- -J; w" 1 j-.- v VM XA1WASTER DAIM INTEIUGEKCER. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28. 1880. s "4 -5 - UNSAVORY MENU. One DajBac Buzzard. Ju J5ra, Saturday. .rd- 1 Next Day Crew. Crew. yew Era, Monday. The machinery of our court was nseu te pros titute justice in the w as net intended te re flect upon anything the Judge did or left undone It was no lault of Us nelitlcal interests of "the best workers ei the ward." District Atteincy Eslileman has adroitly ii.nn.tged te have post poned Jer the third time the Kaymend- it u but simple jus tice te iy that v e have reason te believe that District Attorney Jsn- 1cm an was net respon sible for the "farcical proceedings" en bat urday, which sent the Dennis case ever te the Deiini cases I te nic t'vi'.Lt unnevante and ie-,s of time of wlt- ...Le1i wim Ii.ivr been in attendance for three ,..... u tnt tint, u. little adjourned court 1 n May after a jury had been empaneled. s.1 lirj, - ----- te the hcandal of our mode of administering justice. The history or these cakes from their Incep tion te the aforesaid There were reasons for the commonwealth net going en with the trial, which did net ap pear en the surface m eceedines. which took place yesterday and this meniinir. re and were net develop sulting in makinggoed the defiant beaits el ed te counsel until after the last juror Raymond and Dennis that they ueuld net be tried in thit court, lully j untitles the criticisms (Thad. Jj. Dicker) had been called. These tcasens wcre.hevvever. se conclusive In the Judgment eJ counsel fei the common ealth that tli'y Joined in .isk inir ler a continuance w men nave ucen made en the workings et our local maoumerj'eljus lice. of the ease. The court con Hcntcd te and eiicem There is no depart ment et government which should be se aged the settlement of the JSew JiraWHii suits, and thu, unconscious ly we hope, gave en en ceuiagcnient ler the repetition of similar ami equally culpable piececdings in the in terest of some "the deeply intrenched in the respect and cenfi dence of the jieeple as the judiciary, and the journalist wlie acts un der a proper sense et his responsibility will net wantonly sap the best weikers" in the' foundations ei inai cenlidence. rural districts. Seuth Oueen Street Mission. The closing exercises of the sixty-eighth commencement of Piinceteu thoelogic.il setniuaiy took place yesterday. Diplomas weie picsentud te twenty-nine giadnatcs, one of whom is Rev. J. C. Hume, of Princeton, N. J., who recently received a call te take charge of the Presbyterian mission en Seuth Queen sti ect, this city, and who will preach his fust seimeii te his nu.v chaise en Sunday, May 0. Seme of the ether graduates have been called te hnpeitant chaigcs one te a church in Hosten, ene te a church in Baltimore, and anethci te a chujeh in Newaik, N. J., and six ethers go abroad as missienaiies. Riet en Tim Hill. Yesterday afternoon thcie was a tcriiule 'commotion among the ncgiees en Tew Hill, Columbia, one of them, Wash Cele, having thieatcncd te kill his wife. Consta ble Lyle went te the Hill te rcsteic order and arrest the would-be murderer. The darkey defied the officer and came near splitting his skull with a hatchet which he hinled at him. Lyle used his revolver and shot Cele in the shoulder, without dangoieusly wounding him. He was then ai tested, and hi ought te Lancater jail. The Sheriffs Aid Invoked. The lish wardens came te Lancaster to day and requested Sheti.T Stiine te assist them. The shcrift", by advice of his solici selici solici lei, J. Hay Brown, esq., declined te in tet fete, except in cise of actual riot, as otherwise he had no authority te act. The distiict attorney it is said adised the wat dens that their only lediess would be te bring complaints of assault and battery ujiainst their assailants. Who "Washed Centre Square. We wcie in crier yesterday in saying that the stteet commissioner washed Cen tie squaic. The work was done by Gcetgc Kline in the inlet est of the business men of the square, and Mr. Kline deserves cicdit for Ihc thorough manner in which lie finished the j'eb. The piano used at the Emnu Abbett conceit la-l evening w as a Chickering A Sen, furnished for the occasion by Alex McKillips, who has tliem for sale at his waieioems, Ne.320 Neith (jiiejn stieet. Tlicsunj piano will be ummI en Thursday evening next bv the Tioubadeurs. m Sensation. Willi misan & Fester, of Ka-t King stieet, scein te be making quite a sensation by ie ceiving 1,0V) riercn of straw- hats, embracing ull et the leading stv le-. of the season, and w ill be sold at the lowest puces. Medicine and Surgery. Dr. C. 11. Riown.agraduateefthe Univcisity, of Pennsjlania, and for neatly two years les Ident physician in the Philadelphia hospital, lus opened an efllce at Se. 104 Eust King stieet this city. Ouii patient, for whom we procured the St. .Iaceu's Oil, is an old man of 11 yean, w he ter four eais had been sullenng with Hheuma tism and Swelling of the Legs, lie consulted lie phi sicians without any help. We tiled St. J icon's Oil en him, and this wendeiful reine ly cured the sulTercr beyond the reach et danger. Wxi. HiNnicns, Orangeiillc, X. Y. LANCASTIUl UOUSLHOLD MAUIUi'. OA1KV. ituttci ?ft i"3'isc Cup cheese, 2 cups rc Dutch cheese f lump aglOc Cottage cheese, 2 pieces 5c l'OULTKV. Chickens 1 pair 3T)C0c Ducks fJ pm 50j;0c Tuikes?5 ft diessed 1.5c liecse 1 piece G0cffi$l visit. nass i a iuu Catlisli? ft 12c iKels 1 ft hc OjstersJ 100 50c$2 Vsuckt r.s 'Jc 11T. 1iVe A ik . . . . .... a ...... a . a . . a a a ................ Perch 10c Oil II XifC White 12c .salmon 12c Haddock be smelts l'-c GKAIN. Whuit 1 bus $1.40l.r)0 Uje l bus K)c Coin ) bus C570c Oats bus 4050c Cleversecd 3 bus $3.O00.O0 ' f. ft 1012c Timethy Seeed W bus $J25J50 MTTS. Chestnuts ? qt 10c Mielbniks ft qt Sc Walnuts Klk 1012c FKCITS. Apples 9 pk aWg'-Bc Ilauauas 5 piece Ac Cranbenies fy qt 1.5l Cheriies, tilled, ? qt Ue Currant., dried, H ft l-c Dried Apples qt .''('c " 1'eachesf. qt lOfnUc Lemens ?J dez 2S30c Oranges t' e2 l.")S0e VKOETABLE3. Ileets ? bunch rc Cabbage held 2ic Cari-ets bunch t 35c Celery 1012c iiivcii beans ? Jpeck 50.1 petsf? Jpeck 40c Horseradish W piece 2."ie Lima beans qt. lrJ0c Onions l pk 2."c i'ouitees K pk 1015c " Sweety Jpk 12J0c Uadishcs ? bunch 5c beun Ueansf) qt c -Salsity bunch Ice Turnips, y. pk 5bc Tomatoes quart 40c M ISCELLAXKOUS. Apple Butter qt 23c Cider jft gallon 20i")C Kggs IS dez 1213c Jleney ft J0i"c e.ii f? ft 58e ft.mer kraut t qt 1012c MKAT8. Iteef Steak, V ft 1216c " Keast (rib) ft I2ltc " " (chuck) fl ft 1012c " Corned, ) ft 1012, " Diietl.fl ft I25fe28c Ham ft 12$$Jec Lamb ?J ft 1220c I-ar.l tl ft 7'Jc Mutten 1 ft 1216c l'eik 11 ft fl10c l'uddiug) ft 8c Sausage ft 810c -Sides and Itacen ft Si0c -Shoulders lb 7c Teal TH ft 1016c Before Breakfast always use SOZODON'T and rub it in well. It gives such pleasant relief from parched tongue resulting from sleep, promotes the healthful secretions of the mouth, ft will cost mere for meat and such things, but don't be grudge it. a2S-lwdeed&w Hayisg secured ever half a million of Fine and Cypress Shingles before the advance in lumber, I am prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles arc considered superior te shaved l'ine Shingles. JOHN BEIDLEK, Lumber Dealer, WrightsvIIle. Pa. aprl3-3wd J'OLITICAL. DEMOCKATIC COUNTY TlUKfcT. you coserESS. J. L. STEINMETZ. FOB DISTRICT ATTOBSET. B. F. MONTGOMERY. SENATOB (13tll DISTBICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. (AhSEMHLV (M DIsTBICT.) S C. STEVENSON, s. P. SIIIHK. (ASSEMBLY (3d DISTBICT.' AMOS DILLEU, 1C. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. IIAENLEX. FOB PRISOX INSPECTORS BAUTOX M. WIXTLii- BEXJ. MILLER. FOB rOOB DIBLCTOB. A. J. SXYDKR, JOHN FR.VNC1SCWS. Withdrawn. &FKC'1AL A'erC'iA. iscttrr 'limes The business ieUal and new em et pros perity which is new fairly inaugurated, is in keeping with the increased health and happi ness seen all ever tlie laud, and is one of the lestilts obtained from the introduction of Wamei's'-afe Kidney uml Liver Otic. "The changes wieught by this teiuedy," says Rev. I)i. IIaiey, "seem but little less than mini culeus." al3 2wd&w Try Lechei's Renowned Ceughhynip. 3Iethers! Metlicis!! Mothers!!! Are j en distuibed at night and bieken el your rest by a sick child sulleiing and cijing w ltli the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go at once and getabettle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOlIIING S RUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sutrerer immediately tlepend upon it; there is no mistake about it, lliere Is neta methei en ea: th w he has ever used it, w he w ill net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, anil give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, epeiating like magic. It is peifeetly safe te n-c in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription ei one et the eldest and best female ph y sicians and nui ses in the United States, bold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. )17-lydtw M.W&S Feb Tiiheat Disfasks ami Cei cms. " Ilreitn's lirenclnn! Trarhca," like all ether really geed '" ' i liequently imitated, and punh ise. .ueitld be caieftil te obtain the genuine article piepated by Jehn I. Brown & Sens. a2Mwdl'TliS&w Try Ixiehei's Rcnew ned Cough Sj rup. Why Wear Plasters? Thej may telieic, but they can't cm c that 1 ime back, fei the kidneys aic the tumble and you want aiemedy te act diieetly en their se se cietlens, te purify mid lesteie their healthy condition. Kidney-Weit his that specific action and at the s une time it leguiatcs the bewel-peifeetly. Don't wait te get siek, but get a package te-day. and cue yourself. a2G-lw d&w Tlie tireatcit lllessiug. A simple, pure, hatmless leincily, that cures c ei y time, and iieents disease by keeping the bleed puie, stomach regulai , kidncjs and liei active, is the gicitest blessing eer con cen lened upon man. Hep Bitteis is that lemcdy, and its propneters aie