LANCASTER DAILY PTOIXIGENCa 24,1880. - vival and Btir there would be if all our gifts should be bestowed for geed. In every household there should be gratitude continually poured forth because of receiv ing, but greater still should be the grati tude for blessings that we can bestow upon ethers. Zaccheus, who gave one-half of his goods te charity, is a scriptural ex ample that we should fellow. The peer widow, we should remember, gave all her 1 iving te the Lord. As far as understood the text is found te hs true. In our early days as a church we were receivers, but in later time we have givers in large measures, and we knew full well the blessedness of bestow ing gifts. We have abounded in grace and kiiewlcdge, ami new we may be doubly blessed in giving. We are in a position new te give, anil wherever understood and tried the text is found and acknowledged te Imj true. In view of the past and the present, we ought te be hopeful for the future. Faith ful teaching and working in the church in the beginning begat strength for our church and pastoral lidclity and earnest instruc tion will give its strength and success in days te come. In the world all seek their own. Self is as Dives clothed in purple and line linen ; the church is as Lazarus at the rich man's gate. In the Divine kingdom self is denied. Leving hands and hearts have assisted us wherc wherc unte we have already attained, and may their gifts lead us te be beneficent as Christians. Let the precepts and injunc tiens of the Divine Werd he ever before us, and carried into practice in our lives. Let this Werd be expounded, explained and in sisted upon, until full light shall dawn upon these who hear, anil lead them te give as Him their High Example. He was rich, but fe our sake became peer. Where that spirit falls upon our people, the fulj glory of Ged shall arise upon us, and give us success in all our work here, and eternal life with these te whom we give and for whom we labor in the world te (1III1U. The communion was then administered after the singing of a hymn, and the con cen con giegatien dismissed with the benediction ly the president. in tlie evening at irimty church, Hev. .1. 15. Kath, of ISctlilclicm, preached the sermon from the Gospel lessen for Trinity Sunday morning the story of Xicode Xicede miis, the ruler. Hev. W. Iv. Prick, of Philadelphia, and Kcv. II. N. Fcgley, of Mechauicsburg, Cumberland county, con ducted the altar services. The Session Te-day. The sessions of the synod were formally opened at 1) o'clock this morning by the president, Dr. C. W. Schaellcr. The 22Sth hymn ' Lord el the harvest, hear Thy needy scrvents cry" was Ming, the Apostle's Creed and Lord's Prayer repeated by members of the synod, and the liturgical announcement of the synod's opening in the name of the Hely Trinity, made by Dr. Schactrcr. The roll of ministers was called by Hev. I W. Weisketten, German secretary el the synod. The delegates from the different congre gations el tlie synod then presented their certificates, Hev. J. D. Schindcl, English secretary, announcing the names el the pastors of the congregation te be repre sented. Delegates from vacant congre gations also reported and were received by the synod. The following visiting clergymen were announced as present en the lloer of syn od : Hev. Dr. August Lechmau and Hev II. C Holleway. of t he West Pennsylvania synod ; Hev. J. B. Keimcnsnydcr, of the Georgia synod ; Hev. Enech Smith, of the Pittsburgh synod. Dr. Lechman addressed the synod stat ing tliat he had been licensed by its body lifty-six yeais age. There are new but three ministers living who were members of the synod when he first became con nected with it. Dr. Lechman was granted a dismissal by the synod thirteen years age, and is new licensed at Yerk, l'a., a member of a sister synod. Dr. Schacller read his report as presi dent of the synod. The election of the synedical officers was announced as the next in order, and the president appointed Hevs. W. K. Prick, D. M. Stcttler and J. A. Wicdcrsheim a committee te conduct the election. The time of the synod's sessions was en motion settled as fellows : Morning ses sions from it te 11:45 o'clock; afternoon 2 te 5 o'clock ; evening services te begin at 7:45 o'clock. The reading efthc minutes of the pre vious meeting of the synod were en motion dispensed with, and te be referred te a committee. Hev. J. Fry, D. D., treasurer of synod, presented his report. Referred te com mittee consisting of Hev. Hcuben Hill and Messrs. W. G. Lehman and C. Hall. On motion discussion en the new consti tution for the synod was made the order for the afternoon session. Hev. 11. Sadtler, D. D., president of Muhlenberg college, presented in behalf of the college a memorial which was received and made the first order for Wednesday morning. The paper read by Dr. Sadtler sets forth the condition ami needs of his institution. An endowment is asked for a regular German professorship in the col lege. The interest of the bequest of $:i(),000 by the late Asa Packer will come into use during the year. $1,500 is asked annually from the synod. An effort will be made te remove the debt of the college and increase its endowment. Hev. S. Repass, D. 1)., professor of the ology in the State seminary at Salem, Va., and corresponding delegate from the synod of S. W. Virginia, presented liis creden tials and addressed the synod. Dr. Repass was ordained by the synod eleven years age, at at that time made corresponding delegate te the synod he new represents, and which he afterwards