Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 21, 1880, Image 3

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-Will Visit Lancaster In 1881.
In the State medical society yesterday,
Dr. It. L. Sibbet, of tlie committee en
medical legislation, made a lengthy speech
en the traffic in medical diplomas, expos
ing the bogus institutions encaged in this
business. A resolution was adopted that
the committee be instructed te confer with
representative physicians of Philadelphia
te step and remedy this matter of traffic in
Dr. Trail Gieen wanted te knew hew
many of the county societies have rules re-
quiiing medical students te pass a prelimi
nary examination.
Dr. Zeigler, of Lancaster moved that no
delegates be icceived from county societies
te this society who have net complied with
the icsolutien in regard te county societies
appointing executive committees. After
tome discussion it was moved and seconded
that the motion be laid en the table. Lest
by a vote or 39 te 89. Dr. Zeiglei's mo
tion was then adopted.
The chairman of the eemmittc en
epilepsy and insanity, Dr. Curwcu, made
a report.
The report of the nominating committee
was then read as fellows :
Picsident-Tehn T. Carpenter.ef Schuyl
kill county.
First Vice President William Danan,
of Crawford county.
Second Vice President W. It. Cowden,
of Uutler county.
Third Vice President Themas Lyens,
of Lycoming county.
Feuith Vice Piesident C. A. Kahtcr.ef
Dauphin county.
Secretary W. 15. Atkinson, of Phila
delphia. Kcceiding Scciclaiy Alex. Craig, of
Cei responding Secictary O. II. Allis,
of Philadelphia.
Ticasuicr Benjamin Lcc, of Philadel
phia. Laucastei w as decided upon as the place
te held the next session, which will con cen
ene en the second Wednesday in May,
1831. The new committee en publication
is the same as at present. Dr. A. W.
llewsen, of Philadelphia, was put en the J
standing committee in place of Dr. King,
deceased. Delegates weie appointed te
the national convention for 1881 and dele
gates te the ether state societies, and the
lcpeit was unanimously adopted.
Dr. Packard, of Philadelphia, spoke en
" Surgeiy," levicwing the advances in that
science for the twelve months just passed
and Dr. Kcilin made an address en
"Mental Disorders."
Yesterday the doctors made en exclu
sion ever the Bell's gap railroad and last
evening weie entcitained at the Legan
house by the Blaii county medical society.
The delegatus chosen te the national
convention aie Dis. II. II. Smith, of Phil
adelphia ; A. II. Shaeflcr, Milllin ; James
Ogelby, Menteur : J. F. Kess, Chilian ;
L. Cm. Meyer, Meicer; L. II. Gibbs, Lack
awana ; P. B. Baling, Xeith inipten ; J.
P. Biichlield, Clcarhcld ; J. il. Ileisby,
Lycoming; J. McMichacl, Butlei ; L. Dc
B. Kuhn, Beiks.
Among the delegates te state societies aie
Dr. Daniel J. Brnner, of Lancaster county
te Connecticut ; and te Maiyland, Di. li.
P. Ewing, of Chester county, formerly of
Diumoie township, this county.
nil; stati: rz:oiiiniTiexivrs.
Lancaster Count te the l'rent.
In the Prohibition state convention in
Alteena the following list of repicsenta
tives fiem Lancaster county was larger
than that repeitcd fiem any ether county
in Pennsylvania :
James Black, P. S. Geedman, Rev. J. B.
Shumakcr, Kev. J. B. Sonic, Kev. Iluf Iluf
feid, Dr. J. Mai tin, Jacob Bachman, C. C.
KaufTman, Samuel Harnish, Geerge Knox,
(Jeerge Smith, Lmilinc Smith, Wm. King,
Samuel Hear, Geeigu W. Hciscy, Gervase
Watsen, Kev. E. B. Snyder, M. M. Blown,
Kev. W. K. Biown, D. D., W. B. Bess,
Charles S. Bosc, J. N. McCicery. D. II.
Mai tin.
Gee. F. Tuinci. of Pittsburg, was nomi
nated for auditor geneial ; and the conven
tion resolved that no nomination be made
for supiemc judge, but that the state com
mittee be autheiizcd te announce the can
didate at a futuie day.
The convention adopted a series of icso icse icso
lutiens condemning the drink traffic ; the
attitude of political paities toward it, and
pledging eveiy effort for the passage by the
next Lcgislatmc of the temperance law
adopted by the Ilanisbuig convention in
A resolution was adopted comnieud.iteiy
of Gov. St. Jehn, of Kansas, and one
condemning the action of county efliccis
in lcmitting fines of convicted liquor hel
leis. James Paike, jr., of Allegheny, James
Black, of Lancaster, A. A. Barker, of
Caiubiia, and Dr. Pcttit, of Lawrence,
weie chosen delegates-at-large te the
national convention at Cleveland, June
17, with the requisite number of distiict
delegates. James Black, of Lancaster,
and Aichibald McAllister of Blair, were
chosen picsidential clccteis-at-largc. The
list of distiict electeis was net completed
Jesse A. Martin is the district delegate
from Lancaster county te the national con
vention. The following loselution touching the
riot less bribery trial was passed :
Reselred, That in common with our fol fel
low citizens we feel just alarm at the ex
tent of cenupt pi act ices ineurlegislatuies
and the power which hat. been able te over
ride the verdict of juiies and sentences of
ceuits and te secuie the influence of the
beard of pardons and the paidening power
of the governor and thus set all justice
and public condemnation at defiance and
pi event the due execution of the law.
