LANCASTERDAILY INTEmLGENGEBLTUESDAY MAY 25, 1880. 17481880. 133d Annual Meeting of the Miniiderimn of renmtjivania. Monday Afternoon. Rev. G. F. Spieker, of Kutztown, conducted the opening exer cises, announcing the German hymn 0 IleH'gcr Geist, kehr' bci tins ein. The minutes of the morning Kessien were approved after correction. The tellers reported that Rev. Dr. W. J. Mann, had been elected president of the synod fur the ensuing year, by 109 votes out of a total 127. Dr. Mann was cordially congratulated by Dr. SchaeflTer, the retir- ing picsidciit. and in turn thanked his pre " rictcsfcorfer the hearty leceptien acceided him, and the synod for the trust reposed in him in his election. Rev. II. Grahn, of Philadelphia was cillcil te the chair as president pre tern, while Dr. Mann retired te make up his committee. The order for the afternoon sessions, namely, the constitutions for syn od, ceufeicuccs and congiegatiens. was then taken up for discussion and te be adopted as far as essiblc. Rev. Dr. Sclunucker thought the synod's committee had net fully iinished its work, namely, the publishing of the icsult of their conference in the matter of constitu tion se that it could be inspected and used by members of synod. Rev. J. 11. Rath inquired if the lat general council had net made some pro gress in the work. Dr. Sclunucker replied that the general council had done little or nothing. He 1 bought the constitution ought te be thoroughly revised and amended, and asked ten minutes time te explain the po sition of the synod in providing govern ment for itself .since its establishment. He thought .synod could net settle the matter or complete the work new. but it was icady te examine the underlying principles. Synod must labor .jointly with the general council it preparing its constitution. Rev. W. K. Friek raised the point of elder that most of the subject brought te the notice of synod could net be discussed. because it hud been passed upon legally by previous .synods, and no amendments had been etfeied in lerm te bring it up. Dr. Sclunucker held that synod had acted as far as it could go and legally, but its wei k had never been completed, and came up regularly for further considera tion. Mr. Frick insisted upon his point of order, and said that his stand was taken te save a sea of discussion, but he was net sustained. Dr. Mann having returned te the fleer of Synod, assumed the chair. Ilis com mittees, announced te the synod, aieas fellows. On President's Repert Rev. 0. . Krauth, D. D.; Revs. T. T. Jaeger, R. him, ii. urahn, j.j. Kiicndig, and Messrs. W. V. Hauff and... W. Hubley. On Reception of Congregations Revs. C. F. Welden, F. Waltz, A. J. Weddell, Ij. 5reh, R. E. Kranilich, and Messrs. J. V. File and F. Armstrong. On Excuses Revs. J. W. llassler, J. V. Early, J. F. Wampele, and .Messrs. Henry Lehman and II. M. Ellis. On Systematic IJencvelencc Rev. F. J. F. Schauta. E. E. Sibele, V. K. Fiick, 11. N. Fegcly, R. F. Apple, G. II. Trabert, A. I'l'lucgcr, and Messrs. D. AVi.s.ser, 1. L. Grass. J. K. Hcil and ('. R. Raer. Orphans Heme at Germantown. Revs. F. P. May.ser, J. M. Ansp.ieh, C. Kecrncr, and Messrs. R. Mueller and J. Fegley. On Parochial Rebuts Revs. J. U.'Rath, S. S. Henry, D. K. Kaepner, F. K. Hunt. ing, II. 1$. Stredach, and Mecsrs. C. Dieiz and C. S. Kopitsch. On Discipline Revs. C. W. Schaellbr, D. D., 1). .1. Laitzle, D. D., L Greenwald, D. I)., and Messi.s. V. H. Staake ami .1. A. Wicdcrsheiin. On the Minutes of Other Synods Hevs. ('. J. Cooper, O. P. Smith, M. Schimpf, G. II. Rheadcs. A. Richter, V. J. Andies andilcssra. T. Diehl, F. V. Reates and J. Rem. On Ministerial Business Revs. A. Spaeth, I). D., 15. Sadler, D. D. and Rath. On President's Account Revs. F. l$er kcineycr, .1. R. GreiTand M. C. Heme. On motion the constitution for the con- lcrenccs was taken up at the 517th .section, which divides the synod into live confer once districts, such as the synod shall fiem time te time shall decree. The word "ministers' was substituted for "pastors" in the !)8th section; which refers te members of the conference. Section 101, en meetings of the confer ence, was changed te read : " If a minister absent himself from mere than one meet ing of the conference without having pre sented a Millicient excuse, he shall be sub jected te discipline by the conference,' instead el "If a minister absent himself fiem t hi ec successive meetings, etc."' Under the head of duties of ellicers, section 105, which gives the president of a conference added powers, such as installa tion, corner-stone laying, visitation, etc., an animated debate was entered upon as te whether these powers should net be given solely into the hands of the presi dent of the synod. Dr. Fry opposed the relegation of the power of the beards te conferences. Rev. Trabert favored it and also Rev. Sehantz, and Dr. Spaeth. Dr. Schacircr favored the rule as it stands. Rev. J. W. Earley, suggested that the article be amended se as te include the installation of ministers who had gene fiem this synod into another, and returned again, without being received regularly in to the synod. Rev. J. R. Rathfavered an enlargement rather than a contraction of the powers of 1 lie president. JJy request of Ii. F. Sayler the synod agreed en Wednesday, at 8 a. m., as the time te be photographed. Session closed with prayer by Rev. J. Ivehler. V.diicatieual ami Missionary. The service in the interest of education and missions was held in Zion's German church en Vine street, Rev. F. P. Mayscr, pastor, last evening. After the singing of a hymn and prayer and the Scripture reading, Paster II. Grahn presented the needs and hopes of tne en men in tnc mission work. After another hymn Rev. W. A. SchaefTer, of Germantown, editor of the Foreign Mis sionary, made a missionary address in English. Mr. II. R. G. Artman, the young mis sionary appointed, was then introduced te the synod and made a brief address, in which he besought the sympathy of the ministers and congregation for the mission ary work, and especially for himself about te go abroad for labor among the Telcgus Rajahbmudry. Thin Morning's Session. After the formal opening services an encouraging report was read by Mr. L. L. Houpt, secretary of the beard of citv missions. Alse one from the asylum for the aged and infirm at Germantown. Beth reports were received. Rev. Dr. Sciss presented a report of the heard of directors of the theological .semi nary in riiiladelplua. 