LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAvY, MAY 3, 1880. Lancaster fntelltgencer. MONDAY EVENING. MAY 3, 1880. Why They Are Pleased. The Democratic organs are mere tickled ever the results of the Pennsylvania con vention than a married couple is ever the first baby. Neie Yerk Tribune. It is very much that way they are feel ing,as is evident from the extracts which we re-publish en our first page te-day. And they have geed right te feel in a jubilant frame of mind. The hopes of the Republicans and the apprehensions of the Democrats were that the state convention would be a slaughter of the the best interests of Pennsylvania Dem ecracy for years te come. Lecal feuds were carried thither from every quarter of the state, te be thrown into the gener al contest, and fuel for the flames was borne by small politicians who marshall ed their petty rilries under the oppos ing banners of greater men. Every question of principle, every dis puted seat, all the state and na tional candidates were te be hotly con tested, and en whatever side the accident of victory might turn there were te be heartburnings and bitternesses and divi sion left in tlie wake. Hew different the issue from all these anticipations ! Peace with honor has been wen, by si compromise of difficulties that required no surrender of principle, no abatement of true Democratic posi tion. In fact men are just beginning te realize, after all, hew little there was te quarrel about and what hair-lines kept them apart. The barriers of contending factions in this state were only cobwebs. "When Messrs. Speer and Dill and Mutchler, selected by one side, met in conference with Messrs. Jenks and Stenger and Gibsen from the ether side, they were quite able te come te a unani mous conclusion upon every point sub mitted. Se their work meets with hearty ratification in every quarter of the state, and party disputes are being wiped out as'with a sponge. Here and there some het head who is guided by prejudice and net by principle, and who esteems fac tional aggrandizement above party suc cess, will bring home from the state convention the disputes which it settled, but such people will only take rope enough te hang themselves, and their ef forts te fan into life ashes that arc dead and cold, will only expose their own ri diculousness. There is nothing in the character of the delegation te Cincinnati which af fords either of the late factions opportu nity te claim or take advantage of the oilier, if either was se disposed. Mr. "Wallace is reported te have said that lie will net cease te exert himself te have the Keystone state make a creditable exhibition of itself at Cincinnati. Mr. "W. L. Scott is reported te have claimed 40 of the delegation as Tilden men. Te both of these gentlemen, representing diverse interests, it may be said that the delegation is quite able te take care of itself. It was selected in that view. It is composed of independent men. "We doubt if half of them are commit ted te any special candidate and Ave be lieve the whole of them will at the proper time sacrifice their own personal preferences te the party geed, and will be willing te impress upon the national convention just such a policy of wisdom and harmo ny as prevailed at Harrisburg. The adoption of that policy has made the Pennsylvania Democracy the standard bearer of the national party, and will give her delegation at Cincinnati the first place of power. Republican Rottenness. The Republican party of the state has delivered itself into the hands of its po litical enemy by the pardon of Kemble. It is se clearly the work of the chiefs of that party, and is se distinctly the re ward of the political services of Kemble and the men behind him, who arc great er than he. that the whole responsibility and the whole condemnation for the act of the pardon beard and the governor fall upon the Republican party. The Democratic party is clear and clean of it. This may be only its geed fortune. It may be that its leaders similiarly tempt ed would have similarly yielded ; for it is as dangerous te place implicit trust in politicians as it is in princes. There is no hanging blindly te their coat tails if you have a soul te save or a reputation you would cherish. "We vouch for no man's irrefragable strength in the moment of political temptation, for most of them will fall. Democratic leaders often get weak in the knees in matters of political principle, and we have had an excellent illustration of that in the way se many of them followed after false gods in the greenback issue. Even that sturdy oak, Senater Thurman, fell by the wayside, and new finds himself out of leadership of the host which marches en solidly once mere te the hard money tune that Jacksen set it. Our leaders often get us into trouble by their bad judgment, but it is net often that they disgrace us with such infamous records as that just made at Harrisburg for the Republican party. That is the fruit of the party's rottenness. The party lead ers came te Kemble's assistance because they were as deep in the mud as he was in the mire and they had no choice, te save themselves. "We believe that the correspondent of the New Yerk Sun is entirely right when he says that that the Pennsylvania dele gation " te Cincinnati is an independ ent one from top te bottom. The Tilden element in it is the most pronounced, al though it is probably net a full third ;" and Mr. Tilden's supporters are net as numerous in it as Mr. Randall's friends. " But the delegation is under nobody's control ; the defeat of the unit rule was intended for notice that it should net be. It is net for Tilden, Hancock or Randall, but for the