Dr C. A. Pcttit of Lawrence county,
was continued as chairmau of the statc
central committee, and A. B. Tate, of Wil Wil
liamspert, secretary.
Alan Aliasing.
William Gerald, a soldier aged about
40 yeans, who had been stepping at Jehn
Schecnberger's Tiement house, North
Queen street, left that place last Wednes
day evening and has net since been heard
of. He had been sick for sevcial days
previous, and as he left his baggage at the
hotel and made no mention of his inten
tion of leaving, it is feared something may
have happened him. Any infoimatien
concerning him would be thankfully ic
ce ived by Mr. Scheenberger.
New Uniforms.
Tiic conductors, brakemen and baggage
masters of the Quarryville railroad leek
nebby in their new suits of blue with biass
buttons, which bear the initals of the
Reading company, and neat white caps.
i. e. e. r.
a he Grand Ledge at Beading.
In the grand ledge LO.O.F.,yesterday,the
chances made in the constitution and rules
of order for subordinate ledges were
generally unimportant, the most important
being a prevision that neither the consti
tution of the grand ledge nor that of the
subordinate ledges can, under the adopted
laws, be amended or altered except every
ten years. It was also decided that subor
dinate ledges shall net pay sick benefits in
amount te exceed $3.50 per week where
but ten cents per week dues are paid ;
$3.75 where eleven cents dues are paid ;
S4 where but twelve cents dues are paid :
$4.30 where but thiitecn cents per week
dues are paid, and fifty cents per week
additional benefits for eveiy one cent ad
ditional dues paid per week into the treas
ury of the ledge. These changes begin
July 1.
The officers elect were installed and the
next place of meeting fixed upon as Hai
risburg. The Reading fire department
made a display last evening for the visi
tors. The grand louse adjourned sine die
after the following committees were an
nounced :
State of the Order Geerge F. Beric,
chairman, Geerge Fling, J. Alex Simp Simp
eon. By-Laws D. W. Meri is, Philip Lewry,
Jehn Servei.
Finance Charles Ridgway, Jes. G.
Pcale, W. F. Hergesheimcr, Henry Clay,
W. J. Dornan.
Correspondence William Lilly, Thce.
Cornman, J. P. Rhoades.
Superintendence, Philadelphia C. J.
Richaidsen, B. Helljer, Hcniy Heffman,
Win. Shaw, W. A. Piper, W. Cettingei,
J. J. Scheenllee, A. I. Berie, J. B. Flem
ing, Jehn Geedman, Gee. W. Blaine, Win.
Printing Charles Cohill, P. R. Keller,
C. K. Xcisser, James Montgomery, N. J.
Credentials J. P. Bobbins, Alfred
Fackenthal, Jehn W. Haney.
Appeals Jehnsen Reney, Jeseph Brown
David Banews, Peter Gould, Thes. W.
Denncy, Chas. Suminci field.
Supei intend ence, Allegheny Cennty J.
B. Williams, William Helman, William
II. Palmer, Dr. Preuzler, W. R.
Kennedy, Chas McConnell, Samuel Moeie,
M. D. Wylie. J. S. Blazier, Jehn II. Mor Mer Mor
iew. E. M. Wan en, A. Tentar.
Mileage Jehn Brown, J. B. Williams,
R. A. West.
counrercojiMON pli:a).
Zleterc Judge Patterson.
Ill the cise of Henry C. Eichholtz and
Ann Catheiine Eichholtz, his wife, s.
Resina McOullen, action in tiesspass, the
plaintiff called witnesses te preve that for
many years they have employed the privi
leges of this alley in common with the
The defense then offered te show
that they have for nieic than 21 years held
and employed the 14-foet-widc alley in
dispute lying west of their let and between
Vine sheet and plaintiffs prepcity, theic
by acquhinga light by statute of limita
tion te the exclusive use theieef. The
cemt overruled the offer, and as that was
the gist of the defense a veidict in favor
of the plaintiff for nominal damages was
rcndeiedby the jury under the chaige of
the cemt.
In the case of Jehn New comet vs.
Stephen Sheaffcr the whole of yesterday
afternoon and this morning was taken up
with testimony for the plaintiff. Witnesses
weie called te prove the paitncrship which
is alleged te have existed between Britten
and Shcafler, and te pieve the amount of
the claim, etc.
IScfore Judge Livingston.
In the case of the Columbia national
bauk vs. Clara R. Shreiner and Rebecca
Shrcincr, cvocuteis of PhilipJSlneincr, dc
ccised, a verdict was taken in favei of the
plaintiff for $973,84.
