Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 20, 1880, Image 3

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tag in contact with two ether teams that
were passing the hotel. The horse began
t: kick, and getting one of his hind legs
ever the swingle-tree of the buggy te
which he was hitched,he stumbled and fell,
unwrenching one wheel of the buggy and
damaging the dash-beard. Neither Mr.
Miller nor the horse was injured.
Political Prognostications Prier te the Prim
aries. The strife of the Republican politicians
hereabouts continues te grew mere and
mere intense as the day of the primary
elections te settle their differences draws
nigh. The countrymen are running te
town for advices. The town workers arc
going te the country with instructions and
are putting the stuff where it will de the
most geed.
When Johnny Grau came down street
yesterday with a pair of horses and a
double-seated carnage, a dozen pairs of
eyes followed him te sea what was up. He
was only going te the country te take seme
-stranger friends a ride.
The best workers are working.
The Griest men are boasting loudly.
They say his stock, which could have been
bought a week age at 40, has gene up te
50, CO, 80 and is Hearing par.
The anti-Smith people claim that nearly
all the politicians are against his re-elec-
lien, and that many such " solid" citi
zens as Henry Baumgardner and Cel. W.
L. Pciper are making common cause
against him. Bull Ringers and Heg Ring
ers show a willing alacrity te strike hands
ever his political grave. They say that
there is no chance for anj body else while
he maintains his present supremacy, that
he will make no combinations for the ad
vantage of anybody else, and that he will
net " bleed" for the boys. Even Hies
tand and Senscnig who have had no confi
dence in the outlook for Griest, think the
sky is getting brighter especially since
Publisher "Warfel has showed seme soft
ness for the Sadsbury statesman, the self
made blacksmith-editor.
Smith's sanguine friends, en the ether
hand, scout the idea of Griest's chances
for election. They say that the present
violent opposition of the politicians is the
same old story, and that while it is some
what strengthened by a little crseuaI an
tagonism and business pique, there are
politicians supporting Smith who were
against him two years age Fred Smith
and Capt. Jehn R. Bricker, for instance.
They say that at the proper time Smith's
friends " will be there," the farmers will
he "out," and Smith will have as emphat
ic a majority ever Griest as in 1878.
Fer District Attorney.
. liberty's friends claim that the contest
between Jehnsen and Davis will be se
close ami will se evenly divide the Heg
Ring that " it makes Adam sure." Davis
says: "Jehnsen is beaten clean out of
sight " and may conic in behind Brubaker
aud Weaver. Jehnsen is working teeth
and nail, but he will be slaughtered in the
house of his friends, and he new seems te
be out of all combinations and is the third
favorite in the race. Weaver says he has
the " people "' and that their revolution
will siceej) him in. Few politicians
agree with this prediction, but everybody
concedes that he has a positive strength
which greatly complicates the situation.
Brnbaker adds te his personal strength the
support of some politicians which gives his
friends hope and a determination te stick
te him te the List.
r'er Legislature.
There is no change in the legislative out
look. Xerthward it points te Jehn B.
Eshlcmau, D. D. Courtney and 1 M. Eb
ci ly. In the Seuth, Peeples leads, with
Brosius a geed second.
On the balance of the ticket it is a scrub
Before Judge Livingston.
Jehn W.Newceraet v. Stephen Shaeffer.
This is an action brought by the plaintiff
te recover a balance of $4,035.80, which
he alleges te be due him from the firm of
Jehn A. Britten & Ce., of which firm
Scliaeffer is alleged by the plaintiff te have
been a member, for work done. In the
year 1875, as it is alleged by the plaintiff,
the firm had a contract te grade a portion
of the Hanover Junction and Susquehanna
railroad. In doing this work they
gave a portion of it te the
plaintiff, as a sub-coutracter, and l.e
claims that he has net been paid his claim
in full. Suit was originally brought against
the firm, but Jehn Britten admitted
the partnership and judgement was entered
against him for want of appearance. The
present defendant,Stephen Shaeffer, denies
that he was or is a partner of Britten's and
that question is new being tried.
Before Judge Patterson.
This morning the case of Henry C. Eich Eich
heltz and Ann Catharine Eichholtz,his wife,
vs. Kosina McCullen, action in trespass,
was attached. The defendant resides en
the corner of Vine and Lime streets, this
city, and the plaintiffs are next-deer
neighbors, en the north side. At the end
of the yards of the properties of the parties
te this suit, en the west side, is a fourteen
feet wide alley, which runs in from Vine
street. This alley the plaintiffs claim the
right te use, together with the defendiint
and the parties residing en the third prep,
erty from Vine street. In the year 1878
the defendant obstructed this alley by put
ting a fence across it at the end of her
property and this action is brought te es
tablish the right of way.
After the jury was sworn they visited
the premises with the counsel, and upon
their return the case was opened. The
plaintiff produced deeds, from different
persons for the Eichholtz property since
1830, by which they claim a right te use this
alley in common with the defendant and
their neighbor en the north.
