LANCASTER DAILY JlSTLLlGENCtLJgRtDAy MAI 2M880. Lancaster intelligencer. FBIDAY BVBNINO, MAY 88, 1880. BOSTON TO BAKOOB. " Where sails yen ship way ?" I said te the manner old. As a gallant bark steed out or the bay And Inte the night se cold. "And what takes she as freight r ' 1 said te this mariner gray. " And why sails she at night. Instead et at break of day ? "Steers she for the tropic land. Where fragrant spices grew. And o'er whose golden land, The balmy breezes blew? " Where luscious fruits abound, With flowers of gorgeous hue. And precious stones are found. With smiling skies of blue? " Or, when from land she's tree, Think you her prow will turn Up towards the Pelar Sea, Frem which se few return? " Where the North King's Icy hand The shivering waves upheld. And spreads o'er all the land Ills mantle white and cold? ' Speak, then, my silent tar. And tell mc what I ask ; And why she sails alar Te brave the stormy blast?" The tarry soul no word replied. But taking from his vest Seme chalk, upon the sand inscribed. "The wind Is from the West : "Her course is laid for Banger, Maine : Her captain's name is Slaters ; Her name itself Is Mary Jane ; If er cargo Is potatoes." DICAL. ASTRICH BXCB AVrXMTISKMENT. AUceckte Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL A30 ONLT GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection bas been se cured after years or experiment. Composed of the CHOICEST Gums and Extract. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VKGETABLK. One or two every night, in ten days cure Cestlveness and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggist. raprl2-2mdced&w TtDriifTa llWTftTl.TTT. J Te Nervous Sufferers-The Great Euro Eure Sean Kemedy-Dr. .1. B. Simpsen's bpec Medicine. It Is a positive cure for Siwrnia Ke Seminal WenesHlmpetency.andal diseases resulting fiem Self-Abuse, as Mcnl! .i.- i . ? Mmerv. Pains In Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Con-unipUen. inannltv and an early grave. Tlie spcciac Medic&e is being usedft wendel-ucewH. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, bpccMtc. fl JPjr napkaire or six packages for $5. J. II. oIMl eIMl SON MEUICINCOMPAN V Nes. im ami i Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders l II. B. COUHItAX, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydeedftw EMBROIDERIES, JtC. HOSTBTTBR'S Destroying Weeds. Germatitewn Telegraph. Every once in a while we read that the way te destroy noxious weeds is te haul leads of earth and cover the places where the weeds grew a-half a feet or se deep. Sometimes these instructions are varied se as te read rubbish instead of earth, and thenagain rubbish is denned as straw, cornstalks or even brush. New, we have no doubt in the world that weeds can be riestrnved in that wav. We knew that weeds are te feed en air, and all that sort of thing, and that if they are smothered they can't breathe, and if they cannot breathe they die. All this is se plain U the thickest skull that one may feel per fectly safe in recommending it as some thing that will surely de. And yet we would like te knew hew many who recom mended it have ever done se, or seen their plan tried by ethers? We very much doubt whether it was ever done. Seme one may have noticed that under a brush heap everything was killed, and that after remaining a year the brush heap's removal would show the spot bare of all vegeta tion. If the recommendation ever had anv preund at all it was surely this. Our remedy for noxious weeds is thorough cultivation. If a piece of ground is full of briers, milk-weed, couch-grass, sodem-apples, Canada thistles, sorrel, toad-flax, or ether miserable stuff that se often tries the mettle of our geed fanners, let them put the ground in corn for a couple of years or se, keeping the cultiva tion going continually, and especially going in the earliest parts of the season, and the toughest character among these weeds will fail te stand the ordeal. If