LANOASf fik i)AJfc lNMitiGEteER. iWEDMSDAY MAY 1880. Eancastet intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 12, 1880. SONG OF THE KOOSTERS. BY THE l'OET IN THE CORNER. Philadelphia Sunday Times. "The defendants have been bcntenced, and are new sntrerins: very fccverelyen account et the same." Judge Jircwsler te the Beard of l'ardewt. "While in jail we had daily champagne din nineis, and all the delicacies the market af forded." The l'risentrt. The "Heard" in seletnn conclave .-at, Secure from public view, Debating whether bribery was The proper thing te de. Chorus The proper thing te de. Fer Gentile ami for Jew, Te imitate the rooster is The proper thing te de. " And must we bend the supple knee Te this ungodly crew: The rogues might xrjuenl! and fce it becms The proper tiling te de." Chorus. Of law and precedent they took A philosophic view, And then decreed the bribers' trick The proper thing te de. Chorus. Let all who prate for honesty Tlieii hopeless trade eschew ; Te buy a Legislature is The proper thing te de. The proper thing te de, Fer Gentile and for. lew. Te imitate the rooster is The proper thing te de. MEDICAL. -TERVOUS UEBDLITY. L Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness.Impetency,and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery. Pains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Jlcdicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Specific. $1 per package. eTsix packages for $3. J. 15. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 104 and 10G Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y. Address all orders te IT II rni'llllAV llriirr'rlcf Snln lmnt 137 and 13. North Queen Street, Lancaster. wilT-lydeed&w A8TRICB PRO'S ADYERT1BEMEXT. PARTING. If thou de,t bid thy friend farewell, But for one night though that farewell may be. Press thou his palm with thine. Hew eans't thou tell Hew far from thee Fate or caprice may lead his feet Ere that te-morrow comes.' Men have been known Te lightly turn the corner of a street, And days have grown Te months and months te lagging years, ISefeii: they looked in loving eyes again. Parting at best is underlaid with tears With tears and pain Therefore, le-t sudden death should come be tween. Or time or distance, clasp with pressure true The hand of him who geeth forth ; un-een Fate geeth tee! Yes, find thou always time say Seme earnest word between the idle talk ! Lest with tliee henceforth, ever, night and day. Regret should walk. Geed Evidence. When such men as the Rev. Dr. Kankin Kev. Dr. Harvey. Prof. Green, Dr Raitinc Cel. Jehn K. McChciicy. E. W. Nell", and a host of ethers eually trustworthy, certify ever their own signatures te the marvelous elhcacv et Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in the diseases for which it is lccoin lccein nieiidi'd, it is time te disiui-s doubts en the subject. inl-2wd&w WALL I' AVERS, .tc. f7iAKV. ItETTER PREPARED TO Meet the wants of the people than any season heretofore. Our line is larger than usual, and in PAPER HANGINGS we have the New Patterns ler the Spring in an endless line te select lrein. WINDOW SHADES or every description, in Cerner and Hand, six and seven feet in length. Plain Goods by the yard in all colors and widths. Paper Ctirtains'te the trade at Factory Prices. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Ncwe-t, Re-1 and Cheapest Cornice made. Easily adjusted te litany Window up te live feet iii width. Curtain Poles. 1JC. P., and 2 inches, in Ebony and Polished Walnut, Ring-, brackets, and Fancy Ends Complete. VIEll AND 3IAXTEL MIRRORS. Orders taken for any size at Lew Prices. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. IcblO-lvd&w house J'u j:jsii ix; noens. NOTICE! We have new in stock the largest as sortment of seasonable goods in our line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons, Dell Carriages, Velecipedes.Fly Brushes, Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash Brushes, Feather and Hemp Dusters, Dusting Brushes, Sweeping Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels of all kinds, Rubber Garden Hese, Fleer and Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Woedware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and every article in the line of Housekeeping Hardware. These goods have mostly been bought before the great advance in prices and are being sold at a small advance en cost, at Flii & Breneman's Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTEU, PA. UXDERTAKEX, GEO. W. BROWN, A0T., UNDERTAKER, Ne. 14C EAST KING STKEET. Residcncu 21 Seuth Prince Street. nprS-lydW&S MEDICAL. Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL A'1 ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection has been se cured after years of experiment. Composed of ilie CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PCRELY VEGETABLE. One or two every night, in ten days cure Cestivencss and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2mdced&w ESTATE OF ANNA M. WEIDLEK, late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will S resent them without delay for settlement te le undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. . Administratrix. Attorney. m30-Gtdeed HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. FEVER AND AGUE. The true antidote te the etlects et miasma is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. This medicine is oneei the most popular remedies et an age et successful proprietary specifics, and is in immense demand wherever en this Continent levernnd ague exist, A wineglasstul three times a dav is the best possible preparative for encountering a malarieus atmosphere, regu lating the liver, and invigorating tlie Stomach. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally uprl-lydced&Iyw H OSTETTER'.S IJITTEK'S FOK SALE AT Lechcr's Ding Stere. 'J r.asi iving sueeu fM) SUFFERERS OF FILES PREY'S UN1- 1 VKRSAL Pile Suppository, a sure remedy ler every form or Piles, lias never failed in any ea-e when; it was used, even where every remedy before failed, and in one ease 25 years and in another 35 vears standing. Try it and be relieved and convinced. Physicians use it. Trial Bex. 50c. Full Size Bex, 7."ie. Sent by mail. Sold by Druggists AXDUEW G. FUEV, Proprietor. S. i:. Cor. North Queen and Oiange Sts.. HO-lyd&w Lancaster, Pa. riMI THE SUFFERING HUMANITY N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 247 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, Pa. Dlt. LKW1X, who has been a resident of Lan caster but a tew months, is a graduate et the Univetsitvef Dnrpat, Russia, with a praetic in" experience et twelve yours, in which period he has been acting a-. Regimental Physician in St. Petersburg, and afterwards practiced in Berlin. Germany, with great success. We call the attention of the sullering public te the taut that he successfully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,; and all chronic diseases. The severest cases et Chronic Catarrh cured in a short time. References anil testimonials from former patients can be seen at my elliee. Persons without means will only be asked payment ler medicines. Communications lrem a distance attended te by mail. inll-lVd&w HOP HOP KIT KIT KltS EUS HOP HIT EUS nep KIT KltS HOP 15 IT KUS HOP HOP HIT JSIT KUS EUS HOP HIT KUS HOP BIT KUS HOP MIT KUS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KUS HOP P. IT EltS HOP HIT KUS HOP P.IT KUS HOP MIT KUS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KUS VALUABLE TRUTHS. If veu are sullering from peer health or languishing en u bed of sickness take cheer, for Hep IJiticrsWill Cure Yen. 11" you are a minister and have overtaxed veurseli" with your pas toral duties": or a mother, worn out with care and work : or if you are simplv ailing : if veu feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing whv, flop Hitters Will Restore Veu. It" veu are a man of business, weakened by the strain of your cverv-duv duties ; or a man et let ters." toiling ever your midnight work. Hep Hitters "Will Strengthen Yeu. 11" veu are voting anil sullering frnin'niiv indiscretion, or are grow ing tee fast, as is often the ease. Hep Hitters Will Relieve Yeu. If you are in the workshop, en the farm, at the desk, anywhere, and leel that veur svstem needs cleans ing, toning or stimulating, without intoxicating, Hep Hitters is what you Need. If you are old, and your pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, and veur faculties waning, JIep liitturswill gieyeu New Life and Viger. HOP COUGH CL'UK is Ilie sweet est, safest ami best. Ask chililleu. The HOP PAD for Stomach, I.icr and iiiiluevsi-j Miperiorteall ethers. It is perfect. Ask druggists. I). I. C. is an absolute and irrc-M-able cure for driiiikenn.