Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 28, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelligencer.
Mixed in his Memery.
The venerable Cameren seems te have
been mistaken in supposing that he gave
Curtin his nomination for governor.
The fact turns out te have been quite
otherwise, and by the concurrent testi.
meny of Gov. Curtin, Cel.McClure, who
was the governor's right political bower,
and of everybody else who has a recollec
tion of the history of thai ancient time, it
seems te be well established that Simen
Cameren did all he could te defeat Cur
tin's nomination. It is quite remarkable
that the aged Winnebago's memory
should se far lead hi in astray. His sud
den revival te the manifestation of inter
est in political affairs, instead of being a
mark of mental strength and activity,
seems rather te be the result of waning
powers of mind. Mr. Cameren's faith
in Grant's popular strength is another
indication of mental weakness, but
as it is are that his son Donald also
claims te held it may perhaps be charged
te a hereditary disposition te see things
as it is pleasant te see them. It is a fail
ing plenty of people have, but it is net
often developed se strongly as just new
by Simen Cameren. .Ne doubt it is dis
agreeable te him te contemplate the fact
that he did net get a recommendation te
the presidency from the convention that
nominated Curtin for governor ; and the
only rational explanation that eccuis te
him is that he must have wanted it just
se 01 it never would have happened.
lie is evidently aft old man who is veiy
caieful about telling the exact truth as
he understands it. It is charged against
him that he says that he lent Curtin tlnee
thousand dellais for his canvass. Cur
tin says he did net. But he never said
that he had; his story was that he le
ferred Cuitin te his son Den, since lie
did net for particular reasons wish te
give him any money himself. lie de
clares that he does net knew what Den
did about it. Evidently, therefore, Den
never called en him for the money. This
narrative of the aged Simen bears about
it the ear-maiks of truth, in cverj thing
except the fact that Curtin applied te
him for a lean. That, of course, we
knew was net se, since they were net
friends. That is a trilling mistake, how
ever, excusable te one of Mr. Camci oil's
years. Ne doubt somebody applied for
a lean for political expenditure, and was
refened te Den: who 1 of erred him
te somebody else ; until finally he get the
money out of the fund stolen fei the
purpose fiem the people ; and the vener
able senator never knew that am body
had leceived money from any one fei
anything. He was innocent as a lamb
as he always has been. He is a deal
sweet old gentleman, whose heait has
always oveillewcd with chanty for ovciy evciy ovciy
bed j , including himself, and who never
let Mis light hand knew his left hand"
deeds, and who is naturally therefore a
little mixed iuliihstatements of tilings.
Hard Luck.
The census supei viseishae haul luck.
Peer White in Philadelphia get together
Mich a let of jail-biids that it was neces
sary te cut off the heads of the whole
paitv,supei visor included. And new our
Snowden, alter coming amongst us and
looking into the chamctei of the ap
plicants, and vowing he was
going te cheese the best men, legardless
of their politics, has had such confound
edly bad luck as te see two of the
enumerators in this city sent te jail for
thirty days; a period, tee, which carries
them clear ever the time appointed for
taking the census.
What is te be done about it ? We can
only suggest an appeal te the most benevo
lent judge of our ceuit, who may be se
impressed by the impossibility of two offi
cers of the United States having done
anything worthy of thiity days in jail
especially w hen it was only their Re
publican 7cal that get them theic that
lie will let them out as innocent
and much maligned workers in
the geed cause in their waids.
At any late the judge should be
besought te let these two enumerators
out for a couple of hours in the cool of
the morning and evening te take the
census in the Third and Seventh waids.
They lie handy te the jail, te whose
shady letreats they might leturn te
spend the heat of the day, which ought
net te be spent en the streets anyway.
Thus the needs of the United States, the
demands of justice, and Iheiequirements
of lmmanitv may be satisfied.
Sutkuvisek Sxewdex will hae te
revise his list of census enumerators for
this city. Twe of the best weikers in
their lespective wards who were en his
list have been sent te jail for thirty
days for their complicity in the disoider diseider
ly and disgraceful proceedings which
marked the meeting of the Republican
return judges. It would net likely be
hard te prove that the gang of ruffians
who distuibed the proceedings of last
Monday in Fulton hall, and caused a riot
en the street, were hired by some of the
political bosses te de that sort of weik,
and while the severe but well-merited
punishment which the mayor lias in
flicted may teach their class a much
needed lessen, it will be a great pity if
the responsibility for their conduct be
net traced te its proper source and their
employers held te answer. . The " best
workers in the ward" have been encour
aged by past experience te believe that
they were abe e the law. Representa
tions of the value of their services en
election day have secured for them im
munity from punishment, and the court
has net called these te answer who de
ceived it into allowing a miscar
riage of justice. The mayor, who
expressed his inability te maintain peace
and order if these w he were turned ever
by him te the courts were te be thus
dealt with, new avails himself of his
power of summary committal te vindi
cate the broken law, and he mers the
thanks of the public for his resolute ef
forts. If the views of a Baltimore engineer
en the " fishy " taste of the water, which
we reprint te-day, are sustained by the
facts, the subject is one of chemical
and sanitary interest that should be
The Xew Yerk Tribune and ether of
Mr. Blaine's friends whistle as cheerily
as though they were passing through a
Mr. and Mrs. Hexrt E. Johnsten were
in Lancaster yesterday, and will take up
their residence at Wheatland at an early
General Reijeiit Toemhs has bought
what was once the Presbyterian parsonage
in Claiksville. Ga.. and will fit it up for
his summer lcsidence.
Mis. Seuth wertIi, the novelist, has a
quaint cottage at Geei getewn, built in the
crevice of a high steep reck,aud command
ing a scries exquisite views of hill and
General Lewis B. Pausens, who is
urged by many Illinois Democrats as a
candidate for governor of their state, grad
uated at Yale, was an old associate and
assistant of General McClellan, and is a
railroad lawyer. He was a war Democrat.
