndcnt of the Water Weiks. the bids must state hew much per gi ess ten. BIDS will be received at the same time and place ler the hauling et the sand by the giess tin from the siding te the eastern leseiven. Te be unleaded w heie the Snpeiiutendcnt may direct. PROPOSALS will be iecciid nt the same time and place ler titty tlieus uid.uioieei less, et geed huid bin nt and even shaped biicks, delivered at the reeiven. subject te the ap proval et the bupeiintendent el the Watei Works, commencing the deliveiv net later than June 10, lbSO, and as lapidly theieaftei as the Supeiintendent may iequiie,nnd te be un un eoaded w heie he m ly diiect. PROPOSALS will be leceived at the same time and place lei two bundled b.mels, moie or les, el Rosendale hydiaulic cement, et best quality, subject te the nppi oval et the "super intendent et the Water Works; tebe deliveied ut the leserven at such time as lie mav diiect. The Committee lCseive the light te reject any and all bids. Approved secuiity In $.100 will be lcquired ler the l.nthfiil peiterm.ince et each et the contracts ler sand, biicks and cement. By eidei et the Water Committee. J NO. T. MicGONIGLE, m'Jlije2d Mavei. SPECIAL BARGAINS -AT THfc- NEW YORK STORE. One Case Figured Dicss Goods, Spring shades, lOca j.ud; sold eveivvvhcie atlSe. One Case Twilled Beiges. 12c a j ard ; w 01 tli 17c. One Case Plain Beiges, lSJ-c a yard ; regular priee 20c. rtK) SHETLAND bllAWLS in Cardinal, Blue and White, .J0e each, would be cheap at $(. JUST OPENED AN IMMENaE STOCK OF PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, At less than Manufacturer's Puces. GREAT BARGAIN. 100 21-inch bilk Parasols at $l.'-!5 usual puce $1.73. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY, S AND 10 EAST KING STREET. MJ.DICAI.. Binklev. .June 1, 1880, in this city. Mrs.Mag dcleue Binklcv, wife et Matthias Binkley, in the 5-Jd year of her age. The relatives and 11 lends of the family aie respectfully invited te attend the luneral from her late residence, 509 Green street, en Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment at Wood ward Hill cemetery. Greff. .Tune 1, 1880, in Lancaster, Pa., after a lin?eiing illness, Elizabeth GrelT, wite of Jacob Gieff, in the 95th v ear et her age. The relatives and irlends of the lamlly aie respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, Ne. 320 Seuth Queen stieet, en Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment at Zieu's cemetery. 2td XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pRAND DISPLAY OF IttRE fTORlTs VT and Fine Music by Clemmens's City Band at FULMER'S GARDEN, ltd (Formerly Franke's) This Evening. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article w as voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slayniakei, Agent fei Rcig.ut't. Old Wine Stere, by a pieminent practising ph)si cian et this county, w he has extensiv ely used the Brandy refciied te in hisiegulai piaetne. It Is commended te the attention of thesu at flieted vv ith Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a bev eiiige, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cu l e of some of the destiuctive diseases which sw eep aw ay their annual thousands et victims. Wlthapuiely pliilanthiepic motive we pie sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these atVicted with that miserable dis ease Djspcpsia, a specific lemedy, which is neiiung meie or less man Brandy. I'lm nrrfwl .. tl. a.1.1. n......H. .....I ..n. am 'l 1.. .I..1..1.... ...11 .....1 .1... ,......!.. 