joined. Rev. Prof. J. 1). Dreher, president of Koanekc college, V a., w;is announced as present and introduced te the synod. On motion opportunity will be given en to morrow for Prof. Dreher te address the synod with reference te his work at Roan oke college. Rev. F. J. F. Schantz read the report of the executive committee. On motion the report was received and moved te be referred te a committee. The tellers appointed te conduct the election reported that the treasurer, Hev. J. Fry, the English secretary, Rev. J. I). Sehindel, and the German secretary, Hev. F. W. Weisketten had been re-elected. A new ballet was entered upon for president. Hev. F. J. F. Schantz, appointed at last meeting of the synod delegate te Pitts burgh synod, reported that lie could net attend, but that he had sent te the synod when in session a letter and a copy of the minutes of the last annual session of the synod of Pennsylvania. The time for adjournment of the morning session having arrived, Rev. Isenschmidt elfered a German prayer, and the synod was dismissed by the president. Leg Itreken. On Saturday evening Patrick O'Denncll and Jehn Hagen, employees of the Penn iron works, were wrestling, and Hagen be ing thrown te the ground had one of his legs broken. Hagen was taken te the house of Mrs. Dennelly, East Orange street, where he beards, and his leg was set by Dr. Jehn L. Atlee. Court of Common Pleas. The second week of common picas court began this morning at 10 o'clock, and out of the twenty-eight cases down en the list but live of them were found te be for trial when the list was called. The case of J. AV. "Ncwcemct vs. .Stephen Sheaffer, which was attached last week was resumed this afternoon before Judge Livingston. THE RETURN JUDGES. A HOT TIME OF IT. Disgraceful Disorder Hall Boughs. Packed with Whisky and Muscle Brought te Eberly 's Ke ller. By the time fixed for the meeting of the Republican return judges this morning, Grant hall was packed with such a rough crowd and the heat was se intense that Chairman Eshleman concluded te adjourn te Fulton hall. Meantime Bill Beard and Butch Miller had had a fight at the Ex change and Miller, having been knocked down, get a gang of Seventh ward roughs, Star club bummers and ether villainous looking fellows, and trooped te Fulton hall with them, te aid the Eberly side of the contest. By this time about the only thing in dis pute was the district atterneyship. It was generally conceded that Davis was several hundred ahead, but Sensenig's ceuutmade Eberly 22 ahead and he had the outside claqucrs in the hall te put it through. Police guarded the deer te keep out the crowd and it was with great difficulty that even tlie judges could gain admission through Mr. Yecker's office. Finally the main entrance was opened and the hall was seen filled, the judges ec cupying the seats in the parquet and the crowd filling the circle and partly filling the gallery. The beard was called te order by Chair man of tlie County Committee Eshleman, who suggested that tellers be appointed te take the vote en the selection of a chair man. Alf. Edwards, of the city, and Gee. C. Kennedy, were chosen. Fer chairman Jehn II. Fry was nomina ted by the Eberly men, and Samuel A. G roll by the Davis men. The districts were callcded and the clerks announced they did net agree in their tally. fThe Intklligknckr made the tally, Grelf'W, Fry :0; Kennedy made it Fry !55, ( troll' 34. and Edwards, Grefl'5, Fry '52. Amid intense confusion a second ballet was ordered. Ames Gastef tiie Ninth ward who hail voted for G roll before, new voted for Fry aud the Elizabeth township man voted for Fry ; ttiis elected Fry by 35 te Hi, but it also proved that G roll" was elected en the first ballet. While all this was going en Butch Mil ler's gang of sonic twenty roughs, seated en the south side of the hall, with Adam Snyder anil Jake Price in the parquettc near them, were raising intense disorder and shouting for Tem Davis te leave the hall. Tem Cochran was in the hall apparently in sympathy with the Davis side, while the Jehnsen men co-operated with Ebcrly's friends, Lew Ilartman directing the Seventh ward gang in his behalf. The true inwardness of the light became apparent. That portion of the Bull Ring .which had traded with McMclIen had te stand by him. The Jehnsen wing of the Heg Ring disgusted at McMellcn's treachery te Blaine, Grew and Reiueehl, were ready te knife him. Messrs. Edwards and Kennedy were re tained and C. F. Stencr and Owen Bricker elected as tally clerks, and T. S. Dickey and J. W. Denlinger as additional clerks. Every few minutes the drunken rowdies would raise a row and call for somebody te be " put out " as they did "net trust " him. A mere blundering, awkward and incompetent chairman than Fry never held a gavel. Fer the committee of investigation and en contested districts, consisting of seven return judges, the following nominations were made in the interest of Mr. Eberly : A. B. Heidenbach ; Smith, of Ceney ; Swope, 4th ward, anil Hiram White. In the interest of Mr. Davis the follow ing nominations were made : Jes. II Hubcr, city; Percy Scheck, Marietta; Ames Gast, city ; J. C. Redsccker. The vote steed 30 for the Davis men te te 32 for Ebcrly's and Heidenbach was beaten, the Davis men getting the majority en the committee of seven. During the call of the districts, a little countryman from the Union Square dis trict, who was net an election officer, but had been deputed te bring in the re turns, was discerned by the gang and a motion made te put him out. The chief of