Cel. A. C Neyks, who holds a claim of
$600 against the M. E. church of Westport,
has agiecd te cancel the claim if the con
gregation will raise enough money te put
the church in repair. The colonel once
replied te a minister who inquhed if he be
longed te the chuich at that place, by s ty
ing that " the church belonged te him."
Ex Gov. Bkkwn who takes Gorden's
pLicc in the United States Senate is net as
distinguished looking as his predecessor.
He is tall, rather slender, and deliberate in
manner. He is slightly bald, with a high
forehead, cleanly shaved upper lip. and
long white beaid that tapeis te a point.
He was dressed in dark clothes, and might
be mistaken at any time for a Methodist
minister. Soen after he was sworn in he
recorded his first vote against Senater
Windem's piopesition te add 000,000 te
the pension deficiency bill for the pay of
United States marshals, the issue being a
stiict paity one.
A complimentary dinner has been ten
dered te City Superintendent Bueiiki.k,
prier te his departuic for Lancaster. The
letter of invitation is signed by the follow
ing mcmbeis of the beaid of control of
Reading. Henry S. Eckcit, Daniel D.
Leich, M. Jlerbstcr, Jehn McKnight, Levi
Quicr Jeshua Cleustcr, Jehn G. Mehn,
James J. Diiscell, S. E. Ancona, Samuel
Fiees, J. M. Lyens, Jacob Snell, H. Maltz
bcrger, Eplniara Armstieng, Charles G.
Lcvan, Chai les A. Sayler, J. Henry iron iren
master, Jesse Orr, James II. Hiltebeitell
F. Meuges and Ilany A. H.utman. Pi of.
liuehi lc accepted the in itatieu, and the
dinner takes place te-day at the Min ml
Tin Het Wave.
In New Yeik vcsteulay the heat was
felt with gieat severity and as a conse
quence the death late has incieased, being
neaily double what it was in tnc eaily pait
of the month. This incicase is cluelly
among old people and children. Twe
deahs fiem sunstroke wcie rcpeitcd and
three cases where puties were oveiceme
by heat. In Bioeklyn four cases of sun sun
stieke wcie leperted, one of which ended
In New town, X. J., the mcicuiy lan up
te 10.5 ; in Jeisey City Patrick Moency
died fiem sunstieke ; in Xcwbuiy, X. Y.,
Michael Helden, a recent emigrant from
h eland died fiem excessive use of ice
watei. In Philadelphia Rev. Father
Fiancis X. Geerge. pitoref St. Elizabeth's
Reman Catholic chinch, died at the pa pa
jecliial lcsidence fiem congestion of the
brain caused lv exposure te the heat.
Jehn Dunn, a hack driver, and Jehn L.
Bender died, and William Hall was ovei evei ovei
eome. Rebci t King, of Xcw Yei k, was sur
struck at Jeisey City yestciday afternoon
and died at six o'clek.
At Wilmington, Del. .yesterday the ther
mometer registered 100 devices in the
shade at .uieus points in the city.
The captain of the schooner Anna, of
Peckskill, died suddenly from heat yester
day while the vessel was bound down the
The Xcw Yeik police rcpeit that for the
twenty-four benis ending at 12 o'clock
last night thcie weic thhty-twe cases of
sunstieku in that city and Bioeklyn, six of
which lcsultcd fatally.
The eppi cssively het w cathcr en Wednes
day night led Peter Sell, of Centre Valley,
te strip and plunge into the Lehigh liver.
He w,as seized with cramps anil was
di owned. He was eighteen years old.
The Xcw Jeisey Central local freight
tiain was abandoned at Leng Branch yes
teiday, owing te the prostration of its crew,
the conductor being se oveiceme by heat
that he had te be cairied te his home in
Jersey City.
The heat and continued Ureuglit arc
causing meat alaim among the farmers of
Leng Island. Wheat, rye and ether cieps
aie blasting and will prove failuics unless
rain falls seen. The thermometer steed at
100 in the shade at Gieat Xeck yesterday.
S. C. Ballard, a prominent gieccr of Xcw
Bnmswick, X. J., tried te beat his wife.
She fled up thieugh the gairct and aeiess
the reefs of neighboring houses.
A fire that consumed neaily the cntiie
block of buildings bounded by Jehn,
Pcailand Jay stieets and the water fient
in Bioeklyn, eiiginatedat 0 p. m.. yes
terday in the shaving room of J. II. Dyk
man's packing box factory, in the centie
of the block, and indicted a less of $300,
000. A 1'oer Shet.
In Lcavenweith, Kansas, Themas C.
Thursten, who killed Embury, his busi
ness partner, en January 1, and was ac
quitted about a month age, met D. R.
Antheny, editor of the Times, en Delaware
street, and after passing him, turned and
fired two shots at him, neither shot touch
ing its object. One of them, however,
stiuck Jehn P. Douglass, a young man
employed in the Times office, indicting a
seveie scalp wound, and the ether stiuck
Lucian Baker, a lawyer, standing en the
sidewalk about GOO feet away, iu the left
side, about two inches below the nipple,
and passed through his body, inflictmg a
cry serious wound. He w as the man w he
defended Thursten, and cleaied him, when
he was tried for murdering Embury.
Halstead en Cirant.
Cincinnati Gazette, Kcp.
A distinguished editor of this city,
known for his independent views in poli
tics, was lecently asked by an eminent
literary man whether he was "en the
fence " at the present time. The leimcr
replied that he was. A thiid person in
quired of the distinguished editor" what
he " would de in cisc the fence came
down and there happened te be a bull in
the adjeiniug pasture and a bulldog iu the
ether." The instant reply was, "I'd set
the deg en the hull. "
Quay's Banker.