Kewdlett Routed.
night, between 8 and 9 o'clock,
Michael Geiman and Christian Swaitz cn
teied the barioem of the Grape hotel,
Neith Queen stiect, and called for diinks,
which waie given them. ' Chaigc 'cm te
the boss," said one of the men, te the bar
tender. They weie told by the bar-tender
te leave the room, but lcfused te de se,
and then Mr. Finney, thepiopiicter, came
in and told them te leave quietly, and net
come back again, as he did net desire their
custom. German, the larger of the two,
attacked Finney, and a struggle ensued,
duiing which Swaitz also struck Mi. Fin
ney. Mr. Finney, who had pretty well
ovcipeweicd German, dealt Swartz
a blew that sent him sprawl
ing out of the back deer of the bar
loom and then pushed German out after
him. As they continued te be boisterous
and defiant Mr. Finney notified the police,
and they weie ancsted by Officers Crcmer
and Hai man. On the way te the lock-up
German, who was in charge of Officer Har
man, lcsistcd, and when Officer Ciemer
went te his assistance Swaitz took te his
heels anil ran off and has net yet been ar
rested, but no doubt will be. Complaints
have been entcied against both of them
and they will have a hcaiing befeie Al
derman Barr.
Old Citizens Deceased.
Dr. Christian Bembcrger, a well known
citizen of northeastern Lancaster county
died this morning, aged 79, and will be
buried from his late residence in Reths
ville en Sunday.
Mai tin Buehler, whose death at Ilat Ilat Ilat
boie', Pa., and whose proposed buiial in
Rohrcistewn, this county, weie noticed
yesterday, was a member of the Philadel
phia haidwarc firm of Buehler, Bonbright
& Ce. He was treasurer of the Lutheran
publication society, an office which he held
fei tw enty five years, and also filled the
office of ticasurer of the feieign missionary
society of the Lutheran chinch, from the
origin of the organization te within a
sheit time pievieus te his death. De
ceased was also connected with St. Mat
thew's Lutheran congregation, and for
about fifty yeais supciintended its Sunday
A Very Peer Ditisleu.
Census Supervisor Snowden should
amend his division of the Eighth ward,
this city. Te divide it en Leve Lane will
threw ninety per cent, of the weik in the
upper district, as very few people live
south of that street. Maner street should
be the dividing line, as it is intended t0
divide en population, net tcnitery.
Picnic at What Glen.
The picnic by the Drevers' association
at What Glen yesterday was largely at
tended. It was kept up until a late hour
last night, and the best of order maintained.
The Prison Inspectors vs. The New Helland
Stere Company.
Before Alderman Barr, this morning,
was heard the case of the Lancaster coun
ty prison inspectors vs. the stock-holders
of the New Helland store company, a cor
poration that has been defunct
for five or six yeais past.
The facts appear te be that a former
beard of prison inspectors had dealings te
a considerable extent with the store com
pany and that there is an apparent bal
ance in favor of the prison of eighty
dollars or mere. The stoic company
was bought 'out some six years age
by Levi Sensenig & Ce., and it is said that
Mr. Sensenig, who was one of the stock
holders, had the management of the store
for some years before it was sold out.
The present defendants, some fifteen or
twenty in number, say they knew nothing
about the claim made by the prison in
spectors, and even if the account has never
been settled it is barred by the statute of
limitation. Solicitor Beyer appears for
the prison inspectors and E. II. Yundt,
esq., for defendants.
Colored Ball and Fight.
Last night the colored people of Lancas
ter held a ball in the second story of Ful
ten hall which was largely attended not
withstanding the waim weather. There
was no quarreling, but the noise made by
the coons was enough te step a train of
" Geerge," a porter at the Giape hotel,
did net go te the ball last night, se w hen
he met William Williams at the depot this
morning, the latter wanted te knew his
reason for staying away, Geerge was net
slew in telling that he did net entertain a
very high opinion of some of the mekes
who attend balls heic, and that was one
reason for his absence. William thought
Geerge was "gein' back en he's cullah," se
they get into a quarrel while walking down
Neith Queen street. William struck at
Geeige, but did net hit him, and
Geoige says he then hit Williams
" all ever de meuf." Williams started
te mn, and both men fell in the gutter
near the Franklin house, wheic they weie
separated. They went off in different
directions, each declaring that they could
whip the ether, who was an "enciy nig
ger anyhow." Neither was huit, but the
fight caused lets of fun.
That Inter-County llridge.
On Tuesday Jacob M. Zeek and William
Mede Elliett, two of Chester county's
commissioners, were ever at Meicer'sfeid,
en the Octoiaie cieek, where an inter
county biidge is asked for by the people of
Chester and Lancaster counties, the Octo Octe Octe
rare creek being the dividing line. They
expected te meet the commissiencis of
Lancaster county at that place and time
but failed te de se. There was a laigc
ciewd of peeple fiem each county present,
who were in favor of the bridge, but noth
ing was done and the commissiencis of
Chester county weie obliged te return
home w itheut coining te any conclusion.
This is the second time that there has been
a misundei standing en the part of the
Chester county officials as te the time of
the proposed meeting, which is next Tues
Ezteiihlve Improvements liegun.
The front steps hae been temaway
fiem St. James chinch, a portion of the
wall enclosing the burying ground neith
of the church has been tei n away, and a
number of weikmcn are busily engaged in
prepaiing the ground for the enlargement'
and impievcment of the chinch which
have for some time been in contemplation.
