- - . "" "3.T -"js "- mBrsTFrv-. mam A. , w ,., w-grn-agTTO'rVrWhr- -vfa.-'.'r i -- pu " ayjg ssraaJg " -f-l v JJ. Ki'.''ir1'' -Vr-ftfc', 1 W"i ' -. ' " ' '-" t,'j" c y JW- zrw ,- - V f -J" k LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER; XTJFSDAY, APRIL 20. 1880. ,. . - - t " v . . . v.: J ?iv jte "v NEARLY SUFFOCATED. A Jnrer Blew Oat the Gas. On retiring te his bed last niglit, David 8. Wade, of Earl, one of the grand jurors who is bearding at Jehn H. Rey V, Ne. 114 Seuth Duke street, instead of turning off the gas blew it out. His mis take was net discovered until this morn ing, -when the inmates were made aware of it by a strong smell of gas all through the house. The sleeper was found te be much affected by the subtle poison, but wan seen restored. Fortunately, there was net a full head of gas en and the room was well ventilated. Had this net been the case we would probably have had a case of death by suffocation te chronicle. Terrible Mulcide en a Kail read. About 10 a. m. yesterday Wm. Hewitt, about 23 years of age, was run ever and killed near Perryville by a train en the Pert Deposit branch of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad. Yeung Hewitt was of weak intellect and made a living by fishing. The engineer of the train states that the man committed suicide. The train, he says, was going at a rate of about twenty miles an hour, and Hewitt, waiting until it was tee near him te be stepped, threw himself upon the track. The engine struck him with terrible force, severinc his head and both legs from his body. The occurrence took place just in sight of the residence of the unfortunate man and was witnessed by his mother and sister. Fight Between Ueys. Stanley Mills, a mischievous colored boy, began a quarrel with a white boy named Frederick Gabeidell this afternoon. Officer Harman arrested them, and the Mills boy being unable te give bail was taken te the station house te cool off. A Geed Hen. Mr. Isaac Clark, of Atglen, Chester county, has a hen that laid an egg every day from March 15, 1879, te February 1, 880. She is only part Spanish and is the mother of many Democratic roosters. Mayers Court. Twe drunken and disorderly cases were bcfeie the mayor this morning. One of the offenders was committed for 13 and the ether for 30 days. Sale et Horses. J. Rebman, auctioneer, sold yesterday at Denlinger'.s Merrimac house, in this city, fourteen head of horses, the property of W. Wilten. They averaged $14G per head. Marble and Granite, Monumental and Grae Stene Works. The undersigned is prepared te furnish marble and granite memorials of the latest and be.it designs, and invites the public te ex amine his large andvaiied stock of finished work and portfolio of drawings. Designs and estimates in marble or granite en application. Mr. .Jehn P. Grugcr, sculptor and designer, late from the new public buildings in Phila delphia.has been engaged as superintendent et my works. Lettering in marble or granite a specialty; also, baptismal touts, vases, tablets and urns. New and tasteful designs for marble or granite coping, and cemetery lets enclosed witli especial care ler durability. Arrange, menus have been made with the Quincy, Mas sachusetts, granite ami ether celebrated quar ries which use the latest and most approved appliance. Marble and slate mantels and all kinds et building work. Pi ices will be reason able and satisfactory te my patrons. A con tinuation of favor solicited. Charles M. Hewell. Ne. 139 North Queen btreet. npr20-2tdTu&S&2tw Amusements. The Jubilee Singwx. On Thursday evening the original troupe of colored Jubilee Singers will appear in the opera house, under Mr. Mishler's management. They have sung in every city of note in the United States and have just returned from Europe, wheiethcy matle a great success. A remarkable instance et the curative qual ities of St. Jacob's Oil, is the case of Mr. Sehaefer, Allegheny City, Pa., who sulleied with Kheuinatism ler ever eight years, and had used all known remedies without relief. A single bottle of St. Jacob's Oil cured him. There's net a charm that light's the face With se ineffable a grace, As sweet, pink lips and ivory teeth ; And nothing new, beneath the sky, Can beauties such as these supply. Save SOZODONT, that wears the wreath. al'J-lwdeedftv ILvvise secured ever half a million or Pine and Cypress Shingles beterc the advance in lumber, I am prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles arc considered superior te shaved Pine Shingles. jeiin itKim,i:it, Lumber Dealer, Wrights ville. Pa. npr!5-3wd SI'IiVIAE yOTJVES. He coughed ! he coughed ! His eyes ran ; h But looked redder In the face than a lobster. "Sellers' Cough Syrup" cured him. " Brown's Bronchial Troches," when al lowed te dissolve in the mouth, have a direct Influence en the inflamed parts, allaying Pul inenary Irritation, and giving relief in Coughs, Colds, and the various Threat Troubles te which Singers and public Speakers are liable. a201wdTThS&w TIic Reason Why. The tonic ell'ect of Kidney-Wert is produced by its cleansing and purifying action en the bleed. ' Where there is a gravelly deposit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disorder ed Kidneys, it cures without iail. Constipa tion and Piles readily yield te its cathartic and healing power. ul'J-lwd&w Jtctter Times. The business revival and new era of pros per ity which is new fairly inaugurated, is in keeping with the increased health and happi ness seen all ever the land, and is one el" the results obtained from the introduction of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. " The changes wrought by this remedy," says Rev. Dr. Harvey, 4,fceem but littlu less than mini culeus." al5-2wd&w Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Dr. Xett's Endorsement of Speer's Pert, Grape Wine. The following, Ireni the celebrated Dr. Mett, of New Yerk, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer's efforts te raise the Oporto Grape in New Jersey. The Docter has spent years in Portu gal and the wine districts of Franc, and knows what he is talking about : C2 Madisen Avence ) New Yerk, April 11. 