police asked the chairman what was te be done, but the gang did net wait te hear his decision. Thirty of them rolled ever the parquettc circle railing into the body of the hall. Tlie police made a rush te step them. The little man was hustled toward Water street. Tem Davis, who knew the gang were really after him, re treated through a row of suatsand climbed up the parquet circle ou the side where his friends were. The whole audience w;vs ou its feet. Wild disorder reigned ; the chairman's incompetence only increas ing it. Confusion worse confounded seemed imminent. Fifty roughs were struggling toward the front of the stage and nobody knew what might ensue. The police were resolute and linn. They kept back the gang and restored order before a blew wasjstruck. .The vote was concluded. Davis had captured a couple of districts and was happy. The gang sullenly sat down. The disorder continuing, a Davis man moved te adjourn. Milt Wike wanted the returns handed in first. The gang shouted for this tee. Fry was about te put the Eberly man's motion, but, finally, put the motion te adjourn, aud it was carried, te the great disgust of Adam Sny der and Jake Price, who pronounced their chairman "a d d wooden head," and said that if Eberly was counted out new it was his own fault. The happy family was te resume its do mestic bliss at 2 p. in. The Ticket Settled. At this writing (2:30 p. m.) the follow ing is believed te be the ticket settled at the primaries : Congress A. Heir Smith. Senate Ames II. Myliu. Assembly City, II. C. Demuth. Lewer district, Hiram Peeples, Jehn II. Landis. Upper district, D. 1). Courtney, Jehn B. Eshleman, A. W. Snadcr, (with a chance for P. M. Eberly) District Attorney T. J. Davis (contest ed by A. J. Eberly). Peer Directors Jacob G. Kcller and Henry Musser. Prison Inspectors Albert Hagen and Calvin Carter. County Surveyor Cel. W. R. Gerhart. Mere Stelen Property Identliied. Mrs. Isaac Bare, of New Helland, has identified about a dozen of the chickens found in the possession of the Watsons' (new in jail for larceny) as belonging te her, and Jacob Kechcl has identified a saddle, found in their possession as one that was recently stolen from his premises. THEDBAHA. Jaaaaachek as Lady Macbeth. The appearance of the gifted and u ijjned tragedienne Janauschek at Fulton opera house, Saturday night, failed te at tract the large audience that her rare abil ities would ordinarily command in this community, which has been especially generous in its patronage of first class dramatic entertainments during the sea son fast drawing te a close. The rather meagre attendance is attributable te a va riety of causes, prominent among which may be named the prevailing excitement in circles political, en account of the Re publican primaries, and the sultry condi tion of the weather, which is net wholly conducive te indoor amusement. As it was, the audience was made up of a re fined critical taste and its admiration of the performance was pronounced. Jan auschek's impersonations are all master pieces but there is probably no mere per fectly rounded production upon any stage than this one of the guilty woman of Shakspeare's bloody tragedy as presented by her. The support was quite geed, and comprised Mr. Meredith as Macbeth, Mrt Dillen, as Macduff, aud Mr. Tayler as Banque. The party left this city direct for New Yerk, the performance in Lancaster being the final one en Janauschek's stalling tour the present season. A VICIOUS MAKK. She Kuns Away 'With Her Owner aud Train er and Smashes Things. The mare that rau away with Thes. J. Houghten, and injured him se severely en Thursday evening, while he was speeding her ou the track at McGi aim's park, ran away again yesterday morning while she was being driven by the herse-trainer, Jehn D. Darling, accompanied by W. I. Skid mere, of Ohie. The mare took fright near the corner of Charlette and Orange streets, ran upon the pavement and against the house of Henry Bechtold, 355 West Orange, and tore oft" one of the front shutters. Mr. Skidmera was thrown out head foremost, but net seriously hurt. Mr. Darling was thrown out seen after wards, being considerably hurt. The mare also ran against the front steps of the residence of Jacob Waltz, breaking them and crushing the ve hicle te pieces, two wheels being broken, the body crushed, the shafts splintered, the perch-pole broken, aud the wagon almost totally demolished. Getting loose from the wagon, and with a part of the shafts aud harness hanging te her, she ran all the way te Millersville, where she was captured, a geed deal cut aud bruised, but ready for another run as seen as oppor tunity offers. Mr. Houghten, who was kicked by the mare en Thursday, is somewhat better, but. is still suffering severely. RAILROAD NEWS. Changc of Tune and Contemplated Kxcur- SIOUH. On and after te-day the Pacific express east will leave Lancaster at 1:10 instead of 1:25. The day express east will leave at 4:43 instead of 5:20 as heretofore. Excursion tickets will be sold for the Ilanlau-Uiley beat race Washington, D.C., en May 24 and 25, geed te May 27. Fare, $7.24 via Ilarrisburg and $5.74 via Yerk. Excursion tickets will also be sold te the Republican national convention at Chi cago, from May 25 te June 1, geed te re turn June 10. Fare for round trip $25.87. Excursion tickets te the millers' conven tion, Cincinnati, will be sold from May 28 te June 15, geed te return until June eO. Fare for round trip, $21.50. The Demo cratic convention excursion tickets, geed for two weeks, will be about the same