trteUigene (, wtfateil Velnme XVI-Ne. 212. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1880. Price Twe Cents. Ill B1P A TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, BY STEINMAN St HENSEL, intelligencer Building;, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. The Dailt Intelligencer is lurnished te subscribers in the City et Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad and Dally Stage Lines at Tex Cents -Per Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Hail, $5 a year in advance : emerwise, . Kntered at the pest office at Lancaster, Pa., as feceenil class mail matter. 2-The STEAM JOB PRINTING DEPART MENT et this establishment possesses unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing. COAX. I) It. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 49-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Itest Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. - YAUD 150 SOUTH WATUl ST. ne-S-lyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO. JUST RECEIVED AFINX LOT OF HALED HAY AND STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, 2.J4 NORTH. WATER STREET. CS-Western Fleur a Specialty. rs27-lyd " COHO & WILEY, 3B0 SOUTH TATi:K ST., Lancaster, Fa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND OOAL. Alse, Contractors and ltuilders. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en all kinds of buildings, llnmch eniee : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. iebaj-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! ae te GORRE0HT & CO., ter Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard ILirrKburg Pike. Otliec 2Ui East Chestnut Street. P. W. GOltRECHT, Agt. .1. II. RILEY. W. A. KELLER. 91 ItOOIiS AND STATIONERY. VTKW STATIONEKY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Ea-tlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AND STATIONERY STOKE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEET. O FECIAL NOTICE ! AECHEET ! A FINE LINE OF ARCHERY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE AT THE ROOK STORE JOM BAER'S SOBS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. FURNITURE. WALTER A. HEINITSH INSERTS TIIU New Glass Reller OK INSULATOR ON ALL FURNITURE. TRY THEM JSHEast King Street. Over High & Mai tin's. CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Laugest and Cheapest Stock el all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as S1.00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. 9"Give us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. pUlNA 11ALL. A new line of DECORATED CHINA, MAJOLICA WARE, FANCY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. DON'T FAIL TO SEE TIIEM"! HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. REMOVALS. DR. S. B. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON), Removed Irem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. n rxn3t3md CLOTHING. I H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having just icturncd from the New Yerk Woolen Market. I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Rest Selected Stocks of WOOLENS FOH THE Surii anil Sum Me, Ever brought te this city. Nene but the very bestel ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Style. Pi ices as low as the low est, and all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fet sale for the coming seasons sm Immense Stock et of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest and 3let STYUSOESIGIS. Come and see our NEW GOODS which is larger and compo-ed of the best styles te be leund in the city." D. B. Metier & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 2U-lyd LANCASTER.PA WALL FAFERS, c. WE ARE 15ETTER PRE1AREI TO Meet the wants of the people than any season heretofore. Our line is larger than usual, and in PAPER HANGINGS w c have the New Patterns ler the Spring in an endless line te select Irem. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Cerner and Rand, six and seven feet in length. Plain Goods by the yard in all colors and idths. Paper Curtains te the trade at Factory Prices. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Newest. I5et and Cheapest Cornice made. Easily adjusted te lit any Window up te five lectin width. Curtain Poles, 1J and 2 inches, in Ebony and Polished Walnut, Rings, Brackets, and Fancy Ends Complete. PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. Orders taken for any size at Lew Prices. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. teblO-lyd&w ROUES, JtLAJfKETS, AC. s IGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! 