LANCASTEKIDAILY INTELlIGENCER. SATURDAY. MAY 29, 1880. DECORATION DAT. Flower Strewn Over the Grave of the Dead soldiers Interesting Ceremonies. Decoration day opened gloriously. The weather was 'delightfully balmy, a cool zeyphr tempering the atmosphere which for some days previous had been uncom fortably het. The forenoon passed quietly, and there was little seen upon the streets te indicate the appieachiug ceremonies, except that men and maidens might new and fien be seen hurrying towards Grant hall with bouquets, wreaths, cresses, and ether floral tributes with which te deck the graves of the fallen heroes. Flags in v.irieus parts of the city weie te be seen floating at half-mast, and the banks and public offices were closed. Bauds of music piemenaded the streets playing military airs, and firemen in gay equipments hurried hither and thither getting ready for the parade. At neon the posteffice and most of the stores were closed, and seen after 1 o'clock the associations intending te participate in the ceiemenies of decoration began te as semble in Centre square. Fins Presentation. The Shiftier steam fnc company, 48 men strong, maishaled by Iteid Fisher, assisted by Chas. Fianciscus and Geeige Wall, and havinghe Manhcim baud at the head of the column, were the first te put in an ap peal ance en the square. They were dresicd in their beautiful new unifeims. consisting of a fine red flannel shiit, trimmed with blue braid, daik pantaloons, black belt and legulatien hat. On hc In east of the shiit is a monogram contain ing the letter "S," in burnished geld united with the figure " 7 " in silver. The design is very pretty and was much ad mired. The fue hat is of the usual pat tern, caidinal colei, the shield in fient being nickel plated, and having the legend in gilt letters "Shitiler S. Fire Ce." On t'ie back of the biim of the hat aie the liguics " 18)2, " the yeai in which the company was eiganizi'd. running en the south side of the monu ment the company in two ranks fronted neith, and weie addressed by Maj. A. C. Kcineehl, who, en behalf of the citizens, presented the company with a bcautiiul silk American flag with jellew fiinge. Maj. Koineehrs address contained many patiietic sentiments eloquently cxpies'-cd. The flag was leceivcd en the pait of the company by J. X. Geedman in a veiy felicitous addicss, thanking the citi zens, for the beautiful emblem, and promis premis ing if evei occasion lequiied te de se, te fall in its defense as had detie the biac men whose incnieij it is prepei te-day te honor. The Shifllcr boys then moved up te Duke street, and took their place m the line el parade which was formed under the direc tien of Commander McEhey, of Pest 81, G. A. It., assisted by Majei Fasnacht as aid, and meed off in the following elder : Commander McEhey and Maj. Fasuacht. Twe hcaies laden with fleweiswith which te deceiate the graves. Citiz ns' Band of Lancaster. 1'eslS-l, G. A. It,, el men in fatigue diesb. Cel. 11. A. llambught, in cab. Thiee coaches containing disabled soldiers. Seven mcmbcis of the Monumental Asso ciation. Eden Comet. Baud. 1'iotheiheod of the Union. 40 men, equipped. Sun Fue Company. 20 men. equipped. Ameiicau Fire Company, lGn e J, euippe Manhcim Biass Band. Sliiillei Fue Cempanv, 43 men in their equipments, cairing their silver hoi ns, decked with bouquets, and be.u ing in line their .splendid new flag. Drum Cerps. V.nHti'Tucif s association (colored) 21 men. Tlie c damn moved ever the leute pu viniis'y i:;iecd upon, visiting iti tuinscveial ccmctciiesand dcceiating with flewciseaeh seltiicis' grac all of them having bjeii previously marked by a small American flag. Fol'ewinT is the pregramme for tl i evening : Pest P4 will parade te the Penii syhauia railiead depot te n eet the 7:e0 r. in. tiain and act as esceit te Oiater AV. 11. Lambeit te the court house, wheic the following pregramme will be eVcived : Mnxic by 51. K, cluuc!i clieir. l'mei by ifuv.u J.. lletipl. Mibi li. cheil. Oi.ilien liy W. M, I.mnbeit, of Pefct 2, G. A. It., l'liiladcphia. Muic by clieir. Item diction. Pest S4 will also attend divine sci vices at Grace Lutheran chuich, when a seinien suited te the occasion will be pieauhcd b, the pastor to-menow evening. The principal ceremonies, including the decoration ntual of the G. A. It., weie pciteimed eei the grae of Dr. A. F. Heir, late of the Utli Pa. Cavahy, in pres ence of a gi cat tin eng of people gathered theie te witness them. AH the cemeteries were crowded with visitors, a majority of whom were ladies, and many of w horn bore w ith them beauti lul bouquets te deeoiate the graves net of the seldicis only, but of ether loved ones. Telegraph and Telephone. The weik of erecting telephone wires te connect with the central office in Bewers s building, Centre .square, is pregicssing rapidly under the efficient engineeiing of Mr. Jacob Hatz, the experienced builder of telegraph lines who 1ms been about seventeen years in the business. Already about thirty wires have been or seen will be connected with the ccntial office. The pi eper erection of these wiies lecniiics gicat care