Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 26, 1880, Image 3

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appropriation of $400 or $300 he says,
would secure this desideratum, and the
chief employed a geed bit of persuasive
eloquence upon the chairman te induce
him te agitate the question.
A Krcat many plugs ever the city are in
a condition calling for speedy repair. Seme
of them bare their mouths tee close te the
gutter, making it difficult te attach the
hose, while en the outskirts of the city are
a number of plugs which are se seldom
used that tltey become full of muddy
.water. Practical firemen agree that at in
tervals all such plugs should be turned en
in order that they be kept clean.
133d Annual Meeting of the MlnUteriuin or
Tuetday Afternoon. -In the ministeiial
session held after the regular morning ad
journment, Rev. S. Laird, of Philadel
phia, late of -the Pittsburgh synod, was
received into the ministerium. Rev.
F. C. Lampe, of Williamsport, and Rev.
Strobe, of llarrisburg, applied for ad
mission, but a vote en leceptien was de
ferred until the next private session of the
ministerium. Adjourned with prayer by
Ml I5C1SS.
The synod was opened for afternoon
session witli singing, and prayer by Father
V. F. Weldcii.
The following ministers were declared
elected directors of the theological
nary : Revs. J. A. Seiss, I). I)., Z K.
I'litt. A. T. Geissenliaiucr, J. F. WaApele
and :. L. Reed.
The following laymen were elected di-
Wlll' I'fiHnil flllrl intwi 4-lm. !... ..... l.l i
iivniMirvnni.e.1.lW.vrtl. A i ' . '"-"- "'"ciuie uel ueie 10
feshim. ..,! t.l. ti.;iJ.V: r.1 "r'r.i" sustain the weight of the large engine
. . . - ." " -."1K...IIT ui i-iiu ;
lecters: II. Lehman, L. L. Hetipt, F. R.
Schmidt, C. Nellaiitl C. F. Sandt.
The constitution as discussed en Mon
day afternoon was taken up as the regular
order for afternoons.
In Art. 4, Sec. 105, Dr. Schacflcr amend
ed the Utter clause, leading, "but no inin
istet shall be installed until lie has been
icgulailyieceived into the membership of
the niinisterium,'' te read in addition,
'and all departure fiem this piinciple
shall be at the clisctctieu of the officers of
tin ininistciiuiii." Adopted.
The rth Art. of Sec. 103 was amended
se as te read "shall " instead of "may lay
the coiner stone of a chinch, etc."
Dr. Schmucker auneuueed that he would
piesent an amendment in writing, te be
voted en next year, jnvinjr synod the newer
te appieve or tlie action of confer
ences. He thought it could be appended
best te Sec. 121.
Rev. Dr. Krautli nicscntcd a report of
the committee en the president's report,
which was leccived.
v At half-past four o'clock the synod ad
join tied te held a ministeiial session, at
which Dr. Seism's repot t as chairman of
the examining committee was the subject
of debate.
Tuesday .,. ', Lust evening, accord accord
te announcement, the synod celebrated in
Utility cmticii the seventh semi-centennial
v wiiiuiMini line me mini centenary
Heek of Concetd. The chuich was ciowd ciewd
d with mcmbcis of the congiegatien :ind
visitors anxious te hear the addiesses ptc
paied for tlie occasion.
Kev. E. E. Sibele, of Philadelphia led
in the seivice of opening, announcing
Psalm, xlvi, and the hymn "Gloiieus
things of thee arc spoken," as the lessens
and praise in honor of tlie event.
Dr. A. Spaeth, of the theological scmi
naiy. being ititierfuccil, nddicsscd the
meeting in Get man. He thought it emi
nently appiepnate for the synod te cele
brate the anniversaiics of tlie 23th of
.June, 13:,0, and tlie 23th of June, 1380,
when the Augsburg confession and the
C.mceidia wete given te the chuich.
These have together constituted, fixed
and established our r.iith. The Augsburg
confession is tliecetitic of Lutheianisin. it
is the conle.ssien of the llib.e. We new
celelirate the seenth jubiblee of the unity
of the faith, in out Fei inula of Conceid.
The concerdia is net the presentation of a
"conceid" wheic tlieie Is none ; but it is
a unity of these who held the tiuth in
sincerity, and in the harmony of one faith.
We de net want unionism, but concetd
always that is pleasing te Ged.
Dr. II. E. Jacobs, of Pennsylvania eefi
lege, Gettysbuig, followed in a English
addicss. lie said the Reek of Conceid is a
memorial of epochs in the liisteiy of the
chuich. The jubilee te-night is net a
mere celebration, but a deft use ; we hcte
renew our weapons, st lengthen our walls
against dangers piesent and fututes.
Thetc may be miner points technically in
ctmcct in our confession, yet the tiuth
within eiircliuiclt is living, no dead. Nine
creeds aie found te the Bejk or Concetd.
