LANCASTER AHptNJlUEIfQERIIPNDAK tMASLQteflaB&A Lancaster intelligencer. J MONDAY EVENING MAY 24, 1880. Xew Yerk Tobacco Market. Last Week's Operation In Seed Tobacco. Leaf and U. S. Tobacco Journal. Old tobacco continues te be sought after. There was a rumor that a packing of new Wisconsin and one of Pennsylvania had been taken by a packer, but no substanti ation of this could be had. Over the Lan caster press a cheerless stillness lias conic, as far as reports of sales of '79 Pennsylva nia arc concerned. The boisterous glee of a few months age, when every packer of high-priced tobacco was eulogized as a miraculously bold, shrewd and courage ous operator, has new given way te the meek and vague statements that perhaps a great deal of money will be made by these bold, shrewd, courageous operators if the worm will se thoroughly destroy the plants as te insure the fail ure of this year's crop. Se far the worm has positively refused te de this ; and if the editors of the Lancaster papers can't coax them te de it with their geed leeks and bland smiles, their writings never will. In the meantime, the manu facture of cigars throughout the country, but especially in New Yerk city, grows larger almost from day te day. There certainly exists a discrepancy somewhere. Either the figures of the crop reports of former years in particular these of the last three were mueh below the yield, and consequently the stock of old tobacco is larger than estimated, or else manufacturers all ever the country are working with unusual economy and new use less tobacco (wrappers and binders) for a thousand cigars than in former years. The stillness in the leaf market and the great activity in cigar manufacturing cir cles certainly present a situation a counter Dart of which can net be found in any ether line of business. The absence of any speculative movement in new tobacco in our market is explained by many as a consequence of the result of sales of pack ings of '77 and '78 tobaccos by packers' samples, operations by which, it is said, buyers were in most cases losers, these tobaccos, presenting quite a different and worse appearance when they were sub jected te regular inspection sampling. There certainly exists a well justified fear against buying new tobacco by packerss' samples, and even the best reputation of packers for honesty is net sufficient te induce any one te buy new leaf merely by the samples drawn by the packers. Ex Ex eort remains inactive, though the reports from abroad begin te be a little meic hopeful. The sales of the week were as fellows : Pennsylvania Crep '78 : CIO cases ; fill ers, 11 te 12 cents ; running, 19 te 21 cents ; wrappers, 30 te 43 cents. Crep '79 : (rumored) 4U0 cases, 21 cents. Connecticut Crep '77 : 82 cases ; run ning 23 ecnts. Crep '78 : 230 cases, p. t. Wisconsin Crep '78 : 193 cases ; run ning, 12 cents ; fine wrappers, 18 cents. Ohie Crep '78 : 100 cases : fine ruu nintr, 9J cents. Havana Market active ; sales 800 bales. Ne change in prices. Gana'D Kcpert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J." S. Gans's Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 81 and 80 Wall street, New Yerk, (or the week ending May 24 : 574 cases 1879 Pennsylvania, 13 te 22c. ; 300 case 1878 Pennsylvania, 10 te 30c. ; 103 cases 1879 New England seconds and fillers p. t.; 130 cases 1878 New England, wrappers. 