Henry C. Eichholtz was called, and he
testified that he lived en the Eichholtz prop
erty since 18G0. and lived in the third
house from the corner from 1842 te 1850.
While living in the Eichholtz property they
always used this alley, and continued te
de se until 1878, when the defendant con.
structed a six feet fence across the alley at
the end of her property. This fence was
tern down by the plaintiff when it was re
ercctcd by the defendant, and was again
tern down. After it had been erected for
the third time the plaintiff again tore it
down and this suit was brought. On trial.
Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season or 185), can be liad at
Houghten's Cheap lillinery and Trimming Establishment,
Finest Lines of RIBBOXS ever
brought te Lancaster, in all the
Latest Styles of Colored Silk and
Satin, Old Geld and Cardinal, and
Vai legated Ribbons. Beat Brand
ut the lowest prices.
The Latest Novelties in all the
FLUWEUS. Best Display of Fine
FRENCH FLOWERS in the city.
ian ue seen new at
Al. ihe Latest Stvles of IIATS re
ceived every day Irem New Yerk
and Philadelnhia. and
prices te suit evei vbedv.
S01d Hats reshaned and colored
at short notice.
Has- all the Latest Novelties In
Washington, May 20. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, stationery or falling barom
eter, nearly stationary temperature, winds
mostly from east te south, clear or partly
cloudy weather.
". Frinmw Sutitid flli.irte T. ... O...
0-l -..e, U4iui3, UUVC3, UUl-
tens. Embroideries. Kid and Lisle
Thread Gloves in all the new shades
and White Tucked Skirts from 50e.
The "DiagH."
Following are the subjects of the ora
tions at the Diaguethian literary society
anniversary, in Fulton hall te-morrow
evening, with orchestral music between
the speeches :
Prologue, written for the occasion, CD.
Meyer, Freeburg, Pa.; oration, "The May
flower," C. E. Davis, 'Joenesboro, Md.;
oration, "Skepticism," A. F. Rohrer,
Smithsburg, Md.; eulogy, "Washington
Irving," F. E. Bucher, Sunbury, Pa.; ora
tion, "The Glory of Scotland," William
Neviu Apple, Lancaster, Pa., oration,
"Public Opinion." C.Edward Nctscher.
Bethlehem, Pa. ; anniversary oration.
"The King of the Zulus," Fred W. Bie
secker, .Tenner y. Reads, Pa.
Fatal Ilumlng Acress the River.
A two-year-old and only son of Jehn M.
and S. Elizabeth Thompson, residing en
the farm of Rev. Adams, deceased, iu
Chanccferd township, Yerk county, met
with a terrible accident which proved
fatal in a few hours after its occurrence.
The mother was absent from the house,
having gene te the barn, and the child was
playing with the fire, when his clothing
caught and was seen all ablaze. Mrs.
Thompson's attention was first attracted
te the condition of her little son by the
screams of her daughter, who is several
years elder than her brother. She quickly
ran te the relief of the burning child, and
by drenching him with water, succeeded
in extinguishing the flames, but tee late
te save his life.
We desire te call attention te our complete line of
LADLES, &c, &c
In addition I a full stock ei the celebrated Rogers Bres goods, we have the exclusive sale
in this city ei the electro-plated ware ei the Gerham Manufacturing Company. These are the
bent finished and most Jdurable in the market, and in recommending them te the trade this
company (whee representations are always reliable) claim ler them the fallowing merits
" The base of the Gerham electro-plate is of nickel silver. The silver-plated wares made upon
tin bae combine all the excellence of the solid silver goods except the intrinsic value of the
silver iuelf. One of the remarkable features of the process of electro-plating is perfect accu-
ij im ueiicacy wun wnicn tue llnest line of the engraving or chasing traced en the surface
of the nickel base is reproduced en the surface of the silver coating. Thus all the excellence of
workmanship which ha earned for the company its reputation as makers ei sterling silver
goods is made tributary te the production of unsurpassed electro-plate. The quantity or pure
silver deposited en the finely finished base exceeds that upon the best of foreign plate. This
ware would be excellent and take a line polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a
sliver surface which will if net abused last mere than a generation. The object is te produce
piateu ware which shall have all the beauty of the solid wares. This high grade et ware Is un
distingulshable from work m Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship are
made equal te these for which the Company's Sterling Silverware has been se highly com
mended. Te these conditions is added the undcttnsblc air or style which distinguishes the
genuine in everything from the work et imitators and which naturally transfer itself from
the Sterling te the plated ware." The price of these goods is only a trille higher than some of
he inferior productions.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street, Lancaster.
New Jersey Delegates Inclined te film
Trenten, N. J., May 20. The Demo
cratic state committee has decided
upon Judge Frederick II. Teez
as temporary chairman of the conven
tion, and there is but little opposition
te his continuance as permanent chairman.
