Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 04, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligencer.
"Expert" Boek Keeping.
There has long been a well defined sus
picion in the minds of the people of this
community, that there is something rot
ten in the management of the public in
stitutions of Lancaster county. The ef
forts -which men make te get the control
of them, indicate that there are large
spoils somewhere. In what particular
manner the stealing is done is somewhat
difficult te discover. We can get a fair
view of the large number of supernu
maries employed, the unnecessarily large
salaries paid some of them, the waste in
the man uf during department, the ex
travagance in the supplies furnished and
the corruption in the purchase of goods.
But beyond all these there, is a well set
tled belief that ether, better concealed
schemes of plunder flourish in the prison
and peer-house management, and that
all the thieves housed within the jail
walls in the past twenty years have net
been, by any means, confined in cells, nor
decorated with striped clothes.
This popular suspicion finds confirma
tion in the loose and deceptive system of
bookkeeping at the prison, of which we
have pointed and flagrant examples with
the publication of every annual report.
Over-appraisement of worthless stock
can successfully conceal some discrepan
cies, but when it appears en page 6 of the
report that the amount due the prison
for goods sold is $8,893.75, and en page
27 of the same report that the amount
thus due is $3,694.51, the discrepancy is
se bald that it demands an explanation
which no one has yet been found ready
te make.
A mere serious discrepancy, however,
in the prison book-keeping, is afforded
by an examination of the items set forth
in the last annual report, as an exempli
fication of the actual cost of the prison
during the fiscal year ending November
30, 1879. According te this report the
" Dr." and " Cr." sides of the prison ac
count are as fellows :
Orders issued by inspectors. 95,111 62
Deduct extraordinary ci
981 08
35,160 51
Munu fecturcd iroeds en hand
November 30, 1S78 8,620 50
Kaw material 10,042 SO
18,663 30
$53,823 81
Goods sold
12,271 13
Manufactured goods en
hand November 30, 1879
Haw material
Amount due the urisen for
6,115 32
8,8U3 75
goods sold 8,893 75
Previsions en hand 872 40
Live stock, etc 570 00
Furniture, etc 1,192 00
Fuel, medicine, etc 1,058 80
39.8C9 15
Actual cost of prison during year. . .$13,955 69
And therefore the report concludes
with this expression of self satisfaction
from these who make the showing of
their management :
The number of days the prisoners were
bearded during the year ending Xevember
:0, 1879, were 61,839 days, and the total
cost of maintenance during said time, in
cluding the keeper's family, etc., after de
ducting previsions en hand, was $8,515.93.
The number of days the prisoners were
beaided, was 1,176 days less than in 1878.
The cost of each prisoner has only been 13
emits per day. These facts arc evidence
that the affairs of the prison have been
carefully and judicially managed.
It is te the items marked with an
that we desire te call special attention,
and te the jugglery te which they
have been subjected te produce this
conclusion. $8,893.75 of book accounts,
SS73.40 for previsions en hand, $570 for
live stock, $1,192 for furniture, and $1,
058.50 for fuel and medicine en hand a
total of $12,578.95 are deducted from
the apparent expenses of the prison te
get at the actual expenses ; but nowhere
en the " Dr." side of the account is any
notice taken of the amount of these cerrcs-
pending items last year. Te properly cal.
culate the actual expenses of the prison,
it must be charged with these items as
they were accounted Nev. 30, 1878, as
well as with the raw material and man
ufactured goods then en hand. But this
has net been done, and an examination
of the annual reports as far back as 1872,
shows that year after year this gross decep
tien has been practiced upon the taxpay
ers. Every year the book accounts, previ
siens, live stock, furniture, fuel and
medicine of the current year are deduct
ed en the one side, but the corresponding
items en hand at the beginniug of the
year are net charged up. If they were
emitted from both sides in the calcula
tion of last year and they must fairly be
dropped from one side if they are emitted
from the ether the actual cost of the
prison would be $26,543.64 instead of
$13,955.69 as the inspectors report. If
the latter figures show "careful" and
"judicial" management, surely the
former or, rather their suppression, show
waste and thievery.
We call upon the present beard, which
pretends te be one of reform,te probe this
fallacious system of book keeping and
expose it. Prima facie it is a gross fraud
and if has been practiced year after
year the people have been duped into the
belief that the prison was net costing the
tax-papers mere than half of what it really
takes from their treasury.
Tiie auditors pronounce the prison
management a fraud. The grand jury
pronounces the auditors' report a fraud.
The court which set afoot the grand in
quest's investigation does nothing te
further its demand, and is as nerveless as
when its officers prostituted justice in its
sanctuary and admitted their offense with
out fear of being called te account. Tak
ing one consideration with another, this
county of ours, which high authority has
ranked with commonwealths, is honey
combed in its administrative depart
ments with fraud, and these who can will
net deliver it from its peril and its
The Philadelphia Inquirer declares
that the Philadelphia delegates te Chica
go will net vote for Grant, and that the
state delegation te the Eepublican nation
al convention will net obey the unit rule.