187S. Mr. Alfred Speer. Dear Sir: The visit which 1 made last year te your Vineyards, u ine-pressesand vaults at 1'assaie, N. J., satis fies me thoroughly that the wines manufac tured by you are pure and unadulterated, and the verv best that can be offered te the public ler medicinal uses. Acting upon my favorable impression at the time, I have since recommended the Pert Wine; mere particularly in my practice, and uui satisfied with marked bench t te my pa tients. There can be no better proof te the doubting mind, as te the Wine being made of the finest Oporto Grape, than a visit te the acres of land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success in your praise worthy enterprise, 1 remain respectfully yours. ALEX B. MOTT, M. D.. Prel. of Surgery, Bcllevue Hospital Medical College, &e.. Ac. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce and Davis, and sold by H. E. Slaymaker. aI6-2tawd&w The Greatest messing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cuics every time, and prevents disease by keeping the bleed pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever con ferred upon man. Hep Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thou sands who havu been saved and curud by it. Will you try it? See another column. al5-2wd&w Try Loeher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Why Are'YeHUniewi? Because you have allowed your bowels to.be te.be to.be ceme costive, and liver torpid. Use Kidney Kidney Wert te produce a free state of the bowels and It will stimulate the liver te proper action, cleanses the skin of Its yellowness, cares bil bil eons headache, and causes new life In the bleed. Druggists have it. alMwd&w Try LecUer's Renowned Cough Syrup. Dr. Brownixe, a regular graduate el one ei the eldest and best medical colleges of the United States, has for years been studying the subject el coughs, colds, and all troubles of tliat nature, und is satisfied that he has by dill gent research in chemistry and pharmacy found out the true combinations of medicine that will the most quickly and satisfactorily cure the met acute or chronic cases. His C. & C. Cordial is the secret, and it is new effecting cures that arc really astonishing. One ttial will convince you that it will eventually be come indiipeusablc te any family. Fer sale by druggists, l'rice 50 cents. Dr. Browning, Proprietor, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia. Try Loeher's Henevrned Ceugli Syrup. Ask your druggist for " Dr. Lindaey's Bleed Searcher." It will drive out bad bleed, give you health and long life. Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. Keep your bowels and kidneys in a healthy state by the u-e of Kidney-Wert. Hail te the Chief among pulmonary reme dies, lr. Themas' tlectrlc en, useu external ly and internally. This grand preparation annihilates' coughs, colds, rheumatism, neu ralgia, lameness, piles, kidney troubles, and lemedies sere-, cuts, burns, boils, warts and corns. Its cures are attended by the amplest and most positive testimony. Address all orders te II. I!. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Drewn's Household J'anacea Is ths most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally and thereby mere certainly BELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GUEAT BELIE VEU OF PAIN. "BKOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. Atcaspoon Atcaspeon Atcaspoen tul el the Panacea in a tumbler el het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. " cents a bottle. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran & Ce' Drugstore North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether cause-J, is occasioned by Worms. BKOWN'S VEIt.MIPUGE CO.MFITft, or Werm Lozenges, although elleetual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination hits been success fully used by physicians, and leund te be ab solutely sine in eradicating worms. Twenty live cent- a box. Man 15-1 vd&wTuTh&S When a child is suddenly attacked and thieatcned with sutlocatien by the croup, Dr, Themas' 1 ' - ' )! U precisely the medicine ler Hum- . c.,, since it is prompt as well as ellicii .... r very household should be pro vided with it, .ii it is a quick antidote te pain, as well us a specific ter the above and ether complaints. Adlie-s all orders te H. I!. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and lau North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. J'OTjITICAL. DELEGATES TO STATU CONVENTION. Thirteenth Senatorial District. SENATORIAL. CHAS. .T. BHOADS. nEritESUXTATiVE. I!. 11. BUUBAKEK, IU. 11. E. BAUB, II. S. KEKNS. fourteenth Senatorial District. SENATORIAL. JOHNS. HOOVER. liEritESENTATIVE. M. V. !. WEIDLEU, GEORGE YOUTZ, WM. B. GIVEN. DEMOCRATIC COUNTT TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. STEINMETZ. .J.L FOR DISTRICT ATTORN ET. IS. F. MONTGOMERY. SENATOR (13tll DISTRICT ) .1. B. DOUGLASS. (ASSCMISLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. (ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.) AMOS DILLER, R. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOI5 M. IIAENLEN. FOR 1'RISON INSl'ECTORS. BARTON M. WINTERS, ISENJ. MILLER. FOR TOOIt DIRECTORS. A.J.SNYDER, JOHN FRANC1SCUS. Withdrawn. DEATHS. Brukiierly. In this city, April 17, lSSO, V. Frank Bruederly, in the 31st year of Ids age. The relatives and iriends of the family, also the City Cornet band and Lancaster Ledge Ne. U7 I. O. O. V., are respectfully invited te attend the luneral lrem his late residence, Ne. 327 Beaver stteel, en Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ceme tery. 2td xEir advj:ktisemests. r est. ON HATUKDAY EVENINO. A 1 j Carrier's Reek containing a list of sub scribers, principally in the 8th Ward. A lib eral reward will In; paid en the return of same te the INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. uSMfd O. I'. 1 . Th he.jnembers of Lancaster Ledge. Ne. C7. .uenierey i.oege, ie. zis, ami Jieuri jeuge, Ne. .V.I9. are requested te meet at their hall en WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21. at 2 o'clock, p.m., for the purpose el attending the luneral of Brether W. Frank Bruederlv. Bv order of thcN. G. GEO. SPURRIER, ltd Secretary. TXVKMOKi WM. R. GERHART, (Solicitor of Patents) Having opened communication with the Patent Ollice at Washington, I). C, is pre pared te push claims with promptness 'and dispatcii. OKFICE-Secend Fleer Ne. 34 NORTH DUKE STREET, next te Court Heuse. a20-lwd&lmw riH 1NVENTOKS. HERR & STAVFFER, Solicitors et Patents, siicecnsei-s te Jacob Stauffcr, deceased. Having been in the above business ler some time un der the instructions et Jacob Stnuffer. dee'd, and having access te his Reports anil Docu ments relating te the Patent Office, we are prepared te prosecute all claims relative te Letters Patent with promptness and accuracy. OFFICE : 3 NORTH DUKE STREET. aprl3-lwdR OPECIAL NOTICE! AECHEET ! A FINE LINE OF ARCHERY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE AT THE BOOK STORE or JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. GEO. W. BROWN, AOT., UNDERTAKER, Ne. 146 EAST KING ST1CEET. Residne 21 Seuth Prinee Street, apr-lydV&S r T jryj4jprrarirjLcay. "' a. A New Feature of eurVbtisineae will be the Manufacture of JEW ELRY in our own Factory. - Wehave just completed a substantial brick factory building, 16x35 feet, which is fitted up with the ma chinery, tools and appliances riecessary for the production of flrst class goods, and pt in eMuye of competent workmen. This departmentNeiUDe a great convenience te ourselves and our customers, enabling us te fill special orders in very short time. Old jewelry or coin left us for making into new goods will be kept strictly separate, and we will guarantee furnishing the same geld in the new goods when se desired. The manufacture of Hair Jew elry will be given special attention. Estimates and designs for Society Pins, Badges or Rings will be furnished en short notice. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. a m usmusxTs TjlCLTON OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. THE FAMOUS McGIBENY FAMILY! The great audience that greeted them last night proves their pepulaiity. Grand Matinee Wednesday Afternoon. Jirilliant Illuminated Band I'arade Wednes day Evening from Depot te Opera Heuse. The Famous Little McUibeny Rand, the City Comet Baud und Citizens' Band will be inline ADMISSION, - -MATINEE PRICES, 25 & 33 Ct. 15 & 25 Cts. P.. S. DKIGGS. Iiusines Manager. JOIIN D. M1SHLER, Circuit Manager, aprli-lwdj 1S71. RETURNED! 1SS0. A fter three year absence in Great Britain,Hol Britain,Hel lanil,Germuuy,Austiiaand Switzerland, where they achieved unparalleled success, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Frem Nashville, Tenn., will give one of their original, unique and popular concerts at the OPERA HOUSE, THURSDAY EVEMAO, APRIL 22. F. J. Leudin, Mabel Lewis, Gee. E. Barrett, Jennie Jacksen, J. A. Hale, Maggie Perter, Ella Sheppard and Patti Malene. Minify Jnw Sin PRICES: GALLERT,: 35 Cts. ADMISSION 50 Cts, RESERVED SEATS, 75 Cts. Fer sale at Yccker's. aprlU-Ctd TULTON OrERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1880, CA1GE08S' fflSffiS, The Star Troupe of the World. ORGANIZED IN ISfii. Frem their 11th St. Opera Heuse, i'liila. The Oldest Established and Most Successful Entertainment in Existence. The Management feels justly proud of the wonderful success of this organization, w liich new ranks a the Finest Musical Coinpany.the Greatest Burlesque, anil ahead of every Min strel Organization in the World in Artists and Legitimacy. J. L. CARN CROSS, Proprietor and Manager. THE SPECIAL FEATURES: THE SKIDMORB GUARDS, ENCHANTMENT BALLET, And the Great Hit of the Seaon, played nearly one hundred times, GRANT'S RECEPTION; OR, SCENES IN PHILADELPHIA. Every member of the Company appearing. See bills. Deers open at 7 o'clock. Commences at 8 o'clock. ADMISSION, - - 35, 50 & 75 Cts. SECURED SEATS, ... 