- ".&l LANCASTER DAILY IXfrELUGENCERfTtJESDAY MAY 4, 1880.1 Lancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY KVBNINQ MAT 4, 1880. ...,., - , . ... ...- -y MerniBg Stan In May. The feature of the month is the unusual number of planets doing duty as morning stars. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Xentune form the shinini? auintet that sing together as they wait the coming of the sun. it mortal cars are net tunea te hear the music of the morning stars, mor tal eyes will enjoy rare pictures en the ce lestial canvas during the mila Aiay meru-' ings. Venus, Saturn and Mercury rise within a few minutes of each ether en the 1st. The loveliest picture or the month is unrolled en the 7th, for the slender cres cent of the waning moon, only two days before her change, is then in close vicinity te the same shining trio. Throughout the winter Venus reigned alone as morning star, and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, far asunder, spanned the evening sky. New they are all morning stars, grouped near each ether and near the sun. And yet such is the variety and simplicity of the noble science of astronomy that an intelli gent child can comprehend the movements of the planets. m Hew Hareld Mixed Things. Little Hareld, five years old, became angry with his mother a day or two age. He told her he did net love her and wished she would go away. At last he said : "Mamma, I am going te kill a bull next fall, and I won't let you have a bit of dried beef or fresh meat or corned beef. I won't give you any of it." At night, when un dressing him, she said : " Hareld, de you think you did right getting se angry with mamma ? " He made no reply, but kneel ing by her side te say his little prayer, he began in a very hurried way : " New I lay mc down te sleep, I pray the Lord my soul te keep, and if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul te take. Mamma you can have the bull. Ged bless papa, mamma, Cliften and the baby. Fer Jesus' sake, Amen."' Getting up from his kness he added : " Mamma, you can have every bit el that dim. A lute implication of Electricity is an at tachment te street letter boxes, which sounds ihi ai.tim te the neai est police station, in case an attempt U made te rob the box. If you wish t apply an Eclectric application te a cough, oeld, en: threat, asthma, bronchitis, or ca tarrh, purchase a bottle of Lr. Themas' Kclec tricOil. and veu will find It money well in vested. Fer'salc by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pu- 37 Geed Evidence. When such men as the Rev. Dr. Kankin, Rev. I)r. Harvey, Prof. Green, Dr. Ilartinc, Cel. Jehn K. McChesney, E. W. Xcff, and a host of ethers equally trustwerthv, certify ever their own signatures te the marvelous ctlicacy of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in the diseases for which it isicconi isicceni inended, it Is time te dismiss doubts en the subject. ml-'-lwd&w . MEDIC AXi. PILES. Prey's Universal Pile Suppository. A sure cure for every form et this distressing, painful and often dangerous affliction. Has never failed even where every ether remedy had limed before. Physicians use It. Try It and be relieved and convinced. Price, Trial Bex, 60 cents. Sold by Druggists. ANDREW G. FREY, Proprietor. Cor. Orange and North Queen Streets, apr24-lyd Lancaster, Pa. S" ITOP! STOP! ASTEICH DUO'S ADVERTISEMENT. ? tvtnlnrr t. flmiw Cnrf. - TAltr tit ? Tl ! (Y Slop putting bitters, pills, liver inviiroruters. morphine, and all ether drugs anil quack med icines into your htemaeh, they kill instead et curing the body. This is my advice, after acting the physician for 31 years. If you'll ex amine the histories et nearly all medicine venders for the last SO Tears, you will tind the venders of these worthless compounds have all died prematurely. Where is Schenck, Swayne (father and son), Ilrandreth, Ayers. Wlsfiart, Jayne, Hebinsac, Mishler? All dead and buried as should be all such preparations. Fer 31 years 1 have cured all kinds et diseases when ethers tail, and I place my medicines Innt nnisnnal nn t Jim nntaiclr. of the lKxlV. JO the sick who have tried one or twenty doctors, .. a . Y..rn1il Itm. , Iwitn Tnriill wuneuianyaivmiuige. wuuiw m-s ."" -" and learn from bceres of such persons who have been cured in a few days or weeks, at an ex pense of irem $2 te $5. 