It may be doubted if a party that had
net the courage of the Democracy te
make and win the fight for freedom in a
state convention will make or win it at
Chicago, where the convention machin
ery will be in Den Cameren's handstand
thumb-screws will beapplied at his command.
Chas. S. Wolfe, who pressed the riot
bill bribers' case te their final sentence,
reviews their pardon in a letter te the
Press this morning in which he shows
quite conclusively that in acting as they
did the members of the beard of pardons
net only outraged public decency and
shamed the state, but that they violated
the law of the land and ignored the rules
which they themselves have laid down te
regulate the business brought before
them. They violated the constitutional
prevision creating their offices, which de
clares that the hearing of pardons shall
be "full and upon due public notice."
They ignored their rule second, which
prescribes two weeks' publication of in
tention te apply for pardon; rule third,
which requires notice te be given te the
judge and district attorney ; rule sixtli
( which they say is never te be relaxed ),
requiring ten days' filing of the pajwrs in
all cases ; and rule seventh, which pre
vents a rejected ease from being again
taken up without due notice te the judge
and district attorney, and publication
Had all the rules leen complied with
the pardon would have been an outrage,
but the violation of law which accom
plished it only htainps mere deeply upon
these responsible for it the infamy of
their deed.
The Philadelphia North American
pictures our amiable contemporary, the
publisher of the New Era, in a bellige
rent attitude which these who knew him
knew that he nevr assumes. There
were two very damaging charges that
his paper made against the integrity of
the court and which it has left stand ;
and the court has thus far failed te take
cognizance of them, as it did in the case
of Democratic publishers ; but it is te be
presumed that the geed publisher has
privately satisfied the court that the
responsibility lies with the wicked editor,
who is net eligible te disbarment.
The manipulations of the insurance
interests of Xew Yerk by Ceukling's
henchman, te raise a Republican cam
paign fund, is the basis of a startling
story which we print te-day and which
shows hew thoroughly every branch of
the public service is prostituted in behalf
of a machine-bound party which only
rules te ruin.
Ehbhaut Anhueseii, president of the
Anhcuser buck brewing company, and one
of the wealthiest brewers in St. Leuis has
died at the age of seventy-five years.
Prof. David B. Brunner, of Reading,
has announced himself as a candidate for
the Democratic congressional nomination.
Prof. Brunner served for two terms as
superintendent of the public schools of
Berks county, and is at present principal
of the Reading academy.
Oscar IIammerstein, publisher of the
United States Tobacco Journal, was held in
$500 bail for examination in the Harlem
police court yesterday, en a charge of
having libeled Geerge Storm David
Levy and ether tobacco and cigar manu
facturers. The Bethlehem Times has the follewing:
"Rev. A. Hamilton and wife, formerly of
Lititz, after spending a few days in Beth
lehem, stepping at the residence of Rev.
E. T. Klugc, en Church street, returned te
their present home at the Ephrata house,
at Nazareth. Rev. Hamilton served for a
number of years as a Moravian missionary
en different islands in the West Indies.
With his wife he expects te return te his
native home in Scotland, there te remain
for the future. The venerable missionary
and his spouse have made arrangements te
set sail from New Yerk city, in the
steamer Canada of the National line of
steamers, en the 12th day of May next."
The item will prove of interest te many
here, as Mrs. Hamilton, nee Emma Moere,
is well known in Lancaster.
" Unending peace te us and unending
war te our opponents." Speaker Ran
dall. In the judgment of the Harrisburg Pa
triot, since every county and every legisla
tive district in the state new have repre
sentation in the state convention independ
ent of the senatorial districts, there is no
geed reason why the party should con
tinue te elect senatorial delegates.
Is it true that Prison Keeper Jehn P.
Weise recently allowed a convict te leave
the jail and attend a hotel keeper's " mov
ing?" We hear that he admitted it be
fore the inspectors' investigation. Was this
one of the things which tlic Era said was
"net proper for publication."
Te-day the New Yerk Herald thinks
" the great practical problem for the anti
third term Republicans is te find a candi
date who will disarm the hestitility of Mr.
Conkling and yet be acceptable te the
party at large. Mr. Fish is almost the
only Republican statesman who meets
these conditions."
Te a Pittsburgh correspondent a Repub
lican congressman has been saying that if
Grant should be the Republican candidate,
and Randall secured the Democratic nomi
nation, he would take the stump for the
latter ; Randall's record is unassailable and
his poverty, after serving almost three full
terms as speaker, contrasts favorably with
the riches his predecessor obtained through
the venial use of his place and power.
Randall ought te have no trouble in beat
ing either Grant or Blaine out of sight en
the simple issue that he is "clean
Jehn A. Legan and Emery Sterrs have
dropped Washburne from the inner coun
cils of Grant's friends, because they charge
that Washburne, while making preten
sions te support Grant, and ostentatiously
discountenancing the movements in his
own behalf, has been secretly encouraging
the Washburne demonstrations, and work
ing up delegates wherever it could be done
without attracting the attention of the
Grant politicians. Arriving at this belief,
they at once communicated it te Grant
and supported it by such facts and argu
ments as te convince him of Washburne's
insincerity, and they new "are out."
