LANCASTElt DAlW iNTELtlfeEOER. THURSDAY, MAS 27, 1880. D. D., preached a very powerful and elo quent sermon based en Luke xiv., 28 30. After showing hew the apostles were called "fishers," "sewers," "reapers," " laborers of the vineyard" "builders," taking up the line of building, he spoke te the young candidates, laying stress upon ; 1. The building they were te build. 2. The cost they are te count. The Rev. F. V. Weisketten new an nounced the names of the candidates for ordination as folews : II. G. I!. Artman, Ernstft. Cassidy, C. K. Drumheller, G. F. C. Fluck, G. C. Hasskard, W. H. Miller, J. Sander I. Guaker. These men came forward and the following order was proceeded with, ceducted by Hev. W. S. Mann, D. I)., president : Explanation of the duty and power of ministry. Prayer of self dedication. Demand of the candidates of their faith :ml self consecration. (Each answering, Yes, with my whole heart, the Lord l.clping me through the power and grace of Mis Hely Spirit.") The confirmation thereof by the officers. The consecration and ordination by the 'avi?i" en of hands, in the words. " We new commit unto thee, by the imposition of our hands, the holy eilice of the Werd and of the Sacraments of the Triune Ged. We eidaiu and consecrate thee te a minis try of the church, in the name of the Father, and of the Sen, and of the Hely Ghost." "Amen! Amen!" The Lord's Prayer. Prayer. Presentation of the certificates of ordina erdina . tien. 1'iesidciit Mann then delivered the thanks of the body and was replied te en the pait of the congregation by lfcv. Dr. Greenawald. Hymn 239. I )oxelogy. IScncdictieii by Hev. Dr. Fry. An Important Church Movement Aii important movement was started at a meeting of the Alumni association of the Lutheran seminary of Philadelphia last week. It was the appointment of a com mittee authorized te undertake the estab lishment of a quarterly church review in tlie interests of the General Council Luther ans. This committee has been active dur ing the meeting of synod. They have everywhere met with cordial approval and encouragement for the proposed enterprise Thus far they have agreed te make (lilt I'llirilltl ! Iier-llklil'll lltikllY till! I HIIO ft V J I'lI IVMIUUI L'W.4U bill, il form and size of the Princeton llecieir. Dr. ('. P. Kraiith has been elected editor in chief and has signified his willingness te accept the responsible position. The re maining membcisef the theological faculty of the Philadelphia seminary were chosen as associate editors. They are Dr. C. W. SchaeH'cr, Dr. Spaeth and Dr. Maun. The Lutheran church is rich in men of distin guished scholarship and theological ability. This icvicw premises te be a success. It will be of great educational value te the ministry of the church and a great enlight euer of these who stand outside of the X. Lutheran church, with reference te her distitinctive doctrines and teaching en the great theological questions of the day. Thursday Meriiiny The session of synod was called te order at !) o'clock by Hev. .1. Kehlcr, president pre. ttm. A hymn was sung and pniyer elfeied by Hev. Dr. Muh lenberg, of Philadelphia. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the German secretary, and alter correction approved. The report of the delegates te the last general ceucil presented their report through Dr. Schmucker, and its items were taken up one by one and discussed by the synod. The election of fourteen clerical and fif teen lay ilelegatlius te the next general council was ordered, and the committee of tellers proceeded te collect the ballets. Tellers te conduct the election were Hev. 15. V. Snyder, chairman ; Hevs. J5. S. Smell, G. P. .Mueller, G. D. Foust, and Messrs. F. K. Hermit and J. A. Wieder sheim. The committee en foreign missions re ported : The Missions, Bele and Foreign Missionary were recommended te the sup port of congregations, in order that full in formation en the subject may be distrib uted. The home missions committee reported the successful establishment during the year of mission churches at Columbus and Chicago. On motion it was resolved that the vice presidents of the general council be a com mittee te revise a better method of con ducting the work of home missions, and that the executive committee of synod $ present te said committee of the council a plan for better efficiency' in the work. Hev. Dr. J. 15. Shuniaker, of this city, delegate from the synod of the Reformed church in the United States, was intro duced and presented the fraternal greet ings of his church te the synod new in ses sion. The president of the synod responded in appropriate terms en behalf of the iniiiis terium. The committee appointed te mature a plan for suitably commemorating the sev enth scsni-eenteniiial anniversary of the delivery of the Augsburg confession, and the third centenary of the publication of the Reek of Concord, .lune 2eth, 1831), pre seted the following repeit, which will be of interest te church people, and especial ly te Lutherans every whet e : 1. That we would recommend that our clergy and ether competent persons, in all fitting ways, should direct general attention te the gieat facts and principles cenncted with the appearance, aims, character and value of our confes sions ; that this year should be made one of special, earnest study of them, and te this end hearty encouragement should be extended te the writing of editorials, essays, or of articles, the preparation of w books, the editing or translating of the Reek of Concord, and te all ether agencies for enlightening the public mind through the press. 