s-- if .j.-.-.--- -;"l --. "'l"V' "" ' - "IVi JVVF.V -": z "'' 'i r. LANCASTER DAlltf iNTELLlGENCEU SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1880. . I"" - 11-" ' Lancaster Intelligencer. SATURDAY FVENING, APBIL 17, 1880. Clearing the Way. Mr. Randall's letter in disapprobation of the unit rule will go far toward straightening out things for harmony in the approaching state convention. The charge has been freely made that inas much as Mr. Eandall has avowed prefer ence for Mr. Tilden's renominatien, he and these persons in the state who ware supposed te be acting in his political interest, were striving te secure a ma jority of the state convention te commit it te Mr. Tildenand te bind the Cincinnati delegation with a unit rule te vote for lain. Against such a purpose there hag been an earnest pretest and en March 18th, the Intelligencer said: "If Mr. Randall shall undertake te commit Pennsylvania solely te Mr. Tilden's re election, wliether lie is the choice of the Democracy and can k elected or net as is charged by Mr. Randall's enemies he will get no sympathy from the Ixtelli gexceii nor any support in the under taking." That position we believe te be net only one of common sense, but in accordance with the prevailing political sentiment of the Democracy here and throughout the state. Of that policy the Lancaster county Democracy have em phatically declared their approval. New that Mr. Randall has disvewed any such undertaking and proposes that the dele gates of every district shall represent their constituencies and cast their own votes; and since it is understood that he asks no " vindication," claims no leader ship and wants no place in the Demo cratic state convention, there is no longer any pretext for his friends or his enemies te keep up any further clamor about his interests being involved in its deliberations. At the same time the Intelligen ces said : " If Mr. Wallace shall under take te control the state convention in his own interests, te secure a delegation which he can handle te his own advantage as his enemies charge he will be en. titled te our opposition in his project." That sentiment we believe te be equally in accord with prevailing Democratic notions, and it has been endorsed here and elsewhere with profound emphasis. We have criticised Mr. Wallace for voting for Kerns's confirmation, for having Mr. Clark (Democrat) rejected by the .Senate, though he says lie was powerless te prevent Kerns's (Republi can) confirmation by the same Senate, and for having made a bargain with Den Cameren that all the Democratic census enumerators in Lancaster county should be appointed in his own interest. And upon all these points we are in accord with nine-tenths of the Democ racy. They cannot be gainsaid. It has also been charged that Mr. Wallace says he " wields the baton of leadership" and dare net be sent te the rear ; and that he wants te secure a majority of the delega tion te Cincinnati aud bind it te his in terests with a unit rule. Against this we pretest in whatever name it is te be done ; and it is manifestly the part of discretion for Mr. Wallace and some of his superserviceable lackeys te take his cause out of the contest, as wisely as Mr. Randall has done, and let the Ilarrisburg convention de its own business in its own way. It is amply competent te de this. There will be in it as big men as Mr. Randall or Mr. Wallace, as competent leaders and as trusted councillers. Mr. Randall, as we raid his letter, makes himself one of the rank and file of the party, waiting for the word of its supreme authority, will ing te fellow, net ambitious te command. That is the right position for him and Mr. Wallace and every ether Democrat te assume, and whoever attempts mere will attain less. Answered. The would-be dictator of the Lancaster Intelligencer had better be careful what he says about " Independence." lie had better first clear himself of the charge that he destroyed the independ ence of a delegate te the northern district senatorial convention of Lancaster county by threatening te forclese a mortgage en the peer fellow. A simple denial from Mr. Hcnsel is net sufficent. Patriot. 1. Ne such charge has ever been made by any respectable authority ; and if it were, Mr. Ilensel congratulates himself that his " simple denial " would be sufficient with any one whose opinion of him concerns him in the least. The Patriot editor is, however, welcome te knew what Mr. Ilensel called at his office last That no made by night te say persenally: such threat was ever him, for him, nor in I his behalf, that he was te his knowledge, and in no position whatever te make or execute such a threat. There was one delegate in the upper district convention for whom Mr. Hensel had recently transacted some professional business, for which he expressed his deep obligation. He came into the convention just as the roll was being called, and, without knowing the ques tion, voted for Mr. Grier's candidate for chairman. As seen as, he discovered that he had done se he asked permission te change his vote, which Mr. Grier first refused te grant him and then urgently advised him net te de it. Mr. Ilensel insisted en his right te de se and the delegate persisted in doing it. After wards, in conversation with Mr. Grier en the subject, Mr. Ilensel told him that this delegate had from the beginning intended te vote with his friends, and had repeatedly declared that net only were his political sympathies with them, but that he was under obligations te Mr. Ilensel for professional services rendered in securing him money en a mortgage