LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. MONDAY. MAY 3. 1880. 4- RIOTING. Fighting, Drunkenness mnd Disorderly Con duct. On Saturday night aid Sunday there was a mere than usual exhibition of disorderly conduct in different parts of the city. At a late hour en Saturday evening as Albert "Wetter was en his way home he was way laid en Poplar street and badly beaten. He alleges that his assailants were Daniel H ill and Jehn Krantz, and against these men he has made complaint at Alderman Barr's office. Shortly before midnight en Saturday Charles F. Shultz, of New Helland get in to an altercation with Jehn Bemberger in the alley in the rear of the Leepard hotel. Shultz was badly hurt, having been struck in the left eye with a billy or some ether weapon which made a cut two inches long laying open his forehead and eyebrow te the bone. Dr. Greve sewed up the wound, aud Mr. Shultz made complaint before Al derman Barr of assault and battery against his assailant. The immediate cause of the quarrel is net stated but both men were tirunk, it is saii. The Meadow Club and tha Shillier I5eys Fight. Last evening between 5 and G o'clock, a rather ugly fight occurred in the lower part of the city, between members of the Meadow club and Shillier fire company. A great deal of ill feeling has existed between these gangs for some time past, and eery time the members of either get drunk they raise a fight. Yesterday afternoon the Shiflier boys drank a let of beer in a te bacce shed somewhere in the Eighth ward, and after they were through about a dozen of them started for their homes, which are in the southern part of the city. At Scheenbcrger's park they met four mem bers of the Meadow club and they im mediately made an attack upon them. Although the light started in the park the crowd seen moved into Andrew street. Chas. Steele, a Meadow man, was knocked down with a stone and badly beaten by the Shiflier boys. Several ether men were bruised considerably. The fight drew a large crowd together, and it is said that knives and pistols were freely drawn by the rioters, but were net used. A number of police officers hearing of the row started at once for the place, but when they arrived quietness had been restored and the men who had been engaged in the riot had fled. War. rants have been issued for the arrest of these who are known te have participated i:i the disgraceful affair and they will all be arrested. Steele's injuries arc net serious, al though it was necessary te carry him te his home after the affray and he is confined te the house te-day. A man named Rndi .sill was knocked down and an eye " cush ioned " by another named Strump, who was slightly scratched and bruised about the lace. "Sweater " Itlne Assaulted. At a late hour en Saturday night Augus tus Rine, better known as "Sweater," was walking along Seuth Duke street. When he reached the corner of Vine he was at tacked by two men, who knocked him down and beat him. Sweater yell ed " murder " as loud as he could and everybody residing in that neighborhood was aroused. A gentleman went te the assistance of Rine, but refused te give his name. The assailants fled. ''Sweater" was net hurt but was very badly fright ened. A Prosperous Congregation. The conimunien in the Reformed con gregation at White Oak was celebrated en Sunday, Jlay 2, en wltich occasion an concourse of people assembled. The church was literally packed and many could net jtain admitance, all pews, aisles and all the standing room available was taken up. On the Saturday afternoon previous a class of 17 catechumens were examined and afterwards nine were confirmed, live of whom received adult baptism. Five children were afterwards baptized, and three mere en Sunday privately making in all 12 baptisms. The communion was the largest that has been there held within the memory of man, and te say the least the congregation is looking up very nicely under the efficient pastorate of Rev. D. C. Tobias. Since last fall the additions have been 18 in all. 1, 1st of Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the posteflicc for the week ending Monday, May 3 : Ladies' List Mrs. Kate Bruckart. Mrs. Adaliue A. Brown, Mattie liurncs, Mrs. Lizzie B. Cramer, Anna E. Evans, Mrs. Maggie II. Eeener, Mrs. J. Eiscnstcin Mrs. E. L. Heir, Florence Hublcy, Lizzie Myers, Klnera Prowell. Mrs. Careline Pycraft (for.), Mary Rite, Resa Retalliek, Kate Rough, Mrs. Maiy Shultz, Mrs. Mary Smith, Lizzie Stillel. Gents'1 List .Jehn C. Allen, Jehn An An teony, Jehn M. Andes, Andrew Alger, Themas Bcrrick, A. Beeher, Charles De Van, Samuel Evans, Jehn K. Eckman. Peter Gearhart, Abe Gimpy, Frederick Hcrzeg. Patrick McElhattcn, B. S. Mc Lane, Jehn B. Michael, Harry Miller, Merris Brethers, Jonas II. Reir. Jacob Schcarer, Richard Snewdcn, M. M. Swarr, Chas. A. Swarmer, D. W. Thake, Harry II. Weedman. Annual May Walk. Yesterday morning