16-Page Pamphlet tree, full of cures. Over 100 astonishing canes in two months. Jehn Geedman, rheumatism 19 years; Rev. J. Hunter, blind left eye tar 10 years, sight restered: Wilsen Hamilton, consnmi censnmi consnmi tien 10 years; Christian Rooty, paralysis brought te ellice in a carriage, can new walk anywhere; It. S. Kauflmnn, led in blind, can new see quite well ; Chas. It. Leenard catarrh and sere threat for yeais : Lewis Paiilick, ills for 20 years, cured In a week : II. McGurk, dys pepsia 10 years; I). X. Hughes, consumption and dyspepsia, gained 22 pounds. Catarrh cured forsecents. CKKFNK 236 Xerth Queen Street. inll-6mdTu,Th&S Messrs. Parker Laird, of Hillsdale, write : Our Sir. Laird having occasion te visit Scot land, and knowing the excellent qualities of Dr. Tliemas' Eclectric Oil, concluded te take some with him. The result you will nnd by the enclosed letter, whichspeaks feritselt. We may sav that in several instances it has elTect ed cures when ailments had been pronounced incurable by eminent practitioners." ST. SlAItOAItKT'8 HOPE, OllKNKY, SCOTLAND. Mussus. P auk Kit & Laikd: I am requested by several friends te order another parcel of Dr. Tlinimis' Eclectric Oil. The last let I trot Irem veu having been tested in several cases of I'lieiiiiiuti-ni. has given relief when doctor's medicines have tailed te have any effect. The. excellent qualities of this medicine should be made known, that the million of suffereis throughout the world may benefit by lis pro vidential discovery. Yenrs, etc., Gilbert Laird. Fer sale by H. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and rs North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 3i JEWELEItS. LOUIS 1VKIIKK, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159J NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta ch'sand Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS UlAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS An Experience Of Nearly Half a Century in DIAMOND DEALING Gives us Positive Assurance That "We Can Suit Every Persen Who "Wishes te Buy DIAMONDS. BAILEY, BAMS & BULE, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. aprO-lydTu.Th&S KIDNEY AND IZVEJt CUKE. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The greatest et Modern Medical Discoveries. A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE REMEDY in the world ler might's Disease, Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There are a large number of testi monials of the highest cliaracter In support et these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article in the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Blight's Disease by this remedy, and advises all his brother Shysiclans te use it in practice. R. Caulkins, I. D., of Rochester, X. Y., writes that he would pi-escribe the remedy te all afflicted with serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Her. J. E. Rankin, D. I), of Washington, D. C, tjeUs et permanent cures effected by it, and' says: "I de net doubt that it lias great virtue." " D. W. Bartine, M. D.,,D. D., of,East Orange, N. J., certifies that It cured him. or chronic Bright's Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Harvey, D. D., Secretary of Heward University, certifies ; "lam convinced that no remedy heretofore used or described can be held for one moment in comparison with this." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds ; Fer the cure et Diabetes call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Bright's and the ether diseases call for War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters,' Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. ' Send for pamphlet and testi monials. U. H. WARNER A CO., Rochester, N TV 1 d2-TuThSd&w rM THE SUFFERING UUMAMTV N. LEWIN, M. D., Ne. 247 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. DR. LEWIX, who has been a rcsidentef Lan caster but a tew months, is a graduate of the University of Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, in which period he has been acting as Regimental Physician in St. Petersburg, and attcrwards practiced in Berlin, Germany, with great success. We call tlie attention ei me suuumij; muire te the fact that he succc-stully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH,; and all chronic diseases. The severest cases et Chronic Catarrh cured In a short time. References anil testimonials Irem leraier patients can be seen at my ellice. Persons without means will only be asked payment