V it t Xmtte; , i A aw u I il a. H H I 'I y g JSliljjIi " jag - "Mm "4 """N " Volume XVI Ne. 213. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1880. terms. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED KVXBY KVKK1HQ, BY STEINMAN & HBNSEL, tntelligeacer Building:, Southwest Cerner or Centre Square. The Dailt IjrrELLiefcsczR is furnished te subscribers in the City et Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad and Daily Stage Lines ut Tkic Cents Per Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Mail, $5 a year in advance : otherwise, $G. Entered at the pest eflice at Lancaster, Pa., as second class mail matter. S-The STEAM .TOR PIHVTIVfi I) P. part. SI EXT e this establishment pesses-es unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds nf Plain and Fancy Printing. CLOTHING. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. .Price Twe Cents. CLOTHING. 1880. 1880. Te-day we open the last of voice ei our Original Iii- COAL. 13. 11. MAKTIN, Wholesale and Uetail Dcalci in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 5-Yard : Ne. 430 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the llest Quality put up expressly ler family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 8m- VAItD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. ne-JU-lyd PHILIP SCHUM. SOX A CO. FOREIGN WOOLENS, The Choice Lines et the Season. The Most Recherche Style et English Treuserings. All the Latest Novelties in Foreign anil American Suitings ei Choice Styles and Hand some Effects. RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL ILamastrr Intelligencer. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1880. BlMlBlea'ttSffiK JUST KI-:UKIVKI A FINE LOT OF UALKD HAY AND STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALKKH IS FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, SI I NORTH WATER STREET. WWrstern Fteur a Specialty. f 27-lyd COHO "&WILEY, :i.-,0 NORTJl WATER ST., Lancaster, J'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER. AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Ituilders. Estimate made ami contract undertaken en all kinds et buildings. Itraucli Oflice : Ne. .1 NORTH DUKE ST. febaj-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! GORRECHT & CO., Ker Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harrisbnrg Pike. Ollice Ju; East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORRECUT, Agt. .1. 15. UILEY. 9-1 W. A. KELLEU. LONDON SMOKE, L0KD GREY AM) EMERALD SHADES. The only Heuse in this city that handles a Full Line of the Latest anil Most Popular Styles for GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. We urgently solicit an early inspection of our stock before the choice styles are sold, the great demand ter Choice Woolens makes it ut terly impossible te duplicate certain styles this season. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. FASHIONABLE TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, COATINGS, SUITINGS, VESTINGS, PANTINGS. TROUSERINGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te order for Men and IJeys in the prevail ing Styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. Alse, Ready-Made Clothing! AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHING GOODS At the Old Price before the Advance, RATHVON & FISHER'S Practical Tailoring Establishment, A Tramp. BIG IIMINI! 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET. 1114-llilll JEWELERS. I' OUIS WKKER, J WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159 NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. U. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic Siecta cles and Eye-Glasses. Impairing a specialty, aprl-lyd HOOKS AND STATIONERY. XTKW STATIOAKKY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S K00K .VXD STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STREET. O FECIAL NOTICE AECHEET ! A FINE LINE OF ARCHERY GOODS, JUST KECEIVED, AND FOR SALE AT THE 1500K STOKE JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. N UNUSUALLY LARGE PINE STOCK OE Having fust returned from the New- Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Het Selected btecks et" WOOLENS IS' ams At no advance en Old Prices. B. R BOWMAN, 10 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. FOR TUE Sen V Ever brought te this city, best of Nene but the very EURNITVRE. WALTER A. HEINITSH INSERTS THE New Glass Reller OK INSULATOR ON ALL FUKN1TUKE. TKY THEM 15 East King Street. Over High & Martin's. ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. Prices a low as the lowest, and all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne". 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons Immense Stock of E .UI'IKE HOOK AND LADDER CO. BADGES FOR SALE AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler ,'20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. I" ANCASTEK J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTEiiiK Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manuiacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. S-Jobbing promptly attended te. nu18-lyd JOHN I5EST. ENGINES AND MACHINERY Oi all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS 41 PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BR ASS BOXES, PACKING RINGS. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. AH Kinds of IIRASS AND IRON VALVES AND BEER SPIGOTS REPAIRED 3" Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W D. Sprecher & Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and JOS. H. HUBER. Heady-Made Cletlni. of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest and Most STYUSI DESIGNS. Ceuic and sec our Christian streets. a!7-3mdS MARRLE WORKS. WM. P. FBATT.EYS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm y ueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. -MONUMENTS, HE AD AND FOOT STONES GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en a every particular. N-B-tteember, works at the extreme end l North Queen street. m301 NEW- GOODS for MMT TAILORING, which is larger and composed of the best styles te be teund in the citjv D. B. Hestener & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. (-lyd LANCASTER.PA JiO It US, RLANICETS, &C. OIGN OF THE KUFFALO HEAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Lamest, Rest ami ?tK5W.aS5?,ITK,:kt of Llncd UI"1 Uulined BUFFALO ROUES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 3rEepairing neatly and prempUy dene.-QB. A. MILEY, 10S North Queen St., Lancaster. e-iVlydMW&S DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS D'AMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS An Experience Of Nearly Half a Century in DIAMOND DEALING Gives us Positive Assurance That We Can Suit Every Persen Who Wishes te Buy DIAMONDS. BAILEY, BANKS k BIDDLE, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. aprti lydTu.Th&S CARPETS. ATTORN EYS-AT-LA W UENKY A. KILKY Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts et the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steiuman & Hensel TRY LOCUER'S SYRUP. RENOWNED COUGH H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as 81.00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice, nlse pay 10 cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. O-Givc us a trial. 203 WEST KING STKEET. Will TINWARE, &C CALL ONSHERTZKR, HUMPHREVILLE & KIEFFER, manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK, and dealers In GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Special attention given te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 40 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. BY HOSE TERRY COOKE. Christian Union, That is just it. I was a tramp ! In the light of te-day I hate te admit it, hut I must. I had heen a machinist, with a pretty, gentle wife, geed wages, a pleasant home ; and then the hard times came. Hard enough they were te millions beside me, but I did net think of them. I had mere means than ethers I knew feed, if it was coarse, lire enough ler warmth but what I wanted, cried out for, raged that I could net get, was delicate living and lux uries ler Annie, for she was dying. I knew new nothing could have saved her ; con sumption is helpless and hopeless ; but one day when I went down te the Charles ton steamer the day she sailed, te adjust some little matter in the machinery that they thought out of gear, I saw the wife of one of the firm for whom I worked up town brought en beard te go te Flerida for the winter. She looked a little like Annie ; her eyes were clear and gray tee, and her face wan ana sweet, bhe was wrapped in soft shawls and lying back in a chair carried by two servants ; a kind-faced nurse was with her and her husband beside her. I had a glimpse at her state room as I passed through the cabin, for they were arranging it se mat sue might be settled before the rest of the passengers came aboard. It was like a nest, crowded with comfort. If I could have stolen that fur lined cloak and that swing-chair I would nave done it ; as it was, 1 swore. What had this woman done te have all. and my patient wife te have nothing ? I kept thinking of all this ; breeding day and night as wages grew lower and work less, and Annie faded away. She was a geed woman, that wife of mine, and net a bit afraid te die ; but she was afraid te leave nic in the furious bitterness of my condition then. One day I came home and found her yaicr man ever, i naa Drought Her an orange, but she could net taste it. I sat down by the lounge and put her thiu, white hands in mine. 'Frank," she said in a whisper, "when I am dead try te be geed ; try te knew Ged. I couldn't talk about it, dear ; but I have prayed. Ged is geed, Frauk. I knew it. I am going home." I could net bear this. I did net believe in it. Ged geed, and Annie dvhir while that ether woman was saved by the money I had as geed a right te have as Jim Law rence ! I knew afterwards that all the luxuries he lavished en his wife were as useless as the coarse shawl and common feed I gave mine. She died before Annie, and away from him. I steeped down te kiss my wife and te step her Hern such talk. Her lips were cold ; her het hand grew chill in mine ; her great gray eyes looked at me with one bright leek of love, and then closed. Annie had gene away. Well, why should I work after that? I went te hear Communist harangues, and learned the ttale old sterv that m-enert.v was robbery. Why was Mr. Lawrence rich and I peer? It was an outrage. Society owed me a living, and I would have it as well as he. I did net step te consider that he was once poorer than I and had worked successfully for his money, or te ask why society owed ine a living. I took the precious arguments of demagogues for what they were en the surface. They suited my fury against man and my ignorance of Ged tee well net te be adopted. It was May when the Iridieu works closed, but I had net worked there for two months. I had lived en what few dollars l had leit afte.