It is claimed by friends of Senater Theo Theo
eore F. Randelph that while the cenven
tien will net instruct the delegates te
Cincinnati, yet the votes of a majority of
the New Jersey delegates will be cast in
favor of Senater Randelph for the presi
dency. The caucuses of district delega
tions se far held would seem te warrant
such a conclusion since Randelph's friends
are in a majority.
Mew Yerk Market.
Nw Te. May 30.-Fleur-State and West
ern without decided change in price:
superfine state 004 9Q; extra de . UZO
J,; no' de $4 9533 00; fancy
5 3OG0O; round hoop Ohie $5 0005 75:
choice de $5 906 55 ; superfine western $4 000
u : e0?"?0" te geed extra de 14 500490:
S?iS?0,J0,3e0(,70): choice white wheat de
.85Q5 25: Southern quiet and steady;
tetWflVw eXlm 236ia)5 SOd te choice
Wheat-Spring dull and nemlna ; winter de SfayTl f "e
June $1 264l &X. J' 4 "-.
urn wuiieuE aecmeu change anil moderate
business; Mixed western spot,5-2X25ec: de
future 49K53e. .
Oats quiet and firm ; State 4450c ; Western
Beef dull and prices unchanged.
Perk firmer ; new mess $1750.
Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $7 1.
Whisky dull ; Western $1 Wl 09.
Spirits of turpentine dull at 4ic.
Philadelphia Market.
Pm1.ADXLraiA.Ma9 20-Flenrduli, unchanged:
superfine $3 003M; extra at 0004 50; Ohie
and Indiana family at 5 506 00 : Penn'a
tanilly5 25g5 75; St. Leuis family 3 7SS6 25 ;
Minnesota family $5 0036 25; patent and high
grades 50S 50.
Hye flour at $4 75.
Cernnieal Brandywlne unchanged.
Wheat steady; Ne. 2 Western Ked $1 29K:
Penn'a Red 41 30; Amber $1 31.
..HST?. strenff ; steamer 52c : yellow 51c ; mixed
Oate firm; Se. 1, White. 4Sc; Ne. 2. de
4,c ; e.3, dei46c ; Xe. :, Mixed 4243c.
jj ...., iivDIOtll UUU x a. WC
I. O. O. F.
The Grand Ledge in Heading.
Upen the reassembling of the grand
ledge yesterday morning six hundred and
lifty-thrcc representatives answered te
roll call. Te test the sense of the grand
ledge in 1 elation te three of
the most important features
of the new amendments te the
constitution and by-laws, before tak
ing the same up for action, resolutions
were offered and passed confirming the
present system of representation of ledges
in the grand ledge, the levying of a per
capita tax upon the subordinate ledges te
defray the necessary expenses of the parent
body, and the paying of mileage te the
representatives attending the sessions of
the grand ledge as at present.
After this action the body proceeded te
the consideration of the proposed revision
of the constitution and by-laws of the
grand ledge of Pennsylvania and of the
constitetien of subeidinate ledges. This
occupied the entiie morning and afternoon
sessions, the changes made being of no
matter of importance, except te fix the
mileage of representatives after this ses
sion at three cents per mile and making
the per capita in the minimum at ten cents,
and the maximum at twelve cents.
In the evening the unwritten work of
order was exemplified te the members of the
the grand ledge under the supervision
and instruction of the grend ledge officers.
Presentation te Lancaster's Ken Scheel
The Bible class of St. James's Lutheran
church, Reading, called last evening at the
residence of City Superintendent Buchrle,
Ne. 510 Chestnut street, that city, pre
paratory te his removal te Lancaster.
After pleasant conversation and the serv
ing of refreshments, Mr. Harry Crccclius
stepped forward and in the name of the class
presented Superintendent Buchrle with an
elegant silver ice water service inscribed
as fellows : " R. K. Buehrle, from St.
James Lutheran Bible class, Reading,
May 19th, 1880."
-Medicine Men in the Mountain City.
Iii the convention of the state medical
society in Altoeua yesterday, Dr. Jehn L.
Atlec, of this city, made a hard fight for
the passage of a motion that the graduates
of colleges of pharmacy be net included as
laymen,as prescribed in the cede of ethetics.
He called for a recognition of the
dibits of pharmacists generally through
out the state, who arc making a praisewor
thy effort te raise themselves from the low
plane te which through vaiieus causes they
have been consigned by medical men gen
erally, lie had frequently been necessi
tated te call iu the aid of intelligenr,cducat
ed pharmacists in surgical and ether opera
tions when physicians resided al such a
distance that their services could net be
procured in proper time.
A delegate. here declared that if he were
net permitted by the cede te call in at
times the services of the miners or ether
workmen he felt it would be only proper
for him te leave the society. I live, said
he, in a place where, for miles around,
there is net a physician but myself, and
very frequently I have asked miners' as
sistance in giving anaesthetics, &c.