being blessed by thou sands who hae been siued and cuiedbyit. Will you ti y it? See another teluinn. al.V2wd.tw Ti J Lechei's Renew ned Cough h l up. Leiy one will liudagenei.il tome in "Liml sej's IiupienI Bleed Se.uchei." All thug" gists sell it. Timely Caution. Genuine Hep l.ittcisnie put up m square paneled, ainber-coleied bottles, with white 1 ibel en one side punted in blacK letters, and giecn hepelustei, and en the ethci side jellew piper with red lettcis; levenue stamp eei theceik. This is the only lei m in which gen uine Hep Bitteis uic put up, and the sole ligh te make, tell and use them is giantcd te the Hep Bitters Maniitaetuung Cemjiany of Ro chester, . Y., and Tet onto, Ont., by patents, cop tight and trade mark. All ethers put up in any ether way or by any one else, claiming te be like it or pretending te contain hops, by whateci names thej m ly be called, aie bogus and unfit fei use, and only put up te sell and cheat the people en the ci edit and popularity et Hep Bitters. a2G 2w tl w Tiy Lecher's Renew ned Cough Syiup. Kidnej-Weit has pietcd a most efTectixe cure for Piles and Constipation be sine and trvit. niC-lwd.Vw It you take eui ati ice j en w ill lese no time in calling en ettrdiuggist fet "fcelleis' Cough Sj rup" w itlieut an equal. Price 25 cents. Tiy Lechei's Renowned Cough Sjrup. Dr. Mett's Endorsement of Spcer's Pert Grape Wine. The iollew ing, Hern the celebrated Dr. Mett, of New Yeik, speaks wonders for Mr Spcer's etTerts te laise the Oporto Grape in New Jersey. The Docter has spent years in Portu gal and the wine districts el Fiance, and knew s w hat he is talking about : C2 Madisen Avemje ) New Yenic, April 11, 1878. ( Mit. Alfiifd Spkl.i. Dear Sir: The visit which 1 made List je.ir te your Vineyards, w ine-pi eses and -vaults at Passaic, N. J., satis hcsine thoieughly that the wines manufac tured by you are pine and unadulterated, and the cry best that can be elleied te the public ter medicinal uses. Acting upon my i.w erable impression at the time, I have since lecemniended the Peit, Wine; mere particul.uly in my practice, and am satisfied witli m.ukcd benefit te my pa tients. There can be no better proof te the doubting mind, as te the Wine being made of the finest Oporto Grape, than a visit te tlie acres of land ceeied with the 'vine beniing the luxuriant tiuit. Wishing you success in yourpraise yeurpraise w ei t by entei pi lse, I lemain lespectfully yours. ALLX . MOTT, M. D.. Prof, of Surge! v, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, &e.. &c. This wine is endorsed by Dis. Atlcc and D.u is, and sold by II. 11. sla maker. alC-2tawdiw Statistics prove that twenty-five percent, of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we rellcet that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli gence, or pity tbemfer their ignorance? Ne 1 East King btrcet. DEATHS. Baker. In Philadelphia, Tuesday, 27th. of diphtheria, Jacob L. Baker, son of the late Rev. Jehn C. Baker, in his 54th year. His lelativ cs antl friends are Respectfully in vited te attend the furicml from the Penn'a R. R. depot en an ival of 210 train te-morrow af af af toineon. ltd WANTED. TirAA TED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVEK- V tise, free of charge, in the Intelligen ces who wants something te de." WANTED. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A situation, is willing te de anything. De sii.es te learn a geed trade. Call or address ltd GLO. MACK, Keystone IIouse. T7" ANTED A YOUNG MAN WANTS A V Situation in either a hotel or private family. Can take care of horses. RelViencc given". Apply at this office. WANTED BY A YOUNG MARRIED man, a situatie n te de any kind of w erk te make himself useful. Can handle horses. Apply at this Office. ltd RAGS! RAGS! BAGS! RAGS WANTED. Housekeepers take notice that we arc paying 3 cents a pound ler MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, api-JWrnd Xe. 235 West King Street. IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. SILK JLXD WOOL NOVELTIES in Very Elegant St2es and Qualities. MADRAS AND ZEPHYR CLOTHS, CANTON DRESS GINGHAMS, all in Very Fine Assortment. CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, DRESS BUTTONS, FRINGES, LACES. HAMBURG AND INDIAN EM BROIDERIES, all in Fine Asseitraent. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS in all the Very Latest Styles. CARPETS! CARPETS! In Great Vaiietv of New and Choice Styles. AT LOWEST PRICES. GIVLEE, BOWEES & HTJE8T, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fJEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE IV Lancaster County National Bank, at Lan caster, in the state of Pcnnsjl'vania, at the close of business, April 21, lbse : ntseunci s. Leans and discounts $ 782,429 03 U. S bends te secure eiiculatien 305,000 ou Due from approved reserve agents . 102,fi21 (-0 Due from ether National banks .. . . ;,017 !Xj Due from stite banks ami bankers . 1.11,052 (.2 Real estate, turniture and llxtures.. . 12,014 ttt Cuticnt expenses anil taxes paid ... 