net due by the way, nor liable te fore closure for a year. There was no threat, coercion, nor any effort whatever te de stroy the delegate's political indepen dence, and anybody who would make out of the matter any such a story as ap peared in the Patriot is a liar and a scoundrel. The Lancaster Intelligencer will please take notice that the special " pur porting te come" from Lancaster in regard te the Democratic convention held in that city which appeared in the Patriot, did come from Lancaster, was sent by one of the most prominent Democrats in Laucas- ter county,and its contents have been orally verified te us by at least one person who was present in the convention. We would be only tee glad if we could believe that the statements in that dispatch concerning the corruption and intimidation charged te have been practised are net true. Patriot. 2. We repeat that the statements of the Patriot's informant were a " tissue of falsehoods." In detail the circumstan ces related were reported falsely, and the general tenor of the dispatch was as men dacious as it was malicious. If the Pa triot would disclose what " prominent Democrat" sent it under false initials it can have the satisfaction of seeing that he will remain "prominent" only for his infamous libel. The weakly Lancaster Inquirer thinks that " this would be a proper time for the junior of the Intelligencer te write another article en local politics for the New Yerk Independent." We beg te remind our considerate contemporary that the Indcjtcndcnt has asked him for a contribution which has never yet been furnished : an answer te the query whether it is true that an editor in this town who wanted te go te Congress put up his note for $2,000 in the hands of a corrupt political boss " te be paid if elected." Come te the scratch ! In well-timed articles, of which we only postpone republication, the Xorristewn Register, Cambria Freeman, Erie Ob server, Carlisle Valley Sentinel and ether representative Democratic papers of the state join with the Intelligencer's pretest against the " unit rule," personal domination and all ether attempted Cameren devices in the Democratic politics of Pennsylvania What they and we want are a free state con vention, an untrammeled delegation te Cincinnati of upright, independent and intelligent Democrats, and the whole party in the state can confidently wait their deliverance. PERSONAJj. A number of Russians arc preparing an address te be presented te Mr. Gladstone congratulating him en the success of the Liberals in the Parliamentary elections. Prince Gortsciiakeff passed a restless night en Thursday, with intervals of delir ium. He has no appetite. He complains of heaviness in the head and continued weakness. Soner Castklar is going te lecture at Oxford in June en the points of resemb lance and analogy, net only between the Spanish and English literatures, but also between the institutions and early munici pal regime of both countries in the Middle Ages, before the Heuse of Austria entered the Peninsula. Of Senater Edmunds the Washington correspondent of Indianapolis Journal speaks in these impressive terms: "We can realize in this Senater the highest in gredient of New England civilization. His solemn visage seems a reflection of that sembre landscape, the savage grand eur of the sea, the majestic mountains tipped with snow." General Grant arrived at Caire, Ills., yesterday. He made a speech, saying that he was impressed with the apparent loyalty of the men of the Southern states. Said he : "Let us hope that there may be a genuine union of sentiment, a generous rivalry in the building up of our several states and national pride above state pride." Judge P. M. Janney, of Minneapolis, Minn., who annually visits Lancaster and has many friends here, celebrated his 70th birthday recently ; and there were present his fourteen children and grandchildren. A handsome entertainment and valuable presents te the judge were features of the occasion. May he add another score of years te his honorable life. A passport and circular letter of intro duction have been issued at the department of State te Hen. Jere S. Black of Yerk, who expects te sail for Eurepe with his wife and granddaughter, Miss Shunk, en the 24th. This is the first visit of Judge Black te Europe, and in speaking en the subject, he says he has always had a desire te see three things, above all ethers, in England : first an English Assize court in session; second, Runyreede, the historic spot upon which the English barons wrung from King Jehn the Magna Charta ; and third, an English horse-race. He says that of course there are many ether things of interest both in England and en the Continent, especially in England, whose history is se interwoven with that of the colenics of North America up te their se paration from the parent government, and subsequently by ties of kinship, that there are also many attractions in the way of art, scientific, and governmental institutions en the Continent te interest an intelligent Iuuaeivur. ia me unci; tilings mentioned have always struck him with a peculiar curiesitv. Mr. Evarts stated that it af forded him much pleasure te accord te him a circular letter, and that he had no doubt he would enjoy a pleasant journey. Judge Black expects te return about the 1st of December. A 1'ainftil Event. In Walker township, Centre county, the wind blew a tree ever, leaving quite a hole where the roots had been. In this hole the two little children of Mr. Jeseph Mc Caleb secreted themselves, thinking te play hide and seek, and were net noticed by their father who