at 5 o'clock the members of the Lancaster Mamncrcher rendezvoused at their headquarters for the purpose of taking their usual annual May walk. They marched out the New Hol Hel land pike as far as What Glen, and thence down the Concstega creek as far as Tell's Ilain, where an excellent breakfast awaited them. After doing full justice te the toothsome viands and enjoying a view of the fine surroundings, the party inarched back te the city, arriving at their ball about half-past 10 a. m. Divorce Canes. In the divorce case of Levi W. Groft vs. Lizzie Greff, which was recently tried in our courts, when a verdict was rendered in favor of the plaintiff", the plaintiff was ordered te pay the defendant the sum of $45 for expenses and attorney fees. Samuel Mowery vs. Eliza A. Mowery, subpoena for divorce. The plaintiff in this case was ordered by the court te pay the defendant the sum of $33 for her counsel fees and expenses and the further sum of $1 per week for her maintenance from this date. Finger Mashed. Jehn Bender, a boy who is employed in the belt works, had the forefinger of his left hand mashed en Friday while engaged at work. Dr. S. T. Davis dressed the wounded hand. Bench and Bar In Lancaster. Philadelphia Times. Judge Livingston, of Lancaster, is fairly entitled te the retraction of all imputations against his court for the recent continuance of the Raymond-Dennis prosecution at the late term. The Xew Era severely criticized the continuance, but it did it unjustly, as it is new admitted that there was no improper action in the postponement either by the district attorney or the judge, but the dis cussien has done some geed in developing another of the abuses into which indul gent courts often fall very innocently. The recognizance of Dennis was forfeited, while the recognizance of Raymond was net forfeited. It is net assumed that the court had net sufficient reasons presented te it te warrant the discrimination, but the Fequel proves that Mr. Brown, counsel for the defense, was also surety en the recognizance of Raymond, and in open violation of the rules of the court. Whether Judge Patterson would held such defiant disregard of a solemn rule of court that has all the sanctity of an act of the Legislature while in force, as a con tempt of court such as would demand fine or imprisonment, or both, or whether lie would dedide it te be such misbehavior in office as must disbar the offending attorney, we don't assume te determine ; but it would certainly be one or both, and as Judge Livingston concurs in Judge Patter son's judgment, Mr. Brown will be mere fortunate in commanding the favor of the court than were Hensel and Steinman if I13 escapes. The same rule must apply te Mr. Warfcl, owner and publisher of the Xeic Era and also a member of the bar net for the promptly retracted imputation against the court in the Raymond-Dennis case, but for the opening sentence in the editorial refer ring te that case, that remains without correction or qualification. The article said that " the old story of the Snyder liquor case, in which the machinery of our court was used te prostitute justice in the political interests of the 'best workers of the ward ' will have te be told ever again in the Raymond-Dennis dissuading and conspiracy te disuade witnesses cases." It is plain te all intelligent men in aud out of the legal profession that the Lancaster court must either reconsider its judgment in the Hensel and Steinman case or promptly send Mr. Biown and Mr. Warfel te join their disbarred brethren. OBITUARY. Majer General Samuel I. lleiiitzelmaii. Majer General Samuel P. Hcintzclman, United States army, retired, who died in Washington en Saturday, was bem at Manheim, Lancaster county, September 30, 1803, and graduated from West Point, July 1, 182G. July 7. 1838, he was ap pointed captain and assistant quarter master. He served through the Mexican war, and at the battle of Iluamaulta he distinguished himself and was breveted a major en the field. In 18oe he was made a major and assigned te the 1st infantry. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was ordered te Washington, and acted as in spector general of the troops there. At the first battle of Bull Run, where he was wounded, he commanded the 3d dvisien. During the campaign of 1801, and '02 he commanded a division of the army of the Potomac, and in March, 1802, took com mand of the Second aimy corps. In the Chickahemiuy campaign he did effective service and was made a major general of volunteers. At the second battle of Bull Run his corps had the pest of honor, and held its ground through the fight. Dur ing McClell.m's Maryland campaign Gen. Heiutzelnian commanded the defenses at Washington. He was breveted major gen eral in the regular army for gallant con duct at the battle of Williamsburg, and at the close of the war became colonel of the 17th infantry. In 1809 he was retired with the rank of major general and has since resided in Washington. The general of the army, in a general order, sajs : " Gen. Ileintzelman was a man of an in tense nature, of vehement action guided by sound judgment and a cultivated taste. Universally respected and beloved, at a ripe old age he leaves us, universally re gretted. 