Dr. Atlee uracil that the drntriristK Imve
x - en ... . v
te compound nearly all the physicians'
prescriptions, aud that some consideration
should be shown them.
Dr. "Woodbury De you want te make
them doctors by brevet ?
Dr. Atlee Ne sir.
Dr. Woodbury Well, that's just what
you are driving at.
A delegate from Dauphin county as
serted that many of the druggists are bold
enough te prescribe for patients iu the
presence of physicians, and he instanced a
number of such cases within his own expe
rience. The motion was tabled.
Iu the afternoon, Dr. Carpenter, of
Pettsvillc, read a paper in the obstetric
art ; Dr. Shoemaker, of Philadelphia, an
other, en new remedies for skin diseases ;
Dr. Pancoast spoke en diseased joints, and
in the evening Dr. Nebinger delivered the
president's annual address, declaring for a
higher standard of med'eal education.
Lancaster f.lutual Deneliclul AK.ociiitien.
A society with the above name was or
ganized last evening in the hall, second
story of Inquirer building, its object being
te provide a fuud for the payment of the
funeral expenses of its members, the num
ber of whom is limited te three hundred,
each of whom is required, upon the death
of a member te contribute the sum of $1.10
$1 of which gees te the family of de
ceased and the balance te the paymeut of
society expenses. Seventy-five members
have already joined the society, and the
prospect is that the full complement of
members will seen be obtained. The fol
lowing officers were elected last evening :
President, Dr. H. 1$. Parry ; Vice Presi
dent, J. W. Rudy ; Secretary, William II.
Powell; Treasurer, E.E. Snyder ; Trustees,
Jacob M. Chillas, Jehn B. Millichseck and
Isaac E. Leng.
A cowiEsreMJEST from Malianey City, Pa.,
says : M r. J. K Nt . X this city, Miflered a great
deal with backache. I gave him a bottle or St.
Jacob's Oil. under condition that I would ask
no pay if the remedy failed te cure him. lie
brought mc the money the next day, stating
that the St. Jacob's Oil acted wonderfully, re
lieving mc ei all pain.
Hie, lads and lassies ! hie away!
Xer brook a single hour's delay.
If you would carry in your mouth
White teeth, and odors of the Seuth.
Haste, haste, and buy a single font
Of the unrivalled SOZODOXT.
Jeseph Husan, Percy, Ontario, writes: "I
was induced te try Themas' Electric Oil for a
lameness whieh troubled me ler three or four
years, and I found it the best article I ever
1 ned. It has been a great blessing te me." for
II. 15. Cochran, dmggist, 137 and 139 Xerth
Queen street, Lancaster, Pa "9
State Convention at Altoeua.
Altoexa, Pa., May 20. The Prohibi
tion state convention met here at 11 o'clock
this morning. About fifty delegates, rep
resenting various parts of the
state, were present. Hen. A. A.
Barker, of Cambria, was chosen per
manent chairman, and A. B. Tate, of
Lycoming, and I. N. Pierce, of Philadel
phia, secretaries. Committees en reselu
tiens, unance anil nominations were ap ap
peinted,and the convention adjourned until
2 p. m. A caucus was held en the subject
of cheesing presidential electors, but the
result has net yet been made known.
Every Invalid a Druggist.
By buying the new and popular medicine
Kidney-Wert, you get In each package enough
of the dry compound te make six quarts of
medicine, thus savingdeuble the money which
is usually paid for medicine, prepared In
liquid. It is a specific cure for Kidney and
Liver diseases my!7-lwd&w
Democratic County Committee.
The members of the Democratic county
committee elect ler the ensuing political year
are requested te meet at Shebcr's hotel this
city, en MONDAY, JUXE 7, 18S0 at 10 a. m., ter
organization and ler such ether business as
the committee may determine.
ml7-tf Chairman for 1879-SO.
What is the use in going te the seaside for
health when "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher"
is what you need.
l.oed words de mere than hard speeches. Dr.
Themas' Electric Oil is the geed word of every
Jamlly. Thousands will testify te its wonder
1111 cures et ceuirhs. raid, snn. tiim.,t ...,.1,.,,..
Lutheran Ceudidatei for Ordination.
The commencement exercises of th
Evangelical Lutheran theological seminary
were held last evening in Zion's Lutheran,
Philadelphia. Herace G. Artwen andJJG.
C. II. Haskarl, Philadelphia; Theodere
X. Becker, Buffalo, N. Y. ; C. K. Drum
heller, Gilbertsville ; Ernest R. Cassady,
Trappe; Jehn F. C. Fluck, Telferd;
Israel W. Gauger, Fleetwood ; William
H. Gcigcr, Saegersvillc ; Elias II. Gcrhart,
Union county; J. F. T. Hartwig, New New
Yerk ; L. S. Keiner, Waynesboro, Va. ;
William S. Miller, Camden, N. J. ; Jehn
Souder, Cegau Station ; C. F. Lieman,
New Yerk, and M. Luther Zwe.ig, Read
ing. Hurt Iiy a Herse.