and net a little courage en the pait of Mr. Hatz and his assist ants, as in some instances, for a distance of several continuous squares, the w ii es are can ied ever the reefs of the intervening houses, sonic of which ait: steep and dan gerous te clamber ever. Thus far every wire put up works successfully. Recently Mr. Hatz built a two-mile line for Mr. A. M. Gaiber, extending from Landisville te the Salunga mill, and se perfect is it in all its appointments, that conversation cau be lieaid when it is done in a w hisper, even when the telegraph in.sti anient in the same loom is noisily clicking. Ninth renus3lHiii:i Caialrj. The eleventh annual reunion of the 9tli Pcnnsyhania cterau volunteer cavalry -will take place at Hairisburg en Thursday next, June 3d. All the members of the regiment who intend going te the ic ic linieu will meet at the Pennsylvania lail lail read depot en the day above named. It is expected that Lancaster and Mt. Jey will turn out a stieng delegation. Cels. D. H. Jiimmel, E. G. Savage and Capt. II. K. Myers constitute the committee of ar rangements, and they aie making exten sive preparations te make the eleventh annual icuuien a grand saccess. The ora tor of the occasion will be Capt. H. K. Myers, of Lykans, Pa. A. F. Shenck, esq., has charge of the arrangements here. Census Supervisor Snowden. Prof. II. C. Snowden was in Lancaster te-day, callcd-hither by the news that two of his appointees as census enumerators were in jail. lie expresses great surprise at the discovery that any of his appoint ments are offensive te the public. He says the specially objection tble ones were high ly recemme.ided, and their applications gave evidence of fitness. Miller's was notably well written and composed. He thinks he may have been imposed upon and repeats that he was net guided by po litical considerations in his selections. He made close inquiries te day about the objections te Miller, Powell and Snyder ; and also about ether persons who had been applicants from their waids, but he did nt t say positively that he was going te remove the "best workers' and substitute bettci men. In the Eighth ward theie is likely te be a redisricting, te elniate the piescnt ine quality. The new line will piebably mn down High street te Leve Lane and out Leve Line te the ward limits ; se that if Adam Snyder e en is letainedthree-feuiths of the population will net be tin own iute his district, as it new happens. COLUMIUA COKKLSPONDENCE. A Republican ittturu Judge Under Arrest The work en the new posteffice is pio pie jtrcssing, and will be icady te place the new Yale lock boxes in their position next week. The funeral of Mis. Maiy Murphj, widow of the late David E. Murphy, took place ycsteiday from the residence of Mis. Allen Itichards. She was intcired in Mount Ucthclcemetciy. A. J. Kaullmaii, esq., and Cel. C. S. Kauliman lelt town this morning for Chi cago te attend the Republican conven tion. The concluding decoiatien services will be held te-morrow evening in the epei a house, commencing at 7:30 shaip. no services being held in the churches. Ce. II will attend in a body. Alter piayer by Itev. C. S. Geihaid and music by the Ite Ite leiincd cheii, Itev. II. Wheeler will de liver the oration ; music, dovelogy and benediction. Pieiseu M. Ebei y, a defeated candidate for the Legislatuie, was in town jesteiday afternoon and hi euht suit bcfeic Squiie Samuel Evans against Milten Mishler for fi and. Mi . Mishler served as judge of the Lite Republican piimaiy, held in the Thi:d waid of Columbia. The alleged ciooked cieoked cioeked ness in the Thud w.ud will new be triven a lull investigation, and it leeks at present if a liumbei of the best weikcrs who de net live in the waid will also be implicated. Let no guilty man escape. Se all "the people'" st. The commencement cxcieiscs of the Columbia High school will take place ou Friday evening, June 4th. at 7.110, in the epeia house. Music by Keller's lull eichcstia (fiem Lancaster). The names of the giaduating class are as fellows : Misses .Vila Hatiauci, Maine llershcy, Maiy Gor Ger Gor eon, Hallie Wisler, Annie Hinkle, Jennie IJaehniaii, Ma.ieStiaw bridge, SucNewlcn, T. Annie Welsh, Annie Tierney, Maine Hogentogler, Cauielleffer. EllieSeuibeer, Leah Paine, Lillie Evans, Emma Kessler, Cl.iiti Lehman, Lydie Skeen, .Mr. Luther Silneedcr, Mr. Christ Suavely. A Tamil of Opossum Geeige Kiichner, of East King sticet, has a happy family consisting of one old opossum and nine young ones. They aie verv lively and aie worth seeing. Canes Dismissed. Aldciman Ban had a case of diuukeu and diseidetly conduct and another of 1 iieeny befeie him this morning, both of w rich weie dismissed for want of evidence. Te Philadelphia and foiling Reach. Although 110 exclusions aie te be run hence te Philadelphia this season the ex cursion te Cellins' Beach via Philadelphia 011 Tuesday net eflers all the advantages of a Philadelphia exclusion, besides the upturn of a pleasant beat ride and sojourn by the sea side The faie fei the leund trip has been lixed at $2.25. Poisons who de net vti-.1i te go te Cellins' Beach