Wyi mfak$ Volume XVINe. 225. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY MAY 22, 1880. Price Twe Cents. TERMS. THE DAILYLNTELLIGENCER, rCKLISIIEU EVEttV KVEK1NO, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, intelligencer Kullding, Southwest Cerner r Centre Square. I'he Dailt Ixtelueksccer in furnished te subscribers in the City et Lancaster nml mi rounding towns, accessible by Railroad ami Dally Stage Lines ut Ten Cekts I'eu Wkeij, payable te the Carriers, weekly. I5y Mail, $." a year in advance ; otherwise, $. Entered at the pest efliccnt Lancaster, Pa., as -creud class mail matter. 3-Thc STEAM JOB PRINTING DEPART MENT ei this establishment pe-'-eSM-H uiisiir-a-cd facilities for the execution of all kinds ! nam and lancv rrinumr. COAL. K "' MART IX, Whole-ale and Retail Dealci in all kinds of lumber axi coal. J?a-Yanl: Xe. 420 Xerth Water and l'rince rtu-els, above Lemen, Lancaster. n:-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Jtest Ouality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 3- VAKB-1.-0 SOUTH WATER ST. in -.'.l-lyd WllLIP SCHUM, SOX & CO. r rsr received a i-ink let or isaled ' MAY AND STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, OEALEl'Ji IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, 231 XOltTJI WATER STREET. g3-W-tcrii Fleur a Specialty. rs27-lyd "COHO &"wi"LEY,"" ;.7 SOUTH WATER ST., Lancaster, i'., Whole.-ale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and ISulldcrs. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en nil kinds of buildings, llranch Offlce : Ne.SNOItTll DUKE ST. JebiS-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! GORRE0HT & CO., fr or GmmIuui1 Cheap Ceal. Tnrd Ilarrishurg I'il.r. OJtice y.; East Chestnut Stre!t. P. W.GORRKCUT, Aft. .1. I'.. K1LEY. fl-1 W. A. KELLER. jewelers. IeiiisAVi:iti:u, j WATCH MAKER. Ne. I.ViJS NORTH OUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, IjiiinisK-r, I'a. Celd, Silver and Xickel-tsiM.il Wat chen. Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ler the celebrated Pautnscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd" A N UNUSUALLY LAUUK FINE STOCK OE L 5 nnrl flrmnJ is, IS At neailvance en Ohl Prices. B. P. BOWMAN, km; east king street. LANCASTER. I'A. COLORED SPECTACLES AM EYE GLASSES, In all the Shades of BLUE, GREEN AND SMOE33D, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LAXCASTER, l'A. Watches, Clocks ami Jewelry Repaired. DIAMOND1 D1AMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS 1HAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS An Experience Of Nearly Half a Century in DIAMOND DEALING Gives us Positive Assurance That "We Can Suit Every Persen "Who "Wishes te Buy DIAMONDS. BAILEY, BAIS & BIDDLB, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. nprG lydTu,Tli&S 3LARRLE WORKS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE "WORKS 758 Nertn yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme entl f North Queen street. m30 TRY LOCHER'S SYRUP UKWOWNED COUGH DRY STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER OFFER TO CONSUMERS A STOCK OF DET GOODS PURCHASED BY DIRECT REPRESENTATION IN All lie Best Markets of flu fferl "Which they offer in such assortment and at such moderate prices that every buyer cannot but be laigely benefited by an examination of the stock. SILK DEPARTMENT. In this department wc show lifty finalities Black Silks, Frem 73 cents upwards. Colored Silks, Frem 03 cents upwards. Black and Colored Satins, In immense assortment. Fancy Pekins, Brederie, Facenne, Damas, etc., In colors te combine with the new Dress Goods In Summer Silks, We have Rayc At J 30 cents. .Iiiipre At G5 cents, .la-prc At 75 cents. Fa-pre Quadrille At 'JO cents. In Fancy Silks, We have an almost endless variety. BLACKGOODS. A wenderlul stock et French Black Cashmeres, In every grade and width, from 40 cents te $2.0) ' per yard. In Silk "Warp Henrietta Cleths, We siiew an Immense collection, at identical j ly the .