LANCASTER DA1LT INTillJGENCEftSATVB.DAY. MAY 1. 1880. COLUMBIA NEWS. Frem an Occasional Correspondent. All quiet among the fisheries below the dam. Nothing new te report. All quiet en Tew hill since the disgrace ful affair en Tuesday afternoon. Sheriff Striue was in town yesterday en fish business. Frederick Buclier, the grocer, left Col umbia yesterday for a visit te the fader land. Market was well attended this morning ; prices fair : Butter, 23c te 28c ; eggs, from 10c te 13c ; potatoes, 55c a bushel ; head salad and asparagus high. A committee of the Vigilant fire com pany Ne. 1, of Yerk, Pa., was in town this morning en their way te Norristown te at tend the centennial anniversary of the Hu mane fire company of that place. The rate of taxation for 1880 has been fixed by council at six mills en every dol lar of valuation, one mill higher than for the year 1879, and the appeal day Friday, May 14, from 2 te 5 o'clock in the council chamber. An invitation has been received by the Vigilant fire company, Xe. 2, te partici pate in the celebration of the 40th anniver sary of the Pioneer fire company, of Mari etta en May 21. Mr. J. F. Frueauff, who resides in Lead ville, Colerado, has a very interesting let ler in the Columbia Spy a. leek at the silver mines and his ride through snow eight feet deep. A large and appreciative audience gath ered at the opera house last evening te hear the singing of the original Fisk uni versity jubilee singers, under the auspices of Welsh Pest, Ne. 118, G. A. It. All were very much pleased with the fine music rendered. On next week the posteflice will be moved into the new store room adjoining, and the postefiice room will be enlarged and thoroughly re-furnished. A money order department will be made, and among the impievemcuts will be 250 Yale lock boxes and ether desirable improvements made. LAST NIGHT' li.LL. Tremendous Crewit Great Siiccuh. Last night one of the largest balls, that has has ever been given in Lancas ter was held iu the epcia house by the employees of the Penn iron company. Leng before the doers were opened there was a large crowd in front of the house and by 10 o'clock the reception room en the second fleer was crowded with ladies. The promenade came off shortly aftcr.10 o'clock and at least one hundred and fifty couples participated in it. Each lady was presen ted with one of the handsome pregrammes as they took the fleer. The parquet circle was occupied during the evening by a large number of persons who spent the time very pleasantly in looking at the dancers. The ball broke up at a late hour this morning, it having bjen a grand success in every way. The best of order prevailed during the whole time. Policemen were stationed in the building but there was no attempt te a row. The managers of the affair de , serve te be congratulated en its success. They all worked hard te please their atreus and should they ever held another baSl they would be suie te have as large artvvvd than they had last night. Injured by a ltlatt. Je:phSchinitt, quarryman, residing at Ne. 50S Poplar street, was very severely iiijmed yesterday while quarrying stone at Miller's lime kilns, en the Conestoga . creek, near Wabank. It appeal's that he had prepared a blast and lit the fuse, but for some reason the charge did net ex plede. After awaiting a reasonable length .of time he went te the blast and attempted te draw the charge. "While thus engaged the explosion took place and Mr. Schniitt was very seriously in jured, his face being burned by the pow der and cut by the sand, and his arms and body being badly cut by small pieces of .stone, lie was taken te his home and at tend by Dr. .1. W. Hess. He will probably recover, but it is feared he may lese the . use of his eyes. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. .A BraUeman lias Itetli Legs Cat Oil Aijeut half past eleven o'clock this -morning Geerge Hetherson, a brakeman en local freight east, fell from his Train While dropping cars en the siding at Downingten. Several cars passed ever him cutting off both legs. Hetherson is a single man and resides in Philadelphia, te which city he was taken en Pacific express. Ball. On Monday evening tlic May lien of the Lan caster club(K. et P.)comes effat Roberts's halb when a geed time Is expected. Mit. Leuis Kkilmav, Mahaney City, Ia., in tonus us that his wile suffered for a whole year witli Pains in the Back, and was at times un able te attend te Iter household duties. He procured a bottle of St. Jaceii's Oil. and this wonderful remedy rulicvcd her at once, and directed a permanent cure. Tne Diamond Husineas. The records et the Philadelphia Custom house show a wonderful increase in the amount of importations of fancy goods and articles of adornment and luxury frein Europe. Objects of vertu and line art are coming into the country In far greater quantity than in for mer years and are finding their way te the homes ofpeeplc of geed taste and refinement. In the importation of diamonds there is a mar velous increase. Nothing is mere indicative of the vastly increased prosperity of the com munity. We are Informed by Mr. Jeseph T. llailey, of the film et Bailey, Banks ,fc Riddle, well-known as diamond experts and authority en precious stones, that there is a great in crease in the price of gems in Europe, owing both te the scarcity and the increased demand. It is an established fuct that In spite of this the people will have diamonds, for they are the fashion. There Is no purer ornament than the diamond, nor any which gives a mere lasting value for the money invested In it. ltd w Lancaster Mutual Ileneiicial Association. This asseciatian has just been organized and will be conducted under the same plan and laws as the Conestoga Mutual Beneficial Asso ciation (which has been in operation at Ne. 2 -cotton mill for the past seven years). The membership will be limited te three hundred, and the object of the association is te pay te the laiuily of a deceased member as many dol lars as there are members in the association. The application of all parsons in geed health between the ages of 18 and 5 who desire te be. come members will be received by William II Powell, at Parry's drug store ; Jehn W. Rudy' at Allendale cotton mill ; E. E. Snyder, 204 Seuth Prince street, or ut the hall, second story of the Inquirer building, en Monday and Wednesday evenings of next week. ltd Before Ifreakfast always use SOZODOXT and rub it in well. It gives such pleasant relief from patched tongue resulting Irem sleep, promotes the healthful, secretions of the mouth. It will cost mere for meat and such things, but don't be g nidge it. u2G-lwdeed&w Amusements. Jeseph Jeffersen Tonight. The famous actor, Mr. Jeseph Jeffersen, will appear at Fulton opera house this evenlagln bis world-renowned Impersonation of Rip Van Winkle, in Washington Irvlng's delightful story of that name dramatized especially ler 3Ir. Jeffersen's representation. Jeffersen is the acknowledged Hip of the stage, and as several years have elapsed since the people of Lancaster last had the privilege or seeing him, there will doubt less be a large turnout of his admirers and levers of geed acting at the opera house this evening. IL&.VIXO secured ever half a million of Pine and Cypress Shingles before the advance in lumber, I am prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles are considered superior te shaved Pine Shingles. JOHN BEIDLEK, Lumber Dealer, Wrightsville, Pa. sprl-3wd POLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR 8CTREME JUDGE. UKOUGE A.JENKS. KOR AUDITOR CEXERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR COSQRESS. J. L.STEIXMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. B. F. MONTGOMERY. FOR 8EWATOR (lStll DtSTRICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON", S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSRMRLY (3d DISTRICT.; AMOSDILLER. U. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. FOR r-RISOX isrsrECTORS. BARTON M. WINTERS BEN.I. MILLER. FOR TOOR DIRECTORS. A.J. SNYDKR, JOHN FRANC1SCWS. LANCASTER COUNTY APPOINTMENTS. IinLKOATES TO NATIONAL CONVKNTIOX. B. J. McGRANX, W. U. HI.XSEL. (ALTERNATES.) E. S. IIAMBUIGHT, C. J. RIIO ADS. ELECTOR. JAMES G. McSPARRAN. STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. GEO. DILLER, M.S. MOORE. Withdrawn. SI'IWIAI. VOT1C.KS. Prem the Old "haluiiiaiiurr" Mu; iiuuh. CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 12, 1890. Messrs. IT. IT. Warner & Ce., Rochester. X. Y. : Ge;tlemen: We trust enr order will reach you in reason te be promptly filled. The de mand for your "ale Remedies, especially the Safe Kid- id l.lverCnre, is continuous and increasing, and our customers speak in the highest terms of their value. Several cases of cures which have come under our observa tion are complete and most remarkable. Very truly yours. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & CO. ml-2wd&w "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," without excep tion, has given satisfaction. Our readurs give it a trUl. Druggists keep it. Price 25 cents per bottle. Why Wear Plasters? They may relieve, but they can't cure that lame back, for the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy te act directly en their se cretions, te purify and restore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wert lias that specific action and at the same time it regulates the bowels pericctly. Don't wait te get sick, but get a package te-day. and cure yourself. a26-lwd&w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. O. Boitle.ef Manchester, Ontario Ce., X. T., writes: "I obtained immediate lelief from the Use et Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil. I have had Asthma for eleven years. Have been obliged te sit up all night for ten or twelve nights in succession. 1 can new sleep soundly all night en a leather bed, which I had net been able te de previous te using the Oil." Anether writes: " Ihave been troubled with Asthma for wars ; have used halt a bottle of Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, and the benefit I have received from it is se great that I would net take one hundred dollars for the balance it I could get no mere." Address all orders te 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North (Juecn street, Lancaster. Een Threat Diseases and Couehs. '7?reum' Jlrenchial Troches," like all ether really geed things, are frequently imitated, and purchasers should be careful te obtain the genuine article prepared by Jehn I. Brown & Sens. a27-lwdTTh.SS.x-w Timely Caution. enuiiic Hep Bitteisare put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles, with white label en one side printed in black letters, and green hop cluster, and en the etherside yellow paper with red letters; revenue stamp ever the cork. This is the only form iu which gen uine Hep Bitters aie put up, and the sole righ te make, sell and use them is granted te the Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company of Ro chester, X. Y., and Terente, Ont., by patents, copyright and trade mark. All ethers put up in any ether way or by any one else, claiming te be like it or protending te contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, arc bogus and unfit for use, and only put up te sell and cheat the people en the credit and popularity of Hep Bitters. a2ti 2vd&w If you have scretula, don't fail te use ' Dr. Liudsey's Bleed Searcher." Sold by all drug gists. Vine Culture and Wine Making. Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, X. J., se long and favorably known as the wine man et New Jersey, expects a larger yield of grapes this year than usual, and has reduced the price of his lour year old Pert se as te bilng it within the ruaehef the poorer families who need a pure and rich wine for medicinal purposes. Mr. Speer's mode et fermenting and keeping his w inc differs from the usual methods. This is the reason why it is se much superior in quality; but it requites four years' manage ment and change et temperature in order te make such a perfect line wine as this is; the knowledge of changing te various tempera tures