- Annie was buried, and new and then I get a porter's job, for I was as strong as a horse. Still, I al ways expected te go back te the works if the worst came te the worst, and when they closed np for want of orders I felt as it I had nothing te stay in the city for and like a great many ethers I made up my mind that since I was born into the world it should give me a free living. I went en the tramp. I can't say I liked itatlirst ; it was a great wniie ueiere l could sleep well in a barn, or under an old musty hay-stack, but I had grit enough left te persist, and the lazy life the fresh air, the trees, the grass, and crea tures, all se different from the grimy shop and dirty streets, did seem amazing pleas ant. I suppose living this sort of life changed me inwardly, tee. I get te feel mole jifcu ;i wim eeast. I liked te see women shut and lock the deer when they saw me come into the yard, and hand out the feed I asked for through the window. Hew I used te scare them! I don't wonder. I was big, .dirty, ragged, and full of bad thoughts that showed out in my face and ran ever at my lips. I would net have stop step ped at knocking down any who came across my way, but they generally let me alone. Alter awhile I get a revolver. It was never leaded, but it was just as geed te ii imcii women wuu, ana many a one fetched me warm feed and drink when I let them see it. I did like te see them turn white and shiver. I was se angry with everything that I liked te terrify and hurt everybody I could. "Hateful and hating one another ; " that is about as near my state then as I can tell it. Se I tramped all summer. I did net think often about Annie. I didn't like te, for geed enough reasons. By Septem ber I had get 'way up into Vermont, among the hills, and began te think I must work back te the city, when one day i stepped at an old red farm house between Tyson and Ludlow te get some dinner. mere was a little sort of a steep built out under the reef of the ell part, and the kitchen deer opened onto it. There was a row of bright milk pans standing against me wan, te sun, and a bunch or two of herbs hanging up by the deer. A great yellow cat ran away when it saw me, and eyed me from under a bench in the wood shed. It was a peer place enough, but looked thrifty and comferfablc. I knocked, and a young woman opened the deer directly. I never saw such a steady face : her eyes were brown, and looked straight at you like a robin's ; her mouth was as pure and clean as a child's, and her firm cheeks showed a healthy, even color of pink. Her hair was se tidy, se shining, her calico gown and check apron se perfectly neat, that she seemed some how as if she was just new everyway. I did net say anything at once, for I felt se dirty and se bad the minute I looked at "If any man will net work neither should he eat." "That may be your opinion, miss, but it isn't mine. The world ewes me a liv ing and I'm bound te have it," I growled back. "Hew se?" she answered. "What have you done for the world te put it in your debt ?" I couldn't answer this question ; it w"as j like a blew in the face : se I swore ajrain and demanded some dinner. " I shall net give you any," she said, quite as calmly as ever. " If you were sick, or feeble, or crippled, helpless in any way, it would be different ; but you are a strong, likely man, and you can earn your living just as well as I can." I looked at her slight straight figure. J)e you work for a living ?" I asked. "Yes ; I have worked ever since I was six years old. I was bound out then and I worked at whip-braiding. I haven't any relations any near ones I mean ; there is nobody te take care of me. I have te work and I am glad I can." I swore a very common oath, calling en Ged te punish me if I would stand that if 1 were she. Her face flushed. "Don't de that again," she said. "If you want te be lest, call upon Satan ; he hears such requests gladly. Ged is your father ; he does net like te punish you even if you ask him te ; he'd ever se much rather forgive you." l never was se taken aback. "Loek here," I said after a moment, "don't you think it's outrageous that a pretty behaved girl like you should be working for a living when there's thou sands of women no better than you rolling in their eania;es ?"' "Xe. Ged put me here and them there. lie knows best." " Well, you seem te think Ged knows a geed deal. I claim te knew some things myself; and I believe folks all have equal rit-hts." " De you ?" she said, " se de I ; I have rights. Kiglits te get ready te die and te serve Ged while we live." She stepped out of the deer and picked up a red leaf from the grass. " Can you make such a leaf as that ?" she asked, holding it out te me. Why, I knew I couldn't : and se did JRY GOODS. Strawbridge & Clothier Desire prominently te invite attention te their magnificent line of Medium-Weight Dress Goods, Especially adapted te the weather