LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY MAY 6, 1880. r i. lancaster Intelligencer. HDBSDAY EVENINQ MAY 6, 1880. MEDICAID IN THE NOONTIDE LET ME OIE. Who would wait till the shadows of evening Spread the gloom of the night o'er his way, And still cling te the world he Is leaving Till the world docs net care for his stay? Let me sleep while the daylight Is shining, While the sun still Illumes all the day. While my vigor still knows no declining In the noontide of life let mc die. Ere my sight or my hearing has failed me. Or the hopes I have cherished arc dead ; Ere the sorrows of age have assailed me, Or the relish of living has fled ; While the warmth and the glow arc remaining, And the pulse el my beul beateth high ; Ere the strength of my manhood Is waning In the noontide el life let mc die. Who would linger for years in his dotage, Te be reckoned again as a child As the " old man" or v, emau unnoticed, Or appeased w 1th a simpeilng smile? If the lite "ever there" is immortal. And its youthfulness never gees by, I would liastcn te knock at its portal In the noontide of life let mc die. As the apple when ripe should be gatlicicd, If its flavor should be held at their best ; If It hang in the chill autumn weather It will fail in the epicure's test. Se the fruitage of life seems the Attest Fer the garners of Ged up en high, When the soul Is the strongest and richest In the noontide et life let me die. Though the friends who se fondly have le ed mc May be ad as they lay mc aw ay : Though the thoughtless may h.ushly lepievc me Fer the -n Ish I have uttcied te day ; Though I bow te the w ill or the Father, And would wait for His time as the best. It He lea e it te me I v euld rather Eic the noontide is gene be at lest. -I. M. I'.uck. AHceck's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection has been se cured after years of experiment. Composed or the CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. I'UIIELY VEGETABLE. One or two every night, In ten dayk cure Cestitenessand Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2mdeedw ASTEICIT JiBO'S ADVERTISEMENT. Shade and Shelter Ter Sleck. Gerniantewn Telegraph. It is no use when the cold neith wind is howling tlneugh the cre ices of the stable, or the broiling sun is roasting the misci ablc Hy-plagucd cattle, te say that we wished we had planted something te make thiugs meie comfei table, unless we attend te such things new. It is really surprising te note hew many miserable places there arc in the country which a few dollars or a few hours at this season would make quite pleasant. A few Norway or sugar maples, spiuccs, cherry trees or willows, planted aieund buildings, cost very little and yet help wonderfully te make winter pass pleasantly away. In rcjianl te cattle in the summer time left te ream about sunburnt pastuics, a few shade ticcs are a positive luxury. It is a real pleasure te sec the cows lying un der the shade, after having pcihaps just passed sonic in the vicinity l eastcd and llycd te death in the open field. It is, however, net se easy te provide for this as it is te shelter one's buildings. A tiec in the middle of a pastuic Held is all -veiy well while it is in pastuic; but no geed fanner has any faith in these daysinpci nianent pastuics, and when the time conies for grain or loot crops in that piece of ground thcic is no gi cater nuisance than te have tiees about. It intcifeies with the plowing, and then it robs the ground of feed. It is astonishing what an extent a root "will push in seai ch of feed hen the ti ec te which it is attached stands in the open ground. Still there aie generally odd coi ners where ticcs may be left te advantage, cspcciclly a wet place pei haps near a spring wheie a willow would glow, which might as well be planted with something as net. It is net always necessary te send a long distance te a nursery for trees, though it never does any harm te patienize these public benefacters,"thc nuiserjmcu. when one canalleid te de se; but even these geed peeplc de net object te ethci a planting any thing thej can get for nothing i.ithcr than te'havc them net plant at all. Tiecs from the w oeds, if any aie at command, cm be made te de tolerably if caic be taken in planting ; and if they be sevciely pi uned at planting ; and in the case of the willow and poplar, laigc branches, if