LANCASTER DAILt INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1880. V Grant be nominated at Chicago the Democratic party will carry Pennsylvania. Mr. Ilensel may be wrong, but there is no doubt that the nomination of General Grant would give the Democracy in Penn sylvania a confidence te which it has been a stranger for years. Geed Nominations and Geed Sense. Philadelphia Ledger, Ind. The two nominations for state officers a nniiKiirillv trned. Hen. Gcertre A. Jenks, the nominee for justice of the su preme court, is an able and thorough lawyer and au upright and honorable man, possessing the strong respect of his fellow citizens of both parties. He represented the XXVth Pennsylvania district (Arm strong, Clarien, Jeffersen, Ferest and Indiana counties) in the national Heuse of Kepresentatives in Congress from 1875 te 1877, and was very highly esteemed in chat body He is forty-four years of age. Cel. Rebert P. Dcchcrt, our own townsman, who is the nominee for auditor general needs no in in in trodutien here. He is a prominent mem ber of the junior bar, did his duty faith- inny as a seiuier uuring me war agamsi the rebellion, represented Philadelphia honestly and honorably in the state Senate te which he was elected from a Republican district, and served with credit as one of the assistents te District Attorney Fur inan Shcppard. He is new colenal of the veteran Second regiment of state National Guard. Seme of the old-time political sagacity of the Democratic party was manifestly at work in the convention. Praise Frem an tnemy. Philadelphia Press, Rep. The ticket nominated by the Democratic convention is an unexceptionable one as te character and fitness. The Harmonious Democracy a Tower. North American, Kcj. Whether a victory ler Wallace or Ran dall, for Tildcn or Hancock, it is evident that the Democracy de net mean te lese this state next fall through family quar rels. It means that the Cincinnati nomi nee will have the support of the party or ganization all ever the state, and that every dibit will be made te secure his elec tion It is altogether tee close for comfort. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. MORAVIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Music, Recitations and a Lecture. Notwithstanding the heavy rain storm that prevailed la.-t evening, the lecture room of the Moravian church was filled with a large audience in attendance en the entertainment given for the benefit of the Sunday school by the " Reys' Working Club, "composed of Suuday school schelais. After a brief introductory address by Rev. C. 15. Shultz, the " Carnival of Venice " was admirably sung by Misses Nellie and Edith Johnsten, with piano accompani ment by Prof. F. W. Haas. " Lochinvar's Ride" was recited by Walter Merenzy with line elocutionary effect, after which Miss Nellie Johnsten sang the soprano sole, ' Fly Ferth, eh, Gentle Deve." " Sounds Frem Heme," a violin sole, with organ ac companiment, was executed in a masterly maimer by Prof. J. 1$. Kcvinski, after which Arthur Sullivan's favorite contralto sole, "Tel! Me Hew te Wee Thee," was rendered by Miss Edith Johnsten. "The Sailor Rey's Dream" was recited by Mr. Merenzy, and the first part of the pro pre gramme closed with a violin sole, " Trau nieri," by Prof. Ivevinski. Prof. Haas played the accompaniments te all the musical selections. The second part of the pregramme was a lecture by Rev. ('. 15. Shultz, his subject being "Sweden." The reverend orator entertained his hearers for mere than an hour by narrating what he saw in that in teresting country during his late visit te Europe, describing niauyefthc manncis and customs of the people se different from our own, as well as remarkable works of art and beauty of nature let te be seen en this side of the Atlantic. REGISTER'S COURT. The Schilling Will Case. Register Edgerly this morning held a court te hear evidence in the case of the contested will of Lerenz Schilling who was killed some time age by falling from a ladder while engaged in trimming vines. He left a will in which his wife Jesephine is named as executrix ; but as she is re garded as being of unsound mind, two of decedent's sons-in-law, D. Rapp and Henry Pimper, filed caveats protesting against granting letters testamentary te the widow or of administration te anyone else te their prejudice. Each of them apply for letters of administration with the will attached, and it was te hear the par ties that the register's court was held te-day. The register reserved his decision for the present. The Wrong Alan. On Friday we copied a paragraph from the Alteena Tribune stating that Henry Hartman and two ether Lancaster! ans had been arrested at Bell's station as trespass ers en the railroad cars. Mr. Henry Hart man drops us a postal te say that he is net the man ; that at the time of the alleged arrest lie was in Dayton, Ohie, and knew nothing about the affair until he saw it in the paper. Mr. Hartman has probably been personated by some one else Mho wanted te conceal his own identity, or perhaps there are ether Henry Hartmans about. SKRIOUS ACCIDENT. An Old Lady Falls Down Stairs. Mrs. Mary Slean, aged 80 years, met with a serious accident at the residence of her son-in-law, James L. Messenkep, Ne. l.T Middle street, en Wedncsday. She was in the act of coming down stairs when, making a misstep at the top of the stair way, she pitched head-foremost te the bot tom. Fortunately none of her bones were broken, but she was se severely bruised and jammed by the fall that she has been confined te her room since the accident. Ouick Werk. After the perferman of the Troubadours, in the opera house last evening carpenters were set te work flooring ever the par quet for the bail of the employees of the Penn iron works which take place te-night. 