y-K-T-'. ."- v - - ,- - - je mtf&: -J -. i Velnme XYI-Ne. 211. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1880 Price Twe Cents. Ifa i. V K ,' si teems. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCEB, FCIiLISBED EVERT KVKNIHQ, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer llulldlng, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. TUB DAILY INTELLIOEKCER is furnished tO subscribers in the City et Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad ami Dallv Stage Lines at Ten Cbsts Pkb Wkkk, payable te tlie Carriers, weekly. By Mull, $5 a j car iu advance : otherwise, pi. Entered at the pest elllceat Lancaster, Pa., us second class mull mutter. -The STEAM JOU PRINTING DEPART DEPART MENTet tills establishment possesses unnui passed lucilities for the execution of all kinds of rialn and Kancv Printing. COAL. B. 1J. MAKTIN. Wholesale and Retail Denlei in all kinds of LUMRER AND COAL. S-Ynrd : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince bticcls, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Jtest Qualify put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. He- YARD 150 SOUTH WATKlt ST. lieil-lyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO. t u.vr ki:cj:ivi:d a fini; let ok i$ai,i:i ' HAY AND STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DKALKltS IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, 2.11 NORTH WATJCU STKEET. fti-AWntern T"lour a. Specialty. s'27-lyd ce'h 6 TwTle y7 :;.7f SOUTH TATEll ST., IjiinrasU-r, J 'a., Wholesale and Retail Dcaleis in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractor and liiilldcr.s. Estimates made and contract undertaken en all kinds et buildings. ItranchOllice: Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. li-lriS-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! OO TO GORRE0HT & CO., I-or ,oed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harrisburg Pike. Ollicu 'Ai East Chestnut street. P. W. GORRECHT, Agt. .1. 15. Ill LEY. 9-1 W.A.KELLER. noens ash station j:ky. N ti:v sTATJei;ur! New, Plain ami Fancy STATIONERY. AKe, Velvet and Eustlakc PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AM) STATIONERY STOKE, Ne. 42 Wi:ST KING STRICT. erj-.ciAL notice! ' AECHEKT! A FINE LINE OF ARCHERY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, AN1 FOR SALE AT THE HOOK STORE OF JOM BABE'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, 1'A. gkecektes. w HOLKSALK AM) KKTA1L. LEVANT FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. d!7-lyd TABLE SUPPLIES ! CANNED FRUITs, viz.: Peaches Pears, Pine Apples. Cherries, CalilerniaGieen Cages, Egg Plums, Nectarines, &e. CANNED VKGETARLES, vi.: Tomatoes Cern, Green Peas, Xc CANNED FISH, viz : Sardines, Fresh Sab men, Fresh Lebster, &c. CONDENSED MILK. Eagle Brand. CROSS & P.L A CK WELL'S Pickles ami Sauces, COX Es Gelatine, MARGE FlL'SCel cbralcd Rrand Macaioni, Latest Imporiatieu. RAKER'S Rreaktast Cocea and Ne. 1 Prem iuni Cliocelates. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, viz: Raisins, Prunes, Figs, l'runelles, Evaporated Peaches, Apples, Cranberries, &c. MISCELLANEOUS. Tapioca, Farina, Cern Pturcli, Heminy, l'easand Beans, Uarley, Rice Fleur, Raking'Pew dcrs, &c., at D. S. BUESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STKEET. CAKl'ETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Sleck et all kinds et" CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as sSl.OO anil upwards. Carpels made te order at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. 5-Give us a trial. 202 WEST KING STKEET. llOBES, BLANKETS, &V. s IGN OF TI1K BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! 1 have new en hand the Laimjkst, Rest and Cukai-est Assortment of Lined and Unliucd HUFF ALU ROHES in the citv. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. OrKepalring neatly and promptly dene.-ia A..MILEY, MM North Queen St., Lancaster. e25-lydMW4S CLOTJILSG. m mm H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having lift returned from the Nw Yerk Woolen .Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one et the Rest Selected Stocks et WOOLENS FOR TUB- Ever lireiight te this city. Nene but the very bestel ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. Prices a low as the lowest, and all goods warranted as leprescnt ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons an linuieiisu Stock of My-Iaie doing, of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest ami Most STYUSI DESIGNS. Come and see our NEW GOODS TOI E which is larger and composed et the best styles te be teund in thu city. B. B. Hosteller & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. iMyd LANCASTER.PA WALL I'Al'EJIS, Ac. "TTTK AKK ItETTEK 1IIK1AKKI TO T Meet the wants of the people than any season heretoleie. Our line ia larger than usual, and iu PAPER HANGINGS we have the New Patterns ler the Spring In an endless line te select lrem. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Cerner and Rand, six and seven feet in length. Plain Goods by the yard in all colors and widths. Paper Curtains te thu trade at Factory Prices. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices, the Newest, Rest and Cheapest Cornice made. Easily alj listed te lit any Window up te live lectin width. Curtain Poles, 1J. 1J and 2 inches, in Ebony anil Polished Walnut, Rings, Rrackcts, and Fancy Ends Complete. PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. Orders taken ler any size at Lew Prices. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. ichlO-lyd&w C1I1XA AX1 OZASSIt'AJUi. "1111NA I1ALL. A new line of DECORATED OHLNA, MAJOLICA WARE, FANCY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. IW DON'T FAIL TO SEE TIIEJfWi HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. MAIUSLU n'OXKH. WM. P. FRAIIjEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE "WORKS 758 Nerm ueeii Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &e. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en n every particular. N. R. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. niSOl TRY LOCUEU'S RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP. Sirii Lancaster fntdligcnccr. THUESDAY EVKNING, MAT 6, 1880. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. MAY MEETING OP CITY FATHERS. The New Councils IJesleged by an Army of Petitioner for Street Werk Treasurer Welchaim' Iteud Approved His Ac counts te beAudited Chief Deicli ler's Continuation Still Hang ing Fire The General Ap propriating Ordinance Proposed 815,000 Lean te Pay All Street Uifls. AGRICULTURAL TOPICS. The "(iermnntnwu Telegraph's " Advice te Stock-Raisers and Timely Hints te Gardeners. .May Meeting of City Councils. The May meeting of select ami common councils was held last evening. Select Council. The following named members were present : Messrs. Bering, Decrr, Eberly, Frank lin, Judith, Shenk, Zeehcr and Evans, president. The following was presented and refer red te the street committee, with power te act. common council concurring : Telephone Exchange. Petition of Clutc & Potts for perinis sien te erect poles and string wires in streets and alleys for the purpose of cstab lishin a telephone exchange. City Finances. The monthly report of the city treasurer and receiver of taxes was read, from which it appeared that the receipts for the month of April were $3,427.71 ; the payments, $10,194.62, and the balance iu the treasury May 1, $4,429.92. The monthly report of the finance com mittee was read. It announced that a resolution was passed iu committee that no bills shall be approved except at meet ings of the committee ; also, that the com mittee had audited the city treasurer's books up te the 1st of April, 18S0. Treasurer's ISeud. The bend of Edward Welchans, city treasurer-elect, was presented ami approv ed. It is executed in the sum of $.)0,000, with David Shultz, Henry A. Shultz, W. L. Peipcr, David M. Mayer and Jacob Ott hafer as sureties. Petitions Fer Street Werk. The following petitions were presented, and under the rules referred te the street committee te report : Fer a gutter en the south side of "West Orange street, between Pine street and Marietta avenue. Fer a crossing at the corner of High and Filbert streets. Fer the grading of Xerth Lime street, between James and New streets. Fer a gutter en the west side of Xew Helland turnpike, from the cemetery te the Park house. Fer macadamizing Lemen street from the Pennsylvania railroad te North Queen street, and for the laying of new cross ings. Wants te be Reimbursed. A petition te reimburse D. K. Hurkhold Hurkheld er for expenses incurred in the erection of a fountain en Ann street near Chestnut, was referred te the finance committee with instructions te report. Common council concurred. Resolutions. A resolution in favor of having final ac tion taken by the court