man who can poll the most votes against Grant, and it will leek out that man from the list of candidates with the utmost caution, and with re gard only te two qualiflcatieni a pure article of Democracy and manifest avail ability." It will most likely be " a mere harmonious body without the coercive unit rule than it would have been with it." Reading's new afternoon daily paper, the Neves, made its appearance en Satur day. In typographical appearance it is quite attractive, its news columns are filled with accurate reports of current events, the field of local happenings is carefully gleaned.the literary department that is a part of every well-regulated newspaper is net neglected, whilst the editorial columns give evidence of ability and energy and Democracy of the aggressive quality characteristic of the sturdy yeomanry of " alt Berks." PERSONAL.. Mr. "W. II. Vandeubilt, wife and two children sailed en Saturday for Europe. Dr. Samuel CiierriN, a distinguished New Orleans surgeon, died last night o e pneumonia, after three days' illness. In the village of Stillwater, Me., en the 24th of April, Capt. J. R. Blen, a dashing young calvary officer of the war of 1812, new 87 years of age, has led Miss M. C. Jehnsen, a blushing bride of Ge, te the altar. Senators Ceukling, Edmunds, Blaine and Thurman are never in their seats at prayers. Senators Coke, Slater, Blair, Saunders, McMillan, Kirkwood, Dawes and Cameren, of Wisconsin, are, in fact, the only prompt ones. Jee Smith, son of the original Jee Smith, yesterday dedicated a Church of Latter Day Saints, or Jee Smith Mormons, as sometimes called, at Hall Ne. 6, 19 "West Lake street, Chicago. This is the first regular church of this sect in Chi cago. Dr. J. C. Gatciikll celebrated his birth day en Saturday. He was in town and was attired in his famous claw-hammer coat and white vest. His face was covered with smiles and he did considerable work among the politicians. He is net at all confident of his re-election, but thinks his record is as geed as that of any man who ever went from this county te the Legis lature. It turns out that the Texas delegation te the Cincinnati convention, heretofore re ported solid for Hancock, is divided and that at least two of the delegates are for Bayard. Ex-Congressman Jehn Han cock, a delegate, writes : "What iniluencc I may have will be directed te the nemina tien of Bayard as our best chance te de feat Gen. Grant." Ex-Governer Stock- dale, also one of the delegates, is an enthu siastic Bayard man. In his letter resigning the Pennsylvania railroad presidency Cel. Tiies. A. Scott says he is impelled te take this step " he cause I am assured by my physician that it is indispensable te a possible restoration of my health that I should be relived from the cares and responsibilities inseparable from the position. lie further says : " I need net say with what keen regret I sever relations- which have extended through nearly two-thirds of my life, and which have associated with them the most gratifying recollections of faithful support and adherents te the interests of the company en the part of these in every department of the service with whom they have been officially or otherwise connected." In conclusion he expresses great confidence in the succeed ing management. MINOR TOPICS. The New Era has no candidate for dis trict attorney, but the Heg Ringers have at least three. TnuiiMAN delegates te the Ohie Demo cratic convention were Ciiesen in many counties of that state en Thursday. The Maner statesman wants te go back te the Legislature. It is a great wonder that he dees net want te get Heir Smith's place. Ames II. Mylin lives in the country, but he comes te all the balls in the city and his friend, Temmy Cochran, shows him around. "William I). "Weaveii is tee slew for his experienced opponents in the district at torney fight, but his enthusiastic friends' think he can carry two townships. Jehnsen has been doing big work of late, and if Adam Eberly docs net watch he will be beaten. Adam had the Exami ner solid last night yet. The Baltimore Gazette, which some months age reduced its price from two cents per copy te one cent, has been com pelled by the heavy advance in paper te return te its original rate. Roijesen will net be able te control the New Jersey Republican convention for Grant, and he has been beaten, horse, feet and dragoons, in the preliminary skirmish. Blaine will sweep the decks, with Wash burnc next, then Grant and Edmunds, and lastly, a faint trace of the Sherman boom. The men who "elected" Jehn A. Bor Ber ing mayor of Lancaster are new running Ames H. Mylin for senator in the lower district. Mr. Mylin will in all probability have a bigger fight than he had two years age, as some of the "boys" who make the noise are going for the soldier candi date. Fkedekick Douglass indignantly denies the truth of the report that he had premised te solicit Governer Cernell, of New Yerk, te commute the sentence of Chastine Cox. He says Cox is a cold celd cold beooded murderer if there ever was one, and that he richly merits hanging. He insists that all he asks for the colored man is fair play. The Pittsburgh Dispatch, a Republican paper, speaking of the Kemble, pardon says : " It is idle te criticize this infam ous act of officials representing the domi nant party in a great state. Its every phase is patent te any one who reads. Net a repulsive feature of it but stands out in bold relief. The effect upon the party is a trivial consideration, It would seem that the moral sense of the public must crush any party whose representatives could en gage in such a bold and unblushing at tempt te thwart the operation of the law but this is foreign te the principle involved. The sum of the whole transaction is that crime has triumphed ever the state govern ment." Catherine Slattcry died at New Yerk en Friday night from injuries received at the hands of her husband, Michael Slattery, who threw her down stairs en the 23d ultimo during a drunken quarrel. The husband is in custody. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Cattle are perishing in parts of Greys borough county, Neva Scotia, fodder be ing very scarce. A fire in the office of Olcott & King, lawyers at Albany, N. Y., in the State bank building, caused a less of $3,000. Patrick Feley, aged 18, who threw a stone at some boys and struck Margaret O'Toele, aged 5, killing her, will be tried for homicide. Frem the 12th of November last te April 28 a firm at Belleville, Ont., has shipped te England 15,224 cattle and 4,201 sheep, valued at $1,700,000. The posteffice at Paw Paw, Mich., was entered en Friday night by burglars, the safe blown open and $1,000 in stamps and currency taken. Crep reports from Alabama are te the effect that all the growing crops are sev eral weeks- behind last year, and the weather is still unfavorable. A fire at Omaha en Saturday morning destroyed a block of stores en Tenth street north of the Union Pacific railroad track, involving a less of $20,000. There were snow squalls along the Hudsen river at Garrison's, N. Y., en Sat urday. The Catskills are covered with snow, and ice formed en the farms in the interior. The convention of the Southern Baptist church of the United States will meet at Lexington, Ky., en Wednesday. Already ever 700 delegates have secured accommo dations. Adam Waggoner, an old man, living en a farm in Lallia county O., was shot and killed in his field en Saturday by his nephew Phillip "Waggoner. They had quarreled about- some land. The murderer escaped. A fire in the basement of French, Petter & Wilsen's glassware, china and crockery store, at Chicago, en Saturday, damaged the stock $10,000 and the building $1,000, which is covered by insurance, mostly in Eastern companies. Henry Leng, who was fatally shot by a mob at Esquire Bosten's elfce, at Blue River township, Harrison county, Indiana, last Tuesday, was buried yesterday after noon. He made a dying statement, nam ing his murderer and eleven ethers in the mob, all of whom will be arrested. Baseball en Saturday : Providence Providence 8, Bosten 0. Cincinnati Chi cage 4, Cincinnati 3. Cleveland Buffalo 7, Cleveland 4. Albany Albany 4, Na tienal 4: eleven innings. Worcester Worcester 13, Trey 1. Princeton Prince ten University 14, Lafayette College 1. Edward Kennedy, a sailor, shot and killed Mrs. Nellie Stokes, aged 19, at New Yerk, en Saturday evening, because she had repeatedly refused te inarry him, and then shot himself, but will recover. Mrs. Stokes was bearding with an aunt, having disagreed with and left her husband, Geerge Stokes, a lithographer. Leuis M. Nebingcr, said te be from Virginia, was hanged at Gainesville, Texas en J?riuay for murdering Willis Uluic. Beth had courted the same lady, but Cline married her. and a month alter the mar riage, while Cline and his wife lay asleep en a perch, Cline was shot dead, his head being blown te pieces. A wealthy farmer, named Miner, living near Jonesborough. Ind., who had been adjudged insane, but net confined, became jealous of a peer neighbor named Jehnsen. On Friday evening they met and quarrel ed, and Miner cut Jehnsen's threat with a razor, killing him en the spot. The lunatic then took te the weeds with a bottle of strychnine, but seems net te have used the drug, as his body was found en Saturday with the threat cut by the same razor that killed his victim. STATU; f, ITEMS. Posteffices were established in this sta te last week at Sis, in Fulton county, and Stanhope, in Schuylkill county. Ann Eliza Arneld committed suicide by hanging herself te her bedpost, near Cerry en Saturday. Her brother hanged himself in the same room several years age. Without doubt Vice President Roberts will succeed Cel. Scott as president of the Pennsylvania railroad company, and Mr. Cassatt will succeed te the first vice presi dency. Judge Elcock has granted a motion for a new trial in the case of Theodere J. Mc Gurk, convicted last winter of having murdered James Neads, colored porter in White's dental establishment,PhiIadclphia, fifteen years age. The defense in the new trial will be insanity. The seventy-two-hour walking match in Philadelphia ended en Saturday night. The walkers were te go-twelve hours a day for six days. Albert wen it, making 412 miles. He get $100 and a geld watch, besides the scventy-two-heur champion ship, as the best previous record was 385 1-9 miles. The Adams county Republicans have had the largest meeting for years. Reso lutions were carried by a vote of 24 te 2 requesting the district delegates te Chi cago te vote for Blaine. Cumberland and Yerk counties, which with Adams com prise the district, have already declared for Blaine. The Curtin-Yocum case, it is said, will certainly be brought up in the Heuse en Tuesday. Speaker Randall is using his influence te that effect, and has assured Mr. Beltzhoevcr, who has the case in charge, that it will be considered en that day. It is doubtful whether Curtin will get his seat, the chances being that he will be defeated. It is stated that Curtin will again be a candidate for election te Con gress in his district, whether he is success ful or net in this contest. A SUNDAY TRAGEDY. l'attcmen, X. J., the Scene of a Murder- -An Infuriated Meb. As often as the first May Sunday comes around the German singing societies of Paterson climb