15y neon te-day the work was almost com pleted and te-morrow morning the flooring have te be removed again, as Jee Jeffersen will play "Rip Van Winkle" in the opera house te-morrow evening. The works is in the hands of Daniel McLaughlin. Well Fixed. Jehn Rcist, the old man who had the hat cut from his head by an engine, near Lancaster Junction, en Friday, is said te be worth $75,000. That was the second time he made a narrow escape from being killed. Ilaseball. Te-morrow the Millersville normal school club will go te Lititz, where they will play a game with the club of that place. THE TROUBADOURS. OI11TUAKY. Death of Miss Maud A pule. Miss Maud Apple, youngest daughter of Rev. Dr. Thes. G. Apple, of Franklin and Marshall college, died at an early hour this morning, at the residence of her parents, en the college campus, in the 13th year of her age. Miss Apple was an unusually bright and intelligent girl and beloved by all who knew her. She was a close student, took great delight in her studies in school, and steed among the most meri torious in her classes. She was in appar ent geed health until last Sunday, when she complained of headache and en that account did net accompany the family te church. On the return of the family from church Miss Apple was found te be seriously ill, from congestion of the brain. She ral lied for a time, but taking a relapse, grew rapidly worse, and en Monday became un conscious and remained in that condition up te the time of her death. In respect te her memory the college bell was tolled this morning at (i o'clock, and the session of the college was closed immediately after prayers. Her funeral will take place en Sunday afternoon, and will be attended by the faculty and students of the college in a body. . Lancaster County at the State Convention. In the resolutions committee of the Democratic state convention Messrs. Raub and Wcidler, of this county, voted against any instructions and against the uuit rule. In the convention all the Lancaster dele gates voted against the unit rule, except Grier, substituted for Wm. 13. Given.- All except Grier voted for Jenks for supreme judge ; he voted for Fex. Mr. Grier also voted with the minority for Herrick for auditor general ; several of the Lancaster delegates voted for Playford for elector. Pending the contest ever the delegates from the upper district, Mr. Ilensel was substituted in the convention from the Lancaster district for Mr. Brubaker ; be fore the balloting en candidates the sub stitution was withdrawn and Mr. Bru baker was in his scat and voted en all candidates and all questions of principle. An unusually large number of Lancas ter ceuntiaus attended the convention, from sixty te seventy being in Harrisburg en the first day of its proceedings. ISids Opened. At a meeting of the water committee held last evening the bids for furnish step valves and step boxes were opened, and the work was awarded as fellows : Te Jeseph Huber Six G-inch outside screw, plain street step-valves at $20 each ; and two 4-inch outside screw plain street valves, at $18 each. Te A. C. Welchans Twe 4-inch out side screw plain street step-valves at $18 each. Te Wm. McLaughlin white pine stop step boxes, at four cents per square feet. Mayer's Court. Only one case of drunkenness before his honor this morning, and he was sent up for ten days. Merry-Making in Falten Opera Heuse. " The rain didn't keep 'em away." The large audience assembled at Falten opera house last evening, despite the fact that the rain was descending in torrents several hours prier te the opening of the doers and continued throughout the evening, was certainly a very flattering testimony of the high appreciation in which the famous organization known as Salsbury's Trouba dours is held in this community. After an absence of several years, this sparkling little company appeared before a Lancaster audience brighter and better than ever. It is composed of the following ladies and gentlemen : Miss Nellie McIIenry, Miss Helcnc Dingeeu and Messrs. N. Salsbury Jehn Webster and Jehn Geurley, all of whom were afforded an opportunity of per forming their several specialty acts in the merry bill presented during the evening, and which opened with an amusinjr little sketch entitled "Cress Purposes," that had the effect of putting the audience in excellent appetite for the feast that followed. " The Broek " is the title of a musical extravaganza in which the company had been extensively billed, It consists of a melange of mirth-provoking incidents which are supposed te transpire at a dinner in the weeds, given by a party of ladies and gentlemen of the theatrical profession. The revelers are in over flowing spirits, which find vent in a con tinued succession of funny situations, merry-making and ridiculous mis haps likely te occur at any well regulated picnic, together with no small amount of pretty tunes and melo dies, taken from popular operas and