5,1W) 91 Checks and ether cash items 7,57107 Bills of ether hanks 1,255 00 Fractional currency ( including nickels) 218 95 Specie ( including geld tie.ismj cti- tilicates) Hfi.HU 07 Legal tender notes 41,492 00 Redemption fund withU. s ticisui- ei (5 pel cent, el eiiculatien ) lTOO 00 Total $l,Hi,72S 7'i LIM1SL1TI11S. Capital stock pairl in W),000 00 Sin plus fund 100,000 00 Undivided profits M,iH, 91 National bank notes outstanding .. '270,oeo 00 Dividends unpaid 2,"4ii 50 Individual depesttssiibject techeck. Kil217 M Demand eertilicates et deposit 1,45170 Due te ether national banks 2:,1')0 49 Due te state banks and bankets .. J.J5 "27 Total $1,;1G,72S79 Stateef PennyUama count) of Lrmca&ter, i : 1, V . L. Peiper, Cashier el tlie above named bank, tle solemnly svv ear that the abev e state ment is true te the best et inj knew ledge and belief. V. L. PLIPER. Cashier. Subscribed and swein te bcleie me tins '27th day of Api II, ISsO .1. L. L1TK, Netaij Public. Ceirect Attest: C. B. HKItR, DAVID GRWBILL. JOHN 1. II.VRTMAN, ltd&w Diiecten 7lElTELEi:S. LOUIS WEItER. WATCHMAKER. Ne. 1W$ NORTH QUhLN STRKirneai P. It. It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Hlver anil Nickel-cased Watches, Chaiuu, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantascepic specta cles and l.yc-Gl,ibes. Rupiii ing a kpccialty. apil-ljd licasier Watcles. FOR SALE BT B. R BOWMAN, 10G EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. --THE- LANOASTER WATCH, IH GOLD AND SILVER CASES, KEY AND STEM-WINDING, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King; Street, LANCASTER, PA. The Lewest Prices! Orders and iuquirich b mail leccivepieuipt attention. XE.Caldwell&Ce. iiiPORTints or Diamonds, Sapphires, Em eralds, Rubies, Pearls. JEWELERS, THE LATEST DUalUMi It LACE PINS, SCARF PINS, FINGER RINGS EAR-RINGS, BRACELETS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND LOCKETS, In Reman Filigieeand Burnished Geld. PHILADELPHIA, 902 CHESTNUT STREET. Apiic-M.w&r l'A TEXTS. TNVENTOKS. WM. R. GERHART, (Solicitor of Patents) Having opened communication with the Patent Ofllce at Washington, D. C. is pie parcd te push claims with promptness and dispatch. OVFICE-SecondFleor Ne. 34 NORTH DUKE STREET, next t Cemrt Heuse. a20-ivrd.tlutw GEOBOiS FLICK, TAXIDERMIST. Ne. IS West German Street. Birds and and animals stuffed eh reasonable terms. a2Mwd tinY oeons. Please call and we will show you XE M' AD VEJCTISEJIEXTS. A New Feature of our business will be the Manufacture of JEW ELRY in our own Factory. We have just completed a substantial brick factory building, 18x35 feet, which is fitted up with the ma chinery, tools and appliances necessary for the production of first class goods, and put in charge of competent workmen. This department will be a great convenience te ourselves and our customers, enabling us te fill special orders in very short time. Old jewelry or coin left us for making into new goods will be kept strictly separate, and we will guarantee furnishing the same geld in the new goods when se desired. The manufacture of Hair Jew elry will be given special attention. Estimates and designs for Society Pins, Badges or Rings will be furnished en short notice. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. AM USEMEXTS Jj'UL.TON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY"! SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1880, Ir. Jeseph Jeffersen ia "hp ra id Supported By His Own Company. ADMISSION, - - 3.-5, CO, 75 UU. i; SI. 00 Acceidnig te Location. c b..ii:pfi:rsen maxigek. II. S TAILOR, imM Sale of ieseied gents commences at Opera heu-fc eflicc, en Wtiducl.iy morning, Apul 2s. npr.yv.id F ULTON OPERA HOUSE. THE l'ASHIOXARLE EVENT. POJ?ITI E LY ONE MGII1' ONLY. THURSDAY APRIL 29, 18S0. CARNIVAL NIGHT OP FUN, under the minagement et Mr. C. I). He---, the Popular Opel i M.inaei. Theweild icueuucd -lALb- TROUBADOURS, In their Ginnil Production et thcii ou n Laugh able Mu --ic.il Extniv.ig.inz.i entitled THE BROOK; OR, THE JOLLY DAT AT THE PIC-NIC, as pl.rjcd hy the ladies and gentlemen of this eijaniz. itien for the pest liee.ns in all put et Ameiica, Austml'.i, New Zealand, Tasmania and the Sandwich Inlands. Having Just closed afoul weeks' engageiiient at H.neiHS Tlie atie. New eik city, and lctiiin te Daly's New The.it le ler the me'nth et JMay. Popular Pi ue-i, - - 35, S0&?5Cts. S.'