1 t ii? iiiifiui. , iii iiiiii una iMiiijriu nivuicini , w hen used piepeily, A Sovereign Remedy ei all their Ills and aches. Be it, he.vevei sluctly understood that we presenbe and us but one aiticle. and tiiat is BEIGARTS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising jeungfuend, II. E SLAYMAKER. This Biandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as tar as our cxpeuence extends, and we theielere give it the pieteience ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew lnanyjaw-breakingFieneb titles they aie branded. One-feuith of the money that is yeaily thiewn away en vat ions impotent dj spepsia specifics would sulllce te buy all the Brandy te cine any such case or eases. In proof et tlie curative pew ers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of vv Uncases one case in paiticular cite: A hard-working farmer had been afflicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia lei a numbevel years; his stomach would l eject almost every kind of feed; he had sour ci nutatiens con stantly ue appetite intact, he was obliged te lcstuctlus diet te crackeis and stale bie.ul, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses eiten declaimed earnestly against all kmdset stieng drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after healing of Its wendeilul ellecis in the cases of some of Ins near acquaintances, he ut last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and beleie the second vv as taken lie w as a sound man.w ith a stomach capable of digesting irnj thing w Inch he chose te eat. He stili keeps it ami uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of veiy little pecuniaiy bene fit te the doctor. A Phactisie Puvsician. WALT. PAPERS! WALL PAPERS! WALT. PAPERS! All the New Spung Styles from the Lculing Manutactmers. Embossed Geld, Jlrenze Satins, Gi emuls and Blanks, with Dade, Fiiee and Berdcis te match. CAEPETS ! C AEPET8 ! CAEPETS ! ; BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, INGRAIN AND HALL CARPET. 1VC ATTINGS ! WHITE AND FANCY CHINA MATTINGS AND OIL CLOTHS. H AGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. i SPECIAL NOTICE. J. B. MARTIN & CO. :e:- Wall Papers and Window Shades. NEWEST PATTERNS. LARGEST SIOCK TO SELECT FROM. PLAIN HOLLANDS. In Cardinal, ISrewn, Sage, Drab, Lead, Tea, Olive, Giccn and Blue, ter Window Shades. WHITE GOODS FOR STORE SHADES. Spring and Common Fixtures. Shades and Papei hung at short notice. J. B. MARTIN & CO. The Republican National Convention. CniCAGO, June 2, 11:43 a. m. The Ex hibition building at this hour presents a scene of striking interest. Every available part of the building is decorated with Hags and banners. At the extreme north end is a picture of Abraham Lincoln, bear ing the motto, "And that the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall net perish fiem the face of the earth."' Toward the centre of the building is a picture of "Washington, and ever the stage is a gigantic bust of the late Senater Chandler. The location of the vaiieus delegations is indicated by shields beaiing the name of the state or territory. The hall is new about twe-thiids full and the appcaianee of pieminent men as they enter is greeted with applause. Every moment delegates are entering and taking their places, vvhile the baud is playing patiietic and ether airs, 12:30 p. m. There aie no signs of call ing the convention te order. The delega tions arc generally in their scats, but the galleries are filling slowly. At five minutes after one Cli.iiim.iu Cam eieu, of the national committee, called the convention te elder and called upon Rev. Dr. Kittridge, of Chicago, who opened the proceedings w ith prayer. Organization Hear Temporary Chairman. Mr. Cameren briclly addicsscd the con ventien referring te the bitterness attend ing the preliminary canvass, which he hoped would new disappear in the dcsiie te put in nomination for piesident the stiengest candidate, one who would com mand the lespect of the civilized world. He counseled haimonieu.s aud united action. He then nominated Geerge V. Hear, of Mass., for tempetary chairman. The nomination was unanimously latificd and Senater Hear was conducted te the chair. Mr. Hear, en taking the platfenn, ad dicsscd the convention at some length. He said the function of the convention, if wisely used, vv as that of naming the man whom the people would make piesident. His lefeience te the nomination of Mr. Lincoln twenty