'Well done, thou geed and faith lul servant.' May our end be as peaceful and as much deplored as his." The funer al will take place with military honors and the remains will be taken te Buffalo for in terment. Death of Mrs. Ann McKeown. Mrs. Ann McKeown, wife of William C. McKeown, died yesterday at her home, Ne. 522 North Queen street, of cancer, after a long and painful illness. At the time of her death Mrs. McKeown was in the 48th year of her age. She was a daughter of Richard Baldwin, tlcceascd. She was an affectionate wife and mother, and her husband, two sons and three daughters, survive her. The funeral will take place en Wednesday afternoon. Exit oyster. The adveut of the merry mouth of May marks the exit of the luscious oyster. The young man attended by his fair dulcinca, can new walk boldly past the enticing signs displayed by the fashionable North Queen street establishments, rejoicing in the happy reflection that has been em bodied in the following stanza by our spring poet : " Life is real, life is earnest, It is net an empty dream Fer it is tee late for oysters, An(f it is tee seen ler cream." Prison Inspectors' Meeting. The pi isen inspectors met te-day at the prison and held a secret meeting:. They were in session yet this afternoon, when last heard from. Jehn Herting, a Heg Ring inspector, was net at the meeting this morning, and it is reported that he has resigned. Supposed Mad Deg Shet. Yesterday a deg which was supposed te be mad was shot en the farm of David Myers, in Manheim township. The ani mal came from the direction of Landis Valley, and he bit several ether dogs, which were also shot. A great deal of ex citement was caused by the deg and the whole neighborhood was aroused, nearly all the men turning out with shot guns. Fleur for Ireland. At neon te-day there passed through this city a car containing 123 barrels of flour, contributed by the citizens of Water town, Wisconsin, for the relief of the suf fers by the Irish famine. Sent te Jail. A man named Jehn Wilsen was arrested in Columbia by Officer Brady last night. He had a full set of burglar's tools in his possession. He was committed te prison for 13 days by Squire Frank. Denkard Leve Feast. The first love feast of the season un der the auspices of the Dunkard denomi nation will be held at Mebler's meeting hebse, one mile west of Ephrata, en the leth and 16th of June. Improving. James Steckman, who was se seriously injured some time age by being thrown from a buggy, is improving rapidly, and will no doubt shortly be fully recovered. A well-kxewx butcher of Wilkcsparre, Pa., Mr. E. Wittman, suffered for six years with a sere leg : a very painful trouble. He consulted many physicians, but could only And tempo rary relief. Alter everything failed lie conclu ded te try St. Jacob's Oil, and after a very short time the swelling disappeared, the pains diminished daily, and he is new able te fellow his occupation again. There is no sweetness in a kiss Unless your teeth arc just like pearls, Then would you share its trembling bliss, Use SOZODONT at once, sweet girls ; Fer it alone gives te the mouth, White teeth and fragrance of the Seuth. my3-lwdced&w IIavisq secured ever half a million of Pine and Cypress Shingles before the advance in lumber, I am prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles arc considered superior te shaved Pine Shingles. JOIIX BEIDLER, Lumber Dealer, Wrightsville, Pa. npr!5-3wd I'OLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. POI! SUPREME Jl'IKlK. GEORGE A.J ENKS. FOB AUDITOR UEXERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. J. L. STE1NMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNET. B. K. MONTGOMERY. FOR SENATOR (13tll DISTRICT.) J. 15. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (ill DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SIIIKK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.' AMOS DILLER. U. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOli M. HAENLEN. FOR l'RISOS INSPECTORS, BARTON M. WINTERS ItENJ. MILLER. FOR TOOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANCISCWS. LANCASTER COUNTY APPOINTMENTS. DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION. B..I. McGRANN, XV. U. HENSEL. (ALTERNATES.) E. S. IIAMIlUIGHT, C. J. UIIOADS. ELECTOR. JAMES G. McSPARRAN. STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. GEO. DILLER, M. S. MOORE. Withdrawn. Si'KCIAI. h'OTl CXS. Frem the Old "Salamander" Drug Heuse. Chicago. III., Jan. 12, isi. Mextrs. II. II. Warner it Ce., Rochester, X. Y. : Gentlemen: We trust our order will reach you in season te he promptly filled. The de mand for your Sale Remedies, especially the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, is continuous and increasing, and our customers speak in the highest terms of their value. Several en-es of cures which have come under our observa tion are complete and most remarkable. Very truly yours. VAX.SCIIAACK, STEVEN'S IX Si CO. inl-2wd&w Scrofula of thirty year-' standing has been cured by " Dr. Lind-ey's Meed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. Sullei-iitg Women. There is but very small proportion of the women et this nation that de net suffer treui some of the diseases ler which Kidney-Wert is a specific. When the bowels have become, cos tive, headache torments. Kidneys out et fix, or piles distress, take a package, and its wonder ful tonic and renovating jiewcr will cure you and give new life. m3 lud&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. LUteu te Tins. The. unbiased opinion of some of the most intelligent medical men in this country and Europe, support the satement that Kidney Kidney Wert is tile greatest discovery yet, ter curing Kidney and liver troubles, piles and constipa tion. It acts en both Kidneys and bowels at the same time and thus cleanses the whole system. niy3-lwd&w Try Lechcl's Renowned Cough Syrnp. Dr. ISrownine's C. V C. Cordial has never been taken by anyone whom you could after wards persuade te be without it. Try it, and you will be se delighted that yen will have all your friends using it Jt is ler Coughs. Colds, and all troubles et that nature. Get it from your druggist, or send direct te the proprietor, Dr. Browning, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia. Statistics prove that twenty-five percent, of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we rcllect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers for their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne 9 East King street. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Timely Caution. Genuine Hep Hitters are put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles, with white label en one side printed in blac-K letters, anil green hop cluster, and en the ether side yellow lKiperwith red luttcrs; revenue stamp ever the cork. This is the only lerm in which gen uine Hep flitters are put up, and the sole righ te make, sell and use them is granted te the Hep Hitters Manufacturing Company of Ro chester, N. Y., and Terente, Ont., by p.itents, copyright and trade mark. All ethers put up in any ether way or by any one else, claiming te be like it or pretending te contain hops, by whatever names they maybe called, are bogus and unlit for use, ami only put up te sell and cheat the people en the credit and popularity of Hep Bitters. a'JG 2wdSw Te enumerate the miraculous cnreswreught by "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" would fill a volume. Its cures are marvelous. Price 23 cents. Tine Culture and Wine Making. Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. J., se long and favorably known as the wine man et New Jersey, expects a larger yield of grapes Hiis year than usual, and has reduced the price of his tour year old Pert se as te bilngit witliin the reach of the poorer families who need a pure and rich wine for medicinal purposes. Mr. S peer's mode of fermenting and keeping Ids wine differs from the usual methods. This is the reason why it is se much superior in quality; but it requires four years' manage ment and change of temperature in order te make such a perlect line wine as this is; the knowledge of changing te various tempera tures at different times, and at the rtght lime, is where he has the advantage et getting se rich a wine without the use of liquor. Large quantities of Speer's Pert Grape Wine have been ordered te Seuth America, and even te Louden and Paris. Physicians recommend it as superior te most European wine. It is dealt in largely by druggists. Daily Express. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymakcr. Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child snilering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOWS SOOTHING SYKUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. 1 here is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere '25 cents a bottle. f )l7-lyd&wM.V&S SHUT AltVFHTISFMFXTS. SPRING, 1880. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Gentlemen and Beys' Outfitters, OAK HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS., PHILADELPHIA. We respectfully announce the completion of the new stock of Men's and Beys1 Clothing for the Spring of 1880, which lias net only the distinction of being the largest, but has cost us mere pains-taking care than any stock we." have ever made. We are net content unless each year llnds us improving and progressing, and 18S0 shows the result of extraordinary effort te excel. Te our long practical experience and commodious premises we add net only the advantage el showing our customers the very largest stock, but the system of business originated by MR. JOHN WANAMAKER gives our customers every advantage in making their purchases at OAK HALL, BECAUSE, 1st, The qualities and defects of goods arc stated. 2d, One price and only one. 3d, A thorough guarantee given. 4th, Meney refunded if goods are returned. WAMIAKER & BROWN. A New Feature of our business will be the Manufacture of JEWELRY In our Factory. We have just completed a substantial brick factory building:, 16x35, which is flttted up with the machinery, tools and appli ances necessary for the production of first-class goods, and put in charge of competent workmen. This department will be a great convenience te ourselves and our customers, enabling us te fill- special orders in very short time. Old jewelry or coin left us for making into new goods will be kept strictly separate, and we will guarantee furnishing the same geld in the new goods when se desired. The manufacture of Hair Jewelry will be given special attention. Estimates and designs for Society Pins, Badges or Rings will be fur nished en short notice. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. Try Ler licr's Renowned Cough Syrup. UFATJIS. McKeews. In this citv, en Sunday, May 2d, 1SS0, Ann, wile of Win. C. McKeown, in the 48th year el borage. The relatives ami friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral trem her husband's residence. Ne. 52 North Queen street, en Wednesday afternoon, at '2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td XFWADJ'Fl.'TISFMFXTS. 'piiE CKLKRKATEO F. & JH. SCHAEFEK A Heck Beer en tap this evening at the Cooper Heuse Saleen. ltd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORPOIJA TOIts of the Heme for Friendless Chil dren ter the citv and county et Lancaster, Pa., will be held at thceflicc of the Secretary. Ne. 139 North Queen street, en TUESDAY, MAY 11, at 2 o'clock p. m., ler the purpose of elect ing tour Trustees and six Ladv Managers. mS-.ild CHAS. M. HOWELL, See'y. JJ.Caldwell&Ce. WATC1UIAKERS, i)0 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Deal ers in American and Geneva Watches, 18kt. Geld Cases and the most Reliable Movements; Gentlemen's, ladies' and Beys' Watches, Chronographs, Re peaters, Chatelaine Watches. The Levest Prices, marked in plain figures, from which there is no deviation. Orders and in quiries Iy mail receive prompt attention. PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALF OH RFXT. B1UCK FOIt feALK. The undersigned are new te lurnlsh their cus-temers and the public in gen eral with the best quality of brick in the market either in large or small lets. Yards: .ii.i-31, ne-uiiui street ana iiarrtsburg pike m3-3td PONTZ & UKO.. POK KENT. The second story et Eshlcman & Rat b i s Ranking Heuse, at Centre Square, an d von aise a room en second story, opposite the wini ti a., w. uqiei, n unestnut street. , . e . ll- F- KSHLEM AN. tSMtd&Stt Atternev-utLaw I?OR KENT. ,. ,ne room. Ne- K North Queen street, suitable ler photograph gallery, formerly oc cupied by J. s. Saurman. Apply te ae-ttd TIIOS. 11AUMGARDNER. WAXTF1). TT7"ANTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVEK- TT tise, free et charge, in the Ixteixigex ceu, who wants something te de. WANTED A SITUATION BY A GOOD stout boy, 18 years of age. te drive and tend te horses. Apply at Ne. 13 Middle street. . GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERA? Housework. Apelyat 2 Seuth Ouee) street. m3-3tdeed WANTED A COACH SMITH AND . I Trimmer, te go te Wilmington, Del: i ware. Steady employment will be lurnishe either by the piece or day. Apply immediate! j at Ne. !i West Vine street. ltd EAUS! BAGS! BAGS! BAGS WANTE D Housekeepers take notice that we e r paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAl. . Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, nprt-Smd Ne. 2 West King Street. OAS FIXTURES. BARGAINS GAS FIXTURES SLATE MANTELS, AT 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. fJlllXA AXIt UJ.ASSWAKF. 1UINA MALI.. A new line of DECORATED CHINA, MAJOLICA WARE, FANCY GOOD3 AT CHINA HALL. C3T J)02TTFAIL TO SEE TIIEtf 33 HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 1.1 EAST KING STREET. si v sic ai. ixs Tit umfxts. THE- Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Wureroems 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CH1CKERING & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, &e., always ou hand. flS-lydS&lyw MIS CFLLAXFO us. APPLICATION FOB 1'AKDOX. Application will be made before the Heard of Pardons at Harri-,burg. en TUES DAY, 31 AY 18, 1SS0, for the pardon of Jehn Seber, convicted of rape in the court of Oyer und Terminer of Lancaster county. mlvitdeawS 15. V. DAVIS. 