Pittsburgh Pest, Dem.
It is net stated where Quay get the
money, but most probably from Kemble.
He is said te ha Quay's banker in politics.
Philadelphia Xews, Hep.
It is a bad showing for Lancaster Re
publicans if $4,000 will purchase 1,500
Thuklew Weed's prediction
Grant, then defeat."
Pct away our Jimmy's bureau.
It w ill keep for tour Tears mere;
Shirk it " Waxed by Giant iu "60,"
Ketcli is out in '.
Bosten Pest.
Den Cameren's check-book is expect
ed te de missionary work at Chicago among
the Southern delegations," remarks the
Washington Star.
Mr. B. Brown, editor of the Galena
(111 ) Gazette, says that the aiticle iu his
paper te the effect that General Grant will
net withdraw was authoritative. Who
disputes it ".'
The fate of the English training ship,
Atalauta. which has probably gene te the
bottom with all en beard, as her sister
ship the Eurydice did, suggests the
thought that the practice of turning old
and worthless tubs into training sh
might be abandoned with piefit.
; The Pennsylvania Democracy set a geed
example by their refusal te instiuct their
delegates te Cincinnati. Nearly every
com entien held since has followed that
example. Kansas and Mississippi wheeled
into the file of
'no man's men" yester-
The fourth exposition and fair of the
Pittsburgh exposition society, "open te
the world," will open te the public Thuis
day, September 2, and will continue open
day and evening, Sundays excepted, until
Saturday, October 9, 1880. The gieunds
of the society cover 2.1 acres ; th e build
ings arc among the best in the county, and
these expositions aie alike successful and
" In view of the fact that the nominat
ing conventions of the political paities in
June next will designate these citizens te
whom the choice of the people for the
chief magistrate of the United States for
four years next ensuing will be restricted,"
a number of Xcw Yeik cleigymen "ask
their biethien of all denominations te
unite with them in making Sabbath, the
:10th day of May, a special occasion for
prayer te Almighty Ged that he will
vouchsafe te guide and direct these assem
blies, iu the choice of men fit for the suf
frages of the people." The brethicn
should also have gene te the primaries.
The kniKhtlicst of the knight race.
That pinee the days of old,
H.i e kept the lamp et chivalry
Alight in the hearts et keIU !
The kniKhtliest of the kindly band,
That, nuely hating ease,
Tet i ode with hpotlsweod round the laud
And Ualcigli round the seas.
Who climbed the blue Yiijnnia hill-.
Against embattled iecs,
And planted there in valleys fail,
The lily and the rese:
Whose fragrance lives in many land.
Wheie beautv stais the eai th,
And lights the health el happy home-.
With loveliness and worth.
We thought they slept! the sons who kept
The names et noble sire-.
And slumbered while the datknes-, crept
Around their vigil fires;
Hut, ae, the" Gelden lloiseshee" Knight-,
Theli Old Dominion keep.
Whose fees have found enchanted gieuud
lint net a Knight asleep I
Paul Ilitync.
Swear Net it All.
Judge Pcishing, of Schuylkill county,
has just decided a case in his ceuit, which
presents some almost fei gotten features of
the law of this state, against sweating : A
man named Boshere was lined $1(!.08 fei
swearing twentv-feur times, being 07 cents
for each oath. The act of 17!)l,undcr which
the justice acted, provides that " if any
pei son of the age of sixteen years or up
watds shall piefanely cuisc or swear, by
the name of Ged. Jesus Christ or the Hely
Ghost, every person se offending, being
thereof convicted, shall feifcitaud pay the
sum of 07 cents for cveiy such ptefanc
curse or oath. v Te cm sc and
swear by any ether name or thing, is
liable te a fine of feity cents for each cuisc
The case was appealed te court, aud
owing te some infeimality, the ceuit was
compelled te rcvcise the pieccedings. The
main point of the decision, iu this case, is
its pithy conclusion. Judge Pcishing
says: "'The general prevalence of pie
fane swearing indicates that the statute
under which this defendant was convicted
had long been buiied out of sight. Per
haps its resurrection in this case may ac
cemplish some geed by showing these who
have no regaid for the law of Ged that
the law of the land imposes upon them
a penalty of fiem forty te sixty-seven
cents te be followed by imprisonment,
accompanied with a diet of bread and
water, en refusal te pay for each and
and every time they pollute the atmosphere
with their piefanity."
A twelve-year-old Alteena girl has been
arrested for setting fire te a house.
Seme one entered the sleeping room of
E. G. Bishop, proprietor of the Bishop
house, Oil City, and stele $58.
Gee. Meyers, eighteen years of age, was
drowned while bathing in the Allegheny at
The encampment of the three biigadcs
of the N . G. of Pa., east of the Alleghenies
will be held thisear at Williamsport.
Lewis Frederick" while attempting te
beard a freight train en the Lehigh rail
road, near Rockdale station, was run ever
and killed by the cars.
Letters are sent addressed te "Milten,
Pa., or where Milten was." Seme diffi
culty will be experienced there in taking
the census.
A water-color aitist named Jehn Childs,
seventy years of age, was found dead in
his room en the second fleer of Xe. 727
Sansom street, yesteiday morning.
Michael Kremeski,aPele, was prostrated
by the heat en Biewnsville avenue, Pitts
burgh, Wednesday afternoon, and died
t-oen after. He has been in thisceuntiy
but thiee weeks.
Judge Kirkpatiick, of Pittsburgh, in a
suit iu his court, against the Ancient Older
of Hibernians, disputed their charitable
pretensions, declared they were asnaic
and delusion te weikingmen and that an
" honest geed wife was a far better banker
for a peer man than the treasurer or any
ether officer of any order that ever exi steel
or ever would exist."