In accordance with an order just issued
by Hen. Francis A. Walker, superinten
dent of the census, the work of taking the
census, instead of commencing en the first
Monday in June (7th prex) will commence
June 1st, and enumerators will be allowed
the entire month in which te complete their
labors, instead of being required te finish
the work in three weeks. The compensa
tion of enumerators will be 2 cents per
name, instead of 2 cents, and 12 J for each
farm instead of 10 cents. Other material
changes have been nude in the compensa
tion te be paid enumerators.
Mrs. Mary Ferry, who was ever 100 years
old, fell from a window of her residence in
Noriistewnon Saturday, fatally injuring
Mrs. Annie Eliza Arneld, residing near
Cery in the oil country, committed suicide
en Saturday by hanging herself te a bed
Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, accd 90 and
childish, was the old woman who was
killed at Harrisburg while picking coal
from the railroad.
The large frame barn of B. Frank Meret,
at Deuclassville, Montgomery county,
owned by Jehn Egolf, with the surround
ing outbuildings, was destroyed by lire.
Jeshua Hutchinson, a prisoner in the
Westmoreland county jail, confined en a
charge of threatening the life of Constable
Summers, twisted up a rope from shreils
of his Mint and hanged himself:
The trustees of LoMeyne crematory
have consented te allow the body of
Charles Gustav Peetz, of New Yerk, te be
cremated in their furnace. Mr. Peetz's
daughter has arrived at Washington. The
cremation will take place some day this
A young son of Elias Lins, of Ham
burg, "was accidentally drowned yesterday
morning while playing along the Schuyl
kill canal in that borough. Search was
made yesterday by a number of persons
for the body, and at last advices it had net
been found.
While Lawrence Parkinson was in the
act of handing a pistol te his father,
Daniel Parkinson, at their residence, Ne.
1425 Chad wick street, below Wharten,
Philadelphia, the weapon was accidentally
discharged. The ball penetrated the
father's stomach, and could net be located
by the attending surgeon. After excru
ciating suffering Mr. Parkinson expired.
Jacob Werner, a respectable and wealthy
farmer, was found drowned in Leck Ne.
2 of the Union canal at 5 o'clock Monday
morning, by the lock tender of that place.
He left his home about one hour previous,
and no special cause can be assigned if it
was a suicide. He was aged about 73
years and resided at Prcscett, Lebanon
Jeseph Lytle, aged ten, exercised a neigh
bor's horse near Meadville without- per
mission, after which he attempted te place
a bucket of water in front of the horse en
the end of a pitchfork, The horse threw
his head against the fork and kicked the
boy in its fright, crushing in his skull, also
breaking one arm and three ribs, indict
ing fatal injuries en the boy and the horse.
Miss Annie Tayler, who resides in
Greensburg, about three months age mys
teriously disappeared, since which time
nothing of her whereabouts can be
learned. Last week a gentleman went te
the front deer of her late residence, un
locked it, and remained inside for some
time, and then disappeared without any
one noticing him depart. Ne one knew
the man, where he hailed from, what was
his mission, or where he went te.
Patrick McNulty, a laborer in Paw
tucket, R. I., was killed by the caving in
of an embankment.
On Saturday two men, supposed te be
horse thieves, were found hanging te a
tree in Denten county, Texas.
Twe factories of the Illinois zinc works
at La Salle, III., were burned last night.
Less, $15,000, and 100 men thrown out of
In all the Catholic churches in Quebec en
Sunday a pastoral was read from the arch
bishop of Quebec against all excursions
and pleasure parties, evening walks and
drives, en Sundays and feast days, under
pain of committing a very grievous sin.
In the fire which burned Memerial hall
at the soldiers' home Dayton, Ohie, a large
number of valuable war relics were lest,
among them several flags and the uniform
of General Themas, placed at the home
for safe keeping by order of the society of
Dayton, Ohie, the army of the Cumber
land, at its last meeting in Washington.
Belief is gaining ground that Congress
will adjourn by June 1. Speaker Randall
is using his influence that way, and Chair
man Atkins, of the appropriations commit
tee, says the appropriation bills can all be
put through by that time. Although they
have net been reported, they are about all
Lena Strebcll, twenty-four years old,
fell or jumped from the fire cscape in the
rear of her residence at Ne. 72 East Third
street, New Yerk, te the yard below, a
distance of five stories, and was instantly
killed. Her friends deny that she com
mitted suicide, but claim that she must
have gene out en the fire escape te get
fresh air and accidentally fallen ever the
Which Tell of a Lie Somewhere.
Lancaster County Prison Inspectors Repert
Pngc 6.
The manufacturing department shows a
less of $1,571,96, as shown by the state
ment of gain and less. Tabular statements,
sustaining the forgoing conclusions, are
hereunto appended and made a part of this
Different Figures.
Same Kepert " Tabular Statements."
Less of manufacturing department $3.
724,40. A Better Showing:.
Ilcrks County Prison llepert, 9 mes.
Net gain in manufacturing department,
All In Geed Health.
