LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY. MAT 14, 1880. ? tbe beard of visitors, presented te each of the graduates tbe customary testimonial and recommendation for licensure, accom panying tbe presentation with a brief and appropriate address, and the audience was dismissed with prayer, doxology and bene diction. Tbe several essays, of which tbe above abstracts comprise very iir.perfectsynepses, evinced rare scholarship and logical thought. The graduates all give encour aging nromise of efficient pulpit work, Learning and eloquence distinguished tbe efforts, and the course of these young men in the important field of labor en which the new enter with such bright prospects will be followed with solicitude by the m:my friends in this city with whom they have been mere or less closely associated during the period in which they pursued their studies in college and seminary. TBE EMPIRE AT CHAMBERSBUBG. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. .Telm Frank ferd'tt Attempt te Break Jail. Jehn Fraukferd, who is new serving a term of nineteen years' imprisonment in the Lancaster county prison, was detected yesterday, about neon, in attempting te break jail. Under-keepcr Murr heard a noise, which he thought resembled that made by a person filing iron. He first examined the cell adjoining Frankford's, and finding everything right therein, next .nt te Frankford's cell, Ne. 7, en the lower range of cells. As he reached the deer Fraukferd arose from the lloer and pleasantly addressed him. Mr. Murr at once sent for one of the watchmen, and the two together entcied the cell and made an examination. The cell is iron-clad, ce mented in one of the walk, but near the lloer is a register connecting with the fur nace in the basement. This register is net large enough te admit a human body, and Frankford's plan was te enlarge the hole by the sawing away a piece of the iron plate adjoining it. This he was doing when discovered with a saw made out of an old steel table knife, evidently furnished him by an outside accomplice. He had se nearly completed the job that he only had about two inches mere sawing te de te have enabled him te remove the plate. He could then have easily reached the base ment, through the opening, and escaped te the yard, and then ever the wall, as was done by Armisted and some ether prison ers. Fraukferd was at once removed te an iron-clad cell en the second story, but as he has said he can escape from any jail in the country, and as he has indeed es caped from several of them, a sharp watch will have te be keps en him, or he will yet make geed his beast. NEIGUISOIUIOOI) XEW.S. Events Acress tli County I.inei. William Preston, of Kennett Square, Chester county, recently traveled eighteen miles en a bicycle. Messrs. Hoepcs, Bre. & Darlington, of West Chester, will give a fine exhibit at the international exhibition at Melbourne, Australia, of spokes, wheels, hubs, etc. Hugh Burgess, esq., of Spring City, Chester county, has recently erected and put in operation a large mill en the prop erty of M. Pcnnypacker, at Mesesvillc, near Chester Springs, for the manufacture of uraphite. Trcdyflrin township, Chester county, suffers from the nightly visits of robbers, some five different houses within its linrdcis having been operated en within the past week. On Tuesday last, an overhead bridge en the Pennsylvania railroad, one mile west of Glenloch, East Whiteland township, Chester county, caught fire from an east bound freight engine and was totally binned. Recently, while making improvements in the back building of the Lafayette heuse, en Seuth Geerge street, a let of walnuts were found under the fleer, wrapped up in paper which was endorsed Christmas, 1820, which makes them nearly GO years old. They were well preserved, appearing as fresh as walnuts of last years's growth. The Mellert'iren company, of Reading, notified their employees this week that a reduction of 10 per cent, would be made in their wages, commencing en May 17 next. The men, in return, have informed the company that they will quit work en the dale named, at which time they want their wages due. They intend te seek work at ether places where the pay is mere remun erative. James Campbell, of Lewer Chanccferd township, Yerk count', died suddenly en Tuesday evening. He seemed in his usual geed health during the day, and about live o'clock sat down te cat his supper, when his head fell forward upon his breast, and in an instant the vital spark had lied. Mr. Campbell was born October 23, 1799, and was consequently in the 81st year of his age. He was the father of Hen. William Campbell. Their Part In the Firemen' Parade; There. The parade of the Cumberland Valley firemen in Chambersburg yesterday was all that its sanguine