vwc- - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1880. In Town. J. II. Shumaker, general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania railroad, was in town te-day, making ar rangements for the excursion of the Em pire hook and ladder company te Chara bcrshurg en Wednesday next. Temmy Mack, -who has been traveling i ith a minstrel company, which was or ganized in Reading several weeks age for a tour through the coal regions, has re turned te this city, the troupe having closed the season after doing an excellent business. Hen. Galusha A. Giew is steppingatthe Stevens house ; as is also Cel. J. - A. M. Passmore, of Pottsville, Schuylkill county. E. B. Cobaugh, esq., of the Middletown paint works, was in town te-day. Justices Paxson and Mcrcur, of the state Mipreme court, were in Lancaster last even ing and were enteitained at the residence of IJ. Frank Lshleman, esq., whose wife, Judge Mercur's daughter, had a birthday paity, at which Hen. G. A. Grew was also a guest. A Fine Farm. One of the finest farms in Lancaster county is that presided ever by Mr. Geeigc AV. Graver, in Denegal township, and owned by United States Senater J. Don ald Cameren. There are between three bundled and four hundred acies of fine cultivated lands, divided off into fields of fiem 20 te 73 acies each, which pieduce the very best oops of coin, wheat, to bacco, etc. The coining crops leek fine, p.irticulaily the 8"S acres of wheat. Mr. Graver will plant upwaids of thiity acres of tobacco. He has new the finest beds of tobacco plants in the county. These plants will be ready for umj in about one week. The farm is stocked with the very best breeds. The forty-nine head of cittlc just new ready for the maiket are pci feet beauties, and it is a ical plcasuie te leek at them. They -would make gl.ul the he.ut of any Philadelphia or New Yeik butcher. Mr. Gravel is just the man for such a plantation, and what he don't knew-about fanning, stock raising and tobacco is net weith knowing. Columbia Ceuranl. Again ' Limbe. Yesteiday Ollicers Lent, and Titus, of this city, went te QuairyVilIc aimed with a letter for the ancst of Paul Quigley. About daik he was gobbled up at Rechm's National hotel in the village. He made a desperate attempt te get away fiem the eiliccis, and had neaily all the clothes tern fiem his back before he succumbed. The offense with which he is ch.ugcd is the l.u ccny of about 180 pounds of pig lead belonging te the city ; which it is alleged he stele fiem the resciveir gieunds some weeks age and tried te sell te a dealer in old metals. The lead was aftcrwaids found by some childien in a let en Neith Chris tian sheet abee James, where the thief had secicted it. Quigley was locked up for a healing, the time fei which has net yet been fixed. Death or :i Iterse-Dealer. Edwaul Maxwell, a well-known hoisr heisr hoisr dcalcref New Yeik city, died veiy sud denly at his home yesterday meining. He purchased a great many horses in this city and spent most of his time hcie. On Friday he was taken ill and his In ether came hcie fiem New Yeik and took him home. He gradually gicw worse and died ycstei day. He was a popular young man, and had many friends here. Large Catch of Miad. It is slid that ecr 2,000 shad were taken Jast night at the batteries below the Col umbia dam. A Marietta man is author ity for saying that tire shad weie caught abee the dam. but that a close examina tion of them levealed finger maiks en their sides, showing that they had been caught below the dam and thrown in the stream above. Lancaster Contractors in Virginia. Iliehard J. McGrann and Jehn J. Fit? patrick, of this city, have been an aided the contract for constituting 2." miles of railroad in the cinia. Jehn 15 Shenandoah valley, Yir- Reilly, Iliehard J. Mc- Wallace lieilly and Hugh Grann, .!! T. Fitzpatrick have left this city for the weik en which they have secuicil positions. Anniversary I'aradn. The Pioneer lire company, of Mai ietta, are actively engaged in making piepara piepara tiens for the giand parade with which they intend te eelt'brate the 40th anniversary of the company en the 21st inst. A laigc number of visiting firemen arc expected fiem Lancaster, Yeik, Dauphin and Lebanon counties. A Yeung Telegrapher. J. K. Taitley, aged 13 yeais, was a few days age put in charge of the Pennsylva nia raihead telegraph office at Dilleivillc. Though young in jcars he is quite a mas ter of the art, having taken a thorough com sc of instruction from his brother, G. M. Hartley, the efficient night operator at at the office in the depot, this city. Fight Last Might. Last evening about G o'clock a fight took place at the American hose house, en Chinch street, in which theie was a great deal mere noise than bleed, and the young men who took part in it will have an op portunity of telling what they knew about it bcfeic Aldciman Barr. riKK-ten Broken. Last evening between 0 and 7 o'clock Samuel liudy. one of the pi opricters of the Lcepaid hotel, and ex-Recorder Samuel Martin were