.its --eciiied at Opcia Heuwc Olhce. api-JT-'ltd MEDICAL Brandy as a Medicine. The iolle'n ingastlcle w.is veluntaiily uent te Mr. II. E. Sla maker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, l.y a piemiuent jinietisiug ph-5l-ci in et this county, he has extensi ely u-ed theltranilj lefei red tdiu his regular pnictice. It is commended te the attention et these af flicted ith Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant w.isneer intended as a heerage. hut te he Uhed as a medicine et great potency in the cm e et some et the destructive diseases which sweep aw ay their annual thousands of victims. With a put ely philanthropic motive we pie sent te the la erable notice et invalids espe cially these ntlltctcd with that miserable dis-ci-e Djspcpsia, a spccilic remedy, which is nothing nieie or less than Brandy. The aged, with tecble appetite anil meie or less debility, will llnd this simple niedie.ne, w hen used piepeily, A Sovereign Remedy erall thcii ills anil aches. He it,heivevcr stuctly unilerstoed that we piescrihe and use but one ai I lcle. and thut is . REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, .Sold by our enterprising jeung fiicnd, II. E &LAYMAKER. This lirandy has steed the test ler jcars, and has never tailed, .is I.n .is our epenence extends, and we thcrefeie give it the pieteicnceoerall ether ISrandies, nomatterwithliew uuuiyjuw -breaking Fiencii titles they are branded. Ono-feuith of the money that is yearly thrown away en muieus impotent dyspepsia specifics would sulllce te buy all the Ilranily te cure any such case or eases. In pioet et the curative poweiset Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases el Dyspepsia, we can summon nuui hers et w itnesses one cese in paiticular we cite: A haul-working tarmcr had been aillictcd with an ethausti e Dyspepsia ler a number of euis; lus stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stant ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te le-tiicthn diet te crackers and stale biead, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Itcer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, pleached attunes, and in his discourses etten declaimed earnestly againstall kindsef stieng diink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful eirccts in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te iollew our advice. He usd the lirandy faithfully and steadily; the tiist bottle giving him an appetite, and befeic the second was taken he was a sound man.w ith a stomach capable et digesting anything w Inch he chose te eat. He stili keeps it and uses a lit tie occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been et v ery little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pkactisie Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AQENT TOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMPORTKIt AltD DEALER IV FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported In lsls, 1S27 and lfcB,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 KAST KINO ST.. I.AWCASTEK. l'A UXDEItTAKEX, liLij. GEO. W. BROWN, aet., UNDERTAKER, Ne. 146 EAST KINO STKEET. Residence 21 Seuth' Prince Street. aprt-lydWJfcS an IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS MAItKETS. New lerk Market. Nkw Yerk. April IJS. Kleur Receipts, 1.1,014 bushels ; Mate. nui Uestern dull and stiengly in bujeis' Javer ; stipeihne state $4 00510; t'Ttni de $1 7."5 00 ; choieeile?5 0")5 20 ; fancy ?: U(, (W : lound.heop Ohie $5 705 75: choice de fe b0g 75; supeihne w estei n $4 005 00 ; cotiimen te geed extra tle fi 7.".5 10 ; choice tlode i 7.'i7 00; choice w hite w heat tle 4 S0 3 25; Southern dull and declining; common te fan extra $3 2j5 U); goetl te choice tle $5 65 G7 00. Wheat heavy, feveiisliand unsettled : Spring dull and nominally lower ; Winter lute Us 2c and Red lc lower and tlull ; sales. 21,000 busliels: Ne. 2 Red, Apul, $1 2? 102,000 bus ; tle i1I.iv 1 2T)JI 2CJS bO.001) bus; tle June 4122 1 22 i,00e1)us; Ne. 1 White, May $1 22. Coin dull and shade lower; sales, 45,000 biw ; Mixed wtstein spot, 515ijc; de futuie 40M 2y,e. Oats dull and a shade easier ; sales, 23,000 bus; including Ne. 2 ler Mav at J8. State 4252c ; Western 40)lc. Reel dull and pi ices unchanged. Pet k lit nier : new mess $1750. Laid timet and Hi in; steam rendered $7W). Whisky tlull ; Western 1 0S1 00. Spirits of tin pentine dull at H(jji,c. l'lillitdtdphtii Market. Philuei.vhia, April 2S Fleur tlull anil weak; supeillue auugJ.le: i.tnf4 00J4 50; Ohie and Indiar-a tamilv $i 00(. 25 : Penn'a Unilly 5Wft(! O-i : St. Leut- t.milly 5 7.rg0 50 ; Minnesota r.iiinlv $5 50iS 12Jj ; patent and high gratles $G5e?jS0O. Rye Hern at $4 254 37. Cernmc.il Ijiiukij wine unchanged. Wheat tlull and lewer: Ne. 2 ester n Red 1 2S1 -2S4 ; Pcnir.1 Red $1 20; Amber 1 28 Coin quiet: sttauicr 50g5Ic; yellow 53c; mied5iy52e. Oats dufi and low grade weak; Ne. 1, 4Cc; Ne. 2, ;a-J5c; Ne. 3, 4Jc; Ne. 2 mixed 41 lKc Rye dull ; Western and Pa. 83&5c. Piovisieitslliuier; mis-' peik at $11 35; beet hams 17 50; India mes beef $19 50; bacon smeketl sheulilers 5iJ-ic; salt 4J-4Kc; smoked hams 10llc ; pickled hams tJi&9)c. Lard tlull; city keitleTJic; loose butchers G?.e; pi line steam 7JXc. iSutter dull and "easy; creamery extia 272se: lii.iuteitl county uud New Yerls-twctra 'it 20e ; Western ieeive extra at 2324c ; tle geed te choice ls22c ; Rolls dull ; Penn'a extia IDgilc; Western reserve extra 20 f? 22c. Kggs dull ; Penn'a 10Jllc; Western 10 10c. Cheese sc.uee and linn; New Yerk fac fac teiy l-lllc; Western lull cream, 14c; de for geed, 12l.c ; tle halt-skims ll12c. Petieleum dull; Refined 7Kc. Whisky at SI 10. b.'cds nominal ; geed te prime cleTerseed V 2.".ii70U; tle timothy $2 90J0J; de flaxseed fi tOl 70. Stock markets. Philadelphia, April 28. 