management expected for it. The town put en a holiday garb and the country turned iu tewitness the spectacle. During the whole day the streets were thronged with people, but tbe best of order prevailed. Though until nearly midnight marching companies, sere nading bauds and departing guests made the town lively, there was very little drunkenness, or any ether kind of disorder or demoralization. The special occasion of the display was the centennial anniversary of the Friend. ship company and te make it a success every town in the Cumberland Valley con tributed representatives of firemen and citizens. Harrisbunr. Carlisle. Haircrs- town, Shippeiibburg and iiartinsburg, be sides Lancaster, Norristown and Frederick Md., had companies and bands of music in the line, which was made up of six divisions, including some eighteen compa nies and nearly as many bands and drum corps. As a whole, it was one of the cleanest, neatest and most gentlemanly bodies of urcmen ever seen m line. About one thousand equipped men paraded. Their uniforms, apparatus and style of marching were such as te excite most favorable com ment all along the line. Governer neyt rode in an open barouche in the hook and ladder division and review ed the parade in the square. The Lancaster boys marched admirably and presented a strikingly handsome appear ance. Their truck was bv all odds the finest machine in line ; Clcmmcns's band carried oil the honors of the day and the Empire was the,' favorite company. Clayt. Myers, Jehn Copland, Ferd. Dcinuth and Abe Keller formed the advance file and created great merriment by the "solid front" they presented. One old fellow who came te town said, " 1 vas much dis appointed dat de guvner made no speech, aber I sees von sing I never sees dem four Lancaster mens vat veighed a ten." The line of march measured about four miles and after its end was i cached the different companies made short street parades. Last evening about twenty of the Lan caster, boys with brooms, tin horns, wins ties and toy druins,inarshalled by "Budd" Metzger, en a white horse, made a bur lesque precession ever the town.te the great delight of its citizens. This morning they visited the reservoir and water works, saw a trial of the Fred erick company's steamer, and of the pres. sure of the local water works en the lire plugs, enabling the Chambersburg people te threw ever their highest builduiu's with out an engine. Three or four of the local companies had elegant spreads last night in the pub lic halls, te all of which the Empire were invited, and which they acknowledged by visiting tirst one then the ethcriu a body. uiucriaiumcnE nas iiccn lncxiiausli- Reg. P. VM were laid before the beard, and en motion of Mr. Stevenson the chil dren were recommended as proper persons for education and maintenance under the previsions of the law en tbe subject. The secretary reported salaries all paid for tbe month ending April 16. After granting a number of orders the beard adjourned. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LITITZ LOCALS. Condensed from the Recerd. Martin S. Greff had a part of one of his fingers sawed off Wednesday by thought lessly placing it against a circular saw in the planing mill of Seaber & Grube. Herace Eschbach was thrown from a wagon en Tuesday by the running away of his horse, and the wagon was badly wrecked. There was a "screw loose" in the com" binatien lock of the Litiz national bank en Friday last, and the officers had te send te Philadelphia for a lock-maker before they could get it opened. On Wednesday Abraham Hcrshey was severely bitten in the hand and leg by a vicious deg, which he kept chained en the farm of Henry Longenecker, near Litiz. Mr. Ilershey went up te the deg te pat it en the head and was fiercely attacked bf it. Walker Gcitner has left Lititz for the far West, his destination being Colerado. Harry C. Hull, will seen leave for Omaha, Neb., as a civil engineer en the line of the Union Pacific railroad. On Monday evening as Harry Beutz and wife, of Brunuerville, were returning from Lancaster they wrre accosted near New Haven by two supposed highwaymen, who ordered them te "held up," and attempted te seize the bridle of their horse, but Mr. Bentz applied the whip and escaped. William Ranck, near Litiz, fell under a four-horse team and one of the front wheels passed ever his body, breaking three ribs en his right side and two en the left, dislocating his shoulder joint and in flicting Revere internal injuries. He is new lying in a dangerous condition. We desire te call attention te our complete line of PIjATWABE, SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, ASTRICH. SSOS ADVERTISEMENT. A LADLES, &c., &c. In addition te a full stock et the celebrated Rogers Bre.'s goods, we