ler medicines. Communications from a distance attended te by mail. mll-lyd&w HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS nep BIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP rJHHE PUREST AND BEST MED- HOP BIT X ICINE EVER MADE. Acorn- BIT ERS binatlen of Heps, Buehu, Man- ERS drake and Dandelion, with all the HOP best and most curative properties HOP JJIT efall ether Hitters makes the great- KIT KIIS est Bleed Purifier. Liver Regulator ERS and Life and Health Restoring HOP Agent en earth. Ne dic;ise or ill HOP BIT health can possibly long exist BIT ERS where Hep Bittern are used, se va- ERS ried and perfect are their opcra epcra HOP tiens. Thev give new life and HOP BIT vigor te the'aged and infirm. Te KIT ERS all whose employments cause ir- ERS reg ularitv of the bowels or uri uary HOP organs, or who require an Appe- HOP BIT iizer. Tonic and Mild Stimulant, BIT ERS Mop Bitters ureinvaluablewitheut ERS intoxicating. Ne matter what your HOP feelings or symptom", what the HOP BIT disease or ailment is, use Hep Bit- BIT ERS ters. Don't wait until j ou aresick, ERS but if you enlv feel bail or niiser IIOP able use the "Bitters at once. It HOP KIT may save your life. It has saved BIT ERS hundred. $.VK) will be paid for a ERS ca,-e they will net cure or help. De HOP net suffer nor let veur friends suf- HOP BIT ler, but ue and urge them te use BIT ERS Hep Hitters. Remember, Hep Bit- ERS ters is no vile, drugged, drunken HOP nostrum, but the Purest and Best HOP BIT Medicine everniade ; the"Invalid's BIT ERS Friend and Hepe." and no person ERS or family should be without them. HOP Get some this dav. Hep Cough HOP BIT Cure is the sweetest, safest and BIT ERS best. Ask children. One Hep Pad ERS ter Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is HOP superior te all ethers. Ask drug- HOP BIT gist. I). I. C. is an absolute and BIT ERS irrisistable cure for Drunkenness, ERS use of opium, tobacco and nareot nareet HOP ies. All sold by druggists. Hep HOP BIT Hitters Mtg. Ce., Rochester, X. . BIT ERS Send for circular. 3 oS-lyced&w ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS EL IIP BITTER. FOR SALE AT LOC1I- er's Drug Stere, 9 East King street. KIDNEY Ml! The LIVER, K-W K-W K-W K-W .K-W THE ONLY MEDICINE k-w That Acts at the Same Time en K-W K-W K-W The BOWELS, K.w And the KIDNEYS, k-w These great organs are the Xatural k-W Cleansers et the System. If they . . work well health -will be perfect: It iv"" they become clogged, dreadful dis-.. . eases are sure te fellow with Jv' " K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KW K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness. Headache. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Constipation and Piles, or KidncyCempIaints,Gravcl,Dlabctes, Sediment in the Urine, Milky or Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Pains and Aches, are developed because the bleed is poisoned with the hu mors that should have been ex pelled naturally. KIDNEY W011T K-W "'"' restore the natural action and jj-W all these destroying evils will be K-W banished neglect tliem and you will K-W live but te suiter. Thousands have K-W been cured. Try it and you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K-W 't and health will once mere gladden K-W your heart. K-W Why sutler longer from the ter-K-W ment et an aching heart? Why bear K-W hucIi distress Irem Constipation and K-W Piles? Why be se fearlul because K-W of Disordered Urine? Kidney Wert K-W will cure you. Tryapackageat once K-W and be satisfied. K-W It is a dry vegetable compound, K-W and one package makes six quarts K-W of medicine, ieur druggist has it, K-W or will get it for you. insist upon K-W having it. Price $1.00 K-W Wells, Richardson & Ce., Preps., K-W BUULlNOTOK, Vt. K.W (Will send pest paid.) jul5-lyd&w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNEY WOKT FOR SALE AT LOCH ers' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. jruxuriTUKE. WALTER A. HEINITSH INSERTS THH New Glass Reller ea INSULATOR OX ALL FURNITURE. TRY THEM 15 East King Street. Over High 4 Martin's. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL. . Estattrandt Personal Preperty.