1 have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment et Lined and Unlincd BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line et Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &e. 49-Uupalring neatly and promptly done.-E A. MILEY, 108 Nertli Queen St., Lancaster. e'-S-.lydMW&S MARBLE WORKS. WM. P. FRATT.EY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm y ueeu Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. m301 TOY LOCHER'S RENOWNED COUGH . SYRUP. mm mm Rearae ClOllllM SLaiuastcr Intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1880. OUR SCHOOLS. MEETING OP BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Lawyer Reynolds Declares the Beard Power lets te Cempel Superintendent AVick ersham te Perform His Duty The Scheel Tax Rate Fixed Election of a Teacher. SAMUEL J. TLLDEN. HI Health, Habltt and mode of Living Pen Portrait of the Sage of Gram erey Park French Wit and Humer. The Scheel Beard. The beard of directors of Lancaster school district met in common council chamber last evening. The following named members were present : Messrs. D. G. Baker, P. D. Baker, Coch ran, Eberman, Erismau, Evans, Harris, D. Ilartman, J. I. Hartman, Jacksen, John John seon, Levergood, Marshall, McCemsey, Mc Conomy, Morten, Reimensnyder, Rhoads, Richards, Samson, Schmid Slaymaker, Smeych, Snyder, Spurrier, Westliaeiler, Wilsen, C. Zecher, Gee. W. Zechcr, and Warfel president. The reading of the minutes and the re ports of the visiting committee was dis prescd with. Mr. Evans, from the finance committee, presented the following bills, which hav ing been examined and approved by the committee, were ordered te be paid : Lan caster gas company, for gas, $8.40; W. W. Ferris, historical chaits for high school $47 ; Henry Glazier, two leads et weed ; Daniel Appleton & Ce., for Henslowe's botanical chart $11.34 ; C. F. Eberman, services as secretary, $50 ; Lancaster city for use of water, $82.03 ; Jeseph Samson, brushes, $8.83 ; Edwin Boekmoyer, glaz ing, $3.20. Mr. Evans presented, also fiem the lin auce committee, the following resolution fixing the rate of tax for school pur poses : "HeseUed, That for the year commencing with the lirst day of June, 1880, the rate of taxation for school purposes in the Lan caster school district shall be assessed thicc mills en the ical and personal eitate of the district, and en all ether ob jects of taxation at the rate fixed by law ; and that te all persons who shall pay their taxes en or before the first day of August, iu said year, an abatement of five percent, shall be allowed, and after that date until the first date of September, following, the full amount will be required ; and te all taxes remaining unpaid at that time, five per cent, shall be added." The resolution was unanimously agreed te. Mr. Evans also picsented the following opinion by Samuel II. Reynolds, esq., rel ative te State Superintendent AVicker sham's refusal te draw his warrant for the amount of state appropriation due Lancas ter school district : Te Rebert A. Evans, A. J. Ehcrly and Dr. Henry Carpenter, Committee of Beard of Directors of Public Schools of Lancaster City : Gentlemen I have carefully examined the question you have submitted : ' Can Hen. James V. Wickcrsham, superintend ent of public instruction of the state of Pennsylvania, be compelled by mandamus te issue a warrant for the amount of the state appropriation due the school district of Lancaster city, which, for some reason known only te himself, he withholds ?' ' and have arrived at the conclusion that, under the laws of this commonwealth and the decisions of the supreme court having reference thereto, the school district is without remedy te compel the state super intendent te perform this ministerial duty. Prier te the adoption of the constitution of 1873, the powers of the supreme court, derived from the act of 1722, were ample te meet the exigencies of this case, and it is te be very much regretted that by the previsions of the new constitution the peo ple are deprived "of one of the highest forms of remedy essential te the interests of a republic." By the third section of the fifth article of the constitution the supreme court " shall have original jurisdiction in cases of injunction when a corporation is a party defendant, of habeas corpus, of mandamus te courts of inferior jurisdiction and of quo warrante as te all officers of the common wealth whose jurisdiction extends ever the state, but shall net exercise any ether original jurisdiction." Under this section the jurisdiction of the supreme court in mandamus is re stricted te courts of inferior jurisdiction within the state. Cem'th ex. rel. Butler vs. Hartrauft, governor, 27 P. F. S. 