figure. Police Cases. Peter Kissinger, for drunken and disor derly conduct and fighting at the Ninth ward polls during the Itepublican primary election en Saturday, was arrested and locked up, but subsequently released en bail for a hearing before Alderman Mc Conomy. Jacob Brobst and James Sellers, charged with attempting te swim in the city reser voirs, bad a hearing before Alderman Mc Conomy en Saturday evening. The facts in the case were as has already been stated in the Intelligencer Brobst stripped te the skin te recover Sellers' hat which had blown into tlie water. As he did net get into the water, and as there is a strong probability he would have drowned if he had gene in (he having but one leg), the alderman let him off en payment of costs. The mayor had seven cases of druuken and disorderly conduct before him this morning, two of whom were committed and live discharged. A colored man named Peter Colaman was arrested en suspicion of stealing a dia mond ring from his employer, Samuel E. Baily, carriage maker. A Tired Herse. Yesterday afternoon a young man hired a horse from Frederick Brimmer, livery man, stating that lie wanted te drive him te Strasburg. Mr. Brimmer heard about 2 o'clock that the horse was in possession of two women, who were driving him around the town, aud he began looking for them. In the evening the women drove the horse, which was covered with foam and almost tired out, up North Queen street past Brimmer's stable, and Mr. Brimmer, who was sitting in front of the office, walked into the street and catching held of the bridle, led the horse into the stable, where he put him away. The women get " lippy " aud drew a number of people together, but it did them no reed and the horse was stabled. Columbia News. II. B. Essick, president of the Milten relief meeting, has called meeting of the borough ladies in this behalf at C. F. Yeung's residence, Second and Walnut streets, this evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. Clias. Winbiglcr of the Bethel church, baptized 17 persons in the river yesterday, eppisite the Washington and Columbia turnpike tollgate. 2000 curious people, many in beats, watched the cere mony. A postal was received by a friend this morning from Mr. Frederick Bucher, dated Dublin, Ireland. He states that he has met a great many friends since he left home a few weeks age. He is enjoying geed health, and describes Dublin as a great city. Sent te Jail. Samuel Fisher, the colored man, who struck the conductor of a passenger train with a stone, had a hearing before Alder man McConemy this morning, and was sent te jail for twenty days for trespassing en trains. XMW AHTERTI8EMEST&. We desire te call, attention te FLATWARE, SPOONS, FORKS, In addition ! a full stock et tlie celebrated Rogers Rre.'s goods, we have the exclusive sale in tills city el tlie electro-plated ware el the U or ham Manufacturing Company. These are the best linislied and most durable in the market, and in recommending tliem te the trade tills company (whose representations are always reliable) claim ter them the fallowing merits : " The base of th Geruam electro-plate Is of nickel silver. The silver-plated wares made upon this base combine all the excellence of the solid sliver goods except the intrinsic value of the silver itself. One of the remarkable features of the process of electro-plating is perfect accu racy and delicacy with which the finest line of the engraving or chasing traced en the surface of the nickel base is reproduced en the surface of the silver coating. Thus all the excellence of workmanship which has earned for the company its reputation as makers et sterling silver goods is made tributary te the production of unsurpassed electro-plate. The quantity of pure silver deposited en the finely linislied base exceeds that upon the best of foreign plate. This ware would be excellent and take a line polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a silver surface which will if net abused last mere than a generation. The object is te produce plated ware which shall liave all the beauty of the solid wares. This high grade et ware is un -distinguishable from work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship are made equal te these for which the Company's Sterling Silverware lias been se highly com mended. Te these conditions is added the undennable air or style which distinguishes the genuine In everything Irem the work et imitators and which naturally transfers itself from the Sterling te the plated ware." The price or these goods is only a trifle higher than some of the inferior productions. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street, Lancaster. OHITUARY. Michael Malene, the Venerable Contractor. Michael Malene, the venerable, well well knew and wealthy railroad contractor, died at his residence, corner of East Orange and Shippen streets, about 2 p. va. te-day. Mr. Malene was a native of Ire land and was about 88 years of age. DJe came te this country a young man and rapidly rose irem tlie position of a workman te that of one of the leading railroad and canal contractors in the ceuutry. He was engaged upon the Lehigh canal, Pennsylvania railroad and many ether great public works, and was widely known aud universally respected, lie amassed a large fortune and was gen ereus in his giving!. An extended notice of his public and private life is crowded out te-day by reason of the pressure en our local columns, and by the lateness of the hour at which the tidings of his death reach us. Team Drlvan en. On