the hand-hoe can be spared te go in among the hills of corn occasionally, where the teeth of the harrow cannot reach, or te cut off here and there one which the liar, row may miss, a bad case may be cured in a single season. But if this cannot be done, a couple of successive years with a sharp-teeth cultivator among a corn-crop will generally de the business for the worst case that ever was. Let anyone who has a weedy field before him resolve another season te put the whole tract in corn and keep clean, and lie will seen give up all the common ideas of smothering-out with great layers of earth, cutting up in the full of the moon, putting salt upon their tops, or the many ether recommendations started in the interest it is believed of laziness, but which really call for mere trouble and hard work than a thorough and systematic cleaning, such as we have indicated, docs. CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTKICH BKO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, . LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. Arc ettering this week great Inducements in their HOSIBEY BEW GOODS IOE THE SPBUTG TRADE, AT &UNDAKBRS. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN D VKER'S Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c. call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen StreeyLancaster, Pa. TRATKT.KKS' GUIDE LANCASTER AMD M1LLKKSV1LLK B. K Cars ran as fellows : Leave Lancateer P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, an.i 11:90 a. au, and 4, 6 and 830 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-.30 p. in. Leave HUleraville (lower end) at 5, S, and a. M., and 1, 8. 5 and 7 p. m. Can ran daily en above time except en Sun day. (7 and Fert Deposit time it COLUMBIA AMD FORT DEPOSIT K read en the following Trains new ran regularly en the Columbia uaur Stations North- Express. Express. Acwu ward. a. m. r. m. r. M. Pert Deposit. 6:35 3:50 2:00 Peachbottem... 7:12 4:24 :'-IS Flte'sEddy. 7:25 4:35 3:fc McCall's Ferry- Kff 4:46 400 Shenk's Ferry---- M 5:01 'M Safe Harber. 7:59 5:06 5 or. Columbia. S::W 5:35 6 20 TRIMMINGS, SC. FINEST, FASHIONABLE AND GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season of 1880, can be had lit loiigMeii's Cheap Millinery and Trimming EstaUisliment, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STKUJSX, ESTABLISHED 18C0. LANCASTER. PA. FEVER AND AGUE. The true antidote te the eflects pt miasma Is ii ....-. unmwh rtitters. This medicine is one et the most popular remedies et an age et successful proprietary specifics, nd Is in immense demand wherever en this Continent lever and ague exist. A wlncglasstul three times a day Is the best possible preparative for encountering a malarieus atmosphere, regu lating the 11 er. and invigorating the Stomach. Fer sale by al Druggists ami Dealers gener gjly. apr l-lydeed&ly w ad GLOVE DEPARTMENT. SIBBON DEPARTMENT. Finest Lines of RIBBONS ever brought te Lancaster, in all the Latest Styles of Colored Silk and Hntin ei.i nnl.l anil Cardinal, and Variegated Klbbens. Best Brands at the lowest prices. FLOWER DEPARTMENT. The Latest Novelties in all the FLOWERS. Best Display of Fine FRENCH FLOWERS in the city. Can be seen new at 25 X. QUEEN STREET. HAT DEPARTMENT. TRIMMING AND NOTION DE PARTMENT All the Latest Styles of IIATS re ceived every day from New lerk Hfts a tue Latest Novelties in und Philadelphia, and sold nri te milt KVervbedv. 495ld Hate reshaped and colored at short notice. at.KHne.fa Sut Ins Clmm. Laces. But ""O .-. T r? . .'. . . tens. Embroideries. Kid and Li-de Thread Gloves In all the new shades anil White Tucked Skirts from 50c. te$l. Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Acceni. WARD. A. M. 1. X. A. X. Columbia. 10:53 BrJO 7:50 Safe Harber.. lira 6:V Ar9:06 Le9:40 Shenk's Ferry..... 11:28 6:54 9--5t HcCall's Ferry.... 