75 " Can be had at Opera Heuse Ofliee. aprSiMtd riULTON erEKA DOUSE. TUESDAY, APRIL 27th, 1880. GREAT MUSICAL EVENT! One night only el the Renowned EMMA ABBOTT Grand English Opera Ce. THE LARGEST, STRONGEST AND MOST COMPLETE IN AMERICA. 45 - ARTISTS. - 45 GRAND CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. Production en the most elaborate scale et Masc's Giaud Romantic Opera, "Paul and Virginia." WKcw Scenes, Superb Costumes and Nevel Stage effects. Emma Abbett. Zelda Srguin, Tem Karl, Pauline Maure!, Emilv Gilbert. William Mae Donald, Ellis Ryse, Wallace Temple and II. Warren in the cast. l'Ol'ULAK PRICES : Parquet and Parquet Circle S1.00 (Ne extra for Reserved Scats.) Admission te Gallery. 50 Reserved Scats in Gallery 75 The sale of scats will commence Thursday morning, April 23. at Opra Heuse Ofliee. apr20-7td WALL 1'AJ'EItS, c AUR LINE OF WALL PAPER AltD WINDOW SHADES Is much larger than any season heretofore. In Paper Hangings we are prepared te show the Newest Goods in the inarket, from the Lewest Grade te the Most Expensive. Window shades of every description. Plain goods by the yard in all colors. Extra Wide Materials for Linge Windows and Stere Shades. 2,000 Rolls of Paper Curtains te Merchants, at Lewest Wholesale Prices. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices the newest thing out and easily nnjustcd te tit any window up te Ave feet in width, in solid walnut and most reasenabl price. Cornice Poles in Ebony and Walnut, with Fancy Brass Ends, Kings and Brackets. PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. Orders taken for any at Lewest Rates. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. fsblO-lyd&w TRY LOCHEU'S SYRUP RENOWNED COUGH ? v MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian el this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of thesa af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a nieuicine et great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice ei invalids espe cially these afllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mera or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will And this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and usa but one article, and that is REIGART'S OLD BRANDT, Sold bv our enterprising young friend, II. E. SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test ler years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no mutter with hew manyjaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would milllcc te buj' all the Braudyte cure any such case or cases. In proof et the curative powers et Reigurt's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon nuni hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working ianncr had been aillicteil with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of yeai-s; Ids stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet lleer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses elten declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reiffart's Old Brandy, In his case, lie looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of Its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faitliiully and steadily; the lirst bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound niun.with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te thu doctor. A Practising Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AGENT FOB Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, IMPORTKK AND DEALER IV FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 1827 and 18J8,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. !0 EAST KING ST.. LahCASTEH. PA WAXTED. "X7ANTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVER- T tise, free of charge, in the tlie IXTELLIOEX- CER, who wants something te de. "5T7ANTED A FEWTABLE HOARDERS. 1 Apply at 1W NORTH QUEEN STREET. aprl(J-2wdS "1X7" ANTED. -A GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- T T eral housework. Applv at ltd This office. "TXJANTED AN EXPERT MILLINER AT TV ASTRICH IJROS., ltd Ne. 13 East King Street. XXTANTED. A GIRL FROM 12 TO 15 T T years old te assist witli light housework. Apply at this ellice. apri0-2td w ANTED.-AN APPRENTICE TO learn the Ceurying Trade. Apply te GEO. W. LOCHER, Ne. 31 Centre Square. ltd WANTED RY A MIDDLE AGED MALE person a situation as nurse for sick per sons or in any way alHicted. Rest of care and attention given. Address "W," Lancaster Posteflice. ltd A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SITUATION in a Shee Stere as Salesman or work en the bunch. Can give geed reference aud has eeen in the business ten years. Call at ltd Ne. 17 SOUTH PRINCE. TX7"ANTED.TWO YOUNG LADIES OF TV geed address, te go te Philadelphia. Must be intelligent and retiued. Fays lrem $3 te $0 per day. Reference required. R. H. RANDOLPH. al7-3td 12 North Duke Street. WAITED A FEW INTELLIGENT BOYS te learn the Printing Business. Call in person at the efliee of or direct letter te IN QUIRKR PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. Nes. 53 and55 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. al6-lwd RAGS! HAGS! HAGS! KAGS WANTED. Housekeepers take notice that we are paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid us seen us delivered te .s WM. HENNECKE, apr0-3md Ne. 235 West King Street. JtEilOVALS. DR. S. B. FOKEMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. lm2t-3rud HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AND AGUE. The true antidote te the effects et miasma is Hestcttcr's Stomach Bitters. This medicine is one of the 'most popular remedies et an age et successful proprietary specifics, and is in iunrense demand wherever en this Continent lever and ague exist. A wineglasstul three times a day Is the best possible preparative for encountering a malarieus atmosphere, regu lating the liver, and Invigorating the Stomach. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, apr l-lydeed&ly w HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOR SALE AT Loeher's Drug Stere. 9 East King street. THAI NfflflB TffERD:EDITIOir. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, April 20. Fer th Mid dle Atlantic states cloudy weather and light rain, followed hy clearing weather, stationary temperature, westerly winds and rising barometer. THE MISSOURI TORNADO. carrying sad havoc in its track. A Leng List of the Casualties. St. Leuis, April 20. Soen after the storm a child was found at Marshfield ledged in the crotch, of a tree, 30 feet above the ground. It was but slightly hurt. $400 was raised yesterday at Rella for the sufferers at Marshfield, and twelve doctors and nurses left Rella for that place last night. At Gray's Creek, four miles from Jeffei Jeffei ersen City, seven houses were demolished, and their inmates injured. A leg house was blown into a deep cut en the Missouri & Pacific railroad at this point, and a pas senger train from the west ran into it. The engine was ditched, and the engineer and fireman severely wounded. A special dispatch from Fulton. Calla way county, say6: "The storm which passed through this county en the niglit of the 18 th inst. did an immeuse amount of damage te farm property, besides destroy ing a number of houses. At New Bleem- field Mr. Mertz was killed by a falling house, and a negre girl was killed by light ning." Anether special from California, Mon Men eour county, says : " The storm did great injury te property and killed and wounded a number of persons. The storm first struck the town of Barrettsville, destroy ing almost every house there, then passed down the valley toward North Meran, de molishing nearly all the buildings in its track. Eleven are known te have been killed. Several ethers killed but net recog nized, and between twen and thirty wounded." Damage at Other Points. Chicago, 111., April 20,-Champaign despatches say the late storm severely in jured the State University, and that the students with difficulty escaped from the building. Many buildings in the town were badly demaged. El Pase, Illinois, reports that the dam age at that place will aggregate many thousand. Jamesville, Missouri, says that fourteen miles along the track of the storm the de struction was very great and in that dis tance alone would cost $100,000. Churches, fences, barns, orchards and dwelling were badly damaged, and some persons danger ously injured. GOING TO ROME. Distinguished Irish Prelates en Reute Fur the Vatican. Baltimore, Md April 20. Arch bishop Gibbens, accompanied by Rev. Fathers Alfred A. Curtis and B. J. Mc. Manus, left this morning for New Yerk , where they will take passage te Reme. They will visit Cardinal McCleskcy. IRISH RELIEF. Aid Frem United States in Sight. Londen, April 20. The United States frigate Constellation from New Yerk, with previsions and clothing for the famishing peer of Ireland, was signaled off Roches point at 7:30 this morning and entered Quecnstewn harbor at 9 o'clock. The Philadelphia Contest. Pittsburgh Pest. Throughout the state there is a general hope that the Harrisburg convention will adept a policy that will result in a united Democracy in Philadelphia. Affairs have reached a condition that demands the in tervention of the party of the state out side of Philadelphia, net with the view of voting one side altogether right and the ether altogether wrong, but te lay down a policy or plan of organization that will bring the jarring factions together. The interest of the interior Democracy in a speedy and harmonieua adjustment lies in the fact that the Philadelphia quarrel is having a de moralizing influence en the party through out the state. What matters it if wc of "the country" push a vigorous campaign and go te Philadelphia with a majority only te have it overborne by a great Re publican majority in that city consequent en dissensions in the Democratic party ? The certainty of this being the result unless there shall be an adjustment, is having its logical effect en the Deme cracy of ether counties, by persuading them that all state contests arc hope less. This is most demoralizing, especial ly as the state is Democratic outside of Philadelphia. It is because of these facts, the Democracy of the state have a right te say te the warring factions, "a plague en both your houses," and demand that their differences shall be adjusted en some common-sense basis, se that there shall be but one local or ganization. The state convention can compel this in the admission of Phila delphia delegates, selected by the con testing delegations, or by admitting both the McGowan and Vaux delegates with half a vote each. There is no difference of principle in these rival organizations ; neither of them