was busy cutting off the tree from the root, When the job had been accomplished, the stump with the dirt and stones attached Hew back into the hole, completely burying the little ones. When taken out the little girl was dead and the oey was badly hurt. A Singular Accident. In the oil regions Geerge Nugent was trying te held a lead pipe steady by resting his weight upon it. When the step-cock was turned en the oil and gas flowed with se much force that the pipe was broken and Nugent was thrown into the air ten or fifteen feet. In falling, his forehead struck en a stub and the frontal bone ever his right eye was crushed in. He tied a bandage about his head and walked te Celcmanvillc ever a mile dis tant, called en Dr. Reilly and told him that he had headache. His skull was frac tured and he has died. Determined Suicides. Nathaniel Weaver, an ex-bookkeeper in a Chicago store, committed suicide in Montreal en Thursday morning by taking arsenic and then sheeting himself. An hour and a half after his death his wife and child arrived from Chicago. They had net seen him for two years, and it is feared his widow will become erased. Mrs. Ann Warner attempted suicide in Allentown, Pa., yesterday, by taking poison twice and then jumping into a cis- cm. She was get out in a precarious onditien. MINOR TOPICS. 'An English, newspaper has an advertise ment calling for "an organist who can also take the village blacksmith business." Such a man would make a ponderous suc cess of the anvil chorus if he would intro duce it liberally into his voluntaries. The wildest dream nevcr surpassed the romance of the widow of the third Nape. leen sailing from England te touch at St. Helena en her way te leek upon the spot in Zululand where fell fourth and last Na Na eoleon. The empress is said, as she left, te have looked sadly broken, and her hair has turned gray. Sue had a pretty diploma, tied with pink ribbon from one of our best young ladies' colleges. In conversation with a daring and courageous young man, after he had detailed the dangers and delights of riding en a locomotive, she completely upset his opinion of independent education of the sexes by inquiring, " new de they steer locomotives anyhow?" Judge Legan E. Bleckley, the eccen tric Georgian, who resigned his scat en the bench some weeks age, has built for him self a leg cabin and retired from the public gaze. I lie cabin is en the side of the mountain that overlooks the town of Clay Clay eon, in Raburn county, Ga. The ex-judge, who has for a companion a little boy, and who does his own cooking, thus leaves the haunts of men that he may write a book. The Rebert Raikes centennial will be celebrated in Great Britian and the United States in June in commemoration of the founding of the Sunday-school system. It is proposed te raise $100,000 for the Ameri can Sunday-school union, and also for the American Baptist publication society and Presbyterian beard of publication as per manent funds, the interest te be used in promoting the formation of Sunday-schools in the United States and ether countries. Ben Ingersoll's compliments te Rev. Flavius Josephus Cook. " He has taken upon himsclt te say upon one occasion that I was in favor of the dissemination of obscene literature. When he made that statement he wrote across the forehead of his reputation the word 'Liar.' He is alew and infamous man. Meanness cannot de scend below the level of him who would endeavor te destroy the reputation of an other because he could net answer his ar gument. I despise, I execrate, with every drop of bleed, any man or woman who would stain with lust the sweet and in nocent heart of youth. I despise with all my power any man who would be engaged directly or indirectly in the dissemination of anything that was net absolutely pure." In illustration of the trite truth that pol itics makes strange bed fellows the Potts Petts villc Ecening Chronicle says that at a recent political caucus in Philadelphia there as semblcd Hen. Samuel Josephs, the illustri ous legislator of thirteen winters, Judge Ress, of Montgomery, and Judge Hagcn mau, of Berks. Further, that te aid him in Schuylkill county " Mr. Wallace has called into his confidence the head and front of the Greenback party no less a personage than our townsman, Hen. F. W. Hughes. Mr. Hughes has no political rights which Democrats arc bound te respect, and Mr. Wallace has none which permits him te send an enemy into camp te corrupt our trusted officers and if the senator will only step te con sider that just such action gives color te the charges that there is a Wallace-Cameeon alliance, he will bite his thumb nails clear off before he sends the leader pf an opposing organization te disorganize the representatives of the party which has honored Mr. -Wallace with the highest office in its gift." LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Russia is about te issue, through the Rethschilds, a new railway lean of 15. 000.000. The houses of two Protestants in Connc Cennc mara, county Gal way, have been malicious ly burned. A fire last night in Martin Warn's fur niture manufactory, at Williamsburg, N. Y., caused a less of $5,000. dnXrfmx' fitnellnv rfieiilinfrnnir Mepif fi V.