The Apostle's Cteed is an expansion of
the baptismal fei inula. Tae rule of faith
was ra'sel beyond this fermuli into
the Niceue Ciced of A. D. :2e.
and the Athanasiaii Creed, the
wik el the Western chuich between tlie
sixth and ninth centuries, A. D. Tlie
Augsburg confession rose out of the sec
ond peiieil in the sixteenth century. The
liisteiy of the giving of the confess'ien was
traced, the pretest .against Reme, and the
false religion and fanaticism that abound
ed at the time. The confession ewes its
origin and life te the spit it and power of
Luther and the confessors. Melanchthen is
the author of the Confessional Apology, in
which was fully discussed the doctitncef
jiisinicatien y i.iitu. l ins is a piccieus
legacy te the pastor of te-day ; a book of
practical religion. Enemies could net un
dci stand .Melanchthen ; he and Reme
lived in different worlds. The Smalcald
Articles are the only formal attack en the
papacy. As long as the life of the confes cenfes confes
.siens is in the church tlie church will
... ... .1. ....... 11 1 !-. ft . r...
Siun, iiucuiiiiuij ;um ticiiniiciv. inc ex
perience of the past must be hi ought into
the present. Let us thank Ged for tlie in
tei est new of new witnesses in Christian
literary institutions. Let us appropriate
and .spread the trutfl, and upheld the
hands of all who teach it in its puritv.
Rev. W. S. Emery conducted thcclesing
devotional exeicises of the evening.
Wednesday Mern ing. Most of tlie mem
bers of the synod weie en hand this morn
ing at the hour appointed te have tlie pic
ture token te which they had been invited
by Mr. U. Fiank Say ler, the Lancaster
photographer. The ministers were grouped
about the fi out of Trinity chapel, all jf
them standing, except the officers of tlie
synod who occupied cltaits in the gateway
of the chapel yaid.
At !) o'clock tlie regular meiniug session
of synod was opened with devotional ser
vices led by Rev. F. IJerkemeyer.
The minutes of the previous session were
read and adopted.
Dr. Maun, president of the synod, asked
an excuse for synod en te-morrow, Thurs
day morning, te attend a funeral, and en
motion it was grauted.
The repot t of Dr. Sadtler, president of
the Muhlenberg college, having been made
tlie first morning order, was new taken up
iiuu uieruuginy ctiecusscd by prominent
members of the miuisteiiuni.
Streng picas were made by Dr. Sadtler,
Dr. Seiss, Rev. Schantz, Dr. Spaeth, Rev.
Laird, Dr.Krauth, Dr.Schmucker, Dr. Pas
savant ( of the Pittsburgh synod,)
Rev. Hill, Dr. Muhlenberg, in be
half of the college. An increase
of endowment was urged, se that new pro
fessorships, much needed, might be added
especially one in tlie German language
aud literature, and that the teachers new
employed might be mere adequately paid
for their service.
Pending a motion te appropriate $1,500,
and $2,000 if possible, and an amendment
te make it $3,000 absolute, tlie synod ad
journed for a ministerial session, Dr.
Seiss, el Philadelphia, offering the closing
Synedical Notes.
Rev. Dr. G. P. Kretel, once pastor of
Trinity church, this city, and one of the
most prominent members of the minis
terium, is net present at synod, owing te
the illness of his wife. Mrs. Kretel is at
Atlantic City, where she is reported as im
proving in health.
Rev. S. Laird. D. D., sometime pastor
of Trinity church, lately a member of the
r-iiiseurgn synod, and new pastor of St.
Mark's church, Philadelphia, is attending
synod, being admitted a member again.
The Salem choir of Lebanon which
came ever te the synod en Sunday, report,
through the Lebanon Advertiser, great
satisfaction with their trip. The atten
tions received from J. B. Albright, choris
ter; tlie Ttinity choir, and B. Z. Shreiner,
organist, are gratefully noticed ; aud
much delight is expressed with Old Trin
ity church and Lancaster generally.
A Trestle-Werk Breaks Mown With nn hn-
Bine en It Narrow Lscape or the
This morning obeut 5 o'clock a frightful
railre.ul wreck occurred at Gorrecht, Riley
& Keller's coal yard, en the Pennsylvania
railroad, near tlie Hanisburg tuinpike
crossing. At the above hour engine Ne.
387, of the local freight, was shifting cais
en the long tiestle-werk siding which runs
into the yard. Several cars of coal had
been shifted up te near the end of the sid
ing, and when tlie engine was running
slowly back te wauls the main track the
trestle-wet k suddenly gave way, at a point
wheie it is about 12 feet high. With a loud
noise the engine fell te the ground. Andrew
Hill, of Columbia, the engineer, saw in an
instant that the locomotive was falling and
he quickly sprang out of the pilot house
and jumped off, en the opposite side from
that en which the engine fell, thus saving
his life. He was severely cut about the
head, face and body, and immediately
after tlie accident was taken te the office
et tlie coal yaid, where his wounds were
dressed, after which lie was removed te
his home in Columbia. Whit Daily, the
fireman, was net en the engine at the time
of the accident and was therefore unin
jured. Tlie two brakemen who were en
the tank at the time saw their danger
and escaped unhiitt by jumping.
The engine fell en the light side of the
trestle work and was turned cemnlctelv
ever. The pilot house, smoke stack .iml
headlight wete bieken efr, and it was
otherwise badly damaged. Tlie injury te
the tank was but slight. Soen after the
accident tlie Parksburg wreck train was
sent for and workmen were engaged all
forenoon clearing away the wieck.