-ame prices as last year. A magnilicent assortment of Grenadines, Hernanies, 1 Anil I Lace Buntings, In Black and Celers HOSIERY AM) UNDERWEAR. Our Stock et Thin and Medium "Weight Under wear Is simply magnificent, and at least unexcelled in the United States. All Sizes Men's Gauze Shirts, At 'J3 cents. Fine Gauze Shirts, At 31 cents. Very Fine Gauze Shirts, At:.0 cents. All the best grades of Cartwright & Warners' Underwear. Very Geed Pepperell Jean Drawers, At 30 cents. Beys' Gossamer Shirts, At 25 cents. Beys' Gossamer Shirts, At 22 cents. Beys' Gauze Shirts, At 23 cents. IN SUMMER HOSIERY. Our stock has been lately supplemented bv fresh arrivals of choice novelties from abroad. Ladies' Pin Striped Hese, At 30 cents. Ladies' Fine B!ack Hese, At 30 cents. The Same with Silk Clocks, At 13 cents, Black and "White Striped Hese, At 30 cents. Ladies' Extra "Wide Fine Balbrig- gan Hese, At 30 cents. It is impossible te obtain a fair idea of the size and importance of our stock with out a personal examination, and every lady visiting the city should net fail te serve her own interest by a call at our house. Our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT win enable her afterwards te obtain her supplies regularly from us, as large numbers of our customers the country ever are new doing. Strawbridge & Clothier, Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AID ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purilies the Bleed, Enriches the Rloed, Reddens the Bleed, makes New Bleed, Wonderfully Improves the Appetite, ami Changes the Constitution Suffering from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of Us wonderful cfllcaey is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with all. irlt is most scientilically ami elegantly compounded by iLs author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jellerson Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Skillful Pharmacist. Price, 50c and !$1. 00. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. tl4-lyileew&w CARRIAGES, S. E. BAILY. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and "Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. Wc are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment or Bips, Carriages, Plutus, MarM Wagons, k, Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, wc are enabled te efler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep In stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted euc year. WISES ASD S. CLAY MILLER p ESPECTFULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as ' the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old "Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaffs Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. GOODS. Ladies' Solid Celer Hese, At 50 cents. In MEN'S HOSIERY and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, We have every grade and price. SUM3IERGARMENTS. Fer Ladies' Misses and Children. The Suit Department has become famous during the past two seasons for its array et these goods. The Latest Novelties Silk Suits, Cashmere Suits, Memie Cleth Suits, Flannel Suits, DeBege Suits, and Suits of ether Materials. Summer "Wraps Fer Ladies, Misses and Children. We offer unrivalled Inducements In Mantles, Capes, Fichus, Coats, Jackets. Our Tourist Jacket, at $5.50. Is admitted te be the bargain of the season. SUMMER SHAWLS. We call especial attention te our .stock of Shetland Shawls. We open the season with 400 Dozens In All Celers, w ith Plain, Fancy and Rail Fringe and without triage. The pi ices range from 65 cents te $7. Shetland Chenille Shawls, very stylish anil in extra sizes. Berlin Square Cashmere Shawls, In Plain, Plaid and Fancy Checks. Prices : 52.00, 82.50, $2.65, $3.25, $4.25. French Cashmere Shawls from $5 up tO $10. French Black Thibet Shawls, in an extensive assortment that must be seen te be appreciated. Single Paisley Shawls, open ami filled centres, trem $6 tO $35. French India Shawls from $14 te $60. PHAETONS. te W. W. BAILY and Dealers in LIQUORS. Lancaster fntrHtgcnccr. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1880. THE "DIAGS." FORTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. Successful Entertainment by the Diagno Diagne tlnan Literary Society of Iranklln and Marshall College Profuse Dis play of Flowers and Scholarly Orations. Fulton opera house last evening were a holiday garb, and en few previous occa sions has the stage presented se brilliant a spectacle. Looked at from the front it charmed the eye by the tasteful arrange ment of all the colors of the rainbow, and a geed many ever, representing every de partment of Flera's kingdom, and the richness of the display was equalled only by the artistic design evinced in