ut dificrcnt timws, and at tlm right time, is where he has the advantage of getting se rich a wine without the use of liquor. Large quantities of Speer's Pert Grape Wine have been ordered te Seuth America, and even te Londen and Paris. Physicians recommend it as superior te most Kuiepean wines. It is dealt in largely by druggists. Daily Express. This wine U endorsed by Drs. Atiee and Davis, and sold by H. E. Slaymaker. ml-2wdSw Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. Kidney-Wert has proved a most effective cure for Piles and Constipation be sure and try it. ' a26-lwdAw Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. Brown's Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIX, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted deubls the strength of any similar preparation. it cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be In every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen tul of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at H. Jl. Cochran A Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child Tliis valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty five cents a box. fianl5-lvd&wTuTh4S Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Dr. Browning's C. & C. Cordial has never been taken by anyone whom you could after wards persuade te be without it. Try it, and you will be se delighted that you will have all ye ir friend using it It is for Cengli3, Colds, and all uoablcset that nature. Get it from your druggist, or send direct te the proprietor, Dr. Browning, 1117 Arcli street, Philadelphia. &dte Gr'Mer, GOOD FITTING DRESS SUIT, Fer a GOOD FITTING BUSINESS SUIT, for a GOOD FITTING PAIR OF PANTALOONS, for a GOOD FIT TING LIGHT WEIGHT OVERCOAT. Every article of CLOTHING made and trimmed in the best possible man ner. Onr assortment of PJECE GOODS includes all the Newest and Latest Styles of all the best makes of, English, French and American Manufactures. GENTLEMEN We have an elegant line of Fancy Neckwear, White Dress Shirts, Faney Hosiery, &c, all in full assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. GIVLEB, BO WEES & HTJE8T, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Rebert Lubboek, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, writes : "I have used Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil both for myself and family for Diphtheria, with the very best results. I regard It as one of the best remedies for this disease, and would use no ether." Pepe & Billau, druggists. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, write : " We have never sold any medi cine that gives such satisfaction te the custo mer and pleasure te the seller as Dr. Themas' Eclectric OH." Address all orders te II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, tliat cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the bleed pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, Is the greatest biesslng ever con ferred upon man. Hep Bitters is that remedy, and Its proprietors are being blessed by thou sands who have been saved and cured by It. Will you try it? Sen another column. al5-2wd&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syiup. DEATHS. Apple. Maud M., daughter of Themas G. and Emma II. Apple,this morning at 0 o'clock, aged 12 years und 11 months. Funeral service will be held in the College chapel en te-morrow (Sunday) at 4 o'clock p. m. The friends and etlicrs are invited te at tend. SJStr ADVKRTD1EMEXTS, i hiA.