-"V, T. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1880. . Lancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 1880. A DIsgalsed Blessing. These Snyder boys are excellent ma terial te point a moral and adorn a tale. Ne doubt they "were created for a -wise purpose, -which seems te be the secure ment of an adjudication of the proper relations of the different members of so ciety te one another; of judges te editors, of lawyers te clients who are the best workers in their wards, of policemen te criminals of that class, and editors te everybody. It ought te be easily ascer tained,but it seems te be formed with dif ficulty. The judge has but te decide the law, the lawyer te present his client's case, the policeman te arrest the crimi nal, and the editor te observe that these duties are fairly performed. The diffi culty comes in adjudicating as te the fairness. Public opinion decides it; and when the judge cheeses te defy public opinion, by means of the power in his hands, it can never be for long. Just new the Snyder boys are serving an ex cellent purpose in evolving public opin ion upon the very interesting questions which are at issue between the judges and editors, lawyers and policemen. It does net se much matter what the law is, as what it should be, since it is certain te be made what the public judgment decides that it ought te be. If it is right that policemen should arrest notorious offenders te have them released by parti san lawyers and commonwealth attor neys, because of their political services and through a prostitution of the ma chinery of justice, and if it is right that the court whose processes are thus used should net condemn the act and punish the offending lawyers, but should con demn and punish editors who commented upon the way in which justice was admin istered and who inquired whether politi cal prejudice guided its course, then the people will say se and the law will say se ; and if the public verdict is otherwise the law eventually will fellow it. Let us then regard these dear Snyder boys as benefactors, and bless them. We observe that our policemen are somewhat in doubt as te hew they should regard them ; and truly they have cause. The Snyder boys have been an especial thorn in their side. In view of the diffi cult conundrum presented te them in de ciding hew they should treat the Snyders, we feel like suggesting that our Lancas ter police ought te be a very bright set of boys and should be carefully educated, that their minds may be strengthened te an adequate discharge of their duties. A special school of instruction for police men might profitably be established in connection with our common school sys tem te which the strongest headed boys might be promoted. Fer obviously when men are sworn te arrest every violator of the law and are nevertheless forbidden by their superiors in the administration of justice te arrest the guilty when the guilty are " the best workers in the ward," and are charged, when they de arrest them, with being prompted by pe litical feeling, " the best workers " being promptly turned out te work against them at the next election such men need te be philosophers and wise men of the most approved pattern. An or dinary man in such a state of affairs would become bewildered as te his duty, as our policemen seem new te be. The chief keeps pretty cool, it seems, and, in view of the late demon stration against the law of the Snyder boys, proposes te consult the district at torney as te whether it would be worth while te arrest such approved political workers. "We sympathize with the chief in his dilemma. "We are in oneeurselves. "We are inclined te think that we would be justified in using strong expressions in reference te such an administration of justice as can leave the policemen in doubt as te whether he will be applauded or abused by his superiors for arresting undoubted criminals. "We forbear te use them" because of the interesting question pending in the supreme court as te hew far we may go in expressing our opinion of our judges; and for the further rea son that the English language is hardly rich enough te afford us an adequate ex pression of our sentiments en the sub ject. Seriens Charges Repeated. "We invite the Honorable Jehn B. Livingston, president judge of Lancaster county, and the Honorable David "W. Patterson, associate law judge of the same, te read the JVew Era of last even ing, a paper of their own political per suasion and published by a member of their bar. It charges that the " outrageous pro ceedings of Sunday, which shocked and terrified peaceable citizens in the vicinity of the 'ShenyPark,' are the natural fruits of the prostitution of the machin ery of justice through the agency of the district attorney's office, and the failure of the court te take cognizance of the dis graceful fact admitted by their own sworn testimony in the presence of the judges that the district attorney and his assistant, J. Hay Brown, act ually jostled each ether in the race te claim the gratitude of the criminals who had escaped through their official dere dere dere lictioneo use the mildest phrase admis sible in the case." It also republishes an editorial from the Philadelphia Times of November 3, 1879, endorsing it u as the clearest, most comprehensible summary of the events of which the disgraceful riot of Sunday law is only one of the natural outgrowths." That article, thus endorsed, says that in the Michael Snyder case there was a " manifest prostitution of justice te par tisan purpose" in Judge Livingston's court, clearly presented te his attention and te Judge Patterson's, by the undis puted testimony of a case in which one of them was a witness and the ether the sitting judge. It charges that Judge Patterson was "oblivious te the