2. That all our clergy be requested te preach sermons appropriate te the com memoration, en June 25th. or the nearest Sunday thereafter en which service may be helil in their churches. :. That it is desirable that series of ser mons, or lectures, should be delivered for the same end. 4. That Mr. Jehn R. Raker, of the church of the Hely Communion. Philadel phia, be requested te devise and have ex ecuted a medal commemorative of the confession, pievided the expenses of the same can be met by private subscription and the sale of the medal. 5. That the committee be authorized te prepare and publish in due tune m the church papers suggestions in regard te proper lessens and collects for the festival. (I. It is recommended that special col lections be made for a ter-senteuary fund te reach at least. $25,000, te be devoted te the endowment of the German professor ship in Muhlenberg college, net only as a token of the confidence of this ministcr ium in the college and of its sense of the value and imperative necessity of it, but .also as an expression of gratitude te Ged for the great work whose results are treas ured iu our confessions, in the preparation and maintenance of which we and all Chris tendom ewe se much te the Germanic na na t'enalities and the German tongue. Dr. Jacobs, who is engaged in translat ing tlie Boek of Concord from the original German, asked permission te use Dr. C. F. Scbaeifer's translation of Luther's smaller catechism, held in copyright by the synod. The request was granted by vote of synod. Dr. Fry, treasurer, announced the re lease of the synod from all obligations in the matter of the synod's professorships in Pennsylvania college, transference of the whole having been made te the trustees of the college. The synod was adjourned with prayer I y Rev. J. J. Kuendig. ' t ' ... COLUMBIA NEWS. Reported by our Regular Correspondent. The mercury ranges from 90 te 92 in the shade te-day. Market well attended ; vegetables, but ter and eggs plenty ; prices fair ; shad scarce and high. The excursion rates from here te Col Cel lins Reach via Philadelphia, next Tuesday wiil be 2.e0. Train leaves at e:30 a. m. The Prussian, Charles Xewfeld, who died en the emigrant train yesterday, was buried in ttie German Catholic cemetery by Undertaker Musscr. His sisters, en nilcss and destitute, are at Krauss' hotel. A. J. Kauffman, esq., and Mr. Jehn A, Slade have left Columbia te attend the meeting of the grand cemmandery Knights Templar of Pennsylvania of at Williamsport. S. Atlee Ruckius will collect the boreuj. h tax for 1880, en 4 per cent, commission. Jehn Llewellyn has been elected a borough councilman vice Wm. Smurth waite, Third ward, resigned. Chief Rurgess Mellinger has brought suit against I Ieise fc Kauffman for storing powder in the borough limits. The Milten relief subscriptions have reached $400 in cash, besides an abundance of clothing and ether valuable supplies. Several hundred young ladies will fur nish bouquets, baskets and cut flowers for Decoration day ceremonies en Satur day and assist in placing them en the graves. Flowers can be sent te Myers's drug store. Locust street will be sprinkled from the coiner of Second street te the cemetery gate. Company II, the cadets, the b ireugh officers, borough council, school beard, the three lire companies, a num ber of the beneficial organizations of Col umbia and the citizens generally are ex pected te join the column. T.ittle Locals. Prank McCulIen's son Michael, Ne. leG East Vine street, while playing last ever, ing, stumbled evor the carpet and broke his arm. Dr. Royd set it. James Grimercy has been awarded the contract for cleaning the streets en which markets are held, for a year at $85. Jacob Glessbreiincr asked li: te de it, and Jehn Sicbert bid $leD. Conestoga Centre, Safe Harber and Mc Call's Ferry had hail last evening, but the weather clerk here hasn't heard the news. The Star club meets at the Y. M. C. A. rooms te-night te complete its work for the year. The engine of the second train up from Quarryville this morning broke an eccen tric step at Reft en and was delayed for hours. The Keily bulletin placed in front of the New Era office this morning attracted universal attention, and was read by New Era subscribers with much mere pleasure and profit that they could possi ble have derived from the official returns of the Republican primaries. Improved Ordvr of Hed .lien. Mr. Charles C. Conley? great chief of records of this order, was in our city last, evening and paid a visit te Metamora tribe Ne. 2. In his remarks he gave in formation of the bright prospects of the order in Pennsylvania. Cohecksink tiibe was organized en the evening of May 21 in the upper part of Philadelphia with 15 brothers and 175 pale faces. A tribe will shortly be instituted in Mechanicsbiug, Cumberland county, with quite a number of the most influential citizens as appli cants. Mr. Conley gees te Middletown this evening te reinstruct Red Wing tribe, Ne. 170, tlia-. has just taken a new revival in the cause. On Friday evening the great chief visits Conewinge tribe, Ne. 93, of Yerk. MXOU1.AU FIRE. Passenger Couch Itiirucd. One of the passenger coaches en the Niagara and Chicago express, which left this city at 11:03 this forenoon, caught fire between Mount Jey and Elizabcthtewn and was totally destroyed. When the tire was discovered, the car was detached from the train, but the flames had made such headway that it could net be saved ; all the passengers made their escape without being hurt. The trainVas delayed about an hour, and the Pacific Express cast about half an hour. Hew the tire originated is net known here, but a het box was likely the cause. Fire's en cars gain great head way in a short time as the rtiiinin! fans the flames, and this may have been burn ing some moments before it was seen. The I fridge nt Mercer's Ferd. The Lancaster county commissioners met tlie Chester county commissioners at Mercer's Ferd en the Octoraro, en Tues day last and inspected the site of the new bridge proposed te be erected at that place. The bridge will be a covered wooden one, and will be erected under di rection of the Chestei county commission ers, but being an inter-county bridge, Lancaster county will pay one-half the cost of it. Kxcursinn te Sir. Jey. The new Catholic church at Mt. Jey was blessed te-day and as it is under the charge of Hev. A. F. Kaul, of this city, many peo ple here were interested in it, and an ex cursion, taking about (SO persons, left Lan caster for Mt. Jey at 11 o'clock this fore noon. Excursion te l'liihulciphU ami Cellins' Ifeaeli. Ax excursion te Philadelphia and Cellins' Reach will be run ever the Pennsylvania It. R. en Tr.e-day next from Columbia. Lancaster and stations cast as far as Downir.gtewn. Fare from flic round trip from Lancaster, $2.i. Special traiu leaves Lancaster at G:10. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 7 p. m. This excur sion affords persons a fine opportunity of vis iting Philadelphia at a very low rate. Amusements. Adelaide V. Murdoch .The San Francisce Monitor, a Catholic journal of high standing speaks of Miss Murdoch, who will deliver a K'cture iu Fulton hall,this (Thursday) evening, ter the benefit of the Free Dispensary of tin's city, in the following complimentary lan guage: " .Madame Adelaide U. Murdoch, who is a sister of California's old favorite actor, J. E. Murdoch, Is a lady of high culture and re finement. Her lectures arc intellectual treats of a very high order, ami will certainly be ap preciated in the right spirit by all who have laste above the common. There Is never any thing open tecensure in either the subject she cheeses or its treatment. We have only te add that a work claiming the co-operation of all benevolent people may be promoted by mak ing her forthcoming lecture a financial suc cess, and we trust our friends will de all in their power te make it one. ' sew advertise? .vY. We desire te call attention te PLATWAItB, SPOONS, FORKS, In addition te u full stock el the eelebrateil in this city et the electro-plated ware et the Uerham Manufacturing Company. These are the best linished and most durable in the market, and in recommending them te the trade this company (whose representations are always reliable) claim ler them the following merits : " The base of the Uerham electro-plate Is of nickel silver. The silver-plated wares made upon this base combine all the excellence of the solid silver goods except the intrinsic value of the silver itself. One of the remarkable features of the process of electro-plating Is perfect accu racy and delicacy with which the finest line of the engraving or chasing traced en the surface of the nickel base Is reproduced en the surface of the silver coating. Thus all the excellence of workmanship which luu earned for tlie company its reputation as makers et sterling silver goods is made tributary te the production of unsurp used electro-plate. The quantity of pure silver deposited en the finely finished base exceeds that upon the best of foreign plate. This ware would be excellent and take a fine polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a silver surface which will if net abused last mere tlian a generation. The object is te produce plated ware which shall hare all tlie beauty of the solid wares. This high grade et ware is un distinguishable fiem work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship are made equal te these for which the Company's Sterling Silverware has been se highly com mended. Te these conditions is added the uiidetiunble air or style which distinguishes the genuine in everything from the work of imitators and which naturally transfers tself from the Sterling te tlie plated ware." The price et these goods is only a trifle higher than some of the inferior productions. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street, Lancaster. It is found with the Indians, the Canadians, the Seuth Americans, among the Spaniard, French, everywhere ; and every one praises it as the best remedy for Rheumatism. We mean St. Jaceii's Oil. Cleanse, whiten and beautify the skin with Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Seap. The Phonograph, Telephone, Telegraph, awl kindred electrical inc.-senger.s will all be utilized by the orders for SOZOD .NT, which will le Hashed and sounded ever the wires. It is as well known abroad as at home, as a cleansing agent for the teeth. m2l-lwdeeiKtw Heebie dij and lainlnc.- ;cstien, sick headache, dizziness s eured by Malt Hitlers. Sl'ECiAl. NOTICES. Try l.echer's Renowned Cough syrup. ".My Terinenti-il Rack," is the exclamation of mere than one peer hardworking man and woman : de you knew why it aches V It is because your kidneys are ever-tiisked and need strengthening, and your system needs te be cleansed of bad humors, Kidney-Wert :s the medicine you need. "It acts likea charm," says a well-known physi cian, "I never knew it te fail."' mySi-lwd&w I'hvsiciaiis iisi. Kidney-Wert in regular practice and pronounce its action perfect. ni24-lwd&w Sick headaches inces-antly di-ti Let such use "Sellers' Liver Tills." a box. ISrewn's Household l'uu:icc:i Is the most eQjctive Pain Destroyer in the world. Will nlest surely quicken the bleed whet her taken internally erapplicd external ly and thereby mere RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Rack or Rowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism. Toothache and ALL ACIIKS, and is the GREAT RKLIKVKR OH PAIN. "RROWX'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler el het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will RRKAIC UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale ut II. 1!. Cochran & Ce's Drugstore North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. RROWX'S VERMIFUGE COM HITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te lie ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents- a box. f ianl.l-lvdAwTuTluVS Try l.echer's Renowned