-nO rvUtR KKAIJT LUNCll JT This (Saturdiy) Evening at the Washing ton Heuse, Ne. :U2 North Queen Street. Lunch lrem 9 te te 11 o'clock. I" t of Beer ni ways en tap. CAPT. J. II. SCIIU JI, ltd Proprietor Celluloid Eye Glasses. The Lightest and Most Durable EYE GLASSES Ever made. Fer sale by AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMOXDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS All Experience Of Nearly Half a Century in DIAMOND DEALING Gives us Positive Assurance That We Can Suit Every Persen Who Wishes te Buy DIAMONDS. BAILEY, BAIS & BIDDLE, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. pr6 lydTu.Tli&S SMALIliG, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Te-day wc open the last et our Original In voice ei" FOREIGN WOOLENS, The Choice Lines et the Season. The Mad Recherche Styles et English Treuserings. All the Latest Novelties in Foreign and American Suitings et Choice Styles and Hand some Etfects. LONDON SMOKE, LORD GREY AND EMERALD SHADES. The only Heuse in this city that handles a Full Line of the Latest and Most Popular Styles for GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. We urgently solicit nn early inspection of our stock betere the choice styles are sold, the great demand for Choice Woolens makes It ut terly impossible te duplicate certain styles this season. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. BfflOTkfiHcMStris DRY KOOIM. BersTliirst, 25 -FOR A- XEW AHVERTISE3IEXTS. A. New Feature of our business will be the Manufacture of JEWELBY In our Factory. We have Juat completed a substantial brick factory bull dinar, 16x35, which is flttted up with the machinery, tools and appli ances necessary for the production of first-class goods, and put In charge of competent workmen. This department will be a great convenience te ourselves and our customers, enabling us te fill special orders in very short time. Old jewelry or coin left us for making into new goods will be kept strictly separate, and we will guarantee furnishing the same geld in the new goods when se desired. The manufacture of Hair Jewelry will be given special attention. Estimates and designs for Society Pins, Badges or Rings will be fur nished en short notice. H. Z. RELOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West Kinar Street. G-KAXD -AT NEW YORK STORE. IMMENSE DISPLAY DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. A CHOICE VARIETY FOR SELECTION AT QUICK SELLING PRICES. New Spring Dress Goods, Summer Silks, New Spring Shawls, Shetland Shawls. New Spring Lawns, Chintzes, and Calicoes. II ewSpiing Hosiery. Summer Underwear, Xew Spring Gloves, Laces and Embroideries, New Spring Styles in Parasols and Sunshades. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. WALL PAPEKS. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE THAT PAPER HANGING DONE! FOR TnE LARGEST LIXE OF Wall Papers and Lewest Prices, -GO J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cerner of West King and Prince Sts. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the city, is te be seen at the Works of NORBECK & MI LEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, CpR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 49- COX & CO.'S OLD STAXD.-W The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, such as the Brewster, Whitney, Salldee Triple, Empire 'Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex und Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchaser may deiru. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for ne year. " OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." A'.fc'ir AD VERTISEMJiXTS. SAUKK KKAUT LUNCH AND BOCK UKt It this evening at F. WOERHLE'S SALOOX, It Ne. 144 East King street. WALTER A. HEINITSH INSERTS THE New Glass Reller OK INSULATOR OX ALL FURNITURE. TRY THEM 15 East King Street. Over High & Martin's. "1H1NA 1IAL.1,. v A new line or DECORATED CHINA, MAJOLICA WARE, FANCY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM"l HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. East King St., OPENING THE - OF NOVELTIES IX TO- TT XEW ADVERTISE SIEXTS. LANCASTKK GAS LIGHT AND FUKL Company. Ne. 7 Xerth Queen Street. The Heard of Directors have this day declared a quarterly dividend et one and a-half per cent, payable en demand at the Company's office. J. H. BAUMGARDNER.Sec'y. April 30, 18S0. Jtti APPLICATION FOK PAKDON. Application will be made before the Beard of Pardons at Harrisburg. en TUES DAY, MAY" 18, 1880, for the pardon of Jehn Seber, convicted of rape in the court of Oyer and Terminer of Lancaster county. ml-3tdeaw II. F. DAVIS. T OST. J On Wednesday, April 28, a red and white spotted Cew, with short tail und hair rubbed off her neck. A suitable reward will be paid ea her return te JAMES KAILY, It nil East Orange street. rpUK COLLECTOR OF STATE AND 1. County Taxes for i-aneastcr City will sit in the Commissioners Roem at the Court Heuse te receive the same, with 5 ier cent, abatement up te Mav 31. 