-.AJ U1MHUUJ, .V....V.,..,, ..... JJUU1VIUI, Ohie, has just been arrested for the mur der of Jacob Baughman, in August, 1803. Smalley has made a partial confession. James Sacksen was shot and perhaps fatally .wounded by his son Charles, at Poelvillc, N. Y., last evening. The son was arrested in a neighboring town after a desperate straggle. James Francis, of Kimbertcn, declared te his wife his intention of committing suicide. He procured a razor and cut his threat before her eyes. Ne cause is known for the deed. The Bedford county Democrats elected J. M. Reynolds, one of the editors of the Bedford Gazette, and A. Enfield represen tative delegates and II. u. Tate senato rial delegate te the state convention. They are uninstructcd. Heavy rain, followed by high winds pre vailed in Ohie yesterday. In Cincinnati several buildings were unroofed ; in New ark buildings were unroofed, buggies over turned and trees blown down ; at Wheel ing, W. Va., considerable damage was done. Three cars of a freight train jumped the track yesterday at Minneapolis, Minn., and were precipitated into the Mississippi river. Harry Meak, a yard master of the Minneapolis Eastern railroad, was caught under the cars and crushed the death. The storm which has prevailed through out California for several days has been the severest ever known en the line of the Central Pacific railroad through the moun tains. The snow sheds are broken down between Emigrant Gap and C isce. Thu rs day's eastern bound express has get only as far as Alta, the Virginia lightning ex press stepping at the same point. Our Lene Fisherman. Philadelphia Times, Ind. Judge Briggs seems te have forgotten Judge Patterson's law for regulating the opinions and actions of attorneys out of court. He called Assistant District At torney Ker te the bar te learn wliether he had received a challenge in court, and when he was assured that nothing of the kind occurred in presence of the court. Judge Briggs dismissed the matter as beyond his jurisdiction. Patterson seems te be quite lonely in cultivating his patent process for silencing attorneys. Matrimonial. At St. Mary's church, Middletown, dur ing high mass en Tuesday morning, Mr. Henry Ulrich was married te Miss Ella Dougherty, daughter of James Dougherty, esq. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Fein. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A STORM. Wind, Bain, Hall, Thunder, Llhtnlns. The warm rain of yesterday morning was followed last evening by quite a severe storm, which appears te have extended ever a large extent of country. The wind was high, the lightning vivid, the thunder loud, and the rain descended in torrents, and in some places hail fell in considerable quantity. We hear rumors of fences and trees being blown down, and even small buildings being damaged north of the city, but have net been able te get particulars. Within the city limits comparatively little damage has been done. A large maple tree in front of Mr. Steinman's property Ne. 31 West Chestnut street was blown up by the roots, and the cornice of Mr. G. M. Zahm's residence, West Chestnut street, was damaged. But little hail fell in the city and the stones were net large. Along the river district the hail is said te have been heavy, and the sudden fall in temperature being experienced to day is evidence that there was a heavy fall of hail net far oil". There is no question, however, that the rain has done much mere geed than the mud or hail has done harm. It was thought that the lightning had struck somewhere within the city limits, but we can learn of no such casualty. A bright light was seen southeast of the city during the storm and it is supposed some building was struck by lightning and burned in the direction of Oxford. . An Old Testament Scholar. The Reformed Quarterly Revicic, for the current quarter, has an article from the pen of Rev. F. A. Gast, D. D., of the Reformed seminary, of which the New Yerk Inde2endent whose editor is a noted Syriac scholar is pleased te say : Dr. F. A. Gast's article en the Peshite Old Testament is well worked up, and his conclusions are, we think, generally sound. The obscure question of the origin of the name "Peshite" can be cleared up only by investigation of the literary usage of the period in which it orig inated. We would suggest te Dr. Gast special reseat ch in this direction, whereby, we have no doubt, he would be able te threw light en this at present little under stood period of Eastern Christianity. The order of books in the Peshite seems te be this : it arranges them as Pentatcuch, Hagiegrapha, Prophets, with a few modi medi modi catiens ; Jeb is put next te the Pentateuch because, as Dr. Gast suggests, of its supposed early, perhaps Mosaic, origin ; Chronicles is placed after Kings fiem similarity of con tents; Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel are put at the end bceause of their exilian and apocalyptic character ; while the three pest-exilian miner prophets arc net sep arated from the ethers. The prophets are put last, probably because the Hagio Hagie jrrapha was mainly represented by the Boek of Psalms, which was referred in its beginning te the time of David, and,thcrc and,thcrc fere, preceded the prophetic writings. We agree with the reviewer in the opinion that the authors of the translation were Jewish Christians ; but we de net find his argument for Edessa as the place of origi nation satisfactory. The relation of the Peshite te the Septuagint and the Tarcum are touched en slightly in the article. This also is a point tlmt has net received due at tention from scholars. The critical use of the Peshite in the construction of a pure prc-Maberetic text of the Old Testament is environed with many difficulties. We are glad te sec that Dr. Gast is working en the subject, and we hope that he will devetej himself te some particular part of it antrl work it up thoroughly. Te have a scien tific treatment of the text of Deuteronomy or Isaiah, or Proverbs, would