13 te 21c. ; 100 cases 1878 Wisconsin, 8? te lie. ; 300 cases 1879 Wisconsin, Havana seed. 13 te 18c. Total, 1587 cases. Ills Way of Spelling It. A very amusing incident which hap pened in the leaf tobacco trade last week lias given rise te much merriment and fur nished a topic for discussion te the at pre sent no business ever-burdened habitues of Water street and vicinity. The story gees that a very wealthy leaf dealer of Water street, who is located net far from Maiden Lane, but whose early education has been much neglected, has the net very uncommon habit of writing and spelling the word five, "fife." Last week he engaged a new bookkeeper, who seeing the employer make out a check and spell "five" in the manner mentioned, called his attention te this attack upon the Lnghsh language. ' Mine tear friend," said the principal. " I schpcllcd dat verd se en mine schecks fur dc last dwentic-fifc years, und de suhecks have always pcen baiyed ; budt auf you dink it leeks pettcr, I fur enccd vill sclijKill it niit a c " and forthwith he tore up the check and made out a new one, changing the offensive second te a v. The lccipicnt of the check deposited the same, but next morning it came back un paid. The paying teller of the bank re fused te pay it, claiming this check te be different from all the checks that for the past twenty-five years have come te the bank from that source, in the respect that the word five, whenever it appeared in them, had been spelled "fife." Women Never Think ! If the crabbed old bachelor who uttered tliK sentiment could but witness the intense thought, deep study and thorough investiga tion et women in determining the bct medi cines te keep their families well, and would note their sagacity and wisdom in selecting Hep Bitters as the best und demonstrating it by Keeping their families in perpetuul health. at a mere neuunai expense, lie weuiu ucierccu te acknowledge that such sentiments are base less and false. mvl5-2wd&w The Doctors Yielding. Ever since Prof. Green wrote te the Medical Recerd advising physicians everywhere te use the Sale Kidney and Liver Cure in their prac tice, it has been gaining in inver with the pro pre pro lcssien. They can find nothing which is a sub stitute for it. It. C.tulkius, M. I)., of Rochester, N. Y., says he would new prescribe it te all who are alllicted with serious kidney and liver diseases. myl5-2wd&w CHINA AND GLASSWARE. apLASSWAREi GLASSWARE!! CUT AND ENGRAVED, PRESSED MOULDED GLASSWARE, AND CHINA HALL. ASSOItTMENT.THE LA KM EST, QUALITY THE FINEST, PRICES THE LOWEST. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock el all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as 1.00 and upwards. Carpets made te enlcr at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ler .Extra Carpet Rags. 4SGivc us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. -VJTARCUS G. SEHNEKJ HOUSE CARP,ENTER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al oral Ien and repairs. s3-lyd MEDICAID - lijoaiceck'slPcous'Plasters. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high decree of perfection has been se cured after year of experiment. Composed or die CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VEGETAKLK. One or two every night, in ten days cure Cestiveiicss and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they iicer nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2iiidced&w XTBKVOUS DEBILITY. 1 Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Eure- Sean Remedy Dr. J. 11. Simpsen's Specific cdicine. It is a positive cure for Siierma Siierma terrhea. Seminal Weakness. Impetcncy, and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Pains in Hack or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specilic Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. 15. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 101 and 10C Main Street, Buffalo, X. V. Address all order te U. B. COCHRAX, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydeed&w HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AND AGUE. The true antidote te the cflccts of miasma is Ilestetter's Stomach Hitters. This medicine is oneel the most popular remedies et an age et successful proprietary specifics, and is in immense demand wherever en this Continent lever and ague exist, A wineglasslul three times a day is the best possible preparative for encountering a malaiieus atmosphere, regu lating the li cr. and Invigorating the Stomach. Fer sale by all Druggists anil Dealers gener ally, apr l-lydeed&ly w HOSTETTER'S lUTTEK'S FOR SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere, a East King street. T H) T11E SUFFERING HUMANITY N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 247 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. DR. LEWIN, i he lias been a resident el Lan caster but a tew months, Is a graduate et the University et Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing ux pencil coot twelve years, in winch period lie has been acting us Regimental Physician in St. Petersburg, and afterwards practiced in Berlin, Germany, with great success. We call the attention of tlie sutlerhig public te the tact that lie successlully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,: and all chronic diseases. The severest cases et Chienic Catarrh cured in a short time. References and testimonials from former patients can be seen at my ellice. Persons without means will only be asked payment for medicines. Communications from a distance attended te by mail. mll-lvd&w HOP I! IT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP P. IT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS VALUABLE TRUTHS. HOI HIT ..- .- i . ERS If you arc suffering irem peer health or languishing en a bed of jrnp sickness take cheer, for i! HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS ..aiivf s . aaa vaaa v .....a. If you are a minister and have ii.... :..., -u'tii f'....A x-.... - ERS overtaxed yourself with your pas- nep teral duties ; or uiuetlicrt worn out jjjrp wiiii care unu wei k ; or 11 you an" vi? .simply ailing : if you feel weak and HOP ,,'l)illled, uitheut clearly knowing jtqp ERb Uel 1Iittcrs Will Restore Yeu. V'?L It you are a man of business, ' HOP "a,keneii iy me strain ei yuur ()p HIT .ERS every-dav duties : or a man of let-i.i.r teis, toiling ever your midnight yt weik, 1Ttf-t1 nep Hitters Will Strengthen Yeu. HOP iitt H yu are young and suffering HIT ERS lrem any indiscretion, or sire grew ERS allji UU nisi, us is euuil lliuuasu. HOP Hep Hitters Will Relieve Yeu. nep HIT UM illU 111 111U WU11WS11UJT, UU llli; irp ERS mr,i, ilt the desk, anywhere, and jjjig lcel that your system needs cleans IIOP infr' toning or stimulating, without nep ltvr intoxicating, J51T ERS Hep Hitters is what you Need. KI'S If you arc old, and your pulse is HOP feeble, your nerves unsteady, and jjep HIT yHr faculties waning, jjit ju Hep Hitters will give you New Life eus and Viger. HOP HOP COUGH CURE is the sweet-HOP HIT est, safest and best. Ask children, iiit UIJS The HOP PAD for Stomach, Liver iyj and Kidneys is superior te all ethers. nor HIT ERS it is perfect. Ask druggists. HOP D. I. C. is an absolute and irresist- jjjf able cure ler drunkenness, uruefmijj opium, tobacco and narcotics. All the above sold by druggists. HOP Hep Hitters Mfg. Ce., jjjm 4 Rochester, X. Y. ejjs HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS H IIP HITTERS FOIl SALE AT LOC1I- er's Drug Stere, 9 East King street. K W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W HUT 1ET! K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W THE ONLY MEDICINE k-w K-W That Act8 at the same Time en Kw liW The LIVER. KAX K-W K-W K-W K-W The BOWELS, K.w And the KIDNEYS, k-w K-W These great ergansarethc Natural K"w PIiuiii.eiu n 1... Uifutntll If tlirtf K-W w-nrlr irnll linnlrii will lm nnrftwl. if K-W c pcrieci : ii ' ,- ,,r they become clogged, dreadful ills-, "'" cases are sure te lollew with K-W K-W K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W K-W Hilieusness. Headache. Dys' K-W Jaundice, Constipation and Piles, or kW KidneyCemplaiuts,Gravel,Diabetes, K-AV Sediment in the Urine, Milky or jj.y- Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Pains