of MAT AND JUNE, And for country, seaside, mountain and traveling wear later en. The experience of past seasons has shown ns that in our climate, a class of Dress lextures is demanded equally removed from the thick fabrics of winter ami the thin textures of summer. We have accordingly arranged for an altogether exceptional as sortment of this class of Fabrics in French, English and American Goods and new submit a stock which must command universal attention, as by the testimony of numerous merchants it has no equal. As fairly representing the class of goods referred te, we name the following : f she. " Till you can, I expect you had better believe Ged knows mere than you de." I turned and went into the yard. I couldn't stand her talk, but I could net get away from it. I never seemed se mean te myself before. Here was I, strong, healthy, even a skilled workman, tramping about the country uegging : i never called it begging before but I knew new what it was, for I seemed te leek out of her eyes. About Ged ; well, if there was a Ged he must knew mere than I did or he couldn't be Ged ; perhaps I had made a mistake after all. Jim Lawrence must be a lich man be cause he had mere brains than I, with the same chances; and who was te blame about the brains? I sat down by a little pond there was near by and fell te thinking, when all of a sudden I looked down into the water and 46 Inch Granite Cleths 87e. In Choice Shades. Illuminated Granite 1.00 Very Scarce and Desirable. 46 Inch Pekin Feule 75c. Extra Quality and Cheap. Hluminated Chevrons 87ic W Inches in Width. 46 Inch Powder Cleths $1.00 Would Cost 3Iere te Impert. New Cords and Armures 87ic In Wonderful Variety. Granite Cleths and Pekins 81.00 In Bewildering Assortment. Cerdettes, Rayes, Pekins, Pelka Dots, Pacennes and Crepe Verginia, at $1.25. In the Newest French Colorings. Cashmere Beige 50c. All Weel and 44 Inches Wide. 45 Inch Beige Verginia 75c. Splendid for Service. I French Cashmere 50c. Deuble Width. 23 Inch Cashmere Beige 28c. In Gray and Ilrewn Shades. 44 Inch Granite Mehairs 62c. Would cost te-day Ti cts. 44 Inch Granite Mehairs 58c. In lleautiful Ileige Colorings. Granite Cleths 40 and 50c. 3i Inches in Width. I.;. "'at duty, ragged her. " Well?" she said, in a cool sort of voice "rl vrrti. wn.4- ..t,n.l nM u juu neui iinyueuy Z "I want something tr gruffly. "We something te eat," said I, never crive te tramns " she an swered, without any change of tone. "I've get te have it," said I, as crossly as I could. "We have nothing for you," said she, quite unmoved. " Come, hurry up ! I've get te have my dinner, and you'd better get it for me pretty quick," I called out with an oath, taking out my pistol and handling it as a threat. Her eyes grew a little darker at that,and she smiled ; she was net scared a mite . she only said, very quietly : J ' saw a tramp ! a tramp. Geed Lord ! it was me ! I wondered that the jjirl had spoken te me at all, and then I though i'wbat Annie would have said te see me like that. The bleed seemed te come te my head. I tried te be honest inside, and leek things square in the eye. I cenld net hcln seeing hew little geed I had done myself by leav ing work. I used te be a geed-looking sort of fellow when I was cleaned up of a Sunday, net like this great brute staring up at me out of the still water. I couldn't de much that minute, but I could wash my face, and I did. It was just beginning, you see ; then I get up en my feet and tramped ett" toward Ludlow. Au old woman a mile further en gave me sonic bread and milk, because I asked for it civilly I suppose, and by night I had get en te the station next below Ludlow, and seeing some hands at work leading up a freight car I put in and help ed. One of them gave me my supper for that, and let me sleep in the barn ; it did seem better than begging. i he next day 1 sold my revolver and get a jacket, and before lenir trot a nlace en the freight line where I could work ray passage back te the city , I could get a lodging there I knew, for I had two dol lars left after buying the jacket. I found the Iridieu works shut up still, but I hunted out Mr. Lawrence. I told him all about it all but that girl and he gave my hand such a grip ! "My wife's gene tee," he said; and then he sort of choked. Somehow, for all he was a rich man with a great house and I a peer devil of a tramp, there seemed te be something we had together. I remember his wife's great sad eyes, and her tired face ; money hadn't saved her after all, and his business kept him te home ; he didn't have held of her hand when she died. Well, he sort of cleared his theat then. and he said : "I'm just ceinsr te dinner. Reed : come around te my eflice en Frent street in the morning and I'll find you a job." And he said it se hearty iike I knew he meant it. He was as geed as his word. I get work from him right oft, and after awhile, when I could buy decent clothes, I took te going te meeting ; for I could net get what that girl said, when I swore, out of my head. I have get a-Eible, tee. I knew Annie would like that ; but I had te shut it up quick one day when it opened at a sentence about "the horrible pit and the miry clay." I had been there myself, you see ! Sometime when I have laid up a little money and I guess it won't be long first. .. l... ..it : t.j -W- ' mi m;u mi is shu ana uoue i never was one te drink nor yet te gamble I mean te go up te Vermont and find that girl, and then maybe I can have a home. I hope she won't knew me again. I hate te hide any thing from her clean, clear eyes ; but I don't see hew I ever can tell her that I was that tramp. Royal Satin Cleths 50c. In Desirable Shades. Melange Chevrons 25c. In Ueige Mixed Colorings. Melange Granite Cleths 28c. In lleige Mixed Shadings. 