startling evidence given in his court, clearly proving the prostitution of justice te low political ends and by the officers of his own tri bunal" ; and further that if Judge Liv ingston failed te take cognizance of it as the New Era new says that he did " he must net complain if very many of the honest people of the county shall be slew te forget that politics can mock the law and that potential- criminals can defy the courts." The "honest people of the county" want te knew what their judges are go. ing te de about it. The Philadelphia Jierth American does net get any of the sheriff's advertis ing in Philadelphia, and explains it en the ground that it declined te " recog nize " the notorious Jehn L. Hill as the wire puller of the sheriff's office and the master mover of the puppets there. Nevertheless the Xerth American new confesses with mortification and shame that Hill is boss, and that it and the re spectable Republicans of Philadelphia were deceived when they elected Enech Tayler sheriff. They were '' deluded by his own false protestations and by the misrepresentations of ethers, into the le lief that they were electing te the office of sheriff one whose life of professed piety and official integrity placed him be yond the suspicion of lMjing made the tool and the catspaw of the very people against whom the public denunciation had been se strong as te force the with drawal from the ticket of the man who had notoriously succeeded in arranging that he was te secure the nomination." The supreme court in session at Harris burg yesterday rendered a decision, con firming the decision of the Philadelphia court, disbarring a lawyer by the name of Samuel Davics. "What his ofTence was we de net knew, or that it can have any bear ing en the Steinman and Hensel case, as a precedent, we cannot say. Examiner. But our contemporary could easily have ascertained that his offence was stealing his client's money, drunkenness, licentiousness, and nearly everything else that constitutes a degree of " moral obliquity," unfitting a man te be en trusted with the privileges and responsi bilities of a member of the bar. PERSONAL. Mr. Charles S. Pakxell has announced his intention te sit in parliament for Cerk. The aspect which Simex Cameren pre sents te the newspaper man is graphically described by the Herald of Bosten. " Te the interviewer, he is a tomb." Te ether visi tors the ex-secretary is courteous and hos pitable and likes te make them at home. A supper was given at the Grand hotel, Harrisburg, last night te Colonel A. C. Noyes, the retiring state treasurer. Hen. Jehn J. Pearson presided, with Judge Hendersen en his right. Toasts te the health of Cel. Noyes, State Treasurer Butler, Auditor General Schcll and Deputy Attorney General Lyman Gilbert were appropriately responded te by these gen tlemen. Judge Pearson entertained the company in his genial way, and the affair was altogether a very pleasant one. Six of Biugham Yeung's daughters have just been excommunicated from the Mermen church, the specifications against them being entering and prosecuting a suit falsely charging their father's execu execu eors and the authorities of the church with defrauding the heirs of the late President Yeung out of $1,000,000, and for causing the imprisonment in the penitentiary of the executers, and jeopardizing the liberty of Jehn Tayler, president of the church. The daughters, all of whom have husbands, arc understood te have courted excummu excummu nicatien, and some of them say that they are disgusted with Mormonism. All ex cept two are pelygamic children. MINOR TOPICS. New Yekk Sun : "The only two rea sons new left for nominating Grant are named Conkling and Cameren a weak foundation for a great party te stand upon. "When completed, the Jehns Hepkins hospital in Baltimore will be the finest and best endowed institution of the kind in the world. The grounds cover an area of 14 acres, and there will be 28 buildings in the inclesurc. Fer it and for a colored orphan asylum Mr. Hepkins left $4,000,000. Levees arc necessary te preserve Sacra mento from the danger of inundation. The city lies in the focus of precipitous water sheds, and the recent heavy rainfall pro duced great alarm. A plan is under dis cussion te extend the levees en a grand scale and make them serve the additional purpose of adorning the city by convert ing the crests into pleasure drives. "It is the health, net the eye-sight," says the Londen Spectator, "which parents with studious children should protect, though they should be most merciless in insisting en a sufficiency of light, and light which actually reaches the object of attention. Yeu may sit in a room full of light, but have all the while only twilight or even a deep shadow falling upon the work in hand. Light, full light, but light without glare, is the grand preservative of the eyes." The Examiner regards the alleged "kick" against Grant by the Philadelphia delegation as a "cock and bull story." The Examiner's editor, having long felt the Cameren cellar around his own neck and become se accustomed te its unyield iug pressure that he has lest all sense of its degradation, and in fact rather enjoys the sensation, cannot for the life of him understand why anyone should or would get rid of the ornament, no thinks that all this talk about a revolt comes from a few "gabby alternates " who have no put in the convention, and that when Pennsyl vania is called at Chicago it will respond with alacrity te the gentle pressure of the Itecluel chiet s little linger. 