assume the attitude of Tammany in New Yerk in threatening a belt in advance en national or state candi dates. Their contentions grew out of mat ters of city politics and local organization, and can be adjusted te the extent of secur ing harmonious action at the fall election by any power whose authority is recog nized. Such power and authority are ledged in the state convention. Wc would like te sec this Philadelphia matter adjusted without conflict in the state convention and have hopes this end may be reached. The great body of the Philadelphia Democrats desire te come to gether, and there are sansible and discreet men among the leaders en both sides, of course with the usual propor tion of impracticable beings. But the latter should be set aside if necessary, and an agreement reached satisfactory te all and humiliating te none. If they de net de this for themselves, the state convention, as the only body having authority, must take the duty into its own hands. The Democracy outside of Philadelphia will net go en year after year, making gallant struggles at the polls, only te be overborne by needless dissensions in that city. Let the state convention grapple the question with a firm and wise hand, in the interest of the 65,000 Democratic voters in Philadelphia and the 400,000 Democratic voters of the state, whose ballets are se much waste paper because of these foolish and cause less bickerings. The mass of the party in the city and state demand an organization around which every Democrat can rally, and it is the duty of the state convention, ether means failing, te give it te them. NEW YOKE. Tammany en the Warpath. Syracuse, N. Y., April 20. The special train consisting of about a dozen sleepers, containing the Tammany delegation and their friends, reached here at 8:30 this morning. There is some talk of a disturb ance in the convention, but the Tildecites anticipate nothing of the kind. Getting Te Werk. The chairman of the state central com mittee called the convention te order at 12:30. The name of Tilden was received with hisses. great applause mingled " with lie said he was net informed whether Tilden would accept a call te offi cial position. Laughter. Tilden had never been defeated and never would be Applause. Jehn C. Jacobs was then elected temporary chairman. Much confusion and cheers for " Hora tio Seymour" characterized the efforts of contesting delegates te be heard. 31r. Faulkner, a contestant, was particularly persistent and steed his ground against the hisses until he was heard. He then spoke in bitter terms of Hayes, say ing : " At the close of his official career he will have drawn from the pockets of the people $200,000, and he will have come by every dollar of it as dishonestly as ever any canal contractor filched a dollar en false vouchers. Had the man whom the peo ple elected raised the standard of revolt a million armed men would have gathered about him te execute the will of the peo ple. Rather than plunge his countrymen into fratricidal war, Samuel J. Tilden re linquished peacefully the highest honor possible te a man en earth." Jehn B. Haskins then, by consent, an nounced that he represented a committee of sixteen from the Tammany convention te confer with a similar committee here. He then offered the resolutions adopted by his own convention, and the chairman said he would lay them before the convention after the roll call. Kelly's Convention. Syracuse, April 20 The headquarters of the anti-Tilden delegates is at the Remington house, and seen after arrival e1" of special train from New Yerk, the hotel was thronged with people and large crowds en the sidewalk. There seemed te be as many there as at the Tilden headquarters. At 11:30 the Kelly convention was called te order at Shakspearc hall, where the organization was formed last fall. "Wil liam Dersheimer was elected chairman, and in a speech he said it was the duty of every Democrat te bring about the union and consolidation of the party. He said Horatio Seymour (wild cheers) would unite the Democracy of New Yerk and lead them te victory. A Move for Ilariueny. Dersheimer then announced the list of secretaries and committee-men appointed. Resolutions were adopted citing that the state of New Yerk is largely Democratic that the election of the next president depends upon this state ; that under such circumstances it is the duly of every Democrat te put aside all differences new existing, and te strive Ur send te the national conven tion in June a united delegation pledged te no particular individual, but te sup port any geed Democratic citizen from any state ; that another Democratic convention is new in session in this city, and te insure harmony, Resolved, That a committee of sixteen members be appointed te meet a like com mittee of the ether convention te determine upon such action as will provide for a united delegation te the Cincinnati con ventien. This committee was then appointed and the convention took a recess until 4 o'clock. CONGRESS. The New Tobacco Kill Adversely Reported . "Washington, April 20. In the Senate Mr. Bayard, from the committee en finance, reported adversely en the bill te repeal se much of section 3,244 of the revised statutes as prohibits far mers and planters from selling leaf tobacco at retail directly te consumers without special tax. and te allow farmers and