In Williamsport yesterday the parade of
the grand cemmandery of Pennsylvania
Knights Templar took place as per pro pre
gramme, and was witnessed by fully
20,000 people. The grand cemmandery,
which mustered forty-two men, was fol
lowed by nine cemmanderies and nine
bands of music, making ever 400 men in
line. Many of the knights did net march
en account of the extreme heat.
Mrs. Catharine McCrory, of 844 Earp
street, Philadelphia, went te the store for
a few minutes, leaving her son Charles, 18
months old, alone. When she returned
he could net be found. Suspecting that
he had gene te an out-house te play, she
entered it and was horrified at discovering
indications that he had fallen into the
well. A colored man descended into the
vault and found little Charley, but he was
dead, having been suffocated.
Baseball yesterday : At Providence, R.
I. Providence, 4; Worcester, 1. At
Buffalo Buffalo, 0; Chicago, 11.
The Wisconsin Greenback convention
met yesterday at Milwaukee and declared
for E. P. Allis, of Wisconsin, for Presi
dent. At the Richmond. Va., municipal elec
tions yesterday the Conservatives scored
an overwhelming vietery ever the Read
justee and Republicans.
Mr. Wm. Cieasdale, editor of the Wil
raingten Every Evening has received $709.
20 damages in his libel suit against Tan
tum. The Egyptian obelisk and pedestal have
been placed en beard the steamer which
will sail in a feitnight ler the Lniteu
A man known a- '"Dutch Charlie,''
while walking the track of the Delaware
and Bound Broek railroad at Yaidley, was
instantly killed by the engine of the
The Peitc asked the khedive te allow
the wives of Ismail Pasha, the cx-khedive,
te return te Egypt, which the khedive, en
the advice of the British and French con
suls, refused.
Sccietaiy Thompson yesteaday sent te
the president el'the Senate a lepeit recom
mending that four moniteis, Tener (.it
Philadelphia), Amphitiite (at Wilming
ton), Puiitan (at Chester) and the Monad-
neck be completed.
This will be a black Fi iday in Ai kans is.
Three executions will take place in that
state. The criminals are : Themas Ed
munds, for wife-mtuder, at Ozaik, Fiank
lin county, aud L. L. Feld and a man
named Jacksen, at Mai ion, Ciittenden
A cool item fiem a Nevada ocliange:
A hand car with four men, staited for the
snow-sheds te repair an old snow plow,
which was damaged by the storm. On re
turning, the wind was se strong that they
had te get off the hand-car and push it
down hill.
The Senate has eenliimed the nomina
tion of D. M. Key te be United States di
tiict .judge for the Eastern and Middle
districts of Tennessee, and rejected the
nomination of S. Xewten Pettis, of Penn
sylvania te be associate justice of the su
preme ceuit of the tenitery of Xcw Mexi
co Jehn Mm phy, who for yeais has been
among the most prominent American pub
lishcis of Catholic chinch literature, died
at his home in Baltimore, yesterday, of
paralysis of the heart. Mr. Mm phy was
08 years of age and a native of Ireland, but
has been a resident of the United States
for 53 years.
J. II. Shaw, of Diyten, Ohie, aged 21
yeais, a student at Princeton cellege,
committed suicide at the University hotel,
in Princeton by cutting his threat with a
razor. lie had been sick of malarial fever
for some time. It is stated by Piinceten
people that theie aie at least thiity cases
of malarial fever in the college.
Jehn Knox, a conductor en the Ccntial
raihead of Xcw Jeisey, was instantly killed
by the read bridge evei the track at Xcw
Branch. He was standing en the top of
the car looking ever a package of papers,
and it is supposed he did net notice the ap ap
pieach te the biidge. He was about :30
yeais of age, and leaves a wife and two
children in Jeisey City.
The Tnrr.
At Belmont, yesterday, the fust race for
2:20 pacers, for "a purse of $100, Billy Scott
wen in three straight heats. Change took
second place. Time, 2::'A, 2:23, 2:2r. In
the second lace, for a puise, of 'MOO, Uno Une
lala took the fust, third and fourth heats.
Bii die took the second and was second in
the third and fourth. Time, 2:28;, 2:28,
2:29, 2:30.
In Baltimore, the fust race, one mile and
an eighth, was wen by Ynginia; time,
1 :."57. The second race. Hetncbridc stakes,
one mile, was wen by Oden. Time, 1:45.
The third iace, one and a-half miles, was
wen by Mamie Fields. Time, 2:3S. The
fourth race, two mile heats, was wen by
Clyde Hampton in two straight heat.
Time, 3:43, 3:45.
Census Supervisor AVIilte's
1'hiiadelphi i Kcceid.
One of tlic regulais, who shades him
self en State Heuse iew waiting for snaps,
said : " I guess all the cnumcrate -s new
will have te wear claw hammer coats and
kid gloves, Bcjunine ! and have rosebuds
in their buttonholes. Interjection for te
bacce. Nene el the lcllcis will get in
new that spell Philadelphia wiJi an ' F. ' "
Solemn Services A Large Attendance.
All that was mei tal of Michael Malenc
was consigned te the tomb te-day. Rel
atives and friends of deceased assembled
at his late residence, corner of Oiangc and
Shippen stieets, at 9 o'clock this morning
te take a last leek at the benignant face
with which they had se long been fa
miliar. The body, handsomely clothed,
lay in an elegant casket, silver mounted,
aud decked with choicest flowers.