11:41 7:09 lOrB Flte's Eddy 11:56 7:20 10:46 r. x. r. x. Peachbottem 12:07 7:32 11.07 p.m. Pert Deposit I 12:45 8: 12:25 READING AND COLUMBIA KAILROAI On and after MONDAY, MAY. lOrn, 1S80, passenger trains will run en thin read a.- foleows: Trains Going Seuth. Reading,. ENGLISH BLACK CREPES A SPECIALTY. DRY GOODS. LAWNS. LAWNS. LAWNS. Relnhelds, Ephrata, Akren, i.inz,.. ................. Manhelm, Lancaster Junction,. Landisville, Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Harnish, West Willow, Baumgardner, Pequea, Refton, New Providence, Hess, quarryvllle A.X. A.X. 7:30 1155 p.x. 8:01 12.-24 8:18 12:40 8:24 12:45 8:43 1:02 9.02 1:13 9:05 1:40 9:16 1:30 9:40 2 0" 9T27 2:02 9:33 2:05 9:45 .... 10:05 .... Uh09 .... 10:17 .... 10:23 ... - 10:34 10:42 .... 10:50 .... r. x. ! r. v. 6:10 6.45 7:0.1 7:tW 7:25 7:. 7:45' 7:50 8:06 8:10 8:20 8:34 8:42 8:47 8:55 9.01 9:12 9:19 9:25 5.2) 5 30 5:52 6:0 i 6.09 6:17 6:26 6:! 6:51 7: 0 HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S fek sale at Lecher's Drug Stere. 9 East king street. fTHEUFKKRlNG HBMAMTV N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 247 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. i i i-irnr nhn )inalHfn a resident et Lan caster but a lew months, is a graduate of the University of Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, in which period he has been acting as Regimental Physician in bU Petersburg, and atterwarcls practical In Berlin, Germany, with great success. v mil the attention of the suffering public te the fact that he suceevUully treat EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,; and all chronic diseases. The severest cases el Chronic Catarrh cured In a short time. References and testimonials from rermer patiente can be seen at my office. . Persons without means will only be asked pavment ler medicines. Communications lrein a cilstance attended te by mail. mU.lva&w Women Never Think! If the crabbed old bachelor who uttered this sentiment could but witness the Intense thought, deep study and thorough investiga tion et women In determining the best medi cines te keen their families well, and would . - A.l note their pagacity ami wiaueiu m bcicuhuk VALUABLE TRUTHS. If veu are suffering from peer Ii HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP HP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS EBS EUS EIIS ERS Lite nep BIT ERS nil 1L llffl Of vsn nnp ui'.uiii ui iinjfM....., - nxjtr nw sickness taKe encer, ier Bit :Ki Hep Bitters Will Cure en. EKS tus If you are n minister and have urn. overtaxed yourself with your pas-HOP iJjT teral duties ; or a mother, worn out BIT ,a with care and work; or if you are ERS h,Kb slmplv ailing ; if you feci weak and n dispirited, without clearly knowing HOP iYrj why, BIT "JA Hep Bitters Will Restore Teu. EES ius If u are ft ,nan 0f business, fTr,p weakened by the strain of your HOP HvFi n,.An..in1. Hnttiia nr . man of let-ijtii hit r rf . . :. linn mtjra ii a hi hest. nnci aemenstraune ii ..VW A-.bV.. -w ..w ... by keeping their families in perpetual neauu, at a mere nominal expense, he would be terccd te acknowledge that such sentiments are base less and false. mvl5-2wdw The Doctors Yielding. Ever since Pret. Green wrote te the Medical Recerd advising physicians everywhere te use the Sate Kidney and Liver Cure In their prac tice. It has been gaining in laver with the pro fession. They can And nothing which Is a sub stitute for It. R. Cmlkins, M. D., of Rochester, N. Y., says he would new prescribe It te all who are afflicted with serious kidney and liver diseases. myl5-2wdftw ERS ters. toiling werK, ever your midnight EEg Tlnn Hop'eittersWIHStrengthenYou. H0P ir If you re young ana huitiiiB BIT BIT ERS from any Indiscretion, or are grew- Elis ins g tee last, as IS Olieu iuu i-re Jli If you are in the workshop, en the BiT vkik larni, at the desk, anywhere, and EKS Jilta feel that your system needs cleans cleans weplng, toning or stimulating, without HOP 5,t intoxicating, BIT v , Hep Bitters Is what yen eed . ERS If you are