yeais age was gicetcd with applause. He would discharge his duties as chaii man fairly and without ic spect te persons. The following weie appointed temporal y sccrctaiics : Jehn II. Rebeits, of Illinois ; C L. Magce, of Pennsylvania ; also, Chas. W. Clisby, of Alabama, and I C. Uioad Uiead wcll, of Misseuii, as leading clciks, and Eugene Davis, of Xcw Yeik, as ettieial stenographer. Mr. Hale, te expedite busincs', moved a lesolutien that the roll of states and teni teni teries be -called and the chaii man of each delegation shall name its members of the committees in the following eidcr : On permanent organization ; en niles and or der of business ; en cicdentials and en resolutions. Adopted without objection- The roll was acceidingly called and the committees named. Tirst Bleed for lll.tiue. Utah being excluded in the loll of .states and tcriiteiies, Mr. Frye asked that it be included. Mr. Conkling (N. Y".), iisin', was ic ccived with applause,and said thcie was ob jection, holding as he did that the order of 1lic convention had been executed when it had called the loll as prepared by the na tienal committee. Thcie was a contest in Utreh as in Louisiana, and se they weie emitted. The chairman said that as the commit tee roll Jiad been called, a motion te add any ether state or tciriteiy was in order. Mr. Frye said it was agieed by the com mittee that Utah should be put upon the roll (great applause) and that the sccrctaiy of national committee says the Utah omis emis sion was made by a mistake. ( Wild ap plause.) Mr. Conkling feaid if thcie had been a mistake it should be cenccted. Mr. McCormick, of Aiizena, moved a call of the loll by states and tcniterics for the presentation of credentials and for notice of contests, and that all such papers be refened, without statement or debate, back te the committee en ciedcntiaK Adopted. On the call of the roll Alabama and Ai kausas gave notice of contest. Mr. Hen Hen dereon of Iowa gave notice of contest in the 10th distiict of Illinois. (Applause in lery.) Mr. Waimeth announced a contest in Louisiana. Contests weie also announced in Penn sylvania and Utah, the latter by Mr. Conk ling by request. On motion of Mr. Legan a lesolutien was passed granting GOO seats daily te veterans of the war. Adjourned Till Xo-merrou. Mr.Cenkling moved that the convention adjourn till 11 o'clock to-menow. Mr. Hale opposed the motion, which was car ried at 2 :."i."i p. m. A SUIP-WKECK. I u AM USEMENTS WANTED. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AGENT FOR Reigart's Old Vine Stere, Established in 1785, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1S18, 1827 and 1838.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 89 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA 4 FAIR AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL JL for the benefit et St. Jeseph's Church. commenced en FR1 DAT. 31 AY 28, at S o'clock, sit Rethweiler's Hall, West King street, and vull continue for ten days. inl'J-2wd REMOVALS. TAB. S. B. FOREMAN, X) (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te .Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. fm21-3iud AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF 1SKAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders ieit at Ne. ia Charlette street, or at the .Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North CJueen street, will -receive prompt attention. Bills made eiit and tten4cd te wlthent additional cost, e 27-ly WANTED .EVERYBODY TO t ADVER tlsc, tree et charge, in the Istkixigrn ckr, who want something te de. I) AGS! RAGS! RAUS! RAGS WANTED, t Housekeepers take notice that we ar paving 3 cents a pound for JT LXKD RAGS Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HE .XNECKE, aprO-Smd Ne. ?S West .Xing Street. FINANCIAL. JAMES BROWN, DEALF at IN STOCKS and Bends, 64 and 66 Brea frway. New Yerk. Operations en margin and by nneans ofyrlvl efyrlvl lcges. Information furnishe L ,en all matters connected