12.30 p.m. Stocks weak. PennaB's (thud issue) 107J Philadelphia & Erie 15 Reading 3lys Pennsylvania 5412 Lehigh Valley 52 United Ces. et N. J 100- Neithein Paciflc 2J " Preleri ed 5.JK Northern Central 33 Lehigh Navigation 35 Nomstewn 101 Cential Traiispoitatien Ce. 4!Ji Pitts , Titusville & Butrale. 17 Little Schuylkill 55 Nkw Yerk, April 23. Stocks dull. N. Y. Central 130 K'.i In 4V Adams Express 111 Michigan Central 00 Michigan Southern 107 Illinois Cential 105l Cleveland & Pittsburgh. ...113 Chicago A Reck Island lb'J Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 118 Western Union Tel. Ce 105 Teledo & Wabash 38 New Jersey Centi.d 75 United States Hends and Sterling ISxuhauge (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. XT. Cor. oil and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, April 28. United States (."s, 1881, (legistcied).. 100 lwyg United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .102K United States 4's, 1SI1, (iegisleied)I08100 United Slates 4's, I8')l, (coupons).. .108j)108 United States 4's, 1007. (registeied)..107K107 United States Curteucy d's 125 12(i Sterling Exchange 4b.)&48 KIDXEX AND ETVEK CUBE. WARNER'S SAFE REIEDIES! WAKNmi'S SAFE FILLS Areanimtjiediate stimulus tera Torpid Liver cure Cestiv eness, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Diarrheea, Malaria, Fever and Ague and aie u-etulat times in nearly all Diseases te cause a lieeand legularactionef theBewels. The best antidote ler all Malarial Poison. These Pills are the discovery of an English aimy phvsiciai. and have been used with the gieatest success among the British troops in India. They ate only manutuctuied in this country by U. 11. WARNER & CO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE, The imprev ed discovery of probably the most skillful nerve doctor in tlie world, quickly i fives rest ami sleep te the suffering, cures leadache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fit", and is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration bieught en by excessive drinking.ev er er werk,mentul shocksandetlier causes. Itrelieves the Pains el all Diseases,audisiieveriujurieus te the sv stem. The best of all Nervines. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cents and $1. "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes Cere, Safe Hitters and Safe Tonic are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, X. T. " ful6-Tu,Th&Sd&w R. S. B. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 2U West King street, Lancaster, Pa. ratf4-3nid THIRD EDITION. WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, APBIL 28, 1880j HAEMONY WINS. DEMOCRATIC L0YE FEAST. The Threatened Rupture Averted. Premising Outlook for a Harmonlent As sembly of the Pennsylvania Democracy Plan of Compromise Agreed Upen The Convention Adjourns Until 5 o'clock te Settle AU Disputes. Special Dispatch te the ISTELLiaEacEi:. Hakrisbure, April 28. ITannenywins. Leve feast. All contests referred te Jeuks, Stenger, Gibsen, Mutchler, Spcer and one ether "Wallace man. "Wallace and Randall lijlht settled. THE OLIVE 1HCANCU. Peace Between the Warring Factions A Genulue Leve Feast Probable The Convention Adjourns Till Vive O'clock. Editeiial Dispatch te the I3telliqecei!. IIarriskurg, April 28. The wildest enthusiasm ever seen in a pelit ical convention in Pennsylvania Is prevailing here. Fer a half hour before the call te order "Wallace, Randall, Cassidy and Read were seen conferring in one cor ner of the hall. The convention watched them with great interest. They parted friendly. The convention cheered, and the news of an honorable compromise flew ever the hall. Cassidy atesc after the call te order and announced a com. premise. He moved that Dill. Stenger Speer, Gibsen, Mutchlcr and Jcnks be a committee te settle all contests. (Wild cheering.) Amidst the enthusiasm Vaux, Randall, "Wallace, Gibsen, Dill, Hay and Stonier speke. The convention was car ried off its feet and adjourned until five o'clock when the committee will report an uncontested delegation from every county in the state. Grier and Given peisist in their purpose te contest the up per Lancaster county distiict, but no at tention will be paid te their efforts te mar the prevailing spirit of harmony. All par ties agree that it means enduring harmony, united action and victory in the early fu ture. "W. U. II. TI1K CONVENTION. Tne 'Randall People" Saltl te Have Cem plete Control of the Entrances te the Hall Difficulty lu Se curing Admission. IlAimisnuRG, Pa., April 28. The Dem ocratic state convention met in the eper heusehere te-day. All hope of a compro mise between the contending Philadelphia or Wallace and Randall delegations being at an end, matters were very lively all morn ing in the hotels and committee rooms. Great difficulty was