The nave of the church will be extended
westward some twenty feet, bringing the
fient wall flush with the street line, and
at the neithwest comer of the building
will be erected a tower about one hundred
feet in height.
Rey Drowned in Wrightstllle.
Iii Wrightsville yesterday afternoon
Henry Ellsweith Hilt, aged about 14
years, was di owned in the Cieitz creek
dam in the southern end of town. He
was bathing, and being unable te swim,
get beyond his depth, and before assist
ance could reach him was diewned. His
body was receveicd. An inquest was
held by Justice Magec, and the jury ren
dered a verdict of accidental drowning.
Mil ten Kelief Subscription.
Since our last report the following sub
scriptions have been left with the mayor
for the relief fund of the Milten sufferers :
Cash 50c ; "R." $5 ; "E." $3 ; Dr. Jehn
McCalla, $3 ; W. T. Jefferies, $1.
The total amount raised in Lancaster te
this time, $2,997.23.
It was Philip C. Ranningcr, net Bar
ringer, who contributed $3 te the Fiist
waul committee.
Maj. Jcrc. Rehrcr, of this city, a mem.
ber of Concstega Council Ne. 403, Royal
Arcanum, received a commission yester
day from the Grand Regent of G. C. of
Pennsylvania, te act as District Deputy
Grand Regent of Lancaster county. The
Royal Arcanum is a large and flemishing
society, with a life insurance feature in
suring its members for $3,000.
Sale of Tobacco.
Samuel Moere, jr., has sold te Messrs
Spingarn, of New Yerk, 400 cases of 1878
Lancaster leaf tobacco en private terms.
Messrs. Spingarn have also bought 200
cases of 1878 from a Salunga packer.
Lebanon Choir Coining.
The choir of Salem Lutheran church c f
Lebanon, will visit this city en Sunday, te
sing befeie the ministerium, by special in
vitation. Three in One.
Geerge Kreider, the fruit man in Ccnti e
square, has three well-formed and good geed
sized bananas, which have all grown under
one skin.
The longer you have it, the mere cei tainly
painful does Rheumatism grew. St. Jaceii's
Oil cures it at once.
" The Twe Orphans." Tins play, like Uncle
Tem's Cabin, never Jails te draw, ami it will
be given in this city en next Tuesday evening
by a fine company.
Jananschek. Te-morrow evening Janau
scliclc, will appear here in the opera house in
Shaks-pearc's play "Macbeth." She is well
knew n here and she will be supported by a
st long company, including Hurry Meredith,
the favorite New Yerk actor, R. .1. Dalten,
Jus. Tayler, Misses Octa ia Allen and Fannie
We desire te call attention te our
In addition te a mil stock et the celebrated Rogers Bre.'s goods, we have the exclusive sale
in this city et the electro-plated ware ei the Gerham 3Ianufacturing Company. These are the
best liiuihed and most 'durable In the market, and in recommending them te the trade this
company (whose representations are always reliable) claim ler them the fallowing merits :
" The base of the Gerham electre-plate is of nickel silver. The silver-plated wares made upon
this base combine all the excellence of the solid silver goods except the intrinsic value of the
silver Itself. One of the remarkable features of the process of electro-plating is perfect accu
racy and delicacy with which the finest line of the engraving or chasing traced en the surface
of the nickel base is reproduced en the surface or the silver coating. Thus all the excellence of
weikmanship which has earned for the company its reputation as makers et sterling sliver
goods is made tributary te the production of unsurpassed electro-plate. The quantity of pure
silver deposited en the finely finished base exceeds that upon the best of foreign plate. This
ware would be excellent and take a fine polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a
silver surlace which will if net abused last mere than a generation. The object is te prodnce
plated ware which shall have all the beauty of the solid wares. Tills high grade et ware-is un
distmguishable from work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship are
made equal te these for which the Company's Sterling Silverware lias been se highly com
mended. Te these conditions is added the undeflnable air or style which distinguishes the
genuine In everything lrem the work et imitators and which naturally transfers itself from
the Sterling te the plated ware." The price or these goods Is only a trifle higher than some of
lie inferior productions.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street, Lancaster.
Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful and most stylish colors
in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season.
Men's Colored Itulbriggan Hese, with Embroidered Silk clocks ; Scarlet and Blue Silk
Hese; Fancy Colored Half Hese; Striped Cotten Halt Hese and Merine Half Hese. Men's and
Beys' Suspenders and Fine Braces, In all styles and Celers. Men's and Beys' White I)res and
Coleied Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirts, and Blue Flannel Neglige Shirts. Men's and Beys'
Summer Undeiwear in Merine and India Gauze. Men's and Bejs' Colored Lisle Thread and
Kid Gloves, ler Summer Wear. Men's and Beys' Vulcanized Rubber Braces, and a large stock
et fine Silk, French Linen end CambiicIIandkerchlels. Men's and Beys' Latest Styles Fine
Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs.
nie, lads and lassies ! hie away!
Ner bioek a single hour's delay,
ir you would carry in your mouth
White teeth, and odors or the Seuth.