Senater Kernau, says that he sees Sey
mour every time he gees te Utica, and that
he is apparently in geed health and his
step clastic. Senater Gorden, who has
just returned from New Yerk, says Mr. Til
dcr is as lively as a cricket, and en the oc
casion of a call, he found Mr. Tildcn en
gaged in a regular rough-and-tumble play
with two large mastiffs, which form part
of his household. General Hancock, when
in Washington the ether day, was in su
perb condition, and looked geed for a hun
dred years te come. Senater Thurman's
step is as steady and his lungs as powerful
as they were thirty years age, and Sena Sena
eor Bayard, the youngest of all, is an ath
lete in mind and body. Se it seems that
no considerations of health need be weighed
against the prominent Democratic candi
dates for the presidency.
An Insane Man 'a Fratricidal Deed.
Colonel R. M. Goodwin shot and killed
his brother. Dr. Jehn R. Goodwin, at
Brookville, Ind., about 5 o'clock yesterdav
afternoon. Dr. Goodwin was president of
tne Brookville national bank and lay dele
gate of M. E. general conference. His
brother served in the army during
the war, ' and had since been se
intemperate that his mind became af
fected. Dr. Geedman was mainly instru
mental in having him placed in an asylum
at Indianapolis. He was discharged last
Wednesday and arrived in Brookville en
en Thurday. Dr. Goodwin returned home
from the conference en Saturday. It is
supposed that the murder was committed
while the colonel was temporarily insane,
or in revenge for a supposed wrong done
in sending him te the asylum.
Editorial Views or the $tate Convention.
Norrlgtewn Register, Dem.
If anything can bring victory te the
Democratic army in this state it is the per
fect harmony of purpose and principle in
the coming presidential contest of which
we have such encouraging premises in last
week's work at Harrisburg.
Clasping Fraternal Hands.
Doylestown Democrat, Djm.
Harmony was the order os the day, be
cause the interest of the Democratic party
was paramount te that of individuals, and
the warring factions calmed down until all
was lovely. Our great chieftains,; Wallace
and Randall, with a magnanimity that is
worthy all praise, shook hands in presence
of the convention, and agreed te bury their
little hatchet. This conduct brought
down the house, and the two leaders new
became the heroes of the convention.
This excellent example spread te the em
battled and embittered held el I'lnladei
phia. and in a very short time the fees of
an hour before were clasping each ether
in the fraternal hug of harmony.
Any of Them Geed Enough.
Alteena Sun.
It may be Tildcn, Seymour, Bayard,
Randall, Palmer, Hendricks, Parker, Eng
lish, Thurman, Hancock, or a name net
even as yet mentioned ; but it makes
no difference who the chosen leaders may
be, a united Democracy will stand behind
him and upon the swelling wave of popu pepu
lar acclaim bear him en te victory.
The Shupe of tbe Patriot's Candidate,
llurrisburg Putrlet, Dew.
When Mr. Tildcn is out of the question
it will become the duty of the convention
at Cincinnati te present te the Democracy
a candidate who will satisfy the demands
of the party at large and at the same timn
give confidence te the conservative opinion
of the country that is outside of the
Democratic party. He will be a man
whose past record will afford no pretext
for a bloody shirt campaign en the part
of the Republicans. If net a soldier
like our own peerless Hancock,
or McClcllan, or Franklin, or Pal
mer, lie will be a civilian who in a
judic ial or representative capacity distin
guished himself as a champion of the
cause of the Union. He will net be a pro
tectionist advocate of privileged monopoly
at the expense of the masses of the people,
nor will there be any dubious ring in his
record en the question of the currency.
The Democratic party is rich in distin
guished men who fill these conditions, and
it will net be difficult for the national
convention te select from among them a
candidate te lead its column te victory in
the impending struggle of 1880.
The Man Who Came in Last, but Who Faint
ed at Her Feet, Winning the Prize.
A novel wedding was celelebrated in
Pollockville, N. C. It seems that Moses
Jehn Miller and Alexander Bibb, two
well-to-de young farmers, were in love
with the same girl, Lcanera Loyd.
She was net able te decide which
she liked best. On Sunday morn
ing Bibb walked home from church
with her, and left her under the impres
sion that she said she would marry him.
Tuesday night Miller went te see her,
and understood her te say that she would
marry him. Beth men next morning went
te the court house te get out the license.
Each procured the necessary documents,
and started oft" with a license te marry
Miss Loyd. They met at the court house
deer, and, after some talk, agreed that the
first man who reached the lady's house
should marry her. The residence of
Colonel Loyd was one mile distant,
and both men started en the race
for the bride. Bibb seen quit the main
read and dashed into the weed, expecting
te make a short cut and reach the house
first, but Miller kept the read, and get in
en the homestretch 'eight minutes before
his rival. The men were in sight of each
ether going up the lane te the house.
Bibb's effort te overtake his rival was al
most superhuman. When they reached the
house, Bibb from sheer exhaustion fainted
in the porch.fallingalmestatthe feet of his
lady love. When the situation was ex
planed te her, she said she had come te
tne conclusion that she liked Mr. liibb the
best, and therefore she would marry him.