recent compositions, blended with recitations and cemicalities, which the party improvise in a sort of miniature theatrical perform ance. Mr. Salsbury's imitations of an En glish swell, a French barber, a Jew pawn broker, an Irish "terrier," a "Down East Yankee " and several ether characters, in tone of voice and action were true te life and pleased the audience immensely, while his impersonation of a tramp describing the misfortunes that had come upon himself and his family was intensely realistic. Mr. Jehn Geurley, is a comedian sui generis, and the complete metamorphoses he managed te render in his appearance were scarcely less remarkable than his actions were irresist ibly funny. Mr. Webster, tee, gave addi tional zest te the performance by his laughable impersonations. Of the ladies Miss Mel lew V, a dashing little sou seu brette, f;;.i j. iu'e and animal spirits, a veritable "little kicker;" her singing, dancing and general vivacity " took " ex tremely well with the audience, especially her rendition of a laughing song, in which her cachiuiiatieu apparently infected the audience, and one individual became se hysterical as te temporarily divide the at tention of the audience. Miss Helenc Dingcen, the ether lady of the party, has a soprano voice of a peculiarly sweet quality, fine texture and splendid range and volume. Her rendition of the opening air of "The Broek," and, later en, the famous drinking song from the opera of " Girolle-Giiefla" the cfl'ect of the latter bcitig enhanced by Miss McIIcnry's fine contralto wen her the pronounced laver of the audience. But her best performance was in the rendi tion of a marvcleiisly sweet German mel ody, which brought down the house iu a storm of applause, te which the young lady responded with "Rebin Adair," after an exquisite new arrangement of a favorite old song, and which increased the en thusiastic admiration of the audience. Miss Dingcen is likewise a very clever act ress. Indeed the performance through out was without a dull feature and a mere thoroughly well-pleased audience has sel dom if ever been assembled in the opera house. . O. K. M. The First Anniversary Lede Talk. Mr. A. Z. Ringwalt has had published in pamphlet form the first anniversary long talk ever delivered before the Improved Order of Red 3Ien. The orator was Rev. J. F. Weishampel, new of this city and the oration was delivered en St. Tammany's day, May 12, 1807, in Trinity church, Bal timore. The pamphlet also contains sev eral interesting reminiscences of the origin of the order and an account of the death of its founder ; also a song, dedicated te the meeting of the Great Council of Pennsyl vania. NEW AJ VERTISEMENTS. Going Heme. Eastern bound trains ever the Pennsyl vania railroad last night were filled with delegates and ethers, who were returning from the state convention at Harrisburg. Five Lancaster policemen, called te the depot at 12:40 last night, bearded the train te arrest some heelers who refused te pay their fare. But they finally came down and the train moved en. Amusements. Rip Van Winkle. Te-morrow evening Jee Jeffersen, tbe world-renowned actor, will play 'Rip Van Winkle" for the llrst time in this city for several years, Persons desiring te see this line performance should reserve their beats at the opera house, as the audience will most likely be large. Mr. Jeffersen will be suppertad by a strong company. The Ball Te-night. The prospects are that the ball el the l'enn iron works employees in the opera house this evening will be one of the largest ever held in this city. Netwlthstand. ing the large number of tickets that have been sold, there will be plenty of room for .specta tors, who de net wish te dance, and the hall will likely be crowded- Theue is great demand for St. Jacob's Oil. Before Breakfast always use SOZODONT and rub it in well. It gives such pleasant relief from paiched tongue resulting from sleep, promotes the healthful secretion of the mouth. It will ee.-t mere for meat anil such things, but don't be grudge it. n28-lwdeedJfcw Having secured ever half a million of Pine ami Cypress Shingles before the advance in lumber, I am prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles are considered superior te shaved Tine Shingles. JOHN RKIDLER, Lumber Dealer, Wrightsville, Pa. nprI5-3wd POLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. VOIl COXCIJES3. J. L.STEINMETZ. FOIt DISTltlCT ATTOl:Xi:V. B. F. MONTGOMERY. SENATOR (13th DISTINCT.) J. 11. DOUGLASS. (ASSEMBLY (2d DISTKICT.) .S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. (ASSEMltLV (lid DISTKICT.' AMOSDILLER, It. DAVIS YUXDT, JACOP. M. HAEXLEX. ren viuseN iNsrnoTeits. BARTON M. WINTERS 1SEXJ. MILLER. von roeit diiuxteks. A. J. SNYDER, JOI1X FUAXCISCUS. Withdrawn. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Setter Tunes. The business revival and new era et pros perity which is new fairly inaugurated, is in keeping with the increa-ed health and happi ness seen all ever tins laud, and is one el the results obtained from the introduction of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. " The changes wrought by this remedy," says iter Dr. Harvey, "seem but little less than mini culeus." alS-fiwd&w Mothers! .Mothers!! mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by u sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, goat once and get a bottle of MKS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING S Yltri. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. f j 17-1 yd wM. WAS Why Wear Plasters.' "They may relieve, but they can't cure that lame back, for the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy te act directly en their se cretions, te purify and restore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wert has that specilic action and at the same time it regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait te get sick, but get a package te-day, and cure yourself. uSC-lwd&w Try Lechcr's ltciiewned Cough Syrup. Feil Threat Diseases and Coughs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches,'1'' like all ether really geed things, are frequently imitated, and purchasers should be careful te obtain the genuine article prepared by Jehn I. Ilrewn & Sens. n27-lwdTThS&w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Kidney-Wert has proved a most effective cure for Piles and Constipation be sure and try it. a-JG-lwd&w The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the bleed pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever con ferred upon man. Hep Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors arc being blessed by thou sands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See another column. Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Beils, pimples, and all bleed diseases are cured by "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. Dr. Krownine's C. C. Cordial has never been taken by anyone whom you could after wards persuade te be without it. Try it, and you will be se delighted that you will have all your friends using it It is for Coughs, Colds, and all troubles et that nature. Get it lrem your druggist, or send direct te the proprietor, Dr. Browning, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia. Try Lechcr's Ecnewned Cough Syrup. Dr. Mett's Endorsement or Sjieer's Pert Grape Wine. The following, lrem the celebrated Dr. Mett, of Xcw Yerk, speaks wonders for Mr Specr's efforts te raise the Oporto Grape in Xcw Jersey. The Docter lias spent years in Portu gal and the wine districts of France, ami knows what he is talking about : fi2 Madisen Avenue ) Xew Yerk, April 11. 1878. Mr. Alfred Sveer. Dear Sir: The visit which 1 made last year te your Vineyards, wine-presses and vaults at Passaic, X. J., satis Ilcsiue thoroughly that the wines manufac tured by yen are pure and unadulterated, and the very best that can be offered te the public for medicinal uses. Acting upon my laverablc impression at the time, I have since recommended the Pert, Wine; mere particularly in my practice, and am satisfied with marked benelit te my pa tients. There can be no better proof te the doubting mind, as te the Wine being made of the linest Oporto Umpe, than a visit te the acres of land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success in your praise worthy enterprise, I remain respectfully yours. ALEX It. MOTT, M. I).. Prof, of Surgery, Bcllevue Hospital Medical College, &c.. c. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. alC-2tawdw Try Lechcr's -Renowned Cough Syrup. "Is ttTerea man with soul se dead," who hath suffered the miseries of a cough or cold, yet neglected te try "Sellers' Cough Syrup?' A New Feature of our business will be the Manufacture of JEWELRY in our Factory. We have just completed a substantial brick factory building. 16x35, which is flttted up with the machinery, tools ami appli ances necessary for the production of first-class goods, and put in chart-re of competent workmen. This department will be a great convenience te ourselves and our customers, enabling us te fill! special orders in very short time. Old jewelry or coin left: us for making Inte new goods will be kept strictly separate, and we will guarantee furnishing tbe same geld in the new goods when se desired. The manufacture of Hair Jewelry will be given special attention. Estimates and designs for Society Pins, Badges or Rings will be fur nished en short notice. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. Timely Caution. Genuine Hep Bitters are put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles, with white label en one side printed in blacK letters, and green hop cluster, and en the ethcrsidc yellow paper with red tatters; revenue stamp ever the cork. This is the only term in which gen uine Hep Bitters are put up, and the sole righ te make, sell and use them is granted te the Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company of Ro chester, N. Y., and Terente, Onr., by patents, copyright and trade mark. All ethers put up in any ether way or by any one else, claiming te be like it or pretending te contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unlit for use, and only put up te sell and cheat the people en the credit and popularity of Hep Bitters. a'2t! Swd&w DEATHS. ArrLE. Maud M., daughter of Tliemns G. ami Emma M. Apple, this morning at tJ o'clock, aged 12 years ami 11 months. Funeral at o'clock p. m. the house, Sunday next, at! NE IF Alt VERTISEMENTS. . J TESTATE OF JAMES BOHAN, LATE OF J the City et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make immcdiatcscttlcmcnt,nnd these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same without delay te the undersigned. MARY BOIIAX. MARGARET