its arrangement. A heavy festoon of green hung in graceful curves across flic front of the stage, from the apex of which depended a banner inscribed with the Latin motto of the society, ''Dam Li cet Utamur." Suspended from the Hies were a dozen elegant baskets filled with blooming plants. On the front of the statre at cither side were l.ircre stands of 0 0 Hewcrs, comprising geraniums of various hue, fine Calla lilies, cactus, with an abundance of smilax and ether trailing plants. Twe large vases filled with rare and beautiful living plants and flowers, occupied prominent positions en the centre of the stage. A large silk Amer ican flag in the background completed the Tery rich', unique and artistic ornamenta tion, which reflected the highest degree of credit upon the j 1 taste of the gentle men who ate responsible for this superb decoration. Messrs. W. J. Jehnsen, chair man, 0. It. Snyder, Chas. K. Ferner, E. E. Perteriield, E. S. Jehnsen, Chas. W. Crcmerand Emery Taggart, who consti tuted the committee of arrangements, were evidently determined net te be outdone by their brethren of the Geethcan society in the matter of floral decoration, nor indeed in any feature of the entertainment, and te their admirable management may be ac credited the signal success of last night's anniversary down te the minutest detail. When Kefler's excellent orchestra struck up " Happy Days," te the martial time of which the orators and officers of the occasion, together with Franklin and Marshall's faculty, proceeded down the centre aisle and occupied seats en the stage, the opera house was thronged with a brilliant audience, comprising the friends of the students themselves, and of the institution they se worthily repre sented. Of course the ladies were out in force, and their pretty faces and attire gave added attraction te the beautiful scene, and, as usual, they brought with them an abundance of floral tributes for the gallant orators. Mr. A. P. Shirk, occupied the speaker's chair and presided with ease and dignity. He was presented with a number of hand some floral tokens during the evening. The exercises were preceded by an im pressive prayer by Rev. C. B. Shultz, pas tor of the Moravian church, after which Kefler's orchestra played a fine overture " Lust Spoil " ( Kcler Bcla). The prologue, written for the occasion, was delivered by Mr. C. D. Meycr, of Frceburg, Pa., who in graceful verse wel comed all present te the literary feast pre pared for the evening, the composition breathing the spirit of fraternal greeting te the brethren of the sister society, te the honored faculty of the college, te the people of Lancaster, and last but net least te the Indies, who have been such staunch friends of the "sons of Diagnet.he," as they were felicitously designated by the salutatorian of last week's entertainment. The poem was read in a geed tone of voice and with easy manner, and at its conclu sion was rewarded with long-continued ap plause and several handsome floral trib utes. Kefler's orchestra played the "Eleauo "Eleaue rean "Waltzes" (A. Parlew). Oration "The Mayflower "Mr. C. E. Davis, Bconcsbero, Md. The idea of this speaker, which would have been mere easily grasped had he net been se long in presenting it fairly te his hearers, was that liberty and individual thought are immor tal and universal ; that in all ages of the world's history they have struggled with various degrees of success for expression, and that the light of truth, however much it may be for a season clouded ever will never be totally extinguished. In the cabin of the Mayflower, where were gath ered the little band of Puritan champions of freedom, humanity recovered its rights, and the orator at length discussed and ex tolled the hardy spirit that sustained them in asserting the liberty of which they had long been deprived. Te their influence the progress of the world's history is largely owing, and they have been a potent factor in elevating and enlightening the race. Unfortunately for the effect of Mr. Davis's oration it staggered under the dis advantage of an unreasonable length, and a compact expression of ideas was prevented by the fact that they were spread ever tee much surface, whilst the difficulty in following him closely was increased by the fact that his memory en several occasions proved treacherous. In this latter trying