Her sympathies were wen ever by seeing
him faint. The said she believed that
both loved her, but that he who faints at
the danger of losing a bride must love
her mere than he who is cool and uncon
cerned in the midst of it all. The Rev.
Aaren Jasper, the well-known Baptist
minister, married Mr. Bibb and Miss
A Destroying Angel.
A fire occurred yesterday morning be
tween 3 and 4 o'clock, in the suburbs of
Christiansburg, Va., by which Martha
Jenes (colored) and her five children were
burned te death. The fire had get se great
headway before it was discovered that it
was impossible te de anything te save
them. The woman is believed te have set
fire te the house herself for the purpose of
destroying the whole family. She was
evidently deranged. The bodies were al
most entirely burned up. The woman re
fused te give entrance te any person te the
house, and by the time it could be broken
into the fire had attained such headway no
one could enter.
A Fearless Man.
North American, Behind Time.
Mr. Warfel, of the New Era, does net
seem a whit frightened by the disbarring
of Messrs. Steinman and Hensel. He re
cently charged in the New Era that in the
Snyder case "the machinery of the court
was used te prostitute justice in the politi
cal interest of the best workers of the
ward," with much mere of the same sort
of criticism. The worst and most direct
charge is that "the court consented and
encouraged the settlement of the New
Era libel suit."
Ne New Trial.
The supreme court, in an opinion by
Justice Paxson, has just refused a new
trial te D. F. Sullivan, who was convicted
about a year age of the murder of Jesie
Irwin, in Philadelphia. The opinion is a
brief one, and disposes of assignments of
error in a few words, overruling all of
them. As te the final assignment of error,
it says that the evidence does show all the
elements of murder in the first degree, and
it therefore remits the record te the court
below, for the purpose of carrying into ex
ecution the sentence of the law.
A New Peet.
J. Gustavus Pentz has died in Yerk,
aged 69. He left a son. The bereaved
boy is a poet. He thus bewails his less :
New rest our geed old father,
Your sufferings are o'er.
Your new with the loved ones.
Yeu have longed se te see.
Your dreams are new reality,
O'er Jerdan's cold stream.
Your dear Sainted mother.
Who crossed long age.
Has been patiently watching
At the portals for you,
She steed with your children
Te welcome you home.
Sale of Canadian Horses.
Samuel Hess and Sen, auctioneers, sold
yesterday at Fred. Brimmer's stables Lan
caster city, for Geerge Gressman, 27 head
of Canadian horses at an average of $187.75
per head ;. 10 out of the let averaged $247
per head ; the lowest price sold for was
$80, and the highest price was $335, the
whole amounting te $5,069.50.
Forgive Me, Darling. I Didn't Knew What
I Waa Doing."
We recently published the particulars of
the elopement of Mrs. Schnader with
young Moere from Ephrata, this county.
The Pottsville Chronicle thus narrates the
denouement of the scandalous affair :
A very sensational aspect was put en a
very ordinary elopement case by the cap
ture of the elopers and the unqualified
forgiveness of tbe woman yesterday. The
facts of the case are as fellows : On the
28th of March last Emma Schnader, wife
of Christian O. Schnader, the keeper of a
refreshment saloon at Ephrata, Lancaster
county, left her home and husband with
M. D. L. Moere, a geed-looking young
fellow who was employed as her husband's
clerk. The guilty pair went te Lancaster,
Harrisburg and then up te Dauphin, and
finally en the 1st of March came te Potts
ville where they registered at the .ex
change hotel as " M. R. Graham and wife,
Lancaster." The woman was a lively lit
tle thing and attracted considerable atten
tion. Graham, after several weeks idle
ness, secured a job as a meulder at Geerge
A. Snyder's foundry, here he has since
been employed, giving satisfaction with
his work. On Saturday night a man
registered at the Merchants' hotel
under the name of G. G. Geed, stating at
the same time that such was net his name.
He was accompanied by Henry C. Ginther,
a constable from Yerk county. They
hunted up Officer Kaercher and placed in
his hands a warrant for the arrest of the
paramour of Mrs. Schnader, whom they
had reason te suspect was in town. Officer
Kaercher, after a search through the
hotels, located the runaways at the Ex
change hotel and yesterday afternoon
aroused them from bed and arrested Moere.
He was given a hearing before 'Squire
Rccd en a charge of enticing the woman
away, which had been made before
Sel. Myers, esq., of Yerk county, en
the 28th of April last. Moere plead
guilty and was sent te jail. This action
and the whereabouts of his wife were
then communicated te Schnader. who then
went te the Exchange hotel in search of
her. On entering her room she carae lor ler
wart te greet him and a scene ensued. She
fell en his shoulders and wept and begged
te be forgiven en the ground that she did
net knew what she was doing, and, he for
getting his injuries, begged that she
should de likewise. Their oscillatory cer
emonies were startling and served te fill
with disgust the Yerk constable, who had
been en the hunt since April 17, with a
fire-breathing husband, as he supposed.
After lavishing their affections en each
ether the reunited husband and truant
wife promenaded down street te the
Merchants', the observed of all observers.