--s. ure of opium, tobacco and naieeties. All the above sold bv druggists. Hep Milters .Mfg. Ce., 4 Hecliester. N. V. HOP HIT EUS HOP P.IT EUS HOP P.IT KUS HOP HIT EUS HOP P.IT EUS HOP HIT KliS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KUS HOP MIT KUS HOP HIT KltS nep HOP HIT HIT EUS KUS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KUS HOP P.IT KUS HOP HOP HIT HIT KUS EUS H lP IHTTKKf FOK SALE AT LOC1I- ers Drug Stere, ! Last King street. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W J7" K-W K-W IEY y.iiii T! THE 0LY HE3IEDY K-W THAT ACTS AT Tilt SAMK TIMB OM K-AV THE LIVER, K-W THE BOWELS, K.w and the KIDNEYS. If c This combined action gives it wonderful power te cure all di-K-W cases. k-w Why Are We Sick? K-W Because we allow these great or gans te become clogged or torpid, K-W and poisonous humors are there fore forced into the bleed that K-W should be expelled naturally. K-w KIDNEY WORT K-W WILL CUltE Jlilieusness, Vilcs, Constipation, Kidney Complaints, Urinary Diseases, Fcnutle Weak nesses, and Xereeus Disorders, by causing free action of these or gans and restoring their power te threw off disease. Why Suffer Bilious Pains and Aches 7 Why tormented witli Piles and Constipation 1 Why frightened ever Disordered Kidneys T Why endure Sick or Nervous Headaches? Why have sleepless nights? Use KIDNEY WOBTand rejoice in health. Itisadry.vegehiblecom Itisadry.vegehiblecem Itisadry.vegehiblecom peund, and one package will make six quarts of medicine. Get it of your Druggist. He will order it for you. Price, $1,00. Wells, Uiciiardseit & Ce., Preps., Burlington, Vt. (Will send postpaid.) K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNEY WORT FOK SALE AT LOCH ers' Drug Stere, 9 East King street BOOTS AXD SHOES. "17 A CJ"T BOOTS SHOES AND LASTS JCiXlO JL made en a new principle, insur ing com ion ier iuc lect. Lasts made te order. 3IILLER, 133 East King street. BOOTS c bH-tfd LANCASTER I LANCASTEU LANCA5TEK LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASO I.S PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS HATS HATS RATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS THIMM1NCS TRIMMINGS TUIMM1NGS TUIMMINGS THIMM1NGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS TUIMMINGS FUINGKS FHINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FHINGKS FUINGKS FHINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FHINGKS FHINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS FUINGKS RIBBONS UIBBONS UIBHONS HIBBNOS UIBBONS HIHHONS UIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RI BISONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS UIBBONS RIBBONS UIBBONS UIBBONS RIBBONS UIBBONS UIBBONS UIBBONS UIBBONS UIBBONS RIBBONS LACES LACKS LACES LACKS LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACKS LACES LACES LACES LACES LACKS LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES Astrich Bre's. Xe. 13 E. Kin? St. NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES. tiraiKi Display OF JEWELRY. FULL AEWL1NE OF Children's and Ladies' PARASOLS Seuple Twilled Silk, Plain Handle, Pearl Inlaid Handle, Ivery and Hern Handle. Elegant Para sels Trimmed with lace and fringe, silli lined. Children's all Silk Parasols at We. Ladies' and Children's Hat of every de scriptien. Sun hats. Sailors Turbans, Walk ing llats. sail ersat l'.lc. Hat Shapes.'iiJc. Fine Milan Hat.s, line is raid llats French Flowers in every style. Hoses, Bu"ds, lelets. Daisies, Sunflowers and ethers. Ti p in sill colers.line Ileal Ostrich Plumes at 4!)c. Fine White Os trich Plumes at renin rkably le w prices. Trimming. Silks, In all Celers, 75c Per Yard. Brocaded Hat Grenadine Satins, IN ALL COLORS, Black Silk and let Fringes at i)C. per yard. Elegant Lineol BlaekSilL-.Tam: Jet and Che nille Frinires. Colored Silk tringes. Passe- lnentriesefrich designs. ORNAMENTS ei the Newest Designs. NOTICE : A discount of "nercent.allew- ed te dressmak ers. Ne. 4. all Silk. 5c per yd. e. a, an silt. tic per yd. :no. 7, an siik, 7c per yd. Ne. !), all Silk. jc per yu. AO. J'allSJllk-, 1 2c per yd. Ne. ! r, all Satin, 10c per yd. .e.7,ail satin. 