have the exclusive sale in this city et the electro-plated ware el the Gerliam Manufacturing Company. These are the best finished and most durable in the market, and in recommending them te the trade this company (whose representations are always reliable) claim ler them the following merits : iii base or the Gerham electro-plate is of nickel silver. The silver-plated wares made upon this base combine all the excellence of the solid silver goods except the intrinsic value of the silver itself. One of the remarkable features of the process of electro-plating Is perfect accu racy and delicacy with which the finest line of the engraving or chasing traced en the surface of the nickel base is reproduced en the surface of the silver coating. Thus all the excellence of workmanship which has earned for the company iu reputation as makers et sterling silver goods is made tributary te the production of unsurpassed electro-plate. The quantity of pure silver deposited en the finely finished base exceeds that upon the best of foreign plate. This ware would be excellent and take a fine polish without a coating et silver, yet upon it is laid a silver suriace which will if net abused last mere than a generation. The object is te produce plated ware which shall have all the beauty of the solid wares. This high grade et ware is un distingulshable from work in Sterling silver. Its pattern, ornaments and workmanship are made equal te these for which the Company's Sterling Silverware has been se highly com mended. Te these conditions is added the undetlnable air or style which distinguishes the genuine in everything lrem the work et imitators and which naturally transfers itself from the Sterling te the plated ware." The price et these goods is only a trifle higher thaneme of ilie inferior productions. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street, Lancaster. N" C THIED EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1880. A "s T E B E A Z A COMPLETE RENEWAL IX or STOCK OF CLOTHING. NKW OOOIH-UOfUHT FOR CASH-MADE UP BEFORE THE ADTA.NCK AND OFFER ED TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES FROM 25 te 30 per cent. LEM THAN PRESENT COST OF MAN'UFACrURE PREPARED BT A. C. YATES & CO. THE LHADIXO AND rPULAR CLOTHIERS OP PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE 1880 SPEING AND SUMMER. 1880 The able in its hospitality and all the citizens of Chambersburg feci themselves hosts of the occasion. At 1 o'clock thev left for home and will reach this city at 0:23, when they will be received in accordance with the pregramme previously published. The alarm bell in the tower of the Em pire lire company will be sounded this evening at half-past e o'clock as a notice te these who intend te participate in the reception of the Empire boys en their re turn fiem Chambersburg te ''get ready."' Chief Marshall McMcllju requests his aids te report te him at Cremer's GI-he hotel. Xerth Queen street, opposite the depot, at six o'clock for instructions. The companies intending te participate in the reception of the Empire will form in regular order at 0:15, en Chestnut strei t, right resting en Xerth Queen. COLUMBIA SEWS. Order for a Ite-survey. The following order was made by the court yesterday : Whereas, the court having in February last adopted and approved the plan of tl.e southeastern section of the city of Lan caster, with the following exceptions, te wit: That part of said plan south of East An drew street and east of Strawberry street, west of East Strawberry street and Seuth street, north of Seuth street and the southern line of said city, and cast of Seuth Queen street, is disapproved and a new uralt et that portion is ordered te be made ; the street en the north te commence at a point en Seuth Queen stiect west of the southwestern corner of AVoocl AVeocl AVoecl ward Ilill cemetery, and from thence ex tend eastward te said southwest corner of said cemetery, thence along the south side of said cemetery, and from thence te intei Sict with Seuth street, and the paits south of this street te conform te this change. The width of Seuth Christian street, from Church te Middle.isdisappreved, and said part of Seuth Christian street is order ed te remain of its present width of four teen feet. Seuth Duke street, from Eat King te Vine, is disapproved as te the alteration of its width, and it is ordered te be and re main of its present width. Plum street is te extend southward, crossing East King until it intersects Jehn, and is te be of the width of feet. and the width of Jehn, from East King te said intersection, is disapproved and it is te remain of its present width. Woodward street, from East Strawberry te Christian, is disapproved as te its width, and it is te be and remain of its present width, as opened forty feet, and new, Jlay 12, 1880, the court appoint, order and direct Allen A. Ilerr, of the city of Lancaster, te make any and all surveys en the grounds which are made necessary by this order of court, changing the plan as presented for approval, and te mark en said plan all changes neces sary by reason thereof and make report te this court en the third Monday of June, 1880, SCENE IN COURT. FOR TUB BEST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHIXG CALL AT THE Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets. A A E, 13 East King Street. ASTRICH BRO.'S Offer this week a complete lin" of SUMMER GOODS. Euch department is complete new. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Bennets and Hats for Summer Wear in the Latest shapes and most desirable Chins and Straws. Our Flower and Feather Stock is in an in viting condition, having many novelties at unheard of low- prices. Snccial line of Black Ostrich Tips, three in a bunch, only lDc. Full line of Black mid White Ostrich Plumes. H THE FIXEST CLOTHIXG HOUSE IX AMERICA. Rip Van Winkle. Last evening another small audience greeted Mr. J. II. Kcane's second appear ance in '-Kip Van Winkle." This is net as it should have been. Mr. Keane him self is an actor of rare ability, and his sup port en this occasion was really first-class, in fact, considered by most of these who had the pleasure of being present at either of the performances te be superior te any cast of this old and favorite play ever seen en the beards in this city. Against these inducements, however, weighed the fact that our people have se often seen the piece and, only recently, tee, by the great originator of the character, Mr. Jeffersen. Then, tee, our city has been treated, dur ing the season new about closing, te an unusually large and varied, and withal successful. run of amusemeuts, perhaps one of the best Fulton opera heuse has ever known. Quarterly Transactions of the Lancaster County Medical Society." The committee of publication of the Lancaster County Medic U Society have just issued the first number of a new quar terly with the above title, It is a pam phlet of forty pages, and contains the pro pre pro ceedings'ef the April meeting of the socie ty, including essays read before the socie ty by Dr. D. I. Bruner, Columbia ; Dr. II. L. Ceover, Ilarrisburg ; Dr. E. W. Meisen helder, Yerk; Dr. W. Stump Forwood, Darlington, Md.; Dr. J. L. Zcigler, Mount Jey ; Dr. W. W. Dale, Carlisle ; and Dr. G. 11. Welchaus, Lancaster. The essays treat of various diseases and their treat ment, and will be found of interest te stu dents and doctors of medicine. It is pro posed te publish 1,000. copies of the Trans actions, quarterly, for distribution among members of the society and physicians of adjoining counties. Frem our Special Correspondent. Market was well attended yesterday morning. Vegetables, butter and eggs plenty. Shad scarce ; tee much windy weather. Manager Mishler will bring Daly's thea tre company, et j.ew lone, .nay Z4.tu, m " The two orphans." Americus V. Kedgcrs left town this morning for Lcadville. Colerado. Wc wish him geed health and success. The fishery commissioners were in town this morning. Mr. Herace Willisten, of Wcllsboreugh, Pa., is the guest of Cel. Sam'l Sheck. Mr. James A. Richards, who has been living in Southwestern Missouri, is home ou a visit te his family. Mr. Richards leeks very well. The closing session of the Ilarrisburg con ference was held en Wednesday evening in the E. E. Lutheran church, ou Second street. There was a large audience pres ent, and the sessions during the week were all well attended. Rev. C. Rcimen snydcr, of Lancaster, Rev. G. Henry of Millersburg.and Mr. Bear,of St. Jehn's Lu theran church, Lancaster, delivered ad dresses. Subject : "Sunday Schools " It was decided that Rev. J. V. Eckert,of Col umbia, be sustained at the expensa of the conference until the meeting of the East Pennsylvania synod, in September nest. Scheel beard met in the library room last evening at 8 o'clock, President J Zeamer presiding. Messrs. McColleugh, Seurbeer, Wike and Wolf absent. The finance committee reported collec tions as fellows : J. G. Hess, en duplicate of 1878, $70.32 ; J. G. Hess, en duplicate of 1878, $428.91 ; Eberly, rent, $3 ; Jack Jack eon, rent, $3 : orders naid since last renert. $1,400.03. The library committee reported that they had received and paid for volume 12 of Applcten's Encyclopedia. jn motion ei .ur. atevensen it was agreed that the date of holding the com mencement exercises of the High school be changed te Friday evening June 4. Prof. Ames stated te the beard that Dr. Brooks could net be present, en account of bis time being occupied in preparing for a trip te Europe. At some future time he would be