t "mpf ? LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE It SATURDAY. MAY 8, 1880. "S. Lancaster intelligencer. SATURDAY EVEN1NQ. MAY 8, 1880. Muck Ade Abeat Nothing. It can hardly be that the people take as much interest in the West Point Whit taker case as the West Point officers and the New Yerk newspapers think they de. It is a very small matter in its most important aspect. If Whittaker was net a negre it would have no importance at all. But as there are some people who think it a very high offence for a white man te abuse a black one, it becomes of some consequence te show that this par ticular negre was net maltreated by white men, and particularly by white cadets. Cadets, lieing the beneficiaries of the nation,are deemed by many te be es pecially called upon te show high consid eration te the negre, who is a pet and a fancy of a portion of the taxpayers whose taxes sustain the military acade my. Anether view of it is te consider the cadets as the sons of their white pa rents and imbued with their ideas and feelings, and te conclude that when the white cadets unanimously cut the negre cadet they but represent the feel ing of the white voters who govern the nation, and de just what they would have thera de. The white voters who take the negre te their arms are scarce, but tliey have wonderful lungs and are capable of making lets of noise. It is their boisterousness ever this Whit taker "outrage" that seems te have made every official hair at West Point te stand up, and has caused everybody around the place who ever heard of Whittaker te be put eji the stand te tell what he knows. As nobody has been found who knows anything about his being tied and about his having his ears considerately cut se as te bleed the least bit, except Whitta ker himself, the mass of evidence is net very instructive. If Whittaker wasn't a negre, the trial would have been long age cut short with the conclusion that he did all the damage te him self. He had sufficient motive in the expectation that he would get enough sympathy te help him te his commission, which was in great danger. Then it would have been said of a white cadet, that if he had net pluck enough te resist being knocked down and bound and cut, sufficiently at least te have sum moned assistance, he was tee chicken hearted te aspire te be a soldier, and he would have been expelled with a speed that would have taken his breath away. Mr. Whittaker being a negre and down trodden, it seems is net expected te have any pluck. He is net asked te resist being kicked. He is net required even te cry out when he is abused se as te awaken the sleepers in adjacent rooms; but it is proper deportment in a negre cadet te suffer patiently and quietly all the cuffs he gets, and await his revenge in the morning at the hands of the officers of the institution, who will be asked te find out who struck him. If this is the style of black creature we are educating te be a soldier, we submit that the policy is a mistake. It is tee expensive, and the resultant soldier is net worth the money. We are paying tee dear for our whistle. It is certainly demonstrated te the satisfac tion of every reasonable being either that Whittaker is a liar or a poltroon. In either case he ought te be eliminated from the corps of cadets, and we fail te see the propriety of going into this elaborate inquiry te determine for which cause he should be set adrift. If any missionary society wants him because of his meekness, it may interest it te find out whether he is a truthful young man. But if does net interest us. We rather thinkheisnet. Colored folks' virtue is net strong in that line, and then his handwriting is wonderfully like that of the fellow who wrote him the note of warninc We are afraid he is a liar. Needlessly Troubled. The Pittsburgh Pest is needlessly dis turbed at the suggestion that Mr. Dill, chairman of the Democratic state com mittee, proposes te appoint William Mc Clelland, late chairman of the commit tee, as his assistant. We have Mr. Dill's assurance that he has never thought of delegating his authority te anybody, and that the only mention of Capt. McClel land'sname has been as one of thesevera1 clerks of the committee, which it has been the practice te allow the chairman te select for himself. Even this has net been agreed upon, Mr. Dill considering the personnel of the organization suffi ciently important for the consideration of the whole committee and of all the elements in the party of the state. Fer ourselves we de net see why Mr. Dill's own desires in the matter of cheesing his clerks should net be accommodated. He is responsible for the management of the committee's work and should be at liberty te select the agents te de it. Mr. McClelland has experience in the duties and knowledge of the state and its people te make him valuable te the chairman. That he has been a partisan of Senater Wallace, and therefore net of the happy family of the Pest, does net make him ineligible te the place suggest' ed for him. If the management of the campaign was te be entrusted te him the Pest would have reason te complain ; as we all would should the chairman thus practically abdicate the place te which he has been chosen and which he has accepted. But this is net the case. Ne one who knows Mr. Dill will suppose that he does net intend te exercise in his own person the full authority of his po sition. Ner is Mr. McClelland the sort of a man who as a subordinate, would aim te arrogate te himself the authority