Yesterday afternoon as Daniel Ilartman
(Jehn's son) was in the act of applying an
embrocatien te the sere withers of a hors-e
in rear of the Pennsylvania railroad depot,
the animal became restive and in some
way struck Mr. Ilartman en the head,
producing concussion of the brain and
rendering him unconscious for several
hours. He is still confined te the house,
but under the care of Dr. Boyd is getting
along very well.
"I Don't Want That Stuff."
Is what a lady of Bosten said te her husband
when he brought home some medicine te cure
her of sick headache and neuralgia, which had
made her miserable for fourteen years. At
the first attack thereafter, it was administered
te her with such geed results that she contin
ued its use until cured.and was made se enthu
siastic In Its praise, that she induced twenty
two of the best lamilies In her circle te adept
it n their regnlnr family medicine. That
"stuff" is Hep Bitters. myl.V'wd&w
Try Lecher's Kcnewncd Cough Syrup.
Ken Coueus, Colds, Catakiih and Threat
Disorders, use l'JIrewn't Bronchial Troches,'"
having proved their efficacy by u test or many
years. lwdTTh&S&w
croup and ether alllictiens of the breathin"
organs; an invaluable outward .specific for
lame Hack, se-eness and contraction of the
muscles, and every variety of sores or hurts.
n? vl!.e. T "' ,J-. Cechx, druggist, 137 and
.... ...!.. vjuixu aircui, iaiiciusler, l'a. 30
A Geed Match In Prospect.
Washington, May 20. Charles E.
Courtney and party left Washington en
the Niagara express at half-past six o'clock
this morning. The articles of agreement
for the proposed race en Wednesday, the
2Cth inst., between Hanlan and Riley, have
been drawn and signed by both Hanlanand
Riley. An offer of $3,000 was made te
Courtney yesterday te stay out of the race
in order that Riley might row.
The Stakes Handed Over.
Referee Blaikie this morning handed
Edward Hanlan his draft for f G,000.
Previsions dull ; mess perk at $11 254211 50 :
beef hams 16 50 17; India mess beef IIIS 50 ;
uaeeu smeKeu sneuiuers 5ic ; salt 4?v,4kc ;
smoked hams 10lle; pickled hams SWuidHc.
Lard dull ; city kettle 7c ; loose bluchers
(c ; prime steam $7 15.
Butter choice steadier; ereamery extra
22Q23c; de geed te choice 182Ic ; Bradford
county and New Yerk extra IStf 20c ; Western
reserve extra at 15$17c; de geed te
choice I3Q14y Rolls dull : Penn'a extra 140
16c; Western reservii extra ItglGc.
Eggs scarce and higher; l'enn'u 12c; West
ern ll)4gl2c.
Cheese scarce: Xcw Yerk factory at
12fc; Western lull cream, Mc; de for
geed lOiSIOKc; de half skims Ul0e.
Petroleum quiet; refilled 7kc.
Whiskey! 11.
Geed te prime clever out or season ; Timo Time
dull at $3 U03 ; Flaxseed linn at $1 45
Stock Markets.
PHiLADKuriiiA, May 20.
e . , 1230 p.x.
Stocks irregular.
Penua 0's (third Issue) 10S
Philadelphia A Erie 13
Reading- 2!?'
Pennsylvania 5i
Lchigh Valley. 50J
United Ces. of X. J loeQ
Northern Pacific 23
" Preferred 45
Northern Central 32
Lehigh Navigation f... aK
Xlnmutnitfii tm 7
Central Transportation Ce. 4U'4
Pitts . Titusville 4 Butfale. 14?.
untie Schuylkill
Stocks strong.
X. Y. Central
jrit,, ..
Adams Express
Michigan Central
M Icldgan Southern
Illinois Central
Uleveland A Pittsburgh 112,VJ
uiiraigu a uecKisianu
.. 54
Xsw Iekk. May 20.
.... 4(iX
- - 3C?i
... 80
Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 118
western Union Tel. Ce
Thus exclaimed an old gentleman recover
ing from a severe attack of the bronchial
uiee.s, sellers' Cough Syrup' cured
Price 25 cents.
1,.,"L-,Et- On the evening of the et .May, 18S0, by Rev. A. Jl. Shenkle Mr
Henry Heueal te Miss Linda C. Keller, all of
Maytewu, Lancaster county, Pa. nd
Sales et Fancy Stock.
According te the Country Gentleman,
"-Mr. Celin Cameren, agent of the Elizabeth
stock farms, Brickerville, has sold Perch
con marc Nannie 829, winner of a medal
and dipleina'at the Centennial exhibition,
together with stallion Perfection C33, te
Dr. H. M. Howe, Bristel, R. I. ; also stal
lion Bay King te Wm. Nicel, Islip, Leng
Island. Mr. Cameren writes: "I have
lately sold Jersey bull Jim Fisk 3,314 te
Captain Franklin, of Lancaster, and heifer
Willow Fisk te Chas. Husten, Ceatcsville,
both strong in the new noted Alphea
bleed, and within the past week have sent
te Richard Peters, jr., Calhoun, Ga., a car
lead of very fine heifers."