1 he seminary has with several slight amendments, adopted. An election was had for five ministerial and five lay directors of the theological seminary, r-j-jy A tJT , ' . The Pieamce.Wjjubpn&eil of ReT.JW.' A. Passavant, D. D of the Pittsburgh synod, and Rev. J. G. 3Ierris, D. D.. of the synod of Maryland. The treasurer's reperfrwas audited and found correct. - Synod adjourned te give place te private ministerial session, Rev. J. A. Fritz, of Yerk, leading the devotional exercises. The Celebration Te. Night. This evening, in Trinity church, will be held the seventh semi-centennial anniver sary of the delivery of the Augsburg Cor Cer Cor fessien, and the third centenary of the pub lication of the Reek of Concord, Iter. Prof. II. E. Jacobs, I). D., of Gettysburg, and Rev. A. Spaeth, D. D., will deliver addresses. Tet a Dec. A little son of James Black, painter, of North Duke street, was severely bitten, by a spitz &Aast eraninVJ A nlmieiU dressed the wetlhd, winch "Vs net beKered te be serious. Vha Wen 4TIbY Hilerf-Reck4 entertained the Plant club last evening with a paper en tropical vege tation, of which a fuller report is laid ever for publication te-morrow. A tUBCiCAT for the limbs. St. Jaoeb's Oil. XEW,AJrKMTI8RMENTS. 1SIOGKAPUICAL SKETCHES. Natives or Lancaster County. W. II. Egle has been publishing in the Harrisburg Telegraph some sketches of former citizens of Daunhin cenntv of which the following have a local interest for people of Lancaster county : IIai.iikman, Jaceii M., the second son of Jehn Haldeman and Maria Rrenncman, was bem in Denegal township, Lancaster county, ,iaren 4, 1781. His grandfather, Jacob Haldeman, a native of German Switzerland, emigrated at an early period. The former received a geed English and German education, and, about 1800, pur chasing the water power and forge at the month nf Wdlnw Ilrnenlmc amiaI land ceuntv.established himself in tl, !,,m ?nd Shadow." at Fulton opera house, for the i....: ir ...1.1...I TiY". " "i ,7.7, "" eenent eithe me.Hcal dl As excursion te Philadelphia and Cellins' Beach will be run ever the Pennsylvania It, H. en Tuesday next from Columbia, Lancaster and Btatlenseust as lr as Downingtown. Fare from the round trip from Lancaster, $2.25. Sjicclal train leaves Lancaster at fcie. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 7 p. in. This affords person a fine opportunity of visiting Phila delphia at a very low rate. Fer baby and children what mere delicate and wholesome than Culicura Seap- Amusements. " The Twe Orphans" Te-niyht. The favei ite mele-dnuua of "The Twe Orphans" will be presented at Fulton opera house this evening by a company from Daly's theatre, New Yerk. The play is a popular one with natrens of pub lic amusements hereabouts, and has always drawn liberally. Several members of the cast were witlfDaly's "Arabian night" combina tion, which achieved such a-brilliant success daring ter. Dispensary Benefit. On next Thursday even Ing Adelaide U. Murdoch, a slider of the-emi nent actor and elocutionist, James K. Mur doch, will deliver a lectureentited "Substance JPflff6 te call attention te our complete line of 'frEATWARE, SPOONB, PORKS, " ,knives, ' , . -IiADLBSA:, &c. In addition te a full stock et the celebrated Borers BroJsgedilkjweJiavotte exclusive sale in this city el the elecfre-plated ware ei Uie Gerham Mauufectwrrng Ceinpsny. These are the beat finished and mestjlui-able in the market, and in reremmmtHrig-thefn tathe trade this company (whose representations are always reliable) claim "ler them the fallowing nwrit " The base efthe Gerham electro-plate fcref nickel silver. The silver-plated wares made upon this base combine all the excellence of the aellilsilver goods except the intrinsic value or the silver itself. Oneef the remarkable features of the process et electro-plating Is perfect accu racy and delicacy with which the llnest line erthe.engravlng or chasing traced en the surface of the nickel base is reproduced en the suruu efthe stiver-ceating. Thus all the excellence of workmanship which ha earned for the company Its reputation s makers et sterling silver goecjs is made tributary te the production of unsurpassed cleetre-pUte-.Eheqiiantlty of pure ""' uciiusiwM en uie uneiy nuisnetl ease exceeds that upon the best or foreign plate. This ware would be excellent and take a line polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a silver surlacc which wilUf net abused last mere than a generation. The object is te produce plated ware which shall liave all the beauty of the solid wares. This high grade et ware is un -distinguishable from work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship are made equal te these for which the Company's Sterling Silverware has been se highly com mended. Te these conditions Is added the undetlnable air or style which distinguishes the genuine in everything irein the work et Imitators and which naturally transfers itself from the Sterling te the plated ware." The price of these 'goods Is only a tritle higher than sonic of tne miener prrxiurtlens. H. Z. RHOADS fc BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street, Lancaster. TEIED EDITIOI. TUESDAY EVENING, MAT 25, 1880. WEATHER IXOlCATIONS. "Washington, May 24. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary barometer, sta tionary or higher temperatures, south te west winds, clear or partly cloudy weather. MAKKKTS. business. He added a rolling and slitting mill, and by his energy and industry seen became one of the foremost iron manufac turers in the state. His superior iron found a steady market, and upon the establishment of the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, he supplied the govern ment for several years. About the vear 1814, Mr. Haldeman laid out the town of Xcw Cumbeiland. He greatly aided in the building of the bridge ever thcSusque- nauiia, auu in euier enterprises ei the day. He was a large stockholder of the Harris burg bank, and en the death of Mr. Elder in 18"i'5, chosen president thereof, a posi tion he rNld at the time of his death. Frem the "pried when Mr. Haldeman made Harrisburg his permanent residence. he was largely interested in its local enter prises. He died at Harrisburg en the leth of December, 1850, aged seventy-five years, and is interred in the cemetery there, ne married, May 17th, 1810, Eliza Ewing Jacobs, daughter of Samuel Jacob.'-, of Colebrook furnace, who survives. Mr. Haldeman was very successful in all his businessnransactiens, and left a handsome estate. He was a leading citizen, and aided largely in the prosperity of our city. K i:r.v, Jehn M., was born in Martic township, Lancaster county. Pcnna. about the year l?!."i. He was of German descent en the the maternal side, the name of his mother's family being Litzenberg. He received a classical education, studied medicine and graduated in 1817. In 1819 he published a scries of educational articles in the Baltimore Chronicle, which were re printed at Harrisburg in 1824, in an octave pamphlet of thirty eight pages. In 1827 Dr. Iveagy became principal of the Har risburg academy, and during the same year published his ' Pcstallezian Primer," a work made up largely of the mere modern object lessens, but under the name of "Thinking Lessens, and Lessens in Generalization." l$y this method, as seen as the child knows a vowel and a consonant, he is taught te spell and lead the syllable which they form. Iu the introduction, the author ad vecated the teaching of a child te read words, "as if they were Chinese syllables," and without a previous knowledge of the letters, a practicable mode which avoids the absurdity of telling a child that nee a tea (which should .spell seat) spells cat. He remained at Harrisburg about two years when he went te Philadelphia te take charge of the Friends' high school. Short ly before his death, which occurred at Philadelphia iu the winter of 188(1-37, Dr. Iveagy was elected professor of the lan guages in Dickinsen college, but did net live te act. Upsides being a classical scholar, the doctor knew Hebrew, German and French ; lie knew theprinciplesef mechan ics, and insisted that boilers should have mere liie surface. Had he been brought ui as a machinist, he would have invented luiniiui' oeuers, naving constructed a cop per model composed partly of tubes. spensary ter the sick peer of Lancaster. The Philadelphia Times speaks of her in this complimentary language : "Gifted with a tine presence, rare elocution ary powers and a full, rich voice. Miss Mur dech possesses natural advantages which proved orgreatassistauce in eloquent discus sion of her theme. Her object was te prove that the darkest trials of lite can be brightened by the sunshine et a benevolent sympathy and a generous but wise assistance or these who arc stricken down in its strife and turmoil. Her audience was interested and appreciative and the telling points of her lecture were al ways greeted with hearty applause." HEATHS. Malesu. In this city, en the 44th Inst., Michael M alone, in the Wtli year of his age. The relatives und friends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral from his late resi dence. Ne. 301 East Orange street, en Friday meining at 9 o'clock. Service at St. Mary's c'luicb. si ii J'OLITICAX.. AM VS1SMJSXTS 4 FA1K AND STKAWHEKKY FESTIVAL X ier tne benefit et St. Jeseph's Church, w ill commence en FltlDAY. MAY 28, at Roth Reth weiler's Hall, Vest King street, and continue ter ten days. mUMwd Nutritious, restorative, quieting, siren ening und purifying are Malt Hitters. :th- Deuiecratlc County Committee. The members of the Democratic county committee elect for the ensuing political year are requested te meet at Shober's hotel this city, en MONDAY, JUNK 7, 1880 at 10 a. m., ler organization and ter such ether business as the committee may determine. W. U. HKNSKL, m!7-tf Chairman for 187'J-su. The Phonograph, Telephone, Telegraph, and kindred electrical messengers will all be utilized by the orders for SOZODONT, which will be flashed ami sounded eyer the wires. It Is as well known abroad as at home, as a cleansing agent for the teeth. inygf-1 wdeed w St'EVIAL HOTMVJSH. Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. "My Tormented Hack," Is ihe exclamation of mere than one peer hardworking man anil woman ; de you knew why it aches ? It is because your kidneys are ever-tasked and neeil strengthening, and your system needs te be cleansed of bad humors. Kidney-Wert is the medicine you need. " It acts likea charm," says a well-known physi cian, "I never knew it te fail." myJt-lwilAw Uemember! The only perfect proprietary medicine as a "Itloed Searcher" is that bear ing the name et "Dr. Llndsey," and which may be had from druggists. A Ceunit, Cet.i), Cataiiuh or Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, us neglect often times results In some incurable Lung Disease. " Brown's Jlrenchial Troches" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many of which ure injurious. The geiiu geiiu lne "Brei'n' HrancMal Troches" are sold only in bores. myiVlwiTTlutS&w DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. reit suritKMK judeb. iiKOKGE A.JENKS. FOU AUDITOR OBHERAL. U015KUT I'. DECIIEKT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOB OOKGRBSa. J. L.STF.INMKTZ. C"ULTON OPEKA HOUSE MURDOCH. XEKEFIT OF "TUB -Free Dispensary for tne Sick Peer. TIIUItSDAY EVENING, MAY 27. ADELAIDE U. -MURDOCH. In her Lecture, Entitled "Substance and Shadow." BY AVIBK. News of the Afternoon.. Virginia has been refreshed by the heaviest rains that have fallen for months. .Grewing crops, especially corn' and eats, which had suffered greatly, have been given great relief, and farmers are freed from the trouble of watering corn and ether plants te keep them alive. Philadelphia's Milten relief fund foots up $41,500. of which $15,000 is still in hand. The Senate te-day agreed te postpone all ether business and take up the super- visors' bill. In the Heuse the morning hour was spent in discus sing the sundry civil bill ; all items for public buildings were disposed of as reported and amendments for new buildings ruled out of order. TWenty out of fifty-two pages of the bill have been disposed of. Secretary Sherman nsks ler $100,000 te make mere room te store the I accumulating silver. The Whittakcr court martial will net meet again until Friday, May 28, at 10 a. m. A UOKK1ULE CKlMi:. TICKKTS, l. 'I: KIM itlCT ATTOIiJIBT. V. MONTGOMERY. Try Loeher's I'enewncd Cough Syrup. II. n. H'wwr A Ce., Rochester, X. Y. : Ocntlkmkn: I have tried your Sale Kidney and Liver Cure ler "Jtright's Disease," with which 1 have been afflicted ler the last two years, ami it has done wonders for me. 1 be lieve It is the only cure known ler that terri ble disease, and It is w ilh pleasure that I wrlle this testimony in its favor. Yeu are at liheity te ne this in any way you see proper, te bene fit suffering humanity. Truly yours, Jas. S. I'kescett, North Union, Ohie, Shakers' Society, Cuyahoga County, niyl3-2wd&w Cleveland, Ohie. Try Loeher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. FOU 8KNAT0R (13th DIHTUICT.) J. 15. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEXRLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. I SIUUK. FOR A88KMBLT (3d DUTUItfr.' AMOSDILLKIt, IS. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOllM. HAENLKN. FOR PRISON INSI'ECTOIW. J'AKTON M. WINTKISS BEXJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DIRECTORS. A..I.SXYDEK, JOHX FRANCISCUS. LANCASTER COUNTY AI'l'OINTMENTS. IIEI.EOATES TO NATIONAL CONVBNTlO.V. It. .1. McUUAXX, W. U. HEXSEL. (ALTERNATES.) E. S.lIAMIsniGIIT C. J. RIIOADB. KLBCTOR. JAMES G. MeSl'AKRAX. STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. GEO. DII.LEIt, M. S. MOOIIE. Withdrawn. 50 Cts. m24-4td I-ERA HOUSE. TUESDAY EVENLNG, 3IAY 25, Manager Jehn D. Mishler has the honor et presenting with New Scenery ami Elegant Costumes the Union Square version of the great play of the "TWO ORPHANS," 1 1. its Original Stjle, with an Eminently Tal ented Company, consisting of the ASSOCIATED ARTISTS, Late members of the Cemnanv nttnnlnil te DALY'S THEATRE, New Yerl The public are respectfully informed that every attention ill be paid te details and no pains or expense spared te give a Strictly First-class Perform ance. SPECIAL PRICES : GALLERY-. as cm. ADMISSION 35 " RESERVED SEATS, SO " Reserved Seats new en sale at Opera Heuse Oflieu. Ne extra charge. ur20-.ritd attention. cigarmakeks! The llnest let of extra eualitv Old A Drunken Father Murders a Crippled Sed, Chicago, 111., May 25. A despatch from Pert Washington, Wis., says : "The facts of a most brutal and unnatural murder have just been made public. Jehn Cenrad, a well-to-de farmer, twelve miles from here, was the father of Jehn Peter Cenrad, aged twenty-two, a bed-ridden cripple, who had been mute from his birth. On Monday last Cenrad returned drunk and beat the crin- boy, and ended by throwing down stairs and breaking his Subsequently Cenrad took every precaution te conceal the crime. He washed up the bleed and kept the body out of sight until it was buried. Suspicion was aroused, however, and the body ex humed. Cenrad lied, but was arrested at Buffalo en his way te Germany, and is new being brought back te this place." A BRAVE WOMAN. ruUdetphla Market. .!!!!H,AB-En!I..May 23--Keur dull, lower! snpernne$3 Oe3W; extra at 004 SO; Ohie and ladteaa fhmlly at $5 25G u : Penn'a famUy5iaBj5U; si Leuis family s SOS? 00 : Rye flour at 75. Cornmeal Brandywtne unchanged. i ,i$t9ulet.aua'tea,y' Ke- - Western Red ISO' tenn,il5eall3; Amber! 29 .t?L Mai?ht 9t'PP,5' n fair demnnd ; 8lfim,eJ.fn;.4fc ; yeldew "35 5 niixeil 5f55c. ..i.dul'view.,'r. Ne- White. 46c : Ne.i de rc; No.3,rteXc; Ne. :, Mixed I 40Jfl Rye firmer; Western and Va. 92fiJ3c. rrovteieus dull ; mess perk at U 25tf 11 50 : bcerhain817Q1730:;indla mess beetjis DO : bacon,smoked shenlderCjc ; salUgtKc : aineked hams 10611c ; pickled hnms SSSc lAl dull ; city kettle 7c ; loe-e tnueliers 6&c; prime steam $7 05 1 Butter choice scarce, Arm ; creamery extra 33c; de geed te choice 13&15c; Itradferd county and New Yerk rati a labile ; Western reserve extra at lGaiTc; de geed te tiKnew i-hjiec : neus nun : l'enn'a extra, 12ft 15e; Western reserve extra I. We. fcww scarce and Arm; Jfenn'a lSKc; West cm 13C. Cheese choice wanted. lower grades dull : New Yerk lull eream at 13K13i ; Western full cSun,,I.c;' l, ter I01 lUH'Kc; de hair skims tufjiec Perreleum nominal; refined 7c. Whiskey fill. Geed te prime clerer nothing doing ; Tiiue- dull at S 90.t ; Flaxseetl flrmat 1 T New Kerk Market. Nbw YpBk. Bl ay 25. Fleur State ami West ern without important change and dull superfine state t Ti&i 50 ; extra de t 25 4-S,;che,ce ,,a SOSS UO; raney Oji. oe: round hoop Ohie ft :j 25 choice de JSOUSO; superUne wi-stern $3 7MJ 4 50; common te goeoT extra tle ft i'lfinee' choice dodo f4K7u; choice white wheat de ft 755 0.; Southern dull and heavy common temirextrik-'wt5s.