1 he commo dore is just about three-thirds right in his prediction. The Philadelphia Telegraph, Rep., re gards the chances of the Republicans re gaining control of the next Heuse of Re presentatives as as exceedingly slim, and says the Democrats have a fair show of holding their own and capturing besides net less than three congressmen in Ohie, two in Illinois, three in Indiana, two in Michigan, three in Pennsylvania, two in New Jersey, three in New Yerk, and one each in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine, with chances in a score of districts in ether states. Thus the Democratic majority of twenty-one in the present Heuse would be mere than doubled; in fact, it would be quite within the range of possibility for the Democrats and Greenbackers combined te obtain a two-thirds control. The editor of the Intelligencer hav- ing telegraphed te it from Harrisburg that Mr. Speer said such a contest as Mr. Gricr proposed te make against Teutz, Weidler and Hoever, in the state convention would be " infamous," Mr. Speer writes te the Columbia Herald : I never used the language quoted, and while I de net wish te be drawn into any controversy as te questions new settled by the convention, justice alike te you ana myself, prompt me te respond te your in quiry. Nevertheless, en the evening before the state convention assembled, Mr. Speer, in discussing with Mr. Hensel the cases of a proposed Fayette county contest, en the one side, and of the Upper Lancaster county contest en the ether side, did just exactly say : " All such contests are infa mous." L.ATEST NEWS BY MAIL. A fire at Palma Soriano, near Santiage dc Cuba, has destroyed 100 habitations, and many families arc in distress. The sale of the Greenbrier White Sul phur springs property te W. A. Stewart was yesterday confirmed by the court. The dwelling of Mr. Fulton, a farmer, was burned yesterday near Uxbridge, Out. Twe of his children perished in the Haines. Baseball : At Bosten Bosten 4 ; Provi dence, a. At Worcester Worcester, ; Trey, 3. At Albany National, a ; Al bany, 0. The New Yerk Assembly has voted in f.iver of biennial sessions of the Legisla ture and rejected a bill te establish a state beard of health. The last contest for telegraphic rights in the Seuth in the state courts was decided in Georgia en Tuesday in favor of the American Union. The supreme court of Georgia has re fused a new trial te Cox, the murderer of Alsten. He will go the penitentiary for life. There is no hope of his being par dened. The Leng Branch hotel at Alameda, Cal., was burned yesterday. The names were started by the use of coal oil te kindle a fire, and Mary Spaulding was burned te death. Frank Hart, in reply te Westen's reflec tions en the late walk for the O'Lcary belt, offers te wager $5,000 with Westen, that he (Hart) can repeat his performance of 503 miles, Hart will cover any deposit Westen may send te the Clipper. There is te be a mass meeting in the large hall of Cooper institute en Friday evening te express sympathy with Denis Kearney, of California and indignation at his imprisonment. Messrs. Leavitt, Ferd, Appleton, Jonas and ethers are its promo ters, Nine large ice houses, owned by Wettze Brethers, situated in the southwestern part of Cleveland, were destroyed by lire seen after midnight. It is supposed that the fire originated from sparks from can dles used by men who were getting out ice late last night. A fire at Woburn, Mass., destroyed Hen ry Yeung's machine shop and E. B. Park hurst's pattern shop. Less en building and the machinery, about $18,000 ; insur ance. 9,400. Alse a dwelling owned by the Five cent savings bank less, $800 and the house of the hook and ladder com pany less, $1,000 ; insured. At Pen Yan, N. Y., yesterday, Mrs. Geerge Woodruff killed her two children by drowning them in the cistern. When found, she was in the water herself up te her waist, with the infant of one year dead in her arms : the ether child was six years old. It is supposed she was insane from pecuniary troubles. The woman was saved, but the efforts te resuscitate the children prove unavailable. At West Point yesterday D. T. Ames, the expert in writing, testified that in his opinion the writer of specimen Ne. 23 was the writerjef the note of warning te AVhit taker, or else that the writing of Ne. 23 had been imitated. There is new talk of a commission of experts. A new expert, Mr. Southworth, was sworn in yesterday. There is a general expectation at West Point that there will seen be a sensational scene in this inquiry. Because rainier is Sick, Heading News, Dem. The case of Hensel and Steinman, the disbarred editors of the Lancaster Intel ligencer, has been postponed by the su preme court until 24th inst., owing te the illness of Attorney General Palmer. It is a curious commentary upon justice that the recommendation for Ihe pardon of Kcmble could receive all the desired attention at the hands of the attorney general, who was then already announced sick, while the Lancaster editors arc compelled te wait till a mere convenient season. Of course, if the attorney general is sick, he cannot be expected te leave his bed at Wilkesbarre and come te Harrisburg. It is only his apparent everwillingness te serve Kenible that gives his treatment of the Intelli gencer a suspicious leek. The Lancaster editors are entitled te an early hearing. Judge Patterson withheld his decision an unusually long time, and meanwhile their practice as lawyers must be conducted by ether friendly attorneys, which, te say the least, is net agreeable. This matter is one in which journalists and lawyers are alike interested, and while it is te be hoped the delay may net be prolonged unnecessarily, the counsel will have all this time te fairly weigh and fully consider the legal sinuosi sinuesi ties of the case and present it se clearly te the court that a decision will be given at an early day. FISHERMEN DKOWNKU. Sad Fate of a Party of Fishermen en the Columbia .River. A large fleet, numbering ever a score of beats, started out early