This trestle-work was built several years
age by tlie Pennsylvania railroad company
and although the pieces of timber in it are
vety heavy, some of them were undeubt-
ettr GOODS.
Choice Assortment in Newest Styles. WHITE GOODS ! WHITE GOODS' WHITP annns Tm-. c v
An Elegant Assortment new offering at Lewest Prices.
LADIES ! We call particular attention te our large and varied stock of above goods.
LADIES! We also call particular attention te our stock of Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries t ri,;
sertmeut ever shown in this city, all at the Lewest Prices. -m breideries, the Choicest As-
LADIES .' We specially invite examination of our stock in every department.
25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. '
Washington. May 2C Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, nearly stationary
barometer, stationary or higher
temperatures, clear or partly cloudy
Weather, with variable winds, mostly
for the
;the RESULT.
The Ticket Settle! Seme el the Totals.
The clerks of the Republican beard of
return judges have net yet concluded their
labors, but it is known that the candidates
whose names are printed below and
marked with a star () have been chosen
as candidates. We give the official fig
ures as far as they have been returned by
the clerks :
Ellwood Giiest
A. Heir smith '.'.'.'.'.'. "..'.
Ames II. Mylln
A. C. Beineehl
ASSEMBLY 1st Distkict.
Henry C. Dciuulh
Y. II. Brosius
Ames L. Eshlcuian
J.C. Gntchcll
Jehn II. Landia '
Hiram Peeples ".'
3u District.
Ellas IJecker
I). I). Courtney "
Pierson M. Eberly
Jehn I!. Eshlemau .'.'.".'.".'!
V. U. Uiuit.
Jacob II. Hcrstiey
Eplu-aims. Hoever !'.'.!!!!!!
C. L. HunseckT
Jehn S. Kemper .'..".. ..".WW"
Jehnsen Miller
J. Hurvey Baymeud
A. W. Snailer.
Jese Stauffer
heltert '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.
II. C. I'rulmker
Tlies, J. Davis ,
Actum J. Ebeily
J. W. Johnse'i ,
A. O. Xewpher
Win. 1). Weaver
.VA'ir A li VEltTlSHMUXTS.
We desire te call attention te our complete line of
LADLES, &c, &c.
I.. .. i1" w,,UV?.B ,.fUU 8tCk 0t the flelm"l Kes,, we hnvetliecxcluire sale
in this city el the clectre-plateil ware of the Gnilmm M,il,r,l.iPin., v. m -. .....
!..... I.. ii.-. , ... .. . .......(. ....... w., . iiicsciucuii;
,-jl" """ m. most .uurauiemtue market, ami in leceuiinemlliig them te the traxle this
W f.TPU,ny (W,h?S leP"ent-itiens are always reliable) claim ler them the f.llewing merits :
. Tlie base of the Gerham electro-plate is of nickel silver. The silver-plate.l wares matle upon
-HI7 " " -" " "D "'c"! ei me seim sliver goods except the inttinsic value or the
1115 silver itself .One of the remarkable features of the process of electre-platin- is perfect accu
iJ19 T.T an, Vf07 WUh wWch the flne"'t ,,nc of thu eimnivlnB or clLuing traeeil en tlie surface
efthenicke base is reprotlue-U en the surface of the silver coating. Thus all the excellence of
1-gl , workmanship which has earned for the company iu reputation as makers et sterlin- silver
1M ' C,?Mls S m,M,e tributarT t tha pro.iuetieii of unsurp isse.l electro-plate. The quantit v of pure
24311 , 9ilTer deposited en the finely finished base exceeds that upon the best of ferel-n plate ThN
25S1 ware would be excellent and tuke a fine polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a
993 I s"Tri9urtace wlilcb will irnetabiisea last mere th.iu a Sener-.itien. The object is te produce
.. I Dinted wnre which slmlllm Mil ti.i,.....t .-.t... ..i... ........ . '
'- . i, ui ulc .uuu nam. iius niirn irr.iun et is nn
uisunguisnauie from work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship me
made equal te these for which the Company's feteiling Silverware 1ms been M. l.igldv tem-mi-nded.
Te these conditions is added the undetlnable air or stUe wlueli distinguishes the
genuine in everything from the worket imitators and which naturallr tmnsters itself fiem
the Steiling te the plated ware." The price et these goe.Is i- only a tt file higher than some or
the inferior productions.
bince .Messrs. Geirceht. ltilev .fe Kellf.r
have been doing business at this yard en
gines have been run ever the trestle work
almost daily, aud this is the first accident
of the kind which has ever eccuned there.
Large numbers of people visited the place
of the wreck this forenoon, and the mys
tery te all was hew the men escaped fiem
the engine with their lives. The broken
engine was cleared by neon. Ne trains
were delayed by tlie accident.
Justin; te Jehn I Martin.
Iii some editorial ciiticism yesterday
upon the appointments of census c'numcr-
atets in this city, in which eenei-t niil
seivice piinciplcs had been violated we
classed Jehn 1'. Mai tin, of the First ward,
with ' Sain. Powell, Fied. Miller and
Adam Snyder," as paties whose only
recommendation was that they were
among the best ward wetkcis. In includ
ing Mr. 3iaitintn tint list, we had no in.
tentien te leilect en his meial character,
against which we knew nothing and have
heaid nothing. We take pleasuie in say
ing this, especially as he seems te have
been injuied by any association of hisname
with the ethers. We had in view only the
question of his qualifications; but even
upon this point we are assured bv tesnect-
ableand lettable citizens of both patties
that we Have underrated him ; and that,
although he ewes his appointment te po
litical influences, it is net a discreditable
one by any means ; and that in all points
of fitness he is quite up te the average
appointee. AH of which we are glad te
hear and glad te say.