with stock specul: lAaenand investment- i jfil5-IydTttrWW Floating Corpses Dressed in bite. Londen, June 2. The captain of a ves which has arrived at Quccnstewn from Demerara, reports that en the 30th of April in lat. 30, X., long. CO, W., he passed a craft which had apparently been made en beard of a man-of-war or a first class steamer, as it was belted together, net lashed, and that two days afterwards he saw several corpses dressed in white. P. & R. Foreign Stockholders. At a meeting of the Londen bondholders of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company, yesterday, a protection commit tee was appointed, and also a deputation te wait en Lord Cairns, te ask him te act as chairman of the committee. Starved te Death. The Alteena local freight yesterday backed a car off at Bridgeport that it might be leaded with sand. It was a box car and, as is frequently the case, was locked. When the workmen in the sand quarry opened the deer they were surprised te see the body of a man apparently dead lying inside. He was taken out carefully and seme signs of life was still visible. The peer fellow tried te speak several times, but in a very few minutes died. It is supposed that he was stealing a ride and was accidentally locked in, although he may have gene in there and took sick. On his person was found about twenty dollars in money. Ne clue was'left as te his name, but it is sup posed that he came from the vicinity of Iicading. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, June 2. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary barometer, falling followed by stationary or higher temperature, north te east winds, cloudy weather and numerous rains. MARKETS. New Verk aiarket. Nkw Yerk, .Tune i Fleur State and West ern in bnj ers" lav er: superfine state SI 759 4 50 ; extra de $1 2A4 75 ; choice de t 805 M ; inner $5 03$t 00: round hoop Ohie ft 904J5 2." : choice de $3J0j4f50; superfine western SiSQ 4 50; common te geed extra de 14 25480: jchoice dodo $1 8."S7 00; choice wblte wheat de H 735 00: southern dull und heavy: common te lair extra $3 2335S; geed te choice de 5 50g7 00. Wheat Spring dull and nominal ; Winter lieavv XQjtc lower : Ne. 1 White June $123: Ne.2Rcd .fune $1 35;sSl .; deliverable by J tine 23, $12t. Cern dull, 1: shade lower ; Mixed western spot, 5u(tatc;de luture 43S30,ic. Oats dull including SUte 4.147c ; Western 4147c- Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mesH $1750. Lard quiet and firm : steam tendered $7 CO. WhNky dull ; Western $1 08l Oil. Sph it.s of turpcntlne dull at 44t4jc.- Philadelphia Market. Piiir.vDSLrniA.Junei Fleur sluggish.weak: supcitine; O0(g.:50; extra at $3 75&4 2T; Ohie and Indiana family at 5 0005 75 : Pcnn'a family t 75Q5 50; St. Leuis family S 50g6 00 ; Minnesota family $5 OOflS 00; pucnt and high grades $59g8(0. Rve Heur ut $1 75. Cemment Brandy wiue unchanged. Wheat unlet aul steady : Ne. a Western Red $1 27 ; Pcnn'a Red $1 27; Amber Jl 28. Cern dull nt a decline; steamer S0Q5uc; yellow 5i'ii".!c: mixed 5151ic. Oats dull and weak: Ne. I, White. i3c ; Ne. J. de iZi ; Ne. .!, de tOiUlc; Ne. :, .Mixed JvSrt-JJC. Rye quiet; Western and Pa, mQ9ie. Piovisiens dull : im-ss. perk at til 2511 10 ; beet htuus 1718 00; India mess beet 1S 00. bacon.snieked shoulders 514 jJrJc; salt 4i4'Jc; sinektd li'iins 10 lie; pickled naius vya'.nC. Laid dull ; city kettle 7Jc: lese buiiher ) 'Xc; mime steam IWigO 05. iSuttorslew and weak ; Creamery extra. 21 2.'e; It. C. and N. Y. extra. lSJ0c ; Western Rt sciveextra. 1510e ; de geed te choice, 12 14c : Rolls dull : Pcnn'a extra and Western leservu extra leSl.c. Eggs steady ; Penn'a UJc : Western 1212c. CliieMiilriiien scarcity; New Yerk factory lie: Western lull cream, 113c; de fuirtogeod HWglOJe; de half skims yle"e. Peti eleum firm; lelined'c. Whisky f I Li. Seeds neglected ; Geed te prime Timethy at $2 7"S ! : Flaxseed at $1 45 stei-k Markets. I'HILADBLFHIA. JuilC 2. 