Haste, haste, and bay asingle font
Ofthcunii:il .d SOZODONT.
"I Ien't Want That Stuff,"
Is what a lady of Bosten said te her husbsud
9, hen lie brought home some medicine te cine
her of sick headache and neuralgia, which had
made her miserable for fourteen years. At
the first attack tin-realtor, it was adinlnisteied
te her with such geed results that she contin
ued its use until cured.and was made se enthu
siastic in its praise, that she induced twenty
two of the best families in Her en ele te adept
it us their legular lamily medicine. That
"stuff" is Hep Bitten. mylViwdSw
Try Lechor's Renowned Cough Sj i up.
Feb Coueus, colds, Catahuh and T hreat
Disorders, use ''Iireun's Bronchial Troches"
having; evtd their nfllcacy by a test of many
years. lwdTTluVS&w
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Sj rup.
Eiery Iiualid a Druggist.
By buying the new and pupiil ir medicine
Kidnej-Weit, jeu get in each package enough
of the diy compound te make sli qu.utsef
medicine, thus savingdeublctne money which
is usually paid ler medicine, prepared in
liquid. It ha specific cure ler Kiilney and
I,l er diseases
Act wisely be leady have en hand ,lI)i.
Sclleis' Cough S3 rup," and you will have neth
ing te fear net even a docter'i bill.
Tiy Leehci's Renowned Cough Sjiup.
. . Warner A Ce., Rochester, X. Y. :
Gkmxemen: I have tried your Safe Kidney
andl.ner Cuie ler "Blight's Disease," with
which 1 have been aflllcted ler the last two
years,, and it has done wonders ler me. I be
lie e it is the only cure knew n for that tei 1 i
ble disease, anil it Is w 1th plcasnic that I i rite
this testimony in its fa or. Yeu aie at libei ty
te use this in any way you seepieper, te bene
fit suffering humanity.
Ti uly jeurs, Jas. S. Pkescett,
Neith Union, Ohie,
Shakers' Society, Cuyahoga County,
mj 15-2wd&w Cleveland, Ohie.
Try I.echer's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Water is Free.
Th it's se but in most patent medicines you
pay fei it at the late of adellar a pint. Kid
ney-Wert is a diy compound and one package
is enough te make six quaits et medicine
without addition of any poisonous liquors. It
is naluie's icinedy for Kidney Diseases. Liver
Complaint and Files, for it is both dim etic and
cathartic, tonic and healing. Buy it.
Try I.echer's Renowned Cough Syrup.
"Say, Susan, have you lest your appetite?
Aie you weak and nervous ? If se, ' Dr. Lind
sey's Bleed Scarchei' is what you want.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Arc jeu distuibcd at night and broken el
your rest bj' a sick child suffering nnd crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS
LOW'S SOOlIIING SYRUP. Itwill lelieve the
peer little sufferer Immediately- depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell j en at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is pei tcctiy safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one
el the eldest and best female phjslcians and
n ur-es in the United States, bold e ery where
25 cents a bottle. fil'-lj diwM.W&S
Statistics prove that twentj'- " per cent,
of the deaths m our larger cities aie caused hj
consumption, and when we rellect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage w ill j'ield te
u bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough SjTup,
shall we condemn the sufferers ter their negli
gence, or pity them ler their ignorance? Ne
9 Fast King street.
Wine for Females and Invalids.
It Is w ell known that there arc cases when
the most stuct advocates or temperance are
obliged te use some sort of wine, espcciullj"
these w he arc old and infirm. Manj weakly
lemales as well as invalids and debilitated per
sons in warm weather need a little strengthen
ing wine. The great difficulty has been In pro
curing a rich wine that is reliable. There are
many cases where wine would bensrd te great
advantage in place et alcoholic drinks If only
a genuine article could be had, ami upon
w Inch physicians could relj- as being strict! j'
pure, w itheut alcoholic admixture. The Pert
Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Passaic; New
Jersey, has been analyzed by chemists in
almost every state,and has always been proved
stuctly pure and beneficial. This wine is new
being used in hospitals nnd in families for me"
dicinal purposes, also in churches for comma
nien services. Mr. Speer's mode et conducting
the fermentation Is such as te retain the rich
tlaverand sweetness of the fruit without much
fermentation te create stimulative properties.
This wine is endowed by Drs. Atlee and
Davis, nnd sold by H. E. Slaj'maker.
Buehlku. Maj 19, 1890, at Hatboro, Mont
gomery county. Pa., Mai tin Buehler, in the
74th year of his age.
Funeral en Saturday, 22d inst., at 3 o'clock,
p. m., at Rohrerstown, Lancaster ceuntj-, Fu.
McGevtav. In this cltj- en the 20th Inst.,
James McGovern, aged 51 years.
His relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited te attend the funeral from the residence
of his sister, Mrs. Redman, extreme end of
North Queen street, te-morrow (Saturdaj')
morning at 9 o'clock. High muss at St. Mary's
church. mi
Bomberekr. On Friday morning. May 21,
Dr. Christian Beinbeiger, in the FJth year of
his age.
Funeral from his late residence in Reths
ville, en Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock.
complete line of
LADLES, &c., &e.