Jumped tee Soen.
Jehn Beuhl, of Mount Jey, while return
ing home from Lancaster, en Whit-Monday
evening, jumped off the Cincinnati
-express, while yet in motion, causing him
te fall and break his cellar bone.
Large funerals.
The fuucral of Hugh Corcoran took
places from his residence, Ne. 130 Seuth
Water street, this morning, and was very
largely attended. The funeral rites took
place in St Mary's church where high re
quiem mass was celebrated. The remains
were thence conveyed, accompanied by a
long line of coaches occupied by sorrowing
mends, te bt. Mary's cemetery where the
interment took place.
The funeral of Mrs. Pennington Moere,
Colerain township, took place yesterday
forenoon, the interment being made in the
burying ground attached te Colerain Bap
tist church, of which deceased was a mem
ber. The fuucral was one of the largest
that has taken place in that neighborhood.
The religious services were conducted by
Rev. Sharp, pastor of the Baptist church,
assisted by Rev. Stewart of the Presby
terian church. Mrs. Moero was about 38
years of age, and was for a long time a
sufferer from consumption. She leaves a
young family and hosts of friends te
mourn her less.
He Had te Come.
W. II. Weise, of Slatington, Lehigh
county, was regarded as an important wit.
ncss in the case of Ncwcemet vs. Sheaffer,
new en trial before the Lancaster common
pleas. As Mr. Weise did net put in an ap
pearance, process was issued, and the
sheriff went after him, landing him safely
in court yesterday morning.
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
The ambition of the American people leads
them te overtax their strength and completely
break down their nervous systems, impoverish
their bleed, aud almost destroy their constitu
tions. Recover your constitution immediately,
before it is tee late, by taking Dr. Browning's
Tonic and Alterative, the great Bleed Purifier
and Blend Makex. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer
s-ileby the Proprietor, W. Champien Brown
ing, M. D., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and
all Druggists aad Dealers ia Medicines.
Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup"
II. Jr. Warner A Ce., Rochester, X. T. :
Gentlemen: I have tried your Safe Kidney
and L,lvcr Cure for "Bright's Disease," with
which 1 have been afllictcd for the last two
years, and it has done wonders for me. I be
lieve it is the only cure known for that terri
ble disease, and it Is with pleasure that I write
this testimony in its favor. Yeu are at liberty
te use this in any way you see proper, te bene
lit suffering humanity.
Truly yours, J as. S. Pbescett,
Xerth Union, Ohie,
Shakers' Seciety, Cuyahoga County,
inyl5-2wdftw Cleveland, Ohie.
m: at ns.
1880, at Ilatbore, Mont Ment
Martin Buehler, in the
Bueiiler. May 19,
gemery county. Pa
74th year et his age.
Funeral en Saturday, 22.1 inst., at 3 o'clock
p. in., at Rohrerstown, Lancaster county Pa
2td "
A Ferger Eludes Twe Officers.
Pout Jeiivis, N. Y., May 20. J. P. Y.
Smith, who was arrested here a few days
since, charged with forgery by A. Oilman,
escaped last night from two officers in
whose custody he was. The day before he
had been identified by the cashier of Mil
ler & Ce., by Ridley & Ce., and Nicholl,
the tailor of New Yerk, as the party who
had passed forged checks upon them.
Fer Minnesota's Dark Herso.
CniCAGO, May 20. A despatch from
Farge says the Dakota Republican con
vention met yesterday and chese two dele
gates te Chicago, both for Windem with
second choice for Blaine.
Anether despatch says both delegates
are uninstructed, but it is understood they
are for Blaine for first choice.
Teledo ft Wabash.
ew Jersey Central
United States Bends anil Sterling Kxcliann
(Quotations by U. K. Jamisen ft Ce.. .S. W
Cor. 3d aud Chestnut Streets).
Philadelphia, May 3.
United States 6, 1881, (registered). .10ifi)li)7
United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .103' let''
United States ik's, 1L. (registered)I08MK)8
United States 44's, 1891, (coupons). .luyKMltfA
United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .107JJ
United States Currency C's 131
Sterling Exchange 48t;lt.9
jrmr ad miiTist:MiXTs.
jyt. :. II. 15KOWN,
1G4 East King street.
M The duplicate of water rents is new in
!,Ie',-",,V''18 Cit-y Treasurer. FIVE PER
C l-.NT. abatement will be allowed en all rent
paid en or before JUXE 1, 1880.
Mir.lTu,T1.48R & CHjTwlukr.
Supposed Stelen Herse Caught.