emergency, however, he retained his self-possession in an admira ble degree, and, referring te his manu script, caught up the broken threads and proceeded without visible embarrassment. Flowers and applause were liberally ac corded him as he resumed his scat. Music Serenade, " Dreams of Heme," (Eisenman) Kefler's orchestra. Oration "Skepticism" Mr. A. F. Reh- rcr, Smithsburg, Md. In the intellectual development of the human race, skepti cism plays no mean part. The ancient world was wrapped in mysticism. In a later day, when the light of revelation dis pelled the darkness that had se long brooded ever mankind, fanaticism and su perstition followed in its wake. Later en infidelity and inspired truth waged war fare, while the the most recent phase of civilization presents the spectacle of en lightened and scientific inquiry into thee ries and doctrines that have held sway ever the minds of the multitude. There is that noble skepticism which is the servant of truth, and which is widely different from the impious and sacrilegious unbelief of sacred truth which constitutes the popular acceptance of the term ; and the young orator warmly eulogized this spirit of thoughtful inquiry te which many of the grandest discoveries of history are due, and which constitutes nothing else than a species of skepticism. But when this spirit assails religion and seeks te break down belief in Ged, it degenerates from of the high plane of well-directed energy in the law of human progress. True skepticism is the magic wand that dispels superstition while reverently re fraining from impious assaults upon the Divine truths of religion. This was an ex cellent composition delivered withal in a full rich voice and with calm and dignified manner. Elegant floral favors and generous applause were awarded the speaker. Music Fantasie "Le Diadcmc" (A Hermann ) orchestra. Eulogy " Washington Irviug" Mr. F. E.Bucher,Sunbury,Pa. Mankind recognizes in terms of eulogy and praise the lives and achievements of the benefactors of the race, and the speaker announced his intention of adding his peer tribute te the chaplet that adorns the brew of one whose genius il lumined the period in which he lived and which at this time shines with undimmed lustre. In a graphic narrative the writer sketched the career of Washington Irving, with a description of the style that distin guished the work of the great author. His humor was refined, his pictures of life the essence of fidelity. Jle less amiable in private life was jie than distinguished in his professional character. He was net perfect, but his faults were lest in the lustre of his noble traits of character. His fame is of a kind that will last forever, but it is due te the effects rather than the motive of his writings. A highly-wrought eulogy of Irving's character comprised the effective peoratien te this admirable com position which was delivered with a fervor that bespoke tlje genuineness of the orator's feelings, while the graceful gesture that marked its delivery materially enhanced its effect. A liberal share of bouquets and ether emblems accompanied the prolonged applause that greeted the speaker as he retired. Music Pelenaise, "Suuniside" (Lc Feut) orchestra. Oration " The Glory of Scotland" Mr. Wm. Nevin Apple, Lancaster, Pa. Grand and glorious is the history of the Highland warriors, who swept down from the Xerth te check the impious ad vance of of the invading Reman ; and Scotland te-day may point with pride te the grand men who exerted no mean in fluence upon the progress of the world. Like the Reman matron, she points te her sons and says, "These arc my treas ures." Almest every phase of the general life of the world has felt the sublime influ ence of Scottish character. The realm of politics has felt the impress of the hon esty and patriotism of this people, whi'c the true genius of ScetI d glows in most enduring flame in the world of literature and poetry. "Walter Scott and Rebert Burns placed the brightest garland en her laureled brew. All Scotland breathes but one tale the deeds of her noble sous, which no language can tee eloquently express, and no praise tee highly exalt. Mr. Apple's production was ornate and eloquent, breath ing the spirit of devoted admiration of the land and people te whom he rendered such a generous tribute of praise and eulogy. He spoke in a