a mountain overlooking the town te greet the sun with music. Very likely the custom dates back beyond the time when Ciesar built his bridge ever the Rhine. Any way, it is a beautiful one. Yesterday the members of the societies started up the mountain as usual, followed by a throng of their music-loving towns men who are early risers en this day, if en no ether in the year. Half way up they were met by one Dalzcll, a farmer, whose quarrelsome temper has often made work for the courts. He gruffly ordered them off his land, an unfenced and untitled moun tain side. There was a parley, during which he threatened several times te sheet them. They laughed at this and Dalzcll ran into his house. When he came out he had a shot gun in his hands. Leveling it at the centre of the throng, he fired. Sev eral persons were slightly wounded by scattering shot ; one young man dropped te the ground dead. Dalzcll ran into his barn. Fer two or three minutes everybody was stupefied. Then a hearse cry for ven geance made itself heard. Seme one slip ped behind the barn and set it en fire. Dalzcll, gun in hand, ran te the house of a neighbor. This, tee, was presently in a blaze. Seme policemen rescued Dalzcll and conveyed him te another house,, under a pelting hail of stone. They were at once besieged, and the siege lasted for hours. The crowd grew until 5,000 men were clamoring for the life of the murderer. The cn thc police force of Paterson had new ar rived en the scene. The sheriff, after try ing eloquence in vain, hurried down te the town, where the church bells were ringing and swore in the braver church-goers as a pesse: I he aristocratic Light Guards were called upon, but did net respond te the call ; they had no ammunition, they said. A coroner and priest harangued the mob with little perceptible effect. Finally while the police covered the foremost besiegers with their cocked revolvers, Dalzell was thrust into a carriage and driven rapidly away. It was net thought safe te keep him in Paterson, and he is new in Newark jail, under lock and key. m CAKrET GARDENING. A Charming Occupation in Which French Ladles Find reasonable Pleasure. Paris Letter. The outdoor occupation is carpet gar dening. It consists in the laying out of beds en lawns, of borders and strips of earth, with shrubs or bedding plants of variegated hues in order te matcli tne shades of Persian carpets and Indian shawls. This stvle of fancy gardening commenced in France a few years age ; the lovely Japanese carpet in the Trocadero grounds during the late exposition gave an impulse te this mode of ornamentation. I have seen the border of an Indian camel's hair scarf, with all its palms and intervening designs, most accuratsly reproduced en a garden border. Neither is it se difficult te suc ceed iu this as one at first sight would sup pose. It is a matter which requires care and foresight chictly. The height of variegated shrubs and the room they require for spreading has te be acquired ; the rest is only a case of painstaking and nicety. The beds of French lawns set aside for the purpose are prepared by the gardener, who makes all the surfaces perfectly level. When they are ready the ladies lie en the top a paper en which the design has been carefully perforated ; the paper of course corresponds with the size and shape of the bed or border te be ornamented. All the holes are then filled with chalk finely powdered or sand, which leaves a perfect impress en the block meld after, the paper has been carefully removed. The plants are afterward sunk into the different compart ments marked out for them. If the design is very intricate it is wise te indicate the color and nature of plants te be imbedded by writing their names en the paper. A plan or paper bed is usually prepared in-doers when the weather does net admit of out door exercise. Several gentlemen having property in the environs pride themselves en their carpet lawn, which is the success ful attempt of their wives or daughters. The cost is moderate. A tablecloth de sign is usually executed in low cream-colored shrubs. I have seen -a kiosk, under which meals are served in summer, with a circular border repeating emblems of wel come and hospitality carried out in smal shrubs. An " Expert" en the Art of flanging. Themas de Quincey, in ene of his opium ecstasies, wrote a grotesque paper en " Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts," but the New Yerk Herald, in ap parently sober earnestness (unless it has been hoaxed), has gene ahead of that by giving the views of Marwood, the British executioner, en the subject of hanging. This Marwood, who visited the New Yerk city prison, the Tombs, en Wednesday, is net exactly the great Marwood himself, but only his assistant and cousin, Fred eric. He showed himself te be affable and intelligent enough, however, te be Calcraft or his successor, and dis played a reasonable curiosity te knew hew the " business " which he fol fel lows is performed in this country. The prison pleased him, but this expert was net satisfied with our hanging arrange ments. He wanted te knew if the Tombs was the place where a man's head was pulled off en the scaffold recently, and could net understand hew it was possible te de such a thing. Our " system " how ever, he said, was "all wreug." "I have seen men executed in many different ways. I have seen their heads chopped off with swords, axes and guillotines. I have seen them garroted and smothered with gases, and I seen a screw driven into their vertebra:. Others I have seen bled te death or killed by electricity. The latter means is an excel lent one ; but if you want te hang a man, there is no better