13c per yd. Ne. .,all Satin, I7c per yd. Ne. I2,all Satin, l'jc per yu. rorchen Laces V-mm - . I. 1 Ulll Ol.. JIUl urn , u jjui dozen yarils. Vallcnciennes Laces By the Ticcc, . iviii iinauic.c upwards. CZOTMJXO. BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAH BAZAAIt BAZAAR BAZAAH BAZAAR BAZAAH BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAR BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH 1SAZAAR BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAH haZaau BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH BAZAAH HAZAAU HAZAAU BAZAAH BAZAAH PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS FLOWERS FLOWKUS FLOW KUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FLOWKUS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATIIEHS FKATHKUS FEATHERS FKATHKUS FEATIIEHS FEATIIEHS FKATHKUS FKATHKUS FKATHKUS FKATHKUS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS OUNAMENTS OHNAMKNTS OUNAMENTS OUNAMENTS OUNAMENTS GROS GROS GROS GROS GROS GROS CUOS GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN SATIN SATIN SAT IN SAT IN-SATIN BROCADED ISUOCAIIKD BROCADED BROCADED ISROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED LANGUEDOC LANGUKDOC LANGUEDOC LANGUKDOC LANGUKDOC LANGUKDOC LANGUEDOC BHETONNE BUETONNE BHETONNE BHETONNE BHETONNE BHETONNE BHETONNE RUSSIAN RUSSIAN' RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN TRY LOCHER'S KisNunr'NED COUGH I STRUP HAMBURG EDGINGS IN GREAT VARIET1, AT ASTONISHING WW PRICES. CALL AT THE NEW STORE, ASTRICH BRO'S, 13 E. King Streee, Lancaster, Pa. 2. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OP GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful and most stylish colors in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season. Men's Colored Balbriggan Hese, with embroidered silk clocks ; Scarlet and Blue Silk Hese ; Fauay Colored Half Hese ; Striped Cotten Half Hese and Merine Half Hese. Men's and Beys Suspenders and Fine Braces, in all styles and colors. Men's and Beys' White Dress and Colored Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirts, and Blue Flannel Neglige Shirts. Men's and Beys' Summer Underwear in Merine and India Gauze. Men's and Beys' Colored Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves, for Summer "Wear. Men's and Beys' Vulcanized Rubber Braces, and a larpje stock of line Silk, French Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Men's and Beys' Latest Styles Fine Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs. MYERS & RATHFON, TBJFfrgBw O VIDE iANCASTER AND MIIXEKSVIIXK B. H J Cars run as fellows : Leave Luncatser (P. R. Dext), at 7, 9, an.t U:30 a. m., and a, 4. 6 ami 8:30 p. m except en Saturday, when the last car leave? at 9:30 p. ui Leave MUlersvllle (lower cau) at IS. anil a. M., anu 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en above time except en Snn dav. v COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. It j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Tort Deposit Railroad en the following time: CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. Stations North- Express. Express. Acveit. WARD. A. M. V. II. r. M. PortDcpesit. 6:35 3:50 () Peachbottem 7:12 4:24 . Kite's Eddy. 7.-25 4:3T 3.t McCall's Ferry 7:37 4: -i.ue Shenk's Kerry 7:54 5:01 4: Safe Harber. 7:50 5:0 5.0i" Columbia S:30 5:35 f20 EaiJtliOIDERIES, JbC. BEW GOODS FOR TIE SPRUG TRADE, AT GUNDAKEBS. LADIES, for New, Desirableand Cheap Embroideries, Ruftlings, Cotten Trimmings, Kuchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUKDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cull's, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. JEWELERS. VLOTIIIXG. IOU1S WEBER, J WATCHMAKER. Xe.l!i9JXORTII QUEEN STREET, near P. R. U. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. A?ent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd A; N UNUSUALLY LARGE ASD FINE STOCK OB J nnn flnTin" is, At no advance en Old Prices. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. E MPIRE HOOK AND LADDER CO. BADGES FOR SALE AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Jeweler, 20 East Bang Street, LANCASTER, PA. A COMPLETE RENEWAL IN OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING. NEW GOODS IIOUGUT FOR CASH MADE UP REFORE THE ADVANCE AND OFFER ED TO THE PURLIC AT PRICES FR031 25 te 30 per cent. LESS THAN PRESENT COST OK MANUFACTURE PREPARED 1!Y A. C. YATES & CO. THE LEADING AND POPULAR CLOTHIERS OF PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE 1SS0 SPEING AND SUMMER. 1880 FOR THE BEST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING CALL AT THE Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets. THE FINEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. CARRIAGES, MAETOXS. Sc XE.Caldwell&Ce. WATCHMAKERS, 002 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Deal ers in American and Geneva Watches, 18kt. Geld Cases and the most Reliable Movements ; Gentlemen's, ladies' and Beys' Watches, Chronographs, Re peaters, Chatelaine Watches. The Lewest Prices, marked in plain figures, from which there is no deviation. Orders and in quiries by mail receive prompt attention. S. E. BALTJY. W. W. BAILY S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of and Dealers in CARRIAGES OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Fa. We are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine As-tertment of Buggies, Carriages, Parts, Mat lapis, k Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we arc enabled te eiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock I'.UGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL RARG A INS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted one year. MEDICAL, CH1XA AXD GLASSWARE. TANC CV GOODS I FANCY GOODS!! Just Received at PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES. Xy-HOLESALK AND KKTAIL. LEVANT'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd JUST RECEIVED Frem Somerset County, CHOICE MAPLE SUGAR. FOR SALE AT BURSK'S. TJICUARDSON & ROBBINS'S Petted Meats, Soups, &c. Honed Chicken and Turkey, Lunch Ham, Lunch Ox Tongue, Truffled Chicken Liver, Chicken Soup, Mulagatany Soup, Meck Turtle Soup, Baked Macaroni, Baratnria Shrimps, Pickled Oysters, Fresh Lebster, Fresh Salmen, Sardines, &c, at D. S. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. F 1NE OLIVE OILS. Durke's Salad Dressing Cress A Blackwell's Pickles, Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, &c, &c, at BURSK'S. CHINA HALL A new line of FANCY GOODS. EPERGNES, BOUQUET HOLDERS, TOILET SETS, ETC. " HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. CLOTJtIXG. 1880. 1880. RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL ANI FASHIONABLE TAILORS. GEXTS' GOODS. 1IIK NICOSIA, " THE LATEST STYLE NECKTIE. AT ERISMAN'S. w LL YOU HAVE THE M. BRACE. OEWINU MACHINE NEEDLES, Fer any Machine, at E. J. ERISMAN'S, 66 NORTH O.CEKN STREET. IXSURAXCE. rpHE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. $-MWAS6indl M ARCUS G. SEHNER, HOUSE CABPBNTJSB. Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te a 1 eratien and- repairs. s!3-lyd SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, COATINGS, SUITINGS, VESTINGS, PANTINGS. TROUSERINGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te order for Men and Beys in the prevail ing Styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. Alse, Ready-Madc Clothing ! AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHING GOODS At the Old Price before the Advance, RATHVON & FISHER'S Practical Tailoring Establishment, 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET, in Hind TIXWARE, AC- CALL ONSHKRTZER, IIUMP1IREVILLE & KIEFFER, manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Special attention given te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster. Pa. " REMOVALS. ' R. S. B. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Fa. rm24-3iud Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Accem. WARD. A. M. V. ST. A. M. Columbia Kk33 6nW 7:.r0 Safe Harber. 11:23 G:W Ar:0t Le9:40 Shenk's Ferrv HsB 6Xi D-"il McCall's Ferry.... 11:4' 7:09 10ri" Fite's Eddy 11:56 Trfrt 10:4(5 ! M. 1" M Peachbottem lief 7:3i 11.07 P.M. PortDcpesit iil5 S:a" lJ:i" EKADING AND COLUMUIA RA1I.KOAO On and after MONDAY, MAY. 10m, 1SS0, passenger trains will run en tlds read a- ml lows : Trains Going Seuth, a.m. I a.ji, Reading, Relnhelds, Ephrata, Akren, Manticim, Lancaster Junction,.. I.:ui(livilh', Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Ikmii.-li '.. West Willow Kauiiigardncr, lequca, lCflten, New Providence, lit. ?HV . Quarry vllle, Trains Geimi North. 7:30! S:01 8: IS .s'ril S:l: !:02 !l:05 :! '.M0 '.lr-7 ;::s:i '.i:i: '.::$ 10:U" HWJ 10:17 lt:i: IIKU W-.ll 10:.V p.m. r.ji. Hi") r.M. li-Jl lilO i It 15 ' 1:02 I 1:13 1:10 1:30 2.05 2:r2 2:05 iftW, 7:a-, 7:0S 7:25 7:.'!' 7:45 7:."x tfeM s:im S:li S:21 fcsi ' S:42 S:47 S: k '.1:01 0:12 0:19 JT25 5:2!) 5:3. 5:52 t'.:0: u-.m r.:17 0:2G IKS 0:51 7: 0 A. M. I P. 5T. I I t::5 I 0:52 ? -'. , 7:11 .... ' 7:l! .... 7:2f .... -:.a .... 7:11 .... 7u5 .... s:05 I:0. S:0S 1:03 7:55 1:1 k" 3:30 1:30 8:30 lril 8:19 1:18 9:00 2:00 9:1 2:18 9:23 2:2') 9:12 2:11! 10:05 3:20 Quarry ville, I less, New Providence, Ueften, Peen ea ISauuiwirdner, West Willow I tarnish, King Street, Lancaster, Dillerville, Columbia, Landisville, Lancaster Junction,... Manheini, Akren, Kplu-ata Rcinlieldsville, Ri'ading, Trains connect at Reading with trains te anil from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, AI AI Icntewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with train:" te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Raltimere. A. M.WILSON, Supt. j P. M. A. M. 2.35 7:50 , 2.41 7:58 i 2:48 8:13 I 2:59 8:27 3:05 8::i" 3:13 8:13 3:18 8:19 3r.t; 9:00 3:10 9:20 3M 9:30 3:.'i.t .... 3:40 4.IH 4:15 .... 4:20 4:30 4:17 .... 1:53 .... 5:11 .... 5:50 .... 1KNNSVLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On anil after SUNDAY. APRIL 4th, 1880, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancasie and Philadelphia depots as follews: Amur I'hilad'a DR. BROWNING'S TOMC AID ALTERATIVE ! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION P.ROWNING, M. I). FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purities the llloed, Enriches the P.loed, Reddens the RIoed. makes New Kloed. Wonderfully "Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Sullering from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of its wendertuleilicacy is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with all. SrIt is most scientillcally and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeffersen Medical College, of Philadclphia,athnreughChcmistand Skillful Pharmacist. Price, 50c and $1.00. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druirgists and Dealers in Medicine. d4-lydeev&w Lcave Eastward. i.ane'ler Atlantic Express, 12:25 a.m. Philadelphia Expre.-s 2:10 ' Fast Line 5r20 " Yerk Accem. Arrives; 7:30 " Harrisburg Express 8:115 Dillerville. Accem. Arrives, 8:15 " Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1:20 " Paciilc Express, t:i" p.m. Sunday Mail, oe " Johnstown Express, 3:05 ' Day Express, 5r20 " Harrisburg Accoiiimedat'n. 0:25 " 3:m .. 4:15 ' 7:40 ' 10:10 ' 12:01 V Westwarh. lsEi P.M. .5:10 " 2:00 " 5:00 " 3:(r ' 5:30 " ."jr-HI " 7r20 " 0:25 " .!) " t Leave Arrive I'hilad'a Laiic'H r I2:.!0 ... 5:tH) .:,i. 8:ti0 " IlSifi " " 8.W) " ll:a 11:07 " h:00 " 10:50 ' 11:50 " 2:10 p.m. .... 2:15 ' 2:.l " j 2::at p.m. 5:15 " ; 4:00 " 7:2C ' 5:.a) ' 7:30 " I firi" " 8:50 ' I 9:10 " ll.:xi ' 'lli " 2.10.. vi Way Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation,. .Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt.Jev, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia. Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accnumiodalieu, Dillerville l.ecal.via Mt.Jey Ilarrisliui-g AcciiiiiiniHlat'ii, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Kxpress Cincinnati Kxpress, ' Pacilic Kxpress, Pacilic Kxpress, east, en Sunday, when !la- gcd, will step at Middletewu, Kliyabetlitewn Mt. Jey, Landisville, Illrd-in-llaud, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at l)owningtewn,Coatesville, I'arkes burg, Jlt.Jey, Kli.ahethtewn and Middletewu. Hanover Accoiniuedation, west, connects at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at 10:15, a. jr., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west.cennecLsat Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 p.m., and will run through te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS, y IIY RAILROAD. New Yerk thkeuuu maijL 7:00 a in, 12:30 p m, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p m. Way Mail, east, 7 a m. Gordonville, Downiugtewii, Lcamaii Place, Gap 0 p m. Philadelphia, through mail, 7 and 9 a in, 12:50, .43 and 11:30 p ill. Pittsiiukeii and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Hakkisuuku Mail, 10 a m, lM, 5:15 and 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10 a m. Haltimeics and Wasuinoten, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p in. " Raltimere and Washington, via Yerk, 1:30 p in. i:ltimerisand Wasuinoten, via Harrisburg, 11:30 1) m. Ceatesvillk, 4:15 p m. Celcmisia, 10 a m, 1:30 and 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and li:.;e p in. Northern Centiial. 10 a m. 1:30 and ll:;!0 p in. Reaiiinh. via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 i: m and 12:30 p m. Readim). via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 p m. Readinu way, via Junction, Litiz, Manheini, Quaiirxville, Camargo, Refton, Jft 'ew Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville. 9:30a in, and 7:30 p m. New Helland, Churehtewn, Grccnbauk. Illiie Rail, Goedvillc, Rear town, by way el Downingtown, at 7a m and J p m. Sake Harrer, via Columbia, 10 a m. RY STAGE Millersville and Siaekwater. te Sate Harber, daily, at 2:30 p m. Te Millersvilie, 8 and 11 a m, and 4 p m. Rinkley's Rridge, Leacock, RareviUe, New Helland, 2:30 pin, Willow Street, SmithvlIIe, Buck, Chestnut Level. Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Springs. Fairmeuut and Rowlands ili, Md, dally, at 7 am. j Laudis Valley, Oicgen, West Earl. FnrnitA-s ville, Hinklctewn, Terre Hill, Martindalt daily, at 2:30 p in. Fertility, Lampeteraud Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, ilaily, at 4 p in. Greenland and Seuderaburg, te Paradise daily, at 4 p in.. Nell'sville, daily, at 4 p in. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticvlllc, Ccle manville. Mount Nebo. Rawlinsville, Rethes.ia and Liberty Square, dally. ut2:.i0 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICK HOURS. On Sunday the postetllcc is open from April I te October I, from 8 te 9a in. and from C te 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 a m , nd from 0 te 7 1 m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING RY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a m. 10:45 a m, 3 and 0:30 p in. Eastern way mail, 10:45 a ni. Western mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and fe'50 ) in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2:30 p in. Western way mail, 8 a in. Reading way mail, 10:30 a in. ARRIVING IIY STAGE. Frem Safe Harber and Millersville, at 9 a in, daiiy. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 a in, and 4 p m. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Rowlandsville. Md, at 2:30 p in. Reading way mail, at 10:30 a in, ilaily. Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Ijincaster, 10 a in, daily Frem Neffsville, at 1 p in, daily. Frem Rawlinsville, at 11 am. DELIVERIES RY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the Hrst delivery the carriers leave the office at :30 a in; second delivery at 10 am ; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p m. E'DUCATIOXAL. ri'IlE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH J. Franklin and Marshall College otters an perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, X ectll-lvd Lancaster. IV. TRY LOCHER'S SYRUP. RENOWNED COUGH It .- . - .. .-.-- . .v