Democratic ueunty Committee.
The members of the Democratic county
committee elect ler the ensuing political year
are icquested te meet at Shobei's hotel this
cltj-, en MONDAY, JUNE 7, 18S0 at 10 a. m., ler
organization and ler such ether business as
the committee may determine.
ml7-tf Chairman for 1879-SO.
I take tills last opportunity te inform my
friends that I shall Use all honest efforts te se
cure the nomination for Distiict Attorney
until the polls close en Saturday, May 22. The
assurances I have leceived from every district
give me the greatest hopes of success, and all
1 ask is an honest vote, an honest count and
fairietuins. Be net deceived bj-- false ro re
P'lts. WILLfAM D. .. iCAVER.
Sealed proposals will be receled by the
undersigned until MAY 24, for the immediate
delivery te St. James Episcopal church et 100,
000 hard well-burnt lace brick and 40,000 haul
piess brick. Piopesals will be received ler the
whole or part. Sample brick must accompany
each bid. The right Is reserved te l eject any
delivery that In the judgment of the advertiser
does net c eme up te sample.
ni20 2td Ne. 43 Seuth Pi luce Street.
Te clee out stock for the season, at
1. Appiepiiatingthe public moneys of the
City of Lancaster te the several departments
thcieei, ter the fiscal year commencing en the
1st day of June A. D. lhse.
Section 1. Be it eidained by the Select and
Common Councils of thu City et Lancaster:
That the sum of one bundled and twenty
seven thousand seven hundred dollars be and
the same is especiallj- appropriated te the sev
eral objects hereinafter named for the fiscal
-car commencing en the 1st daj- of June, A.
1). 1SS0. '
Sectiex 2.
Te pay Interesten Leans, including
binklngFund $ 4 '230 00
Te pay principal en Leans, as le-
quired bylaw 11,500 00
Te ptij- State Tax en Lean s 2 875 00
Te pa j-Repairs of Streets 7,000 00
Topaj-fei macadamizing stieets... 3,000 00
Te pav ler one squaie et Belgian
blocks 250000
Te pay uirearngeset bills for labor '
en streets, net Including contract
5,000 00
7,500 00
3,000 00
6,650 00
9,tiM) 00
9,500 00
750 00
Te pay Water Works general,
Te paj- for Laj ing Water Pipes.
iu pa j' ier aiaiies.
Te nay for Police and Turnkev
Te pay for Lighting City
Te pay for Lamps and Pests
Te pay for File Companies, 7 Steam
ers at $400, 1 without Stcamei $250 3,050 00
Abatement for prompt paj ment of
City Tax 8,000 00
Abatement for prompt payment of
Water Rents 1,400 00
Percentage ter Collection of Arrear
ages of City Tax 800 00
Contingencies 8,2C5 00
Ordained and enacted into a law at the city
or Lancaster, en the 20th day of May. A. D lb;
President Common Council.
Clcik Common Council.
President Select Council.
J. K. P.AUIt,
Clerk select Council.
Approved Maj' 21, 18M.
m21-3td Majer.
tlse, irce of charge, in the Intelligen
cer, who wants something te de.
Girl te de general housework. Annlv
at 218 East Orange street.
Gill as Dining Roem Girl. Apply at 218
East Orange street.
persons can be accommodated with geed
beard or furnished with lrfdging rooms with
out beard if desired, at 3S East Walnut street.
trieus man, a position in which he is
willing te de anything te make himselt useful
Can take care et horses. Apply at this office.
Housekeepers take notice that we are
paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS.
Cash paid as seen as delivered te
apr0-3md Ne. 235 West King Street,
10,000 Bushels at 2 'cents per Bushel.
maj-5-4tdeaw4tw GEO. K. REED, Treas.
Tw e ery desirable rooms, Ne. 43 North
Queen street, suitable ter photograph gallery,
lermerly occupied bj- J. S. Saurman. Apply te
' The second story et Eshleman A Rath
von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and.
also a room en second story, opposite the
Penn'a R. R. Depot, 011 Chestnut street.
f23-2td&Stt Attorney-at Law
Washington. May 21. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, stationary followed by
falling barometer, with nearly stationary
temperature, southerly winds and clear or
partly cloudy weather, followed by in
creasing cloudiness and possibly local
The Philadelphia and Reading Ceal and
Iren Company Unable te Meet
its ODHgatiens.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 21. President
Gewen, of the Philadelphia and Reading
railroad company, states officially at 1 p.
m. that the Philadelphia and Reading
coal and iron company has suspended
payments, being unable te meet its ebliga
Reading Stock Down.
Special te the Intkllieenckk.
Philadelphia, May 21.-2:20 p. m.
The paper of the Reading coal and iron
company has gene te pretest, and Phila
delphia and Reading railroad stock has
dropped te 16$ in consequence.
Great Excitement en Third Street.
Philadelphia, May 21. The suspen
sion of the Philadelphia and Reading coal
and iron company created great excitement
en Thiid street. President Gewen de
clineb te make any statement at
present It is understood that the com
pany was obliged te pay New Yerk
parties for borrowed money te the amount
of ijG00,000 and this swamped the con
cern. The stock of the Reading railroad
has recovered a point or two and is new
selling at 18. The closing price yesterday
aftei neon was 23.