of his chief. There are some men se self-confident and se aggressive that they can't think of keeping their feet off the highest platform in their neighborhood. Our friend McClelland, however, hasn't se much spring and audacity about him and we incline te think that Mr. Dili would find him quite a comfortable and reliable assistant. He has served Senater Wallace se faithfully as te carry ever, in that fact, a strong recommendation te a new chief. The chairman cannot be ex pected te devote all his time te political work nor te be constantly present at the committee's headquarters. We expect him only te give the general orders for the campaign and te assume the respon sibility of the work which may be done by any agents he sees fit te use. m The general public, and especially the numerous applicants for census enumer ator in this section, will read with inter est the facts touching the duties and the compensation of that office which the courtesy of Prof. Snowden enables us te lay before our readers. It will be seen that the pay is net large for the charac ter and extent of the work te be done, and had this fact been known earlier it is likely the list of applicants would have been shorter. It will at least assuage the dis. appointment of the hundred or mere whose applications cannot be satisfied. Nevertheless the nature of the duties te be ierfenned demand fit men, of approv ed qualifications and integrity. Super visor Snowden reiterates his determina tion te regard merit :is the only test and te appoint his enumerators without re gard te political consideration. Se mete it be; and if this purpose is realized some of the political hucksters who have been bartering these places around will find themselves unable te deliver the goods. Candidates who sold out their chances for $-50 cash will in any event discover that they made a geed thing of it. But caveat anjrter. m m m The Harrisburg Patriot is discon certed ever the highly original dis covery that the friends of Gen. Han cock and Mr. Tilden are alike trou bled ever the attempt of some officious friends of Speaker Randall te capture the Pennsylvania delegation te Cincinnati in his presidential interest, and leave both Tilden and Hancock in the cold. We beg the Patriot te keep cool. The Cin cinnati delegates,the convention thought, need no instructions, and being for the most part men of intelligence and inde pendence, need no danger signals te be fluttered in their faces. If anybody comes around instructing them, or advis ing them, or influencing them, he will find them in no better mood te have themselves labeled than was the Harris burg convention. Fly time isn't at hand because the short-tailed bull exhibits friskiness. The anti-Grant people seem te be get ting courage te speak out, and in the New Yerk Senate yesterday Mr. Weed in arose te a question of privilege, and de clared the course which he intended te pursue as a delegate te the Chicago con vention, which would be te ignore the unit rule and vote for Blaine. He was followed by Sessions and Birdsall. But for all that when Jacobs introduced strong anti-third-term resolutions the Republicans feared him as a Greek bear ing gifts and tabled his resolutions. m mm PERSONAL. Minister Lewell is at Biarritz with Mrs. Lewell, who is gradually recovering her health. Sketching in the Black forest was one of Qnecn Victeria's recent recreations at Batlen. Wheeler has gene home, and will net return during the session. Mile. Nevada, who has just made her debut in Londen as an opera singer, is Emma Wixom, of Alpha, Nevada. While Ralph Waldex Emersen is milk, ing his two cows, Cablyle contentedly smokes his old clay pipe. Themas V. Coepei: is a candidate for a third term in the state Senate from Dela ware county. After he gets that he is te be governor se far as the Republicans can make it. Madame Jenny Line is reported te have said te Mrs. E. A. Osgood, after hearing her sing in Londen : " Your voice stirred my soul ; there is no ether voice like yours te-day for sympathy." The Lancaster Inquirer announces its editor, Maj.GniEST, as a candidate for Cen. gress. It is well that this fact should be kept before the public in advance of the primary elections. After the returns are in it might be discredited. W. H. Lambert, of Pest 2, G. A. R., Philadelphia, who will deliver the Decor ation Day oration at Lancaster, will also be orator at Norristown and West Chester. He speaks in Norristown about neon, thence te West Chester he gees for an afternoon speech, and delivers his Lancas ter oration in the evening. Are orators getting scarce that they use one se harsh, ly? The Reading News has this te say about him : " Majer Adam C. Reineeal, of Lan caster, is a candidate for the Republican nomination of state senator iu that county. His competitor is ex-Renrcsentative Mylin. The Republicans elected the major te the Heuse of Representatives some years age, but he proved untractable, and hew he expects te pull through without the aid of the class known ever there as ' some of the best workers in the ward,' is a mystery. Maj. Reinoehl has 'brilliant talents, was an efficient legislator, and his personal and political record, barring his partisanship, is without stain. With such men in the Legislature bribery would be unknown and the third house could net exist." A Madman' Brutality. Themas McBurncy, of Oil City, has been a very hard drinker, but was recently re formed and professed religious conversion. It is thought that his mind became