The casket was placed in a heaisc, and
accompanied by fi iends in carriages, was
taken te St. Mary's church, West Vine
street, and placed en a catafalque in fi out
of the altar, which was heavily diaped in
mourning. Solemn requiem mass was
celebrated, Rev. Father Hickcy, of St.
Mary's, being celebrant; Rev. Father
McKcnna, of Hairisbuig, deacon; Rev.
Father Gietcmyer, of St. Jeseph's, sul;
deacon ; Rev. Father Kaul, of St. Antho Anthe
ny's, master of ceremonies, and Rev.
Father Chiist, of St. Antheny's, assist
ant. The musical poitieu of the services was
rendei ed by the choir,under the lead of Mr.
Wm. Altick, Miss Adelc Haibcrgersinging
in excellent voice the sole, "Angels ever
bright and fair.
The absolution of the body was given by
Rev. Father Hickcy, after which the
funeial oration was preached by Rev.
Father McKenna, of ILurisburg. The
oration was eloquent andpathetic,ancl was
listened te with deep interest by the large
congregation present, among whom were
an unusually laige number of non-Catholics
including many members of the
learned piofessiens.
At the close of the services, the funeral
ceitegc, consisting of about thirty coaches,
lefeimed and moved te St. Mary's ceme
tery, where the inteiment took place, the
remains being deposited in the vault
erected for the purpose under direction of
Mr. Malene, during his lifetime. Here
the final absolution of the body was given
by Father Hickcy.
Themas Helt, a freight brakeman en the
Pennsylvania raihead, succumbed te the
extreme heat yesteiday when his train was
iu the vicinity of Gap station. He was taken
off the train at Gap and Dr. Leaman
was summoned te attend him. He was
afterwards placed in a passenger train and
taken te his home in Ilarrisbuag, Dr.
Leaman accompanying him. Dr. Atlee,.
who saw him as he passed through the
city, thinks he will receuer.
133d Annual Meeting of the Ministerium of
Tliursday Afternoon. -Before the ringing
of the bell for the afternoon session of the
synod, the bells en Trinity church tower
were chimed, several familurchurch tunes
being rendered for the pleasure of the vis
itors. The synod was opened with singing aud
praver by Rev. F. Walz.
The minutes of the mei uing session weie
l cad and approved.
Rev. J. W. Hassler reported that it was
deemed unadvisable te publish a paiechial
The telleis of the election for delegates
te the general council, repotted the follow
ing elected :
Clerical A. Spaeth. D. D., U. f.
Krautli, D. D., B. M. Schinucker, D. D.,
J. Fiy, D. D.. J. A. Seiss, D. D., 11. E.
Jacobs, I). D., G. F. Kretel, D. D., B.
Sadtler, D. D., C. W. Sehaeirer, D. D., F.
I. F. Schantz. S. Laiul, S. Kehler, J. B.
Rath, J. J. Kuendig.
Lni Delegates. W. II. Staake. H. Leh
man," L. L. Heupt.T. II. Diehl. R. B. Mil
lei, R. Baer, W. Hauff, J. Endlich, G.
Reinoehl, C. II. Schaeffer. (Reading), Pi of.
S. P. Sadtler, G. Meller, J. C. File, A. X.
Pelteiger, J. K. Heyl.
A ballet was then taken for alternate
delegates te the general council.
On motion, Dr. Pas-avant,ef Pittsburgh
synod was allowed te present, en behalf of
the executive committee of general coun
cil, the claims of the Western and South
ern mission field.
Dr. Jacobs offered a resolution that Dr.
Schmucker be requested te prepare for the
consideration of the next annual synod,
theses en the relation between the lites
of confirm itien in the case of adults and
baptism. Cairied.
On motion, it was resolved te send visit
ing delegates te ether syinxls only when
necessary, excepting te the Xew Yerk
ministerium, te which a delegate sliall be
sent regularly each year.
Dr. Fiy asked pei mission te pay ? 1,000
te the seminary for the pin pose of refund
ing in part the moneys bouewed for build
ing expenses. Granted.
Dr. Schaeffer, of the committee appoint
ed last year te prepare a history of the
svned. reported that they had been dili
gently puistiing their work and asked te
be continued. Dr. Mann is added te the
The committee en the report of the trus
tees of the orphans' home at Gcimautewii,
repotted. The leasuicr of the home, J. C.
File, esq., read a detailed lepeit of the ex
nenses incuiied in building, and of the re
ceipts and expenditures during the year.
Rev. F. Wischan aud W. II. Staake,
esq., were re-elected trustees of the or
phans' home.
The English secretary was autherrized
te cast the sy nod's ballet for the re-election
of the beaul of city missions, as fol fel
lows : Rev-. A. Spaeth, I). I)., W. A.
Sehaeffer. E. E. bibele, 11. Grahn, F.
Wischan, and Messis. L. L. Houpt, J. C.
File, W. II. Staike, P. P. Keller and II.
It was resolved that in the case of wilful
suicide the set vices the church shall net be
$1,000 was asked te be appropriated for
the support of a traveling mission try te
Kausa-, te answer te Dr. Passavant's ap
peal. Dis. Schaeffer and Passavant, aud
Revs. Land, Schmucker, Schauta and
Tiabeit, spoke stiengly in favor of the
appiopiiatien. Resolved, that an elfin t
be made within the net month by the
pasteis te secure the amount by special
collection, but until the money is raised
te make no appiopriatien.
The time iei adjournment having ar
lived, it was en motion extended te allow
sjned te finish its routine vveik.
The committee of telleis leperted the
following elected alternate delegates te
the general council : Clerical F Wischan
II. Giahn. G. A. Hintcileitncr, J. D.
Schindel, F. W. Wcisketten, J. K. Plitt.