pleased te be present and deliver an oration. On motion of Mr. Bahn, Deputy Super intendent, Heuck was invited te be present and deliver the oration. Fer admission te tbe soldiers' orphan school, the applications of Seely C. and Samuel R. Jehnsen, children of Wm. M. Jehnsen a member of Company K., 45th A Witness Become Unconscious. Yesterday afternoon during the trial of Julia Hoever, for murder, her step-mother, a principal witness for the commonwealth. while sitting near the defendant, suddenly lest concieusucss and would have fallen te the fleer had she net been caught and pre vented from falling by the defendant. Her limbs became rigid, she clenched her fists, the bleed vessels and muscles became swollen, and then suddenly a re laxation took place and she became limp and powerless. Drs. Carpenter and Muhlenberg, who were in court, hastened te her assistance and administered restora tives. She was carried first te one of the jury rooms and thence te the residence of Mr. C. F. Heffman, with whom she has been stepping during the trial. Her sud den illness brought te the minds of many her former sudden illness when it was supposed she had been poisoned by Julia Hoever, the defendant. Mrs. Hoever is te-day quite recovered, and her husband states she is suject te such spells, which seem te be something like hysteria. Declared a Lunatic. This morning the case of David S. Hcin ey, an alleged lunatic, of Pequea townshie was heard uelerc the iollewing jury : Luther Richards, C. M. Gibbs, W. L. Sut Sut eon, David Warfel and P. E. Slaymakcr The evidence showed that a few years age Mr. Heiney was possessed of $2,000 or $3,000, the greater part of which he has spent, having new only about $030, leaned te a gentle man in this city and amply secured. It was further shown that Mr. Heiney was almost constantly riding up and down the Quarryville railroad, always having in his possession an accordeen, which he was con tinually playing. Doubtless most of our city readers have seen him one time or another promenading the streets with a smile en his face, accerdean in hand, and making the most discordant sounds, which he mistook for music. The jury adjudged him a lunatic, and the court will "no doubt appoint a trustee te take care of what re mains of his property. Reunion of the Ninth Peiuia. Vet. Vel. Car. The eleventh annual reunion of the old Ninth Penna. Vet. Vel. cavalry will be held in Ilarrisburg en Thursday, June 3. 1880. There were two companies from Lancaster county in that regiment, and we predict there will be a full representa tion by them at the reunion. All these intending te be present upon that occa sion will meet at the office of A. F. Shenk, esq., en Monday evening next, when all the necessary arrangements will be made. Fall in Ce. F. and Q. Lat there ba a geed turn-out. THE OPINION OF THE LADIES WE HOPE HAS BEEN FULLY CON FIRMED BY WIDE SPREAD EXPERIENCE THAT HOUGHTON'S Cheap MLliiiery & Trimming Stere Is the Cheapest and Best Place in the city te buy lillinery Goods and Dress Trimmings, And we will receive daily Hew Goods and all the Latest Styles, and ladies will llnil the Largest Sleck and Greatest Variety et Hats, Bennets, Ribbens.Feathers, Flo wers. Silks, Satins, Fringe, !Ud,, 0'0Ve3. Laces, Embroideries, Tucking-, Putllngs, Velvet Neckties Ladies' White Tucked Skirts 50c. 75c and $l.0U each, andStut Largest Stock of Fancy Dress But But teni in th city. We constantly keep tu Finest Line of ENGLISH BLACK CREPES, Only Ceurtauld's Rest Makes and at the Lewest Prices. Alse, Crepe Veils in all Sizes, Crep Hats and Bennets constantly en hand and made te order by the best Milliner iu the cily as we koep no ethers, nor no apprentice te betcli your work, at M. A. HOUGHTON'S Cheap Millinery and Trimming Stere, 25 AT. Queen St. S Sailors' a.............. lOat Child's Sun Hat, only 19c The Star Hat for girls is quite stlish and be coming. We sell them trimmed and ready ler wear at $1.00 R B B O N S WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 14. Fer the Middle States and New EnglantLrising barometer, cooler northerly winds, clear or partly cloudy weather. BV TVIKE. The Afternoon's Telegraphic Advices. An invasion of the Ute reservation by white men in Colerado is feared, ia which event there would be another outbreak. Twe mere of tbe young lady victims or the Atlanta (Ga.) enera house fire 1iv died. Extensive forest tires continue te rage areuud Jlilferd, Pike coun ty, Pa. 3,000,000 feet of lumber and a vast amount of valuable timber hae been destroyed, besides houses and barns. David Dale & Sen's saw-mill at Moscow, Luzerne county, was destroyed last night. The Blackburn (EnjO strike will m-eba- bly end in ten days. Hayes has signed the consular and diplo matic appropriation bill. In the