affect ed by religious excitement, and he has been very demonstrative of late, acting at times like an insane man. On Thursday he called upon a neighbor named Shingle decker, and spent a couple of hours in his house. When about te leave he was seized with one of his insane spells and attacked Shingledecker's little three-year-old daugh ter like a madman. McBurney is a pow erful man, and he beat the child in a ter rible manner, pounding her in the face and en the head. Mr. Shingledecker summon ed assistance, and had the madman arrest ed. The little girl is shockingly cut and bruised, and the physicians pronounce her recovery impossible. m mt A Murder Trial Ending With a Marriage The trial of William McKinney for the murder of Alfred Smith, ended at Mount Gilead, Kentucky, yesterday. McKinney had betrayed Annie Smith, and her father drove them both from his residence last Christmas. It was in evidence that Smith stabbed McKinney, who then shot the for mer. Annie was a witness te the killing, and has been living with the accused. In an argument McKinney's counsel begged the jury te let the boy go free, and prom prem ised that if they did, he and Annie would marry. The jury gave a verdict of net guilty, and immediately McKinney and the daughter of the murdered man stepped before the bench and were de-1 dared man and wife by the judge. MINOR TOPICS. ' The coming general assembly of the Presbyterian church will be a strong one in intellectual and moral force, for many of the ablest men of the church are chosen for its deliberations. TnE 30th day of May falling en Sunday, Saturday, the 29th, will be observed as memorial day by the Grand Army of the Republic, and the preachers will improve the occasion next day te point their mor als. The Philadelphia newspapers aie quite interested in a real Dunker love feast wnich the brethren in that city have cele brated in their meeting house en Marshall street, below Girard avenue. Their me tropolitan services were as simple as these licld in a Lancaster county barn. The Patriot has discovered that "a num. ber of pretended Democratic newspapers have net been informed that there was a Democratic peace and harmony conven tion held in Harrisburg last week." Con sidering its proximity te the convention the Patriot's ignorance is the least excus able of them all. In the judgment of the New Yerk Tri bune first in the order of chances would, seem te be the nomination of Mr. Blaine en the second ballet. Next in order is, perhaps, a successful union upon Mr. Sher man of all the elements iu the convention opposed te Blaine. The third probability is the nomination of a dark horse by a movement like that which brought about the success at Mr. Hayes in the Cincinnati convention. Mr. Washburne and Mr. Ed munds, from the smallncss of their original strength, must be put iu the category of dark horses, and it might be extended te include Mr. Windem, of Minnesota, Gen eral Harrison, of Indiana, and General Gar field, of Ohie." Who has better described the railroad hotel breakfast than W. D. How Hew ells in "Their Wedding Journey?" "The peppery and muddy draught which impudently affected te be coffee, the oily slices of fugacious potatoes slipping about in their shallow dish and skillfully evading pursuit, the pieces of beef that simulated steak, the het greasy biscuit steaming evilly up into the face when opened and then seddering into masses of condensed dyspepsia." And of these who furnish it : " The people who serve the public are kindly and pleasant in proportion as they serve it well. The un just and inefficient have always that con sciousness of evil which will net let a man forgive his victim or like him te be cheerful." A new memorial font, the gift of Mrs. S. S. Moen, in memory of the late Samuel Stewart Moen, has been placed in St. Mark's church, Philadelphia. It is of handsome red Victeria marble, with shafts of Mexican onyx, bases and abaci of the caps of yellow Sienna marble, and folia tion of the caps of pure white Vermont marble. The bowl is of Tennessee mar ble, and the whole stands en a pavement of Minton tiles. On the tile fleer of the dais, at the east end of the font, which is placed near the tower entrance te the church is a memorial "Brass" about 6 by 2 inches in size, lettered and ornamented in red and black in the old church style. The legend reads : A Memerial of Samuel Stewart Moes, Bern Died " Inte Thy hands 1 commend my spirit: Fer Theu hast redeemed me, O Lord." The Lutheran Observer says: "Should the shepherds of a fleck be changed se fre quently that the sheep would neither knew their voices nor fellow them, the uuity safety, and nurture of the fleck would be endangered. A change in the head.efa family resulting from the death of a parent and the substitution of a step-father or step-mother, is sometimes fraught with incidental disadvantages te the household, but if such changes were te be repeated every few years, it is probable that in most cases the children would become dissatisfied and leave, and the family would sooner or later be broken up. And evils analogous te these just mentioned are the legitimate results of unscriptural views of the pastoral relationship, the frequent recurrence of ministerial changes, and the proportionally large number of short pas torates, that characterize the development of our church at the present day." The New Yerk Observer says: "New, we de net say that making merchandise for charity is wrong. We de net say that fairs are wrong. If there is