driving along Neith Queen stieet, near Oiange in a phaeton when the wheel of the vehicle sti tick the stieet car track and the hind axle was broken in two. Contract Awarded. McDenell & Rete, awning makcis of thib city, have received the contract for putting up awnings en the Pittsburgh opera house en Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. There were several bidders but the Lancaster men were the lucky ones. The Werk of a Scoundrel. A few days age some one entci ed the yard of Jehn Franciscus and kicked his line hunting deg se badly that the animal died yesterday from his injuries. One of the old settlers of Teledo, Ohie, Mi. Win. llenzler. Druggist, sends the following communication, which we gladlv publish for the benefit of many sutreiers- Judging fiem my own experience, I must admit that the St. Jacob's Oil Is an excellent remedy for Bhcu matisni. Fer weeks I had net been able te step en my feet; but I used the St. Jacob's Oil, and all pain disappeared in a short time. There is no sweetness in a kiss, Unles J our teeth are just like pearls. Then would you share its trembling blK, Use SOZODONT at once, sweet gill-: Fer it alone gives te the mouth, White teeth and fragrance of the Seuth. myS-lwdced&w FacU "Werth Considering. Can anyone afford te deny themselves the advantages te be obtained by a membership In the Xcw Era life association. Se company ever furnished "insurance" at se low a rate. Example : Certificate Ne. 1, age 37, May 9, 1876, for $5,000 is still in force ; cost, tltt.GO $7.23 per thousand per year. Fer IJ04.S3 paid te the as sociation by members new deceased, the asseci atien have actually paid te their heirs $11,073., 50. Theie was a reduction of twenty-tlve per cent, in assessment Ne. 4 and thirty percent, in assessment Xe. 5. As is shown above,the larger the membership the lower the cost. The com pany has only liad live deaths In the last four years. The New Era association takes no spec ulative risks and insures no one ever CO jears of age. $15,000 new in force. ltd Keligleuti. The liev. .1. V. Etkert will preach en next Sunday, May 0, in Mount Eden chuich, Eden tow nship, in the morning at 10 o'clock, and in tint afternoon, at 2J o'clock in the new chuich ut Helten. Strasbuig tow nship. Havie secured ever half a million of Pine and Cypress Shingles beleie the advance in lumber, Iain piepared te sell cheap for cash. Cj press Shingles are considered supeiier te bhaved Tine feliingles. JOHN" BEIDLEK, Lumber Dealer, Wiightsille, 1'a. nprlS "tvvd 1'OLITICAI.. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. POIt SU1MIEME .Il'DOE. GKOUGK A.JEXK.S. roll AUDITOR HEN tit L. BOBKBT 1'. DhCHEItT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTV TICKET. FOK CONGRES-. .!. L. STE1XMLTZ. lOII IHSTItlCT ATTOUM.T. 15. F. MONTGOMERY. 1 OK SENATOR (1.1th DISTRICT.) .1. 15. DOUGLAS)5;. FOR ASSI VIItLY (2d DISTRICT.) s c. stevi:xex, s. 1 IIIBK. l'OR ASSLMI1IV (Id DISTRICT." AMOS niLLKU, l:. DAVIs UXDT, JACOII M. IIAEXLKX. KOUl'RISON INSVLCTORS IJAKTOX M. WINTER BEX.I. MILLEH. FOR VOOK DIIll CTOR8. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FR YXCISCBs. LANCASTER COUNTY APPOINTMENTS. Ill Ll'li VTL8TO NATIONAL CONVKNTIOV. P.. J. McGltAXX, W. U. HENSEL. (ALTLIlTVTFs.) E.S. II AM BRIGHT, (J. J. RHOADS 1 LI.CTOR. JAMES G. McSPAUUAX. STATB COMMUTE!' MEMIIUlS Gl.O. DILLER, M.S. MOORE. MVilhdniwn. AI'f.'GM.I. SOTMVKS. 1 rem the Old "Salamander" Drug Heuse. Chicago, 111., Jan. 12, 1SS0. Mtisri. II. II. Warner A Ce., Iluchcitcr, 2f. J'.. (i.ntli.mln: We tnist our order will i each j en in season te be promptly lllled. The de mand for jour cute Remedies, expcciall the Safe Kidnc and Lici Cuie.iscontinueus and inei easing, and our customers speak in the highest terms of their value. Several eases el cmes which hae tome under our obseiva ebseiva obseiva lien aie complete and ine-t icmaikahle. Veiy tmlv -venis. YA.N sCHAACK, STi:VEXs.)X .V, CO. iiil-2wiKVw MiHering Women. 'llieie is but vciy small propeition of the women el this nation th it de- net sutler lieui some et the diseases lei w hich Kidney-Weit is .ispecilic. When the bowels hae become co tie, headache teimcnts. Kidneys out et liv, ei pile- listiess, take a package, and its vvonder vvender lul Ionic and lcneT.iting peuci will cuiuvm and gie new hie. MVelvvd&w Likteu te This. The uubiiscd opinion et some et the most intelligent medii.il men in this cemitiy and Luiepe, suppeit the s itement that Kidncj W et t is thegicatest di-ievei jct.lei euiiug Knlney and livei tteubles, piles anil cousiipa ceusiipa cousiipa tien. It acts en both Kuluejs and bowels at the same time and thus clc.ui-c-. the whole sjsteni. iii3-lvvdA.vv Tij Lechei's Kcuevv ned Cough Sv i up. Dr. 1!rownies C. JtC. Cehdial has nevci been taken by nn one whom jeu could allei waids persuade le be without it. Tiy it, ami veu will be se delighted that jeu will have all join li lends using ll It is tei Coughs, colds, and all Doubles el that n.U me. Git it liem jour diuggist,er send dnectte the piopueter, l)i. Hi owning. 