experienced in obtain ing admission te the hall of the convention and a large number of special deer-keepers were en hand. The Randall peeple ap peared te have thoieugh control of all the entrances te the hall, and many visitors received their tickets of admission before these of delegates were issued. Se strict were the deer-keepers that it was impossi ble for telegraph messcugcis te pass in and out, and great difficulty was expcii enced in reaching tclcgiaph offices. Cheering Speaker Randall. When Speaker Randull entered the hall he was greeted with the most enthusiastic cheering. He had net been elected a dele gate, but appealed as a substitute. Sena Sena eor "Wallace was ptesent as a delegate. Effecting a Compromise. Seme delay occurred in calling the con. ventien te elder, during which several conferences took place between the leaders of the two factions. At 1 o'clock Speaker Randall with two of his friends, stepped into a coiner wheie Wallace and his lieu tenants wcie and a sheit conference took place. The result was an agi cement te appoint a committee te settle the points of difleience. It was then understood Mr. Monaghan, of West Chester, would be tem porary chairman, while Mr. Dill would be pcimanent chairman. Tlie Convention Called te Order. At 1 p. m. Chairman Miller called the convention te order. Mr. Cassiday's Glad Tidings. The list ef secretaries and deer-keepers was then read. Mr. Cassidy, by unani mous consent, announced that he brought glad tidings te the convention and te the entire people of tlie commonwealth. He said the leaders have at the last moment settled upon a plan of adjusting all differences in Philadelphia, one which will prove eminently creditable te the entire Democratic patty. The reg ular Democratic party, of which he was a member, while it steed by its position, was yet willing te take its opponents by the hand for the sake of peace, and they were going te settle diffeiences fairly and honorably. Fer this purpose he named the following committee te whom all contests shall be refened without de bate : Messrs. Speer. of Huntingdon ; Mutchlcr, of Northampton ; Dill, of Union ; Stenger, of Franklin ; Jcnks, of Indiana ; and Gibsen. Tlie committee was named amid much applause. Shoulder te Shoulder Speeches byKaiidall, Wallace and Others. R. M. Speer and Richaid Vaux followed with remarks in support of the proposed plan. Mr. Randall, in lcspensc te loud calls, arose and said : " This is the happiest po litical moment of my life, and it gives te the people of the United States assurance that the Democratic party mean com plete and thorough peace, and un ending war te our opponents." Mr. Wallace then thanked the conven tion for its kind greeting. It could scarcely be expected of him that in a crisis of his paity he would fail in the perform ance of his duty. He yielded the en tire Democratic control of place and power and he would always be found where the Democratic party placed him. He was for Peace, Harmony and Victory. Malcolm Hay, of Pittsburgh, then fol lowed in a speech, in which he congrat ulated the party upon the glorious exam ple set them by their leaders. A. H. Dill thought no one but defeated Democratic candidates for state offices could appreciate the full significance of compromise. Wm. S. Stenger said the nomination of Gen. Grant meant perpetual rule of the Duke of America. All that steed in the way of victory for the Democrats seemed te Be dissensions in their own ranks. "New," he said, "when we are shoulder te shoulder, with the grand courage of enr leaders shining before us, we certainly can leek for victory." Mr. Cassidy's motion was then adopted unanimously. A motion was made that the convention adjourn until five o'clock at which hour the committee of six ap pointed te settle contests would be ready te report. This was agreed te, THE LANCASTER DELEGATION. Uensel aail McUmaa Selected for Dele-. gates te Cincinnati Grier Breathlas; Threatening and Slaughter. Editorial Dispatch te the I:rrK.inrcxR. HAnnisncKe, Wednesday, April 28 a. m Thus far all efforts at a compro mise have failed, for reasons fully stated in the morning papers. The four delegates from the Southern district of Lancaster county met last even ing and agreed en Brubaker for committee en credentials, Raub en resolutions, and Rhoads en organization ; Kerns for vice president, Geerge Diller for state committee, and W. U. Hensel for delegate te Cincinnati. A majority of the upper district dele gates agreed en Hoever for cemmittee en credentials, Yeutz en organization, Weid ler en resolutions, Given vice president, M. S. Moere for state committee, and B. J. McGrann for national delegate. The seven delegates ratified this choice of national delegates and chese C. J. Rhoads and . L. Hambright alternates, and J. G. McSparran elector. Owing te a death in Mr. Given's family, he may leave before the convention is ever and that event says he will substitute W. Hayes Grier or H. M. North. In that event Mr. Hensel will go