manly, earnest tone of voice, aud, in addition te a num ber of fine bouquets and baskets-, received a memento, sent from Germany by Mr. Geerge Merle Zacharias, being a compan ion piece te the souvenir sent by the same gentleman te one of the speakers at last week's anniversary.It consists of a tablet of ivy with a bust of Schiller in bas relief. Alse a crown of oak and ivy leaves. The ivy leaves are from the Dernburg, and the leaves from San Souci park, the favorite resort of Frederick the Great, and from the mausoleum of Prus sia's greatest queen, Louise. Kefler's orchestra followed Mr. Apple's masterly effort with a charming medley of Scotch airs, composed especially for the occasion by Prof. W. n. Kcffer, leader of the orchestra, and which was executed in excellent style. Oration-4 'Public Opinion" Mr. C.Edw. Netschcr, Bethlehem, Pa. In order te have a sound public opinion the public mind should be cultivated and educated. The numerous sub-divisions of public opinion, embrace the most comprehensive distinc tions. Hew different is public opinion in America, Europe, Asia and the isles of the sea ; yet it is public opinion, which is governed by climatic and geographical in fluences net mere than by the divisions of society. It is like a resistless army ; it yields te nothing, holds autocratic sway, and tolerates no appeal. The press consti tutes a powerful lever in meulding, sus taining and directing public opinion, whether for the right or the wrong. Men of high station in in official and mercantile life, and indeed in every phase of society, likewise exert potent influence ; woman's gentle influence is net without its power, and the pulpit contributes a large share in forming this factor of human achieve ments. Public opinion, concluded the speaker, has its its scat in the innate feel ing of the human breast for the right ; it is steadily becoming purer aud better, and its ultimate effect must be the extir pation of wrong wherever found te exist in the world. A very creditable produc tion, delivered in sclf-passessed manner and clear tone of voice. Baskets, bouquets and ether offerings expressed the feminine appreciation of this effort, while the "boys" came down in the usual burst of applause. Music Selections from the "Chimes of Normandy" (Planquette) orchestra. Anniversary Oration "The King of the Zulus" Mr. Fred. "W. Biesecker, Jenner V Reads, Pa. England can never fall into contempt. The continued progress of de cay can never destroy the history of her grander past. There was a time when England proclaimed herself the champion of liberty. But, alas for her national char acter ! a new spirit has gained supremacy. Policy, duplicity and cunning have taken the place of honesty and statesman ship, and this malign spirit never was was mere openly manifested than in Great Britain's flagrant violation of the law of nations by the conquest of Seuth Africa, an act which comprised the theme of the most energetic denunciation of the orator. "Wantonness and love of power alone inspired this unjust and des potic act which had as its only real object political aggrandizement, and overlooked all the equities and national justice. Cet Cet ewaye, the king of the Zulus, was the sov ereign chosen by his people te rule ever them, and his resistance te British rapacity will live en the pages of history in striking contrast with the efforts of Englandjte rob him and his people of the homes which they had as much interest in defending as the civilized owner of a household has in keeping off the dcspoil dcspeil cr. The "policy" which inaugurated and prosecuted this unjust war of conquest was the policy of selfishness and in the light of subsequent events it can be seen that net long will it be permitted te held sway in the councils of Great Brit ain. Mr. Biesecker's fine oratorical "pewiw found ample opportunity for exhibition in this paper, which was written in aboM.'ag abeM.'ag grcsivc vein, evinced considerable famili arity with the political system of Great Britain, and the deliberate aud resonant delivery of which enabled every word te be distinctly heard. In the distribution of floral tributes this young orator fared richly as his excellent effort entitled him. Music Galep, "Sanger" (Michaclis) orchestra. Dr. Apple, president of the college, pro nounced the benediction, aud the large and well-pleased audience slowly dispersed. F. Burrows, or the Arm et Burrows A Win! Stanley, Sarina and Wilkcspert, writes that he was cured of a very dangerous case of inflam mation of the lungs solely by the use of live bottles et Eclectie Oil. Feels great pleasure in recommending it te the public, as he had proved It, for many of the diseases it mentions te cure, through his friends, anil in near ly every instance it was etfectuul. Fer sale by 11. JJ. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 31 Statistics prove that twenty-nve percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, ami when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sutfercrs ter their negli gence, or pity them for their Ignorance? Ne 'J East King street. When you aie in pain you want prompt re lief. If the pain is caused by a bruise, corn, rheumatism, burns, sere threat or chest, the colic or any ether of the injuries or disorders, ubeDr. Themas' Eclectic Oil. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, P11 33 MEDICAL. CUTICURA Miracles of Healing Unparalleled in Medical History. " I have been afflicted for twenty years with an obstinate skin disease, called by some M. D.s' psoriasis and ethers, leprosy,cemmeiiciiig en my scalp, aud in spite of all I could de, with the help et the most skilful doctors, it slowly but surely extended, until a year age this winter it covered my entire, person in form of dry scales. Fer the last three years I have been unable te de any labor, anil suffer ing intensely all the time. Every morning there could be nearly a. dustpantul of scales taken from the sheet of my bed, some of them halt as large as the envelope containing this letter. In the latter part et winter my skin commenced eracklngepen. I trieil everything, almost, that could be thought of, without any relief. The 12th of June I started West in hopes I could reach the Het Springs. I reached Detroit and was se low I thought I should have te go te the hospital, but llnally get as far as Lansing, Mich., where I had a sister liv ing. One Dr. treated me about two weeks, but did me no geed. All thought 1 had but a short time live. I earnestly prayed te tlie. Cracked through the skin all ever my back, across my ribs, arms, hands, limbs, feet badly swollen, tee nails came efl",flngcrJnails dead and hard as bone, hair dead, dry unit lifeless as old straw, e. my Ged ! hew 1 mil suuer. 'Mv sister. Mrs. E. II. Davis, had a snia part of a box of Cuticura in the house. She wouldn't give up ; said, ' We will try Cuticura.' Seme was applied en one hand anil arm. Eureka! there was relief; stepped the terrible burning sensation trem the word go. They immediately get the Cuticura Reselvejjt. Cu Ticur.A ami Cuticura Seap. 1 commenced by taking one tablespoon fill of Reselvent three times a flay, after meals : hail a bath once a day, water about bleed heat: used Cuticura Seap freely; applied Cuticura morning ami evuning. Result, returned te my home in just six weeks trem time I left, and my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. "HIRAM E. CARPENTER, " Hendersen, Jeffersen County, N. Y. "Sworn te before me this nineteenth day of January, 1880. "A. M. Lgfmnewelu Justice of the Peacs. We hereby certify that we are acquainted with the aforesaid ;IIIram E. Carpenter and knew his condition 10 have been as stated. We believe his statement te be true in every par ticular. L. B. Simmons & Son,Mercirts,IIendersen,N. Y. G. A. Thompson, Merchant, " " A. A. Davis, Millard E. Joiner, " " Jehn Carpenter, " " A. M. Lctlingwell, Attorney jind Counseller-at-Law, " " Cuticuu Rembeies are prepared by WEEK S & POTTER, Chemists and Druggists, 3G0 Wash ington street, Bosten, ami are ler sale by all Druggists. Price et Cuticura. a Medical Jelly, small boxes, 50 cents; large boxes, $1. Ccti ccra Reselvent, a New Bleed Purilier, $1 per bottle. Cuticura Medicistal Toilet Seap, 25 cents. Cutictra Meihciscal Siiavijie Seap, 15 cents: in bars ter Barbers and large customers, 50 cents. MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS. A Feed and a Medicine. The Purest, Safest and Hest Powerful Re storative In Medicine ler Feeble and Exhausted Constitutions, Nervous and General Debility, Con sumption and Wast ing Diseases. may 22 lmilWASAw HOOTS AND SIIOES. T? A CV BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS XllXX O X made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet, Ti"W"yT'0 Lasts made te order. e blt-tfd 133 East King street. JiD UVATIOSAZ. T HIK ACADEMY CUNNKCTED WITH Franklin and Marshall College otters su pcrier advantages te young men and boys who gesic tren: uesire citner lupreirare lorceiiege or 10 ODiain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, oetll-lvd Lancaster. Fa. 1&X LOCHER'S RENOWNED., COUGH . 