1117 Aich stieet, Philadelphia. Ti y Lechei's Ilcnew ned Cough Sj i up. "I gave the child a doe of Dr. Sellers' Cough Syiup, and it was all right in an heui." sold by di uggists at i cents per bottle. Tij Lechei's Kenevv ned Cough Sj nip. Timely Caution. Genuine Hep Bitteisare put up in squat e paneled, anibei-colered bottle-, with white label en one side piinted in black letters, and gieen hop cluster, and en the ether side vellew paper with led letteis; ieenue stamp ever theceik. This is the only lei in in which gen uine Hep Hitters aie put up, and the sole ugh te make, sell and use thein is granted te the Hep Hittcis Mannf.ictuiing Company of Ko Ke chestei, N. ., and Toiento, Out., by pit cuts, cepj light anil trade maik. All ethers put up in any ether waj or by any one else, claiming te be like it ei pietending te contain hops, by w hatevei names they may be called, aie bogus and unlit fei use, and only put up te sell and heat the people en the ci edit and pepulanty el Hep Itittcis. u2i2wdVw Statistics pie-ve that twenty-five percent, of the deaths in our larger cities aie caused by consumption, and when we leflect that this lei i lhle disease in its w erst stage w ill j leld te a bottle of Lechei's Renowned Cough Sjrup, shall we condemn the sullerers ler their negli gence, or pity them ter thuir igneiance.' Xe !t East King stieet. ''Dr. Lindsej's Illoed Seaichei' emed my son et erysipelas." Mrs. K. Smeltei, Lati mer, Pa. Try Lecher's Kenow ned Cough Sj i up. IhieMiiiTis. Threut Diseases often com mence w ith a Celd, Cough, or unusual exer tion of the i eice. These incipient sj stems aie aliased by the use of " Ilruwn's Jlrenehial Troches,''' which if neglected etleu lesiiltin a tliieiuc disease of the threat. in4-lwdTTh&s.jw Mothers! JUetlieis!! Mothers!!: An jeu disturbed at night and hieKcn el jour rest by a sick child sitileiing and crying with the ccciuuating pun of culling teeth? It se, go at once and getabettle of MRS. W1XS I.OW's bOOl HIN'G S RUP. Itw ill lclievc the peel little sullerer immediatelj ilepend upon it; theie is no mistake about it. 1 here is net a mother en eat th w he has e er used it, w he w ill net till jeu at once that it will legulate the bowels, and give lest te the methei, and lelief and health te the child, epeiating like magic. It is pel recti .v safe te use m all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the piescriptien et one el the eldest and best female phjsicians and muses in the United States. Sold every whole i cent a bottle. I17-lj iltwM, W&S Ti j- Lecher's Renew mil Cough Sj'i up. Vine Culture and Wine Making. Mr. Alfied hpeer, et Passaic, X. J., se long and la eniblj- knew n as the w me man et Xew Jeise.v. expects a linger yield of grapes this x ear than usual, and has lctluced the pi ice et his lem j ear old 1'eit seas te bilng it within the ittach el the poerei latnilies who need a pure and rich wine for medicinal puipe-es. All. fencei's mode el fermenting and keeping Ins wine differs tiein the usual methods. Tins is the lc.Lsen why it is se much supeiier in quaiitj : hut it icquiies four j ears' manage ment and change et temperatuie in elder te make such a pel tect tine wine as thisi,; the knowledge of changing te arieus tempcia t uies at diucicul times, ami at the light lime, is whcie he has the aiHantage et getting se ncn a wine without the use of liquor. Large quantities et bpeer's Peit Grape Wine hae been eidercd te Seuth America, and even te Londen and Pails. Physicians lecemmend it as supeiier te most European wines. It is dealt in largely by druggists. Daily Kxpresi. 'I his wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Sluj maker. ml-2w d&w DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS GIVLEE, BOWEKS & HTJKST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. SE W Alt WRTISESUiSTS. H. Z. Rhoads & Bra, Importers. Personal attention will be given te all orders left with us before May 19, by one of our firm in Europe. We solicit orders for Fine Watches, Chronographs, Repeaters and Herse Timers. Fer Rare Diamonds and ether Gems and Precious Stones. Fer Rich Parisian and Italian Jewelry. Fer Oil Paintings and Marble and Bronze Statuary- Fer Musical Bexes with Special Airs and Attachments, &c, &c. Our facilities and experience justify us in guaranteeing these orders te be filled te the satisfaction of our Patrons. Ne. 4 West Kinar Street, Lancaster. J. B. MARTIN & CO. DRESS We te-day open a Choice Line el Ore .itlns, Tiliiimings, Cashnieies, Ac. Xew s Lawns, Ginghams, Chintzes, &c. Cretonnes for Lambiciiuuis, Ftinges, Ciu-tain Poles and Kings, Window Cornices, Ac. Spring anil Summer Underwear and Hosiery. J. B. MARTIN & CO. DEATHS. KuiiirwAjr. May 4, l.ssO. in this city, llli.uu Fuhimuii. in the TJd i.u efhis age. The l elatives and fi lends of the tamilv aie respectfully invited te attend the funeral from his late residence. Xe. 22J Neith Muleeny sticet, en Friday atteinoeu at 3 o'clock In terment at ion's cemetery- m.V2td M'hlDLF. In this city. Mav 3d, Ismi. .lemur Fuliner, daughter et Jehn and Kate bpeidle, aged I j ear, .1 months and 2) days. Anether sweet tlewcr has w lthei ed, A gem liem the casket set liee ; A lamb in the told et the shepheid, Wlie said, "Let them come unto me." The relatives and fuends are lespectfully in Mtud te attend the funeral trem her patents' lcsidcncc. Xe. 7i Maner stieet, en Thuisday utternoenutS o'clock. Intel men t at Lancas ter cemetery. 