system than the ene we have in England. If you want te strangle them te death, your system is net as geed as the Spanish garretc." "But we hang them here," said somebody. "Ne, you de net. According te the accounts, if you de net have an accident, you strangle people te death. That is all. It seem surprising te me that with the wonderful inventive genius of the Americans, they have net improved en this mode of execu tion." It is thoroughly like an English man te have absolute faith in the British " system," even the hanging, and te be lieve that no possible improvement could be made in it. Mr. Marwood inspected the gallewsand pronounced it " all wrong." He objected te " pulling them up " instead of dropping them." The gallows "that machine," as he calls it was barbarous. It was an engine for strangulation, net hanging. " The only way te hang is by the drop. Calcraft used te use the short drop, but we, after my cousin succeeded him, adopted the long rope. We never have any trouble of any kind. It works noise lessly, and when the drop falls the man is dead nine times out of ten. We never have any of the scenes se frequent in this country." But then, Mr. Marwood should have been told that we de net think we need any regular professional execu tioner in this country. Civil vs. Military Power. Jtaltimore Gazette, Dem. "The presence at the polls of a regular military force and a host of hireling offi cials claiming the power te arrest and im prison citizens without warrant or hear ing destroys all freedom of elections and upturns the very foundation of self-government." Such is the language of the Pennsylvania Democrats, as enun ciated in the strong and vigorous plat form adopted by the state convention en Thursday last. We trust it will be re echoed in the Democratic platform of every state. Fer, abeve and beyond even the fraud conspiracy of 1870-77 and the im perialist and coruptienist tendencies of the Grant section of the party,stands the para mount issue whether in a time of profound peace the American people arc willing te tolerate the reckless and partisan use of troops and "a host of hireling officials." te inlluence the elections by their presence at tne polls, l lie step lrem the common prac tice et the Grant administration in this re spect te the establishment of a military dictatorship is a short and easy one. If the Kepublican position is sustained tythe popular vote that practice will be incorpo rated permanently in our political system. And while this or that individual presi dent might net abuse the dangerous per mission, the time would come sooner or later when some " strong" incumbent of the executive office would avail himself of the legalized means of perpetuating himself in power. Limitation of the mil itary arm has always been one of the watch-words of the Democracy. In the next campaign it will have a new and for cible significance. Watterson Grews KnthuHlastic. Louisville Ceuriei -Journal, Dcm. The news from Harrisburg reads like a romance. It recalls the days of Demo cratic chivalry ; the days when principles ruled, and the integrity, the usefulness and the unity of the party of the constitution were net sacrificed te cliquism, private quarrels and personal revenges. It warns the ceckcls of the true Democratic heart te read tne stirring words of Randall, of Wallace, of Vaux, of Stenger, of Dill, of Hensel, and the rest of the brave and loyal spirits, who, amid bound less discouragement and against au iron clad machine, have held up the banner of the geed old faith of Jeffersen and Jack Jack eon, and who, driven apart for years upon local issues, have at last come together upon the threshold of a supreme national emergency, pledged te see" the wrong righted, and te drive the enemies of popu lar government into merited retirement. Such a miracle could only be wrought by the voice of the people, which is the veice of Ged. It is a token that the people are at the front asserting their majesty and then- power. m LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Grade of Pupils. The following is the grade of pupils iu attendance at the boys' high school during the month of April. Twe hours' home study per day is expected from each pupil : FIRST CLASS. Gee T Leydcn 99 Grant Rehrcr 95 Chas Wlleitshu 98 Chad II Frey US Harry BSnavely 93 Edw L Hubur !U Marien B Hurt man. 97 Win C Hear ft! Harry E Stener 91 Walter 1 King 84 C E Urban 9GThesG Wise 81 SBCOND CLASS. A L Witwer 9s Levi W Herttng.... 80 Samuel HLichty 97 Wm HLindeinuth.. 77 ChrLKrantz 96 Frank McC'luln 77 Heward T Hayes 94 ,1 no A Hoever 1 Clarence H Clark... 93 Frank II Ilauibright 70 Win G Landia 89 BcnJ A Spindler 70 W S Adlcr 88 Jno It McCullen.... 9 Itebt G Burst 87 UeeFErimnan " IlewardSmeltz 84 Edw II Stlrk m Chas A Miller 83 Thee Dillcr 5tf Abner J Smeltz 83 Walter E Kelly 55 Gee Hetrick 83 J IIHartman 54 Win A Buckius 80 Samuel W Dlller.... 50 THIHD CLAS3. Chas Carpenter 86 Wm K Peters C2 Gee M Derwart.... 84 Wm C Pyfer. CO Carl it Eaby 84 Harry It Smith (10 Sit Slaymaker 83 Jno It Duncan 4(1 Henry Gerhart 77 Edw A Shertzer 43 Wm L Gable 70 Walter G Peters 41 Daniel 11 Sensenig.. 70 James A Kelly 38 E G Kiehlieltz C7 It D McCaskcy 30 Wilsen W Fowler.. 66 FOURTH CLASS. Grant Strine 93 Charles Winewer... 73 Harry A Sbenk 92 Chas II Denues 70 Jno II Hartman 89 Henry Ottheffer 1 Wm I) Iteck 87 Jas II Munson 59 M B Dbsinger 83 Clirten Evans 50 Chas II Obreiter 80 ChasS IIetTineier... 54 1)S. Smith 80 Henry Heath 44 WB.Hellinger 76 Gee F Wiley 43 Gee II Aekerman... 