be a great help te scholars. Neighborhood News. Seme farmers have already commenced planting corn. Mrs. Mary A. Woodward, mother of the late Judge Warren J. Woodward, of Read ing, died yesterday, at Dundaft", Susque hanna county, aged 82 years. II. II. Muhlenberg, of Triuity Lutheran church, James E. Smith, of First Presby terian church, Diller Luther, of St. Mat thew's Lutheran church, and Washington Ruth, of St. Peter's M. E. church, Reading, decline te be Y. M. C. A. vice presidents. The Heuse committee en appropriations has requested Representative Wells and Blackburn te select a suitable offering for presentation te the bride of Representative Clymcr, a member of that committee, te be inscribed with the names of his col leagues en the committee, and te be for warded te St. Leuis immediately, in time for presentation at the wedding ceremony. News from the peach growing districts continues te get better. It is true that a great proportion of the buds in exposed localities were destroyed by the frost, but there arc enough left uninjured iu most places te warrant hopes for a fair crop, while in mere protected localities there has been little or no injury. David Geedman, an aged and respected citizen of Caernarvon township, Berks coun ty, residing near Morgantown, while in conversation with his son, who was en gaged in repairing a fence, fell upon his knees, rolled ever, and expired almost in stantly. The subscription list and geed will of the Bryn Mawr Heme Xeics, has been levied upon by the sheriff, the publishers having no pi iuting material, their paper being printed at another office. This is the pa per with which our former townsman, Mi Frank E. Hewer, was at ene time connec ted as co-publisher. Contrary te general expectation, it has been decided te try the remaining six riot bill bribery cases, and the 29th has been set as the day. It was supposed at the time Petroff was convicted that the ether cases would be abandoned, and some of the counsel for the commonwealth, in their conversation, left that impression. Dis trict Attorney Helhngcr and Charles S. Wolfe who will probably be ene of the prosecuting attorneys however, say that no person was authorized te make any an nouncement whatever that the cases against Messrs. Leng, Smith, Clarke, Mc Cune, Leiscnring and Shoemaker would be abandoned, and that se far as these who have the matter in charge are concerned, they will prosecute them te the end. Masonic Installation. evening B. F. Breneman. crand Last captain general of the Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, visited Columbia and in stalled the the following officers of Cyrene cemmandery, Ne. 34. E. Commander Isaac D. Landis. Generalissimo Simen C. Kamp. Captain General Christian Hershey. Treasurer Wm. G. Tayler. Recorder Andrew J. Kauffman. Divorced. In court this morning Jehn Hoever, of Strasburg township, was divorced from his wife, Amanda Hoever, en the geunds of of desertion and adultery, she bavin" bavin" eleped with another man. THE SCHOOL BOAKD. Special Meeting Adoption of a l'Jan for m New Scheel Building. A special meeting of the Lancaster school beard was held last evening te hear the re port of a committee appointed te examine plans for a new school building, aud te take action in regard te the expulsion of unruly pupils of the Mulberry street sec ondary school. The following named members wc.re present : Messrs. Bresiits, Cochran, Ebcrman, Erisman, Evans, Harris, D. Hart man, Johnsten, Lcvergoed, Marshall, McCom McCem sey, McConemy, Morten, Rhoads, Rich ards, Schmid, Schwebel, Smeych, Slay maker, Snyder, Spurrier, Westhacffer, Wilsen, Yeisley, C. Zecher, G. W. Zceher, and Warfel, president. The president stated the object of the meeting, and said that at the request of members who could net be present early, the matter of the new school building would be postponed until after the matter of the expelled pupils should be disposed of. Mr. McComsey, of ths superintending committee, stated that two pupils had been suspended from the Mulberry street secondary school some timeage ; that they had been reinstated and again caused trou ble in the school ; that the committee had thereupon resolved te recommend te the beard that they be expelled ; that for suf ficient reason the matter was reconsidered, se as te give all concerned an oppertuity te be heard. A majority of the committee then recommended that the offend ing pupils be transferred te another school. The father of one of the boys stated te the committee that he did net wish his boy te be reinstated or trans ferred, as he was a geed boy, aud had never told a lie until he had been encour aged te de se by his teacher! (net new iu the employ of the beard.) As the com mittee were net unanimous in their recom mendation te transfer the offending pupil they had thought best te refer the matter te the beard. Mr. McCemscy moved that the boy be transferred te Mr. Gates's school. Mr. Slaymaker opposed the motion. He said the expulsion of the two boys named had worked a wonderful change in the dis cipline of the school. It is new as quiet and orderly as the ether schools, mere orderly than it has been for years. The teacher has had no trouble with the ether pupils since the offending boys had been put out. He theugkt they should be pcr mcntly expelled, as if they were placed in another school they would create in it the same mischief they had done in the school from which they had been removed. Mr. Marshall favored giving the delin quents another chance, and en motion the transfer asked for was granted, there being a decided dissenting