Itcuben n, Uitzer
caivin uarter
Albert Hagen
Geerge Urban ."."
It. W. Bard
Jacob G. Keller .'
Martin Kreider
Henry Musser
Jacob V. Xissley
II. (J. Boek
Mai tin X. Brubaker
Win. IS. (Jcrhart .
James (J. Blaine .'
liceigc V. Edmunds ..'.
VI y-ses S. G ran t .".".".".
Jehn Micrnmn '.'..'.'.
E. It. Wushburm- '....".".".
Galusha A. Grew
M. .?. Quay
Abraham Kline
Edwin K. Mm I in "."
Christian S. Kautrmaii
Themas Whitson
146 '
'."J i
12G1 i
3017 '
:ie !
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street, Lancaster.
Latter and Vetes for the
Denver, May 2C The Republican state
convention le-assembled at 2 o'clock yes
terday. Ev-Governer Reuett was chosen
chairman of the Chicago delegation. Res
olutiens were adopted requesting the dele
gates te Chicago te use all honorable
means te secure the election of General
Grant ; declaring General Grant a fit and
competent person te conduct the affairs of
the nation ; that while the Republican
party of Colerado express a pieferance for
the nomination of General Grant, they
recognize in James G. Blaine one of the
purest patriots and most able men that
America has ever produced, and should he
be the nominee at Chicago, "we pledge
him Colerado by as large a majority as
any ether candidate," and pledge them
selves te support the Chicago nominee.
That they are uncompromisingly opposed
te mone-metallism ; that a Democratic
Congress in its treatment of the
Indian question failed te discharge a
high public dutv im nosed un.n it
by the piegress of civilization.
" We de net recognize that a treaty exists
between the national government and the
Utcs, that treatyjhaviug been violated in
a most brutal and savage manner by the
Indians themselves. We pledge the co
operation of the Republicans of Colerado
te the dectrine of speedy removal." The
convention steed 10(5 for Grant te Ge auti-
urant delegates and was perfectiy har
monieus, the anti-Grant men making veiy
little light.
iw Yerk Markec
J,--TK,:M?5'a8-Flea,wSt West
ern without important change and dull
superfine state 7384 30; extra de 7
,5; Choice de t SOeS 00- fknnv
0566 00: round hoop OhTe 4 .
choice de S 30($6 50 ; superfine weHern 73
4 50: common te geed extqt de $4 234)4!
M'iOeW?97.00: cilice white wuSt de
4 7305 0. : Southern ilnll an.i nl.-.t .
aStTSmn9" 25583;geed tocl?eIe
Wheat Spring qaiet and firm ; winter fev
erish and unsettleu ; Ked cash 1 44 bid I4i
asked ; May 44 bid', si 45 wked ; ether kimU
about Kc better :Xe. 2 Ked.June 1 STfll sxe
Cern-Cash dull and weak ; fntnm a VbaSe'
stronger; Mixed western spot, SjS&Kc de
future :4iXc. ' amM?Q' ue
Oats May. Xe. 2 and Mixed 2Ve hlsber no
change in ether grades ; e. 2 Mav 1 46 - de
June 40c: State 44;ec; .Western 43e4c '
Beer dull and prices unchanged.
Perk firmer ; new mess 91798.
J:Ji.r;,.lu,'-'t Hn'1 ana t steam rendered $70.
hisky dull ; Western $1 0301 09.
Spirits orttirnentlne dullat44Q43c.
fhlladelphla Market.
1'HiLADKLrniA. 3Iay 2(. Fleur dull, weak:
superfine 3 0 330; extra at ft 004 30; Ohie
and Indiana family at $3 ecfis 13 : Penn'a
family 4 7563 50; St. Leuis family 93308600 ;
graderibMSsVe. ""-' P'""1 "" n'K"
Kye flour at 91 75.
Cornmeal Brandywlne unchanged.
Wheat higher with geed Inquiry: Xe. 2
Amb?rn9iaU 131ei;J2? nu'a Rel 9129:
Cern scarce uul firm, steamer 51c ;yclIew.Vi
35Jcc ; ml etl 54Ji53c. '
. Ull.Vd.u,n ,ewcr 5 Se- White. 43Xc : Xe. 2.
de UUic; Xe. 3, de 43c;, Mixed 40
Kye firm ; Western and l'a. 32c.
Previsions dull ; mtss perk at 911 25
beef hams 9171730; India meua beet 918 00
b.tcon.smeked sheulders53Kc : salt4;fl)4V'c -smoked
hams 10llc ; pickled hama 8SKc!
.,lnl !lul1 ' c"y kettie 7?c ? ,0,8" buiclien
c; prime steam 97057 10.