Cough Syrup. A Coreu, Cole, Catarrh or Sere Threat re i quires immediate attention, as neglect ofteu efteu I times results in some incurable Lung Disease. , " lireivn's Jlrunchial Treche"1 will almost in I variably give relief. Imitations are ettered for sale, many et winch are injurious. The genu ine " Jlrewa's JSreiichial Treche.i"' are sold only In bores. myj-l wdTTh&SJt w Try l.echer's Renowned Cough Syrup. II. II. Warner it Ce., Rochester, X. Y. : Gextlemcx: I have tried your Safe Kidney anil Liver Cure for " Rright's Disease," with I which I have been afflicted ter the last two years, and it has done wonders ferme. I be lieve it is the only cure known ler that terri ble disease, and it is with pleasure t hat I write this testimony in its favor. Yen are at liberty . te use this in any way you see proper, te bene- i fit suilering humanity. j Truly yours, Jas. S. Phescett, North Union, Ohie, Shakers Society, Cuyahoga County, myl.ViwdiVv Cleveland, Ohie. "I Don't Want Tluit Stun," Is what a lady of Ro-ten said te herhusbsnd when he brought home some medicine te cure her of sick headache and neuralgia, which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the ilrst attack thereafter, it was administered te her willi such geed results that she eentin- ' tied its use until cured.and was made se enthu- ; siastic in its praise, that she induced twenty two of the best families in her circle te adept j It as their regular family medicine. That I "stun"" is Hep Hitters. myl.V'wdAw I Every one will Hud a general tonic in ' "I.indsey's Improved Rloed Searcher." All druggists sell it. ! Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. Wk would recommend all te try Dr. Hreivu- j ing's Tonic and Alterative, as il is a Perfect Rloed Purifier, Makes new Rloed, Reddens old Rloed, Enriches peer Rloed, and Gives Vigor ous Health. The dose is but one tea-poentul for an adult, and smaller in proportion ter i children, and it is exceedingly pleasant te take. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Cham- j pien Rrewning, M. D.. 1117 Arch Street , Pliila dclphia, and all Druggists. Price 50 cents and $1. myi!7-lwd&w I Wine for Females and Invalids. It is well known that there are cases when the most strict advocates el temperance, lire obliged te use some sort of wine, especially these who are old and in (Inn. Many weakly females as well as invalids and debilitated per sons in warm weather need a little strengthen ing wine. The great difliculty has been in pre- j curing u rich wine that is reliable. 1 here arc many eases where wine would be used te great advantage iu place et alcoholic drinks if only a genuine article could be had, and upon which physicians could rely as being strictly pure, without alcoholic admixture. The Pert Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, has been analyzed by chemists in almost every state.and lias always been proved strictly pure anil beneficial. Tliis wine is mw being used in hospitals and in families for iud; dicinal purposes, also iu elm relies for commit nien services. Mr. Speer's mode et conducting the fermentation is such as te retain the rich flavor and sweetness of the fruit witheutmnch fermentation te create stimulative properties. Transcript. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlec and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. ml7-2wil&w MAllRIAltKS. Rete S.U'i May 25, 18S0, at the residence of tlie bride's parents, by Rev. Dr. Greenwald, Leven R. Rete te Miss Annie Frances Sapp, but h of Lancaster. . Humble Deiiwakt. May 20, isse, by Rev. A. II. Kreiner, D. D., of Carlisle, William F. Hun -hie te Miss Ida, daughter of Martin Derwart. both of Lancaster. IHCATUS. SciiMALBACii. In this city, en the i'dh inst., Elizabeth, wife of -Alexander Schmalbacli, iu the 3 st year et her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend tlie funeral from her late residence, Ne. 20 East Vine street, en Friday morning at 8.3 ) o'clock. Interment at St. Antheny's cemetery. At 9 o'clock mass at St. Antheny's. Malene. In this city, en the 24th ins' Michael Malene, in the 83th year of his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully in- our. complete line of. H IT KNIVES, LADLES, &c., &c. Rogers Rro.'sgeods, we have the exclusive sale i vited te attend the funeral from his late resi dence. Ne. 301 Eat Orange street, en Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Service at St. Mary's church. 3td Mcitrnv. On the2tith Inst., In this citv, Mrs1 Mary Murphy, of Columbia, widow of tlie late Davis E. Murphy. Her relatives and friends are invited te at tend her funeral, from the residence of Mrs. Allen Richards, Locust street, Columbia, en Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ltd rOLlTlCJLL. " Democratic county Committee. The members of the Democratic county committee elect ter the ensuing political year are requested te meet at Shober's hotel this city, en MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1880 at 10 a. m., ter organization and ler such ether business as the committee may determine. W. V. HENS EL, uilT-tf Chairman for 1879-SO. DEMOCRATIC STATK TICKET. FOIl SU.rHEME JUIMJK. liEORGE A.JENKS. K0II AUDITOR GE!EItAL. RORERT P. DECHERT. DKMOCKATK COUNTY TIC'KKT. FOU CONOltESa. .1. L. STEINMETZ. KOIl DISTRICT ATTORSKT. R. H. MONTGOMERY. FOR SENATOR (Utll DISTRICT.) .1. R. DOUULASS.. ' FOR ASSBMBLV (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. VOll ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.' AMOS DILLER, It. DAVIS YUNDT. JACOR M. HAENLEN. FOR rRISOX INSI'ECTOUS. RARTON M. WINTERS REN J. MILLER. fOll POOR DIUECTOai. A. .I.SNYDER, JOHN ERAXCISCUS. I.ANCASTKR COUNTY APPOINTMENTS. bKt.KdA.TCS TO NATIONAL COJiVKTTIOX. R. J. McGRANN, T. U. HENSEL. (ALTERNATE.) E. S. HAMIIRIGHT C. J. RHOADS. ELECTOR. JAM ES G. McSPARRAN. STATE COMMITTEE MEM IlERa. GEO. DILLER, M. S. MOORE. Withdrawn. SJiW ADriiltTlSEMJiNXS. IjVJUND. A XKW HAT WAS FOUND . near Fulton Opera Heuse en Friitay I-. veiling. The owner can have it by calling at JOHN bPANGLER'S SALOON mid by puying for this advertisement. ltd T?IFTY HEAD OF STOCK CATTLE AT ' Levi Sensenig's stock yards for sale en FRIDAY MORNING, MAY iS. ltd L. SENSENIG. "PENNSYLVANIA K. It. GRAND EXCURSION te Cellins' Beach via! PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE Ut, 18S0. Fare for Round Trip, ... S2.25. CHILDREN HALF PRICE. Special train leaves at 6:10. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 7 p. in. Persons going te Cellins' Reach will tnke th steamer at Arch Street Wharf, which leaves at 10 o'clock and returns about 4 o'clock. Ne extra charge ter tills beautiful beat ride. Tickets for sale at allstatiousalengthc route from Columbia te Dowuingtewn. E STATE OF LOKKNZ SCHILLING. LATE I of Lancaster cits. Pa., deceased. Letters ei :uiiiiiiiisir.iiieu, wen me will annexed, en saiil e-bite having been granted te the under signed, all person indebted te said decedent are requested temake immediate settlement, mid these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedentte make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid ing in Lancaster city. ROSE RAPP, Administratrix, R. F. Davis, Attorney. my37-6ldeaw I)UItLlC SALl;. On SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, lSSO, will be sold at public sale, at the King of Prussia Hetel, (Win. Ralz, proprietor,) Nes. Jit and 2IC West King street, Lancaster. Ta., the following proeerty, te wit: A double onc-sterv RRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with one-story Rriek Rack Building, containing 7 rooms. Tlie let fronts 88 feet, mere or less, en Derwart street, and extends back l.r0 feet, mere or less, te a H-leetalley,and has a well et geed water thereon, situate Nes. 117 and 11!) Derwart street. Parties wishing te view the property can de se by calling en tlie undersigned or ut the premises. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when terms and conditions will be made known by RAUSMAN & RURNS, Real Estate Agents, Otllcc 10 West Orange Street. Sam'l Hess & Sex, Aucts. m2fi-eedR w K ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WIRE SCREENS for doers and windows. Plain Wires In Green, Drab and Rlack. Alse Rcautifnl Landscapes for Parler Screens. Sold by the feet in an y quan tity, or made up in Screens te fit windows und put up in such a manner that von need net lake out when you wish te close them. PAPER HANGINGS in an endlcs line te select from in the leading styles. A let of ends in order te close out will be sold out very cheap. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Plain and Figured Goods. Cardinal, Green and White Hollands. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Cheapest and Rest Cornice made. Fit any window up te five feet in width. Cornice Poles iu Walnut and Ebony. Orders taken for PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS, AT LOW TtATES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. leblO-lvdAw AsTJiibli bres aWexltisexestT ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTKICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER. Are offering this their week gieat inducements in HOSIERY GLOVE DEPARTMENT. IIOSIKKYI Ladies White Ribbed GLOTE.S GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES 1IUS1KK1 liesese a pair. HOSIERY White and Unbleached Full Regular Madeline a HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEWV HOSIERY HOSIKRY HOSIERY pair. Iren Frame Deuble Heel and Tee 23c a pair. Our 2"c Ralbriggan is tlie best one ever sold for that price. Kxtra Fine Ralbrig gans worth 40e terXica pair. 100 dez Ludics'Dar'c Uu- G LOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES bl cached Ralbriggans, Full Regular Made, Kle gantlv Kiiibreidcred in HOSIERY Reautitut Celers 2!)c n HOSIERY pair. IOSIERY 100 dez Ladies' Hand GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY some Frent Embroidered Ralbriggansin Pink,Rlue HOSIERY and cardinal -".le a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Our l'.tc Embroidered ISalbriggaiis will seen be GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES i. LOVES GLOVES U LOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES CLOVES i. LOVES GLOVES CLOVES u LOVES GLOVES sold out and cannot be HOSIERY replaced ter anything like that price. Ladies' Full Regular HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Made Rredequins in Pink,' Rlue and Cardinal, HOSIERY iieavy cmurouiereaeic eair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' Open-worked LiMc Thread Hese. Ladies' Rlack Ralhrig- gans Clocked with White ler Mourning. Ladies' all Rlack Eng HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY lish Lisle Hese, the Finest HOSIERY Imported. HOSIERY Our assortment et HOSIKRY Ladies' Fancy lle-dervi HOSIERY HOSIERY very large and priees ex tremely low. HOSIERY 100 dez Pin Striped Hese HOSIERY ler Ladies, seamless, Ijc HOSIERY a pair. 150 dez Fancy Embrei dered Centre and Scam less at 2."c a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' Rest English Cotten Hese Hnir-iined HOSIERY HOSIERY Ingrain Celers at :Uc p dr. HOSIERY HOSIERY The same goods witli HOSIERY HOSIERY Silk Clocking lie a pair. Ladies' Fine Li-le Hese Open-worked Fancy Col ored Centre ."iSc a pair. Ladies' Rredequins for Walking Shoes in great variety. Seme liuautitul novel ties. CUILDS' .STOCKINGS, Frem We up. All tirst-cJas goods We have received flits week about 20 new styles of Imported Stockings from Ne. fi te S. which we are selling from l' te HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY LOVES HOSIERY GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERS HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERS HOSIER) HOSIER) HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIKRY LOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES ficil pair. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES V h il OS r.mlireidcrcu Centre Stockings. Pink and Rlue Open-worked. Unbleached Ralhriir-ran. UnbleachedOpen-werked Lisle. Fine Embroidered Frent, all Open-worked. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES Infaiits's Socks. Infant's White Socks !)c a pail Infant's White Regular Made 17c a pair. HOSIERY GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY I n rant's Hair-striped HOSIERY laeapatr. Infants White witli Cel HOSIERY HOSIERY ere 1 Clocking 2Th; a pair HOSIERY Infant's f'liikaiid nine HOSIERY HOSIER) HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Open-worked Socks 25u a pair. An equally large assort ment of Infant's , Hese. Gents' Half Hese. Unbleached Full Regu GLOVES GLOVES (J LOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES (J LOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIER) HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIER) lar Made 14u a pair. suuerline JtriUsii i.c a pair. sine uiecKcu nailing sunn Full Regular Made lc a pair. Fancy Socks fiem 1.1c a GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES (J LOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES pair up. ranev oecics. r nit i.eir- ular Made 2"e a pair. (leres. An assortment of tileves like we are new HOSIERY iblelte show has never HOS1 ERY vet been seen in this fit v. HOSIERYWc have every iinagiu HOSI ERY, able style new and our HOSIER) prices are most astonish HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIEYY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ing te everybody. RERUN (J LOVES. One Full Elastic leC a pair. Twe Full Elastic 13c a pair. Three Full Elastic 19c a pair. Uegular Made Gauze (Heves. 2 Full Elastic ilc a pair. The Finest Eng lish Lisle Cauze (Heves Siik Mixed in line shades. 2 Fnll Elastic .tit- a pair. : Full Elastic 40c a pair. 4 Full Elastic 4Sc a niiir. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES Fine French Gauze line GLOVE-j Ribbed Tep :!7c a pair. 'GLOVES Our assortment of LaceiGLOVES Tep Gloves is unequalled GLOVES and the prices lower than GLOVES ever. (GLOVES Lace Tep Gloves in'GLOVEs Light Shades 2:;c a pair. G LOVES Emb.ieldered Lace TeptGLOVES 25c a pair. I GLOVES Fine Extra Leng LaceiGLOVES Tep, S Full Elastic :i7eaGLOVES pair. Full Regular MaddGLOVES Gauze Gloves, Fine LaceiGLOVES Tep :j.-c a pair. Ex.raiGLOVES Leng 3 Full Elastic 50c. GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES (B LOVES GLOVES We also have a large as sertment of liner goods, which we are selling at eouiillylew prices. Ladies' Lace Mitts in Rlack and Colored from 2.ea pair up. All Silk Mitts Extra Leng in White Cream, Pink. Rlue. &c.,5Sca pair. Ladies' Full Regular Made Lace Mitts. Cliilds' Silk and Colored Lace Mitts et all sizes. Cliilds' Lace Tep Gloves. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. THIRD EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 27, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 27. Fer the Xcw England and Middle Atlantic states, nearly stationary barometer and temperature, south te west winds, clear or partly cloudy weather. UV WIKK. News of the Afternoon. The New Yerk Legislature adjourned sine die at neon te-day. The strike in LcadviIIefcis se extensive that there was net a man at any of the mines last evening. Michael Mooney, a Pennsvlvania Melly Majjuire leads the strikers, and has from 5,000 te 6,000 -'out." Ne violence is reported. The Massachusetts printing paper makers vote te firmly maintain their pres ent prices and te shut down for three weeks in July and three in August. Ne stock is new heing imported and they an ticipate an advance in domestic goods. The Heuse te-day went into committee of the whole en the civil appropriation bill. The Senate this morning engaged in discussion of the resolution providing for the appointment of a commission te in vestigate the question of the tariff. Clement Sattcrthwaite & Sen, Londen dealers in the American department en the stock exchange, have failed with heavy liabilities. They were bears of Philadel phia and Reading railroad stock. On Tuesday night IJyren Reynolds shot and killed James Delaney, at Farley, as the latter was riding along en horseback. They had quarreled. TUEl'OTTEK'S FIELD. End ufa Horrible Tragedy iu Niv Yerk. New Yerk, May 27. The body of Frederick Emil Briemann, the German who en Thursday night last murdered his wife by cutting her threat, was found last night in the East river at the front of 19th street, with his threat cut from ear te ear. The body was positively identified, and was removed te the morgue. It will probably be buried in the Petter's field, where Mrs. Ihiemann's body was interred a few davs age. SOr COlC UHANT. Gen. ltutler ItegarUs the Idea of His Support ing Grant Preposterous. Cheyexxk, Wyoming, May 27. Gen. B. F. Butler, passing through hereto-day, was interviewed and declared that the idea of him supporting Grant was prepos terous. Regarding his own nomination by the Grecnbackcrs, he said: "If they only give us a geed platform the honor would be most worthy." MRS. FKIEUEL'S DEATH. The Corener's Jury fail te Discover the Auther of the Crime. Leck Haven, May 27. The coroner's jury in the case of Mrs. Fricdel, whose re mains were found in the burning ruins of her house, rendered a verdict this morning that she came te her death at the hands of some person or persons unknown. Wag ner, who was arrested en suspicion, litis been released. KING COAL, -Makes an Advance. Philadelphia, May 27. Committees of the Lehigh and Schuylkill coal ex changes met here this afternoon and de cided te advance the price of stove coal in June, l.j cents per ten ; te $2.7." at Ma nth Chunk and Schuylkill Haven. Ne ether change will be made in the circular rates for the mouth. AN OVERFLOW. Toe Much Snow en the Pacific. San Francisce, May 27. The Union island levee gave way yesterday owing t the xiressurc of water from melted snow. The ereps in the vicinity arc new under water. Gangs of men are working with five thousand bags of sand stepping the cre vasse. The damages will be serious. rOlt SALE Oh RENT. ri4i l.ii'vr IT Twe very desirable rooms. Ne. J.'JWC North 14 T. .