1SH0. inclusive. Hours : Frem 8 a."m. te 12 m. and 2 te 5 p. in. ml-'2td A. K. WARFEL, Collector. BARGAINS GAS FIXTURES A1TD SLATE MASTELS, -AT- Flmii &c Breneman's, 152 NerthJQueeiStreet, LANCASTER, PA. THIRDEDITIOF.' SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 1. Fer thtf Mid dle states and JJew England, rising barom eter, northwest, backing in the southern portion te southwest winds, cooler clear, followed in Middle states by slightly warmer and partly cloudy weather. COL. SCOTT RESIGNS. Ilt-Uealth Induces Him te Withdraw Frem the Pretidenuy or the P. R.B. Philadelphia, May 1. At a special meeting of the beard of directors of the Pennsylvania railroad held at neon te-day, after declaring a three per cent, semi-annual dividend, the resignation of Cel. Themas A. Scott, who has for the past six years been president of the company, was received te take effect en the first day of June. The communication containing the resignation was referred te a committee of the beard for consideration, te report at a meeting te be held next week. Mr. Scott's health has been such as te induce him te take this course. Dividend Declared. Philadelphia, May 1. At the annua meeting of the directors of the Penn sylvania railroad company held this afternoon, a semi-annual dividend of three per cent, was declared. It was also decided that in order te give the share holders the benefit te be received from the distribution of the shares of the capital stock recently purchased from the city of Philadelphia, the option is given te the stockholders te receive the dividend either in cash or in scrip con vertible into stock at par, when presented in runs of $50, provided that said option be exercised en or before October 1, next, otherwise the dividend will be paid in cash. THE IUFLK. England's SOO Yards Champien Challenges the World. Londen, May 1. The BtlYs Life says Jehn William Oakden, nineteen years of age, the champion 500 yards shot in Eng land, challenges any man in the world te sheet 40 shots, distance 500 yards, at a target four feet in diameter, with an eight inch bull's-eye, or he will give eight points out of eighty shots for 250 a side and a 100 guinea challenge cup. lie will give or take 50 for expenses te any part of the world, Sell's Life te held the stakes and te appoint a referee. TUE ELDER HAYAKD. Illness of the Deleware Senater's Father. Wilmington, Del., May 1. Ex-Senater Bayard has been confined, te his room for a week eif two past, but his physicians express no apprehension concerning his recovery. His complaint is pronounced te be a physical weakness, but there has been an improvement during the past two days. Senater Bayard arrived in town last night and is in attendance at his father's bed side. THE NAKKAGANSKTT. Probable Less of the Vessel. Newport, R. I., May 1. A despatch from East Hampton, L. I., states that the hull and decks of the steamer Narragan sett are whole yct,but that the pilot house and all movable articles en deck are washed away. She will probably be a total less. She is valued at $15,000, no insurance. Wreckers will go te her assist ance from this pert as seen as the weather moderates. BLAZE AT BKIDGEWATEB. Destructive Fire in Massachusetts. Bridgewater, Mass., May 1. A fire this morning destroyed a building owned by Levi Walker and Columbus Harlow. Less $10,000, insurance $3,500. It was occupied by C. C. Harlow & Ce., machin ists, whose less is $12,000, insurance $4,000, and by McGluthen, Bres., tack manufac turers, who lese $7,000 ; partly insured. IN THE TOILS. Capture or a Notorious Thief and Desperado. Allentewk, Pa., May 1. Jehn Henry, alias " Ohie Jack," the notorious thief and