plant ers te sell leaf tobacco of their own pro duction te ether persons than manufac turers of tobacco, without special tax. Placed en the calendar at the request of Mr. Beck. ' MAJCKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Apr. 20. Fleur dull and weak ; superfine $3 0u3 SO: extra $1 004 50: Olde and Indiana fatnilv $r 50G 00 : Penn'a tamily $5 50gG 00 ; St. Le'uls family $5 756 25 : Minnesota family JG 256 75 ; patent and high grades f G 50g8 00. Rye flour dull at $1 304 37. Cernnical Brandy wiue unchanged. Wheat lirmcr and en a decline : Ne. 2 West ern Red $128; Penn'a Red $1 2S1 29: Amber $1 30. Cern dull and lower ; steamer 5151l4c : yellow 53c; mixed 5252c. Oats dull; Ne. 1, 4c; Ne. 2,45c; Ne. 3, 43 u; .1U, IlllACIl 4-C. Rye lower; Western and Pa. 83c. Previsions dull; miss perk at $11 23 11 50; beet hams $17 0017 50 ; India mess beef 19 50: bacon smoked shoulders 5J5c; salt 1A1 smoked hams 9!0$c; pickled bums 7;J(89c. Lard dull ; city kettle 77c; loose butchers Gc ; prime steam 7J4c ti Butter steady; creamery extra at 2830c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra 2527c ; Western reserve extra at 2325c ; de geed te choice 1822c: Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 194521c; Western reserve extra 2022c. Eggs steady; Penn'a 11)0; Western lie. Cheese scarce : New Yerk factory l.Vgl.'c ; Western lull cream none here ; de for geed 13 I3 ; de halt-skims ll12e. Petroleum dull; Refined 7Mc. Whisky at $111. Seeds dull ; geed te prime cleverseed $G 50S 725; de timothy $2 753 00; de flaxseed $1 700 180. New Yerk Market. New Yerk. April 20.-Fleur-Stateand Western without change ; superfine state $3 804 50 ; extra de $4 504 75 ; choice de $4 805 10 ; fancy $51560 00; round hoop Ohie $5 005 75: choice de $5 80G 75; superfine western $3 804 50; common te geed extra de $4 5004 90 : clieic (ede$5 00700; choice white wheat de$4 85 5 50; Southern dull and declining ; common te fair extra$5 255 50; geed te choice-de $5 70 7 00. Wheat Spring quiet and firm ; Winter l2c better and moderately active; Ne. 2 Noith Neith westttrn May $1 21; Ne. WhiteMay $1 221 OK; Ne. 2 Red, April, $1 27K1 28J ; de May $1 24? 1 26 ; de June $1 221 23. Cern a shade stronger and quiet ; Mixed western spot, 50352c ; de future 4&X51c. Oats firmer and quiet; State 4251c; West ern 4250c. Beet dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $7 CO. Whisky dull ; Western $1 081 09. Spirits of turpentine dull at 4145c. Cattle Market. Monday, April 19. The arrivals of cattle at the various Philadelphia yards for the past week were: Beeves, 3,025 head; sheep ami Iambs, 8,000 de. ; hogs, G.000 de. ; fresh cows, 190 de. Beeves The market during the past week lias been inactive, and prices werelc per tt. lower. We quote Extra at 55c ; geed at 5S53c ; medium, 45c; common, 44c ; mixed, 34c. SALES AT THE WEST PHILADELPHIA YARD. Head. 21 J. F. Sadler ft Ce., Western, gross 55Xc. 46 James Clcmsen, Lan. co., gre&s, SfsSKc. 18 E. ft L. Chandler, Lan. co., gross, 55kc. 23 P. Hathaway, Lane, co., gross, 5t5c. 2il Ullman ft Lehman Bres., Western and Penn'a, gross, 4K5Jc. 123 Lewenstein ft Adler, Western, gross, 5c. 100 Lewenstein Adler. Montgomery county , cows and bulla, gross, 33tc. If H Clara, mixed, gross, 3Kc if A' Ostaelm, Western, gross, tAQSfic ? Hern, Fena'a, gross, 4Xe5fcic. 34 ?,Setz Montgomery county cows, gross, 9K6c. 44 H. Chain, jr., Western and Pa., gross, 4W 75 L. Schamberg, Western, gross. S5Kc. 20 S. Dreifus,.Penn'a, gross, S5J21 93 Bachman ft Levi, Western and Lane, ee., gross, 5fl5ic. 54 M. Levi, Western, gross, 4K3c. 2S5 G. Schamberg Jt Ce., Western, gross, 70 Daniel Murphy, Lancaster county, gresa, 5Q!c. 238 E. S. 1 11. F. McFillen, Western, and Lan. co., gross, 56c. 150 Beger Maynes, Western, gross, 4Kg5c. 225 Jehn McArdle, Lancaster and Yerk co., gross. Wifific. 122 Daniel Smyth 4 Bre. Western and Lane. co., gross, lt$zXc. 236 gross. 5&ic. 116 Owen Smith, Pa. gross, 6e. Fresh Cows were unchanged. We quote from $20 te W0 per head. Lambs were in demand at 67c per pound. Hogs were unchanged and prices were steady at last quotations, viz : extras at TJic ; geed at 7c; medium Gc ; common 6c. Sheep were in fair demand, and prices ruled the same as last reported. We quote Extra, let) te ISO lbs., 767c ; geed, 30 te 100 lbs, 77Jc : geed,!) te UO lbs b7c ; fair, 70 te 80 lbs, 6) 6(c ; inferior, CC4c ; common, 5Jc Samuel C. Stewart sold 5t head dressed sheep at 7X68C Stock markets. Philadelphia, April 20. 12:30 p.m. Stocks steady. Penna ti'a (third Issue) 107 Philadelphia & Erie 16 Beading sft Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. 5Ai United Ces. of N. J 160 Northern Pacific ( .rrcierreu Mya Northern Central 33 Lehigh Navigation Norristown 10lj Central Transportation Ce. 49 Pitts , Tltusvifie 4 Buffalo. 18 LltUe Schuylkill 54 Nkw Xekk. April 20. Stocks higher. N. Y. Central 131 Adams Express 111 Michigan Central '.C2 Michigan Southern W7 Illinois Central 107 Cleveland ft Pittsburgh. ...Ill Chicago Reck Island. 192VJ Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne. .117 Western Union Tel. Ce 105 Teledo ft Wabash Xi New Jersey Central 73 United States Bends and Sterling Exchange. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d und Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, April 20. United States 6's, 1981, ( registered )..lt7; 106 United States 5's, 1SS1, (registered). .102'4i102 United States 4Us, 18U1, (registercd)llIOW United States 4k's, 1891, (coupons)... 