75 Abram L Miles 43 ltebt M Adams 73 Goe I Killian 35 The following is the percentage of the pupils of the girls' high school for the month of April, 1880: FIRST CLASS. Rese McCullen 100 Annie Baker 94 Harriet Clarksen.,.100 Laura Lecher 'Si Mary Achmus 99 Blanche Dlller 93 MarySharp 99 Anna Slaymaker... 93 Mary Landis 97 Ella Laverty 93 Louiie Neiiiich 97 Kate Harrison 93 Sue Slaymaker 97 Mary Shulze 89 Laura Linville 96 Emilic B.Martin 86 Beckie Slaymaker.. 96 Nellie G. Laudiu 80 Bella Yeagley 95 Emma Albright... 75 Ella GunUaker 94 SHCOXD CLASS. Lizzie ITcleina 99 Lulu Leng 96 Sadie Shindle 99 Minnie Brown 93 Minnie Itaub 99 Ella Dubbs 93 Flera Eaby 99 Annie Bitner 93 Frances Kreider.... 98 Florence Spreeher. . 91 Carrie Myers 98 Minnie Peacock 8!) Mary lleycr 97 Emma Fick 86 Frances Kauffman. 97 Lillic Hese 86 S. C. Ellmakcr 97 Annie Witmer 83 Alice Fridy 96 MaySutten 79 Jennie Oclis 96 Leuie Finney 77 llallie Albert 96 THIRD CLASS. Sallia Baldwin 97 LydiaReck 92 Kate Shirk 90 Emma Falk 93 HallieSkcen 96 KateMcGinnis 91 Ella Stauffur 96 Alice McXaughtau. 91 May Frick 96 Eflie Reimensnyder. 99 Lizzie Eaby 95 Emma McCuIley... 90 Alice Dinan 95 Mamie Sharp 90 Flera Beard 91 Mary Everts 90 Annie Barr 94 Mary Smoker 88 Emma Held 93 'Carrie Yonker 40 FOURTH CLASS. Naemi Eberman... 99 BellaWeitzel 98 Libbie Weber 99 Emma Sener 98 Sallie Greff. 99 Susie Kirkpatrick.. 9s Bertha Merrow 9! Elsie Peters 97 Emma Lively 99 Katie Barnes 97 Allic Arneld. 99 Marien Kendig 97 Hattie McKeown... 9!) Sallie Leng 97 Katie Gast 98 Mazie Lecher 96 Nellie King 98 Ella Shirk 90 Marvllalbach 98 Sallie Horne 93 Anna Hess 98 Ella Trewitz 70 FIFTH CLASS. Ella Killingcr 99 Lizzie Weaver 94 Marv McPiicrsen... 98 Ida Kryder 9 Mary- Goodell 98 Jesie Franklin 94 AdaZellers 97 Esther Spindler.... 94 Ida Huzzard 97 Emma Smith 93 Katie Shertz 97 Emma Eberly 93 Sue llarkius 97 Mary Grcezingcr... 93 Esther Clarksen.... 96 Hattie Quinn 91 Lizzie Kirkpatrick. 96 Annie Weise 8!) Carrie Cox 90 Blanche Beard 87 Edith Rogers 90 Agnes Carpenter... 87 Anna Baer 95 Ella Shertzer 81 Maria Clarksen 95 Ada Power 75 'Unavoidable absence. m NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Events Acress the County Line. Sunday evening Curtiss Reed and Jehn Panncl, aged respectively 18 and 15 years, took a beat ride at Harrisburg. The beat upset and they were with difficulty rescued from drowning. A woman aged 70 years while picking coal along the railroad at Harrisburg, last evening, was struck by the cars and in; stantly killed. Her body has net been identified. While trying te eject a drunken man named Kistlar from Streets' mill in Read, ing, en Saturday, the watchman, Ivemptf struck him with a billy, inflicting a wound which caused death in a short time. A coroner's jury justified Kempt. The large frame residence of Mr. Berna dan, of Claymont, Delaware, took fire from the range about 2 o'clock this morn ing, and was completely destroyed together with the barn. A young girl named Mc Namara, employed as domestic in the fam ily, perished. The nurse and three of Bernadan's children narrowly escaped with their lives. Mary Hall, another ser vant leaped from a third-story window and was dangerously injured. Less heavy. SUDDEN DEATH. Au Inmate of the Hospital Dies in the Water Closet. Yesterday morning, Abbie Blensinger, an inmate of the county hospital, died very suddenly at the latter institution, She ate her breakfast as usual about 0 o'clock and was then taken te the water closet by a woman attendant who left her thare. In about a half hour she was found lying dead in the closet. In the afternoon Cor Cor oner Mishler summoned a jury which was composed of A. F. Hartman, Jehn A. Schuh, Jehn S. Becker, E. Stene, W. S. Weaver and Edwin S. Samson, and they found that she came te her death from heart disease. The deceased was G9 years of age and was from the neighborhood of Mount Jey, but has been an inmate of the hospital for some time. She will be buried in the grounds of the institution. Lecal Tobacco Market. There is little new te chronicle. A few small lets of loose 1879 have been gathered in and two or three small packings of 1878 have been sold by our city packers, and Cel. James,'Duffy, of Marietta, has sold 180 cases or his own growingef 1878 te Messrs. Rossin & Sen, of New Yerk all of the above sabs having been made en private terms. We have heard of no sales of 1879. The heavy frost of Saturday night last badly damaged the young plants in ex posed localities. Seme of them were al most hopelessly injured, and ethers were saved by an early application of cold water which drew the frost from the plants be fore they were wilted by the sunshine. Farmers are busily preparing their ground for the coming planting, which will be, as we have heretofore stated, larger than any former year. IHEDBAXA. .Mr. Jeffersen as Rip Van Winkle." Te Mr. Jeseph Jeffersen the Amer ican stage ewes one of its most artistic adornments. . His imperson ation of Hip Van Winkle, the vagabond of the Catskills, has long been the model upon which subsequent delinea tions have been founded, and ambitious actors who have essayed the role have ad hered, in se far as their histrionic talent and imitative skill would permit, te the Jeifersenian idea of the character. The appearance of its great creator, therefore, in this city en Saturday evening was greet ing by a large and brilliant audience. Mr. Jelfcrsen has permitted the role te lese nene of the oid-time picturesque beauty and pathetic interest that have given him a world-wide celebrity. In appear ance, tone of voice, gesture, and action, he in the embodiment, the llesh-aud-bloed reality, of the creature of Washington Irving's dream. He presents a picture that never wearies the eye of the ordinary mortal and always charms the sense of the artist. While