8YBVP. IRY HOODS. A Tumble in Linens. Net many linens will be sold else where till we have reduced ear stock ; for why should you pay a dollar when ninety cents will answer ? We have been below the market all the year ; and new are lower still. "We point te a few samples : TABLErLINEN. Halt-bleached damask, 0.50, .56, .02, .70, .80, .90, LOO; eachoneisasgeodalinenasyoucan 11 nd elsewhere at the next higher price. Bleached damask, 0.50, .C5, ,73, .85. LOO, 1.10, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75, 200, 2.25; each one of these also is as geed as yen cau find anywhere else at the next higher price ; the last one, ut 92,25. in new sold at wholesale, by one of the heaviest merchants in the country, attlie same price. G crman damask, $0.75 Napkins te match, 2.00 Belgian damask, 1.00 these last three are net te be found else where at any price. NAPKINS. A Inches square, $1.50; these cannot be matched anywhere eise ier a wnii less inaii sz.w. 24 inches square, $1:75 ; these are German goods, and are put up in half dozens. We could net buy them te-day te sell below $2.00 at the very least. 31 inches square, $2.25 ; these are German also ; they have no dressing; t. c.. they leek and feel the same as alter washing. We have been selling them at $2.50; and they ure worth it. We have been ettered our price for the whole let, but have kept them ier you. TOWELS. Damask, at 15 cents; beat them at 20 cents It you can. Damask, all white, 25 cents; have been selling at 31 cents; and we cannot buy them new te sell at 31 ; but you shall have them at 25. German Damask, 31 sents; have been selling at 35 cents ; we ought te put them up instead of down ; but, re member, we are reducing stock. Bleuehed diaper towel, 50 cents, the current price is U5 cents. iluck, knotted fringe, 25 cents. Turkish, from 15 cents. SHEETING. French, 72Inches'$0.90. French, 92 Inches, $0.90, 1.10, 1.50; these ought te lie compared with Irish linens at $2.00 te $2.90- They are equal in weight and strength, but net et quite se geed a bleach. They are mere like the Barusley bleach, but better than that. PILLOW LINEN. French, 45 inches, $0.50, .02, .70, .80; French, 54 inches, $3.85, 1.00; these are the same as the French sheetings above. UNDERWEAR-LINEN- Old-fashioned Irish linen, yard wide, $0.25. .28, .31, .3 1, .40. .45, JO, .82, .70, .75, - .80, .85 ; they were begun en our order 11 yearand a-halfage. The old pro cess of bleaching is a slew one. The goeils are te our liking every way. FLOOR-LINENS. Five yartls wide, a single pattern only, $I.G5 ; wc ask you te notice it. 27 inches, for stairs, 12J cents: it will puzzle you te get it elsewhere at 25 cents. These are few out of many. Our stock was never nearly se large ; aud we were never mere fortunate in buying, either as te choice or price. The rise in linens lias carried every body above us ; we' alone are anchor ed at low tide. Linens are in the outer and next-outer-circle west from the Chestnut street entrance. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper, PHILADELPHIA, CLOTHING. 1880. 1880. RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL AMD FASHIONABLE TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, SUITINGS, VESTINGS, PANTINGS. TROUSERINGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te order for Men and Beys In the prevail ing Styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. Alse, Eeady-Made Clothing! AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHINGr GOODS At the Old Price before the Advance, AT RATHVON & FISHER'S Practical Tailoring Establishment, 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET. m4-lmd HfSVMASCB. rpHE OLD GERARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Mfllien .One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 91431,838. All invested In the beat securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE KAUFMAN. Ne. 19 East King SL. Lancaster, Pa, ft.MwAS6BidJK