10Sj;tSl( United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .107 107Ji United States Currency G's 125 Sterling Exchange 48344S8) IEGAX. XOTJCES. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MECK ft Brether, of West Lampeter township, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the hands of If. II. Deitrich. Assignee, te und among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en THURSDAY, the 2Jth day of APRIL, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city ei uui easier, wncre ail persons inicrcsicu in said distribution may attend. CHAS. R. KLINE, apr5-2tdft2tw Auditor. ESTATE OF GEORGE MARKS, LATE OF Mechaiiicshurg,Upncr Leaeeck township, Lancaster county. Pa., deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, ull persons indebted there to nre requested te make immediate settle ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te tin undersigned, re siding in Lancaster, Pa. .1. M. MARKS, Executer and Trustee, ap7-3td3tw . Lane's Stere. ESTATE OF PniLIP FISCHER, LATE Or WestCocalice township, deceased. Let ters of administration, with the will annexed, en said estate having ueen granted te the un dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersigned, residing in West Cocalico township, Lancaster county. MICHAEL FISCHER, Wsr. R. Wilsex, Administrator. Attorney. ap7-Itdft0tw INSTATE OF JAMES XV. RHEY, LATE 2j of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te muKc immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay for settlement te tint undunlgned, or her attorney, J. L. SWinuieU. JULIA RIIET. Z Administratrix. J. L. 8TEiNMETR,3AU'y. ni27-ttdeaw STATE OF ISAAC WARREN, LATE OF Lancaster city, Lancaster county, de ceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of James Warren, Administrator of said deceased, te and among these legall entitled te the same, und te psiss upon exceptions tiled te said administrator's account, will attend for that purpose en FRIDAY, the 3Uth day of APRIL, A. D. 1880, ut 2 o'clock p. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the- city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution and exceptions may attend. D. P. ROSENMILLER, Jit., apr5-4tceaw Auditor. INSTATE OF A. II. WEIGLE, LATE OF J Lancaster city, deceased. The undersign ed Auditor,-appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of C. 11. Weigle. Ad ministrator, te and among these legally en titled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1880. at 10 o'clock u. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. T. B. IIOLOHAN, apr5-3tdeaw Auditor. INSTATE OF MAGDALENA ZIEGLER j deceased. The undersigned auditor, up pointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, Pa., te distribute the balance remain ing in the hands of Jacob L. Brubaker, administrator of Magdalcna Zcigler, deceased, wife of Mathias Zicgler, te und among these legally entitled te the same, will attend fei that purpose en FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1880, at ins Lierury noem ei me court neuse, in tuu city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. mar29-4tdeaw SIMON P. EBY, Auditor. INSTATE OF ANNA M WE1DLER, J late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. m30-tdeed 8TATE OF KILL1AN RECK, LATE OF the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate liavlng been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement,and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the City of Lancas- ter. AAUKt.IT iuir,i:,i.. marlS-Gtdeed Executer. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MARTIN O. Stirk and wife, of Earl township, Lancas ter county. The undersigned auditorappoint auditerappoint auditorappeint ed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Isaac Stirk and Geerge Levan. as signees by deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit et creditors, te and among these; legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that Surpese en WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of I AY, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.. in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution may attend. WM. R, WILSON, ap7-ltdftttw Auditor. ESTATE OF MARTIN 8NAVELY. LATE of Drnmere township, deceased. The un dersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Abraliam Snavcly, Administrator et said deceased, te and among these legally en tiUed te the same, will sit for that purpose en MONDAY, MAY 3, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., In the Library Beem or the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. ALEXANDER HARRIS, apr5-ltdft3tw Auditor. ESTATE OF WILLIAM STACY, LATE OF Strasburg borough, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of William B. Bishop, Executer of said deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 27th day et APRIL, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Boen, et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested In said distribution may attend. CHAS. B. KLINE, apr5-2tdft2tw Auditor. 37 Denis Smyth, Penn'a, gross, 4?ig5Mc. 25 Jas. Eustace. Yerk co.. mess. i6i&ic. A. & J. Christy, Western and Penn'u., 4wl iM i 8 ItB ,l m m WS I Ml . ? 3 & 1 I i a & JM e 7E 4jK