-rOrders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Blade Herse Hetel, 44 and 48 North Uueen street,' will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and ttended te without additional cost. e27-ly LANCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER T.A VPASTRR LAXCASTEItV LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTER PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS I'ARASOLS PARASOLS I'ARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS I'ARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS FRIXGES FRIXUES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRIXGES FRIXGES FRINGES FRIXGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES RIBBONS RIBBONS RIKBON& RIHHONS RIBBONS RIBBOXS RIBBONS RIBBOXS RIBBONS RIBBON'S RIBBONS RIBBOXS RIBBOXS RIBBOXS RIBBOXS RIBBOXS RIBBOXS RIBBONS RIBBOXS RIBBOXS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBOXS RIBBONS LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACKS LACES LACES LACES LACES r Astrich Bre's. Ne. 18 E. King Si NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES. (jraml Display JEWELRY. AKWLIKE Chlldren'sand Ladles' PARASOLS Souple Twilled Silk, Plain Handle, Pearl Inlaid Handle, Ivery and Hern Handle. Elegant Faiu sels Trimmed with lace and fringe, silk lined. Children's all Silk Parasols at (Mc. T.ndli' n.nil Children's Hats et every de serintien. Sim hats. Sailors, Turbans, Walk ing Hats. Sail ors at !!)( Il.it Shapes a;c. Fine Milan nuts, nne IE mill lliitj Frp.nr.h Flowers in every style. noses, Jtnus. Violets T)nii2 Sunflowers and" ethers. Tips inallcolers.flne Real Ostrich lMnmes !tt. 4'le Fine White Os trich Plumes at remarkablylew prices. Trimming- Silks, In all Celers, 75c I'er Yard Brocaded Hat Grenadine Satins, IN ALL COLORS. Black Silk and Jet Fringes at 25c. ner yard. ... . r - r.iegant i,ineei BlackSllk.Tane jei, aim cne nille Fringes. Colored Silk Fringes. Passe- me.li tries of rich designs. ORNAMENTS et the Newest Designs. NOTICE : A discount of zpercent.nllew. ed te drcssmuk ers. Ne. 4. all Silk. 5c per yd. Ne. ft, all Silk, Cc per yd. Ne. 7. all Silk, 7c per yd. Ne. 9, all Silk, 9c per yd. Ne. liall Silk. 12c per yd. Ne. 5, all Satin, 10c peryd. Vn 7 111! Cnlln 13c per yd. He.vni:sann, 17c per ycl. Xe. liall Satin. 19c peryd. JSMMMOJDJBMIMB, (P.- BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS I'ARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SATIXS SATINS SATIXS SATIXS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATIXS SATINS SATINS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS ORXAMEXTS ORXAMEXTS ORXAMEXTS ORXAMEXTS ORXAMEXTS ORXAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS ORXAMEXTS ORNAMEXTS GROS GROS GROS GROS GROS GROS GROS Torchon Laces Frem 3c. ner yard ; 25c per uezen yarus. Vallenciennes Laces By the Piece, Frem 10c apiece upward?. GRAIN GRAIN GRAIX GRAIN GRAIX GRAIX GRAIX SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED BROCADED LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LAXGUEDOC LANGUEDOC LAXGUEDOC BRETOXXE BRETOXXE BRETOXNE BRETONNE BRETOXXE BRETOXXE . BRETOXXE RUSSIAX RUSSIAN RUSSIAX RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN HAMBURG EDGINGS IN GREAT VARIETY, AT ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. 41.1 CALL AT THE NEW, STORE, ASTEICHBRO'S, 13 E. King Streee, Lancaster, Pa. HEW. GOODS FOR THE SPRLM TRADE, AT GUNDAKMR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Olores, Hosier, &e., call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Tails, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GhUIsrDA.KER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. TMAWZ.EKS' OUIItJS LAKOAHTKB AKD MIIXKJK8TIIXK K. K i Cars rua as fellows,: Leave Laaeateer (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, aa.i 11-JOa.mand 3, 4, 6 and 830 p. tn except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at at p. m Leave MUlersville (lower emd) at 8, 8, and a. M., and 1,3, Band 7p.m. Cars run dally en above tima ezeept ea Sun day. (COLUMBIA AMD PORT DEPOSIT F. R j Trains bow run regularly ea the Celuuiuia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statiehs Northward. CLOTULSii. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OP GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, etnbracinv all the new, beautiful and most stylish colors in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season. Men's Colored Balbriggan Hese, with embroidered silk clocks ; Scarlet and Blue Silk Hese ; Fanay Colored Half Hese ; Striped Cotten Half Hese and Merine Half Hese. Men's and Beys' Suspenders and Fine Braces, in all styles and colors. Men's and Beys' White Dress and Colored Shirts, Superior Cheviot Shirts, and Blue Flannel Neglige Shirts. Men's and Beys' Summer Underwear in Merine and India Gauze. Men's and Beys' Colored Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves, for Summer "Wear. Men's and Beys' Vulcanized Rubber Braces, and a large stock of fine Silk, French Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Men's and Beys' Latest Styles Fine Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs. MYERS & RATHFON, CENTRE HALL, Pert Deposit.... Peachbottem Kite's Eddy..... McCall's'Ferry. Shenk'a Ferry Safe Harber..... Columbia. '"" Stations Southward. Columbia. Safe I larber. Sheuk'a Ferry McCall's Ferry... Fite's Eddy. Pcaclibotteui Pert Deposit Express. Acton. A.M. T.M. 6:25 fc 7:12 3:43 7.-9B 4:00 7:37 4:17 7:54 4:41 7:58 4:49 8:30 5:36 Acceni. Express A.M. y.M. 10:40 : 11.28 fc 11:48 6-M T.M. 12:18 7:09 12:40 730 1:08 7:32 4:15 M READING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY. OCT. th, 1S79, passenger trains will run en this read as lol lel lol Iews: - Tbajhs Geisa Seuth. Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. DRY UOOVB. Gre te Grivler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 East King St., -FOK A- GOOD FITTING DRESS SUIT, Fer a GOOn FITTING BUSINESS SUIT, for aGOOD FITTING PAIR OF PANTALOONS, for a GOOD FIT TING LIGHT WEIGHT OVERCOAT. Every article of CLOTHING made and trimmed in the best possible man ner. Our assortment of PIECE GOODS includes all the Newest and Latest Styles of all the best makes of English, French and American Manufactures. GENTLEMEN We have an elegant line of Fancy Neckwear, White Dress Shirts, Fancy Hosiery, &c, all in full assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. GIVLEK, BOWEKS & HUEST, 2S East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. WAU J'AJ'EJtS, Jte. CZOTHUfO. WE ABE BETTER. PREPARED TO . Meet the wants of tliu people than any! season heretofore. Our line is larger than j usual, and in PAPER HANGINGS ! we have the New Patterns ler the Spring in an endless Hue te select Irem. WINDOW SHADES of every description, in Cerner and Band, six und seven feet in length. Plain Goods by the yard In all colors and widths. Paper Curtains te the trade at Factory Prices. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices the Newest, Best and Cheapest Cornice made. Easily adjusted te lit any window up te live feet in width. Curtain Poles, 1. 1 and 2 inches, in Ebony and Polished Walnut, King, Brackets, and Fancy Ends Complete. PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. Orders taken for any size at Lew Prices. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. teblO-lydftw A COMPLETE RENEWAL IX OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING. NEW GOODS BOITUHT FOB CASH MADE UP BEFORE THE ADTANCE AXD OFFER ED TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES FROM 25 te 30 per cent. LESS THAN PRESENT COST OF MANUFACTURE PREPARED BT A. C. YATES & CO. THE LRADINO AND POPULAR CLOTHIERS OF PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE 1880 SPRING AND SUMMER. 1880 MET DJCA WLffaa. AUTHORIZED BY THIS COHHON wcalth of Ky., and the fairest in the world 20th Popular Monthly Drawing OP THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Mucauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en MONDAY, MAY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et ISO, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of cverv month (Sundays excepted), and are supcrvfsed by prominent citizens el tb State. The management call attention te the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, for only $2, any of the follewing.prizcs i prize du,uuu 5.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 2,700 1,800 900 1 prize x prize 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 500 each 100 prizes, $100 each 200 prizes 50 each 000 prizes 20 each 1000 prizes 10 each 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes 200 each, " " 9 prizes 100 each, " " 1,960 prizes $112,400 Whole tickels, $2; half tickets, $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be made te the home ellice. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Remit money by mail or express. Address R. M. Bourd MAN. Courier-Journal Building, Leu isvllle, Ky., r at 307 and 309 Broadway, New Yerk. rf48-TuTh4S&w GENTS' GOODS. rpnE Nicosia, THE LATEST STYLE NECKTIE. AT . ERISMAN'S. FOR THH BEST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING CALL AT THE Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets. THE FINEST CLOTHING nOUSB IN AMERICA. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Jte. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IN Lancaster, Fa., AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling SiWer and Silver-riateil Ware, Ms, Jewelry ai Ami Mi Spectacles. W e offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only irem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. flFirst-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. LANCASTER, PA. CAMJtlAOES, EHAETOJfS. Jte S. E. BAILY. W. W. BAILY S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of and Dealers in w ILL YOU HAVE THB M. BRACE. OEWINO MACHINE NEEDLES, Fer any Machine, at E. J. ERISMAN'S, 56 NORTH gUEEIi 8TKEET. TINWARE, JtC- 1ALL ON SHERTZER, HUMPHREVILLE j A KIEFFERJ manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IUON WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SpcclalattenUengivcn te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 0East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. MEMOVAZS. DR.B.B. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON),' Me. SU West Klag street, Lancaster, Pa. 1 UXftSSBlU CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bin Camps, Plank, Met Wagons, &c. Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled te otter SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted one year. INSURANCE. EOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. rnn K OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All Invested In the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE ft KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King SU, Lancaster, Pa. MCnTfcSCMdK TRY LOCUER'S KISNuwNED COUGH SYRUP T ANCASTER BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrrearrK thx Locomotive Webks. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellews'Plpes, ,8heetlren Werk, and Blacksmlthing generally. ' T" Jobbing promptly attended te. augii-fyd JOHN BEST. HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOK SALE AT Lecher'a Drug Stere. 9 East King street. Reading,... ... ... Reinholds, Ephrata, J KA Oil ,..... Manheim, Lancaster Junction,. Landiavtlle, Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Haniish, West Willow, Baumgardner, Pequca, New Providence, Qnarryvllle, A.Jf. A. A 7:30 lias T.Tt. 8:01 1-234 8:18 li0 8r2t 12:45 8:43 1:0 9:02 1:13 9:05 1:40 9:18 1:30 9:45 1:55 9tit sea 9:33 06 9:45 .... vUie . Ufc05 .... UHM .... 10:17 .... lera .... l0-.it .... 10:42 .... 10:50 "". r.ic. r.n. 6:10 6:45 T.ui 7tf 7:23 7:36 7:45 7:50 8:20 8:08 8:10 8:20 8:34 8:42 8:47 8:55 91 9:12 9:19 925 5:00 5:10 5:30 5:39 9:45 5:53 IMJ2 6:15 6:2 ti:35 Qnarryvllle, New Providence, jReften,... ......... ...... .a ecjutfiLf ............ Bauuigardncr, West Willow, King Street, Lancuster, Dillerville, Columbia,.... Landisville, , Lancaster Junction,.. Manheim, Litiz Akren, Ephrata, , Relnheldsvillt!, Reading, A.M. r.M. T.X. 6:45 .... 2J5 62 .... 2.41 6:59 .... 48 7:11 .... 2dS 7:18 .... 3.-U5 7:26 .:.. 3U3 7:32 .... 3:18 7:41 .... 338 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 1:00 3:50 88 1.-U3 3:53 8:00 1:00 3:35 8:30 1:30 4.04 8:30 1:25 4:15 8:49 1:48 4:20 9:00 2.-00 4:30 9:16 2:18 4:47 933 235 4:53 9:42 2:46 5:14 1035 330 5:50 7:58 7:58 8:13 837 8:35 8:43 8:49 9:00 930 9:33 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrlsburg. Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with tniins te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg. Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON, Snpt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NKW SCHEDULE On and alter SUNDAY. APRIL 4th, 1880, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive anil leave the Lancaute und Philadelphia depots as follews: VABTWAsn Leave Arrive n-ASTWARP. Lanc'ter Philad'a Atlantic Express, 1235 a.m. 3:00 a.m. Philadelphia Express 2:10 " 4:15 " Fast Line 530 " 7:40 " YorkAceeiu. Arrives; 7:30 " .... Harrlsburg Express, 835 10:10 Dillerville Accum. Arrives, 8:45 " Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " 12:01 r Frederick Ac-coin. Arrives, 130 " Pucilic Express, 135 r.. 3:40 " Sunday Mail, 2:00 " 5:00 Johnstown Express, 335 " 5U " Day Express, 830 " 7:20 " Harrlsburg Accommedat'n, 635 " j9-J0 " nr.nn Leave Arrive Wibtwabe. Philad'a Lanc'ter Way Passenger, 12:30a.m. 5:00 a.m. Niagara Express 8:00 " 10:05 " Hanover Accommodation, 10:10 " Mall Train Ne. l,viaMt. Jey, 8.00 " Hw5 " Mail Train Ne. 2,via Cel'bia, - U37 " Sunday Mall, 830 " 10-M " Fast Line, UdO " 2:10 r.M. Frederick Accommodation, .... 