relative te opening sttects in the southwestern section of the city, was read and refened te the street committee te report. A resolution authorizing the street com mittee te purchase a street roller was read and referred te the street committee te re port. Mr. Franklin offered the following reso lution : Jkselccd, by select and common coun cils : That the linance committee, en com pletion of water rent duplicate, shall give the same te the city treasurer aud take his receipt for the amount of each duplicate and charge him with said amounts in a book they are hereby required te keep for that purpose ; and en settlement of treas urer's account he shall receive ciedit for cash received, errors and exonerations allowed by committee, and amounts placed in the hands of collectors as required by law ; said cash, errors, exonerations and liens te be entered in said book, itemized, se as te show in detail the settlement. The resolution was adopted and com mon council concurred. Mr. Franlclin offered the following reso lution : lieselccd. That the finance committee, in connection with the presidents of each branch of council, is hereby instructed te make a thorough examination of the ac counts of the city treasurer and receiver of taxes, and of the funds in the treasury and report te councils at their next meet ing. The resolution was adopted, and common council concurred. Chief of Police Mr. Bering ell'ercd te present a minority report from the committee en executive appointments relative te the confirmation of the chief of police. The president ruled that a minority re port could net be received until a majority report had been presented. He asked whether the majority of the committee were ready te report. Messrs. Eberly and Zeehcr said they were net. They had summoned witnesses te testify iu regard te certain allegations made against the chief, but the witnesses failed te appear and the committee wanted te knew whether there was no way of compelling them te de se. Without tak ing any further action the matter was postponed. Au invitation te councils from the com mittee of the Grand Army of the Repub lic te participate in the ceremony of decor ating the soldiers' graves en the 29th of May was read, aud en motion the invita tion was accepted. Common council con curred. Tlie Annual Appropriation. The following ordinance was presented and read : An Ordinance Appropriating the public meneyi of the City of Lancaster te the several department thcreej, for the fiscal year commencing en the 1st day of June, 1SS0. Section 1. Jle it ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Lancaster : That the sum of one hundred and twenty seven thousand seven hundred dollars he and the same Is especially appropriated te the sev eral objects herelnalter named for the liscal year commencing en the 1st day of June, ISsO. Sectiex 2. Te pay Interest en Leans, Including SinklngFund $ 42,250 00 Te pay principal en Leans, as re quired bylaw 11,500 00 Te pay State Tax en Leans 2.875 00 Tepay Repairs of Streets 7,000 00 Te pay ler macadamizing streets 3,000 00 Tepay for one square of Belgian bfecks , 2,500 00 Te pay arrcages et bills for labor en streets, net including contract work 5,000 00 Te pav Water Works general 7,500 00 Te pav for Laving Water Pipes 3,000 00 Te pay for Salaries 6,050 00 Te pay ler Police and Turnkey J,fX 00 Te pay Jbr Lighting the City 0,500 00 Te pay for Lamps and pests 750 00 Te pay for Fire Companies, 7 Steam ers at $400, 1 without Steamer $250. 3,050 00 Abatement for prompt pavment of City Tax 3,000 00 Abatement ter pxempt payment of Water Rents 1,400 00 Percentage ler Collection of Arrear ages et City Tax Soe 00 Contingencies S,205 00 The" ordinance was referred te the finance committee and after examination by said committee was refened back w'th a fa vorable recommendation. Adjourned. Common Council. The following named members were present : Messrs. Albert, Barnes, Bees, Berger, Brown, Cermcny, Cox, Davis, Franklin, Hartley, Hays, Ilershey, Jehnsen, Keeler, Lichty, McMulIen, Sing, Smeych, Snyder, Sprecher. Springer, Storm feltz, White, Yackly, Levergood, president. After the minutes had been read and approved the following Petitions for Streut Werk. were presented and leferred te the street committee : By Mr. Jehnsen : Fer gutters en Fulton street between Plum and Marshall. By Mr. Sfermfeltz : Fer the macada mizing of West Walnut street between Water and