yesterday morn ing te lay their nets in their usual fishing' ground, opposite Point Adams, at the mouth of the Columbia river, Oregon. The bar there, which is constantly shifting its position, makes the navagatien of the river difficult even in fine weather, but in times of sudden squalls it becomes especial ly dangerous. In returningup the river,seen after sunset, one of these squalls arose and twenty beats were driven helplessly e l the bar, where they were swamred. Every exertion was made by their mere fortunate companions te aid the drowning men, but in spite of all their efforts twelve of the number were drowned before their eyes. The shore was finally reached by the re maining beats of the fleet with the rescued men. The names of these who have per ished are net yet reported and the number of drowned, in addition te these stated, is as yet unknown. m Political Power Stronger than Justice. Philadelphia Times. " The best workers of the ward " seem te be multiplying misfortunes for both themselves and their friends in Lancaster. It seems te have become understood that political power is stronger than justice in that county, and the " boys " who take their inspiration from the Snyiers carried their usual Snuday lawless frolics te a riot en Sunday last. The chief of police speaks out very frankly en the subject, as the mayor did before the court in a recent libel case, and proposes te knew whether the law will be enforced without fear or favor before he incurs the cost of another Snyder arrest. m m On Monday nigbjb Mr. G. W. Loucks, of Yerk, met en the street a man riding one of Mr. Farquhar's horses and leading an- ether. Recesnizins: the horses Mr. Loucks stepped the thief and a struggle ensued. Mr. lkjucks received some injury nut se-1 cured the horses. The thief .escaped. JC1X3B BLACK. A Strem Southern Beem Fer Him. Memphis Appeal. The Philadelphia Timet, the leading Democratic paper of its state, has brought forward the name of Judge Jeremiah Sul livan Black as that of a possible Demo cratic candidate for the presidency. Ne member of the party is better entitled te that high honor. Ne man of nearly equal ability ever served a party se un selfishly, with se much determination after results or se successfully, and it would be difficult te call the name of one among the long list of illustrious Demo crats who served the country in the last quarter of a century who has se promptly responded in behalf of the people, certain ly no one who has done such work in beat ing down the enemies of the republic, of its peace and prosperity, of its integrity and the independence of the states that make it. His papers in criticism of the nefarious policies of the Republican party, and later of the third-term faction of that party, are a part of the written history of eur.time ; but thcse.cffective as we must be lieve them te have been, have been far sur passed by his services before the supreme court in arrest of the wave of Radical malice that threatened te crush the Seuth out of existence. He has always been the true, the earnest friend of the Union. In storm and sunshine he has made the constitution his political guide He opposed every enactment that did net square with it, and has boldly contended for the simple faith of the fathers. He is the greatest intellect of our party. As jurist and lawyer his abilities have long been confessed te be of the very highest order. This reputation rests upon a solid foundation. He ewes nothing te the clamor and fictitious claims of friends. A devoted student, a man of principle, thoroughly grounded in the fundamentals of his faith, lie speaks and is obeyed as an almost unerring oracle. If nominated, he can be elected. Ne man could arouse the Democratic party as he can. Full of sympathy with the present, he links us with the past. An administra tien under him would bring the country back te the days when strong men presid ed ever every department of the govern ment, and when the American name was respected both at home and abroad. The Appeal would gladly support him, and we believe the whole Seuth would eagerly pay, se far as making him president could, the debt it ewes him for de fense in her hour of need and for earnest efforts in her behalf in all the sad days of her trial and endurance, continued without interruption te these happier hours when the clouds are tinted with the glad hues of hope. True te our first selection for president, regarding Mr. Bayard with increasing esteem and respect, in default of his success, should the con vention select Judge Black we would re joice at an opportunity te serve one whose claim upon his party exceeds its ability te pay. ' The Republicans in Congress. New Tork Sun. The Republicans in Congress have made two conspicuous bluuders recently. Last June, after an angry and protracted controversy, the point in dispute upon the army bill, between the fraudulent presi dent and the Democratic majority in Congress, was adjusted by a sort of com promise, prohibiting "any portion of the army of the United States te be used as a police force te keep the peace at the polls at any election held within any state." Certainly that prevision is mild enough in itself, and only asserts a principle which has becen adopted in a much mere positive form in England for ever two hundred years. The presence of troops at or near the polls, or their interference in any way with elections, is repugnant te the sentiment of every American citi zen. Yet when this previs ion was renewed in the present army bill, the Republicans who had voted for it at the extra session turned around and denounced the proposi preposi tion as outrageous. Seme of them threat ened te veto, and ethers were led te declare that under their construction of the lan guage of the bill the