On Tuesday night a gray horse, which is
supposed te have been stolen aud then
abandoned by the thieves, was caught at
Intercourse by Jacob Warfel. The owner
of the animal which is spavined in the left
hind feet, had net been found yet last
Pedchtrian Content.
A pedestrian tournament will shortly"
take place in this city between two well
known pedestrian of this place, one from
Reading and another from Yerk. Geed
men arc backing the walkers and a lively
match is expected.
Corener's Inquest.
Corener Mishler and his jury re-assembled
last evening te make up the verdict in
the case of Herbert Smith, the three
months old infant that died se suddenly
yesterday morning. The verdict was
death from heart disease.
Milten Keller Subscriptions.
Since our last report the following sub
scriptions have been left with the mayor
for the relief fund of the Milten suffer
A. M. Frantz, $1 ; cash, 75c; Lancas
caster Mamncrcher, $23 ; Jehn G. lleuser,
$1 and let of clothing ; D. S. Bare, $1 ;
Mrs. Catherine Kinzer, $5 ; Geerge Zeig
ler, dairyman, SI; "A Friend," $1 ;
Abram Brenner, 81 ; H. C. Harner. $3 ; R.
Buchmiller's estate, $5 ; Gee. Tonilhisen,
$1 ; Jennie Nixderf, $2 ; Cel. S. II. Price,
$3 ; cash, 50c; Henry Hegener, $1.
The total amount raised in Lancaster up
te this time, is $2,980.75.
At neon te-day the mayor scuta draft for
$2,900 te O. B. Nagle, burgess of Milten,
who is directing the judicious apportion
ment of the relief funds.
" Heme " Acknowledgements.
The managers of the Heme gratefully ac
knowledge the following donatiens: Mr.
DifTenbach, 1 liver and 2 beef tongues; Mr
Geeblc, biscuit; Mr. Spaeth, biscuit; Mrs. C.
Widmeyer, 2 dozen eggs ; Mrs. E. Brown, 2
dozen eggs ; Mr. Gibbs, 2 def-n eggs ; Mr.
Ilildebrand, 4 dozen eggs; Mrs. Pcarsel, 2
dozen eggs; Mrs. Gcist, 2J dozen eggs and
cukes; Mr. Jl. Evans, let of pudding meat.
Thanks are also due te the McGibeny Family
for their kind invitation te their matinee. At
a meeting of the lady managers of the Heme
held en Tuesday, the 18th inst., it was resolved
te tender a vote of thanks te Mr. Kautz, the
fireman, and all who kindly assisted in ex
tinguishing the lire that occurred there en the
night of May i, and also te the employees of the
Heme, who, by their wise management, con
trolled and prevented a panic among the children.
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Dren-n's Household .Panacea
Is the most etrective Pain Destroyer in the
world. Will most surely quicken the bleed
whether taken internally or applied externally
and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIX,
whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, and it is warranted deuble the
strength et any similar preparation.
It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels,
Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL
CEA " should be iu every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen
tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler of het water
(sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime,
will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle.
Fer sale at H. B. Cochran ft Ce's Drugstore
Xerth Queen street. Lancaster.
Much Sickness,
Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether
causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWX'S
VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges,
although effectual In destroying worms, can
de no peslble Injury te the most delicate child
This valuable combination has been success
fully used by physicians, and found te be ab
solutely sure In eradicating worms. Twenty
live cents a box. rianI5-lvd&wTuTh&S
Water Is Free.
That's se but in most patent medicines you
pay for it at the rate of a dollar a pint. Kidney-eort
is a dry comneund and one package
is enough te make six quarts of medicine
without addition of any poisonous liquors. It
is nature's remedy for Kidney Diseases, Liver
Complaint and Piles, for it is both diuretic and
cathartic, tonic and healing. Buy it.
I and Bends, 04 and Cfi Bread way, Xe w Yerk
Operations en margin and by means or privi
leges. Information furnished en all matters
connected with stock speculation and Invest-lllu"1-
Sealed proposals will be received by the
?,"itZ?Tlwtn MT ? for ic immediate
ii.V.vf ii V """-"-pwcenai church of 100. 100. 100.
oeo ha -.1 well-burnt face brick and 40,000 hard
pros brick. Proposals will be receivedfer the
whole or part. Sample brick mustaccempanv
each bid. The right is reserved te reject any
elirery that in the judgment ertheXerthPcr
does net come up te sample.
Xe. 43 Seuth Prince Street.
Intense Enthusiasm in Terente
Terente, Ont., May 20 The greate.'t
enthusiasm was manifested here en the
news of Hanlan's victory being received
at the telegraph offices, where theusand8
of people were in waiting ; many cenglatu-
Mtery telegrams were sent ineludin
from the Marquis of Leme.
- Grand Concert at KnmmVl!vf:.,r,iunn
Jl!?.. "VCI,,ne' -May 21' at 8 o'clock. Admis
sien free.