Saturday morning about 10 o'clock a horse hitched te a two-seated family car riage belonging te Daniel L. Stener, re siding near Nefrsvillc, was driven away from the store of Stener, Shreincr, & Ce., at North Queen and Walnut streets, by some person unknown. The horse was afterwards taken te the Leepard hotel, East King street, and the man who had taken it called upon Jehn W. Mcntzer and told him he did net knew whose horse it was or where he get it ; that he was drunk when he took it, and did net knew that it was net his own until he had sobered up. He gave Mr. Mentzer $5 te pay for any damage that was done or expense that might be incurred. Mr. Mentzer says he knows the man by sight, but does net knew his name. The team was returned te Mr. Stener. Kun Over and Hurt. Mrs. Frederick Lutz, an aged lady re siding en North Prince street, was acci dentally run ever this morning by a horse aud wagon as she was crossing the street at the corner of North Prince and James. She was a geed deal hurt about the arms and face and was carried into the residence of Cenrad Gast, where she received the necessary attention, and was then taken te her home. Net True. There is no truth in the rumor that the drunken man who raised the row at Sicg ler's tavern some days age, and who was pretty roughly handled by Mr. Siegler, was found dead in a field near the poor peer house. The fact is the fellow suspected he would be prosecuted for his miscen-' duct at Sicgler's and stele away from the ' poorhouse as seen as he get the bleed washed from his person. Curious Fish. A few days age we noticed that Fred Waltz, of the McGrann house, had receiv ed two curious lislies from a friend in Khode Island. Since that time Mr. Waltz has get a number of fish from the same party which are of almost every shape. Among the collection are the star, skate, spider, crab bill, toad, guntcr fish and a number of ethers. They are very queer looking and arc worth seeing. Narrow Escape. On Saturday morning a little child of James Black, painter, residing at 527 Duke street, fell into a tub of water and only escaped from drowning by the timely ar rival of its mother. Judgment Affirmed. A despatch from Ilarrisburg says that in the supreme court in the case of Harmen Andersen vs. the Philadelphia and Head ing railrean, the judgment of the lower court has been affirmed. It ion Vreken. Miss Maxton, a daughter of one of the superintendents at the watch factory, who resjdes en Chestnut street, fell down stairs yesterday morning and broke one of" her ribs. The Reformed Classls. A report of the proceedings of the Re formed classis in session at Quarryvillc has been laid ever for publication te-morrow owing te a press of local matter upon our columns te-day. Hey Drowned. Yesterday Neah, son of Mr. Daniel Hencise, residing near Bigmeunt, in Para dise township, Yerk country, was drowned in the Big Conewago. One et the kindest acts ever done for hu manity, was the introduction of St. J a con's Oil for the cure of Rheumatism. Hlght sweats, cough, emaciation and decline prevented by Malt Hitters. The Phonograph, Telephone, Telegraph, and kindred electrical messengers will all be utilized by the orders for SOZODDNT, which will be flashed and sounded ever the wires. It Is as well known abroad as at home, as a cleansing agent for the teeth. my24-lwdcedw A delightful shave is possible only with the Cuticura Shaving Seap. SPECIAL SOTJVES. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. "My Tormented Back," Is the exclamation of mere than one peer hardworking man and woman ; de you knew why it aches ? It is because your kidneys arc ever-tasked and need strengthening, and your system needs te be cleansed of bad humors, Kidney-Wert is the medicine you need. " It acts like a charm," says a well-known physi cian, " I never knew it te fall." my24-lwd&w our complete line of KNIVES, T.AnT.Taa, &c., &c. Brown's Household Panacea Is the most effective l'ain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erappliedcxte rnally aud thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PA1X, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, ami it is warranted double the strength el an-similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or .Rowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache ami A I,!. ACHES, and Is the GREAT RELIEVER OK PAIX. "RROWX'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tulofthe 1'anacea in a tumbler el het water (sweetened, If preterred), taken at bedtime, will RREAIC UP A COLD. 25 cents u bottle. Fer sale at II. 11. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. RROWX'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesiblc injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure In eradicating worms. Twenty live eeuU4 a box. fianlS-lvd&wTuThiS Physicians use Kidney-Wert in regular practice and pronounce its action perfect. my24-iwd&w Try Lechcr's Uenewned Cough Syrup. The invalid linds Searcher" nature's wonderful. in " Dr. Lindsey's Rloed great restorer. It is Statistics prove that twenty-nve percent, of the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Xe) J East King street. I Don't Want That Stuff," Is what a lady of Itosten said te hcrhusbsud w lieu he brought hone some medicine te cure her of sick headache and neuralgia, which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the tirst attack therealter, it was administered te her with such geed results that she contin ued Its use until curcd.and was made se enthu siastic in its praise, that she induced twenty two of the best families m her circle te adept it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hep Hitters. niyl5-2wd&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. "Sellers' Liver Pills" are the secret te per fect health, long life, and absolute happiness. Sold by all druggists. Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup. If. ff. Warner t Ce., Rochester, X. Y. : Gentlkmes: I have tried your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ler ' Rright's Disease," with which 1 have been afllictcd ler the last two years, and It has done wonders ferme. I be lieve it is the only cure known for that terri ble disease, and it is with pleasure that I write this testimony in its favor. Yeu are at liberty te use this in any way you see proper, te bene llt suffering humanity. Truly yours, .Ias. S. Pkescett. Xerth Union, Ohie, Shakers' Society, Cuyahoga County, niyl.V'wd&w Cleveland, Ohie. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. ItEATUS. Shea. On May 23, 1SS0, at tins Lancaster county hospital, Mrs. Kllen Shea, in the 101th year of her age. Her relatives ami friends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral en te-morrow (Tuesday) morning, Irem St. Antheny's church. High lnassnt!) o'clock. Interment in St. Mary's cemetery. ltd SEW Alt rEJlTJSEMESTS. r i OST. I j On Sunday morning a Mocking liird : the tinder will be liberally rewarded b y leav ing it at Xe. 318 Seuth Duke street, ltd JACOIt ALISRIOHT. T) ISSOLUTIOX OF rAKTNKUSIlir. The nartnershie heretofore existing be- twecn a. .i. . n. ifuniaii, trailing us iu. LAP&URO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons 'indebted te said linn will please make immediate payment, and these having claims will present them te either et the undersigned for immediate settlement. The business will be conducted hereafter by Frances Dunlup. Thankful for past favors re ceived, we hereby solicit a continuance of the same te our successor. A. J. DUX LAP, S. 11. OUNLAP. May 24, 1S0. m2l-2td JOHS BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LAXCASTKIt, PA., have In stock a large assortment of HOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' ISibles, Sunday Scheel Libraries. Hymnals, Prayer Reeks, HYMN ROORS AXI) MUSIC ROOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FIXE 11EWA11D CAIWS. SUXDAY SCHOOL RKQUIS1TES or all kinds. UROPOSAI.S FOIt AS LAMPS AXI I LAMPPOSTS. Sealed proposals for the furnishing of the'eitvef Lancaster with gas for the use of the Mayer's Ofllce, City Hall. Market Houses. Station Heuse, &c, by the thousand ubtc feet, and for gas for the street lauip.s per pest ; lighting and keeping the same in geed order and repair for one year from July 1, 1880, in accordance with the previsions of an ordinance untitled An Ordinance for the Lighting of the City .of Lancaster with Ge," approved January (J, 187S, will be received by the Lump Cemmittcce until S o'clock en Tues day evening, June 1, 1880. Proposals will also be received at the same time and place for the furnishing or Lamp Pests and Lamps ter UaB, complete and ready for use, which may be needed during the year. Pests and Lamps te be et same style new in use. Itiddcrs will give the length and weight of the pests they propose te furnish. Proposals will also ue received at the same time and place for lighting, keeping in geed order and repair, and for tlie furnishing of all needed supplies which maybe required for the lighting of the oil (otherwise gasoline) lamps. Rids te state the amount per lamp. The Lamp Committee reserve the right te re ject any and ail bids, and the successful bidder or bidders will give geed approved security ter the faithful perlermance of their contract. The proposals will also stats the amount ad ditional the bidder or bidders will agree te extinguish such lamps as they will light at the time required by ordinance. Proposals must be addressed te WM. JOIIX SOX. Chairman Lamp Committee, Mayer's Of fice, Lancaster, Penn'a. IIERISERT .IOHXSTOX, m21429d Clerk. THIRD EDITION. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 24, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 24. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary barometer,high baremeter,high er temperature and winds, mostly from south te west, and partly cloudy weather. PHILADELPHIA & BEADING. IN THE HANDS OF RECEIVERS. Three Jleu Who Will Fretect its Interests. Philadelphia, May 24. A bill in equity was Gled te-day in the clerk's office of the circuit court of the United States for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, against the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company, and Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron company. The plaintiff is Moses Tayler of New Yerk, who sets forth that he is holder of bends amounting te $100,000. of the income mortgage bends of Philadelphia and Read ing railroad company executed en Decem ber 1st, 1870, te Edwin M. Lewis, and that said bend is secured by assignment by the railroad company of a bend te the coal and iron company in the sum of $20,000,- 000, conditioned for payment ir $10,000, 000, in twenty years from date ; that the said bend is secured by certain mortgages executed by the coal and iron company te Geerge Dcl5. Keim. The bill then sets forth that the railroad and coal and iron companies are both insolvent and have been compelled te suspend payment of their debts ; that the company employ the services of 25,000 men ; that the companiesarereallyeperatedunderthesame management, and that