Moere spent the night in jail, and this
morning husband, wife, paramour and
constable started ter Lancaster eeunty all
in a merry mood Schnader and his wife
being particularly se.
Later Particulars.
Yesterday Moere was brought en te
Lancaster, by Detective Henry C. Giuder,
of Yerk, through whose instrumentality
his hiding place was discovered. He was
taken befere Alderman Wiley te answer a
complaint of surety of the peace preferred
against him by C. C. Snader. the hus
band of the woman with whom Moere
eloped. In default of bail he was com
mitted te answer at next term of quarter
sessions court. It is probably that Snader
will make com plant of adultery against the
guilty couple in the courts of Schuylkill
county, as they were arrested while eccu
pying the same bed-room.
Mrs. Snader is new stepping with her
relatives in Ephrata. She says she loves
Moere and couldn't help running off with
Death of Evan Milliter.
Evan Mishler, proprietor of the Mishler
house, Reading, died last night a few min
utes before eleven o'clock, in the 42d year
of his age. He had been in a critical con
dition for several weeks, suffering with a
combination of disorders, and his death
was net unexpected. The deceased was
born in East Cocalico township, Lancaster
county, and was the second son of Jacob
Mishler, new deceased, His father con
ducted a grist mill and a distillery in Lan
caster county, and having amassed con
siderable wealth, removed te Reading
with his family and engaged in
the hotel business en Penn street
above Fourth, en the present site of the
Mishler house. After the death of his
father, Evan Mishler conducted the man
agement of the hotel for his mother, and
subsequently opened a liquor store in a
portion of the building. In August, 1871,
he received the Democratic nomination for
sheriff after a most exciting contest, and
was elected in the fall of that year. He
served very acceptably as sheriff for three
years and went out of office possessing
many friends in different sections of
the county. He was a prominent Dem
ocratic politician and took a great inter
est in every campaign. He served as
chairman of the Democratic county con
vention, member of the Democratic state
committee, and was a delegate te several
Democratic state conventions. He had
two brothers, Abel and Levis ; and two
sisters, Lizzie, married te A. J. Darling
ton, and Mary, married te Jeseph Mc
Manus. The deceased was possessed of
many excellent qualities, and was a staunch
friend. He enjoyed a large acquaintance
ship throughout the state, having been in
public life for a number of years. He
was married te a daughter of Ames B.
Yeagcr, and his wife and one son survive
Officers Elected.
At a meeting of St. Peter's beneficial
society, held at their hall last evening, the
following officers were elected for the en
suing year :
President Marcus Eirchner.
Vice President Philip Finger.
Secretary Peter Rerich, jr.
Treasurer Bernard Regenstein.
Committee Andrew Kirehner, Frank
Jeseph Martin, Jeseph Gottselig, Mat
thias Gardner, Adam Bender, Jehn Kirsch,
Jehn Kress, Andrew Walter.
Sun bury and Lewistown Railroad.
At a meeting of the Sunbury and Lew
istewn railroad company's stockholders in
Philadelphia yesterday, the following offi
cers were elected : President, Aaren Fries,
Philadelphia ; Directors, James H. Camp
bell, Samuel G. Lewis and Jehn W. Meffly,
of Philadelphia ; Geerge Shaunder, of
Norristown ; R. W. Shenk, of Lancaster,
and Jesiah Hart, of Doylestown.
The report of the directors of the read
showed it te be in a flourishing condition.
Held for a Hearing.
Eight or ten of the young men charged
with rioting en Sunday in the southern
part of the city, have been arrested and
held by Alderman Spurrier for a hearing
en Friday evening next. Several mere ar
rests will yet be made.
Tbe Terrible Flight of "a Frightened Teaai.
' Last evening shout half-past 7 o'clock,
as Christian Arlcth, ice-dealer, residing
near Reigart's landing, was in the act of
removing the furniture of Mr. Kegel from
Middle street te St. Jeseph street, an ac
cident happened which for a time threat
ened the lives of several persons, and by
which Mr. Arlcth was himself very
seriously injured. The two horse wagon
had been heavily leaded with furniture and
en top of the lead were placed two of Mr.
Kegel's children a little boy and girl aged
respectively 8 and 10 years. Mr. Aneth,
who was driving, took a seat en a
tabic that had been leaded en the
front part of the wagon. In crossing
the deep gutter at the corner of Middle
and Lime streets, the jolting of the wagon
caused the table te slip forward and fall
off, throwing Mr. Arleth between the
horses en the tongue of the wagon, from
whence after being dragged some distance
he fell te the ground and the wagon passed
ever him, injuring him very severely. The
terrified horses ran upon the west side
walk of Lime street, down which they
dashed at full speed, the children in the
wagon screaming at the top of their voices.
At the corner of Lime and Vine streets the
horses, still running en the sidewalk,
passed between the corner house and the
street lamp-pest, barely escaping both, and
then continued their flight down Vine
street. Dozens of fish wagons were ranged
en either side of Vine street, near Seuth
Queen, but the runaway did net strike any
of them. At this point the tailboard of
the wagon came out and a heavy cook
stove and sewing machine in the rear of
the wagon fell out and were crushed te
pieces. Just as the runaway team began
te descend the hill in front of St. Mary's
Catholic church the little girl was thrown
from the wagon and fell heavily, striking
her head upon the macadamized street.