W. A. Sehaetlcr. R. II ill, F. Pfattcicher,
J. W. Hauler. L. Gieh. W. Rath, E. E.
Sibele. B. W. Schinauk. Lav Alternates
G. M. Lut, II. BeatOs, L. Heyl, T. R.
Davis, .). Heilmau, C. A. Heinitsh. C. F.
Kopitsch, C. M. Raider, Dr. L. Stein. E.
Aimstieng. G. IT. Myeis, J. ?!. Baker,
C. Halm, W. G. Baker, C. Plot a
A committee appointed in the matter of
dissatisfied congregations rcpeitcd,
thieugh Rer. U. Grahn, that they had ex
amined the request of the Duiham and
Xockamixen charges te be honorably dis
missed te the East Pennsylvania synod,
but moved that it be net gianted. Frem
a letter laid before them they had reason
te believe that many members of the con
gregations were opposed te the separa
tion. It was resolved that synod sym
pathize with them in their congregational
troubles, and encourage them te use all
proper means te pieteet their rights and
prevent such separation, and that the
chinch council and the writer of the letter
be officially infeimed of the action of
The report of the committee en p uochi uechi uochi
aliepeitswas received.
The committee en excuses reported ab
sentees and members excused fiem synod.
Special mention was made of Rev. Fathers
II. S. Miller, of Phceuixville, and G. F. J.
Yacger, of Reading, who have each
served the chuich as pastors for ever fifty
yeais. aud weic unable te attend the meet
ing of synod. Sympathy was expressed
for them in their infirmities.
On motion, the Chuich of the Ti ansfigu ansfigu
latien, Pottstevvn, Rev. C. Keciner, pas
tor, was selected as the next place of meet
ing. The Thursday before Trinity Sunday,
1881, at 10 e'chjek. a. in., was m motion,
.made the time of the next meeting, the
service of confession and absolution te
piecede tire fust morning's session.
On motion of Rev. G. H. Trabeit, the
following resolution was adopted :
Rcselecd, That the secretaries be in
structed te receid en the minutes of synod
the thanks of the body for the kind recep
tion and entertainment which we have en
.jeyed at the beards of the geed people of
Lancaster, who opened their doeis and
their heaits te the synod, making our so
journ among them most agreeable.
Dr. A.Spaeth was elected by acclamation
delegate te the next session of the New
Yerk miuistciiuin. A vote of thanks was
tendered the railroad companies for kind
ness shown, and also te the reporters of
the Philadelphia and Lancaster papers.
The synod was then adjourned with the
regular liturgical service for the closing of
its sessions, the temporary president,
Rev. J. Kehler, leading at the altar.
Junier Migsleiiary ICeceptien.
Most of the members of the Lutheran
ministerium had gene fiem the city in the
afternoon, or left last evening, but withal
a goodly number accepted the invitation te
a reception by the Junier missionary soci
ety of Trinity chuich, in the chapel in
Duke street last cveuiug, and remained in
the city ever night te be present. Sevcial
sheit addresses were made by visiting
clergymen, but the entcitainment vis in
gieat part musical, the choir ic eiing
several anthems, and vocal and ustru
mental soloists also added their kind parts
te the excicises that proved a heaity enjoy
ment te every body present.
Air. Malene's Will.
There aie all seits of rumors current as
te the disposition which 3Ir. Malene has
made of his estate. We are authorized te
say that they are mere rumors ;
his will has net been read beyond
the clauses directing .hat he be given a
decent and Christian-like burial, and ap
pointing Wm. L. Peiper, Edward McGov McGev
eru and Jas. M. Burke, esqs., his executers
Beyond this its. contents are net ascertained.
One Hundred anil Twenty-Five Stars AVurk
Dene br the Club Constellations
ev Visible In the Kvenlnj;
ltalunces. Scorpion
and the Atelier,
etc.. etc.
The closing meeting of the Star club
was held at the Yeung Men's Christian
association rooms last evening.
We prcseut the remarks of Mr.
J. P. McCaskey, showing what has
been done, presenting a brief descrip
tion of the constellations new above
the horizon m the early evening, and com
pleting the list with the last sigus of the
zodiac as originally proposed, thus mak
ing the circuit of the heav ens. He spoke
as fellows :
Three months have passed since our last
meeting, a longer intei val thau was antici
pated at the time that meeting was held.
Certain constellations then en the eastern
hoi izen at nine o'clock are new at that
hour upon the meiulian overhead. During
that time the Eat th has swept through one ene one
feuith of its mighty eibit about the Sun,
and, all unconscious of motion, we have
tiaveicd a distance in space of neaily one
hundred and fifty millions of miles.
As the great glehe has thus moved stead
ily- onward with frightful velocity its
l.idius vector passing ever equal space-, iu
equal times with the unfailing certainty of
arithmetic the angle of its axis with the
Sun's ray day by day, been constantly
decreasing for our northern hemisphere, se
that our star list, suspended amul the
snows and naked branches of Febtuary, is
resumed for same final work amid summer
heat, blooming llevvcrs, green fields and
luxuriant teliage of a May that seems twin
sister of July.
It has been the transition from wintei
te summer, but duiing that interval the
Star club has net been "inactive. The
Plant club has taken up, under the efficient
lead of Mr. Buriewes, another and most
piefitable branch of study. Without at
tempting te teach anything exhaustively,
much systematic weik has lieen done : a
niiniber of feimal papeis have been lead ;
there has been iustiuctien in the practical
analysis of plants ; and the leading fea
tures of this dclighthil science have been
se presented, that, while all of us have ac
quired mere or less knowledge thieugh at
tendance here, there are these who will
leek back te these evenings with gratifica
tion as among the most piefitable el their
lives, if it shall chance that here their in
terest in the study of plants and tiees was
for the fust time aroused, or at least given
practical direction.