Mulberry. By Mr. Smeych : Fer the macadamizing of Strawberry street between Green and Woodward. By Mr. Ilershey : Fer a gutter en Orange street from Pine street te Marietta avenue. By Mr. Springer : Fer a gutter en Lime street between James and Xew. By Mr. Springer : Fer grading and gut tering of East Madisen alley. By Mr. Franklin : Fer the grading, gut tering and repairing of Grant street be tween Mary street and Marietta avenue. By Mr. McMulIen : Fer a crossing from Careline street ever Marietta avenue. By Mr. Sing : Fer the macadamizing of Concstega street, between Seuth Queen and Prince. By Mr. Snyder : Fer the repair of North Prince street, from James te a point where the Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike be gins. By Mr. Sprecher : Fer the removal of an old building at the corner of Ann and Marien streets that projects beyond the street line. By Mr. Hartley : Fer a gutter en West King street, between Maner and Mary streets. Let There be Light. Mr. Hartley piesentcd the petition of citizens of the Eighth ward for lamps en Maner street, from Leve Lane te the city limits, and Mr. White presented a similar petition en the part of citizeus of the Third and Seventh wards, who want the gloom of night dispelled by a gas or coal oil lamp en Jeffersen alley leading from East King te Church streets, both et which were referred te the lamp commit tee. Select council concurred. Street Werk Keaeminended. Mr. McMulIen presented the monthly report of the street committee, recom mending work te be done as fellows : Gutters 011 Chestnut street, between Ann and Sherman, and en Sherman street (east side) from Marien alley te Chestnut street. Grading and guttering Plum street, from the Pennsylvania railroad te the New Helland pike. Macadamizing of West Orange street, between Charlette and Mary, and between Mary and Pine, at an estimated cost of $1,300. Erection of a wall en the north bank of a run which liews into the gas run at or near the new gas works, in order te pro tect property abutting 011 said bank. The removal of a fence enclosing the let en the southwest corner of Strawberry and St. Jeseph streets for a distance of 200 feet along St. Jeseph, which is set out en the line of the gutter, enclosing for that distance the entire sidewalk and driv ing pedestrians out into the street. The committee reported adversely en the petitions for a gutter en the west side of Lew street, en the ground of theie being no present necessity for the work ; they also report that the square of Duke street, between Vine and German, a peti tion for the repair of which was presented aud refened last month, is in as geed condition as any square in the city, and the committee is at a less te knew hew it could be possibly made better than it is. Admittiug the desirability of the Belgian block paving en the two squares of North Queen street between Centre square and Chestnut street, and en West King be tween the square and Prince street, the committee declines te recommend the work until councils shall have provided the means for paying for the same. The property owners en the square of North Queen street between Centre square and Chestnut street have subscribed the sum designated by resolution of councils ($2 per lineal feet of their respective front ages), and the committee recommends that the work en that square be done as seen as the money tepay therefer shall have been provided. The recommendations of the committee were adopted. In select council the report was laid ever until next meeting. That $15,000 Lean Project Kesurrected. Mr. Hays introduced the following or dinance providing for the creation of a permanent lean of $15,000 te pay all bills contracted by the city for Belgian block pavements and ether street work up te June 1, 1880. An Ordinance Authorizing the issuing of a permanent loanfer the payment of all hills contracted by the city of Lancaster up te June 1, 11S0,fer the laying of Jielyian Bleck 1'avement, Macadamizing certain Streets in said City, and for Laber, Material and General Street Werk. Section 1. That from and after the pass age of this ordinance "ter a permanent lean for the payment of all bills contracted by the city of Lancaster up te Juue 1, 1830, for the lay ing or Belgian block pavement, macadamizing certain streets in said city, and for labor, ma terial and general street work," the mayor et the city et Lancaster lb hereby autherised and