She was earned into the residence
of Mr. James Peeples, near by,
where she received all possible
attention. Meantime the runaways dashed
down the hill, crossed Prince street and
the Quarryville railroad, and then ran up
Dinah's hill. When about half way up
the hili, a man who was engaged in light
ing the street lamps ran in front of the
horses and struck one of them in the face
with the short ladder which he was carry
ing, which had tbe effect of checking its
speed. Almest at the same instant the
ether horse was seized, and the team
brought te a stand-still. The little boy,
who remained all this time en his precar
ieus seat en the lead of furniture, was
lifted from the wagon, very much fright
ened but unhurt. He held in his arms his
favorite kitten, which, it is hoped, may
bring him as much luck as was brought te
" Dick" Whittington, lord mayor of Len
den by hit historic puss.
Upen inquiry it is ascertained that the
little girl thrown from the wagon near St
Mary's church is net seriously hurt, sus
taining only a slight concussion of the
brain, from which she seen recovered, and
a few cuts and bruises. Mr. Arleth did
net escape se fortunately, he is very badly
bruised and his back is seriously injured.
Seme of these who witnessed the accident
say the wheels of the wagon passed ever
him, while ethers bay that he escaped the
wheels, but that the table en which he was
sitting fell upon him. He was carried into
Al. Fulmcr's residence near by and Dr.
Bolenius was sent for te attend him. Mr.
Fuhncr then procured a coach and in com
pany with the doctor took him te his
The Boek Accounts te be Overhauled.
In a brief interview had this morning
with Jehn Herting, prison inspector, re
signed, that gentleman informed us that
his resignation had no political significance
whatever. He resigned because he found
that he could net give a proper attention
te his official duties without neglecting his
private business.
It has net yet been determined by the
county commissioners (whose duty it is te
fill the vacancy) who shall be appointed
as Mr. Herting's successor. There need
be no great hurry in filling the vacancy, as
the next stated meeting of the beard of
prison inspectors does net take place until
next month.
At the late meeting of the beard it was
discovered that there was an error in the
prison accounts which made it appear that
the debts due the prison were $5,000 mere
than they really are. A resolution was adopt
ed directing that all the book accounts be
thoroughly investigated, and that a care
ful inventory of the manufactured goods
and the raw material en hand be made by
the inspectors the former inventory hav
ing been made, principally, by the clerk.
Sicily Island Fishing Ciub.
At the annnal meeting of the above club
held en the 3d inst., the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year :
President Frank Shreder.
Vice President Dr. S. T. Davis.
Secretary Cel. Samuel H. Price.
Treasurer A. G. Kepler.
Beard of Management Ames Lee,
Henry Gundaker, David McMulIcu, Ames
Miley and Antheny Lechler, sr.
The meeting resolved that the island
cottage be immediately furnished, and
beats procured for the use of the mem
bers, and that a dancing platform be
erected for the accommodation of clubs
and picnics desiring te visit the island. Ar
rangements have already been made for
excursion rates with the Pennsylvania
railroad company te go and return from
the island. Many donations in chairs,
tables and cot beds were made by the
members te the club, and Benj. Reynolds,
esq., of Pennsylvania railroad, donated a
large flag 20 feet long, for the flag staff te
be erected en th e island.
A New Onranlzatien,
A society te be known as the Salem
Yeung Men's Bible institute was organ
ized in Dewart street mission last night
with the following officers :
President Rev. J. B. Seule.
Vice President Rev. J. II. Elliett.
Secretary Mr. Wm. J. Shifter.
Treasurer Mr. H. L. F. Butt.
The object of this organization is te dis
cuss various biblical subjects. The first
regular meeting will be held next Monday
evening, May 10th, when the president,Rev.
J. B. Seule, will deliver the opening ad
dress. May Hep.
Last evening an organization known as
the Lancaster club, and composed of
young men belengin g te Lancaster ledge
K. P.. rravn a hnn at Roberts's hall which
. -, mt
was very largely attended, the fleer being
crowded during the entire evening and
far into the morning. Tayler's excellent
orchestra furnished the music.
The Empire Boek and Ladder Company la
Last evening the Empire hook and lad
der company held an important meeting
previous tejtheir visit te Chambersburg,
and a number of new members were elect
ed. Among the business that came before
the meeting was the preposition te estab;
lish an electric telegraph fire alarm in this
city. This will come up before councils at
their meeting te-morrow evening and it
was introduced at the Empire's meeting
last evening for the purpose of ascertaining
hew the company felt in regard te it.
Several speeches were made in favor of it,
and the preposition received the unani
mous endorsement of the company.