desperado, who escaped with five ethers from the Lehigh county prison March 30, 1879, was arrested yesterday at Detroit, Mich., by Officer Smith, of this city, who is en his way here with the prisoner. MAN AND WIFE. The Princess Clethllde Back te Her Liege Lord. Paris, May 1. Prince Jereme Napeleon has quasi officially informed two of his most intimate councillers that the Princess Clothilde, his wife, has at length consented te return te him and will shortly arrive in Paris. HIS WAltlAKE 4J'KU. Death of a Distinguished Lancaster Coun Ceun ty Soldier, MaJ. Gen. Ilelntzelman. Washington, May 1. Majer General Samuel P. Heintzelman (retired) died in this city this morning. MAY DAY. Ushered in with Ice and Snow In New Yerk State. Garrisons, N. Y., May 1. There were snow squalls along the Hudsen this morn ing and the Catskills are covered with snow. Ice formed in parts of the interior. MARKETS. New Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. May L Fleur Receipts 8,700 bar rels ; State and Western quiet anil prices gen erally without decided change; superfine state 44 50 :extntdo$t75.'00;cheicedofS03!S 30 ; fancy $5253600; round hoop Ohie $31U5 75; cheica de $5 80S 75 ; superfine western S400 5 00 : common te geed extra de $4 755 10 ; clieicu dodo $5 757 00; choice white wheat de H 80J5 23; Southern quiet and unchanged; common te fair extra $5 255 60; geed te choice de 5 G57 00. Wheat Spring quiet and veiy Arm : Winter lgl-Kc better ; Ne. 1 White. May SI 'Ul4 ; Ne. 2 Red, May$128l'28.K; de June jl 261 26J Cern llc better ahd moderately active ; Mixed western spot, 5153c ; de future T 47c. Oats without decided change; State 41 48Kc ; Western 3918c. lieef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $76. Whisky dull ; Western $108109. Spirits f turpentine dull at 4445e. Philadelphia Market. Philadxlphia. May L Fleur quiet and firm ; superfine 3 253 75; extra at tt 0004 75; Ohie und Indiana family at $5 506 12; Penn'a lamily $55036 00;-SULeute family &7e6fi0; Minnesota family $5 5086 00; patent and high grades $6 508 00. i Rye fleer at $4 254 37. Cornmeal Brandywlne unchanged. Wheat active and higher ; Ne. z Western Red $19; Penn'a Red $1260127; Amber $1 27.1 Cem steady for local use ; steamer 5050Jc ; yellow packet 92e ; totted 0l51Jc.- 7 i J Oats steady ; Ne. 1, 4545e; Ne. 2. 446 iV,c; Ne. 3, 4243c; Ne. 2 mixed 4040c. Rye dull ; Western and Pa. 84c Previsions steady ; mtss perk at $11 25 ; beet hams $1750 ; India mess beet $1850019 : bacon saMtnd skeBiden BXflSVc: aait 4J4?c; smoked hams lOfillc ; pTckTed hams 8KKc. Ird steady- city kettle XgSe; looaeoutch leoaeoutch loeaeoutch ers8907c; prime steam 7kc Butter dnll and easy; creamery extra 2728c; Bradford coenty and New Yerkextia 24Q26c; Western reserve extra at SSttMc: de geed te choice 18Mc: ReUsdnll; Penn'a extra 18020c; Western reeervn extra 19921c fcggs firmer ; Penn'a 011a; Western Idke. Cheese arm; New Yerk mctery M0i4Xc: estern tull cream, 14c; de for geed. laaQc : de halt-skims 11012c ' Petroleum neglected ; Reaned TVc Whisky at$l 10. " Seeds dnll ; geed te prime cleverseed $S 50 0725; de tltnethr$a 800300; de flaxseed $1 60. Stock Markets. PHTLAMtraiA. May 1 130 r.K. Stocks active. Penna 6's (third Issue) 107 Philadelphia & Erie 13& Reading 3ug Pennsylvania 5tZ Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. of N. J 1W Northern Pacific 2$ Preferred 322 Northern CcntraL. 33!4 Lehigh Navigation SSg Norristown .'..102 Central Transportation Ce. 49 Pitts , Titusville & Buffalo. KK Little Schuylkill 55 Nxw Yerk. May L Stocks strong. Meney 5fl N. Y. Central 136 Eric 432 Adams Express 111?& Michigan Central 90J-I Michigan Southern 105& Illinois Central 106 Cleveland A Pittsburgh.... 113 Chicago ft Reck Island. 190 Pittsburgh A Ifert Wayne.. 116 - Western union Tel. Ce 106?;; Teledo & Wabash 3y. New Jersey Central 7l,'ji United States Deads and SterUas JCxohaase (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen X Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Pnn.ADxi.rniA, May 1. United States 6's, 1881, (registered).. 