JX for the benefit et St. Jeseph's Church
in commence en r III DAT, MAY 23. at Reth-
Jer ?.! "V1'1"' W'eHtKInff street, and'cV.ntinue
ler ten nays. mlJ-2wd
And her own Company, in her Great Master-
Lady Macbeth, - . . JANAUSCHEK.
ADMISSION, - - SI, 78 50 CU.
Scats en sale at Opera Heuse Office.
Virginia Democrats Declare in Faver of the
Cincinnati Candidate.
Richmond, Va., May 20. The Censer.
vative state convention adjourned sine die
at midnight, after instructiug the dele
gates te Cincinnati te adhere te the two
thirds rule and declaring in favor of the
nominee of the national Democratic con.
Indications Said te Faver Blaine.
Chicago, May 20. A special te the
Tribune says the Nebraska Republican
state convention met at Columbus, Neb.,
last night and organized. There is an
anti-Grant sentiment and indications favor
Tailoring Establishment,
Having returned from the Xew Yerk
Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit
one et" the Uest Selected Stocks or
Spring; anil Sin Trade,
Ever brought te thin city,
best of
Xencbutthu very
Amusements. ;
Janauschek. On Saturday next Janauschek,
the world renowned actress, will appear here
as Lady Macbeth, in the great play of "Mac
beth." Reserved seats can be bought at the
opera house offlce.
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Wine for Females and Invalids.
It is well known that there arc cases when
the most strict advocates of temperance are
obliged te use some sort of wine, especially
these who arc old and infirm. Many weakly
females as well as invalids and debilitated per
sons in warm weather need a little strengthen
ing wine. The great difficulty has been In pro
curing a rich wine that is reliable. There are
many cases where wine would be used te great
advantage in place et alcoholic drinks if only
a genuine article could be had, and upon
which physicians could relv as being strictly
pure, without alcoholic admixture. The Pert
Grape Wine of Alfred Spcer, of Passaic, Xew
Jersey, has been analyzed by chemists in
almost every stute,and has always been proved
strictly pure and beneficial. This wine is new
being used in hospitals and in families for me'
dicinal purposes, also In churches for comma'
nien services. Mr. Speer's mode et conducting
the fermentation is such as te retain the rich
flaverand sweetness of the fruit witheutmuch
fermentation te create stimulative properties.
This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and
Davis, and sold by H. E. Slaymakcr.
Manager Jehn D. Mishler has the honor of
presenting with Xcw Scenery and Elegant
Costumes the Union Square version of the
great play of the
Ir. its Original Style, with an Eminently Tal
ented Company, consisting of the
Late members or the Company attached te
DALY'S THEATUE, Xew Yerk. The public
are respectfully informed that every attention
will be paid te details and no pains or expense
spared te give a Strictly First-class Perform
GALLERY, 25 Cts.
Reserved Scats new en sale at Opera Heuse
Office. Xe extra charge. m2U-5td
Anether Fire Started Te-day.
Milten, Pa., May 20. Anether fire
broke out here this morning which caused
the greatest excitement. Flames were
discovered in the planing mill of Cliuger
& Ce., but were extinguished before much
damage was done.
in all the Leading Styles. Prices as low as the
lowest, anil all goods warranted as represent
ed, at
Ne. 51 North Queen Street.
Spring Opening
Philadelphia Gamblers Held te Ball.
Philadelphia, May 20. The gamblers
charged with runnihg a roulette table at
Point,Breeze part, en Tuesday last, were
brought before Magistrate Pole te-day,
and held te bail for trial.
Stormy Session or the Illinois Convention.
Sprixefield, III., May 20. The lie
publican convention re-assembled at the
appointed hour this morning and, after a
stormy session, adjourned until neon.
We have fei sale for the coming seasons an
Immense Stock of
of our own manufacture, which comprises the
Latest and Most
Isonomy the Winner Wallenstein Nowhere.
Londex, May 20. Isonomy wen the
race for the Manchester cup. The Abbet
was second Horizon third.
; Twe very desirable rooms, Xe. J Xerth
Queen street, suitable ler photograph gallery,
formerly occupied by J. S. Saurman. Apply te
tise, free of charge, In the IirrKUioxx IirrKUiexx
cbr, who wants something te de.
learn Dressmaking. Apply at
myl3-2td Xe. 419 St. Jeseph street.
Come and sec our
trieua man, a position in which he is
willing te de anything te make himself i
Can take care of horses. Apply at this
Chickens, Bags,- a Blanket and a Saddle,
believed te have been stolen. Call en
myI8-3td Seuth Queen St, cer. of Mifflin.
Housekeepers take notice that we are
paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS.
Cash paid as seen as delivered te
apr9-3md Xe. 235 West King Street.
which is larger and composed or the best styles
te be found in the city.
D. B. Hosteller & Sen,
undersigned has made application fertius
renewal of certificate Xe. 85.8W for 16 shares of
stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
issued te Mary Mulvaney, and dated 3iay 23,
1872, the same having been lest or destroyed.
mlMtd Administrator.