vote. Mr. Brosius, from the committee en school buildings, presented the following report : Te the Honorable Heard of Directors of the Lancaster City Scheel District : Your committee, te which was referred the examination of the competitive plaits for a school building, submitted in pursuance of the advertisement of the pro perty committee, respectfully report that they have carefully examined all the plans submitted, and after full consideration and a careful comparison of the merits and de merits of the respective plans, a majority of your cemmittee believe that the plan submitted by Frank Davis, of Baltimore, is superior te any ether. They therefore recommend the selection of the plan of Frank Davis as the basis of operation, subject te such modification as the beard may think advisable. Respectfully submitted, M. Brosius, Christian Zecher, Geerge Yeisley, Thes. B. Cochran, II. E. Slaymaker, YV. A. Wilsen, Henry Carpenter. Mr. Spurrier moved the adoption of the report. Mr. Rhoads presented the following mi nority report. Lancaster, April 1C, 1880. Te the Lancaster City Scheel Beard: We, a minority of your cemmittee te adept a plan for a school building te be erected en the Lemen and Lime street let, efl'er the following reasons for opposing the plan reported by the ether members of the committee : 1. The plan contemplates a building larger than is necessary te school six hun dred and fifty pupils. 2. It contains six teachers' retiring rooms or one te every two teachers employed in tue Diuming. 3. The ceilings are, first fleer, 15 feet, second fleer, 17 feet, which is higher than acoustics and comfort allow. 4. The plan contemplates tee much weed work ; besides being less lire-proof it is expensive te keep in repair. There are 18 weed partitions. 5. The reef is constructed en the attic plan, and will likely after the shrinkage of the timber push out the wall, particularly en such a long span as given, namely, 3G feet. G. The spaces between the first and sec ond story windows, outside, are frame and weather-bearded, showing a weather weather bearded brick building. 7. The glass size, given for the front windows, 3Gx52, only single thick glass, is manifestly tee large ; for the side aud rear, only 12x16, tee small. 8 There are two stairways with large well holes, which are tee dangerous for a school building. 9. Half of the rooms receive light from the right whilst left light is demanded te work properly and save the eyes of the pupils. 10. There is no continuous corridor from the front of the building te the yard in the rear. 11. The stairways de net properly ac commodate the rooms one supplying four rooms, and the ether two one room each, 12. The cloak rooms have only ene en trance which will make confusion in en tering and leaving the schools. 13. And fatally, the school rooms being 24 feet wide, and the specifications calling for joist 3x14, green lumber must be used as these are net in the market seasoned. 14. Mr. Davis's plan proposes heating by stoves. 15. Mr. Davis's plan contains no previ sien ler water. 10. This building will contain 19,000 cubic yards. We offer the following points of prefer ence for Mr. J. A. Burger's plan, which we ask this beard te adept : First, we ad vertised for plans for a brick building this plan contains all brick partitions, none of weed, and the entire structure is brick. Each fleer is provided with a hall through the centre, and the lower fleer with five entrances. The size of the school rooms U 23 feet, 2 inches by 32 feet, and each room has an entrance from the hall and ene from the cloak room ; the cloak rooms being 5 by 23 feet. Each cloak room is ptevided with entrance te the hall and school mom ; the scholars can enter cloak room from the hall, deposit their clothing, and pass into the school room, and the reverse in dis missing. Each room is lighted from the left side and has 140 feet of lighting surface te 741 feet of fleer surface. In Rockland street we have only 85 feet glass te 750 feet fleer surface, and in the high school 80 feet te 800. With this amount of light no room will be darkened when shades are lowered te keep out the sunshine. Mr. Burger's plan is spaced, and ample desk-room shown for sixty-three primary and forty-eight secondary pupils te each room. The three stairways are of equal use, each carrying the pupils te two rooms. The plan is se made that all doers open outward, an essential thing in a public building. One stationary wash stand is provided in each school-room. Ample prevision is made for heating by either furnaces or steam. The ventilation is of the most approved kind being four registers for foul air in each school room and one in each cloak room, connected by flues lined with tin into a het air stack, discharging above the reef. This building will contain 14,000 cubic yards, and, if the sarae quality of work is done, must cost proportionately less than ene containing 19,000 yards. Rebert A. Evans, II. Z. Rhoads. Mr. Rhoads offered the minority report as a substitute for the majority report! Mr. D. Hartman said he was net pre pared te vete for either plan, net having had an opportunity of examining them. Mr. Wilsen argued in favor of the adop tion of the majority report. The plans had been carefully considered by the com mittee and their excellencies and defects closely scrutinized. He argued that the minute rooms in .ur. liurger s plan was fatally defective both iu height and venti latien, and none of the ether rooms had windows en mere than one side. .Air. Burger's plan sacrifices everything te a left light, and the rooms will be tee dark