Going Still Lewer.
Special te the Intelligencer.
Phil VDELPniA, 3:30. Reading down te
15 new.
The Gag Put In Operation.
Sprinefield, 111., May 21. The Repub
lican convention met this morning at 9
o'clock ; all the delegations being fully rep
resented. Mr. Ferd, from the committee
appointed te select delegates, reported a
list of delegates for the national
convention. On finishing the reading
of the report Mr. Ferd moved
the pievieus question en its adoption.
Amid great confusion and loud pretests
from the anti-Grant men the roll was
called by the main question. The Blaine
men refused te ete. The main question
was catried and the repeit adopted.
C. D. Trimble of La Salle offered the
following :
Reselied, That the committee heretofore
appointed te report delegates and alter
nates te the national Republican conven
tion arc hereby instructed te report te this
convention two delegates-at-large, one
elector for each congressional district, six
mcmbers-at-large of the statc central com
mittee, and one member of the state cen
ttal committee from each congressional
On a call of the roll this was also adopt
ed ; ayes 274J, nays 252$.
Gen. Legan offered the following and
moved the previous question. It was
Resolved, That Gen. Grant is the choice
of the Republican party of Illinois for the
presidency and the delegates from this
statc are instructed te use all possible
means te secure his nomination by
the Chicago convention and te vote
as a unit.
The same resolution orders that said
delegates shall have power te fill all va
cancies. On motion Mr. A. Jenes, the chair
man of the convention was instructed te
telegraph te U. S. Grant that Illinois
stands by him with forty-two votes for
president. The motion was carried, loud
cries of ' Ne" being heard.
The following pretest was read and put
en the records : "Whereas, this conven
tion has in the matter of the Cook county
contest decided that when a call
for a convention
particular number of
a particular district,
appoitieus a
delegates te
included in a
larger territerty, the smaller districts
are entitled te appoint delegates ; and
whereas, the call en the national Republi
can executive cemmittee appoitieus two
delegates te each congressional district ;
and whereas, delegates from the 17th con
gressional distiict met in district conven
tion at the state house in Springfield,
111., en the 19th day of May, 1880,
pursuant at a call of the statc Republican
convent n make any ether appointments,
and we ask that this, our pretest, may be
spread upon the records of this convention."
Signed by 19 delegates of the district.
The Less Feets Up S35.000.
Yerk, May 21. The extensive car shops
of Michael Schall were damaged by fire at
an early hour this morning te the extent
of $25,000 ; one hundred and fifty hands
are thus thrown out of employment. Dur
ing the burning of the car shops another
fire occurred in Michael "West's bakery in
another part of the town.
The Senate Doing Geed Werk.
"Washington, May 21. The Senate ju
diciary committee has agreed en a bill
for counting the electoral votes and will
insist en its becoming a law before the ad
journment of the Senate.
Bayard's bill te regulate the pay and
appointment of U. S. marshals was, after
discussion, read a third time and passed.
Yeas 28, nays 17.
On motion, Mr. Morgan's resolution pro
viding for a joint rule for counting the
electoral votes was formally taken up.
Twe Murderers Get Mere Time.
New Yerk, May 21. Gov. Cernell has
respited Chastine Cox, murderer of Mrs.
Hull, te July 16 and Balbo, wife murderer,
until August 6. They were te have -been
hanged next Friday.
undersigned has made application ferthe
renewal or certificate Ne. 85,808 for 16 shares of
stock or the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
issued te JIary Mnlvaney, and dated May 23,
1872, the same having been lest or destroyed.
ml2-ltd Administrator.
New Yerk Market.
Nbw Yerk, May 2L Flenr State and West
ern very dull and in buyers' laver;
superfine state $3 9001 S ; extra de ft 25
i 80; cholee de St 90S 00; fancy
$5 0566 00; round hoop Ohie $5 0OQ5 50:
choice de $9 60SJ6 75 ; superfine western $3 900
4 80; common te geed extra de St 250485;
choice dodo $4 907 00; choice white wheat de
St 805 25; Southern quiet and steady;
common te fair extra S5 23gt 00 ; geed te choice
de 5 50Q7 00.
Wheat Spring quiet and nominal ; winter
a shade easier and quiet : Se. 2 Red, Jlav, I 31
Cern dull and a shade lower; Mixed west
ern spet,53a.Vc; de future 49KQ5.JC.
Oats steady. Including Ne. 2 June 41c ; State
4549c; Western 43gXc.
lleef dull and prices unchanged.
Perk firmer ; new mess $1750.
Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $700.
Whisky dull ; Western $1 081 0.
Spirits or turpentine dull at 44$45c.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia. May 21. Fleur dull and weak ;
superfine f3 0t350; extra at (4 004 50; Ohie
and Indiana family at S3 40Q6 00; Penn'a
family (5 2505 75; St. Leuis family $5 756 23 ;
Minnesota family $5 0006 25; patent and high
grades $6 500850.
Rye flour at $4 75.
Cornmeal Brandywiue unchanged.