2:15 ' Dillerville LecaLviaMt. Jey .... 2J0 " Harrisbnrg Accommedat'n, 30 r.M. 5:45 " Columbia AccommedaUon, " 73C " Hurrisburg Express, 3:30 " TJO " Pittsburg Express,.. S-fS " 8d0 Cincinnati Express W0 " IL30 " Pacitlc Express UdS " 2.40 a.m Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag gcd, will step at MIddletewn, Elizabethtown. Jit. Jey, Landisville, Bird-in-Hand, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coaten ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewn,Coutcsville, Parkes burg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and MIddletewn. Hanover Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at 10:05, a. x., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. jf.. and will run through te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. New Tebk through mail 7:00 a m, 12 JO p m, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, east, 7 am. Gordeitvillk, Downingtown, Leaman Place, Gap 6 pm. Philadelphia, through mall, 7 and 9am, 12:50, 4:45 and 11 JO p m. Pittsburgh and west, 1 JO and 11 JO p m. Uariusbuhs Mail, 10 a in, 1 JO, ids and 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10 a m. Baltimerk akd Wasmiwwtek, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p m. Baltimore akd WAsaixorex, via Yerk, I JO p m. Baltixebji akd Waskikctek, via Harrlsburg, HJOpm. Ceatbsvillx, 4:45 p m. Columbia, 10 a m, 1 JO and 5:15 p m. Yerk akd Yerk wat, 1 JO and 11 JO p m. Nebthkrk Ckktral, 10 a m, 1 JO and 11 JO p m. Rxasime. via Readina- and Columbia R R. 7 J a m and 12J0 p m. rkadike, via IlarrtsDnrg, 5:15 and 11 JO p m. Rkadike wat. via Junction, Lltiz, Man helm. East Herapflelu and Ephrata, 3 p mi Ouarrxvillb. Cauiance. Refton. New Provi dence. West Willow. Lfine Valley and Martins ville, 9:30 a m, and 7 JO p m. kikw neLLAHD, unurcuiewn, ureenuuiiic. Blue Ball, GoedvUle, Beartown, by way el Downingtown, at 7 a m and 6 pm. Savz IIarber, via Columbia, 10 a m. BY STAGE MUlersville and Slackwaf r. te Sate Harber, daily, at 2J0 p m. Ta Ulll.nlll. 9 ami 11 a .n a.1 A . Blnkley's Bridge, Leacock, Bareville, New Helland, 2:30 p m. Willow Street, 8mithvlUe, Buck, Chestnut Level. Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Springs. Fairmount and Kewlandsville, Md, daily, at 7 a m. Land is Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Fannrr. ville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Martlndm dally, at 2:30 p m. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Parailisa dally, at 4 p m.. Nelisville, dally, at 4 p m. New Danville, Coneatega, Marticville, Cul manville. Mount Nebo. Rawlinsvllle. Betlies and Liberty Square, dally, at 2J0 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFF1CE HOURS. On Sunday the postefllce Is open from April 1 te October I, from 8 te 9 a in. and from 6 te 7 p m ; from October 1 te April 1, front 9 te 10 a m . mi from 6 te 7 d in. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a u-. 10:45 a m, 3 and 6:30 p in. Eastern way mall, 10:45 a m. Western mall, 7 and 10 a in, 2 and 6:30 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2J0 p m. Western way mail, Sam. Reading way mail, 10J0 a m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe Harber and MUlersville, at 9 a m, daily. Frem MUlersville, 7 and 9 a m, and 4 pm. Frem New Helland, at 9-JO a ni, dally. Frem RewlandsvUle, Md. at 230 p m. Reading way mall, at 10JQ a in, dally. Frem Strasburg, at 930 a m, dally. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, lu a m, dally Frem NelTs ville. at 1 p in, daily. Frem Rawlinsvllle, at 11 a m. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips thry take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at 6 JO am: second delivery et 10 a m ; third delivery at 11 a ui ; fourth delivery at 3 p m. BOOTS AND SHOES. T? C"V BOOTS. SHOES -AND' 'LASTS JCjAO X made en a new principle, Insur ing comfort for the feet. . TSYT,0 Lasts saada te order. ebl4-tfd 133 East King street. TMTARCWS O. SEHNEB, HOUSE CABPKNT,KR, Na 128 North Prlnee street. Prompt and parUcalar attention paid te al eratlen and repairs. alS-Iyd V h Y