134. It being settled that the supreme court has no jurisdiction, have the courts of common pleas jurisdiction te issue writs of mandamus te state officers ? That the superintendent of public in struction is a state officer no one will pre tend te deny. He is appointed by the governor, under the 8th section of the 4th article of the constitution b3r and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the senators for a general state purpose, aud the jurisdiction of his office extends throughout the commonwealth. An examination of the law shows that courts of common pleas never had the right te issue writs of mandamus te any state officers. Wolf vs. Cem'th 14, P. F. S., 252. The act of June 14, 1830, declares that they (courts of common pleas) " shall within their respective counties have the like powers with the supreme court te issue writs of mandamus te all officers and mag istrates, elected or appointed in and for the respective county, or in and for any townships, district or place within such county, and te all corporations being or having their chief place of business within such county." Their jurisdiction is limited te the cases mentioned in the said act of Assembly. Cem'th vs. Wickcrsham, W. N. C, vel. 7, page 205. The prevision et the new constitution te which we have referred, having abro gated the power which the supreme court once held for the protection of the people against the exercise of an arbitrary dis dis sentien or erroneous judgment without conferring it te any ether tribunal, the school district of Lancaster city must pa tiently await the action of the state super intendent, whose sense of duty we may hope will ere long compel him te obey the law. Upen this subject the common wealth is very much in need of some di rect legislation. Respectfully yours, Samuel H. Reynolds. Lancaster, April 27, 1880. Mr. Slaymaker, from the building com mittee, reported that Mr. Davis, the archi tect of the New Lemen street schoolhouse, was preparing working drawings of the same and would have them ready for the buildeis in about two weeks. On motion of Mr. J. I. Ilartman the rules recently drafted, for the government of the beard and the schools were referred back te the special committee with in structions te add such additional rules as may be necessary te define the duties and powers of the city superintendent." On motion of Mr. McCemsey two addi tional members were added te the com mittee en rules. The chair appointed jlessrs. Jlcuemsey and w usen. The president announced the visiting committees for the ensuing three months as fellows : Visiting Committees. Northeast Division Jehn W. Jacksen (chairman), Charles Schwebel, Jeseph Schmid, J. M. Westhaeffer. Southeast Division Wm. A. Morten (chairman), Wm. B. Wiley, H. Z. Rhoads, Jeseph Samson, Rev. C. Reimensnyder. Southwest Division David Hartman (chairman), Peter McCouemy, Geerge W. Zecher, Daniel Smeych, A. K. Spur rier. Northwest Division Marriett Brosius (chairman), Alex. Harris, P. D. Baker, E. G. Snyder, Geerge Yeisley. A communication from Messrs. Perter & Coates relative te having Raub's arithme tic and ether of their publications intro duced into the Lancaster schools was re ferred te the book committee. A communication from Prof. Buehrle ac cepting the position of city superintendent, te which he was recently elected, was read. An invitation from the committee of Pest 84, G. A. R., te the beard te attend and participate iu the ceremonies of deco rating the soldiers' graves was read and accepted. The resignation of Miss Emma V. Leon Leen ard, first assistant in the East Orange street primary school, was presented and accepted. Miss Sarah Smith, second assistant, was promoted first assistant te fill the vacancy. Fer the position of second assistant all applicants were placed in nomination. A vote being taken resulted in the election of Miss Ilarkins, she receiving 18 votes te 12 cast for all ether candidates. Adjourned. m m Mr. Tildeii Sketched by One of His Friends. Fer the Intellieecer. Samuel J. Tilden is strong enough te get out of his bed and dress himself aud eat a hearty breakfast about eight o'clock every morning. He receives and talks with all his friends who call, from half-past eight te one or two o'clock. He often has dur ing that time from a half dozen te a score of callers with whom he discusses politics, law, literature and the gcneial news of the day. At one or two o'clock he gees down town and spends an hour or two, transact ing in that time enough business te tire out an ordinary hearty man He comes home, glances at a mass of correspondence, dictates answers te scores of letters, aud then