no gambling, no raffle or lottery, direct or indirect, open or secret; if goods are sold, no matter at what price, provided no deception is prac ticed, it is right te have such sale and te make large profits for charity If we leek into the nature of the fair for charity, or the charity concert, or charity excursion, or any ether scheme in which the sale of something is te be made for the sake of a profit te be applied te charity, we see that the selfishness or self-love of the party is appealed te : this is the essence of the raffle or lottery the hope of getting something, net the pleasure of giving some thing, is excited, and the purchaser is net bettered, but made worse by the indul gence of the passion that prompted the purchase. If money is thus coaxed out of the selfish and stingy, it may be said that it is a geed done, it is foraging ou the ene my, it is reaping where 'we had net sewed. But it is net charity, net benevolence." One of the prettiest towns in Pennsyl vania is Media, the capital of Delaware county. Its location is admirably chosen for commanding eminence; the public puildings are handsome and substantial ; the private residences are tasteful and in some instances magnificent, most of them having delightful grounds around them. Though net numbering ever 2,000 in pep ulatien it is supplied with gas and water. The railroad runs just at the edge of town and the creek winds around it between hills, which are occupied by handsome res idences, summer cottages, schools or pub lic institutions, and all about are native weeds with underbrush that is new luxu riant with flowering dog-weed, fragrant wild honeysuckle, banks of violets and ether spring flowers. With all the pictur esqueness of its surroundings there is nothing rough about it, and the social tone of the place is in keeping with its fresh ness and beauty. Up the creek are cotton mills and ether industrial establishments, and in the neighborhood numerous dairies, chief among them being Darlington's, which supplies the gilt-edged butter for the White Heuse, for the Asters and Van dcrbilts, and for the ten of Newport. Media is entirely a new town. It has grown up around the public buildings of the county which were brought thither in 1851 from Chester and located en a farm, te make a mere central county seat. At that time a clause was incorporated in the charter that no liquor should ever be sold within its limits and the system of exclusion has worked se well that public sentiment fully sustains it, and the records of criminal courts confirm its wisdom. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Mr. Themas A. Hendricks while in Cleveland yesterday had a conference with Mr. II. 11. Payne. The jury in the Bucholz case. Hartferd. Conn., rendered a verdict that the accused was guilty of murder in the second degree. A motion will be made for a new trial. A negre walked from New Yerk te Philadelphia inside of twenty-four hours. a remarkable feat and deserving of the $500 ellereu. Colored pedestrians are taking the cake all around. Hugh Kinsclla, a currier, fifty years of age, died in .Newark late en Ihursday night from the effects of a dose of Paris green swallowed by him during a lit of delirium tremens, lie leaves five children. An incendiary lire, en the west side of Lake Ronkonkoma, near Patchogue, L. I., en Thursday, destroyed three dwellings belonging, respectively, te Lawyer Fergu Fergu eon, Captain McCormack and Ezra Patter son. The less will exceed $9,000. The Passaic river was carefully dragged again yesterday, bnt no sign was found of the body of Mrs. Kelb, who is believed te have jumped or fallen into the river with her ten days' old baby, a few days age, while temporary insane. On Wednesday an effort was made te poison the baby elephant "Americus," new in Brooklyn, and part of an apple containing strychnine was found in the hay near it. Antidotes have been applied with geed effect. Four cars of a mixed freight and gravel train en the New Jersey and Southern railroad, left the track. Three laborers, Themas Masen, Benj. Gifferd and Reuben Thompson, and Brakcman Brown were in jured, the first named seriously. Capt. Paine, with CO men, entered the Indian territory, between Arkansas City and Seuth Haven, April 25, and began build ing en the Oklahoma free lands. Lieut Pardee, with a company of mounted infan try, left h ort Rene May 2, overtook and captured the raiders May G. Gov. McCIellan has appointed Hen. Mar tin Cele te a position in the court of er rors and appeals, at Trenten, and te fill the vacancy caused by Judge Cele's removal in the courts the governor has appointed Mr. Hiram C. Clark, formerly crier of the court, te the position of lay judge. The suspicion abroad concerning the Ohie Democracy is that while Thurman has the instructions Tilden has the delegates, and that while Thurman can have the Ohie delegation se long as there is a chance te nominate him, if it becomes apparent that there is no probability of Thurman's suc cess, the bulk of the delegation will go te Tilden, all of it in fact, if the unit rule is followed out. The delegates at large are net the men Thurman wanted, but are Tilden men in disguise, while the Cincin nati delegation comprise such personal friends of Tilden as Geerge Ileadley and Alex Leng. STATE ITEMS. James Bayle and Jehn Gallagcr, miners, were instantly killed by a fall of coal in Honebreok mine. The Wellsboro Gazette has been en larged te nine columns, and it is new the largest paper ever published