Butter choice wanted: creamerv rti-
2Sc : de geed te cheic e 1922c ; Braaferd
county aud Xcw Yerk extra 19tf21c ; Western
reserve extra at 1617c: de jtoed te
choice 13313c: Kells dull: Penn'a extra 1.13
l.V: Wfxiiern reservii extra 13816c.
Kffgs linn under lifiht supply ; Penn'a 14e :
Western 13c.
Cheese choice firmer; Xew Yerk full creani
l-ifSi3c ; Western lull cream, HWllKc; de Ter
Sjoed 1010c: dehairskiniU10i.
Petroleum dull ; refined
Whiskey 91 11.
Geed te prime clever nethinir dein-;
dull at i !)03 : Flaxseed Ann at 91 45
Meck Markets.
Philadelphia. May 26.
Beth ia Geed Condition.
Washington, D.C., May 26 Beth Han
Ian and Riley say they will be en the water
promptly this afternoon. Beth men arc
in excellent condition and Riley
still maintains that he is going
te row ins best te win tlie race, not
withstanding bets of $300 te $100 weie
made in Haitian's favor te-day. The
weather is very warm, the thermometer
ranging 95 dcnees.
1'ini w
Stocks iireirulur.
Pennab's (third issue)...
Philadelphia A Erie......
Ueadinj,' ,
Lehigh Valley. ;...,
United Ces. el X. J
Northern Pacific
" Preferred
riennern Central
3:00 r. tt.
. Ilg
. 50
. 49
. 4i4
. 30
Wiping Out u Church Ilebt.
One year and a half nire St. .1, ..!, v
church was lieavily encumbered with debt.
Tlie congiegatien under the management
of their pastor. Rev. Father Leuis Grote Grete
meyer, means te relieve
them of this heavy debt, and have thusfar
been very successful. A debt of $9,000
has been wiped out leaving a balance yet
due. Fer tllC ntlinOSe Of nnlnrnrimr nml
1V1I.UIUI; uie cnuicn, a lair and straw
berry festival will be -held in Rethweiler's
hall, commencing Fiiday evening next at
TV o'clock.
The Tulepliene Kxcliange.
The managers of the new telephone ex
change have secured the large room in the
thiid steiy of Bewcis's building in Centre
squaic, for an office, aud the wires are
new being inn from it te diffeicnt points
in the city. Telephones will be elected all
ever town, a number of parties having
agreed te have them put up. They will
be a gieat source of convenience, and it is
likely that when these already subscribed
for aie erected many mere will be taken.
Decoration Day Ceremonies.
A general order has been ihsued by
Commander II. McEhey, or Pest 84, G.
A. It., requesting members te meet at
Grand Army hall at 1 o'clock p. m., in full
uniform, te join in the parade, and after
patade te reassemble at 7 o'clock p. m. at d
escort the orator of the day te the court
house where the oration will be delivered ;
and te again re-assemble en Sunday even
ing at 7 o'clock te attend Divine service at
Grace Lutheran church.
The committee en decoration ate espe
cially desirous te have the assistance of
their lady friends in proem ing Mowers
with which te decorate the graves. All
coutiibutiens of flowers will be leccived
at Grant hall en Thursday evening.
The Shiftier fire company will turn out
en Saturday, when they expect te have 45
men, who will be equipped in their new
and handsome uniforms, which have iust
been completed. This company have been
presented with a beautiful Hag by the cit
izens, and Jacob Geedman left for Phila
delphia last evening te purchase it. The
company would turn out a larger number
of men, but all their equipments have net
been finished.
Aimiiersary l'arade in Ilroeklyu.
New Yekk, May 2C The fifty-iirst an
niversary of the Brooklyn Sunday school
union, was celebrated te-day. and the
.scholars attached te all churches in Brook Breok Broek
lin, except the Catholic, were in line with
Hags and banners. Addresses wete
made te the children in the diffeicnt
schools, after which they paraded through
the piiucipal thoteughfaics.
LehlKh Navlimtinii
VnrriutAitfn '
Central TranVpoVtatien Ce. 48
Pitts , Tltusville A Buffalo. llf
Millie acnuyikiii
Stocks st ions.
X. Y. Central
Adams Express
Michigan Central
Michigan Southern
Illinois CentraL
iievcianu a rittsmirgu.
Chicago ft Keck Island...
Naw Yerk. May ;.
. 45
. J
Pittsburgh & Kert Wavne.,118
--. n. .. -
i union
Teledo ft Wabash
New Jersey Central
Died In the Cars.
A Gei man emigrant named Carl
hauf, was found dead in his scat in a car
attached te the way passenger train when
the train leached Columbia between 5 and
6 o'clock this morning. In company with
his sister he had taken passage from Xew
Yerk te Chicago, and had in his pocket a
through ticket. His sister was sitting
near by him in the car, and did net knew
that he was dead, but supposed him te
be sleeping, until an attempt was made te
wake hint up. She was greatly shocked
te lind him dead. His lemains weie te te
nteved from the car, and Deputy Cot ener
Frank was notified te held an inquest. The
body will be interred in Columbia, and his
sister, who has ether friends among the
emigrants will proceed te her destination
in the West.
t'cntlcnien extnivagimtlv praise tlie Cuti
cum Medicinal Shaving Seap.
ami Cellins'
Charged 'With false Pretence.