can ie in.iiii in Philadelphia duiing the day. The ride of 50 miles down the bay, thteugh Philadelphia haiber and past the navy yard, is well weith the price of the ticket. Cellins' Beach, Del., 55 miles from Phila delphia, is an old established summer 1 esert, with hotel, gieve, salt water bathing, fishing, bath houses, &c. There is a new wharf in front of the hotel, saving the long walk feimeily neeessaiy te reach the gieunds. Bcautiiul view of the bav. 3 te 4 heuis theie. Train will leave here at G:10a. 111., ai riving at Philadelphia at 9. Re turning, leave Philadelphia at 7 o'clock p. in. These who intend sreing te Cellins' Beach will take the elegant steamer "Themas Clyde"' at Aich street wluuf at 10 a. ni.. letuiiiins about 5 n. 111. An Immense Stock of Cellars, it Willlam-011 & r'ostei,the entcipiising mcr ch mt el La-t kingstieet, have just received an invoice of 4'(l dozen of the latest stjles of ellais ami culls fiem I.ihby & Sluei, et New eik, v he in inutactuie these goods and have a world-wide leputatien ler making fine work, due et the windows el their stele is almost tilled with cell.11- and culls et almost everj' stj le und they are censtuntly adding te thiir ahead- laigc stock. They make a peci iltv of these goods, and persons desiiing neckwear c in easil- be acceiiuund ited, as they have an Immense stock te cheese tiem. Picnic at M ell's Ilaln. On Monday, June 71 h, Lancaster Club, KnighUet PjHiia-j, will give their 11 rst grand picnic at Tell's llain. These paiticipating ill leuieiuber the very pleasant May Hep, given by this club in Iteherts's hall en May Ii. and an equally pleasant utTair is assured in the an nouncement of their picnic. Seme two bun dled ladic' invitations have been issued. Threw away crutches. Use St. Jacob's Oil. Fragrant with delicious flower healing balsams Cuticura fceai. odors and The Phonograph, Telephone, Telegraph, anil kindled electilcal messengers will till be utilized by the eiders for sOZOD 1XT, which will le flashed and sounded ever the vv ires. It is as w ell known ubiead as at home, as a cleansing agent for the teeth mJl-lwdeedftw Censumptivcs jram in flesh, strength spiiits undei :i daily use of Malt Hitter. and SPECIAL SOTICES. Try I.eehei's Uenewncd Cough Syrup. Brown's Household Panacea Is the met effective Pain Destroyer in the weild. Will most sinely quicken the bleed whet her taken internally or applied externally and theiebj ineieceit.iiiily HEL1EVE PAIN, whethci chienic-ni acute, than any ether pain ullcviiter, and it is wairantcd double the strength el any similar pieparatien. It cuies ptin iii the hide. Rack 01 I5eweli, Seip Threat, Uheuniatisin, Toothache and ALL ACHE-, and is the GItEAT ItEI.IEVER OF PAIN. "IIUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in ev eiy family. A tea-poen-lulofthe Panacea in u tumbler el het water (sweetened, if jneleired), taken at bedtime, will III1EAK UP A COLD. A", cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. P.. Cochran & Ce's Diug itore Neith Queen stieet. Lancaster. Jlucli Sickness, Undoubtedly w ith children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. ISUOWN'a VEltJlIFUGECOMFirS,er Werm Lozenge, although etleclual in destieying worms, am de no peible iniuiy te the most delicate child This valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely Mire in eradicating worms. Twenty flve cents a box. f lunl5-lvd&wTuTh&6 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. CORSETS ! Best Makes. HOSIERY ! New Assortment. HOSIERY : All Kind. LACES : Largest Stock. LACES ! All the New Kinds. CORSETS ! Largest Stock. DRESS BUTTONS ! All the New Styles in Pearl. WE TN'VTTH TlTAMTKATinX'i As we sell geed goods at lowest prices. As we sell best quality of goods at lowest prices. As we show the largest stock in the city. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! CARPETS ! Largest Stock. Choicest Patterns. Lewest Prices. GIVLEE, BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Late inventions, like the telephone and multiplying slates, nil tend te 1 educe the labor und -vexations et business; but nothing relieves a cold, ceinrh or seie thre it, like Ilr. Themas' tlectncOil. Tiy it: it is worth its weight in geld. Fer Sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 17) North Queen strcel, Lan caster. S3 The happiest results invariably uttend the taking of "SUIeis' Cclebiated Liver Pill-." 5 cents per box. Try Lecher's llcnevvned Cough Syrup. ".My Tormented Hack," ' i- the exclamation of mere tluu one peer hardueiking man and woman ; de you knew v liy it iiclies .' It is because your kidneys are evei -tasked and need strengthening, anil your sj hteui needs te be cleansed of bad humors, Kidnej-Weit is the medicine you need. "It acts like a charm," says a well known physi cian, " I never knew it te fail." myit-lwdiJfcw We would leceuunend all te try Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative, as it is a l'eifect Bleed I'milier, Makes new Uloed, Kcddens old ltloed, Knriches peer Bleed, and Gives Vigoi Vigei Vigoi eus Health. The dose Is but ena texspoentul for an adult, and smaller in proportion for childicn, and it is exceedingly pleasant te take. Fer sale by the Propiieter, W. Cham Cham peon frowning, M. 1)., 1117 Arch-street , Phila delphia, and :ill Iuiijgits Pi ice 50 cents ami 1. my27-lwdw J. . Jl'nrner A Ce., Rochester, .V. 1"..