ji.V und Aches, are developed because jj-W the bleed is poisoned with the hu-K-W mers that should have been ex- K-W pelled naturally. K-W K-W KIJDJNEX WORT K-W K-AV K-W w"l restore the natural action and jj.w an mese ucsireymg evus will ue K-W banished neglect them and you will K-W live but te sutler. Thousands have K-W been euied. Try it and you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K-W it and health will once mere gladden K-W , your heart, K-W Why sutler longer from the ter-K-W ment et an aching heart ? Why bear K-W such distress from Constipation und K-W Piles? Why be se fearful because K-W f Hiserdered Urine? Kidney Wert K-W will cure you. Try a package at ence K-W unit be satisucii. K-W It is a dry vegetable compound, K-W and one package makes six quarts K-AV ei iiieiuciiiu. eurdruiririst has it. K-W or will get ;ct it for you. Insist upon K-W having it. Price $L00 fit. K-W Wells, Ricuardsen & Ce., Preps., K-W IlUBLINDTON, Vt, K.W (Will send pest paid.) jul5-lyd&w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNKV WOKT FOR SALE AT LOCH. era' Drug Stere, H East King street. TMACH BITTERS ASTBICH BKOS AJtVJEMTJAEMXXT. LANCASTER BAZAAR. LANCASTER BAZAAR. LANCASTER BAZAAR. BAZAAR. BAZAAR. LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER BAZAAR. LANCASTER BAZAAR. LANCASTER BAZAAR. LANCASTER BAZAAR. LANCASTER BAZAAR. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. ASTRICH BRO.'S ASTRICH BRO'S. ASTRICH BRO'S. ASTRICH BRO'S. ASTRICH BRO'S. ASTRICH BRO'S. HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS. Our Hat Department being complete we offer our stock of Hats at very low prices. Children's Sun Hats : Wc Sailors at 19, 23, 30 anil 49c Ladies' Shaped Hats at sijc FAYAL HATS in White and Geld. FLOWERS, FLOWERS, FLOWERS, FLOWERS, FLOWERS. Flowers et every description. Hiuls at 5c Daisies at l'.lc per dez. Violets at lie " Sprays in great variety and at low pi ices. FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS. Hlack Ostrich Tips, 3 in a bunch 19c Leng Ostrich Plumes at I9e White and Hlack Ostrich Plumes fiem$l.M)up PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS. Full line of Parasols for Ladies and Children In Seuplcs and Twilled Silks. Children's all Silk Parasols at C9c. Ladies' all Silk Parasols from $1.44 upwards. Ladies' Fancy all Silk, Silk Lined Parasols Elegantly Trimmed with Lace and Fringe. Children's 3.5c FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS," FANS, FANS. Japanese Felding Fans at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5c Fine Japanese Fans in Ulucand Red 10c HlackSatin Fans 39c Fine Silk and Satin Fans In Great Variety. Russian Leather Sliding Fans uc The Minitza Fan, THE (JEM OF THE SEASON, In Russian Leather e. With Elegant Nickel Handle 47c FULL LINE OF LADIES' Lai Wits id Lawn Suits. s SEW GOODS FOE THE SPBOTG TRADE, AT G-UND A KF.RS. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Rucbings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER-'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuds, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c., call and examine our stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. FINEST, FASHIONABLE AND GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season of 1880, can be liad at Houghten's Cheap Millinery and Trimming Establishment, ESTABLISHED 18G9. RIBBON DEPARTMENT. Finest Lines of KIUBONS ever brought te Lancaster, in all the Latest Styles of Colored Silk and Satin. Old Geld and Cardinal, and Variegated Ribbons. Best Brands at the lowest prices. ENGLISH BROCADE GRENADINES! BROCADE VERY CHOICE STYJ.ES IN SILK AND WOOL ALL WOOL LACE Plain All Weel Buntings ! Plain All Weel Buntings ! IN BLACK AND COLORS. New Styles in FRENCH 0RUAND1E LAWNS. New Styles In LATTICE WORK LAWNS. New Styles in FIGURED LAWNS, Tinted (jreimd. New Styles in FIGURED LAWNS, White (round. A complete assortment of all the New Styles of Laces for Trimming Lawns, Buntings, White Goods, etc., all at lowest prices. G-IVLEK, BO WEES & HURST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. JJSWULBJtS. LOUIS WEBER, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159 NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. It. It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantasceplc Specta cles and Eyc-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd N UNUSUALLY LAKGE PINE STOCK OE LadlGS' ana Gents' Geld Ghains, At no advance en Old Prices. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. COLORED SPECTACLES ADD EYE GLASSES, In all the Shades of BLUE, GREEN AND SMOKED, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. Our Prices, always lowest, marked in plain figures. are J.E.CaldweU&Ce. SOLID SILVERWARE, English Sterling, Nevel, Original and Exclu sive Designs of the FINEST Work Werk manship. Complete BRIDAL OUT FITS. Elegant Services for Table, Dessert, and Reception Use. INDI VIDUAL OUTFITS and ARTICLES FOR PRESENTATIONS. SILVERSMITHS. ELECTRO-PLATED WARES of Re liable Quality in the Very Latest and Most Practical Patterns. HOUSEHOLD OUTFITS for Private Purposes and Hotels. Large Assort ments of SINGLE PIECES suitable for WEDDING OUTFITS. The prices will be found very moderate. PHILADELPHIA. H2 Orders filled promptly and estimates furnished. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. ml5 2wd MW4F PS SOAPS I! The Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP Ever in this city before. 5c per plece and COc per dex, at FURY'S CITY PHARMACY, 110-lyd North Queen Street. JBMBMOUfEKLES, AC. T1U313LLSGS, &V. Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, FLOWER DEPARTMENT. HAT DEPARTMENT. All the Latest Styles of HATS re ccived every day Irem New Yerk ami Philadelphia, and sold at prices te suit everybody. "Old Hats reshaped and colored at short notice. The latest Novelties in all the FLOWKUS. Best Display of Fine FRENCH FLOWERS in the city. Can be t.een new at 23 N. QUEEN STREET. BLACK CREPES A SPECIALTY. BUY GOODS. BUNTINGS! ALL WOOL IN BLACK AND COLORS. MJiltlVAZ, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AM ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of V. CHAMPION RROWNING, AI. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purifies the Bleed, Enriches the Meed, Reddens the Illoed, makes New Uloed, Wonderfully 'Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution SuH'eriiifr from General Debility into one of Vigorous Iiealtli. The best proof of its wonderful eflicaey is te he obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with all. 2It is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of .JolTersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Skillful Pharmacist. Price, 50c and SI. 00. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. dt-lydeew&w VAJtIlIAUJiS, S. E. BAILY. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Waroroems, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bdek Carnages. Fiiaeis, H Wagons, k Having purchased our stock for cash, befere tha recent advance, wc are enabled te etlcr SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock 1JUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit aU classes et customers SPECIAL RARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted e year. OJtOCEKIES. "VTfTHOLiSSALK AND KKTAIL. LEVANTS FLOUK Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. di7-lyd F INK OL1VK OILS. FOR TA15LE USE. DURKE'S SALAD DRESSING, AT D. S.BUKSK'S, Ne. 17 KAST KINO STKKKT. IIOICE HAMS AND DRIED BEEF, AT IJURSK'S' pANNEU FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AT A REDUCTION. Te close out stock for the season, at BURSK'S. C1UOIUE MAFLE SUGAR ' -AT- IJURSK'S. JUJtlfITUJt. WALTER A. HEINITSH INSERTS TUB New Glass Reller en INSULATOR ON ALL FURNITURE. TRY THEM 15 East King Street. Over High & Martin's. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL , Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlett street, or at the Uhick Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made entand ttenden te without additional cost. 27-ly LANCASTKK, PA. TRIMMING AND NOTION DE PARTMENT lias all the Latest Novelties in Fringes, Satins, Gimps, Luces, But But eons, Embroideries. Kid mid Lisle Thread Gloves in all the new shades and White Tucked Skirls from 50c. te$l. GRENADINES! MCE BUNTINGS! 1'HAJiTOSS. Ac W. W. BAILY of and Dealers in JiOOKS ASJi STATIONERY. VE1V STATIONERY ! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlakc PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. KOHJiS, JILANKUTS, CC. OIGN OF THE UUFFALO UEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Largest, Rest and Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Unlincd UUFFALO ROUES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. O-Kepairintf neatly and promptly denee A. MILEY, 10H North Queen St., Laneatter. e:-lydMW&S jrOUNItEJtS AN II MACHINISTS. T ANCASTER J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Optesitkthk Locemotivm Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksinithlng generally. 3-Jobbing promptly attended te. augI8-lyd JOHN BEST. ATTORNJSYS-AT-LA W UENRY A. RILEY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Bew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacts I. Refers by permission teStelnman ft licnsel. TKAYXLEKS OVUtJB LANCASTER AND SIILXKKSVILLE R. R Cars run as fellows,: Leave Lancatser (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, mi.i 11:30 a. m and 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JSO p. 111. Leave MUlcrsvllle (lower ead) at 5, 8, and au At., sum 1, a, it man , i. iu. i Cars run daily en above time except en sj uuy. (COLUMBIA AN1 PORT DEPOSIT R. R j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Stations Nebtb-wakd. Acceu.. r. m. Pert Deposit. Pcachbottem..... Fite'sEddy. McCalPs Ferry... . S honk's Ferry..... Safe Harber. Columbia. 00 3:18 s:a 4.00 4:31 5 0i; (120 Express. Express. A. X. V. It. 635 3:30 7:12 4:24 7:25 4:35 7:37 4:5 7:5 5:01 7:59 5ti S:30 5:35 Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Aeceni. WARD. A. M. V. M. A. M. Columbia. 10:53 6:20 7:50 Safe Harber. 11:23 U:I9 ArtfcOt: Lc9:40 Shenk's Ferry 11:23 :51 951 MeCiUl's Ferry.... 11:41 7:09 10-25 File's Eddy 11-5C 7rJ0 le-.4 r. m. p. it. Pcachbotteui 107 7:32 11.07 Pert Deposit 12:45 S:0e 12:25 IEADINU AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD On and after MONDAY. MAY. 10m, 1SS0, passenger trains will run en this read as 10I 10I lews : Trains Geino Seuth, a.m. a.m. p.m. , Reading, 7:30 11-55 ;:le .... 1 Jf Reinholds, 8-01 I'i-24 :t.-. """" Enhratu, S:18 12:40 7:03 Akren, 8:24 12:45 7:0S .... Litlz, 8:43 1-02 7ri' .... Manhciu 9:02 1:1.1 7-3i .. V- Lancaster Junction,.. 9-05 1:40 7:45 .... Lundisvllle, 9:I 1:30 7:.V Columbia, 9:40 2.0' SrJO Dlllerville, 9r--7 2:02 8:(K5 .... Lancaster, 9:33 2-05 8:10 5.20 King Street, 9:45 .... SrJO 530 Ilarnlsh, 9-58 8-34 5:52 West Willow 10:05 .... 8:42 ti-ft: llauuigarduer, 10-09 .... 8:47 I:0!) Pequea, 10:17 8-55 0:17 Refton 10-23 .... 9:01 11:2B New Providence, 10-34 9:12 -. Hess 10:42 .... 9:19 t:5t Quarryvillc, 10-50 .... 9r25 7:0 TltAIKS GOIMI NOBTII. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Quarryvllle, 6:45 .... 2J15 7:50 Hess, 0-52 .... 2.41 7:58 New Providence, 6-59 2:18 8:13 Refton, 7:11 .... 2:59 8:27 Pequea, 7:18 3:05 8:35 Ituumgurdncr, 7.-2G .... 3:13 8:13 West Willow 7-32 .... 3:18 8:19 Harnish 7:41 3rJf. 9:00 King Street, 7:55 3:40 9-20 Lancaster, 8.05 1:00 3-50 9-30 Dlllerville, 8-08 1:03 3:53 .... Columbia. 