old, and your pulse is TTni feeble, your nerves unsteady, and nep Stm your faculties waning, bit wtie Hep Bitters will give you IewLtfe ERg J5KS and Viger. HOP COUGH CURE Is the sweet- HOP ASK cniuireu. Jill HOP. MJS1HVAL. s OWS SOAPS!! The Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP 5c per piece ami COc iyJ: nu e.iffut nnrl llAst. Askchilt vn T'he HOP PAD for Stomach, Liver EK8 """ and Kidneys Is superior te an emere. hop It Is perfect. Ask drugglste. HOP Sir D. I. C. Is an absolute and irreslstr BIT able cure for cirunKcnncss, uie ui Eks BIT "3 (.. -nn inH aivntlfj. Trni All the above sold by druggists. BIT . ERS Hep Bitters Mfg. Ce. Rochester, N. l . Ever In tills city before. per box. at FKKY'S CITY PHAKMACY, 110-lyd North Queen Street. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. T ANCASTKB BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrrearrsTHK Loeoxorms Wobko. The subscriber continues te manufacturu BOILERS AND bTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning ami ether purposes ; Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithlng generally. W Jobbing promptly attended te. augl8-lyd JOHN BEST. mjlrble works. WE P. FBATLEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 788 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given n every 'particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. m30 HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS TTiiP XL HITTERS FOK SALE AT LOCH' cr"s Drug Stere, 9 East King street. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W mm ieet! THE ONLY MEDICINE K-W That Acta at the Same Time en KW K-W K-W K-W K-W KW The LIVER, K-W REMOVALS. DR. S. B. FOREMAN. (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West Kins street, Lancaster, Pa. ImSt-Smd A IS. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 39 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 48 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out an ttennei t wltbeutaddlOenal cost. eZMy K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W The BOWELS, And the KIDNEYS. -w KW These great organs are the Natural , Cleansers of the System, ii xney Kw K"w work well health will be perfect ; It " m they become clogged, dreadful dls- K.w K"w eases are sure te fellow with K-W terrible SUFFERING. KW K'W BlUensness, Headache, Dyspepsia, if w Jaundice, Constipation and Piles, or K-W KldneyCemplalnts,Gravel,DIabetes, K w Sediment In the Urine, Milky or k-W Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Palng k w and Aches, are developed because K-W the bleed is poisoned with the hu v xr mers that should have been ex- K-W pellcd naturally. K-W K-W KIDNEY WORT K-W K-W M ARCUS O. 8EHWER, flOTJSB OABPSNT(KB(, - NeJ North Prince street. Prompt and particnlar attemtlem paid te al eraUen and repairs. slMyd BEXOWHXDI 'COUGH ,Y LOCHER'S 8TRUP. if w will restore the natural action and K-W aU these destroying evils wlU be K W banished neglect tliem and you will K-W Uvebuttesutfer. Thousands have ir.wbeen cured. Try It and you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K.ct It and health will once mere gladden K-W your heart. , ir ifr Why suffer longer from the ter-K-W mentet an aching heartT Why bear w w such distress from Constipation and K-W Piles? Why be se fearful because it w of Disordered Urine? Kidney Wert K-W will cure you. Try a package at once K.wandbesattened. K-W It Is a dry vegetable compound, K-W and one package makes six quarts K-W of medicine. Your druggist has It, K-W or will get' it for you. Insist upon K-W havlnglt. Price 100 K-W Wmms, HicHABneew ft Ce., Preps., K-W ' BUBLISQTON, Vt. K.W (Will send pest paid.) JulMydftw K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOS1ERV HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ITOSIEK HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIKKl HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEltl HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIKK HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIER! HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIKKl HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEBY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEBY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEYY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HSSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' Ladies' White Ribbed Hese 5c a pair. white anu unuieacncu Full Regular Madeiaca Ptt,r- Iren Frame Deuble Heel anil Tee 23c a pair. finr 2.V. Ralbriirsan is the best one ever sold for that price. Kitra line uaiuriB cans wenn 4uc ier viu pair. KW dez Ladies' Dark Un hinnp.heil Riilbrurcans. Full Regular Maae, Jie- crantlv Embreidereu in Beautiful Celers 2ic a inn iinz Ladies' Hand some Frent Embroidered Balbrlggansln Plnk.Blue anu uaruinai -sk u pun. nnr 19c Embroidered Balbriggans will seen be aniii out and cannot be replaced for nnytmng like that price. Lames' run negumr Made Bredequlns I n ptnlr' Blue and Cardinal. Heavy Embroidered 37c a " v . . , St...... nA.1rAl ij nines uimii-viuijviiu i.uir Thread Hese. T.ndlps' Black Balbrig gans Clocked with White ler Mourning. TjuHrs' all Black -Eng lish Lisle Hese, the Finest Tmnnrtfid. Our assortment of Ladies' Fancy Hosiery Is very large and prices cx- Iremplvlnw. 100 dez Pin Striped Hese for .Ladies, Seamless, 15c a pair. 1 'T7-IlMlET-'WORT.JPORAI AT LOCH- K. en' Drag Stere, 9 East King street. 50 dez Fancy Embrei dered Centre and Seam Ipua At. L5r a r):ilr. Ladles' uesi ngiisn Cotten Hese nalr-llncd Ingrain Celers at 33c a pIr. rnc same gwn "" Silk Clocking 44c a pair. Tedies' Fine LMe Hoje Open-worked Fancy Col ored Centre 58c a pair. Ladies' ureciequins ier Walking Shoes in great variety. Seme beautilul novel tics. CHILDS1 STOCKINGS, Frem 10c up. ah croeds Wn have received this week about 20 new styles of Imported Stockings from Ne. 5 te 8V, which we are selling from 15 te 85c a pair. Child s' Emweiucrea Centre Stockings, Pink and Blue Onen-werkcd. Unbleached Baibriggan, UnbleaehedOpen-werked Lisle, Fine Embroidered Frent, all Open-worked. Infanta's Socks. Infant's White Socks Qc. a. nalr. imam's w nnc itejjuiur Made 17c a pair. in rant's iiair-sinpeu 15c a pair. intuntH White with Cel ered Clocking 25c a pair. in tarn's rinicanu jsuw Open-werkeil Socks 25c a pair. An equally large assert ment or iniant s ?4 uesu. ttents' Half Hese. Unbleached Full Regu lar Made lie a pair. Superfine British 15c a pair. SUK UIOCHUU J11UUI1K ins Full Regular Made c a pair. Fancy Socks from 15c a pair up. r ancy socks, r uii jn-g-ular Made 25c a pair. (ileves. An assortment of Gloves like we are new able!te show has never vet been seen In this city, We have every imagin able 'style new and our rices are most asionisn asienisn ic te everybody. BERLIN GLOVES. One Full Elastic 13c a pair. Twe Full Elastic 15c a pair. Three Full Elastic 19c a nair Regular Made Gauze Gloves, 2 Full Elastic 25c a pair. The Finest Eng lish Lisle Gauze Gloves Silk Mixed In fine shades. 2 Full Elastic Sits a pair. GLOYES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOYES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES WHITE GOODS ! WHITE GOODS ! Immense Stock BUNTINGS ! LACE BUNTINGS ! Choice Assortment Choice Assortment in Newest Styles. WHITE GOODS! r n fi niflfcrpnt. Kinds. LACE BUNTINGS ! LACE in BLACK AND COLORS. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! An Elegant Assortment new offering at Lewest Prices. LADIES ! We call particular attention te our large and varied stock of above goods. LADIES ! AVe also call particular attention te our stock of Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, the Choicest As sortment ever shown in this city, all at the Lewest Prices. LADIES ! We specially invite examin&tien of our stock in every department. GIVLEK, BOWEKS & HTTKST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTHING. 1880. 