improvement in the coal and iron business is all that is neces sary te restore the companies te a condi tion of prosperity. The bill concludes that in the meantime a receiver or receivers of the said railroad and coal company be ap pointed, with such power and authority in regard te the preservation and use of the same as te the court shall seem best adapted te protect and promote the inter ests of all persons having any interest theriu. Samuel Dicksen, of the law lirm of Bul litt & Dicksen, left the city last night for Pittsburgh, where it is understood applica tien will be made te Judge McKcnna, of the U. S. circuit court, for the appoint ment of a receiver. Three Keceivers Appointed. Werd has just been received from Pitts burgh that Franklin B. Gewen, Edwin M. Lewis and II. A. Caldwell, president of Fidelity trust company, have been appoint ed receivers for the Reading railroad. Hair Time. It has been decided by the combined an thracite producing interests te suspend mining of coal en the last three days of each week during the month of June. THE 1MSIJAKMKNT CASK. Steliiniun aud Hensel Preler Full Vouch. Special te the 1ntei.lhies.ceie. Hauuiskcue, May 24. Chief Justice Mercur, pre ten., having intimated te At torney General Palmer, the willingness of the court te hear the Stcinmaii-IIensel dis barment case this week if the counsel are all satisfied, Mr. Shapley telegraphs Gen. Palmer that the appellants prefer te wait for a full bench, and would rather the, tse go ever this week than that it be ht.ird with Chief Justice Shnrswoed and Justice Paxson off the bench. ItY WIKK. Xwk of the Afternoon. Later advices from the scene of the acci dent en the Seuth Pacific coast railroad confirm the report given in our news col umns te day. Thirteen men were killed and forty wounded and every hotel in Santa Cruse, Cal., has been turned into a hospital. A body of live hundred Seuth Cerk militia stormed a train of cars a Mallow, Ireland, containing emigrants from Kerry te America, beating them unmerc'f al'y and ousting them from the care. Senater Jehn A. Legan says Grant has net answered the telegram ordered te be sent him by the Illinois convention iirl'orni iirl'erni ing him of its action. TISWAKE, ,IC TjUFTKKX DOLLARS 1SUY.S A FIKST-CLASS KEFKItiEKATOK, With Hnameled Water Tank, at SHKRT.KR, RUM I'll RKVILLK A KIKFFKR'S, Sm. 40 East King Street, Lancaster. Pit. MARUt.E WORKS. "WM. P. FRATT,EY'S MONUMENTAL MARBIjE "WORKS 758 Xertn ijucen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMEXTS, HEAP AXI) FOOT STOXES, GARDEX STATUARY', CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given ii every particular. X. R. Remember, works at the extreme end f XertUQueen street. tu:0r MISf,Ef,T,ASEO VS. T MtY LOCHER'S KeseiyXEU COUCH SYRUP ATTKXTIOX. CHJAlClAKl:iW! The finest let of extra quality Old Penn sylvania Lent Tobacco for sale. Cull en or ad dress SHIXDEL A HKRSHEY, X.iBi Colum bia, Lancaster, Pa. m22-:std A M OKOIXAXCE 2X. A nnreiirlating the nublic menevs of the i;uy ei j.uucasicr 10 mi; several uepartments thereof, for the llscal year commencing en the 1st day of June A. I). 1880. Section 1. Re it ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Lancaster: That the sum of one hundred aud twenty seven thousand seven hundred dollars be and tht same is especially appropriated te the sev eral objects hereinafter named for the fiscal year commencing en the 1st day of June. A. D. 1880. Section 2. Tepav Interest en Leans, including Sink'ingFund $ I2.2.V) 00 Te pay pnncipui en i.eans, as re quired bylaw Te pay State Tux en Leans Te pay Repairs of Streets Te pay ler macadamizing streets... Te pav for one square of Relgiau OlOCKS ..-. Te pay arrearages et bills for labor en streets, net Including contract 11,500 00 2,873 00 7,000 00 3,000 00 2,.VW 00 work 5,000 00 7,300 00 3,000 00 0,G50 ) 9.6G0 00 J,500 00 730 00 Te puy Water Works general Te pay for leaving Watr Pipes Te pay for Safaries Te pay for Police and Turnkey Te pay for Lighting City Te pay for Lamps and Pests Te eav for Fire Companies. 7 Steam ers at W0, 1 without Steamer $230. 3,030 00 Abatement for prompt payment of City Tax 3,000 00 Abatement ler prompt payment of Water Rents 1,100 00 Percentage ter Collection of Arrear ages or City Tax 800 00 Contingencies 8,2(i 00 Ordained anil enacted into a law at the' city of Lancaster, en the 20th day et May. A. D.1S80. JOHN LEVERGOOD, President Common Council. HEitttErrr Johnsten, Clerk Common Council. RORERT A. EVAXS, President Select Council. J. K. Bams. Clerk Select Council. Approved May 21, 188e. JOIIX T. MacUOXIGLE, m2I-3td Mayer. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. PmULDKLriOA. May 24. Fleur dull and weak ; superfine $3 0C35t; extra at 00t 90; Ohie and Indiana family at $3 25 ou ; Penn'a family 95 2303 62 ; St. Leuis family $5 S0G 00 ; Minnesota family tSOOJti 35; patent and high grades $6 5003 00. Hye flour at $4 73. Cernmcal Brandywiue unchanged. Wheat dull and easier : Xe. 2 Western Ked H2SJ4; Penn'a Ked $113; Amber 91 30. Cern scarce and strong; steamer none here ; yellow Stic ; mixed 535tic. Data dull, easier ; Ne. 1. White. 