di vested of the small twigs and made like stakes, grew as well without as with roots. PILES. Frey's Universal Pile Suppository. A sure cure for e cry form et this disti easing, painful and often dangerous alllictien. Has never failed cun where every ether leuiedy had failed before. Physicians ue it. Tiy it and be iclieved and convinced. Piicc, Tiial Bex, 50 cents. Sold bv Druggists. ANDREW G. FHEY. Proprietor. Cei. Orange and Nei th Queen sticet, i-2M j d Lancaster, l'a. ap QTOP! STOP! Step making a drugstore et your stomach. Slop putting bittei spills, lier invhroralers, bleed puiilier, calomel, blue pill, quinine, morphine, and all ether drugsand quack med icines into yeui stomach, they kill instead el curing the hotly. This is my udice, nttei acting the physician for 31 yean. 11 J eu'll ev. amine the histenes et nearly all medicine v enders ter the last 50 vears, you w ill llnd the vender of these weithless compounds hae nil tiled prciiialmely. Wheic is Schenck, Swayne (father and son), Rrandicth, Ayeis, WisFku t, Ja lie, Hebinsae, Mishlci ? All dead and bulled as should be all such picparatiens. Fei .(1 jeais I have cm ed all kinds et disease when ethers tail, and 1 plate my medicines (net poisons) en the outside el the hotly. It) the sick who have tiled one or twenty tloetei-, w ltliimtunviidvuntage.l would beg them lec.ill and leal n lfonisceies et such peisens who have been cuietlin a leu ei weeks, at an c.-pen-e tit Hern $2 te $5. 1G l'age r.imphlet lice, lullelemes. 0ei 1O0 astonishing eases m two months. Jehn Geedman, lheumalisin 10 jeais; Kev. .1. Hunter, blind left ee ler Ki ears, sight icsteied: Wil-en Hamilton, consump tion 10 eais; clu 1st fan Rooty, piralsis, bieught te ellice in u can iage, can new walk iinvwhcie; 1!. S-. Kauflmau, led in blind, can new see quite well ; Chas. it. Lcenaid, cataiih and sere tin tiat fet eais; Lewis Paulick, lits lei ie jeais, cuicd in a week: 11. McCuik, tljs-pep-ia 10eais;l). X. Hughes, consumption anil dspepsi,i, gained 22 pounds. Catauli cuietl "lei 5u cents. IK. C. A. GREENE, 'Z Neith Queen sticet. mlI-mdTii,TlLJ esi i:tti:k'j hitter's reit sali: at Lechei's I)i ug Stoic. 1) l.asl King siieci. Additional Garden Hints. Gerniantewn Telegraph. This is the time te sew and plant the general gaiden crops of the season. Ne time should be lest in doing se, as it is supposed that by this period the warm glowing weather has fairly set in and that we are net likely te be visited by sevcie freste. Lima and bush beans can be plant ed, Eaily Yeik cabbage set out, Hern car ret, salsify, cucumber, parsnips, melons, sugar-coin, cabbage-lettuce, te be fol lowed at the end of the month with India or cm led, which stands the summer heat ; tomatoes may be tiansplanted, but should be protected against cool nights, as well as by day fiem the mid-day sun until they become established. Celery should be sow sew sow net later than this week. Keeping down the weeds and stilling the soil arc indispensable te any crop in the garden or field. Especially should the weeds be constantly lemeved from the straw berry bed. Yeung asparagus beds should nccr be salted, as it is death te them net until after they have been cut one season. Be careful net te fork at this time the ground in the raspberry beds, if you wish an additional supply of p'ants, as the young sheets are beginning te show them selves. If the beds are mulched it should be done with care that the young plants may net be injured. The third ciep of the sugar corn should be planted by the 10th of this month. The seed should be put in dry if the weather is moist, and soaked a few hours if the soil is diy. Okra should net be planted befeie the middle of the month. The scedisveiy liable te ret in moist weather before it has sprouted. The annual flewer-sccds should new be sewn. The soil should be made as line and mellow as possible. The seed should be lightly raked under and tnc bed picsscd with the back of tne spade. Mark each variety with a small stake, which can be easily done by splitting at the top and stick ing in the paper -which had contained the seed. Lawns have had of course their second mewing by this time, and the mewing should be repeated every ten days if per fection is aimed at. Every part of the garden and yard sheu'd be kept clear of weeds, no matter whether the crop has been taken from it or net. The presence of weeds anywhere in a gar ded, yard or lawn bespeaks both neglect and laziness. Storm signals are new maintained by the government along the ocean and lake coast te give warning te our commerce of the up pi eaching storms. At the first signs et dan ger from a cold or cough, use Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, it may save you serious trouble. Its action is prompt and satisfactory. Fer sale bv II. 1$. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 45 Geed Evidence. When such men as the Kev. Dr. Rankin, Rev. Dr. Harvey, Prof. Gieen, Dr. Raitinc, Cel. Jehn K. JlcChcsney, E. w. Neff, anil a host of ethers equally trustworthy, certify ever their own signatures te the marvelous elticacy of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in the diseases for which it is lccom lccem mended, It is time te dismiss doubts en the subject. ml-2w d&w Tabcsh Snow, Gunning Cove. N. S., writes : "I was completely prostrated with the Asthma, but hearing et Dr. Themas' Electric Oil, I procured a bottle, and it did me se much geed that I get another, and before it was used I was well. My son was cured of a bad cold by the use of a half a bottle. It gees like wild- II re, and makes cures wherever it is used." Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa, 40 H rpe TILE SUFFERING HUMANITY N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 217 WEST KING STREET, Las.casieu, Pa. Dll. LEWIN, who has been a lesidentet Lan caster but a lew months, is a graduate of the Univeisitvet Deipat, ltussia, with a practic ing expel ienieet lwcle Inch peiied he has been acting as Regimental I'hjsician in St. Peteisbing, anil atteiwauls practiced ill licilin, Geimanv, with gie it success. We call the attention et the sulleiing public te the lact that hu successfully Heals EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,; and all chronic tli-e.i-cs. The seveu-st cast's el Clueiuu Catauli cuicd m asheit time. Ueteicnces anil testimonials lieni lermcr patients ean be seen at my ellice. Pei -ens without means will only be asked pavment ler medicines. Communications lieiu a distance attended te by mail. mll-lvd&w HOP 15 IT Kite HOI P. IT ERs HOP P. IT ERs HOP HIT ERs HOP P. IT LIES HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS rpiii:vrKi:s.TANini:sTMKi- hop JL 1CINE EVER MADE. A com- HIT binatien et Heps, Huchu, Man- LRb drake and I) indclien, with all the lie-stand most curative piepeities HOP elallnthci Ihtleis makes the gi cat- ;it e-t Hloed I'm itiei. Liver Itcgulater ERS and Lite and llialth Restyling Agent en eaith. Ne di-casis or ill HOP heiltli can possibly long exist HIT whele Hep P.itteis.ile u-etl, se a- ERs, l it'll anil pel led sue their opera tions. Tiie me new lite ami HOP vi 'ei te lhe'nucd and liiluni. Te p.lT all whose ciimlev incuts cause lr- Kit's legulautv et thebowelsei eigans. or who lcqmic an Appe- HOP tiei. Tonic and Mild Miinulant, HIT Hep Ritteis aie in-valuable without Ells intoxicating. Ne uiattei w hit jour ti clings ei sjinptenis, what the HOP disease ei ailment is. Use Hep Hit- HIT teis. Don't wait until en aiesick, ERs but if Mm enlj- teel bad or misei able use the Ritteis at once. It HOP ni.ij-sae your lite. It has sued P.lT huiiilieds. $."U0will be paid tern ERS case thev will net em cer help. De netsiillei nor let x our li lends silt- HOP fei, but use and uigc them te use HIT Hep Ritteis. Remember, Hep Hit- EUS teisisne Mle, diugged, diuiiken nestiiini, but the Pmcst and Rest HOP Medicine ew'i made; the'lni-uhd's HIT Fiieud anil Heiie." and no pei son Ellb or f.iiiulj- sheultl be w lthent them. Get some this daj Hep Cough HOP Cuic is the sweetest, satest and HIT best. Askchildien. One Hep Pad EUS ler stomach. Liver and Knlnejsis supeuorte .ill etheis. Ask thug- HOI gists. D. I. c. is an absolute and HIT iiiisistablc cuiefei Diunkenness, tils imnnlnniiim. inlucce anil liaicnt- HOP ics. All seltl by tliuggists. Hep HOP HIT HitteisMlg. Ce, Rochester, N. . HIT ERS bend tei cncular. 