KEEFE, np.W-Gtdeed Executrixes MEDICAL. Aliceck's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL. AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection has been re cured after years of experiment. Composed of the CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VEGETABLE. One or two every night, in ten day cure Cestivcness ami Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2mdeed&w OTOF! STOP! Step making a drug store et your stomach. Step putting bitters, pills, liver invhroraters, bleed purifiers, calomel, blue pill, quinine, morphine, and all ether drugsand quack med icines into your stomach, they kill instead et curing the body. This is my advice, alter acting the physician for 31 years. If you'll ex. amine the histories et nearly all medicine venders for the last. r0 years, you will tlnd the venders of these worthless compounds have all died prematurely. Where is Schenck, Swayne (father and son), Bramlreth, Ayers, Wisliart, Jayue, llebinsae, Mishler? All deatl and buried as should be all such preparations. Fer 31 years I have cured all kinds et diseases when ethers tail, and 1 place my medicines (net poisons) en the outside of the body. Te the sick who have tried one or twenty doctors, witheutany advuntnge.I would beg them tecull am! learn from scores of such persons who have been cured in a few days or weeks, at an ex pense of lrem $2 te $5. 10 Page Pamphlet free, full of cures. Over 100 astonishing cases in two months. Jehn Geedman, rheumatism lit years; Rev. J. Hunter, blind left eye ler 16 years, sight restered: Wilsen Hamilton, consump tion 10 years ; Christian Rooty, paralysis, brought te ellicc in a carriage, can new walk anywhere; B. S. Kauffman, led in blind, can new sec quite well ; Chas. it. Leenard, catarrh and sere threat for years : Lewis Paulick, tits for 20 years, cured in a week : II. McGurk, dys pepsia 10 years; D. N. Hughes, consumption ami dyspepsia, gained 22 pounds. Catarrh cured for 50 cents. DK. C. A. GREENE, 23S Ncrtu Queen Street. uiH4indTu,Tli&S The Bleed is the Life! LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER Is rapidls acquiring a national reputation for the cure et Scrofulous A flectien. Cancerous Forma tion, Erysipelas, Beils, Pimples, Ul cers, Sere Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Mercurial, and all Skin Diseases. This remedy is a Vegetable Compound, and cannot harm the most tender infant. Ladies who suffer from debilitating diseases and Fe male Complaints, will find speedy relief by using this remedy. C. W. Linscott, of Mesopotamia, O., says it cured him et Screiula of thirty years. Twe bottles cured Mrs. E. J. Dukes, of Colfax, Ind., of ulcerated ankle and big neck. LIND SEY'S BLOOD SEAKCHEU cured my son of Erysipelas. Mrs. E. Smeltzkr, Larimer Sta tion, Pa. The Bleed Searcher is the Safest, Surest and Most Powerful Purifier ever known. Price $1.00 per bottle. R. E. SELLERS & C., Prep'rs, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Te Regulate the liver. Use Only Sellers' Liver Pills, the best and only true Liver Regulator. Established ever 51) years. They cure Headache, Biliousness, Cestivcness, Liver Cemplaint,Feverand Ague, and all similar diseases, like magic. Get the right kind. SELLERS' LIVER PILLS, 25 cts. The great Werm Destroyer! SELLERS' VERMIFUGE. " Expelled 400 Worms from my chili!, two years old." Wm. Sauveh, St. Leuis, Me. Sold by druggists. Price Si cts. each. It. E. SELLERS & CO., Prep'rs. Pitts burgh, Pa. Send for circulars. el-ly w KNOW THYSELF. oeooooooooooot The untold miseries that re re e e suit from indiscretion in early e e life muv be alleviated and e e cured. These who doubt this e e. assertion should purchase the e e new medical work published e e by the PEABODY MEDICAL e e INSTITUTE, Bosten, enti- e' e tied, THE SCIENCE OF e e LIFE; or, SELF-PRESEH- oeooooooooooo VATION. Exhausted vital ity, nerven and physical debility, or vital ly impaired by the crrorsef youth, orteo close application te business, may be restored and manhood regained. Twe hundredth edition, revised and enlarg ed, just published. It is a standard medical work, the best in the English language,; writ ten by a physician of great experience, te whom was awarded a geld and jeweled medal by the Londen Medical Association. It con tains beautiful and very expensivecngravings. Three hundred pages ; mere than 50 valuable prescriptions ter all forms of prevuilingdisease, the result of many years of extensive and suc cessful practice, cither one et which is worth ten times the price of the 'book. Bound in French cloth ; price only $1, sent by mall, pest paid. The Londen Lancet says. "Ne person should be without this valuable book. The author is a.neble benefactor." An illustrated sample sent te all en receipt of G cents for postage. The author refers, by permission, te Jes. S. Fisher, president ; W. I. P. Ingrahm, vice pres ident; W. Paine, M. D.; C. S. Ganntt, M. D.; II. J. Doucet, M. D.; R. H. Kline, M. D.; J. It. Hol Hel comb, M. D.; N. K. Lynch, M. D., and M. R. O'CennclI, M. D., faculty et the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery ; also the faculty of the American University of Philadel phia ; also Hen. P. A. Blsscll, M. D., president ei me .atiemu iueuicai Association. Address Dr. W. H. PARKER, Ne 4 Bullfinch street, Bosten, Mass. The author mar be consulted en all diseases requiring skill and cxperl- iprr VOtiT Gi HEAL MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, April 30. Fleur dull and plenty; Spring scarce and linn; superfine rt $3 003 5; extra al it 0Ug4 50; Ohie und Indiana family at $5 flOgt; 12 ; Penn'a family J5eOG(W; St. Leuis family 5 738fi 50 ; Minnesota family $5 50jl 12 ; patent and high grades $6 5O8 0O. Rye flour at $4 2504 37. Cornmeal Brandy wiue unchanged. Wheat firmer : Ne. 2 Western Red $1 1 ; Penn'a Red $1 25; Amber $1 2512j. Cern dull for local use ; steamer 5051c ; yel low packet 52c; uiLed5l51c. Oats quiet; Ne. 1, 45Jc: Ne. 2, 44e; Ne. 3, 4243c; Ne. 2 mixed 4141i(c. Bye dull; Western and Pa. Sic. Previsions quiet; mss perk at $11 25 ; beef hams $17 50 ; India mess beet $1'J1!) 