7:55 1:05 3:40 Landisvillc, 8-30 1-.I0 4.UI Luncaster Junction,... 8-30 lr25 4:15 Manheiui, 8:49 1:48 4rJe Lltiz 9:00 2:00 4-30 Akren, 9:18 2:18 4:47 .... Ephrata. 9-23 2r25 4A'l .... Kcinheldsville, 9:42 2:40 5:14 Reading, 10:05 3:20 5-50 Truins connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pettaville, Hurrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Iialtiuierc. A. M. WILSON, Mipt. DKNNSILVANIA RAILROAD N KW i SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY MAY; 23d, 1880, trains en the IVnniylMiin.i lbdlreail will arrive and leave the und Pliiluuelphiu depots as follews: ,,,.,. Leave Arrive -A8TMakp. Lanc'ler Philad'u Atlantic Express, 12-25 a.m. 3.00 a.m. Philadelphia Express 2:10 '- 4:15 " FiLStLinc 5-20 " 7:10 " Yerk Accem. Arrives; 7:30 " .... Harrisburg Express, 8:05 10:10 Dillerville Accem. Arrives, 8:45 " .... Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " 12:01 p Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1-20 " .... Pacific Express, 1:10 p.m. 3:15 " Sunday Mail 2:00 " 5:10 Johnstown Express, 3:'5 " Sill " Day Express, 44 " 0:45 " Harrisliurg Accommedat'n, 6r5 " iUSMi " mt .........- Leave Arrive Westwakd. Phllud'u Lane't.-r Way Passenger, 12::a.m. 5:00 a.m. Niagara Express 8:00 " le-.os " Hanover AecoiumiMlsitieii, 10:10 " Mall Train Ne. l,viaMt..ley, 8.00 " Il-u5 Slail Train No.2,viaCei'bi.i, .... 11:07 " Sunday Mail, 8-00 " 10-50 " Fast Line, 11-50 " 2:10 p.m. Frederick Accommodation, .... 2:15 ' Dillerville L0c11l.viaMt.J0y .... 2:50 " Harrisburg aVccouimedat'n, 2-30 p.m. 5:45 " Columbia Accommodation. " 7-2C " Harrisburg Express 5-: " 7:30 " Pittsburg Express 6-25 " 8-50 " Cincinnati Expris 9:10 " Ule " Pacific Express 11:55 " 2.40 a.m Pacilic Express, cast, en Sunday, when II. ig ged, will step at Mlddletewn, Eliabethtewn , Mt. Jey, Iaandisville, itinl-in-Ilaud, Lcmaii Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkcsburg, Coutes Ceutes ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtown, CeatYsvillc, ParKes ParKes ParKes burg,Mt.Joy,Elizabethtewn and Middli-tewn. Hanover Accouimedation, west, connects at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at 10:05, a. m., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 p. m., and will run through te Frederick. IKLU. I'AfKHS, Jte. V W, ARK l.ETTKK l'RKPARKD TO Meet the wants of the people than any season heretofore. Our line is larger than usual, and in PAPER HANGINGS we have the New Patterns ler the Spring in an endless line te bdect from. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Cerner and Hand, six and seven feet in length. Plain Goods by the yard in all colors and widths. Paper Curtains te the trade at Factory Prices. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Newest, Rest and Cheapest Cornice made. Kasily adjusted te tit any window up te five feet in width, Curtain Poles. 114. IU and 2 inches. In Ebony and Polished Walnut, Ringslirackets, and Fancy Ends Complete. PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. Orders taken for any size at Lew Prices. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. tcblO-lvdftw GENTS' HOODS. EUKlIES. NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES. AT ERISMAN'S. TTALF IIOSK. BALBRIGGAN, POLKA DOTS, Ac., AT ERISMAN'S. TTANDKERCIIIEFS. Nobby Patterns, Silk and Linen, by the piece or dozen, at EltlSMAN'S, OUSFENDEKS. CHOICE GOODS, LOW PRICES, AT E. J. BRISMAS, r,d NORTH JUEKN STREET. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE Lancaster Orp laiicterF Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Wareroenis 320 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CHICKERINGA SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet andHrther Mnslc, 8mall Instruments, Violins, llunjes. Bund Instru ments. AcaUays en luiniL fl3-lydSftly w ii fl A a 1 1 t. . if -"W ;i 4 ;i ,1 y -, u tt It m I i 5 ill i' I M 3 T , i: 5 X f