Mr. G. W. Allen, agent of the Singer
sewing machine company, entered com
plaint befoie Alderman McConemy against
Jehn Lukens, an employee, charging him
with collecting money for the repair of
machines and appropriating it te his own
use. The case was heaid and the piose piese piose
cuter. net caring te push it, paid the costs,
and had the case dismissed en condition
that the accused leave the town which
he ptemihcd te de.
Immense Catherine at Green Tree.
Last evening the German Baptists as
sembled at the meeting house at Green
Tree, Mount Jey township, te held a love
feast, and celebrate the communion of the
Lord's Supper. The meeting house was
packed te its utmost capacity, and net less
than a thousand people weie piesent who
could net gain admission. They were
mostly young people, and te their credit
be it said, they cendected themselves with
the greatest decorum, and were orderly and
well behaved during the entire service.
The love feast was first had and the Lord's
Supper adminstered afterwards About
a dozen clergymen were present, the Rev.
Jacob Retdcr and Rev. S. R. Zug conduct
ing the services.
Fer Ouay After All.
Although the friends of Grew claim that
throwing out the 8th ward will defeat the
instructions for Quay in this city, it does
net appear te be correct. On the full vote
Quay has 91 majority. The Eighth gave
Grew 100, Quay 138, That only decreases
Quay's majority 38 and he still carries the
city by 52 majority. Carry the news te
Harry Demuth !
Kather Fishy.
Fer a day or two past the hydrant
water has had a decidedly fishy taste and
smell, and consumers have made complaint
about it. On inquiry beiug made at head
quarters it appears that for a few days
past the city has been supplied with water
from the east reservoir se that it may be
emptied and the bad leak in it repaired.
The reservoir contains a large number of
fish, and as the quantity of water in the
reservoir becomes reduced aud the num
ber of fish is net reduced, the water of
course increases in fishiness. The height
of the water in the east reservoir bein"-
reduced te about five feet, the city is no
longer supplied from it, hut pure water is
dieted for non-payment. This penalty is 1 eeing supplied from the west basin. In a
The Cuckoos.
The third annual picnic of the Cuckoos
is being held te-day at Tell's Hain. The
boys met at Berger's segar store and
matched in a body te the picnic grounds
under command of Captain Stapleford and
Lieut. Shied. Thev all worn Ktr.iw lmts
and smoked clay pipes.
Defrauding the Revenue.
A. J. Blessing, of Wrightsville, was ar
rested by Deputy Marshal Sprecher yes
terday and had a hearing before U. S.
Commissioner Slaymaker this morning en
a charge of defrauding the revenue by re
filling cigar boxes en which no additional
stamps were placed. The accused was
committed, iu default of bail, for trial be
fore the U. S. district court at Philadelphia.
A.v excursion te Phil.idclph'.i and Cellins'
Beach u ill be run ever the Pennsylvania if.
U. en Tuesday lie.t lieni Columbia. Lancaster
and stations east as as Downlr.gteun.
Fate from the round trip tiein Lancaster, fi.25.
Special train leaves Lancaster at OK). Itetmn
ing leaves Philadelphia at 7 p. m. This excur
sion allot ds pet sons a line opportunity el is
iting Philadelphia at a very low tate.
Adelaide C. Murdoch. The ban Francisce
Jbmfer, u Catholic journal et high standing
speaks et Miss Muidecli. Mho will deliver a
lecture in Fulton hall.Thuisdayeeiiingnext
ter the benefit et the Free Dispensary of this
city, in the following complimentary lan
guage: " Madame Adelaide V. Mtinlnnh. wl.n
is u sister n! California's old favorite actor, .7.
E.Murdech, is a lady of high cultuie and re
finement. Her lectures ate intellectual tuvits
eta very high order, and will ceitainly be ap
pieciated in tile right spii it by all who have
taste above the common. Thetc is neer any
thing open tecciisure in either tlie subject she
cheeses or its treatment. We have only te add
that a work claiming the co-operation of all
benevolent people may be piometcd by mak
ing her forthcoming lecture n financial suc
cess, and w-e trust our friends will de all in
their power te make it one."
Senater Corden's SucceHftnr Oualihcd.
Washington, May 2C In the Senate
te-day Mr. Gorden (Ga.) announced that
he had resigned his seat, and moved that
his successor be sworn in. Gov. Btenn
was then sworn in, and after taking the
modified oath he took his seat.
Preparing 'or Cinriuiiati.
reitTi.ANi). Me.. May 26. The Demo
cratic primal ies last night elected dele
gates te the state convention, a majetity
of whom favor Chas II. Chase, of Gov.
Garcelon's council, as a delegatc-at-Iatgc
te the Cincinniti convention.
United States llenris and Sterling ;
(Quotations by II. K.Jamisen ft Ce., h. X.
Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets).
PHILADBl.PUIA.Maj -.'i;.
United States G's, 1881, (registered).. 107!, ,
United btutct-5's, 1881, (registered). .I0i
United SUites 4k's, 1891, (reglstered)10rt;irl
United SUUes 4's, 1891, (coupons). .loeeieu
United States 4's, 1H07. (registered). .107,
United Suites Currency 6's 12G
Sterling Exchange Mb'iAij
licnder the Winner.