en dark days or when the blinds are pulled down te exclude the sun. Mr. Slaymaker added in behalf of Mr. Davis's plans that they had been prepared for a Ilarrisburg school, and might require some modification te adapt them te our wants. lie thought the attack made upon the plans by the minority of the commit cemmit cemmit teo te be unfair aud unjust. Mr. Slay maker also desired te make acknowledg ment of the courtesy of the Ilarrisburg school heard in permitting these plans 'te remain for se long a time in the hands of the superintending committee. Mr. Rhoads explained that Mr. Burger's plan would also admit of modifications. If the beard felt the necessity of having light from two sides of each room there would be no difficulty in having it se ar ranged. The architect had adopted the idea of advanced and experienced educa tors in having the light admitted from the left side only. Mr. Spurrier objected te Burger's plan en account of the imperfect light and ven tilation of the middle rooms, and Mr. Erisman made the same objection, adding that the reason why New Yerk architects had recommended a left light en one side of the room only was because iu a closely built-up city it was generally impossible te get light from mere than one side, and the left being the best side, it was therefore recommended. The Columbia school, built with a light en one side only, had been proven te be very defective in light. Mr. Rhoads explained that Mr. Burger's plan was very different from that of the Columbia school with which it had been compared. The Columbia school room was 43 feet in length and lighted by thtce small windows in one end of the building. Mr. Burger's plan provided for thiee large windows net in the end, but in the side of the building, the distance from the light of the most distant pupil being little mere than 20 feet. Mr. Brosius made an argument of some length iu behalf of the plan of Mr. Davis. The majority of ihc committee had net thought it necessary te point out all defects in tlie Burger or ether plans as the minority had done in the Davis plan. The minority report shows the ear-marks of an architect, and is evidently net the production of the gen tlemen who have signed it. Mr. Brosius took up the objections of the minority seriatim and proceeded te answer them, and point out greater objections iu the Burger plan. Mr. McCemscy asked permission te give reasons for the vote which he was about te give. He said in considering the various plans presented te the committee the choice seen narrowed down between two, about which there was still a difference of opinion both presenting mere or less geed and bad features ; and either of which, if adopted, would have te be modified. Hav ing te vote for ene or the ether, he had tried te balance the best features of both, and te his mind, at the time, the balance was in favor of the Burger plan, and he had voted for it in committee. But there was a very large majority against hint, amongst whom were some of the most practical and experienced members of the beard, whose judgment he respected, and he would therefore vete for the majority report. A vete being taken en the motion te substitute the minority for the majority report it was rejected, tne yeas and nays being as fellows : Yeas Messrs. Ebcrman, Evans, Harris, Johnsten, McConemy, Morten, Rhoads, Schmid, Schwebel, Smeych, Snydeu 11. Nays Messrs. Brosius, Cochran, Eris man, McCemscy, Richards, Slaymaker, Spurrier, Westhacffer, Wilsen, Yeisley, C. Zecher, G. W. Zecher, and Warfel presi dent 13. The following named members asked te be excused from voting, net having formed an opinion as te which plan was the bet ter : Messrs. D. Hartman, Lovcrgeod and Marshall. Mr. Eberman moved te amend the Davis plan by providing that the building shall be an eight-room instead of a twelve-room house. The president declared the motion out of order. The beard at a stated meeting had resolved te build a twelve-room house. This action could only be rescinded by a reconsideration of the vote by which such action was taken. The question was then called en the adoption of the majority report of the com mittee, recommending Mr. Davis's plan and it was agreed te without a division. Adjourned. Mere Council Committees Organized. Last evening the committee en city pro perty organized by the election of Mr. Gee. W. Zecher chairman ; the committee en fite engine and hose companies also organized and elected Walter M. Franklin, esq., chairman. Beth committees adjourn ed te meet at the call of their respective chairmen. Sale of the Lancaster County Heuse. The Lancaster County house, Nes. 117 and 119 East King street, belonging te Levi Senscnig, has been sold at private sale te Jacob Gable, for $14,750. The Straw Hat. It has made its appearance, wears it. A student COUKT. OpIaleDS Delivered This Morning. This morning court met at 10 o'clock for the delivery of opinions aud the hearing of current business. Opittiens were read in the following cases : Vy Judge Patterson. C. A. Ziegler vs. Samuel Frank. Ex-. ceptiens te auditor's report. Exceptions dismissed and report confirmed. Peter Sharp, deceased. Exceptions te auditor's report dismissed and. report con firmed absolutely. D. Rapp, vs. St Antheny's church, with notice te Rev. J. F. Shanahan, trustee ami Rev. A. F. Kaul, pastor, except ions te pro pre pro thenotary's taxation of plaintiff's bill of costs. The plaintiff is allowed fees for his witnesses who attended court en September 29 and as judgmcut was entered in favor of the plaintirt" for costs, the taxation was affirmed with that correction. Geerge II. Kellenberger vs. Dr. J. W. Geed Exceptions te prothenotary's taxal lien of plaintiff's bill of costs. The ver dict in this case was ferplainttff. After mak ing correction, 'taxation affirmed. J. 31. Carpenter vs. J. W. Rinchart. Rule te show cause why attachment should net be dissolved. Rub discharged. Catharine S. Hess and M. D. Hess ler the use of William M. Slaymaker, vs. C. D. Yancy, defendant, and Jehn Denlinger terra tenant, case stated, judgmcut entered in favor of the plaintiff for $590 and ee.