'I'llE COLLECTOR OF STATE AND J County Taxes for Lancaster City will sit jn the Commissioners Roem at the Court Heuse te receive the same, with 5 percent, abatement up te May 31, JSSe. inclusive. Heurs: Prem S a. in. te 12 in. and 2 te 5 p. m. ml-2td A. K. WARFEL, Collector. Office m'squehaxxa Canal Company. J Cor. Lexington and Davis Streets, Raltimeue, April 29, 180. VTOTICK IS KEBKBY GIVEN THAT A 1A General meeting of the Stockholders of this company will be held at the office In Balti more, en Monday, May 10, 1SS0, between the hoursef3:30and"-l:30p. m., for the election of officers anil managers for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed en Saturday, May 1, and remain closed until after the elec tion. I5v order of aprSKMJtd ROBERT D. BROWN, Treas. Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection lias been se--cured after years of experiment. Composed of the CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VEGETABLE. One or two every night, in ten days enre Cesttveness and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2mdeed&w Fin & tiMeiis, dim liMCiOFT TIIED EDITION MONDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 3. Fer the Middle Atlantic and New England states rising followed by falling barometer, seutliwest te northeast winds, warmer, clear and hazy weather followed in the interior by numerous local rains. CONGRESS. Proceedings In the Senate. "Washington, May 3. In the Senate te day a resolution offered by Mr. "Wallace, providing for evening sessions of the Sen ate en "Wednesday and Thursday of each week, went ever without action. The bill for the relief of Ben Holliday was taken up. It appropriates $526,000 te pay Holliday in full for all claims for spoliations by hostile Indians. The bill was momentarily laid aside, and en motion of 3Ir. Bruce the Heuse joint resolution authorizing the secretary of war te donate rations te the sufferers by the recent cyclone at Macen, Miss., was taken up and passed. The report of the committee en claims en the Holliday bill was then read. The "Immediate Deficiency " Bill. Mr. "Wm. A. "Wheeler has announced his signature te the "immediate deficiency " bill, which new gees te Hayes. Orth te Explain the Venezuela Jeb. Ill the Heuse there being no objection Mr. Orth (Ind.) was accorded consent te make a personal explanation te-morrow in regard te his connection with the Venezue la claims and the congressional investiga tion in regard thereto. CUT HIS mROAT. Tragic Death of a Canadian Farmer. Woodstock, Ont., May 3. Several days age a farmer named Gerge Weed, was brought before n police magistratehcrc, for atempting te murder his family. He told wife in the morning that he had been thinking about it all night and procuring a hatchet he made an attempt en their lives, but was overcome by his wife and daughter. The police magistrate sent him te jail, and yes terday he snatched an old knife which had been dropped accidentally by a vagrant in custody, and cut his threat, dying in about two minutes. OVER THE OCEAN. Flashes By the Atlantic Cable. The English officers in the Turkish gen darmerie will be retained at the expiration of their present terms in August, provided they accept a reduction of forty-five per cent, in salary. A vessel that had gene in search of her majesty's ship Atalanta, has returned with out tidings of the missing craft. The Irish Heme Kulers will held a meet ing te consider the land laws, in view of a scheme of reform te be presented te the British government. POSTPONED. Illness or Judge Patterson's Counsel Causes the Disbarment Cases te be Deferred. UAUKisiiiriiG, May 3. The ease of Steinman fc Hensel, disbarred editors of tlie Lancaster Intelligencer, was est pened in the supreme court te-day until May 27, en account of the illness of At torney General Palmer. THE ROYAL 3IIUDY. Prince Geerge of England te Enter the Navy. Londen, May 3. The Bacchante with the Prince of Wales's two sens,lias arrived at Spithcad. Prince Geerge, the younger boy. has decided te adept naval the service as a profession. MAICKFTS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia. May 3. Fleur dull ami firm ; superfine 3 2i3"; extra at -f I OUf84 7.": Ohie ami Indiana family at $." Miq,r, 12: I'enn'a family $ ." 50ig(! (Kt ; St. Leuis family ." T.VffK.'ii) ; Minnesota family f! sefts (JO; patent and high grades $U50gSOO. Rye flour at 23. Cornmeal Rrandy wine unchanged. Wheat : Ne. Western Red 51 i ; I'enn'a Red 1231 '-. : Amber $1 3i. Cern steady for local use ; steamer 50r0c ; yellow packet .V2:.e; mixed Oats easier; Ne. 1, 4.