50 : bacon smoked shoulders 5"45c; salt 4J44?j;c; smoked hams 10llc ; pickled hams &'q,lc. Lard quiet ; city kettle 7i8c; loesebulchers., 7c ; prime steam 7c. Butter dull and weak ; creamery extra 272tfc ; Bradford county aud New Yerk extra 24'j2Cc; Western reserve extra at 22g24e; de geed te choice is24c : Rolls dull ; Penn'a extra 1820c; Western reserve extra lS21c. Eggs firmer ; Penn'a ffgllc; Western lOic. Cheese firm: New erk factory 14i4c; Western tull cream. 14c; de for geed, 1213c ; de halt-skims ll12c. Petroleum dull; Refined 7!c. Whisky at$l 10. Seeds neglected; geed te prime cleverseed $C 25700; de timethr $2 903 00; de flaxseed $1V0. New Yerk market. Nbw Yerk, April 30. Fleur State and West ern without change und quiet; superfine state $l4 50 ; extra de $4 755 CO ; choicede $5 055 20 ; fancy $525(JO0; rouudjieop Ohie $5 105 75 ; choicede $5 80C75; superfine western $4(J0g 5 00: common te geed extra de $4 755lu ; choice dodo $5 757 00; choice white wheat de -4 805 25; Southern quiet und unchanged; common te fail extra $5 255 (JO; geed te choice de $5 l)57 00. Wheat Spring firm and quiet ; Winter 1 lc better ; Ne. 1 White, Mayl 231 23 ; Ne. 2 Red, spot, $1 28i ; de May $1 2il 27J4 ; de Iune$12e125. Cern cash dull and a shade easier ; futures a tritile better ami quiet ; Mixed western spot, 51i524c : de future 47iS)47C. Oats steatly ; SUte il&iee ; Western 39 48c. Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $700. Whisky dull ; Western $1 0S1 Ot). Spirits of turpentine dull at 4445c. Stock markets. Philadelphia. April CO IZ'eU p. v. Stocks steady. Peimu 6's (third issue). Philadelphia & Eiie... Reading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N. J Northern Pacific " Preferred... Northern Central Lehigh Navigation Norristown Central Transportation Ce. 50 Pitts , Titusville & Buffalo. 15 Little Schuylkill 55 New Yeuk, April r0. Stocks strong. Meney 5fi6 N. Y. Central ise-v Krle j.i..? Adams Express ill Michigan Central 8:) Michigan Southern 10 Illinois Central 105 Cleveland & Pittsburgh 113 Chicago & Reck Island 11)0 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 110 Western Union Tel. Ce 110-M Teledo & Wabash 3SJ-J New Jersey Central 70 ....107 .... 15 .... 2U-X .... 54- .... ai-S 1U 2S il3' . iyH ." .in:: United States Bends and Sterling Eter lan-'O W. (Quotations by II. K. Jamisen & Ce., cer. eU ami unestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Ap ril 30. United Slates 0's, 1881, ( registered).. Ux United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .102 Ju United States 4"'s, 18U1, (registered)108 y. United States 4's, 1S91, (con pens)... lO '109 United Stntes 4's, 1907. (registered). .10' 10i United States Currency C's IS 5 Sterling Exchange 4t 64!?9 A M UXEJUJ-.NTS F ULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY! SATUBDAY, MAY 1, : .880, Ir. Jeseph Jeflfersen "RIP YAK WDKLE," Supported By His Own Company. ADMISSION, - . 35, 50, rCCts. &1.00 Accevding te Location, TILED EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, APEIL 30, 1880. WEATHER NDICAT1UN3. "Washington, April 30. Fer the Mid dle and Seuth Atlantic states, lower lake region, Tennessee, Ohie valley and East Gulf states, rising barometer, cooler north west -winds and clear or partly cloudy weather, with occasional rains en Jibrth Carolina coast and in northern New Yerk and lower lake region. AT LIBERTY. KKMBLE & CO. WALK OCT OF JAIL Unexpected Action et tbe Parden Beard A Unanimous Recommendation of Par Par eon for the Riet Bill Bribers Judge Pearson Claimed te Have Exceeded His Authority. IIakrisbukg, Pa., April 30. The beard of pardons met this morning, Messrs. Quay,- Stene and Dtiukel being present. After a formal application by the counsel for the prisoners new serving their term for conviction of cerniDt solicitation Messrs. Kem- ble, Crawford, Salter, Pctreff and Rura berger the beard retired for half an hour for consultation, and finally recommended the pardon of all five se far as their im prisonment is concerned. This does net include a remission of the fines aud costs imposed or the disqualification te held efiice. The recommendation is signed by tha entire beard, notwithstanding the fact that Palmer was net present, and is substanti ally as fellows : That the act of 1874 pro vides for simple imprisonment, and that there is no law for the imposition of additional conditions in the sen tence, such au imprisonment at separ ate and solitary .confinement with hard labor. The supreme court have often do de cided these enlarged .sentences unlawful, and, by common law, .imprisonment in the peniteutiaay