-ts. Hy Judge Llilngxten. Levi W.G red" and wire's assigned estate, exceptions te auditor's report ; after order ing a few corrections the report was con firmed. William Kirkpatrickand wife's assigned estate. Exceptions te auditet's repertf All the exceptions except Ne. 2 were sustain ed, that one being dismissed. In this case an issue was granted te try the disputed facts presented by Steinmatt & Ce. Michael S. Harnish's use vs. Charles Schwebel, defendant, and North British and mercantile insurance company, of England, the British-America assurance company, of Terente, Canada, the Will-iam.-burg city fire insurance company, of Broenlyn, N. Y., garnishees. In this ease there were two rules. The first was te show cause why the attachment should net be dissolved, and it was made absolute. The second rule was te show cause why the money made en this attachment should net be credited en the installments as they become due en the Ji fit. In regard te the latter rule, the court order and direct the monies ($1925) due plaintiff by the insuranccjcempai.ies. te be passed ever te the plaintiff and be applied te the semi-annual payments of the rental, as prayed. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v.s. J. Watsen Ellmaker, guardian of the milt, r children of Rebert P. Mellvaine. Case stated. Judgmcut entered for common wealth. Hanover Junction and Susquehanna rail road company vs. Ethelhert Watts and William Watt-, demurrer te replication, demurrer overruled. Susan E. Clyde, for the use of Jehn II. Cooper aud Samuel Truscott executers of Jehn Cooper, deceased, vs. Joint Peart, rule te show cause why the judgment, entered en mortgage should net be opened and Peart let into a defense : rule dis charged. Same vs same, rule te show cause why an issue should net be directed te ascer tain what amount, if any. is due te the executers of Jehn Cooper, or te anyone else en mortgage of May 22, 1875, and the judgment thereon te October term, 1877. Ne. 11. Rule made absolute, and issue directed. Moses Shirk and Martin Becker, as signces of Jehn Becker and wife vs. Jehn Burke. Rule te show cause why the amended bill in equity filed should net be stricken off and disallowed. Rule dis charged. Frank Schlegclmilch vs. Mary Eekcrt. Rule for a new trial. Discharged. Henry Ehcrlc, dee'd., estate. Excep tions te auditor's report. Exceptions dis missed and report confirmed, Judge Pat terson dissenting. Pcnn township. Independent school district. Exceptions te report of commis sioners who reported in favor of the divis divis ef the district. Repert set aside. Private read in Martic township. Ex ceptions te viewers' report. Sustained and report set aside. A. J. Leibley vs. Julius Levy. Case stated. The plaintiff in this ease is the sealer of weights and measures for Lan caster county. Seme time age he called at the store of Mr. Levy and examined his scales. After se doing he asked for $1.42 as his fees. This Levy refused te pay and the case went te court te reciive the opinion of the judges. The court held that the plaintiff had a right te examine the scales once during his term of office and judgment was entered in his favor for $1.42, the amount claimed. OIUTUAKY. Death or Philip X. Baker. Philip S. Baker, who for twenty-live years was constable of the Northeast ward and of the Second ward, which was subse quently carved out of it, and who for sev eral years past has been constable of Lan caster twp., by appointment of the court, died at his residence en West Orange street this morning at 11 o'clock, after an illness of considerable duration. Mr. Baker was a native of Maryland, hut came te Lancaster county in early life, and along with his father, was emnleved at coopering in the establishment of Jehn Brady of Millersville. He afterwards came te Lancaster and worked at coopering for Daniel Wiley, whose shop was at the cor ner of Water and Walnut streets ; subse quently he entered into business en his own account and carried it en successfully te the time of his death. Mr. Baker was a man of mete than ordi nary intelligence and influence, and took much interest iu political affairs. In his earlier years he worked with the Demo cratic party but about thirty years aj;e severed his connection with it and cast his political fortunes with the Whig party, and when it disbanded became a member of the Republican party, and ever after co-operated with it. Fer a quarter of a century, at least, he was continuously elected and re-elected constable of his ward, and it is conceded he was one of the ablest aud most faithful officers in his line. He was especially valuable as a detective, and perhaps brought te justice a greater number of burglars, incendiaries, horse thieves and ether criminals than any ether of our lecal1 police. He leaves a son, Philip D. Baker, esq., a prominent member of the Lancaster ' bar, and three daughters. His funeral will take place en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Baker was twice married. His first 3 a ii 1 I . . XS -ei 3s l M a l m 1 v 2 I a Hi I it m lis k I fir IS m l hi I m h:i rtSSS2V?-v-: