j-c. '-i! """;k5.ii -y-i-V11-'' j-- V'"" "' --. j -i. -r- 1 - - w ---" SHPfV -"i - r"3. r ' fX IS11-,- W-"tH7 asisaeKss - " -f' TJ "V",,,.".- ' Ty-J-'J ' r ;' ": ft .:;;. -?-" 'r".v-' y " ".TTw-Tr-J1 i""Jf' LANCASTER DAILY IOTHJJGENCER, MONDAY, APRIL 19. 1880. w i" ' Jl' 3C Neighborhood News. On Friday night at Middlctewn, Dau phin county, was organized the first Den Cameren Grant club of the campaign. " Bern thralls." After nearly six weeks duration the strike of the puddlers at the E. & G. Breeke iron works, Birdsboro', has ended in a failure, and the men have agreed that they would resume work te-morrow at th terms ellered by the firm, namely, $5 per ten for puddling. Ex-Shei iiT Evan Mislilcr, a candidate for Congress and a well-known Democratic peliticaii in the state, also proprietor of the Mishlcr house, Beading, is very ill an nei expected te live. It is thought that his malady will necessitate sending him te the asylum at Harrisburg. The strike of the Beading hardware com pany meulders is still kept up, the men seeming determined te stand out for the increase, while the hardware company are as linn in their refusal te grant it. Xe offer of Compromise has yet been made by either side ; financial aid is being steadily received from the Philadelphia meulders, five hundred dollars having been received en Saturday, which is used te replenish the stock of previsions, &c, at the store which has been opened by the strikers. The wedding of Miss Mary, only daugh ter of Jeseph L. Pennock, of the firm of C. E.Penneck & Ce., and Heward L. Mon Men denhall, of Baltimore, son of Colonel W. IJ. Mcndciiliall, of Phila., took place at the home of the bride, Ceatcsvillc, en Thursday evening. Over two hundred guests from New Yerk, Philadelphia, Bal Bal tiiner, Cincinnati, Harrisburg and Lancas ter were present. The ceremony was per formed by the Be v. CJ. M. Mcndciiliall, brother of the groom. It is proj)esed te construct a railroad from a jieint en the Hanover Junction, Harrisburg and Gettysburg railroad, or the Berlin Branch read, te a point en the Harrisburg and Potomac railroad, in or near Yerk Springs. It will practically be an extension of the Hanover and Baltimore read in the direction of Harrisburg, te se cure a through line from the latter place te Baltimore independent of the Northern Central. Its backers also desire a connec tion eastward with the Beading railroad by bridging the Susquehanna. Majer S. G. Willauer banker and broker ' of West Chester, resident of Honcybreok, has made a worse failure thnn was first sus pected. The liabilities ascertained amount te $123,000, and include debts of all de Kcriptiens, many of them being te persons who had deposited money with him i working people, servant girls, seam stresses, etc. Majer Willauer was the treasurer of the Episcopal church,. and had in Ids hands as such about $1,000 of a building fund, contributed by two ladies one by bequest a year or two age for the improvement of the church. . lie had also $3,000 belonging te the Baptist church of West Vincent, and there are numerous cases of persons who had accumulated small sums by careful saving from their wages and new see them swept into bank ruptcy. Skipped His Kail. It was recently noticed in these columns that J. Lewis Bobinsen, a well-to-de young fanner of Honcybreok, Chester county, of geed social standing, had been exposed and arrested as the head of a gang of robbers who have been plundering the farmers of that section. lie was admitted te bail in the nelab'y small amount of $1,000 en one of many charges, and, as might have been expected, he has jumped his bail and is a fugitive from justice. A man named Cyrus Davis who is in the West Chester jail, for complicity in Bobin Bebin son's crimes, en evidence given by Bobin Bebin Bobin eon, says he was born in Salisbury twp., this county. He tied ires his innocence and can't see why Bobinsen should implicate him. Davis says : " The only thing I ever lid te him was during the first campaigu of Hartranft when I was ever with a com pany at New Helland, and he get drunk and was going te pull seme pales off of a fence and T stepped him, but I de net think he would bear me any grudge for that. The fact is I never spoke a dozen words with him in my life." Washington Borough Items. Over 500 carriages and 800 persons at tended Bcrnhard Mann's funeral. He leaves a widow and seven married children te mourn his less. Shad are new being caught, but the run is net se great. Net ever 1,000 have been caught, and thus far they arc of geed size and f-elling at geed prices, $.50 te $'32 per hundred. The river is swelling some little, but is net high enough te impede the shad fish ing. 'Squire S. B. Urban and family have moved te his island opposite the town. Benjamin Gehr, of Indiana, is here en a vist. lie was formerly from this place and a Ne. 1 pilot en the river. He has made some trips en the last flood. Loek out Ter Thciu. The Chad's Ferd farmers' club of Ches ter county, knowing of sales of cattle im ported from Hartferd and Cecil counties in Marylan 1, where the disease of pleuro pleure pleuro pneueonia is very prevalent, and that these cattle have been sold at Chad's Ferd, first in small lets of ten or fifteen head, and new forty head are te be sold, cau tions farmers against purchasing such stock. Yerk, Lancaster and Chester coun ties adjoin Hartferd and Cecil, and thus this disease may rapidly be spread te our section. "Sime" Huberts' Case. On Saturday evening "Sime" Roberts, colored, who was in the muss at Keehler's Lien brewery, en Middle street, en Wed nesday evening, had a hearing en two charges of felonious assault and battery preferred by Cenrad Kechler and Charles Vogt. Be was committed in default of bail te answer at court. LUtins Toe Much. On Saturday evening last, between 0 and 7 o'clock, Henry Hatz, residing en St St Jeseph street, while helping te lift a heavy shaft at Ne. 1 cotton mill, which is new undergoing repairs, was seriously injured across the back and kidneys. Dr. Carpen ter attended his injuries. The IHack Maria." This carriage, which is used for hauling the prisoners from the court house te the prison, has been repainted since the last court, and it is ten times blacker than ever. It leeks very neat, and the fellows who are obliged te ride in it can feel .proud of it. MAX MIS5I3JO. A Supposed Case of Suicide. Samuel Shertz, a single man, about 50 years of age, who resided in Paradise, where he owned a little property, has been missing from home since Thursday and it is believed that he drowned liimself in Mill creek. He was at the store in Gordenvillo en Thursday, at which time he purchased a pair of shoes and asked for a cellar that would fit him tightly. He also asked where the place was where Charles Bakestraw drowned liimself several years age. A later report says that the body of Shertz has been found in Mill creek. Furnace Wagons " l"Ir. While two Mount Hepe teams were re turning from Mount Vernen furnace laden with straw, several men being seated en one of the wajrens, when near Masterson- ville one of the men, after lighting his piirc, dropped the burning match in the straw. The result was a big blaze, and although the men-did all in their power they could net extinguish the lire, and the straw was consequently burned and the greater part of the wagon and some dozen panels of fence destroyed. rickcriti Vnllcy Cases. Upen the trial list for third week, court of common pleas of Chester county, be ginning .Monday 24th, there are fifteen cases te be tried against the Philadelphia and Beading railroad company, brought by persons who were injured in the terri rible accident en the Pickering Valley rail road en the evening of October 4, 1877. Stealing Ireui the City. On Friday night some one stele two pigs or lead belonging te the city fem the tool house at the reservoirs. It was hauled awav in a wagon. Mayer 'b Court. This morning the mayor sent two drunks t jail for 0 days, one for 3 days and let two go en payment of costs. Ilixh Scheel Chorus. Tim hi'li htlioel chorus, numbering IfO pupils, under the direction of l'ref. Mutz, will f;i ve a musical entertainment in the stutly hall or t lie girl.-.' high xi-hoel at S o'clock te-morrow evening. The public generally, but especially the directors and parent of the pupils, arc cordially invited te be present. Iteligleu. .1. V. Kckert will preach en next vr . pril2l, in the Springville .r UirvinM fcterr, l'aradisc On Sunday morning In Mount The ISuv Saturday school 1: ' township. Kde.i church. Kden township, and in the after noon, at '2.'. o'clock, at Omirrvvillc. Dein Pedre's Kailread. The baric Amy A. Lane is new leading in this city for Kin. An important part el her cargo is a let of lerty large railroad scales, built by the llewe ycale company for the Dein l'cdre railroad el Krazil. This line is one of the limit important in Ilrazil, running Irem Kie out into the heart el the agricultural region, ami enjoys the special patronage and care of thu Kmptrer, in whose honor it is named. The selection el the Howe Scales for use en this read is a cempliuieni te be appreci ated, and shows a preference ler them in that country overall e! hers. X. Y. Evening Pest. Amusements. gric McCibcnyx Te-niiM. This evening this marvelous family el musicians will appear in the opera heuc. Since they were here before they hare appeared in many of the principal cities of the country te 'arge and enthusiastic audiences. Their pregramme this evening will he new and varied. . K-viusat once two dozen St. Jacob's Oil: it i in lively demand. It cured a prominent citizen of our town, Mr. Henry Ileuek, who hassuuered for years with Kheuinatism. WiNTCitnciumii ic Alkauc.u, Mcmlcille, Pa. There's net a charm that light's tiie face With se inellable a grace. As sweet, pink lips ami ivory teeth ; And nothing new, beneath the sky, Can beauties such as these supply, Have SOZODOXT, that wears the wreath. al'l-lwdceil.tw IlAVi-fe securel ever half u million of Pine and Cypress Shingles before the advance in lumber. I am prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles are considered superior te shaved Pine Shingles. jeiin p.i:ii)li:k, Lumber Dealer, Wrightsville, Pa. aprl.i-:;wd SPECIAL y'OTJCES. Never let a cough, cold, or croup go tee far. On the first symptoms send te your druggist for " Or. Sellers' Cough Syrup." i" cents per bottle. bTATiSTics prove that twenty-live percent, of thu deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we relied, that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle ofLeehcr's Kenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sullerers ler their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Xe, l Kast King street. The Kcasen Why. The tonic effect of Kidney-Wert is produced by its cleansing and purifying action en the bleed. Where there is a gravelly deposit in the urine, ermilky, ropy urine from disorder ed Ki lueys, it cures without tail. Constipa tion and Piles readily yield te its cathartic and healing power. alii-lwd&w IScttcr Times. The business revival and new era of pros perity which is new fairly inaugurated, is in keeping with the increa-ed health and happi ness seen all ever the land, and is one of the results obtained from the introduction or Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. " The changes wrought by this remedy," says Kev. Dr. Harvey, '-fccem but little less than mira culeus." al5-3wdJfcw Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. lilt. Biiewxisa, a regular graduate et one et the eldest and best medical colleges of thu United States, has for years been studying the subject et coughs, cehls, and all troubles of that nature, and is satislicd that he has by dili gent research In chemistry and pharmacy found out the true combinations of medicine, that will the most quickly and satisfaeterily curc the most acute or chronic cases. His C. & C. Cordial is the secret, and it is new effecting cures that are really astonishing. One trial will convince you that it will eventually be come indispensable te any family. Fer sale by druggists. Price BO cents. Dr. llrewning, Proprietor, 1117 Areli street, Philadelphia. Try Lecher'a Kenewned Cough Syrup. Why Are Yeu Bilious? Kccaiwe you have allowed your bowels te be come costive, anil liver torpid. Use Kidney Kidney Wert te produce a free state of the bowels and it will stimulate the liver te proper action, cleanses the skin of its yellowness, cures bil ious headache, and causes new life in the bleed. Druggists have it. al!Mwd&w Try Loehei's'Kcnewned Cough Syrup. A laily in Kast Liberty, Pa., whose face was covered with sores, was cured by using one bottle of "Dr. Liudsey's Weed Searcher."' Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. " " .Mothers!-Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are yen disturbed at night anil broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et" cutting teeth? 11 se, go at once and get a bottle of MKS. WIXS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one, et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. rjl7-lyd&wM,W&S The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, liarmlces remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the bleed pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest hiessing ever con ferred upon man. Hep Bitters is that remedy, and Its proprietors are being blessed by thou sands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See another oelumn. . al5-2wdiw Try techer's Kenewned Cough Syrup. Keep your bowels and kidneys in a healthy state by the use of Kidney-Wert. Dr. Mett Endorsement or Speer's Pert Grape Wln. The following, Irem the celebrated Dr. Mett, of Xew Yerk, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer's efforts te raise the Oporto Grape in New Jersey. The Docter has spent years in Portu gal and the wine districts of France, and knows what he is talking about : C2 Madisex Avejicts ) New Yerk, April 11. 1S7S. Mr. Alfred Si-eeb. Dear Sir: The visit which 1 niadu last year te your Vineyards, wine-prenses and vaults at Passaic, X. J., satis fies me thoroughly that the wines manufac tured by you are pure and unadulterated, and the verv best that can he offered te the public for medicinal uses. Acting upon mv favorable impression nt the time, I have since recommended the Pert Wine; mere particularly in my practice, and am satisfied with marked benefit te my pa tients. There can be no better proof te the doubting mind, as te the Wine being made of the finest Oporto Grape, than a visit te the acres of land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success in your praise worthy enterprise, I remain respectfully yours. ALEX IJ. MOTT. M. D.. JTef. of Surgery, Rellevue Hospital Medical College. Ac.. Ve. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. L Slaymaker. alC-2tawd&w Itrewn's Household 1'anacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Rack or Rowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "RROWX'S HOUSEHOLD PAX A CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler el het water (sweetened, if prctcrrcd), taken at bedtime, will 1JKEAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. IJ. Cochran & Ce's Drugstore Xerth Queen street. Lancaster. Jlluch Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. RROWX'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success lully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents a box. fianl.Vlvd&wTuTh&S POLITICAL. DELEGATES TO STATK CONVENTION. Thirteenth Senatorial District. SCKATOltlAL. CHAS. J. RHOADS. lUSPRKSENTATIVS. R. II. RKURAKER, DR. II. E. RAUR, II. S. KERXS. Fourteenth Senatorial District. SESATOIUAL. JOHN'S. HOOVER. UKI'IIESUXTATIVK. M. V. 11. WEIDLER, GEORGE YOUTZ, WM. R. GIVEN. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. fek cexmtnss. 9 J. L. STEINMETZ. roil IlISTIUCT ATTOItSCT. R. F. MONTGOMERY. SEXATOU (13th DISTUICT.) .I.R. DOUGLASS. (ASSHMISLY (id lllSTKUT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. (asscmisly (3d nisTiiurr.) AMOSDILLEK, R.DAVIS YUNDT, .IACOR M. HAENI.EN. FOll 1TISOX IN'.Sl'KCrOllS. KARTON M. WINTERS, 1JEX.1. MILLEll. FOK l'OOR DIUECTOllS. A. J. SXYDER, JOHN FRANCISCUS. Withdrawn. HEATHS. Rakeh. April 17. 1SS0, in this city, Philips. Raker, in the ".'d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, ."ili West Orange street, en Tuesday afternoon at i o'clock. The relatives and friends ; also Jlon Jlen tcray Ledge, Xe. ili, I. O. O. F., arc respect fully invited te attend. itd Rin'EnEULY. In this city, April 17. 1S.S0, W. Frank Rruederly, in the 31st year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also the City Cornet band and Lancaster Ledge Xe. C7 1. O. O. F., are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from his late resilience. Ne. 3i7 Reaver street, en Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ceme tery, itd NE II" Alt rEUTISEMEXTS. OK SAI.K CHIC A 1 X. Three Hives efRees. Pure Italian. Ad- dress G EO. R. WI LSOX. r34 North Duke Street. Lancaster. Pa. aprl'l-lttl&w SEALED PROPOSALS WILL UK BK ccived up te SATURDAY. APRIL 24, for the Painting of the Watch Factory Ruilding. Specifications can be seen at the factory, ltd A. RITNER, Manager. PUICLIC SALK. On WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21. 1SS0. sec end story et Lecher's building, Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting et one Elegant Wardrobe. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. Lounge and Steve. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. 111. HESS & DICKEY. aprl!)-2td PUKLIC SALK OF A VALUABLE HORSE. The-nndersigned will sell at public sale en WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of APRIL. 18), at the Keystone stables, this city, a Grey Trot Tret ting Stallion, known by the name of Patehelett, sired by Wild Wagener. Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. in., when terms will he mude known by HENRY SHURERT, ltd Auctioneer. IO. O. F. . The members et Monterey Ledge, Ne. 212, are requested te meet at their hall en TUES DAY, at 1 o'clock p. m., ler the panese of at tending the funeral of our late Brether, Philip S. Bakur. The members of Lancaster Ledge, Ne. G7, and Hebel Ledge, Xe. 591), are respect fully invited te attend. L. DE W. CREXEMAX, X. G. Jas. M. Chaxjiell, Sec'y. ' ltd TRY LOCHER'S SYRUP REXOWXED COUGH PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY. APRIL 19, IPSO, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, a let of Ground situated en the erth side of East Walnut street, ad joining ground en the west by Zahue and en the east by David Uartman. Let fronts en Walnut street 22 feet and depth 12(1 feet te a 10-feet wide alley, en which is erected a one and a-half story Frame Dwelling, containing 2 rooms and kitchen and wtill of water with pump. Sale at li o'clock p. in. RARBARA WARXER. IIkxkt Shubekt, Auct. adrl.Vltd fj 0 INVENTORS. HERR & STAUFFER. Solicitors of Patents. successors te Jacob Stauffer. deceased. Having been in the above business for some time un der the instructions et Jacob Stauffer, dee'd, and having access te his Reports and Docu ments relating te the Patent Ofllce. we are prepared te prosecute all claims relative te Letters Patent with promptness and accuracy. OFFICE : i NORTH DUKE STREET. aprl.'MwdR GEO. W. BROWN, A.. UNDERTAKER, Ne. 14G KAST KING STJCEKT. Beeidenatt 21 Seuth Prinae Street. aprS-lydWJtS TOY LOCHER'S . SYRUP. RENOWNED COUGH XEfT AWERTISEXENTS. A New Feature of our business will be the Manufacture of JEW ELRY in our own Factory. "We have just completed a substantial brick factory building--, 16x35 feet, which is fitted up with the ma chinery, tools and appliances necessary for the production of flrst class goods, and put in charge of competent workmen. This department will be a great convenience te ourselves and our customers, enabling us te fill special orders in very short time. Old jewelry or coin left us for making into new goods will be kept strictly separate, and we will guarantee furnishing the same geld in the new goods when se desired. The manufacture of Hair Jew elry will be given special attention. Estimates and designs for Society Pins, Badges or Rings will be furnished en short notice. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. SPRING DRY GOODS HAGER & Ne. 25 WEST KINO LADIES' DRESS GOODS! All the Novelties of the Season in the Xew and Gloves. GENTS' WEAR. GENTS' WEAR. Spring Cheviots, French. English and American Suitiuss, and Clothing in Large Assort ment. Carpets, Linoleum and Oil Cleths, China and Cocea Mattings and Paper Hangings. A Large and Complete Stock in all Departments, and at the Lewest Price. Av-Call and examine. HAGER & BROTHER. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C. In the city, is te be NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. S-COX & CO.'S The Stock include! all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, such as the Rrewster, Whitney, Salidee Triple, Empire "Cress Spring, Dexter (jueen. Duplex and Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for ene year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. I The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Rrnndy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of theso af tlieled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant 1 was never intended as a beverage, hut te be ' used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which j sweep away their annual thousands of victims. 1 With a purely philanthropic motive we pre- I sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe- j cially these alllicted with that miserable dis- j ease Dyspepsia, a specillc remedy, which is ' nothing meru or less than Brandy. j The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or ' less debility, will find this simple medicine, ; when used properly, j A Sovereign Remedy I or all their Ills and aches. Re it, however j strictly understood that we prescribe and use j uut one article, anil tuut is REIGART'S OLD BRANDT, Sold b bv our enterprising young friend, II. SLAY i'SIAKER. This Rrandy has steed the test for years, and has never tailed, as lar as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia speciiics would sufliee te buy all the Brandy te cure any such cas or cases. In proof el" the curative powers el Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been aillictcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia for a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Reer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in ids discourses often declaimed earnestly againstall kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reifirart'a Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te t he doctor. A Pkactisine Physicia. H. E. SLAY3IAKER, AGENT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, lUrOUTKR AMD DKALKK IN FIXE OLD BRAXDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1811, Si7 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWX STOUT. Ne. 29 KAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, PA S" TOP! STOP! Step making a drug store of your stomach. Step putting bitters, pills, liver inviiroraters, bleed purifiers, calomel, blue pill, quinine, morphine, and all ether drugs and quack med icines into your stomach, they kill instead et curing the body. This is my advice, after acting the physician for 3r years. If you'll ex amine the histories et nearly all medicine venders for the last 50 years, you will find the venders of these worthless compounds have all died prematurely. Where is Schenck, Swayne (father and son), Brandreth, Ayers, Wishart, Jayne, Heblnsac, Mishlcr? All dead and buried as should be all such preparations. Fer 31 years I have cured all kinds et diseases when ethers lull, and I place my medicines (net poisons) en the outside of the body. Te the sick who have tried one or twenty doctors, witheutanyadvantage.I would beg them tecidl and learn from scores of such persons who have been cured in a few days or weeks, at an. ex pense of from $2 te $ 10-Page Pamphlet tree, mil of cures. Over 100 astonishing cases in two mouths. Jehn Geedman, rheumatism 19 years; Rev. J. Hunter, blind left eye for 1C years, sight restored; Wilsen Hamilton, eonsuuit eensuuit eonsuuit tien 10 years; Christian Rooty, paralvsis, brought te efllce in a carriage, can new walk auywhere; B. S. Kuuffman. led in blind, can new see quite well ; Chas. R. Leenard, catarrh and-sgrc threat for years ; Lewis Paulick, llts for 20 years, cured in a week : II. McGurk, dys pepsia 10 years; D. N. Hughes, consumption and dyspepsia, gained it pounds. Catarrh cured for 50 eente. DK. C. A. GREENE, 2S North Queu Street. mll-feULTK,Tli&S -AT- BROTHER'S, STREET, LANCASTER. Spring Shales, White Goods, Laces, Hosiery seen at the Works of OLD STAXD.-g AM VSEMEXTS TULTON OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AND WEDNESDAY XATINEE, APRIL 19, 20 and 21, 1880. Return of the Famous McGIBENY FAMILY! This family needs nespecial introduction te the people et this city. We simply desire te call attention te the factthatewing te engage ments ahead they can only remain their ad vertised time. 70 NIGHTS IN PHILADELPHIA ALONE. RRILLIANT XEW MUSIC AXD EXTRAORDINARY GEMS Wateli ler Parade of the Famous Little Rami. ADMISSION, - - - 3.-, & 3r, Cts. MATINEE PRICES, - - 15 & -5 cts. Xe" extra charge for reserved seats. On sale Thursday at Yecker's Opera Heuse Ouicu. IS. S. DRIGGS, Rusincss Manager. JOHN D. MISHLER, Circuit Manager, aprll-lwd 1S71. KETUKNKD! 1S80. After three years absence fn Great Rritain.Hol Rritain.Hel laiid,Gcrinany, Austria an Adwitzerland,where they achieved unparalleled success, THE ORIGIXAL AXD ONLY uversi Frem Nashville, Tenn., will give one of their original, unique and popular concerts at the OPERA HOUSE, THURSDAY EVEXLNG, APBIL 22. F. J. Leuilin, Mabel Lewis, Gee. E. Barrett, Jennie Jacksen, R. A. Hale. Maggie "Perter, 1.101. aucpparu una ram iuaieue. MlversitrJiftSlDifirs PRICES: GALLERY,; S5 C'ts. ADMISSION, 50 Cts, KHSERVED SEATS, 75 Cts, Fer sals at Yecker's. aprlU-Std WASTED. WANTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVEIt tisc, free et charge, in the Iktelliuen ceii, who wants something te de. . WT" ANTED. A FEWTA15LE HOARDERS. IT Apply at 11!) NORTH QVEEN STREET, aprlOiwdS "1X7" AN TED TWO STOUT ROYS TO T "f 'earn te make Herse Cellars. Apply at the Lewell Cellar Factory, U and 20 East Orange street. aprl4-3td WANTED TWO YOUNG LADIES OF geed address, te go te Philadelphia. Must be intelligent and rctlned. Pays from $3 te $G per day. Reference required. R. II. RANDOLPH. a!7-3td 120 North Duke Street. TirAJiTED A FEW INTELLIGENT BOYS T te learn the Printing Business. Call in person at the office of or direct letter te IN QUIRER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. Xes. Stand 53 Xerth Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. ahMwd IV AGS! 1CAGS! ICAGS! RAGS WANTED. Housekeepers take notice that we are paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HEXXECKE, aprO-Smd Xe. 233 West King Street. A COMPETKNT PERSON IS WANTED te till the position of Sunerintcndcnt of me pumic schools 01 Lancaster city. The Beard et Directors will meet en THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 2i, te till the position and fix the salary. By order of the Beard. Attest : C. F. ERERMAN, aprl0-4tdS,W,S&M Secretary. MUSICAL IXSTEU3IEXTS. -THE- Lancaster Orpn Marfacleiy Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IX STRUMEXTSin the Market, Warerooms 320 Xerth Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Brunch Olllcc, 15)3 East King Street. Alex. McKfflps, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CHICKERIXG & SOX'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, Ac., always ea band. l"13-lydS&ly w THIED EDITIOI. MONDAY EVENING, APBIL 10, 1880" WKATHKR INDICATIONS. Washington, April 19. Fer th Mid dle Atlantic states and Xew Englaiid, sta tionary followed by falling barometer, southerly winds, cloudy weather, and possieiy ram, followed en Tuesday by colder westerly winds, rising barometer, clearing weather preceded by rain. CONGRESS. What is Going On at the Caultul. Washington, April 19. The Senate committee en railroads this morning de cided by a vote of seven against four, te recommend the passage of a bill te extend the time for :the completion of the North ern Pacific railroad six years. The meas ure that will be reported is Sonater Windem's bill, amended en his own motion, se as te make the time of extension six years instead of ten, and te provide, in accordance with the policy already adopted by the company, that the agricultural lands within the odd num bered sections shall be sold te actual set tlers at net exceeding $2.30 per aero. Anether amendment will provide that the title te the lands thus sold bv the com. pany shall be conveyed directly from the government, but the amendment is te be se framed that this requirement shall net interfere with the company's agreements for its bends and prefered stock. The formulation of the amendments agreed upon may delay the report te the senate for a day or two. The vote by which the amended bill was ordered te be reported is as fellows : Ayes Messrs. Ransom, Lamar, G rover, Window, Davis, Teller and Saunders, 7. Nees Messrs. Eaten, Pendleton, Wiliams and Jenes 1. m IMMIGRATION'. Unprecedented Travel this Way. Londen, April 19. During the past week thirteen large steamships left Mersey for North American ports with large num bers of passengers and considerable gen eral cargoes. Most of them were bound for the United States. This is believed te be unprecedented. THE GOERSEN CASE. Charges of Poison and Forgery. Philadelphia, April 19. The contest of the will of Elizabeth P. Geersen, the wife of Dr. A. G. F. Geersen, was com menced this morning. Geersen is new in prison awaiting trial en the charge of hav ing poisoned both his wife and his mother-in-law. MUSCXVEV. Jumped a Rickety Jail. New Castli:, Del., April 19. Enech Rash. William Austin and Themas Flana gan, who were serving out a two year sentence for attempted arson in Wilming ton, last fall, escaped from the jail this morning by displacing a bar in their cell window and scaling the wall by means of a rope made from bed clothing. FIllE. A Woollen Mill Damaged. Chkstkis, Pa., April 19. A lire broke out in Rhodes fc Bre.'s cotton and woolen mill at Llewellyn, this county, en Satur day night, and destroyed ever $2,000 worth of property. GERMAN POLICY. Free Admission of ll:iv Materlal. Berlin, April 19. In the Reichstag, the bill abolishing the duty en llax and ether vegetable fibres, except cotton, has been read the third time. A Pedestrian Challenge. O'Lcary