Mr. Jeffer son's portraiture has long since passed be yond the domain of criticism, since it is he who has made the character, it is frequently made the subject of contrast with the copy which Mr. Mc Wadc has given te the world. It requires no very close scrutiny te discern the su periority of Mr. Jeffersen's picture, ad mirable as are the effects of Mr. Mc Wade's scarcely less famous work. The colors as applied by the hand of the former artist are the natural hues as they exist in Irv ing's charming story; Mr. McWade has exaggerated the effects, iu a measure de stroying the artistic beauty of the por traiture, though the defect is hardly dis cerned except upon a comparison of the two. We see mere of the humor of the ciiaracier in Jievaues impersonation or appear te, because it is net of the same refined character as that ei Jir. jenersen wmie jeiterseu gees below the surface, and stirs a feeling that has its being deeper down than the mere sense of humor. Mr. Jelfcrsen attains the height of his powers m the third act after waking from the "sleep of twenty years." The version of the story as given by Jeffersen varies materially from the inter pretatiens of some ether actors ; the dra matic effects of McWade's and earner's respective adaptations of the same inci dents te the stage in many respects sur. pass these of Jeffersen, while in a numbci of the scenes they fall far below. Miss Henrietta Vadcrs, who played the part of Gretchen, was the only member of the cast who is entitled te special men tion. Miss Vaders always acts well her part, and she came in for a fair portion of the honors en Suturday evening. TllC SUPREME COURT. List of the Lancaster County Cases. A large number of the members of the Lancaster bar left for Harrisburjr this morning te be in attendance upon the May term of the supreme court, the first week of which is devoted te the Yerk and Lancaster cases. Following are the cases taken up from this county, theso marked with a being en the "shortlist," by agreement of counsel te be taken up first and net mere than an hour te he con sumed in the argument of each : 'Wiley's appeal, Brown's appeal, Sheff vs. liaumgamncr, Appic s appeal, Bom Bem berger vs. Nash & Bre., IIauever Junc tion and Susquehanna railroad company vs. Kauffclt, 'Hanover Junction and Susqc hanua railroad vs. Magee, Baldwin's appeal, Rudy's appeal. Salomen vs. Frey, Espenshade vs. Kellenberger, Evans vs. Reed, Evans & Sen vs. Lancaster city school beard, 'Philadelphia and Reading railroad company vs. Andersen, Bernar vs. Dunlap, 'Wall & Wisnei vs. Staley, 'Moere vs. Hanover Junction and Susque hanna railroad company, Coonley vs. com monwealth, 'Appeal te the borough of Columbia, Jack's appeal, Landis's appeal, In re W. U. Hensel, In le A. J. Steinman, Farmers Mutual lire insurance company vs. Barr, Perter's appeal, Leng's appeal, Steinman & Ce. vs. Hendersen, Ferree, et. al., vs. Themas. The Contempt Cane Postponed. Under the law of 1879 the cases of Steinman and Hensel, disbarred attor neys, are entitled te no te the head of the list. They were ready te go en, hut Judge Patterson's counsel, Attorney General II W. Palmer, having lately undergone a sur gical operation, is detained at his home in Wilkesbarrc and Judge Patterson was net ready te go en without him this morning. The following has been received : Harris nune, May 3. Intelligencer : Postponed for Palmer until another day of the term Thursday, May 27. A. J. Steinman. Public Ledger. Vel. 1, Ne. 1. Mr. A. J. Harbcrger has laid upon our table a copy of the first number of the Philadelphia Public Ledger, dated Friday morning. March 25, 183G. It is a neat lit tle sheet, net quite one-fourth as large as the Ledger of te-day, and was published by Swain, Ahcll & Simmons, "Ne. 38 and 39 Arcade, lower story." In their saluta tory the cditeis defend themselves for is suing " another newspaper" in a ceinmu nity " already overstocked with this com medity," by declaring that while the af fluent are well supplied by the large and high-priced papers, the peer artisan and laborer cannot afford te pay eight or ten dol lars a year for a daily paper, and that there is therefore an opening for a penny paper. In proof of this the publishers refer te New Yerk and Brooklyn, "containing to gether a population of 300,000," where the penny press has a circulation of net less than " seventy thousand," and te empha size the immensity of this circulation the words are printed in capitals ! What won derful advances have been made in news paper publications since the issue of this little paper? New almost every city in the union and many boroughs of comparative ly small population, print larger papers, containing far mere and much later news than the Ledger could offer te its readers. The telegraph, the telephone and the light ning trains en the railroads have created a revolution in the newspaper world since 1830. Slight Fire. On Saturday the box used for re-sweating tobacco in the establishment of Syl vester & Ce., en Cherry alley, near the Pennsylvania railroad bridge caught fire, from the lamps used in the process of re sweating, and were burned. Ne damage was done te the building and the less was net great, POULTRY. Meeting of the Lancaster Poultry Assecia- atiea Discussion as te the Best Made of Heusing and Feeding Fowls. The May meeting of the Lancaster coun ty poultry association, was held in the room of the agricultural society, city hall, this morning at 10$ o'clock. The following members and visitors were present: J. B. Lichty, secretary, city; Wm. Scheenberger, city, Frank Griest, city ; Frank R. Dittcnderffcr, city ; C. A. Gast, city ; J. W. Bruckart, Salun