prevision te exclude soldiers from the polls could net be exe cuted, or that means would be found te evade it. The Republican managers used the army te perpetrate the frauds in Louis iana, Flerida and Seuth Carolina in 1876, and afterward te consummate the iniquity at Washington. They intend te use the army again this fall, and Hayes will obey any orders the chiefs may give, no matter who may be nominated at Chicago, or what the language of the army bill may pre scribe. The Republicans in Congress have stultified themselves unnecessarily. The second blunder was in reference te the appointment of special deputy mar shals, who haye been openly used as elec tieneering agents, at great cost te the pub lic treasury. Hitherto they have been ap pointed by the marshals, and in large cities have generally been chosen from the worst portion of the community. The Democrats proposed te divide them politi cally, and te require geed moral character as a condition of appointment, and te con fer the power of appointment en the United States courts. The Republicans fought the preposition fiercely and were beaten. In both these cases the fight was renewed in the Heuse after the bills came back amended from the Senate. The Republi cans were net satisfied with one defeat in each instance, or with a single exposure of their felly. They were contending for party advantages, and sought te obtain them at any sacrifice. They failed, and by this factious resistance warned their ad versaries what may be expected in the elec toral contest a few months hence. STATE ITEMS. In Bradford Geerge W. Hutchisen, aged thirty-six, committed suicide by poison. He was despondent from financial difficulties. The Senate has cenfirmed the appoint ments of P. P. Smith, esq., of Honesdale, as supervisor of the census of the Fifth dis trict of Pennsylvania. This makes the fourth Democratic supervisor for Pennsyl vania and completes the list of supervisors for the state. Henry Reese, a young man from Phila delphia, was drowned in the Delaware. He was sailing in a sail beat with a com panion when it upset. Aid was sent by the shad fishermen, but before assistance could reach him he sank. Jacob Hill, 47 years old, of 1413 Cabet street, Philadelphia, found drowned in the Delaware at Allegheny avenue en 3Ienday, had been melancholy and had attempted te cut his threat. Before he left home the day of the drowning he took a piece of clethes-line. Annie Bergenstock, a pretty girl of AHentewn, is believed te have drowned herself in the Lehigh canal. She has been missing from home, and her hat aud shawl were found in the Lehigh canal. Te the shawl was pinned a note full of loving words for "dear Charlie," or Charles Die fenderfer, of Easten. Ferest fires are again raging with in creased vigor in the Blue mountains in the vicinity of Wind Gap. It is one of the most destructive fires in that section this year and is causing immense destruction of valuable lumber land. Hundreds of acres are already under flames. The light of the fires is plainly visible in Easten. A man supposed te be L. C. Barstow, and who belongs in Wilkesbarre, Luzerne county, committed suicide by sheeting himself through the head with a revolver in a field near Browning & Brethers' log wood mills, en. Cooper's creek, N. J., De ceased was apparently about 28 years of age, and had en his person a geld watch and chain, some small change, and a letter directed te him in a lady's handwriting? Intense excitement exists in the Lykens Valley coal region ever a terrible explosion of gas at the Short Mountain colliery, op erated by the Lykens Valley coal company, which resulted in the instant death of three men and the fatal injury of two ethers. The names of the men killed are : Geerge West, aged 38 years, who leaves a wife and six children'; Simen Kneilly, aged 30 years, who leaves a wife and three children; Michael Douglass, aired 40 years, who leaves a wife and two children. William Greer and Themas Carter, from New Yerk via Pittsburgh, struck Titus vills at a point above the race track. The enterprising pair had walked from Cerry, and they went into a barn net far from the track. Carter made an attempt te get a blanket under which the couple might have a sneeze. In this attempt he fell through a hole in the hay-mew and de scended about fifteen feet, striking en the wheels of a wagon which was stewed underneath, and breaking his legs se that he lied. Themas Fennel, foreman at the Richard son colliery, was shot by a concealed assas sin. The ball passed through the hip, making a painful though net necessarily fatal wound. Fennel's father was com pelled te flee from the coal region several weeks age en account of acting as a juror in the case of Munley, a Mellie Maguiie, convicted and hanged in 1877 for the mur der of Sanger, mine boss. This is the sec ond attempt en the life of young Fennel since his father's flight, and is supposed te be the work of revenge by Mellie Ma guires. PEACE AND HARMONY. Editorial Views of the Democratic State Convention. Columbia Herald, Dem. The ticket is the most popular at the tail, and we should net be surprised te see Cel. Dechert elected we can only hope for Jenks. Touching a Responsive Chord. Altoenu. Sun, Pcm. The undiluted and ringing utterances of the Democracy of Pennsylvania expressed in the admirable platform adopted at the recent state convention, thrills the Demo cratic heart throughout the union and brings back responsive echoes from every state. It is a prophecy of the victory cer tain te come in November and an earnest of what may be expected of the country at large. Ne Ofllca-Sceker Ner Log-Iteller. Pottsville Chronicle, Dem. It is the men who dance attendance en political conventions who, as a rule, re ceive the honors of their party, and as a class they