12 JO P. X. S'OO P. M. StOLlvS 111 111. rennaO'.s(thinl issue) 107 Philadelphia & Kite I2V Reading 1 J Pennsylvania 49J4 .... Lehigh Valley. 4' United Ces. et N. J 100 Neitheiu Pacific 23J-J " Pieleired 4.y4 Northern Central ."11 Lehigh Navigation 25'i Noriistewn 101 Central Transposition Ce. 48 Pitts., Titusville & Butlale. 14 Little Schuylkill 40 Nkw Verk, June 2 Stocks firm. Meney yg4 N. Y..Central 121 Kile 31 Adams Express 110 Michigan Central 7s Michigan Southern Illinois Central We'i Cleveland & Pittsburgh 112 Chicago.. Keck Island 1 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne. .118 Western Union Tel. Ce 87; Teledo & W-ibash 211 New Jersey Central... ejy4 United State Bend and Sterling l'.xrlmncc. (Quotations by B. 1C. Jamisen ft Ce., s,. iv. Cor. "d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, June 2 United States O's, ISsi, (iegistered)..103J United states 5's, IS81, (registered). .It3 United States 4's, Wll, (registcicdJlOQIiW;;; United States 4's.IS'I,(eoupens).. .100 United St ites 4's, l'K(7. (reglsteied)..107JtfBlns United Statts Cuirency U's 12 I27 Sterling L'xchaime 187 t$WJ LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MAKIil.T. UAiur. Battel pli) Cup cheese, 2ciip-' Duti h cheese 1 lump Cottage cheese, 2 piieet (lliAI.V. Wheat "(11 bus Rvel bus Coin ft bus Oats bus Cleveiseed fl bus v Timethy Seecd 1 '"is ISH. Bess Zt B Cattish "Jl 0 Kels p It. OjsteisJ iW Suckers Pike 1'eieh Sun White Salmen Haddock Smelts Ilcimig Tfl de. ruuiTS. Apples fl 14 pk Bananas $1 dez Cranbcrrh s fl tjt Clienies, dried, 1 qt Currants, dned, 11 Dlied Apples $1 qt " Peaches fl qt Lemens f) dez Oranges ! dez ." , Pine Apples fl piece Straw benies, 1 box 0itiriics. ......... rOCLTKT. Chickens $1 pair Ducks 1 p'ur Geese fl piece VKCKTA11LES. Asparagus jl bunch Beets ft bunch Cabbage fl head Carrots fl bunch Cucumbers fl dez Green beans ft y peck " peas ft J pick Heiscnidirih ft piece Lima beans fl qt, Onions fl pk " fl bunch PoLitees elil fl pk " newfliik " Sneetflpk Radishes ft buneli soup Btansfl qt Salsify fl bunch Turnips, bunch Tomatoes ft quart Lettuce, head and plate MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter fl qt Cider fl gallon Kggs ft dez Ilencvfl i Seap ft lb.... ..................... Sauerkraut fl qt MEATS. Beef Steak, fl ft " Roast (rib) ft ft " " (chuck) fl ft " Corned, fl ft " Dried, fl ft Ham fl ft Lambfl ft Lard fl ft Mutten fl ft Perk fl ft Pudding fl ft Sausage fl ft Sides and Bacen ft ft Shoulders fl ft Veal V ft .12.20e .fic !!saiee .$l.40(gl.5O ....0.fi70c 4l.'eS0c .$5 0Uli(KI I0I2c .f.5 23fe J.50 lOe 10e M)c6i !C ....... ..12c lee I2lt '.'.'.'.i'.'.'.'.U-i '.V.".205llc 2025c i?40e .air.0e l.te 12c- 12c ...58c ..10&12C .15lffiC0a AOfflTH' .1520c .13&20C ..GQHOc .40QC0C ..50U)c .C0cl ...80 10c 5c 5-gSc ....'.iii'm :j5(. '."'.'.'.5)c ....'i&Ki ..1520e ....5c .'.".".".5e ...910c ...... 23c lll22Uc 5c fic 1c 2c 20c . . . .35c ....25c "20 25c ..141fic ..20029c . . . ,5j ..lOfelie ..mvc ..12lfic ..1012c ..1012c ..2528c ..l18c ..1220c ....7'Jc ..12lCc OvalOc "."....8c ...810f ...7I0e "i6lCe A S 1 INTEND KNGACJING IN OTHKK J business, I offer my entire Livery Stock and Property, new used by me as a Livery Stable, at private sale. J1.3td GEO. W. 7.ECHER. (1 RAIN SPECULA-IION X In large or small amount". $25 or 120,000. Write W.T.SOULK& CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, 111., for elr- cnlars. m28-tyd MKNDMKNT TO CHARTER OK I.AN castcr Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Coin- Netice is hereby given that application lias been made te the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county te grant certain amendments te charter of Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire In surance Company, new filed in Prothenotary's Office, and motion ter decree granting the same will be made en the 21st day of June, A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in. WM. R. WILSON, A.C.REINOEHL. Solicitors for the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. m26-3wdM,W&S