3 obljeediw EUb HOP HIT LRb HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERb HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP IJIT ERb HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT ERb HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT ERb HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT P.lT HIT ERS ERS ERb ERb ERb EUb EUS HOP IIITTKK) J'OIC SALE AT LOC1I ci's Di ug bteie, S) East King sticet. Iv W K-W IC-W K-W K-W K-W Iv-W K-W lv-V K-W K-W mm mte K-W THE ONLY MEDICINE K-W That Acts at the Same Time en K"w The LIVER, K"w ' K-W The BOWELS, K-w And the KIDNEYS, k-w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W These ersrans arc the Xatm al T. ,.r Cleansers et the :jstem. If they K- tuiitunll luiHli will lie neilect: it K-W K-W . the j- become clogged, drcidlul dis- ..r lv"" cisesaicsuiotelollow with Jv", TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W K-W Biliousness. Headache. Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Constipation and Piles, or jw Kidnej"Ceinplaints.Gniel,DI.ibetes, tne uune, -uiiKV or k.w K-W K-W K-W i.-w bedimeut in IJenv Uiine:er Rheumatic l'aing j.)'iiinl Achest aie deelepctl beciiifc K-W the bleed is poisoned w lth the hu- jj.Winets that sheulil hae been e-iv-r Xcllcd naturalij-. K-W , K-W JLilJJiMY WUltT K-W K-W K.r w 111 restore thenatuial action iind ar all these destroying evils will be K-W banished neglect them and j ou w ill K-W li e but te suller. Thousands have jjybcen cuicd. Tiy It anil jeu will K-W atldoncnieic te the number. Take K-W ll llntl health w ill once meie gladden K-W a our heai t. K-w Why sutler longer from the ter-K-W mentet an aching lieait? Whj'bear K-W '-"ch disticss liem Constipation and K-W Piles? Why be se leaitnl because K-W of Disei tiered Eiinc? Kidney Weit K-W w ill cine j ou. Ti y a package at ence K-W !lll(l ue s.ltislicd. K-W It Is a tli v vegetable conipeuntl, K-W and one package makes si quaitsK-W of meilicme. l eui diuggist has it, K-W or will get it for en. Insist upon K-W haingit. Pi ice $1.00 K-W Wblls, Riciiauusen & Ce., Preps., K-W RUULINOTON, Vt. K.W (Will send pest paid.) jul5-ljdiw K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNEV WOItT FOIt SALE AT LOCII ers' Drug Stere, 9 East King street, TJJTWAJIE, tc c ALL ON SHEKTZEK, HUMPUREVILLE & KIEFFER, manulactuiers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK, and dealers In GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE FLTRNISHINGGOODS.Specialattcntienglvcn te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER t 4 vri K CTVII LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCAbTER PARAOLS PARAsOi.b PARAM1LS PARAsOLb PARAbOl.b PARASOLS PARASOLS PARAsOLb PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARAsOLb PARAsOLb PARASOLS PARASOLS PARAsOLb PARASOLS PARASOLS PAUAbOLs PARAbOl.b PARASOLS PARAbOl.b PARASOLS PARASOLS J'AUAbOLb PAUAbOLs PARASOLS l'ARASOLS PARASOLS PARAsOLb PARASOLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARAsOLb PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS HATS HATS HATS IIATs HATS IIATs IIATS HATS IIATs IIATs IIATS HATb HATS HATb IIATs HATS IIATs HATS IIATs HATb HATS HATb HATb IIATs TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES RIHHONS RIHRONS RIHHONS RIHRONS RIHHONS RIHHONS Kllt RONS RIHHONS RI IS RONS RIB RON'S RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIHHONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACEb LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES Astricli Bre's. i E. King St. NEW GOODS NEW FKICES. Uranrt Display JEWELRY. AEWLINE Childicn'sand Lathes' PAEAS0IS Senple Twilled Silk, Plain Handle, Pearl Inlaid Handle, Ivery ;i n it llern Handle, Eleprant P.ira- els Turn m ed with lace and frinsre. silk lined. Childien's all Silk Parasols at Ij'JC. Ladles' and Childien's Hats et e erj tl e - sci lotion, bun- uals, sailors. Tin bans, Walk ma n.its. sail ersat l')c. Hat Shanes 3fic. Fine .Milan llats, line Biaitl Hats. Fiench Flew ers in every style Rese, Butls, Violets. Daisies. suntlewei-t and etheis. Ti p inullcolershiie Real Ostrich Plumes at 4')c. Fine White O tuch Plumes at lcmaikablj'Iew puces. Trimming- Silks, In all Celeis, 75c Per 1'anl Brocaded Hat Gicnadme Satins, IN ALL COLORS. Hlack Silk and Jet rrmjies at -i"e. ner "vaid. Elegant Line of Black Silk,Tape jcl una uue nille Fiingcs Celere tl Silk Fringes. Passe nientricsefuch tiesigiis. ORNAMENTS el the Newest Designs. NOTICE : A discount of 7nereent.ullew ed te dressmak ers. Ne. 4, all Silk, 3c per j d. Ne. 5. all Silk. Cc per yd. -j. i, an eiik, 7c per jd. Ne. , all Silk. 