are the least deserving of them. The idea of Judge Black joining the grand army of office-seekers, and leg-rolling and intriguing for the presidency is something se incongruous with his character that no one who knows him would entertain it for a moment. Jeremiah S. Black is one of the few men in this country who are above the presidency. A Geed Omen. Lebanon Advcrtisei, Dcin. When men like Franklin B. Gewcn. Jehn M. Hutchinson, Wm. A. Wallace, Samuel J. Randall, A. II. Dill, and ethers of like prominence and influence, atteudthe Dem ecratic state convention in the interest of peace and hatmany, and accomplish the object te the saticfactien of the entire party, the prospects for a grand victory in November are immensely increased. Ne matter who the nominee of the Cincinnati convention may be the partyinPennslyvania will enter the contest as one man, and doing se will be invincible. This state is by no means certain for the Republican candi date, and the country will see that by No vember it will be debatable ground, with the prospects greatly in favor of the Dem ocratic candidate. Intimidating Witnesses. In Wayne county, Ky., a man named Powell, who was the witness of a murder last fall, of Hutchinson by Phillips.has been begged and threatened by Phillips, in order te keep him from testifying. Powell re fused te leave the country or accept a bribe. On Thursday night a party of six or seven masked men attacked Powell's house and broke in the deer with a rail, when Powell struck thiee of them down with an axe. Mrs. Powell was shot in the arm. The maskers retreated but again re turned, when Powell shot and killed the leader, who proved te be Jehn Willsmith. The ethers ran off. Mrs. Powell pulled a handkerchief off the face of one of the men and says it was Phillips. E0CAL INTELLIGENCE. MOUNT JOV ITEMS. Frem Our Regular Correspondent, Miss Susan Shoekers, aged nineteen, eldest daughter of Samuel Shoekers, of this place, who died of pneumonia at her father's residence last Saturday, was buried at the Mount Jey cemetery yesterday afternoon. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church, and were con ducted by Revs. W. B. Browne and W. H. Aspril, the former preaching an impress ive sermon. When a parting leek was taken there was intense sorrowing and slowly and sadly a long precession followed the corpse te her last resting place. On Tuesday morning Mrs. Annie Mor Mer Mor eon, wife of Jehn Morten, of Maytown, died at her home in that village, aged about forty years. She will be interred en Thursday morning. A vicious horse took held of the left arm of Geerge Frey, shoemaker, of this place, en last Monday, and bit it severely. Fer a while Geerge was in a dangerous and awkward position, and the mere he hit the brute the firmer was the arm held. Mr. Witmercame te his rescue which was made only after the animal had received a severe drubbing. Benjamin Hostetter, of Mount Jey, is repairing his grist mill in Raphe town ship. On the farm of Benjamin D. Hershcy, east of town, where the storm did se much damage some two weeks age, a large to bacco shed will be erected. Rev. M. P. Deyle, pastor of the U. B. church, is booked for a lecture te be de livered at the Lebanon Valley college, Ann ville, en June 7. . Last night Rev. S. H. C. Smith, of the First M. E. church, delivered an interest ing lecture en ' A Yeung Man in Search of a Wife," in the M. E church at this place. Leaky Water Mains. On Monday night the packing of one of the joints of the 24-inch water main lead ing from the city water works te the res ervoir, was blown out en the hill near the almshouse, and last night two mere joints were blown out, compelling a suspension of pumping through the large main from 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon until mid night last night, at which time the main had been repaired. During the continu ance of the break in the large main water was pumped by the small Worthington pump through the 12-inch main, and se well did it de its work that a very censid erable gain was made in the height of the water in the reservoir. WHY THIS FIRE mtl.F-S HANG. Burning of a Belldinc en Cherry Alley The Children's Heme Damaged by Fir. This morning shortly after 2 o'clock fire was discovered in a new brick building sit uated en Cherry alley, between Chestnut and Walnut streets, owned by A. W. Rns sel. A portion of the building, which is as large as a geed sized tobacco warehouse was occupied by Lewis Sylvester as a te bacce resweating establishment, and in part of it Miller Fraim had a lock manu factory. When the fire was first discov ered it was in the garret and was very small. Fer this reason it could net be seen for any great distance and the firemen were slew in going te it. After it had burn ed for about 15 minutes the flames shot through the reef and they could be secu all ever the city. When the fire compa nies arrived they went te work quickly and for mere than half an hour streams of water were thrown upon the fire which was finally extinguished. The reef was en tirely consumed as was the fleer between the garret and the second story. A large let of new cigar moulds which were owned by Mr. Sylvester ware stored en the garret, and were almost all burned. On the second fleer there was a let of tobacco in cases and it was thoroughly soaked. The machinery used in resweating process was also damaged by water &c. Mr. Fraim had a large stock of locks, iron &c, en hand and these together with the machinery have suffered largely from the water as they have all rusted. The building, which was but recently erected, was insured for $800. Mr. Sylves ter had an insurance of $1000 en the tobacco, and he estimates his less at between $500 and $1)00. There was no insurance en the cigar moulds, which were valued