44 Inch Camel's Hair 50c. In Rcautitul Light Shadings. Illuminated Beige 25c. All Weel and Suitable ler Country Wear. Choice Mohair Melanges, At 25, 28 and 31 cents. Special Ilargains at These Prices. Nevel British Fancies, At 30, 37i and 50 cents. Adapted for Trimmings and Sourteuts. In Our Novelty Department, We Have Fer TRIMMINGS The Largest and most Beautiful Combina tion of Colorings and the lireatest Kunge et l'rices te be leuud in Philadelphia. In connection with above Listet Goods suit able for present wear we mention our wonder ful stock of French Black Cashmeres. Our Importations this season were exception ally large, lut the demand has been unprece dented in consequence erthe Increasing popu larity of the goods we otter. Our stock is still complete in every grade anil width. Frem 40 Cents te $2.00 per Yard. We are Just opening n new invoice of our own Silk "Warp Henrietta Cleths, The last we shall receive the present season. The prices are still as last year and the goods identically the same. Ladies who cannot spare the time te visit the city and personally inspect wonderful exhibit should avail themselves of the advantages offered by our MAIL OEDEft DEPARTMENT. this STRAWBRIDGE fc CLOTHIER, Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. VLOTMJNO. A COMPLETE RENEWAL I.V OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING. NEW UOOD3-I50UU1IT FOR CASII-MADE UP BEFORE THE ADVANCE AXD OFFER ED TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES FROM 25 te 30 per cent. LESS THAN" PRESENT COST OF MANUFACTURE PREPARED BY A. C. YATES & CO. THE LEADING AND POPULAR CLOTHIERS OF PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE 1880 SPRING AND SUMMER. 1880 :e: FOR TUB BKST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING CALL AT THE Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets. THE FINEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. EOR TUE LADIES. There is a general complaint that while prices et commodities have increased in some cases lifty per cent., wages have net advanced anywhere near in the same proportion. We knew of no complaint in the shape or a con-' I), cold, sere threat, rheumatism or neuraj;lia that Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil will net immedi ately relieve. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, drug cist, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, 49 Statistics prove that tenty-flve per cent, of the deatlis in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te abottleef Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers for their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne 9 East King street. e. uauwicK, ei Arcauia, wayne county. i., writes: "I nave had severe attacks of N. AStnma ler Several vcars. 1 emnmnnniul mlr. lag Dr. Themas Eclectic Oil; the first dose re lieved me in one hour. I continued takin" it inteaspoenfuldosesforafew days, and have net hail an attack of it since, new nearly one year." Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster 50 REMOVALS. DK. S. Ii. FOKEHAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON). Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster. Pa. te THE OPINION OP THE LADIES WE HOPE HAS BEEN FULLY CON FIRMED BY WIDE SPREAD EXPERIENCE THAT HOUGHTON'S Cheap MLLinery & Trimming Stere Is the Cheapest and Best Place in the city te buy Millinery Goods and Dress Trimmings, L-eeive daily Saw Goods and all the Latest Styles, and ladies will t attest anety et Uats, Bennets, Uibbens.Feathers, Flowers, Silks. S j 1 bread Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Tuckings, PnfllngH, V We constantly keep the Finest Line eY . ENGLISH BLACK CREPES, Only Ceurtauld's Best Makes and at the Lewest Prices. Alse, Ciepe Veils in all Sizes ICrene Hata and Bennets constantly en hand and made te order by the best Milliners in the c tv as wc keep no ethers, nor no apprentices te botch your work, at -uyns M. A. HOUGHTON'S Cheap Millinery and Trimming Stere, 25 IS. Queen St. s,.riY: find the Largest ? thi,l5?vTaS'1 ?c-J'c tt,u $';? "fcan;it! litest S?ker Fwicy Drs U& .... .,. . .. w vuuevuishjj n;jj UIU Ilium LtlllC UI CARRIAGES, 1'UAETONS. &c S. E. BALLY. W. W. BAIL.Y S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of and Dealers in CARRIAGES OF EVERT DESCRIPTION! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street.Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPBING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bsges, Carriages, Piaels, Market Wapns, k Having purchased enr stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled U eiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IJfPKICE. We will keep In stock BUGGIES OF ALL GUADES and PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. GIveusacaU. All work fullv warranted one year. fm24-3rud