-....." .l.iL.l.ln ,.,...,.. tiueeu street, suitable ter photograph gallery, formerly occupied Iiv-.T. S. Saurman. Applv te ii.Vtfd TIIOS. HACMGA RUN EH. PUBLIC SALE On FRIDAY. MAY 2s,HSS0, at 411 Reaver street, of household anil kitchen furniture. Sale at I o'clock p. in., sharp. F. II. WILLIAMS, ltd Auctioneer. I JlIltLlC SALE ON Tlf-MOICItUW (Fit! DAY) afternoon ut 1 o'clock, at Ne. 51 of Household and Kitchen Furniture. JACOB GUNDAKER. ltd Aucti encer. 13UULIC SALE ON THURSDAY, MAY 27, will be sold a large let of Household and Kitchen Furniture, at Ne. 207 North Lime street. Alse Carpenter and Machinist's 'Ioels. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. my22tsd T IMKIOKSALE. J in, ay5- 10.000 Rushcls at 2 cents per Rushel. mav5-4tdeaw&4tw GEO. K. REED. Treas. 'OK KENT. I' Tli.. i-iNinil .tnw fit Vcltli.ttitin Sr T?!iflt. a 111. r-vii...'. ni J i uiTiiiiii.ii u. i.iiii von's Ranking Heuse, at Centre Square, ami also a room en second story, opposite tlie Penn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. R. F. ESHLEMAX. f2i-2til&Stf Atternev-at Law I)UItLIC SALE OF VALUAltLE REAL ESTATE.. Pursuant te an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, Pa., will be sold at public sale, at the public house et Philip Wall, en West King street, en THURS DAY, the leth day of JUNE, A. D. IHSO, the fol lowing described real estate, late of Frederick Reller, deceased, te wit : AH that certain let or piece of ground with a two-story and attic RRICK DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected, situated en Marietta Avenue, Ne. ill", in the city of Lancaster, Pa., containing In lrent en Marietta Avenue 21 feet, mere or less, and ex tending in depth te a publie alley 1K feet, mere or less. Rounded en tlie west by property of D. G. Raker, en the cast by property of Jehn Graham, an the north bv- the aforesaid alley, and en the south by Marietta Avenue. The improvements arc a two-story Rrick Dwelling Heuse witli Frame Kitchen attached, a well of never-failing water with pump therein, grape vine, and ether necessary improvements. Sale te commence at VA o'clock p. in. en said ilav, when attendance will be given and con ditions made known by W. IL ROLAND, nilO-ilwdWAS Trustee In Partition. AMUSEMENTS " FAIR AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL J. for the benefit et St. Jeseph's Church, will commence en FRIDAY. MA 28, at Itoth Iteth weiler's Hall, West King street, anil continue ler ten days. mll-2wd fULTON OPERA HOUSE .MURDOCH. BEXEMT OK TUB Free Dispensary for the Sick Peer. THURSDAY EVEMNG, MAY 27. ADELAIDE U. MURDOCH. In her Lecture, Entitled " Substance and Shadow." 1 TICKETS, SO Cts. m24-4td MARKETS. Mw Ker Market. Nw VeMtMay 27. Fleur state and' West ern without important e'liange ami quiet ; superfine state 5 754 5; extra de $4 2S 73; choice de fogs 00; fancy' 0Ja 00: round hoop Ohie $4 903 2!V: choice ile $5 30G20; suuerline western $3 75 4 50; common te geed extra de $4 254tW; choice dodo 8."ig7U0; choice white wheat de $4 735 e.: Southern dull ami unchanged ; common te fair extra $5 'J50AIU; geed te choice de 5 50-S7 . Wheat Spring quiet, nominal; winter tev tev etish ami unsettled ; Red cash $1 44 bid. $1 411 asked ; Muy 1 42J bid, $1 45 asked; ether kinds a shade stronger ; Ne. 1 White, June. II '25 ; Se. J Red. May, St 4Il 4 :de J line 1 -.KM! 27c. Cern a Jc better and fairly active : Mixed western spot, .V-Sete; de future M9&ic. Oats quiet and about steady ; State 4lj."i0c ; Western 43gfSc. Reef dull and prices unchiinged. Perk firmer ; new mess 917 SOL Lard quiet mid firm; steam tendered JTtiU. Whisky dull ; Western $1 0S81 09. Spirits of turpentine dull at 44yl4.Se. I'lilladelphiB Market. Philadelphia. May 27. Fleur dull, lewer: superfine W iXy.lO; extra at ft 00?4 50; Ohie und Indiana tauiilv ut $5 l6 3 15 ; Penn'a family (4 7335 Si; St. Leuis family 5S0gt; 00 ; Minnesota family 5 oeK 12; lmtent and high grades Hi MQS 0. Rye flour at l 75. Cornmeal Rraudywiue unchanged. Wheat quiet: Ne. 2 Western Red l el,'.C : Penn'a Red $123; Amber $12931 30. Cern steady for local trade : steamer 54c ; yellow 55.vKcc; mixed 5IMrS."c. Oats dull; Ne. 1, White. 4j'.4(5e ; Ne. 2. de 44c ; Ne. 3, de 4224.1c ; Ne. ' Mixed 40 41c. Rye Arm; Western and Pa. 512c. Previsions dull; nitss perk at $11 25; beef hams $17017 50; India mess beet $18 no ; b.icon.smekcd shoulders 5t$5c; salt43,'4c ; smoked hams 10Ilc ; piekied luims SaUVic. Lard weak ; city kettle 7Jic ; loose buiclieis (c; prime steam $70O;g7 05. Rutterdull except cheice: creamery extra 23c: de geed te eheice 102tc ; I trad ford county ami New Yerk extra l'Ji2Ie ; Western reserve extra at 15f$!7c ; de geed te choice I.1gl5c: Rolls dull : Penn'a extra ViQ l.V; Western reserve extra 13 15c. Eggs firm; Penn'a Jc; Western J3c. Cheese eheice wanted, peer dull ; New Yerk factory l."e : Western lull cream. lliftllc; de fair te geed lOftlOic: de hair skims ijue. Petroleum firm; relined s,Ic. Whisky 1 II. Geed 10 prime clever nothing lining ; Tiiuo Tiiue duil at $1 'jogs ; Flaxseed firm at $1 4." Stock Markets. PniLADXLruiA. Mav 27. 12:30 P. M. 3:00 r. si. Stocks dull. Pennati's (third issue).. .ma i-iiuatieipnia jine.... "7-1 Reading... .... iiy. Vi. Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. of N.J... . Northern Pacific Preferred.. Northern Central , Lehigh Navigation...., Norristown , 50' ' ."