into the conven tion as a substitute for Mr. Brubaker. Grier has been threatening late last night te enter a contest against Yeutz, Weidlerand Hoever en frivolous grounds only intended te keep them out of the convention iu its temporary organization. Mr. Speer, Maj. Filler and ether se-called Wallace men say such a contest would be "infamous," and of nearly fifty Lancaster ceuntians here, net one, unless directly interested, fails te condemn such an out rageous proceeding. Hayes Grler's Contest. Dispatch te this morning's Recerd. All contests in both delegations te the state convention te be withdrawn, and all what arc termed "paper" or bogus contests throughout the state te be dene away with, and only the genuine contests, such as exist in Crawford county, or that of Hayes Giicr, iu Lancaster, te be sent te the committee en contests. Personnel of the Conventten. Marri&hiirg dispatch te X. V. Sun. The convention is the largest ever as sembled heie and the finest body of Penn sylvania Democrats that was ever gather ed together en such an occasion. Nearly every man of piominence in the party is here, including every Dem ocratic congressman from Pennsyl vania except Clymer, who is off te St. Leuis getting married. They and nearly all the ether prominent men arc in accord in urging policy of harmony in the party, a cessation of personal strife, and a subordinating of all factional issues te these which concern the vital interests of the state erg? nidatien. The average feeling of the convention is for peace, against instiuctiens, against the unit rule, and against the repeal of the two-thirds rule in national conventions. Hancock has piebably mere friends in the convhntien than any ether candi date. Tilden has the best organization and the ablest men. Bayard. Seymour, Field, Hendricks, Black and Randall all have a following, but it docs net leek as though any man was nearly as strong as the field, and en a hquare vote a majority of the degates would declare against any one man whose friends sought te instruct him. WEATUEK INDICATIONS. Washington, April 2$. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic and New England states, Btsg tienary possibly followed by falling bar ometer, diminishing northerly winds, pos sibly shifting te warmer, southerly, party cloudy weather. THE DE YOUNG TRAGEDY. Kalloch Indicted for SI order. San Francisce, April 27. The jury te-day returned a verdict charging Kalloch with the murder of DeYeung. DIED FROM EATING CAKE. A Yeung Man Eats Twenty-Five Molasses Cakes at a Wedding Sapper and Dies the Next Morning. Onancock Eastern Virginian. We de net knew who first invented cake, or upon what occasion, or in what age of the world it first be came indissolubly associated with wed ding occasions. It is, however, an incident in every-day experience that a man en his way te a wedding, as in the ordinary avocations of life, should hunger, and should wish te refresh the inner man. This, unhappily, was Lloyd Hepkins's ex perience. Hepkins, who was a hale, hearty robust young man, white en his way te a marriage feast, a few days since, felt an overwhelming desire for cake and accord ingly stepping into a store boasted that he could eat twenty-five molasses cakes. The proprietor, or some one standing by, offered te pay for that number provided Hepkins would eat them, the latter te pay for all he could net eat under that number. At fifteen, Hepkins declared himself full, but the pay being demand ed, he persevered until the whole twenty five were consumed. This was charity te a fault en the part of the mer chant. Hepkins then proceeded te the wedding, where he further ate a hearty supper. On his way home he was taken sick, laid out all night, and en arriving home the next morning was taken with a congestive chill and died suddenly ; thus demonstrating the scriptural warnings against intemperance, gluttony, &c. A Little Girl's Terrible Death. A curious and shocking accident oc curred in Readington, a small town about eight miles from Flemington, N. J., en Friday last, resulting in the death of the daughter of Peter Hyler, an influential farmer. The little girl, four years old, accompanied her mother te feed the chickens, and, after the mother's return, remained near the -wagon house te play. When half an hour had elapsed the mother started in search of the little one. She was horrified te find, the dead body of her child suspended by the neck from the deer of a corn crib, which is built in the wagon house. The deer is composed of beards, which slide up and down in a groove. Seme of tlie beards had previous ly been shoved up, where they had caught fast, thus leaving an opening some four feet from the ground. It is supposed that in playing the little child put her head through this opening and swung her feet playfully against tne Dearos lonn lenn ing the lower part of the' deer. The jar most have caused the upper beards te falL and, catching the child's bead, they imprisoned her and checked her te deaths r -JH