'jc per j ii. ae. lalisilk, 12c per jd. Ne. 0, all Satin, 10c perytl. e.7,:ill satin, 13c per jtl. Ner),ali;Satin, 17c per j if. Ne. 12,-all Satin. lie per j d. ifjtr aoeits. BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAi: BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR PARASOLS PARASOLs PARASOLs PARASOLS PARA-OLS PARASOLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARAsOLb PARA-OLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARA-OLS PARAbOl.b PARASOLS PARASOLS PARA-OLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARA-OLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLs PARASOLS PARASOLs PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLs PARASOLS FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW ERS ERb EUb EUb ERS ERs EUb EUb ERS ERs EUS Torchon Laces trem Jc. ncr aiii: a.)C nci dozen j aids. Vallericiennes Laces Bj' the Piece, Frem lOcanleee upwards. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS BATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS SILKS SILKS SILKs SILKS SlLKs SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS . SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GR AMf SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN SA'IIN SATIN BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOO LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN HAMBURG EDGINGS IN GREAT VARIETY, AT ASTONISHING I0W PRICES. CALL AT THE NEW STORE, ASTRICH KRO?S, 13 E. King Streee, Lancaster, Fa. K'rf DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DEESS GOODS ! ALL THE NOVELTIES -OP THE- NOW OPEN. SG1VE US A CALL. GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS TXA.VELKRS' OVIlE LANCASTER AND MILLEKSVILLK K. IS Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatser ( P. It. Depot), at 7, 9, ana 11:30 a. m., ami 2, 4. 6 and s:de p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 'j-JSa p. m Leave MiUcrsvUIe (lower end) at 5, 8, anil a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en above time except en Sim day. EEADINGAND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY. OCT. faTH, 17!, p.issenger trains wUl run en this read as tol tel tol lews : Traiss G oise Seuth, a. jc. a. si. r. si. r. st. G-IVLEK, BOWEE8 & HURST, 26 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa Reading, Rcinhelda, Ephrata, AKren,.. .......... j. iii",.. ...... ........... Manhcim, Lancaster .1 unction,. I-intlNvllle Columbia,- Dilleiville Lancaster. King street, Huriiith Wist Willevt Baumpmlncr, Peipica, Helten, New Providence,.... He" (jnarr ville VLOTJIZSU. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OP GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful and meat stylish colors in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season. Men's Colored Balbriggan Hese, with embroidered silk clocks ; Scarlet and Blue Silk Hefce ; Fanay Colored Half IIesc ; Striped Cotten Half Hese and Merine Half Hese. and Beys' Suspenders and Fine Braces, in all styles and colors. and Beys' White Dress and Coleied Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirts, and Blue Flannel Neglige Shiits. and Beys' Summer Underwear in Mei ine and India Gauze. and Beys' Coleied Lisle Tin cad and Kid Gloves, for Summer "Wear. and Beys' Vulcanized Kubuer Braces, and a large stock of line Silk, French Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs. and Beys' Latest Styles Fine Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs. 7:30 8 01 S.1S S:2I S:4J Dili y.i3 1:1S t):n Dr-T J.i5 H:t: y.j$ 10.05 101 10:17 10.2$ 10-.H 10:1.: 10..V) 1UV r. si. 12:10 l-:4.- litt 1:1.1 1:W li" 2.0i lC P.19 or. 7.0 7.0s 7"i." 7:.5f 7:Ui 7:.") Sri) !; :10 Sr-V s-.u s:4'2 &.I7 S-Ai '.Mil J:12 1:1'J teLi 3 Ott 5:10 r:eU 5-3' 5:1 " 5 5.! t,:(ri l.:l .-is TKA18 G0IO XORTll. Men's Men's MenVs Men's Men's Men's A. M. J I. St. n St. - j i:n i:ii ill ti5l) .... -iis 7:11 i:.'J 7:1S 3 05 7.2tl .... e:U 7:.M .... 3-Us 7:11 .... 3:.'ii 7:55 .... 3: 10 !?.IQ 1.00 3-M S i! IrUCt S'M $ (H) 1.1H1 3:.!5 -.!() l'.U) 4.01 H-.m lri" 4:15 s:4't LIS 4riii y tm ine 4 '.):ir, 2:18 4:17 9.S5 2.25 l-M 'J-.ll 2:tr, 5:M 10.0.) .Jritl j-M A.M. 7:50 7 5S !i:i: r27 ? S S:15 S:ll y ik) U.20 MYERS & RATHFON, CENTRE HALL, Quarry vllle, Hess, New PreMilencc, i.etten, ... ......... l'eqiiea ISuunuRirdncr, West Willow, Ilarnish, Kin fetieet, I jm caster, Dillerville Columbia l.andutvillc Lancaster.) unction... Manheiiu, Lltl7 Kphrata.v Reiiihehm ille j Reading, Ti-aint connect at Rrailin-r w ith tralni te and fi inn Philadelphia, Pettsvillc, Hairishurj;, M leuteun and New Yerk. At Columbia uitli trains teantl fiem Ytu I., Hanover, Gcttyl)iira, Ficileiick and Raltimeic. A. M. WILbON.bupl. Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. DKY tiOOVS. J)KY GOODS. CHEAP CARPETS FROM AUCTION. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Opened this day Lets el CHEAP CAEPETS, A.LSO ife CiecK&MH EAHIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. c HU TO THE LAVILS t Tust leceived a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, AT Philip Schnm, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 & 40 WL'ST KING STKELTS. Having addetl in connection with our Laie Stock etCai pets, Yains,&c, A KINK LINK OP I)U GOODS, such as CAL1COLS, HLEACH Kl) AND VJNHLKACHKD MUSLINS, TICK INGS, COTTON PLAXNKLS. CASHMi;iM HLACK ALPACAS, SsIIKETlNG.s, NKW bTYLKOFblHUTlNG, NEW bTYLH DIM.bS GOODS, TAHLK LIXENs, NAPKINS, TOWELS, &c, w lilch w e aie selling at MOD Eli ATE rillCES. ml-3ind KUtXEY AX It ZlVJJJi C'lJiL. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The gieatcst et Modern Medical I)icevciic. A Vegetable Pieparatien and the ON LY SURE REMEDY In theweild ler Hnght's Disease, Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Uiinaty Diseases. Thcieaiea large namber et testi monials of the highest character in snppet t e t these statements. Pret. Green, a distinguished allopathic phjsician et the south, in nnaitiele in the Medical Receid, gives an account et the cine of two cases of Chronic Hnght's Disease by this lemedy, antl advises all his brother physicians te use it in practice. It. Caulkins M. V., of Rochester, X. V., m i itcs that lie euld picseiihe the leniedy te all alUicted v itli sei ions Kidney and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. E. Rankin, I). D., et Washington, V. C, tells el permanent cuics etlectetl by it, and says: "I de net doubt that it has gieat iitue." I). W. Rartine, M. 1)., 1). D., et East Oninge, N. .)., certilies that It cured him et chronic Hright's Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Hai'vey, D. I)., feecietary of Heward University, certilies; "lam convinced that no lemetly lieietoleie used or dcscnbctl can be licit 1 ter one moment m comparison with this." These aie sample testimonials. Twe compeunds: Fer the cine et Diabetes call for Wainei's safe Diabetes Cuic. Fer cme el Hiight's ami the ether diseases call ler Wai ner's bate Kidnev and Liver Cure. Warners bate Hitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and bate Nervine ai e also supener leuiedies, unequalled in their respective Ileitis et disease. Warner's b.ife Remedies are seltl by tli ug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testi monials. II. II. WARNEU & CO., Rochester, X Y. 1 di-TuThibtLW DRESS GOODS. We te-day open a Choice Line of Drcs- Goods in Silk antl Weel Novelties, Summer Silks, batins, Tiiminings, Cishineies, A.c. Xewbpiing stjleset Lawns, (ringhams, Chintzes, &c. Cretonnes ler Lambrequins, Fiingcs, Cm tain Poles and Rings, Window- Cornices, A.C. Spring and Summer Underwear and Hosiery. J. B. MARTIN & CO. VL.OTHIXC. A COMPLETE RENEWAL IN OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING. NEW GOODJ-IStHJCUT FOR CASH MADE UP HEFOKE THE ADVANCE AND OrFKII ED TO THE PUHLIC AT PRICES FROM 25 te 30 per cent. LESS THAN PRESENT COST OF 3IANUPACTUUK PREPARED HY A. C. YATES & CO. THE LKADING AND POPULAR CLOTHIERS OF PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE 1SS0 SPRIiNi G AND SUMMER. 1SS0 FOR THE REST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING CALL AT THE Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets. THE FINEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. MEItlCAZ, exFT vjtA trixas. AUTJ101tIZEI MY TH. COMMON w calth of Ky., and the fan est in the weiid 20th Popular Monthly Drawing OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Thcatie, in the City of Louis ville, en MONDAY, MAY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Lcgislatuie el ISO!), and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are superviseu ey prominent citizens ei u: State. The management call attention te the grant opportunity piesented of obtaining, ler only enir nt till ffainUlllfr liH7l'd I prize $ 30,000 1U,IHW s,ww 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 