2td xjiw am vj:kiisj:3ij:xts. L1 ME FOR SALE. 10,000 Bushels at : cents per Hushel. (ILO. K. KEED, Ticas. may.r JtdeawA-ltw Ml eni:y te lean ex mekiuaue. VT 15AUSMAX ft IIUUXS'S OFFICE. mS-tfcedlt 10 West Orange Stieet. EEV. JOIIX HUXTEK, THE CKLEltKA ted Iiish divine, et the city of Heading, Pa., w ill preach this (Wednesday) ev ening in Salem Church of Ged, and also babb.it li morn ing and evening next. Friday evening the elder vv ill preach at Antioch. ltd ESTATE OF MARY MULVAXY, LATE OF the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en Mlid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are lequested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will piesent them without delay ler settlement te the undesign ed, residing in the city et Lancaster. ;,JXO. A. COYLE, in.VCtdeaw Administrator. WANTED. Y TAMTED. EVERY1IODY TO ADVEU- tfec, fiee et charge, m the Intellieen- ckr, wne wants semeniing ioue. GIRL AYANTEn TO IJO (iBNKKAL Honseweik. Apply at 412 Seuth Oueen street. mJ-Jtdeed WORK WANTED IJY A MAX WHO has had 20 years experience in dnving and taking care of horses. Xet afraid et wei k. Geed leleience. Addiess "Diiver," this Ol lice. ltd RAUS! RAGS! RAGS! RAOS AYAXTED. Housekeepers take notice that we are paying :t cents a pound for MIXL1) HAGS. Cash paid as seen as deliveied le WM. IIEXXECKE, npr0-3md Xe. 235 West King Sti cet. EOIt SALE OK IIEN1. 1?OR RKXT. . One room, Xe. -13 Xerth Queen 'tieet, suitable ter photograph galleiy, leimeilj oc cupied by J. b. baurman. Apply te a5-ttd THOS. IJAUJlGAUDXEi:. BRICK FOR SALE. The undersigned aie new prepared te fm nish their customers and the public m gen eial with the best quality of Inick in the market either in large or small lets. 1 arils : East Chestnut stieet and Han ishurg pike in3-3td POXTZ ft 11 HO. I.OR RENT. . The second story el Eshleman ft Uath Uath ven's Hanking Heuse, at Centiebquaie, and also a loom en second steiy, opposite the Penn'a K. It. Depot, en Chestnut stieet. 15. F. EbllLEMAX. f23-2tdAStf Atternev-al Law MIS CEILAA'E O US. A XXUAL MEETING OF THE CORPORA TOR of the Heme for Friendless Chil dren for the city and county of Lancaster, Pa., w ill be held at the eflice of the feecictaiy. Xe. 1.J.I Xerth Queen stieet, en TUKsDAl, MAY 11. at 2 o'clock ). m., ler the purpose el elect ing lour Tiustecs and six Lady Managers. niJ-SUl CHAb. AI. HOWELL, Sec'y. S1 EALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING all the IJEEF necessary te supply the nris- eners in the Lancaster County Prison duiing the next three months irein tne acceptance et the bid, will be received at the office et W. F. Bej er, esq.. Prison bolieiter,Xo. 17 Xerth Duke street; until Monday, May 10, 1880, at 10 a. m. About one hundred pounds per day w ill be le quired, which must be delivered as needed. The right is reserved te reject any or all bids and te dissolve tne contract at any time the in terests of the Prison may, in the judgment et the Inspectors, se require. m4-3td DKY HOODS. DEESS GOODS ! ALL THE NOVELTIES -OF THE- SEASON NOW OPEN. 2-GITE US A CALL. GOODS. .s Goods in Silk and Weel piing Mjlcbet Novelties, bummer Sill.s, VIMrilfAU. 1880. 1880. RATHV0N& FISHER, PRACTICAL FASHIONABLE TAILORS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSLMERES, COATINGS, bUITINGS. VESTIXGS. PANTINGS, TROUSERIXGS, OVERCOATINGS, Made te Older for Men aniriJoysintheptevail aniriJeysintheptevail mg btyles. and satislactien guarautued. Alse, Rcady-Made Clothing ! AXl) ALL KINDS OF FURKISHIISTG GOODS At the Old Piice befeie the Advance, RATHV0N & FISHER'S Practical Tailoring Establishment, lOl XOllTII QUEEX STKEET. tnt-lmd HOUSE EUllNJSllISti OOOJiS. NOTICE! We have new in stock the largest as sortment of seasonable goods in our line, such as Water Coelers, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Baby Wagons, Dell Carriages, Velecipedes.Fly Brushes, Fly Screens, Fly Traps, Whitewash Brushes, Feather and Hemp Dusters, Dusting Brushes, Sweeping Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Garden Toels Jef all kinds, Bubber Garden Hese, Fleer and Table Oil Cleth, Tableware, Weed ware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iren Ware, and every article in the line of Housekeeping Hardware. These goods have mostly been bought before the great advance in prices and are being sold at a small advance en cost, at Flimi d Breneman's Great Heuse Furnishing and Steve Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. M V SIC AX. IAS Ui V31ESI S. -THE- L Without a doubt furnish the FIX EST IX' STKUMENTSin the Market Waieroems 30 Xerth Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ler Lancaster County for CU1CKEUIXU& SOX'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Iiistiuuicuts, Violins, Banjos, Band Instiu inents, Ac. always en hand. f lJ-lydbA ly w IN Miiiiry GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS JUAJtKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia. May 5. Fleur verv quiet : superfine ti 253 75; extra at 14 2584"75: Oiiie and Indiana liiuuly at $5 .06 00 ; Penn'a tainily $"G0?J5 87; bt. Leuis lamily 5 7"6 25 ; Minnesota family $"2.")QG 25; patent and high grides $( 50gS 00. Bye flour at $1 125 Cm nmeal Biandy wine unchanged. Wheat steadv en spot ; Xe. 2 Western Bed $1 27 ; Penn'alJed $1 27 ; Amber $1 271 28. Coin it i aily in local maiket ; steamer 5031c; ellew packet 5Jc:uiKcil5Ic. Oats steady; Xe. 1.4-c; Xe. 2,44c; Xe. 3, 12c;; Xe. 2 mixed J;tig3yc. Bye dull; Western and" Pa. 838.ic. Previsions quiet; mtss peik at $11 50; beet hams $17 50; India mess beet $18501'J ; bacon smoked shoulders 5i45'4c: salt 44c; smoked hams 10llc ; pickled hams Sfkjyie. Laid riuiet ; city kettle 7ic ; loose butchers Gc; pi line steam 7&if:. Butter slew el sale ; creamery extra 2;27c; Bratlleid county and Xew lerk extra 23s25c; Western lcseive extra at 222:lc; de geed te choice 1820c ; Bells dull ; Penn'a extra ltxS20e; Western leserve extra 1820c. Lggs quiet and steady; Penn'a llUc; Western lie. Cheese dull and easy ; Xcw Yeik factory 14 14K ; Western lull cieam. 13c; de ter geed, 12 lJc ; de hall-skims lOllc. Petroleum neglected; Beflned 7c M'hisky at$I 10. Seeds neglected; geed te piiine clevcrseed $G 50725; de timothy $3 00; de flaxseed $1 50. New lurk Market. Xew Yeuk. May 5. Fleur State and Western dull and puces in buyers' favor; su peiflne stale $4 O0Q)4 7 ; extra de $1 35 4 00; choice de $4 0"i5 20; lancy $5 250 00: leund hoop Ohie $5 105 75: choice de $3 b0(i 75 ; superflne western $4 00 4 7"; common te geed extra de$4 355 00; choice dodo $5 057 00; choice white wheat de $4 80j5 25; Southern quiet and unchanged; common te tail extra $- 255 te ; geed te choice de $5 057 00. Whe.it dull and puces without change; Xe. 2 Bed, May $1 2il 2S ; de June $1 24 123: de.lulv ill"). Coin quiet and unchanged : Mixed western spot, 50(f4"i2c : de lutiue 4748c. Oats a shade stiengei ; State 4J4'lc ; Western 424sc ; Xe. 1 ler May eSigiS ; de June 38c. Beet dull and prices unchanged. Perkhiinci ; new mess $1750. Laid quiet and linn; steam rendered $7'0. Whiskj dull; Western $t0bly. bpints of turpentine dull at 44Tic. WESfEEN MARKETS. Chicago Live bteck. Chicago, May 3 Hogs Beceipts, 20,000 head; shipment-, (!,"i0 head; maiket weaker and 5c lewei ; mied packing $i4 30; choice heavy $140150; quality gcnerallj geed; weather w. inner, and many ile.ul coming in ; light $1 10 4 40. Cattle Beicipt-, 3,000 head ; shipments, 2.R0O head: Light slcadj and him; Ceaisedull vvitli a veiv light demand ter expeits; Shipping $44 75; Butcheia' steady $.!a 70; blockers and Feeilei'sf 5l. bheeji Beceipts, 1,500 head : shipments, 900 head ; maiket steadv and all sold; Clipped $1 254 k,iyx ; Welled $5 37it 50. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago Fleur dull and nominal. Wheat in fair deiuand : Xe. 2 Chicago, $1 121 1-H ler cl-Ii and May ; $1 10 bid, June ; SI u3 for Jul ; UJi2c. ler August ; Xe. 3 de., yi08c ; reject ed, bOg&'Mc. Cem un-ettlcd but gcneially lewei ; 3i!c ler cash ; :J5,?.55J-tc ter June ; MA&H'H for July; rejected, .15c. Oats in goeil demand at lull puces: 2c fei cash : lJe ler June ; 28c ler J illy. Bye flrnier at "iQ!i:tc. Baili-y steady anil unchanged. Timetliv seed $2 202 25. i iax-eed ler sew mg $143. 1'eik in lair demand, but lower; $') bOta) 0-82 ler ca-h; $' 82' 87J let June; $10 bid ler July, Lard dull and low er at (! 77 (fjl 80 ler cash; $a bUGM b2 for June; $b 85 87 ter July. Bulk meats in lair demand, but lower ; shoulders, -4 15; sheit ribs, $i20 ; slieit clear, $0 55. Lggs at 88c. Wlusk steady and unchanged. At the close wheat easiei, but net quotably lower. Cern easiei, but net quotably lower. Oats easier at SfelerMay ; 20c lei "June; 27Jc ler July. Peik and laid easiei aiul2c lower. bteck Markets. Philahelphia, May 5 12.30 p. M. Stocks dull. Pennati'e (tiuid is-ue) 107 Philadelphia & Erie 14 Keading '' Peniisylvani i 52 Lehigh Valley. 51 United Ces. et X. J 100 Xeitiiern Pacilic 27 " Pieleri-ed fd Northern Central 3.1 Lehigh Navigation 3.i Nomstewn 102 Central Transposition Ce. 48Ji Pitts . Titusville & Bullale. 15 Little bchuylkill 55 New Your, Maj- 5. Stocks 11 tin. Meney 5fiG X. V. Cunti.il 128 Adams hxpi ess 112 Michigan Central s Michigan Southern 104t Illinois Central H)1J Cleveland & Pittsbiiigh....llt Chicago & Kecklbl.md lb') Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. UK Western Union Tel. Ce 105 Teledo & Wabash "7lA New Jersey Central 74 United States ISemls anil Sterling Exchange (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. XT. Cei. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, May 5. United States fi's, 18S1, (iegistered)..10(10i United States 5's, 1881, (icgi-tered)..1024(ix)llU United States 4's, 1801, (iegistered)107i4felOS United .States 4's, 1801, (coupons)... 10!4)100 United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .107k107K United Slates Cunency 0's 125 Sterling Exchange 4s54b8 1'T VIIA instus. A UT Xjl w cultli of Ky., and the fail est in the weild 20th Popular Monthly Drawing OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley'a Theatre, in the City of Leuis- Hie, en MONDAY, MAY 31st, 1880. Thcs Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature el INK), and sustained by all the ceiuts of Kentucky occur legularly en the lest day et every month (buuilajs excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens et tb btate. The management call attention te the granct opportunity pie-ented et obtaining, ler only $2, uny el "tne lollewingpnes l pne ? :ie,uui) 1 prize, 10,000 5,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 2,700 1,800 900 10 pi izes $1,000 each 20 prizes 500 each 100pii7cs, $100 each 200 prizes 50 each 600pnzes20each 1000 prizes lOeach 0 prizes MX) each, appioximatieu prizes I) prizes 200 each, " " 9 prizes 100 each, " " 1,0 prizes $112,400 Whole tickels,$2; holt tickets. $1; 27 tickets $30; 55 tickets $100. All applications ler cl ub rates should be made te the home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and Xew Yeik Herald anil mailed te all licket-helders. Bemit money by mail or cxpiess. Address B. M. Board Beard MAX. Couuei-Jeiirnal Building, Leu lsville, Ivy., or at e07 and 309 Broadway, Xew eik rtij-TuThAS&w XfOTICE TO COXTRACTORS. il Proposals w ill be opened MAY 10, 1880. at 7 p. m., ler the construction of a Dancing Platfeim and Music Stand en Sicily Island, in the Susquehanna river.oppesite Bestick's hotel. Tlie-e desiiiug te propose will at enceapply te the undersigniU lerplan and specifications. DB. S. T. DAVIS, Lancaster, Pa. Lancaster, Pa., May 10, 1880. ni4-2tdTu&Th THIRD EBITIOI. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1880. WEATHER INDICATION'S. "Washington, May 5. Fer th Middle Atlantic states and New England, falling barometer, southwest breaking te north east winds, partly cloudy and hazy weather with rain en the middle Atlantic coast. CANADA. Laborers Asking Protection. Quebec, May 5. The Union Canadi enne laborers applied te the mayor and the police yesterday for protection in case of being assaulted and were told that the whole of the police force and if necessary military protection also would be at their service. Railway Stock Seized. Most of the remaiuing stock of the Se vis and Kennebec railway was yesterday seized by a bailiff of the supreme court en an execution sued for by Mr. "Wyatt rep resenting the English bondholders. PRESIDEXT SCOTT'S SUCCESSOR. Mr. Geerge B. Roberts Placed at the Head of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Pihladelfha, May 5. At a special meeting of the beard of directors of the Pennsylvania railroad held te-day Geerge B. Roberts was elected a member of the beard of directors and president of the company, te take effect June 1, upon the retirement of Colonel Scott. A committee of live members of the beard was appoint ed te prepare aud submit at the next meet ing a revised organization for manage ment of the officers of the company. The positions vacated by the advancement of Vice President llebcits wcic net filled to day. JUMPED THE TRACK. Railroad Casualty in Petersburg, V.i. PErEiiSBUKG, Va., May 5. While pass ing Temple's crossing en the Richmond & Petersburg railroad this morning, a passenger coach attached te a freight train from Richmond, due here at 9:30, jumped the track and was completely wrecked. Six passengers were seated in the coach at the time, all of whom were moie or less injured. W. L. Yager, the conductor, had his back pain fully wrenched and Abraham Greensbaum, a traveling salesman, was severely biuiscd about the thigh and legs. The ether pas sengers received slight injuries. A HIGH HONOR. Freedom of the City of Dublin Conferred an American. Dubhs, May 3. Lord Mayer Gray in presenting the fiecdem of the city of Dub lin te Captain Petter yesteiday said it was an honor of which the corporation was jealous and that only three names had pre ceded that of Capt. Petter upon the burgess roll, namely, the late Dr. Isaac Butt, Mr. Gladstone and ex-Prcsidcnt Grant. The certificate of freedom was en closed in a casket of dogwood and oak, elaborately chased and adorned with Irish emblems. IRON WORKERS. Helding Out in Their Strike. Cexsett, May 5. The iron weikcrs here continue en strike. They denounce both the award of the arbitrateis and the sliding scale, but it is believed they will fellow the advice of the trades-union leaders who strongly condemn the course of the men. Weik has been lcsumcd at Stockton and. Dar lingten. 