at $500. The machinery had an insurance of $200. Mr. Fraim had an insurance of $2,300 en his stock, machinery, &c, and the less will probably be from one-third te one-half of that amount. Ne one knows hew the fire originated, but it is likely that it was set en fire. The building was all right in the even ing, and when the watchman passed it shortly befeie 2 o'clock he saw no signs of fire. Evidently the building was fired in the garret among the cigar moulds. Although fire is used in the re-sweating establishment, there was none in the part of the building where the fire is known te have started. This seems te be a rather unfortunate location for a building as it has been but about six months since a tobacco ware house en the same spot was burned. Gives Rise te a Slander Suit. Lewis Sylvester, one of the sufferers, this morning, by his counsel, brought an ac tion in the court of common pleas against Wm. H. Pennock and W. W. Shallus, workmen in Fraim's lock works. He charges in his affidavit that they falsely, maliciously and slanderously accused him of feloniously setting fire te his building, saying that " he ( meaning Sylvester) has set fire te his own building, and we can prove it." The defendants were admitted te bail, in their own recognizance, by Judge Patterson Messrs. Shallus and Pennock deny that they used this language. What they did say, according te their statement, was that Sylvester's oil set fire te it. He burns gasoline or some such oil in lamps used for sweating tobacco, and has several ban-els of it stored en the premises near the building. The warehouse or its con tents were en fire last Saturday and previ ously from these lamps, and some persons are of the opinion that the last disastrous conflagration may have accidentally arisen from the same causes, or that at least the incendiaries used some of this oil in start ing the fire. Mr. Sylvester says he left the place yes terday at 3 p. m., and the building was closed at C p. m. by a boy in his employ, who has the only key te it. The lamps used in sweating tobacco are kept in the cellar, three floors below the place where the fire broke out, and they were found just as they had been left last evening. The Children's Heme en Fire. This morning between one and two o'clock a fire occurred at the Children's Heme, in a frame building situated in the rear of the main building. It originated in the flooring, between the first and second fleer, which was burned through, and it then burned between the plastering and frame work until it reached the third fleer. The fire was discovered by one of the inmates who was awakened by hearing a large picture drop, the cord of which had been burned off. The man who is em ployed at the Heme, together with a num ber of the larger boys, then attempted te extinguish the fire, but were unable te de se, and the man then came te town for as sistance. He went te the American hose house, and finding the deer open, began te ring the bell. The members of the com pany were seen en hand and the engine was run out te the Heme when the fire was extinguished just as it reached the deer leading te the main building. The house was considerably damaged by fire, but the less has net been estimated. It was insured. The fire is supposed te have been caused by the igniting of matches which mice had carried between the plastering and the beards. An Alarm System Wanted. It was clearly shown last night by the lateness of the firemen in reaching these fires that they stand in need of some means by which they can be made aware of the location of a fire before it has gain ed headway. The damage by neither fire would have been se great had the firemen been able te learn of their progress before they did, and this experience furnishes a very geed argument for a fire alarm tele graph such as it is proposed te have erect ed in this city. Ascension Day. Te-morrow, being the religious festival of Ascension Day, will be observed by the churches of the city. There will be no exercises in the public schools and many of the children will go Maying. St. Stephen's church, college campus, services at 10 a. m. Sermon by Rev. Thes. G. Apple, D. D. There will be a service of song and prayer, under the auspices of Rockland Undenominational Sunday school, in the public school building, East Orange street, between Plum and Ann streets, te-morrow evening, commencing at 7:45 o'clock. Stocking Streams with Bass. This morning County Solicitor Hugh R. Fulton left this city en the 10 o'clock train, taking with him about a hundred large black bass, which he will place in the streams in the lower part of the coun ty. The fish came from the state hatchery at James Duffy's park in Marietta. tirade of Pupils. The following is the pcrcentage of the boys' secondary school, Rockland street, for the month of April, 1880 : FIRST DIVISION. Menree Hirsh lOOgJames Stewart 57 Harry Xreager 99 Edwin Garvin 90 U Zelleru se S Gechnuur se Harry Gibsen 50 Harry Snyder. 41 Win Dinfcleberg 40 Walter llatenian.... 40 Edward Bursk 40 Albert Clay 40 Chas Ilellinger 40 Chas. Myers 40 Gee Leber 40 Ed Parker 40 J Sample 40 m..... Tim..,- An Wm Sell SO Lawrence Goes.. rretl Pyier Eddie sprecuer... Frank Seigler T Humphreyville Leicester Lensr ... Jehn Colie te, uee ureiner. '.'. l!ciM3McIjinhli"n" 40 l nesenstein Sherman Edirerlev. tinliTnrrv llmlnn -20 60 FranKiHerncii w jiauHiiicaiu ee'iiarrv Jicceuiser... a f. ..!.. ,. -!T . .. Henry Brown. Frank Sullivan le H Mercer Will Killinger.. .V liennlman 10 SECOND DIVISION'. James Garvin. .100 .100 . 91 . 85 . SO Frank Casper Sam'i Metzgar... Harry Wingert... Heward Snyder . Frank Sainton... Luther V 11 lee Alfred Faiildinir iiwrence Kulin.. Si Mm Waltz 35 Gee. E. Winger. 30 Herbert Gest.. 30 . 80 Edward Ehrisman. Harry Halbach G ee Yeajicr .. 