!; 4!h1 ....loeK is." .... 444 -' . ... -- .10I4 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts , TitusviUe & Rutlule. 13J untie sciiuyiKin, 43 Niiw Vekk, May .. 4 ..125 -. 33,' ..112 .. 7S4 .. w4 -.lO'-.'i ..112 ..1S7 Stocks strong. 11 1 Jilt; j N. Y. Central I!illCii((iaI((a,.,i Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland A Pittsburgh. Chicago t Reck Island Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne Western union Tel. Ce Teledo & Wabash New .lersev Cen I nil .118 United States Bends and Sterling Kxelian.;.' (Quotations by R. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut streets). PUItADBLl'llIA. .May -X, United States fi'8, 1881, (registered). .lOt'.ifliky United States .Vs, ISSI, (registered). .IW1J4 United States 4K's, 1801. (registerciljliiOnJli)-.!1. United States 4 ,IK!il,ceuMns). .10 -I7iili) 7. United States 4s, i'JJ7. (registered). -IOsJj; United States Currency tt's 121! 5127 Sterling Exchange IseJfeMsy HI FT IHlAiVIXtift. AUTHOKIZKI) IIY Till-; COMMON wealth of Ky and the fairest in .the world 20th Popular Monthly Drawing OK TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en MONDAY, MAY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act of tlie Legislature et 1800. and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every mouth (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens et tl' State. The management call attention te the grain, opportunity presented of obtaining, ter only $2, any of tlie following prizes 1 prize $ 30,000 1 prize 10.000 1 prize 5.01)0 10 prizes H.oeoeacli 10,000 20prizes500encl 10,1X0 let) prizes. $100 each I0,0nn 200 prizes 50 each lo.eio (tee prizes 20 each 12.MW I0UO prizes lOeach 10.0U 'J prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 prizes 200 each, " " 1,.s(ie a prizes 100 each. " " '.NK) 1,!0 prizes $112,400 Whole tiekels. $2; hair tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50; X tickets $11)0. All applications forclubratcssheuld he made te tin: home efliec. Full list of drawing published In Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk limitil und mailed te all ticket-holders. Ifemit money by mail or express. Address R. M I'oard I'eard MAN. Courier-Journal RuilUiug, Leu isville, Ky., or at 307 and 3)0 Rrendway. New New Yerk. rKS-TuTliAHftw H'AXTEJh .EVERYBODY TO ADVER- el churcc. in the I.ntki.liuiCn- AirA.NTED. Use. tre. who wants something te de. "IT7"ANTED A GIRL foil (iKNMIAI, y houscuerk. Applv. with reference, te 11 NO. 32S WEST KING STREET. 1AGS! RAGS! KAGS! RAGS WANTED. , Housekeepers take notice that we ar paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKK, aprtKand Ne. 2".' West King Street. AMENDMENT TOCIIARTER OK LAN caster Heme .Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. Netice Is hereby given that application lias been made te thr Court et Common Picas of Lancaster county tegrant certain ainendiiieiiin te charter of lincaster Reme Mutual Fire In surance Company, new filed iu Prolhenotary's Oilice, and motion ler decree anuiting the same will be maileen the 21st day of June, . D. ISse, at 10 o'clock a. 111. WM. R.WILSON, A. C. REINOEHL. Solicitors for tlir Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Company. m2R-3wdM,W.tS 1 PROPOSALS TO CONTRACTORS AM Riiilders. Sealed nreiKtsals cn.ler.-cd ' Proposals for the erection of a Scheel ISuild ing," will be received bv the undersigned at Ne. 20 East King street, until WEDNESDAY. JUNE IB, IfSO, at 12 o'clock in., ler erecting a. Scheel Ruildiiigen the corner of East Lemen and Lime streets. Said buildings te ln built iu accordance with the plan ami specifleatie! s of Frank L. Davis, architect, te he seen at Ne. id East King street, and the building ie be fin ished by December I, IS'. The committee will net consider any bids ether than these made by reputable and competent master builders, and will require satisfactory security ter tlie faithful fulfillment el the same. Ruiid ers are required te name their security iu their proposals. The committee reserve Up right te reject any or all bills net deemed sat isfactory. Ry order of the Committee en Scheel Property. II. E. SLAYMAKER, msyJC&2!) Chairman, 1 PROPOSALS FOR GAS LAMPS AND LAMPPOSTS. Sealed proposals for the furnishing of thecity of Lancaster with gas ter tlie use of the Mayer's Ofllcc.City Hall, Market Houses. Station Heuse, Ac., by tlie thousand cubic feet, and for gas for the street lamps per pest ; lighting and keeping the same in goeiforder and reimir for one year from July 1, 1880, in accordance with the previsions of an ordinance entitled ''An Ordinance for the Lighting of the City of Lancaster with Gits," approved January '. 1878, will be received by the Lamp Cemmitted: until 8 o'clock 011 Tues day evening, June 1, 1880. Proposals will also lie received at the same time and place for the furnishing of Lamp Pests und Lamps ler Gas, complete and ready for use, which may be needed during the year. Pests and Lamps te be of same style new iu use. Ridders will give the length and weight et the pests they propose te furnish. Proposals will also be received at the same timcand place for lighting, keeping iu geed order anil repair, and for tlie furnishing et all needed supplies which maybe re.ulrerfer the lighting of the oil (etherwise gasoline) lamps. Bids te state the amount per htm p. Tlie Lamp Committee reserve the right te re ject any aud all bias, and tlie successful bidder or bidders will give geed approved security ler the faithful performance of their contract. The proposals wilt also state the amount ad ditional tlie bidder or bidders will agree te extinguish such lamps as they will light ut tlie time reqnlred by ordinance. Proposals must be addressed te W.M. JOHN SON. Chairman Lamp Committee. Mayer's Of fice. Lancasten-Penn'a. HERBERT JOHNSTON. mSUtaSd Clerk.