-?MviUi i.. i...f...! de $5 5037 00. -.- Wheat feverish and unsettled ; Spring quiet and nominal : whiter white quiet, and firm ; Red c-ash and May abetter : ethers tuiet and steady : Ne. 4 White, June. $1 24; Ne. 2 Red May, fUW; deJunr 1 9tf : de.Tulvfi is. corn cash und July heavy and c lower; western home pled him neck. svlvania Leaf Tobacco for sale. iress SIII.N iDKl. IIERSII EY bia, Lancaster, 1'a. I'enn- Call en or ad NiMiT Celuiu-m22-atil A'A' ir a it vkh tisj:mj:t.s. V in the Many ladie Try a box of " all druggists. . misinterpret their Sellers' Liver Tills." -uli'rrlngs Sold by Court of Common l'leas. Yesterday afternoon there were no cases e i the new list ready for trial, and the case of Jehn W. Newcemet vs. Stephen Shae"- fcr, which was continued from last week, was postponed until this morning en ac count of the illness of the defendant. This morning there were no cases ready en the new list, and the Newcemet case was resinned before Judge Livingston The defense proceeded te call witnesses te prove that there was no partnership be tween Shadier and llritten. A rule for a new trial was granted in the case of Ethclbcrt Watts and William M. Watts and the Hanover Junction and Susquehanna railroad company. Shortly before neon te-day all the jurors except these empanelled in the Newcemet case were discharged. Rebert Lubbeck. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, writes; "I have used Dr. Themas' Eelectric Oil both ler myself and family for Diphtheria, with the very best results. 1 regard it as one efthe bct-t remedies ler this disease, and would use no ether." 1'epe & Milan, druggists. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, write: " We have never sold any medi cine that gives such satisfaction te the custo mer and pleasure te the seller as Dr. Themas' Eelectric Oil." Fer sale by II. is. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13!) Neith Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 41 l'oisened by Pressed Iteef. Twe mcn.uaincd Myers and Free moved from Hanover, Yerk county, te Marietta this spring, te engage in cigar making for Messrs. Bcnnet & Haldeman. On Sunday morning last the members of both families took very sick, with violent pains and vomiting. Dr. G. W. Rich was at once scut for, who learned upon careful inquiry, that their sickness was caused by eating for breakfast of pressed beef, which proved upon examination te have been unsound, though only purchased the day before. The doctor administered te their wants and succeeded in relieving them, and at last accounts all will recover. Knights Templar Convocation. The annual convocation of the Grand Cemmaudary of Knights Templar of Penn sylvania, will assembly at Williamsport, this evening. Past Grand Commander C. M. Hewell and Grand Captain General U. Frank lirciieman and Sir Knight Geerge K. Ilccd, left Lancaster last evening te at tend the convocation. Brown's Household 1'anacea Is the most effective l'ain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally and thereby mere certaiuly RELIEVE VAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Hack or Rowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL AGUES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF l'AIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every faudly. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen f ul efthe Panacea iu a tumbler el het water (sweetened, if preterred), taken at bedtime, will UREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. ISROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, cap de no peslblc Injury te Hie most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely snre in eradicating worms. Twenty- nve cents a box JianlS-lvdSwTuTh&S Physicians use Kidney-Wert in regular practice and pronounce its action perfect. my24-lwd4w O. Ilortle.ef Manchester, Ontario Ce.. N. Y., writes: "I obtained immediate relief from the use et Dr. Themas' Eelectric Oil. I have had Asthma for eleven years. Have been obliged te sit up all night ler ten or twelve nights in succession. lean new sleep soundly all night en a feather bed, which I had net been able te de previous te using the Oil." Anether writes: " I have been troubled with Asthma for years ; have used halt a bottle of Dr. Themas' Eelectric Oil, and the benefit I have received from it is se great that I w euld net take one hundred dollars for the balance It I could get no mere." Fer sale by II. is. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 12 OUNII. On .Monday a young bay mare was found if weeds belenirinsr te Duvfd lipniln....,- i East Lamneter tewnshln. The owner -? in v.. his property by proving it and giving satisfac tion te !,. c m25-2td<w Lancaster Examiner Ofliee. WATER RENTS. The duplicate of water rents Is new in the hands et the City Treasurer. FIVE PER CENT, abatement will be allowed en all rents paid en or before .1 UNE 1, 18S0. E. WELCIIANS, mS-3wdTu,Th&SR City Treasurer. B OOKS! ROOKS'! The best place in the citv te buv ItoeL-s vu- and Second-hand, is at S. IT. ZAIIM & CO.'S Reek Stere, 18 and 20 Seuth Oueeu St.. ni25&29ilR "PENNSYLVANIA R. R. GRAND EXCURSION te Cellins' Reach via PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 1st, 1880. Fare for Round Trip, - - - S2.2S. Special train leaves at C:10. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 7 p. m. ltd VM ORDIXANCi: Appropriating the public moneys of the City ei Lancaster te the several departments thereof, ter the fiscal year commencing en the 1st day of .lime A. D. l8se. Skctiejj 1. Re it ordained by the Select and Common Councils et the Cily of Lancaster: That the sum of one bundled and twenty seven thousand seven bundled dollars be and the same is especially appropriated te the sev eral objects hereinafter named for the liseal year commencing ou the 1st. day of June. A. D. 18se. Section 2. Te pav Interest en Leans, including Sinking Fund $ 42,2.T0 (JO Te pay principal en Leans, its re quired bylaw ll,r,00 00 Te pay State Tax en Leans 2,S7." 00 Te pay Repairs of Streets 7,0(10 00 Te pay ler macadamizing sti eels... 3.000 00 Te pav for one squat e of I'clgian nlecKs 2,500 00 Te pay arrearages et bills ler labor en streets, net'lncluding contract werK Te pay Water Works general... Te pay for Laying Water Pipes. 11 I'liy cuiiuii: Dangerously II urt by a Tramp. Providence, It. I., May 25. Iii East Greenwich this morning a tramp entered the farm house of Charles T. Hepkins and when .Mrs. Hepkins returned after a brief absence she found him (ratherinir un the spoons and ether silver. He turned ou en her, threw her down, pounded her shockingly and stripped oil" her clothing, when she told him he. could have the money which was in the house if he would let her get up Eager for the money he released his held when she seized a leaded gun. The tramp tried te wrest it from her, but unable te de se. he sprang from a window, when Mrs. Hepkins fired. He gave a scream, and lied te the weeds, where search is new being made for him. A doctor was summoned for the brave woman : she is dangerously hurt. May and June about steady ; Mixed snot. mabSMi:: de fntiir,, 4uu,ffl.vtL'. Oats steady and quiet, including Ne. 2 June 40c ; State Ui'.ks ; Western !t)1Sc. Reer dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Jr:l.r!,.'Ui'-'1 ,ln,, flrm " steam tendered $7 u. H hisky dull ; Western 91 usfll OU. Spirits of turpentine dull at 44g)t5c. Cattle Market. MeauAY, May iL The recelpuj or cattle at the various Philadelphia yards for the past week were: Reeves, 2,400 head ; sheep and ''""'V'' 8-0U0 de-? hogs 3, de. ; fresh cows. 200 de. Reeves. The market was rather firmer and prices advanced J$c. We quote Extra at 5'4 &&c; geed nt55Jic ; medium, UZQWc; eoui eeui eoui iiieii, 4J4c; mixed, 33c. . 8AL10J AT TUB WEST rHII.APM.11UA TAKD. Head. 250 Reger Maynes,-Western and Lancaster ee.. gross, 45c. " "2Vm1"?'. frenna. gres5c 1.1. A. J. Christy, Lau. county and Western, 170 E. S. 4 B.F. McFillen, Western ami .. .terce-. groan, 05c. 240 U II man 4 Lehman tires.. Western for Jehn Tayler; 52 Lancaster ee., own ac count; 20 de.. J. G. Rear; 17 de Levi Sen senig, gross, 554c. 33 J'iixea t;,elU30I, Lancaster co., gross, r 40 Dei.u Smyth, Penn'a, gres, 454je. IWJebn McArdle, Lancaster Ce., gross, 5 "zjc. SO Daniel Murphy, Western and Lancaster co., gross. 5a5Xe. 115 Lewensteln A Adlnr, Western, and 20 Montgomery ee., gross, 55e. 14. G. Sehamberg A Ce., Wvaterii. gross. G5iC. 18 F. Sjhcctz, Western, gross, 4',M.Ve. 47 L. Hern, Mentana and Milllln counties, gross, 4if3c. 55 II. Chain, jr.. Penn'a. ltehs. s?.-.i.'i. i-ji ik....s..i u .1. . .. . ' . . T .' .'.:. ess. 463. 90 Hacliman A Levi, Western gross , j(gin'jc Ijiii. co. niiil West- and I'cini'a U) Abe Oslheim, Chicagees, gross, 5.'!-e. I- ?: J.',efl's' Western, gross, 4jtl5fe."' 2.1 P. Hathaway, Lane, ee., gross. X'tfy'Mic. 'JO L. scbamberg, Western und Penn'a, gross. 4ijlic. A TEMPORARY SUSPENSION. Te pay for Police and Turnkey pay ier i.ignung uiiy n.oeo 00 7,500 00 3,000 00 J,CV) 00 J.GUO 00 9,500 00 750 00 3,0.-0 00 3,000 00 1,400 00 CITY PROPOSALS. Proposals will be received at the Maver's Oftlce np te Wednesday evening. May 2t, lsi, at S p. m., for sweeping, cleaning up and haul ing away all offal or market dirt et" any kind whatever from the streets occupied by markets en market days Immediately after the close of the markets. The streets and gutters along which said markets shall beheld te be thor oughly cleaned ; the offal te go te the cleaner. The bid te be ter one year from date of the con tract, and te be accompanied by security in $200 for the faithful performance of the work. Everything necessary te de the work te be found by the contractor. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, ltd Mayer. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The nartnershin heretnfrtrn existing be tween A. J. A S. II. Dnnlap, trading as DUN LAP A BRO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted te said linn will please make immediate payment, and these having claims will present them te either of the undersigned for immediate settlement. The business will be conducted hereafter by Frances Dunlap. Thankful for past favors re ceived, we hereby solicit a centiuuunce of the same te our successor. A. J. DUNLAP, S. H. DUNLAP. May 24, 1880. m24-2td Te pay Te nav for Lamps and Pests. Te pay for Fire Companies, 7 Steam ers at $400, 1 without Steamer $2je. Abatement for prompt payment of City Tax Abatement for prompt payment of Water Rents Percentage ter Collection of Arrear ages et City Tax 800 00 Contingencies 8t2G5 00 Ordained and enacted into a law at the city of Lancaster, en the 20thday et May. A. D. I8S0. JOHN LEVERGOOD, President Common Council. Hekheut Johnsten, Clei k Common Council. ROIJKRT A. EVANS, Plesident Select Council. J. K. I.AKIt, Clerk Select Council. Approved May 21, 1SS0. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE. m2I-:;td Mayer. ROBES, BI.AXKJSTS, &V. BOOKS ANJt STATIONERY. come into the possession of the library of the late Rev. Dr.C.F. SchaeiTer by bequest. The bearding department of the seminary has been abolished, but students will con tinue te room in the building. Sixteen students were graduated this year, twenty were iu the second or middle class, and sixteen in the third or junior class. The weik of the late Prof. SehaelTer had been divided among the ether seminary profes prefes profes sei s, and it was recommended that this di vision of work be continued during the year. The repeitwas discussed by members of the synod, item by item and as a whole, A Columbia Vagrant. The mayor of Harrisburg has committed for thirty days a girl, bright and intelli gent, who gives her name as Anna Henry and says she is 20 years of age. She says she ran away from a geed home in Colum bia, led a dissolute life in Carlisle and a shameless career in the shautics around Stcclten, whence the Harrisburg authori ties committed her. The Fulton Hall Squabblers. When the Republican judges met at Fulton hall this afternoon neither their president nor the returns were present. A committee was sent after both. Jack Fry could net be found. The returns were. The count proceeded. "I Don't Want That Stuff," Is what a lady of Bosten said te herhusbsnd when he brought home some medicine te cure her of sick headache and neuralgia, which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack thercaltcr, it was administered te her with such geed results that she contin ued its use until curcd.aud was made se enthu siastic in its praise, that she induced twenty two of the best families in her circle te udept it as their regular family medicine. That "stutr is Hep Bitters. inyM-SwdAw Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Wine for Females and Invalids. It is well known that there are cases when the most strict advocates et temperance are obliged te use some sort of wine, especially these who are old and infirm. Many weaklv females its well as invalids and debilitated per sons iu warm weather need a little strengthen ing wine. Tiie great difficulty lias been in pro curing a rich wine that is reliable. There are many cases where wine would be used te great advantage in place et alcoholic drinks if only a genuine article could be had, and upon which physicians could rely as being strictly pure, without alcoholic admixture. The Pert Grape Wine of Alfred Specr, of Passaic, New Jersey, has been analyzed by chemists in almost every state,and has alwavs been proved strictly pure and beneficial. This wine is new being used in hospitals and in families for me; dicinal purposes, also in churclies for cemmu nien services. Mr. Sneer's mode et conducting the fermentation is snch as te retain the rich liaverand sweetness efthe fruit wltheutmuch fermentation te create stimulative properties. Transcript. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by H. E. Slaymaker. m!7-2wdAw VTEW STATIONERY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 48 WEST KINO STREET. JOM BAEE'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., have in stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! 1 have new en hand the Laimhsst. Rust and ClIK.M'EST ASSORTMKNT of Lined lllld Ulllillcd RUFFALO ROUES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKET of every descrip tion. A full line et Trunks and Satchels, Harness, "Whips, Cellars, &c. 3-Kepulring neatly anil promptly done.- A. MILEY, Itlncs & Sheaf!' Call a Halt. Philadelphia, May 25. The coal firm of Bines & ShealT, Ne. 114 Seuth Fourth street, the retail sales agents of the Phila dclnhia and Reading coal and iron compa ny, suspended temporarily te-day. Pay ment had been withheld by the firm of notes of the suspended company which had been endorsed by Bines & ShealT, and it was deemed advisable te discontinue all payments until the nature of such notes can be decided. The business of the firm will in the meantime be conducted as usual. Bines As ShealT have ten retail coal yardf,including a large wharf en Windmill island, where steamers arc supplied. Their relations with the sus pended companies have been very inti mate. 4fbjlZL !i M. Levi, Western, gross, 5.r. 25 Jas. Eustace, Pa., gross, u&9Ai:. Fresh Cows were unchanged and 1 trices remained as last reported, vl.., lrem J0 te We per head. Hogs were dull ami prices were unchanged. Vi e quote extra at 7c ; geed at iu; medium at lKc i common at (jc. Lambs were Inactive am! lower. We quote from te 8e per iteuud. Sheep were moderately actite and prices were c lower per peuint Ter clipped uitd'.c per pound lower ter wool, but few el the latter 111 market. We u note Etra. luute i:iullis s 7c. .Samuel C. Stewart Meld sheep at 7Jit8X'". it'll) head dressed Stock Markets. Phiiadbuiiia. May '. 1230 r. M. 3:0(1 v. m. Slecks Irregular. Pennae's (thnu issue) Philadelphia & Erie... Reading , Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. or N. J Northern Pacific " Preterred.., Northern Central Lehigh Navigation Norristown 1'lilltl.ll '!'.... j.... -....I.... .... ....7 w...bu ..uit.iirui utuuil V.KI. trv. Pitts , Titusville A Bulfale. 1 ...109U ... 10 ... I0J ... MS ... 47" ...llMJJ ... 17.,, ... 40 ... :iei ..1111 LEAF TOBACCO DEALERS. J OH North Qiimn St., eil-lydMW&S 1nnraxU-r. UOVSE Jh'VltNJSUINO UOOVS. Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Hymnals, Prayer Reeks, Scheel Libraries. HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC BOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE REWARD CARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds. rpRY LOCHEK'S X SYKBP KENUuNED COUGH NOTICE! We have new in stock the largest as sortment of seasonable goods in our line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons, Dell Carriages, Velecipedes.Fly Brushes, Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash Brushes, Feather, and Hemp Dusters, Dusting Brusnes, Sweeping Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels of all kinds, Rubber Garden Hese, Fleer and Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Woedware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and every aructe in tne line or Housekeeping Hardware. These goods have mostly been bought before the great advance in prices and are being sold at a small aavance en cost, at Flii k Breneman's Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. Proposed Legislation for Them. Washington, May 25. The senate fi nance committee te-day had under consid eration the Heuse bill which provides for reducing the special tax of twenty-five dol lars en dealers in leaf tobacco, te five dol lars per annum for dealers who purchase only from tobacco growers, and whose total sales de net exceed 2.1.000 pounds per year. The committee did net reach the point of final action en this bill, but the expressions of opinion all indicate an an early and favorable action upon it. Little Schuylkill. Stocks strong. N. Y. Central , urKjii , Adams Express Michigan Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland A Pittsbuigb.. Chicago A ueck Island . Mi Nw Yerk, May 25. .. -5 ..114 - ? ..lis . 7 . Vi .1"0"S ..lh! .ll Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. 118 Western Union Tel. Ce iy, Teledo A Wabash 2S New Jersey Centra: 4'J United States Ifends and Sterling Excitation (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 2d ami Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, May ir.. United States Ch, IKSI, (registered)..") ffil07'i United States 5V, ISsl, (iegistered)..l(j:i'4ei0y United States 4U's, i)i, (registeredjies&iipi United .States 4J'.h, IHIll, (coupons). .iai,'lMl0 no United States 4s, IW. (rcgltcrcd)..l(f7$i United States Currency C's ter, Sterling Exchange tst.'isuj.; J'-OR SAhE OK BENT. r,"OK KENT. ItAYAKD'S STATE. Seme Opposition te Him. Dever, Del., May 23. The Democratic state convention meets here at neon te-lay. Most efthe delegates arc here, and while there seems te be no doubt that the del egation te Cincinnati will be instructed for Bayard, the Saulsbury'elemcnt, which ap pears strong, will probably oppose any in structions and endeavor te secure a part of the delegation for Tilden. Twe very desirable rooms. Ne. iSX North Queen street, suitable for photograph gallery, formerly occupied by J. S. Saurmau. Apply te THUS. UAUMUAUDNEK. a-Vtfd SUFFICIENT BONDS. H'ANTEIJ. WANTED. .EVEItYBODY TO ADVEK tlse, free of charge, In the Iktxixiokn Iktxixiekn cra, who w&nU. something te de. IAOS! KAGS! ItAGSi-RAGS WANTEI1. Iu Housekeepers take notice that we ar paying 3 cent a pound for MIXED KAGS Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. IIENNECKE. apr9-3md Ne. 235 West King Street. The 1'. 4c K. Receivers. PiiH.AiBT.pmA,May 2.5. Messrs. Gev.-tn Lewis and Caldwell appeared this morning before the clerk of the United States cir cuit court and entered joint security in $500,000 as receivers of the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, and the P. & R. coal and iron company. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PUBLIC SALK.-ON TUURNOAV, MAV 27, will be sold a large let or Household and Kitchen Furniture, at Ne. 207 North Lime street. Alse Carpenter and Machinist's Toels. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. mj'22-Lsd J IMEFOKSALE " 10,000 Bushels at 2 cents per liusliel. mayS-ltdeawAltw EO. K. KEEI), Tmis. 170K KENT. . The second story of Eshleman A Katli von's Hanking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a It. It. Depot, fjn Chestnut street. U.K. ESHLEMAN. f23-2tdAStt Atternev-at Law THE Lancaster Organ Manufactory Without a denbt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market, Warerooms J0 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15J$ East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agentfer Lancaster County for CHICKEHING A SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. Ar'ull Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, Ac. always en hand. fl3-lydSAly w PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE KKAI. ESTATE. Pursuant te an order of the orphans' Court or Lancaster County, Pa., will be sold at public Nile, at the public lieue et Philip Wall, en West King street, en TlirilS DAY, the 10th day of JUNE, A. D. 18), the fol lowing described real estate, late of Frederick Beiler, deceased, te wit : All that certain let or piece of ground wlthn two-story and attle HKICK DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected, situated en Marietta Avenue, Ne. 017, in the city of Lancaster, Pa., con tainiug in front en Marietta Avenne23 feet, mere or less, and ex tending iu depth te a public alley 90 feet, mere or less. Bounded en the west by ureiierty of D. G. Baker, en the iwt by property of Jehn Graham, an the north by the aforesaid alley. aim en uic buuui uy aiarieiia ..wen tie. i lie improvements are a two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse with Frame Kitchen attached, a well of never-falling water with pump therein, grape vine, and ether necessary improvements. Sale te commence at 7j o'clock p. in. oil said day, when attendance will be given and con ditions made known by W. II. ROLAND, ml9-3wd WAS Trustee In Partition. MARBLE WORKS. "WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL. MARBLB WORKS 758 Nerta yaees Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD ASD FOOT STONES. GAKDEN STATOABY, CEMETEUY, lAyTS.KNCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed aad satisfaction git en n every particular. S. B. Uemember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. ui30