1XDIAX APPROPRIATION HILL. Agreement of tlie Committee of Conference. Washington, May 5. The committee of confidence en the Indian appropriation bill i cached an agiccment this afternoon. The principal matter in controversy was the Senate amendment providing for the continuance of the beard of Indian com missioners for whose expenses the Heuse made no piovisieu. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAPH. Bends for the Sinking Fund. Washington, May 5. The secretary of the treasury te-day authorized Assistant United States Treasurer Ilillheuse te pur chase thiec million dollars, of United States bends for the sinking fund. Failure of Cotten Manufacturers. Londen, Maich 5. Outram & Ce., cotton manufacturers, of Preston, Lan cashire, have suspended. Liabil ities 20, 000 te 25,000. Net Guilty. Keexe, 2f. II., May 5. This morning the jury in the Perter case brought in a verdict of net guilty against the prisoners? Dedge, Spencer and Lee. Pennsylvania Disgraced Xew Yerk Independent, Bcp. One of the most notorious of these coi cei coi ruptienists is Mr. William II. Kemblp, a bank president and president of a railroad company. He was a sort of Tweed in the Quaker city. When, before the legisla tive committee, he was questioned in le gard te the bribery clause in the constitu tion, and replied : " I knew that the con stitution has a let of stuff in it that none of you live up te,and I am no better than ether people," it was high time that the bribing villain and his associates in crime were brought te justice. He had practically as sumed that he was above law ; and when, by the advice of his counsel, he plead guilty, and thus acknowledged befeie the ceuit what under oath he had denied be be eoie the legislative committee, he did net expect any punishment ether than merely nominal, consisting in a small fine, which he could easily pay fiem his ample ex chequer. We aie seny te add that the court of pardons, with unseemly haste, held a spe cial session within four days after the sen tence, aud, after brief deliberation, decided te recommend the remission of the sen tence se far as imprisonment is concerned. The main ground of the recommendation is that the law of 1874 provides for simple im prisonment and says nothing about confine ment in the penitentiary. If Judge Pearson erred in the sentence, as we de net think he did, the proper remedy was te apply for a writ of habeas corpus te the supreme court ; and hence theie was no necessity for any action en the part of the court of pardons, certainly net until this remedy had been tried. It leeks as if it weie a foregone conclusion with this court and with Gov. Heyt that these convict prison ers should be suffered te escape the chief part of the penalty. At any rate, both are disgraced, and the state of Pennsylvania is disgraced. Public justice has been cheated and the moral sentiments off all right-thinking men outraged. The crime at whicli the penalty was aimed strikes a deadly blew at the very foundations of social order and public safety. These men ought, te have atoned for the crime by suffering the sen tence awarded by Judge Pearson. We re cord our earnest pretest against such a wanton abuse of the patterning power. The indecent haste with which the whole thing was done mere than suggests a vir tual conspiracy against the plain demands of justice. WHO STRUCK BILLT PATTERSOX? The Identity of the Assailed Party Fully Established. William Patterson was s very wealthy tradesman or merchant of Baltimore, in the state of Mayland. In the early days of Franklin county, Ga., he bought up a great many tracts of land in the county, and spent a geed portion of his time in looking after his interests there. He was said te be as strong as a bear and brave as a lien, but like all brave men he was a lever of peace, and, indeed, a geed pious man. Nevertheless, his wrath could be excited te a fish tin r pitch. On one occasion he attend ed a public gathering in the lower part of r rankliu county, at some district court ground. During the day two opposing bullies and their friends raised a row. and a ceneral tight was the consequence. At the beginning of the affray, aud before the fighting began, Billy Patterson ran into the crowd te persuade thorn net te fight, but te make peace and be friends. But his efforts for peace were unavailing, and while making them some of the crowd in the general melee struck Billy Pat terson a severe blew from behind. Billy at once became fighting mad. and cried out at the top of his voice, " Who struck Billy Patterson? " Xe one could or would tell him who was the guilty party. He then proposed te give any man $100 who would tell hiin "who struck Billy Patterson." Frem $100 he arose te $1,000, but net $1,000 would induce any man te tell him "who struck Billy Patterson." And years afterward, in his will, lie related the above facts, aud bequeathed $1,000 te be paid by his execu execu eors te the man who would tell " who struck Billy Patteisen." His will is re corded in the ordinary's office at Carues ville, Franklin county, Georgia, and any ene curious about the matter can. there find it and verify the pieceding statement. Chinese