1880. Traihs Geime North. Quarryvllle, Hess, .............-. New Providence, Kei ten,, a. ..-..... Pequea, Baumgardner, West Willow, Harnish,.... -....-... King Street, Lancaster, DIUervllle, tlUUIUIUiO,... ..-. Landisville, Lancaster Junction,. . . Manhelm, LllIZ,.,, ........ .....-. jvaren,... .............. Ephrata, Reinheldsville, Reading, A.X. P.M. P.M. 6.45 .... 2.35 6Jii .... 2.41 6:5a .... 2:48 7:11 .... 2:5'J 7:18 .... 3.05 7:28 .... 3:13 7:32 .... 3:18 7:41 .... 3:2ti 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 1:00 3:50 8:08 1:03 3:53 7:55 1:05 3:40 8:30 1:30 4.04 8:30 1:25 4:15 8:49 1:48 4:20 9:00 2.-00 4:30 9:1 2:18 4:47 9:23 2:25 4AJ . 9.42 2.-4 5:14 . 10:05 3:20 5:50 A.X. 7:50 7.58 8:13 :27 8:35 fr:4.1 8:4H 9.00 9:20 9:30 Trains connect at Reading wll nhlft. 1'etlHV.l.e. j lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with from Philadelphia, Pettsvl r with trains te and , Harrisburg, AI- trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A.M. WILSON. Supt. KNNSYLVAN1A RAILROAD N l.'.t SCHEDULE On and afur SUND . MAY 23d, 1880, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad wlU arrive and leave the Lanc-istiT and Philadelphia depots as follew: Eastward. CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. Jte S. E. BAILY. W. W. BAILY RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL AND FASHIONABLE TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, SUITINGS, VESTINGS, PANTINGS. TROUSERINGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te order for Men and Beys In the prevail ing Styles, and satlstactien guaranteed. Alse, Ready-Made Clothing! AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHING GOODS At the Old Price before the Advance, AT RATHVON & FISHER'S Practical Tailoring Establishment, S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of and Dealer In 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET. m4-lmd CARPETS. 3 Full Elastic 40c a pair. GLOVES 4 Full Elastic 4c a pair. Fine French Gauze fine Ribbed Tep 37c a pair. Our assortment of Lace Tep Gloves Is unequalled and the prices lower than ever Lace Tep Gloves In Light Shades 23c a pair. Embjeidered Lace Tep 25c a nair. Fine Extra Leng Lace Tep, 3 Full Elastic 37c a pair. Full Regular Made Gauze Gloves, Fine Lace Ted 35c a pair. Extra Leng 3 Full Elastic 50c. we also nave tuugc its sortmentef finer goods, which we are selling at equally low prices. Ladles' Lace Mitts in Black and Colored from SJn a nalr un. All Silk Mitts Extra Leng In White Cream, Pink. Blue. c.5canair. Ladles' Full Regular tnrln Lace Mitts. ChUds' SUk and Colored Lace Mitts et all sizes. Childs' Lace Tep Gloves. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOYES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES LOVES GLOVES H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KINO STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CARPETS In Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warercems, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bik Craps, Ftamm, lubt Wagons, &c. Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled te otter SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep In stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted one year. Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express Fast Line... ......... ....... YorkAccein. Arrives;... Ilarrisbum Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mall, Johnstown Express, Dilv Kxnrras.. ....... ...... Harrisburg Accommedat'n, Leave Lanc'trr 1235 A.M. 2:10 " 5:20 " 7:30 " 8:05 " 8:45 " 0:10 " l:(i5 " 1:10 r.M. 2.00 ' 3:05 " 44'i " 0:25 " Ariit-Philud'it 3-(W A.' 4:15 " 7:40 " 10:111" 12:01 r 3:15"" 5:00 " 5:30 " :45 ' Si " Westward. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. l.vla ML.Iey, Mall Train Ne.ivla Cel'bhi, Niagara & Chicago .Express aumiay Aiau, ITast x.lne,. ....... .....-...- Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt..Iey Harrisburg Acconiinedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, Leave iphllad'a 12:30 a.m. 8:00 " 9:66" "' 8:00 " 11:50 " 230 p.m. 4.00 " 530 " 6r25 " 9:10 " 11)5 " Arrive Laiic'tfr 5: a.m. I0-X5 ' 11:07 " 11:05 " 10:55 " 2.le p.m. 2:15 S50 " 5:45 " 7:2C " 730 " 8-M " 11.30 " 2.40 A.M. JEWELERS. LOUIS WEBEK, WATCHMAKER. Ne.l59K NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Sliver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantasceplc Specta cles and Eye-GIasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd COLORED SPECTACLES -AHD EYE GLASSES, In all the Shades of BLUE, GREEN AND SMOKED, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. Watches, Clocks and Jcweiry Repaired. en hand, as low as S1.00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice, also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpet Rags. 43-Give us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. " Will CHINA AND GLASSWARE. GLASSWARE! GLASSWARE 1! CUT AND ENGRAVED, PRESSED MOULDED GLASSWARE, AND ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CHINA HALL. ASSORTMENT THE LARGEST, QUALITY THE FINEST, PRICES THE LOWEST. HIGH & MABTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. GENTS' GOODS. JECKXIES. NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES. AT ERISMAN'S. H ALF HOSE. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. Our Prices, always lowest, marked In plain fljrures. are ROOKS AND STATIONERY. TU-KW STATIONERY! New, Plain ami Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. JOM BAM'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., have In stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention Is Invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Scheel 'Libraries. Hymnals, Prayer Beeks, HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC BOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE BEWABD CARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds. BALBRIGGAN, POLKA DOTS, Ac, AT ERISMAN'S. TTANDKEBUHIEFS. Nobby Patterns, Silk and Linen, by the piece or dozen, at ERISMAN'S, QUSPEN0ERS. CHOICE GOODS, LOW PRICES, AT K J. ERISMAN'S, S8 NORTH QUEKK STREET. ATTOMNETM-AT-LAW HKNRY-A.RHJT i . Attorney and Counseller-at-Law mrt D..w Dm Vm. -Vmw Collections ma4em ail .parts of, the United . desumm tzmsaacHu. StieMei. States, and a general legal business t '." Refers by permission te Stelanum i J.E.Caldwell&Ce. SOLID SILVEBWARB, EngUsh Sterling, Nevel, Original and Exclu sive Designs of the FINEST Work manship. Complete BRIDAL OUT FITS. Elegant Services for Table, Dessert, and Reception Use. INDI VIDUAL OUTFITS and ARTICLES FOB PRESENTATIONS. SILVERSMITHS. ELECTRO-PLATED WARES of Re liable Quality In the Very Latest and Most Practical Patterns. HOUSEHOLD OUTFITS for Private Purposes and Hotels. Large Assort ments of SINGLE PIECES suitable for WEDDING OUTFITS. The p: Ices will be found very moderate. PHKiADELPHIA. 0T Orders filled promptly and estimates furnished. GROCERIES. TXTHOLCSALK AND RETAIL. LEV ASPS FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd F INK OLIVE OILS. FOR TABLE USE. DURKE'S SALAD DRESSING, AT D. S. BUKSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. "inOICE HAMS AND DRIED BEEF, AT BURSK'S' "1ANNED KRCIT AND VEGETABLES AT A REDUCTION. Te close out stock ler the season, at BURSK'S. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. mis Swd MWAF CHOICE MAPLE SUGAR AT BURSK'S. TINWARE, JtC- -7IFTEEN DOLLARS BUTS A FIRST-CLASS REFRIGERATOR, . With Enameled Water Tank, at 8HEBTZER,HUJffIBVILLEm!Rig N. 40 East King Street, LaacMtsr, Pa. ged, will step at Mlddletewn, Elfzabethtewn , Sit. Jey, Landisville, Bird-in-Hand, Lenian Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesbnrg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when tinned , will step at Downlngtewn, Coatesville, Parkct burg, Mt.Jey, Elizabetlitewn and Miildlt-tewn. Mail Ne. 1 west connecting at Lancaster with mail Ne, 1 at 10:55 a. in,, and