- Gentlkveic: I have tried your Safe Kidney und Licr due for "llught'a Dise.iec," with which I have bien atlllcted ler thcliusttwe jeai-. and it his done wendcis ferme. I be lieve it is the only cure known for thittoril thitteril ble disease, and it 1 witlipleiisuie that I wiite this testimony in its lav 01. )n;i aie at llbeity te use this in any v ay j 011 ''e propel, te bone fit siitlcring liuni.mity. Tl illy JOlll, JaS. S. PKE3COTT. North Union, Ohie, ShaUeis ocietj-, Cuj'iiliega County, in 15 2vv d.Vv Cleveland. Ohie Try I.ecIipi'8 Konevvned Cough Sj 1 up. Physicians use Kidnej-Weit in regular practice and pioneunce its action perfect. invit Iwd&vv Theie is a Benerai complaint tint v Mile pi ices el commodities have uicic.iseil in -enie -s lifty percent., w.tfje- h ive net advanced anywhei'e near 111 the-ame proportion. We knew of no complaint in the shape of a ceusli, cold, sere lheuiuatl-ni or nrtu.ili.i that Dr. Theinu-.' Kelectic Oil w ill nut linmcili atelj" lelieve. K01 -ale bv II IJ. Cochran, diug Kist, 1 17 und !..' Neilh tjuicn street,l.ant.Lstei, Pa. U A Coceii, Cole, Cat urh or Mile Thre it rc quiies linmedi ite attention, as neglect ortcn ertcn times lesulis in some incurable Lung "Jlrewn's Jlrenchtnl Troches"' will almost in vatiablj'give ieln t. Imitations arc oireied for sile, maiij- efwhich arc injurious. The genu ine "i?rei('t J'renchial Treelus" aie sold only in berc. raj -15 1 vv dTTlw vv I ueus. pimples, and all mood ll-e.ise- are cured by "Ilr. Lindsej"s Rloe 1 "vmicIici." Sold by all di uggi-jt-". Trj- Lecher's Itenewned Cough fcjrup. "I Don't Want That Stun"," I what a lady of llosten said te her husbsiid when he bieught home some medicine te cure her of sick head icheund neui.ilpl.i, which had made het miserable for fourteen j-ears. At the Hist attack thci natter, it wasaduiinisteieil te her with such geed results that she contin ued its use until cnred.and was made se enthu siastic in its praise, tint she induced twent j j j twoef the best families in her circle te adept It as their legular family medicine. That "stuir" is Hep Hitters. myl5 2wdw SEW Alt VE1STISE3IESTS. VTAlIt AjnOSTltAWBEKirYVrSTIVAT. 1 for the benefit et St. Je-cph's Chuich, 1 commenced enFltlll YV.MAVSs, at 8V. o'clock. I at Itethueller's Hall, West King strict, and ' will continue for ten days'. ml'Mlud I GKAN'DKAtl.Y! j Bcrgner ft Eiurle's snpeiler Laser licet te-night at the Schiller Heuse. Neith Onccn street, I'ETKIt I.OTZ. ltd Proprietor. STI5 WBEKKY Fr.yriVAfc. In the St. Paul's M. E. Church, en THLI!S DAY, r' KID AY and SATURDAY afternoon and evenings. JUNE .1, 4 and 5. m2' atd DAILY rAl'KRS. Persons net tegular subscribers te New efkand Plilladclphi.i daily pap-rs and wish ing them during the coming conventions will de well te subscribe for them and have them deliv ered and av eid the rush at the depot. CHAS. II. HAKK, ltd 35 Centre Square. IINEN COLLARS ANI CCI'tN, j MadebyLIIHJYftSPIEK, are bi coming very popular. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER having just received 4'0 dozen of their latest stvlis. and made u line display in their cost window, invite evervbedv te come and -cc them. Ne. 3G E Abt KING bTKE hT. miSHtd i MENDMENT TO CHARTER OF LAN- J. caster Heme Mutual Fir. Insuiauce Coin- pun v. Netice is heiebv given that application has been made te thp Cem t of Common Pleas et Lancaster county te grunt certain amendments Fire In surance Company, new liled in Prothenotarv's Olllce, and motion ter decree granting the same vv ill be made en the 21st day of June, A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in. WM. R. WILSON, A. C.KEINOEHL. Solicitors for the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. ui2G-3wdM,V&S TENNSTLVAMA R. B. GRAND EXCURSION TO PHILADELPHIA, AND COLLINS' BEACH, On TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1880. FARE FOB ROUND TRIP: PHILADELPHIA W2.2.1. COLLINS' REACH 2.'-!.-. CHILDREN HALF PltlCE. Special train leaves at 6-10. Reluming leaves Philadelphia at 7 p.m. Pel-sons going te Cellins' Ilcach will take the steamer at Arch Street Whan, which leave-at 10 o'clock and returns about 4 o'clock. Ne extra charge ter this be intiful beat rule. Tickets for sal-- at allMationsalengthe route trem Columbia te Downingtown. I PUBLIC SALK On SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 1, 18S0, will be sold at public sale, at the King of Piussia Hetel, (Wm. lkdz, proprietor.) Nes. 214 and 216 West King stieet, Lancaster. Pa , the following pi eneity, te wit: A double one-story I5R1CK DWELLING HOUSE, with one-sterv Itnck Rack ISuilding. containing 7 100ms. The let fronts 88 feet, mere or less, en Derwart street, and extends back 150 feet, mere or less, te a 14-leetalley,and has a w ell et geed w ater thcicen, situate Nes. 117 and 119 Derwart street. Parties wishing te view the property