In Xew Yerk. The New Yerk correspondent of the Bullale Courier furnishes this infor mation : "The Chines" in New Yerk, where they become mere, and mere numerous very fast, are very like ourselves in ene respect they caie a great deal moie about money than about religion. One of the charges against the Chinese, by the way that they don't marry is net quite true. Seme of them de marry when they can get white wives. A Chinaman and a white girl went te the mayor's office the ether day and were made man and wife. A short time before another China man and a white woman, who appeared as his wife, were in the police court te settle a row about the name of their baby. The taste of the white girls who take washce-washee hus bands can hardly be commended, but the washce-washeemen don't cat e much about the taste, I suppose, se long as they get wives. There is already some talk about asking the Legislature te forbid this kind of miscegenation, but what it may amount te I cannot say. As yet there is no sign of a special demand for Chinese servants. Probablynet mere than fifty of tl e 2..100 Chinese in New Yerk are employed in this way. I understand that some who have tried Chinamen have been glad te get rid of them after a few weeks. There is no particular complaint, but a sort of general dissatisfaction." A lJoemlct in China Mugs. The Pittsburgh Pottery and Glnswntre Reporter says : Once in a while a demand rises suddenly for some odd aiticle or ether, and the stocks of it in dcaleis' hands arc exhausted and the peo pee peo ple have te wait their turn for being .scivcd, just as they have in a ciowd ciewd ed barber shop. The latest instance of this kind is the call for barber's china mugs. Eveiy man, old as wellas yeunr, appears te hac become possessed with a desiic te have a private mug at his barbci'- ; and thcicsult is a famine in these humble but useful vessels. A Pittsburgh decor ator infeims us that net a single mug is te be had in New Yeik city, and orders, which arc numerous will have te wait fresh invoices fiem abroad. This decorator has been compelled te suspend operations for several weeks and give his workmen a holiday en this account, much against his will. MEDICAL Brandy as a Medicine. The loUewlng article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Iteigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively uicd the Brandy referred te In ids regular practice. It is commended te the attention of thesu af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. ' BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant vvsts never intended a.s a beverage, but te be Uhcd as a medicine of great potency in the euro et some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pic scut te the laverable notice et invalids espe cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a spccitlc lemedy, which Is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, vv ith leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will 11 ml this simple medieiue, when used properly. A Sovereign Eemedy oral! their Ills and aches. Be it, lieever strictly understood that we prescribe and use hut one article, and Hint is KEIGART'S OLD BRANDT, Sold by our enterprising 3-eung friend, II. K SLAVJIAKKB. This Brandy lues steed the test for years, and has never failed, as lar as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the pielerence ever all ether Brandies, nematterwith hew ninnyjaw-brcaking French titles they aie branded. Oite-ieiirtli of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specillcs would sulllce le buy all the Brandy te cure wiysuch ca.se or eases. In proof el the curative powers et Reigart'8 Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one ciihe in particular we cite: A hard-working tanner had been aillicted with an exhaustiv e Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in tact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he ued McGrann's Beet Beer. He is a Sfcthedist, and then, as new, S reached at times, and in hit) discourses elten eclairued earnestly againstall kimlsef strong drink. When advised tot rv Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with asteiiNlniieut, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of Ids near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice, lie used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the lirst bottle giving him an appetite, ami hefeie the second was taken he was a t.euiid m.ui.w ith a stomach capable of digesting anything which lie chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie 1pm this medi cine he lias been of very little peeuni.uy liunc lit te the doctor. A 1'kactisine I'nvsn iaj.. H. E. SLAYMAKEH. AOKKT FOB Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMrOUTKIt AND DEALEU IX FIXE OLD BBAXDIES, SIIKBItlKS, FI'K- BlOIi OLD MADEIBA, (Imported in I :, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O KVEBV BUAND, SCOTCH ALE FOKTEK. BKOWX STOUT. Sfe. 29 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. l'A 4