2,700 1,800 900 1 pi ize. Ipiizc 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 500 each 100 prizes, $100 each v 200 prizes 50 each 000 prizes 20 each 1000 prizes 10 each 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes 200 each, " " 9 prizes 100 each, " " BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dn. HROWN1NG i a regular graduate efmctlicine. a skillfnl ph.iimacKt, antl a thorough chemist. Hu "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial w net the lesult et mere chance, but et long scientific research m chemistiy ami medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity et its action and its unparalleled cllicaey. The expense in its manufacture is at least 1ie times as gieat as that et any ether medicine upon the market, anil yet it Is seltl at the exceedingly low puce et SOc. 2-fc-auiple bottles (ter a short time only) 25c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, dl-lydeew&w 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. S-FOR SALE HY THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRUGGISTS. CAJtlllAUES, 1'JIAETOXS. Jtc S. E. BAILY. W. W. BAILY S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufactuiers of and Dealers In LOW) prizes $112,400 Whole tlckels, $2 ; halt tickets. $1 ; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets. $100. All applications forclubratessheuldbemade te the home eflicc. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and Xew Yerk Herald and mailed te aU ticket-holders. Remit money by mail or express. Address R. M. Hoanl Heanl MAN. Courier-Journal Building, Leu isville, Ky., or at 307 and 309 Hreatlway. New Yerk. rtit-TuThJcS&w EJtUCATlOXAL. riTIlli AVADEMIV CONNECTED WITH X Franklin and MarshaU College eilers su Serler advantages te young men and boys who esire either teprepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. CARRIAGES OF .EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and "Wareroem3, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bides, Carriages, Pitfens, Met Fapis, te. Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, mc are enabled te eiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock HUGGIES OF ALL GRADES antl PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted one year. IXSUJiAXCE. GEXTS' GOODS. 'IHIE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight rriiL Nicosia, THE LATEST STYLE NECKTIE, AT EUISMAN'S. TV ILL YOU 1IA E THE M. BRACE. Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. GK WIXO M ACIUSE skulks. 81.131.S38. O $1,131,838. All Invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. -MW&Sf.mdB " rAitccs u. sehneu, HOUSE CARPENTER, Ne. 120 North Prince streeL Prompt and particular attention paid te a 1 cratlen and repairs. slS-lyd . Fer any Machine, at E. J. EUISMAN'S, 50 NOKTU O.UEEN ST1CKET. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER. OF REAL . Estate antl Personal Property. Oi tiers lett at Ne. 33 Charlette street, or at the Hlack Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills mode eutand ttended te without additional cost. e27-ly 1)ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD !AV fOHKDULE On and alter SUNDAY. APRIL lth, lsse, trains tin the l'ciiii-Iaiiia williirnve and leave the Lane.i-.ti mill Philadelphia depot at fellows-: Amf Phllnil'a Eastwaud. Atlantic Express, Phitailt Iphia ExpiesJ,.. Past Line Yei k Aeeeni. Arm e-.;. liuiii-'bui'g Exiues- Ddlei v ille Accem. Ai 1 1 !, Celuinliia Aecomiiiedation Fiedeuelv Aceem. Ariie9, Piieilic Expiess, Sunday Mud, Johnstown Express, , Day Epiess, H.iiiisbuig'ii. Leave I.anc'tei lJri") a.m. 2:11) " 5.20 " 7-."A) " !K." " Jt-l") " 11:10 " 1-20 " 1:2." v.m. 2IW " sin " .V.M " r.rr " 3.t .M. 4:15 ' 7:10 ' le-lt) ' - lieiV a:l"3""" ! 