-)-rc; Ne. 2, iVt He; Ne. 3, ilftiiy; Ne. 2 mixed 3!340e. Rye dull ; We-uern and Pa. 84c. Previsions (lull ; mtss perk at $11 St ; beet hat.'is $17 50 ; India mess beet f 18 301'J : b icon smoked shoulders 5J."rc; salt 44e; Einelced Ivmis 10llc ; pickled ham- HttUe. Lard weak; city kettle 7c; loose butchers C5c ; prime steam 7c. iiutier dull and easy; creamery extra 27ifi)28e; Bradford county uud New Yerk extra 24fe2lic; Western reserve extra at 2224c ; de geed te choice lb2ic: Rolls dull: I'enn'a extra lS20e.; Western reserve extra li)''lc Eggs' Jirni ; Penn'allHJe; Western lie. Cheese llrm: New Yerk lactery umiv; Western full cream, 14c; de for geed, 1214e ; de halt-skinrf. lKl-'e. Petroleum dull; Refined yic Whisky attl 10. , Seeds dull ; geed te prime cleversecd $0 e0 t( 25 ; de timothy 3 00 ; de flaxseed $1 .0. New Kerk JHnrket. New Yekk. May 3. Fleur State iuad Western dull and price htrengly in buyers' laer; su perline btaie t 004 75; extra de t 3j l 00; choice de 033 20; Janey 5 2.-6 00; round hoop Ohie $3 lf)3 75; choice de $5 8073; superfine western $4 0b 4 75: common te geed extra de $-13.5; Choice dodo $3 037 00; choice white wheat de 4 805 25; Southern qniet and unchanged; common te rair extra $5 255 CO ; geed te choice de S 6587 00. , ,,,.. Wheat Spring dull and nominal ; inter white dtilluud heavy; led -&c lewer: Ne. 2 Red, May $1 2Ufel Wi i ".e June $1 21J4 Cern dull and prices a -shade easier; Mixed western spot, 51((j51c ; de luture 47 47-Vc. Oats about steady ; State 425lc ; Western 3Uf?g4s-c. Reef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1730. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered .7 ''-0. Whisky dull ; Western $1 0rtl OX Spirits of turpentine dull at4l43e. Cattle Market. Philadelphia. May 3. Cattle market active ; Receipt 2,900 head ; prime 5&5-c ; geed 3fs 5-Xc; medium 44e ; common 44c. sheep market active. Receipts 6,OeO head; prime 77; geed Kc; medium (.QOe; common 5l5c. jlegs Market active. Receipts 6,500 head; prime 7c ; goetf eyKe ; medium Ce; common e. Stock Markets. .Philadelphia. May 3 2230 p. x. Stocks dull. PennaBJi (third issue) ..107 Philadelphia & Erie J5j Reading . .i-J Pennsylvania !ri',-h Lehigh Valley 5U? United Ces. el N.J m Northern Pacific " )J Preferred 51j Northern Central 33 Lehigh -Navigation 34 Norristown 102 Central Transportation Ce. 48 ruts , iitusvine it uuuaie. i.yx Little Schuylkill.. ... 53 N jsw Xekk, May 3. Stocks weak. Meney N. Y. Central Eric . Adams Express Michigan Central ,.. Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland Pittsburgh.. 4-.l.t.w.s Jt- lf-fwlr lul'lnff . 3ffi6 .129-X - .1" . 87,!i 104 .105 180i Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. HOi Western Union Tel. Ce I0.V4 Teledo & Wabash 37 ew Jersey Central 75 United States Bends and Sterling exchange - (Quotations ty B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. XT. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, May 3. United States 63, 1881, (registered). .10 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .1O2&01C8 United States 4K's, 1801, (regtstered)10?g)10t United States 4)3, 1891, (coupons).. .109 WIOO1 United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .1074C107?2 Q..w, Pmhha.. aT'j i.w 'n Sterling Kxclmnire 4$5Q4$SX MEDICAL. Brandy as a Kedicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Keigurt's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this ceuuty, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of thest at tlicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, btit te be used us a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable netiee et invalids espe cially these atltieted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing meru or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetlte and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is REIGARTS 0ID BRANDT, Sold bv our enterprising young friend, II. E SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, us far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no mutter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that Is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifies would surtice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or eases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers of witnesses one ease in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer hud been atlUcted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of veins; his stomach would rejeet utmost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly 110 appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and us a beverage he used Mel! mini's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, uul in uis discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his ease, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects iu the cases et some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice, lie used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, und before the second was taken he was a teund man.with a stomach capable of digesting anything which lie chose te cat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; und since he has this medi cine he lias been of very little pecuniary bene fit te tint doctor. A Practising Piivsiciaw. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOENT FOR Reigart's Old Wmc (Stere, Established In 1785, lMl'OIETEK AND DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in IS 18, 1827 ami 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. RROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KINi ST.. LANCASTER. PA I.FUA1. XOTICFS. E JSTATK OF .JAMKS W. KHIiY, LATE of Lancaster Citv. deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, and the.-e having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay fur-settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Steinmetz. JULIA RHET. 2 Administratrix. J. L. STEiNMKTit, Att'y. iuJ7-tidi.iiw INSTATE OP ANNA M. WKIIL.K, ll late of the City et Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, und these hav ing cUiiins or demands against the same, will present them without delay ter sct'lement te the imdersigded, residing iu Lancaster City. .MRS. E. K. PATTERSON, J. XV. F. Swirr. Administratrix. Attorney. m30-t!tdced E Vsl'ATK Of JAMES ISO II AN. LiVTE OF the Citv of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary ou said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make immediatesettiemcnt.and these having claims or demands against the estate el said decedent te make known the same without delay te the undersigned. MAIiV BOHAN. MARUARET KEEFE, ap30-Ctdeed Kxecut rixes INSTATE OF 15AKNIIKK1 MANN.FAKM J ER, late of Maner township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters 01 administration en said estate having been granted te the un dersigned, all pet sons indebted thereto are re quested te make immediate payment, and these having chdms or demands against the same will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing iu said township. HENRY W.MANN, SIMON MANN, Administrators. Wm. It. Wilsen, Att'y. apr23-yiw TESTATE OF A1IKAHAM 8VE1GAKT, Pi late of East Earl township, Luucuster county. Pa., deceased. The undersigned Audi tor, appointed te distribute the balance re maining in the hands of Elizabeth sjweigart, administratrix of the said Abraham bweigart, deceased, te and among the-e legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en SAT URDAY, the 22d day et MAY, A. D. 188J, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, iu the city of Lancaster, where all per sons interested "in said distribution may at tend. CHAS. 1. LAN Dl.- apr2S-ltw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MAKT1N O. stirk and wife, of Earl township, Lancas ter county. The undersigned auilitorappoini auiliterappoini auilitorappeini ed te distribute the balance remaining iu Hie hands of Isaac Stirk ami Geerge Levau, as signees by deed of voluntary assignment ler the benefit et creditors, found among tho.-e legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 12th day or MAY, IHSe. at 10 o'clock a. m.. in the Libiury Roem of the Court Heu-e. in the eity of Jmu caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution may attend. WM. It, WILSON, ap7-ltd<w Auditor. INSTATE OF FKANKLIN P. 1SICOOXS ll Lute et Celeniin tewnship.dcceascd, I. an caster county. Pa. All persons indebted te said estate are requested te make lmmcdiutu payment, and these having legal claims against the same will present them without delay iu proper order for settlement te SAMUEL SHIMP, Administrator. Bait P. O., Lancaster County, Pa. aprtl-Otw The Bleed is the lite! IilNDSEY'S BLOOD SEAECHEE Is rapidly acquiring u national reputation for the cure el Scrofulous Affection, Cancereu Forma tion, Erysipelas, Dells, Pimple. Ul cers, Sere Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter, Salt-Kheum, Mercurial, and all Skin Diseases. This remedy is a Vegetable Compound, ead cannot harm the most tender infant. Ladies who sutler from debilitating discuses t'tid Fe male Complaints, will find speedy r lief by using this remedy. C. W. Lixscett, of Mesopotamia, O., says it cured him et Scretula of thirty years. Twe bottles cured Mrs. E. J. Dukes, of Colfax, Ind., of ulcerated ankle and big neck. LIN D SEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER cured my son of Erysipelas. Mrs. E. Smeltzek, Larimer Sta tion, Pa. The lfloed Sarchr is the Safest, Snrcst and Most Powerful Purifier ever known. Price $1.00 per bottle. , . It. K. SELLERS & C., Prep'rs, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Te Regulate the Liver. Use Only Sellers Liver Mils, the best and only .true tlver Regulator. Established ever 50 years. They cure Headache, Biliousness, Costiveness, Liver Cem plalnt.Fevcrand Ague, and oil slmllur diseases, like magic. Get the right kind. SELLERS LIVER PILLS, Si cts. The great Werm Destrever! SELLERS VEKM1FUGE. " Expelled 40O Werm from my child, two years old." Wm. S.u:VEit.St. Leui.3, Me. Sold bv druggists. Price 2. cts. each. It. E. SELLERS & CO., Prep'rs. Pitts burgh, Pa. Snd for circulars. el-lyw