In some measure, also, out of the live
interest felt in the weik of these classes,
there has gi own up, within these mouths
a society mere pcimancnt in character and
one winch pi onuses te be mere fai-ieach-iug
in its inllacnce than either Stir club
or Plaut club.
The purpose of this latter flourishing or
ganization is the study ei nature through
the aid of that wendeiful instru
ment, the Compound Microscope. Its his his
teiy is briefly this : A young man of Lan
caster, wide-awake and unci get ic with a
genuine desire for knowledge and a genius
ler haul weik while a medical student at
the University of Pennsylvania became
interested in the compound micioscepe,
and upon graduation In ought with him
from Philadelphia a fine insti anient ler
use in his professional studies.
The examination of objects by its aid
but fanned the flame of interest that had
been paitly aieused here ; and, at the sug
gestion of one of eui mini her, the Laneas
tur Scientific club, comprising, live mem
bers, was organized and is new a chattered
coipeiation. The puiposeuf this club was
the puichaseand fitting up of a suitable
room for use by the L'UKustia Micioscop Miciescop Micioscep
ieal society, which ha- since been oigan eigan
ied and is already in geed weikmg condi
tion. This society hail at its oigauizatien,
three mouths age, but seven iustimnents,
three of them belonging te individual mcm
beis. The number of high-grade niiscio niiscie niiscio
scepes already in hand or eideied is new
thirteen, with fair piespect of steady in
crease, as people leain te knew what a
seuice of unfailing interest and delight
this lntiument may become te any thought
ful man or woman.
Why has this work been done ? We are
net scientists: peihaps none of u ever
dream of such worthy distinction ; eeitain
ly net he who addresses you. We aie net
even specialists. But, as we have learned
te enjoy music and poetry, painting and
sculpture, literature, eloquence and the
dramatic ait se we are learning mere and
mere te enjoy the pcrleet weik of Ged in
nature. It matteis net whether these
wonders are discerned by the unaided
vision, or revealed by the telescope, or bv
the maivcleus lenses of the micioscepe
something of them we have learned, mere
we mean te kuew, and that while life shall
last. And it needs only that ethers about
us shall learn what enjoyment there is in
the use of the compound micioscepe te
grew as enthusiastic in admiration of it
as aie, even new, the members of out .Mi .Mi .Mi
croseopical society.
Se much for the intciregnuni of the Star
club. Let us tin n for a few minutes te the
weik of its closing session.
Among the piemiueut constellations
new visible at nine o'clock m the evening,
cast of the meridian overhead, we have,
beginning at the extreme net th and coming
south waul, Cepheus, whose two brightest
starsy Alderamin aud Alphiik, are neaily
en a straight line from Deneb, the head of
the Ci ess, te the North Stir; Cassiopeia,
which new shows " the chair," or the
straggling "W," low down in the north
eastern sky ; the head and gi eater p.irt of
the body of the Dragen, the tail of which
extends beyond the meridian, between the
two Dippeis ; the Swan, or Xeithein
Ciess, containing the blight star Deneb ;
the Haip, with its bright star Vega, which
may be readily identified by the regular
parallelogram of faint stars near it ; the
Eagle, neaily due east, identified by its
.straight line of three, the middle one
Altair being of the first magnitude; Hei
cules, whose feet is en the head of the
Dragen and his head near that of Ophi
uchus, known also as Serpcutai ius, some
forty degrees farther south these two
constellations, Hercules ami Ophiuchiis,
which includes the Serpent, occupying
neaily all the large pae.e between Boetes
en the west, the Dragen and the Haip en
the north, the Eagle and one or two un
important star gieups en the east, and the
Balances and Scoipieu en the south aud
These two last-named constellations are
the only ones of the zodiac that remain te
be given this evening in which individual
stais are identified by their names the
AicliLi, which fellows the Scoipieu, being
distinguished by the .Milk Dipper and the
Bew, none of it stars bearing names that
have been cm l entry adopted.
The leading star group-, te the west of
the meridian at 9 o'clock are as follews:
Auriga, whose bright star Capella is sink
ing in the exti erne northwest : the Little
Bear, which contains the little dipper, with
the Xeith star at the extremity
of the haudle ; the Twins, Caster
and Pollux, near the horizon : the Little
Deg, the bright star Procyen. just disap
pearing, Siiius, of the Great Deg, and all
the stars of Orien being w holly gene ; the
Crab, a faint group, but a constellation of
the zodiac, lying between the Twins and
the Lien ; the Lien itself, conspicuous for
the Sickle and the stars Zezma and Dcne Dcne
bela ; and the Virgin, next beyond, whose
bright star Spiea is nearly en the meri
dian. Continuing the zodiac thieugh the
Lien and the Virgin, we have again the
Balances and the head and heart of the
Scorpion before reaching the eastern heri-
xen. This entire constellation is .in view
shortly after 10 o'clock and by midnight
Sagittarius, the Archer, may also be seen
in this quarter of the heavens.
North from the Virgin towards the
Pelar star we hae Berenice's hair and
Cor Caroli, in the cellar of one of the
Hunting Dogs of Boetes, and net far from
the Great Dipper of Ursa Majer, a star
group knew te everybody. The head of
Hydra is a striking group of faint stars a
short distance west from the Crab. Car
rying the line of this constellation with its
smueus curves, in a direction south and
southeast, we pass the Cup and the Raven,
and, crossing the meridian overhead, again
reach the Balances, the Hydra being mere
man a Hundred degree.- in length.
Having new the "lay" of the various
star gieups above the horizon at the hour
of evening already named, we are prepared
te identify the four constellations with
which the work of the club will be ended.
Taking the Diamond of the Virgin"
which comprises. Cor Caroli te the neith.