106X0106 United States 5's, 1381, (registerl)..10ffilU3JM United States 4's, 181)1, (registercd)l(U 010! United States 4's, 1891, (coupens)...108Hl09 United States Va, 1907. (registered). .107J107 United States Currency 6's 125 Sterling Exchange 48t0fe'9 LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD HABKET. DAiaT. Battel V& 2528c Cap cheese, 2 cups 5c Dutch cheese V lump 8010c Cottage cheese, 2 pieces. 5c POULTRY. Chickens fJ pair. Ducks n nair Turkeys f) lb dressed 13c Ueese piece 6Oc0$l FISH. Bass 9 ft .10c CfAtudll ft & levC "jUU) ff Btm I"" Oysters 1 100 5Oc0$2 Suckers Uc Pike 12c Perch 10c Sun 10c White 12c Salmen 12c naddeck 8c Smelts 12c CHAIN. Wheat $ bus $1.4ag;i..VJ Rye iP bus Mta Cern ! bus 65070c Oats ? bus 4650e Cleversced W bus , $5.0006.00 i? & 10012c Timethy Seeed 11 bus $3.2503.50 HUTS. 1UC a WfJOv lV(Ljf lC vuuits. Chestnuts V qt... Suelburksf) qt.... Walnuts pk.. Apples p 14 pk.... Bananas y piece. Cranberries 4) at.. uuernes, tiricu, yllLl 11L9 Italllla VI g tim a al Currants, dried, fl ft 12c tit Is' tirieu Apples fi qt a$rc ' Peaches ft qt IOtfil'Jc lemons M dez 2530e Oranges ft dez 15050c VKOXTA ISLES.' Beets ft bunch ....5c Cabbage ft head 26c Carrots ft bunch 305c Celery 10l2c Green beans ft peck 503 " peas ft Jipeck 40c Horseradish ft piece 2;e Lima beans ft qt. 1520c Onions ft pk 25c Potatoes ft pk. 10015c " Sweet ft pk 12020c Radishes ft bunch 5c Soup Beans ft qt 6c Salsify ft bunch Ice Turnips, pk 50Hc Tomatoes ft quart 40c MISCKLLANEOra. Apple Butter ft qt 25c Cfder ft gallon 20025c Eggs ft dez 12013c Heney ft ft 20025c SOap ft ID..... ......a....... .......a...a.....B.lC!!SO Saner kraut ft qt 10012c MEATS. Beef Steak, ft ft 12016c " Roast (rib) ft ft 12016c " ' (chuck) ft lb 10012c " Corned, ft ft 10012a " Dried, ft A 25028c Ham ft lb 1W!tte Lard ft ft 70Jc Mutten ft ft ,$?l,;c M. JE Jv Trl JO tlylvL Pudding ft ft 8c Sausage ft ft 8010c Sides and Bacen ft ft 8010c Shoulders ft ft 7c Veal ft ft 10016c FOR SALE Olt JtEXl. F OR SALE. First class investment securities, pavintr 6 or 7 per cent., in sums et $100, $500 and $l,O0(). Apply te J auuu u. L.UX u, Eshleman A Rathven's Bank Building. It N. E. corner Centre Square. FOK BENT. The second story ei Eshleman A Rath eon's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a B. R. Depot, eu Chestnut street, B. l ESHLEMAN. f23-2tdiStt Atternev-at Law FOR KENT. One room. Ne. 43 North Queen street, suitable ler photograph gallery, formerly ec cupied uyu.B. eaurnian. Appiy 10 a5-tfd THOS. BAUMGARDNER. PUBLIC SALK. On MONDAT. MAY 3, 1680, the under signed will sell at Fred. Brimmer's stabler Lan caster city, 32 head of Fine Canada Herse. Seme are heavy draft, some geed drivers and a Few Fine Breed Mares. Sale te commence at 12 o'clock m. GEORGE GROSSMAN. Sax'l Hsss &. Sex, Aucts. apr-3td AMVHEMEXTH IULTON OPERA UOUSK. ONE NIGHT ONLT! SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1880, Mr. Jeseph Jeffersen "UT TAlflffiLE," Supported Oj His Owb Cenpasj. ADMISSION, - 33, $0. 75 Cts. 1.0O According te Location. C B.JEFFERSON II. S. TAYLOR, Mjlxaesr. Aeext Sele of reserved seats commences at Opera house office, en Wednesday morning, April 28. apr26-6td WASTED. WANTED .EVERYBODY TO ADVER tlse, free of charge. In the Ibtxlliobs Ibtxlliebs cxr. who wants something te de. TAJS! BAGS! RAGS! RAGS WANTED. XV Housekeepers take notice that we are aylng 3 cents a pound rer MUttu kaus. lash paid as seen as delivered te Ca n ax. nci.uiiivci, apr9-3md Ne. 235 West King Street. Optics acsqcxHAKXA Casal Cexpaxt. 1 Cor. Lexington and Davis Streets. Baltimore, April 20, 1880. -VTOTIVE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A 1.1 General meeting of the: Stockholders of this company will be held at the in Balti more, en Monday, May 10, 1880, between the hears ef3:30 and 4:30 p. m., for the election or officers and managers for the. ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed en Saturday, Mav 1, and remain closed untU after the elec tion. By order of aprZMttd ROBERT D. BROWN, Trcas. X