has beeu regarded infamous. As these arc offences recently made pun ishable, and the first convictions under a new law, the beard rccemmeuyis as above. C B. JEFFEKSOX.. II. S. TAYLOR ....Maxaekk. AOKNT Gala of reserved scats cemmencirs at Open, house office, e-,i Wednesday merniu tf, April 28. apr2S-0td WASTED. irAJSTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVKK-- y T tlse, fret! et charge, in the lJtrrKLLiojr; lJtrrKLLiejr; cer. who wants something te de. RAOS! ItAliS! RAGS! RAGS "WANTED. Housekeepers take notice that we arc paying 3 cents it pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HEXXECKE, npr0-3md Xe. 235 West Kine Street. arusZCALINSTJtUXENTS. L --THE OM licit MariictOiT 124 TO 132. L'alirerni-i Republicans Reject tlix Unit Rule Oy Almest the Same Vete pA Pennsylvania Democrats. .San Francisce, April 29. After a brief rutess te enable the various die-' trids te select delegates, the convention rc-afisembied at 8:15 p. m. A discussion arose vera preposition te amend the re port ,-of the committee en resolutions, nndleiiastrucfc the delegation te vote for Blaine :uxtil his name should be withdrawn and then te vote as a unit for the choice of a majority of the California delegation. After a long debate the amendment was voted down ayes 122, nees 121. The res olution wasiluyn adopted unanimously. TELEGRAPHIC TAPS. Sparks from tlie Wires this Aftcrnoei'. The French Cluimber of Deputies has reduced the import n'uty en petroleum. Isaac Trate, superaitendeut, and Milten Grimes, an employee X the Reading hard, ware works, have'rcstcd for assault ing Henry Mctz, a strildeg meulder, with intent te kill. The striker arc receiving aid from Philadelphia amCttuiieeticut and claim te be able te held out. The United States Senate te-day resolved that when it adjourn it be te Wednesday next, and then resumed consideration e the calendar, the pending question being en Mr. Allisen's amendment te direct the president te appoint two colored cadcti at large te West Point yearly. IRISU FESTIVITIES. Pleasure Parlies for the Relief or SntTendg American Officers Honored With Invitations. Londen, April 30. Cay tain Petter and eight officers of the United States ship Constellation will go te Dublin en the 4th of May te attend the ball at the Mansion Heuse te which they were invited some days age by Lord Mayer Gray. They will subsequently participate in festivities in Galway. ASTRICO: DUO'S ADVERTISEMENT. JHSCEIiTjANEOUS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL KE Re ceived bv the Finance Committee up te 7 o'clock en Friday cTening. April 30. 1880, for the making out et the Cltv Tax Duplicate for 18M). Te be endorsed "Proposals for City Tax Duplicate." and addressed te the i'iiiuncc Committee. Proposals te he left at the Jlice of Alderman JJarr, 17 Seuth Duke street. The committee reserves the right te reject any er.a!l bids received. lJv order el the Finance Committee. a-2)-2td J. K. IJAKK, Cleric OKFICE SD8QL'KHAKKA Caxal C'OMl'ASV, i Cor. Lexington ami Davis Street1, IJaltimeke, April , 18S0. 1 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN THAT A IN General meeting of the Stockholders of this company held at the office in Balti more, en Monday, May 10, 1880. between the hours of 3:30 and 430 p. m for the election of officers and mauagcrs for the ensuing year. The transfer boekn will be cle-ed en Saturday, May 1, and remain closed until after the elec tion. By order of apr-SMltd ROBERT D. P.KOWX, Trcas. OF ABRAHAM SWEIGART, of K:ist Earl lewnshii). Lancaster c-eiintv. Ph.. decerned. The undersigned Audi ter, unneinted te distribute tlse balance re TESTATE Hi late maining in tbe bands of Elizabeth Swelgart, administratrix of the said Abraham. Swelgart. deceased, te and umeug.tlKisu legally entitled tn fhi'Mitnp. will sit for thai tiurilOiU en SAT URDAY, the d (lav et MAY. A. D. 18. at 10 o'clock a, m.. In the Library Uoem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancustjr. where all per sons interested in said distribution may at tend. CI1AS. I. LA.VDls, tipr-23-itw Auditor. ESTATE OF JACOB ALLISON, LATE OF Washington borough, Liut-castcr county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estatu having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are reiiest .ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate c& saiil decedent, te make known the same te ithe limli-sii'iicil without delay, residing m .1A.U1. Maner township. I5ENV aprss-uiw Executer. T7HTATK OF DAVID flSHER, LATE OF Jii t...iiw.i... !?;.'iii4rTi lf.r.iMi.l Letters of Without a doubt furnish the VI VEST IV- 1 ...i.t...,t.-..t-..., ... JZiA it-iti; IniAfii'' been STKUMEXTS In the Market AVureroeins 320 mm ted te the undersigned, all persons in- Mertnuuecn street, Munufacte-.-v in the rear. . enhbul thereto are reeue-.ted te make immedi- - t: ... ... . . . i..i .1.. ate, payment, ami tnese iiavmg -ji.uiu ui ; uiunus against the same, will present them without delay ter settlement te tlie underslgn ed,.residing in Manlieim Borough, Lancaster County. SUSAXXA FISHER. Administratrix. Sasi'i. II. Pkice, Attorney. ml7-Gtw Branch Office, 15 East King S a-eet- Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agentfnr Lancaster County for CIUCKERIXU A SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and r ,ther Music, Small 1 Instruments. Violins, Ua jjes. Band Instru- S U.wm, uv..,unuja mm iiuui i. IlJ-iyl3J61 SEHISO Mu ICMSES. CJEWING MACHINE O Xe early every Sewin E Machine agent claims te have the simplest m aclilne. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tachment dealers, - fC learn the following tacts: The American Mac nine lias 13.1 partd Davis ' ... i5i 14 Demestic " '."'...'..". 88 Howe " .244 " Xew Heme 133 KemlngUin 131 Singer . n Weed t White " 134 I. Wheeler &vnianf,Ke. 8,iias!.'."!"l54 ASSIGNED ESTATE OF HEX KV II. MIL 'LKR and wife, or the borough of Adams town. Lancaster county. Pa. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribnte the balance remaining in the hands of .James It. Mercer, as signee for the benefit of creditors of said Henry II. Miller and wire, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose oil WEDNESDAY, MAY W, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Uoem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons in terested in said distribution may attend. iipriMtw E. 11. YUXDT, Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MECK & Brether, of West Lampeter township, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of II. IL Deitricn, Assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en THURSDAY, the 2"Jth day of APRIL, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.. In the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the Mtv et Lancaster, where all persons interested J in said distribution may attend. CUAS. it. ikitr., ti7-3idS&3nr,J apr5-2td42tw Auditor. LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTEU LAXC ASTER LAXCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTER LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LAXCASTKU LAXCASTER LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LAXCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTEU LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTEU LAXCASTER LANCASTER LAXCASTER LAXCASTEU LAXCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOI.S PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARAhOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS IIATS HATS HATS IIATS HATS HATS Bi-TS TK-IKMIXKS TUUlJilXGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMIX.JS TRIMMlXGe TUIMMINUb TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES TRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRIN(4ES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES FRINGES RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS LACES LACES LACES LACKS LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES LACES AstrichBre's. 1 Ne. 13 E. King SI. NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES. (J rand Display Or JEWELRY. FULL MEW LINE Children's ami Ladles' PARASOLS Single Twilled Silk, Plain Hun die. Pearl In laid Handle. Ivery and Hern Handle. Ele gant Parasols. xrimmed with lace and fringe, silk lined. Children's all Silk Parasols at .'ae. Ladies' a 11 d Children's Hats of every de scriptien. Sun hats, nallers. Turbans, Walk ing Hats. Sail ors at 19c. Hat. Shapes 3Uc. Fine .Milan Hats. line Itraid Hut h. French Flowers in every style. Reses, Buds, V Inlets. Daisies. Sunflowers und ethers. Tips inallcnlers.tlnc Real Ostrich Plumes at 4.jc. Fine White Os trich Plumes at remarkably low prices. Trimming Silks, Lu all Celers, 75 kVr Yard Braided Hat Grenadine Satins, IX ALL COLORS. Black Silk and Jet Fringes ul a.;, ixer varru Elegant Line of i;iacitsii,iupe let und Che nille Fringes. Colored Silk Fringes. Passe- mentricsefrlch designs. ORNAMENTS id the Newest Designs. NOTICE : A discount of te dressmakers. Xe. 4, all Silk, le ncrvil. Xe..'. '.ill Silk, Cc pel yd. Xe. 7. all Silk. 7c per vd. Ne. 'J, all Silk, !lc ner vd. Ne. 12, all Silk, 12e per yd. Ne. 5, all Pat In lUcnervd. Ne 7, all Satin. 13c per yd. no. ., all Satin. I7c ner yd. Ne. 12, all Satin, I'.ie per Ne. .1, Ne. 7. Ne. !, Ne. 12. BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAB BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAU BAZAAR BAZAAR PARASOLS PARASOLS PAKASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PAUASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAUASOLS PAKASOLS PARASOLS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS FEATHER1-. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS SILKS SILKS SILKS .SILKS SILKS SI L K.I SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SATINS SATINS SATINS LATINS SATINK SATINS SATIN'S SATINS SATINS SATINS SATJNS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS GIMPS ORNAMK DUX AM K ORN AM E ORXAMK ORNAMK ORNAME ORN AM E ORNAME JRNAJIE IRNAME ORNA'JIE NTS NTS NTS NTS NTS NTS NTS NTS NTS , NTS NTS GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS G RAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN GROS GRAIN SATIN SATIN SATIN SATIN-SATIN BROC BROC BROC BROC BROC BROC BROC BROC ADED ADED ADED ADED ADED ADED ADED ADED Torchon Laces Frem 3c. per. yarn 10 cic per dozen yarns. Vallencicnnes Laces By the Piece. Frem 10c apiece tipwunis. LANOnEDOC LANUUEDOC LANGOEDOC LANGIIEDOC LANGUEDOC LANG UE DOC LANGUEDOC BRETONNE BRETON NE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE BRETONNE RUSSIAN RUSSIAN KfSSIAX RUSSIAN KU&S1AN RUSSIAN- HAMBURG- EDGINGS IX GREAT VARIETY, ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. CALL AT THE NEW STORE, ASTRICH BRO'S, 13 E. KiBg Streee, Lancaster, Pa.