challenges any two men in Eng land te race against Hart and Debler for six days for any amount from $10,000 te $20,000 a side. The race is te take place in New Yerk withhi three months, and the challenge te remain open two months. O'Lcary has deposited $.100 forfeit with Frank Queen. He says he expects Rewcll, Brown or Hazel te accept. m The Late "Duel." The Newark (Del.) Ledger reporter claims te have seen the recent duel near that town between Dr. White and Mr. Adams, of Philadelphia. According te that paper the pistols were leaded without balls, and when the principals lircd the seconds hit each duelist with a hickerynut. This caused them te think they were shot, and both fell senseless te the ground. It tDek a great deal of brandy and water te revive them, and when the Ledrer re porter, who was located in an adjoining tree, laughed at the scare, he was invited down te "take something." A Flourishing Temperance Society. The annual report of the New Yerk Business Men's Temperance society shows that during the first year of the ex istence of the society nearly 2i, 000 pledges have been distributed. These pledges arc divided into three classes: The red pledge of total abstinence ; the white pledge net te drink during business hours, and the blue pledge net te treat or be treated. Of these the largest number dis tributed was of the blue pledge, of which nearly thirteen thousand were disposed of. The Western Iren Tratlc. The following is from the Pittsburgh Pest of Saturday : " The iron trade is still dull and some half-dozen 1 oiling mills in the two cities have closed down in consequence. The jobbers decline te purchase, fearing that there will be still further decline in prices, but very few, if any, of the mills have orders. Notices " have been posted up at the different mills notifying the unskilled workmen and ethers who are net governed by scales that a reduction of 10 te 15 per cent, in wages will be made. The puddling fur naces are still in operation at all the mills, as the manufacturers are willing te pile up muck bar. But many have grown weary of piling up finished iron, and they state that there will be a general suspen sion if the empleyes refuse te accept the reduction in wages. Just when the revi val in the iron trade will come again no fellow can predict, and the iron men are the 'bluest' set of business men in the city." PKOPOSALS WILL 15E KKCKIVED AT the Mayer's Office up te MOXDAT EVEN ING. APRIL 1!), 1880, at 8 p. in., for lumishing the City of Lancaster witli as many Plug Cases as may he required up te July 13. 1880. The bids must state hew much per pound com plete; the ca-,es te be 10 te 11 inches in diame ter at tp, net less than 4 feet long, regular taper, and net te weigh ever 1W) pounds. PROPOSALS will he received at the same time and place for digging out and tilling in 400 feet, mere or less, of water tretich en Dor Der wart street, south Irem West King. Trenches are te be four feet deep and two feet wide. Bids te state hew much for earth and hew much for rock per cubic yard. Werk te be done under the direction and subject te the measurement et the Superintendent of the Water Works, and at the time he may direct Bend in $50 required with bid. PROPOSALS will be received at the same time and place te THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 18), at 8 p. m., ler as much geed American Lead as the city may require up te July 15, 1880. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, aprl7-2td Mayer. I IAXKETS. PhIlKfalnl.l . . 8nT"f?uVD(ruer: MinnLr,??.' SJ: h?"te laedly 573633 r gmdeT$6 sefts 06 -"" Pant and lugh Rye flour dull at $1 30i 37. Wh!?c,r,T,Umn,,-ywl,,e unchanged. Cern llTpl.nlnp. (...- ..,- .. mixed uaraSS"" ' -'"" ; yellow Wc: Rye dull ; Western and I"a. S8S3c. Previsions dull; .mess perk nt $11 2543 11 Ter litf hnma 1T nna.iT n .?, "J" il .-"IS m ): xbacoT-smekedhouT,le a&EgS. it hams Eiffiac. hinhPViJ".,"f'Hi'!' Lara nun cltv kettle loose n,u.V .'tc'au'; creamery extra at 28330c; &?.raWCO,unty ana Se" Yerk -S-iC; Western reserve extra at 21B25c: ivLwS0011 choleo 1822c: K0II9 quiet i 2022c extra 1921e; Western reserve extra iiEggsduIl;Penn,allK12c; Western 10J Cheese scarce: New Yerk factory leS'Sc ; VV estem lull cream 14c ; de for geed 130:4 de halt-skims lli2c. ' etfeleuni dull ; Retlned TKc Whisky at $110, n Seeds firm: geed te prime cleverseed IC30 ISO5 tlmet'W $3 000310; de flaxseed $1 70 New lurk Market. XkwYeuk. April lD.-Fleur-State and Western In buyers' favor ; superfine state 3 8UQ4 50 : extra de $4 504 75 ; choieede $4 8)"1 10 fancy $.- 13ff G (X) : round hoop Ohie $3 00"75: choice de $3 80JU 73; superfine western $3 S04 50; common te geed extra de 4 504 00 ; choice dodo$5 00700: choice white wheat de4 83 550; Southern dull and declining ; common te fair extra $5 235 50; geed te choice de 5 70 7 00. Wheat unsettled and feverish ; Spring nom inally lower ; Winter white I2c and de red 2 H2 lower; Xe. 2 Red, April.l2912!; de May $1 33l2t!U : de June $1 23il 2IJi; Xe. 2. Northwestern May $121. Cern !4c lower and dull : Mixed Western spot, 50it5lJe ; de future 4t;'4507Ke. Oats heavy and lower, including Ne. 2 for May37Ke; State 425Ic ; Western 404'Jc. Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $7 ("0. Whisky dull ; Western $1 0801 00. Spirits of turpentine dull ut 4'45c. Cattle .Market. Sheen market lair. Receints s (ie lmnil ? prime tiVA goedC7c; medium (c ; common .Vllc. 7c; prime 7Jc; ineilium i"-4c; common tijc. Stock Markets. PUILADKLlMllA. April 1'J 12:30 p. ji. Stocks unsettcd. Pennati's (third issue) 107 l'lllilLllelllhill. jr. V.rfi, im' Reading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. of N.J... Northern Pacific " Preferred . Northern Central Lehigh Navigation... .... e.H -, ....HU .... 27 51? ;."." -xki 31 Vnrrfntnwn - ..I0I.J Ceiitnil 'Triiiiurwirtntljtii l'n i'l Pitts , Titusville Huuale.' ISJi LitUe Schuylkill 55 Nkw ieiik. Apt II IV. Stocks lower. N. Y. Central KOJsJ Adams Express Ill Michigan Central !IJ Michigan Southern l(n" Illinois Central 1WM Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..HI Chicago & ReckLiland I'.K) Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 118 Western Union Tel. Ce Uii Teledo Wabash asJiC New Jersey Central Till United States Bends anil Sterling l'x change. (Quotations by R. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. Sd and Chestnut Streets). PUILADKLVHIA, April 19. United States C's, 1&S1, (registered).. la"r!jlu,'ij United State .Vs, 1881, (registered). .!02ki)i02 YT 1....I ?....... .1.,. ,... . 1... ItKntlMliiLil UIET lilt A wixas. THE PUBLIC WILL TAKE NOTICE. 1st. That the Postmaster General has RE SCINDED his order against the delivery r Mails te this Company. 2d. That this is the only Lettery Company which lias ever been declared legal by a U nited States Court. 3d. That United States Circuit Court Judge Brown has declared its drawings net fraudu lent. 4th. That Registered Letters will henceforth be delivered and Postal Orders pakl as form erly, al7-ceth,':wtn30 Authorized by the Commonwealth of Ky. and Fairest in the World. 19th Popular Monthly Drawing OF TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Leuis, villi;, en THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1880. TIicsb Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 18f"9, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens el tb Slate. The management call attention te the grand opportunity presented or obtaining, for only $2, any of the following prizes 1 J" 'uua .. J'.'AI jriAtj ( 0(MXj 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 20 prizes 501) each 10.000 lne prizes, $100 each H;,oue 200 prizes 50 each Ie,OU) 00 prizes 20 each 12,000 1U0O prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes .'500 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " you I,9"0 prizes $112,400 -Whole tlckels,$2; half tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets. $100. All applications for club rales should be made te the home office. Full list of drawing nublinhed in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Remit money by mail or express. Address R. M. Board Beard MAN. Courier-Journal Ruiliiiug, Leu isville, Ky., r at 307 and 309 Broadway. New Yerk. rf-a-TuThASJfcw KlliXEY AXIt LIVEK CVJIE. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scicntilic remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts, is the Best Bleed Purifier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and is thus a benefit in nil diseases. In eliminating the impurities of the bleed, the natural and necessary result is the cure et Scrotuleus and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis eases, including Cancers, Ulcers and ether Seres. Nothing is better for clearing and beau tifying the complexion. Dyspepsia, Weakness et the Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Hitters, and it is unequalled as an appetizer and for building up an en feebled system. It Is a medicine which should be In every family, and which, wherever uxed,. will suve the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing testimonial.-, furnished en appli cation. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 ets. and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Sale Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, un equalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. II. II. WARNER &. Ce., Rochester, X. Y. 2 Jec'J-Tu.Tli&Sd&w FOR SALK.. 16,000 acres et Finely Timbered Ceal Land in Kentucky, en the BigSautlv river, by Which the timber White Oak, Yellow Poplar, Wal nut, Ash and ether varieties can be trans ported by raft or beat te market. The land is en the line of the Big Sandy railroad, which is about being built by Cidcinnati cupitallsts,and is underlaid with an immense bed of bitu minous coal. Fer further information address 'ALLAN' A. HERR, Keal Estate Agent. North Duke St.. Lancaster, Pa. PuiLADKLriiiA, April 19. Cattle market dull. Receipts 2.'JO0 head ; prime syW ' oed 5 5'e: medium iK'tiilt'.f emmium itmet. United States 4s, lll, (coupons). ..wMWfc United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .lMlu7 United States Currency G's 122 Sterling Exchange 4S."i I68 SI . 31 M tf . i :t R it tt m Tl l