in Tiega county. The body of Annie Wenncr, a young girl who disappeared from her home in Allen town en Monday, was found in the Lehigh river yesterday afternoon. Ne reason is assigned for her suicide. It is the card rate of iron, net of nails, that has been reduced te 2$ cents. The In telligencer's item en "the decline of the nail boom" may have conveyed an erroneous impression. A Nebraska newspaper chronicles the arrival at Omaha of seventeen Friends from Juniata county, Pennsylvania ; the advance of a colony about te be formed at Plum Creek, Dawsen county, Nebraska. E. M. Willard, who has been prowling about the country swindling Catholic priests by representing himself as admin istrator of estates and entrusted with the duty of distributing bequests raade by de cedents, was arrested in Pittsburgh while attempting te victimize Bishop Tuigg. The latest particulars received from the fire iu the Bradford oil district puts the total number of wells destroyed at 320. Rene City was totally destroyed, but the fire spent its ravages in Rene City, Red Reck, Babcock Mills and ether points. Ne lives were lest, but the fire is described by eye witnesses te have been one of the most fearful ever witnessed in the oil re gions. An explosion occurred at Henry Clay colliery en Wednesday, burning William and Rebert Harper, Jeseph Griffith, Je Je eome Reed and Samuel Straw, a fan boy. The Harpers were starting a new chute around which a large quantity of sulphur had accumulated. The driver disregarded orders and went into the gangway near the chute with a naked lamp which ignited the sulphur. The men though badly burned will recover. Michael Kearney, engineer of the Gautier steel works at Johnstown, was almost in stantly killed by the bursting of the belt pulley of the fly-wheel. The pulley was constructed of iron, and when 'it burst large pieces of metal flew in every direc tion through the works. Mr. Kearney was struck by a fragment, and when search was made he was found lying en his back in the pit of the main pulley, with a large hole in his stomach from which the entrails protruded, both legs and his left collar bone broken, and the left arm almost cut off. Who Killed Scott ? " Who killed William Scott?" is a ques tion that agitates the minds of Pottsville people. It is known that he was acci dentally shot in the head by a young man named Wilds en the 31st of December,and that he died about the middle of February. Wilds was put en trial, and it was shown that the doctors had probed the wound fourteen times, and tha probe penetrated the head several times te the depth of six inches or ever. They also trepanned the skull and sawed two holes into it at the base of the brain. With all this surgery they were unable te extract the ball. Drs. W. C. J. Smith and D. W. Bland were afterward put en the stand by the defense, and they agreed that the wonder about such treatment was that the boy survived it as long as he did. The jury rendered a verdict yesterday of net guilty and the county pay the costs. m mm Twe of a Kind. Philadelphia Times. The Republicans of Lancaster will elect two delegates te the Chicago convention en the 22a just te indicate their belief that the state convention has no right te elect district delegates who de net represent the sentiment of the district. Yesterday Abraham Kline and Edwin K. Martin were presented as candidates for delegates and will undoubtedly be voted for without important opposition. Kavaxea of the Tobacco Fly. Intelligence received from different sec tions of Virginia reports a greater scarcety of tobacco plants than has been known for a number of years, these growing being rapidly destroyed by the tobacco fly. Farmers are se discouraged that in many instances ground prepared for tobacco is being planted with corn and peas. It is thought that net mere than one-quarter of the usual crop et tobacco will be made this year. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THEOLOGICAL.. Seminary Commencement. The first commencement of the season is that of the Reformed theological semi nary te be celebrated in college chapel nuxt Thursday evening, the 13th hist. The members of the graduating class are Messrs. Bailie t, Ilartzel, Kirschner, Sen tag Strunk and Wetzel. The creditable man ner in which these gentlemen have ac quitted themselves en former occasions will no doubt elicit a large audience en this occasion. The public have been in vited te be present. Rev. Wagner's Sermon. The annual sermon before the students and friends of the theological seminary will be delivered by Rev. S. G. Wagner, of Allentown, Pa., in St. Paul's Reformed church, this city, en Wednesday evening. We congratulate the students of the insti tution en having secured the services of se able and earnest a minister. Rev. Wag ner is ene of many devoted ministers of the church, whose influence for geed is felt net only in the communities where they happen te be located, but also in the general life of the church. Te these who are about te engage iu the Christian min istry and te his fellow-laborers the words of se experienced and energetic a clergy man as Rev. W. will prove a great gain. Tlib Next State Fair. Encouraged by the signal success of last year's state fair, which netted ever $21,000 te the State Agricultural society, the man agement is new busily engaged in elabo rate preparations for the event of this year. It will be held en the grounds of the permanent exhibition, and the agricul tural society will have the assistance