4rc : Xe. 2. de ISJJItk: ; Xe. 3, de gJ$c ; Xe. S, Mixed 41 42c. Kye Arm; Western and l'a. OifJiCc. Previsions dull ; nits perk at 1123I1 50 ; beef hams 91 717 50 ; India beet 91Sg$ is 50 : bacon smoked shoulders 5ic : salt 4?H(J4,"c ; smoked hams lOQIlc ; pickled hams 8tj'.)c. Lard dull ; city kettle Kei loose butchers G3c ; prime steam 97 107 1-. Butter choice scarce, drill ; creamery extra 2223c; de geed te choice 1321e: Urailferd county and New Yerk extra I'Jftilc ; Western reserve extra at 15fJ17e; de geed te cheice 13gi3c : Kelis dull : lVnn'a extra 13tS 15c; Western reserve extra llglec. ' Kggs scarce ami linn ; I'eun'u I-c; West ern 13e. Cheese dull and weak, except chelct) ; Xew Yerk factory at 12e; Wi-ntern tuli cream, lie: de for geed iOtflOljc; de lmir skims 'J.g)10c. Petroleum quiet: refined 7Jic. Whiskey 91 11. Geed te prime clever nothing doing ; Tiute dull nt2 'J03 ; Flaxseed tlrm at 91 4.1 Xew Yerk Market. Xkw Yerk. May 24. Fleur Stute ami West ern very dull and in buyers taver; supertlne state 93 734 50 ; extra de 91 25 4 75; Choice de 94 805 in); fancy 5 0TSS 00; round hoop Ohie 94 !.' 25; choice de 95 50t.p(; superlinu western 93 75fi) 4 50: common te geed extra de 94 2TQ4S0r choice dodo 94 8j7 00; choice white wheat de 94 ..3 0.; Southern dull and heavy; common te fair extra 95 25Q5 S5 ; geed te choice de 95 507 00. Wheat Spring quiet nnd nominal ; winter dull and ib$Kc lower : Se. 2 Red. heavy 91 33' . 1 -JS&1 de June 1 !Srl 2. Cern Cash and May ie lower; June and July quiet and steady: Mixed western spot, 522c; de future 49;32c. eats heavy ami lower, including Xe. 2 June 40c ; Statu 4445c ; Western 4 Ueef dull am! prices uuclumgt'd. Perk llriuer ; new me.-vs 91750. Lard quiet and lirm; steam rendered $7 CO. Whisky dull ; Western 91 0S1 !. Spirits of turpentine dull at4l4.'ie. Stock Market. PltlLADBM'IIIA. Mav 21. 1230 P. x. 3 0i v. M, Stocks excited. Peniuiti's (third issue) Philadelphia & Krie... Reading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. el X. J Northern PacMic " Preterred... .ie8j.: 10'( - 4SJj 47 .iiai . 20 . 40 Northern Central 32 Lehigh Navigation 22 Norristown leijJi Centra Transportation Ce. 4'i riiis , xuusvuie x. uuuaie. vx Little Schuylkill... 4t Nkw Yekk, May 21. Stocks steadv. Meney I N. Y. Central 124! -riv. "'v t Adams Express 112! Michigan Central 77 Michigan Southern 1UI Illinois Central 102 Cleveland A Pittsburgh 112 Chicago A Reck Lsland IM Pittsburgh 4 Fert Wayne.. 118 Western Union Tel. Ce D4? Teledo Wabash 2uj2 New Jersey Central 57JJ United Slates Bends and Sterling Kxeli;m ' (Quotations by R. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. VI. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PniLADKLruiA. May 21 United States 's, I8H1, (registered). .KXJJ.UC United States r.'s, 18H1, (registered). .(Ki'htftln M United States Js, 1KH, (registered) lusjjUis';, United States 4;'s, ISill, (coupons). .wyt United States 4s, 1907. (registered). .1(I7107 United States Currency 's 12C Sterling Exchange tSJ'.M ' Cattle Market. PiilLAnELi-iilA. May 2I.-Cattle market steady Sales 2, 100 head ; prime rSSje : goed5."i,Jc; medium 4J4:)',e : common 4j'J4 Sheep market dull. Sale! tyxw head ; prime 4iK"' e ; geed f!4Je; iii-ilitiu :y,tfj;ie ; rein- u :(?:f,'e. Hogs Market dull. Sales 5,000 head; prime and geed lrj.;C ; medium i.c; common c. AM USEMESTS VKAIK ANOSTKAAVItKKKY FESTIVAL for the benclit et St. Jeseph's Church, will commence en FRIDAY. MAY 2H, at Roth Reth weiler's Hall, West King street, and continue ler ten days. mr.i-2wd I . ... ...m.m -.v.7a. ... r ...... v. . . uriTiiv ikii.-f?.i itfiiri.' i itipiMwi i IlESKI'lT OV THE Free Dispensary for the Sick Pcer. TIIUKSIUY !:VEN1X( MAY '27. ADELAIDE U. MURDOCH. In her Lecture, Entitled " Substance and Shadow." TICKETS, SO CIS. n2l ltd -PfcKA HOUSE. TUESDAY EYEXLNG', MAY 25, Manager Jehn 1). Mishler has the honor el presenting with Xew Scenery and Elegant Costumes the lnieu Square Version of 1 In great play of the "TWO ORPHANS," If. its Original Style, with an Imminently Tal ented Company, consisting of the ASSOCIATED ARTISTS, Lute members of the Company attached te DALY'S THEATRE, Xew Yerl The public are respectfully informed that every attention will be paid te details and m pains or expense spareil te give a Strictly First-cla-s Perform ance. SPECIAL, PRICES: GALLERY B5 Cls. ADMISSION, 3.1 RESERVED SEATS GO " Reserved Scuts new en bule at Opera Heuse Office. Xe extra charge. in20-5td HOUSE EURSISMNU OOOHS. NOTICE! We have new In stock the largest as sortment of seasonable goods in our line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons, Dell Carriages, Velecipedes.Fly Brushes, Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash Brushes, Feather and Hemp Dusters, Dusting Brushes, Sweeping Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels of all kinds. Rubber Garden Hese, Fleer and Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Woedware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and every article in the line of Housekeeping Hardware. These goods have mostly been bought before the great advance in prices and are being sold at a small advance en cost, at Flu & Breneman's Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. EOKSALE OR RENT. FOK KKXT. Twe very desirable rooms, Xe. V& North Queen street, suitable for photograph gallery, formerly occupied by J. S. Saurnian. Apply te a5-tfd THOS. RAUMGARDNEk. PUBLIC SALE OX TUUIUHAY, MAV 27, will be sold a large let or Household and Kitchen Furniture, at Xe.207 North Llnio Llnie street. Alse Carpenter and Machinist's loels. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, sharp-my22-tsd WASXEli. XTAXTED. .KVKKY1JOOV TO ADV'KK- YV tlsc, free el charge, In the Imtklliokm Imtklliekm ckk, who wants something te de. IAOS! It AGS! KAGS!- KAGS WANTED. t Housekeepers take notice that we ure paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. IIEXXECKE, aprt-3rad Xe. 233 West King Street.