gees out for an hour or two ride often en horseback. He returns and takes a nap, dresses for dinner, at which he always cutci tains a friend or two, and then re ceives callers or gees out te the theatie or for social visits. He rarely retires befere 11 o'clock and then usually reads himself te sleep. With all this he finds time net only te leek after the details of a half dozen law-suits for himself, but te give ad vice en important legal points te scores of clients. There is net a book of any value published in this country or England that he does net buy and glance at. Drep in en him when you will, if he is net otherwise engaged you will find him with a book. This is the ordinary routine of Mr. Tilden's life. I venture te say that there has net been a day for two years that has found him in bed after 8 o'clock in the morning. He may have been confined te tlie house by cold or threat trouble, but never anything mere serious, and yet he is net a strong hearty man. He has never been that. Frem infancy he has been troubled with ills that annoy if they de net kill. As for his having determined te decline being a candidate and te select his succes sor,! am sure that there is -no man living net even his own brother, who has his un limited confidence who is authorized te make any such statement. That he firmly believes he can have the nomination at Cincinnati if he wants it, I am morally cer tain. Whether or net he wants it I frankly confess I have never been able te decide. One thing is quite certain he don't lay awake at night thinking about it. G. New Yerk, May 4, 1880. Paris Wit and (jessip. Translated and Adapted Frem the Pari Journals. At a hotel in Berdeaux the garcon com ing into a traveler's room in the morning asks him if he has slept well. " Slept? I should say net," was the reply ; "a mouse kept up such a racket all night that I couldn't close my eyes." "Is it possible?" said the garcon;" "and we are se careful here. I assure you it is the first time " "Oh, nevermind; I never can sleep well in a strange bed. The little fellow rather amused me than otherwise." An hour afterward the gentleman, who was going away, went te the office te pay his bill. "Hew much?" "Eight francs." "Eight francs for a chamber en the third fleer for one night ? It's preposter ous." " Monsieur has apparently forgotten the mouse which amused him last night." The late rigorous winter in Paris did much damage te the Jardin des Plantcs. The menagerie there has lest within the past few months a hippopotamus which cost 30,000 francs, a bear which cost 29,000 francs, two liens which cost 3,000 francs, five gazelles, a panther, and two swans, net te mention many kangaroos, antelopes and deer. A sum of C0,C00 francs is te be expend ed en the transformation of the morgue. The bodies will be preserved exactly in the state in which they are discovered, for sev eral months, by remaining iu an artificial atmosphere of compressed air, cooled te a fixed temperature. Y., a jelly geed fellow, but a terrible Bohemian, explains : "It is only necessary te have two cravats, a white and black. After awhile the white is se dirty that it is black, and the black is worn white. Yeu replace the one with the ether, and there you are again." . They say in America that it is absurd te build the Isthmus canal, because ships can be easily carried ever en a railroad. In the future then you may expect te hear some such dialogue as this : "What sort of a passage, captain?" Vi.lmll "Stenns?" " Oh no, but we ran off the track in Panama." " Come along," said D. te Z, ; " let us go te the club and have a game of bacca rat." " Ne, I never touch a card." " What, you a loafer, drunkard, liber tine, and de net play?" " What would you ? Nene of us are per fect." They begged him te sing. He was a young man intended for the stage and he had a charming voice. He obliged the company. A lady from the country could net conceal her enthusiasm. " Oh, what a beautiful voice ! Hew old are you, may I ask ?" " Certainly ; I am just twenty-two." " Only twenty-two? Well I can tell you without flattery, you sing like a man of forty." A great pianist was playing. It was ob served that a lady listened te him with the most profound melancholy. " Yeu seem fatigued," murmured a fa cetious friend in her ear. " I ? eh no, net much ; I have schooled myself te take my pleasures patiently." It is a wedding. The lady is young, amiable, pretty aud lively. The gentleman is old, ugly and stupid. " But he will make her very happy," said the bride's mother : "widowhood will become her tee." JEWELEJCS. LOUIS WEBER, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 1K NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ter the celehrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glase. Repaiiing a specialty, aprl-lyd A: N UNUSUALLY LAKUE AND PINE STOCK OE inn! K At no advance en Old Prices. B. P. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STKEET, LANCASTER. PA. Tj'MPIKK 1IOOK AND LADDER CO. BADGES FOR SALE AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. J;E.Caldwell&Ce. WATCH3IAKERS, 902 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Deal ers in American and Geneva Watches, 18kt. Geld Cases and the most Reliable Movements; Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Beys' Watches, Chronographs, Re peaters, Chatelaine Watches. The Lewest Prices, marked in plain figures, from which there is no deviation. Orders and in quiries by mail receive prompt attention. PHILADELPHIA. FOUNDERS AN D MACHINISTS. X ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite the Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue'! te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Ilellews Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. J-Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN BEST. GROCERIES. w HOLCSALB AND KKTAIL. LEVANT'S FLOUTS AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dI7-lyd DRY SPRING, 1880. WANAMAKER &. BROWN, Gentlemen and Beys' Outfitters, OAK HALL, S. E. COKSTER SIXTH AKD MABKET STS., PHILADELPHIA. We respectfully announce the Men's and Beys' Clothing for the Spring of 1880, which has net only the distinction of being the largest, hut has cost ns mere pains-taking care than any stock we have ever made. We are net content unless each year llnds us improving and progressing, and 18S0 shows the result of extraeruinary effort te excel. Te our long practical experience and commodious premises we add net only the advantage et showing our customers the very largest stock, hut the system of business originated by MR. JOHN WANAMAKER gives our customers every advantage in making their purchases at OAK HALL, BECAUSE, 1st, The qualities and defects of goods are stated. 2d, One price and only one. 3d, A thorough guarantee given. 4th, Meney refunded if goods are returned. WAHAIAKEE & BEOWtf. GtKand epe:nt:n"g AT THE NEW YORK STORE. IMMENSE DISPLAY DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. A CHOICE VARIETY -FOR SELECTION AT QUICK SELLING PRICES. New Spring Dress Goods, Summer Silks, New Spring Shawls Shetland Shawl, New Spring Lawns, Chintzes, and Calicoes, New Spring Hosiery. Summer Underwear, New Spring Gloves, Laces aud Embroideries, New Spring Styles in Parasols and Sunshades. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. SPKINGr DRY GOODS -AT- HAGER & BROTHER'S, Xe. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER. LADIES' DRESS GOODS! All the Novelties of the Season in the New Spring Shades. White Goods, Laces, Hosiery and Gloves. GENTS' WEAR. GENTS' WEAR Spring Cheviots, French, English and American Suitings, and Clothing in Large Assert ment. Carpets, Linoleum and Oil Cleths, China and Cocea Mattings and Paper Hangings. A Large and Complete Stock in alf Departments, and at the Lewest Price. -Call and examine. HAGER & BROTHER. J7 B. MARTIN & CO." -:e:- DRESS GOODS. We te-day open a Choice Line of Dres Goods in Silk and Weel Novelties, Summer Silks, Satins, Trimmings, Cashmere's, ice. New spring Styles et Lawns, Ginghams, Chintzes, tin. Cretonnes for Lamhrcqiiins, Fringes, Curtain Poles and Rings, Window Cornices, &c Spring and Summer Underwear and Hosiery. J. B. MARTIN & CO. FOR THE THE OPINION OF THE LADIES WE HOPE HAS BEEN FULLY CON FIRMED BY WIDE SPREAD EXPERIENCE THAT HOTJG-HTON'S Cheap Mllinery & Trimming Stere Is the Cheapest and Best Place in the city te buy lilliaery Goods and Dress Trimmings, And we will receive daily New Goods and all the Latest Styles, and ladies will find the Largest Stock and Greatest Variety et Hats, Bennets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Silks. Satins, Fringes, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Tuckings, Puffings, Velvet Neckties, Ladies' White Tucked Skirts 50c. 73c and 11.00 each, and the Largest Stock of Fancy Dress But But eons in the city. We constantly keep the Finest Line of ENGLISH BLACK CREPES, Only Ceurtauld's Best Makes and at the Lewest Prices. Alse, CTcpc Veils in all Sizes, Crepe Hats and Bennets constantly en hand and made te order by the best Milliners In the city, as vre keep no ethers, nor no apprentices te botch your work, at M. A. HOUGHTON'S Cheap Millinery and Trimming Stere, 25 K Queen St. GOODS. completion of the new stock of OF NOVELTIES IN :e:- LADIES.