required te issue coupon bends or certificates of indebtedness of the citvjef Lancaster,in such forms as are new prescribed for the issuing of the same,in the um of littcen thousand dollars ($15,000); said bends te be in denominations et live hundred dollars ($500) and said certificates te be of denominations of one hundred dollars ($100) and multiples of one hundred dollars ($100), redeemable in lawful money of the United States at the pleasure of the city nfter five years and within thirty years alter their date, and bearing interest payable semi annu ally at th rate et five per cent, per annum; and said bends and certificates shall be exempt lrem the payment of tax and shall have set forth and expressed upon their face the above specified conditions. The coupons en said bends and interest en said certificates shall be made payable at the office of the Treasurer of the; city of Lancaster. Sec 2. That tlie mayor of the city is hereby authorized and empowered te sell and dispose of any of the bends aud certificates issued un der this ordinance at net less than their par value for lawful money, and te apply tlie pro ceeds thereofler the payment of bills contract ed for the laying of Belgian block pavement, macadamizing certain streets in the city el Lancaster, and for labor,materials and general street work, and for no ether purposes. Sec. 3. An annual tax et one-tenth et one mill en all property subject te taxation for city purposes is hereby levied te pay the prin cipal und iutcrestef theabeve lean, collectible and payable as ether city taxes. The ordinance was read and referred te the finance committee, who reported it back with a favorable recommendation, and the measure went ever until the next meeting. Change of Rule. Dr. Davis submitted a resolution that the rule requiring the messenger te notify members of the meetings of ceuueils shall be se amended that the clerk shall notify them by postal card. The resolution was adopted. Select ceuucil concurred. Putting out the Lamps. A resolution offered by Mr. McMulIen, providing ' that hereafter the police be relieved from the duty of extinguishing the lamps, and that the lamp committee be required te provide for this extinguish ment of the lamps in the same manner as they new de for lighting them," gave rise te a running debate participated in pre and con. by Messrs. Snyder, Sprecher, Cox, Keeler, Jehnsen, Smeych, Springer, Franklin, Davis, McMulIen, and ethers. Mr. Frankliu did net like the phraseology of the resolution and tried te get in a sub stitute, which was voted down, and Mr. McMullen's resolution adopted. In select council the matter was laid en the table. Adjourned. Music hath charms te seethe the savage. Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil hath charms te seethe a cough, cold, sere throet, diphtheria, rheuma tism, lame back. Arc. De you knew anything et it. it net it is time veit did. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 Neith Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 43 Bethaxv, Oxtakie. Gentheman, I feel it my duty te say a few words in icgard te the great benefit I have re ceived from the use et one of the wonders of the world, that is Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil. I was one of the greatest sutlerers ler about fif teen months with a disease of my ear similar te Ulcers, causing entire deatness. I tried everything that could be done through medi cal skill, but without relict. I continued using it, and in a short time, my ear was cured and hearing completely re-stored, I have used this wonderful healer success lullyincases of inflammation of the lungs, sere threat, coughs and colds, cuts and bruises, Ac.; iu tact, it is our lamily medicine. Yours truly, MRS. W. J. LANG, Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 11 .1HHT.LLJIS. LOUIS WE1IKK, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 150J NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. It. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-eased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &e. Agent ter the celebrated Pantascepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd N UNUSUALLY LAUGH FINE STOCK OE inn' nnrl flnnfn' s, Oi At no advance en Old Prices. E. F. BOWMAN, 10G EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. "jXMPlKf: HOOK AND LAHDEK CO. BADGES FOR SALE AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS 'DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIA.MON'DS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS An Experience Of Nearly Half a Century in DIAMOND DEALING Gives us Positive Assurance That We Can Suit Every Persen Who Wishes te Buy DIAMONDS. BAILEY, BANKS & BB1LE, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. apiOlydTu.Th&S JfUJlXlTUJtJi. WALTER A. HEINITSH irtSEirrs the New Glass Reller en INSULATOR ON ALL FURNITURE. TR1' THEM 15 East King Street. Over High & Martin's. rntr SPRING, 1880. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Gentlemen and Beys' Outfitters, OAK HALL, S. E. COITNER SIXTH AND MABKET STS., PHILADELPHIA. We respectfully announce the completion of the new stock of Men's and Beys1 Clothing for the Spring of 1880, which has net only the distinction of being the largest, but has cost u niore pains-taking care than any stock we have ever m.ule. We are net content unless each year finds us improving and progressing, and ISSi shows tlie result of e.xtraertiinary effort te excel. Te our long practical experience and commodious premises we add net only the advantage et showing our customers the very largest stock, but the system of business originated by MR. JOHN WANAMAKER gives our customers every advantage In making their purchases at OAK HALL, BECAUSE, 1st, The qualities and defects of goods are stated. 2d, One price and only one. 3d, A thorough guarantee given. 4th, Meney refunded if goods are returned. WAMIAOR & BE0WN. GKAND -AT NEW YORK STORE. 1MMENSE DISPLAY DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. A CHOICE VARIETV FOR SELECTION AT QUICK SELLING PRICES. New Spring Dress Goods, Summer Silks, New Spring Shawls, Shetland Shawls, New Spring Lawns, Chintzes, and Calicoes. New Spring Hosiery, summer Underwear, New Spring Gloves, Laces aud Embroideries, New Spring Styles iu Parasols and Sunshades. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. SPEING DRY GOODS - AT - HAGER & BROTHER'S, Ne. 25 1VEST KING STREET, LANCASTER. LADIES' DEESS GOODS! All the Novelties of the Season in the New Spring Similes. While Goods, Laces, Hosiery anil Gloves. GENTS' WEAR. GENTS' WEAR. Spring Cheviots, French. English and American Suitings, and Clothing in Large Assert meiit. Carpets, Linoleum and Oil Cleths, China and Cocea Mattings and Paper Hangings. A Large and Complete Stock iu all Departments, and at the Lewest Price. 3-Call and examine. HAGER & BROTHER. rOlt THE THE OPINION OP THE LADIES "WE HOPE HAS BEEN FULLY CON FIRMED BY WIDE SPREAD EXPERIENCE THAT HOUGHTON'S Cheap Mllinery & Trimming Stere Is the Cheapest and Rest Place In the city te buy Millinery Goods and Dress Trimmings, Ami we will receive daily New Goods and all the Latest Styles, and ladies will Hud the Largest Stock and Greatest Variety Ot Hats, Rounds, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Silks. Satins, Fringes, Kill and Lisle Thread Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Tiickings, l'ullings. Velvet Necktie, Ladies' White Tucked Skirts 50c. 75e and $1.00 each, and the Largest Stock of Fancy Dress Rul Rul tens in the city. We constantly keep thu Finest Line of ENGLISH BLACK CREPES, Only Ceurtauld's Rest Makes and at the Lewest Prices. Alse, Crepe Veils In all Sizes, Crepe Hats and Renuets constantly en hand and made te order by the best Milliners in the city, us we keep no ethers, nor no apprentices te botch your work, at M. A. HOUGHTON'S Cheap Millinery and Trimming Stere, 25 T. Queen St. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Hs, Jewelry ait Ami Tied WA. We etTer our patrons the benefit of our long experience In business, by which we are able te aid them in making the bestuseef theirmeney in any department orenr business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Heues. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. 3,First-Clasa Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S COKNER. AXTOKIfETS-AT-ZA W HENRY A. BILfcT Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Suites, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Stelnman it Henscl. GOODS. OPENING THE- :e:- OF NOVELTIES IN LAlilEH. JEWEIAtY, &e. Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. EEMOVALS. DK. S. . FOKE3IAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed lrem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince strect-te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. rnr-'l-.-Jiud