and co-operation of the State Horticultural so ciety, Dairymen's association and kindred societies which have hitherto held separate exhibitions. The state fair will be held from September C te 18, and immediately following it will be held the international exhibition of sheep, wool and wool pro ducts. A preliminary abstract of the list of premiums for horses, cattle and swine, shows unusual attention paid te the de partments of blooded stock. Seme $8,000 will be paid in premiums for horses ex hibited, and about the same for cattle and sheep, and large amounts for swine. Rep resentatives of the society are new in the West and in Kentucky negotiating with the farmers and horsemen of these regions for representation. The show is te be equally full in all departments of agricul tural interests, and Lancaster county peo ple are interested in knowing that liberal premiums will be awarded for displays of leaf tobacco of the crop of 1873, cased, and of 18S0 in the stalk. The Empire's New Truck. The truck of the Empire hook and lad der company,, which has been repainted and repaired, is new in the truck house, where it has been seen by a large number of people. The painting was done at the shop of Norbeck & Milcy, en Seuth Duke street. The color of the track is carmine with a heavy geld stripe. The ladders have been varnished and striped with geld, the lamps cleaned and a new head-piece has been placed en the front. The axe handles have been rcvarnished and all have the word " Empire " upon them. The ladders were placed en the truck yesterday afternoon and as the doers were kept open the truck house was visited by a great many of our citizens who wished te sec the machine of which the Empire boys feel se proud. It cer tainly is very handsome, and all who de sire te see a line piece of work should go te the truck house. The truck will he leaded upon an open freight car here en Tuesday and it will be shipped te Chambcrsburg. Wm. Grant, the janitor of the Empire, will accompany it. Marietta Items. A grand picnic was held at Wild Cat falls en Thursday last by the young folk from the rural districts of the townships of Dencgals, Mount Jey, Raphe and Hcmpfield. About one hundred and twenty persons were present. The day was spent in dancing, beating and fishing, and highly enjoyed by all. Jehn M. Steuffcr, en J. W. Rich's farm, at Marietta, cemmencd planting tobacco yesterday. Mr. S. will put out 12 acres as fast as his plants mature. Revision of the Pharmacopoeia. The sixth decennial convention of the physicians and pharmacists for the revi sion of the United States pharmacopoeia met at the National medical college in Wash ington D. C, en Wednesday and Thurs day. Charles A. Heinitsh, of this city, who is president of the pharmaceutical associa tion of Pennsylvania, was in attendance and was admitted te a seat in the conven tion. New Minister. Hume, whom we noticed a as one of the graduates of Rev. J. Y. few days age Princeton theological seminary, and as having been called te take charge of the Presbyterian memorial mission of this city, will preach there en te-morrow evening at the regular hour of service. He is spoken of as an easy fluent speaker, a hard worker, and a man particularly well suited for the field of labor he has clieseD. Electric Hells. The Pennsylvania railroad is adopting the new electric bells. Te step or start the train the conductor has nothing te de but te pull a small cord, which runs the entire length of each car. The slightest touch of this cord will ring the bell at the engine. It is a decided improvement en the old method. Emigration. The way passenger train, which passes through this city at 5 o'clock, has been very long every day this week. On Wed nesday, Thursday aud yesterday mornings there were ever twenty car-leads of emi grants en each train. Change et Schedule. A new schedule gees into effect en the Reading and Columbia railroad en Monday morning. The train which leaves the King street depot at 5:10 will net leave hereafter until 5 :30. The ether trains will remain as they are. NEIGHBORHOOD MEWS.; Eruti Ac the County Line. Rev. Jehn H. Leinbach will be the Dec oration Day orator at Reading. James Brown, of Elam, Delaware coun ty, fell dead in his carriage while driving en the read in Chester county. The Pickering Valley train employees are measured all around for new suits. Exchange. And the lawyers are measuring for new suits for the same read in the su preme court. Notices have been posted up in all the mills in Seuth Harrisburg te the eftect that a reduction of 50 cents per ten will be nude en the work of the puddlers in the mills en and after June 1. J. S. Mummeri, living two miles from Glen Reck, Yerk county, was kicked in .the left breast by a vicious mare. The shock was se great that an artery was sev ered and the unfortunate man bled te death in a very few minutes. The Spirit of Berks has just entered upon the fifth year of its publication long enough te have made the experiment en which it ventured an assured success, and te entitle it te a fixed place among the Democratic newspapers of Berks county. West Chester has capital railroad facili1 ties new, trains running te Philadelphia by one or the ether of its two reads every hour. The P. R. R. is building a new and handsome depot, and altogether West Chester is in a geed frame of mind. Rev. Mr. Wilsen, of the Presbyterian church, is te be ordained and installed at the church in Atglcli, en Tuesday next, May 11. Preparations are being made