Wheat steady : Ne. 2 Western Hed $1 28C ;
Penn'a Bed $12001 30; Amber $131.
Cern scarce and firm; steamer 52c: yellow
.'VlVtfrl'v'w. mlverl -111.
-3'' , ,
Oats eulet and easv : Ne. 1. Wlilfp trltfiunn
-e. i, uu -Hj(ff-tiO ; me.
. . ? .rt, n tm 1- .. T . '4; '
.3, de 45i4e;'Ne. '.,
J11XCU 4-JK04JC.
Rye Ann; Western and Pa. 90c.
Previsions dull ; mess perk at $11 25011 50 ;
beef hams $17017 50 ; India mess beet $18018 50 :
bacon smoked shoulders 514c ; salt 4HQl,c ;
smoked hams 10011c ; pickled hams 89c.
Lard dull ; city kettle Tiic ; loose butchers
6c ; prime steam $7 1007 15.
Butter choice steadier; creamery extra
22023c; de geed te choice 18 ile ; ISradferd
county and New Yerk extra 18j20c ; Western
reserve extra at 15017c ; de geed te
choice 13013c : Rolls dull : Penn'a extra 1S0
I5c; Western reserve extra 130 16c.
Eggs scarce and higher; Penn'a 1213c;
Western lie.
Cheese Choice steady 1 low grades weak:
New Yerk factory at 12)c; Western full
cream, lie: de ler geed iO01uc; de half
skims 9010c.
Petroleum firm; refined 7'c.
Whiskey $111.
Geed te prime clever out or season ; Timo Time
dull at $2 900 j ; Flaxseed firm at $1 45
Stock Markets.
1'iJOr. 11. . 2.40 v..
Stocks Irregular.
PennaB's (third Issue) 10S
Philadelphia A Erie 12
Heading 22
Pennsylvania SlK
Lehigh Valley. 50
United Ces. et N. J 1U
Northern Pacific 22?4
" Preferred 44
Northern Central 32
Lehigh Navigation 30
Norristown leiJi
Central Transportation Ce. 50
Pitts , Titusviile & Uutlale. 14
Little Schuylkill 55
Nsw Yeitw. May 21.
Stocks weak.
Meney 405
N. Y. Cent nil 125
Adams Express 111
Michigan Central 78
M ichlgan Southern 101
Illinois Central Wi
Cleveland A Pittsburgh. ...112
Chicago A Keck Island. 191 "
Pittsburgh Fert W.iji.r..ll8
Western Union Tel. Ce 97
Teledo A Wabash 'J
Iew Jersey Central COJ
United S tii tea Bend and Sterling Kxcliangi
(Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce.. s. W.
Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets).
United States C'h, 1881, (regi-tered)..liwl07
United States 5's, 1881, (registeicd)..10.1'f;tftfl0 XA
United States 4N, 1891, (registei-ed)108(.lus.
United States 4's, 18-11, (coupon). .I0ti09
United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .l7le;;;;
United States Currency 6's 126
Sterling Exchangp 48;!S0
Grand Concert at Knann's Keer Garden en
Friday evening. May 21. at 8 o'clock. Adms-
sien tree. iu20 2td
for the benefit et St. Jeseph's Chun h,
will commence en FRIDAY. MA 2rt, at Itoih Iteih
weller's Hall, West King street, and continue
for ten days. in I9-2wd
And her own Company, In her Creat Master
piece, MACBETH.
Lady Macbeth, - - - .lAXAUSCHEU'.
ADMISSION, - - Sl, 75JL r.OCtM.
cats en sale at Opera Heuse efllce.
Manager Jehn 1. Mishier has the honor of
presenting with New Scenery and Elegant
Costumes thu Union Square Version of the
great play of the
In lis Original Style, with an Eminently Tal
ented Company, consisting of Oie
Late members of the Company attached te
DALY'S THEATRE, New terf. The public
an; respectfully informed that c ery attention
will be paid te dftulls and no pains or expense
spared te gi e a Strictly First-class Perform
Reserved Seats new en sale at Opera IIouse
Ofllcu. Ne extra charge. iu20-5til
We have new In stock the largest as
sortment of seasonable goods in our
line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera
tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons,
Dell Carriages, Velecipedes.Fly Brushes,
Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash
Brushes, Feather and Hemp Dusters,
Dusting Brushes, Sweeping Brushes,
Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels of all
kinds, Rubber Garden Hese, Fleer and
Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Weed ware,
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and
every article in the line of Housekeeping
Hardware. These goods have mostly
been bought before the great advance
in prices and are being sold at a small
advance en cost, at
Flil & BMeii's
Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere,
152 North Queen Street,
and iiends, C4 and Ml Bread way. New Yerk.
Operations en margin and by means of pri 1
lcges. Information furnished en all matters
connected with stock speculation and invest
ment. ml.VlydTu.ThS
-pvlt. . II. liKOWX,
Ne. 164 East King Street.
The duplicate or water rents is new in
the hands or the City Treasurer. FIVE PER
CENT, abatement w ill be allowed en all rents
paid en or before J UN E 1, 1880.
mS-3wdTu,ThASR City Treasurer.