with Niagara anil Chicago Express at U:u5 and will run threngh te Hanover and will connect at Columbia with train through te Harrisburg via Marietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line. west, at &10 r. u .. and will run through te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BT RAILROAD. New Yerk through m All. 7:30 a m, 12:30 p m, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, east, 7:30 a m. Gordeicvuxk, Downlngtewn, Leaman Plate, Gap 6 p in. Philadklfhia through mall, 7:30 and 8:45 a m.; 12:30, 4:19 and 11:30 p m. Pittsburgh and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Uarkisbure Mail, 10:30, a in, 1:30.5:15 aud 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10:30 a m. Baltimore and Washimmtev, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. Baltimore asd VTASHiaeTON, via Tork, 1:30 p m. Baltimore Ann TTashihstek, via Harrisburg, 11:30 p m. Ceatebville, 4:15 p m. Columbia, 10:S a in, 1:30 anil 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk wat, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Nebthern Central, 10:30 a m, 1-J30 and 11:39 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 .mandl230pm. Readine. via Harrisburg, 9:15 and 11:30 p in. Reading way. via Junction, Lititz, Manhelm, East Heinpfleld and Ephrata, 3 pm. Quarrtville, Camargo, Refton, New Provi dence, West Willow, Lime Valley and Martins ville, 9:45 a m, and 5:00 p m. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank. Blue Ball, Goedvllle, Beartown, by way et Downlngtewn, at 7:30 a m and 6 pm. Save Harber, via Columbia, 10:30 a m. BY STAGE MillersvlUe and Slackwater. te Raf Harber, dallv. at 4:00 n m. fT) UIIInauTrllU Uaanl 1 1 UI O n Onil A Binkley's Brlu'ge, Leacock, Barevlll! ueiianu, -cav p m. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, Back, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Springs. Falrmeunt and RewlaiuLtvillu, Md, daily, at 7 a m. Martindale, Mills, te ." Hfn Landis Valley. Oregon, West Earl. Farmers. dally, at 230 pm. ville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, regpi . Te Fertility. Lampeter and Wheatland strasDurg, uany, ai p m. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Paradisa daily, at 4 p m.. NeflsvUle, dally, at 4 pm. New DanvUle, Conestoga, Marticville, Cels manvllle. Mount Nebo. Itawlinsville, Betlies.ia and Liberty Square, dally, at '30 P.m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIV fcR. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mall, 7 a ui. 10:30 a m, 3 and 6:30 p in. Eastern way mall, 11:30 a m. Western mail, 7 anil 10 a in, 2 and e: p in. Reading, via Rcaillng and Columbia, .! p m. Western way mail, 8:30 a m. Reading way mail, 10:30 a m. Ouarry ville Branch, 8:15 a m and 4 pm. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sale Harber and MUlersvllIe, at 9 a m, dally. Frem MillersvlUe, 7 and 9 a m, and 4 p in. Frem New Helland, at 9-JO a mdally. Frem Rewlandsvilie, Md, at 20 p in. Kcadlng way mall, at 10-J0 a m, dally. Frem Straeburg, at 9-.30 am, dally. Frem ParadLse te Lancaster, 10 a m, dally Frem Neffsvllle, at 1 p m, dally. Frem Rawllnsville, at 11 a m. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mall deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trip thry take up the mail matter deposited in the Irtti-r boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave Uu office at 6:30 a m: second delivery at 10am; third delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery at 3 p m" SUNDAY POSTOFFICK HOURS. On Sunday the postefflcs Is open from April 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 u in. and from t p m ; from October 1 teApril I.frem le W a w, and from 6 te 7 p m. FINANCIAL. tamm ItROWX. UKALKK IX STlKlk vj and Bends, 64 and Breftdiray, if ew VeA . Operations en manrln and by mTit r ptirt leges. Information lurnlAbed i MI Matters cemaeeted wftli stock syeenlMtoe sd i(t ment, MU-lydTtt,ThftS V v4 Ti