Spiea te the south, Arctums east, and
Denebola west we fix the bright star
Spica. Southwest fiem this star, but net
far distant, we observe the constellation
of the Raven, an iriegulir quadrilateral of
stars, none of which aie above thiid mag
nitude. The star nearest Spiea. at the
upper angle te the east, it Algerab ; that
maiking the lower angle te the west i
Alclnba. Fitteen degrees west fiem the
Raven is the Cup, the brightest star of
which is Alkes. Algerab is nearly midway
betweeu Alkes and Spica. Beth the
Raven and the Cup rest upon Hydra,
which can readily be traced through
pait of the heavens.
The bright led star new iu the south
eastern sky is Antares, w hich maiksthe
he ut of the Scoipieu. If fiem this star
we extend lines te .Victuals and Spica. the
two laigest stais iu the Balances will be
cleaily indicated between said lines. That
faithest north is Zubenelg, fait lies t south
is Zubenescii, these stais occupying re
spectively the nei t hern and southern
scales. Seme eight degree northwest fiem
Antares is Grallias in the direction of
Arctuius. It may be lecegni.ed by com
paring it with another star equally distant
fiem Antares in the opposite direction,
also by a faint star one degiee distant ti
the northeast, or by two ether stais fei in
inga slight cuivc with it at a distance of
three degiees fiem each ether. In the ex
tremity of the tail, nineteen degrees south
fiein Aut.ues, is Lesath. The tail of the
Scoipieu is a beautiful cuive of stais end
ing in a pair, the brightest of which is
Te recapitulate, completing our Star
club list for the ciiiieut e.ti, we have :
Xe. 118, Algerab, and Xe. 119 Alclnba. in
the Raven ; 120. AlkeN in the Cup; 121,
Zubenelg. anil 122, Zubeiiesch. in the Bal
ances ; 12e, Ciatlias, in the head, 121, Lc
sath, in the tail, and 12, Autaies, the
heart of the Scoipien.
Our weik is done. At the outset it was
our purpose te confine the list te one bun
dled stais, but that number was readied
se readily that it seemed best te extend
it te one hundred and twenty-live. i
began with Arctuius; we end with An
tares. Between these names, as
they stand upon out list, geed
papers ou special topics have been
lead, and there has been no little scan
ning of the heavens for stars and constella
tions. Prem Xe. 1 te Xe. 125 they bound
ler many of us a piefitable expeiiemc in
the direction of st. u-study, nne which we
shall always recall with pleasant uieuio uieuie
l ies.
We have here been hi ought again .mil
again in contact with majistirpl in of Ced
m the solar and stellar systems a thought
which has in it something for the lightest
head and the cid lest heart. Facts nl as as as
tionemical science presented here fiem time
te time have come te sonic of us with a rev
elation of power and wisdom, el majesty
and beauty, that has for us no Itss of
solemn awe than glad delight. What
thoughts these things suggest ! What
setniens these things pi each ! The universe
is one ; one law peivades it all, liem the
tailing pollen of the fragile flower te the
awful sweep of the star system ; by one
Master Jliud alone is eveiy thing eon
tiellcd, sustained ; one mighty hand alone
it is that wields the sceptic of iiniveisal
And in thedegrce iu which this lessen
has been taught is our weik well done ei a
Dedication or the Catholic Chapel lllsrellit lllsrellit
neetiH Item.
Hereafter Thursday, May 2(, will be
memorable te the members of St. Mary's
Catholic chapel, of Mount Jey. net only
because of the feast in honor of the Blessed
Sacrament, which eccuis en that day, but
fiem the fact that for them has been dedi
cated a chapel iu which te worship. On
this mission yesterday's mail train, Ne. 1,
due here shortly before neon, brought
from Lancaster Fathers Kaul and Chi ist,
of St. Antheny's chinch ; Gretemyer, of
St. Jeseph's, and Fein, of Elizabethtown,
vvhoweie accompanied by some eighty
persons of Lancaster. On their arrival the
reverend gentlemen weie driven te the
chapel, en X'ew Haven stieet, where after
alighting they moved iu precession with
attendants, aieuud the edifice, Father
Gietcmyer sprinkling the holy water as
they advanced. The eiicle com
pleted, they piececded te the
sacristy, and shortly the clripcl was com
fortably filled, while here and there groups
of men and women sought the shade at
various points aleug the street. Several
hundred persons were present, and thi
number would have been doubled if
the citizens had known the hour when the
exercises were te take place. Many were
en their way te attend when the ceremo
nies were ended. We understand that high
mass should have been celebrated by Rt.
Rev. Bishop Shauahan, of the diocese of
Hariisburg, but he being au attendant at
the parochial council assembled at Phila
delphia, Father Christ was celebrant. He,
attired in the prescribed vestments, with
deacon and sub-deacon proceeded from the
sacristy te the altar, which was piefusely
decked with beauti I ill flowers. Above it
were suspended eveigreens, and en it
binned numcieus candles, the glare of
which, en the bright hues of the flowers
and these of the vestments, was pleasing.
St. Authony's choir sweetly chanted the
responses.ef the mass, with instiumental
accompaniment, Miss Louisa Decker,
organist. Father Fein preached the ser
mon, iu which he briefly reviewed the his
tory of the church, pictuied the training
of Jesus Christ by St. Mary, with illustra
tion replete with thought and words of
Divine inspiration. In a few remaiks in
German Father Kaul congratulated the
members en the result of their efibrs iu the
past year, commended their course, and
concluded with several announcements,
and at half-past one the ceremonies weie
concluded, with ample time te return en
the 2:1)7 train.
On next Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock confessional services will be held ;
in the evening preaching in German and
English ; high mass en Thursday morning
at 8' clock ; pastor in charge of the chapel,
Father Kaul. A description of the chapel