for a geed time, and it is expected there will be a great many people present, and a number of eminent ministers. Dinner is te be served in the basement of the church. Geerge Alfred Tewnseud, better known as " Gath," visited Bel Air and the upper end of Harford county, Md., the first of this week, connecting pleasure with business. His inquiries were directed chiefly te the early life of Hugh J. Jewett, a native of that county and prospective candidate for the presidency. Wellington B. Griescmer, esq., of Read ing, is erecting a large tobacco house en his farm in Oley township. He was in Lancaster county this week and inspected some of the best regulated tobacco houses in the vicinity of Landisville. Mr. Griesc mer will put out this spring twelve acres in tobacco and has a large number of plants in fine condition. His tobacco fields will be superintended by Mr. Sitler, formerly of Lancaster county. An unknown man has been found in the canal near Buck lock, a short distance be low Middletown. The coroner held an inquest at the place where the man was found, and upon examining his person found papers which indicate that the man's name was Jacob Klebber, aged about 53, a musician (clarinet performer) by occu pation, and place of residence unknown He was last seen at Middletown, en Satur day, under the influence of liquor, and it is supposed while going along the towpath fell into the canal and was drowned. The new Reformed classis, composed of the ministers and congregations of the East Pennsylvania classis, comprising that part of its territory west of the Lehigh river, has been organized in Salem's Re formed church, Allentown. Prof. N. C. Shaeffer, of Kutztown, appointed by the synod te organize, appeared and preached the opening sermon, after which he called the ministers and elders te order and an nounced the election of officers. Rev. A. J. G. Dubbs was elected president for the ensuing year and Rev. N. S. Strassberger stated clerk and treasurer. It will be known as Lehigh classis. Jehn J. McKee, a well-known real estate owner and a gentleman possessed of con siderable wealth, died suddenly at his resi dence, corner of Market street and Dew berry avenue, Harrisburg, last night about half-past ten o'clock from apoplexy. Mr. M'Kee, who was a very large man, weigh ing probably from 230 te 240 pounds, was out as usual yesterday taking exercise, and was noticed en the street early in the evening. lie was reading a newspaper during the evening and appeared in his usual health. He retired a little after 10 o'clock, shortly afterward complained of a difficulty of breathing and "a queer sensa tion about the heart," and seen was a corpse. The Rad Men. The great council of the Improved Order of Red Men of Pennsylvania will meet in Harrisburg next Tuesday, continuing in session all week. The session will be one of great interest and much business of importance is expected te be transacted. Representatives from all parts of the state will be there, and en Tuesday morning they will be escorted te the hall of the Heuse of Representatives by the Harrisburg tribes, with a band of music. They will be formally welcomed te the capital city by Gov. Heyt and Mayer Patterson. The representatives of the Lancaster tribes will be Jehn M. McCulley, of Mctamera Ne. 2 ; M. J. Weaver, of Ee-shah-ke-nee Ne. 22 ; II. Keller, of Red Jacket Ne. 44, and Wm. Smith, of Canassatege Ne. 203, SUPREME COURT. Lancaster Cennty Case Heard. The supreme court met at nine o'clock yesterday morning. The following cases were argued : Perter's appeal. Argument resumed. II. M. North and D. G. Eshleman for appellees. Sheffvs. Baumgardner. M. Brosius for plaintiff in error ; W. M. Franklin and II. 31. North for defendant in error. Jack's appeal. W. F. Beyer for appel lant ; J. W. F. Swift for appellee. Brown's appeal. J. Hay Brown for ap pellant: B. F. Eshleman and W. W. Brown for appellee ; U. M. North in re ply. Philadelphia and Reading railroad com pany vs. Andersen. James E. Gewen had net finished the argument for the company when the court adjourned. The Riet Cases. Last evening Chas Evans, Wm. Shupp, J. 31. Geedman, Milten Bcamensderfer. Abraham Erisman, Jacob Strump and Geerge. Weitzcl, were held in bail by Al derman Spurrier for their appearance te answer at court, for being engaged in a riot in Andrew and Seuth Prince streets en Sunday last. Charles Rudisill and Jacob Strump were held for court te answer for an affray which took place shertiy before the riot. Broke His Leg. On Thursday morning, while carrying beards up the river shore,' opposite the Railroad house, Marietta, Jehn Hoever, aged 17, slipped and fell, breaking his leg above knee by the beards falling upon it. THE CENSUS. Lancaster county sub-districted. Wards and Townships te be Dlvlded-Cora-peaaatieu of the Enumerators. It was recently noticed in the Intelli gencer that Prof. Henry C. Snowden, of 3Iedia, Delaware county, supervisor of the census for the Second Pennsylvania dis trict (Chester, Delaware aud Lancaster counties), was visiting Lancaster for the purpose of investigating the proper geo graphical sub-districts into which the county should be divided te facilitate the taking of the census. Having obtained the necessary data, and with the aid of maps, census tables, election returns, &c., the supervisor has completed his work of sub-districting and forwarded it te the de partment for the formal approval of Gen. Walker, superintendent of the census. According te Supervisor Snewdcn's rec ommendation there is no district in Lan caster cennty which is net of sufficient size te constitute in itself a census district. Each of the following districts will be divided into sub-districts and applicants for enumerateis in the same have a double chance of being elected, and a correspond ing certainty of the emoluments of the position being divided : First, Second. Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth wards of Lancaster ; Raphe, East Denegal, Ephrata, West Hemp field, East Hempfield. Manheiuiv Warwick, Earl, Salisbury, 3Ianer and Dromore townships. Each of the three wards of Columbia will constitute a single district ; the ether boroughs will each comprise a single census district. In the wards of this city the divisions will be made en some central street running across the ward ; in the rural districts where there arc several election districts in a township the division will be inade by these : and in large undivided townships like Drumore and Salisbury the division between the two census districts will be marked by a public read or natural divid ing line. The Fifth ward of this city is the only one that constitutes a single district, and when 3Ir. Snowden discovers the rapid growth and wide extent of that ward he may also order a division of it. Enumerators. 3Ir. Snowden sajs that he has ever 200 applicants for enumerators from this coun ty, the largest proportion being from the city. There is no sub-district in which there is net at least one applicant. As a class Lancaster county applications indicate a high average of fitness, only three or four manifesting evident ineffi ciency. Iu all cases enumerator will be appointed resident of their districts. Ladies are eligible te appointment as enumerators, and there is at least one such application from the Fifth ward, Lancaster city. 3Ir. Snowden repeats that he will net be guided by political consideration in mak ing his appointments. He expects te de cide them en the merits of the applica tion. Te determine that he says he will judge in some degree by the appearance and character of the papers filed, and te some extent by the recommendations and suggestions of gentlemen who knew the applicants and in whose judgment Mr. Snowden has confidence. Applications are still being received and filed, when made iu due form and accom panied by the necessary recommendation. The appointments will be made by May 15 but will net be announced until lcfcried te and finally approved by Gen. Walker, when they will prompt! appear iu the Intkllic.enckr. The Time. The work is te be begun en June 1 ever the entire country, and in the rural dis tricts must be finished by June :H). In cities of 10,000 inhabitants and ever it must be concluded by June 15,as it is expected it can be mere summarily dispatched iu cen tres of population, and besides the changes there are mere frequent and the floating population mere numerous. The super visors have from July 1 te July 13 te sum up and return their reports. During the taking of the census Super visor Snewdcn's head-quarters will be at 3Icdia, where he has an office in the court house. , Enumerators will receive full in structions with their commissions. What Is te be Taken. The name, age, nativity, sex and color of each person are te be recorded ; with certain educational facts aud vital statis tics. Every death for the vear nasfc. nrnli- ably, will be noted. Every farm, with facts as te its n.crcagc, value, live stock, productiveness, &c.,and all establishments of productive industry, with statistics thereof are te be taken. The Compensation. The pay of the enumerators will be 2 j cents for each name recorded ; 12 cents for each farm ; 5 cents for each death taken ; 15 cents for each manufactory included in the general schedule and 23 for each en the special schedule ; except that in cities and wards of cities, which had ever 2,000 population in 1870, the compensation shall be only 2 cents per name. Each enumerator, before forwarding his return te thcsupei visor,is obliged te make a sworn copy of the names of persons taken, age, sex, colei, &c, and lile the same in the office of the clerk of the coun ty court (prothenotary) for which copy he will receive 10 cents per 100 names. He shall also give notice by written ad vertisement, posted at three or mere places in his district, that he will sit in the court house en the fifth and sixth days after filing his list, from 9 a. m. te 6 p. m., te correct his enumeration, and for this he shall receive $2.30 per day additional. Always provided that in no case shall the enumerators receive a greater aggre gate compensation than could be equal te 4 per day for the time allowed. That is te say that city enumerators can net make ever $48, -nor these of the rural districts ever $90. Hew far below the latter fig ures it may fall may be inferred from the following estimate at an average country district : 000 names $ 5 CO 8J fanni le Ou .V) deaths 2 .' 10 miinufucterici go Copying a mi Attendance en correction 5 IX) 14 :.e There will probably mere fall below that than above it. Congress has appropriated 1300,000 te pay the expenses of the census and $123, 000 additional for the " two days " cor rection. Driving Accident. Yesterday afternoon Isaac Greff, of Strasburg,was driving along Decatur street in that borough, when one of his lines broke and the horse ran the buggy against a pest. 3Ir. Greff was thrown out and had several of his ribs broken, besides receiv ing a deep gash in his left hand. y