Heuse te-day Mr. Gibsen (La.) reported a resolution for final adjournment May 31, and Nulls (Texas) gave notice that he would contest it. Senater Morgan (Ala.) te-day intro duced in the Senate a joint rule for count ing the votes of electors. Fifty buildings have been destroyed by fire in Milten (Pa.) since 11:30 this morn ing and the flames are still raging. Hen. Charles Knapp, ex-ceugrcssmau of Deposit, JN". Y., is dead, aged cighty.twe. At Norway, Mich., Ne. 2 shaft of Lum berman's mining company's ere mine caved in Wednesday night, burning alive sixteen miners. Three were takcu out dead, the ethers were rescued. Carl Manke died unrepentant en the gallows at Buffalo, N. Y., te-day for mur der. On the scaffold he ridiculed the minister who offered the final prayer. Lumber Mill In Hangar. A postal received te-day by the Messrs. Sencr, of this city, from P. B. Crider & Sen, and dated Snowshoe, Centre county, says : " Mountains are en fire in all directions. Have net run mill for some days ; have all force fight ing lire. Frem present prospects we may burn out iu an hour. " Mes3rs. Sencr have a large stock of lum ber at Snow shoe, only partly covered by insurance. MAKKKTS. MICliOSCOPICAL. SOCIETY. The Lancaster Society Visits West Chester. Last evening a delegation from the Lanr caster Microscepial society visited West Chester en the occasion of the anniversary of the Philosophical society of that place The party consisted of Messrs. J. P. Mc Caskey, W. F. Duncan, C. A, Lecher, J. H. Rile, M. D., B. F. Sayler, E. W. Mc Caskey and the secretary, J. D. Pyott. There were present also delegations from Camden, and from the Microscepial so ciety of West Chester. Our society, being the infant, was petted by everybody, and was happy. The guests were entertained at the Mansion house, and the exhibition itself was a grand success. Over sixty mi croscopes, some of them of the finest make and highest power, displayed objects of rare beauty and variety, of which a de scription here is impossible. The special object of interest en the Lancaster table was an old instrument belonging te Chas. A. Hcinitsh, esq., kindly leaned for the occasion, of which we may have some thing te say hereafter. Altogether, the occasion was a most enjoyable one, and our party want te go te West Chester again, and will have the societies from that place visit them, as seen as they are prepared te give a respectable exhibition of their own work. A Stlicn in Time Saves Nine is true or old coats, and mouths. When the former shows the 11 r3t delect take ft "stitch," and always keep the mouth right by uing SOZODONT. It costs less for a new coat than a set of teeth. False teeth are net as pleasant as natural one. myD-lwdoedAw SPECIAL NOTICES. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. The little ones love it, and often cry forineie what? "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," which cures them of cough-, colds, and whooping cough. Statistics prove that twenty-hve percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sulTerers ler their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne 9East King street. A most righteous judgment awarded Dr. Lindsey for the wonderful cures performed by his " Blced Searcher." Sold by all druggists. Bargains iu Brocade Ribbons, new designs. Satin and Creigrain Ribbons in all the leading shades at very low prices. Rich Sash Ribbons. Brocade Ties and Handkerchiefs. Embroider ed Ties in great variety. Canten Silk Hem stitched Handkerchief-. Figured Silk for Mil linery, a novelty. s s Trimming Silks in ull colon, 75c per yard. s T N S Splendid line of Blnekand Colored S.itins. Fine Black Sal in worth $1.0 for 73e. Heavy Rich Black Satin for Dress Wear, at $1.20 per yard. R M M Pliiiwleipliia Alarkm. ; PniLADKLraiA.May 14.-Fleur dull butsteady superfine $3 0 3 50; extm at $4 00$4 75: Ohie ami Indiana nmiilv at . 50J(S 25: I'cnn'u family 5 i35 75 ; St. Leuis family 5 75a'fi 'J5 ; Minnesota family $5 '.'526 25: patent ami l.iifh grades $6 508 50. Rye flour at 91 50 1 75. Cernmenl BTndy wine unchanged. Wheat firmer : Ne. 2 Western Ited $1 SIQ 1 Si; Pa. Red l 3401 24 : Amber $1 3II 35. Cern Ann ; ste liner 52c ; yellow 54c ; BmLccd Oats scarce and flam : Southern and Pcnn'a white 4Sc; Wcntern de 47c; Western mixed 4142c. Rye firm; Western and l'a. 88c. Previsions dull; nuss perk at 1150; beef hams $1C5017 ; Indiamss beet18IH50 ; bacon smoked shoulders 5'ic; salt 4?iIKc; smoked hams 10llc ; pieklen hams 8Uwl.e. Larddull; city kettlu T,'ic; le.s(. bmeliui 0: ; prime steam 7Jc. Butter inactive and weak ; ereamery extra 2-223c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra 18ij20c; Western reserve extra at 15317c; de poed te choice 1315c : Rolls neglected : 1'enn'a extra 1416cJ Western