ga ; Jehn A. Steber, Sheeneck ; J. B. Esh leman, West Hcmpfield ; Kev. D. C. To bias, Lititz ; Jehn Schum, city ; H. H. Tshudy, Lititz ; Charles Lippold, city : J. M. Johnsten, city ; Jacob B. Leng, city. President Warfel being absent, J. A. Steber was called te the chair. The subject for discussion was a paper contributed te the Germantown Telegraph by Wm. T. Smedley, wherein the writer gives some acceunnt of his experience in poultry breeding. Formerly his fowls were left te shift for themselves, roosting en fences and trees or in sheds as their in stincts prompted them, and they were al ways healthy. Imbibing the advanced ideas of some noted breeders, Mr. Smealey erected an approved chicken house, with plenty of light, ventilation, fcc, and with the doers and windows se arranged that the cold could be thorenghly excluded. The new arrangement did net work well, however, his chickens sickened and died, and finally an epidemic set in that carried se many of them off, that he abandoned the new chicken house and turned the tewls out of doers, since which time his fleck has net been troubled with any dis ease. Rev. Tobias took issue with Mr. Smed ley, and advocated the careful beusing and feeding of his stock. He thought that Mr. Smedley had probably crowded tee many fowls into his chicken house, and had net paid proper respect te feeding them. He had no doubt that poultry re quired the same same care as ether kinds of stock, and would improve under intelli gent care and attention and deteriorate under neglect. He thought that net mere than '50 fowls should be housed together and that it was advisable te have even a less number in a single chicken house. They should be liberally fed with a variety of feed, but should net have a superabundance. There should never be left within their reach mero feed than they could cat. Mr. Tshudy agreed with Mr. Tobias. He believed it was all nonsense te say that comfortable housing injured them. Over feeding hurts them mere than anything, else when they are housed. Mr. Bruekhart said that pure bred fowls, were mere liable te disease than the com mon barnyard fowls especially se far as contagious and epidemic diseases are con cerned. High-bred fowls, like high-bred people, are attacked by disease much more mere easily than these who are accustomed to te scratch for a living. Mr. Lippold concurred with Mr. Bruek hart. It was especially noticeable that while common pigeons are rarely attacked by disease the fancy varieties are very subject te them. If this were net se fancy pigeons would be as plenty and cheap as the com mon varieties. Mr. Schum and Mr. Leng agreed sub stantially with Mr. Tobias ; favored care ful housing, great cleanliness and careful feeding, with a variety of feed and net tee much of it. Mr. Steber from hi own experience took a somewhat different view. He had ten pullets and two cockerels in an open pen, lGxlO feet, and he kept their feeding troughs constantly tilled with feed. There was net a single case of sickness among them ; while iu his fleck that was running at large and were in a measure allowed te search for their feed, he lest twenty by. cholera. He fed en corn, eats, wheat and bran. Mr. Lichty read from Reitzel's work en poultry an account of Mr. Leland's method needing, which was te give his fowls warm and dry quarters, especially in win ter, and in very cold weather te build a fire in the chicken house. He found smoke much better for the extermination of ver min than carbolic acid. 31r. Leng asked whether the prevalence of chicken cholera among old fowls, ren ders the young liable te contract the dis ease some breeders holding that the dis ease will run its course amemr old fowls without affecting the young ones Mr. Steber had lest $400 worth of old fowls by cholera, but never knew young ones te be affected by it until they had grown te the size of pigeons. If the dis ease was in an aggravated form, however, he would advise the removal of the young ones from association with the old. Mr. Tshudy said that chicken cholera was no respecter of age ; it will attack and kill the chickens from the time they are two days old as well as these five years old . He had himself lest a stock of twenty White Cochins, of all ages, the cholera carrying off every one of them. Mr. Leng proposed the following ques tion for discussion at next meeting : " What is the proper feed for large and small chickens in warm weather ?" Re ferred for answer te Mr. Tshudy. On motion the secretary was directed te have insured the coops belonging te the company and new stored at Mr. McGrann's, park. Adjourned. Miss Apple's Funeral. The funeral services of Miss Maud Apple in St. Stephen's church (college chapel), at 4 p. m. yesterday, were very largely at tended. A white cress of flowers, an an chor, a pillow with the word " Maud " in violets, and ether floral emblems, deco rated the chancel. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Drs. Nevin and Gerhart, the latter preaching an impress ive and fitting sermon. The funeral cor tege, including the family and immediate friends, the clergy of the city, the public school and Sunday school associates of deceased, the students and professors of the college, seminary and academy, and hundreds of ether friends of the family moved in mournful precession te Lancaster cemetery where the interment took place. Sale or Real Estate. Henry Shubert, auctioneer, sold at pri vate sale te-day a two-story brick dwelling belonging te the Lancaster building and lean association, situated en the south side of West James street, between Mulberry and Charlette streets, te Daniel G, Baker,, esq., for $1,050. t T V