Londen, 3fay 2C Bender wen the Der
by, with Rebert the Devil second and
3Iask third.
Nineteen ran. Tiicie were the usual
"Derby Day" scenes. The Prince and
Princess of Wales, the Lord Mayer of
Londen, and ether notabilities were present.
We have new in stock the largest as
sortment of seasonable goods in our
line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera
tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons,
Dell Carriages, Veleclpedes.Fly Brushes,
Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash
Brushes, Feather and Hemp Dusters,
Dusting Brushes, Sweeping Brushes,
Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels of aU
kinds, Rubber Garden Heae, Fleer and
Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Weed ware,
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and
every article in the line of Housekeeping
naraware. These goods nave mostly
been bought befere the great advance
in prices and are being sold at a small
Advance en cost, at
Flu & Breneman's
Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere,
152 North Queen Street,
xj:w AirmtTisj:3ii:sTb.
en occasion of the dedication of St. Mary's
Chanel. Train will leavn.-if. n i..e-...i
of Id, us trains are chanuud. Keund trio ticket.
M cents.
f. JP On Monday a yeuiiKbav man ns found
v ii , , i in tMC weeds belonging te David DenHn"er in
eeble and exhausted constitutions restored l East Lampeter tow nship. The owner can have
lu c.i.iiii aim sirciigm uy .unit Ulttets.
roll HALE Oil MKK1.
Twe very desirable rooms, Ne. I3 North
Queen street, suitable for photograph nailery.
formerly occupied by .1. . r-iuiiJiiun. Apply te
27, will be sold a large let of IlouselieUt
and Kitchen Furniture, at Ne. 207 North Idnii
street. Alse Carpenter and Machinist's 1 net.
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, sharp.
tnj-4! tsd
The I'heiiOKraph,
Telephone, Telegraph, and kindred electrical
messengers will all be utilized by the eideis
for feOZODDNT, w hich will lc flashed and
sounded ever the w ires. It is as well known
abroad as at home, as a cleansing agent for the
teeth. myai-lwdeed&w
Try I.eclier's Itcueu ncd Cough Syrup.
Ids propel ty by previn
lien hi
it and giving satislac-
II. C,
1-ancastcr Examiner Office.
"My Tormentcil Hack,"
is the exclamation of mere than one peer
hardworking man and woman ; de yen knew
w hy it aches It is because your kidneys are
ever-tasked and need strengthening, and your
. stem needs te be cleansed of b.ul humors.
Kidney-Wert is the medicine you need. "It
ucts likea charm," sasa well-known physi
cian, "I never knew it te tail."
Try I.eclier's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Itccnue Licenses.
Peihens interested will de well te re
member that this is the last week during
which they cm pay their U. S. revenue
license, without paying the penalty ii -
Finger Crushed.
A little son of Abraham Spcidle, of Car Car
oline street, had one of his fingers badly
crushed by having it caught in a dethes
wringer. Dr. J. O. Boyd dressed the
Physicians use Kidney-Wert in regular
practice and pronounce its action perfect.
'"ij ueute en wie, ami win de ex
acted after the close of the present week.
Payment may be made at the U. S. reve
nue ellicc this city.
(one AYet.
Select Councilman Jehn A. Bering left
Lancaster this afternoon at 2:10 en the fast
line west for Kansas, where he has busi
ness interests that will detain him for
three or four weeks. He will visit several
sections of the state.
day or two the east basin will be entirely
emptied, and as seen as possible repaired
and refilled.
The Twe Orphans."
Last evening a company of artists from
the different theatres of Xew Yerk, played
" The Twe Orphans " in Fulton opera
house. The audience, ewinsr te the verv
warm weather, was small. Misses Pearl
Eytingeand Helen Blythe impersonated
Louise TiixdIIenrtette with success and they
were ably supported by the remaining
members of the company.
Knights Templar.
Mary Cemmandcry, Knights Templar
of Philadelphia, passed through this city
en Niagara express at 11 o'clock this morn
ing. They were en their way te Willims.
peit te attend the grand parade.
Newherk en this planet can such another
remedy for lthcumatlsm and Neuralgia be
found, as the St. Jacob's On,.
.statistics j)i eve that twenty-live percent,
of tlie deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
abottieefLocher's Itenewned Cough Syrup,
shall we condemn the sullerers for their negli
gence, or pity them for their Ignorance? Ne
9 East King street.
"Female complaints" are the re-nit et im
pure bleed. Use " Llnd-eyV Bleed Searcher."
These subject te costiveness should at once
try "Sellers- Liver Pills." 25 cents per box.
Sold by ail druggists.
Try Lecher's Uenewued Cough Syrup.
Jug Breaking.
A j ug breaking will take place in the M.
Paul's AI. E. church, en Thursday evening.
The famous Jug eater will be sold at public
auction at the close. KcfreshmenU en hand.
Magic Lautern Shew.
The Rockland Undenominational Sunday
school will give a free magic lantern exhibi.
tien in their school room, East Orange street
public school building, te-morrow evening at
7o'cleck. Instrumental music en the cornet
by Prof. Killliefler.
GKANI) EXCURSION te Collin' Beach via
TUESDAY, JUNE t, 1830.
t I'tins for Bound Tup, - - - S2.25.
f Special train leaves at 0:10. Iteturning leaves
I .PliiUdelphiaat 7 p a. n,i
.ister Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Coin-
Netice is hfiebv given that application has
5 been made te the Court of Common Picas et
6 Lancaster county tegrant certain amendments
te charter et Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire In-
f surance Company, new tiled in Protheiiotary's
i Office, mid motion ler decree granting the
, satueuill be made en the 21st d.iy or June. A.
i IK lfeSU, ut 10 o'clock 11. in.
J Solicitors ler the Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire
i Insurance Company. m2r-3wdM,W.s
iiuuuers. scaled proposals endorsed
als for the erection of a Scheel ICnitil-
ill be received bv tin- lincIiTsliriicd t
Ne. 29 East King street, until WEDNESDAY,
JUNE 1G,1(0, at 12 o'clock m., for erecting a
oeueoi jiutiuing en me corner or East Lemen
anil Lime stn-i-ts. .ml imihltiitrs ti i imiit
in acceidauce with the plan and specifications
of Frank L. Davis, architect, te be seen at Ne.
.f bust King street, and the building te be fin
ished by December 1, lD. Tlie committee
w ill net consider any bids ether than these
made by reputable and competent master
builders, and will require satislactery sccurity
ter the faithful lultillnicntefthesame. Build
ers are required te name their security iu
their proposals- The committee reserve the
right te 1 eject any or all bids net deemed sat sat
islactery. By order or the Committee en
school Property.
msyiCA-a Chairman,
10.000 Bushels at 2 rents ner Itnsln I.
may5-4tdeaw-A4tw lihO. K. UEED.Tivn-
I J. Bull
!i Propesu
I Jug," wil
Tlie second sterv et Eshliuinui A. li-
ven'b l'ankinir Heuse, at Centre Seuare. ami
also a room en second story, opposite tin
1'enn'a B. B. Deiet, en Chestnut street.
fZJ-2td&Stf Atternev-ut Law
ESTATE. Pursuant te an order or the
Orphans' Court efLancaster County, Pa., will
be sold at public sale, at the public house 01
Philip Wall, en West King strict, 011 THUIW
DAY, the 10th day or JUNE, A. 1). IN), tlie fitl fitl
iewing described real estate, late of Frederick
Beiler, deceased, te wit : All that certain let
or piece of ground withn two-story and attie
BItICK DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected.
wuiau'ii un .nuneiui Avenue, -e. M17, in tin
city or Lancaster, Pa., containing In front en
Miirjetta Avenue 25 feet, mere or less, and ex
tending in depth te a public alley !N feet, mere
or less. Bounded en the west by property of
D. G. Baker, en the east bv property of Jehn
Graham, an the nerthby "the aforesaid alley,
and en the south by Marietta Avenue. The
improvements are a two-story Brick Dwelling
Heuse with Frame Kitchen attached, a well of
never-falling water with pump therein, gr.iH
vine, and ether necessary improvements.
Sale te commence at "lyi o'clock p. m. en said
day, when attendance will be given and con
ditions made known by
tnl9-3wdW&S Trustee iu Partition.
lt0, will be sold at public sale, at the King of
I Prussia Hetel, (Wm. Balz, proprietor,) Nes.
5 Till und 21G West King street, Lancaster, Pa.,
Schmaluach. In this city, en tlie 33th inst..
Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Schmalbach, in
the 3 st year et her age.
The relatives and friends or the family are
respectfully invited te attend tlie funeral from
her late residence, Ne. 30 East Vine street, en
Friday morning at 8.3 1 o'clock. Interment t
St. Antheny's cemetery. At 9 o'clock mass at !' 117 and 119 Derwart street.
St. Antheny s. I Parties wishing te view the property can de
nAiest-in mis city, en the 24th inst. R
juii-i-ui-i jimuue, in me nem year or his age.
.111c reiaiives ami mentis are respectfully in-
for the benefit et St. Jeseph's Church,
w ill commence en FK1DAT. MAY 2H, at Roth Reth
weiler's Hall, West King street, and continue
for ten days. inl9-2wd
the loliewing proeerty. te wit
A double one-story BRICK DWELLING
HOUSE, with one-story Brick Back Building,
containing 7 rooms. The let fronts 88 feet,
mere or less, en Derwart street, and extends
back 150 feet, mere or less, te a 14-tectalley,and
iiu wuii 01 goeu wacer uiercen, situate Siea.
vited te attend the funeral from his late re..
deuce, Ne. 301 East Orange street, en Friday
meming at 9 o'clock. Service at St-Mary's
se bv callimr en the undersigned i-.r at. tiu
Sale te commence at 7l o'clock n. m nt autri
day, when terms and conditions will be made
.known by BAUSMAN ft BURNS,
ileal Estate Agents,
Office 10 West Orange Street,
.SAX't. Hiss t Sex, Aucts. m'JC-eedlt
Free Dispensary for the Sick Peer.
In her Lecture, Entitled
"Substance and Shadow."
ttse,fre of charge-, In the ItrrKUtoitii ItrrKUteitii
cn, who wants something te de.
t Housekeepers tuke neUce that we ar
paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED BAGS
Cash paid as seen as delivered te
apr9-3md Ne. 235 West Kinif Street.