5:.a -7:20 - 'J.M " WlMTWAUD. I I.IMM! I Alile I Plnhid'a l.aiic'l-i Way Passenger, Niagara Etpicss Hanover Accem met lat ion. Mail Train Ne. I.tI.i Mt.Jej, MailTinin Ne.2,via Cel'bia, siintlay Mail, Fast Line, Fi eilci lck Accommodation, Dilleiville Local.viuMt.Jey Haiiishiirg Ac-iiiinietlat'ii, Columbia Accommodation, Hauisbiug Exjness, Pittsbmg Eptess, i Expicss, l'acilic Expre-s, li SO . s.ei) 8.00 8:() n.;u 2-.) KM) 5.U) !:2T 0:10 U:r5 ft: (i' ,1 ' iC 7 ' :I0 r. I" "iO I") " rJC " ) M) " "J) ' L10 . Paeitic Express, east, en Piinilay, n lint ll.ig ged, will .step at .Mitldlctenii, Eli.ibrlhtew n Mt. Jey, I.audisville, Riul-iu-Iiaiiil, l.riiuiii Place, Gap, Chiistiana, Parl.esbiug, Coatcs Ceatcs ville, Oakland ami Glen I.eeh. Fast lane, west, en Sunday, when ll.iggl, will step at Downinglewn.CoatcsViIlf. lu bmg, Jit. Jey, Eliabethtewu ami Mitldletew n. HaiiOM-r AiLomiiietl.ttion, west, ceiinrcti nt Lancaster n lth Niagaia Exjiress, west at 10::,r), A. M., antl w ill run through te Hanover. Fiedciick Aceoiiiiueilatioii, wpst.teiiiieetsitt Lancaster, with Fast lane, west, :.t 2:10 p.m., ami will lun thieugh te FrcdcucL. J OCAL .HAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOlt CLOSING THE MAILS. IJY RAILUOAD. Nkw Yerk tiiiieluh mail 7 (X) a m, 12 30 p in, 4-4! p m und 11J0 p m. Way Mail, cast, 7 a in. Goiidenmllg, Dowiiingtewu, I.caiiian Plate, Gup b m. 1'iiiLADKLi'iiii, thieugh mail, 7 ami 0 a in, 11.M, 4:4") and 11 JO p m. PiTTSiiUiieii and west, 1-30 anil IP ie p m. llAiuusiiUKO Mail, 10 a in, 1:.J0. 5:1." jnd II Je p in. Wat Mail, w est, 10 a in. Haltiveke and Wasuisoten, Ti'l Plnlolel Plnlelel phlll, 4.501)111. Haltimeiu: and Wasiiinuten, ia Yerk, !:.; p m. UALTniena and Washinoten, via Hauisbiug, ll:.!0piii. Ceatesvillk, 4:45 ) ill. Celumuia, 10 a m, 1:.!0 ami 5:15 p in. YOUK AND YeltK WAY, LllOaUll UjUll III. NeiiTiiKKN Centiial, 10 a m, i:.Wanil 11-.10 p m. Readimi, via Reading ami Columbia R R, 7: 0 a m and U:.!0 p in. Readimi, via Harrisburg, 5:15 ami ll:.7)p!n. Readine way. via Junction, lati, Manheiiu, East Hcmptlelil and Ephrata, ' p m.l QUAKitiViLLE. Caiii.uge, Relton, New Piovi Pievi tlence. West Willow. Lime Valley ami Mai tins ille, 'x:'A);i m, and T.M p m. New Helland, Chiiichtewn, Grccnbank. Hluc Hall, Goeilvillc, ISeartewn, by way Downingtown, at 7 a mand Oj) in. Save II mckeu, via Columbia. 10a in. P.Y STAGE MillersvUlu uutl Slack water. ! Salt: II. u ber, daily, at 2 '.X pm. Te Millersvdie, Huml 11 am, ami I p m Uinkley's Riitlge, LeacecU, Hjreville, .V i Helland, 2:10 pm. Willow Sticet, Smithville, Huck, CliPstimt Level, Gi ecu, Peters' Creek, 1'liu-aiil t.ieye. Reck Springs. Fail-mount and Rewlamlsvilie. Mil, daily, at 7 a in. Laiulis Valley, Oicgen, West Earl. K.hiiki-s ville, Ilinklt-tewn, Tent; Hill, daily, at 2. 7) p in. Feitility, I-iuipetcraml Wheatland 'MilN. te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. Gieenlautl ami Soudersburg, te Para i. i dally, at 4 p in.. NellsvUle, daily, at 4 p m. New Danville, Coucstega. Maiticilp, Lile maiiville. Mount Nebo. Raw liiis ille. Rillii-. ,a and Liberty Sijuaie, tlaily. at 2. JJ pin. SUNDAY POs'lO FILL HOI R. On Siiinlay the postetiicu is open lreni April 1 te October 1, fiem 8 te!) a m. anil Irtim ' te 7 pm; liem October 1 teApril l,fiem "J te 10a in, ml iiem i! te 7 i in. WHEN OPEN FOR DELlVEItY. ARUIV1NG HYKAIL. E.tstci n mail, 7 a n-. 10:45 a in, " ami JO p in. Eastern nay mail, 10: 15 a in. Wcsti-in mail, 7 ami 10 a in, 2 and t;.Jf) in. Heading, m Reatling antl Columbia, .:.,) t m. Western w av mall. S a in. Heading wav mail. 10 J( a in. AKUIVING'RY STAGE. Fiem Safe Harber anil Millcrs die, at 0 a m, daily. Frem Millersvillc, 7 antl !i a in, and 4 p m. Fiem New Helland, at a sua in, dally. Fiem RewIantlsMlle, Mil, at2Se p m. Reading way mail, at ID in a in, tlaily. Fiem Strasburg, at J.:ii) a m, tiaily. Fiem Pai-atlise te Lancaster, 10 a in, daily Fiem Nells ille, at 1 p m, tlaily. Fiem Rawlinsville, at 11 am. DELIVERIES HY CAKRIEKS. There .lie tour mail tleliveiu-s by letter cai riers each tl.iy, antl en their rctui n trips thry lake up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the tlrst delivery the carriers Icuieth ellice at )J0 a in; second ileliveryatl0.ini; tluitl dclnciy at 11 a in; feiuth delivery atll p m. f'O UXDEJIS A XD MA VII IX IS TS. T ANCASTL'K BOILER 3IANUFACT0RY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite -i he Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning antl ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Iiellew Pipe-, Sheet-iron Werk, ami Hlacksmltliing generally. te- Jobbing promptly attended te. augl8-ljtl JOHN REST. J'ATEXTS. yNVENTOltS. WM. r. ;gerhart, (Solicitor or Patents) Having opened communication with the Patent Ollice at Washington, D. C. is pre pared te push claims with promptness antl 1 o'FFICE-Secend Fleer Ne. 31 NORTH DUKE STREET, next te Court Heuse. a20-2wd&lmw 1'RY LOCII Elt'a . SYRUP JEJuaunrXED COUGH I