reserve extra 14lUc. Eggs quiet; Penn'alOc: Western 10c. Cheese mere active: New Yerk factory 1313e ; Western full cream, like; de for goediujSHo. Petroleum dull : Reflued TKc Whisky at $1 10. Seeds geel te prime clnverseed out of sea son ; timothy $3 asked : flaxseed $1 U bid. N G S Try Lochcr's'.Rcnewned Cough Syrup. We are displaeing a most magnificent line of Trimmings, embiacing very handsome Passe menteries iu Foliage and ether Exquisite Pat terns. Fringes in best Trimming Widths, equally attracting in style and price. Orna ments of the latest importation. N New Yerk iUarKet. New Teuk, May 14. Fleur State mill Wrst ern steady; prices without decided change; superfine stale $t 0$4 85 ; extra de $1 35 (H 90; choice de $4 !i55 00 ; tuner $5 05; 00; round hoop Ohie $5 005 75; choice de $5 80(4 1)75; superfine western tlHht 4 .'5; common te geed extm de $!35fi)4'ja; choice dodo $5 007 00; choice white wheat de 44 85525; Southern quiet and nnehanged ; common te fair extra $5 255 60; geed te choice de $5 G57 00. Wheat y, iljC better and moderately aetire ; Ne. 2 Xeithwcst, May, 124; Se. 2 Red. May. $1 351 35J; de June $1 SPAQl 'tyi; N. 1 White. June $1 25. Cern a shade stronger and quiet; Mixed western spot, SeftSIJic ; de future i'jr50c. Oats a shade llnner; State iO'iikilc: Wet ern 4150c. Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quietand firm; steam icndi-rrd $7(0. Whisky dull; Western $l(Mleu. Spirits of turpentine dull at 4445c. Muck Markets. Serb Threat. Cough, Celd and similar treu. bles, if suflcrtid te progress, result in serious Pulmonary Affections, oftentimes incurable "lireivn Jlrenchial Troches" reach directly the seat of the disease, and give almost in stant relief. myll-lwdTTliAS&w DEATHS. HAXHEIM MATTERS. Collated Frem ttie Sentinel. Wm. D. Weaver, esq., of Lancaster will lecture before the Y.M. C. A.,of Manheitr, en Tuesday evening. Subject, "Our Natien's Growth." On Monday the blacksmith shop of Bear & Nauman was discovered te be en fire, and before the ilames were extin guished the place was damaged te the ex tent of $130. The origin of the fire is un known. On Saturday last as Michael Witman and wife, residing a mile north of Manheim, were en their way te Lancaster market, the spindle of the hind axle of their wagon broke, causing the horse te take fright and run off. Beth occupants were thrown out and Mrs. Witman had the bones of her elbow joint dislocated. Bees. In this city, en the 13th of May, Gee. W.. son of Geerge and Mary A. Bees, aged 10 months. My time was short, My suffering great; Ged thought it best Te take me te my ret. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully inritedte attend the funeral from his parent's residence. Leve lane, Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Wood ward Hill cemetery. ml3-2td NEW ABVEHTISEXENTS. s Full line of Fans en hand in Japanese, Linen and Silk. Our Penny Fans are the talk of the day. Fine Japanese Fans in Blue and Red ler 10, 19 and a'ic. Silk Fans in great variety from 31c up. P R S O s Stocks irregular. PcnnaU's (third Issue). Philadelphia Erie... itcauing... Philadelphia. May 11. 1230 r. M. r OOK OUT FOK JiXTKA FINK HOT I i Rolls llllfl Vlf.ntm 1tl-f;wl ln.tiinMMir ninrt. ingand hereafter, made et the Rest Minnesota Patent C. BOETTNER'S uenirai MarKet stall. ltd The Ucetheans Te-Ntsht. The anniversary of the Geethean literary society will be celebrated this evening by the usual entertainment at Fulton opera house. The names of the orators and officers have been published in the papers, and the floral decoration will be very ex tensive. The exercises will begin at 7 o'clock. T ION UREWliltY ISOCK! BOCK! t SATURDAY AND MONDAY. My celebrated Beck Beer will be en tap at my saloon and these of my customers through out the city. Geed Bayerischer Beck ea tap. myl4 2til C. KOEIILER TIICST GRAND MCNIC ! Will be held at the GREEN COTTAGE, ON WHIT-MONDAY-, MAY' 17, 1880. Admission Free. Ne improper characters ad mitted en the grounds. By order of the myl4 2td COMMITTEE. Appointments Computed. The West Chester Lecal News of yester day states that Census Supervisor H. C. Snowden has completed the appointment of his enumerators, and has forwarded the names te Washington for approval or rejection. The demand for St. Jacob's Oil is astonish ing, but no wonder, for I have myself used it, and found it the most eflective remedy in the market, Wv. Sijjsheld, Druggist, Sockpert, Ind. OEALfcl) PROPOSALS WILL HE Kl O ceived by the Street Committee up te THURSDAY EVENING. MAY" 27, 1880, at C o'clock, for furnishing brick needed by the city for street purposes, as the same may be required by the street Committee; also for laying gutters and supplying materials ler the same, as may ue requireu ny uie sireet com mittee ; also for laying crossings and supply ing materials for the same, as war be required by the Street Committee. The Committee will also receive separate bids for supplying atone ler crossing," itbr ut layingtV.e i-a'ne. Bids for guttering, ter laying crossings and crossing stone te be at se much per feet, and bids for crossings and crossing stone te specify the di mensions of stone proposed te be supplied. Each item te be bid ter separately. The Com mittee reserve the right te reject any or ull bids received. Proposals te be endorsed stat ing the Items bid for. Proposals te be addressed te O. McMullin, Chairman et Street Committee, and te be left with him, or Simen W. BauU, clerk, at Ne. 11 North Queen street. By order of the Street Committee. S. VT. UAUB, Clerk. Mat 14, 1SS). m 14 3tdFTu Our Parasol Department will offer .special inducements. Children's all Silk Parasols at fi9c. Ladies' Parasols in Twilled Silks, at very low price". Silk Lined Parasols trimmed with Lace and Fringes of the newest description. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. We have the Cheapest Balbriggans in the citv. I'ull Regular Made Extra Fine for Summer Wear at 25c per pair. Novelties In Fancy Hosiery. Child's Un bleached Balbriggans in all sizes. OUR GLOVE DEPARTMENT. An examination of this extensive depart ment will convince all that we havethehugest assortment and sell cheaper than any house in the city. One Full Elastic Berlin Gloves 13s Twe " " 15c Three " " ........... ...23c Lace Tep Gloves 20. 34. 44. iaV53t"53r"aiiV74c Black and Celere-l Lace MitU in large variety. Child's Gloves and Mitts in all styles and sizes. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Men's Brown Cotten Socks lrem Cc up. and Superfine British 17c. Gent's Balbriggan Half Hese at 23c per pair. Fancy Half Hese. Gents', Ladies' and Children's Summer Underwear. Gents' Fine Gauze Shirts 25c Gents' Extra Fine India Gauze Shirts, Satin Frent .V)c Wc offer Great Inuncemcnts in WHITE DRESS SHIRTS. An Excellent Shirt. Geed Muslin, all Linen Bosem, $1.00 or 3 ler $2.75. Wamsutta M uslin for $1.10 or 3 for $3.00. Our Best White Shirts warranted the best te be had. $1.50 apiece or X for $4.00 All our Shirts are guaranteed te lit perfect and give entire satisfaction in every respect. In GENTS' NECKWEAR wc have the finest line in the city, and we charge no fancy prices en any of our goods. A very Large Assortment et Gents' LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. in all sizes, always en hand. ....107J Pennsylvania riK Lehigh Valley. 50. United Ces. et N.J leu Northern Pacific 212 " Prelcned 43 Northern Central 32 Lehigh Navigation 28J Norristown 1U2 Central Transportation Ce. 47l Pitts , Titusville & Buffalo. 13; Little Schuylkill 54 Nkw Iekk. May 14. Stocks Strang-. Meney 56 N. Y. Central 125 Adams Express 113 Michigan Central TlJi Michigan Southern 102 Illinois Central 10.i Cleveland A Pittsburgh m ". Chicago A Reck Island 184 Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. DM Western Union Tel. Ce X) Teledo Wabash 2 New Jersey Central .. fti4 United States Bends anil Sterling txcliaiia . (Quotations by 15. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. Xf. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, May 14. United States 6's, 1S81, (registered). .10ti$Iei;v; United States 5'n, 1S8I. (registered).. 10254,103 United States 4U's, lffll, (registered)107kfel0H United States 4 js, issi, (coupons). .103 rKK United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .107J'10;!t United Suites Currency 0's 125 Sterling Exchange 48tiJ434M WANTED. ANTED- tisc. free cbe. who wants something te de. -IirAMKD. EVERYBODY TO ADVKIt- TT tisc, free of charge, in the Ihtklliek.v- -TXTANTED A WHITE GIUL TO IM GKN- TT eral housework. Recommendations re quired. Apply at Ne. 38 Seuth Queen street. mli-tfd TAS! XX, KAGS! RAGS!-K.1GS WANTED. HeusekeeDers take notice that wc are paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNEOKE. aprS-Smd Ne. 235 West Kinj; Street. EOlt SALE OH ItEN'l. T IMEFOKSALi;. lo,eoo Bushels at i may5-4tdeaw&4tw cenM per Bushel. GEO. K. REED. Trens. IJOR KENT. ; Twe very desirable rooms, Ne. 43 North Queen street, suitable lorphetogruph sallery. formerly occupied bv J. S. Saurmau. Apply te a5-tfd TllOS. BAUMGARD.NER. 1,"OR KENT. . The second story et Eslileman A Rath Rath Ten's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, ami also a room en Mscenil story, opposite tlm Penn'a R. R. Dept, ti Chestnut street. P.. F. ESHLEMAN. f23-2td&Stl Atternev-nt Law rATER RENTS. KT ft Thedunll the hands of the Cily The duplicate of water rents Is new In v 1 CENT, abatement will be allowed en all rent Treasurer. FIVE PER nald ou or before JUNE 1. IS). E. WELCHANS, mMwdTu.TbJtSR City Treasurer.