can de se by calling en the undersigned or at the premises. Sale te commence at 7J o'clock p. m. of said day, when terms und conditions will be made known by BAUSMAN A BURN?, Real Estate Agenis, Office 10 West Orange Street. Sax'l Hbss & Sev, Aucf, m2G-edR nisr tmnns. CORSETS ! Lewest Prices. GLOVES ! Newest Stylet. HOSIERY' I Lewest Prices. HANDKERCHIEFS Newest Styles in Silk. LACES ! Lewest Prices. EMBROIDERIES! EMBROIDERIES! EMBROIDERIES! Newest Patterns in Hamburgs. Newest Patterns in Swiss. Lewest Prices. DRESS BUTTONS ! DRESS BUTTONS ! The Largest Stock in the City. WE INVITE EXAMINATION ! .VUir ADVERTISEMENTS. A NEW DEPARTURE IN MEDICINE DRUGGING SUPERSEDED. The Excelsior liver In a new curative agent, totally different from and greatly superior te anything hitherto offer ed te the public. ItaeU directly upon the vital organs and cures bythe stiictly natural prece-s of AISbOUPTIOX. It has pieved its efllcacy by the screiest tests, and is strongly recommend ed bv all who have used It. Asa leincdy in initiations fevers, liver and stomach complaints, irregulailties, nervous disorders, mental depression, lieadaehe, and oveiflew et bile, diOical ailments, nausea and constipation, it lias no equal. PIUCKs Regular Pad, $1: Special hize, $1. .0. Piepaied and sold by the mM ftdSAWAw Fer Sale by Druggists. "We desire te call attention te our FLATWARE, 3POONS, FORKS, In addition tea full stock et the celebrated Rogers Ilre.'s goods, we have the exclusive sale in this city et the electro-plated ware et the Ueiham Manulacturlng Company. These are the bestlinisbed and most durable in the market, and in leceiumcndlng them te the trade this company (whose representations are always reliable) claim ler them the following merits : " The base of the Uerlum electro-plate is of nickel silver. The silver-plated wares mode upon this base cenibip-11 he excellence of the solid sliver goods except the intrinsic value of the sllvei itself. ue el the remarkable features of the process of electro-plating is perfect accu racy and delicacy with which the finest line of the engraving or chasing traced ou the surtacu of the nickel base is reproduced en the surface of the silver coating. Thus nil the excellence, et weikraanshlp which ha earned for the company lu leputatien as makers et sterling silver goods is made trlbut iry te the production of 11 usurp issed electro-plate. The quantity of pure silver deposited en the tlnely finished base exceeds that upon the best of foreign plate. This wai c would be excellent and take a line polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is faid a i-ilvcrsui lace which will If net abused last mere than a generation. The object is te produce plated ware which shall have all the beauty or the solid wares. This high grade et ware is un -distinguishable from work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ernaments and werkui uishlp are made equal te these for which the Cempanj-'s bteillug Silverware has been se highly com mended. Te these conditions is added the uudcHnable air or style which distinguishes the genuiae in everything liem the work el imitators and which naturally transfers itself from the fcterling te the plated ware." The priwet these goods Is only a trltle higher than some of he infei ler productions. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street, Lancaster. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C In the city, is te be NORBECK & MILEV, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. cej ft ces The tock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uch ns the ISrewster, Whitney, Salldec Triple, Empire 'Ciess Spiing, Ilcxter Queen, Duplex ml Klliptic, and thej will also make te order any stj'lc a purclucscr may desire. Kepuiiiug of all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for ene ycir. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD."- S. CLAY MILLER "DESPECTPTJLLY calls the attention of his friends as well as the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gugrhenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. SFW ADVERTISEMENTS. w ATEK BENTS. The duplicate of water rents is new in the hands et the Citv Ticasurer. FIVE PEU CENT, abatement vv ill be allowed en all rents paid en or belere JCNE1, 1SS0. E. WELCHANS, ni8 3wdTu,ThftSU City Treasurei. GEO. W. BROWN, aet.. UNDERTAKER, Ne. 14G EAST KING STREET. Residence 21 Senth Prince Street. may2-lmdS&WR J. K. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. " t 1 Openig te-day of a large and belcct line el I English Novelties i ren SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, BANNOCKBritN CELTIC CHEVIOTS. GAMBROON PAUAMATA AND BATISTE CLOTHS. SEERSUCKERS. VALENCIAS. PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. Wilferd'-. Padded Ducks in Plain and Fancy Styles. A Large Assortment of Fancy Dnck. ana Marseilles Vesting. All the latest novelties of the season. The public nre cordially invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most recherche ever ettered for the het weather. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH 0UEEN STREET. GLOVES ! AH Sizes. GLOVES ! Lewest Prices. HANDKERCHIEFS 1 Finest Quality in Linen. HANDKERCHIEFS Lewest Prices. Lewest Pricei. WE INVITE EXAMINATION ' - THE OLD SYSTEM OF DOSING AND and Stomach Pad ABSORPTIVE MEDICAL COMPANY, N. 21 WEST CHESTNUT STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. Send or call for circulars giving testimonials, 4c. complete line of KNIVES, LADLES, &c., &c. jfen at the M'eiks et old NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GUT tenbuig Death Beneficial Association will be held at 2 o'clock .Sunday alteinoeu, May .10, at their hall ou Seuth Queen street. Business of impeitance. Members are re quested te attend. By order of the Associa tion. OTTO IIECIIT, ltd secretary. TEsT BARGAINS IN BLACK SILK AT $1, Ever offered. Persons in w ant should see it. OUR SALE- OF Black and Colored Silks This season have been unprccedentedly large, ou ing te the large stock we show te custemeia and extremely Lew Prices. DRESS GOODS Of every description in all the various Fabrics and Styles new in vogue. FAIIESTOCFS, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. ITOR SALE OH RENT. tj'OK KENT. Twe eiy desirable rooms. Ne. 43) North Queen street, suitable ter photograph gallery, formerly occupied by J. S. Suurinuu. Apply te e5-tfd THOS. BAUMGARDJ ux t.11. PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, MAY 31. 1880, will be sold at public sale at Ne 5.M Seuth Queen tieet, a variety of Household Furniture. Sale te commence at VA o'clock p. m. ANNASTROBEE, Widow of Christian Strehel. H. Shcbekt. Auct. m28-2td IJUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE KEAL EsTATE. Pursuant te an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, Pa., w ill be sold at public sale, at the public house of Philip Wall, en West King street, en THURS DAY, the 10th d.iy of J UN E, A. D. 1880, the fol fel low ing described real estate, late of Frederick Reller, deceased, te wit : All that certain let or piece of ground with a twivsiery anil attic BRICK DV ELLING HOUsE theieen erect d, situated en Marietta Avenue, Ne. 617, in the city of Lancaster, Pa., containing in front en Marietta Avenue 23 feet, mere or less, and ex tending in depth te a public alley 9b feet, mere or less. Bounded en the west by property of D. G. Baker, en the east by property of Jehn Graham, an the north bv the aforesaid alley, and en the south by Marietta Avenue. The improvements are a two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse with Frame Kitchen attached, a well of never-failing water with pump therein, grape vine, anil oilier necessary improvements. Sale te commence at 1A o'clock p. m. en Faid day. when attendance will be iciven and con- ditiens mode known by UUli A.VU, ml9-3wdWAS Trustee in Partition. THIRD EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVKNINO MAY 29, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington-, May 29. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or rising bar ometer, north te east winds, cooler partly cloudy weather, followed bv rising tem perature. WESTERN MOLLIE 9IAGU1RES. The Strikers at Leadvllle. Denver. May 29. A special despatch te the yeics from Leadville says there were many rumors yesterday, but no action of any consequence. Tiieiehave beeu sever al narrow escapes from open eutbieak. but the city is still outwardly quiet. Ac neon yesterday the miue managers and superintendents held a meeting, and acting largely under instructions from New Yerk, resolved positively net te accede te the striker's demands. Yes terday morning a larce body of miners at tempted te drive away the guards at the Chryselite mine, in order that they might get possession of the pumps and by stop step ping them allow the water te Heed the mines. This did net result in a serious rupture, but fears are entertained that it it is only a commencement of violence. The business men met yesterday and took measures towards organizing a committee of satety ; they also held a meeting I ut night for the purpese of confer- ling with all the parties concerned in the strike relative te eilecting a compromise, which it is thought cannot be etlected. All the mines are carefully guarded, ard at the Cluysohte and Little Chief breast works have been erected, buildings ferti lied and every arrangement made for de fense. At present no violence is feared. Condensed Telegrams. The vaulting in the porous white stone pnrt of the St. Gethard tunnel has given way several times and required timber staying te prevent collapse. A granite wall six feet thick, te suppeit the reef and keep the tunnel clear, has been provided, but even this gives way, and the course of the tunnel will have te be curved around the white stone formation, involving the entiie reconstruction of the tunnel, and de laying its completion until two years heuce. Twe men named Kennedy and Forsyth were di owned at Rat Portage, Ont., en Monday while drunk. Jehn M. Piegan's stable, ten horses and twelve carriages at Ileldstcn, Mass., weie burned by an incendiary lire. Macanley fc Jarvis's exploded saw mill mill was at Winnipeg