60 as 24 17 13 Harry Lindcmuth t; iiarrv Jtriics Gee Keen Gee Best Walter Ilellinger. Frank Keitr. Gee Callahan Chas Peacock Chas Ewens Fred Uner 4Will Zecher Curtis Weise Jacob Husten 0.1 .50 Gee Kmitz . 44 Will Weiie Clias llitz Frank Spilllnger... Will Beitzcl Chas Kcidcl , . 44 . 4: 40 40 Emery Smith 35 THIKD DIVISION. E CLASS. .lOOiChurles Miller. Jehn Imiiiel Will Zellers Harry Sluiub , Cliaiies Shaetfcr... Flinn MrXeal Arthur Villee Peter Deltz , Jehn Landau Henry Goes 88 87 83 82 75 50 50 50 100 Jehn Villee. .100 Harry Burns Willi Hammend. Martin Bare . 9S . US 98 Harry Powell . UijHarry Killian . 9-' Leuis Uippcl . 9e Philip Schauta r CLASS. .100 Frank Ilunglifcfa.. .100 Charles WendiU.. Jehn Adams Kddie Keintricd Herbert Kne... Gee Byerly Walter Ce Wm WiNeu 80 80 SO 75 50 .loe, Harry Keller.. Jehn Shirley.. . 95 Lloyd Keller... Htirrv Kulin... Joint Hetter... Jehn Marks... 91 Frederick Ublunder 91 Jehn Martin :. Du rnmk Zeclier 9 Netice te Magistrates. At a meeting of the beard of prison in spectors en Monday the following pre amble and resolution were adopted : Whereas, The mayor and alderman of the city of Lancaster and certain justices of the peace of the county of Lancaster daily commit large numbers of vagrants, under the guise of drunken and diserdery erseiis, te the Lancaster county prison, instead of sending them te the workhouse te break stones for the county ; Resolved, That the prison solicitor be in structed te call the attention of said mag istrates te the charge delivered te the grand jury by his honor Judge Livingston, oil April IS), 1880, and te the subsequent re port of the grand jury after investigating this subject ; that the prison solicitor be further instructed te take such measuics as will in his judgment relieve the over crowded prison and secure the enforcement of the law as laid down by the court. In accordance with the above resolution the prison solicitor has sent the following notice te the mayor and aldermen of tin; city and the justices of the county : 17 North Duke Street, ) Lancaster, Pa., May 4, 1878. j Dem: Sin. In compliance with a resolu tion of the beard of prison inspectors passed yesterday, a copy of which I enclose you are respectfully requested te send all vagrants brought before you te the county workhouse instead of the prison. The law en this subject will be strictly enforced, and the commitment of vagrants under the names of drunken and disorder ly persons will be resisted en every in stance. Respectfully yours, W. F. Beyer, Prison Solicitor- "Dismissed Cases.' Seme of the magistrates object te the publication of the fees paid te them by the county for "dismissed cases." They say. with truth, that in a large number of cases reported and paid far as " dismissed," the defendants have been committed te the county jail or workhouse for periods rang ing from five te ninety days, and that such cases ought net te be classed as dismissed. The county commissioners, however, con sider all cases net returned te court, as " dismissed " by the magistrates hearing them, and the costs are accordingly paid by the county en presentation of the mag istrate's bill ; whereas the costs in court cases are liable te be paid by the prosecu tor, the defendant or the county, as a jury may determine. It is due te Mayer MacGonigle te say that all fees and costs received from the county by him are covered into the city treasury, ami net one cent of them gees te the benefit of the mayor. IN TttK SUPKEMK COURT. Lancaster County Cases Argued Yesterday. In the supreme court yesterday the fol lowing cases from Lancaster county weie argued, the counsel appearing as named below : Wiley's appeal. Lancaster. J. Hay Brown for appellant, W. Aug. Atlcc for appellee, II. M. North in reply. Bemberger vs. Nash & Brether. Lan caster. W. R. Wilsen for plaintiff in er ror. W. Aug. Atlee for defendant in error. Wall & Ursner vs. Staley. Lancaster. Geerge Nauman for plaintiff in error, W. Aug. Atlee for defendant in error. Borough of Columbia's appeal. Lancas ter. A. J. Kaufhnan for appellant, II. M. North for appellee, W. Aug. Atlee in re ply. Hanover Junction and Susquehanna railroad company vs. KaulTclt. Lancaster. Geerge Nauman for plaintiff in error, J. Hay Brown and II. M. North for defend ant. Same vs. Magee. Submitted en previ aus argument. lie is Thankful. The following touching letter is publish" ed in the Yerk Dispatch as a tribute from a grateful husband te detective skill : Mr. Editor : I came te Yerk the first part of last week in search of my wife, who cloned with a man by the name of D. T. Moere en the l'Jth of March. After search ing in vain for her I -was very much dis couraged, and called en Officer II. C. Ginter, of the Ninth ward, te assist me in the recovery of my truant wife. I left him at Ephrata en Thursday last, and this evening I received a dispatch from the officer stating that lie had secured both Moere and my wife at Pottsville, Schuylkill co., and would ar rive at Lancaster wiin mem iu-Mierruw evening, May tfd. I cannot give Officer Gintcreneugh credit for hunting this case for me. He is a credit te your town of Yerk. He also captured with them about 30 letters, which they had in their posses sion. These letters, discover the plot of elopement, and all parties who are accesso ries. The elopement had been planned for ever a vear. Yours respectfully. May 2il, 18S0. C. C. Sneadek. A Ninth IVard View or It. "Plate sin with geld and the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks. Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it." Referred te the pardon mill at Harrisburg. Ninth Ward. Correction. It was Jehn W. Greff, and net Levi W. Greff, who, having been divorced from his wife Lizzie, was ordered te pay her ex penses and attorney fees. r y