The gentleman who puts up these fire
alarm telegraphs was in this city a few
days age and he stated that the apparatus
could be put up here for $3,500, while the
city of Reading a few years age paid
$10,000 for the same work. By
this arrangement there would be gongs
in each engine house with twenty-five
fire boxes in different parts of the city; a
gong in the bed room of the chief engineer's
room, and a wire, with alarms, running
from the station house te the prison. By
this process there can be no false alarms of
fire unless the person starting it be detect
ed. Should the preposition pass in coun
cils it is claimed that it would be a great
benefit te the city and a yearly saving te
the property holders and the firemen, as
the latter are often compelled te pay
horse hire when there are nothing but
false alarms.
The Disbar men t Case.
At the convening of the state supreme
court in Harrisburg yesterday for the
business of the May term, there were pres
ent Chief Justice Sharswood and Justices
Sterrett, Gorden, Trunkey, Paxson and
Mcrcur. Justice Green is absent at Het
Springs, Arkansas, and will net return
until June. The first case called was that
of W. U. Hensel, of the Lancaster Imtkl Imtkl
ijeekckr, being an appeal from the de
cision of Judge Patterson denying him the
right te practice at the Lancaster county
bar because of an editorial published in
his paper reflecting en the judge in his
judicial capacity. Messrs. A. K. McCIure,
of the Philadelphia Times, James E. Gow Gew
en and Rufus E. Shapley appeared for
Mr. Hensel. Judge Patterson was repre
sented by S. II. Reynolds, esq. The lat
ter asked the postponement of the case be
cause of Attorney General Palmer's illness
who is one of Judge Patterson's counsel.
After some argument regarding the time
and a doubt expressed by the court
whether it could be heard this term if
postponed, it was agreed te let it go ever
until a future time, the court premising
that it should be taken up at this term.
Dismissed Cases,
Following are the bills of the several city
magistrates for the past month for dis
missed cases heard by them respectively,,
and paid by order of the county commis
sioners :
Mayer MacGenigle $ 84 70
Aid. McConemy, 1st ward 104 20
" Wiley, 2d ward 15 80
" Barr, 3d ward 106 00
" Spurrier, 4th ward 130 25
" Geed, 5th ward (nothing.)
" Jack, 6th ward (nothing.)
" A. F. Dennelly. 7th ward. 53 30
" Pat'k Dennelly, 8th ward. 41 10
" Delict, 9th ward (nothing.)
Alderman Delict retired from office en
the 1st of May and Alderman Harry
Miley, elected at the February election,
takes his place.
Proposed Telpliene Kxehange.
Heward A. Clute, of Harrisburg, and
David II. Potts, of this city, both of
whom are well known as Western Union
telegraph men, have secured the privilege
from the Bell telephone cempauy, te es
tablish in this city a telephone exchange
The idea is te have a central office in Cen
tre square or some ether place near the
centre of the city,, from whence wires will
he run te business houses, depot, express
offices, private residences and ether places .
The persons having lines run te their
places will pay a monthly rj)t for the in
strument, &c. The above gentlemen will
ask city councils te erect poles in the alleys
of the city te-morrow evening.
Gene te Anether Field.
That versatile genius, Jacob Helinc,
well and favorably known in this commu
nity, has gene te another field of labor in
the flesh. He has " cast te the dogs," for
the present, the coroner's office and ether
earthly aspirations, for a mere congenial
and elevating pursuit, having become as
sociated with a civil engineer corps; en the
Pennsylvania railroad ; and this morning
left with the corps in the 8 o'clock train
eastward, te assume the duties of his po
sition, which, doubtless, he will satisfacto
rily discharge.
Last evening about 7 o'clock as Ernest
Henricci, baker, was serving bread in the
neighborhood of the Reading railroad
depot, North Prince street, he turned his
team en se short a lock that the king-belt
connecting the front running-gears with
the back part of the wagon was lifted out
of place, the wagon was upset and Mr. H.
and his bread were dumped out and scat
tered around "promiscuously." The
horse walked off with tbe front running
gears, but was stepped before going far.
Ne great damage was done.
Geed Shows Coming.
The "Twe Orphans " and the " Galley
Slave " will-probably be played here dur
ing this month. MautLGranger is a mem
ber of the company playing the latter
Held for Better Directions.
A letter addressed as fellows is en the
rack in the posteffice: "Mr. Edwaid,
Postoffice, Newhampshire, Lancaster
Taken te Hanover.
The body of Abbie Blensinger, who died
suddenly at the almshouse en Sunday was
te-day taken te Hanover, Yerk county, for
burial. It was net interred in the grounds
of the institution as stated yesterday.
It gives me pleasure te inform you tbat.thc
St. Jacob's Oil accomplished a great deal or
geed in our county. A lady et my acquaint
ance suffered with Rhemnatlsin te such an ex
tent, that she lest the use of her arm, and cenld
net attend te her household duties. She
bought a bottle of ST Jacob's Oil. and was
cured after apply the same only a tew time.
I could mention Ar hundred similar cases
which have come why knowledge.
B. Sktjc, Seuth Adams, Matt.
There is no sweetness in a kiss.
Unless your teeth are Just like pearls.
Then would you share its trembling bliss.
Use SOZODONT at once, sweet girls ;
Fer It alone gives te the mouth.
White teeth and fragrance of the Seuth.