net at Terente. Te-day is observed as a general holiday in the District. The gevrenmeut buildings. District ellices and many business houses aie closed. James Russell Lewell, the American minister te England, has leceivcd instruc tions from Secretary Evarts relating te the fisheries question, of a much mere amicable character than the lcpeits presented te Cengiess. The dinner te Supt. Buchrle by his Reading friends yesterday was a grand a Hair, characterized by their presentation te him of an elegant geld watch, of "Lan caster" make, with a chain and suitable inscription. There weie toasts, speeches and a hearty " Ged speed " te Lancaster's new school superintendent. Many churches throughout the weild will celebrate to-menow, the 30th of May, the Rebert Haikcs Sunday school centen nial. FIKEJN BALTIMORE. Ar.- lug Frem Ure Works. Bu.timeue, May 29 A fire broke out at 0 o'eleck te-day in the four-story waie waie heuse, 181 West Baltimeie street, occu pied by Geeige P. Steinbach as a toy stoic. The file is said te have originated from the spontaneous; combustion of liie vveiks, and in a few minutes it was through ail the upper lloeisofthe building. Because of the inflammable nature of the contents it destroyed the greater pait of the stock. The damage te the hteek is estimated at $15,000, which is fully eev- , ered by insurance. The building was dam- , aged te the extent of ijl,000, insured in I this city. The fire caused 'i eat excitement . for a sheit time, as the Steinbaeh building j aujuiuy me uarroaeu netet. Gene te Help Grant. New Yerk, May 29. Themas Murphy, Jehn J. O'Biien, Bernard Biirlin, Matthew Stuait, Cel. AV. W. Bums, E. "W. Stough Stough ten, Pierce Van "Wyek and Rebert C Mc Cord, headed a delegation of about thiity Grant men, which started en a train fiem the Grand Cential depot at 10::i0 this morning, te take pait in the National Re publican convention. A Famous Acter 111. Jehn Bieugham. the well-known actor, lies dangerously ill at his residence, Ne. CO East Ninth street. Although perfectly conscious and realizing his dangerous con dition he is rapidly sinking, and his death may be hourly expected. His physician thinks that ew ing te his great vitality he may possibly rally for a short time, but that there is no piobabilityef his lecevery GOOD SHOTS. California Pistol Practice. A special despatch from Buena Vista Cal., says: "Eaily jesteiday morning two men James Reed and James Edwards instantly killed each ether. They had had some trouble and upon meeting each ether they drew revelvcis, and fned two shots each, when both fell dead." Arbitration en AVaees. Liverpool, May 29. Thearbitiaters in the dispute between the deck labercis and the employers letrarding the men's claim for an advance of six pence per day in their wages, have agreed upon an awaid by which the men will receive the advance demanded for three months, after which the matter will be open for reconsidera tion. " Came te His Death." Pert LvuuTON, Ont., May 29.--Walter McDonald struck Daniel McEmerlinc, of this place, a blew with his fist en the head from the effects of which the latter died next morning. The coroner's jury re turned a verdict that the deceased came te 'his death from a clot of bleed ledged in the brain, caused by a blew given by Mc Donald, whose arrest was ordered. Uncle Sam Wins a Case. Newark, N. J., May 29. Chancellor Runyon this morning decided the Lewis will case against claimants and in favor of the United States government, holding that Lewis was of sound mind when lie ex ecuted his will and that he had no relatives who could claim as legal representatives. Law In New Orleans. New Orleans, May 29. The district attorney te-day filed an information against live piiseners arrested as accessories te the burning of cotton en the ship Iren Crcs. The prisoners will be arraigned en Mon day and the trial will begin next week. WANTED. WAMED. EVERYBODY TO ADVER ttsc, fiee et charge, in the Istkllieei- CKR, wne wants something te de. TlAtJS! RAGS! RAGS! RAGS WASTED. Xt X Housekeepers take notice that we ar paying 3 cents a pound Ter MIXED KAG S Cesh paid as seen as delivered te WM. HEXNECKE. apriWmd Ne. 2S West King Street. ( RAIN SPECULATION T In large or small amounts. $25 or $20,000. ' Write W. T. SOULE ft CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 Laballe street, Chicago, III., for clr ulars. m28-ryt MARKETS. Ne quotations of Philadelphia markets or stocks te-day, owing te observance of Decora tion Day. New Xerk Market. Nxw Yerk. May 29. Fleur State and West ern without decided change and In verj" moderate expert and horns trade inquiry ; supertine state $3 7394 30: extra de 94 2 t 75; choice de 94 80A3 09; fancy $5 05Q6 00: round hoop Ohie 94 90S 25; choice de 9&30650; superfine western 9S73 4 50: common te geed extra de 94 2349400; choice dodo 94 8507 00; choice white wheat de H 75J5 dft: Southern qnietand unchanged; common te fair extra 93 25tf583; geed te choice de 5 5057 00. Wheat Spring dull and nominal ; Ne. 3 Red cash and May feverish, excited und unsettled ; ethers about steudy; N'e.2 Red cash 91 42sj 1 4GM ; May $1 U'4, closing at 91 45 bid and 91 4t asketl ; June $1 2D; N. IWhlte June 91 . Cern -4Kn better and quiet ; Mixed west ern spot,e3aaiv;c:ilo future 4935c. Oats quiet including Ne. 2 ter June 4040c ; State );ac ; Western 43ift48c. lieef dull and prices unehHnited. Perk llrmer ; new mess 91760. Lard quiet and Arm; steam rendered 97 tM. Whisky dull ; Western 91 0801 09. .spirits of turpeutlne dull at 44(45c. Stock Markets. Kkw Yerk. May . Mecks strong. Menej 4 . V. Central 124f Erie 3ii Adams Express Ill Michigan Central 78 Michigan Southern ) Illinois Central luct Clcvclaud ft Pittsburgh.. ..112 Chicago ft Ueck Island. l Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 119 Western Union Tel. Ce J4 Teledo ft Wabash 2!i Nhw .Jersey Central S6) Si:tr ADVERTISEMENTS. IIOOKS! BOOKS! ! XI The best place in the city te bur Beeks. New nnd second-hand, is at S.U.ZAHMftCO.'S Heek Stere, is and 'JO Seuth Queen St., in2TftKiK Hew te Keep Coel This Warm Weather. Whyjustgpte WALTER A. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE STORE, And liv will inform you. 15 East King Street. Over High ft Martin's China Hull. DECORATED WARE! Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Tea Sets, Decorated Chamber Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, Decorated Berry Sets, Decorated Oat Meal Sets, TETE-A-TETE SETS, AT CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STKEET. Ne. 20. Ne. 20. Sterling Silverware ren WEDDING GIFTS. Silver-Plated Ware ren WEDDING GIFTS. French Clocks. Ilrenze Curd Tables, .farda I nici-H, Candlestick and services ut AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Jeweler, 20 East Kins Street, LANCASTER, PA. PBOrOSALS TO CONTRACTORS AD Builders. Sealed proposals, endorsed Proposals for the erection of a Scheel Build ing," will be leceived by the undersigned at Ne. 29 East King street, until WEDNESDAY, J UN K IB. IcSO, at 12 o'clock m., for erecting a ocheol Building ou the corner of East Leuieu and Lime streets. Said buildings te be built in accordance w lili the plan ami specltl catiens of Frank L. Davis, architect, te be seen at Ne. 2U East King sticet, and the building te be lin lshed by December 1, ISS The cemnilttei will net consider any bids ether than these 111 ule by reputable and ceuietent master builders, ami will reriuiiesatisluc-tery security ler the faithful lulMlment of the same. Build ers are required te name their security in their proposals. Tre committee reserve the right te reject any or all bids net deemed sat sat lstactery. B eidcr et the Beard en Scheel Property. II. E. SLAYMAKER. my:c&29 Chairman 11 ullding Committee. PROPOSALS FOR GAS LAMPS AND LAMPPOSTS. Sealed proposals for the furnishing of the city of Lane-aster with gas for the use of the Muv or's Ofllc-e, City Hall, Market Houses. Station Heuse, &c, by the thousand cubic feet, and for gas for the street lamps per pest; lighting ami keeping the same in goon order and repair for one year from July 1, lRse, in accordance with the previsions of an ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance for the Lighting of the City of Lancaster with Gas," uppreved January B, 187H, will be received by the Lump cemmittece until a o'clock ou lues- day evening, June 1, 1880. rrer mesuls will also be received at the same time and place for the furnishing of Lamp X'esis anu laiups ler lias, complete and rc-auy for use, which may be needed during the year. Pests and Lamps te be el same style new in use. Bidders will give the length and weight et the pests they ptopese te furnish. Proposals will also lie received at the same time and place for lighting, keeping in geed order and reiiair, and for the furnishing et all needed supplies which maybe required for the lighting of the oil (otherwise gasoline) lamps. Bids te state the amount per lamp. The Lamp Committee reserve the right te re ject any a'id all bids, and the success! ul bidder or bidders w 111 give geed approved security ler the fulthfiil perloiuutnceef their contract. The proposals will also state the amount ad ditional the bidder or bidders will agree te extinguish such lamps as they will light at the time required by ordinance. Proposals must be addressed te WM. JOHN SON. Chairman Lamp Committee, Mayer's Of fice, Lancaster, Penn'a. HERBERT JOHNSTON, mti&29d Clerk. HOUSE EURNISIIINO GOODS. NOTICE! We have new in stock the largest as sortment of seasonable goods In our line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons, Dell Carriages, Velecipedes.Fly Brashes, Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash Brushes, -Feather and Hemp Dusters, Dusting Brushes, Sweeping Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels of all kinds, Rubber Garden Hese, Fleer and Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Woedware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and every article in the line or Housekeeping Hardware. These goods have mostly been bought before the great advance in prices and are being sold at a small advance en cost, at Fliiiu & Brenemans Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. FA. Xl NS